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The AD-OD Sandbox: A Quickstart Guide For Setting Up Active Directory and Open Directory in Your Test Environment

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The AD-OD Sandbox

A quickstart guide for setting up Active Directory and Open Directory in your test environment
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Edition


The AD-OD Sandbox

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The Sandbox........................................................................................................... 3 Installation of Windows Server 2003.................................................................. 4 Setting up Active Directory.................................................................................. 5 Check DNS using nslookup................................................................................... 9 File sharing on Windows Server 2003............................................................... 10 User creation in Active Directory....................................................................... 14 Testing file services connections....................................................................... 15 Specifying an account for the binding process............................................... 16 Binding Mac OS X 10.5 to Active Directory...................................................... 18 Import Users into Active Directory.................................................................... 19 Active Directory group membership................................................................ 22 Bringing Open Directory into the mix.............................................................. 24 Now, the easy way (optional)............................................................................. 27 Binding the client to both directories............................................................... 27 Managed Client for Mac OS X (MCX) and AD together.................................. 28 Hosting the home folders on the Open Directory server.............................. 30

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The AD-OD Sandbox

The Sandbox
The reason this document was built is to bring the pieces of the puzzle together in a simple and step-by-step fashion. There are plenty of online articles, whitepapers, and listserve archives that talk about Active Directory and Open Directory integration, but there wasnt one document that graphically walked people through the steps of setting up Active Directory from scratch and then tying Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server into that. Hopefully this document will help people get a sandbox environment up and running in less than a few hours and eliminate frustrating snags and confusing steps that are missing from most guides out there today. What this document is not intended for is for setting up Active Directory and Open Directory in any production environment. The advanced guides found on Apples website, as well as and fill in those gaps very well. Where this guide can really help you is to simply get familiar with the two directories, set up user accounts and learn how the integration works. Once your comfortable, then apply what youve learned to your production environment after a great deal of testing. What this setup consists of is a Windows 2003 Server, a Mac OS X Server and a Mac OS X client. DHCP services can be provided by a router or either of the two servers used in this document. DHCP setup knowledge is assumed, so that service will be up to you to configure for your sandbox. When configuring, use a range thats within the range, such as through (or up to 253 if you wish). The software versions used, at the time this document was written, are: Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition (with SP2 and all patches applied) Used for Active Directory, DNS and File Services Mac OS X Server 10.5.2 Used for Open Directory and File Services Mac OS X 10.5.2

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Installation of Windows Server 2003

During installation, it asks you to name the computer and provide an administrator password. This is an important step in regards to how you want your AD server to be named when it has a fully qualified domain name. In my environment, I want my AD server to be, therefore I name the computer AD (host name of what it will resolve as when DNS is set up). Set the password to whatever you like. Since password policies are enforced during installation, youll have to mix the case and include a number. When prompted to enter network information, enter the static IP address and appropriate settings. In the environment for this document, Im using the following: IP address: Subnet mask: Router: DNS Primary: DNS Secondary: (should match IP address so that DNS setup goes smoothly) (typically your home router so that you can run Windows update)

When installation is finished, reboot and log in to the server. Run Windows update to ensure that you have SP2 and all other patches installed (not all are necessary, such as IE 7). To take advantage of the included files to import DNS entries and user accounts, you will need to install the Support Tools. On your Windows Server 2003 Disc 1, navigate to :\SUPPORT \TOOLS and launch SUPTOOLS.MSI to install.

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Setting up Active Directory

1. Click on the Start menu and select Manage Your Server. 2. In the Manage Your Server app, click on the link to Add or remove a role. 3. Select Domain Controller (Active Directory) and click Next. NOTE: Be sure that youre not utilizing the automatic setup that comes with Windows 2003 Server. Instead, this document will walk you through setting up Active Directory, which will also prompt you to add the DNS service (which youll do). Then file services will be added later.

4. Set the domain controller type for a new domain.

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5. Create a new Domain in a new forest.

6. Naming the new domain is a critical step to ensure that your AD server resolves as you expect. With a desired fully qualified domain name of for this server, you must set this as, as shown below and click Next. The fact that it asks for the Full DNS name can be a bit misleading.

7. A common assumption for the Domain NetBIOS name is AD, but youve already used AD for your computer name. You can enter whatever you like here. This document is using FOREST.

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8. Choose the default locations for the database, log and SYSVOL data.

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9. At this point, DNS wants to come along for the ride. Choose the middle option at this step so that DNS is installed along with Active Directory. Based on your computer and domain names that you previously set, this will do the right thing (for now).

10. Default permissions (compatible with Windows 2000 and newer) should be used.

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11. Type in a restore password and click Next. 12. Confirm your settings and finish. Upon completion, restart the AD server.

Check DNS using nslookup

Now well use the nslookup command (similar to what the host command does for us in Mac OS X) to check DNS. 1. Click Start and select Command Prompt. 2. Type nslookup and press return. You should find that it doesnt resolve because there are no forward or reverse records in your DNS zones. 3. Locate the dns.bat file that is associated with this document and copy it to your Windows server. Here are the contents of that file.
PATH=c:\Program Files\Support Tools;C:\Documents and Settings \Administrator\Desktop dnscmd . /ZoneAdd /DsPrimary dnscmd /RecordAdd od A dnscmd /RecordAdd 6 PTR For %%A In (10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20) Do ( dnscmd /RecordAdd host%%A A 10.0.1.%%A dnscmd /RecordAdd %%A PTR host% ) dnscmd /RecordAdd ad A dnscmd /RecordAdd 5 PTR exit

4. Edit this file to meet your needs by right-clicking on it and selecting Edit. Be sure that the path to your support tools location is correct, and notice to change the Administrator name if you chose something different. Youll see that this .bat file puts in forward and reverse records for ( and ( It also creates records for hosts as,, etc.. Edit this script to meet your needs 5. When the script has the right information on it, close and save it. 6. Double-click on the dns.bat file to run it. It will put in the records you define. 7. Go back to the command prompt and press the up arrow to show the last command. 8. Press return and see that DNS resolves successfully.

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9. Type nslookup and that should resolve as well.

10. If your requests arent resolving correctly, visit for an excellent document that covers DNS setup in details for Windows 2003 Server.

File sharing on Windows Server 2003

Before hosting home directories on the Mac OS X Server, lets go through the steps of having the AD server host it first...just for fun. 1. Click Start and select Manage Your Server. 2. In the management window, click Add or remove a role. 3. Choose File Server and click Next. 4. When the File Server installation wizard runs, do not choose any optional components. This is how most setups are configured, and we want to imitate that as closely as possible.

5. Let the server restart upon completion. 6. Using the Manage Your Server application, you now see the File Server as an active role. Click on the link to Add shared folders.

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7. You can browse to or just put in the path C:\homes. If that folder isnt there, it will ask to create it for you. 8. The next step is to name the sharepoint. Name the folder homes$. The reason for doing this is because the trailing dollar sign keeps the sharepoint hidden from file server browsing. Users can get to the sharepoint if they know the name of it, but they cannot browse to find it. Since its fairly common for Windows Server admins to do this, this document will as well.

9. Set the permissions so that Administrators have full access and other users have read and write access.

10. Your summary should look like this.

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11. If you leave the default permissions alone, your first AD authentication attempt from Mac OS X will be successful, but you wont be able to write to the H: drive for any particular user. Follow these steps after creating that new homes$ sharepoint to avoid any headaches. 12. In the Manage Your Server application, click on Manage this File Server to open the File Server Management application. 13. Right-click on your new homes$ sharepoint and select Properties. 14. Click on the Securities tab, and then the Advanced button.

15. Uncheck the Allow inheritable permissions... checkbox and click Copy when the dialog box pops up.

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16. Highlight the last entry of Special permissions for the Users group and click Remove. 17. Highlight the new last entry of Read & Execute for the Users group and click Edit. 18. Change the Apply onto field to This folder only. Taking this step will prevent users from viewing the contents of other users home directories.

19. Click the Apply and then the OK button. 20. Click the OK button again to finish the changes.

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User creation in Active Directory

Now well create a user in AD and later use a script to import users more efficiently. Theres many methods and opinions when it comes to importing users into AD. One of the more frequently used methods is outlined in this Microsoft knowledge base article. Well tackle user import in a different section of this document. For now, well manually create a user and test out connectivity. 1. In the Manage Your Server window, click on the link to Manage users and computers in Active Directory. 2. Expand the Directory and select the Users folder.

3. Select the Action menu and choose New -> User. 4. Create a user with first name Student and last name Ten. Username should be student10 and password should be Apple12.

5. Once finished, right-click on the new Student Ten account and choose Properties.

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6. Click on Profile and point their home directory to H: and \\\homes$ \student10. This screen shot doesnt show the 10 on the end of the path, but its there. Be sure to put the full path.

7. Click Apply.

Testing file services connections

8. If you have a Windows XP or Vista client in your test environment (steps for Windows XP are used here), point that XP client to your AD server for DNS. Click Start, then Run and connect to the sharepoint by typing in \\\homes$\student10. 9. When prompted, type in the username student10 and password Apple12. 10. Create a new folder in the student10 folder to ensure that permissions are as expected. 11. Move to your Mac OS X client, running 10.5.1 or newer, and set your network preferences to point to the AD server for DNS. Also, set in the search domain.

12. Launch Terminal and type host and confirm that it resolves to 13. Type host ad and confirm that it resolves to 14. In the Finder, press cmd-k to Connect to Server and type smb://$/ student10. A window will open showing the empty sharepoint. You should see the folder you made when connected via your XP client. Create a new folder and name it Made in Mac OS X. Youve successfully connected to Windows file sharing from Mac OS X 10.5 and Windows XP at this point.

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Specifying an account for the binding process

Before going any further, well first want to set up an account that will be solely responsible for binding computers to AD. It is a common practice to specify an account, that is not the AD administrator, to do the lone task of binding computers to the domain. 1. In the Manage Your Server application, again click on the link to Manage users and computers in Active Directory. 2. Expand the directory. 3. Select Users and create a new user like you did in the previous section. 4. Give the user a first name of Bind and a last name of Account. 5. Give the user a logon name of binder, a password of Apple12 (or anything else that you wish) and click Apply. You dont need to set a profile location for this user. 6. Right-click on Computers and choose Delegate Control.

7. Click to Add a user and search for binder. Click OK.

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8. Choose to Create a custom task to delegate and click Next.

9. Choose Only the following objects in the folder followed by Computer objects. Click Next.

10. Check Full Control and all boxes will automatically check as well.

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11. Click Next, then Finish. 12. You can now use the account binder with the password Apple12 when binding clients to the AD domain.

Binding Mac OS X 10.5 to Active Directory

Well now bind a Mac OS X 10.5 client computer to Active Directory for authentication and access to its home folder via SMB. Double check that the Mac OS X client is pointed to your AD server for DNS. 1. Open /Applications/Utilities and launch Directory Utility. 2. Click on the plus sign to add a new Directory Server. 3. Change the directory type to Active Directory and fill in the blanks as shown below.

4. It should show in the list as responding normally.

5. Logout and the log back in as student10. 6. Youll see that authentication is successful, you have a forced local home directory on the startup disk, and your network home location is mounted for you automatically via SMB.

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7. These are the results you see when simply binding and authenticating to AD and using the default settings in Directory Utility. While youve been given a local home directory in / Users on the Macintosh HD, your H: drive in AD is conveniently brought to you in the Dock. 8. If you create a folder and it immediately disappears, logout and then log back in again. There is a GUI glitch of some sort where logging in when the home directory location is empty can cause this to happen. When logging in a second time, folder creation sticks and you can immediately see your results. When importing users in the next section, the vb script well use eliminates this issue by pre-populating each user home directory with a Documents folder.

Import Users into Active Directory

This is the part where you get slightly angered when you see how easy a vb script can do all of the work that youve been running through. While going through the steps helps to see how it all comes together, its also helpful to see how most AD admins (Im not one, by the way) probably get this done more efficiently. 1. On your AD server, browse to C:\homes and select any home folders that are present for student users youve created. 2. Right-click on them and select Delete. 3. Confirm the dialog box that prompts you in order to remove the home folders. 4. Go back to the Active Directory Users and Computers app and delete the student10 account and any other student account you created. DO NOT delete your binder account. 5. In the downloaded zip file should be two files named import.csv and import.vbs. If you havent copied them to your AD server, do that now. They can reside anywhere as long as the two files are in the same location. 6. Right-click on the import.csv document and select Edit. Here are the contents of the file.
Ten,Student,student10,Apple12 Eleven,Student,student11,Apple12 Twelve,Student,student12,Apple12 Thirteen,Student,student13,Apple12 Fourteen,Student,student14,Apple12 Fifteen,Student,student15,Apple12 Sixteen,Student,student16,Apple12 Seventeen,Student,student17,Apple12 Eighteen,Student,student18,Apple12 Nineteen,Student,student19,Apple12 Twenty,Student,student20,Apple12

7. This is simply a comma-delimited file that breaks down the last name, first name username and password of each user being imported.

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8. Right-click on the import.vbs file and select Edit. Here are the contents of the file.
'CSV FORMAT lastName,firstName,userName,password Option Explicit Const ForReading = 1 Dim objDomain, objUser, fso, tsInputFile, strLine, arrInput, homeServer, homeShare Dim fldUserHomedir, wshShell homeServer="" homeShare="homes$" Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://CN=Users,dc=apple,dc=edu") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '************************************************************ 'Open the text file as a text stream for reading. 'Don't create a file if users-to-create.txt doesn't exist '************************************************************ Set tsInputFile = fso.OpenTextFile("import.csv", ForReading, False) While Not tsInputFile.AtEndOfStream strLine = tsInputFile.ReadLine arrInput = Split(strLine, ",") Set objUser = objDomain.Create("user","cn=" & arrInput(1) & " " & arrInput(0)) objUser.Put "sAMAccountName", arrInput(2) objUser.Put "userPrincipalName", arrInput(2) & "" '************************************************************ 'Write the newly created object out from the property cache 'Read all the properties for the object, including 'the ones set by the system on creation '************************************************************ objUser.SetInfo objUser.GetInfo objUser.SetPassword arrInput(3) '************************************************************ 'Set the properties '************************************************************ objUser.AccountDisabled = False objUser.givenName = arrInput(1) = arrInput(0) objUser.IsAccountLocked = False objUser.PasswordRequired = True objUser.DisplayName = arrInput(1) & " " & arrInput(0) '************************************************************ 'Set the drive that you'll map to '************************************************************ objUser.HomeDirectory = "\\" & homeServer &"\" & homeShare& "\" & arrInput(2) objUser.Put "homeDrive", "H:" objUser.SetInfo

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'************************************************************ 'Create a home directory for the imported users 'and populate each home directory with a Documents folder '************************************************************ If Not fso.FolderExists("\\" & homeServer &"\" & homeShare& "\" & arrInput(2)) Then Set fldUserHomedir = fso.CreateFolder("\\" & homeServer &"\" & homeShare& "\" & arrInput(2)) fso.CreateFolder("\\" & homeServer &"\" & homeShare& "\" & arrInput(2) & "\Documents") End If Wend '************************************************************ 'Set full rights for the user to the home directory and 'propagate those rights through the contents of each home directory '************************************************************ Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") wshShell.Run "cacls \\" & homeServer & "\" & homeShare & "\" & arrInput(2) _ & " /T /e /g " & arrInput(2) & ":F", 1, True '************************************************************ 'Stop referencing this user '************************************************************ Set objUser = Nothing

'Close the file tsInputFile.Close

9. You can see what each section accomplishes in this script. It calls the csv file you have and imports users into AD. Then, it sets their profile and maps to the proper home directory. Finally, it populates each home directory with a Documents folder and propagates the permissions. 10. Double-click the import.vbs file to run that script. 11. Login as student20 with the password Apple12 from the Mac OS X client as soon as the script completes (it shouldnt take more than 3-5 seconds). 12. Authentication, home directory mapping and file permissions should all check out.

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Active Directory group membership

1. On your AD server, open the Active Directory Users and Computers application. 2. Open the domain and select Users.

3. Click on the New Group button or .use the Action menu to create a new group.

4. Name the group ad_students with the default settings unchanged, as shown below. Click OK.

5. Locate your new ad_students group. Right-click on it and select Properties.

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6. Select the Members tab and click on the Add button. 7. In the Object names to select window, type student and click on the Check Names button. 8. Use the control-a keys to select all of the student users you imported earlier and click OK. 9. Click OK again.

10. In the membership window, click Apply and then OK.

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Bringing Open Directory into the mix

Why would we do this? The whole point of bringing AD and OD together is to give the Mac user (and IT administrator) the best of both worlds in a heterogeneous environment. IT benefits from having a single directory to maintain, but can also leverage managed client for Mac OS X (MCX) to manage the Macs in their environment. At this point well fire up Leopard Server (or install it for the first time). When installing, follow these guidelines during the setup assistant. Use the Advanced mode. Were not doing Standard or Workgroup in this setup. For the examples used in this document, the Administrator account will be Server Admin with sadmin as the short name. Leave the Directory setup to Standalone. Well change it later when binding to AD. Set the IP address to the following IP address: Subnet mask: Router: DNS Primary: (should match IP address of your AD server) DNS Secondary: (typically your home router so that you can run Software Update) Server name should be set to, or whatever matches the DNS record you entered on your AD server. Computer name can be set to whatever you like, so well leave it at od for the purpose of keeping this document as simple as possible. 1. In Server Admin, select your new OD Server and click on Settings, then Services. 2. Enable the Open Directory service and click Save. 3. Select the Open Directory service and choose Settings. 4. Click the Change button to change the role of the server. This will launch the configuration assistant.

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5. Choose Open Directory Master. 6. On the following pane, you must confirm a Directory Administrator account and password. Feel free to leave the diradmin account as it is set by default, and choose a password.

7. Confirm the Kerberos realm info and click Continue.

8. The final pane confirms the settings. Click on the Close button. 9. You now have an ODM working as a Kerberos key distribution center (KDC). In Server Admin, youll see in the Open Directory overview that all is running as expected.

10. Now that youve set up the ODM so that we can manage Macs in our Active Directory environment, we need to stop Kerberos on the ODM and join the Kerberos realm of the AD server. 11. Open Terminal and type the following command and press return.
sudo sso_util remove -k -a sadmin -p password -r OD.APPLE.EDU (replace password with your own password used for the sadmin account)

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12. Once completed, you can go back to Server Admin and refresh the overview page. Youll see that Kerberos is stopped.

13. Launch Directory Utility and click on the plus sign to add a new Directory Server. Change the directory type to Active Directory and fill in the blanks as shown below. You can use the binder account for this step, just like when you bound a client workstation to AD earlier.

14. It will show that the AD and OD servers are responding normally. Quit Directory Utility.

15. Return to Terminal and type the following command to join the AD kerberos realm.
sudo dsconfigad -enablesso

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Now, the easy way (optional)

This document just walked you through the steps that you need to follow for both 10.4 and 10.5 server when bringing AD and OD together. Now that you know the hard way of doing it, heres the easy way. You can simply demote your server to standalone and then promote it back using these steps, or format and reinstall completely if thats your thing. These steps are quick and easy, assuming that you now know your way around the server. 1. Demote your server to Standalone in WGM -> Open Directory -> Settings. 2. With DNS resolving properly at every turn, like you should have established by now, bind your OD server (now at Standalone) to Active Directory using Directory Utility. 3. Return to Server Admin and promote your server to an Open Directory Master. 4. While looking at Open Directory in Server Admin, click on the Overview button and youll notice that the Kerberos service is Stopped. 5. Launch Terminal and type sudo klist -kt followed by Return. 6. Youll see the proper entries listed, and the principles will end with @APPLE.EDU. That shows youve joined the AD Kerberos realm, represented by APPLE.EDU instead of OD.APPLE.EDU. If you hadnt bound your OD server to AD first, you wouldve created your own Kerberos realm based on OD.APPLE.EDU. Its very cool how Leopard Server just does the right thing. Lets move on.

Binding the client to both directories

1. On your Mac OS X 10.5 client, open Directory Utility. 2. Click on the plus sign to add a new Directory Server. 3. Leave the directory type on Open Directory and add the server. 4. Click on the Show Advanced Settings button and select the Search Policy button. 5. If the Active Directory entry is not above Open Directory, click and drag it above to set it that way (as shown below).

6. Log out. 7. Login as the student10 user with the password Apple12. 8. Youve logged in with an AD account while bound to OD as well. So what?! you say?

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Managed Client for Mac OS X (MCX) and AD together

This is what weve been building towards. AD authentication with group management and MCX policy enforcement for our Mac users. The user gets the computer they want. They IT folks get the management they require. 1. On your ODM, launch WGM and login with the diradmin account.

2. Ensure that youre working with the /LDAPv3/ directory.

3. Create a new group and call it od_managed.

4. Click on the Members tab and again on the plus sign.

5. Use the pull-down menu in the side bar to switch the directory to /Active Directory/All Domains. 6. Select the groups tab to show AD groups.

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7. Drag the ad_students group into the Members window of your new od_managed group.

8. Click Save. 9. With the od_managed group still highlighted, click on the Preferences button.Select the Dock preference since thats what well manage.

10. Click on the Dock Display tab and set it however you wish. So that I can easily tell my management is working, I always move the dock to the left side.

11. Click Apply, then Done.

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12. Logout of your Mac OS X client and then back in as any of the student10-20 users. What you see is an AD account, mapped to their home on a Windows server with MCX policies enforced.

Hosting the home folders on the Open Directory server

What if you want AD in the picture only for authentication? No problem. Lets put that Xserve to work. 1. On your ODM, launch Server Admin and enable the AFP service. 2. Highlight the AFP service on the left, and click the Start AFP button in the lower left of the Server Admin window. 3. Highlight the server on the left, and click on File Sharing in the tool bar.

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4. Click on the Share Points button and disable each of the three default shares by using the Unshare button on the far right. You have to click the Save button after each one.

5. Select the Volumes button, followed by the Browse button.

6. Click on New Folder to create one at the root of one of your server hard drives. 7. Call the folder homes and click the Create button.

8. Select the new folder and share it using the Share button. 9. The sharing options are shown in front of you. Click the Enable Automount button. 10. When prompted, choose the LDAP directory, AFP and User home folders options.

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11. When prompted, type in your diradmin credentials and click OK. 12. Click Save. 13. Move to your AD server. 14. In the Active Directory Users and Computers application, select your student10 account. 15. Right-click on it and choose Properties. 16. Click on the Profile tab and check the Home folder box. 17. Select the Connect button and set the H: drive to \\\homes\%username%. The screen shot doesnt show the trailing %, but its there.

18. Ignore any errors or warnings that may pop up when you click Apply. 19. Move to your Mac OS X client and open Directory Utility. 20. Unlock the padlock in the lower left-hand corner and authenticate. 21. Click on the Show Advanced Settings button. 22. Click on Services and then double-click on the Active Directory plugin. 23. Click on the triangle next to Show Advanced Options and match the settings as shown below.

24. Force local home... should be unchecked, and the network protocol should be changed from the smb protocol to the afp protocol.

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25. Logout of the Mac OS X client and log back in as student10. You may need to wait a few seconds for network accounts to become available again or possibly even reboot the client. 26. We now have a managed dock, an AFP-based network home directory hosted on an Xserve, all while AD is handling the authentication.

There are literally hundreds of directions that this document could go, from nesting AD groups within OD, to extending the AD schema, to using Centrify for policies. This document was simply created to help you get a test environment up and running quickly in order to understand the initial setup and go through a few common practices. Special thanks got to Jeff Walling and Jeff Ochsner for helping me verify the steps and processes. Mike Bombich also gets credit since he wrote the dns.bat file that I barely modified for this document. A real big thanks goes to Matt Riley for cooking up the AD import script and helping me with the permissions details. Comments and corrections for this document can be sent to me at

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