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Telefnica Per

Capacity Management 3G Network

For internal use 1 Nokia Siemens Networks

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Introduction Capacity Areas in UTRAN
1. 2. 3. 4.
Air Interface WBTS HW Resourses RNC Transport IuB Iu-CS Iu-PS Iu-R

Iu Monitoring

For internal use 2 Nokia Siemens Networks

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WCDMA network interfaces and internal resources should be monitored

For internal use 3 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date


The various measurement were used to identify the capacity issues and their negative impact on accessibility (CSSR) of the various RABs:

1. CS speech (AMR) 2. PS data (R99) 3. HSPA data

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Capacity Areas in UTRAN

Essential to monitor the available resources in UTRAN
Capacity from initial dimensioning phase may no be sufficient in some
cases Marketing campaigns lead to higher resource utilization

Capacity bottlenecks impact the call setup success rates

(CSSR) Mobile user perceives poor setup success rates directly

With these measurements, network capacity can be

monitored in a proactive mode
Capacity upgrades can be triggered taking into account existing lead
times HW units, internal procedures like planning or implementation

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Capacity Areas in UTRAN

During call set-up [RRC, RAB] several resource areas are checked and physical / logical resources allocated. Air Interface
1 Radio resources UL interference DL transmisson power DL Codes 1a Code resources 3 DMCU allocation

WBTS HW Resources



DSP processing


FSP/ WSP capacity
For internal use (Channel Elements) 6 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date

(N*) E1 capacity / AAL2

4 Iub resources (transmission)

2 WBTS resources

Call Setup Success Rate - CSSR

CSSR for a specific service is calculated the following way:
CSSR any service = RRC connection setup & access X RAB setup & access any service

RRC part

RAB part

For RAB setup & access phase we can distinguish various failure causes:
SETUP PHASE: ACCESS PHASE: due to UE due to RNC Failures due to UE are not related to capacity issues in the network related to UE problems

due to AC
due to BTS due to Transport due to RNC due to Frozen BTS due to AAL2 iuB, License, AAL2 IuCS, anchoring, UE For internal use capabilities, not supp. params
7 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date

Decision criteria
AMR accessibility PS R99 accessibility

HSPA accessibility

Accesibility < 99%


Radio resources
Failures due to AC >1%

Channel elements
Failures due to BTS >1%

Transport resources
Failures due to TRANS >1%

RNC internal resources

Failures due to RNC >1%

Cell OK
Lack of Radio Resoures

Additional KPI check & optimization (if necessary)

Lack of Channel Elements Lack of Iub resources Lack of RNC resources

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RAB setup failures 1. Admission Control (AC) failures RADIO

Indicates lack of radio resources:

DL power

Measurement of PtxTotal, transmission power of NonHSDPA, HSDPA etc.
Measurement of RSSI Measurement of PrxTotal and PrxNoise Channelization code occupancy (min, max, avg) Channelization code blocking rate HSDPA code usage HSDPA code downgrades

UL interference

DL channelization codes:

Rejection rate in downlink and uplink (SRB, AMR, CS data, PS data)

due to congestion Common channel load (RACH, FACH, PCH) typically not a problem

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RAB setup failures 1. Admission Control (AC) failures RADIO

High nonHSPA load

Failures due to AC >1%

DL power UL interference
Noise floor of the System >-90dBm

AMR accessibility PS R99 accessibility

Marginal Load Time Share DL > 50% Overload Time Share DL> 2% Average DL R99 Load > PtxTarget

Channelization codes Spread. Code Blocking Rate in DL

>5%; SFxx Blocking Rate high

High nonHSPA load R99 power >> HSDPA power

Marginal Load Time Share UL > 50% Overload Time Share UL> 2% Average UL R99 Load > PrxTarget

Max_Code Occupancy >95%; Avg_Code Occupancy >80%

High DL load High UL interference/load External Interference High chan. Code utilization


Posible to reduce R99 usage? No

Yes Posible to reduce the code usage?


Posible to optimize throughput? No


For internal use 10 Nokia Siemens Networks

Upgrade BTS power

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Upgrade to 2nd carrier

RAB setup failures 1a. HSDPA accessibility

Indicates problems for access of HS-DSCH (HSDPA access failure rate): 1. Due to UL DCH Problems of return UL return channel Related to R99 radio resources 2. Due to TOO MANY HSDPA USERS Licence limit 48 users HSDPA license upgrade to 64 users R99 is selected, which can cause capacity problem in use of radio
resources Check radio resources for R99 If licence upgrade is not sufficient, the Dedicated HSDPA scheduler is an option 3. Due to BTS (channel elements) 4. Due to Iub (transmission) 5. Due to RNC

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RAB setup failures 1a. HSDPA accesibility

Radio related issues

HSDPA accessibilit y < 99%

HSDPA Access FR due to UL DCH

DCH Selected due to too many HSDPA users > 0.5%

HSDPA Access FR due to Iub

Go to TRANSPORT failures Go to BTS failures Go to RNC failures

HSDPA Access FR due to BTS

Problem in R99 ? 1. HSDPA 64 users

HSDPA Access FR due to RNC

License upgrade

Go to RADIO Resoures
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2. HSDPA Dedicated Scheduler upgrade

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RAB setup failures 2. BTS failures

Indicates lack of WBTS baseband resources = channel elements (CE):

Measurement of available CEs


Failures due to BTS >1% CE utilization


(min, max, avg) Measurement of usage of CEs:

In UL, DL (min, max, avg) Per service

High CE utilization

CE usage can be reduced?



WBTS HW upgrade (system module)

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RAB setup failures 3. RNC failures

Indicates lack of RNC internal resources

DSP Service Statistics


Failures due to RNC >1%

DSP load
RNC_Unit Load: AVG_Load >80% MAX_Load >95%

Measurement DSP Resource Utilisation Measurements DSP State Change Measurements DSP Load Measurements Iub, IuCS, IuPS throughput measurement at RNC

High DSP load

RNC HW upgrade
Traffic load
RNC_Traffic Load: Iub Traffic Load IuCS Traffic Load IuPS Traffic Load

High Iu Traffic

RNC Interface capacity upgrade

For internal use 14 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date

RAB setup failures 4. Transport failures


Failures due to TRANS/AAL2 Iub >1% Iub Reservations

Indicates lack of transport resources

Traffic load measurements
Average VCC Ingress/Egress utilisation Average VPC Ingress/Egress utilisation

AVG_UP_CAC Reservation > 80% Peak_UP_CAC Reservation >90%

High Iub load


CAC reservations
Allocated Average Capacity of CBR VCC Allocated Capacity per ATM VCC (cps) AAL2 connection reservation success rate

Number of AAL2 Connections

Average AAL2 connection utilisation Max_AAL2_connections (248 max) Max_AAL2_connections_HSPDA

Posible to reduce Iub utilization?



Shared HSDPA AAL2 allocation utilisation

Iub upgrade

For internal use 15 Nokia Siemens Networks

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Additional tasks
Even if all the capacity issues would be resolved, the 100%
accessibility can not be expected RF optimization (e.g. overshooting cells)
Propagation delay measurements CQI measurements RSCP, Ec/Io measurements

Mobility optimization
Soft handover Inter-system handover

Failures due to UEs can not be avoid

For internal use 16 Nokia Siemens Networks

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Iu Monitoring
The scope of this presentation is RNC interfaces monitoring
using measurements in the RNC and in the BTS






Iu-PS Iur

For internal use 17 Nokia Siemens Networks

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1. ATM load measurements 2. AAL2 CAC measurements

For internal use 18 Nokia Siemens Networks

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ATM Load Measurements - Overview

ATM Load Measurements in RNC

Virtual Path Connection (VPC) Virtual Circuit Connection (VCC) ATM interface
Virtual channel

ATM interface

Virtual path

Virtual path

AAL2 connection

For internal use 19 Nokia Siemens Networks

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ATM VPC and VCC Measurements

ATM VPC/VCC measurements count cells per VPC/VCC during measurement
period Up to 1024 VPCs and all VCCs (RU10 onwards) can be measured per RNC at the same time Enables calculating average throughput over the measurement period

Cells/period Configured capacity

Actual traffic

Measurement period

Measured average traffic

For internal use 20 Nokia Siemens Networks

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ATM VPC and VCC Measurements

Iu-CS, Iu-PS and Iur can be measured as well Use of ingress and egress counters
Iub in downlink direction is measured using egress counters Iu-PS in downlink direction is measured using ingress counters
Ingress direction

Egress direction




Iu-PS Iur

For internal use 21 Nokia Siemens Networks

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ATM Interface Measurement

ATM interface utilization and traffic
per service category CBR, UBR and UBR+
Virtual channel

measurement is relevant if you have unshaped VPCs with UBR+ VCCs inside and the sum of VCC PCRs exceeds the interface capacity Otherwise the ATM CAC and/or
VCC/VPC configuration will prevent overload possibility

ATM interface

The ATM interface level

Virtual path

Virtual path

AAL2 connection

Potentially useful for Iu if IuPS and

IuCS are on their own NIS cards.

For internal use 22 Nokia Siemens Networks

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1. ATM load measurements 2. AAL2 CAC measurements

For internal use 23 Nokia Siemens Networks

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RNC AAL2 Connection Admission Control

Bandwidth requirement is affected by
ALC parameters, ALC set (for DCCH), Activity factors Delay requirement, loss tolerance
New connection up to this capacity would fit in AAL2 reservation for existing connections New connection requiring this much capacity would be blocked


Done for common channels, SRB, RT DCH, NRT DCH, Streaming HSDPA
and SharedHSDPAAllocation VCC bundle is a special case
For internal use 24 Nokia Siemens Networks Presentation / Author / Date

RAN capacity monitoring processes are focused on the following interfaces and network elements: Radio Interface capacity WBTS power, code tree Iub capacity Transmission capacity Node B capacity WBTS Base band processing capacity RNC processing capacity Iu-CS, Iu-PS and Iur traffic
Monitoring / Interface Air Interface Iub Interface HW Channel Element RNC Capacity

Proactive Monitoring

-BTS power DL/UL -Channelisation code utilisation -S-CCPCH & PRACH load

-Iub traffic load -Resource reservation

-CE utilisation

-RNC traffic load -Unit load

Reactive Monitoring
For internal use 25 Nokia Siemens Networks

-Setup failure due to AC -Service rejection ratio -Code blocking -RB downgrade/release

-Setup failure due to transmission -Resource reservation success rate

-Setup failure due to BTS

-Setup failure due to RNC

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Thank You!

For internal use 26 Nokia Siemens Networks

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