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Pavement Design Manual: June 2007

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423 Az Eastern Ave.

June 2007

Buckeye, AZ 85326 623.349.6800

Town of Buckeye Public Works

Engineering Division



This manual, provided by the Town of Buckeye Public Works Department, is the essential information and policy needed for designing structural sections of flexible pavements (Asphalt Concrete Cement, ACC) constructed within the Towns public rights-of-way. Developers of private property do this construction as a condition of development as stipulated by the Town for work within the Town limits of incorporation.


Asphalt Cement Concrete


The asphalt concrete portion of a flexible pavement shall have a minimum depth, number of courses, and mix design called for by street classification (i.e., Major and Minor Arterial, Collector and Local Road). The mix design references are excerpted from the East Valley Asphalt Committee Design Standards and from Section 710 of the MAG Specifications and the City of Scottsdale (COS) Supplements to MAG and City of Phoenix Asphaltic Concrete Design Specifications. Mix designs and course thicknesses other than those specified in the table below may not be used unless approval to do so is provided by the Town. Minimum lift thicknesses are also outlined in Table 710-1 of the COS Supplements to MAG Specifications. The mix design and course thicknesses shall be clearly indicated on paving plans for public rights-of-way improvements.

Design Manual #206

pavement Design Transportation Standards -2June 2007

Town of Buckeye Public Works


Engineering Division
TYPE OF MIX (From MAG TABLE 710-1) Asphalt Base - 1st Lift 2 of R12.5mm 2-1/2 of A19mm 3 of 25mm 1-1/2 of A12.5mm 2-1/2 of A19mm 2-1/2 of A19mm Asphalt Base 2nd Lift Rubberized Asphalt Surface Course** 1 of 12.5 gap graded rubberized asphalt ** 1 of 12.5 gap graded rubberized asphalt ** 1 of 12.5 gap graded rubberized asphalt** 1 of 12.5 gap graded rubberized asphalt**

Local Roads Collector Industrial Collector* Minor Arterial and Major Arterial Parkway*



3 of 25mm

*Special design cases subject to Town discretion to increase layer thickness **Reference City of Phoenix Specifications


The use of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) concrete shall not be used in the construction of asphalt concrete pavements.


Soil Testing Requirements-Subgrade


There should be at least one roadbed soil sample taken at the depth of the planned subgrade for each type of soil found on the project site. There should also be at least one roadbed soil sample for each type of soil used as fill material on which a roadway is to be built. The engineer responsible for the pavement design should take samples in locations that will provide an accurate representation of the subgrade lying beneath the pavement.

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pavement Design Transportation Standards -3June 2007


Town of Buckeye Engineering Division Public Works The following tests are required for design procedures indicated in this manual and must be performed in accordance with the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) procedures. a) In order to use the base course design standards and policies for local roads described under Section 1.4-1, the following tests are required: 1. Sieve analysis of each roadbed soil sample is needed to determine the percent passing the #200 sieve. 2. Atterberg-Limits tests are needed for each sample: (The liquid Limit, (LL) and plastic limit, (PL) used to establish the plasticity index.) High liquid limits typically indicate high clay content soils that are not suitable roadbed soils. Conversely, low liquid limit soils typically have low clay content and are suitable for roadbed soils. b) In order to use the base course design procedures for major streets described under Section 1.1-5, or in order to use the structural section design procedures described under Section 1.6, R-value testing is required. 1. R-value determination shall be made for exudation pressure of 3000 psi. Each pavement thickness design must be based on the R-values determined by the tests, and for each length of pavement to be constructed with a constant thickness design, the lowest R-value within that length of pavement will be used. If the engineer elects not to run R-value tests on every subgrade sample, the design report must indicate the basis on which the engineer selected the samples for the R-value tests. c) Swelling tests are needed if the soil type indicates the presence of soils tending to swell significantly with added moisture.

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pavement Design Transportation Standards -4June 2007


Town of Buckeye Engineering Division Public Works A pavement design report shall be required for each development or project in which paving within the public rights-of-way shall be done. This report must be submitted with the paving plans (or shall be a part of them) and it must describe the soil test results and design choices. The report shall contain the additional minimum items listed below: a) A map of the project area showing identification and location of each sample taken. b) A description of the soil conditions. c) A statement of conclusions applicable to the pavement design. d) A listing of the test results on each sample.


Base Course Design Thickness for Local Roads and Collectors


There are two design charts for base course thickness design, one for the local road and one for the collector street. a) Figure 1-1 is a chart for the design of base course thicknesses for Local Residential Streets.

Design Manual #206

pavement Design Transportation Standards -5June 2007

Town of Buckeye Public Works

Engineering Division

Figure 1-1 Minimum Depth of Base Course for Local Roads

b) Figure 1-2 is a chart for the design of base course thicknesses for: 1. Collector Streets 2. Commercial Collector Streets 3. Industrial Collector Streets

Design Manual #206

pavement Design Transportation Standards -6June 2007

Town of Buckeye Public Works

Engineering Division

Figure 1-2 Minimum Depth of Base Course for Collector Commercial Collector and Industrial Collector Streets


Base Course Design Thickness for Arterial Roads


The base course depths listed in Table 1-1 below are arranged in accordance with the street classifications and the R-values determined in subgrade testing. The depths are determined by the procedures used for the design of structural sections (Modified AASHTO Pavement Design) described in Section 1.6. For a given street classification, the street with the heaviest current and projected traffic loading was used to determine the range of base course depths for all streets of that classification; therefore, the base course depths listed in this chart will provide conservative pavement designs.

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1.1 1.2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 2 ASPHALT CEMENT CONCRETE ................................................................... 2

1.3 SOIL TESTING REQUIREMENTS-SUBGRADE .................................................. 3 1.4 BASE COURSE DESIGN THICKNESS FOR LOCAL ROADS AND

COLLECTORS........................................................................................................ 5 1.5 BASE COURSE DESIGN THICKNESS FOR ARTERIALS ROADS....................... 7 1.6 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF PAVEMENT SECTIONS - MODIFIED AASHTO PAVEMENT DESIGN ............................................................................................. 8

Town of Buckeye Public Works

Engineering Division

Street Classification



10 15

15 20

20 25

25 30

30 35

35 40

40 45

45 50

50 +

Minor Arterials, Major Arterials and Parkways











Table 1-1 Minimum Depth of Base Course for Arterial Roads 1.5-2 When design constraints make it necessary to reduce the overall structural pavement section (and at the discretion of the Town), the total structural pavement section depth determined from the use of Figure 1-1, Figure 1-2 and Table 1-1 shall be substituted with additional asphalt cement concrete over aggregate base material. A deeper asphalt cement concrete section can be used in replacement of some or all of the aggregate base material at a rate of 1 inch of asphalt cement concrete for every 3 inches of aggregate base material.


Structural Design of Pavement Sections ADOT Modified AASHTO Pavement Design


The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) published a guide for the design of pavement structures in 1961 and a revised guide in 1972. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) modified the procedures provided in the AASHTO design guide to meet requirements for the State of Arizona. The City of Phoenix uses the ADOT modified procedures and has selected certain design coefficients appropriate to the Phoenix metropolitan area. The City of Scottsdale also uses the ADOT modified procedures with the City of Phoenix coefficients.

Design Manual #206

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Town of Buckeye Engineering Division Public Works ADOT uses its own adoption of the procedures outlined in the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures published in 1961 and revised in 1972. The following assumptions must be made: a) The soil support capacity of the subgrade soils can be predicted adequately by testing to determine R-values. b) The R-values can be effectively related to a soil-bearing capacity rating scale called the soil support value (SS) or the resilient modulus. c) A suitable pavement depth is determined by a procedure that considers the soil support value in conjunction with projected traffic loading, environmental conditions, and weighted structural values for the various components of the pavement structure.


DESIGN PARAMETERS a) Subgrade Support Value 1. The subgrade support value represents the bearing capacity of the roadbed subgrade soil. It is determined by a relationship established between its scale and the measured or correlated R-value scale, as shown in Table 1-2 This relationship is not uniform throughout the country. ADOT has established the relationship determined by the following equation. Where: SS = Soil Support Value and R = R Value b) Pavement Serviceability Index 1. The Pavement Serviceability Index (PSI) is a value that represents the surface condition of roadway in terms of rideability or roughness and the distresses associated with it, such as cracking, patching, rutting, raveling, depressions, swelling, etc, during some point of the pavement design life. It is used in the design equation to represent the theoretical loss of serviceability over a 20-year design period, from the time of completed construction. The Town shall use an Initial Serviceability Index (PSII) of 5.0. The Terminal Serviceability Index (PSIt) varies, depending upon the level of service desired. Most pavements have a pavement Design Transportation Standards -9June 2007 SS = 0.094R + 1.75

Design Manual #206

Town of Buckeye Engineering Division Public Works normal distribution of reliability requiring some sort of rehabilitation at half of design life. The Town shall use a Terminal Serviceability Index of 2.5. Table 1-2 below lists the material R-Value and its correlated subgrage support value used in determining the structural number for pavement section design thicknesses.

Table 1-2 ADOT Material Services R-Values and Soil Support Value Relationships

Design Manual #206

pavement Design Transportation Standards - 10 June 2007

Town of Buckeye Public Works c) Regional Factor

Engineering Division

1. The Pavement within the Phoenix Metropolitan area typically does not experience climatic changes that rapidly degrade pavement structures, such as large amounts of rain or freeze-thaw cycles. For this reason, a Regional Factor of 1.0 shall be used. d) The Structural Number 1. The Structural Number (SN) is derived from an analysis of traffic, subgrade soil conditions, environmental conditions, and is used in conjunction with structural layer coefficients (related to the type of material to be used in each layer) to calculate the thickness of a flexible pavement structure consisting of various flexible layers. The following equation is for determining the structural number developed from data accumulated by AASHTO:


Since SN appears on both sides of the equation, the solution can be most rapidly done by nomograph. Figure 1-3 is a nomograph developed by ADOT for this purpose, with a Terminal Serviceability Index of 2.5 and a Regional Factor of 1.0.

Design Manual #206

pavement Design Transportation Standards - 11 June 2007

Town of Buckeye Public Works

Engineering Division

Figure 1-3 Flexible Pavements ADOT Modified AASHTO Nomograph for Structural Number (SN) Determination 1.6-4 PROJECTED TRAFFIC LOADING CLASSIFICATION DATA Traffic loading for flexible pavement design shall be on the basis of the cumulative damage caused by passenger, single-unit and multi-unit vehicles. Examples of such vehicles classifications are as follows: Multi-Unit Trucks with tractor-trailers, tandem and tridem (MU) trailers with single, or dual wheel-single, tandem, tridem axle configurations that have an articulating tractor and trailer combination. Single-Unit - Trucks that typically have no articulation and can (SU) have single or dual wheel single, tandem, or tridem axle configurations such as refuse or dump trucks, water trucks delivery box trucks, fire trucks school busses. pavement Design Transportation Standards - 12 June 2007

Design Manual #206

Town of Buckeye Engineering Division Public Works Passenger - Any vehicle that is not within the above mentioned Vehicles class, such as cars and pickup trucks. (PV) 1.6-5 Vehicular distribution of traffic shall come from traffic data that may be available from one or more of the following sources: 1. Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Traffic Projections 2. Traffic studies provided for the project either in Design Concept Report (DCR), or 3. Scope of Work (typically for design consultants) 1.6-6 Calculate the 18Kip Equivalent Single-Axle Load (ESAL) applications using the vehicle distribution percentages determined by a traffic survey and the 18Kip single-axle load for each type of vehicle listed below in Table 13.
Class C 2P 2S 2D B 3D 2S1 2S2 3S2 2-2 3-2 3-3 2S1-2 3S1-2 Type of Vehicle Passenger cars Light 4-tire trucks Heavy 4-tire trucks 2-axle, 6-tire trucks Busses 3-axle trucks 2-axle tractor, 1-axle semi-trailer 2-axle tractor, 2-axle semi-trailer 3-axle tractor, 2-axle semi-trailer 2-axle truck, 2-axle semi-trailer 3-axle truck, 2-axle full trailer 3-axle truck, 3-axle full trailer 2-axle tractor, 1-axle semi-trailer, 2-axle full trailer 3-axle tractor, 1-axle semi-trailer, 2-axle full trailer 18Kip Equiv.SingleAxle Load (ESAL) Factor 0.0008 0.0012 0.0058 0.1632 0.2500 0.5987 0.4082 0.9565 0.5143 0.3043 0.9368 0.9368 0.8467 0.9580

Table 1-3 18Kip Equivalent Single Axle Load Factor by Type of Vehicle pavement Design Transportation Standards - 13 June 2007

Design Manual #206

Town of Buckeye Public Works 1.6-7

Engineering Division

For streets with more than one lane in each direction, multiply the ESAL calculated in Section 1.6-4 above by the following appropriate factor below in Table 1-4 to calculate the cumulative design lane loading: Percent of 18-kip ESALs in Design Lane (DL)

Number of Lanes in Each Direction 1 2 3 or 4

100 90 70

Table 1-4 Design Lane Traffic Distribution 1.6-8 The design direction distribution factor (DD) is typically 50% (DD=0.5) for most roadways. However, there are instances where land uses or connectivity may result in predominant design traffic flow in one direction over the other. In those instances the design direction distribution may vary from 0.5 0.7 or as determined in a traffic study. The Design life shall be 20 years and shall have 365 days per year before applying a traffic growth factor. The traffic growth factor shall be used to forecast annual traffic growth for each year of the pavement design life plus accounting for any growth between planning and final implementation of the roadway facility (i.e., deferred implementation). Existing traffic data shall not only for a 20 year design life, but also account for any preliminary traffic growth prior account to the facility being open for public use, that may affect the reasonable forecast of future traffic loading. The following equation below shall be used to calculate traffic growth: GF = (1.0 + 5%)n Where n = the number of design years
(Note: adjust if needed for deferred implementation)

1.6-9 1.6-10

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pavement Design Transportation Standards - 14 June 2007

Town of Buckeye Public Works 1.6-11

Engineering Division

The sum of all such loads is the 18Kip Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL) of all vehicle classifications traveling the road. This sum must be multiplied by the average ADT for traffic; then multiplied by the design lane distribution and directional factors; days in a year and 20 year design life and accounting for a growth factor. The equation below illustrates the process:
ESAL = ADT * (ESAL Factor) * DD * DL * 365days * 20 design years * GF


PROJECTED TRAFFIC LOADING NO CLASSIFICATION DATA In the event that ADT data is available but no sufficient vehicular classifications can be obtained, the following traffic equivalency factors shall be applied. The traffic adjustment factors shown below in Table 1-5 shall be used. (ESAL) Traffic Adjustment Factor

Type of Vehicle Passenger Vehicles (PV) Single-Unit Vehicles (SU) Multi-Unit Vehicles (MU)


Table 1-5 18kip Equivalent-Single Axle Load (ESAL) (when vehicle classification is not known) 1.6-13 If vehicle classification data is not available in sufficient detail to use the standard classifications described above, a traffic equivalency factor of 1.50 shall be applied to the percentage of vehicles considered to be heavy trucks ( Class 2D). The designer shall notice that passenger vehicles shall carry the same factor in both cases (with classification data and no classification data) and is not affected by the lack of vehicular classification. This approximation method is described in the ADOT Preliminary Engineering and Design Manual. pavement Design Transportation Standards - 15 June 2007

Design Manual #206


Town of Buckeye Engineering Division Public Works The remaining percentage of vehicles is considered to be passenger vehicles. The design procedure for ESAL calculations is calculated in the same way as mentioned above in Section 1.6-11, except now there remain only TWO classifications (cars and heavy trucks). Cars are assigned a 0.0008 factor and heavy trucks are assigned a factor of 1.50. The formula below illustrates the adjusted method. ESAL = [ADT * (%Pass. Veh) * 0.0008] + [ADT * (%Heavy Trucks) * 1.50)]

(Note: Illustration only, does not include days per year, 20 year life design direction, design lane distribution and growth factor)


STRUCTURAL DESIGN THICKNESS EQUATION Once a structural number is determined for the initial pavement structure, it shall be checked against the minimum SN value for asphalt and base course requirements for that facility, it shall be necessary to select a structural set of design thicknesses to satisfy the minimum calculated structural number (SN) requirement for given traffic and soil loading conditions plotted from the input values from the above Figure 1-3 nomograph.


The structural number is a function of the layer coefficient, design thicknesses, and drainage coefficients. The layer coefficient an is the measure of the relative ability of a unit thickness of pavement structural material to function as its intended structural layer component. The components of the pavement structure are assigned structural coefficients values and shall be used as parameters in conjunction with a structural number in developing the design of pavement sections. The coefficients shown below were developed by the City of Phoenix from experience, tests, and correlation with information in ADOT design manuals and MAG Specifications.

Pavement Layer Component Asphaltic Concrete (plant mix) Bituminous Treated Base Cement Treated Base Aggregate Base
*As modified by the Town of Buckeye

ADOT Range 0.34 to 0.46 0.30 to 0.35 0.15 to 0.29 0.08 to 0.14

Layer Coefficient 0.39 0.31 0.23 0.11*

Table 1-6 Structural Layer Coefficients (an) pavement Design Transportation Standards - 16 June 2007

Design Manual #206

Town of Buckeye Public Works 1.6-17

Engineering Division

The layer drainage coefficient mn is the measure of the relative ability of a unit thickness of pavement structural material to drain water from its layer over time. The rating is based upon the following criteria in the table below:

Layer Drainage Quality Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

Drainage Coefficient ADOT 1.15 1.07 1.00 0.93 0.86

Water Removed within AASHTO 2 hours 1 day 1 week 1 month Water will not drain

Table 1-7 Drainage Layer Coefficients (mn)


The Structural design layer thicknesses are then determined by the AASHTO Design Equation as shown: SN = a1D1 + a2D2m2 + a2D2m2 + anDnmn Where: SN = Structural Number of Pavement obtained from nomograph. a1, a2, a3,.. an = structural layer coefficients for the surface, base, sub-base and n sub-base respectively. D1, D2, D3 Dn = structural layer design thicknesses for the surface, base, sub-base and n sub-base respectively. m2, = layer drainage coefficients for the base, sub-base and n sub-base respectively.

Design Manual #206

pavement Design Transportation Standards - 17 June 2007


Town of Buckeye Engineering Division Public Works The Town shall have the minimum thickness of pavement layers based upon the minimum Asphalt Cement Concrete (ACC) and Aggregate Base Course (ABC) as indicated in the previous sections. The corresponding minimum Structural Numbers shall directly apply from the minimum layer requirements based upon back calculations an, SN values from the minimum pavement layer thicknesses (ACC & ABC).
Minimum ACC Thickness (Inches) 3 5 6 6 Minimum ABC Thickness (Inches) 6 6 9 9 Minimum Structural Number SN 1.83 2.61 3.53 3.53

Roadway Classification Local Road Collector and Industrial Collector Minor and Major Arterials Parkways

Table 1-8 Minimum Flexible Pavement Design Thickness Layers 1.6-20 The information contained in this manual is a compilation of excerpts from the following agencies and/or authorities most current edition of their respective publications insofar as applicable: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) 1.6-21 Additional information contained in this manual is a compilation of excerpts from the following approved planning, framework study, policy guidelines, specifications and design criteria standards at the municipal level: City of Scottsdale, Arizona City of Phoenix, Arizona

Design Manual #206

pavement Design Transportation Standards - 18 June 2007

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