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Piles and Piling Formula

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The key takeaways are formulas for determining allowable pile loads based on hammer properties and pile penetration as well as factors that affect lateral and toe capacities of piles.

Pile loads can be determined using the Engineering News formula which considers factors like hammer weight, drop height, and pile penetration. The allowable load is lower for piles transferring load through skin friction versus end bearing.

Lateral pile resistance depends on the pile's flexural stiffness, the soil stiffness within 4-6 pile diameters, and the degree of pile head fixity. Soil stiffness is assumed to increase linearly with depth.





A dynamic formula extensively used in the United States to determine the allowable static load on a pile is the Engineering News formula. For piles driven by a drop hammer, the allowable load is Pa 2WH p 1 (4.1)

For piles driven by a steam hammer, the allowable load is Pa where Pa W H p p 2WH 0.1 (4.2)

allowable pile load, tons (kg) weight of hammer, tons (kg) height of drop, ft (m) penetration of pile per blow, in (mm)

The preceding two equations include a factor of safety of 6. For a group of piles penetrating a soil stratum of good bearing characteristics and transferring their loads to the soil by point bearing on the ends of the piles, the total allowable load would be the sum of the individual allowable loads for each pile. For piles transferring their loads to the soil by skin friction on the sides of the piles, the total allowable load would be less than the sum on the individual allowable loads for each pile, because of the interaction of the shearing stresses and strains caused in the soil by each pile.


Vertical-pile resistance to lateral loads is a function of both the flexural stiffness of the shaft, the stiffness of the bearing soil in the upper 4 to 6D length of shaft, where D pile diameter and the degree of pile-head fixity.
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The lateral-load versus pile-head deflection relationship is developed from charted nondimensional solutions of Reese and Matlock. The solution assumes the soil modulus K to increase linearly with depth z; that is, K nh z, where nh coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction. A characteristic pile length T is calculated from T EI B nh (4.3)

where EI pile stiffness. The lateral deflection y of a pile with head free to move and subject to a lateral load Pt and moment Mt applied at the ground line is given by y Ay Pt T3 EI By Mt T2 EI (4.4)

where Ay and By are nondimensional coefficients. Nondimensional coefficients are also available for evaluation of pile slope, moment, shear, and soil reaction along the shaft. For positive moment, M Am Pt T Bm Mt (4.5)

Positive Mt and Pt values are represented by clockwise moment and loads directed to the right on the pile head at the ground line. The coefficients applicable to evaluation of pile-head deflection and to the maximum positive moment and its approximate position on the shaft, z/T, where z distance below the ground line, are listed in Table 4.1. The negative moment imposed at the pile head by pile-cap or another structural restraint can be evaluated as a function of the head slope (rotation) from Mt A PtT B


where s rad represents the counterclockwise ( ) rotation of the pile head and A and B are coefficients (see Table 4.1). The influence of the degrees of fixity
TABLE 4.1 Percentage of Base Load Transmitted to Rock Socket Er /Ep Ls /ds 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.25 54* 31 17* 13* 1.0 48 23 12 8 4.0 44 18 8* 4

*Estimated by interpretation of finite-element solution; for Poissons ratio 0.26.

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of the pile head on y and M can be evaluated by substituting the value of Mt from the preceding equation into the earlier y and M equations. Note that, for the fixed-head case, yf PtT 3 Ay EI A By B (4.7)


For piles installed in cohesive soils, the ultimate tip load may be computed from Qbu where Ab q Nt cu Ab q Ab Nc cu (4.8)

end-bearing area of pile, ft2 (m2) bearing capacity of soil, tons/ft2 (MPa) bearing-capacity factor undrained shear strength of soil within zone 1 pile diameter above and 2 diameters below pile tip, psi (MPa)

Although theoretical conditions suggest that Nc may vary between about 8 and 12, Nc is usually taken as 9. For cohesionless soils, the toe resistance stress, q, is conventionally expressed by Eq. (4.1) in terms of a bearing-capacity factor Nq and the effective overburden pressure at the pile tip vo q Nq



Some research indicates that, for piles in sands, q, like fs, reaches a quasiconstant value, ql , after penetrations of the bearing stratum in the range of 10 to 20 pile diameters. Approximately ql 0.5Nq tan (4.10)

where is the friction angle of the bearing soils below the critical depth. Values of Nq applicable to piles are given in Fig. 4.1. Empirical correlations of soil test data with q and ql have also been applied to predict successfully end-bearing capacity of piles in sand.

A pile group may consist of a cluster of piles or several piles in a row. The group behavior is dictated by the group geometry and the direction and location of the load, as well as by subsurface conditions. Ultimate-load considerations are usually expressed in terms of a group efficiency factor, which is used to reduce the capacity of each pile in the

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1000 500 Bearing capacity factor, Nq

100 50

10 25






Angle of internal friction,

FIGURE 4.1 Bearing-capacity factor for granular soils related to angle of internal friction.

group. The efficiency factor Eg is defined as the ratio of the ultimate group capacity to the sum of the ultimate capacity of each pile in the group. Eg is conventionally evaluated as the sum of the ultimate peripheral friction resistance and end-bearing capacities of a block of soil with breadth B, width W, and length L, approximately that of the pile group. For a given pile, spacing S and number of piles n, Eg 2(BL WL) fs nQu BWg (4.11)

where fs is the average peripheral friction stress of block and Qu is the single-pile capacity. The limited number of pile-group tests and model tests available suggest that for cohesive soils, Eg 1 if S is more than 2.5 pile diameters D and for cohesionless soils, Eg 1 for the smallest practical spacing. A possible exception might be for very short, heavily tapered piles driven in very loose sands. In practice, the minimum pile spacing for conventional piles is in the range of 2.5 to 3.0D. A larger spacing is typically applied for expanded-base piles. A very approximate method of pile-group analysis calculates the upper limit of group drag load, Qgd from Qgd AF FHF PHcu (4.12)

where Hf , f , and AF represent the thickness, unit weight, and area of fill contained within the group. P, H, and cu are the circumference of the group, the

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thickness of the consolidating soil layers penetrated by the piles, and their undrained shear strength, respectively. Such forces as Qgd could only be approached for the case of piles driven to rock through heavily surcharged, highly compressible subsoils. Design of rock sockets is conventionally based on Qd where Qd ds Ls fR qa ds Ls fR 4 ds2qa (4.13)

allowable design load on rock socket, psi (MPa) socket diameter, ft (m) socket length, ft (m) allowable concrete-rock bond stress, psi (MPa) allowable bearing pressure on rock, tons/ft2 (MPa)

Load-distribution measurements show, however, that much less of the load goes to the base than is indicated by Eq. (4.6). This behavior is demonstrated by the data in Table 4.1, where Ls /ds is the ratio of the shaft length to shaft diameter and Er /Ep is the ratio of rock modulus to shaft modulus. The finiteelement solution summarized in Table 4.1 probably reflects a realistic trend if the average socket-wall shearing resistance does not exceed the ultimate fR value; that is, slip along the socket side-wall does not occur. A simplified design approach, taking into account approximately the compatibility of the socket and base resistance, is applied as follows: 1. Proportion the rock socket for design load Qd with Eq. (4.6) on the assumption that the end-bearing stress is less than qa [say qa /4, which is equivalent to assuming that the base load Qb ( /4) d2qa /4]. s 2. Calculate Qb RQd, where R is the base-load ratio interpreted from Table 4.1. 3. If RQd does not equal the assumed Qb , repeat the procedure with a new qa value until an approximate convergence is achieved and q qa. The final design should be checked against the established settlement tolerance of the drilled shaft. Following the recommendations of Rosenberg and Journeaux, a more realistic solution by the previous method is obtained if fRu is substituted for fR. Ideally, fRu should be determined from load tests. If this parameter is selected from data that are not site specific, a safety factor of at least 1.5 should be applied to fRu in recognition of the uncertainties associated with the UC strength correlations.*

The maximum load that can be sustained by shallow foundation elements at incipient failure (bearing capacity) is a function of the cohesion and friction angle of bearing soils as well as the width B and shape of the foundation.

*Rosenberg, P. and Journeaux, N. L., Friction and End-Bearing Tests on Bedrock for HighCapacity Socket Design, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 13(3).

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The net bearing capacity per unit area, qu, of a long footing is conventionally expressed as qu where
f f cu Nc voNq f




B Nc, Nq, N

1.0 for strip footings and 1.3 for circular and square footings undrained shear strength of soil effective vertical shear stress in soil at level of bottom of footing 0.5 for strip footings, 0.4 for square footings, and 0.6 for circular footings unit weight of soil width of footing for square and rectangular footings and radius of footing for circular footings bearing-capacity factors, functions of angle of internal friction 0 and Eq. (4.7) reduces to (4.15)

For undrained (rapid) loading of cohesive soils, qu N c cu

where Nc and cu are f Nc. For drained (slow) loading of cohesive soils, defined in terms of effective friction angle and effective stress cu. Modifications of Eq. (4.7) are also available to predict the bearing capacity of layered soil and for eccentric loading. Rarely, however, does qu control foundation design when the safety factor is within the range of 2.5 to 3. (Should creep or local yield be induced, excessive settlements may occur. This consideration is particularly important when selecting a safety factor for foundations on soft to firm clays with medium to high plasticity.) Equation (4.7) is based on an infinitely long strip footing and should be corrected for other shapes. Correction factors by which the bearing-capacity factors should be multiplied are given in Table 4.2, in which L footing length. The derivation of Eq. (4.7) presumes the soils to be homogeneous throughout the stressed zone, which is seldom the case. Consequently, adjustments may be required for departures from homogeneity. In sands, if there is a moderate variation in strength, it is safe to use Eq. (4.7), but with bearing-capacity factors representing a weighted average strength. Eccentric loading can have a significant impact on selection of the bearing value for foundation design. The conventional approach is to proportion the foundation to maintain the resultant force within its middle third. The footing is assumed to be rigid and the bearing pressure is assumed to vary linearly as shown by Fig. 4.2(b). If the resultant lies outside the middle third of the footing, it is assumed that there is bearing over only a portion of the footing, as shown in Fig. 4.2(d). For the conventional case, the maximum and minimum bearing pressures are qm P BL 1 6e B (4.16)

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TABLE 4.2 Shape Corrections for Bearing-Capacity Factors of Shallow Foundations* Correction factor Shape of foundation Rectangle Circle and square 1 1 Nc B L Nq Nc Nq Nc 1 1 Nq B L tan 1 Ny 0.4 0.60 B L


*After De Beer, E. E., as modified by Vesic, A. S. See Fang, H. Y., Foundation Engineering Handbook, 2d ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. No correction factor is needed for long-strip foundations.

where B L e

width of rectangular footing length of rectangular footing eccentricity of loading

For the other case Fig. 4.2(c), the soil pressure ranges from 0 to a maximum of qm 2P 3L(B/2 (4.17) e)

(a) e p2


3( b e) 2 P1 p (d)



Footings subjected to overturning.

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For square or rectangular footings subject to overturning about two principal axes and for unsymmetrical footings, the loading eccentricities e1 and e2 are determined about the two principal axes. For the case where the full bearing area of the footings is engaged, qm is given in terms of the distances from the principal axes, c1 and c2, the radius of gyration of the footing area about the principal axes, r1 and r2, and the area of the footing A as qm P A 1 e1c1 2 r1 e2c2 2 r2 (4.18)

For the case where only a portion of the footing is bearing, the maximum pressure may be approximated by trial and error. For all cases of sustained eccentric loading, the maximum (edge) pressures should not exceed the shear strength of the soil and also the factor of safety should be at least 1.5 (preferably 2.0) against overturning.


Pile capacity Qu may be taken as the sum of the shaft and toe resistances, Qsu and Qbu, respectively. The allowable load Qa may then be determined from either Eq. (4.12) or (4.13): Qa Qa Qsu F Qsu F1 Qbu F2 Qbu (4.19) (4.20)

where F, F1, and F2 are safety factors. Typically, F for permanent structures is between 2 and 3, but may be larger, depending on the perceived reliability of the analysis and construction as well as the consequences of failure. Equation (4.13) recognizes that the deformations required to fully mobilize Qsu and Qbu are not compatible. For example, Qsu may be developed at displacements less than 0.25 in (6.35 mm), whereas Qbu may be realized at a toe displacement equivalent to 5 to 10 percent of the pile diameter. Consequently, F1 may be taken as 1.5 and F2 as 3.0, if the equivalent single safety factor equals F or larger. (If Qsu/Qbu 1.0, F less than 2.0 is usually considered as a major safety factor for permanent structures.)

Drilled-shaft settlements can be estimated by empirical correlations or by load-deformation compatibility analyses. Other methods used to estimate settlement of drilled shafts, singly or in groups, are identical to those used for piles.

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These include elastic, semiempirical elastic, and load-transfer solutions for single shafts drilled in cohesive or cohesionless soils. Resistance to tensile and lateral loads by straight-shaft drilled shafts should be evaluated as described for pile foundations. For relatively rigid shafts with characteristic length T greater than 3, there is evidence that bells increase the lateral resistance. The added ultimate resistance to uplift of a belled shaft Qut can be approximately evaluated for cohesive soils models for bearing capacity [Eq. (4.14)] and friction cylinder [Eq. (4.15)] as a function of the shaft diameter D and bell diameter Db.* For the bearing-capacity solution, Qul (D2 b D2)Nc cu Wp (4.21)

The shear-strength reduction factor in Eq. (4.14) considers disturbance effects and ranges from 1 2 (slurry construction) to 3 4 (dry construction). The cu represents the undrained shear strength of the soil just above the bell surface, and Nc is a bearing-capacity factor. The failure surface of the friction cylinder model is conservatively assumed to be vertical, starting from the base of the bell. Qut can then be determined for both cohesive and cohesionless soils from Qul
b L fut




where fut is the average ultimate skin-friction stress in tension developed on the failure plane; that is, fut 0.8cu for clays or K vo tan for sands. Ws and Wp represent the weight of soil contained within the failure plane and the shaft weight, respectively.


The shaft resistance stress fs is a function of the soil-shaft friction angle , degree, and an empirical lateral earth-pressure coefficient K: fs K




At displacement-pile penetrations of 10 to 20 pile diameters (loose to dense sand), the average skin friction reaches a limiting value fl. Primarily depending on the relative density and texture of the soil, fl has been approximated conservatively by using Eq. (4.16) to calculate fs. For relatively long piles in sand, K is typically taken in the range of 0.7 to 1.0 and is taken to be about 5, where is the angle of internal friction,
*Meyerhof, G. G. and Adams, J. I., The Ultimate Uplift Capacity of Foundations, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 5(4):1968.

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degree. For piles less than 50 ft (15.2 m) long, K is more likely to be in the range of 1.0 to 2.0, but can be greater than 3.0 for tapered piles. Empirical procedures have also been used to evaluate fs from in situ tests, such as cone penetration, standard penetration, and relative density tests. Equation (4.17), based on standard penetration tests, as proposed by Meyerhof, is generally conservative and has the advantage of simplicity: fs N 50 (4.24)

where N average standard penetration resistance within the embedded length of pile and fs is given in tons/ft2.*

*Meyerhof, G. G., Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Pile Foundations, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division, 102(GT3):1976.

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