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Friendship Cube Journal

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March 26, 2012 Graeme Kilshaw People keep asking me the same question, and I am getting better at answering it. People ask me, Graeme, what is the friendship cube? I answer this question. What is our Friendship Cube? Well our friendship cube is a tool used by our community, for communication. There is more to answering this question than just a few words. You will learn more of the deeper aspects of what and why as you take more of your own time to investigate and learn. Our community encourages this search and investigation. We expect that with time, you will be able to come to the same conclusions regarding our friendship cube. We know what our friendship cube is. We also know why we are using it for communication. You will begin to learn, and understand more as you listen carefully and continue to investigate and learn about our friendship cube, our code, and our community. We are not a religion or a political party, but we are a community that can meet your needs. We have a strong common purpose. We aim to use our code to create peace on earth. The way I see it, most of our major problems here on Earth, can be solved if enough people shift to a new pattern of being - a new operating system for conscious life. The good news is that the new operating system is more enjoyable, more capable, more creative, and more fun than the old. If you're like me, you have probably wondered what it's going to take for humanity to make that upgrade. What will it take for us to unite with a new operating system and awaken to something more vast and more joyous and beautiful? What will it take for us to wake up and realize our inner unity? What will it take for us to wake up to a way of thinking that manifests as a healthy, sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous society? What will it take for us to make this shift? Well, it will involve each of us consciously planting seeds within ourselves to help manifest our brightest potential. It will involve each of us planting seeds in others to do the same, thus forming a peaceful network that will accelerate the dawn of this new era. The great news is that we already have everything we need. What we want to do with the help of our friends, is to make our friendship cube programs and courses so irresistible, so attractive, and so fun that doing anything else would seem outdated or less important. Our friendship cube community programs are the new great thing, the latest trend and fashion. Our work is more important than other priorities. Our friendship cube work is our top priority. Our work as a community is important. We are planting seeds for seven generations of peaceful and sustainable development. We havent just earned money we have earned a trusted place in a vast network. We have earned a reputation and a place in society based upon our unique skills, talents, gifts, and abilities. We work with what works. That is how we work. We work together with a much larger network that is calling us collectively to our highest potential. Together we solve problems, and serve the deepest needs of society. We are always making our teamwork more open and our co-creativity more positive and practical. Our vision involves building from and building into one global communications network. Our goal is to foster the interconnectivity between the people, ideas, and resources that makes this shift in consciousness possible. The global shift is powered by global values like peace, unity, respect, sustainability, and justice. Through our existing global communications networks, we have the ability to teach and create a better world. I believe that it is time for humanity to move beyond the world of separate little egos fighting for their slice of the pie, and into a bigger brighter world, based on our deep 1

heart connections and infused with devotion and grace. Let's build together. Lets build together so that our great work reflects the best and brightest within us. We already have within us the ingredients for a great alliance and a worthwhile enterprise. The profit alone makes it worthwhile for anyone that is seriously involved. We are not a religion or a political party. But we do function as a sustainable, burgeoning business. We have agreed upon standards, and we broadcast based upon our unique shared standards. We embody sacred principles at every level of our organization, and we all diligently serve our calling. We call this process our great work. In our great work, every responsibility is an honor, and every honor is a responsibility. We affirm that you will be compensated with a Masters Wages, as long as you think and act like a true Master. We are sharing more than just our stone of destiny. We are sharing our friendship cube mission and our movement via our media dispensations and our movies. Our mission and movement are unique and empowering to our evolving community. Your search has brought you here now. Now we introduce and share the friendship cube with you. We are focused on combining innovation with inclusion. From here, we will continue to empower you to learn, network, and earn. Our team teaches friendship cube code and presents valuable lessons. Our hearts guide us forward with compassion for humanity. We provide our community with heart inspiration for all involved. Our intuition and our hearts, guide us to share information and to unite. Today, my heart is guiding me, to give gifts to you to give the gift of our friendship cube, and to ask recipients to pay it forward. Paying it forwards means that those who receive a cube will continue with more similar good deeds, usually of giving friendship cubes and valuable lessons as gifts that will echo across the world and create unity. My heart is telling me to help others and to share. My heart is set on teaching good, efficient code. I hope to teach something simple and beneficial. I hope you will be inspired by the same warm wishes the same benevolent will the same purpose as I have set my course upon as a teacher with the friendship cube. There is one Spirit that makes our friendship cube business work. We function with win-win principles, and our work benefits all. Before we get into the details, lets just have a moment to breathe together and reflect from our Higher Selves. We have to realize that we are one. Oneness is everything. We all breathe the same air. Lets be inspired for a moment, by our own inner silence one moment of quietly opening up to the light. Being conscious only of light and breath for the moment, brings us one step closer to that silent intuition, that understanding, that clarity, that organization, and that strength we are seeking. For just one moment, recognize the potential for the unity of all consciousness and all energy. From this moment, you will begin to understand why why is our friendship cube movement so successful? Why? The answer is that we are successful because there is one global consciousness we are a part of and that we serve. The saying is true they profit most who serve best. The one consciousness is everywhere, omnipresent. Collectively, we have the power to become part of this one part that understands and represents the whole. We understand how because there have been those before us, who have taught us to look within and find that inner realm. The many wisdom teachers have used many words over the ages to describe this. We must become conscious of what it is not just its outer label, but its true inner energetic nature within all conscious life. We are learning every day, more and more, to look inside ourselves and build ourselves up as individuals, via positive thinking and the power of attraction. We can look within and find the answers we seek. Right now in this moment, we are capable of waking up and serving the one global consciousness. Soon we will be given more tools to access, implement, and activate. Our friendship cube is an instrument it is an instrument for the implementation of this one global consciousness. Our friendship cube is meant to be shared. Our cube is a three dimensional artifact that 2

enables one from many, order from chaos, and the evolution of consciousness in society. Our friendship cubes are crated to be dependable, durable, efficient, and effective instruments enabling systematic, detailed, precise communication. Our friendship cube has come to symbolize a growing, central system of knowledge and friendship. With greater knowledge and friendships comes greater freedom. Our friendship cube is one freedom we defend. Evolutionary consciousness tends towards unity. Great minds think alike. That rising in intelligence, converges. We defend our friendship cube because it empowers us individually and collectively. We can merge science with empowering spiritual practices. Someday, we may inherit the all the knowledge of the universe if we continue the peaceful path of unification from within. Many of us are already familiar with scientific principles. I believe that there will be more knowledge to inherit as consciousness evolves with every passing moment of time. New scientific breakthroughs are made every day. We are becoming more and more conscious and aware of our potential. Rather than using science to impose artificial limits or controls, we should use science to open the doors to greatness for humanity. We continue to evolve and perfect our minds and our species, and to protect the diversity of species on our planet. There is plenty of common ground where wise sages and scientists coexist comfortably. We must learn to appreciate the traditional ecological knowledge and spiritual consciousness of the original inhabitants of this land we live upon today. I welcome the renewal and reunification of the sciences of the soul. With our friendship cube code and community, we are already walking the line that merges modern science with ancient wisdom. Some say our friendship cube was discovered in ancient times and was hidden because of its power. The theory is that that the cube is much older than the Christianity. Others say that our cube is the core element of a brighter future for humanity. It is an innovation in conscious communications, tending towards unity and cosmic order. Looking at all evidence, I tend to believe bits from both. I believe that our friendship cube sits in the center, in the present moment, uniting our ancient origins with our rendezvous with destiny. Our friendship cube helps teachers become more efficient and effective, making learning more interesting. Literacy begins at a very young age. We aim to reach children, and to start teaching early. We can introduce our friendship cube to students of any age. It is an empowering tool, and a safe, fun toy for kids. We inspire young imaginations. Young people gain from this first-discovery toy they gain the power of visual tracking, recognizing patterns, and building words or geometric patterns by combining cubes. Our teaching community enables the kind of communications that allow for greater organization and more connections. Students learn positively from other students as well as from teachers. Teaching makes a difference in society it empowers the next generation. We must continue to feature useful education. What we do matters. Teachers are all one of a kind... we make a difference. ...We have within us the power to change the world. The friendship cube is an opportunity for new learning; new ideas a new world. Yes our world is undergoing a transformation. Some people dont seem to ever wake up and realize that lasting change must come from within. Peace worldwide will start from inside. The lasting transformation will come through renewal of our minds. We communicate in a new language, so that the world will be a new world. Our friendship cube community aims to harness collective intelligence, propel human potentials, and create a brighter, better world. Our friendship cube clarifies our one universal purpose at the heart at the heart of reasoning, intelligent, coherent life and consciousness. Everything is one, and oneness is everything. We exist for and of a collective consciousness. We are all at least somewhat conscious of this greater collective being we exist inside. Many within our community seek the honor of serving this our one conscious, Supreme Being the being that many people call God.

We must not let religion or politics divide us. We are strongest when we do not alienate our brothers. We are strongest when we think as one. We must never let labels terrorize us or separate us. The purpose of this communication is to empower and uplift human kind. Through this message, we hope to get new people fueled up and aligned for service to our planet. This message will inform you of our united vision and how we are changing the world together. The 21st Century has opened the doors for new styles of communication that bring people together and bring power to the people. Our Friendship Cube Community empowers this new style. We are a group of bright minds with bold ambitions. And we will continue forever exploring, discovering, advancing, and prospering. We are all born with some desire to belong and to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Many of us spend our entire lives searching for purpose striving to do something great and to become something extraordinary. This message will help our audience to discover the purpose in changing the course of human history for the better. Imagine what will be ahead of us as we link our collective conscious intentions, enthusiasm, and efforts together. In the coming months, our Friendship Cube Community will be inviting our friends to participate in a range of inspiring and empowering activities including our virtual summits, personal development courses, and our social network designed to empower friends for personal growth and transformation. We are hooking up our friends with new learning, networking, and earning resources. Seekers find answers, community, meaning, and purpose from our friendship cube community. We add value through innovation, efficiency, collaboration, and performance... Our programs create order from chaos one from many. Our friendship cube is a self-mastery tool. It helps us to re-imagine, re-invent, and refine communications. Many of us have found that there is a Spiritual foundation calling for the development of our friendship cube code and community. We realize that Spiritual love is different from physical love. Spiritual life is different from physical life. With our cube, code, and community programs, we accelerate personal and Spiritual growth, developing our language for oneness. People are our greatest assets. Physical stones have only the value that people supplying and demanding place upon them. The demand for friendship cube stones is rising as we spread new awareness. Supplies are also decreasing as more and more cubes are sold every day. You can take advantage of this, for profit, by taking the initiative and making more cubes to sell, and profiting yourself from their sales. We can use the stone to develop meaningful, positive communication. It is not so much about how we talk as it is about who we are inside. Are we receptive? Are we listening as closely as we are able? Are we aware of our potential? Are we able to learn from and benefit from new tools for expanding our consciousness and awareness? I believe we are. I believe that within our generation, there will be important breakthroughs in communication technology. Lets plant the seeds today. Our product hardware is our friendship cube. Our service software is our empowering personal development courses and our lessons that teach the increasing number of applications for our friendship cube. We help people find bigger community, meaning, purpose, benefit, and profit. We use what works scientifically, and at the same time, we expand our spiritual awareness and teach spiritual solutions. Through our work, we are co-creating a positive shift in consciousness and in culture. Our friendship cube empowers people with new thought for a new world and a new age. Great Minds think alike... That rising in intelligence, converges. Our friendship cube enables efficient new ways of thinking, communicating, and being... It's profound... It's extremely valuable. Our ability to communicate is improving. We are developing and implementing a new language system with better standards pure signals and no noise a new language of light the light we all share one language for a globalized world; one language for our global village. We are introducing this new way of seeing, 4

thinking, and communicating for a new golden age of light on earth. In this new age, and via this new global language, the veils holding humanity in ignorance will be lifted revealing ever greater wisdom, knowledge, and truth about our universe. Through this work, we involve ourselves in the evolutionary shift towards one holistic, intercultural, integral global language system. Our friendship cube programs facilitate our evolutionary shift into integral language and integral communication. Our friendship cube badge program helps people and organizations to awaken and activate new communication skills. Our friendship cube has been called a consciousness icon it has been called a multi-modal user interface. It has been called a pedagogical paradigm shift. It has been called a catalyst in a global change in consciousness. With it, we are capable of much more. Experts of all kinds are analyzing and publishing papers on our cube. Religious scholars, linguists, philosophers, engineers, scientists, analysts, and thinkers are becoming more aware. Its great. I myself am not going to try to impress people with long or complicated sounding specialized terms or words that would just confuse and alienate people. Instead I intend on using simple language to talk about the value of our friendship cube, in a way that anyone can understand and immediately benefit from. When presenting our friendship cube, lets focus on the power of our united imaginations; our creativity; and our expanding possibilities. We all participate in efficient and collaborative integration; adding value and creating alliance and unity. United we serve. Our friendship cube games help people to find satisfaction and harness the power of our united, creative imaginations. We respond the needs of humanity and our planet. ...We speed up our evolutionary consciousness and develop greater potential. We chose trust and unity, and against fear and alienation. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles... It empties today of its strength..... So be strong and forget worrying. Do right and fear nothing. There is incredible satisfaction in the righteousness of good code; the righteousness of reason. Follow this satisfaction. Follow this joy and make it yours. That is good. That makes us grow. We are always growing and developing. There is much opportunity ahead of us. We have only just begun. Our friendship cube code is an ideal communications medium for educational television and for teaching. We must be optimistic and courageous. We must enable coherence and unity. We must create one from many and order from chaos. That's leadership. Our friendship cube is an innovation and evolution for digital language. It's efficient. It's a good code. Benefits outweigh costs. Our friendship cube, code, and community are all about efficiency, collaboration, and unity. Code improves from one generation to the next. We are surely evolving. Evolutionary consciousness converges into new unity. Our strength rises as we humbly serve. We are developing Human values, consciousness, and culture for cooperation and unity. Our friendship cube is gradually emerging to instigate, stimulate, and catalyze a massive conscious cultural change. Our friendship cube enables the kind of art that breaks down barriers... and brings people together. We are change agents for unity. You might take up the call yourself. In service, we are transcending race and nationality. Our friendship cube stands for efficiency and collaboration in learning, communicating, networking, and business. With our friendship cube we are fusing together simple aesthetics, physical interactions, and computer interfaces. Our friendship cube adds value and facilitates new collaboration, interoperability, and innovation. We invite the best of the best to participate and grow with us. Thanks for being part of this by listening and contributing your ideas. I look forward to linking together more strongly in the months and years ahead. Lets keep applying the magic, the media, and the mindscapes for unity and synchronicity via our friendship cube.

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