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Page 12 People V Morial

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Page 12: Rights Under Custodial Investigation: 2: Counsel of Choice: Competent Counsel PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs.

EDWIN MORIAL , et al. [G.R. No. 129295. August 15, 2001] FACTS: on the 6th day of January 1996, accused Nonelito Albenon, Edwin and Leonardo Morial were found guilty of Robbery with Homicide of Paula Bandibas (common law wife of accused uncle, Benjamin Morial) and Albert Bandibas. Witness Gabriel Guilao testified to Benjamin that while he was on his way home, he saw the crime perpetrated by the accused. The police found Edwin and Leonardo Morial in the house of Nonelito Abion and invited the two to the police station, where they were turned over to SPO4 Andres Fernandez. The investigation conducted by SPO4 Fernandez yielded an extra-judicial confession from accused Leonardo Morial,i[8] who was assisted by Atty. Tobias Aguilar. After sometime of torture, Leonardo finally admitted that Nonelito Abion and Edwin Morial were responsible for the death of Paula Bandibas. A policeman informed him that they were going to contact a lawyer to assist him during the investigation. Leonardo was told that his counsel would be a certain Atty. Aguilar whose office was very near the police station. Leonardo consented. The prosecution offered the testimonies of SPO4 Andres Fernandez and Atty. Tobias Aguilar. SPO4 Fernandez testified that the investigation he conducted resulted in an admission by Leonardo Morial that he was one of those who participated in the robbery with homicide. SPO4 Fernandez asked Leonardo whether he was willing to reduce his statement into writing and to sign the same. The suspect answered positively. SPO4 Fernandez then advised him of his right "to remain silent and [to] have a counsel[,] [and informed him that] whatever will be his answer will be used as evidence in Court.ii[40] Midway into the investigation, after the police investigator had asked "all the material points," Atty. Aguilar asked the investigator that he be given leave as he had a very important engagement. The investigator agreed to the lawyer's request.iii[42] Before leaving, Atty. Aguilar asked Leonardo if he was willing to answer the questions in his absence. He also instructed the police that, after the written confession had been prepared, the accused and the document containing the confession should be brought to his office for "further examination." Atty. Aguilar was in the police station for less than thirty minutes from the start of the interrogation. During and despite Atty. Aguilar's absence, SPO4 Fernandez continued with the investigation and propounded several more questions to Leonardo, which the latter answered.iv[48] ISSUE: W/N Morial is deprived of his right to counsel/ competent counsel.YES HELD: As appellant Leonardo Morial was effectively deprived of his right to counsel

during custodial investigation, his extra-judicial confession is inadmissible in evidence against him.v[60] A custodial investigation is understood to mean as "any questioning initiated by law enforcement authorities after a person is taken into custody or otherwise deprived of his freedom of action in any significant manner."vi[36] It begins when there is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime but starts to focus on a particular person as a suspect, i.e., when the police investigator starts interrogating or exacting a confession from the suspect in connection with an alleged offense.vii[37] A person under custodial investigation is guaranteed certain rights, which attach upon the commencement thereof. These are the rights (1) to remain silent, (2) to competent and independent counsel, preferably of his own choice, and (3) to be informed of the two other rights.viii[38] The prosecution must prove with clear and convincing evidence that the accused was accorded said rights before he extrajudicially admitted his guilt to the authorities.ix[39] The Court has stressed that an accused under custodial interrogation must continuously have a counsel assisting him from the very start thereof.x[49] In People vs. Lucero,xi[50] where the suspect's counsel left just when the interrogation was starting, this Court chastised both counsel and the trial court for their lack of zeal in safeguarding the rights of the accused. SPO4 Fernandez cannot justify Atty. Aguilar's leaving by claiming that when the lawyer left, he knew very well that the suspect had already admitted that he (Leonardo) and his companions committed the crime.xii[51] Neither can Atty. Aguilar rationalize his abandoning his client by saying that he left only after the latter had admitted the "material points," referring to the three accused's respective participation in the crime. xiii [52] For even as the person under custodial investigation enjoys the right to counsel from its inception, so does he enjoy such right until its termination -indeed, "in every phase of the investigation.xiv[53] An effective and vigilant counsel "necessarily and logically requires that the lawyer be present and able to advise and assist his client from the time the confessant answers the first question asked by the investigating officer until the signing of the extrajudicial confession."xv[54] Furthermore, Section 2(a) of R.A. No.7438xvi[55] requires that "[a]ny person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation shall at all times be assisted by counsel." The last paragraph of Section 3 of the same law mandates that "[i]n the absence of any lawyer, no custodial investigation shall be conducted." The right of appellant to counsel was therefore completely negated by the precipitate departure of Atty. Tobias before the termination of the custodial investigation. In People vs. Deniega,xvii[56] we explained the rationale for the rule requiring counsel's continuing presence throughout the custodial investigation: Conditions vary at every stage of the process of custodial investigation. What may satisfy constitutional requirements of voluntariness at the investigation's onset may not be sufficient as the investigation goes on. x x x. The competent or independent counsel

so engaged should be present from the beginning to end, i.e., at all stages of the interview, counseling or advising caution reasonably at every turn of the investigation, and stopping the interrogation once in a while either to give advice to the accused that he may either continue, choose to remain silent or terminate the interview. If it were true that Atty. Tobias had to attend to matters so pressing that he had to abandon a client undergoing custodial investigation, he could have terminated the same to be continued only until as soon as his schedule permitted, advising the suspect in the meantime to remain silent. This he failed to do. Apallingly, he even asked his client whether he was willing to answer questions during the lawyer's absence. The records also disclose that Atty. Tobias never informed appellant of his right to remain silent, not even before the custodial investigation started.xviii[57] Atty. Tobias, by his failure to inform appellant of the latter's right to remain silent, by his "coming and going" during the custodial investigation, and by his abrupt departure before the termination of the proceedings, can hardly be the counsel that the framers of the 1987 Constitution contemplated when it added the modifier "competent" to the word "counsel." Neither can he be described as the "vigilant and effective" counsel that jurisprudence requires. Precisely, it is Atty. Tobias' nonchalant behavior during the custodial investigation that the Constitution abhors and which this Court condemns. His casual attitude subverted the very purpose for this vital right, which is to: x x x curb the uncivilized practice of extracting confession even by the slightest coercion as would lead the accused to admit something false. What is sought to be avoided is the "evil of extorting from the very mouth of the person undergoing interrogation for the commission of an offense, the very evidence with which to prosecute and thereafter convict him." These constitutional guarantee have been made available to protect him from the inherently coercive psychological, if not physical, atmosphere of such investigation.xix[58] Even granting that appellant consented to Atty. Aguilar's departure during the investigation and to answer questions during the lawyer's absence, such consent was an invalid waiver of his right to counsel and his right to remain silent. Under Section 12 (3), Article III of the Constitution, these rights cannot be waived unless the same is made in writing and in the presence of counsel. No such written and counseled waiver of these rights was offered in evidence. That the extra-judicial confession was subsequently signed in the presence of counsel did not cure its constitutional defects. In People vs. Compil,xx[59] this Court held: x x x it is evident that accused-appellant was immediately subjected to an interrogation upon his arrest in the house of Rey Lopez in Tayabas, Quezon. He was then brought to the Tayabas Police Station where he was further questioned. And while on their way to Manila, the arresting agents again elicited incriminating information. In all three instances, he confessed to the commission of the crime and admitted his participation therein. In all those instances, he was not assisted by counsel. The belated arrival of the CLAO lawyer the following day even if prior to the actual signing of the uncounseled confession does not cure the defect for the investigators were already able to extract incriminatory statements from accused- appellant. The

operative act, it has been stressed, is when the police investigation is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime but has began to focus on a particular suspect who has been taken into custody by the police to carry out a process of interrogation that lends itself to eliciting incriminatory statements, and not the signing by the suspect of his supposed extrajudicial confession. Thus in People v. de Jesus [213 SCRA 345 (1992)] we said that admissions obtained during custodial interrogations without the benefit of counsel although later reduced to writing and signed in the presence of counsel are still flawed under the Constitution. [Underscoring supplied.] Moreover, appellant's policeman-escort was also present in the lawyer's office as attorney and client discussed the voluntariness of the latter's confession. One can hardly expect the suspect, in the face of such intimidating presence, to candidly admit that he was coerced into confessing.


















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