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Azula! Dont fight me!

Zuko screamed at the girl, roughly pressed against him, trapped beneath his weight, You wont win. The girl turned her head away from her older brother and sought to gain some ground by wriggling from his hold. She was trapped though. Zuko had pinned Azula to the tile floor of the Fire Nation Palace. Her wrists were tight in his hands grasp, close to his chest. He straddled her, her hips pressed together between his thighs. A battled raged just outside the window of the soulless room. Ozai had commanded his youngest to lead the army against the Avatar and her estranged older brother. While the team of benders fended off the throng of Fire Nation Army soldiers, Azula had been separated from the pack by a quick attack from Zuko. They fought against each other across high and low ground. Azula fought because she was told to, but Zuko fought for vengeance. In the end, Azula ran, and Zuko followed. Which is where they found themselves now, Zuko eventually caught up to her in one of the many palace rooms, left vacant; for who would live under the complete rule of Ozai? The room was a Spartan guest bedroom. A bed and dresser were all it contained. Enough to satisfy some weary traveler, but there was to be no rest in this room. Azula, give up, Zukos voice quieted, but lost none of its new edge, You have nowhere to go. Again, she refused to speak; Zuko thrust her hands to the sides of her face. He had to show her he was in complete control of her. Look at me, He commanded. But, Azula on stared off at the wall. Look at me! roaring in his anger, Azula flinched and her eyes averted to his gaze. His hands squeezed her wrists causing her to flinch again. Ill break them if you dont look at me. Azulas face turned to his, steely determination in her eyes, jaw set. Internally however, her heart pounded. What? The venom in her voice suggested that she had not broken under his will, she will learn. You cannot win this fight Azula, its over, and Father will not win. You have only two choices: die or submit to me. Why on Earth would I choose you? Just kill me then, or havent you got the guts. There she was, mocking him again, even when she was at her most vulnerable she struck out at him like a wounded snake. Maybe I think you could be a valuable asset to me, or maybe I just want you alive for me, Zukos eyes darkened and Azulas widened. Fear pooled in her stomach, now she knew why he hadnt simply killed her when he found her. She looked down, at his chest, anything to not stare into his eyes. She had heard of things like this happening. During war, men would savagely rape the women of the opposing side when they conquered a village. But this was no village or foreign invading neighbor. This was her brother, someone, for a long time, she believed to be nothing more than a weak-half rate bender and Prince. It will not end like this. I wont let it! Azula felt his hands release her wrists, if I can just use my hands; I can get out of here! Then Azula was being abruptly pulled up and slammed into the wall. She saw blooms of light and the throbbing pain in the back of her skull caused her to momentarily loose consciousness. When she awoke, Zuko had pressed her against the wall, gripping her forearms to keep her steady with his thigh between her legs. Hair tickled her nose, he had pulled her knot free, letting her hair cascade down her back and it had fallen in her face. She could feel his hand brush away a lock of hair and pin

it behind her ear. She was weak from the blow, unable to fully piece together a thought. A small groan escaped her lips and she felt her brothers breath on her ear. Sorry bout that, but I couldnt have you escaping just yet. She felt herself being picked up with one hand under each thigh, her brother was carrying her, but to where she didnt know. Suddenly she was dropped on the bed unceremoniously; a short gasp and her eyes flew open with the sudden jarring sensation. Her brother was towering over her when she opened her eyes. He was slowly removing pieces of his clothing. No, Zuko Azulas voice was soft and still not fully coherent. She tried in vain to push him away. When he was done, he simply took his knife and tore through her clothes. Zuko please dont, Azulas pleas fell on deaf ears. Please? Azula, youd think I was about to torture you with the way youre going on. No But Zuko had silenced her by taking her lips with his. The kiss allowed him to pour his passion into her. His tongue snaked into her mouth; she could do nothing but give him permission. When he released her, he whispered into her ear, Thats my girl. Im not your girl, She bit back. Oh, but you will be he returned before he claimed her lips again. She could feel him running his hands along her sides and up her arms. His caress hid his true intent. He wanted her to burn for him, he wanted her to be his completely and totally, to claim what he believed to be rightfully his. She tried to take his soul and now he would have hers. His hands teased her nipples and he relinquished her lips to focus in on her breasts. Azula could feel the warmth pooling between her legs, it sat uncomfortably with the fear that had taken root in the pit of her stomach. She didnt want to give herself to her brother, but it was becoming more difficult. Zuko refocused his attention to Azulas lips and neck, gently sucking and biting the tender skin on the back of her neck. One hand strayed between them, to his delight he found her quite wet already. He chuckled, ready for me, are you? Azula tried to shake her head, No Zuko, get off of me. Sorry baby sister, no can do. While they spoke, Zuko lined up his manhood with her entrance. This might hurt, but its well worth it you little bitch. With that, Zuko thrust foreword. He broke through Azulas hymen, eliciting a scream. Suddenly Zuko was encased in his sisters warmth. Steadying himself, he felt Azula arms wrap around his neck. Zuko bit into the soft flesh of her neck, creating a mark that would show the world tomorrow who she now belonged to. Ahh! Zuko! Azula cried out, Stop it! Zuko ignored her and began to thrust in and out of her heat. His thrusts gained momentum and soon he was pounding into his sister with unforeseen fury. His actions elicited moans from Azula. Grunting and sweating, Zuko unleashed all of his anger and hatred, his lust and his desire, his fear and doubt, all of it was released as he took Azula. Her mewling spurred him on. He could feel himself arriving at the brink and he wanted to take Azula with him over the edge.

An exploring hand reached between them to find the small bundle of nerves that would send Azula into a frenzy. He could hear her crying out to him, telling him to stop. If she went over the edge with him, she would have no ground to stand on if she denied him again or tried to bring him to justice. Tears coursed down her cheeks, the first time Azula hadnt cried since she was a baby. Please, Zuko, stop. She was near sobbing. But he pressed on. His fingers circled the nub of flesh as his cock thrust into her. He kissed down her neck, at her breasts and finally took her lips into a bruising and passionate kiss. Then Zuko could feel the clench of her muscles around his length. Knowing then that she was experiencing an orgasm he relinquished his hold on the small nub. Thrusting one last time he shot his seed deep into his sisters womb. The seed flooded the young girls once virgin womb. Zuko cradled Azulas frame in his arms as he pulled her to lay on top of him. His length still buried in her warmth. There now, Azula, youre a womanmy woman and no one elses. Zuko how could you? Hush, Azula, I did it for you and for me. We are all that is left. Zuko hugged her close to him. Zuko? Yes? Do you Why did you do this? Tears still fell from Azulas eyes, but she had long since stopped crying. Zuko kissed her once more. He felt her resolve give and she let herself be lost in the kiss. Because I love you, Azula. And this was the only way I could think of to get you to notice me, I changed for you, I became a stronger personfor you. Azula looked away from her brother. Then back again. No smile graced her lips, and there wouldnt be one for many days, but she raised her face to his and gently kissed him back. Zuko embraced her, furthering the ardor of the kiss. Inducing moans from Azula he felt himself grow harder again. He slowly began to pump in and out of her tightness, the fluid between them making the ride easier. Suddenly he stopped, raggedly voicing, Turn over, I want to take you from behind. Spinning Azula around, he slammed into her with equal strength and gusto. Reaching into Azulas fold to stroke her clit, brought her to another earth shattering orgasm. The walls of her womb gripped the steel shaft penetrating her inducing another stream of Zukos essence to pour into her fertile womb. Azula cried out as she felt the hot sticky substance invade her womb, bathing her ovaries in his cream. Zuko and Azula fell asleep under a banner of cascading fire just outside the windowsill. Zuko didnt awake until hours later. The sky had fallen dark and the inky blackness was only disrupted by fading flames from nearby burning buildings. The quiet was disturbing. The sounds of battle had faded long ago. Zuko moved to dress when Azula stirred. What are you doing? Its too quiet, the battle must be over, I want to know who won, Zuko said as he quickly dressed.

Wait Ill go with you. Zuko smirked at his naked sister, Im afraid your clothes are in shreds, but Ill bring you something. With that, Zuko slipped out of the door leaving Azula alone in the dark. Zuko crept along the main hallway; he could hear voices in the great hall. When he peered in there were only four people inside, the light was dim. The Fire Lords flames had burned out long ago. Feeling comfortable at the sight of his friends he stepped into the minimal light. Im glad to see you. I take it youve won. The Avatar, Aang, turned towards the former Prince. Yeah, but a lot of people got hurt. Even if Ozai is no longer a threat, I dont think the people will forgive us for all the damage. Im sure they will forgive you in time. They will see that life without my father is a life better lived. The Watertribe boy, Sokka, spoke next, At least you kept your end of the bargain. Zuko nodded, Azula was taken out of the picture, and she couldnt stop you. Shes dead then? The blind Earthbender Toph voiced. Zuko winced, rubbing the back of his neck, Um not exactly Ive um decided to do something different. Whatever, hot-head, just make sure she doesnt escape and amass some giant army. Not like theres anyone left whod follow her anyway, but just to be safe. So what are you going to do, Zuko? Technically youre the new Fire Lord. Katara, the Waterbender queried. Well, Id like it if you guys would stick around Id like to rebuild. Well do everything we can to show the people that we are trying to build something better. Good Zuko hesitated, What happened to my Father? Aang spoke, Hes not dead, Iroh managed to knock him out. Hes sitting in a fire proof cell right now. Ah, well I have to go. Um if you see Iroh, please tell him Im looking for him. Zuko walked the familiar path to his sisters rooms, he had to find her something to wear. Picking through a chest he found something suitable: a long red dress with long sleeves. He had never seen her wear it, but he was sure that she would look beautiful in it. With a last cursory glance he grabbed her hair brush and made his way back to the guest room he had locked her in. Knocking on the door, Zuko, pushed the heavy door aside. He spotted Azula immediately. She had been curled up in a sheet, staring out from the windowsill. She turned to watch him enter. The citys on fire. She calmly stated, I take it weve lost. No we havent Father and his insanity has. Azula simply nodded and turned back to the blaze. So hes dead then

Not exactly No. Apparently Iroh defeated him, they locked him in one of the cells, I guess theyre saving him for public justice. I dont know. Azula turned back to him, spying the items in his hands. I brought you something to wear. I want to see him. Azula, I dont think thats such a good idea. Azula climbed down from the sill, grabbing the cloth and brush from Zuko. She quickly ran the brush through her hair, not bothering to pin it back. She swept the dress over her head, quickly adjusting it, as ready as she could be. If you intend to keep me here as a prisoner, at least you could let me see my fellow prisoner. I want to see him. NO. He deserves an explanation Zuko. He doesnt deserve anything. Azula took a deep breath. If I never get the chance to see him again, Id like just this one last visit. Zuko, please. Zuko stared into her eyes, she betrayed no malice and he doubted that at this point she had a plan of escape. She would have done it by now; he doubted nakedness would have kept her from it. Zuko sighed, Five minutes and thats it. Azula quickly hugged her brother and made for the door. Hey! Wait! Im coming with you. Zuko grabbed her forearm before she could make it out the door. The two walked in silence down the dark corridor. At the end of the hallway they descended the steps that would take them into the special cells, kept only for firebenders. Other cells which protected against other benders were at the prison. The Fire Nation rarely took their own prisoner, but when they did, they were often dangerous or members of the court, they had to be kept in the Palace. The pair approached the cell quadrant. It was dark, only lit by small torches. Confinement in one of the bender cells was suffocating. A lone figure was sitting on the dirty floor; feet stretched before him, and back to the wall. The once regal topknot was disheveled and his face was smeared with soot. As Zuko and Azulas feet touched the bars, Azula excitedly exclaimed, Father! The worn man looked up, dark circles under his eyes betrayed his age, Azula? The girl in question grasped the bars and in a whisper, Yes! Its me! What are you doing here? Have they captured you too? I suppose in a fashion father, they have. Azula looked to Zuko before returning her gaze to her disgraced father. The old king struggled to stand and he limped to the bars. He took in the image of his youngest, then his gaze wandered to Zuko. You! Boy you have no business here! Get away! Ozai reached through the bars, attempting to strangle the young prince. Father, NO! Azula grabbed his wrist. Zuko is the one that brought me down here. He saved me. Azula cast a glance at Zuko, please, calm down, dont use up your energy. Youve taken his side then! You harlot! Get away! Away with you! Tears sprung in Azulas eyes, Father, you dont understand. Zuko

NO! I see you clearly. The way you came to me was clear. That man has taken you hasnt he? That mark on your next is clear enough! The sick bastard has taken my pride and joy from me. Am I to have nothing left? I always knew there was something wrong with that boy. I should have killed him when his mother left, the wench didnt even say goodbye. Just the lot of them, none of em understands the intricacies of being Fire Lord Ozai was rambling at this point, pacing the small cell and lost in madness. Father, dont Ozai grasped the bars in front of Azula causing her to step back only to be found with Zukos hands firmly encasing on her shoulders. Dont what my pet? Blame him? Of course I blame him! He took you from me, the one loyal subject I had left and he stole you! Thats enough! Zuko turned Azula into him, shielding her from the madness in Ozais eyes. We are leaving Father, may the public have mercy on you because I wont! Zuko forced Azula to walk with him to the stairs that would lead them back to the palace main. A boy like him doesnt know what to do with you Azula! Hell never be good enough! Come BACK! With a clang the iron door that separated the cells from the rest of the prison shut. Zuko quickly guided them back through the halls. He took her, this time, back to his room. When he released her she walked as if in a daze to the window. What are you doing? worry edging into Zukos voice. Ignoring his question, Azula simply sat at the edge of the window; one leg tucked under the other, playing with a lock of her long hair. Azula, hes gone mad, he doesnt know what he saying. I told you that we shouldnt have gone down there. No I can see now that it was necessary. Zuko crossed the floor to her side, staring out the window. He waited for her to elaborate. Its better than holding a false hope, she finished. Two small tears travelled down her cheeks. Zuko reached up to brush away the tears, his palm sliding along the curve of her jaw. He turned her face to look up at him, where he planted a soft, loving kiss on her forehead. Come on, its been a tiring day, why dont we lay down? Zuko grasped Azulas hand in his and pulled her from the window seat. Leading her to his bed, turning down the comforter, she climbed in to soft sheets. Zuko followed her bringing the blankets up to their chests. Azula turned away from Zuko, but he found her and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her flush against him. This elicited an eep from the firebender. When she realized that Zuko would not relinquish his hold, Azula settled into sleep, trying to forget that her brother held her with such familiarity in HIS bed. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zuko stared in awe as the man who had supposedly fathered him was forced to his knees before the block. The public had decided that Ozai had to gotten rid of, and the common royal execution was beheading. It was Zukos responsibility to say when the axe would fall.

His father stared up at him through mad, but hateful eyes. Occasionally they would flit to Azula, who stood right behind him. His father looked straight into his eyes, you are no son of mine. Zukos eyebrow peaked, Oh, really? Then Im so relieved that I can do this in public. With that, Zuko swiftly turned around, grabbing Azulas wrist and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Ozais eyes looked as though they would pop out at any second. Zuko leaned in to his fathers ear, whispering, Shes mine now. When Azula pulled away, she was blushing ferociously, attempting to look anywhere but on the scene in front of her. Tears were prickling in her eyes. Ozai squirmed under the guards hold, eventually forcing his head onto the block. Zuko stepped back from the scene and took Azula into his arms. With a nod, the axe fell onto the disgraced royals neck, severing head from body. And it was over. Zukos stunt, however, did not go unnoticed by those present. And at this very moment Zuko was wishing he could take it back, despite the thrill of victory at finally having something his father didnt. The thankfully few members of the court were in an uproar over the scene on the promenade of the castle.

It was not within her to give up and give herself over. Zuko had to take what he wanted from her since it was not to be willingly given. He was and would be the only man to ever try. And by default, was the only one who was ever successful at winning the Princesss heart.

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