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Winding Up of Companies

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Winding up of company is the process whereby its life is ended and its property administered for the benefit oft its creditors. An administrator, called liquidator, is pays its debts and finally distributes any surplus among the members in accordance with their rights. In other words, winding up or liquidation of a company is a legal process by which the business of a company is closed, i.e., the assets of the company are realized, its creditors are paid off, an the surplus, if any, is distributed among the members in accordance with their rights as provided in the articles of a company. Reasons for the winding: up of a company When a company is wound up, it does not necessary mean that it has become insolvent. Even a solvent company may be wound up, if the members of the company decide to do so. For instance, a solvent company may be wound up for the purpose of reconstruction and amalgamation. Therefore, winding up of a company are:
1. 2. 3. 4.

If the main objects of the company for which it was formed have been accomplished. If the company is unable to carry out its main objects If the company has to dispose of its business or undertaking to another company or concern. If the company has become insolvent (i.e., if the company is unable to pay its creditors in full)

Modes of Types of Winding up: The companies Act provides for three types of winding up. They are: 1. Compulsory winding up or winding up by an order of the court. 2. Voluntary winding up. Voluntary Winding up may be sub -divided into: 1. Member's Voluntary winding up (i.e., winding up on the initiative and under the supervision of members) 2. Creditor's Voluntary winding up (i.e., winding up on the initiative and under the supervision of the creditors of the company). 3. Winding up under the supervision of the court. COMPULSORY WINDING UP OR WINDING UP BY THE COURT Compulsory winding up of a company is brought about by an order of the court. 1. If the company, of its own accord, passes a special resolution that it should be wound up by the court, and presents a petition to the court for the winding up. 2. If the company makes a default in filling the statutory report with the registrar of companies or in holding the statutory meeting within the pre-scribe time 3. If the company does not commence business within one year from the date of its incorporation or suspends its business for a whole year



If the number of members falls below seven in the case of a public company, and below two in the case of a private company. 5. If the company is unable to pay its debts 6. If the court is of the opinion that it is just and equitable that the company be wound up.

PROCEDURE FOR COMPULSORY WINDING UP First Step: Making an application or petition to the court for compulsory winding up. Second Step: Hearing and disposing of the petition Third Step: Appointment of the official liquidator and communication of the winding u order to the liquidator and the registrar of companies Fourth Step: Liquidation proceeding by the official liquidator Fifth Step: Dissolution of the company Contributes Contributes refer to person who are liable to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of winding up Contributories include not only the holders pertly-paid shares, who are liable to contribute the unpaid amount on their shares, but also the holders of fully paid shares who are entitled to a share in the surplus, if any. Duties of the Official Liquidator: The principal duties of the official liquidation are 1. He should conduct the liquidation proceedings. 2. He should take into his custody the books, documents and the assets of the company. 3. He must also submit further report to the court stating matters relating to the formation of the company, fraud or any other matter which should be brought to the notice of the court. 4. He must maintain proper books of accounts relating to the company. He must also maintain the minutes of proceedings of the meetings held. 5. He should keep all the funds of the company in the Public Accounts of India' in the reserve bank of India. (He must not keep the funds of the company in his private account). 6. He should see that a printed copy of the audited accounts or a summary there of is sent to every creditor and contributory. 7. He is required summon meeting soft creditors and contributories as directed by the order of the court of the court of the purpose of constituting a "committee of inspection" 8. He should realize the assets and distribute the proceeds among the creditors of the creditors or contributories, according to their rights. 9. In the administration of the assets of the company, he must carry out the directions of the creditors or contributories or the committee of inspection by resolution. 10. He should submit accounts to the committee of inspection for the purpose of inspection.




He must obey the court's order for disposing of the company's books.

Secretary's Duties in Connection with Compulsory Winding up: The important duties of the secretary in regard to the compulsory winding up of a company are; 1. He must assist the directors in preparing the petition for the compulsory winding up to be submitted to the court, when the company itself is the petitioner for compulsory winding up. 2. He should file with the registrar of companies a certified copy of the winding up order passed by the court within 30 days of the passing of the court order. 3. He must submit to the official liquidator a statement of affairs of the company, containing the particulars regarding the assets and liabilities of the company, the names and addresses of the creditors, etc. with in 21 days of the date of the winding up order. 4. He should furnish any other information regarding the company which the official liquidator requires fro time to time. 5. He should ensure that the words "the company is under liquidation" are mentioned on every letter, document, etc. Issued by the company after the winding up order has been passed. VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Meaning of voluntary winding up Voluntary winding up refers to the winding up of a company either by its members or by its creditors without the interference of the court. In voluntary winding, the share holders and the creditors of a company settle their affairs themselves without going to the court, though they may apply to the court for directors or orders, if and when necessary. Difference between compulsory winding up and voluntary winding up: The main differences between compulsory winding up and voluntary winding up are: 1. Compulsory winding up of a company is brought about by an order of the court, whereas voluntary winding up is brought about either by the members or by the creditors of the company without the intervention of the court. 2. Compulsory winding up is of only one type. But voluntary winding up is of two types, viz., (a) members voluntary winding up and (b) creditors voluntary winding up. 3. In the case of compulsory winding up, the liquidator is appointed by the court. On the other hand, In the case of voluntary winding up, the liquidator is appointed wither by the members or by both the members and the creditors. 4. Voluntary winding up is more convenient than compulsory winding up. Circumstances under which a company is wound up voluntarily: A company is wound up voluntarily in the following circumstances: 1. When the period, fixed of the duration of the company by its articles expires and the company passes an ordinary resolution for winding up voluntarily.



2. When the event, on the occurrence or happening of which the company is to be dissolved as per its articles occurs and the company passes an ordinary resolution for winding up voluntarily 3. When the company passes a special resolution for voluntary winding up at any time Modes or Types of Voluntary Winding up: There are two types of voluntary winding up. They are: 1. Members voluntary winding up 2. Creditors voluntary winding up MEMBERS VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Meaning of members voluntary winding up A members voluntary winding up refers to a voluntary winding up which takes place at the instance an under the control and supervision of the members of the company, and in which a declaration of the solvency of the company has been made by the board and the same has been filed with the registrar of companies. Secretarial Duties / Procedure for members voluntary winding up The following procedure is, generally voluntary followed in the case of member winding up. First Step: Making and filing of a declaration of solvency of the company Second Step: Passing of the resolution at an extraordinary general meeting, publication of the same in the official gazette and local newspapers and filing a copy of the same with the registrar of companies. Third Step: Appointment of liquidator or liquidators Fourth Step: Commencement of liquidation proceedings by the liquidator Fifth Step: Calling of the general meeting of the member's by the liquidator at the end of each year and presentation of his report and statement on winding up Sixth Step: Calling of the final meeting of the members and presentation of detailed final accounts of the winding up proceedings by the liquidator Seventh Step: Filling of the certified copies of final accounts of the winding up of the company with the registrar of companies and also with the official liquidator Eighth Step: Making of a thorough scrutiny of the books of account of the company by the official liquidator Ninth Step: Dissolution of the company



Tenth Step: Calling of the creditors meeting in case of insolvency Creditors Voluntary Winding up: The Voluntary Winding up in which the declaration of the solvency of the company is not made by the directions and so is controlled and supervised by the creditors of the company is known as creditors Voluntary Winding up. In short, the winding up which takes place at the instance and under the control and supervision of the creditors is called Creditors Winding up. Circumstances under which the Creditors Voluntary Winding up takes place: A Creditors Voluntary Winding u takes place when a company is unable to pay its liabilities in full [i.e., when a company is insolvent] and still wants to undergo voluntary winding up. In this case, creditors voluntary winding up is reslated. So as to protect the into of the creditors. Procedure for Creditor's Voluntary Winding up: The following procedure is generally, followed in the case of creditors voluntary winding up. First Step: Convening the meeting of the members and the meeting of the creditors Second Step: Presentation of statement of affairs before the creditors meeting Third Step: Passing of resolution for the voluntary winding up and appointment of liquidators Fourth Step: Filing of the copy of the resolution for voluntary registrar of winding up with. The companies Fifth Step: Appointment of the committee of inspection by the creditors Sixth Step: Fixation of the remuneration of the liquidator Seventh Step: Cessation of the powers of the board of directors and the commencement of the liquidation proceedings by the liquidator Eighth Step: Calling of the meeting of the members and the creditors the liquidator at the end of each year and presentation of his report and statement on winding up. Ninth Step: Calling of the final meeting of the members and the creditors and the presentation of the final accounts of the winding up proceedings by the liquidator Tenth Step: Filing of the certified final account of the winding up with the registrar of companies by the liquidator Eleventh Step: Dissolution of the company



Secretarial Duties in connection with Creditors Voluntary Winding up: 1. He should convince a meeting of the BOD to fix the date of the general meeting of the members and a meeting of the creditors where a resolution is required to be passed for the voluntary winding up of the company. 2. He should prepare and get the approval of the board for the draft resolution for winding up to be placed at the general meeting of the members. 3. He should see that the notice of thebe meeting of the members and the meeting of the creditors are published in the official Gazette and also in local newspapers. 4. He should help the director in preparing the Statement of Affairs of the company and the list of the creditors to be placed before the creditors meeting. 5. He should see that the director is nominated to preside over the creditors meeting 6. He should ensure that the statement of affairs and the list of creditors are placed before the creditors meeting 7. He should see that the resolution necessary for the voluntary winding up is passed at the members meeting as well as at the creditors meeting. 8. He should see that a copy of the resolution passed for winding up in the creditors meeting is filled with the registrar of company. 9. In case a special resolution has been passed for the winding up at the members meeting, the secretary should see that the special resolution is filled with the registrar of company within 30 days of the passing of special resolution. 10. He should ensure that the liquidator is appointed and has remuneration is fixed by the creditors at their meeting. 11. He should see that every letter, invoice, order, etc., issued by the company during the period of winding up contains a statement that the company is under liquidation. 12. He should see that all books, papers and documents as well as movable and immovable property.



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