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TGT Social Studies

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RMSA- Recruitment to Model Schools Category of Post: TGT - Social Studies Syllabus Part I GENERAL KNOWLEDGE AND CURRENT

T AFFAIRS (Marks: 10) Part II PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATION (Marks: 10) 1. Education: Meaning, Aims of Education, Functions of Education, Types of Education; Constitutional Provisions, important articles and their Educational implications for General and disabled population; Universalization of Elementary Education - Schemes and Programmes to achieve UEE like OBB, APPEP, DPEP, SSA, Open schools, Mid-day-Meals; Recommendations of various committees and commissions during pre-independent and post-independent period. 2. Teacher Empowerment: Meaning, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher motivation, professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools. 3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India : Inclusive Education: Conceptual Clarification and Definition, Prevalence, Myths & Facts, Characteristics, Classification & Types, Importance of Early Identification and Assessment, Planning Inclusive Education, Programming and Classroom Management in Inclusive Education, Evaluation, Documentation and Record Maintenance, Psycho-Social management, Awareness & Sensitization Strategies; Environmental Education: Concept, Objectives of Environmental Education, Environment and Natural Resources; Environmental Pollution causes and effects and measures for the protection of environment, Development of Environmental Values through Environmental Education. Literacy: Saakshar Bharat Mission, National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL) School Health Programme, Disaster Management, Population education, Adolescence Education and Life Skills, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, Value Education 4. Acts / Rights: Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and Andhra Pradesh Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules 2010 and Child Rights. 5. National Curriculum Framework, 2005: Perspective, Learning and Knowledge, Curricular Areas, School Stages and Assessment, School and Classroom Environment, Systemic Reforms. Part - III CONTENT (Marks: 44) GEOGRAPHY 1. Introduction to Solar System Origin of Earth Motions of Earth: Latitudes and Longitudes Finding Time. Earths Interior: Origin of Continents and Ocean basins, Wegeners Continental Drift Theory, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Folding and Faulting. 2. Climate : Atmosphere Composition and Structure; Insolation, Solar Radiation, Temperature, Pressure, Belts, Winds, Cyclones, Precipitation

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3. Oceans: Distribution of Water bodies, Hydrological Cycle, Submarine relief, Ocean Currents, Waves, Salinity. 4. Land forms: Types of Mountains, Plateaus, Plains. 5. Biosphere: Type of Eco-system, Ecological Balance, Biodiversity and its Conservation. 6. Indian Geography: Physical Features of India, Geological structure, Physiographic divisions, Rivers, Climate, Soils, Natural Vegetation, Minerals. 7. Agriculture in India: Types of Agriculture, Major Crops, Crop Intensity. 8. A.P. Geography: Physical Features, Divisions, Rivers, Climate, Soils, Minerals, Industries, Forests. 9. Disasters and Hazards: Natural and Manmade, Components of Disaster Management. HISTORY 1. Ancient Indian History 2. Medieval History of India 3. Contemporary World (a) Industrial Revolution (b) Features of Colonial Society in India (c) Forest society and Colonialism (d) Economic Depression (e) Growth of industries in India in 21st Century (f) Pastoralists in the modern world (g) Peasants and Farmers 4. The Revolt of 1857 (a) Indian Freedom Struggle Factors for the rise of Nationalism, English Education Communication, Economic Exploitation, Socio-religious reforms. (b) INC Aims and Objectives. 5. Three phases of Indian Freedom Struggle. (a) Moderates, Extremists - their ideology. (b) Gandhiji His Ideology; Indian National Army. (c) Origin of Communalism, Muslim League, Hindu Maha Sabha their Activities, Resolution for separate Pakistan, Cripps Proposal, Cabinet Mission, Partition and India Independence, India after independence. 6. World Revolutions and changes: (a) French Revolution (b) Russian Revolution (c) Nazism and raise of Hitler (d) Socialism, rise of Nationalism in Europe (e) The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China and Nationalism in India. 7. The Two World Wars and the Establishment of U.N.O. and its organs. 8. The making of a global world, the age of industrialization, print culture and the modern world. CIVICS 1. Democracy and Diversity: Understanding diversity, diversity and discrimination, challenges to democracy, outcomes of democracy, democracy in the contemporary world, what is democracy, why is democracy, democratic rights, equality in Indian democracy on equality. 2. Government: What is Government? Key elements of a Democratic Government, Local government and administration, Rural administration, Urban RMSA TGT Social Studies Page 2

administration, State Governments, Role of the Government in Health, How the State Government works? Economic presence of the Government (Public facilities, Law and Social Justice) 3. Livelihood: Rural livelihood, Urban livelihood 4. The Indian Constitution and Secularism: The Indian Constitution, Understanding Secularism, Constitutional design. 5. Parliament and the making of Laws: Need of the Parliament, understanding Laws. 6. The Judiciary: Judiciary, Criminal Justice system, Social Justice, Marginalization, Confronting Marginalization 7. Gender: Growing up as Boys and Girls, Women change the World, Religion and Caste. 8. Media and Advertising 9. Markets: Markets around us, Working of institutions. 10. Federalism, Power Sharing, Political Parties, Electoral politics 11. Popular struggles and Movements: Rise of Popular Movements ECONOMICS 1. Meaning, definition, nature and scope of Economics, Relationship with other Social Sciences. Economic activities and Non - Economic activities. 2. Poverty Poverty Line, Poverty and inequality. Poverty estimates Policies for Poverty reduction unemployment. 3. Food Security in India Green Revolution, FCI, Support Price, Role of Cooperative Societies in Food Security. 4. Growth and Development: Meaning- Population and Human Resource Development, Purchasing Power Parity, Theory of Demographic Transition. 5. Indian Economy: Sectors of Economy, Classification of Sectors, Main features of Indian Economy, Five Year Plans Objectives. 6. Money and Credit: Functions of money, Functions of RBI, Commercial Banks, SHGS Demand and Supply of Money Money and Capital Market Monetary aggregates in India. Part - IV TEACHING METHODOLOGY (Marks: 16) 1. Social Studies Meaning, Nature and Scope: Defining Social Studies, Main features of Social Studies, Social Studies and Social Sciences differentiated, Scope of Social Studies Types of Subject material and learning experiences included in the study of Social Studies, Need and importance of Social Studies 2. Values, Aims and Objectives of Teaching Social Studies: Values of teaching Social Studies, Aims of teaching Social Studies at Secondary Level, Instructional Objectives of teaching Social Studies, Relationship of instructional objectives with general aims and objectives of Social Studies, Taxonomy of Educational and instructional objectives, Writing objectives in behavioural terms 3. Social Studies Curriculum: Social Studies as a Core subject, Principles of Curriculum Construction in Social Studies, Organization of subject matter different approaches correlated, integrated, topical, concentric, unit and chronological . RMSA TGT Social Studies Page 3

4. Instructional Strategies in Social Studies: Techniques, devices and maxims, Different methods of teaching Social Studies - Story telling, lecture, source, discussion, project, problem, inductive, deductive, observation, assignment socialized recitation, Team teaching, Supervised study 5. Planning for Instruction: Developing teaching skills through Micro-teaching, Year Planning, Unit Planning, Lesson Planning 6. Instructional Material and Resources: Text books, work books, supplementary material syllabus, curriculum guides, hand books, Audio visual, Social Studies laboratory, library, clubs and museum, Utilizing community resources 7. Social Studies Teacher: Qualities of a good Social Studies teacher, Roles and responsibilities 8. Evaluation in Social Studies: Concept and purpose, Types of Evaluation, Evaluation as a continuous and comprehensive process, Different techniques of Evaluation, Preparation for Scholastic Achievement test.

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