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Pastel Accounting Link Manual Version 2011.


Version 2011.01

Pastel Accounting Link Manual

Course Name: Pastel Accounting Link Manual Version: 2011.01

This product is copyrighted to Softline Pastel, Softline Technology Park, 102 Western Services Road, Gallo Manor Ext 6, Johannesburg, 2031

Disclaimer: While Pastel takes care to ensure the accuracy and quality of these materials, we cannot guarantee their accuracy, and all materials are provided without warranty whatsoever, including, but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The name used in the data files for this course is that of fictitious companies. Any resemblance to current or future companies is purely coincidental. This courseware may contain links to sites on the Internet that are owned and operated by third parties (the External Sites). Softline Pastel is not responsible for the availability of, or the content located on or through any External Site. Please contact Softline Pastel if you have any concerns regarding such links or External Sites.

Copyrights: This product is owned by Softline Pastel and is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. All rights reserved. This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system, or otherwise. All of the copyright, trademarks, trade names, patents and other intellectual property rights subsisting in or used in connection with the product including all documentation relating thereto are and remain the property of Softline. This book conveys no rights to the software or other products about which it was written; all use or licensing of such software is held by Softline Pastel and users of this book are required to adhere to licence agreement conditions as specified on the software. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not constitute a commitment on the part of the supplier. Softline Pastel reserves the right to revise this publication and the product, and to make changes to the content thereof, from time to time, without obligation of Softline Pastel to notify any person or organisation of such revision or changes.

Pastel Accounting Link Table of Contents

Minimum System Requirements ........................................................................................... 4 Installation............................................................................................................................. 5 Setup .................................................................................................................................... 9 Mapping .............................................................................................................................. 16 Custom Field Mapping ........................................................................................................ 18 Step 1 Create Custom Fields in ACT!........................................................................ 18 Step 2: Add the Customer Fields ................................................................................. 20 Step 3: Map the Custom Fields..................................................................................... 21 Importing Partner Contacts ................................................................................................. 26 Link existing ACT! contacts with corresponding Partner contacts ........................................ 29 Creating Partner record from Existing ACT! Contact ........................................................... 40 Updating Linked Records .................................................................................................... 45 Updating ALL linked records ........................................................................................ 45 Updating specific / single contact record .................................................................... 48 Pastel Accounting Link Tab ................................................................................................. 51 View Summary of Updated Contacts................................................................................... 54 View Linked Contact Summary ........................................................................................... 55

Minimum System Requirements

In order to install and set up the Pastel Accounting Link between your Partner and ACT! databases you will need to ensure that your current installations meet the minimum system requirements. The following registered software versions are required: ACT! Premium 2009 (V11), 2010 (V12) or 2011 (V13) Partner 2009 (V10) or Partner V11 Pervasive SQL Version 9 and up

The ACT! Accounting module integrates with your Pastel Partner software. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Always perform a backup, on both, your ACT! and Pastel Partner databases before installing and setting up the Pastel Accounting Link.

After downloading the Pastel Accounting link extract the .zip file to a folder on your desktop. Ensure that both your ACT! and Pastel Partner applications are closed. Double click the folder containing the Pastel Accounting link.

Select the setup.exe file.

Click on the Next button.

Select the I Accept the terms... in the license agreement. Click on the Next button.

The Pastel Accounting Link will be installed to the Program Files. You will be able to change this location although this is not advised. Click on the Next button.

Click on the Install button to start the installation process.

The installation will take a few minutes to complete.

Click on the Finish button to complete the installation.

After installation of the Pastel Accounting Link open ACT!. Please note: If you have an existing database, proceed to the Mapping section of this document. From within ACT! click on the New Database button to create your ACT! database.

The following screen displays:

Complete all of the required information and click on the OK button. Your database will now be created.

Please ensure that the Country field on the My Record is populated with South Africa. This will ensure that your telephone number fields default to South African formats.

You are now ready to run the Setup Wizard to connect to your ACT! database. You will now notice an additional menu option at the top of the screen called the Accounting Link.


Click on the Accounting Link menu and select the Setup option.

The Accounting Link Setup Wizard displays:

Click on the Next button.


The following screen displays:

Ensure that the correct version of Pastel Partner is selected and click on the Next button.


Click on the Ellipse (...) button and then browse to your Pastel Partner database. TIP: On the server you will browse to C:\Partner11\<database name>.

Click on the Test Connection button. The following message displays in the event of a successful connection.

Click on the OK button.


The following screen displays:

Click on the Next button.


Click on the Finish button to complete the Setup process. The following message displays in the event of a successful setup.

Click on the OK button.


After creating the connection between ACT! and Pastel Partner it is required to map the fields to ensure that the data from the Pastel Partner database imports into the correct ACT! fields. Click on the Accounting Link menu and select the Mapping Fields option.

The Pastel Accounting Mapping Data Fields window displays:

You can use the default mapping fields or you can create your own mapping fields.


The following table contains a list of fields within the Default Mapping Setup Wizard: ACT! Country Address 1 Address 2 Phone Postcode ID/Status Company Contact Home Country Home Address 1 Home Address 2 Home Address 3 Home Postcode Mobile Phone User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 User 5 Pastel Supplier PostAddress05 PostAddress01 PostAddress02 Telephone PostAddress04 RecordType SupplDesc Contact DelAddress05 DelAddress01 DelAddress02 DelAddress03 DelAddress04 Cellphone UserDefined01 UserDefined02 UserDefined03 UserDefined04 UserDefined05 Pastel Customer PostAddress05 PostAddress01 PostAddress02 Telephone PostAddress04 RecordType CustomerDesc Contact DelAddress05 DelAddress01 DelAddress02 DelAddress03 DelAddress04 Cell UserDefined01 UserDefined02 UserDefined03 UserDefined04 UserDefined05

Click on the Save button when you have completed mapping the fields. Click on the Close button to exit the mapping window.


Custom Field Mapping

Here is an example of how to setup Custom Field mapping Step 1 Create Custom Fields in ACT! In ACT!, go to the Tools menu and select Define Fields option.

The Define Fields window displays:

Click on the Create new field option in the Field Tasks section of the screen.


Enter a Field name and select the Field data type. Click on the Next button to continue.

Select the field behaviour specification and click on the Next button.


Set the field triggers (if required) in this screen and click on the Finish button to create the customer fields. Follow the same process to create more custom fields in your database. Step 2: Add the Customer Fields Use the Design Layout function in ACT! to add the custom fields to your database.


Step 3: Map the Custom Fields To set up custom fields, go to the Accounting Link menu in ACT! and select the Mapping Fields option.

The Pastel Accounting Mapping Data Fields window displays:

Starting from the top, work your way down and map your required fields.



In the following example, the ACT! fields are mapped to Pastel Partner fields: ACT! Contact Company Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 City Postcode ID/Status Phone Fax Phone Mobile Phone E-mail Pastel Account No Postal Address 1 Postal Address 2 Postal Address 3 Postal City Postal Postcode User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 User 5 Pastel Supplier Contact SupplDesc DelAddress01 DelAddress02 DelAddress03 DelAddress04 DelAddress05 RecordType Telephone Fax Cellphone Email SupplCode PostAddress01 PostAddress02 PostAddress03 PostAddress04 PostAddress05 UserDefined01 UserDefined02 UserDefined03 UserDefined04 UserDefined05 Pastel Customer Contact CustomerDesc DelAddress01 DelAddress02 DelAddress03 DelAddress04 DelAddress05 RecordType Telephone Fax Cell Email CustomerCode PostAddress01 PostAddress02 PostAddress03 PostAddress04 PostAddress05 UserDefined01 UserDefined02 UserDefined03 UserDefined04 UserDefined05


Your mapping should display as follows:

Click on the Save button to save your custom mapping fields.

Confirm to save the changes by clicking in the Yes button.


The following message displays, informing you that your data was saved successfully.

Click on the OK button and Close to exit the mapping application.


Importing Partner Contacts

Use the Pastel Accounting Link Import function to add your Pastel Partner Customers and/or Suppliers into your ACT! database. In ACT! go to the Accounting Link menu and select the Import Contacts option.

The Pastel Accounting Import Contacts window displays:


From the Record Type drop-down menu select one of the following options: Option Both Customer Supplier Description This option will import both Customer and Supplier records This option will import only Customer records This option will import only Supplier records

After selecting the type of records that you want to import, ensure that you select the actual records to be imported in the grid by making ticks in the tick boxes displayed on the left hand side of the grid.

After you have made your selection, click on the Import button to start the Import process.


A message displays, informing you that your Pastel Partner records have now been imported into the ACT! database. Click on the OK button to complete the Import process.


Link existing ACT! contacts with corresponding Partner contacts

The link will enable you to link Pastel Partner records to their corresponding ACT! records. For example: Partner record:


Corresponding record in ACT!

To create a new record in ACT!, go to the Accounting Link menu and select the Create / Edit Contact option.


The Pastel Accounting Create / Edit Contact Link window displays:

Here you will have 2 options to pick from: Option Link the current ACT! contact to an existing Pastel Accounting record. Link all ACT! contact records to matching Pastel Accounting record. Description Use this option if you want to link a single record between ACT! and Partner. Use this option if you want to link multiple records between ACT! and Partner. The system will use 3 unique fields to search on and find your corresponding record/s.


Link the current ACT! contact to an existing Pastel Accounting record: Select the Link the current ACT! contact to an existing Pastel Accounting record option and specify whether this is a Customer or Supplier record by using the drop down menu.

Click on the Next button.


Search for the corresponding record.

Click on the Next button.


Select whether you want to allow updates pertaining to this record and click on the Finish button to complete the process.

Your ACT! contact has now been linked with the corresponding Pastel Partner record.


Link All ACT! contact records to matching Pastel Account Records You currently have an ACT! database containing matching Pastel Partner records. These records might have been imported via Excel into the database or you have added them manually. In ACT!, go to the Accounting Link menu and then select the Create / Edit Contact option.

The Pastel Accounting Create / Edit Contact Link window displays:


Select the Link all ACT! contact records to matching Pastel Account records and select whether this is a Customer or Supplier record using the drop down menu.

Click on the Next button.


Select the criteria fields by making tick in the tick boxes. This will instruct the system to check for corresponding records between ACT! and your Pastel Partner database. After your have made your selection click on the Next button.


The Pastel Accounting Link will display corresponding records found in the ACT! and Pastel Partner databases. Click on the Select All button.


Click on the Finish button to start the process.

Your corresponding records have now been linked.


Creating Partner record from Existing ACT! Contact

Use the link to create a new Pastel Partner Customer or Supplier record from an existing ACT! record. Locate the ACT! contact record that you would like to create and view it in Detail view

Go to the Accounting Link menu and select Create / Edit Contact option.


The Pastel Accounting Create/ Edit Contact Link Wizard displays:

Select the Create a new record and establish a link in Pastel Accounting from the current ACT! contact option and select whether the record is a Customer of Supplier using the drop down menu.


Click on the Next button.


Enter the Account Code that you want to create in Pastel Partner and click on the Next button.


Select Yes if you want to allow updates for this record and click on the Finish button to complete the process.

The contact was created as a new record in the Partner database.


Updating Linked Records

After linking your records in both the Pastel Partner and ACT! databases, you will now be able to upgrade mapped fields from ACT! to Partner or Partner to ACT!. This update process can be done on single records or on multiple records. Updating ALL linked records Go to the Accounting Link menu in ACT! and select the Update Linked Contacts option.

The Pastel Accounting Update Linked Contacts window displays:

Click on the Select All button, to select all of the linked contacts. 45

Now select a synchronisation and/or update method.


Click on the OK button to start the update process.

This message informs you that the records have been successfully updated.


Updating specific / single contact record Go to the Accounting Link menu in ACT! and select Update Linked Contacts option.

The Pastel Accounting Update Linked Contacts window displays:

Use the search area to type the contacts name you want to update.


Look for the contact Will Smith:

Select the contact by ticking the tick next to the contact. Also select the synchronisation and/or update method.


Click on the OK button to start the update process.

The selected contact has been successfully updated.


Pastel Accounting Link Tab

After the Pastel Partner records have been imported into the ACT! database, you will be able to view Pastel Partner related data in the Pastel Accounting Link Tab. The tab can be located on the Contact Detail View:

The following information will be displayed on the tab Outstanding Quotes Back Orders Balances Terms


Outstanding Quotes

Back Orders





View Summary of Updated Contacts

Go to the Accounting Link menu in ACT! and select View Summary fo Updated Contacts option.

The Pastel Accounting View Summary of Updated Contacts window display:

If any changes were found, it will be displayed in this list.


View Linked Contact Summary

Go to the Accounting Link menu in ACT! and select View Linked Contact Summary option.

The Pastel Accounting View Linked Contact Summary window displays:

Here you will be able to view of all the linked contact records. Use the search feature to find contacts easily on either an ACT! contact name or a Pastel Partner Description / Company name.


ACT! Contact Field

Partner Description / Company Field


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