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Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123

Reconditioned Equipment Delivery & Special Service 2 Benefits of Micrographics 3 Metric Equivalent Chart 3 All About Micrographics 4 Used Reconditioned Equipment 5 - 77 Reader/Printers - 16mm 5 3M 7540 Plain Paper Reader-Printer 5 Kodak Starmate 500 (Micro Copy 1000) budget plain paper rollfilm/fiche reader-printer 7 Canon PC 80 9 Minolta 605Z Plain Paper Reader-Printer 10 Canon NP 780 11 Cannon NP 680 11 Fuji MS850 Plain Paper Reader-Printer 12 3M 7560/7565 Reader-Printers 13 3M 7564 Page Search Controller 13 Kodak Starvue II Reader-Printer 14 Kodak IMT-250 Microimage Terminal 15 Kodak IMT-350 Microimage Terminal 15 Microcopy 1000 16 Microcopy 2000 16 Optional Rollfilm Attachment 16 3M 500M Motorized Reader-Printer 17 3M 500C Cartridge Reader-Printer 17 Altek 2076 Rollfilm Attachment 18 Kodak Imagelink Digital Workstation 20 Micro Copy 100 Fiche Reader-Printer 21 Reader/Printers - 105mm Fiche/Jacket 22 800 Microfiche Dry Reader-Printer 22 Micro Copy 1000 23 Canon PC Printer 70 24 3M 7530 High Volume Plain Paper Fiche Reader-Printer 27 Used Reader Specifications 28 Turntables 29 Dustcovers 29 Readers Roll Film - 16mm 30 Kodak Trimlite R Reader 30 Kodak Trimlite RC Reader 30 ASTRI 16 30 Aperture Card Reader 31 Realist Vista Aperture Card Reader 31 Readers Roll Film - 3M Cartridge 32 Kodak Trimlite CT Reader 32 Kodak Startech II Reader 32 Cameras 16mm Portable 33 The ALOS Simplex Recorder 16 33 Autoexposure Control For Kodak Portable Microfilmers 33 Kodak RP-1 Rotary Portable Camera 33 Kodak Mini Microfilmer 33 Kodak Recordak Portable Microfilmer Model RP-2 34 Cameras - 16mm Rotary 35 Kodak Recordak Reliant 550 Microfilmer 35 Kodak Imagelink Microimager 70 36 Kodak Reliant 800 Microfilmer 37 Recordak Rotoline Microfilmer, Model RD-3 38 Bell & Howell Inter/COM Recorder 38 3M EF5000 Business Document Camera 39 3M 3500 Small Document Camera 39 3M 6620 Duplex Document Camera 40 Kodak Reliant Intelligent Microfilmer 2000 41 3M 6600 Mixed Document Camera 42 Kodak Microimager 30 43 Kodak Mini Microfilmer 44 Kodak Reliant Intelligent Microfilmer 1000 44 Kodak Starfile RV-3 Microfilmer 45 Cameras - 16mm Planetary 46 3M FS-6 Camera-Processor 46 Minolta Micro Auto 16 47 3M 6500 Planetary Camera 48 Canon Canofilmer 100 50 Kodak MRD-2/30 50 Bell & Howell FileMaster I & II Cameras 51 Bell & Howell FileMaster III Camera 52 Minolta DAR2800 (ALOS ADF42) 53 Cameras - 35mm Planetary 54 Kodak MRD-2 Planetary Camera 54 HK35 Portable 35MM Camera 55 Recordak Micro-File Machine, Model MRG-1 56 Cameras - 105mm Planetary 57 Microsize 5000 Camera 57 Microsize 5050 Continuous Forms Camera 58 CMI 20/20 Camera 59 TDC Document I, II, III and IV 59 Extek 7151 Camera 59 COM Cameras 60 Duplicators/Fiche/Jacket 61 NB 404 Fiche/Jacket Duplicator System 61 OP 10/11 Microfiche Duplicator 61 Canon KF 480 61 3M 261/262 Duplifiche Printer-Developer 62 Duplicators/Roll Film 16mm/35mm 63 Extek 5400/5401 The Intelligent Diazo Duplicators 63 Xidex 16-D 64 Canon 800Z 64 643M 1500 Dry Diazo Duplicator 65 Ozalid/GAF 16/35mm Diazo Duplicators 66 EXTEK 3100 and 3150 Silver Rollfilm Duplicators 67 Duplicators Aperture Card 69 3M 520 Card to Card Duplicator 69 3M 42069 3M 908/918 Card Duplicators 69 Jacket Loaders 70 Automaster II Model 162A 70 NB 1600 Inserter 71 Microseal VM-16 71 Microseal VM-35 71 NB Reader Filler II 72 Card Mounters - 16mm/35mm 73 3M Semi-Automatic Optical Mounter 73 3M Hand Mounter 73 Processors 74 3M 1600 Roll Film Processor 74 Kodak Prostar I Processor 75 Kodak Prostar II Processor 75 Kodak Microfilm Mini Processor 75 CE 421 77 CE 600 77 CE 642 77 Quality/Inspection 78 Rewind With Friction Control (REF) 78 Power Rewind With Heavy Duty Foot Control 78 Editing Table 78 Editing Table Rack Accessory 78 Microfilm Rewinds 79 Cartridge Loader 79 Swift Microscope 2029 79 Loupes 79 Steel Shipping Cases 79 Plastic Shipping Cases 79 Film Handling Gloves 80 3M Cartridge Film Loading Station 80 Film Checks 80 Editor - Loaders 80 Model 1500 & 1600 Editor-Loaders 80 Model 1000 Loader Reel-to-Cartridge Reel-to-Reel 80 Altek Inspection Station 2044 81 3M 222 Reconditioned Densitometer 82 Processing Aids 83 Altek pH Test Kit 83 Methylene Blue Reagents 83 Control Strips 83 New Spectronic 20+ and 20D + Spectrophotometers 83 The NMI-450 Film Cleaning System 84 Model 5001 Ultrasonic Film Splicer 84 Densitometers 85 X-Rite 301 85 Macbeth TD 932 and TD 929 85 Silver Recovery Units 85 Wejex Sensitometers 86 Shredders 87 Model 006 87 Model 004 87 Microfilm/Paper Shredders 88 Microfilm/Microfiche Reader Cleaning Kig 89 Ultrasonic Rack Cleaner Model ALP-L4 89 Altek Resolution Targets 90 Supplies 91 Paper Dry Silver 91 Paper & Toner 92 Toner/Drum Cartridges 92 Cartridges and Reels 93 Splicing Supplies 93 Systems Cleaner - Fuji 143 Tank and Tray Cleaner 93 Processing Leader 93 Accessories 93 Cartridge Labels 93 Labels/Dust Off 94 Dustoff Products 94 Boxes and Cartridges 95 Envelopes/Boxes 96 Microfilm Reels/Trailer Holders 97 Microfiche/Jacket Labels 98 Micrographic Lamps 99 NB/Microseal Jackets 99 Diazo/Vesilular Film 100 Film - Silver 101 Processing Chemistry 102 Processing Aids 102 Aperture Cards 104 Microseal 104 3M Company 104 New Equipment 105 - 132 Readers - Microfiche / New Units 105 The Eye Com 7000 Dual Page Reader 105 The Eye Com Ultra Fiche 5000 105 Stackable Cabinets 105 Readers - Microfiche 106 Eye Com Models 1000, 2000, 3000, 1100 106 Eye Com 1200 107 Roll Film Attachments Fiche Readers & Printers 108 16mm / 35mm Reader Model 4601-11 109 Eye Com 9000 COM Reader/Printer 110 Readers Portable 111 Astri 16 111 Microvision II 111 Portable II 111 Micron 720 111 Plain Paper Reader-Printer 112 ALOS Z40 Reader-Printer 112 ALOS CFF 114 New 16mm Planetary Camera 115 ALOS Planetary Camera 41 115 New Automatic Planetary Camera 117 ADF Planetary Camera 42 117 Microfilm Duplicator ALOS Silver Film Duplicator 81S 119 Densitometer 120 16mm, 35mm, and 105mm Processor 121 VGX Cabinets 123 Scanners, Paper 124 Filing and Storage 125 Cabinets Altek VGX Fiche 120 Altek VGX Rollfilm 120 Russ Bassett Aperture Card 126 Russ Bassett Fiche 124 Russ Bassett Rollfilm 125 Carousel Files 125 Microfiche / Jacket Storage 123, 127 Roll Cartridge Storage 123, 128 Trays 128 Binders 129 Verticle Aperture Card Cabinets 129 Lateral Aperture Card Cabinets 129 Storage Tray Indexing Tools 130 Microfiche / Jacket / Aperture Card Trays 131 Fiche Panel Stands / Binders 132 Thin-Line Microfiche Panels & Folios 133 Panel Accessories 133 Microfilm Microfiche Aperture Card Cabinet 134 Micrographic Work Stations 135 Altek Systems Replacement Parts 136 Order Form 137 Glossary Of Micrographic Terms 138 Fax Order Form 142 Credit Card Authorization Form 143 For Further Information 144

Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


ALTEK SYSTEMS, a division of Allied Technology, Inc., has been dedicated to providing micrographic users top quality reconditioned equipment since 1978. We sell our used and reconditioned equipment by class- from Class I to Class V. This system provides an honest assessment of the equipment, and further guarantees you, our valued customer, full value for each piece of equipment you purchase. At ALTEK SYSTEMS, our Solid Gold commitment applies to YOU!

As-Is non-working parts machines. These machines are incomplete and non-working. They are suitable only for parts or extensive rebuilding. No guarantee of any kind applies.

ON LAMPS AND SUPPLIES: Ship stock supply
items within 24 hours. Call our supply HOTLINE at (800) 627-1123 for immediate response!


Strictly retail machines; equipment is refurbished and will contain only minor discoloration, scratches, etc. to distinguish it from a new unit. It comes with a full 30 day parts and labor warranty.


on equipment which we have in our warehouse is typically ten working days. On In Transit equipment which has not reached our dock, we request you allow us 30 days for shipment.

ON NEW EQUIPMENT: This depends on the manufacturer! Call your ALTEK Representative for a shipping date.

This is very good reconditioned equipment. A cursory glance will reveal it is used equipment that has been repaired. It may have evidence (scratch, discoloration, etc.) from normal use visible. The function of these units will still be equivalent to new equipment. It comes with a 30 day parts guarantee.

WE HAVE CONTRACT REBUILDING SERVICES with customers throughout the United
States. Call our refurbishing department for a prompt quote!

This is average working equipment. Its appearance will reflect a very well used machine with unretouched scratches, abrasions, etc. Outside panels may show wear and breakage. We have made no effort to refurbish these units other than to make certain they cycle. Their performance may be somewhat inferior to new units, i.e., slower, not quite as good an image, etc. They will be working machines and will carry a 30 day parts guarantee.

WE SELL NEW AND USED (guaranteed) REPLACEMENT PARTS with up to 50% savings on OZALID, KODAK, 3M, BELL & HOWELL and many other manufacturer parts. CALL (800) 627-1123 TODAY!


you need a large system for long term or a single camera for a small job, look to us to answer those Where can I find it? questions. Rental purchase plans available a portion of your rental applies to purchase each month.

As-Is machines. These are complete machines that may or may not be working. Suitable for rebuilding, these machines will be sold with no guarantees other than they will be complete.


ALTEK SYSTEMS provides quality products and optical imaging solutions from Hewlett-Packard, WaterMark, Fujitsu, Bell & Howell and many other top quality brands!


Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123

Here is a quick review of the benefits of this very viable business tool:
SAVES SPACEDocuments on microfilm take as little as 2% of the space the original documents on paper require. FAST LOOKUPIt takes only seconds to retrieve documents on microfilm (with blip indexing). These film files can be conveniently stored within arms reach of a seated operator, instead of relying on offsite storage. EFFICIENT AUDITSThe portability of microfilm means you can transport the filmed documents to a convenient location for review, rather than do the audit on site. ITS SECUREDuplicate microfilm files kept offpremises protect against destruction and loss of vital information. Microfilm is becoming a tool of choice in back up archives for many imaging applications. LOWER LOOKUP COSTSMicrofilm eliminates the very high costs of sorting and refiling paper. IMPROVES CUSTOMER SERVICECustomer questions can be answered from a properly indexed microfilm file much quicker than a paper file, without leaving your work area to search for a document. LOW COST DISTRIBUTIONMicrofilm is very inexpensive to duplicate and mail. With around 280 pages on each microfiche and several thousand pages on each roll of film, postage savings alone are significant. SAVINGS ON FILING EQUIPMENTFar fewer filing cabinets are needed to house microfilmed documents microfilm uses approximately 98% less spaceup to several million documents in one cabinet! EASY TO PRINTWith the advent of plain paper reader-printers, the images on microfilm are copied very easily and cheaply at the push of a button.


US 1/4 in. = 1/3 in. = 1/2 in. = 3/4 in. = 7/8 in. = 1 in. = 31/4 = 4 in. = 1 5 /2 in. = 6 in. 73/8 = 81/2 in. = 11 in. = 14 in. = 177/8 in. = 18 in. = 1 ft. = 100 ft. = 110 ft. = Metric Approx 0.6 cm 1 cm 1.3 cm 1.9 cm 2.2 cm 2.5 cm 8.3 cm 10.2 cm 14 cm 15.2 cm 18.8 cm 21.6 cm 27.9 cm 35.6 cm 45.4 cm 45.7 cm 0.3 m 30.5 m 33.5 m US 125 ft. 150 ft. 160 ft. 200 ft. 215 ft. 220 ft. 300 ft. 400 ft. 420 ft. 450 ft. 500 ft. 750 ft. 1000 ft. 1250 ft. 1600 ft. 2000 ft. 2020 ft. 2040 ft. 2500 ft. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Metric Approx 38.1 m 45.7 cm 48.8 m 61 m 65.5 m 67.1 m 91 m 122 m 128 m 137 m 152 m 229 m 305 m 381 m 488 m 610 m 616 m 732 m 762 m


Metric Approx

1 fl. oz. = 30 mL 1 pint = 473 mL 1 quart = 946 mL 1 gallon = 3.8 litre

Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Dedicated to all Information Industry Professionals by: The micrographics story is a story worth telling and two prominent authors, Don Avedon and Rodd Exelbert have done an excellent job with All About Micrographics. This booklet contains 14 quality chapters that An Allied Technology Company cover all key aspects in our business applications, retrieval products, storage, criteria for service bureau selection, and also includes an invaluable glossary of terms.

Please call (800) 627-1123 for your FREE copy!!!

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123

3M 7540 Plain Paper Reader-Printer
Have you considered lease-purchase to
Expand your capacities? Be more competitive? Handle those overflow jobs? We are offering an outstanding deal on leasepurchase of used micrographic equipment that we have in stock. This is a lease-purchase with a guaranteed buy out of only 10%. If you have good credit, dont let a scarcity of capital hold your business back.

Open Roll
Attach the 3M 110 Roll Film Transport to look up both 16mm and 35mm open spool film.

Cartridge/ ANSI Cartridge with the CAT 210 Carrier

One adaptable machine thats right for everyone and every microform.

The 3M 7540 Reader-Printer is so versatile, it belongs just about anywhere microforms are utilized. Thats because it can be configured to handle everything from cartridges to rolls and fiche to aperture cards. Whats more, the 3M 7540 Reader-Printer is easy to use. So its easily the ideal plain paper reader-printer for departments that use multiple formats and would like to rely on one basic machine to accommodate them all.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Print Format: Plain Bond 81/2" x 11". ISO 8.27" x 11.69" (A4). Paper Supply: 250 sheets. Microfilm Format: Positive prints from negative microfilm. Optional positive prints from positive microfilm. Service Diagnostics: Diagnostic codes displayed on LED, alert to machine malfunction. Screen Size: 11.5" x 13" with neutral tint. Interchangeable Fixed Lenses: 14X, 18X, 23X, 30X, 36.7X, 47X. Zoom Lenses: 6.5X to 14X, 12X to 24X, 14X to 32X and 20X to 47X. Image Rotation: 360 degrees prism. Weight: 180 lbs. Dimensions: 38.3"H x 23.2"W x 31.1"D. Print Speed Rate: 9 seconds first copy; 11 copies/minute. Paper Weight: 16 lbs. to 22 lbs. stock. Electrical Requirements: 115 volts 10 60 cycles. 200/220/240 volts 10 50 cycles. Optional Film Handlers: M-915 Fiche Handler 4" x 6" fiche handler M-916 Dual Fiche 4" x 12" fiche handler M-917 Tab Fiche 4" x 8" fiche handler 658 Film Handler: Accepts 16mm and 35mm roll or flat film (a single 4" x 6" fiche jacket or aperture card). Manual advance and rewind. Weight: 111/2 lbs. Dimensions: 6.5"H x 19.7"W x 14.4"D. 110 RFT Roll Film Transport: Accepts 16mm and 35mm open spool. Motorized advance and rewind. Weight: 22 lbs. Dimensions: 6.9"H x 19.7"W x 14.4"D. 210 CAT Cartridge/ANSI Transport: Accepts 16mm 3M Cartridge and 16mm ANSI spools mounted in ANSI carriers and Ektamate carriers. Accepts 16mm film, 2.5 mil to 5.7 mil thickness. Automatic film threading. Motorized advance and rewind. Electronic odometer. Weight: 26.5 lbs. Dimensions: 6.9"H x 19.7"W x 14.4"D. Page Search Kit: 18 page search modes including Simplex, Duo, Duplex, Duo-Duplex, Batch Mode, Single, Double and 3-level Blip Search film either cine or comic mode. Microprocessor-controlled logic. Service diagnostic codes displayed on LED to alert machine malfunction. Base work station must be included. Reads and interprets 3M Film Control Code and Kodak Image Management Code. Optional Attachments: Coin box. VendaCard.

Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Image Masking
An optional feature of the 3M 7540 Reader-Printer is image masking. This feature is especially important when you want to print and distribute a document that contains sensitive information. By moving cursors horizontally and vertically on the viewing screen, you can select the precise image area to be printed. Not only is this feature valuable in protecting confidential information, it is also advantageous if you want to print, for example, just one column from a newspaper page. You end up with a neat, clean copy without any extraneous images. Even with documents that are less than full size, you can eliminate the black border by masking it out. And when a number of documents the same size are being printed, image masking parameters can be set to remain in the same position until you need to reset them for a different size document.

The 3M 7540 Reader-Printer is one machine for many needs.

Because it can be configured to match any microform specification, this reader-printer answers a need for handling multiple formats in any micrographics environment. Because its easy to use, it answers a need for minimum training and maximum productivity in a reader-printer. And because its from 3M, it answers a need for a product from a company that is committed to providing solutions for todays document management systems.

Zoom Lens System

Computer printouts as well as legal-sized documents can be reduced to letter size. Hard-to-read documents can be enlarged for better clarity. All with no operator time lost changing lenses, thanks to the optional zoom lens system. The zoom lens provides true oneto-one blowback and is available in a variety of reduction ratios. Retrieval productivity is greatly increased, with just one easy-to-operate zoom control. In the event that you do not opt for the Zoom Lens System: the 3M 7540 Reader-Printer has a wide selection of interchangeable fixed lenses.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123

Kodak Starmate 500 (Microcopy 1000) Budget Plain Paper Roll Film/Fiche Reader-Printer.
Toner Cartridge System
Unique plain paper, dry printing process is designed to eliminate service costs. The Micro Copy 1000 allows for separate replacement of toner cartridge system and drum as required rather than replacing one cartridge containing everything.

This low volume, plain paper unit features motorized or manual roll film attachment, manual image rotation, and fiche carrier at a very affordable price.

Single Sheet Feeding

In addition to the 100 sheet automatic feed cassette, the Micro Copy 1000 can be fed a single sheet at a time. This enables sheets to be copied on both sides and even allows copying on transparencies or letterhead without removing the cassette.

Extra LongLife Lamp

With an average life of up to 1000 hours, the 250-watt EVC lamp provides bright, uniform illumination over the entire screen.

Motorized Roll Film Attachment

This option permits viewing of 16mm or 35mm open spool roll film. It installs easily without tools. There is also a model for M-type cartridges. Film advances smoothly at any speed up to five feet per second.

V-Block Carrier: Our exclusive metal carrier is easily attached and removed one press of the release trigger and its off, allowing you to switch from microfiche to roll film in seconds. Plus, its easy to clean.

For greater versatility, virtually all formats are compatible COM and source document applications, whether on microfiche, aperture cards or jackets. The exclusive V-Block carrier adapts from microfiche to optional 16mm/35mm roll film, effortlessly. Faster printing is possible with a shorter horizontal paper path delivers first copy in just 8 seconds; 9 copies per minute. And, the unique toner cartridge

system makes the Micro Copy 1000 virtually maintenance free eliminating service calls. Ergonomically designed for more user productivity and comfort the Micro Copy 1000 Plain Paper Reader/ Printer has easy-access, up-front controls. The convenient print control touch panel is designed with an Auto-off feature which shuts the printing system down after 10 idle minutes to conserve energy and

reduce operating cost. Touch the panel, and the unit restarts for continuous printing from 1 to 99 copies. And, of course, it features high-quality Micro Design optics for clean, crisp images. Combined with a technically advanced plain paper, dry print system it produces picture perfect copies from negative or positive film. Finally, a plain paper reader/printer that has everything. Except a high price.

Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Typical Machine Characteristics
Micro Copy 1000 Screen Size Projection System Carrier Type Standard Optional 12" x 12" (305mm x 305mm) Rear, Blue Screen Auto-Open 4" x 6" (105mm x 152mm) Auto-Open 4" x 73/8" (105mm x 187mm) Dual Auto-Open 4" x 6" (105mm x 152mm) Fiche, Jackets, Aperture Cards, and 16mm & 35mm Roll Film with Adaptor Single Lens: 12.5x56x Dual Lens: 18x56x Optional Optional (18x56x Only)

Film Type

Optics Standard Optional Manual Image Rotation Single Lens Dual Lens Automatic Image Rotation Single Lens Dual Lens Image Masking Illumination Paper Supply Print Speed Warm-Up Time Multiple Copies Dimensions Weight Electrical

This Equipment Is Also Available For Rent

Safety Listing Options

Optional Optional (24x56x) Optional 80w/21v DDS 100-Sheet Cassette 81/2" x 11" 9 Prints/Minute 40 Seconds 1 - 99 28"D x 16"W x 25"H (70cm x 39cm x 62cm) 110 lbs. (49 kg) 120v, 60Hz 220v, 50Hz 240v, 50Hz U.L., CSA, FCC Roll Film Carriers Turntable

Ask About Our 50-50 Purchase Program

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123

Canon PC 80
Canon PC Printer 80 Dry Plain Paper Universal Reader/Printer. The PC 80 takes the advantages of PC technology and combines them with the ability to handle 16mm rolls/cartridges and 35mm roll film. The print area control function lets you mask unwanted areas and remove borders to produce high-quality images. The PC Screen 80 is simple to operate. It can be preset for up to 19 prints at six prints per minute. Paper is w/Print Frame supplied and delivered from the front of the printer, reducing operator time and effort. And, all Markings the controls are located on the centralized front panel for added convenience. 13 drop-in lensFilm es provide a wide range of 10x to 85x to reproduce images in optimum size regardless of forTransport mat. This is a popular, proven product. Print Area
Controls Drop-in Lens Fiche Carrier 190R II Control Knob (For roll films) Centralized Control

Operational Features of PC-80

PC-80 operates easily with its simple and unique design. With simple steps: load film, focus image, adjust density, then press print button, it produces sharp, crisp A4/U.S. letter size PPC printout.

Clear A4/Letter-size Screen

Print Tray

Flexible Film Carriers

Four film carriers interchange simply. AC100C for 10.5 seconds/30.5m high-speed film transport of 16mm cartridges with automatic threading. AC100R for 16mm/35mm open reels with semiautomatic threading. FC190RII for fiche/jackets/aperture cards. AFC150 for high-speed automatic retrieval for fiche.

113/4" x 113/4" (300mm x 300mm) screen helps image focusing, image rotation, scanning by fingertip control.

Front Centralized Controls

Centralized control panel has basic print controls and indicators making PC-80 easy to operate by anyone.

High Resolution Lenses

Fourteen drop-in lenses covering 7x - 85x offer optimum image reproduction from various format films, easily exchanged by the user.

Front Paper Supply and Delivery

All paper handling from unit front ensures convenient and efficient operation. Paper cassette holds up to 100 A4/U.S. letter-size sheets.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Floor-type universal reader/printer. Print Process: Canon PC process. Single-component dry toner projection system. Film Format: Both negative and positive images of 16mm or 35mm roll film. Screen: 1113/16" x 1113/16" (300mm x 300mm) rear-projection type with standard print frame markings. Lenses: 10x, 15x, 16x, 17.2x, 19x, 23.5x, 29x, 33x, 35.5x, 41x, 47x, 50x, 85x. Zoom Lenses: 9.5x-16x, 16x-32x, 32x-50x. Prism Lenses: 23.5x, 29x, 33x. Image Rotation: By carrier rotation. Print Size: U.S. letter vertical. Paper Supply: Plain bond 100-sheet (80g/m paper) U.S. letter-size paper cassette. Print Speed: 6 prints/minute. Print Area Control: Vertical or horizontal masking by control knob for print border removal. Electrical Requirements: 120V, 60Hz, 1.2W. 11 Dimensions: 5 /16"H x 207/8"W x 267/8"D (1297mm x 530mm x 683mm). Weight: 158 lb. (72 kg).

Optional Canon Drop-in Lenses: Applications Guideline: (PC 80)

FILM FORM 35mm roll film Aperture card
63 frames 80 frames 208 frames 270 frames 600 frames (approx.) 60 frames 98 frames 325 frames 420 frames

10X(B31) 15X(B32) 16X(B33) 17.2X(B01) 19X(B02) 29X(B04) 33X(B05) 50X(B08) 19X(B02) 23.5X(B03) 41X(B06) 47X(B07)


COM fiche Sourcedocument fiche 16mm roll film

16mm cartridge



Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Minolta 605Z Plain Paper Reader-Printer
This versatile, universal microforms unit will accept fiche, 3M cartridge, or 16mm/35mm open spool film. The prism rotation is standard.

RP605Z Specifications
Type: Copying Method: Developing System: Density Control: Film: Floor-type reader printer. Dry copying on plain paper. Minolta Micro-toning system. Automatic and manual. Microfiche, Jackets, Aperture cards, 16mm & 35mm roll film, Cartridges. 12" x 12" (305mm x 305mm). 9x-16x, 13x-27x, 23x-50x, 75x, 56x, 87x. Prism rotation. Letter size (A4) 81/2" x 11" (210mm x 297mm). 10 copies per minute. 8 seconds. 50 seconds. 1-99 copies (LED countdown indication). Autofeed 250 sheet cassette. 269/10"W x 32"D x 511/5"H. (684mm x 813mm x 1300mm). 154 lbs. (70 kg). Fiche Carrier 5 Roll Film Carrier 9B Roll Film Carrier 15A Roll Film Carrier 15M Mars Controller 4 Bi-mode Kit Auto Masking Unit Foot Switch Lenses Prism

Screen: Magnification: Image Rotation: Copy sizes: Copying Speed: First Copying Speed: Warm-up Time: Multiple Copying: Paper Supply: Dimensions:

Weight: Options:

We Purchase Surplus Equipment

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Canon NP 780
Canon NP Printer 780. Canons state-of-the-art universal reader/printer combines superior performance with a
host of special features. The NP 780 can accept any microform. The unit features automatic border erasing, bi-modal print capability, and pushbutton control of printing formats. With the digital keyboard you can precisely control the image printing area so you can mask out unwanted or confidential information. It also offers the fastest printing speed in the industry, 20 prints per minute. A broad range of 21 Canon drop-in lenses, three zoom lenses, a wide variety of film carriers and a large bright viewing screen allows top efficiency.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Floor-type universal reader/printer. High volume production model. Print Process: Canon NP plain paper process. Single component dry toner projection development system. Film: Prints from both negative and positive images of silver, vesicular, or diazo film. Film Carriers: Optional interchangeable carriers: (1) Autocarrier 380MII with Prism A for 16mm cartridge (M type). 16mm/35mm roll. (2) Autocarrier 380E with Prism A for 16mm cartridge. (3) Motorized Carrier 380R for 16mm/35mm roll. (4) Fiche Carrier 190RII for fiche/jacket/aperture card. (5) ANSI Cartridge. Screen: 121/4" x 175/16" rear-projection type with standard print frames. Magnification Lenses: Optional Canon drop-in lenses. 7x, 7.5x, 9.2x, 10x, 10.5x, 11.5x, 12x, 14.5x, 15x, 16x, 18x, 21x, 24x, 28x, 30x, 35x, 40x, 42x, 46x, 48x, 53x. Zoom Lenses: Optional lenses: 7x-7.5x, 9x-12x, 14.5x-16x. Image Rotation: 360 by optional prism Type A, or 90 by carrier rotation. Print Sizes: Ledger, letter (vertical/horizontal), legal, statement (vertical). Paper Supply: Automatic feed by two snap-in precut 250-sheet cassettes. Letter and ledger cassettes as standard. Print Speed: 20 letter size prints per minute. Warm-up time approximately 90 seconds. Special Print Modes: Automatic print border erasure, selective print area designation, frame separation. Two-sided (front and back) print. Density Control: Automatic or Manual pushbutton adjustment in 85 increments. Consumables: M-Drum Unit 20, M-Toner 20-NO1 (for negative film), MToner 25-PO1 (for positive film). Light Source: 24V, 150W Halogen Lamp. Electrical Requirements: 120V, 60Hz, 1.4kW. Dimensions: 529/16"H x 347/8"W x 269/16"D. Weight: 307 lbs. (140 kg). Operation Environment: 41-90F (5-32.5C) 20-80% R.H.

Canon NP 680
Canon NP Printer 680. A high-speed universal plain paper reader/printer, the NP 680 accepts four interchangeable film carriers for fiche, jacket, aperture card, 16mm/35mm open reel, and self-threading M- and E-type cartridges. An automatic, double deck paper feeder with two snap-in 250-sheet cassettes lets you change paper size with the touch of a button. And the NP 680s newly developed three zoom lenses allow precise and delicate image reproduction without changing lenses. Automatic border erasure improves the NP 680s economy and efficiency by automatically sensing and eliminating unwanted dark print edges to save toner and increase print resolution.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Floor-type universal reader/ printer. High volume, reliable product. Print Process: Canon NP plain paper process, single component dry toner projection development system. Film: Prints from negative images of silver, vesicular, or diazo film. Film Carriers: Optional interchangeable carriers: (1) Autocarrier 380MII with Prism A for 16mm cartridge (M type). 16mm/35mm roll. (2) Autocarrier 380E with Prism A for 16mm cartridge (E type). (3) Motorized Carrier 380R for 16mm/35mm roll. (4) Fiche Carrier 190RII for fiche/jacket/aperture card. Screen: 123/4" x 175/16" rear-projection type with standard print frames.. Magnification Lenses: Optional Canon drop-in lenses. 7x, 7.5x, 9.2x, 10x, 10.5x, 11.5x, 12x, 14.5x, 15x, 16x, 18x, 21x, 24x, 28x, 30x, 35x, 40x, 42x, 46x, 48x, 53x. Image Rotation: 360 by optional Prism Type-A, or 90 by carrier rotation. Print Sizes: Ledger, letter (vertical/horizontal), legal, statement (vertical). Paper Supply: Automatic feed by two snap-in precut 250-sheet cassette. Letter and ledger cassettes as standard. Optional 1,000-sheet paper deck accepting letter size. Print Speed: 15 letter-size prints per minute. Warm-up time approximately 90 seconds. Special Print Mode: Automatic print border erasure; 3 modes are available by push-button selection. Density Control: Automatic or manual push-button adjustment in 85 increments. Consumables: M-Drum Unit 20, M-Toner 20-NO1. Light Source: 24V, 150W Halogen Lamp. Electrical Requirements: 120V, 60Hz, 1.4Kw. Dimensions: 529/16"H x 347/8"W x 269/16"D. Weight: 307 lbs. (140 kg). Operation Environment: 41-95F (5-35C) 20-80% R.H.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Fuji MS 850 Plain Paper Reader-Printer
High-Performance, easy-to-use, compact-desktop, 16mm cartridge, plain paper reader-printer with advanced search and retrieval capabilities.
All operations and controls are accessible from the front panel.
Logical layout places all operating controls and displays up front. Cartridge loading, paper supply and copy output are positioned conveniently to the operator. The search, focus, zoom, mask and copy functions are easily performed.

Fast, accurate image search reads nine different mode patterns.

High-speed searches can be done on film with 1-, 2- or 3-level, duo or 2-channel blip marks. Non-blip-marked film can also be retrieved quickly and easily.
Frame reference mark examples.

Front panel where all operating controls are grouped.

Wide magnification range: 20x-50x powerzoom.

Easy, front-loading 16mm cartridge. Paper supply and copy output are up front.

Power-zoom lens has built-in prism for image rotation capability. Image magnification is simple. Just press the zoom button on the front panel. No need to switch lenses.

Built-in masking feature trims out unneeded portions of the image for good-looking clear copies.
Variable controls permit masking both vertically and horizontally to trim out excess parts of the image (such as the black frame) for superior image copy presentation.

Automatic 16mm cartridge recognition and auto-loading setup.

Discriminates between 3M-M and ANSI cartridges and sets the MS 850 to be compatible with either. No operator adjustment is required. Loading, searching, retrieval and copying can be performed at the touch of a button.

3M-M type ANSI type cartridge cartridge

Fuji Microfilm Reader Printer MS 850

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Desktop 16mm cartridge plain paper reader printer. Cartridges: ANSI (JIS), 3M-M types. Search Speed: Loading time averages 10 seconds. On-line Search: RS23D computer interface built-in.

Reader Functions:
Film Loading: Auto-loading. Focusing: Motorized power control. Image Rotation: 360 degree prism rotation. Image Shift: 16mm-wide shift. Light Source: 20 Volt, 150 Watt halogen lamp.

Print Functions:
Copy Process: Negative-to-positive dry toner electrophotographic PPC process. Exposure Adjustment: Auto/manual. Image Control: Programmable vertical and horizontal masking (with memory backup). Copy Paper: 81/2" x 11" plain paper, (portrait orientation). Paper Supply: Automatic cassette feed. Capacity approximately 250 sheets. Multiple Copying: 1 to 19 continuous copies.

Frame Finding Functions:

Search Mode: Blip-counting retrieval mode, (1) 1-level, (2) 2-level (large/small) (top/bottom), (3) 3-level or (4) duo A, B channels, up to 9 modes programmable. Odometer retrieval mode.

Warm-up: Less than 30 seconds. Copy Speed: First copy in 15 seconds, 8 copies/minute. Operating Environment: Room temperature 60-85F., humidity 30-70%. Dimensions: 24.5"W x 25.2"H x 30"D. Weight: 172 lbs. Power Supply: 115 Volt 60 Hz, 220 Volt 50 Hz. Accessories: Zoom lens with prism, TC-10 Pro Key pad. Options: Fixed lens with prism, on-line computer cable, work table with drawer. Consumables: MS 850 toner, plain paper. Notes: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Consumable supplies, options and accessories are not included in base price.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


3M 7560/7565 Reader-Printers
Typical Machine Characteristics
Desktop 16mm microfilm reader-printer.

Negative 16mm ANSI (3M 7560), 3M cartridges (3M 7565).

12" x 12" (305mm x 305mm).

20.0X, 23.5X, 31.5X, 42.0X, 47.0X

Copy Size:
Letter size (81/2" x 11"). A4 (210mm x 297mm).

Copy Speed:
First copy 13.5 seconds. Multiple 8 copies/minute.

Warm-up Time:
Approx. 30 seconds.

Multiple Copying:
1-19 coipies, LED countdown indication.

Plain paper, automatic feed from150-sheet cassette.

Image Rotation:
360 by motorized auto-prism rotation.

Self-diagnostics, LED indication.

Power Requirements:
Local AC voltage, 50 or 60 Hz.

20" W x 317/32"D x 247/32"H (530mm x 793mm x 615mm).

176.6 lbs. (80 kg).

Frame masking. ANSI reel adaptor (for 3M 7560 only). 3M 7564 Page-Search Controller.

3M 7564 Page Search Controller

Typical Machine Characteristics
Keyboard operated programming unit for automatic retrieval and printing of microfilm on 3M 7560/7565 Reader-Printers.

Computer Interface:
RS-232C (included).

Power Requirements:
Local AC voltage, 50 or 60 Hz.

Retrieval Method:
Blip-counting on A and/or B channels, or odometer. Mode 1: A-channel simplex. Mode 2: B-channel simplex. Mode 3: Odometer. Duo capability.

Power Consumption:
Approx. 15 W.

6"W x 8"D x 27/12"H (155mm x 203mm x 65mm).

Maximum No. of Digits Accepted:

8 digits.

1.8 lbs. (0.8 kg) or less.

6 digits (7 seg LCD).

Please Note: The 3M 7560 is also known as the Minolta 504A and the 7565 is also known as the Minolta 540M.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Kodak Starvue II Reader-Printer


Ask A b R out Our

This high speed 16mm microfilm reader-printer has been developed to produce excellent quality plain-paper prints while maintaining all the other advantages of the Kodak Starvue Reader and Starvue Reader-Printer. Additional features include: Convenient controls for efficient operation. Film loading, image rotation, focusing, scanning, and searching are all controlled from the left, leaving the right hand free. Comfortable viewing. Screen is set at a convenient height and comfortable viewing angle to reduce operator fatigue. Insertion of the reel adapter or magazine automatically turns on power, removal turns it off. Press a button, an 81/2" x 11" plain paper print is delivered face up, directly in front of the operator in less than 12 seconds. Subsequent prints of the same image in 6 seconds. The plain paper printer can be easily loaded with a 250-sheet cassette oriented either 81/2" x 11" or horizontally 11" x 81/2". Positive prints from either positive or negative film. Medium volume unit.

Typical Machine Characteristics

595 lbs. (270 kg), with workstation 650 lbs. (295 kg); with extended workstation 665 lbs. (302 kg).

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48" (127cm) high, 34" (86cm) wide, and 35" (89cm) deep; with a workstation 41" (104cm) wide.

104 to 127 volts ac, 60 Hz. 113 to 127 volts ac, 50 Hz, 12 amperes maximum. UL-listed and CSA approved.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Kodak IMT-250 Microimage Terminal
Programmable to automatically retrieve and print documents.
A 16mm terminal with all the features of the KODAK IMT-150 Microimage Terminal plus additional retrieval and printing features, including image management code recognition and CAR interface printing capability.
Features 100 storage registers, with 13 characters of storage info per register. Provides screen images in one keying operation, with multi-level search capability. Instantly retrieves document images microfilmed in random block/batch format. Searches simultaneously in A and B channels to save time. Automatically prints up to 99 copies each of up to 99 sequential documents. Proven reliability. Excellent data input deviceuse it as a reader!

Typical Machine Characteristics

IMT-150 IMT-50 T-200 IMT-250 147 lbs. 140 lbs. 140 lbs. 140 lbs. 67 kg 63.5 kg 63.5 kg 63.5 kg Size: 20"H x 19"D x 35"W (508mm x 483mm x 889mm) except IMT-100 26"W (660mm). Power: 104 to 127 volts, 60 Hz, 10 amperes (max) 113 to 127 volts, 50 Hz, 10 amperes (max). Weight:

Kodak IMT-350 Microimage Terminal

This powerful high-speed 16mm microfilm retrieval terminal was designed to produce excellent quality plain paper prints while maintaining all the advantages of the Kodak IMT family of products. Additional features are:
Twenty-seven user-accessible search programs. Three userselectable programs, set up at installation, are available for the operator in modes 1, 2, or 3. Send addresses. With a Kodak 250 CAR Interface, the terminal can: a) transmit the current image address to the computer. b) monitor the status of all requests. c) continuously update the index file with new image addresses. [Plus key] When entering data, film can be advanced using the plus key to the next image mark regardless of size. When this feature is not used, the plus key will find the next small image mark. Plain paper printer. A 250-sheet paper cassette can be loaded in either 81/2" x 11" paper or 11" x 81/2" orientation. Full film-width scanning. 360 image rotation. Programmable image-mark sizes. Expanded applications are available with user-defined image marks. Automatic exposure control, provides excellent print quality from a wide range of microfilm image densities. Positive prints from positive or negative film. Proven reliability.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 585 lbs. (265 kg); with workstation 650 lbs. (295 kg). Size: 48" (122cm) high, 34" (86cm) wide, and 35" (89cm) deep; with workstation on 41" (104cm) wide. Power: 104 to 127 volts ac, 60 Hz, 113 to 127 volts ac, 50 Hz, 12 amperes maximum; UL-listed and CSA approved.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Microcopy 1000
A versatile plain paper reader/printer, accepts most microfilm formats aperture cards, microfiche and jackets. Add a roll film attachment, now you can read and print from both 16mm and 35mm roll film. V Block carrier design makes changing carriers and attachments simple and easy. Front mounted operator controls permit complete copy control with self diagnostics and machine status. Screen Size:
12"W x 12"H.

Dual lens. Image rotation. Manual or Automatic. Bimode Negative/Positive. Electronic Image Masking.

Print Process:
Plain paper, dual component dry toner development system.

Print Size:
81/2" x 11" (A4) Plain paper 100-sheet capacity.

Manual Roll Film Attachment. Motorized Roll Film Attachment.

Print Speed:
9 Prints a minute.

Magnification Lens:

Microcopy 2000
This dedicated roll film reader/printer features automatic loading of both M type and ANSI cartridges. A push of a button allows the operator to select the appropriate film advance or rewind speed. Once located, the image is printed on plain paper within seconds. Designed for medium volume applications the MICROCOPY 2000 makes plain paper printing affordable. Screen Size:
12"W x 12"H.

Magnification Lens:

Print Process:
Plain paper, dual component dry toner development system.

Image rotation. Manual or Automatic. Bimode Negative/Positive. Electronic Image Masking.

Print Size:
81/2" x 11" (A4) Plain paper 100-sheet capacity.

Print Speed:
9 Prints a minute.

Optional Roll Film Attachment

ur out O b Ask A


Available for 16mm and 35mm.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


3M 500M Motorized Reader-Printer
The 500M is designed to provide the utmost of convenience when changing drop-in lenses and also features an easy-to-use light source adjustment for best illumination over a range of lens magnifications from 6.59X to 35X. Motorized film drive provides variable speeds from 10 inches to 400 feet per minute. Convenient 360 turret rotation and film traverse provide easy reading of all film formats. It produces dry silver prints in seconds.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 181/2" wide, 313/4" high, 233/4" deep. Weight: Approximately 140 lbs. Screen Size: 16" wide by 12" high. Electrical Requirements: 100/130 VAC 50/60 Hz, 10 amps.

3M 500C Cartridge Reader-Printer

The 500C Cartridge Reader-Printer delivers low-cost, completely dry prints from cartridge microfilm at the push of a button. Wide latitude of dry silver paper produces excellent copies from even poor quality film. Information is retrieved quickly and precisely with motorized film drive and variable speed control. Full 360 turret rotation and film traverse permit upright reading of all microfilm image formats. A variety of easy-to-change lenses is available to handle different microfilm reductions.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 201/4" wide, 311/2" high, 251/2" deep. Weight: Approximately 136 lbs. Screen Size: 12" by 16". Electrical Requirements: 100 VAC, 60 Hz, 10 amp.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Altek 2076 Roll Film Attachment

Now, a Roll Film attachment which will keep an Industry Standard Rolling.

The ALTEK 2076 is a perfect addition to the very reliable Industry Standard Canon PC-70 Plain Paper Reader/Printer. The 2076 Carrier is interchangeable with the normal PC 70 Fiche Carrier it makes using both Fiche and Roll Film a snap. The simple film threading path allows the occasional user ease of operation. With the addition of the 2076 to your Canon PC 70, you may now use 16mm, 35mm, as well as 3M Cartridge Film Formats.

A Perfect Addition.
Altek Systems 2076 Roll Film Carrier Patent Pending. PC70 is a trademark of Canon Corporation

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Altek 2076 Roll Film Attachment


Typical Machine Characteristics
Formats Accepted: 16mm Roll Film. 35mm Roll Film. 3M Cartridge. Film Loading: Manual. Scanning Speed: Hand Crank Winding. Film Scanning: Manual, Vertical and Horizontal Rotation, Carriage-90. Retrieval: Manual. Dimensions: 13/4 "W x 183/8" D x 45/8" H. Weight: 7 lbs. (Boxed). Accessories: *Easy Load 16mm/35mm Take up Spool.
(Included with each order)

Call Toll Free

* Microfiche Attachment.

(800) 627-1123
Altek Systems 2076 Roll Film Carrier Patent Pending. PC70 is a trademark of Canon Corporation

* Prism Lens, 360 Rotation.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

The Kodak Imagelink Digital Workstation
The Kodak Imagelink Digital Workstation is a retrieval device for users who wish to view and print, fax, or transmit images electronically from microfilm files. As an electronic reader-scanner, the unit transforms photographic microfilm images to electronic images. This process provides a new perspective to image delivery capabilities. Images can now be routed to printers, fax devices, as well as to magnetic or optical disks. Documents can even be routed to users via an image capable network. Software controls film transport, image location, scanning, and rotation. The image capture subsystem controls electronic scanning digitizing and image processing. The units output subsystem manages further processing to printers, fax devices or other media. The Kodak Imagelink Digital Workstation provides traditional CAR interfacing capabilities that maximize image retrieval and distribution of information.

Additional features include:

User friendly interface Complete service diagnostics Automatic image skew correction Automatic exposure control Choice of fixed or zoom lenses Cropping Print annotation Multiple print modes Automatic channel selection Ability to opaque sensitive information

Please call to discuss individual unit features.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 520 lbs. (218 kg). Size: 50" (127cm) high, 40" (101.6cm) wide, 49" (124.5cm) deep. Power: 100 volts AC, 50/60 Hz: 115 volts AC, 60 Hz: 220/240 volts AC, 50 Hz: 12 amperes at 120 volts AC, 60 Hz. Operating Temperature: 59-86F (15-30C). Operating Humidity: 15-76% RH. BTU/Hour: 3400.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Microcopy 100 Fiche Reader-Printer
The Microcopy 100 is a low-cost, high-quality reader/printer thats ideal for businesses with lower volume needs. Compact and lightweight, the unit fits into any office environmenteven on your desktop. Feature-Rich
The Microcopy 100s versatility will surprise and please you. Designed for fiche applications, this COM model delivers clean, crisp prints at the touch of a button. The 100 has the smallest footprint of any plain-paper reader/printer in its class, plus its loaded with big-time features: Optional dual lens system, letting you switch lenses with the flip of a lever. Multiple carriers for the flexibility to meet any application need. Up-front, easy-to-use controls. Best of all, the 100 uses plain bond paper the same kind your copier uses.

A Lot For A Little

Whether youre looking to retire your old reader/printer, or want to add a new one, the Microcopy 100 delivers excellent service at a price that cant be beat. Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, there is no equal.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Screen Size: 111/4" x 83/4" (299mm x 222mm). Projection System: Rear, Blue Screen. Carrier Type: Standard: Auto-Open 4" x 6" (105mm x 152mm). Optional: Auto-Open 4" x 73/8" (105mm x 187mm). Dual Auto-Open 4" x 6" (105mm x 152mm). Film Type: Fiche and Jackets. Optics: Standard Single Lens: 20x 56x. Optional Dual Lens: 20x 56x. Print System: Uni-Mode Negative. Illumination: 80w/21v DDS. Paper Supply: 50-Sheet Stack Feed, 81/2" x 11". Print Speed: 6 Prints/Minute. Warm-Up Time: 40 seconds. Multiple Copies: 1-9. Dimensions: 271/2"D x 15"W x 18"H (70cm x 38cm x 46cm). Weight: 58 lbs. (26 kg). Electrical: 120v, 60 Hz; 220v, 50 Hz; 240v, 50 Hz. Safety Listing: U.L. Warranty: 90 Days (Except, Lamps & Glass). Options: Dual Lens. Scribe Line.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


800 Microfiche Dry Reader-Printer
This is a MICROFICHE READER for occasional prints!
A low cost, very low volume dry silver unit for reading and that occasional print. Uses only paper, no toners, liquids or powders. Delivers variable length, dry-silver prints. For operator
convenience, a front-delivered, tabletop dry copy is available in 10 seconds. Print length may be either 81/2" or 11", accommodating source or COM film economically. Exposure control compensates for wide variation in film density. A 152-meter (500-foot) roll produces up to 700 prints.

Convenient controls and ideal indexing. All controls are at

operators fingertips. Up-front convenience makes the task easy whether viewing or printing. Standby switch keeps system ready to print on demand. COM and source document index grids for popular reductions make finding information quick and easy.

Bright Images from source or COM film. 14" x 13.5"

non-glare, hooded screen presents big, sharp images from both types of film. Source document image is over 100% of original size; COM film image is 88% of original. Dual lens holder accommodates any pair of lenses. Long-life, quartz halogen lamp.

Precision fiche handler. Easily and smoothly moved in any direction. Accepts fiche and jackets between selfopening glass flats for single 105mm x 148mm or 85.7mm x 187.3mm. Self-opening right side and manual-opening left side glass flats for dual 105mm x 148mm.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Microfiche Handler:
Horizontal on precision slides; glass flat supports floating lenses. width (216mm or 279mm); 76meter (250-foot) roll, 81/2" or 11" width (216mm or 279mm).

Weight: 105 lbs. (48 kg) without


Electrical Requirements:
Domestic: 105-125 volts, 60 Hz AC, 10 amp. International: 90-250 volts, 50/60 Hz AC, 10 amp.

Microforms Accepted:
Single or dual 4" x 6" (105mm x 148mm), or 33/8" x 73/8" (85.7mm x 187.3mm) Microfiche.

Print Size: 81/2"W x 11"L

(216mm x 279mm), 81/2"W x 81/2"L (216mm x 216mm), 11"W x 11"L (279mm x 279mm), 11"W x 81/2"L (279mm x 216mm).

Indexing: COM and Source

Document Index Grids for 24X, 42X and 48X Reduction Microfiche.

Screen Size: 14" x 13.5"

(356mm x 343mm).

Stand: Optional. Coin Attachment: Available

as an optional accessory at an additional cost. Typical Characteristics noted herein are subject to change without prior written notice.

Print Process: 3M Dry Silver. Print Time: 10 seconds; 7 seconds for successive prints.

Available Lenses: For 18X,

24X, 32X, 36X, 42X, 48X, 72X and 92X Reduction Film; dual lenses optional.

Print Paper Format: 152meter (500-foot) roll, 8 /2" or 11"


Dimensions: 20"W x 261/2"D x

26"H (508mm x 673mm x 660mm).

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Microcopy 1000

Have you considered Microfiche?

A fast, economical, efficient alternative to paper publishing
Micropublishing is the publishing and distribution of information on microfilm. Data is photographically recorded on the microfilm and then duplicated in quantity for low-cost dissemination to users. Although any form of microfilm can be used, such as roll film, jackets, or aperture cards, the most common micropublishing format is microfiche. Up to 470 pages of information can be compacted onto a single 4 x 6 inch black-and-white fiche, or up to 60 pages on color fiche. Use them successfully for maintenance manuals, price change notices, catalogs, and other periodicals. Indexing makes retrieval fast and easy.

Reduces printing costs printing with light on

microfiche can cut printing production costs by as much as 90%.

A versatile plain paper reader/printer, accepts most microfilm formats aperture cards, microfiche and jackets. Add a roll film attachment, now you can read and print from both 16mm and 35mm roll film. V Block carrier design makes changing carriers and attachments simple and easy. Front mounted operator controls permit complete copy control with self diagnostics and machine status.

Speeds turnaround time microfiche is easier, faster to produce and mail, and can be created and distributed in days not weeks or months, as with paper. Its inexpensive cost makes frequent updates more feasible.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Screen Size:
12"W x 12"H.

Lowers mailing cost six microfiche, with the

equivalent of up to 1728 page-size images, weigh less than one ounce. A micropublished catalog can be mailed anywhere in the world for only a few cents. Solves paper problems problems of high paper costs and supply availability are eliminated. Reduced paper consumption offers substantial savings. Eliminates overruns no need to stockpile extra paper copies. Additional fiche copies can be produced quickly, economically, and on short notice. Speeds data lookup data on fiche can be indexed and stored within arms reach, allowing retrieval of desired information in seconds. Eases handling lightweight, durable, easy-touse fiche eliminate dog-eared, cumbersome paper catalogs of varying sizes. Eases updating microfiche permits interfiling hundreds of pages in secondsjust discard the old fiche and insert the new.

Print Process:
Plain paper, dual component dry toner development system.

Print Size:
81/2" x 11" (A4) Plain paper 100-sheet capacity.

Print Speed:
9 Prints a minute.

Magnification Lens:

Dual lens. Image rotation. Manual or Automatic. Bimode Negative/Positive. Electronic Image Masking.

Manual Roll Film Attachment. Motorized Roll Film Attachment.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Canon PC Printer 70
Canon PC Printer 70, a desktop PPC reader-printer, is primarily designed for decentralized use with standard COM and source document fiche currently available. High-Quality Performance PC-P70 is based upon the optical and electronic technology of the worlds first personal copier, Canon PC-20. Adopting its PC cartridge system, PC-P70 produces highquality copies on A4 or U.S. letter size plain paper at the rate of 6 prints per minute. The prints are immediately available for use. You can write or draw on them with pen or pencil to make use of them most effectively. Economical At the heart of PC-P70 is a unique operator-replaceable cartridge, containing the print drum and toner. With its capability of printing approximately 3,000 copies on inexpensive plain paper from ordinary density film, total running cost is reduced to the minimum. In addition, because PCP70 is manufactured on a new fully automated assembly line, it is offered at a very moderate price when compared with usual non-PPC reader-printers in its class. Minimum Maintenance by PC Cartridge System Since the cartridge is a sealed unit, the machines sensitive components are fully protected, virtually eliminating needs for service. When the toner is fully consumed, just simply replace the entire cartridge. In seconds, PC-P70 is ready to print again. PC-P70 is easy to maintain no drum to clean no risk of toner stains on hands, clothes or equipment.

Canon PC Printer 70 with Fiche Carrier 150

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Canon PC Printer 70
Convenient Features PC cartridge system offers more benefits. There are two types of cartridge, one each for negative film and positive film. This choice of cartridges makes it possible to produce positive prints from either type of film image Simple Control Newly-designed slide-in floating lens system has nine standard lenses ranging from 17.2X to 50X to cover any reduction frame on film. A twin-lens turret holder allows simple and quick magnification changes at any time. Two types of fiche carrier, FC150 for standard, and FC190 for super/tab fiche are available to make image frame location smooth. Roll carrier 70 is also provided for 16mm cartridged film and 16mm roll film. Easy Operation With easy-to-use PC-P70, making prints is extremely simple. First, put the fiche in the carrier, focus the image on the 300mm x 300mm screen, then press the print button. Warm-up time is only 30 seconds after switching power on. The multiple print function will produce up to 19 continuous prints with LED countdown indication. Paper loading in the cassette and manual slide lever control for appropriate print density, are all easily done. The image on screen can be rotated to 90 degrees by turning a carrier, to set the image in the right position for printing.
Control Panel Canon MP Cartridges

Toner Supply

Indicator Window

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Desktop type reader-printer. Print Process: CANON PC process, Single-component dry toner projection system. Film: Both negative and positive images of silver, vesicular or diazo film. Film Carriers: FC 150 for standard fiche/jacket (108mm x 154mm max.). (optional) FC 190 for Super/Tab fiche (108mm x 190mm max.). Roll Carrier 70 for 16mm cartridge/16mm open reel. Screen: 113/4" x 113/4" (300mm x 300mm) rear-projection type w/standard print frame markings. Magnification Lens: Optional Canon slide-in lenses with focusing; Lens A0117.2X for COM 24X Lens A0219X for COM 27X/document-fiche 20X Lens A0323.5X for document-fiche 24X Lens A0429X for COM 42X Lens A0533X for COM 48X Lens A0641X for document-fiche 42X Lens A0747X for document-fiche 48X Lens A0850X for COM 72X Lens A0935.5X for COM 48X Magnification Change: Selection lever of twin-lens turret holder. Image Rotation: 90 by carrier rotation. Focusing: Constant focus by floating lens system. Print Size: A4 or U.S. letter horizontal. Paper Supply: Automatic feed by 100-sheet cassette system, A4 cassette or U.S. letter cassette as standard accessory

Print Tray Turret Lever Light Source Drawer

Roll Carrier 70

FC 190

FC 150


Print Speed: 6 prints/minute. Warm-Up Time: Approximately 30 seconds. Multiprint: 1-19 prints with LED count-down indication. Density Control: Manual slide lever control. Consumables: MP Cartridge 10-N01 (black toner for negative film), P01 (black toner for positive film). Light Source: 24V 150W halogen lamp. Warning Indication: Self-diagnosis with LED indication. Electrical Requirements: 120V 60 Hz, 220V 50 Hz, 240V 50 Hz; 1.20 kW Dimensions: 257/8"H x 313/4"W x 221/4"D (655mm x 803mm x 562mm). Weight: 139 lb. (63 kg). Operational Environment: 50 91F (10 32.5C), 10-80% R.H.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Canon PC Printer 70
Canon PC Printer 70 Microfiche Dry Plain Paper Reader/Printer. A desktop plain paper reader/printer designed for use with standard COM and source document microfiche. Based on the cartridge technology of Canons personal copiers, PC-70 is easy to use and virtually maintenance-free. Inside the cartridge is the toner, drum and developer unit for clean, crisp and inexpensive plain paper copies. Simply change cartridges for either positive or negative film. As for versatility, PC-70 offers up to ten interchangeable lenses, each fitting in a unique slide-in free-floating lens system for sharp magnifications from 17.2x to 50x as accessories. LED countdown indication for nineteen continuous prints is another feature.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Desktop type reader-printer. Printer Process: CANON PC process. Single-component dry toner projection system. Film Format: Both negative and positive images of fiche, jacket, or 16mm roll film. Screen: 113/4" x 113/4" (300 x 300mm) rear-projection type with standard print frame markings. Magnification Lens: Optional Canon drop-in lenses. 17.2x, 19x, 24x, 29x, 33x, 36x, 41x, 47x, 50x selection by lever on twin lens turret holder. Image Rotation: Up to 360. Print Size: U.S. letter horizontal. Paper Supply: Plain bond. 100 sheet (80g/m paper) cassette. Print Speed: 6 prints/minute. Multiprint: 1-19 prints with LED countdown indication. Density Control: Manual slide lever control. Consumables: MP Cartridge 10-NO1 (black toner for negative film )10-PO1 (black toner for positive film). Light Source: 24V 150W halogen lamp. Electrical Requirements: 120V, 60Hz. Dimensions: 221/4"H x 313/4"W x 257/8"D (655 x 803 x 562mm). Weight: 139 lbs. (63 kg). Operational Environment: 50-91F (10-32.5C). 10-80% R.H.

This unit is a true market leader-very reliable and economical. Please ask about the ALTEK 2076 roll film attachment for this machine. Now you can use 16mm/35mm roll film or cartridge as well as fiche on the PC 70!

Key Features Of The Canon PC 70

Quick Reproduction of High-Contrast Prints
High-contrast printouts are available in seconds with one touch of the PC-P70s Print Button. A manual slide lever lets you select desired print contrast. Whats more, you can pre-set the PC-P70 to receive up to 19 multiple prints of an image.

Convenient Bimodality For Special Applications The PC-P70 offers a convenient bimodal selection particularly beneficial for micro-publishing requirements. Just exchange the type of MP Cartridge and the unit is ready to make normal prints from either negative or positive images.

Interchangeable Accessories Enhance Versatility A simple interchange of film carriers and

slide-in lenses lets the PC-P70 accept any image size on standard/super/tab fiches, microjackets, aperture cards, 16mm roll films and cartridges. Prism-mounted lenses also provide effortless screen image rotation for upright reading of full-size printing needs.

Economical, Maintenance-Free Operation

With the PC-P70, no guesswork is needed to keep the unit in top operating order. The PC-P70 indicates when its time to replace the MP cartridge. And with a fresh cartridge in place, the unit is again ready to deliver top-quality prints. Thats virtually all the maintenance required.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



3M 7530 High Volume Plain Paper Fiche Reader-Printer
This is a perfect addition for the economy minded consumer who demands top quality prints in a very dependable model. You may also include a 658 manual roll film handler which will also accept fiche.

With the 3M 915 Fiche Handler, you can view 4" x 6" or 105mm x 148mm fiche.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Print Format: Plain bond 81/2" x 11". ISO 8.27" x 11.69" (A4). Paper Supply: 250 sheets. Microfilm Format: Positive prints from negative microfilm. Optional positive prints from positive microfilm. Optional Film Handlers: M-915 Fiche Handler 4" x 6" fiche handler M-916 Dual Fiche 4" x 12" fiche handler M-917 Tab Fiche 4" x 8" fiche handler 658 Film Handler: Accepts 16mm and 35mm roll or flat film (a single 4" x 6" fiche, jacket or aperture card). Manual advance and rewind. Weight: 111/2 lbs. Dimensions: 6.5"H x 20"W x 14.25"D. Service Diagnostics: Diagnostic codes displayed on LED, alert to machine malfunction. Screen Size: 11.5" x 13" with neutral tint. Interchangeable Fixed Lenses: 14X, 18X, 23X, 30X, 36.7X, 47X. Zoom Lenses: 6.5X to 14X, 12X to 24X, 14X to 32X and 20X to 47X. Image Rotation: 360 degrees prism. Weight: 180 lbs. Dimensions: 38.3"H x 23.2"W x 31.1"D. Print Speed Rate: 15 seconds first copy; 8 copies/minute. Paper Weight: 16 lbs. to 22 lbs. stock. Power: 115 volts 10 60 cycles. 200/220/240 volts 10 50 cycles.

Dual Fiche
By attaching the 3M 916 Dual Fiche Handler, you can accommodate two 4" x 6" sheets sideby-side.

Tab Fiche
With the addition of the 3M 917 Tab Fiche Handler, you can handle 4" x 8" jumbo sheets or aperture cards.

Roll and Flat Film

By adding the 3M 658 Film Handler, the 3M 7530 Reader-Printer can manually handle 16mm and 35mm roll film or flat film (single 4" x 6" fiche and jackets) without changing handlers or making major adjustments.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Basic Reader Specifications
Micro 44 Micro 55 905 915 925 935 955 965 975 985 995 Comette 4015 4025 4055

Dimensions (Overall) Depth Width Height

14" 129/16" 143/4" 143/4" 171/4" 143/4" 18" 18" 143/4" 181/2" 171/2" 14" 191/2" 231/2" 221/2" 41/2" 71/8" 121/4" 93/4" 121/4" 121/4" 12" 14" 121/4" 22" 153/4" 121/2" 131/4" 161/4" 213/4" 141/2" 211/4" 14" 3" 31/2" 11" 20" 201/4" 211/4" 21" 21" 171/4" 171/2" 201/4" 16" 173/4" 201/8" 221/4" 28" 251/2" 4"

22 oz. 2.5 lb. 20 lb. 21 lb. 23 lb. 25 lb. 27 lb. 28 lb. 24 lb. 32 lb. 28 lb. 14 lb. 25 lb. 27 lb. 38 lb. 52 lb. 55 lb. 13 lb.

Lens Options
12, 14, 22x 10x - 29x 15, 18, 22, 24 29, 32, 36, 42x 15x - 50x 18x - 66x 18x - 50x 18x - 66x 24x - 58x 22x - 52x 24x - 58x 22x - 72x 32x - 36x 18x - 66x 22x - 72x 29x - 80x 14x 12.5x 24 x 48

Screen Size
4" x 4" 51/2" x 51/2" 11" x 21/2" 81/2" x 11" 11" x 11"

Source or Com


Lamp Type

Micro Design Readers

/4 Com

Rear Rear Rear Rear Front Front Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear Front

XR-100 22" Aperture Card 22" Portable 14"

Full Source Full Source 3 /4 Com 11" x 11" Full Source 3 /4 Com 11" x 11" Full Source 3 /4 Com 14" x 11" Full Source 3 /4 Com 1 3 11" x 8 /2" /4 Source 3 /4 Com 17" x 13" Full Source Full Com 14" x 11" Full Source Full Com 3 11" x 81/2" /4 Com 1 3 11" x 8 /2" /4 Source 3 /4 Com 14" x 11" Full Source Full Com 20" x 13" Full Source Full Com 131/2" x 161/2" X-ray 191/4" x 14" Aperture Card 11" x 11" Full Source 3 14" x 11" /4 Com 11" x 21/2" 11" x 81/2" 11" x 11" 11" x 11" 11" x 11" 14" x 11" 14" x 11" 20" x 13" 11" x 81/2" 14" x 11" 20" x 13" 20" x 13" /4 Com /4 Com 3 /4 Com Full Source Com Source Full Com Source Full Com Full Source
3 3

Micron Readers
740 750 760 770 775 780 785 790 XL-10 XL-20 Aperture Card 795 797 173/4" 173/4" 173/4" 173/4" 173/4" 191/2" 171/4" 21" 155/8" 161/2" 21" 21" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 141/2" 153/8" 22" 131/2" 161/2" 22" 22" 11" 177/16" 215/8" 197/8" 201/4" 191/4" 215/8" 221/2" 151/4" 181/2" 211/2" 221/2" 18 lb. 21 lb. 22.5 lb. 22.5 lb. 22.5 lb. 24 lb. 24.5 lb. 35 lb. 10 lb. 13 lb. 40 lb. 40 lb. 15x - 54x 18x - 65x 24x - 54x 18x - 65x 18x - 65x 21x - 72x 21x - 72x 24x - 54x 18x - 54x 24x - 72x 10x - 18x 24x - 54x 10x - 18x 24x - 72x 24x - 72x 24x - 72x 24x - 48x 13x Rear Rear Rear Rear Front Rear Front Rear DDS DDS DDS DDS DDS DDS DDS DDS DDS DDS DDS DDS

Aperture Card Rear Source Rear Aperture Card Full Size /8 Size 3 /4 Size 120% N/A

NCR Readers
4601-01 4601-02 4603-04 456-800 456-113 19.5" 19.5" 15" 20.3" 1.6" 15.7" 14.0" 11.3" 21.3" 2.0" 20.9" 20.9" 15.6" 23.4" 6.2" 15 lb. 15 lb. 15 lb. 52 lb. 6.4 oz. 11.1" x 14.2" 11.1" x 12.3" 8" x 10" 13.3" x 19.8" N/A Rear Rear Rear Rear Hand Viewer EPZ/FJX EPZ/FJX ERW/FHX FCS None

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Basic Reader Specifications
456-120 475 414 Valiant LP Valiant Portable Valiant 14 Valiant 18 Swinger Vantage III Vantage IV Vantage X-III Vantage COM IV Agent Viking Vista

Dimensions (Overall) Depth Width Height

1.2" 15" 183/4" 13.4" 13.4" 15.75" 17.12" 7" 9" 9" 9" 9" 18" 9" 141/2" 2.0" 111/2" 163/8" 12.75" 12.17" 15.75" 19.75" 15" 13" 13" 13" 13" 13.25" 51/2" 193/4" 6.2" 153/8" 191/4" 16" 16" 20.5" 22.5" 21" 17" 14" 163/4" 163/4" 16.5" 21/2" 24"

6.4 oz. 15 lb. 16 lb. 6 lb. 6.3 lb. 8.5 lb. N/A 6.58 lb. 11.8 lb. 11.8 lb. 13 lb. 13 lb. 4.5 lb. N/A 22.7 lb.

Lens Options
20x 24x - 72x 24x - 48x 16x - 53x 16x - 53x 21x - 72x 24x - 48x 17x or 22x 8x - 89x 8x - 75x 20x - 42x 9x - 142x 14x - 37x 24x, 42x, 48x 24x - 48x 11.5x - 48x

Screen Size
N/A 11" x 81/2" 14" x 11" 9" x 11" 11" x 9" 11" x 14" 18" x 11" 12" x 12" 9" x 12" 12" x 9" 11" x 14" 14" x 11" 10.5" x 10.5" 41/2" x 71/2" 13" x 19"

Source or Com


Lamp Type

NCR Readers continued

N/A Hand Viewer 3 /4 Com Rear Full Com & Rear Source 3 /4 Com Front 3 /4 Com & Front Source Full Com Front Full Source Full Source Front Roll Film Rear 16mm - 35mm 3 /4 Source Rear 3 /4 Com Rear Full Source Rear Full Com Rear Source, Com Rear Source Rear Cards Rear Aperture

The ALTEK Reader turntable allows 360 degree rotation, ideal for multiple work station operations. Fits most table top microfiche readers. Call for details
Stock No. 1655

Dustcovers are available for all types of readers and reader printers. Great for readers used in what might be called less than ideal conditions.

Call For Details.

Wide variety of used aperture card and microfiche viewers in stock please use this information to determine your needs and call 800-627-1123 for more information.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Kodak Trimlite R Reader
A power-driven, large-screen reader for variable-speed scanning of 16mm roll microfilm. Accepts thick- or thin-base films in reels or, with adapter, in magazines or cartridges. Fast or slow scan with constant focus plus a built-in odometer to serve as an aid to fast, efficient image retrieval. The large screen has overall brightness without hot spots, and images are sharp from edge to edge. A high-low brightness switch control adjusts image clarity for optimum viewing. Computer printout pages are comfortably viewed at 3/4 size. Screen images rotate up to 360 degrees for proper orientation. The Trimlite Roll Reader easily converts to a reliable reader-printer as neededand in just minutes. Sharp positive images are produced at the flick of a switchand without warm-up period. Hard copy, 81/2" x 11" prints are bright and sharp.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 20 lbs. (9 kg). Size: 20.5"H x 15"W, 20"D (521mm x 318mm x 508mm). Screen Size: 11.8" x 12.6" (300mm x 320mm). Power: 104-127V, 50/60Hz.

Kodak Trimlite RC Reader

A compact, large-screen reader that accepts 16mm film in roll form only. Film is manually advanced or rewound. Retrieval is simplified by reference to a built-in odometer. The reader has sustained focus, image rotation, centering control, and big, brilliant-image capabilities. Trimlite Printer capability can be added at any time or included initially. Installation takes only a few minutes. The unit is very compact and occupies minimal space on a desk or table, yet delivers sharp, 81/2" x 11" prints, without warm-up period.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 20 lbs. (9 kg). Size: 20.5"H x 15"W x 20"D (521mm x 381mm x 508mm). Screen Size: 11.8" x 12.6" (300mm x 320mm). Power: 104-127V, 50/60Hz.

A portable hand crank roll film viewer with optional rechargeable battery power
Lightweight easy to use rugged truly portable inexpensive16mm hand crank viewer. Very simple to operate, thread, focus and scan. Designed to meet the most severe operating requirements. Virtually no maintenance necessary. Typical applications: peak load, back-up, low volume or infrequent users, start-up situations, low budget operations, remote or inaccessible locations, presentationsand where portability or battery power is important. Views 3M and Kodak type cartridges and reels.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Magnification: 24X. Image Rotation: Unit may be turned ons ide. Film Gate: V type-non-scratch. Dimensions: 17"H x 13"W x 15"D (43cm x 33cm x 38cm). Specifications: 115 V-AC, 50 thru 400 Hz, 0.3 amps. Screen Size: 12"H x 10"W (30cm x 25cm). Portable: Handle on top-detachable.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Realist Vista Aperture Card Reader
The Realist Vista features a brilliant image on an extra large 13" x 19" screen. The super wide screen allows clear and easy viewing for one person or several at once. Even closely spaced data is easy to read, in any ambient light condition. Large screen permits overblow at many magnifications and double page viewing of DOD, COSATI, NMA-format microforms. Non-glare screen is easy on your eyes with your choice of blue or grey. (Blue screen is standard.) Can be ordered with or without convenient line-finder horizontal locator. Built-in screen visor shields ambient light for easier viewing.

Magnification Selection
Choose the magnification you need to custom fit your exact microform system requirements. Single lens, dual lens and tri-lens combinations are available in magnifications ranging from 11.5X to 48X. The Realist precision ground and coated optical systems used in the Vista guarantee high resolution images for the finest detail reading.

Fiche Carrier
Carriers are available in 4" x 6" or 4" x 8" sizes to handle microfiche, micro-jackets and aperture cards. Glass flats hold film securely and adjust to accommodate various thicknesses of microforms. Designed to open automatically for rapid, one-handed loading of fiche. Carriers glide easily in any direction for instant image location and projection.

Constant Focus Control

The Realist Floating Lens is featured on all Vista readers. Lens floats on upper glassimage always stays in focus. Speeds retrieval time by eliminating focusing with each image change. Control knob for initial focusing is conveniently located for use with either hand. ning guide, to conform to your own format. Unique index panel, when closed, serves as a built-in dust protector to reduce maintenance and increase film life.

Sturdy Construction
All-metal constructionsolidly engineered to last a lifetime. Designed for easy access for occasional maintenance. Attractive two-toned styling blends in with any work environment.

All controls are conveniently located for operation with either hand. High intensity brightness controla standard feature on the Vista viewer. Index grid holder, on fold-down front panel, can be used with any image locator system or aperture and scan-

The entire Vista electrical system has been designed and thoroughly tested for complete operator safety.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Input: Any thickness microfiche, micro-jackets or aperture cards. Carrier: 4" x 6" (105mm x 152mm). 4" x 8" (105mm x 203mm). Screen Size: 13"H x 19"W (330mm x 482mm). Magnification: Single Lens Model: 24X, 27X, 30X, 34X, 42X, 48X. Dual Lens Model: 11.5X-24X, 11.5X-42X, 11.5X-48X, 24X-42X, 24X-48X. Tri-Lens Model: 11.5X-24X-42X, 11.5X-24X-48X. Lamp: 220W/24V EKX Quartz Halogen Cycle. Power: 110/120V or 220/240V 50/60 Hz AC. Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. and CSA listed. Dimensions: (Desk space) 193/4"W x 141/2"D (501mm x 368mm). 24"H (609mm). Weight: 50 lbs. (22.7 kg) approximately.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Kodak Trimlite CT Reader
An inexpensive, high quality, motorized reader for 16mm roll film in 3M cartridges. Continuously variable speed and smooth slow motion with constant focus. Standard 360 degree image rotating prism. Suitable for all eight easily interchangeable lenses. Crisp uniform images are projected with an advanced lighting system onto a large 12" x 13" screen. The easy operation and small base make it a true desk top reader. Manual version also available.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Motorized Film Drive: 0-10 feet per minute. Image Rotation: 360 degree. Lenses: 18X, 21X, 24X, 31.5X, 37X. Screen Size: 13" x 12". Size: 13"W x 19"D x 20"H.

Kodak Startech II Reader

The Kodak Startech II Reader is a compact, automatic threading microfilm reader for use with a variety of 16mm microfilm formats. Its two level brightness control and 12.5" x 11.9" non-glare screen reduce operator fatigue and improve productivity. Motorized dual lens capability standard. This feature provides convenience in viewing films with mixed reduction ratios and allows enlargement of selected image segments for better definition. Manual motorized film speed control enhances image location. When look-ups are complete, push button refile allows operators to prepare for the next search set-up. Full width film scanning and 360 degree image rotation aid in referencing filmed documents. The Kodak Startech II Reader also offers: Multiple cartridge types Kodak Ektamate Ansi Cartridge M-type cartridge End of film sensing Programmable LED Odometer Film status indicator

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 51 lbs. (23 kg). Size: 17.7"H x 21.3"W x 21.3"D (45cm x 54cm x 54cm). Power: 115 volts AC, 60 Hz, 13 amperes. Operating Temperature: 86 - 59F (30 - 15C). Operating Humidity: 15% - 76% RH. BTU/Hour: 780.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



The ALOS Simplex Recorder 16
A high performance, low cost, compact, portable 16mm microfilm rotary recorder for every type and color of document. User oriented, simple microfilming, for true office use in any size company. Outstanding features: exceptionally high resolution of over 100 Lp/mm, filming of up to 2500 documents per hour, all commercial microfilms can be used, interchangeable film units, films of documents 12"/300mm wide are sharp right to the edges.

Typical Machine Characteristics

General: Reduction: Size Limits: Space saving table-top. 22X. To 12" wide. Length 2" minimum. Unit: Lens Resolution: Document Color Control: Portable. Over 100 lines/mm. Adjustable. Film: Document Capacity: Film Units: 16mm Microfilm-AHU type. Up to 2500-81/2" x 11" sheets per hour. Interchangeable. Several Class II Units Available: Please Call!

Autoexposure Control For Kodak Portable Microfilmers

The ALTEK AEC 2802 is specifically designed for the micrographics litigation market and works on the Kodak line of portable microfilmers. The AEC 2802 automatically adjusts for colored documents and line voltage variations. This eliminates most problems associated with on site microfilming and the copy flow process.

Kodak RP-1 Rotary Portable Camera

This compact 16mm microfilmer films up to 2500 letter sized or 6000 check sized documents per 100 foot roll. The RP-1 gives you built-in safeguards and simple controls for easy, virtually mistake-free operation. Film unit (20x) included. Excellent portable camera.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 61/2"H x 151/2"W x 121/2"D. Weight: 191/2 lbs. Power: 120 volt, 50/60 Hz. Accessories: Extra film unit (20x), continuous forms accessory, carrying case.

Kodak Mini Microfilmer

Portable, 16mm rotary microfilmer no wider than a standard office typewriter that microfilms documents up to 12" wide by any length quickly, easily, and economically, offering these features: Films 60 letters or 125 checks per minute. Three level image marking capability is standard making document recall and sort-faster and easier. The accessory foot switch adds speed and convenience to image marking Eight-digit document counter helps you to track even the biggest jobs. High resolution and improved exposure control for multi-colored documents. 25:1 (nominal) reduction ratio. Resolution 100:1 Lp/mm, minimum.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 30 lbs. (13.57 kg). Size: 6.5"H x 15.5"W x 12.5"D (16.5cm x 39.4cm x 31.8cm). Power: 100, 110, 120 V ac/50 or 60 Hz. 220, 240 V ac/50 or 60 Hz.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Kodak Recordak Portable Microfilmer Model RP-2
16mm microfilmer combines compactness with portability. Weighs a mere 23 pounds. Removable film unit accepts one or two 100-foot rolls of 16mm microfilm. Fits into a handy accessory carrying case.

It offers you these features:

Accommodates documents 12" (305mm) wide and of any length. Documents are fed into the microfilmer faceup and are returned facedown in their original sequence. Up to sixty letters or approximately 125 checks can be microfilmed in a minute. Simultaneous exposure of two rolls of film one for immediate use, the other for auditing or security purposes. Easily transported between departments for separate microfilming of different types of records. One microfilmer can be used with different film units to keep records separate and for security restrictions. A document counter to record the number of documents microfilmed. Exposure control to adjust the illumination for differences in document quality, color, or line voltage variations.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Color: Light tan and covert beige. Reduction Ratio: 20:1. Document Size: Up to 12" (305mm) wide by any length. Film Capacity: One or two rolls of 16mm microfilm. Handles standard 100' (30.5m) lengths of film such as: Kodak Fine Grain Microfilm 1456 (Estar Base), 7456. Dimensions: 61/2"H x 151/2"W x 121/2"D (165mm x 394mm x 318mm). Weight: 23 lbs. (10.4 kg). Power: 120 volts 10%, 50/60 Hz, ac only, 2.0 ampere. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Listed, CSA approved. Controls and Signals: On-Off control. Spacing button. An audible alarm sounds when film supply is near empty or if film unit is not properly positioned. Film in-motion indicator. Film footage indicator. The Microfilmer automatically stops if there is an exposure lamp failure. Accessories: Recordak Continuous Forms Accessory, Model FMT facilitates microfilming fanfold trace recordings produced from fetal monitoring machines. It is easily attached and handles documents 6" wide up to 5' (152mm by 15.2m) in length. Lightweight Carrying Case stores the microfilmer, film unit, extra film, and spare lamps.


Ask A bout Our R

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Kodak Recordak Reliant 550 Microfilmer
Reliability films and stacks business documents and checks at high speeds. An attractive microfilmer thats designed to maximize work flow. Take-away cassettes mean several departments can utilize one unit yet maintain security and consistency in their filming operations. Two built-in reduction ratios: 24:1 and 40:1.

Model 550
Automated 16mm microfilmer. Internal optics permit 40:1 reduction ratios on duplex or duo formats and 24:1 on standard format. Interchangeable cassette for either regular or thin films can be preloaded by operator.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Color: Two-tone tan with gold trim. Reduction Ratio: 24:1 and 40:1 (built-in). Document Size: 113/4" by any length. Films: Estar thin base (2.5 mils) 215-ft Recordak Datapak AHU microfilm 3460 or Recordak Datapak fine grain film 3456. Estar base (5 mils) 100-ft. Recordak AHU microfilm 1460 or Recordak fine grain film 1456. Acetate base (5 mils) 100-ft. Recordak AHU microfilm 7460 or Recordak fine grain film 7456. Speed: More than 600 check-size documents/minute. Illumination: Front and rear fluorescent lamps with voltage stabilization and automatic exposure control. Dimensions: 131/4" (337mm) H, 271/2" (699mm) W, 33" (838mm) D. Weight: 175 lbs. (79.4 kg). Power: 104-127 V, 60 Hz or 113-127 V, 50 Hz or 198-254 V, 50 Hz (with wiring change). Maximum current 7 amps. Controls and Indicators: On/Off switch; automatic exposure selector; film advance button; odometer; document counter; 6 filming mode indicators; 3 visual and audible alarms; film supply and motion indicator; and automatic feeder adjustment and gap release. Operating Environment: Ordinary business office. Room temperature from 59 - 86F (15 - 30C) where relative humidity is between 15% and 76%. Accessories: Recordak Reliant 550 cassette Model D for thin films (2.5 mils on 215-ft. rolls). Model S for regular films (5 mils on 100-ft. rolls). Recordak Reliant 550T endorser: Printing unit to back-endorse or face-stamp checks or imprint documents just after they are microfilmed. Additional dates on die drum can be changed by operator. (Reliant ink roller, die drum, and die set are accessories.) Recordak Reliant 550 feed shelf: Provides an extended surface for feeder when manually feeding documents. Includes receiving hopper extension.

Image Quality
Image quality is built into the Reliant 550 microfilmer. This microfilmer embodies technological advances and excellent optics to maintain the highest image quality for optimum viewing, duplication, or hardcopy prints. Built-in automatic exposure control (AEC) sets the correct exposure for each document, even at high microfilming speeds and exposure latitude can be fine-tuned to particular document types. There are three modes to obtain optimum exposure density from documents of varying colors and tones.

Quality images in three formats.

Fluorescent illumination provides longer lasting, uniform exposure source. Advanced circuitry helps compensate for voltage fluctuations. Two glass guides help position each document during exposure. And reliable Recordak films contribute to excellent image quality when good contrast, density, and sharpness are required.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Kodak Imagelink Microimager 70

The Imagelink 70 is a proven, popular, and modular camera which can be configured to your special needs. Call us for details (800) 627-1123.
The Imagelink Microimagers allow you to mix and match options and accessories to configure the document capture device thats exactly right for you. The Kodak Imagelink Microimager 70 comes equipped with image marking and opens the door to a wide range of options.

Imaging: One- or two-roll capability. Simplex, duplex, and duo filming. Automatic exposure control. No bleed-through imaging. 24:1, 40:1, 50:1 reduction ratios. Minimum of 160 lines per millimeter resolution at 50:1 reduction. Transport: Jam detection. 12" throat width. Choice of 3 feeders handfeed, semi-automatic, and check. Choice of 2 exit hoppers standard receiving and optional check stacker. Application Setup: 7 predefined application modes. 2 programmable application modes. Intelligent film cassette stores image address, mode, and job number. Facilitates mixing and matching accessories for specific applications. Operator Interface: 37-key keyboard. 80-character display. Plain-language messages; programmable in five languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian. 8 predefined function keys. 2 programmable function keys. Optional footswitch can substitute for manual key stroking. Accessories: Footswitch. Side console. Semi-automatic feeder. Check feeder.

Check stacker. Endorser. Document Printer 1 and 12 ink-jet paper printers. Patch reader. Bar code reader. Film writer. Image management code. Advanced function module.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: Mainframe: 48"H x 29W x 51"D (122cm x 74cm x 130cm). Weight w/acc: 450 lbs. (204 kg). Space: 40" (102cm) Front, 32" (81cm) Right side, 20" (51cm) Left side, 3" (7.6cm) Rear, 36" (91.4cm) Above. Powerl: 100 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 15 amps, single phase. 120 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 15 amps, single phase. 220 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 10 amps, single phase. 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 10 amps, single phase. Environment: Temperature 59 - 86F (15-30C). Relative humidity 15-76%. Heat dissipation 5000 Btu/hour (max.). Document Dimensions: 2.5" x 12"W (6.4cm x 30.5cm), 2.5" (6.4cm) x virtually any length documents longer than 17" (43.2cm) will require special handling at the exit hopper. Feeder Capacity: Check feeder: 1200 checks in hopper.

Semi-automatic feeder: 1/2" stack autofeed, 11/2" stack manual feed. Paper Transport: 36"/second speed. 12" throat. Maximum document thickness: .040". Optics: 24:1 reduction, minimum resolution 125 lines per millimeter. 40:1 reduction, minimum resolution 140 lines per millimeter. 50:1 reduction, minimum resolution 160 lines per millimeter. Rotating turret mount maintains precalibrated focus. Microprocessor-managed automatic exposure control. Photographic Field: 24:1 - Simplex 12.0" (30.5cm). 40:1 - Duplex 10.2" (25.9cm). - Duo 8.9" (22.6cm). 50:1 - Duplex 12.0" (30.5cm). - Duo 10.7" (27.3cm) Kodak Imagelink Smart Cassette Capacity: 215' 2.5 mil film. 100' 5.0 mil film. Kodak Imagelink Smart Cassette Features: Graphic display of film remaining. Foolproof duo mode. Easy threading. Interactive with Microimager. Safety Listings: UL listed (UL-478). CSA certified (CSA 22.2 #220) TV GS mark (IEC-950).

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Kodak Reliant 800 Microfilmer
Reliable, high-production 16mm rotary microfilmer. Microfilms up to 700 check-size documents per minute. Built-in automatic exposure control and odometer indexer. Accepts a wide variety of accessories when required for imprinting, endorsing, batch counting, or indexing. Interchangeable film units provide reduction ratios of 24X, 40X, and 50X. Simplex, duplex, and duo microfilming capability. Automated indexing provides a three-level blip capability. Microprocessor logic that directs sequence of multiple functions.

The Kodak Reliant 800 Microfilmer photographs documents of nearly any size, from checks to computer printouts, quickly. Filming is so reliable, the productivity of even your fastest workers can increase. Its a powerful piece of equipment designed to give high performance now and as your information - handling needs change.

It offers these advantages:

Adaptable to almost every business need from proof and transit,
bookkeeping, lock box, mortgage and loan transactions for banking; ordering, billing, auditing, shipping and receiving for industry; to a variety of applications for government.

Designed to produce consistent quality images adjusts illumination for

documents with variable, similar, or fixed background density to give you clear, easy-toread images consistently.

Expands capabilities to meet your needs modular construction

lets you add a wide range of accessories for specialized applications.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Color: Sandstone beige, burnt sienna, charcoal brown. Reduction Ratios: 24:1, 40:1 or 50:1. Document Size: Width (across feeder): Minimum 5" (12.7cm). Maximum 113/4" (29.9cm). Length (into microfilmer): Minimum 2.3" (5.9cm). Maximum 28" (71.2cm). Film Capacity: Two 100' (30.5m) rolls of 5.2-mil film or two 215' (65.5m) rolls of 2.7-mil film. Illumination: Front and rear lamp banks with voltage-stabilization circuits. Dimensions: 15.9"H x 25.6"W x 32." D (40.4cm x 65cm x 81.3cm). Weight: 175 lbs. (79.4 kg), 228 lbs. (103.4 kg) with film unit, feeder, and imprinter. Microfilmer Controls and Indicators: On/off switch. Film-spacing button. Automatic exposure control. Film-supply indicator. Film-motion indicators. Document counter. Odometer. Mask selector. Jog switches. Annunciator panel displays operating mode, accessories in use, and microfilmer dysfunctions. Accessory Controls and Indicators: Feeder-adjustment knob, image mark size, next imprinted number. Power: 104 to 127 Vac, 60 Hz, 12 amps max or 113 to 127 Vac, 50 Hz, 12 amps max. 198 to 254 Vac, 50 Hz, 6 amps max. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. listed, CSA approved. Kodak Reliant 800 Workstation Base Kodak Reliant 800 Workstation Shelf Recordak Reliant 700 Conveyor Extension Recordak Reliant 700 Feed Shelf Recordak Reliant 700 Feeder Extension Shelf Recordak Reliant 750AC Feeder Recordak Reliant 700 Feeder, Model B Kodak Reliant Film Unit 24 Kodak Reliant Film Unit 24D Kodak Reliant Film Unit 40 Kodak Reliant Film Unit 40D Kodak Reliant Film Unit 50 Kodak Reliant Film Unit 50D Kodak Reliant 800 Intelligent Controller Kodak Reliant 800 Patch Sensor Assembly Kodak Reliant 800 Single Level Controller Recordak Reliant 750 Image Marker Recordak Reliant 700 Stacker Recordak Reliant 700 SI-IM Footswitch Recordak Reliant 700T Endorser Recordak Reliant Endorser Die Drum (for T Endorser)

Kodak Reliant 800 Imprinter Kodak Reliant 800 Imprinter Keyboard/Display Kodak Reliant 800 Receiving Hopper


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Recordak Rotoline Microfilmer, Model RD-3
A high-speed 16mm microfilmer designed specifically to microfilm continuous computer printout forms, offering these features:
High-speed microfilming of 167 linear feet of paper per minute. Interchangeable film units of 24:1 or 32:1 reduction ratios. Adjustable exposure control. Adaptable for microfilming single-sheet documents. Gravity restacking of fanfold material guards against paper jamming.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 310 lbs. (141 kg). Size: 61"H x 29"W x 35"D (155cm x 73.7cm x 88.9cm). Power: 120 volts ac ( 10%), 50/60 Hz, 6 amperes.

Bell & Howell Inter/COM Recorder

Inter/COM Recorder
The high-speed Inter/COM recorder is a low cost, reliable microfilm system designed to capture large volumes of continuous fan-fold documents. Filmed at the rate of 5000 lines per minute, the documents are automatically restacked and immediately available for bursting and decollating. Up to 2600 computer pages will fit on a 100' roll of film. The Inter/COM recorder offers outstanding film quality with applicational flexibility and reduces the storage and distribution costs usually associated with computer printouts.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



3M EF5000 Business Document Camera
Dollar for dollar, 3Ms EF5000 Business Document Camera is the most cost effective rotary camera for business documents on the market today. It has many standard features that are high priced options on other rotary cameras. By providing multiple blip sizes in a variety of modes, the EF5000 gives you the flexibility to make your micrographic recording procedures compatible with the batch process techniques of your computer input. 3Ms EF5000 gives you economical blipped filming, proven dependability, capability and value.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 29"W x 12"H x 271/2"D. Weight: Approximately 188 lbs. Power: 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 5 amp. Light Source: Fluorescent lamps. Cartridge Capacity: 4000 legal size documents per 100' roll of 16mm film. Reduction Ratio: 32X Blipping Feature: Standard tri-level. Option: Workstation base.

3M 3500 Small Document Camera

The 3500 is a compact rotary duplex camera that can capture small documents on 16mm microfilm. The simple to operate camera can film originals ranging from 3" to 9" wide documents in sequence onto 16mm microfilm. The 3500, includes a feeder and stacker tray, which makes it particularly useful for any institutions that have a need to film and control small documents. Additional options include date stamp and sequential numbering.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 18"W x 14"H x 241/2"D. Weight: 811/2 lbs. Film: 16mm microfilm (100 ft.). Maximum Feeding Width: 9" (229mm). Power: 115 volts 10%, 4 amps. 60 Hz, 450 watts. Light Source: 16 lamps, 12 volts - adjustable illumination for different film densities.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Kodak Desktop Microfilmers Models I and II
The Kodak Desktop I and II Microfilmers are compact, easy to use industryproven devices. Their continuing popularity in the marketplace speaks for itself. They produce a quality 16mm images on microfilm rolls 100 or 215 feet in length. They are ideal for low to medium volume filming applications. Another major benefit is the Desktops size. It is compact, and perfect for the small space available in most offices. Interchangeable cassettes allow several different users to microfilm on the same machine. The unit capable of filming documents varying in thickness from onion skin to card stock. A built-in automatic feeder yields capture rates of 500 per minute (3x5 card size) or up to 125 letter sized documents per minute (81/2x11). Both sides of the document are filmed in one pass through the machine. On the Desktop II, an optional image mark feature will put a three level blip under each document for future automatic retrieval needs.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Reduction Ratio: 40:1 Speed: Up to 500 check-sized documents/minute. Automatic Feeder: .0015" minimum thickness (tissue) to .015 thickness (index card) maximum capacity 250 check sized documents (average thickness). Document Size: Width 2.25" to 8.75" (5.7 to 22.2 cm). Length 2.5" to 11.7" (6.4 to 29.7 cm). Film Cassettes: One roll of 16mm microfilm. Handles Kodak AHU Imagecapture Film 1460 100' (30.5m) or Imagecapture Film 3460 215" (65.5m). Color: Light gray top with a dark gray base. Image Marks: Optional 3 level as an accessory and subject to availability. Dimensions: 13"H x 19"W x 23"D (33.0 cm x 48.3 cm x 58.4 cm). Weight: 98 lbs. (44.5 kg). Controls: Power on/off. Two speed film advance. Positive cassette lock. Indicators: Film Supply, Film Motion, Film Odometer, Document Counter, Low Film Alarm, End of Film Alarm and Lamp Out Alarm

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Kodak Reliant Intelligent Microfilmer 2000
This versatile 16mm rotary microfilmer has custom-programmed software to fit your application requirements. For high-to-medium volume applications, this microfilmer offers many features: Four different indexing modes with as many as 27 variables. 11 indexing digits in three flexible fields allow you to number documents, with the same address written on your film in large, clear characters. Six programmable function keys. Job setup controlled by software, helping to eliminate operator error. Machine functions and errors communicated to the operator, improving accuracy and productivity. Automatic exposure control providing consistent, high-quality images without operator intervention. High-speed operation (620 check size or 155 letter size documents per minute).

Move into the image retrieval era with this proven device. Features: Bar code scanning for total automation of document and image
Reliable, high-volume 16mm rotary microfilmer. Microfilms up to 620 check size documents per minute. Four microprocessors control all machine functions. Electronic self-diagnosis. Eleven-digit image address number for document image identification. Three-level image mark coding under microprocessor control. One easy-to-use keyboard for simple operation. Image management code to facilitate automated image retrieval. Multiple custom program modes for tailoring the microfilmer operation to your indexing requirements. Two resident programs for service diagnostics and operator training. Random batch filming capability using image management code. Expanded image mark capability for one-, two-, or three-level indexing and document identification. Patch document reading capability for increased productivity. address data entry. Interchangeable film units offer a choice of three reduction ratios and two film thicknesses. Six programmable keys for specific machine function assignments. Component modularity allows a variety of accessories to be used to match equipment configuration to your specific microfilming needs. Simultaneous exposure of two rolls of microfilm provides a duplicate roll for security or backup. Built-in automatic exposure control for optimum image quality. Simplex, duplex, or duo filming capability. Quality you expect from Kodak products. 23-character alphanumeric display: Shows the image address of the next document to be fed. Shows keyboard entries as they are entered. Displays messages in plain-language prompts.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Color: Sandstone beige, charcoal brown, burnt sienna. Reduction Ratios: 24X, 40X, and 50X. Document Width (across feeder): Minimum: 4" (10.2cm). Maximum: 12" (30cm). Document Length (into microfilmer): Minimum: 2.6" (6.7cm). *Maximum: 17" (43cm). Film Capacity: Two 100' (30.5 m) rolls of 5.4-mil or two 215' (65.6 m) rolls of 2.5-mil film such as Kodak Imagecapture AHU Microfilm. Illumination: Front and rear lamp banks with voltage stabilization circuits. Microfilmer Dimensions 17.8" (45cm) (cover closed), 39" (99cm) (cover open) H, 29.5" (75cm) W, 36" (91.5cm) (cover closed), 40" (102cm) (cover open) D. Weight: 325 lbs. (147 kg). 393 lbs. (171 kg) with film unit and printer. Kodak Reliant Workstation 2000 Dimensions: 23.5"H x 29.15"W x 29.6"D (60cm x 74cm x 75cm). Kodak Reliant Workstation Shelf Dimensions: 15"W x 45"H (38cm x 114cm). Power: Single phase, 104 to 127-volt, 60 Hz, or 113 to 127-volt, 50 Hz power from a properly grounded, three-wire receptacle, 9 amperes. Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. listed and CSA approved. (Also complies with European electrical and safety standards.) Environment: 30 to 70% relative humidity, operating. Btu/hr: 3450 operating, 2250 standby. Noise Level: 85 db with accessories, 70 db without accessories. Accessories: Kodak Reliant Patch Reader 2000 Kodak Reliant Printer 2000 Kodak Reliant Sensor Extension 2000 Kodak Reliant Workstation 2000 Kodak Reliant Film Units, Models 2024, 2040, 2050, 2024D, 2040D, 2050D Kodak Reliant Workstation Shelf Recordak Reliant 700T Endorser Recordak Reliant 700 Stacker Recordak Reliant 750AC Feeder Recordak Reliant 700 Feeder, Model B Recordak Reliant 700 Feed Shelf Kodak Reliant Bar Code Scanner, Model B
*Longer documents can be accommodated, but require special handling at the exit hopper. Kodak Reliant, AHU, Recordak, IMT, and Imagecapture are trademarks.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


3M 6600 Mixed Document Camera
Alone, the 3M 6600 Mixed Document Camera can help you experience a quantum leap in productivity in your document-handling operation. And its so versatile youll find it a perfect replacement camera for many 16mm micrographics systems.
Important Features:
Mixed Document Capability films documents of practically any size and thickness. Microprocessor Controls automates a wide range of machine features. 13-Digit, LED Sequential Film Numbering accurately identifies images and speeds indexing and retrieval. Automatic Exposure Control assures ideal exposure level. Available with Either 24X or 32X Reduction Ratios adapts to most micrographic retrieval sizes. Eight-Mode, Three-Level Blip Control emulates paper filing systems for easy adaptation of paper files to film; easily adapts to multiple applications at the touch of a button. Foot Pedal Blip Controller frees hands to make filming faster. LED Push-Button Controls and Indicators makes panel easy to read, understand and use. Single-Panel Controls consolidates all controls in one location. Ergonomic Cabinet Design makes the 6600 as easy to look at as it is to operate. Safety Control Lock allows operator to lock in operational modes, preventing accidental change during filming. One-Touch, Automatic Film Loading makes loading and advancing film fast and easy. Manual Exposure Capability gives latitude for filming documents of special colors or types. End of Film Indicator Light and Audible Tone warns operator when camera is low on or out of film. Short Paper Transport Distance helps eliminate paper jams and increase throughput speed. BarScan Option eliminates manual keystroking; makes document input and indexing faster, easier and virtually error-free.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Reduction Ratios: 24X (60 Hz only), 32X. Photographic Field Limit: 12" (30.5cm) at 24X; 14.5" (36.83cm) at 32X. Film Formats: 16mm x 100' x 5 mil (type G-01) and 200' x 2.5 mil (type G-02) cartridge microfilm. Index: Electronic odometer (standard), electronic frame counter (standard) and BarScan indexing (optional). Microfilming Speed: 90 81/2" x 11" (A4) documents per minute. Document Size: Accepts documents up to 15.75" (40cm) wide; continuous forms 7.07" to 15.57" (18cm to 40cm) wide; adjustable blip encoding from 3" to 12" (7.62cm to 30.48cm) between folds. Dimensions: 38"H x 54" W x 48" D (96.52cm x 137.16cm x 121.92cm). Weight: 245 lbs. (111.13 kg) Heat Dissipation: 1195 Btu/hr. Light Source: Fluorescent lamps. Power: 115 V, 60 Hz, 5 amps. Power Consumption: 350 W.

BarScan is a trademark of 3M.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Kodak Microimager 30
A high-speed, high-volume, high-resolution microfilmer thats easy to upgrade. With the Imagelink Microimager platform, you can mix and match options and accessories to configure the document capture device thats exactly right for you. Features
One- or two-roll capability. Simplex, duplex, and duo filming. Automatic exposure control. No bleed-through imaging. Minimum of 160 lines per millimeter resolution at 50:1 reduction. 24:1, 40:1, 50:1 reduction ratios.

Jam detection. 12" throat width. Choice of 3 feeders handfeed, semi-automatic, and check. Choice of 2 exit hoppers standard receiving and optional stacker.

Operator Interface
Easy-to-read LCD display. 14-key keyboard. 12-character display. Graphic film supply indicators.

Microimager 30 upgrade package. Footswitch. Side console. Custom, adjustable chair. Semi-automatic feeder. Check feeder. Check stacker. Endorser. Film image marker.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Physical Dimensions: Mainframe 48"H x 29"W x 51" (122cm x 74cm x 130cm) D. Weight w/acc: 450 lbs. (204 kg). Space Requirements: 40" (102cm) Front, 32" (81cm) Right side, 20" (51cm) Left side, 3" (7.6cm) Rear, 36" (91.4cm) Above. Power: 100 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 15 amps, single phase. 120 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 15 amps, single phase. 220 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 10 amps, single phase. 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 10 amps, single phase. Environment: Temperature 59 to 86F (15 to 30C). Relative humidity 15 to 76%. Heat dissipation 5000 Btu/hour (max.). Document Dimensions: 2.5" x 12"W (6.4cm x 30.5cm) . 2.5" (6.4cm) x virtually any length documents longer than 17" (43.2cm) will require special handling at the exit hopper. Feeder Capacity: Check feeder: 1200 checks in hopper. Semiautomatic feeder: 1/2" stack autofeed 11/2" stack manual feed. Paper Transport: 36"/second speed. 12" throat. Maximum document thickness: .040" Optics: 24:1 reduction, minimum resolution 125 lines per millimeter. 40:1 reduction, minimum resolution 140 lines per millimeter. 50:1 reduction, minimum resolution 160 lines per millimeter. Rotating turret mount maintains precalibrated focus. Microprocessor-managed automatic exposure control. Photographic Field: 24:1 Simplex 12.0" (30.5cm). 40:1 Duplex 10.2" (25.9cm). Duo 8.9" (22.6cm). 50:1 Duplex 12.0" (30.5cm). Duo 10.7" (27.3cm). Kodak Imagelink Smart Cassette Capacity: 215' 2.5 mil film. 100' 5.0 mil film. Kodak Imagelink Smart Cassette Features: Graphic display of film remaining. Foolproof duo mode. Easy threading. Interactive with Microimager. Safety Listings: UL listed (UL-478). CSA certified (CSA 22.2 #220). TV GS mark (JEC-950).


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Kodak Mini Microfilmer
Portable, 16mm rotary microfilmer no wider than a standard office typewriter that microfilms documents up to 12" wide by any length quickly, easily, and economically, offering these features:
Films 60 letters or 125 checks per minute. Three-level image marking capability is standard, making document recall and sorting faster and easier. The accessory footswitch adds speed and convenience to image marking. Eight-digit document counter helps you to track even the biggest jobs. High resolution and improved exposure control for multi-colored documents. 25:1 (nominal) reduction ratio. Resolution 100:1 Lines/mm, minimum.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 30 lbs. (13.57 kg). Size: 6.5"H x 15.5"W x 12.5"D (16.5cm x 39.4cm x 31.8cm). Power: 100, 110, 120 volts ac, 50 or 60 Hz. 220 240 volts ac, 50 or 60 Hz.

Kodak Reliant Intelligent Microfilmer 1000

This versatile 16mm rotary microfilmer offers rapid image documentation, applications flexibility, electronic indexing, and film writing for a cost-effective approach to file control for low- to medium-volume applications. It has such features as:
High-speed operation (600 documents per minute). Low-cost interchangeable microfilm cassettes capable of two film thicknesses. Expanded image mark capability with one to three level indexing. Allows up to 11 indexing digits written directly on film, requiring no document imprinter. 23-digit keypad and a 12-digit LED display for indexing flexibility. Microprocessor-controlled to monitor number-writing on film and most other microfilmer operations. Automatic Exposure Control with capability for manual fixed exposure operation. Simplex-, duplex-, or duo-filming capabilities. Audible alarms and visual indicators of machine status. Built-in resettable odometer. Resettable document counter.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 175 lbs. (79 kg) 205 lbs (93 kg) shipping weight. Size: 131/4"H x 271/2"W x 33"D (337mm x 698mm x 838mm) all with cover closed.. Power: 104-27 v, 60 Hz, or 113-27 v, 50 Hz (7 amps maximum) or 198-254 v, 50 Hz with internal wiring changes.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Kodak Starfile RV-3 Microfilmer
If Offers You These Features
Compactness: The small size of the RV-3 Microfilmer makes it ideal for tabletop operation where space is at a premium. Inexpensive Storage of Letter- or Legal-Size Documents on Microfilm: Up to 2,500 documents (81/2" x 11") (21.6 x 27.9cm) can be recorded on a 100foot roll of Recordak AHU Microfilm or up to 5,400 documents if a 215-foot roll of Recordak Datapak AHU Film is used. Automatic Exposure Control: Fully automatic light sensor regulates the shutter speed to set optimum exposure for each document through use of a photocell. Reductions: Two reductions available 24X for lettersize documents and 30X for legal-size documents. Each lens is identified with the reduction. Removable Film Unit: Film units are interchangeable so that multi-department film records can be maintained separately. Operator Controls: Power on-off switch, exposure button, and alarm light simplifies microfilmer operation. A minimum amount of instruction is needed for operator training. Improved Resolution: 150 lines/mm at center of the photographic field; not less than 135 lines/mm at corners. Minimum Document Size: (For proper function of automatic exposure control.) 3" x 13/4" (7.6 x 4.5cm) 24X Lens Without counter/no blips Without counter/with blips With counter/no blips With counter/with blips 11.7" x 10" (29.7 x 25.4cm) 11.7" x 10" (29.7 x 25.4cm) 11.7" x 9" (29.7 x 22.9cm) 11.7" x 9" (29.7 x 22.9cm) 30X Lens 16.3" x 12.6" (41.4 x 32.0cm) 14.7" x 12.6" (37.3 x 32.0cm) 16.3" x 11.6" (41.4 x 29.5cm) 14.7" x 11.6" (37.3 x 29.5cm)

Typical Machine Characteristics

Film: Each film unit accepts one roll of 100' (30.5m) or 125' (38.1m) 16mm Recordak AHU Microfilm, or a roll of 215' (65.5m) Recordak Datapak AHU Film. Dimensions: 40.4"H x 29.6"W x 19.8"D (102.6cm x 75.2cm x 50.2cm). Weight: 45 lbs. (20.4 kg). Power: 104 to 127 volts, 60 Hz, 1 amp, ac or 113 ot 127 volts, 50 Hz, 1 amp, ac. ULlisted, CSA-approved.
Dual microfilming: Adding a Kodak Starfile Dual Film Adapter allows simultaneous exposure of two rolls of film. One to be used for reference, the other for off-premises safekeeping.

Color: Sandstone beige, charcoal brown, and orange. Accessories: Kodak Starfile Dual Film Adapter Kodak Starfile VRC Recording Counter Kodak Starfile CV-3 Film Unit Kodak Starfile 24C, R and L Lenses Kodak Starfile 30C, R and L Lenses Kodak Footswitch Kit, K-3585


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


3M FS-6* Camera-Processor

The 3M FS-6 Camera-Processor delivers a totally developed and processed 6" strip of 16mm microfilm ready to be inserted into microfilm jackets. It is micro-processor controlled,* allowing exact image placement meeting AIIM fiche standards. There is a choice of three lenses: 24X, 32X and 42X, as well as a choice of seven programmed formats. Typical Machine Characteristics
Size: 151/2"H x 263/8"W (without document tray) x 24"D (394mm x 670mm x 610mm). Weight: 60 lbs. (27 kg). Power: Voltage: 115 or 230 volts ac. Current: 3 amps at 115 VAC or 1.5 amps as 230 VAC. Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz. Exposure Lamps: Lamps: Two 120 VAC, 60 watt incandescent lamps. Lamp Life: 1,000 hours or 429 rolls of film. Heat Dissipation: Maximum: 1,176 BTU/hour. Typical: 392 BTU/hour. Supplies: Film: FS-6 Camera Film (conventional 16mm x 100' silver halide microfilm). Chemicals: 3M FS-6 Chem Pac. Microfilm Jackets: 3M Microfilm Jackets, 16mm. Microfilm Formats: The Camera Processor produces 16mm filmstrips, 148mm long, for insertion into microfilm jackets. Reductions and Formats: FS-6: 24X, 14 frames per strip; 32X, 20 frames per strip 42X, 25 frames per strip. Document Size: Up to 81/2" x 14" (216 x 356mm). When using program 7 on the FS-6, filming front and back, maximum size is 81/2" x 7". Microfilming Speed: Machine capability to 1,200 documents per hour. Cycle Time: 3-4 minutes to exposure develop, fix, wash, and dry. (Note: Residential sodium thiosulfate meets ANSI specification PH 4.8 1978.) Operating Environment: Ambient temperature: 40 to 85F (5 to 30C). Relative humidity: 10 to 80 percent non-condensing. Specifications noted herein are subject to change without prior written notice.

This Equipment Is Also Available For Rent

Ask About Our 50-50 Purchase Program

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Minolta Micro Auto 16
A compact, high quality camera, Minolta Micro Auto 16 is suitable for microfilming various documents on 16mm film. You can easily make jacket and microfiche thanks to the cutter incorporated in the camera.
Simple Operation
Focusing is simply a matter of adjusting the position of the camera head according to the sizes of documents to be microfilmed. EE system always keeps exposure optimum. Just press the shutter button for microfilming.

Four Magnifications
Our unique StepFocus Mechanism changes the magnification in 4 stages such as X1/21, X1/25, X1/27 and X1/29 with one lens. The focus is automatically adjustable according to the magnification.

The cutter housed in the camera head enables you to take out the exposed film whenever required. So it is very handy and economical.

Typical Machine Characteristics

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Type: Planetary portable type. Film: 16mm x 100' non-perforated roll film. Frame Size: 11 x 15mm. Frame Spacing: 0.75mm. Film Counter: Footage counter w/empty alarm and frame counter. Film Winding: Automatic by motor driving. Cutter: Exakta style cutter built in. Lens: Micro Rokkor F4.5 28mm. Shutter: Electromagnetic method.

Magnification: X1/21, X1/25, X1/27, X1/29. Original Size: 9" x 121/4", 11" x 15". 113/4" x 16", 121/2" x 171/6". Exposure Control: Automatic EE method. Light Source: 2 fluorescent lamps, 15W each. Power Consumption: 70VA Dimensions: 23"W x 19" D x 19" H in case. 35"W x 22" D x 44" H in use. Weight: 60 lbs.


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Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


3M 6500 Planetary Camera
(Minolta DR1600 Planetary Camera)
Putting documents on microfilm has just gotten easier. The 3M 6500 Planetary Camera automates nearly every microfilming function from focusing to frame size. Just place a document on the copyboard and press a button. The microprocessor-controlled camera takes care of the rest automatically. Even if your business produces just a few documents, the 3M 6500 is economical enough to start replacing your paper files immediately. Yet it is so fast and so simple to operate, it can easily handle even a large volume of documents.

The 6500 was designed for easy, desktop operation. The control panel is readily-accessible, clearly-positioned and so self-explanatory that even first-time operators can become automatically productive.

Automatically senses document size and selects reduction ratio

The 3M 6500 Camera automatically senses the size of documents you place on the copyboard up to 11" x 17". Then, automatically selects the proper reduction ratio required to film them.

3M 6500 Planetary Camera (Minolta DR16 Camera)

Automatically selects proper focus

The 3M 6500 is one of the only planetary cameras available to feature automatic focus. For crisp, clear document images.

senses document width for automatic frame size control. For example, up to legal size documents (81/2" x 14") are filmed on one frame width of film; wider documents are automatically filmed on double frames. And the 6500 films your documents upright, so they can all be viewed and printed upright on a reader-printer.

Interchangeable camera heads

The memory of the 6500 can store last filmed frame locations for up to four separate camera heads. And since the camera heads are easily removable which also makes loading and unloading film simpler the 6500 becomes especially valuable for interdepartmental use. Up to four separate departments can use the camera without mixing document types.

Automatic exposure control

The 6500 Camera will automatically select the proper film exposure. For special requirements, however, you can override the automatic mode and expose the film manually.

Automatically selects proper frame size

The 3M 6500 Camera not only senses document height for automatic reduction control, but it also

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



3M 6500 Planetary Camera
(Minolta DR16 Planetary Camera) Three-level frame numbering
The three-level blip system, which marks your microfilmed documents into block, batch and item, lets you organize your microfilm files the same way you organize your paper files. So you dont have to learn a complicated new system. And you can add these blip marks either from the fingertip-close control panel, or from an optional foot pedal controller (which you can also use to expose the microfilm). Using foot pedal controllers frees your hands for even more efficient document handling. In addition, the 6500 Camera lets you add up to three, four-digit numbers to each frame. So you can include other important information such as time and date.

Programmable leader and trailer

After you load your film, the 6500 Camera will automatically advance it to a pre-selected location on the roll. When you finish, it lets you choose how much of a trailer to leave at the end. And to maximize the number of documents per roll, you can also choose how much space to put between frames.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Film: 16mm roll film (non-perforated). 5 mil 100', 2.5 mil 215'. Document Size: Maximum 17" x 11" or A3. Frame (Aperture) Size: Single 9.7mm x 12.6mm. Double 18.2mm x 12.6mm. Automatically selected according to the original size detected, or manually selected. Pulldown: Single 10.0mm (9.5mm to 11.75mm). Double 18.5mm (18.0mm to 20.25mm). Spacing: Single frame, prefixed frames (5 to 250 frames) and any desired frames (1 to 9999 frames). Depth of Field: +20mm from copyboard. Reduction Ratios: 1/25 (single and double frames). 1/32 (single frame). Numbering: 12 digits (4 digits x 3 fields) used for the block, batch and item numbers. can also be used as an 8 or 4 digit counter. Document Marks: Three document mark levels. Tri Level (L, M, S). Dual Level (L or M, S). Single Level (L or M or S). Document Mark: Document mark positioning of 1.2mm. Positioning: Width single level mark can be adjusted by using choice mode (between 1.21mm to 4.21mm). Film Supply Warning: Beeping warns that the film will soon be running out. A warning light indicates when the length of film remaining for use reaches approx. 5' (1.5m). Focusing: Auto focus (two-step focusing). Exposure Control: Automatic and manual exposure control. Light Source: Two 15-W fluorescent lamps. Power: 120 V 60 Hz, 220V 50 Hz, 240 V 50 Hz. Power Consumption: 175 W. Dimensions: 357/16"W x 279/16"D x 497/32"H. (900mm x 700mm x 1250mm). Weight: 90 lbs. (41 kg).


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Canon Canofilmer 100
This is a compact and versatile 16mm planetary camera. It features a modular design which enables you to customize the unit to meet your individual job requirements. You may choose between six digit frame number or tri-level blip under frame indexing for retrieval programs. There are three different reduction ratios on each camera head. Also, an automatic exposure is included as standard on the Canofilmer 100.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Reduction Ratio: A Camera Head 24X, 32X, 34X tri-level blip and 6 digit number. B Camera Head 22X, 28X, 30X for jackets, no indexing on film. Indexing: Tri-level blip marking with A camera head. Six digit frame number with A camera head. Indicators: Exposure Counter, Film Supply, Film in Motion, Film End Warning, Film Empty. Controls: Two mode numbering selector buttons. Tri-level blip selector, leader/trailer button. Space button. Two blip buttons. Power: 120 V, 60 Hz, 400 W. Dimensions: 305/8"H x 331/2"W x 301/2"D. (777mm x 855mm x 775mm). Weight: 55 lbs. (25 kg). Options: Footpetal for handless operation. Canon Continuous Form Feeder CFF 100. Form Size Accepted: 81/2" to 14" wide 8", 81/2", 11", or 12" long. Stack Height: 1 foot. Feeding Speed: 121/2" per second. Controls: Power, Auto/Manual, Feed Pitch Selector, Feed Button. Dimensions: 36"H x 21"W x 271/2"D. Weight: 43 lbs.

Kodak MRD-2/30 (16mm only)

This is a planetary microfilmer for maps, drawings, plats, bound books, and other oversized records. The standard unit features a reduction ratio from 8X - 30X to microfilm documents of up to 17.5" x 30". With a 36X column extension, you may film up to 24" x 36" documents on 16mm film.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 102"H x 72"W x 34"D. Weight: 165 lbs. Power: 20 amps/120V. Lens: 46mm. Reduction Ratios: 8X to 30X (36X with column extension). Reduction Changes: Manual. Film Used: 16mm. Lamp Specifications: 150 Watt, 120 Volt.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Bell & Howell FileMaster I & II Cameras
(Minolta MA 16 & 16 Dual Head)
This unit has been a standard of quality for many years. Combine high resolution Minolta Camera Company lenses with ease of operation and you have a real winner. These are extremely reliable cameras that focus automatically for clear, high contrast images. The cameras compensate for differences in document color and texture, insuring you good exposure time and time again. The dual camera heads on the FileMaster II (MA 16 Dual) produce a duplicate roll of film as a security copy. An optional image marker accessory will provide a single, dual, or trilevel mark and/or image number on the film. Reduction ratios can be easily changed in seconds without removing cameras or lenses. A simple movement of the camera up or down a slide changes the reduction to accommodate various applications or document sizes. Film loading and unloading is very simple. The film compartments dual doors allow efficient use of full and partial rolls of film, keeping your film costs down. A film supply indicator keeps the operator posted on the remaining amount of unexposed film in the camera head. Versatility, image quality, and reliability are all present in the Bell & Howell FileMaster Camera (Minolta MA16). An excellent choice in a reconditioned camera.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Camera: FileMaster Single interchangeable, automatic focusing, positive stepping planetary. FileMaster II Twin interchangeable, automatic focusing, positive stepping planetary. Formats: FileMaster COSATI, NMA. FileMaster II COSATI. Spacing: FileMaster Fixed pulldown of 11.7mm (COSATI). Fixed pulldown of 10mm (NMA). Filemaster II Fixed pulldown of 11.7mm (COSATI). Photographic Area: FileMaster Up to 12" x 17" (30.48cm x 43.18cm) COSATI Format. Up to 101/2" x 131/2" (26.67cm x 34.29cm) NMA Format. FileMaster II Up to 11" x 171/2" (27.94cm x 44.45cm) COSATI Format. FileMaster or FileMaster II with Image Mark Accessory 11" x 14" (27.94cm x 35.56cm). Reduction Ratios: FileMaster 21:1, 25:1, 27:1, 29:1. Filemaster II 26:1, 31:1. Resolution: Minimum 120 lines per millimeter in all reductions. Depth of Field: Minimum 0.75" above copy table. Focusing: Automatic at all reduction ratios. Light Source: Two 15W fluorescent lamps. Film: 16mm x 100' 5 mils. 16mm x 215' 2.5 mils. Automatic Exposure System: Automatically adjusts for variations in document color and texture. A 12-position control allows the operator to compensate for film speed and processing methods. Item Counters: Four digit resettable. Seven digit non-resettable. Controls: Power On/Off, Alarm Off, Spacing Control, Shutter Control Button, Shutter Control Foot Pedal, Exposure Setting, Film Supply Indicator. Power Requirements: FileMaster 120 Vac, 60 Hz, 1 ampere. FileMaster II 120 Vac, 60 Hz, 2 amperes. BTUs Per Hour: 142 Dimensions: FileMaster 35"W x 21"D x 44"H (88.9cm x 53.3cm x 111.7cm). FileMaster II 35"W x 21"D x 451/5"H (88.9cm x 53.3cm x 114.8cm). Weight: FileMaster 56 lbs. (25.4 kg). FileMaster II 66 lbs. (30 kg). Options and Accessories: Work Station. Floor Stand. Extra Cameras for departmental use. Image Mark Accessory.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Bell & Howell FileMaster III Camera
The FileMaster III planetary camera is a combination of high resolution and ease of operation. This makes it a very good choice as an entry level filmer. It features a very accurate automatic exposure control which insures you good, even density exposures time after time. The Electric Eye automatic reduction ratio automatically measures documents and selects the proper reduction ratio as well as proper focus. Film guides which allow the operator to position the paper accurately on the copyboard are included. The camera head is easily removable, allowing you to purchase additional heads so that multiple departments may use the same camera base. The unit will record three levels of blip (image marks) under the document to facilitate retrieval by an intelligent reader-printer. In addition, you may manually input three 4 digit numbers, or a single 12 digit number to help identify each frame by time, date or other pertinent information. This number will also appear on the film. This number is invaluable as a visual retrieval tool. The final feature is a variable pulldown, which can eliminate excess space between frames increasing the number of images per roll.
The automatic reduction selector provides error free filming of documents up to 11" x 17" . Automatic and manual exposure, programmable three-level indexing, and automatic reduction and focus make the FileMaster III versatile and easy to use.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Camera Type: 16mm planetary camera. Lens Type: Micro-Rokkor f-28mm. Film Type: 16mm - 5 mil, 100 ft. (30.48m) or 2.5 mil, 215' (65.53m). Document Size: Max. 11" x 17" or A3 (279mm x 432mm). Frame (Aperture) Size: Automatically selected according to the original size, or manually selected. Single 0.38" x 0.50" (9.7mm x 12.6mm). Double 0.72" x 0.50" (18.2mm x 12.6mm). Pulldown: Single range 0.37" to 0.46" (9.5mm to 11.75mm): 0.39" normal (10.0mm). Double range 0.71" to 0.80" (18.0mm to 20.25mm): 0.73" normal (18.5mm). Spacing: Single Frame, Prefixed Frames (5 to 250 frames), and any desired number of frames (1 to 9999). Resolution: 150 lines/mm minimum. Depth of Field: +20mm from copy board. Reduction Ratios: 25:1 single or double frame; or 32:1 single frame only. Numbering: 12 digits (four digits x three fields) used for block, batch, and item fields; or 12 digits (four digit date field and eight digit counter); or 4 digits (four digit counter). Image Marking: Four Operator Selectable Modes: No image marks, three-level (large, medium, small), two-level (large and small, large and medium, or medium and small), or single-level (large, medium, or small). Image Mark Positioning: Medium width (2.3mm) single level mark can be adjusted between 1.21mm or 4.21mm. Film Supply Warning: Beeper and warning light indicate when approximately 5' (1.5m) of film remains. Focusing: Automatic focus. Exposure Control: Automatic and manual exposure control. Light Source: Two 15 W fluorescent lamps. Power Requirements: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 150 W (220 VAC/240 VAC 50 Hz optional). Dimensions: 49.21"H x 35.43"W x 27.56"D (1250mm x 700mm x 900mm). Weight: 90 lbs. (41 kg). Options: Foot pedal. Black copy board. Automatic continuous forms feeder. Resettable counter. Safety Acceptance: CSA Certified. UL Listed. FCC Compliance.
Bell & Howell and FileMaster are trademarks of The Bell & Howell Company.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Minolta DAR2800 (ALOS ADF42)
The Minolta 2800 is a fully automated planetary microfilmer. It will microfilm single and double sided documents and yield exceptional resolution. High volume applications requiring automation might give this unit a thorough examination. With the DAR2800 the automatic document feeder teams up with a double sided document function to permit fast, efficient filming of both single and double-sided documents. This will add up to increased productivity as well as quality images, roll after roll. ADF Automatic Document Feeding feature. The DAR2800 provides two automatic document feeding modes. In the ADF mode, up to 500 single sheet documents are automatically fed into the unit and filmed at 45 sheets per minute. SADF In the semiautomatic feeding mode, the document is automatically fed into the unit and the operator activates the filming process manually, permitting special settings and adjustments for individual documents or special indexing/imprinting requirements. DF Document Feeding Mode permits automatic feeding of individually handled documents. The Minolta DAR2800 has a double sided mode, and the ADF will film the first side, turns the document over, films the second side, ejects it, and brings up the next document, all automatically. In the SADF mode, the operator can choose to film either or both sides of the document. If both single and double sided documents are mixed, the operator can simply insert special target cards before each type of document. The DAR2800 can read each target and automatically switch modes of filming. Automatic Reduction and Focus The DAR2800 can automatically determine the size of the document and the camera selects the proper reduction size to film that particular document. This eliminates the need for manual adjustments. The camera head can be easily replaced in seconds, allowing different departments to use the same base unit. Finally, the LED self diagnosis system will let you know when film is about to run out or when the camera head is not locked properly into the main body. The LED system also alerts you to the locations of paper jams, as well as alerting you whether or not the jammed document has been filmed or not. Full Upright Images In addition to automatically sensing the height of the document to determine the correct reduction ratio, the DAR2800 senses the document width to determine the correct aperture size. Documents up to legal size (81/2" x 14") are filmed in single frames, while larger documents are filmed in double wide width frames. But, no matter what frame width is used, the filmed images are upright for easy viewing. Printing Capabilities An optional imprinter and the DAR2800 will print the frame number on the original document after it is filmed to ensure accurate correlation of filmed images and data entered from the documents. Auto Exposure Control Advanced electronics provides completely automatic exposure adjustment for sharp, clear images every time. Manual adjustment of the exposure time is also possible for special filming needs. Frame Indexing (Numbers and Blip Marks) For faster, easier identification and indexing, frame numbers and blip marks can be selected and

recorded on film. Three levels of blip marks Item, Batch and Block are available. All are encoded inside the camera head to ensure consistent readability, as well as, more accurate document exposures. In addition, an operator can manually input up to three 4-digit numbers or a single 12-digit number to more precisely identify each frame with time, date or other vital information. These numbers appear along the top of the frame.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Planetary desk top. Film: 16mm x 100' (5 mil roll film). 16mm x 125' (4 mil roll film). 16mm x 215' (2.5 mil roll film). Frame Counters: 12-digit resettable LED display. 7-digit non-resettable mechanical counter. Lens: F5.0 28mm. Resolution: 155 lines/mm. Shutter: Electromagnetic, solenoid-operated. Reduction Ratio: 25:1, 32:1. Exposure Control: Automatic or manual. Light Source: Two 15W fluorescent lamps. Power Source: AC local voltage. Power Consumption: 300W. Original Size Range: Minimum width - 33/4" (95mm). Minimum length 51/2" (140mm). Maximum width 14" (355mm). Maximum length 17" (432mm). Original Weight Range: 50 - 120g/m2. Frame Size: 9.7mm x 12.6mm (single frame), 18.2mm x 12.6mm (double frame) switchable. Pull down: 10mm (single frame) or 18.5mm (double frame). Variable setting between 11.75mm and 20.25mm. Document Mark: Built-in tri-level document mark. Document Feeding Mode: 4 modes (2 ADF modes, 1 DF mode, 1 Manual mode). Capacity: 500 sheets (11" x 17" or A3). Document Feeding Speed: 45 sheets/min. (letter or A4). Dimensions: 429/10"W x 374/5"D x 489/10" (without table) (1,343mm x 680mm x 1,241mm). Weight: 176 lbs. (79.8 kg). Option: RS232C interface. Imprinter. Target card. 6-digit resettable mechanical counter. Foot switch.
*Specifications subject to change without notice.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Kodak MRD-2 Planetary Camera
Specially Designed for
Microfilming Bound and Unbound Books Oversized Documents to 261/4" x 363/4" Ease of Operation Automatic Focusing from 5X to 21X Capturing Real Property Documents, vital statistics, maps, newspapers and other documents requiring a large flatbed microfilmer

Typical Machine Characteristics

Reduction Ratio: Range of 5X - 21X, will permit filming of documents up to 261/4" x 363/4". Film Unit: Uses 100' rolls of 35mm microfilm and can be modified to use 16mm microfilm with an optional 16mm kit. The film unit can rotate 360 degrees to photograph documents horizontally or vertically. An additional camera head may be purchased to allow several users access to the master base unit. Exposure: A photocell measures the illumination and indicates the correct exposure on a null type meter. A single touch of a shutter trips the fixed speed shutter, actuates the exposure counter on the film unit, and advances the film. The switch is suitable for hand or foot operation. Photographic Field Indicator: The area to be photographed is defined by a rectangular light pattern projected through the lens onto the copyboard. By operator control of the photographic field, the film advance automatically adjusts to use only the amount of film required for the size of the document. Optical System: Kodak EKTAR LENS 63.3mm at f/8. Illumination: Four 150 watt reflector flood lamps. Illumination is controlled by variable auto transformer. The lamp bracket arms pivot and can be moved out of the way when not in use. Dimensions: 102"H x 72"W x 34"D. Weight: 165 lbs. Power Requirements: 117V AC 50/60 Hz 8a. UL approved. Accessories: Extra film unit, 16mm conversion kit, column extension kit for extending reduction to 27X. Summation: A standard for book and legal document recording.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



HK35 Portable 35MM Camera
Use for on-location microfilming where original documents cannot be removed from their source, as well as for permanently installed microfilming systems. Designed for a wide variety of applications: microfilming deeds, court records, newspapers, industrial parts catalogs, drawings, maps, blueprints, X rays, library records, etc. The HK 35 head can also be used as a ultra high resolution 35mm single-lens-reflex camera for close-ups, and stilllifes. Portable compact, precise planetary single-lens-reflex simplex operation microfilm camera with vacuum platen for maximum sharpness. Entire unit including case weighs 15 kg, can be set up in less than two minutes and requires only 35 X 50cm of desk space. Furnished complete with all necessary accessories in a rugged weatherproof carrying case with molded liner that assures complete protection. Reductions from 5x to 11x on baseboard to 34x at maximum focusing distance. Electronically cycled adjustable exposure and fully adjustable pull down for maximum flexibility. Exposures Per Roll: With standard 100' rolls 640 Illumination: Baseboard illuminated by 4 diffused long life
exposures in full frame mode of 1200 exposures in half frame mode, or 2,000 exposures with duplex mask. bulbs on adjustable light arms.

Vacuum Film Platen: Assures absolute film flatness

maximum resolution.

Film Advance: Film is advanced and shutter is cocked automatically, making it impossible to double expose. Built-in film footage counter with manual override automatically locks the camera when film is near end of roll. Sensitive micro-switch stops camera-head motor if film tears or is not feeding properly. Focusing: Focuses with automatic-rewinding tape measure
built into camera body and single-lens-reflex viewfinder.

Reductions: 1:5 to 1:11 reductions can be made on the base-board, from 1:1 to 1:4 lower reductions under 1:5 can be made using the extension rings, and up to 1:35 reductions off the base-board. Maximum documents size 115 x 180cm off base-board, 30X 43cm on base-board. Tripod Mounting: The HK 35 can be mounted in three different positions on a tripod making it possible to shoot large, wall-hung drawings and maps, manufacturing processes, or for use as a high capacity identification camera. An optional accessory is the wall mount brackets especially designed to dampen out vibration-permits reductions up to 34X.

Viewing: Brilliant thru-the-lens viewing, with luminous outlines of exact fields for full and half frame fields on perforated and unperforated film.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Portable/Desktop planetary microfilmer Film: 35mm, unperforated and perforated. Color or black and white. 30.5 (100'). Lens: 70mm micro lens f/5.6 22 color-corrected high-resolution. Focuses from 40 - 260cm. Frame Size: 5 sizes are available with masks supplied: 32 X 45mm, 22.5 X 32mm, 24 X 36mm, 24 X 18mm. Pull Down: Adjustable 22.5 to 55mm by 2.5mm step. Document Size: Attached portable stand: A5 (148 X 210mm) to A3 (297 X 420mm). Tripod or special stand: A5 (148 X 210mm) to B0 (1030 x 1456mm). Reduction Ratio: Attached portable stand: 1/5 1/11. Tripod or special stand: 1/4.5 1/35. Extension rings: 1/1 1/4. (Stepless by adjustable camera unit position on column.) Focus: By built-in tape measure or through-thelens finder. Shutter: Mirror shutter, 5 steps: adjustable shutter speed; 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 3/4, 1sec. Film Holder: Vacuum platen system. Footage Indication: Shows length of unexposed film remaining. Release Switch: Hand or foot-operated. Exposure Cycle: 30 shots/minute (two second/frame). Illuminations: 4 X 60W incandescent lamps. Power Requirements: AC 100-120V or 220240; 50-60 Hz; 250W. Carry Case: 580 X 400 X 160mm. Weight: Total weight including carry case 15 kg.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Recordak Micro-File Machine, Model MRG-1

E? PRICy! DA a NEEall Us Tod 123 C 27-1 00) 6 AX (8 r F o 940 995-4 (713)

One of the finest photographic instruments available for photographing drawings, blueprints, specifications, and other documents up to 63" x 45" (160cm x 114.3cm) on 35mm film at 36:1.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Reduction Ratio Range: 12:1 to 36:1. Built-in automatic controls (lighting and focusing) and operating conveniences combine to increase operator efficiency and productivity. Interchangeable 35mm film units provide departmental file continuity and security. A subsurface illuminator is required for operation. Meets MIL-M-9868D specifications for 35mm microfilm programs. Weight: 975 lbs. (442 kg). Size: 9'10"H x 9'8"W x 6'9"D (3m x 2.95m x 2.06m). Power Requirements: 120/208 or 115/230 V ac ( 10%), 3-wire, 50/60 Hz, 20 amps.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Microsize 5000 Camera
The Microsize 5000 is a low-cost, multi-functional microfiche camera. Whether it is functioning in a small office or part of a large corporate microfilm information system, the Microsize 5000 camera delivers exceptional performance and quality to a wide variety of business applications. Some of the features of the 5000 camera are: Four interchangeable lens reductions Microcomputer control of all functions 94 pre-programmed microfiche formats NMA row mode and COM type column pagination Interchangeable document copyboards Automatic exposure control Single microfiche cassette operation Easy to use operator controls The 5000 camera is under the control of an advanced microcomputer. All camera functions are monitored by the computer for increased efficiency, speed and dependability. Solid state electronics on a single-board computer make camera service easy and the diagnosis of problems much simpler.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 32"W x 27"D x 34"H (80cm x 68cm x 85cm). Weight: 165 lbs. (75 kg). Lens Reductions: 24X, 30X, 42X, 48X. Resolution: In excess of 150 lines/mm at 24X. Standard Formats: 94 pre-programmed. Camera Throughput: 60 cycles per minute maximum. Film Type: AHU or equivalent. Film Format: Single cassette operation. Lighting: 4 incandescent lamps. Exposure Adjustment: Automatic - graduated index. Power Requirements: 110 VAC, 50-60 Hz 3 Amp.

ICE? A PRday! D NEEall Us To 123 C 627-1 800) FAX ( r o 940 995-4 (713)

We Purchase Surplus Equipment

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Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Microsize 5050 Continuous Forms Camera
The Microsize 5050 is a camera designed to easily convert existing continuous form data to microfiche very quickly and economically. The Microsize 5050 delivers exceptional performance with advanced features found only in Microsize products. Whatever the application, the Microsize 5050 can handle it and with ease. Here are some of the features of the 5050 camera. Three interchangeable lens reductions Microcomputer control of all functions 2 form sizes standard Pre-programmed microfiche formats NMA row mode and COM type column pagination Automatic exposure control Single microfiche cassette operation Easy to use operator controls The 5050 camera is under the control of an advanced microcomputer. All camera functions are monitored by the computer for increased efficiency, speed and dependability. Solid state electronics on a single board computer make camera service easy and the diagnosis of problems much simpler.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 32"W x 27"D x 58"H (80cm x 68cm x 148cm). Weight: 250 lbs. (114 kg). Lens Reductions: 24X, 42X or 48X. Resolution: In excess of 150 lines/mm. Standard Formats: 72 pre-programmed. Camera Throughput: 1500 frames per hour approximate. Film Type: AHU or equivalent. Film Format: Single cassette operation. Lighting: 4 incandescent lamps. Exposure Adjustment: Automatic - graduated index. Power Requirements: 110 VAC 60 Hz. 220 VAC 50 Hz.

Ask About Our 50-50 Purchase Program

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



CMI 20/20 Camera
The microprocessor controlled C-20/20 camera features superior engineering and new techniques for improving the production quality and operating simplicity of the microfiche document storage process. Reduce Large Amounts of Paperwork to Small Quantities of Microfiche. Now you can produce low-cost, high archival quality microfiche in an office environment without the need of trained personnel or a darkroom facility. This system workstation converts up to 1500 paper documents per hour with consistent image quality, controlled by an automatic exposure control. document colors. Manual operator controls are also available. Multiple Formats and Magnifications. C-20/20 is complete with a single operator interchangeable lens from 20X to 48X for micro-photographing documents as large as 11" x 17". (25) preprogrammed formats are available at the touch of a key, and optional formats are available to satisfy non-standard requirements of specific applications. Computer Printout Pin Feed Option. Automatic pin feed can advance computer print-out pages in step with the C-20/20 film advance permitting for COM photographed images. Automatic film feed eliminates the need for bursting of computer forms and the ease of filming the pages automatically.

Convenient, Cost-Saving Features

The C-20/20 microprocessor based camera offers many improvements over earlier models. Principle features include:

Push Button Processing. Push a button and the microfiche is inserted into an output magazine. Raise the cover, remove the magazine and walk over the CMI 240 procesCamera Film Loading. The C-20/20 sor for rapid high resolution and worry-free camera accommodates standard 105mm processing. The CMI 240 Processor is x 100' (30.5m) AHU subdued lighting loaded designed for simple operation. It requires no roll film rather than cut film for savings of special plumbing, and can deliver archival time and money. strip methods. The titles stored in memory can now quality microfiche at a very low cost. be edited using simple word processing techniques Automatic Titling. The C-20/20 microto repeat a different but similar title. Company logos processor controlled camera permits an opercan even be filmed to accommodate the personal ator to create up to 40 titles at any given touch. point in time. The operator can select several different methods of titling, manual or photo- Automatic Exposure Adjustment. C-20/20 graph, automatic or no title to allow the oper- comes equipped with an automatic exposure conator the flexibility to place another via popular trol that adjusts shutter speed for differences in
Operator controls are conveniently located and clearly identified for efficient work flow.

Typical Machine Characteristics Extek 7151

Speed: Filming speeds up to 1500 documents per hour. Dimensions: 59"H x 38"W x 28"D (149.9cm x 96.5cm x 71.1cm). Weight: 350 lbs. (159 kg). Film Input: 105mm x 100' (30.5m) standard DDL AHU film. Film Output: Up to 40 fiche at one time into a light-tight cassette. Document Input: 81/2" x 11" or A4 (typical). Maximum size: 11"H x 17"W or 81/2" x 14" (legal size). Film Format: Standard film formats are available in Cine or Comic modes. Optional non-standard formats are available. Reduction Ratios: Lenses from 20X to 48X are operator interchangeable. Controls: Function and film positioning keys: exposure control, foot switch, format set, exposure set, index, and automatic titling CRT Option. Standard Features: Automatic and manual exposure controls, one interchangeable lens selected from 20X to 48X, foot control switch, input and output camera magazines. Special Options: Automatic Titling: Microprocessor controlled, stores up to 40 titles, 14 lines each, 80 characters per line. Automatic Document Transport System: 11" x 14" maximum paper size. Throughput speeds of 1500 documents per hour. Re-collates 81/2" x 11" documents. Computer Forms Feed: 18" wide maximum paper size, with three selectable form lengths. Other Options: Additional input and output film magazines, additional interchangeable lenses and formats, plus an external processor (Model 240).

TDC Document I, II, III and IV

Step and repeat cameras. Please call with your specific needs

EXTEK 7151 Camera


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

COM Systems

Due to the great variety of system configurations, please call with your specific requirements.

This Equipment Is Also Available For Rent

We constantly hear of units for saleand from interested buyersplease call on COM to see if we can help you save money and get a good unit bought or sold!

Ask About Our 50-50 Purchase Program

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


NB 404 Fiche/Jacket Duplicator System
Printing Speed: On Demand prints 8-10 seconds (next print follows in 2 seconds). Volume Production 1st print 18-20 seconds, then print continuously at 400 per hour. Light Source: NB400 watt special Metalarc Lamp. Controls: Variable exposure control power on/off switch three position lamp intensity switch Hi-maximum UV for On Demand prints Standby conservative lamp life Lo minimum UV for volume production. Model 404A 404C 403A Sheet size 5 x 3 6 x 41/8 6 x 41/8 and 73/8 x 33/8 3 x 5 and 33/8 and 33/8 x 5 Anhydrous ammonia cylinder with fast disconnect for rapid chance of ammonia supply. Controls: On/Off Switch Cycle bar Temperature ready light Curl-static control switch

The only On Demand printer and diazo processor for complete low cost file control and distribution. Place the NB Printer and Processor by your active microfiche jacket or master fiche file, and eliminate the out of file condition Companion printer and processor, designed for the Microfiche Jacket System, also makes diazo duplicates of microfiche, stripped-up masters, and duplicate cut sheet microforms. The Processor is a major break-through in diazo processing complete processing air washed copies no venting.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Size: 21"W x 26"D x 16"H. Weight: 113 lbs. Power Requirements: 120 volts, 60 Hz, 6 amp.

Diazo sheet is processed, suspended in air, inside sealed ammonia chamber-no fumes or odors in the air, no odor on the processed diazo no venting necessary diazo not in contact with rollers or belts uniform and complete processing over whole area without streaks, vapor or dirt marks. Electrically controlled processing cycle adjustable for complete processing of all diazo films. Fully adjustable ammonia pressure and temperature control.

Size: 14 /4"W x 19"D x 21"H.

Weight: 70 lbs. Power Requirements: 120 volts, 50/60 Hz, 6 amp. Several Units in Stock Now CALL US!

Film Size: All standard cut sheet microforms. Printing Surface: Patented air cooled floating rotating cylinder.

OP 10/11 Microfiche Duplicator

Typical Machine Characteristics
Input Masters: OP 10 & 11 105mm x 148mm fiche masters, either COM or source document. Strip-up or jacket masters up to 41/16" x 6". Input Copy Film: OP 10 Diazo cut sheet film, up to 4 / " x 6". OP 11 Vesicullar cut sheet film, up to 41/16" x 6".
1 16

Size: OP 10 & 11, 17"W x 93/4"H x 171/2"D (43cm x 25cm x 44cm). Weight: OP 10 & OP 11, 44 lbs. (20 kg). Power Requirements: OP 10 & 11, 120 VAC, 60 Hz single phase, 5 AMP domestic. 230 VAC +/10%, 50 Hz, 3 AMP international.

Copy Speed: OP 10 & 11 120 copies per hour. Development: OP 10 heated aqueous ammonia chamber, no special venting required. OP 11 heated chamber, thermostatically controlled.

Canon KF 480
Canon Kal-Ficher 480. A simple card-tocard diazo contact printing/processing unit. Designed to provide high-quality duplicate microfiche images on diazo film from an original microfiche, the Kal-Ficher 480 provides both exposure and developing in a single desktop-size unit. To use, place the master film in contact with diazo duplicating film on the platen and close the pressure cover. Exposure time is controlled by simply adjusting a dial. Following exposure, insert the diazo film in the developing slot and the finished duplicate is delivered in 22 seconds.
Light Source: 400W Mercury Arc Lamp. Developer Supply: 250cc ammonia solution processes 500 fiche. Power Requirements: 120V, 60 Hz, 700W. Cooling: Fan cooled. Dimens i o n s : 11 5/ 8"H x 1 7 5/ 16" W 3 1 3 / 8" D (295mm x 440mm x 340mm). Weight: 55 lb. (25 kg). Standard Accessories: Supply bottle, Developer Film Guide. Receiving Tray, Dust Cover.

High speed units available please call.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Desktop contact printer/processor. Film: Master: Standard or super fiche, jacket or aperture cards. Duplicate: Diazo. Exposure Area: 315/16" x 71/2" (110mm x 190mm). Exposure Control: 2-80 seconds adjustable.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

3M 261/262 Duplifiche Printer-Developer
The 3M Duplifiche Printer/Developer is a tabletop combination printer/developer for dry diazo and vesicular films. The 3M Duplifiche System is the only bi-modal, (sign maintaining or sign reversing microcopying) AMMONIA-FREE system available. The 3M 261/262 Duplifiche Printer/Developer is designed for lowto medium-volume microcopying, or as a satellite in a large system. It is compatible with all film duplicating systems, with an added dimension THERMAL, AMMONIA-FREE DEVELOPMENT.

The 261 Duplifiche Printer is a compact exposing device for standard 4" x 6" (105mm x 148mm) microfiche and jackets and tab size 3 3/ 8" x 7 3/ 8" (85.7mm x 187.3mm) microfiche and jackets. The Duplifiche Printer provides high-quality exposures onto either dry diazo (sign-maintaining) or vesicular (sign- reversing) microcopy films from silver halide, dry silver, and diazo masters or jackets.

The 261 Duplifiche Printer has a variable exposure control. The controls are ON/OFF switch, Exposure Time and Print. This unit uses the totally dry exposure and processing concept that 3M pioneered. The dry diazo film is impregnated with diazoum salts, so no ammonia is required in the developer. The only supply item is the dry diazo film. Call Us For Details!

The 262 Duplifiche Developer provides high contrast duplication of both dry diazo and vesicular films. Film development is controlled by two speed options and a pre-set film temperature.

The operator takes the exposed film from the 261 Duplifiche Printer, inserts it into the 262 Duplifiche Developer, and selects either a vesicular or diazo mode. The film exits onto a receiving tray. No operator adjustments are necessary.

Typical Machine Characteristics

261 Duplifiche Printer
Master Film Format: Standard 4" x 6" (105mm x 148mm) microfiche and jackets and Tab Size 33/8" x 73/8" (85.7mm x 187.33mm) microfiche and jackets. Master Film: Silver Halide, Dry Silver, Diazo. Copy Film Format: Standard 4" x 6" (105mm x 148mm) microfiche and jackets and Tab Size 33/8" x 7 3/ 8" (85.7 mm x 187.3mm) microfiche and jackets. Copy Film: Dry Diazo, Vesicular. Speed: 4-6 duplicates per minute. Dimensions: 18.5"W x 10.5"H x 12"D (470mm x 267mm x 305mm). Weight: 38.5 lbs. (17.5 kg). Light Source: 400W Mercury Vapor Lamp. Power Requirements: 115 volts, 60 Hz 10 amps with taps at 105, 115 and 125 volts. International 90/250 volts, 50 Hz 10/5 amps.
Specifications noted herein are subject to change without prior written notice.

262 Duplifiche Developer

Copy Film Format: Standard 4" x 6" (105mm x 148mm) microfiche and jackets and Tab Size 33/8" x 7 3/ 8" (85.7 mm x 187.3mm) microfiche and jackets. Copy Film: Dry Diazo, Vesicular. Speed: 35 seconds maximum for the first dry diazo microcopy; successive copies at a rate of 6-8 per minute. 6.5 seconds maximum for the first vesicular microcopy; successive copies at a rate of 28 per minute. Dimensions: 26.1"W x 7.6"H x 14.8"D (663mm x 194mm x 375mm) plus 4" (102mm) standard microfiche exit tray projection. Weight: Approximately 40 pounds (18 kg). Power Requirements: 115 volts, 60 Hz 10 amps. International 90-250 volts, 50 Hz 10/5 amps.
Specifications noted herein are subject to change without notice.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



Extek 5400/5401 The Intelligent Diazo Duplicators
Exteks diazo roll film duplicator is loaded with productivity-expanding, operator-safe, quality-assurance features never before available on a diazo duplicator. It has none of the disadvantages of competitive machines. Compare these features/benefits with any duplicator on the market:

Unattended Operation. Microprocessor control makes our new Model 5400 the only intelligent diazo roll film duplicator today. An operator can load the duplicator, press START, and walk away. The duplicator stops automatically and sounds a chime after the completed duplicate is on the take-up spindle. Minimum Ammonia Consumption. The intelligent duplicator adds developer to the chamber only as needed. This reduces supply costs and permits placement of smaller, disposable supply bottles within the duplicator cabinet. With ammonia consumption under microprocessor control, and other unique ammonia handling features, the unit is completely safe for open-office operation. Extended Lamp Life. Special bulb design, more efficient cooling, reduced lamp power in automatic standby, and protected automatic re-startall contribute to longer expected lamp life. Operator Safety. Total operator protection is another unique human-engineered feature of Model 5400. In several ways the operator is protected from hot surfaces and ultraviolet light exposure two important features not available on competitive diazo duplicators.

Model 5400 The Intelligent Duplicator!

Hinged cover protects duplicate supply roll from ambient light. Marks on duplicate supply disc let you know how much film remains. An easy-access alcove (not shown) within the duplicator provides space for developer and absorber supply bottles. Both can be readily seen to check supplies. No ugly tubes protrude to inconvenient external supply areas. Developer (aqueous ammonia) is packaged in valved bottles with sealed ports. No ammonia fumes can escape during bottle changeover. Threading guide for fast-and-easy film loading.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Model 5400
Film Size: 16mm. Thickness 2.0 mil to 6 mil. Master and duplicating film may have different thickness. Film Type: Master Silver Halide, Diazo, Vesicular; Duplicate Diazo. Film Capacity (each spindle): Maximum roll diameter 9.2" (234mm); 2000' (610m) of 2.5 mil film. Spindles 0.31" (7.9mm), or 1" (25mm) with adapters. Machine Speed: 0 to 80' per min. (24.4m per min.), operator adjustable. Development System: 26 Baum aqueous ammonia. Capacity 550 ml. Selfcontained absorber. Capacity 1000 ml. Power Requirements: Model AC Input (single phase) 5400 105 to 130 Volts 60 Hz 5400E 210 to 260 Volts 50 Hz Current: Max Standby 13 Amps 5 Amps 6.5 Amps 2.5 Amps

Model 5401
Film Size: 16mm or 35mm. Thickness 2.0 mil to 6 mil. Master and duplicating film may have different thickness. Film Type: Master Silver Halide, Diazo, Vesicular; Duplicate Diazo. Film Capacity (each spindle): Maximum roll diameter 9.2" (234mm); 2000' (610m) of 2.5 mil film. Spindles 0.31" (7.9mm), or 1" (25mm) with adapters. Machine Speed: 0 to 100' per min. (30.5m per min.), operator adjustable. Development System: Developer: 26 Baum aqueous ammonia in 1 gal. (3.8 l) plastic container with 38mm closure. Absorber: In 2 gal. (7.6 l) plastic container. Power Requirements: Model AC Input (single phase) 5401 105 to 130 Volts 60 Hz 5401E 210 to 260 Volts 50 Hz Current: Max Standby 13 Amps 5 Amps 7.5 Amps 5 Amps

Environment: Daylight operation. Recommended relative humidity range 60 to 85%. Heat load less than 3700 BTU per hour, operating; 2900 BTU per hour, standby. Venting not required. Weight: Model 5400 5400E Unit Weight 150 lbs. (68 kg) 150 lbs. (68 kg) Shipping Weight 185 lbs. (84 kg) 185 lbs. (84 kg)

Environment: Daylight operation. Recommended relative humidity range 60 to 85%. Heat load less than 3700 BTU per hour, operating; 2900 BTU per hour, standby. Venting not required. Weight: Model 5401 5401E Unit Weight 170 lbs. (77 kg) 170 lbs. (77 kg) Shipping Weight 205 lbs. (93 kg) 205 lbs. (93 kg)

Dimensions: 24"H x 301/2"W x 21"D (610mm x 775mm x 533mm).

Dimensions: 24"H x 301/2"W x 21"D (610mm x 775mm x 533mm).


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Xidex 16-D
16mm Diazo Duplicator Lowest Cost
The Xidex 16-D Diazo Duplicator is ideal for low volume duplication of 16mm roll microfilm. Its small size and weight make it especially suitable for most office environments. Our exclusive Diazo developer eliminates the need for a darkroom as well as venting or plumbing facilities The Xidex 16-D produces high-resolution duplicates without the need for special operator training and at a significantly lower production cost than conventional silver print film. The diazo process allows even difficult low-contrast masters to be reproduced faithfully.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Film Type: 16mm Xidex Diazo film of 2 to 4 mils. Film Capacity: Supply 2,000' for 2 mils 1,000' for 4 miles Xidex Diazo film. Master 200' for 5 mil silver halide film. Process Speed: Adjustable from 0 to 50' per minute. Exposure: 400 Watt Gallium Mercury arc lamp. Developer: Sealed chamber provides full development of all diazo films. Utilizes aqueous ammonia and has a self contained absorber system. Exposure Belt System: Eliminates the occurrence of slippage and double imaging. Power Requirements: 110 V/60 Hz or 220 V/50 Hz, 15 amp (please specify when ordering). Dimensions: 24"W x 14"H x 14"D. Weight: 95 lbs. (43 kg). Ammonia Consumption: Approximately 100 hrs. per container.

Canon 800Z
16mm Thermal Film Duplicator
Produces vesicular copies from 16mm roll film masters using heat only. Requires no darkroom, venting or plumbing. Offers high-speed duplication up to 150' per minute using Thermal Print Film. Accommodates up to 3000' of print film, and up to 600' of master film.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 199 lbs. (90 kg). Size: 181/2"H x 479/16"W x 233/16"D (470mm x 1208mm x 589mm). Power Requirements: 115 volts, 60 Hz, 2.2 kVA. 220 volts, 50 Hz, 2.2 kVA.


At ALTEK SYSTEMS Quality & Price Balance For Your Best Deal !!!

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



3M 1500 Dry Diazo Duplicator
The first roll film Diazo duplicating system that doesnt require ammonia or other chemicals.
The 3M 1500 microfilm duplicator is a revolutionary improvement in microfilm duplication. Its the first 16mm duplicating system to combine the advantages of a roll film duplicator system with an ammonia-free, dry development process. The result is one of the most compact, convenient and trouble-free systems available.

Dry Diazo means no odors, chemicals, or fumes in your office.

3Ms exclusive Diazo thermal development process eliminates the need for ammonia or other chemicals.Theres no special plumbing or venting set-up needed. No liquids, pressurized gas cylinders or filters required. No special wiring either. Just a standard electrical outlet. Theres nothing hazardous for office personnel to deal with. That makes the 1500 easy to use and makes for a cleaner, safer working environment too. any place youd put an ordinary copy machine. And its just about as easy to use. The 1500 comes with easy instructions and a control that allows the operator to monitor and adjust the duplicate image quality, while processing the film. Duplicating one new reel per process run, the 1500 can produce a duplicate roll of 4,000 images for under four dollars. And do it all without going outside your office. That means you dont risk client confidentiality either. The 1500 even shuts itself off.

Compact and convenient.

Because the 1500 duplicator is self-contained, its perfect for any business environment. Its compact enough to fit

Typical Machine Characteristics

Master Film Format: 10-100' of 5 mil., or 215' of 2.5 mil. silver halide 16mm roll film. Copy Film: 3M type 788 16mm Dry Diazo Film, 4 mil. is 1000' and 2.5 mil. is 1500'. Duplicating Rate: 3.35 m/min. or 11'/min. (normal). Warm-up Time: 8 min. Operating Environment: 60F to 80F1, (6C to 27C) temp. 10-80% Humidity (non-condensing). Power Requirements: U.S. 105-120V AC, 10 AMPS, 60 Hz. Outside U.S. 90-240V AC, 5 AMPS, 50 Hz. Lamps: Exposure 400W Metal Halogen, life 400 hrs. Control Window Two, 12 volt, 2.2 watt. life 400 hrs.. Power Consumption: Standby 785 Watts. Duplicating 840 Watts Duplicator Dimensions: 13"H x 32.6"W x 23.5"D (330mm x 828mm x 598mm). Weight: 121 lbs. (55 kg). Shipping Dimensions: 16.75"H x 35"W x 26.4"D (425mm x 890mm x 670mm). Weight: 147 lbs. (67 kg).

Will produce vesicular film copies too! Call for details.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


Ozalid/GAF 16/35mm Diazo Duplicators
The RRD duplicator is specifically designed for economical, medium speed duplication of 16 and 35mm diazo copy film. The compact tabletop design for small work spaces and nonvent type developing system, make it an ideal machine for in-house operations. The RRD is equipped with many standard features including high speed original film rewind and special film alignment guides to ensure perfect tracking of the original and diazo throughout the duplication process.

The HSD duplicator is one of the fastest 16 and 35mm diazo duplicators on the market, featuring multicopy loop box system, high speed original rewind and auto load facility for both original and diazo copy film around the exposure unit. The HSD non-vented model is equipped with a well proven aqueous ammonia and absorption system, eliminating the need for external ducting.

High Speed: Diazo Microfilms can be processed at speeds up to 120 fpm, resulting in faster duplication turn around. Automatic Master Take-up: The master is automatically fed onto the take-up reel once it is started into the exposure area. Continuous Master Loop: The 16/35 HSD can generate more than 2100 high resolution diazo copies and masters up to 200' can be utilized at speeds up to 120 fpm. Automatic Copy Count-Down: The duplicator automatically returns to standby when the programmed number of copies have been completed allowing one operator to utilize several 16/35s or perform other functions. Master Rewind: Master films can be easily rewound at high speeds. Automatic Standby: At end of diazo, master

automatically goes into standby mode. Ready Light: Indicates when optimum conditions are present for processing, resulting in less film waste from premature duplication. Ammonia Supply Warning Light: Assures continuous development of film and reduces wasted film from incomplete development. Water Level Warning Light: Assures that a constant supply of water vapor is present in the developer chamber, optimizing processing conditions. Absorber Warning Light: Illuminates when absorber is no longer effective, assuring continued ammonia odor absorption or too early replacement of the absorber.

These m two f The HSD vented model requires speci achines a ine anhydrous ammonia and conmeet ally design re ventional ducting. types the need ed to of du s of a opera plicate fil ll tions. m at a constant valve, supply or in event of film breakage, the machine eliminating constant
machine attention. Operators time can be applied to other areas. Film Alignment Guides: Good alignment of the master and diazo is assured from the start of duplication. Film Supply Indicators: Partially duplicated masters are eliminated as the amount of both diazo and master film remaining on the supply reels is readily apparent. Non-Slip Films Not Required: Conventional diazo duplicating films can be used with assured high resolution.

HSD Non-Vented and RRD

Improved Developer Efficiency: Ammonia vapors are constantly recirculated resulting in extended ammonia life and less frequent changes to the absorber.


Constant Take-Up Torque: Both Diazo and master wind-up torque is automatically maintained

Ozalid/GAF 16/35 HSD vented/non vented and RRD non vented are machines designed for precision duplication of 16mm or 35mm roll microfilm. The master and diazo roll film capacity is 2000' of 2.5 mil or 1000' of 4 or 5 mil film.


Typical Machine Characteristics

HSD vented
Machine Speed (ft. per min.) Absorber Life Ammonia Type Ammonia Life Anhydrous N/A 40-120

HSD non-vented RRD non-vented

40-120 Up to 40 hrs. 24 Baume Aqueous Up to 30 hrs. 760W/210V/4.2 A 440W/185V/2.4 A 0-80 Up to 40 hrs. 24 Baume Aqueous Up to 30 hrs. 600W/210V/3.7 A 400W/190V/2.3 A 120V/15A/60 Hz or 220V/10A/50 Hz 4640 4070

Lamp Rating (warm up time 10 min.) Run 760W/210V/4.2 A Standby 440W/185V/2.4 A Electrical name plate rating

120V/17A/60 Hz or 120V/17A/60 Hz or 220V/9A/50 Hz 220V/9A/50 Hz 6450 4750

Installation Prerequisites
Exhaust: 60 Hz, 70 CFM Minimum. Auxiliary Blower required for more than 10' of exhaust hose. Minimum Machine Clearances: Rear 15" Right side 11" Front door 17" Left side 17" Electrical Supply Connections: 110 VAC (or 210) Minimum. 130 VAC (or 230) Maximum. 20 amp supply line 60 Hz required. HSD Vented: Ammonia Connections Suitable Supply of Anhydrous Ammonia. HSD Non-Vented and RRD: Ventiliation 100 cubic feet per minute room air exchange minimum.

Thermal output at 6450 full speed (BTU/Hr.) Thermal output in 4750 standby (BTU/Hr.) Master Rewind Time Net Weight with Stand Shipping Weight with Stand

1-11/2 min. for 1000, 4 mil film 450 lbs. 680 lbs. 450 lbs. 680 lbs. 280 lbs. (no stand) 420 lbs. (no stand)

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



EXTEK 3100 and 3150 Silver Roll Film Duplicators
EXTEK offers two roll-to-roll silver film duplicators. The Model 3100 is for 16mm and 35mm film; the Model 3150 handles 16mm through 105mm film. Both employ Exteks patented vacuum registration method to insure high quality copies free from optical distortions and film slippage. These duplicators have proved themselves in extensive use in microfilm centers throughout the world. Design simplicity and quality manufacture account for the excellent reliability experience enjoyed by users of these equipments. These are a standard of the micrographics industry.

Model 3100 with 16mm Vacuum Head

The Model 3100 and Model 3150 are free standing units, caster mounted for mobility and ease of maintenance. Both have two storage drawers, one of which is light-tight for storing unexposed film. A large storage space is beneath. Optional features and accessories extend the utility of the basic units. These include a variety of loop modules, a counter, a sequential density programmer, and different spindle sizes. A table top mounting unit is available. All models can be configured to operate from foreign power sources.

Model 3150 with Counter, Sequential Density Programmer and 105mm Vacuum Head


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


EXTEK 3100 and 3150 Silver Roll Film Duplicators
Vacuum Heads
A vacuum head is required for each film size to be duplicated. Heads are operator changeable. Standard sizes are: Head (Film) Size 16mm 35mm 70mm 31/4" (82.5mm) 105mm For Use With Model 3100 & 3150 Model 3100 & 3150 Model 3150 Model 3150 Model 3150

Typical Machine Characteristics

Film Size: Model 3100 3150 Film Type: Master Silver Halide, Diazo or Vesicular. Duplicate Silver Halide Print film (image reversed); Direct Duplicating film (image not reversed). 16mm and 35mm films may have sprocket holes; however, sprocket hole registration is not maintained. Film Capacity (Supply Spindles): Spindle (Core) Dia. 1" (3") 5/16" (1") Max. Roll Dia. 5.4 mil 10" (25cm) 1100' (335m) 5" (13cm) 300' (91m) 2.5 mil 2400' (730m) 600' (183m) Width 16mm, 35mm 16mm through 105mm Thickness 1.5 to 8 mil 1.5 to 8 mil

Master and duplicate films may be different thicknesses.

Other sizes available on special order.

Loop Modules
With a loop module the master film may be formed into a closed loop and multiple copies made. Model 3101 3102 3151 3152 Film Size 16mm, 35mm 16mm, 35mm 105mm 16mm, 35mm 105mm Max. Loop Length 102' (31m) 220' (67m) 44' (13m) 102' (31m) 44' (13m) Crated Wt. 120 lb. (54 kg 180 lb. (82 kg) 120 lb. (54 kg) 120 lb. (54 kg)

Diameter of full roll must not be greater than 5 times the core diameter. For take-up spindles the maximum roll diameter for all spindle and core sizes is a 10" (25 cm). Duplicating Speed: 325' per minute (170cm per second), maximum. Exposure Lamp: 250 watt quartz-halide. 1,000 hours life at rated output.

Minimum loop length is 8' (2.4m) for all models and film sizes. Height above duplicator is 42" (107 cm).

Optional Features
Halts operation of duplicator after a preset number of counts. Operator preset to desired number of copies of a looped master. May also be used to select a predetermined film segment for duplication. Actuated by reflective markers placed on master film.

Electrical: 100 to 130 volts (115 volts nominal), 60 Hz, single phase. Less than 0.5 amps in standby, 15 amps maximum when duplicating. Dedicated line not required. Environmental: Darkroom operation; allowable light level depends on duplicating film used. Recommended relative humidity range is 60 to 85%. Heat load is less than 200 BTU per hr. (60 watts) in standby, 5900 BTU per hr. (1725 watts) maximum when duplicating. Spindle Configuration (Standard): Location Master Supply Duplicate Supply Master Take-up Duplicate Take-up Model 3100 5/16" 1" 5/16" 5/16" Model 3150 1" 1" 1" 1"

Sequential Density Programmer

Allows production of duplicates having uniform density from a master having up to eleven segments each of which has a different density. Correction is made on a segment-to-segment basis (not frame-toframe).

50 Hz Configuration
Allows operation from a 50 Hz electrical power source. Input voltage required is 100 to 130 volts (115 nominal). For operation of the duplicator from 220 volts, 230 volts, or 240 volts 50 Hz an external transformer (available as an accessory item) is required, in addition to this optional configuration.

Spare Parts Kit
Contains an assortment of replaceable parts.

5/16" (8mm) diameter spindles accept standard camera-type reels. One-in (25mm) diameter spindles accept standard plastic film cores. Model 3150 is supplied with adapter hubs for use with paper cores. Size: Model 3100 & 3150 3100T & 3150T Weight: Model 3100 & 3150 3100T & 3150T Basic Unit Wt. 360 lbs. (163 kg) 250 lbs. (113 kg) Crated Wt. 600 lbs. (272 kg) 365 lbs. (166 kg) Height 65" (165cm) 31" (77cm) Width 41" (104cm) 41" (104cm) Depth 24" (61cm) 24" (61cm)

One-inch and 5/16" diameter spindles are available individually. Spindles are readily interchanged. The 5/16" spindles may be used on the Model 3150, but are not suitable for 105mm film.

220/230 Volt to 115 Volt Transformer

Allows the duplicator to be operated from a 220 volt, 230 volt, or 240 volt (single phase) electrical power source. (For use with equipment having the 50 Hz configuration option.)

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



3M 420
3M 420 low volume aperture card duplicator.
Simple push button operation. No venting required.

3M 520 Card to Card Duplicator

The 3M 520 Diazo Copy Card Duplicator will automatically reproduce images from all types of master cards onto diazo copy cards at a rate of nine per minute. From 1 to 99 duplicates can be made at the push of the print button and a resettable counter displays the number of copies desired and the number of copies remaining to be run, then resets to the original number desired. Internal and external card stops assure correct registration of the master (single card insertion) to the duplicate copy cards.

Dimensions: Width: 48" (122cm), including work surface, 27" (69cm) from floor x 431/2"H x 24"D (110cm x 61cm). Weight: 170 lbs. (77 kg). Power Requirements: 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 7.5 amp. Hopper Capacity: 300 Diazo copy cards. Duplication Rate: 9 cards per minute.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Size: 38"H x 30"W x 15"D. Weight: 86 lbs. Speed: 8 duplicates per min.

Ot Spee her 3M H d Du igh Avail plicators 3M Models 908 and 918 Card Duplicators have been designed Pleas able. ec and built to offer fast throughput us. all speed, versatility and ease of operation, high quality imaging results and reliable system performance. Both models offer a consistent aperture card duplicating speed of 1000 cards per hour, whether copying one-for-one or making multiple copies from multiple masters. The 908 and 918 feature programma-

3M 908/918 Card Duplicators

ble microp ro c e s s o r controls that permit rapid selection of required functions in a job set-up. An easy-toread display prompts operators with instructions and provides system status messages.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Model 908/918: (The following specifications apply for both Models 908 and 918 unless otherwise noted.) Power Requirements: Voltage: (See Note 1) 200-250 VAC. Current: (See Note 2) 5 Amps. Frequency: International 50 Hz. Domestic 60 Hz. Phase: Single. Operating Characteristics: Duplicating Speed: (See Note 3) 1000 Cards/Hr. Power Factor: Standby: VA: 760. Watts: 650. PF: 0.88. In-Cycle: VA: 850. Watts: 790. PF: 0.93. Heat Dissipation: (BTU Per Hour) 2250. Noise Level: (See Note 6) Standby: 63db/A. In-Cycle: 70db/A. Machine Warm-Up Time: Less than four minutes. Lamp Re-Start Time: Less than five minutes. Expose Station: Lamp Type: Medium Pressure Mercury Arc. Lamp Life: (See Note 3) 400 Hours. Lamp Rating: 400W. Read Station: M918 only (See Note 4) Standard Hollerith Codes (96 Characters). Develop Station: (See Note 5) Ammonia Supply: 2 lb. Cylinder of Technical Grade Anhydrous Ammonia. Pressure: 5.2 bar (75 psi) Regulated. Ammonia Absorber: Citric Acid Solution. Recommended Machine Environment: Temperature: 60-80F (12-18C). Humidity: 40-60%, Non-Condensing. Room Air Flow Rate: 5 Meters3 Minute. Background Dust Level: 0.5 Milligrams/Meter.3 Machine Dimensions: 23.35"H x 26.25"W x 55.70"L (590mm x 666mm x 1414mm). Weight: 326 lbs. (148 kg) Stand Dimensions: 27"H x 26.5"W x 74"L (675mm x 673mm x 1880mm). Weight: 247 lbs. (112 kg) Space Requirements: 90" x 100" (2285mm x 2540mm).
Notes: 1. After matching to Line Voltage, the maximum allowable voltage fluctuation is 5%. 2. A dedicated computer grade 220 VAC, 15 amp service is required. 3. Duplicating Speed is directly related to Lamp Life. A fresh Lamp provides speeds as indicated. The Lamps are designed to operate for approximately 400 hours. The minimum useable life is defined as a 20% reduction of card throughput. 4. This machine will not read Column 81. 5. Access Holes provided for External Ammonia and Venting. 6. Noise Level measured 3' (1 meter) from front of machine.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Automaster II Model 162A
Designed to automatically fill and update microfilm jackets. Features
Designed for automatic insertion of 16mm blip coded microfilm (4 or 5.5 mil only) into TA and TJ style jackets, types 243, 243X, 148, 148X, 242, 242X and 244. Inserts up to 1500 6" strips of microfilm per hour. Inserts up to 500 single or multiple images per hour. Automatically stops at the first image of each new subject for verification. Registers the jackets in precise relation to the film track for positive automatic film insertion. Cuts accurately between images by optically sensing precoded marks related to the images. Automatically senses end of chamber, end of jacket and start of new subject. Automatically cycles through three functions film cutting, carriage indexing and slot clearing for updating. Visual verification of the first image BEFORE insertion into the jacket. Can be operated in automatic or manual mode. Waste film lever for removal of unwanted film.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Screen: 111/2" x 12". Blue or Green non-glare natural density. Optical System: Fan cooled 50 Watt Quartz Halogen Lamp, 13.8 Volt, Two (2) position (Hi/Lo) Switches. Magnification: 20X Operator focus controlled. Power Requirements: 120 Volt, 60 Hz, 2.5 Amp. (290 Watts).* Dimensions: 231/2"W x 201/4"D x 231/2"H (52cm x 51.5cm x 59.7cm). Weight: 75 lbs. (34 kg). Minimum Work Area: 25"W x 27"D (63.5cm x 68.5cm).
* On manual mode, all style jackets are acceptable. ** Special order 220 Volt, 50 Hz.


Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


NB 1600 Inserter
Files up to 700 strips of microfilm per hour; files up to 250 single images per hour when updating the Microfiche Jacket; verifies the images BEFORE insertion into the jacket on brilliant screen with variable illumination; registers the Jacket in precise relation to the film track for positive and rapid film insertion; cut accurately between images by exposing document and cutting edge on the Reader screen; automatically cycles through three functions film cutting, jacket indexing, and notch clearing for updating; film drive knob provides for rapid scan of image or images for accurate verification and alignment; accommodates all 16mm jackets and the 16mm chambers of combination jackets; avoids fingerprints and other film damage. The NB 1600 accurately and rapidly inserts single and multiple images into your jacket without use of tape, adhesive or operator fingering of film.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Screen: 8" x 8" green, non-glare, neutral density. Projection System: Fan cooled, quartz-halogen lamp, 21 v, 150 w. Focus: Operator controlled. Magnification: 14.5, adjustable iris for variable screen illumination. Accessories: 90 rotation prism, positive prism for even generation film. Power Requirements: 116 volts; 50/60 Hz; 1.5 amps. Dimensions: 201/2" x 20" x 201/2" (52cm x 51cm x 52cm). Work Area: 3' x 3'. Weight: 70 lbs.

Microseal VM-16
The MICROSEAL VM-16 Viewer-Inserter is a precision unit for viewing, cutting and inserting microfilm in 16mm carriers. The VM16 is designed for use with MICROSEAL aperture cards, card jackets, translucent transfer cards and microfilm polyester jackets.
Larger Viewing Area. A wider light path projects a full 12" x 12" natural tone illumination, ideal for viewing legal and "over-sized" source documents. The screen can be easily removed for simple cleaning. Quiet Operation. Because the precision parts of the VM-16 have no noisy solonoids, film cutting and inserting is very quiet. This greatly reduces the operators fatigue and eliminates office distraction. Variety of Lenses. The basic VM Viewer-Inserter is designed to accept any of our snap-in 15X, 20X, 24X or 38X lenses. Precision Cutting Accuracy. The cutting blade is projected onto the left side of the screen for accurate film cutting especially important with 32X and 40X filming. Faster Microfilm Insertion. The larger screen and the clearly displayed film cutting edge result in average speeds of 350-400 inserts per hour. Often, speeds of up to 700 inserts per hour can be reached by experienced operators. Interchangeable Film Modules. The VM-16 will accept an interchangeable 35mm cutting module and a 35mm 15X lens. Now you can fill both 16mm and 35mm microfilm jackets and aperture cards with the same unit. No Service Contract. Service contracts are not required due to the absence of automated mechanisms and the simplicity of parts replacement.

Microseal VM-35
The MICROSEAL VM-35 Viewer Inserter is a precision unit for viewing, cutting and inserting 35mm microfilm in Mil-D size (1.906") apertures. The VM35 is designed for use with MICROSEAL aperture cards, card jackets and conventional microfilm jackets.
Larger Viewing Screen.
The bright, natural tone 12" x 12" viewing screen permits positive drawing verification and precise center-line positioning prior to cutting each film segment. Natural tone reduces eye fatigue; microfilm images appear brighter in normal office lighting. Lead Cutting Blade Removal. The lead cutting blade can be easily disengaged with a single screw to permit cutting of random length segments of 35mm microfilm. Aperture Card Position Guide. Each VM-35 is preset at the factory with a precision aperture card guide so that each card can slide quickly and accurately onto the cutting module. Faster Insertion Speeds. The larger screen and the clearly displayed center-line positioning for precise film cutting result in average insertion speeds of 400-450 cards per hour. Experienced operators are reaching speeds of up to 600 cards per hour. Quiet Operation. The precision parts of the VM-35 do not require noisy solonoids. Film cutting and insertion is extremely quiet, permitting the operation of the unit in sensitive office areas. Interchangeable Film Modules. The VM-35 Viewer-Inserter will accept a 16mm cutting module and a 20X, 24X or 38X lens. Now you can fill both 35mm and 16mm aperture cards and microfilm jackets with the same unit. No Service Contract. Service contracts are not required due to the absence of automated mechanisms and the simplicity of parts replacement.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Screen Size: 12" x 12". Dimensions: 141/2"W x 241/2"H x 161/2"D. Magnifications: 20X, 24X, 38X. Weight: 50 lbs.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Screen Size: 12" x 12". Magnifications: 15X. Dimensions: 141/2"W x 241/2"H x 161/2"D. Weight: 50 lbs.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

NB Reader Filler II
The Reader Filler II, the versatile large screen jacket filler, makes precision filing of active records fast, easy and very accurate.
This top quality device inserts and verifies 16mm or 35mm microfilm, up to 400 strips per hour may be inserted. Verifies the images before insertion into jackets on brilliant screen with variable illumination. Automatically moves to next available chamber. Specify 16mm or 35mm model.

Quality & High Magnification. A 20X or 30X interchangeable
lens provides image brilliance and clarity at all reduction ratios. and 4) repositioning the chamber for structuring, when required.

Advanced Optics and Lamp.

In a drawer for easy access and service.

High Production Capability. Files 400' of microfilm per hour with 100% verification and quality control. Versatile. Use for all 16mm microfilm
filing systems. Accepts all NB Jacket styles and types.

Accurate Cutting. Exact cutting

edge visible on screen. Precise alignment (adjustable) for the most demanding cutting requirements.

Film Advance Knob. For rapid film scanning, insertion, structuring and alignment. Cycle Button. Automatically cycles
the filler through four functions. 1) cutting, 2) positioning, 3) clearing the jacket notch

Waste Film Lever. Quick and easy removal of waste film, filmed identification targets and waste or spoiled images. High/Low Lamp Switch. High
setting increased illumination for high density or poor images. Low setting normal density and long lamp life.

Ask About Our 50-50 Purchase Program

Typical Machine Characteristics

Screen: 111/2" x 12" (29.1cm x 30.0cm), green, non-glare. Film: Conventional 16mm thick (5.5 mils) to thin (2.5 mils) microfilm. Projection System: Fan cooled quartz-halogen lamp, 13.8 volt, 50 watt. Focus: Operator controlled. Power Requirements: 120 volts, 60 Hz, 2.1 amps. (230 volt, special order). Dimensions: 161/2"W x 161/2""D x 231/2"H (41.9cm x 41.9 cm x 59.7 cm). Work Area: 21" x 27" (53.3cm x 68.5cm). Weight: 47 lbs. (21.4 kg). Dust Cover: Vinyl, custom fitted. Accessories: 90 rotation prism for cine mode film. 180 image inversion for duplicate or second generation film.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



3M Semi-Automatic Optical Mounter
Centers, checks and mounts microfilm frames accurately onto 3M Aperture Cards; 14" x 14" screen shows image before mounting; insures accuracy in checking and mounting film. Push-button controls make entire operation simple. The 3M Semi-Automatic Mounter is designed especially for mounting frames of microfilm onto pre-punched accounting machine cards. The operator centers the film in the mounter screen compares the film data projected on the screen with the posted and punched data on the 3M Aperture Cardpresses a button to activate the film die that cuts the film frame, positions it in the card, and automatically advances the next film frame. Operations and maintenance are simple. Exhaust blowers keep the film plane and glass anvil cooler than most readers. Other features include provision for using 100' or 1000' rolls of microfilm; magnifying glass to assist in checking vital data and easy adjustment of mirrors for mounting either negative or positive film.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 50"H x 603/4"W (shelves extended) x 291/4"D. Weight: 253 lbs. Power Requirements: Lamp 150 W, 120 V, base down (G.E.).

3M Hand Mounter
For cold mount Aperture Cards. This unit is designed to convert roll microfilm to aperture card form. Film is mounted by inserting aperture card into the mounter, centering the image in the aperture, and depressing a lever. Film is cut and mounted in one operation. An average of 400 frames can be mounted per hour. This model has special, modified feed rollers to reduce the possibility of film abrasion; re-designed cutting dies that can be removed and sharpened at less expense; positive acting film advance knob that makes it easy to position film for correct mounting and spring loaded cam action that facilitates operation.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 51/4"H x 7"W x 9"D. Weight: 9 lbs. Power Requirements: Lamp 6 W, 110/120 V.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

3M 1600 Roll Film Processor
The microfilm processing system thats completely self-contained.
If microfilm processors have always seemed too large or too expensive to install in your office, the convenient new 3M 1600 Film Processor is just right for you. The unit is table-top size and requires no exterior plumbing. To install it, the service technician simply plugs it into the nearest electrical outlet. Its also easy to operate. Just insert a reel of 16mm film or a 3M camera cartridge. Everything else is automatic. Processing chemistry is totally self-contained in the 3M Chem-Pac. Each Chem-Pac processes ten rolls of 5 mil x 100' film or five rolls of 21/2 mil x 200' film. The processor automatically monitors the chemicals and prevents the processing of film when the chemistry is depleted. When the Chem-Pac is depleted, simply remove it and install another. The 1600 also has a short term back-up power and memory system in case of power failure or the machine is moved. With a 3M 1600 Film Processor, your records remain secure. You dont have to worry about losing microfilm in the mail or lab. Just 20 minutes of processing for a 100' roll and your film is ready to use.

The 1600 Film Processor easily handles either 3M cartridges or 16mm roll rilm, and you can interchange them at any time.

It fits conveniently on a table top and requires no external plumbing or special electrical hook-ups.

The Chem-Pac is entirely self-contained and fits easily into the machine. At the end of the chemicals life, simply remove the ChemPac and install another.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Master Film: Ten 100' rolls of 5 mil, or five 215' rolls of 2.5 mil silver halide 16mm roll film. Film Drive Speed: 5' (1524mm) per minute at 115 VAC. Processing Time: 20 minutes for a 100' roll. Warm-up Time: 20 minutes at 115 VAC. Operating Environment: Heat Dissipation: Processing 1,651 BTU/Hour at 115 VAC and 60 Hz. Standby: 209 BTU/Hour. Noise Level: Operating Mode 65dB maximum. Environment: a) Ambient Temperature: Operating: 60 to 85F (16 to 29C); Storage: 20 to 140F (29 to 60.5C); b) Relative Humidity: Operating: 10-80% Non-Condensing; Storage: 5-90%. Power Requirements: 90-250 VAC; 4.2 amp at 115 VAC, 60 Hz; 2.1 amps at 230 VAC, 50 Hz. Power Consumption: Standby 57 watts at 115 VAC, 60 Hz. Processing 483 watts at 115 VAC, 60 Hz. Processor Dimensions: 131/2"H x 26"W x 12"D (343mm x 660mm x 305mm). Weight: 30 lbs. (13.6 kg). Shipping Dimensions: 18"H x 31"W x 17"D (457mm x 787mm x 432mm). Weight: 35 lbs. (15.9 kg).

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Kodak Prostar I Processor
This versatile processor will process both 16mm and 35mm microfilm. Chemicals are premixed in their own disposable container. The processor threads itself, so its very easy to operate. It processes at speeds of 10' of film per minute (3m/ min) in normal room illumination. For operation, the Kodak Prostar I Processor requires a thermostatic mixing valve, a water source, water drain and electrical outlet.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 100 lbs. (45.4 kg) (empty). Dimensions: 29"H x 30"W x 16"D (73.7cm x 76cm x 40.6cm). Power Requirements: 104 to 127 V, 60 Hz. 113 to 127 V, 50 Hz. Environmental Requirements: Temperature: 65-86F (18.5-30C). Relative Humidity: 20 to 76%. Heat Dissipation: 4800 BTUs per hour when in dryer or run mode. Accessories: Kodak Thermostatic Mixing Valves Prostar Chemical Replenisher Kit Kodak Processor Cabinet Kodak Prostar Cabinet Sink Kodak Processed Microfilm InspectionKit

Kodak Prostar II Processor

Incorporates all the advantages of the Prostar I Processor with long-length processing capability built in to 2400'. Adapts to a wide range of magazines, cartridges, and cassettes. The Kodak Prostar II Processor also processes 100', 125' and 215' lengths of 16mm or 35mm. Dual-strand 16mm capability doubles the output of 16mm to 20' (6m) per minute. The Kodak Prostar II Processor has all the design features of the Kodak Prostar I Processor plus: Long-Length Processing: Accepts single rolls up to 1200' (366m) of 5-mil film and up to 2400' (731.5m) of 16mm, 21/2-mil film from external magazines and cassettes. Automatic replenishment is mandatory when processing long lengths, to achieve optimum quality.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 115 lbs. (52.2 kg) (empty). Dimensions: 31"H x 39"W x 16"D (78.7cm x 99.1cm x 40.6cm). Power Requirements: 104 to 127 V, 60 Hz. 113 to 127 V, 50 Hz. Environmental Requirements: Temperature: 65-86F (18.5-30C). Relative Humidity: 20 to 75%. Heat Dissipation: 4800 BTUs per hour when in dryer or run mode. Accessories: Kodak Thermostatic Mixing Valves Prostar Chemical Replenisher Kit Kodak Processor Cabinet Kodak Prostar Cabinet Sink Kodak Processed Microfilm Inspection Kit Kodak Prostar Cassette Adapter (for IBM and Burroughs cassettes)

Kodak Microfilm Mini Processor

This compact, tabletop processor requires no plumbing and works in full room light. It can be located adjacent to microfilming equipment for immediate processing of 16mm microfilm to meet archival standards. Premixed chemicals are provided in one quart, disposable containers with colorcoded bottle caps for virtually error-free changes. No need to come in contact with the chemicals. Its self-threading and requires minimal cleaning time. And it plugs into conventional electrical outlets.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Weight: 55 lbs. (25 kg). Environmental Requirements: Dimensions: 171/2"H x 341/2"W x 111/2"D (42cm x 88cm x 28cm). Room Temperature: Between 59-86F). Power Requirements: 117 volts, 50/60 Hz. Chemical Operating Temperature: 98.6F. Conventional Electric Outlet Warm-up time: 12 minutes. Film Lengths: Up to 215' (65.6m). Film Thicknesses: 2.5 mil, 4 mil, 5 mil, 5.2 mil (a leader should be used with 2.5 mil).


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Varifilm Roll Film Processor
The Cordell Straight Line DesignShortest Route To Archival Quality.
The range of six fully automatic Varifilm Processors for the microfilm market employs Cordells simple straight line film transport design. Ideal processing solution temperatures are maintained by individual in-line heaters. Proper solution agitation is controlled by individual circulation pumps. The processed film, delivered completely dry and ready for immediate viewing, is automatically rewound onto take-up reels, emulsion side either in or out, as desired. The entire process is accomplished conveniently in a normal office environment.

The Straight Line To The Bottom Line.

All Cordell processors share much more than a common film transport design. Each self-threading machine is capable of random daylight loading. Those Varifilm Processor models with a five inch wide film path will accommodate up to three rolls of 16mm simultaneously, two rolls of 35mm or one roll of 105mm film as well as cut microfiche. The model CE 642, with a ten inch wide film path, doubles the above capabilities. The random loading and simultaneous processing features give Cordell processors a significant cost-per-foot operating advantage while increasing operator convenience. Adding to the operating ease and economy is a comprehensive line of processor accessories, such as the daylight film load boxes, replenishment systems, mixing valves, variable speed transport system and operating consoles.

Six Specialized Models Meet A Variety Of Needs. CE 240

The CE 240 is a compact machine with three modular 1/2-gallon capacity solution tanks. This table-top unit is designed to meet the basic processing needs of the low to mid-volume user of A.H.U. and COM standard film. Operation is simple, even for minimally trained personnel. It is ideally suited for in-house processing requirements. Features include: Leaderless, self-threading Random film loading External plumbing option Standard reversible film take-up Variable-speed drive option Film inspection station option Replenishment system option

Daylight film load option Archival quality capability

CE 260
The CE 260 is a highly flexible, modular four 1/2-gallon tank processor. Only seven inches longer than the CE 240, the CE 260s extra solution tank permits processing of dye-back type microfilm and halide reversal of COM film, or provides an extra wash for A.H.U. film. Features include: Leaderless, self-threading Random film loading External plumbing option Standard reversible film take-up Variable-speed drive option Film inspection station option Replenishment system option

Daylight film load option Archival quality capability

CE 321
The CE 321 is a table-top processor designed to meet the processing requirements of the mid-to high-volume users of A.H.U. and COM standard film. The one-gallon capacities in this modular three-tank processor permit faster film transport speeds. CE 321 features: Leaderless, self-threading Random film loading External plumbing option Standard variable-speed drive Replenishment system option Daylight film load option Standard reversible film take-up Film inspection station option Archival quality capability

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


CE 421
The CE 421 is a modular, four 1-gallon capacity tank, double-speed version of the CE 260. Like its smaller counterpart, the CE 421 permits processing of dye-back type microfilm and halide reversal of COM film, or provides an extra wash for A.H.U. films. Features include: Leaderless, self-threading Random film loading External plumbing system option Standard variable-speed drive Replenishment system option Daylight film load option Standard reversible film take-up Film inspection station option Archival quality capability

CE 600
The CE 600 has been designed primarily for the COM user. The self-contained modular six 1/2-gallon capacity tank unit is capable of full reversal COM film processing. Features include: Leaderless, self-threading Standard reversible film take-up Random film loading Film inspection station option Standard four tank replenishment system Daylight film load option External plumbing system required Archival quality capability Standard variable speed drive

CE 642
The CE 642, with two 5" wide film paths, is designed especially for the high-volume A.H.U. film user. This modular three-tank processor with 2-gallon capacities, is completely self contained. CE 642 features include: Leaderless, self-threading Standard film inspection station Random film loading Standard reversible film take-up Standard replenishment system Daylight film load option External plumbing required Archival quality capability Standard variable speed drive

Typical Machine Characteristics

MODEL 240 Maximum Film Width: 5" Minimum Film Length: 4.5" Variable Transport Speed: Optional Film Transport Speed: 2.5 fpm Solution Temperature: 95-115F Solution Tank Capacity: 0.5 gal. Number of Solution Tanks: 3 Replenishment System: Optional Plumbing: Optional Water Consumption: 0.5 gal./min. Drain Type: Gravity Power Requirements: 120V 50/60 Hz (amps, no. of phases) 15,1 220/240V 50/60 Hz (amps, no. of phases) 8,1 Warm-up Time: 10-12 min. Film Inpsection Station: Optional Reversible Take-up: Standard Weight: 60 lbs. Dimensions (H x L x W): 10"x36"x15" Load Boxes: Optional 260 5" 4.5" Optional 2.5 fpm 95-115F 0.5 gal. 4 Optional Optional 1.0 gal./min. Gravity 15,1 8,1 10-12 min. Optional Standard 80 lbs. 13"x43"x16" Optional 321 5" 4.5" Standard 1-6 fpm 95-115F 1.0 gal. 3 Optional Optional 1.5 gal./min. Gravity 15,1 8,1 20-25 min. Optional Standard 110 lbs. 17"x56"x20" Optional 421 5" 4.5" Standard 1-6 fpm 95-115F 1.0 gal. 4 Optional Optional 1.0 gal./min. Gravity 20,1 10,1 20-25 min. Optional Standard 150 lbs. 17"x67"x20" Optional 600 5" 4.5" Standard 1-6 fpm 95-115F 0.5 gal. 6 Standard Required 1.0 gal./min. Sump 30,2 13,1 15-20 min. Optional Standard 350 lbs. 41"x63"x28" Optional 642 2"x5" 4.5" Standard 1-6 fpm 95-115F 2.0 gal. 3 Standard Required 1.5 gal./min. Sump 30,2 13,1 20-25 min. Standard Standard 350 lbs. 40"x60"x26" Optional


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Rewind With Friction Control (REF)
Quality built heavy duty auto power or manual rewinds by Hollywood. Optional is the pictured heavy duty foot switch. Other styles available.

Power Rewind With Heavy Duty Foot Control

The HFC power rewind is the most popular unit of its kind used in TV stations, laboratories and inspection centers. Strong and silent operation is accomplished with a heavy duty motor suspended on a V belt. A clutch releases the motor for free-wheeling. Each unit is drilled and tapped to accept the HFC Tightwind (TWC-1 or TW-16) as an accessory. Winds up to 3000' are handled with ease. The Model PR-1 is supplied with a standard foot rheostat. The Model PR-1HD is supplied with a heavy duty foot rheostat recommended for inspecting, cleaning or when considered stop and start winding is involved.

Unit is noise free with v-belt drive. Shielded ball bearings assures smooth performance. 1/10 H.P. variable speed motor. Carbon pyle foot rheostat. Interchangeable shafts. Disengaging clutch. Light Box (LB-1) Available with shaft facing or away from operator. Motor wired with four leads to permit reversing direction without loss of torque. Product No. 1496 Code TMRP-1 Product No. 1495 Code TMRT-1

16mm Steel Cans With Epoxy Paint

Editing Table
Every square inch of the HFC editing table is designed with the film editor in mind. The table consists of a heavy duty welded angle iron frame with a convenient bottom rack and capped legs. The top is made of tough one inch particle board with an eye saving light grey surface of laminated formica. The flush lightwell is located right of center and in alignment with the rewinds. The specially selected vuelight glass will withstand heavy punishment and transmit an even incandescent illumination. Editing Table With Drawer (ETBRD-1) HFC rewinds bolt through the solid top and the steel frame assuring stability when winding film. The HFC inspection table is as above, but without the lightwell. Editing and inspection tables are stocked in the following sizes and in any combination: 24" or 28" deep, 60" or 72" wide, 31" or 34" high. Most popular combinations:
16mm Heavy Duty Steel Reels With Epoxy Paint
Prod. No. 3120 Add 3121 product 3122 number 3123 3184 if 3124 34" high 3130 table is 3131 desired. 3132 3133 Code ETBR-1 ETBRD-1 ETBR-28 ETBRD-28 ETBRD-728 ITBR-1 ITBR-28 ITBRD-1 ITBRD-28 D W H 24"x60"x31" 24"x60"x31" 28"x60"x31" 28"x60"x31" 28"x72"x31" 24"x60"x31" 28"x60"x31" 24"x60"x31" 28"x60"x31" Item Boxed Shipping Wt. editing table 106 lbs. editing table w/drawer 124 lbs. editing table 116 lbs. editing table w/drawer 134 lbs. editing table w/drawer 145 lbs. inspection table 102 lbs. inspection table 112 lbs. inspection table w/drawer 110 lbs. inspection table w/drawer 128 lbs.

Editing Table Rack Accessory

Prod. No. 3100 3101 3102

The HFC table rack fits on the back of the editing table and conveniently holds rolls of film for inter-cutting. Made with sturdy sheet metal and finished in silver grey hammertone.
Code TR-1 TR-21 TR-72 D W H 5"x57"x32" 5"x57"x16" 5"x70"x32" Item 4 tier table rack 2 tier table rack 4 tier table rack

Shipping Wt. 21 lbs. 14 lbs. 26 lbs.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Microfilm Rewinds
16, 35, and 105mm manual drive. Friction control adjusts film tension for ease of operation.

Cartridge Loader
Manual drive loads both 3M and Kodak style cartridges.

Motorized Rewinds and Cartridge Loaders Call For Details!

Swift Microscope 2029

Features 3-objective lens turret Inclination of body Fully coated optics Self-contained illumination 100X Microscope for checking resolution with a smooth rack and pinion focusing mechanism. Comes with illumination device. 1.8mm field of view.
Body Nosepiece Objectives Slide Clips Stage Disc Diaphragm



Focusing Knob

Top quality eye loupes. All stan-


dard lupes have coated optics and a clear base which allows ambient light to enter. CE? These are excellent for spot checks and general inspec- NEED A PRIay! d Call Us To tion. 123 (800) 627-1 1961 10x Lupe or FAX 1962 15x Lupe 40

-49 (713) 995

16mm x 2000' steel shipping cases, 1 to 4 reel capacity.

35mm x 2000' heavy duty plastic shipping cases, 2 to 4 reels.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

For Inspection Cotton or Nylon Film Handling Gloves
For any processing function. Keeps your hands from touching sensitive film emulsion. Gloves in large and small sizes. Cotton Gloves, small size Cotton Gloves, large size Nylon Gloves, one size Stock No. 1109 Stock No. 1012 Stock No. 1352

3M Cartridge Film Loading Station

Features Motorized Variable speed Automatic breaking Built-in lighted station Direct drive for smooth transport 16mm capability Available in 1,000' reel configuration Loads 3M type cartridges

67220 67220

67219 67219

For Film Processing

Sequentially Numbered TWIN CHECKS: Put one on the processed film, and one on the box avoids mix ups! All of our Film Checks are printed on white acrylic based adhesive.

Twin Checks Packaged: 2000 labels per roll

26677 26677 26677

26676 26676 26676

Triple Checks Packaged: 3000 labels per roll

Editor - Loaders
Model 1500 & 1600 Editor-Loaders

1000, 1500, 1600) have a reverse switch for operation in either direction.


Standard 24x magnification 15" x 15" screen The Model 1500 and Model 1600 are eco High or variable low speed nomical, highly efficient, operation Product motorized combination units No. I-584 Instant braking of large Model designed for editing and supply reel to prevent film 1600 inspection of film, or loadpile-up Winds 100' of film in 15 ing film into carseconds tridges or onto Tough, durable blue reels. styrene cabinet mounted on white The Model 1500 is formica platform capable of loading film from 1000' Reels onto 100-125 VAC, 60 cycle, 4 amp smaller Reels, M-Type Cartridges or ANSI Model 1500: 24" x 36" x 26" Model 1600: 24" x 48" x 26" Cartridges, or from Cartridges back onto Compatible with 3M, Kodak, Ektamate, and 1000' Reels. Bell & Howell systems

Product No. I-583 Model 1500

Image rotation Odometer Foot switch 220 VAC transformer

Model 1000 Loader Reel-to-Cartridge Reelto-Reel

The Model 1000 motorized cartridge loader cuts, splices and loads 16mm film from large reels into cartridges. It also loads 16mm and 35mm film onto reels and cartridges. A splicer is mounted for quick, efficient splicing of film or attaching leaders to film.

The Model 1600 will load film from 1000' Reels directly to other 1000' Reels or into M-Type or ANSI Cartridges. All units (Model

32x, 42x, or 48x magnification
Product No. I-580 Model 1000

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Altek Inspection Station 2044
Save time and effort with this innovative table top inspection center. Light weight can be moved from one area to another. Features 2 manual rewinds, light box and a 15x lupe. For inspecting microfilm images the light box is positioned to accommodate the operator either in a sitting or standing position. An optional cartridge loader is also available. Stock No. 2044

We Purchase Surplus Equipment

PHONE (800) 627-1123


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

3M 222 Reconditioned Densitometer
Get high quality images from your microfilm system every time with 3Ms Model 222 Densitometer.
The final product your microfilm system produces is only as good as the quality control you put in.Thats why you need the 3M 222 Densitometer. This solid state, precision instrument detects density variations so subtle they cant be seen by the naked eye. So you get the readability of quality microfilm images time after time. Readability that can meet all density specifications for N.B.S., I.R.S., N.M.A., D.O.D., etc. Fully electronic, the 3M 222 Densitometer reads with the push of a button. Interchangeable apertures allow accurate readings on all formats at all reductions. Push-button zeroing and a built-in memory permit rapid reading of multiple image formats and repeatable density comparisons. Voltage and temperature compensated electronics give you consistent, accurate readings. Modular construction makes service quick and easy. And the 222 Densitometer is so rugged, it will remain aligned even if picked up by the reading arm.

Easy to read display, built-in memory. Large LED numerals make density display easy to see, even in brightly lit areas. Convenient memory function allows operator to store reference density values for rapid comparisons. Excellent for processor control applications.

Lighted work surface. Locating image areas to be measured is easy on the lighted work surface. It also can be used for film inspection.

Simple Calibration. Comes factory calibrated to national standards. Light source is a tungsten, halogen lamp thats optically pre-aligned and easily replaced. A density step wedge is provided for simple operator calibration to specific densities.

The 3M 222 Densitometer is vital to assuring quality control in your microfilm system.





Typical Machine Characteristics

Measuring Range: 0-5.0 (2mm aperture). Accuracy: 02. Repeatability: .01. Zero Stability Per 8 Hours: .03 (.01 Typical). Scale Factor (Slope) Stability: 1%. Display: 1/2" LED. Optics: Designed to conform to ANSI PH 2.19, diffuse transmission density standard for silver gelatin films. Light Source: Tungsten halogen lamp, pre-aligned. Sensors: Photovoltaic silicon diodes. Warm-up time: Less than 60 seconds. Measuring Area: 1mm, 2mm, 3mm apertures included (.5mm optional). Power Requirement: 80 VA, 50 Hz-60Hz, 115/230V AC 10% (compensated). Operating Temperature Range: 10 - 40C (compensated). Dimensions: 101/4"W x 15"D x 51/4"H (26cm x 38.1cm x 13.3cm). Weight: 8.5 lbs. (3.86 kg). Measuring Arm Length: 73/8" (18.7cm).

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Processing Aids Altek pH Test Kit
pHep Tester provides instant pH level readings to insure proper disposal of microfilm developer, under both EPA and local government guidelines. The ALTEK Test Kit includes the pHep Tester, 18 oz. measuring graduate, 32 oz. solution container and glacial acetic acid (16 oz.) with complete instructions for testing and disposal of microfilm developer. Stock No. 1777

Methylene Blue Reagents

Full glassware sets and reagents necessary to provide full Methylene Blue test to measure residual thiosulfate in microfilm or microfiche. These are top quality products that allow continuous control on the efficiency of your processing system. Methylene Blue Glassware Set with instructions. Methylene Blue Reagents Set with instructions. Elvent Reagent sufficient for 50 tests. Borohybride Reagent sufficient for 150 tests. Acetone Reagent sufficient for 75 tests. Ferric Sulfate Reagent sufficient for 150 tests. NNDPS Reagent sufficient for 150 tests. Standard Reagent Concentrated dilute and use as prepared.

Please call for more information.

Control Strips
Ideal for monitoring the output of your microfilm processor. Each pre-exposed strip provides both a low density and a reference density of the microfilm developer. 120 strips per roll. Stock No. 1435 Call for a free process control guide.

New Spectronic 20+ and 20D+ Spectrophotometers

Solid-state detector measures from 340 to 950 nm without replacing phototubes. No 0%T adjustments are necessary turn the unit on and read your sample. Optical filters included reduce stray light to less than 0.5%T change with the push of a lever. Spectronic 20+ Analog Models (02660-10 and -09) feature wavelength selection, power/zeroing knob, and T/A control. Analog output is adjustable from 0 to 1.0 VDC use with a chart recorder or a digital readout device. Shipping weight 19 lbs. (8.6 kg). Spectronic 20D+ Digital Models (02660-50 and -49) simultaneously display wavelength SPECTRONIC 20D+ and either % T, A, or concentration. For direct concentration readout, simply key in the digital model 02660-50 fea- inverse of the slope of your standard curve (calcutures direct concentration readout. lated by plotting A versus concentration of several known standards) while in FACTOR mode. The meter then electronically converts absorbance values to concentration units by multiplying absorbance values by this factor. Interface with your MS-DOS computer for data manipulation and printing. Built-in RS-232 serial interface lets you connect the meter to your computer or printer with the 02650-11 cable (sold separately under Accessories at right). Shipping weight 19 lbs. (8.6 kg). Both spectrophotometers include:

Twelve 1/2" diameter test tube curvettes and sample adapter Dust cover and operators manual 6' cord with plug (U.S. Standard or European).

SPECTRONIC 20+ analog model 02660-10


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

The NMI450 Film Cleaning System saves time and money. Period!

The NMI 450 is a high quality, easy to use, long roll of film cleaning system. It is designed to clean all film sizes through 70mm, including reprints. Semi-automatic operation requires little special training. Its remarkably easy to use and operate. This revolutionary new cleaner uses no messy liquids, only specially treated cleaning tapes and static removing brushes to reduce remakes the spotting. Two state cleaning not only removes dust and dirt, it also reduces static via two specially made dissipative brushes.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Film Length: 600'. Cleaning Speed: 35'/min. Rewind Speed: 100'/min. Power Requirements: 105-130 VAC (60 Hz) 1.5A.

Ordering Information
41mm Cleaning Tapes: S-7510. 46mm Cleaning Tapes: S-7511. 70mm Cleaning Tapes: S-7512. All Tape Lengths: 100' (sold in pairs).

Model 5001 Ultrasonic Film Splicer

For 16mm and 35mm film formats. Particularly suited for polyester based film. Multi-voltage input transformer.
This quality splicer produces archival splices of polyester film and some triacetate film applications. Meets both DOD and ANSI standards. Splices 16mm and 35mm microfilm. Stock No. 2734

Typical Machine Characteristics

Size: 8" x 121/2" x 61/2" (20.3cm x 31.8cm x 16.5cm). Weight: 16 lbs. (7.30 kg).

Call For More Information

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


The X-Rite 301 Densitometers X-Rite 301
The low cost model 301 is designed to help keep your processor producing optimum results. This densitometer will detect variation in film density far more subtle than can be seen by the naked eye. Its wide measurement range allows you to determine base FOG and accurately determine your film density, a must for microfilm processing applications. Stock No. 2409

TD 932 and TD 929
Macbeths years of experience in commercial photography and graphic arts, are featured in both microfilm densitometers. The Model 932 is ideal for processor control, while the Model 929 is capable of meeting a number of applications including duplication and archival testing. Call for more details on these quality densitometers! Model 932 Stock No. 2019 Model 929 Stock No. 2020
Materials To Be Measured Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Diazo Diazo Diazo Vesicular Process Control Strips - Silver Process Control Stips - Diazo Use of Materials Reader Print onto Silver Print onto Diazo Print onto Vesicular Archival Readers Printo onto Diazo Print onto Vesicular Print onto Vesicular Processor Control Processor Control Recommended Densitometer TD 932, TD 929, 301 TD 932, TD 929, 301 TD 929 TD 929 TD 929 TD 929 TD 929 TD 929 TD 929 TD 932, TD 929, 301 TD 932, TD 929, 301

Silver Recovery Units

X-Rite Automatic and Manual Silver Recovery units are designed to accommodate small volume to large multi-processor applications. The Model 643, 646 and 650 are truly automatic recovery systems. The built-in silver monitoring circuit continuously monitors the amount of silver remaining in the solution and adjusts the units current output as needed. For smaller applications the Model 641 manual silver recovery unit is available. When ordering please specify tank type (photo). The Model 650 includes both A&C tank types.
X-Rite 646 X-Rite 650

Typical Machine Characteristics

Recovery Capacity Tank Size Batch Size Cathode Size Anode Size Power Requirements Dimensions Workable Fixes Applications 641 0.125 Troy Oz/Hr. 1 Tank - 4 gallons 3 gallons 51/2"D (1 disc) 1 Anode 1/2"T x 2"W x 45/8"H 115VAC - 60 Hz 117/8"W x 117/8"D x 171/2"H Regular Fix Medical centers, dental clinics & other clinics handling low volumes of x-rays. 643 646 0.375 Troy Oz/Hr. 0.75 Troy Oz./Hr. 1 Tank - 4 gallons 1 Tank - 6 gallons 3 gallons 5 gallons 31/4"H x 61/2"D (drum) 43/8"H x 61/2"D (drum) 1 Anode 1 Anode 1/2"T x 31/2"W x 71/8"H 1/2"T x 4"W x 73/4"H 115VAC - 60 Hz (643) 115VAC - 60 Hz (646) 230VAC - 50 Hz (643X) 230VAC - 50 Hz (646X) 117/8"W x 117/8"D x 117/8"W x 117/8"D x 171/2"H 213/16"H Regular Fix Regular Fix As primary unit for CT scan Graphic arts, hospitals rooms, medical centers and medical centers and clinics; as tailing unit for clinics, radiology clinics radiology labs, NDT and NDT. graphic arts film processing labs.

X-Rite 641

650 1.25 Troy Oz/Hr. 1 Tank-5 gallons 5 gallons 61/2"H x 61/2"D (drum) 2 Anodes 1/2"T x 2"W x 11"H 115VAC - 60 Hz (650) 230VAC - 50 Hz (650X) 117/8"W x 117/8"D x 213/16"H Regular Fix Graphic arts, newspapers, hospitals, NDT.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Wejex Sensitometers
Quality assurance for film processing.
Companion instruments to Tobias TBX manual densitometer or automatic WEJ-SCAN. Provide early detection of adverse changes in the development process. Save time and material costs. Ensure consistent quality by comparison with known standards. Operate with the touch of a button.

Use Tobias sensitometers for reliable test exposures.

It is generally acknowledged that film image quality is affected by even minor variations in chemistry, temperature, and development time in the processor. To ensure optimum image characteristics, it is necessary to routinely process and monitor a controlled exposure on a test film, for comparison with a known standard. The test sample should be selected from the current film lot, in order to avoid deviations that result from inter-lot film differences and latent image aging. Tobias WEJEX I-W, WEJEX IBG, and WEJEX II sensitometers generate a test exposure with a known, repeatable, electronically-controlled light source. Using a precise 21-step, 0.15D increment, glassprotected gray-scale wedge, a series of exposure steps from dark to light is produced on a film sample. The film is then developed in the processor and its printed densities are compared with corresponding densities of a reference, such as a densitometer measurement. Significant deviations signal the need for corrective action. Operation of these units is as easy as placing the film inside and pressing the expose switch. Exposure time is selectable from 0.1 to 3.2 seconds and is precisely controlled by advanced digital electronic circuitry. A built-in light integrator compensates for any variations in light intensity, however slight, that could be caused by light source aging or extreme power line variations. The WEJEX I-W and the WEJEX I-BG are designed for single-sided exposures; the WEJEX I-W utilizes a white light source and the WEJEX I-BG, a dual-color light source of blue (440 nm) and green (530 nm) per ANSI specification PH 2.48. The WEJEX II employs the same blue/green light source as the WEJEX I-BG and has the capability of producing either single-sided or double-sided (anti-crossover film) exposures.

Available Instruments
The WEJEX I-W White light source. Single-sided exposure. The WEJEX I-BG Dual color light source: blue (440 nm) and green (530 nm) per ANSI spec PH 2.48. Single-sided exposure. The WEJEX II Dual color light source: blue (440 nm) and green (530 nm) per ANSI spec PH 2.48. Single-sided and double-sided exposures.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Wedge Size 21 step. 0.15 density units/step. 5"L x 0.5"W (127 mm x 13 mm). Exposure Duration 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2 seconds. Power Requirements 120 V/60 Hz, 25 W. 240 V/50 Hz (available upon request). Dimensions 9.5"L x 8"W x 4.5"H. (241mm x 203mm x 114mm). Weight 6 lbs. (3 kg).

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Microfilm and Microfiche Crosscut Shredder

Model 006
(Shown with feeder)

Easy To Operate
Forward / Off / Reverse Push Button Controls

Safeguards Confidential Data

Fine Cross Cut Shreds

Dual Motor Chain Drive, Thermally Protected Motors, Impact Resistant Housing

Convenient Attachments
Film Roll Holder is Included for Large Quantities of Microfiche Model 6100 Optional Feeder is Available.

High Security Microfilm Microfiche Pulverizer

Model 004
Simple To Operate
Rotary Switch for Forward & Reverse, Mode Indicator Lights & Full Bag Indicator

Absolutely Spy Proof

Pulverizes Microfilm/Microfiche into High Security Dust Particles

Clean Operation
Equipped with a Self-contained Vacuum System for Micro Dust Collection

Chain Driven, Thermal Motor Protection

Convenient Attachments
A Roll Feeder for Film is Included as Standard Equipment. Model 4100 Optional Feeder is Available for Destruction of Larger Quantities of Microfichefeeding them continuously.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Model 006
Shredding Capacity: 1000 fiche per hour. Shred Size: 1/45" x 5/16" (Crosscut). Throat Opening: 41/2". Power Requirements: 110 Volt. Motor: 21/4 hp. Dimensions: 12"W x 15"D x 8"H. Weight: 140 lbs.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Model 004
Shredding Capacity: 750 fiche per hour. Shred Size: Dust. Throat Opening: 41/2". Power Requirements: 110 Volt. Motor: 5/8 hp. Dimensions: 25"W x 18"D x 30"H. Weight: 140 lbs.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Microfilm/Paper Shredders
Micro 100 Model 205
Handy shredder goes anywhere and fits right in. Shreds 6 sheets into 1/16" strips. Its a wastebasket too. Fine, basic microshredder. Reduces microfiche into 1/40" x 5/16" particles. Optional attachment; feeder for fiche.

Micro 300
Precision grinds microfilm and fiche into totalsecurity dust. Optional attachment; feeder for fiche.

Model 802
Small in size, large in capacity. Big jobs go fast: 26 sheets at a time. Casters.

Model 803 Model 801

Very portable, very affordable. Shreds sheets of computer printouts up to 14 thick into 1/8" strips. Versatile, fast shredder for computer printouts, plans, large documents. Shreds up to 14 sheets at 100 feet per minute. Casters.

Model 905
Shreds up to 55 flat or crumpled paper sheets. Wastepaper baskets can be emptied into hopper. Multiple cutting unit produces high density, high security particles 5/32" x 11/4".

Model 906
High security cross-cut shredder turns up to 15 sheets into top security particles. 1/16" x 3/8". Double cutting system. Casters for easy moving. Optional cutting widths available on special request.

Model 909
Heavy-duty 5.5 hp geared

motor. Conveyor belt feeds up to 150 sheets. Can be combined with baler.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Model 205 801 802 803 905 906 909 MICRO 100 MICRO 300 Cutting Width 1/16" 1/8" 1/8" 1/4" 1/8" 1/4" 5/32" x 11/4" 1/16" x 3/8" 5/32" 1/4" 5/16" 7/16" 1/40" x 5/16" dust Capacity Sheets Per Feed 6-7 8-10 14-16 20-22 24-26 12-14 edp printouts 50-55 13-15 60-80 80-100 100-120 120-140 up to 1100 fiche/hour with feeder up to 1100 fiche/hour with feeder Throat Opening 9" 12" 9.5" 18" 13" 13" 21" 4.5" 4.5" Motor HP 1/5 2 x 1/5 1 2 x 1/5 3 2 51/2 2 x 1/5 0.7 Voltage 110V 110V 110V 110V 220V 3 phase 220V 3 phase 220V 3 phase 110V 110V Weight 30 lbs. 100 lbs. 132 lbs. 180 lbs. 305 lbs. 320 lbs. 780 lbs. 93 lbs. 160 lbs.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Microfilm/Microfiche Reader Cleaning Kit
Micrographics are Great. Dactylographics? Not So Great.
No matter what you call a fingerprint it has no business on your glass fiche carrier, or on your viewing glass. Not unless youre with New Scotland Yard or the French Surete or one of our own investigative agencies. Otherwise, get out the Altek Cleaning Kit and chase away fingerprints, dirt, dust, and grime. Take just a few minutes to clean the glass, brush dust off the lens, and clean the mirror. Youll be surprised at what a difference it makes in your ability to read those hardto-read fiche. And how it will save your own fiche from nasty scratches. If you don't have an Altek Cleaning Kit, we suggest you invest in one right away. Its got everything you need to keep your fiche viewer clean.

Lens Brush To gently remove loose dust, etc., from surfaces. Impregnated Lens Cloth To remove haze and marks, breathe lightly on item to be cleaned, then wipe gently with cloth. Lens, Mirror and Glass Cleaning Solution For more stubborn marks, apply solution with soft wipe, rub to remove marks, then wipe dry. Antistatic Fluid Static can build up on reader screens and film carriers, making it difficult to remove dust. This problem can be alleviated by applying antistatic fluid to the surface with a lint free wipe after cleaning. Altek Cleaning Kit Stock No. 1035

Ultrasonic Rack Cleaner

Model ALP-L4
Eliminates hand scrubbing Thoroughly cleans areas inaccessible by hand Eliminates costly time-consuming dismantling of racks Safer to expensive roller and rack assemblies than abrasive pads and brushes Increases productivity by reducing down time Aids in establishing a consistent cleaning program Improves overall quality and consistency of film output
The ALP-L4 Ultrasonic Rack Cleaner is designed specifically for cleaning the processor rack assemblies of Kodak Prostars, Datagrphix & NCR Autocom units and table top processors. Years of use in the servicing of large x-ray and photographic film processors have proven ultrasonic cleaning to be the safest, least costly, most efficient rack cleaning system available.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Altek Resolution Targets


(800) 627-1123

Make Quality #1 with our Altek Resolution Targets; measure density, 0-Min., and resolution, with this great quality control tool.

Resolution Test Targets used for evaluating the output image of your microfilm camera. Each target is produced on a durable, tear resistant film base. We offer targets for both rotary and planetary cameras. Microcopy test targets are also available for large document cameras. The MT-1 and MT-2 targets meet AIIM and ANSI standards. Call for more information. Rotary Test Target MT-1 9" x 14" Stock No. 1436 Planetary Test Target MT-2 11" x 14" Stock No. 1437 Microcopy Test Target MT-5 1.8" x 1.8"-5 Stock No. 1438 CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Paper Dry Silver
3M Type 795 Dry Silver Paper

3M 795 Roll Print Paper

Size 4 /2 x 500' 81/2 x 250' 81/2 x 500' 11 x 250' 11 x 500'

3M Model 500 - 600 500 - 600/6000 - 800 - 900 500 - 600/6000 - 800 - 900 600/6000 - 800 600/6000 - 800

Part Number 78-6579-5103-0 78-6969-6235-2 78-6969-6233-7 78-6969-6236-0 78-6969-6234-5

Also for use in Micron 700, Micro Design 565 and 566 R/P.

Kodak Reader/Printer Paper

Altek Supply offers Kodak paper and 3M brand replacement paper for your choice. As with all of the products we sell your satisfaction is guaranteed. Call for more information. Size 81/2 x 450' Ektamate 150 Size 8 /2 x 450' K-Canister

Kodak Model Starvue, Starfiche Oracle, IMT150 and 250 Kodak Model Starvue, Starfiche Oracle, IMT150 and 250

Catalog Number 138-4205 Part Number 78-6969-6018-2

Copy Costs Getting Out Of Hand? See Our Plain Paper Reader Printers!


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Paper & Toner
Altek Supply has always strived to supply products that are equal to or better than the OEM by providing our customers savings with confidence and assurance of customer satisfaction.

Now Available
Bond Toners
BT1000 for use in Minolta 505 BT1000 for use in Minolta 509 BT1000 for use in Kodak IMT350 FO1000 for use in Canon 580 CN680/780T for use in Canon 680/780 6-300gr bottles per case 6-300gr bottles per case 6-300gr bottles per case 6-50cc bottles per case 2-350gr cartridges per case

Fuser Oil
FO1000 for use in Minolta 505 FO2000 for use in Minolta 509 FO1000 for use in Kodak IMT350 FO580 for use in Canon 580 6-200cc bottles per case 6-900cc bottles per case 6-200cc bottles per case 6-50cc bottles per case

Kodak IMT350, Starvue II and Oracle II

Ektamate II Toner Catalog No. 108-8178 6-300gr bottles per case Ektamate II Fuser Oil Catalog No. 199-4698 3-320cc bottles per case

Canon PC 70 and PC 80 NP Cartridge

N01 or P01 Black Toner Cartridges or Cartridge refill Substantial Savings Call for more details!

Toner/Drum Cartridges
For Use In: Bell and Howell Compact 4000 Datamate 1000, 2000 Kodak Starmate 500 Micro Copy 1000, 2000 Negative: Toner Cartridge #19544014 Drum Cartridge #19694002 Positive: Toner Cartridge #19544013 Drum Cartridge #19694001 Bimode: Toner Cartridge #19544017 Drum Cartridge #19694003

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Cartridges and Reels
M-Type Cartridges
Made of high impact ABS plastic for long life and durability. Available in a variety of colors. Complete with leader. Stock No. 1163

ANSI Cartridges
Completely compatible with Kodak Ektamate Cartridges. High quality construction. Packaged 100 per case. Stock No. 1058

Solid Flange Reels

Open Flange Reels

Durable construction. Available as a standard Ideal for film storage. Available in both white or reel or with a built-in trailer lock. Call for free grey. Specify square/square or square/round samples. Specify square/square or square/ center when ordering. round center when ordering. Trailer Holders Stock No. 1057 500 per box.

Splicing Supplies
Clear M Splice Tabs
16mm clear splicing tab for all normal splicing. Available in rolls or separate.

35mm Clear Splice Tabs

For all normal splicing. All splice tabs packaged 1000 per carton.

16mm Black or Silver Splice Tabs

16mm black or silver splicing tab for 3M photocell sensing readers and many other machines. Also for darkroom use (silver).

16mm Clear K Splice Tabs

16mm splicing tabs (oval shape). For use where edge of film must be kept clear. Also used to save time oval shape is easier to place on film and does not have right angles which require more exact placement.

Processing Tape Specifically formulated to resist water and chemistry. Available in 1/2" and 1" widths, cream or silver.

Editing Tape Available in both clear and black. Sold in a variety of sizes. Call and we will match your needs with the appropriate splicing tape.

Call for more information.

Processing Leader
Designed for use in deep tank

Systems Cleaner Fuji 143 Tank and Tray Cleaner processors. Made of 5 mil. polyPre-mixed solution for table top processors (1:2 dilution for deep tank processors). When used on a regular basis it maintains processor performance and removes damaging silver deposits from racks and rollers. Packaged 4 gallons per case. Stock No. 1287 ester. Available in 16mm, 35mm and 105mm widths. 16 x 1000' Stock No. 1009 35 x 1000' Stock No. 1010 105 x 1000' Stock No. 1012

Gloves For handling and protecting your
film. Lint free. 1 dozen per package. Cotton Gloves No. 1109 Nylon Gloves No. 1352

Cartridge Labels
Unprinted Top and side. Pressure sensitive fit 3M cartridge or any 16mm or 35mm box. 1,000 per package. Stock No. 1011

Intresco Tabs For quickly fastening film leaders. Re-usable, free of messy adhesive coatings. 250 per box.
Stock No. 1660


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Labels/Dust Off Microfiche/Jacket Labels
Translucent labels mounted on continuous forms. Ideal for automatic and manual titling. Greatly improves productivity. Microfiche Labels 5" x 7/16" Stock No. 1328 Jacket Labels 5" x 1/4" Stock No. 1008

Cartridge/Roll Film Labels

Top and side pressure sensitive labels fit 3M cartridges or any 16mm or 35mm roll film box. 1000 per package. Top: 31/2" x 3/4" Side: 31/2" x 31/2" Plain Stock No. 1011 Lined Stock No. 1061


ANSI Labels (Pin Feed)

Labels for ANSI magazine holders. Fan fold (continuous form). Size: 21/4"W x 15/16"D. Packaged: 1000 labels per box.

Dust Off Products

New environmentally safe Dust Off Plus. Contains no chlorfluorocarbons and provides more pressure than the previous Dust Off and Dust Off II. Dust Off Plus is available in both standard 12 oz. cans with a new 360 degree vector valve and a disposable 15 oz. can. Great for cleaning cameras, printers, microfiche readers anywhere there is unwanted dust.

Dust Off XL DP-XL 15 oz. Disposable

Includes 2 extension tubes.

Dust Off Plus DP 12 oz. can vector nozzle. DPR 12 oz. refill for Dust Off Plus. Call for information on other Dust Off products and accessories.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Boxes and Cartridges 16mm Plastic Microfilm Box
Heavy duty, archival quality black plastic storage container for 16mm roll film. Inexpensive and durable for roll film applications. Stock No. 1351 35mm Plastic Box Stock No. 1454

Acid Free Paperboard Microfilm Boxes

Acid free designed for storage and transfer of 16mm and 35mm film. Have index layout preprinted. White virgin Kraft board. 16mm Boxes Stock No. 1701 35mm Boxes Stock No. 1702

3M Type Cartridges
Quality 3M type cartridges manufactured to our specification. Made of high impact ABS for long life. Available in beige, green, red, or blue colors. Custom colors are also available. Complete with leader and trailer. 3M Type Microfilm Cartridge Stock No. 1163

ANSI Standard Cartridges

ANSI standard cartridges for Kodak, Canon, Minolta and 3M Reader-Printers Stock No. 1058 Kodak Ektamate Cartridge Stock No. 1469 Trailer Holder for Ektamate Cartridge Stock No. 1508

Kodak Ektamate A Magazine


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Envelopes/Boxes File Pocket 1200
This product keeps fiche and paper files together. Adhesive backing attaches to paper files while clear plastic envelope maintains visibility. Call us for samples.
Stock No. 1200

Microfiche Transit Mailer Mailing Envelope

Finally, a labor saving, convenient, low cost method of transferring microfiche. Our 1111 Mailer is heavy duty and will hold up to 150 microfiche or jackets. The distinctive orange color instantly identifies your microfiche in your recipients office. If the color isnt enough, our bold CONTAINS MICROFICHE demands user attention.
Stock No. 1111

This is the answer to the difficult problem of mailing and transferring microfiche holds up to 150 fiche. Proper markings and distinctive color identify envelope to recipient. Dry no mess Press N Seal sealer on all envelopes. Send for free samples today.

Microfiche Envelopes Acid Free

Acid free standard size 4" x 6". Protect Microfiche from scratches, dirt and abrasion. White paper stock. Either top cut or open side variety. 1000 per box.
Top Cut Envelopes Stock No. 1029 Side Cut Envelopes Stock No. 1030

Microfiche Storage Boxes

Keep your microfilmed images safe and clean. Our Microfilm Storage boxes are available in both 16mm and 35mm sizes. Call for information on your particular needs.

Plastic Boxes Paperboard Boxes Archival Acid Free Boxes

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Microfilm Reels/Trailer Holders Storage Reels 16mm & 35mm
Altek Systems markets a wide variety of 16mm and 35mm storage reels.
Our 16mm Solid Flange Reels have a core that is either square on one side and round on the other (square/round), or square on both sides (square/square). The reel with a square/round cone will only fit on the reader or reader/printer one way. Therefore the film must be spooled to suit the reader involved. Reels with a square/square core may be reversed for use in either direction. Reels can be manufactured in colors with a minimum order of 15,000 reels. (Pricing available upon request.) 35mm Grey Open Reel square/square Product No. I-519 16mm Solid Flange White Reel square/ round Product No. I-601 16mm Solid Flange White Reel square/ square Product I-603

16mm Grey Open Reel square/square Product No. I-520

Trailer Holder Product No. I-602

16mm Black Camera Reel square/square Product No. I-517

16mm Solid Flange White Reel with built-in post Product No. I-605 Assembly Instructions for I-605:
1. Fold film as shown in Diagram. 2. Wrap film around Post and thread.

16mm Reels Packaged: 500 per carton Weight: 23 lbs. per carton. 35mm Reels Packaged: 250 per carton. Weight: 13 lbs. per carton


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Microfiche/Jacket Labels
Fastest microfiche/jacket titling system. Period. Our MICOR clear strips increase your efficiency in automatic microfiche titling/labeling. Compatible with your computer or word processor printer. Eliminates putting individual jackets into the typewriter or going through complicated indexing schemes in microfiche camera systems. Manual Titling MICOR strips are constructed of clear matte finish for trouble free duplication in silver, diazo or vesicular methods. In addition, the labels may be inserted in any conventional typewriter; eliminates individual jacket insertion into the typewriter. This streamlines your labeling system. System compatible whether you are using a step and repeat microfiche camera or jackets, MICOR labels speed your throughput.

MICOR Jacket Labels

ATI No. 1009 Size Labels (W x H) Across 1 41/2" x 1/4" ATI No. 1008 Size (W x H) 5" x 1/4" Stock Number 1184 Qty./ Box 10M Label Spacing 1/8" Carrier Width 51/2" Labels To Page 32

Labels Across 1

Stock Number 1008

Qty./ Box 10M

Label Spacing 1/4"

Carrier Width 53/4"

Labels To Page 24

MICOR Fiche Labels

ATI No. 1328 Size (W x H) 5" x 7/16" Labels Across 1 Stock Number 1328 Qty./ Box 10M Label Spacing 1/16" Carrier Width 53/4" Labels To Page 24

ATI No. 1329 Size Labels (W x H) Across 1 51/2" x 7/16"

Stock Number 1329

Qty./ Box 10M

Label Spacing 1/16"

Carrier Width 61/4"

Labels To Page 24

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Micrographic Lamps
Readers & Reader/Printers Duplicators Cameras
Readers, Reader-Printers, Cameras and Duplicators
We Carry All Major Brands and Can Cross Reference Your Equipment for the Lamp You Need!

Call Today 800-627-1123

Microfiche Mailer
Finally, a labor saving, convenient, low cost method of transferring microfiche. Our 1111 Mailer is heavy duty and will hold up to 150 microfiche or jackets.The distinctive orange color instantly identifies your microfiche in your recipients office. If the color is not enough, our bold CONTAINS MICROFICHE demands user attention. Stock No. 1111

Altek Jackets
These top quality clear ribbed jackets are made to our specifications. Durable construction and low cost make the ALTEK Jacket an effective alternative in unit filing. Call for free samples. 4 x 6 - 5 Channel - 16mm Jacket Stock No. 1417.

NB/Microseal Jackets

NB Jackets have been a standard in the micrographics industry for over four decades. Over 14 formats are available for both 16mm and 35mm applications. Options include color stripes, notching, printing in both title areas and ribbing for CAR applications.

Jacket Styles and Sizes


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Diazo/Vesicular Film
Novamedia, Xidex and 3M Diazo duplication films are available. Please call 800-627-1123 to discuss your specific application and needs.

Novamedia Diazo Microfilm

Novamedia diazo film is used to create duplicates of original microfilm images. These films are used in ammonia processing systems. A direct image process for negative to negative or positive to positive copying. The films have been formulated to work on all diazo duplicators using either aqueous or anhydrous ammonia. Black BK-2: A medium contrast black diazofilm, designed primarily for source document duplication. The formulation gives a neutral black color over a wide range of development conditions. Blue-Black BN-4: A medium contrast blue-black diazofilm which provides a combination of high speed duplication with excellent reader viewing and reader printer copies, from COM and source document. Blue BE-8: A high contrast, high speed blue diazofilm designed for duplicating COM or good quality source document originals. Sizes 16mm x 1000' - 4 mil 16mm x 2000' - 21/2 mil 35mm x 1000' - 4 mil 105mm x 1000' - 4 mil 105mm x 1500' - 5 mil 105mm x 148mm - 5/7 mil 105mm x 152mm - 5/7 mil Color striping is available on all 105mm width diazo films.

Anhydrous and Aqueous Ammonia & Ammonia Absorber Call for pricing and information

3M NRX Dry Diazo

3Ms exclusive dry diazo copy film is now available from ALTEK. It is designed for use in the 3M 1500 roll film duplicator and the 3M 261/262 printer processor. Call for our competitive pricing. 16mm x 1000' - 4 mil 16mm x 1500' - 2.5 mil 105mm x 148mm - 5 mil 33/8 x 5" - 5 mil 33/8 x 73/8" - 5 mil

Call Us With Your Specific Requirements!

Novamedia Thermal Vesicular Microfilm

Speeds to 250' per minute for
Positive to Negative High contrast COM duplication Lower contrast for source document High resolution copies Non fading in a viewer Capable of reprinting, and of course Needs no ammonia or chemicals Photomedia GC-2 is designed for high volume duplication of Computer Output Microfilm including loop roll or fiche printing, although it can also be used with the conventional microfilm copy of business documents and engineering drawings. When the misty green image of GC-2 is in a viewer or reader printer the exceptional quality of the sharp white on black image is very real. GC-2 permits the full printing speed of all commercial equipment. The thermal developing process makes it easy to adjust equipment for optimum performance and duplicators can be operated in a fully lighted room. No chemicals, water, ammonia or venting are required. Sizes 16mm x 1000' - 4 mil 35mm x 1000' - 4 mil 105mm x 1000' - 5 mil 105mm x 148mm - 5 mil 105mm x 152mm - 5 mil

Black striping is available with all 105mm width vesicular films.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Film - Silver Eastman Kodak
We can now offer the complete line of Kodak Microfilm and chemistry often at substantial savings to you. Kodak makes over 700 varieties of film in different lengths, widths and thicknesses and is continually developing additional films for new applications and to improve your microfilm image. Imagelink Films 16mm camera films for daily business and government use in active microfilm systems. 35mm Camera Films for precision engineering drawings and other types of large documents. Datacapture II Films developed for high speed camera sorters in the financial and industrial sector. Dacomatic Films designed specifically for use in computer output microfilmers.

What goes into the reliable image from Kodak?

1. Consistent film speed. The speed of Kodak film or its sensitivity to light is consistent from one roll to the next. Because of this consistency, your operators can microfilm without having to change exposure settings. 2. High resolution. The resolving power of Kodak film the ability to capture fine detail is among the highest available in the marketplace today. This high resolution helps you keep pace with todays demands for greater image reduction. 3. Wide latitude. Kodak film can record a wide spectrum of colors as various shades of gray. With this kind of latitude, you can be confident that your film images wont lose important information such as signatures, dollar amounts, endorsements, and written notations. 4. Proper film dimensions. Kodak film is slit and spooled to exacting specifications using equipment specially designed by Kodak. Because of this, theres less likelihood of a jam in todays high-speed microfilmers and retrieval units.

Fuji Photo Film

Fuji film is known for its quality and consistency. Backed by over 40 years of film manufacturing, Fuji supplies a complete range of microfilm that can fulfill needs in the broadest areas of use. Fuji microfilm is characterized by sharp images, adaptability to a high temperature, rapid processing equipment, and image stability during a long service life. All critical attributes of a high quality microfilm. HR II Films extremely fine grain films feature high resolution characteristics, high contrast and medium speed. 16mm films for daily business applications and 35mm films for engineering applications. HS-U Films high resolution, high speed films for use in high speed rotary cameras compatible with high volume business records applications.

MS-U Films high resolution, high speed film developed for high speed camera sorter applications. Superior image quality compared to standard high speed microfilms. COM Films Fuji manufactures several varieties for all types and makes of computer output microfilmers. All Fuji COM films feature high density, high contrast characteristics.



Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Processing Chemistry
Eastman Kodak
Kodak chemistry for microfilm processing a complete family of chemicals are available for every type of microfilm processing. Whether for use in a Kodak processor or other makes, Kodak chemistry can help you deliver the reliable image. Prostar Plus chemistry designed for use in the Kodak Prostar Processor. Prostar plus chemistry is also compatible with other types of table top processors. Microfilm Developer/Replinisher for use in all full reversal and continual process deep tank processors.

Fuji Photo
Fuji chemistry delivers quality at an affordable price. From conventional table top processors and deep tank processors to full reversal processors and auto COMS, Fuji offers a compatible product, if you are looking for savings without reducing the quality of your image. CONSIDER FUJI CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION

Processing Aids
Altek pH Test Kit
pHep Tester provides instant pH level readings to insure proper disposal of microfilm developer, under both EPA and local government guidelines. The ALTEK Test Kit includes the pHep Tester, 18 oz. measuring graduate, 32 oz. solution container and glacial acetic acid (16 oz.) with complete instructions for testing and disposal of microfilm developer.

Systems Cleaner Fuji 143 Tank and Tray Cleaner

Pre-mixed solution for table top processors (1:2 dilution for deep tank processors). When used on a regular basis it maintains processor performance and removes damaging silver deposits from racks and rollers. Packaged 4 gallons per case. Stock No. 1287

Processing Leader
Designed for use in deep tank processors. Made of 5 mil. polyester. Available in 16mm, 35mm and 105mm widths. 16 x 1000' Stock No. 1009 35 x 1000' Stock No. 1010 105 x 1000' Stock No. 1012

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Processing Chemistry Try FR Chemicals for quality at a very competitive price.
Processing Chemicals for Prostar or Similar Type Processors
Product # 32-247

Universal Developer for Continuous Roll Processors

One developer for all your processing requirements. Product # 33-171

Microflo Developer & Replenisher

A single solution concentrate featuring a 1:7 dilution ratio when used in deep tank processors and a 1:5 dilution ratio when used in rapid speed/high temperature processors. Suitable for use as both a Source Document and/or COM Reversal and Second Developer. Four 1-gal. bottles per case. Makes up to 32 gal. of Developer or 24 gal. of replenisher.

Vitamatic Microfilm Developer

Four 1-gal. bottles per case. Ready to use, do not dilute.


Vitamatic Plus Microfilm Developer

A high stability-extended life developer designed to process double the film capacity of conventional developers used in Prostars or similar type processors.


Vitamatic Microfilm Fixer

Four 1-gal. bottles per case. Ready to use, do not dilute.

Full Reversal Systems for COM Reversal Films

Product # 33-402

CR-2 Bleach & Replenisher

Four 5-quart bottles per case. Makes 15 gal. of Replenisher or 20 gal. of Bleach.


CR-3 Clearing Bath & Replenisher

Four 5-quart bottles per case. Makes 15 gal. of Replenisher or 20 gal. of Clearing Bath.

Fixers and Hardeners

Highly concentrated for long life. Product # 44-661

Chem-Mix Vitafix Fixer & Replenisher (Part A only)

Four 5-quart bottles per case. Makes 20-40 gallons.

Environmentally Safe Versaclean Systems Cleaners

Contains no acids. Contains no Chromates. Product # 11-030

Liquid Versaclean Non-Chromate Developer Systems Cleaner Liquid

Four 1-gal. bottles per case. Makes up to 12 gal. of environmentally sate cleaner.


Liquid Versaclean Non-Chromate Fixer Systems Cleaner Liquid

Four 1-gal. bottles per case. Makes up to 12 gal. of fixer systems cleaner.

Also AvailableTop Quality Microfilm Chemicals From Both Eastman Kodak and Fuji


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Pocket Style Aperture Cards DOD approved Microseal Mil-D aperture cards completely protect film from daily handling, scratches and fingerprints. The laminated, ultra thin polyester pocket also protects the film from deterioration by residual ammonia when interfiled with diazo copies. 35mm Tab Size Aperture cards are also available in translucent stock for use with cut sheet diazo film, allowing complete duplication of all visible information on card, as well as the microfilm image. Tape Style Aperture Cards Cold seal tape construction. The aperture area is surrounded by a pressure sensitive tape and covered with a protection sheet and ready for mounting a single 35mm frame of microfilm. Designed to meet military specifications: Mil-C-9877B. Camera Cards Microseals camera processor aperture cards are compatible with all existing camera processors. Whether you are using 3M, Extek, Imtek, Microbox, or Schaut equipment, Microseal maintains inventory of non-printed and government formats for immediate delivery. All camera cards feature Kodak AHU film. Diazo Copy Cards Microseal Diazo Copy Cards offer top notch image quality. The film is applied to a recessed area around the aperature to maintain an even thickness across the surface of the card. This assures fast, smooth flow when cards are stacked in hoppers for duplicating and sorting. The dark blue film emulsion is high speed and high contrast for greater productivity and enhanced viewing.

General Specifications
Quantities: 2000 per box. Printing: One side, black ink, (color ink, both sides available for an additional charge). Card Stock: Buff (natural), red, white, yellow, blue, salmon, and green. Color Stripes: Yellow, green, salmon, violet, blue, brown, and red. Rose and grey are also available from 3M. Card Style: Upper left corner cut, square or rounded corners. Tape Face: Original or third generation. Tape Reverse: Duplicate second generation.

3M Company
Filmsort Aperture Cards have been the industry standard for decades. With cold seal tape cards, pressure sensitive tape securely holds the microfilm image in place. Meets all military and government specifications. Available in a number of styles. See specifications for more details. Camera Cards are designed specifically for use in 3M Camera Processors. Camera cards are pre-packaged in disposable daylight load cartridges. Color card stock and government formats are also available. Please specify camera model and stock number when ordering. Duplicard Copy Cards are for use in all types of aperture card duplicators. The 3M copy cards produce high quality duplicates on blue diazo film. Tape face is standard on all copy cards. For applications requiring third generation duplicates, the copy cards can be ordered tape reverse. Call for more details.

Emulsion on Face Tape on Reverse

Emulsion on Reverse Tape on Face

Custom electroplates available we will customize your copy cards or aperture cards with your company logo or indexing information. Call us for assistance.
Copy Card (2nd Generation) Original (1st Generation)

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123



The Eye Com 7000 Dual Page Reader
The Eye Com 7000 Dual Page Reader offers you the highest quality image of any dual page reader on the market. High quality optics system assures you of maximum light output compare it to the competition! The 7000 is ideal for users of dual page microfiche (marine, diesel, small engine and lawn and garden fiche) where two full Source Document pages must be viewed side-by-side for comparison or cross-reference. The unit is also perfect for COM fiche users who want a larger blowback. This dual lens unit comes complete with two lenses and optional interchangeable lenses to suit all standard dual page fiche formats. Features include a floating lens system assuring constant focus over the entire film area and an energy-saving dual intensity light switch. Optional rollfilm attachment reads 16mm and 35mm rollfilm.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Screen Size: 20"W x 13"H. (508mm x 330mm). Magnifications: 29X (120% Blowback of 24X fiche), 38X (120% Blowback of 32X fiche), 42X (120% Blowback of 36X fiche), 50X (120% Blowback of 42X fiche), 58X (120% Blowback of 48X fiche). Full or Oversize COM. Dimensions: 243/4"H x 217/8"W x 195/8"D. (628mm x 555mm x 498mm). Weight: 45 lbs. (20.4 kg). Lamp: DDL, 20V, 150W. Carrier: 4" x 73/8". Power Requirements: Std.: 120V, 60 Hz. Op: 220/240, 50 Hz.

The Eye Com Ultra Fiche 5000

Attention Ultra Fiche Users!!
We are proud to bring you a reader designed specifically for your Ultra Fiche needs

The Eye Com Ultra Fiche 5000 Features: A Sharp, Brilliant Image 20% Larger than Before! Larger Image than Any Other Ultra Fiche Reader Design Simplicity & Attractive Styling.

Improved ! 20% Larger Im age

Stackable Cabinets
The compact stackable series are perfect for smaller, yet expanding applications. Both one drawer (add-on) and two drawer units house microfiche, rollfilm and aperture cards. The unique stackable design lets you add units as your collection grows. Because of the systems reduced size it can be used for desktop applications, as well as a conventional filing cabinet, up to six drawers high. Locks are standard. Optional mobile base is available. Model AS FS RS Capacity Per Drawer 2500 Aperture Cards 5300 Microfiche 48 16mm, 20 35mm rolls



Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Readers - Microfiche
The EYE COM line of readers are designed to be compact, light weight and attractively styled. These inexpensive readers feature the options and accessories you need. Standard features include interchangeable lenses, unique floating lens system assures constant focus, and fanless convection cooling for silent operation. Value, style and quality have made EYE COM readers our most popular reader line.

Model 1000
This 3/4 size reader is designed for viewing both COM and source document images. The 14" height and small footprint make the EYE COM 1000 the smallest reader available. Sharp bright images are projected on the 81/4" x 103/4" viewing screen. Available magnifications range from 21X to 72X.

Model 2000
A full size reader designed to provide a clear and bright image 90% of the original size. 97/8" x 125/8" primarily used with COM generated microfiche. The 2000 is also suitable for source document images.

Model 3000
With a full size 11" x 14" screen, this reader is ideal for 100% blow back of the original COM and source document microfiche. The Model 3000 incorporates all of the same features as the other Eye Com models. In addition a dual lens option is available.

Model 1100
Ideal for source document applications. The 11" x 14" screen provides 100% blow back of the original size. Optional dual lens makes viewing of COM images as simple as moving a lever. The compact and light weight design saves valuable desk space. OPTIONS: Dual Carrier, Turntable, 4 x 73/8" Carrier, Dual Lens (1100/3000 only), Dust Cover, Fiche File and Cleaning Kit.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Features 360 image rotation. Available with the Reader Rollfilm Attachment, this unit ideal for microfilm jacket and rollfilm users. Designed for viewing Source Document at 100% of original size and COM at 75% of original size. Available in single or dual lens with image rotation on one lens only or available in dual lens, dual prism for rotation capability in both lenses.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Screen Size: 11"W x 11"H. (279mm x 279mm). Magnifications: 21X, 24X (Source), 36X (48X COM), 42X (Source), 48X (Source), 54X (72X COM), 65X. Dimensions: 201/2"H x 1311/4"W x 151/4"D. (628mm x 555mm x 498mm). Weight: 16 lbs. (7.25 kg).

The Reader Roll Film Attachment is easily attached for use on Model 1200. Simple to use and operates on a 2 to 1 gear ratio for faster image retrieval. Accepts 16mm and 35mm open spool roll film.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Roll Film Attachments Fiche Readers & Printers


A New Answer to Your Roll Film Needs:

The Roll Carrier 50 a manual roll film attachment designed for use on the Reader/Printer 9000. Easily attached and simple to use, the Roll Carrier 50 accepts 16mm open spool roll film.

The Reader Roll Film Attachment is easily attached for use on Models 1000, 1100, 1200 and 2000. Simple to use and operates on a 2 to 1 gear ratio for faster image retrieval. Accepts 16mm and 35mm open spool roll film.


(800) 627-1123

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


16MM / 35MM Reader Model 4601-11
An A4 Screen Reader for Source Documents at full blowback from 16/35mm rollfilm. For COM at 3/4 blowback. 360 image rotation for one lens in the single lens version and for two lenses in the dual lens version is standard. State-of-the-art features such as works-in-a-drawer, dual intensity long life lamp, central control for focus and image rotation make the 4601-11 a very versatile Reader. An optional carrying handle is available for easy portability.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Dimensions: 113/4"W x 223/4"H x 16"D (298.4mm x 577.8mm x 406.4mm). Weight: 28 lbs. (12.7 kg). Screen: 11.6"W x 11.2" (294.6mm x 284.4mm). Rear Projection, Standard: Non-Glare Blue. Optional: Gray or Green. Carrier: Fiche Carrier 4" x 6" (105mm x 152mm) self-opening. 16/35mm Manual Rollfilm Carrier for Open Reels. Magnification: Standard Single Lens 24X, 32X, 36X, 42X, 48X, Optional Dual Lens with above listed lenses. Optional 18X, 15X. Image Rotation: Standard Single Prism 360 rotation. Optional Dual Prism for Dual Lens with 18X or 15X. Input: Microfiche, Jackets, 16/35mm Rollfilm in Open Reels. Indexing: Interchangeable Grid for Fiche. Focus & Image Rotation: Front mounted precision control gear driven. Lamp: Dual intensity 13.8 Volts, 50 Watts. Electrical: Standard 120 Volt, 50/60 Hz. Optional 220/230/240 Volt 50/60 Hz. CE mark. Construction: Metal and High Impact Plastic. Warranty: 1 year limited warranty. Options: Scribe line centered on screen, black or transparent yellow. Dual Lens System with single prism or two prisms for 18X, 15X. Accessories: Dust Cover Cleaning Kit Turntable Carrying Handle Motorized 16/35mm Rollfilm Carrier for Open Reels Foot Switch for Motorized Carrier Movement


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Readers Microfiche

9000 COM Reader/Printer

The user-replaceable toner cartridge houses all key printing components in one unit. Each time you replace it, its like getting a whole new machine. Lightweight and compact, the RP 9000 is truly a desktop reader/printer. Features include image rotation, interchangeable lenses and front mounted controls for maximum convenience and versatility. High-performance printer produces sharp, high contrast prints.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Desktop type reader/printer. Print Process: RP cartridge system, single component dry toner projection development system. Film: Negative images of silver, vesicular or diazo film. Film Carrier: Built-in for 4" x 6" (105mm x 148mm) microfiche, jackets, automatic opening. Indexing: Interchangeable index grids. Screen: 85/8"H x 1113/16"W (220mm x 300mm) rear projection type with cursor.. Magnification Lens: (Optional) Slide-in lenses 19x, 29x, 33x, 35.5x, 54x, *23.5x, *41x, *47x, *Prism lens for source document fiche, 75% blowback COM, 100% blowback source document. Image Rotation: By prism lens. Print Size: A4, 81/4" x 1111/16" (210mm x 297mm) and/or Letter 81/2" x 11" (216mm x 279mm). Paper Feeding: Automatic stack sheet feeding system. (For paper volume up to 50 sheets.) Warm-up Time: 24 seconds. Print Speed: 4 prints per minute. Multiprint: Preset 1 to 9, or F mode for continuous printing of up to 50 copies from stacked paper on feeder tray. Density Control: Manual. Consumables: RP Cartridge 20N. Light Source: 17V 60W Halogen lamp (average of 1,000 hours life). Warning System: Self diagnosis with LED indication. Power Requirements: 120 V 60Hz, 220 V 50Hz, 240 V 50 Hz; 1.0 kW. Dimensions: 223/8"H x 18"W x 281/8"D (568mm x 457mm x 715mm). Weight: 62 lbs. (28 kg). Operational: 50 to 90F (10 to 32.5C). Environment: 10 to 80% R.H. Optional: Roll Carrier 50, Dusk Cover.

The Revolutionary RP Cartridge System

The RP cartridge system lets you take care of setup and routine maintenance that once required a trained service technician.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Readers Portable Astri 16
This portable microfilm reader accepts both 16mm open spool and M Type cartridges. Light weight and easy to use, the Astri 16 is ideal for aircraft maintenance applications. The optional battery unit offers up to 2 hours of use and features a 41/2 minute timer to conserve battery power. Features: Manual film advance and rewind, 24x Lens, 12" x 10" non-glare screen and rugged ABS fire resistant plastic casing that, when closed, protects the reader from damage.

Microvision II
A low cost, pocket size, hand held microfiche reader. The Microvision II features its own internal light source for viewing microfiche and aperture cards. Each reader includes its own carrying case. When closed, fits easily into any briefcase. Csize batteries not included. Options: 120v AC adaptor and 12VDC auto adaptor.

Portable II
The Portable II reader features durable rugged construction. The unit closes into a briefcase and accepts both COM and Source document microfiche. Drop-in lens design allows simple changing of lenses. In addition, the screen is removable for projecting on to a wall or display. Ideal for group presentations. Options include: an internal rechargeable battery pack, auto adjustable transformer 100V to 250V and a 12V AC auto adaptor.

Micron 720
The Model 720 Portable Microfiche Reader provides the quality and features of a desk top model. This unit folds up smaller than a briefcase. The built in handle and optional carrying case make the Model 720 easy to use and transport. COM or Source document images are projected on a 6" x 8" viewing screen. Options include: second lens (built-in dual lens holder - standard), carrying case, 12v DC auto adaptor and a rechargeable battery pack.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Plain Paper Reader-Printer


The ALOS Z40 is an economical, compact, energy-efficient, plain paper reader-printer that offers Zoom lens capability. This unique feature enables the operator to change magnification, view, and print; all without changing a lens. For convenience and ease of operator use, all controls are located in the front of the machine. Space conscious in design, prints exit up front in the built-in paper tray, allowing the Z40 to be used in small work areas. Using an exclusive imaging process, the ALOS Z40 achieves affordable print costs, while keeping the cost of maintenance down.

The ALOS Z40 is attractively designed and will complement any office decor. Reliable and efficient, durably, constructed, and simple to operate, the Z40 represents unsurpassed productivity in its class.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Z40 Reader-Printer
Typical Machine Characteristics
Type: Desktop. Printing Method: Dry printing on plain paper. Developing System: Exclusive Micro-Toning System. Density Control: Manual Film: Microfiche, Jackets, 16mm roll film and 35mm roll film. Screen: 12" x 12" (305mm x 305mm). Magnification: Zoom lens: 18x-36x. Prism lenses: 18x, 23.5x, 29x, 41x, 46x. COM lenses: 31.5x, 36x, 54x. Image Rotation: Prism lens required. Print Size: Letter size: 81/2" x 11". Print Speed: 6 prints per minute. First Print Speed: 14.5 seconds. Multiple Prints: 1-9 prints (LED countdown indication). Warm-up Time: 30 seconds (approximate). Paper Supply: Auto-feed, 150-sheet cassette. Dimensions: 19"W x 29"D x 26"H (483mm x 737mm x 660mm). Weight: 82 lbs. (37 kg). Power Requirements: 115V/60 Hz. Safety Approval: All units are UL, CSA approved. Accessories: 16mm & 35mm manual and motorized roll film carrier, Cursor Lenses Imaging Unit Carrying Case for Imaging Unit

ALOS Z40 Reader-Printer

With the RC40 Roll Film Carrier You Can View and Print Roll Film With Ease!
To accommodate roll film, simply switch carriers. The ALOS Z40 when combined with the ALOS Roll Film Carrier RC40 results in an outstanding view/print system offering the following standard features: Ease Of Operation
The Roll Film Carrier 40 mounts easily on the Z40. Interchangeable carriers make switching between roll and fiche formats a breeze. Film threading is simple, even for the first time user.

A Variable-Speed Control Knob

Enables the film to travel up to 10 feet per second in either the forward or reverse direction.

Automatic Film Gate Operation

Glass flats automatically open to prevent film scratching during high speed transport.

Variety of Microfilm Formats

Capable of handling both 16mm and 35mm roll film.

With the Addition Of The ALOS Roll Film Carrier 40, The ALOS Z40 Is Truly the ONLY Reader-Printer Youll Ever Want!


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

ALOS CFF A High-Speed Continuous Forms Feeder
A high-speed continuous forms feeder for the ALOS Planetary Camera 41, the ALOS CFF - Continuous Form Feeder accepts a variety of computer and other pin-fed forms.

High-Speed Form Transport

Fast, efficient and accurate, the ALOS CFF can transport up to sixty standard computer forms (11" x 14") per minute one form every second. Up to 500 sheets can be fed in a single run, significantly improving microfilming productivity. A High/Low switch at the rear of the right-side unit provides quick and easy speed selection.

Adjustable Length Control

The ALOS CFF also offers an adjustable form-length control for optimum feeding of various sizes of forms. Easy to use controls at the front of the right-side unit permit adjustment between 51/2" and 14" in 1/2" increments to match the length of the form to be filmed. The length default setting is 11".

table, where it is held flat for optimum focus and recorded automatically by the ALOS Planetary Camera 41. After being filmed, the form is pulled down the opposite side and neatly refolded.

Overlay Function
Portions of a form can be masked with the Overlay Bar, preventing the information from being recorded by the ALOS Planetary Camera 41. The sliding Overlay Bar is easy to set up and adjust. Simply place the bar over that part of the form you wish to conceal and start filming.

Easy Setup, Smooth Operation

The ALOS CFF - Continuous Form Feeder sets up quickly, with the right-side and left-side units attaching easily to the sides of the ALOS Planetary Camera 41. Operation is smooth and quiet - tractor feed clips hold the forms securely. Pull the CFF up over the Planetary Camera 41

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Computer Form Feeder. Type of Originals: Computer forms (weight/m2., 64gr/m2-82gr/m2). Multiple Feeding: Approximately 500 sheets. Filming Speed 60 pages per minute. Dimension: Right unit 8" x 2 1/ 2" x 27" (200mm x 62mm x 680mm). Left unit 5 1/ 2" x 2" x 28" (142mm x 50mm x 702mm). Weight: 17 lb. (7.7 kg). Power Requirements: 24V DC 10%. Power Consumption: Under 50W. *Specifications subject to change without notice.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


New 16mm Planetary Camera
Automatic Reduction and Focus
The ALOS Planetary Camera 41 automatically determines the size of the document and selects both the proper focus, eliminating the need for manual adjustments. The camera head can be easily replaced in seconds, allowing different departments to use their own camera heads for specific filming purposes. A self-diagnosis system with red LEDs warns you when film is about to run out or when the camera head isnt locked to the main body.

Full Upright Images

In addition to automatically sensing the height of the document to determine the correct reduction ratio, the ALOS Planetary Camera 41 also senses the document width to determine the correct aperture size. Documents up to legal size (81/2" x 14") are filmed in single frames while larger documents are filmed in double wide-width frames. But no matter what frame width is used, the filmed images are upright for easy viewing.

The ALOS Planetary Camera 41 is a reliable, durable and dependable camera for high-volume applications. Designed for fast, simple, efficient microfilming, it is the desktop microfilm camera for todays microfilming needs. Simply place a document on the copyboard, and the ALOS Planetary Camera 41 automatically selects both the correct reduction ratio and the proper focus. Now press the Exposure button. Thats all there is to it. Other features include automatic aperture size selection (single frame or double frame), frame indexing, single corner positioning, and auto exposure control individual functions that work together to improve productivity and image quality.

Auto Exposure Control

Advanced electronics technology provides completely automatic exposure adjustment for sharp, clear images every time. Manual adjustment of the exposure time is also possible for special filming needs.

Think of the ALOS Planetary Camera 41 when you need dependable, fast, simple, more versatile microfilming.

Planetary Camera 41


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

New 16mm Planetary Camera

Planetary Camera 41
Frame Indexing (Numbers and Blip Marks)
For faster, easier identification and indexing, frame numbers and/or blip marks can be selected and recorded on the film. Three levels of blip marks Item, Batch and Block are available. All are encoded inside the camera head to ensure consistent readability, as well as, more accurate document exposures. In addition, the operator can manually input up to three 4-digit numbers or a single 12-digit number to more precisely identify each frame with time, date or other vital information. These numbers appear along the top of the frame. the ALOS Planetary Camera 41 becomes a data entry camera for CAR (Computer Assisted Retrieval) systems, permitting full control of all camera operations from the computer.

Zero-Space Filming
The gap between frames can be eliminated, permitting more documents to be filmed per roll and minimizing the flicker effect seen when viewing moving film.

ALOS Planetary Camera 41 when you need dependable, fast, simple, more versatile microfilming.

High-Quality Images
The lenses produce high-resolution images from a wide range of originals, from single sheets of paper to books up to 2cm in thickness, at all focal distances. A fluorescent lamp system provides uniform illumination, ensuring consistent exposures, roll after roll of film.

Single Corner Positioning

The ALOS 41 greatly simplifies document filming by requiring only a single corner of a document be positioned correctly.

RS-232C Interface
Connect a PC or minicomputer to the built-in RS-232C interface, and

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Planetary desktop. Film: 16mm x 100' (5 mil roll film). 16mm x 125' (4 mil roll film). 16mm x 215' (2.5 mil roll film). Frame Counters: 12-digit resettable LED display. 7-digit non-resettable mechanical counter. Lens: F5.0 28mm. Resolution: 155 lines/mm. Shutter: Electromagnetic, solenoidoperated. Reduction Ratio: 25:1, 32:1. Exposure Control: Automatic or manual. Light Source: (2) 15W Fluorescent lamps. Power Requirements: AC local voltage. Power Consumption: 200W. Original Size: Maximum 11" x 17" (A3). Frame Size: 9.7mm x 12.6mm (single frame). 18.2mm x 12.6mm (double frame) switchable. Pull Down: 10mm (single frame) or 18.5mm (double frame). Variable setting between 11.75mm and 20.25mm. Document Mark: Built-in tri-level document mark. Dimensions: 351/2"W x 271/2"D x 411/2"H (902mm x 700mm x 1,054mm). Weight: 90 lb. (41 kg). Option: RS-232C interface. 6-digit resettable mechanical counter. Foot switch.

*Specifications subject to change without notice.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


New Automatic Planetary Camera
Automatic Document Feeding (ADF)
The ALOS ADF 42 provides two automatic document feeding modes. In the ADF mode, up to 500 single-sheet documents are automatically fed to the unit and filmed at 45 sheets per minute. In the SADF (Semi-Automatic Document Feeding) mode, the document is automatically fed to the unit and the operator activates the filming process manually, permitting special settings and adjustments for individual documents or special indexing or imprinting requirements. The DF (Document Feeding) mode permits automatic feeding of individually handled documents.

Double-Sided Document Handling

The ALOS ADF 42 also handles doublesided documents with equal ease. Simply select the double-sided mode, and the ALOS ADF 42 films the first side, turns the document over, films the second side, ejects it and brings up to the next document, all automatically! In the SADF mode, the operator can choose to film either or both sides of each document. If both single-sided and double-sided documents are mixed together, simply insert special target cards before each type of document. The ADF Planetary Camera 42 will read each target card and automatically switch to the appropriate filming mode. These target cards can also be used to control many other ALOS ADF 42 functions.

The ALOS Planetary Camera 42 provides fully automated microfilming of single-sided and double-sided documents with intelligent functions for greater productivity and higher quality images. High volume applications require intelligent automation and individual functions that work together to improve overall microfilming productivity and image quality. With the ALOS ADF Planetary Camera 42, the automatic document feeder teams up with a double-sided document function to permit fast, efficient filming of both single and double-sided documents. It all adds up to increased productivity with faster, easier, more accurate filming, and higher image quality, day after day, roll after roll, job after job.

Automatic Reduction and Focus

The ALOS ADF Planetary Camera 42 automatically determines the size of the document and selects both the correct reduction ratio and the proper focus, eliminating the need for manual adjustments. The camera head can be easily replaced in seconds, allowing different departments to use their own camera heads for specific filming purposes. A self-diagnosis system with LEDs lets you know when film is about to run out or when the camera head isnt locked to the main body. LEDs also indicate the locations of paper jams, as well as, whether or not the jammed document has been filmed.


ADF Planetary Camera 42

High-Speed Automatic Microfilm Recorder


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

New Automatic Planetary Camera

Full Upright Images

ADF Planetary Camera 42

High-Speed Automatic Microfilm Recorder
Auto Exposure Control
Advanced electronics technology provides completely automatic exposure adjustment for sharp, clear images every time. Manual adjustment of the exposure time is also possible for special filming needs. cisely identify each frame with time, date or other vital information. These numbers appear along the top of the frame.

In addition to automatically sensing the height of the document to determine the correct reduction ratio, the ALOS ADF Planetary Camera 42 also senses the document width to determine the correct aperture size. Documents up to legal size (81/2" x 14") are filmed in single frames while larger documents are filmed in double wide width frames. But no matter what frame width is used, the filmed images are upright for easy viewing.

Printing Capabilities
Add the optional Imprinter and the ALOS ADF 42 will print the frame number on the original document after it is filmed to ensure accurate correlation of filmed images and data entered from the documents.

Frame Indexing (Numbers and Blip Marks)

For faster, easier identification and indexing, frame numbers and blip marks can be selected and recorded on film. Three levels of blip marks Item, Batch and Block are available. All are encoded inside the camera head to ensure consistent readability, as well as, more accurate document exposures. In addition, an operator can manually input up to three 4-digit numbers or a single 12-digit number to more pre-

High-Quality Images
The lenses produce high-resolution images from a wide range of originals, from single sheets of paper to books up to 2cm in thickness. A fluorescent lamp system provides uniform illumination, ensuring consistent exposures every time.

RS-232C Interface
Connect a PC or mini computer to the built-in RS-232C interface, and the ALOS ADF 42 becomes a data entry camera for CAR (Computer Assisted Retrieval) systems, permitting full control of all camera operations through the computer.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Type: Planetary desktop. Film: 16mm x 100' (5 mil roll film). 16mm x 125' (4 mil roll film). 16mm x 215' (2.5 mil roll film). Frame Counters: 12-digit resettable LED display. 7-digit non-resettable mechanical counter. Lens: F5.0 28mm. Resolution: 155 lines/mm. Shutter: Electromagnetic, solenoidoperated. Reduction Ratio: 25:1, 32:1. Exposure Control: Automatic or manual. Light Source: (2) 15W Fluorescent lamps. Power Requirements: AC local voltage. Power Consumption: 300W. Original Size: Min. width 33/4" (95mm). Min. length 51/2" (140mm). Max. width 14" (355mm). Max. length 17" (432mm). Original Weight Range: 50 - 120g/m2. Frame Size: 9.7mm x 12.6mm (single frame). 18.2mm x 12.6mm (double frame) switchable. Pull Down: 10mm (single frame) or 18.5mm (double frame). Variable setting between 11.75mm and 20.25mm. Document Mark: Built-in tri-level document mark. Document Feeding Mode: 4 Modes (2 ADF modes, 1 DF mode, 1 Manual mode). Capacity: 500 sheets (11" x 17" or A3). Document Feeding Speed: 45 sheets/min. (letter or A4). Dimensions: 529/10"W x 374/5"D x 489/10"H *Specifications subject to change without notice. (without table) (1,343mm x 680mm x 1,241mm). Weight: 176 lbs. (79.8 kg). Option: RS-232C interface. Imprinter. Target card. 6-digit resettable mechanical counter. Foot switch.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Microfilm Duplicator

Silver Film Duplicator 81S
The ALOS Silver Film Duplicator 81S is an extrememly versatile unit for producing high quality 16 or 35mm silver halide rollfilm duplicates. Master films may be silver or non-silver; or positive or negative. Suitable for applications of all sizes, the ALOS 81S copies at a fast fixed speed of 32 feet per minute.

This portably sized unit is streamlined in design for compactness, cost-effectiveness and simple operation just load the film, adjust the light intensity if necessary, and switch the unit on. Shuts off automatically at the end of the duplication cycle, permitting unattended operation. May be operated in daylight conditions. The ALOS 81S has been brilliantly engineered to produce duplicates the finest quality. Features a unique direct film drive, a highly precise exposure system, and a removable film cassette.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Film Size: 16/35mm, 2.5 mil to 6 mil. Film Type: Master: silver halide, diazo or vesicular. Duplicating: camera film, direct duplicating film, print film. Film Capacity: Master Film:2.5 mil 200' 5 mil 100' Duplicating: 2.5 mil 2500' 5 mil 1000' Duplicating Speed: 32 FPM fixed. Environment: Daylight operation.. Dimensions: 19" x 19" x 15"


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

New Densitometer
and rugged construction. The densitometer will remain in proper alignment even though it is picked up by the arm. The Model 301 is U.L. listed and C.S.A. certified, and is shipped calibrated to standards traceable to the NBS. This is probably the most widely accepted and used densitometer for medical and industrial x-ray requirements and in the micrographics industry.

Added Benefits:

X-Rite 301 Transmission Densitometer

The Model 301 has an easy-to-read display, lighted work surface, and simple calibration.

Easy-to-Read Display: Large half-inch LED numeric display for easy reading and fewer errors. Lighted Table: Simplifies location of image areas to measure. Rugged Construction: Proven oil field use. Convenient Service: Modular construction allows rapid replacement of lamps and easy access to electronic circuits. One Year Limited Warranty: (Bulb excluded).

Provides Accurate Quality Control of Your Film Processor

The end product of your x-ray, microfilm or photographic processing equipment is only as good as the quality control technics you use. The X-Rite Model 301 is designed to help you keep your film processor producing optimum results. This densitometer will detect variations in film density far more subtle than can be seen by the naked eye. Its wide measurement range allows you to determine base fog and accurately determine densities up to 5 D. A new feature has been added to the Model 301 RS-232 output. Now you can connect it to a digital printer or computer. This provides a convenient record or an opportunity to use a computer to calculate the data from a step wedge.

Convenient Operation
The densitometer is easy to use. Measurements are made on a push and read basis. The display consists of large LED numerals which can be read easily in bright or dim light. Internal memory and the null button allow the operator to make comparative density measurements across a piece of film. Other quality features include a lighted work table, simple calibration procedure

301X - 230V, 50 Hz, power line. 301RS-RS-232 serial output - 300 baud.

Film Types
The Model 301 is designed to measure all silver-based films. If your requirements include diazo and vesicular films, we suggest the X-Rite Model 369 Densitometer.

Typical Machine Characteristics

Measuring Range: 0-5.0D with 2 and 3mm aperatures. 0-4.0D with 1mm aperature. Accuracy: .02D. Repeatability: .01D. Operating Temperature Range: 10 - 40C. Power Requirements: 301 (Domestic) 100VAC-130VAC, 60Hz. 301X (Export) 200VAC240VAC, 50Hz (80VA max.). Warm-up Time: 60 seconds. Scale Factor Stability: 1% per 6 months. Null Drift: .03D max. .01D typical. Dimensions: 51/4"H x 101/4"W x 15"L (13.3cm x 26cm x 38cm). Weight: 8.5 lbs. (3.9 kg).

Design Conformance meets A.N.S.I.* PH2.19 requirements and ISO 5/2. *American National Standards Institute

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


16mm, 35mm, and 105mm Processor

MAPLE Series 3 Microfilm Processing Systems

Environmentally Friendly Auto-Fill System On E Models
New transport system for jam free leaderless processing, even thin film.

The Choice Is Yours!

Multiple Roll Capabilities

Process two or three rolls of film simultaneously and independently.

Process 16mm, 35mm, 70mm and 105mm roll film or cut fiche, without changing racks.


Variable Speed and Temperature Controls Archival Quality Processing Reversible Take Up Processed Film In 40 Seconds Solution Level Sensor Modular Construction
Facilitates ease of cleaning and maintenance.


New Chemical Control System

Facilitates even processing density.

New Electrical Safety Features


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

16mm, 35mm and 105mm Processor Maple Series 3 Microfilm Processing System
Environmentally Friendly Auto Fill System On E Models Only
Press the FILL button and chemistry is automatically loaded into the processor. Chemistry replenishes and recirculates from master containers. Exhausted chemistry automatically dumps back into containers. Operator does not need to touch chemistry. Wash water can either recirculate from containers or machine can be plumbed to main water supply. Specify when ordering.

Wide range of daylight load boxes for most roll, fiche or cartridge systems. Chemical replenishment system, not required on E models. Thermostatic water temperature control system. Water filtration system. Console/cabinet.

Typical Machine Characteristics Models 3000, 3300, 3000E and 3300E

Simultaneous Roll or Cartridge Capacities: 3 x 16mm, or 2 x 35mm, or 1 x 105mm. Maximum Film Width: 127mm / 5". Cut Fiche Capability: Model 3000 and 3000E. Transport Speed: 0 - 2.5 MPM / 0 - 8 FPM. Typical Processing Time 100' x 16mm: Models 3000 and 3000E 40 minutes. Typical Processing Time 100' x 16mm: Models 3300 and 3300E 20 minutes. Solution Temperature: 80F - 120F / 26C - 49C. Dryer Temperature: Ambient 130F / 54C. Warm-up Time: 10 - 12 minutes. Number of Solution Tanks: 4 Reversible Take-up: Standarrd Plumbing: Optional Water Consumption: 3 LPM / 0.75 GPM. Drain Type: Gravity Chemical Replenishment System: Optional, Not required on E models. Solution Autofill/ Replenishment: Standard on E models. Power Requirements: 120 V, 50/60 Hz, 15 Amp. Power Requirements: 220/240 V, 50/60 Hz, 8 Amp. Processor Dimensions (without loadbox): 16" x 16" x 43" (41cm x 41cm x 109cm). Shipping Dimensions: 24" x 26" x 53" (61cm x 67cm x 135cm). Shipping Weight: 120 lbs. (54 kg).

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Our customers have been asking for yearsWhy dont you sell a quality, high density, microfilm/microfiche cabinet at an affordable price? Well, HERE THEY ARE!!! The Altek 2077 Rollfilm Cabinet and the 2078 really fill the bill.

Consider these features

Drawers glide smoothly on top quality Acuride ball
bearing suspensions these match the top of the market at 150 pound capacity! (A full cabinet drawer of 16mm film only weighs approximately 70 pounds.)

Flush drawer handles which will not snag clothes and

give a 90s look.

Top quality construction with all prime cold rolled

furniture grade steel, with a high quality baked enamel finish.

Optional gang lock available (comes with 2 keys). One year quality construction warranty & money
back guarantee if you are not delighted!
VGX 10 Microfiche Cabinet VGX 11 Microfilm Cabinet

Typical Machine Characteristics

Model Altek VGX 11 Altek VGX 10 Description 11 drawer roll microfilm cabinet 10 drawer microfiche or jacket cabinet Color Putty Putty Capacity 1485 16mm rolls 880 35mm rolls 148,500 fiche Outside Case Dimensions 233/4" W x 281/2" D x 571/2" H 211/4" W x 281/2" D x 571/2" H Weight (lbs) 335 295

(based on 61/4" x 415/16" fiche, 5 mil thick)

Now the best specifications!

These units are in stock for IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT! No waiting 6 weeks to ship.

The price: $995 Altek VGX 11 Roll Microfilm cabinet $995 Altek VGX 10 Microfiche cabinet $ 70 Optional lock on either cabinet $150 Door to door delivery within the US


Remember, VGX means Very Good Quality at an eXcellent price! Call today!

We Purchase Surplus Equipment

PHONE (800) 627-1123


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274



WEMARKET THESE SCANNERS Kodak 900 Kodak 923 Kodak 500 Kodak 990 scanner/microfilmer Fujitsu 3096 Fujitsu 3097 Fujitsu 3099 BH 3338 BH 6338

Other newer units will be available. Please call with your needs

E? PRICy! DA a NEEall Us Tod 123 C 627-1 (800) r FAX o -4940 ) 995 (713

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Carousel Files
Information Design Products Carousel Filing System
Information Design Products Carousel Filing System is a compact microfilm storage file which offers rapid access to large amounts of data. It can be expanded quickly and easily at low cost. The high impact polystyrene construction assures easy, fatigue-free rotation.

Easily Accessible
The carousel system is designed for quick storage and retrieval of data. A small carousel can be located on top of a desk. A number of large files, holding 600 microfilm cartridges each, can be located next to a microfilm work station, allowing easy access to over 4,000 cartridges containing millions of documents. Work station clusters can be established to allow several operators access to a single file bank.

Highly Versatile
Although most commonly used for storing 16mm and 35mm microfilm (in boxes, magazines and standard cartridges), the system will also accommodate data cassettes, punched paper tape, NC tapes, MTST cartridges and various audio-visual materials (35mm film strip with cassettes, 8mm film loops, 8track audio tapes, audio cassettes and some TV tape cassettes). Labeling space is provided on each carousel for ready identification of each section and unit of stored material.

Grows With Your Expanding Needs

The carousel system is modular based on an expansion pack with 60 units of capacity. The minimum carousel includes an expansion pack, a top and a bottom. The bottom is a turntable that allows free rotation of the entire unit. The file can be expanded at any time by simply removing the top, placing one or more additional 60-unit expansion packs on the existing stack, and replacing the top.

Easily Affordable
Carousels are competitively priced with alternative storage and retrieval systems. More importantly, the systems accessibility allows for very effil Us cient use of stored materials. High-denCal lease ing Your P rd sity storage requires less floor space ega fic Needs and better utilization of existing facilities. R ci Spe Finally, current expenditures can be kept low as the systems capacity can be easily expanded as requirements grow.

23 27-11 6 (800)


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Information Design Products Carousel Filing System Specifications
Complete Carousels
The 100 Series is designed to accommodate units that fit 1 its 4 /4" wide x 1" high x 3" deep compartments. Most 16mm microfilm, MTST cartridges, data cassettes and audio cassettes fit this series. Available in beige and blue, these units are 173/8" square. To facilitate ordering, the last digits of the product number represent the capacity. As shown, complete carousels include a top, bottom and expansion packs. The model 100-600 also includes a flat base. The 103 Series is designed to accommodate units that fit its 41/4" wide x 13/4" high x 3" deep compartments such as 35mm microfilm, 35mm film strips, punched paper tape, NC tapes, and 8mm film loops. Available in beige and blue. Capacity designations, as above. Models 100 and 103 expansion packs interstack. These units are 173/4" square. As shown, complete carousels include a top, bottom and expansion packs. The model 103-360 also includes a flat base.


MODEL 100-60 Height 77/16" Shipping Wt. 13 lbs.

100-120 131/4" 20 lbs.

100-240 247/8" 34 lbs.

100-360 361/2" 48 lbs.

100-600 631/2" 86 lbs.


MODEL 103-60 Height 113/16" Shipping Wt. 14 lbs.

103-120 203/4" 22 lbs.

103-240 397/8" 38 lbs.

103-360 623/4" 64 lbs.

Components Expansion Packs

Each expansion pack has a 60-unit capacity. See above descriptions for available color, size, and suggested configurations. Expansion packs are molded high impact polystyrene. Carousels should not be assembled to a height greater than 64".

MODEL 100-12-5 Height 513/16" Shipping Wt. 7 lbs.

103-12-5 99/16" 8 lbs.

Top/Bottom and Bases

Tops and bottoms are white and are included when ordering a complete carousel. The bases are black and may be used with both series. A base is recommended if placement is on a carpeted floor. The 1201 cube base is 17" square and has a convenient storage shelf. The 115 flat base is 18" square. Both bases are black steel construction with 4 full-swivel casters. The 115 flat base is included with the 100-600 and the 103-360 carousels.

MODEL 100-3T/B Height 15/8" Shipping Wt. 6 lbs. Top and Bottom

115 33/4" 10 lbs. Flat Base

120-1 179/16" 34 lbs. Cube Base

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Microfiche / Jacket Storage
Vertical Fiche Cabinets
High Density Front-To-Rear Filing
The F Series vertical filing cabinets are designed to give you the unique combination of maximum filing density and easy accessibility for active files. The reduced height of the F-10 proInterior View vides easier access and better upper drawer visibility. Your fiche is filed front-to-rear for easy filing and retrieval. Now standard with all Russ Bassett F Series cabinets, control plates are incorporated into all drawers. The smooth plastic plates keep fiche from slipping, and allow you to form a working V at any point on all rows. Each drawer comes with 27 plates. Of course, the conventional Mechanical Compressor is still available as a no-charge alternative if your prefer.
Net* Capacity Fiche Height 64,400 287/8" 90,160 393/4" 128,800 56" 211/4" wide x 285/8" deep Stock Number 2168 2171 2165

Our Highest Capacity Fiche Cabinet

The FL Series lateral files, like their vertical counterparts, the F Series, are designed specifically to house fiche. The FL Series 18" depth matches perfectly with contemporary interior design and space planning.
Interior View

p quality These toabinets excellent . sett c Russ Basions to your system with 23 dit ad 7-11 ay (800) 62 Call todour requirements. y
Model Number FL-5 FL-7 FL-10 Net* Capacity Fiche Height 79,200 287/8" 110,880 393/4" 158,400 56" 431/8" wide x 181/4" deep Stock Number 2185 2187 2189 Model Net* Capacity Stock Number Fiche Height Number TR-FL 2,400 33/4" ???? 67/16" wide x 181/3" deep - Neutral Gray Only.

Model Number F-5 F-7 F-10

Lateral Fiche Cabinets

The FL Series drawer, like the vertical F Series, is set up for front-to-rear filing. The FL drawer has six rows and comes standard with Control Plates.

TR-FL Steel Tray Fits 6 Per Drawer

Our TR-FL Fiche tray is available as an optional accessory. The TR-FL tray is designed to house standard fiche, and matches the interior FL drawer depth. Because of the extra space that the tray consumes, TR-FL trays come equipped only with Control Plates to provide proper clearance. Each drawer will accommodate 6 Proper Indexing Speeds Filing trays for the front-to-rear filing and easy lift-out capability.

Mechanical Compressors may be specified in lieu of Control Plates.

and Assures Accuracy. Preprinted or Plain Dividers will facilitate the organization of your fiche. The indexing will greatly improve retrieving and refiling.

*Capacity is net of control Plates and Compressors based on 5 mil Fiche at 160/inch working density. For Jackets, reduce capacity by 50%. For Envelopes, reduce capacity by at least 25%.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Roll Cartridge Storage
Verticle Roll Film Cabinets
High Density, Front-To-Rear Filing
The R Series vertical cabinets are designed to provide maximum filing density for 16mm and 35mm Roll Film. Cartons or cartridges are filed front-to-rear for easy identification and access.

Extra Drawers, Lower Height

The R-11 provides the same capacity as our classic MC-11-5, yet it is nearly 6" shorter. For even greater capacity, the R-12 offers an extra drawer while still saving 11/2" in overall height.
Model Number R-6 R-8 R-11 R-12 Capacity 16mm 35mm Height 780 480 287/8" 1,040 640 393/4" 1,430 880 515/8" 1,560 960 56" 25" wide x 285/8" deep Stock Number 2177 2180 2183 2261

Plastic Compressor Holds Each Roll in Place

All R Series vertical cabinets come with our patented Plastic Compressor. Each carton or cartridge is gently held in place by the slotted clear plastic compressor. During retrieval, the location for each roll is reserved for its return. No followers, wire dividers or magnetic compressors are required. You get additional filing space. These top quality Russ Bassett cabinets will be a

Lateral Roll Film Cabinets

fine addition to your system, as well as save you considerable floor space with their high density features. Call (800) 627-1123 for a quotation.

RL Series Lateral Design Complements Many Office Floor Plans

The RL Series lateral files, like the R Series vertical cabinets, are designed specifically to house 16mm and 35mm Roll Film in cartons or cartridges. The narrow depth and increased capacity makes the RL Series ideal when aesthetics or space planning calls for lateral cabinets.
Model Number R-6 R-8 R-12 Capacity 16mm 35mm Height 864 540 287/8" 1,152 720 393/4" 1,728 1,080 56" 431/8" wide x 181/4" deep Stock Number 2265 2266 2267

Interior View

Plastic Compressor and Finger Room Make Filing Easy

As with the R Series vertical cabinets, the RL Series incorporates our patented Plastic Compressor. Each carton or cartridge is gently held in place as the drawer is opened and closed. The location for each roll is reserved for its return. No followers, wire dividers or magnetic compressors are required. You get additional filing space.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Vertical Aperture Card Cabinets
High Density Front-To-Rear Filing
The A Series vertical filing cabinets are designed to give you the unique combination of maximum filing density and easy accessibility for active files. The reduced height of the A-11 provides easier access and better upper drawer visibility, while the 12-drawer model gives you even greater filing capacity per square foot of floor space. It is 11/2" shorter than our old AC-11-3 unit. Aperture Cards are filed in three rows frontto-rear.

Mechanical Compressors are Standard for Aperture Cabinets and Trays (Except AW-6)
The A Series cabinets come standard with Mechanical Compressors to keep the cards snug and flat; however, Control Plates can be specified at no additional charge. The smooth plastic plates keep Aperture Cards from slipping under each other, and allow you to form a working V at any point on all rows.
Stock Number 2159 2162 2156 2785

Interior View Model Number A-6 A-8 A-11 A-12

Net* Capacity Aperture Cards Height 48,300 287/8" 64,400 393/4" 88,550 515/8" 96,600 56" 25" wide x 285/8" deep

These are highest quality Russ Bassett cabinets . Please. call today (800) 627-1123 with your specific requirements.

Note: For mixed media filing see the RF and RFL Series.

Lateral Aperture Card Cabinets

AL Series Provides Highest Capacity

Our AL Series lateral files, like the A Series vertical cabinets, are designed specifically to house, Aperture Cards. The AL Series new lower profile drawer and increased capacity make it a perfect match for high density filing requirements. It fits nicely with contemporary interior design. The AL Series drawers, like the A Series, come standard with Mechanical Compressors.
Model Number AL-6 AL-8 AL-12 Net* Capacity Aperture Cards Height 49,500 287/8" 66,000 393/4" 96,000 56" 431/8" wide x 181/4" deep Stock Number 2262 2263 2264

Proper Indexing Makes Aperture Cards Easier to Organize

Preprinted or Plain Dividers along with the Out Card will facilitate the organization of your aperture cards. The indexing will greatly improve retrieving and refiling.
*Capacity is net of Control Plates and Compressors based on 100 cards/inch working density.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Storage Tray Indexing Tools
Proper Indexing Speeds Retrieval and Refiling
Since looking for a lost microfiche is like looking for a needle in a haystack, anything that will improve file integrity is worth considering. Proper indexing is one of the easiest ways to ensure that your fiche ends up in the correct filing location. We offer a variety of standard filing aids, and can provide custom indexing on request.

Organize your fiche with Index Dividers and Out Cards.

Bright Red Out Cards Speed Accurate Refiling

Available in packages of 10, the Out Card, when properly used, greatly speeds the process of refiling microfiche. Model Number Description OC-F Out Cards Plain Dividers D-1 Plain Dividers Center Tab Cut Available in either a center tab cut or four D-4 Plain Dividers 4 Tab Cut tab cut design. D-M Monthly Index Dividers D-A Alphabetical Index Dividers 9 13 16" wide x 5 /16" high 4/

Preprinter Dividers Both monthly and alphabetical dividers are available.

You can attach gummed labels to the dividers, or you can write directly on the tabs with indelible ink.

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Microfiche / Jacket / Aperture Card Trays
Multi-System Trays Offer High Capacity and Portability
Often its necessary to remove an entire section of a file for transferring to a remote workstation. The lightweight yet durable Multi-System Trays provide the convenience of lightweight portability with high capacity. These trays come standard with smoked transparent lids, which protect the fiche and allow seethrough identification of the tray contents. The trays are molded of high-impact polystyrene for durability, with all corners radiused to prevent any marring of the work surface. Model Fiche Number Capacity* Length MS-12 1,600 12" MS-16 2,240 16" 73/4" wide x 151/4" high with lid

MS-12 and MS-16 Multi-System trays.

MS-16-A Visu-Flex Plastic Tray Fits 4 Across in VL Cabinet

Aperture Card Tray Also Available.

Capacity based on 5 mil Fiche at 160/inch working density. For jackets, reduce capacity by 50%. For envelopes, reduce capacity by at least 25%.

MS-16-A holds 1,500 cards 16" long Stock No. 1632


Front and Back Panels Lie Open to Provide a Working V


Unique Side Guides Keep Fiche Aligned

This feature is especially important for notched jacket applications. Optional transportable tray with tote lid and lock are available for both 16" TF and MS Series trays.

Fiche are Compressed Vertically for Storage

Along with the front and rear panels, heavy plastic supports prevent the fiche from curling under.


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Fiche Panel Stands / Binders
Panel Accessories for Every Application
To provide the proper accommodations for every application, a variety of accessories are offered to support the FP panel system. By far the most popular of the accessories is the high density rotary stand, holding 50 panels on one structure. The convenient desk stand and easel binder also provide alternatives for lower capacity requirements. Model Number FF-32 EB-8 DS-30 RS-50 Description 32 Fiche Folio Easel Binder 8 Panels Desk Stand 30 Panels Rotary Stand 50 Panels

Panel systems provide efficient filing for fiche.

Patented Pinpoint Mounting System Eliminates Clumsy Rods

If youve ever worked with a panel system requiring the insertion of loose rods for the pivot support, youll really appreciate the pinpoint mounting system. Simply, lift the top retaining ring handle on the rotary stand. Now you can easily remove or reinsert the panel. Its simple, its straightforward, and it works.

Fiche Folio Holds 32 Fiche

To keep your price fiche or quick reference fiche organized in your briefcase, the fiche folio can be the perfect companion. Its padded book design opens to expose two rows of staggered fiche pockets, each holding 16 fiche with the titles in perfect view.

Panels Stay Open Like a Book

Our RS-50 rotary stand is designed with a smaller diameter at the top. This unique pyramid design causes the panels to lie open.

We Purchase Surplus Equipment

PHONE (800) 627-1123

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Thin-Line Microfiche Panels & Folios
An exclusive patented design with more features than any other panel. Panels are 81/2" x 11" and made of pure virgin vinyl. Use with all Visu-Flex rodless Pin-Point accessories, as well as with three-ring binders and most conventional stands and racks that use steel rods. Fiche-Folios feature Visu-Flex panels sealed to sturdy covers of soft leather-grained vinyl.

Thin-Line Microfiche Panels

Item FP-32 FP-40 AP-8 Description Microfiche Panel title size 7/16". 3 Hole Punched. Microfiche Panel title size 3/8" 3 Hole Punched. Microfiche adhesive backed panel title size 7/16". 8-pocket panel with 2 strips of adhesive on back side for mounting to wall, notebook cover, or side of reader. Fiche Capacity 32 40 8 Size 1 8 /2" x 11" 21/2" x 11" 73/16" 75/8" Color White White White Quantity 10 10
AP-8 FP-32 FP-40


Microfiche Folios
Item FF-32 Description Microfiche Folio open to 15" x 11", title size 7/16". Folio cover. Fiche Capacity 30 Color White Quantity 15


Panel Accessories
New line of panel accessories features an exclusive Pin-Point mounting system for quick, easy insertion and removal of panels. Rods are eliminated. Panels mount and lock on precision unbreakable plastic pins. Available in a full line of Rotary Stands and Desk Stands. Color: Two-tone brown-black and desert tan.

Pin-Point Accessories
Item RS-50 Description Capacity Rotary Stand Pin Point mounting. Heavy duty, all steel frame. Pyramid design holds panels in open reference position. RS-50-32 Rotary Stand with Panels, includes 50 FP-32 white panels. 1,600 RS-50-40 Rotary Stand with Panels, includes 50 FP-40 white panels. 2,000 DS-30 Desk Stand Pin Point mounting. All-steel construction with baked enamel finish. (Panels not included.) 960 1,200 96 120 Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1
RB-3 DS-30 RS-50

DS-30-32 Desk Stand with panels, includes 30 FP-32 white panels. DS-30-40 Desk Stand with panels, includes 30 FP-40 white panels. RB-3 Reader Bracket (Panels not included). RB-3-32 Reader Bracket with panels, includes 3 FP-32 white panels. RB-3-40 Reader Bracket with panels, includes 3 FP-40 white panels.

Easel Binder for Panels

Item EB-8 Description Fiche Capacity 1 2" Ring Size - vinyl cover of Easel Binder, 3-Ring, 1 / French Calf in Black. (Panels not included.) EB-8-32 Easel Binder with Panels, includes 8 FP-32 white panels. 256 EB-8-40 Easel Binder with Panels, includes 8 FP-40 white panels. 320


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Microfilm Microfiche Aperture Card Cabinet
For Small Systems
Stackable Cabinets offer the ultimate flexibility in Microfiche, Microfilm and Aperture Card storage. Because of the modular stacking construction, both large and small storage requirements can be easily met. The one drawer unit, SF-1 may be used when a minimum amount of storage is needed. When additional space is required, the one or two drawer unit or units may be added. This expanded filing capability eliminates excessive storage space and unnecessary expense. When housing microfiche, each drawer will accommodate two rows, front to back. Microfilm three rows, front to back and aperture card storage accomplished with two rows of side to side filing. Drawers operate effortlessly on ball-bearing suspensions providing full access in entire drawer interior. Individual modular units are easily and securely locked together with an intermembering device. Features include flush drawer pulls, fixed or mobile caster base, one-key locking and a wide range of standard finishes.
SC Series as shown, upper unit SC-1 followed by our SC-2 and SB-1 fixed base. An optional SB-2 mobile base is available. When stacked, a rugged fastening system safely secures all units.

Model No. Description SC-1 SC-2 SB-1 SB-2 One Drawer Two Drawer Stationary Base Mobile Base Capacity Outside Case Dimensions Stock 16mm 35mm Microfiche Aperture H W D Weight No. 48 96 30 60 3,200 6,400 2,500 5,000 61/2 12 /16

15 15 15 15

18 18 18 18

28 38 5 6

2273 2274 2048 2049

2 43/4

Fax: (713) 995-4940 Phone: (800) 627-1123


Micrographic Work Stations
Specialized Micrographic Work Station Series offers a reliable solution for active retrieval system applications. Accessibility to retention media is assured by means of efficient cross-tray filing. Microform trays in microfiche and aperture card configurations include compressors, providing proper form protection. Per drawer capacity permits four microfiche trays, three aperture card trays, or six rows of microfilm. Adjustable dividers may be used in lieu of trays but require magnetic compressors. When used in work station applications, an optional T-6030 side extension top is available. A wide range of standard finishes and laminates are available with special colors upon customers request.

Model No. Description AW-6-T Aperture Card FW-5-T Microfilm RW-6-T Roll Film Capacity Outside Case Dimensions Stock 16mm 35mm Microfiche Aperture H W D Weight No. 780 480 60,400 40,700 287/8" 28 /8"

30" 30" 30"

60" 60" 60"

170 170 170

1638 1637 1636


The SST-System Series Tables has

been a popular choice for many years. The open H leg frame allows easy access from any angle for very active environments. Features Include
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Options Include
Colors Eight Standard special colors on request. Laminate Walnut grain standard special patterns on request. Widths 60" or 48" widths available. Chrome Legs Available on request.

Model No. SST-4830 SST-6030 Description Systems Table Systems Table Outside Dimensions H W D 30 30 48 60 30 30 Weight 126 147 Stock No. 2042 2043


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274

Micrographic Work Stations
Innovative new work stations provide top quality at affordable pricing. Optional shelf is available for all tables. Contact us on the exact

New Work Stations

Featuring FieldAdjustable Height from 24 to 31 inches.

size desired. Our systems representative will assist you to tailor fit your work station needs.
Pedestals For Tables Full range available contact us for information on a wide selection of pedestals. Colors Available Putty, Light Tan, Brown, Black, Bamboo, Charcoal. Top Patterns Light Oak, Medium Oak, Walnut, Teak, Off White.

VSM-4 Micrographic Work Station offers a reliable

solution for active retrieval system applications. Accessibility to retention media is assured by means of efficient cross-tray filing. Microform trays in microfiche and aperture card configurations include compressors, providing proper form protection. Per drawer capacity permits four microfiche trays, three aperture card trays, or six rows of microfilm. Adjustable dividers may be used in lieu of trays but require magnetic compressors. When used in work station applications, an optional T-6030 side extension top is available. A wide range of standard finishes and laminates are available with special colors upon customers request.

Model No. Description VSM-4 4 Drawer Capacity Outside Case Dimensions Stock 16mm 35mm Microfiche Aperture H W D Weight No. 540 320 32,800 24,600 287/8" 233/4" 281/2" 170 2050

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Texas residents add appropriate Sales Tax

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PAYMENT TERMS: (1) Net 30 Days Billing Terms will be established upon approval from our Credit Department (2) New accounts first order C.O.D. (3) Refurbished equipment 50% deposit, 50% in 30 days with approved credit. (4) Parts shipped strictly C.O.D. SHIPPING PROCEDURES: (1) All orders are shipped via UPS unless otherwise specified. (2) Returns must have Return Authorization Number. (3) Prices and packaging subject to change without notice. (4) Minimum order smallest packaged quantity available.

Open Account Money Order Credit Card

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Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


ADDRESSABILITY The number of addressable positions within a specified image, as follows: addressable horizontal positions by addressable vertical positions. ADHESIVE FACE The aperture adhesive position in which the tape is on the face (printed surface) and the tacky surface is toward the reverse side of the card. It is usually used for mounting negative image silver film (odd generation). (See generation.) ADHESIVE REVERSE The aperture adhesive position in which the tape is on the reverse side and the tacky surface is toward the face (printed surface) side of the card. It is usually used for mounting positive image silver film and diazo film made from original silver film (even generation). (See generation.) AHR A trademark of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. to identify a microfilm with antihalation and high resolution characteristics. (See antihalation.) AHU A trademark of Eastman Kodak Co. to identify a film with a dye coating between the emulsion and base. (See antihalation, antihalation undercoat.) AIIM ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION AND IMAGE MANAGEMENT (Formerly NMA.) ALPHANUMERIC Pertaining to a character set that contains letters, digits, and usually other characters such as punctuation marks. Synonymous with alphameric. ANSI American National Standards Institute, formerly USASI and ASA. ANTIHALATION The reduction of halation within a film. Three common methods are used to reduce halation. (1) Tint the film base with a light absorbing dye. (2) Coat the back of the film with a light absorbing material. (3) Introduce a layer of light absorbing dye between the base and the emulsion. APERTURE (1) In an optical system, an opening through which light can pass. This is frequently referred to as the lens stop or lens opening or diaphragm. (2) An aperture in a microreproduction system is a hole in a card which is specifically designed to hold a frame of microfilm. APERTURE CARD A card with a rectangular hole or holes specifically prepared for the mounting or insertion of microfilm therein. ARCHIVAL QUALITY The degree to which a processed print or film will retain its characteristics during a period of use and storage. The ability to resist deterioration for a lengthy, specified time. AUTOMATIC CODING Index methods that are machine readable, i.e., digital or bit code. BASE DENSITY The optical density of a film base. Since no plastic is 100% transparent, all films have some density. The base density does not include any density produced by emulsion layer. BCD Binary Coded Decimal Notation. Positional notation in which the individual decimal digits expressing a number in decimal notation are each represented by a binary numeral, eg., the number twenty-three is represented by 0010, 0011 in the 8-4-2-1 type of binary coded decimal notation and by 10111 in binary notation. BINARY DIGITAL CODE An optical pattern of clear and opaque rectangles machine encoded or random access retrieval used to index one or more images. BLEED (LINE) (1) A line width change or a change in the character of the edge of a line usually due to overexposure or overdevelopment. (2) Lateral spread or diffusion of a dye-formed image. BLEMISH A microscopic spot which may appear on film and is usually reddish or yellowish in color, sometimes termed aging blemish or microscopic spot. The National Bureau of Standards Handbook 96 tabulates 6 blemish classifications. BOOK CARRIAGE (BOOK HOLDER) A device which permits the rapid photographing of large bound books. The carriage has balanced or springloaded platens so that two pages may be photographed at a time. CAMERA, PLANETARY (FLAT-BED) A type of microfilm camera in which the document being photographed and the film remain in a stationary position during the exposure. The document is on a plane surface at time of filming. CAMERA, ROTARY (FLOW) Camera in which original passes around drum in synchronous motion with microfilm. CAMERA, STEP-AND-REPEAT Camera used for producing microfiche. CARD Microfilm format in which frames of microfilm are individually mounted in cards which, in effect, become individual indexing keys to frame locations. CARD, MASTER DATA A tabulating (EAM) card containing punched information (nonaperture). It is used in EAM machines to transfer the punched information or verify information in apertures, copy or image cards. CARD-TO-CARD PRINTER An equipment which produces duplicate card mounted microfilm by contact printing. CARTRIDGE Roll microfilm combined with built-in automatic indexing system. CASSETTE A double core container enclosing processed roll microfilm designed to be inserted into readers, reader-printers and retrieval devices. CHARACTER GENERATOR The electronic portion of a device such as a COM which converts electrical signals to visible characters. CHIP A unit of microfilm containing a micro image or images and coded identification. Chips are usually used in automatic retrieval systems and are most often 35mm in width by three inches in length or less. CODE The unique bit configuration describing a symbol or character. CODE LINE A visual index consisting of an optional pattern of clear and opaque bars parallel with the long edge of the microfilm, located between image areas. COMPUTER GRAPHICS Drawings, patterns and graphs produced by a computer on paper, microfilm or the screen of a CRT. CONTRAST Degree of difference between light and dark areas on microfilm image. CONVERSION, IMAGE The operation or function of transferring or reproducing microimages from one stage in a microfilm system to the next. COPY CARD: (1) An aperture card containing unexposed and unprocessed microfilm which will be exposed and processed for the express purpose of duplicating or reproducing a microimage. (2) The unexposed input of a cardto-card printer or roll-to-card printer. CRT: Cathode Ray Tube: a vacuum tube in which a gated electron beam impinages upon a surface, usually phosphor coated, resulting in a display which may

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be read visually or microfilmed or photographed or recorded in some other manner. DENSITY, BACKGROUND: The capacity of the non-information area of an image. DENSITY, OPTICAL: The lightabsorbing quality of a photographic image (degree of opacity of film and blackness for paper prints) usually expressed as the logarithm of the opacity. Several specific types of density values for a photograph may be expressed but diffuse transmission density is the one of greatest use in the case of microfilm and diffuse reflection density is generally of interest for paper prints. DESK TOP READER: A small microfilm reader which can be placed on top of a desk and generally occupies about one square foot or less. DIAZO MATERIAL: A slow print of film or paper, sensitized by means of diazonium salts, which subsequent to exposure to light strong in the blue to ultraviolet spectrum and development forms an image. Diazo material generally produces nonreversible images, i.e., a positive image will produce a positive image and a negative image will produce a negative image. DIRECT IMAGE FILM: A film that will retain the same polarity as the previous generation or the original material; that is, tone for tone, black for black, white for white, negative for negative, etc. with conventional procession. DISTRIBUTION COPIES: Microfilm copies, usually second or third generation, produced from camera microfilm or intermediates for distribution to points of use. DOUBLE DOCUMENT: A term used to define a defect in a microfilm in which two documents have been photographed simultaneously on a rotary camera so that one document covers or partly overlaps the other. This defect can generally be prevented by proper adjustment of the document stop. It is sometimes referred to as document overlaps. DRY PROCESS (DIAZO): Two-component diazo process in which development is achieved without wetting, such as through the use of ammonia vapor. DRY SILVER FILM: A non-gelatin silver film which is developed by application of heat. DUO: Microfilming method which uses only one-half a 16mm microfilm roll at a time. DUPLEX: Microfilming method in which the front and back of a document are simultaneously photographed side-byside, each on one-half the width of a 16mm microfilm roll. DUPLICATION: Reproduction of microfilm copies from original microfilm. EBR: Electron Beam Recorded: a type of computer output microfilmer specifically designed to generate images directly onto EBR microfilm. EIGHT-UP FORMAT: A 35mm microfilm format which permits eight 81/2 x 11 inch (approximately) documents to be filmed within a single microfilm frame. ELECTROSTATIC PROCESS: See xerography. ENLARGEMENT OR BLOWBACK: An enlarged paper print reproduced from microfilm. ENLARGEMENT RATIO: The ratio of the linear measurement of a microimage of a document to the linear measurement of the enlarge image, expressed as 20X, 30X, etc. FACSIMILE: The process or result of the process by which fixed graphic images are scanned, transmitted electronically and reproduced either locally or remotely. FEEDER, AUTOMATIC: A powered mechanical device used with rotary cameras to move documents, one at a time, at a high rate of speed into the exposure area. FICHE: See microfiche. FILM: Any sheet or strip or transparent plastic coated with a light-sensitive emulsion. FILM, HEAT-DEVELOPING: A type of film in which the image is developed by heat. FILM, NONPERFORATED: Roll film which does not have sprocket holes or perforations. FLOW CAMERA: See Camera, rotary. FOIL: Diazo-sensitized plastic film. FOSDIC: A storage and retrieval system using 16mm and microfilm. Developed by the National Bureau of Standards for the National Weather Record Center, FOSDIC derives from Film Optical Scanning Device for Input to Computers. FRAME (FILM FRAME): The area of a photographic film exposed to light in a camera during one exposure, regardless of whether or not this area is filled by the document image. GENERATION: A measure of the remoteness of a particular copy from the original material. The picture taken of a document, cathode ray tube, etc. is termed first generation microfilm (camera microfilm). Copies made from this first generation are second generation, and copies from the second generation are third generation, etc. First generation positive appearing microfilm is designated 1P and second generation negative appearing microfilm is designated 2N, etc. (See N, P negative appearing image, positive appearing image.) GRID, MICROFICHE: A defined array of horizontal and vertical lines which divide an area into uniform spaces called frames. The grid defines the arrangement of the rows and columns of microimages. HALATION: A halo ghost image or fog caused by reflection of rays of light from the base to the emulsion or by internal scattering of light within the film. HALIDE: Any compound of chlorine, iodine, bromine, or fluorine, and another element. Silver bromide, silver chloride, and silver iodide are the light sensitive materials in silver emulsions. HAND VIEWER: A small portable magnifying device used for viewing microfilm. Magnification generally ranges from 5X to 15X. HARD COPY: An enlarged copy usually on paper. HIGH REDUCTION (HR): Reductions above 30X up to and inclusive of 60X. IMAGE: A representation of an object such as a document or other information sources produced by light rays. IMAGE MARK RETRIEVAL CODE: A document mark (blip) associated with an image used to count and locate images automatically. IMAGE SPACING: The distance between frames. INDEXING FILM: A system using targets, flash cards, lines, or bars, etc., for locating information appearing on a reel


Mail: Altek Systems P.O. Box 741068 Houston, Texas 77274


of microfilm. It enables rapid location of the section of film which contains the desired image on the reel without the necessity of examining each image sequentially. INTERMEDIATE: A microfilm or other reproducible used to make distribution copies: microfilm intermediates are usually made from camera microfilm. ISO: International Standards Organization. JACKET: A transparent plastic carrier with a single or multiple sleeve or pocket made to hold microfilm in flat strips. KALVAR: A trademark for the film and equipment products of the Kalvar Corp. KEYPUNCH: A keyboard actuated device that punches holes in a card to represent data. LAP READER: A microfilm reader less than 4 kg. in mass (less than 8.8 lbs.). LODESTAR: A trademark of the Eastman Kodak Co. used to identify microfilm readers and reader-printers which are automatically energized and threaded as a 16mm film magazine is inserted in a slot. Motor driven through the optical system, the film is ejected into a receiving chamber in which it festoons itself to obviate the need for a takeup reel. It is rewound into the magazine. MACROSCOPIC: Large enough to read without magnification, e.g., titles on microfiche. MAGAZINE: (1) A light container which protects sensitized material and facilitates loading and unloading a camera printer or processor; used with a single core for roll microfilm. (2) (deprecated) A container enclosing processed microform designed to be inserted into readers, reader-printers and retrieval devices; used with a single core for roll microfilm. MASTER: A copy of a document, or in some processes the original itself from which copies can be made. MASTER MICROFILM CARD: An aperture card containing microfilm, generally a negative, which is used for producing further reproduction. MICROFICHE: A sheet of microfilm containing multiple microimages in a grid pattern. It usually contains a title which can be read without magnification. MICROFILM: A fine-grain, high resolution film containing an image greatly reduced in size from the original. MICROFILM, ANTI-HALATION UNDERCOATING (AHU) TYPE: Uses an anti-halation agent coated under the emulsion and above the base. MICROFILM, SILVER HALIDE: Develops an image by means of tiny grains or crystals of certain silver compounds which are sensitive to light. MICROFORM: A generic term for any form, either film or paper, which contains microimages. MICROIMAGE: A unit of information, such as a page of text or a drawing, too small to be read without magnification. MICRO-OPAQUE: A sheet of opaque material bearing one or more microimages. MICROPRINT: Microimages on opaque stock, produced by printing as distinct from microimages produced on a photosensitive material. MICROPUBLISHING: To issue new (not previously published) or reformatted information, in multiple copy microform for sale or distribution to the public. MICROREPUBLISHING: To re-issue material previously or simultaneously published in hard copy form in multiple copy microform for sale or distribution to the public. MICROTEXT: See micro-opaque. MILITARY D: The term given to the DOD specified aperture size and location in (EAM) tabulating cards. MICROFILM DYE-BACK TYPE: Uses an anti-halation agent coated on the non-emulsion side of the base. MICROFILM, DIAZO: Develops an image by means of an zao dye coating which is sensitive to ultraviolet light. MICROFILM, KALVAR: Develops image by means of heat after ultra-violet strikes chemical coating on base. MONOBATH: A single solution combination developing and fixing bath for processing photographic materials. MOUNTER: A device for simultaneously cutting, positioning, and fastening film frames in aperture cards. MYLAR: A trademark for E.I. duPont deNemours & Co., Inc. for a polyestertype film base. N: The symbol of negative appearing microfilm. NBS: National Bureau of Standards. NMA: National Microfilm Association. Former name for current AIIM. OCR: Optical character recognition. OCR-B: International Standard OCR characters. OFF-LINE: Pertaining to equipment or devices not under direct control of the central processing unit, i.e., a COM. OPTICAL PRINT: A microfilm print made by projection, not by contact; the print may be the same size, enlarged, or reduced. ORIGINAL: The document from which copies are produced. P: The symbol for positive appearing microfilm. PERMAFILM: A trademark of Permafilm, Inc. for a treatment of unexposed or exposed and processed film for preventing scratches, abrasion, warping, curling, and brittleness, and for restoring dried out film. PHOTOCOPYING: The application of photographic processes to produce copies, excluding microcopies, generally by exposing the image of an original on photographic film or paper. POLARITY: A word used to indicate the change or retention of the dark to light relationship of an image, i.e., a first generation negative to a second generation positive indicates a polarity change while a first generation negative to a second generation negative indicates the polarity is retained. PRINT FILM: A fine grain, high resolution film used primarily for making contact film copies. PRINTER, STEP: A film or paper printer, either contact or projection, which exposes one frame at a time by means of an intermittent advance mechanism and a shutter. PRINT-OUT: See enlargement. PROCESSOR-CAMERA: A device which has both the functions of a processor and a camera. READER: A projection device for viewing an enlarged microimage with the unaided eye. READER-PRINTER: Equipment which provides both a method of viewing

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microfilm and reproducing it on enlarged paper prints. RECORDAK: A trademark of the Eastman Kodak Co. for microfilm equipment and supplies. REDUCTION: A measure of the number of times a given linear dimension of an object is reduced when photographed, expressed as 16X, 24X, etc. REEL: A flanged holder on which processed roll film is wound, designed to be inserted into readers, reader-printers, and retrieval devices. REMOUNTING: Removing a film from one aperture card, usually because of damage to the card or incorrect mounting, and mounting it in another aperture card. REPRODUCTION: The production of enlarged paper prints from microfilm. RESOLUTION: Ability of microfilm to define detail in photographic images. RESOLUTION TEST PATTERN AND CHART: A carefully prepared chart containing a number of increasingly smaller test patterns. The pattern is a set of horizontal and vertical lines of specific size and spacing. RETRIEVAL CODING: A term used to describe a system for retrieving specific images or data from microfilm. REVERSE READING: A term used to define a reproduction which is a mirror image of the original. RIGHT READING: That image which is legible in a normal reading position. ROLL: Most common microfilm format. ROTARY CAMERA: See camera, rotary. SAM: Semi-automatic mounter. (See mounter.) SCANNING DEVICE: A mechanism found in certain microfilm readers where the entire image does not appear on the screen. The scanning device permits shifting the film or the entire optical system so that different portions of the microfilm frame or reel may be viewed. SCRATCH: A linear grove which damages the base or sensitized side of the film and which is usually caused by mechanical means. Scratches in the base generally appear as black lines when observed in a reader, but they have a clear appearance, except for dirt accumulation, when observed with a viewer. Scratches in the emulsion may appear light when viewed on a reader, but may appear dark or clear when viewed with the unaided eye. Dark lines in the emulsion are caused by scratches occurring prior to developing, while clear lines are generally caused by scratches occurring after development. SCREEN: A surface onto which an image is projected. SECOND REPRODUCTION MICROFILM: Microfilm made from the First Reproduction Microfilm also called 3rd generation microfilm. SECTIONING (SECTIONALIZATION): Microfilming of an oversize document in two or more parts. SILVER HALIDE: A compound of silver and one of the following known as halogens: chlorine, bromine, iodine, fluorine. SILVER RECOVERY: The reclamation of silver from spent photographic fixing baths, an economic operation where large volumes of fixing baths are used. The silver may be precipitated by addition of sodium sulfide or zinc dust, or electrolytically deposited on cathodes suspended in the fixing bath. Silver recovery may destroy the photographic properties of the bath. SPEED: Microfilm sensitivity to light. SPLICER: A device for joining strips of photographic film or paper. STRIP FILM: Any short length of film too short to be wound on a reel, which is generally housed in a small can called a strip can or inserted in a jacket or other type of holder. SUSPENSION TYPE APERTURE CARD: The type of aperture card which suspends the frame of microfilm in the aperture between two sheets of transparent film, one mounted to each side of the card, and completely covering the aperture. TABULATING CARD: A card on which data is entered by use of punched holes or other means that can be sensed by a machine so that it can sort, collate, list, total or otherwise manipulate the card or the data. TAPES: A term describing microopaques, micro-opaque images on tape, usually paper, to which an adhesive has been added on the nonimage side, for mounting purposes. TEST CHART: See resolution test pattern. TEST FRAME: A microfilm image of a test target used to check microfilm quality. THERMAL DIAZO: A diazo material which requires only the addition of heat for the formation of the dye line. TITLE SPACE: The area available for title information on microfiche or microopaque cards. TRAILER: That portion of the film beyond the last images recorded. TRAILER MICROFICHE: When a multi-page document is microfilmed on microfiche and the total number of pages exceeds the image area capacity of a single microfiche, the succeeding images are recorded on an additional microfiche called Trailer Microfiche. UHR: An abbreviation for Ultra High Reduction, above 90X. ULTRAFICHE: Microfiche with images reduced more than 90X. UP: A term indicating one or more documents being in position to be photographed at the same time on the same frame, e.g. one up, two up, etc. VERY HIGH REDUCTION: Reductions above 60X up to and inclusive of 90X. VESICULAR FILM: Film which has the light sensitive element suspended in a plastic layer and which upon exposure creates strains within the layer in the form of a latent image. The strains are released and the latent image made visual by heating the plastic layer. The image becomes permanent when the layer cools. VHR: An abbreviation for very high reduction, above 60X up to and inclusive of 90X. VSMF: Visual Search Microfilm File, a 16mm microfilm catalog of products (parts and materials) approved or listed by the Department of Defense and their suppliers. XEROGRAPHY (ELECTROSTATIC): A generic term for the formation of a latent electrostatic image by action of light on a photo-conducting insulating surface. The latent image may be made visual by a number of methods such as applying charged pigmented powders or liquid which are attracted to the latent image. The particles either directly or by transfer may be applied and fixed to a suitable medium.


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Association for Information & Image Management (AIIM) 1100 Wayne Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 587-8202 Phone (301) 587-2711 Fax Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA) 4200 Somerset Dr. Prairie Village, KS 66208 (800) 422-2762 Phone

Serial Publications
Inform, AIIM magazine 1100 Wayne Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 587-8202 Phone (301) 587-2711 Fax International Journal of Micrographics & Optical Technology Pergamon Journals Maxwell House Fairview Park Elmsford, NY 10523 (914) 592-7700 Phone The Micrographics Newsletter P.O. Box 950 Larchmont, NY 10538 (914) 834-3044 Phone Records Management Quarterly, ARMA journal 4200 Somerset Dr. Prairie Village, KS 66208 (800) 422-2762 Phone

Non-Serial Publications
International Imaging Source Book Microfilm Publishing Inc. P.O. Box 950 Larchmont, NY 10538 (914) 834-3044 Phone Information Management Source Book, Published by AIIM 1100 Wayne Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 587-8202 Phone (301) 587-2711 Fax Micrographic Systems, 3rd Edition by William Saffady Avedon Associates, Inc. 14 Accord Ct. Potomac, MD 20854 (301) 983-0604 Phone (301) 983-0113 Fax Legality of Microfilm by Robert F. Williams Cohasset Associates, Inc. 505 North Lake Shore Dr. #3806 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 527-1550 Phone

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