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Manipur Industrial Policy 2011

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Coordina ates(Imphal) Country y India Establis shed 21 Ja anuary 1972 Capital Imph hal Imph hal Largest city Districts s 9

District Bishnup pur Churach handpur Chandel ImphalE East ImphalW West Senapat ti Tameng glong Thoubal l Ukhrul
Area- T Total 22,347 km2 (8,628.2 sq mi) 23rd Area rank Official languages Meiteilon M

Nagala and


Manipu ur

Myanmar M


Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) 26 26(1) 26(2) 26(3) 26(4) 26(5) 26(6) 26(7) 26(8) 26(9) 26(10) 26(11) 26(12) 26(13) 26(14) 26(15) 26(16) 26(17) 26(18) 26(19) 26(20) 26(21)

Topic Mission: The objective of the Industrial Policy: Strategy: Industrial activities identified as Promotional Areas: Negative list:Policy Framework: Encouragement to investment from outside: Land Policy as a component of Industrial Policy: Industrial Infrastructure Development Authority (IIDA) and creation of a Fund: Capacity building and skill upgradation measures for enhancement productivity/Entrepreneurial Development: Cluster development: Government Interventions on Mission Mode Approach: Market development and promotion: Tourism and Tourism Related Industries: Single Window Agency: Investment: Industrial Sickness: Export and Import development: Steps for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Neutrality of location: Opening of Cell : Definitions: Incentives / subsidies scheme: Clarification and Interpretation: Monitoring and Laying down of Roadmap: Packages of Incentives / Subsidies under Para 12 of THE INDUSTRIAL AND INVESTMENT POLICY OF MANIPUR, 2011(IIPM,2011). Allotment of land : Allotment of sheds to Micro, and Small enterprises: Special scheme for the development of Handicraft: Manpower Development: Incentives to the innovator / inventor: Subsidy for Feasibility Study and Project report Preparation: Subsidy for Technical Know-How: Exemption of Earnest Money and Security Deposit: State Capital Investment Subsidy: Interest Subsidy: Power Subsidy: State Transport subsidy:



Reimbursement of Registration fee/ Renewal Fee for registering with the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM): Reimbursement of Registration Fee/ Renewal Fee for obtaining BIS, ISI, ISO Series and FPO: Reimbursement of Stamp Duty and Registration: Quality Control: Subsidy for Substantial Expansion/Modernisation Exclusive Purchase Programme: Price Preference: Tax Incentives: Special Incentives for Mega projects: /Upgradation/ Diversification:



Mission: After the attainment of statehood in 1972, the State Government announced the following Industrial Policy, namely 1982, 1989, 1990 and 1996. The earlier Industrial Policy had limited impact on industrial investment and growth. The State has not witnessed the desired level of achievement on industrial activity as envisages in the Policy. The State Government has to develop proper industrial infrastructures, and also a secured law and order conducive to attract investor from outside and inside the State. The present Policy is to facilitate and create, an investor-friendly environment, provision for infrastructure and institutional support, adequate credit flow, attractive incentive package and optimum utilisation of existing resources to gainfully exploit emerging opportunities in the National and International markets to generate substantial income and employment avenues for the people of Manipur.

This will be done by providing industry access to appropriate quality infrastructure, extending market linkages, adequate credit flow from the Bank and Financial Institutions, secured law and orders, encouraging investors from inside, and inviting investors from outside the state, institutional support from the Universities and Technological Institutes in Manipur to catalyse the entrepreneurial as well as creative capabilities of the vibrant human resources of this State. There should be consistent parity with its economy and human, and natural resource base. To achieve this requires:


Long-term State plan with the dynamic National Vision, and create fund for grant and economic restructuring.


Elaborate medium - and long-term capacity-building programmes to create self-sustained growth for Micro, Small, Traditional Industries, and Export oriented Unit, with adequate credit dispensation.


Import-Substitution, to the extent possible by substantial production within the state itself. Accelerated agricultural growths, and expand purchasing power. Aid for economic transformation should overcome poverty and unemployment and start life afresh, and that Govt. launch microcredit programmes.

(d) (e)


Trade with other Asian countries, provided every care is taken to protect local industry.

(g) (h)

Investment in infrastructure development Higher and easier availability of credit. .


The objective of the Industrial Policy: The Policy announcement made earlier by the State Government had limited impacts on industrial investment and growth of industry in the desired level and consequently decided to achieve the following : (a) To create conditions for rapid industrial development and conducive investments climate. (b) Develop the state of art technology and infrastructure to ensure planned and accelerated industrial development. (c) Create a liberal environment for the investors. (d) Promote economic activities to ensure maximum capital investment in the State for increasing employment opportunities, improving standard of living of people at large, to ensure all round development of the State (e) Provide better development opportunities to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Handicapped, and Women to ensure their participation in the development process.


Accelerate Balanced Development of the region / districts to prevent socio- economic distortions due to backwardness.

(g) Encourage for establishment of Manufacturing, Service Sectors and Clusters (h) Promote export of items, in which the State holds advantage to other States, based on resources of raw materials and human skills. (i) Take steps to protect and promote handicrafts so as to conserve and enrich cultural heritage, traditions and customs of the State. (j) Promote existing industrial unit to modernisation and technology upgradation (k) Encourage quality control, standardization and the local products (l) Promote Tourism, develop tourism related industry. competitiveness of

(m) Ensure for minimising pollution, and encourage eco-friendly units.


Strategy: The State Government in pursuit of the outlined objective has decided to adopt a new industrial strategy as detailed below:(a) Take effective steps to promote industrial culture and create a secure environment for entrepreneurs. (b) Expedite completion of the on-going development projects within a time frame. (c) industrial infrastructure

Will accord priority, to mobilisation of credit flow to all Enterprises, by the dedicated Commercial, Co-operative, Rural Banks, State Financial Co-operation, and Financial Institutions. Establish mechanisms to provide support and linkages for marketing.


(e) Develop Industrial Areas, Industrial Estates, Parks, Economic Zones etc. for sitting of various kind of manufacturing units, including such as, Bamboo based units, Food processing units, Bio-technology units, Non- Conventional Energy producing units, Software Development and Information Technology units, etc. complete with quality physical, social, and critical infrastructures, at identified location of the State.


Develop Handicraft Industry Villages with common facility centers, housing provisions with hire purchase facilities, for the promotion of handicraft industry based on available local resources.

(g) Provide necessary infrastructures for the Border Trade, and Export Import mechanisms, at identified locations. Take effective steps for establishment of Cold storage chains and Warehousing facilities. (h) Create Industrial Facilitation Committees with the mandate to provide Single Window Clearance to all proposals from investors for establishing Manufacturing and Service Sector, Health Care, Biotechnology, Sericulture and Silk, Kouna, Rubber, Tea plantation, Adventure Tourism, Tourism related industry, Infrastructure development, Power generating units based on both conventional and non-conventional sources. (i) Create an Industrial Infrastructures Development Authority of the State. (j) (k) Strengthen the State Financial Corporation.

Conduct special drives to attract investment from the investors from inside and outside the State. (l) Accelerate exploration of mines and minerals for enhancing the resource base of the State. (m) Provide packages of incentive and subsidies for the activities and areas where the Central Government policies have not covered. (n) Devise suitable schemes for self-employment of unemployed youths to set up new ventures in Manufacturing, and Service sectors. (o) Take effective steps to promote Handloom & Handicraft sector by providing marketing access through the Handloom & Handicraft Development Corporation, and through other agency. (p) Take effective steps to promote Food processing sectors by promoting marketing access through the Manipur Food Industries Corporation, and through other agency. (q) Promote the Tourism and Tourism Related Industry and provide necessary support available to other industrial activity. (r) Take steps to Create Tourist Protection Force of highly trained detachment from the elite Manipur Police. (s) Provides schemes for grant of State Awards for the entrepreneurs. (t) Encourage research and development on medicinal plants available in

the state, and promote establishment of industry based on medicinal plant resources. (u) Provide security measures to industrial units, movement of raw materials and finished products by appointing a Nodal Officer not below the rank of the Inspector General of Police. Tax concessions to attract investment



Industrial activities identified as Promotional Areas: The State Government has identified the following activities as the promotional (a) areas for development as outlined below:

Food and Fruit Processing Industries based on indigenous resources / locally available raw materials.


Manufacturing and Service Sectors in the fold of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises and other scale of Industries

(c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

Tourism Industry. Agro-based industries Kouna plantation and production of Export quality products. Rubber plantation and processing. Floriculture. Tea and Coffee plantation, and processing industry. Processing / manufacturing of indigenous Herbs & Natural dyes. Distillation of oils from medicinal & aromatic plants, including value added products.

(k) (l)

Mineral based industries. Handicrafts industries based on indigenous raw materials

(m) Handloom. (n) (o) Industries based on cane and bamboo raw materials. Silk and Sericulture industries, dress materials of Silk and apparels of export quality. (p) (q) (r) Software development & Information Technology. Bio-Technology industries. Power generation plants based on both conventional and nonconventional sources.


Export and Import through Indo-Myanmar mechanism, with the neighbouring countries and Bangladesh, commercial links with the South-East Asia Regions.

5. Negative list:The following will not be eligible for benefits under the Policy. The State Govt. will review the list from time to time. (i) All goods falling under Chapter 24 of the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986) which pertains to tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes. (ii) Pan Masala as covered under Chapter 21 of the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986). (iii) Plastic carry bags of less than 20 microns as specified by Ministry of Environment and Forests Notification No.S.O. 705(E) dated

02.09.1999 and S.O.698 (E) dated 17.6.2003. (iv) Goods falling under Chapter 27 of the First Schedule to the Central Excise tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986) produced by petroleum oil or gas refineries. 6. Policy Framework: (1) The policy accords top priority and urgency for the completion and commissioning of the ongoing industrial infrastructure development projects within a time frame. (2) The State Government will undertake development of Industrial infrastructures at every District, Block and at advantageous locations. (3) (4) (5) The MANIDCO/State Financial Corporation will be strengthened. The Industrial Infrastructure Development Authority will be established Government will adopt an integrated approach to infrastructural support and development in addition to the upgradation of basic facilities at the Industrial Estate, Takyelpat, completion of Growth Centre project, and Food Park. The State Government will undertake phased identification and development of the following: (a) Industrial Estate in all Districts, Park, in the Imphal West, East and Thoubal Districts.



Additional industrial locations at Jiribam, Imphal East, Litan, in Ukhrul-district, Noney in Tamenglong district, Nambol in Bishnupur district, one in Churachanpur and Thoubal district, to catalyse balance dispersal of industries.


Development of quality infrastructures for the promotion of tourism at suitable locations in the State. To begin with near the Tulihal Airport in Imphal, and at suitable locations in Kakching in Thoubal district and at Loktak Lake areas.


Development of Industrial areas in Senapati District, in the proximity of National Highways and, in the proximity of up-comings Railway Stations preferably at the non-agricultural areas / foot hills.











like cold storage, packing houses, warehouses, prerefrigeration, etc. at various identified locations of

cooling facilities, the State.

(8) The State Government will encourage all manufacturing and Service Sectors except the items in the negative list, and the eligible enterprises will be provided admissible incentives and support.


The State Government will encourage mineral exploration



based industry. A separate State Mineral Policy will be framed. (10) The State Government will encourage Border trade with the neighbouring countries and export-import activities.

(11) Marketing mechanisms will be improved. 6.1. Encouragement to investment from outside: The Industrial Policy seeks to address itself to ensure various forms of encouragement to the flow of investment from outside, among others in

the areas identified as Industries identified as Promotional Areas. 6.2 Land Policy as a component of Industrial Policy: The Industrial Policy takes note of the increasing pressure on land particularly in the valley. The productive use of available land in the hill districts, foot hill areas and identified industrial location in the valley districts, is a promising option for industrial development. The Policy will further address in the following: (a) The efforts for availing adequate and suitable land in time for industrial use at a reasonable and competitive price or on lease, without any hassle is the main concern of every investor from outside and inside the state to ensure that the project goes on without undue delay. (b) The State Government will, therefore, take-up the issues of providing land for industrial purposes on priority. The important issues involved are: (i) (ii) easy availability of Government land / private land, Clearance or no-objection, from the various Board, Commission, Agencies, Central Government, and Sate Government Organisation /Departments (iii) (iv) (v) Public hearing wherever necessary and applicable, Government providing permission, Land acquisition and evaluation of land, payment of adequate compensation promptly to the affected owner. (vi) Facilitate quicker possession of land for industrial

purposes and handing over of the land to the investors / Entrepreneurs. (c) To fulfill the objective of land acquisition for industrial purposes, the State Government will take-up the following steps to facilitate allocation of land to Government Agencies/ concerned

Department / Investor/ Entrepreneurs, etc. (i) Maintain data of Government khas land in the Revenue Dept. and in the office of the District

Collector/Deputy Commissioner, to allow a bonafide investor/ entrepreneurs to acquire land, (ii) The State Government by notification constitutes a District Level Committee under the Chairmanship of the District Collector to oversee updating and upgradation of land records, and to identify parcels of Government land available for potential development of industrial areas, (iii) The State Government by notification constitutes a Committee for zoning of land / areas for sitting of Industries, or adopt report of the(Manipur pollution Control Board (MPCB) which identify Areas/Zones for sitting of industry, (iv) The State Government by notification constitutes a High Powered Single Window Agency / Committee, under the Chairmanship of the State Chief Minister, to provide clearance for the allotment of land or allotment of land on lease, in the identified zone / areas/ acquired land, for handing over to the concerned Government Dept./ investor /

entrepreneurs for use in the industrial purposes, (v) Land under restricted use for agriculture will be convertible for industrial purposes, (vi) Necessary amendments are made in the relevant Act, Rules to enable a bonafide investor/ entrepreneurs to possess non-agricultural land for setting up of industry. (vii) For valuation of Government land and private land, the value of land upto Rs.50 lakhs is decided by a District Level Pricing Committee. In case of value exceeding Rs.50 lakhs is decided by a State Level Pricing Committee. This mechanism will facilitate

appropriate and quick evaluation of land.


Industrial Infrastructure Development Authority (IIDA) and creation of a Fund: The effective policy coordination and policy implementation is the outcome of collective commitment that appointment of Nodal Officer from each of the related Departments with specific assignment to look after industrial requirements could be a step forward to the formation of The Industrial Infrastructure Development Authority(IIDA) with the State Chief Secretary as the Chairman. The Authority co-opting experts from the different fields shall be attached to as the advisor to the Authority. The State Government will consider the recommendations of the IIDA for development and upgradation of new and existing infrastructures. A fund called the "Industrial Infrastructures Development Fund will be created.


Capacity building and skill upgradation measures for enhancement of productivity/Entrepreneurial Development: The State Government desired the upgradation of skills of workers (a) employed in industrial units. The upgradation of skills of the workers will result to better productivity. The training will normally provide ability for the workers or artisans to adapt introduction of new technology in modernisation / technological upgradation and diversification of the unit. The person with better skills & knowledge has better opportunity for employment avenue and earnings which can generate competitiveness amongst them. (b) The Government will provide incentive for the training. The State Government to create resource and skill base for the upcoming industries, and also to provide avenue for gainful employment to Engineering Graduates, Diploma holders and ITI,s pass out training in Tool Room Centre, will be encouraged. (C) The Government will provide incentive for the training. The State Govt. in consultation with the Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India, will endeavour to train selected educated youths, entrepreneurs, Members of the Self Help Group to attain EDP for


proficiency and managerial skills.


The ITIs, and Departmental Training Centers, have to introduce new trades as per the requirements of the industries and exclusively for the industrial clusters on demand. The ITIs may emphasis for introducing training in multi-skilling courses after obtaining basic foundation courses , such as, Operator in Advance Precision, Machine shop training, Diamond cutting and polishing, Gemology, Jewellary and Ornamentation, operation &

management of machinery for industry base on local resources like Bamboo, Food preservation, Silk yarn production, etc (e) The State Government desired to update, upgrade and enrich the entrepreneurial skill of the Winners and Upcomings with a twin programme of new orientation and on the job-training. Trade Mission should be a necessary component of the entrepreneurial development. The Government will provide incentive for the mission. 6.5 Cluster development: (a) Concept: The cluster is, a Sectoral and Geographical concentration of enterprises facing common opportunities and threats. In certain areas of the State traditional industry are found in the fold of the Micro enterprise or in group operating in the same or in related industrial sector which tend to close to one another. Some of the economic reasons for such closeness are: proximity to sources of raw materials, presence of skilled labour force, responsiveness to market challenges, abundance of customers attracted by such mechanisms and traditional structure. (b) A wider appropriation of benefits. Micro enterprises in clusters can boost their competitiveness through networking; process is easier and more sustainable if they work very closely with one another in clusters and can identify (a) new markets, (b) to trigger technological upgradation, (c) to


fight poverty and (d) to address economic imbalances. (c) Cluster of the Traditional Industries / activities: Enterprises like Handloom weaving, Muga or Silk yarn producing, Handicraft Kouna, Jewellery, foundry, Brass & Bell metal, Stone carving, Stone-ware, Pottery, Blacksmithy, Tinsmithy, Wood craft / Furniture, food items producing units like, Kabok, Ladu,

Heingal, Wateel, Boree, Muree , Chengpak, Soibum, Soijeen, etc. in large number in the State. Inspite of the individual unit are in lesser scale of economy, provide a vibrant labour intensive economic activity located concentrating at particular location of the State. (d) Traditional Cluster as defined under the Policy: The Government for the purpose of the Policy define a cluster as a group of traditional industries manufacturing identical and complimentary products with a critical mass of a minimum of 50 units located within the radius of 5 Kms at a particular location. (e) Relaxation to Cluster size & number : The State Government in regards to the managerial and technical competence, dispersal, and the inherent characteristic nature, the number of 50 units and the location / dispersal within 5 Kms can be relaxed by notification. (f) Strengthening the Cluster: The State Govt. to strengthen the existing traditional clusters to t survive and prosper, will encourage to the formation of association to take up : (i) (ii) (iii) upgradation of technology with the help of Government, the association has to make periodic review of their member units to the use of Improve technology and quality product, the Government will assist the Associations to tie up Bank finance and at the same time will also help the Banks to recover their dues. arrange for participation in National as well as International fairs. incentives under the Policy will be made available to the cluster.

(iv) (v)



Government Interventions on Mission Mode Approach: The State Government to strengthen any sector of industry will provide interventions in the following manner: (i) Sector under focus: The Government will decide to immediately focus and activate on specific sectors, in view of its comparative in the regional, bilateral and global advantages enjoyed, The State


Government will propose to adopt a Mission Mode Approach and the sector will be eligible for grant of incentives available under the Industrial and Investment Policy of Manipur, 2011(IIMP, 2011), notwithstanding anything mentioned, and specified, under the Para 12, Annexure-1, of the Policy. 6.7 Market development and promotion: For the success of any enterprise, marketing assumes a critical business function and therefore, rated as a pre-requisite. The importance of effective communication between the sellers and buyers has reached new heights. The Government of Manipur will focus in streamlining its initiatives with global realities. The Government view the difficulties of the enterprises to reach to the international arena, for participation in trade fairs and exhibitions abroad which is an expensive proposition. The Government will adopt a multi-pronged approaches to tackle this issue as under:


Common Branding &Marketing Fund : The Government would like to create a Common Branding, and Marketing Fund under which all the products manufactured by the typical manufacturers or clusters is to be promoted and marketed under a Common

Brand name. The State Government will consider the important aspect to market and position the image of the State. For the purpose, initially some of the products will be chosen on an experimental basis and funds under this scheme will be available


to those manufacturers / individual /clusters, either through the State Government marketing nodal agencies or directly to them, for promoting the products as the products of Manipur. (b) Developing virtual exhibition: The Government will develop and launch a virtual Exhibition Portal to facilitate boundary-less and barrier-less trade between the buyers all across the world and sellers from Manipur. The portal will enable a Local & traditional manufacturers / artisans / Cluster/ Government Agency/ traders, to create business presentation online (c) Participation in Exhibition, trade Expo, Trade Fairs inside the country: The Government will encourage the manufacturers / Industrial units /Clusters to attend, Exhibition, Product-Specific Exhibition, Expo, and Trade Fairs within the country. This will enable them to approach the buyers in a cost-effective manner. (i) Space to the eligible manufacturers in the Manipur Pavilion at concessional rentals to the extent of 50% of the rent in the Trade Fairs, and similar concessional rentals will be available for participation in Exhibition, Trade Expo, Trade Fairs, etc. (ii) Transport subsidy will be available to the selected @

manufacturers in the Micro, small, and cluster sectors 90%

of the cost incurred by surface transport for the

transportation of items for the Exhibition, Trade Fair, Trade Expo ,etc. (d) r Participation in Exhibition, Trade Expo, Trade Fairs, abroad: Government will provide subsidy to the extent of 10% of the travelling expenses of the participant in the form of reimbursement. The concerned should obtain prior approval of the Government for availing the subsidy.


Assistance for sending product samples abroad: The Government will provide assistance for sending product


samples abroad to the prospective buyers for approval. The subsidy will be upto 50% of the cost incurred with a maximum ceiling of Rs.5,000/- whichever is less. (f) Setting up permanent exhibition-cum-convention centers: The State Government will endeavour to set up a permanent Exhibition Centre, attached with convention hall within the greater Imphal areas. (g) Apparel Parks: The State Government will endeavour to set up Apparel Park at appropriate locations of the State in order to increase the production of apparels both for exports and domestic consumption. Focus will be given for items made from silk. The Government interventions for setting up of the parks in private sectors or under Public Private Partnership mechanisms will be considered. (h) Gems and Jewellary Parks: Gems and Jewellary parks will be set up at Imphal and Kakching areas or at any identified areas. In addition to, the Government will also encourage setting up of such parks in the private sector. (i) Seminars, Research & Development: The research and development activities will be of paramount importance with the onset of competitive market. The State

Government will develop a Forum for continuing such discussion and interaction with the Universities / Institute of repute, for the benefit of the entrepreneurs of this State to gain a cutting edge in terms of Production, Dynamics of economy, Management, Market, etc. The State Govt. will make available the necessary fund. 6.8 Tourism and Tourism Related Industries: State Government will accord the status of an Industry to Tourism and provide admissible support accordingly. The State Government intends to give boost to tourism sector by attracting higher investment in the areas with tourist potential and to generate employment opportunities


through combined efforts of Governmental agencies and the Investor. Priority will be accorded to develop in the following areas:


Adventure tourism, Eco-tourism, Health tourism, Heritage- tourism, Ethnic tourism, Amusement parks, etc.


Hotel and Tourism related industries. The term Hotel, includes restaurants and other Tourist complexes providing accommodation or catering and food facilities to tourists. The Tourism related Industry includes amongst other the following:(i) Travel agencies, tour operating agencies and tourists transport (ii) operating agencies.

Units providing facilities for Cultural, adventure, and Wild life experience to tourists.


Surface, air and water transport facilities to tourists, ropeways etc.


Leisure, entertainment, amusement, sports and health units for tourists; and

(v) 6.9

Convention/seminar units and organisations.

Single Window Agency: In order to facilitate investment, the State Government has to set-up a Single Window Agency for providing facilitation/escort mechanism to Investors. The Agency is to provide and Co-ordinate all services, and clearances required for the Project. (a)

The State Government offer a single window facility through a Green Channel Committee, chaired by the State Chief Secretary, to expedite the various clearances required from the State Govt. by the Investors for obtaining approval of their projects. The Projects proposals which may be considered by the Committee, includes, Industrial Infrastructures, Tourism related projects, Service Sector like, Hotels not below two Star category, Adventure and leisure sports, Ropeways, Nursing Home with a minimum of 25 beds, Health care diagnostic unit,Information Technology, Biotechnology,








Infrastructures required for the promotion of Export Import, Trade and Commerce, and Manufacturing sectors. (i) The following is the composition of the committee and consist of the following members:1. The Chief Secretary, Government of Manipur 2. The Principal Secretary/ Commissioner/Secretary (Com:& Industries), Government of Manipur 3. The Principal Secretary/ Commissioner/Secretary (Finance), Government of Manipur 4. The Principal Secretary/ Commissioner/Secretary (Forest &Environment), Government of Manipur 5. The Principal Secretary/ Commissioner/Secretary (Revenue), Government of Manipur 6. The Principal Secretary/Commissioner/ Member Secretary(Power), Government of Manipur 7. The Secretary(Law),Government of Member
Member Member Member Member Chairman

Manipur 8. The Manipur Pollution Control Board, Member represented by the Secretary of the Board. 9. The Director of Com: and industries, Government of Manipur.
Member Secretary


The Chairman of the Committee is empowered to co-opt experts for a particular meeting wherein his presence is likely to facilitate decision.


There will be one High Level Committee (HLC) chaired by the Honble Chief Minister. The HLC will consider the proposals submitted through the State Level Green Channel Committee, and approve investment proposals.


Investment: The State of Manipur is economically backward State inspite of its vast natural resources and its vibrant people. The State Government will encourage Foreign Direct Investment and also investment from outside the State to offset the geographical disadvantageous position of the State. The development of Trans Asian Highways and Railways, with proper development of critical infrastructures can boost-up investment in this region. The State Government will fully take advantages for creating an investor friendly environment. The following areas among others will be encouraged for investment: (1) Tourism, and Tourism related industries, (2) Adventure Tourism. (3) Infrastructures development.(4) Generation of Power both from conventional and non-conventional sources. (5)KOUNA

plantation and processing,(6) Plantation of medicinal plant and Extraction.(7) Silk rearing and production of yarn.(8) Fruit processing.(9) Mineral exploration and Food and


Bamboo base industry,(11) Tea plantation and processing.(12) Rubber plantation and processing.(13) Biotechnology.(14)

Floriculture.(15) Leather and allied base industry.(16) Ceramics. (17) Electronics.



Industrial Sickness: (i) The State Government views the problems of industrial sickness with concern and will endeavour to assist sick industries that can be revived with the financing Bank. Detailed operational guidelines will be formulated for this purpose. (ii) The State Government will initiate for rehabilitation of sick public sector undertaking the possibility of converting these into a joint sector unit in collaboration with private partners will be explored and given priority; failing which privatization will be considered.


For the small sector unit, a cell in the Directorate of Commerce and Industries will function to monitor the sick units. Initially, a survey of the existing small scale units in the State will be carried out to categories these units according to their potential for revival. Based on this survey a package of Policy measures will be initiated to make viable wherever cost effective. these sick units


Export and Import development:


Promotion of trade and commerce advantages with the Look East Policy , trade with the neighbouring Countries: (i) The State Government has taken positive steps to optimise the advantages offered by the opening of the Border Trade with Myanmar at Moreh in Chandel District (ii) The Government will endeavor to regulate trade share with Bangladesh since Bangladesh is the largest trading partner on the NE region. Scope for opening up of facility at Jiribam (Imphal East District) shall be taken up. The Commerce Section in the Directorate of Commerce & Industries will function to undertake among other things the following promotional measures:-



- Educate, train and guide traders/entrepreneurs in international trading, - Conduct an export potential survey - Undertake measures to promote trade motivated industrial activity, - Optimise use of agricultural/horticultural/forest resources, - Facilitate setting up of export oriented units, - Construct Trade Centers and allot rooms of the show rooms-cumsales counter to the prospective entrepreneurs, artisans and traders as per MANIPUR TRADE CENTRE RULES, 2000. -Set up Export Facilitation Committee for awarding BEST EXPORT AWARD and EXCELLENCE EXPORT AWARD to the exporters of the State. - Co-ordinate with the trade related bodies/recognised chamber of Commerce &industry for promotion of export-import activities such as: -Identification of export-worthy products, - survey of foreign markets, - processing and executing of export orders, - providing finance through bank/ or by Financial Institution, - helping to get incentives against exports, -helping procurement of raw-materials, - Product development, - export promotion literature, - Seminars, workshops, conferences and training programmes, - Participation in national and international trade fairs, - group visits to overseas/trade delegation relating to infrastructure and market survey.


(b) Creation of initiatives to boost exports: (i) In order to review the strategy for Export- Import promotion of the State, a Council / Board shall be constituted. (ii) The State Government shall also constitute a State Level Export -Import Promotion Committee (SLEIPC) headed by Chief Secretary, Manipur. The SLEIPC shall discuss the issues relating to, infrastructure, environment, and monitor the performance, implementation of development plan for export-Import related schemes and review action taken status on issues, schemes and projects. (iii) The State Government shall seek interventionist role of the Central Government on radical transformation with growing integration of economic and social activities and canvass for financial assistance for creation of export-based investment environment. (c) Infrastructural Development / Support: The State Govt. shall continue to impress upon the Central Government to establish infrastructures essential for the promotion of export-import schemes. (d) Integrated approach to infrastructural support: The State Government shall adopt an integrated approach to infrastructural support through the Ministry of Commerce under the existing scheme of Assistance to States for Infrastructure Development on Export and Allied Activities (ASIDE) Scheme for creation of common facility centres, roads, power, water, dedicated security arrangement, telecommunication, Inland Container Depot, Warehouse, Cargo

Aggregation Centre, Customs clearance, documentation & inspection, developed plots & built up factories including non-polluting exportoriented industrial units. Besides, facilities launched by Central Government under Export Development Fund of NE region, CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE BALANCE, EXPORT PROMOTION INDUSTRIAL PARKS now merged under ASIDE scheme will also be tapped by State Government. The State Government will accord priority to mobilisation of financial credit / support/linkage for export related units

from/through North East Development Financial Corporation Ltd. (NEDFI), EXIM Bank, Export Promotion Councils/Commodity Boards like APEDA, AEPC, TEXPROCIL, CAPEXIL, Tea-Board, Rubber Board,


Spices Board, Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council, Handloom Export Promotion Council, Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts, Federation of Indian Export Organisation etc. (e) Maximising Resource Utilisation: The State Government shall accord priority to investment opportunity in the Export Oriented Industrial facility and Agri Export Zone, and in the following. (1)Tourism,(2)Floriculture,(3)Horticulture & Agriculture,(4)Medicinal plant & its extraction,(5)Regional Air Service network and helicopter service,(6) Animal Husbandry & Leather based activities,(7) Cold Storage & warehousing,(8)Border Trade.


Competitiveness, Quality Improvement, Skill Upgradation: (i) With a view to improve the competitiveness of

manufacturing units, programme for modernisation and upgradation of technology will be implemented. Package of financial incentives and improvement of training facilities will be provided for acquiring ISO 9000 (series) or IS/ISO 9000 (series) or ISO 14000 (series) or HACCP or WHO-GMP or SEI CMM level 2 and above accreditation/certification. To enhance export competitiveness of the products and to promote compliance with prevalent/international best practices, the State Government shall emphasize and insist on as requisite criterion the Bar Coding using International symbologies /Numbering System for all those units functioning in the Export related units. (ii) Training programmes implant study, open house discussions, workshops, seminars on export import and border trade shall be organised. (g) Promotion of Export-Import/Border Trade: (i) The State Government will take steps to optimise the


advantages offered by the opening of border trade with Myanmar at Moreh in Chandel District. (ii) Myanmar entered in ASEAN and Sub-regional grouping BIMST-EC in 1997, and got a new boost with the opening up of 165 kilometer Tamu-Kalemyo-Kalewa Road by MEA, and facility thrown by the proposed Trans-Asian Super Highway along the NH-39 of Moreh-Tamu corridor, and in view of the proposed railway connecting South East Asian countries passing through the State, there will be considerable area for promoting, and sitting of industry in infrastructures like, Special Economic Zone (SEZ) / Agri Export Zone. (iii) State shall endeavor to regulate trade share with Bangladesh since Bangladesh is the largest trading partner on the NE region. Scope for opening up of Export Oriented Industrial facility/Agri Export Zone at Jiribam (Imphal East District) shall be taken up. (h) Agricultural Export Zones: Establishment of Agricultural Export Zones would provide remunerative returns to the farming community in sustained manner through improved access to the produce/products of the Agriculture and Allied sectors in the international market. (i) Special Economic Zones (SEZs) : Setting up of Special Economic Zone would permit duty free import / procurement of goods for factories in the zone. The units in SEZ is allowed to bring back their export proceeds in 365 days as against normal period of 180 days and may be able to retain 100% of the proceeds in the Exchange Earners Foreign Currency (EEFC) accounts. SEZ developer will be accorded infrastructure status under Income Tax Act as provided by the Finance Ministry.



Steps for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Creating an Foreign Direct Investment (FDI ) entity with a clear vision and action plan for the future requires political will to address and implement the following key tasks:- Formation of a top-level Private Sector Forum Steer Committee, with Government and Academician. - Setting up an investment co-ordination network. - Private sector network amongst the business chambers. - Network amongst FDI research bodies. - Developing an agenda and action plan for investment enhancement measures. - Developing an action plan for FDI facilitation.


Neutrality of location: Incentives will be available to all eligible enterprises/ industrial units, new as well existing units on their substantial expansion, unless otherwise specified, during the operation of Policy from the date of commencement of commercial production.


Opening of Cell : The following additional Cells will function in the Directorate of Commerce & Industries (1) Industrial Policy and Promotion Cell, (2) Information (with IT facilities) cell (3) Export , Import Cell and Investment Cell, (4) Infrastructure Development Cell, (5) Monitoring cell.



Definitions: (a) Industrial unit / Enterprise means any industrial undertaking, suitable servicing unit other than that run departmentally by Government. (b) New industrial unit / Enterprise means an industrial unit for the setting up of which effective steps were not taken prior to the date of enforcement of the Manipur Industrial and Investment Policy,2011. Existing Industrial Unit / Enterprise means an industrial unit for the setting up of which effective steps were taken prior to the date of enforcement of the Manipur Industrial and Investment Policy,2011. (d) Substantial Expansion means increase in the value of fixed capital investment in plant and machinery of an industrial unit / Enterprise by not less than 25%, for the purpose of expansion of capacity / modernisation / and diversification Effective steps means one or more of the following steps:(i) that 10% or more of the capital issued for the industrial unit /enterprise has been paid up. (ii) (iii) that any part of the factory building has been constructed. that a firm order has been placed for any plant and machinery required for the industrial unit. (f) Fixed Capital Investment means investment in land, building, plant and machinery. The method for assessment will be notified separately The Small Scale Industry, Medium Scale of Industry means an industrial unit as defined by the Central Government from time to time. (h) The Micro, Small and Medium enterprise means and enterprise in the manufacturing and service sectors as defined under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,2006 (MSMED Act,2006).





Export Oriented Unit (EOU): Means an Industrial Unit exporting at


least 30% of its annual production by the end of the 3rd year from the date of its commencing production, such a unit may be termed as an Export Oriented Unit(EOU) for the purpose of the Manipur Industrial and Investment Policy, 2011.


Transferred Unit means an industrial unit whose ownership / management has been transferred in pursuance of provisions of the State Financial Corporation Act, 1951 or transferred with the approval of Financial Institutions / Banks.


Weaker Section means Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Handicapped, and Women.


Incentives / subsidies scheme: The State Government as an integral part of the strategy for industrial development will provide a comprehensive and attractive package of incentives and subsidies as detailed in Annexure-1, the enterprises which availed of similar incentives and subsidies from the Central Government this Policy. The State Govt. will institute a scheme for grant of State Award to outstanding entrepreneurs of the state. (a) The State Government offer special packages of incentives/ subsidies in certain areas of traditional industrial activities/ sectors, as the artisans / unit are financially weak, using obsolete or rudimentary traditional tools & equipments. These manufacturers/ artisans are to be brought in market line, to be competitive amongst themselves for quality products, resulting in a better quality of life for them. (b) The State Government under the Transport subsidy scheme provides subsidies for transportation of raw materials within the State which is not covered under the Central Transport subsidy scheme of the Government of India. scheme will be allowed to obtain the similar benefits under



The new package of incentives/subsidies hereinafter referred to as Incentive Scheme 2011, will be effective from the date of enforcement of the Manipur Industrial and Investment Policy Resolution,2011 and all provisions outlined under the Industrial Policy of Manipur,1996 shall cease to operate, except where otherwise provided.


The package of incentives / subsidies under the Industrial and Investment Policy of Manipur, 2011 shall be eligible to the Industrial units only when the unit starts commercial production.


The package of incentives / subsidies under the Industrial and Investment Policy of Manipur, 2011 shall not be eligible for the Industrial units employing less than 80% of the people of Manipur in the managerial cadre and 90% people of Manipur in the nonmanagerial cadre and that over a period of 5(five) years from the commencement of commercial production, such unit shall take effective steps to ensure 100% employment of people of Manipur in non-managerial cadre and atleast 90% in managerial post.


Those existing industries which were availing the incentives under the Industrial Policy of Manipur, 1996 will continue to benefit from similar incentives.


The subsidy/incentives under the Policy will not be available for the items /products listed under the Negative List


The benefits under the Policy will not be admissible to goods in respect of which only peripheral activities like preservation during storage, cleaning operations, packing, re-packing, labeling or relabeling, sorting, alteration of retail sale price etc. take place.


Incentives under the Industrial Policy of Manipur, 1996 will continue to be available on a case to case basis to all units which have gone into commercial production between 01-01-1995 and the effective


date of this Industrial and Investment Policy, 2011. However, such units will also be eligible for opting for benefits available under the Industrial and investment Policy, 2011


Only new units set up on or after the effective date of the Industrial and Investment Policy, 2011 and existing units undertaking expansion/ modernisation/diversification shall be eligible for

incentives/subsidies under the new policy dispensation. (k)

An Industrial unit / Enterprises managed by one or more women entrepreneurs in proprietary concerns, or in which she / they individually or jointly have a share capital of not less than 51% as partner/share holders/Directors of private limited company/Members of the Co-operative society will be taken as an unit managed or run by Women Entrepreneurs.


Expansion/modernisation /diversification of an existing industrial unit will also be eligible for incentives if the capital investment on plant and machinery is more than 25% of the total fixed capital investment of the existing unit. The expansion should entail enhancement in the existing capacity by at least 25% and the package of incentive admissible to the unit shall relate to the expanded portion only. For the purpose of this calculation value of the capital investment made on land, undepreciated building, plant and machinery of the unit will be taken into consideration.


The plant and machinery and other components which could be taken into account for the purpose of the Policy in respect of service sector, would be notified separately.


The plant and machinery and other components which could be taken into account for the purpose of the Policy in respect of manufacturing sector, would be notified separately.


The Industrial unit/ Enterprise eligible for subsidy under the Policy will be required to get themselves registered with the District


Industries centre(DIC),prior to taking effective steps for setting up new industrial unit / Enterprise or before undertaking substantial expansion / modernization / diversification of existing units and to indicate their assessment of the total new or additional fixed capital likely to be invested by them in plant and machinery. (p) The State Government by notification will set up State Level Committee (SLC), for each scheme, to go into details of each case to decide whether the unit qualifies for the grant of subsidy and also about the quantum of subsidy.


Clarification and Interpretation: In case of any doubt regarding the provisions of the Industrial and investment Policy of Manipur, 2011,(IIPM,2011) only the State Government shall be competent to clarify or interpret and such clarification or interpretation shall be final and binding to all concerned. The Government of Manipur reserves the right to modify any part of the Policy in public interest.


Monitoring and Laying down of Roadmap: (a) A Monitoring Committee under the Chairmanship of Honble Minister, Commerce & Industry, Government of Manipur, with the Commissioner/ Secretary Commerce & Industries, Government of Manipur as the Member, Director of Commerce & Industries, Govt. of Manipur as the Member Secretary, will function to review the implementation of the Policy at regular intervals and strive to remove all the possible bottlenecks coming in the way of speedy implementation of the Policy. The other members of this Committee will include representative of the Industry Association. (b) The State Government, will further constitute a Committee under the Chairmanship of the Commissioner/ Secretary, Commerce & Industries, Government of Manipur with the Director of Commerce & Industries, Government of Manipur as the Member Secretary, to prepare strategic blue prints for growth of Manufacturing and Service


Sectors over the next 10-20 years. The suggestive sector may include: Traditional Industries, Engineering, Chemicals,

Petrochemicals, Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, Textiles, Agro and Food processing, Mineral-based industries, Knowledge-based

industries, Tourism, Trade and Service sector, etc. The Committee will compile the reports in their respective sectors with concrete recommendations to the Government within a period of one year from the date the Committee is constituted.

ANNEXURE-1 Packages of Incentives / Subsidies under Para 12 of THE INDUSTRIAL AND INVESTMENT POLICY OF MANIPUR, 2011(IIPM,2011).


Allotment of land : The state Government will endeavour to provide (a) developed land with all infrastructural facilities at major infrastructural Centre, and (b) undeveloped land, to manufacturing and Service Sector Enterprises/industrial units. (a) The developed land will be allotted on lease basis for a period of 10(ten) years, renewable for every five years term. (b) The State Government will subsidies the cost of land development at the rate given below; (i) (ii) Micro , Small Enterprise, Micro, Small Enterprise EOU and Micro , Small Enterprise units owned & managed by Weaker section , (iii) Medium and Large scale Industries/Enterprise 15% 25% 30%


The cost of land development will be recovered from the industrial unit in ten equal annual installments.

(d) The

Government will constitute a Committee by/Agency by


notification for allotment of land for industrial

purposes, and Rules

for allotment of land, including recovery of cost of land development shall be framed and notified by the State Government.


Allotment of sheds to Micro, and Small enterprises: The Government will endeavour to provide built up factory sheds to Micro, Small enterprises on monthly rental basis at industrial estates, industrial park, growth centers, and at built-up industrial locations as indicated below. This subsidy will be for a period of 5 years from the date of occupation of the shed.


Micro, Small enterprise



Export Oriented unit in the fold Micro, and Small enterprises



Weaker sections



Special scheme for the development of Handicraft: (a) Land and building: The State Government will endeavour to provide developed land with built-up buildings in cluster with common facilities centre, to develop Handicraft villages for the Handicraft artisans on hire purchase basis with suitable terms of installments, as a special scheme, at suitable location in all districts. The state Government will provide adequate forward and backward linkages, to enhance their activities and earnings. (b) Special Subsidy for Handicraft unit in the rural areas, constructio of work-shed/ store-room : The State Government will endeavour to provide 50% subsidy to the Handicraft Unit in the fold of Micro Enterprise, located in the rural areas for the construction of work-shed / store room, to the extent of Rs.10,000/-( Rupees ten thousand) each which may be provided in in kind .



Special Subsidy for Handicraft unit in the Rural, urban and Semi Urban areas: The Government will endeavour to provide subsidy to the Handicraft unit in the fold of Micro Enterprise, located in the Rural, Urban and Semi Urban areas for hiring of building used:

(i) (ii) (iii)

as the work-shed, as the store-room as the show-room (located in the Imphal areas, or at the District HQs).

The subsidy under 3(b) and (c) will be entitled to the Handicraft unit /Enterprise, against the number of artisan employed producing items for sale/ export outside the State:


Employing 20 to 50 artisans,

50% concession on floor space rentals or to the extent of Rs.12,000/- whichever is less per year(twelve months), for a duration of two years.


Employing above 50 artisans,

50% concession on floor space rentals or to the extent of Rs.15,000/per year(twelve

months), for a duration of 2(two) years.


Employing above 100 artisans,

50% concession on floor space rentals or to the extent of Rs.20,000/per year(twelve

months), for a duration of 2(two) years.


The subsidy will be eligible only for the identified sector/ sectors of the Handicraft of the scheme, as notified by the State Government from time to time. The State Government will constitute a Committee by notification with the Secretary in charge, of Commerce & Industries as the Chairman of the Committee to oversee these schemes. The Committee will decide the number of unit to be benefited during a Financial Year, examining atleast the following references:

(i) (ii)

concentration of artisan, availability of raw material at source or by transport mechanisms

(iii) (iv) (v)

capacity of production market trend/demand, market linkages.


Manpower Development: Industrial Units which depute their workers for technical training in Central Government / State government Training Centers/ Central Government undertakings/ITI/Government recognized Centre will be eligible for subsidy / reimbursement of the admission fee incurred to the extent of 50%,to the maximum ceiling of Rs.4000/-(Rupees four thousand). The duration of the training course to qualify for the scheme should be atleast six calendar months. The enterprise has to submit an undertaking to the state Government that such trained person will be employed by the industrial unit on successful completion of training, and in case of misrepresentation of the facts under the scheme the sponsoring enterprise has to refund the subsidy/incentives in full within a period prescribed by the State Government. The ITI passed-out candidate and candidate passed from the Polytechnic / Engineering college, and from the other Training

centers/Institutes, recognised by the State Government will be eligible for reimbursement of the admission fee, as well as cost fee to the extent of


50%, to the maximum ceiling of Rs.20,000/-(Rupees twenty thousand) whichever is less, for inplant training, or Tool room training at State Government recognised Centers inside, and outside the State.


Incentives to the innovator / inventor: The state Government will encourage innovator/ inventor, innovating / inventing items applicable to industrial sectors, to the extent of 50% to the maximum ceiling of Rs.10,000/-(Rupees ten thousand) whichever is less, to meet the expenses for attending seminars / work-shop on the invitation of Centre like University/ National Institutes/ Institute of repute,

recognised by the State Government. The incentive will be granted on production of documentary proof. The innovator/inventor to avail the benefit under the scheme, is to get registered / enlisted with the District Industries Centres, before starting the innovation/ invention work. (6) Subsidy for Feasibility Study and Project report Preparation: A subsidy of 50% will be admissible for the enterprise in the fold of Micro and Small to meet the cost of feasibility study and project report preparation subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs.25,000/- in each case. The study / report should be prepared by an approved consultant registered either with the Government of Manipur or the Government of India. The Manipur Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporation will also be eligible for the subsidy. An enhanced subsidy @ 60% subject to a ceiling of Rs.30,000/- will be admissible in case of Weaker sections and EOUs. (7) Subsidy for Technical Know-How: A subsidy of 50%to the extent of Rs.1.(one) lac, will be admissible to meet the cost of technical know-how obtained by Micro, Small and Medium enterprise from organisations approved by Government of Manipur. The subsidy will be released only on commencement of commercial production. The subsidy will be 60% in case of Weaker Sections and EOUs. The enterprise is to obtain prior permission of the state Government to qualify under the scheme.



Exemption of Earnest Money and Security Deposit: Micro and Small enterprise, established in this State, are exempted from payment of earnest money, and security deposits, for the item/ items for which they filled Part-II of the Entrepreneurs Memorandum(EM) under the provision of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Act,2006, with the District Industries Centre, on purchase of Tender floated by the State Government Department / Office / State Government undertakings /

Public Sector Undertakings / State Government Company / Corporation / Autonomous Board / Local self Government Office/ Semi-Government Organisation/ Grant-aid- Institutions / Non Governmental Organisation getting assistance from the State Government, etc.


State Capital Investment Subsidy: The State Government will provide Capital Investment Subsidy to all eligible new as well as existing units, including Service Sector Enterprise/ unit, in the fold of Micro, and Small enterprises at the rate of 30 % on the total fixed capital investment on plant and machinery/ machinery or equipment for Service sectors, subject to a ceiling of Rs. 30 lakhs per unit. For EOUs, and Weaker Section the rate of subsidy shall be 35% subject to a maximum of 35 lakhs per unit.


Interest Subsidy: Micro, and Small Enterprises, both in the fold of Manufacturing and Service sectors, will be provided an interest subsidy upto 5% per annum on term loan and working capital taken from Bank and Financial Institution. This subsidy will be available for the first five years from the date of commercial production or from the date of release of loan. In case of weaker sections, and EOUs, the subsidy will be 7% per annum. However, in case of working capital the subsidy will be computed for the actual period for which the industrial unit has been in commercial production during the first 5 (five) years from the date of commercial production.



Power Subsidy: (a) Power subsidy will be provided to eligible units on power tariff paid by the unit on actual units consumed for a period of 5(five) years at the rates fixed by the Government from time to time from the date of commercial production subject to ceiling given below: subject to the ceiling given below. Connected load Upto MW Above MW (b) 50% of the cost incurred on linking of power from the main line to the factory shed will be subsidised subject to a ceiling of Rs. 55,000/- per unit for such units which are not provided land in developed industrial areas. In case of Weaker Sections and EOUs the subsidy will be 55% subject to a maximum of Rs. 60,000/- per unit. (c) 30% Subsidy will be admissible for purchase of Diesel Generating sets of 10 H.P. or more, subject to ceiling of Rs. 1.5 lakh for the manufacturing sector, and for the particular service sector in the fold of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, which will be listed under notification by the state Government. In case of Weaker Sections and EOUs, the subsidy shall be 30% subject to a maximum of Rs. 1.75 lakh. 1.0 25% Rs.25.00 Lakh 1.0 30% Rs.10.00 lakh Rate of subsidy Ceiling of subsidy per annum


State Transport subsidy: The state Government will provide transport subsidy at the rates to be notified categorically from time to time for transportation of raw materials and finished products. The transport subsidy on finished products will be admissible if the value addition on the raw material is at least 25%.


The transport subsidy will be available for a period of 5(five) years from the date of commercial production. Transport subsidy for raw material will be admissible for only such quantity which is over and above the locally available quantity and which is essential for capacity utilisation. (a) Transport subsidy will be admissible for transportation of raw materials by surface/waterways from any place of the State exceeding a distance of 70(seventy) Kms. by shortest roadways/ waterways or combined together with waterways and roadways, upto the premises of the factory. The subsidy will be admissible for transportation of raw materials by surface from Kolkata, Siliguri, Guwahati, Dimapur, and Silchar to the location of the enterprise in Manipur or from any location of the north-east region to the location of the enterprise


The subsidy will be admissible for transportation of finished products by surface from the industrial unit/enterprise to Dimapur, Guwahati, Siliguri, Kolkata, or to any location of the north east region. For EOU (Export Oriented Unit) subsidy for the finished products will be available from the premises of the industrial unit/enterprise upto the last shipping point.


The maximum admissible amount of Transport Subsidy in case of raw materials and finished products together will be the actual transport cost as per the Government approved rate or Rs.35 lakhs per annum, whichever is less. Subsidy @ 75 % for air transport (maximum of 1.0 lakhs by air cargo), and @ 90% by surface transport(maximum of 1.0 lakhs) will be available for the

transportation of products / items, for participation in Exhibition, Trade Expo, Trade Fairs, etc. The subsidy will be admissible to the unit per annum, which is in the fold of Micro, and Small

Enterprise for transportation of finished products from the Imphal airport to the destination airport, for attending exhibition/Expo/

Trade Fairs, etc. for the following category:



Handicraft items made from the locally available/indigenous raw materials,


Handloom products/ dress materials made from the locally available/indigenous raw materials of Silk, Tasar, and cotton yarn,


Food products made from the indigenous raw materials.


Similar Subsidy will be admissible to the Manipur Handloom and Handicraft Development Co-operation, and the Manipur Food Industries Development Corporation.


The concerned Enterprise/ Unit /Corporation are to register with the Directorate of Commerce & Industries, Government of Manipur in the prescribed format for the scheme.

(f) Government will frame Rules for the Transport Subsidy scheme.


Reimbursement of Fee / Registration fee/ Renewal Fee for registering with the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM): Micro and Small enterprise / Individual /Organisation/ Association, etc. will be reimbursed in full for the amount paid towards Fee / Registration Fee, for getting Patent, Trade Marks, Designs, and Geographical Indications to CGPDTM, Government of India.


Reimbursement of Registration Fee/ Renewal Fee for obtaining BIS, ISI, ISO Series and FPO: Micro and Small enterprise will be reimbursed in full of the amount paid for the Registration fee/ Renewal fee in getting, BIS/ ISI, ISO, AGMARK and FPO etc. for a period of five years.



Reimbursement of Stamp Duty and Registration: Micro, Small, Medium enterprises and other category of Industries will be reimbursed in full of the amount paid towards Stamp Duty and Registration Fee for securing loans and other incentives from financial institutions including mortgage of fixed assets. The reimbursement will be admissible after disbursement of loan by Financial Institutions/ Banks and will be subject to condition that the assets mortgaged would not be transferred for a period of 5 (five) years .


Quality Control: For purchase of testing equipments, 75% subsidy will be admissible to

Micro, Small Enterprise. Subsidy will be 80% in case of Weaker Section and EOUs in the fold of Micro and Small Enterprise. (17) Subsidy for Substantial Expansion/Modernisation /Upgradation/ Diversification: (a) State Capital investment subsidy on Substantial expansion / Modernisation / Diversification, will be given to units in the fold of Micro, Small Enterprise, on the following condition : (i) effecting an increase by not less than 25% in the value of fixed capital investment in plant and machinery against the installed value of fixed capital investment in plant and machinery at the commencement of commercial production of the enterprise, (ii) Utilisation of atleast 60% of the installed capacity of the enterprise is necessary to qualify Diversification of the enterprise in addition to provision under 12(l) The Subsidy for Substantial expansion / Modernisation / Diversification will be given at the rate of 30 % or to the extent of Rs.5.00 lakh , whichever is less, will be admissible for Micro, Small Enterprises, for the purchase of machinery and equipments. The subsidy will be admissible for the expanded, modernized and diversified portion only. (b) Interest subsidy on Substantial expansion / Modernisation / Diversification, will be given to units in the fold of Micro, Small


Enterprise, on the following condition. Subsidy of 5 % per annum will be admissible on Interest in respect of loan raised from Bank / Financial Institutions, to the extent of Rs.0.8 lakh per year, for a period of 5 years, for purchasing of machinery, equipments, and the working capital. The subsidy for Substantial Expansion/Modernisation/

/Diversification will be extended on the recommendation of a Committee constituted by the State Government. (18) Exclusive Purchase Programme: The State Government, undertakings, including organisations, and institute, getting grants, and beneficiary of the state Government will commit to purchasing the products of Micro, Small enterprise located in the State subject to fulfillment of the quality, standards and specification. The Department of Commerce & Industries will circulate a list of locally manufactured products to all the offices of the State Government, and to all concerned from time to time.


Price Preference: The State Government will provide Price Preference, whereunder purchases by the state Government Department / Office/State Government undertakings /Public Sector Undertakings/State Government Company/Corporation/Autonomous Board / Local self Government Office/ Semi-Government Organisation/ Grant-aid-Institutions/ Non Governmental Organisation getting assistance from the State Government etc. will accord first priority to products manufactured by Micro and Small Enterprise established in the State, for the item/ items for which they filled Part-II of the Entrepreneurs Memorandum(EM) under the provision of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,2006, with the District Industries Centre. All other things being equal, such enterprise will be given a price preference upto 20 % over the lowest technically and commercially viable rate offered by others outside the State, including Medium and Large Scale of industries established in the State. Tax Incentives: All eligible units, which manufacture goods in Manipur, will be entitled to exemption of 99% of tax payable under the Manipur Value Added Tax Act, 2004, the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, subject to the limit mentioned below.




Micro Small Medium & Large Seven years Seven years Seven years subject to subject to subject to maximum of maximum of maximum of 150% of fixed 100% of fixed 200% of fixed capital investment capital capital investment investment. Seven years Seven years Substantial Seven years subject to subject to Expansion subject to maximum of 90% maximum of maximum of 100% of fixed of fixed capital 150% of fixed investment capital capital investment investment Fixed capital investment means investment in plant & machinery or additional investment in plant & machinery (for expansion units) and building connected directly with manufacturing process. In case of Micro Enterprises, cost of land purchased upto 40% of total investment in plant and machinery, can be included as part of fixed capital investment. The Finance Department of the Government of Manipur will bring out a separate notification in this regard. Special Incentives for Mega projects: (a) Project with large capital investment with a minimum of Rs.100 crores or generating a minimum of 1000 regular employment and having potential for development of ancillary industries based on their products will be given Mega Project Status. (b) To encourage the establishment of Mega Projects, all incentives including land allotment, subsidy and tax concessions under the Policy will be relaxable on case to case basis to be decided by a High Power Committee specially constituted by the State Government for the purpose.

Category New



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