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Protection System of Hybrid Insulated Sub-Station

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Description of Final Year Projects Thesis.

Protection System of Hybrid Insulated Sub-Station

This project comprises of studies and ETAP simulation of Hybrid insulated SubStation
Sub-Station is an assembly used to change some characteristics of Electrical Supply e.g. Voltage, AC to DC, frequency, Power Factor etc. It can be classified either by service requirement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequency sub-stations: which change the of supply frequency. Transformer sub-stations: which change the voltage level of electric supply. Switching sub-stations: which perform the operations of power lines. Converting sub-stations: which change A.C power to D.C power. Power factor correction sub-stations: which improve the power factor of the system.

By Construction Features 1. 2. 3. 4. Indoor sub-stations Outdoor sub-stations Underground sub-stations Pole-mounted sub-stations

Conventional Transformer Sub-Stations are Air Insulated Sub-Station and Gas Insulated SubStation which may be outdoor and indoor Sub-Stations.

Hybrid Insulated Sub-Station:

It is an 132 KV/ 11 KV substation that receives 132 KV double circuit line and step it down to 11 KV which will be further stepped down to 400KV for distribution purposes .It uses features of both conventional sub-stations. I.e. its bus-bars are open to air like AIS and protection process is carried out in gas enclosed chamber like GIS. It requires less maintenance cost and less technical personnel on site. The switchyard of HIS consists of 1. Cable ceiling end: The 132kV transmission line is given input to the H.I.S system. This end is called cable ceiling end. There are 2 cable ceiling ends from two different power stations. It is so called since here the cable end terminates and becomes an overhead TX line. 2. Surge Arrestor: It is used to protect the system from surges. Two of them are provided after cable ceiling end and two before the setup of transformer. Its maximum capacity is 145 kV 3. Capacitive Voltage Transformer: CVT box is provided with capacitors, connected in parallel, to measure 132kV line voltage. It reduces the inductive losses produced in the TX line. One CVT is provided after cable ceiling end, and two of them are provided each for two bus bars, because at bus coupler, two bus bars are connected and due to it there would be a maximum voltage so it is necessary to provide CVT at bus coupler side

4. PASS Module: A pass module consists of breaker, isolators, dies-connector / earthling switch, a spring and a spring charger motor. There are 5 modules of which one is a bus coupler. 5. Insulator: Rubber type insulator provided at surge arrestor which is located before transformer, it is spiralled type. 6. Step Down Transformer: There are two power transformers each of rating 32.5/40 MVA. 32.5 incase it is working on ONAN (Oil Natural Air Natural) and 40 MVA in case of ONAF Oil Natural Air Forced). 7. Auxiliary Transformer: It is used to facilitate the auxiliaries like office equipments present at the station. 8. Panels: From the switchyard, the supply goes to the set of panels (to the panel named INCOMER and then further to other panels for controlling purpose). The whole setup is computerized by the help of these panels and then it is further connected to SCADA system for controlling purpose. 9. Capacitor Bank: It is present at every grid station for power factor improvement. There are two capacitor banks. 10. Inverter: Supplies AC to the office appliances incase of power failure. 11. Converter: A Converter is used in grid station for conversion of dc to AC for running of computer systems in case of absence of supply. It works in two ways: Charges batteries for backup. There are 20 batteries of 12V.i.e 240V dc. Converts 400V AC to 220V DC.

Protection system
The purpose of Protection System is to isolate the faulty equipment from the system without disturbing the rest of the system. Overview Instrument transformer is connected in series with the line or equipment to be protected. Relay is connected in series with current Instrument Transformer. When current in line rises to enormous value or exceeds the Pick Up current of Relay then it causes the contacts to move and closes the Trip Circuit which consists of Battery connected with Circuit Breaker and opens the contacts of C.B and in such way the line or equipment is isolated from the rest of the system. Types of Protection : 1. Primary Protection: It is the first line of defence in protection of an equipment. 2. Back-up Protection: It is second line of defence and comes to play when primary protection fails. Thus primary protection must be given enough time to act before the back-up protection. In sub-station, the protection is provided for transmission line, bus-bars, transformer.

What is Fault?
Fault is said to occur when two conductors that operate with a potential difference comes in contact with each other or insulation failure of equipment occurs. There are two types of faults 1. Symmetrical or Three Phase Fault: These kinds of faults have very rare occurrence but when occur, caused considerable damage to the system. They are the balanced fault and fault current in all three phase lead each other by 120 Degree. 2. Unsymmetrical Fault o Single line to ground o Line to line o Double line to ground

Double Bus Single Breaker with Bus Coupler arrangement of BUS-BAR is used. BusBars divide the line bays and trafo bays.

It consists of two bus-bars and both have the capacity to take up the entire sub-station load. With this arrangement, any bus-bar may be taken out for maintenance. With the help of buscoupler , the incoming or outgoing lines can be connected to any bus-bar through isolators and circuit breaker. But this arrangement does not provide breaker maintenance without interruption of supply. Advantages : Permits flexibility with two operating buses. Any main bus may be isolated for maintenance. The circuit can be readily transferred from one bus to another by using bus-coupler and bus-disconnector switches. Disadvantages: If bus-coupler fails, entire sub-station runs out of service. High exposure to bus faults .

Instrument Transformer:
The purpose of instrument transformer is To extend the range of low range instruments. Isolate the instruments from high current & high voltage a.c circuits. Provides signal for protection purposes.

There are two types of instrument transformers 1. Current Transformer: which steps down the heavy current is a.c circuits to low value of about 1A or 5A to be used for metering and protection purposes. The secondary of C.T must always be short circuited or connected in series with low resistance ammeter. The primary current in C.T is independent of the secondary circuit condition. 2. Potential Transformer: which steps down the high voltage of a.c circuits to low value to be used for metering and protection purposes. The secondary of P.T is nearly under open circuit conditions. The primary current of P.T depends upon the secondary circuit conditions.

Capacitive Voltage Transformer It is a capacitive voltage divider which is connected between the phase and ground of the circuit. It converts the high transmission voltage to suitable value that will be used for metering, protection, and control of high voltage line. It also performs the function of coupling capacitor for coupling high frequency power line carrier signals to the transmission line.

PASS Modules:
There are four PASS modules each for incoming and outgoing lines of Bus-Bars with one PASS Module for Bus-Coupler. PASS Module is abbreviated as Plug & Switch System and due to the number of advantages that it offers, it is sometimes called as Performance & Safe Space. It is a cylindrical enclosure which consists of breaker, isolators, dis-connector / earthing switch, a spring and a spring charger motor. There are 5 modules of which one is a bus coupler. Pass MO consists of digitally controlled servo motor, whose rotor is connected to shaft of circuit breaker contact, directly control its position. Resolver is provided which continuously monitors the rotor position and sends signal back to control unit which compare the value with predetermined value. In this way precise operation of circuit breaker is obtained Each PASS module consists of 5 cores of Current Transformer out of which one is left unused for future extension and one is used for metering purposes. Three cores are used for protection purposes. Current Transformers used for protection are required to have greater accuracy while one used for metering is required to have greater sensitivity. The relays that receive input for instrument transformer are Numerical Relays.

Numerical relays Numerical relays are microprocessor based relays. Power signals are fed from CTs and PTs after being filtered through appropriate filters. Current inputs are converted into voltage signals by passing the current through resistors. It then enters into sample & holds circuit and then fed to the ADC. From the ADC the signals are fed into Microprocessor where they are processed through appropriate algorithms. The relaying programmed is located in ROM memory; sampled quantities are stored in RAM memory along with the relaying algorithm. Relay setting are stored in EEPROM. Digital relays issue alarm and trip signals. Unlike electromechanical relays, the controls are not provided in case mounting the hardware. Keyboards and LCDs are provided for adjustment of setting. The adjustments of settings on the keyboard give an indication through LCD. This control are exercised from a remote point through serial communication Types of Relays: Instantaneous Relay: Which operates at a time when current in circuits exceeds the pre-determined value? Inverse time Relay: It operates when current in secondary of CT exceeds some pre-determined value. The minimum current at which relays operated is called Pick Up current. They are also provided with Current Setting to adjust the Pick Up current. Hence pick up current can be calculated as Pick Up Current = Current Setting * Rated Secondary Current of CT A Time Setting Multiplier is also provided to adjust the time of operation. Depending upon TSM-PSM curve, they are classified as IDMT Very Inverse Extreme Inverse Definite time relay: In this type of relay there is a definite time elapse between the instant of pick up and closing of relay contacts. Distance Relay: The relay whose operation is governed by the ratio of applied voltage to the current in a protected circuit. It operates when impedance of a line to be protected falls below some predetermined value. It requires both current and voltage signal fed from CT & PT. Earth Fault Relay: It is basically an over-current relay with low current setting. Because neutral limits the earth fault current to a very low value necessitating relay of low current setting. Differential Relay: It requires current signals fed from two CTs connected at either end of protected circuit. Under normal condition current in secondaries of CT remains same hence relay remains inoperative. As the fault occurs, current no longer remains same and difference of current flows through Relay which makes it operative. There are two schemes of Differential relays Current Differential Relay Voltage Differential Relay

Circuit Breaker:
The function of circuit breaker is to Make or break circuit manually or by remote control under normal condition Break circuit automatically under fault condition Make or break circuit manually or by remote control under fault condition When contact of circuit breaker is opened on the occurrence of fault, an arc is produced due to increased current density. As the contacts are opened, reduced cross section and increased current causes increased current density. Which causes increase in temperature which is sufficient to ionize the air? Thus arc is produced. Hence fault current is able to continue until the discharge ceases Circuit Breaker are of many types depending upon the medium used for arc extinction. Oil Circuit Breaker. Air Blast Circuit Breaker SF6 Circuit Breaker Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) Circuit Breaker:

SF6 is a strong electronegative gas which can easily absorb free election to cause relatively immobile charges. Contacts of breaker are opened in a high pressure flow of SF6 gas due to which dielectric strength of the medium increases more rapidly than re-striking voltage, which results in extinction of arc. Advantages of SF6 Circuit Breaker The dielectric strength of SF6 is very which hence it can interrupt much larger currents. It gives noiseless operation due to closed gas circuit. It requires less maintenance cost The arcing time is less. Since SF6 in non-inflammable hence chance of fire are eliminated. The mechanism with which contacts of circuit breaker are opened is by the operation of spring charger motor Operation of Spring Charger Motor: In general, the circuit breakers consist of two main parts, the poles and the mechanism. The poles consist of contact and arc-extinguishing devices. The mechanism is the part to open or close the contacts in the poles at the same time instantaneously (with max. 5millisec tolerance). The closing and opening procedures are performed through springs which are charged by a servomotor and a driving lever. In the system, the closing springs are first charged. If "close" button is pressed the opening springs get charged while the contacts get closed. Thus, circuit breaker will be ready for opening, after the closing operation, the closing springs are charged by driving motor. Thus the circuit breaker will be ready for opening and re-closing.

Protection of Transformers
Merz Price Protection CTs are connected on either sides of transformer. These are connected such that CTs on WYE side are DELTA connected while on DELTA side are WYE connected. This is done to ensure that current in secondaries of CTs or in pilot wire is zero under normal condition and become unequal under fault condition. The difference of currents in pilot wires under fault conditions are arranged to pass through relay coil which energizes to trip the breaker and in this way isolate the faulty equipment.

Bucholz Relay: It is a gas actuated relay. It provides protection to transformer from all kinds of incipient fault i.e. slow developing faults e.g. core heating, fall of oil level due to leaky joints, insulation failure. It is placed in the pipe connecting the main tank and conservator tank. It consists of 2 mercury switches, one of which closes the alarm circuit on account of low intensity fault and other closes the trip circuit in case of severe fault but it doesnt provide protection to cables above the oil level. Protection of Transmission line: Distance Protection: Capacitive voltage transformer is connected across the transmission line and current transformer is connected in series with the line. The pre-determined impedance of line is set. As fault occurs, current in a line rises to enormous value and system voltage drops, as a result impedance of the line falls below a pre-determined value, hence relay operates to open the contact of circuit breaker. In this way the line is disconnected from the sub-station and continuity of supply is maintained from other line.

Signals of CTS in Line Bays Signal from one of the three cores from all the Five Pass Modules is given to relay REB670. Whose is function is BUSBAR PROTECTION, BREAKER FAILURE AND END FAULT PROTECTION. Which when energizes removes the faulty Bus. Second core provides signal REL670 whose is function is LINE DISTANCE RELAY WITH DIRECTIONAL EARTH FAULT PROTECTION. Since the operation of Distance Relay is dependent on the ratio of line voltage to current, these relays are also provided signal from CVT. The third Core provides signal to REC670 whose function is BAY CONTROL AND MEASURING UNIT INCLUDING OVERCURRENT AND EARTH FAULT PROTECTION, Signals of CTs in Trafo Bays One of the cores is left unconnected to be used in case of extension of system. Fifth relay is used for metering purposes, Second Relay provides signal to the common relay REB670 which receives signals from all the four PASS Modules. The Relay *RET670 whose function is TRANSFORMER DIFFERENTIAL RELAY WITH TERTIARY OVERCURRENT AND EARTH FAULT PROTECTION which receives signals from CTs connected on both sides of Power Transformer. The Relay **RET670 whose function is TRANSFORMER BACK-UP RELAY WITH 132kV OVERCURRENT PROTECTION, HV AND LV RECTRICTED EARTH FAULT PROTECTION., HV AND LV NEUTRAL POINT EARTH FAULT PROT. One of the CTs on secondary of Power Transformers are also used for metering of 11 KV line The concept diagram is attached. The protection strategy was simulated on ETAP and relays were coordinated for various faults.

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