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Lesson Observation Criteria

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No clear learning objective and aims Bland teaching with no use of interactive strategies. Little pupil contribution. No variation in voice, tone or audibility


LO visible, but not explained to children or put into context Some use of interactive teaching strategies & children generally attentive & participating in lessons. Some limited use of voice tone and audibility. Some use of independent supporting materials & resources are used to support childrens learning Teacher has a teaching focus

LO is contextualised and reference is made to previous and future learning Teaching is exciting & children are fully involved responding enthusiastically to the teaching. A wide range of interactive & imaginative teaching and learning strategies are used. Voice used effectively. A variety of differentiated scaffolding & supporting materials & resources are used to meet the needs of all pupils The same high level of teaching continues within independent group activities & the teacher is also able to make quick, accurate assessments of class progress. Activities match objective and are stimulating Achievement is very good. Teaching consistently challenging & interesting stemming from excellent subject knowledge Teaching and learning activities show the teachers ability to give all chn access to the lesson as well as extending current stage of development Additional adults used to maximum effect during each stage of lesson. Teacher has planned stimulating activities/ resources for adult to use. Children work on tasks enthusiastically & and understand the link to LO Range of differentiated questions. Understanding checked in range of ways Teaching is sharp and pacey Plenary is used effectively for chn to assess own learning. Teacher sums up by making explicit links to next lesson Excellent use of praise, criticism and behaviour management strategies. High quality, stimulating teaching engages all pupils. Calm purposeful working environment Appropriate and challenging ICT used. IWB used to enthuse, engage and enrich learning Teacher has enabled chn to assess their own learning as well as tracking each groups attainment during the lesson. Pupils helped to judge success of lesson and set targets for improvement High expectation and appropriate differentiation Excellent standard of work Marking focused, diagnostic and aids improvement

LO visible throughout lesson, explained and contextualised to the class Teaching is stimulating & children are engaged & enthusiastic. A range of interactive strategies are used. Voice used effectively.

No use of independent materials or resources used to support childrens learning Teacher has no teaching focus during independent tasks

All groups have scaffolding materials and resources to support their independent learning Teacher extends groups learning through focused & stimulating teaching during the independent time Activities match the LO and fully engage children Challenge is realistic & pupils are productive. Teacher has wide and secure knowledge EAL, SEN, G&T provision shows a good understanding of the childrens learning needs and current development Additional adults actively involved in lesson with clearly defined tasks. Children fully understand the task and are enthusiastic to complete it Teacher encourages full responses, getting children to justify their thoughts Good pace Full plenary is used to recap & extend objectives or address misconceptions. Teacher makes links to future learning Consistent, effective use of praise, criticism & behaviour management strategies. A calm working environment. ICT & IWB used effectively to support learning Teacher makes accurate assessments & addresses issues during plenary. Chn assess own work throughout the lesson

Activities fail to match the teaching LO. Subject knowledge is patchy and challenge is insufficient Tasks not differentiated

Activities show some reference to objective Teaching is accurate and based on secure subject & pedagogical knowledge & is challenging Some provision for EAL , G&T , SEN pupils

Additional adults not used effectively

Planned involvement of additional adults but lacks direction

Children unaware of what they have to do or what they are learning Little use made of open or differentiated questioning Lack of pace Lesson ends abruptly with no plenary, or plenary used solely for feedback Children are not focused on task/ poor behaviour management

Children understand the task and are generally focused Differentiated questioning, some open ended Pace is limited Minimal plenary. Plenary is used as distinct teaching session with no reference to future learning. Behaviour management strategies evident & used to create a calm working environment but key chn not focused in all of the lesson ICT & IWB used Teacher makes rough assessment of learning but does not address in plenary. Teachers lets chn know how well they are doing and uses information to agree next targets that chn understand. Little differentiation evident Work presented to reasonable standard Marking regular and developmental

No use of ICT or IWB Teacher unaware if chn have met targets. Targets too easy or too general

No differentiation evident Work presented to poor standard Marking general & infrequent

Adequate differentiation evident Work presented to good standard Marking aids improvement in standards

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