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Abishai Name Means "Father of a gift" or "source of wealth.

" Family Was the oldest son of Occupation

David's sister Zeruiah; brother of Joab and Asahel (I Chronicles 2:16).

Military officer under David; numbered among David's "mighty men" as an important warrior (I Chronicles 11:20-21). Best Known As The impetuous warrior whom David

had to restrain from killing sleeping Saul (I Samuel 26:6-9) and spiteful Shimei (II Samuel 16:9-11). THe account of Abishai is entirely one of warfare; he assisted Joab in killing Abner (II Samuel 2:18, 24, 3:30); prevailed over the Ammonites and Edomites (II Samuel 10:9-14, I Chronicles 18:12-13); helped defeat the rebellious Absalom (II Samuel 18:5-8); and killed a giant who thought to extinguish David (II Samuel 21:15-17). Abraham Also Known As Abram ("exalted father"). of multitudes." Name Means "Father of many" or "father

Homes Ur of the Chaldeans; Haran; the land of Canaan; Egypt; Family Had a wife named Sarah and a son

Beersheba in the land of the Philistines.

named Isaac. He also had a son named Ishmael born through Sarai's maid Hagar. Occupation Shepherd & Herdsman. Best Known As The patriarch of ancient Israel

and the one to whom and through whom God promised blessing to all nations. Ahaziah Name Means "The Lord has grasped." Don't Confuse With a king of Judah named Home Samaria. Family Was the son of

Ahaziah who ruled for one year (841 B.C.).

Ahab; brother of Jehoram, who succeeded him to the throne after he died without leaving an heir. Occupation King of Israel (853-852 B.C.). Best Known As The king who

died as a result of a fall through his upper room lattice. He continued his father Ahab's wicked ways, even to the point of consulting a Philistine idol after his injuries. For this he was condemned by the prophet Elijah. He attempted to nullify this word by taking Elijah captive, but the prophesy was validated when Elijah called down fire from heaven to consume tow military units sent to arrest him.

Ahithophel Name Means "Brother of foolishness." of Judah (II Samuel 15:12). Home Giloh, near Hebron, in the hill country

Family Was the father of Eliam, one of David's "mighty

men" and numbered among the "thirty" (II Samuel 23:34); possibly the grandfather of Bathsheba (II Samuel 11:3); which might help explain his defection to Absalom. Occupation Advisor to King David and later to his son Absalom (II Samuel 16:23). Best Known As David's counselor who sided with Absalom in his ill-fated rebellion, then committed suicide when it became apparent that Absalom had decided to follow another man's bad advice (II Samuel 15:12, 17:23). One piece of Ahithophel's advice that Absalom did take was to lie with David's concubines (II Samuel 16:21), an act which fulfilled Nathan's prophecy (II Samuel 12:11-12) and in effect meant that Absalom was assuming the throne (II Samuel 3:7). Amos Name Means "Burden bearer." Jerusalem. Home Tekoa, a town about 10 miles south of

Occupation Sheepbreeder, sycamore cultivator, and prophet during the Best Known As The prophet who denounced the northern

reign of Jeroboam II.

kingdom of Israel for its idolatry, injustice, corruption, and oppression of the poor. Amos' nine warnings of the Lord's judgment came to pass when Assyria overran Israel a generation later. Warnings Amos issued nine warnings:

y y y y y y y y y

Flee from cruelty Don't forsake God's laws Don't worship wealth Heed God's chastisements Flee false religious practices Beware of false security Don't disdain God's spokesmen Don't revile God's holy days Don't flee from God

Asahel Name Means "God acted" or "God made." Joab and Abishai. Family Youngest son of Zeruiah; brother of Best Known As Being

Occupation Commander in David's army.

a fleet-footed individual who pursued Abner as he fled following his defeat in Gibeon.

Unable to dissuade Asahel from pursuing him, Abner slew him; an act which led to the murder of Abner by Asahel's brother Joab.

Balaam Name Means "The clan brings forth." the Euphrates River. Home Pethor, several miles of Carchemish on Occupation A soothsayer who Of Special

Family Was the son of Beor.

used magical arts in attempts to discover information about the future.

Interest When Balaam received cattle and sheep from Balak, king of Moab, the intention may have been to use their livers in the occult practice of divining the future. This art, which is one of its several varieties involved studying the color and configuration of animal livers, was commonly practiced by Babylonian sorcerers. However, Balaam abandoned the ritual when he realized that God was determined to bless Israel. Best

Known For The incident with his donkey which was enabled by God to speak, leading to Balaam's submission to communicating only the Lord's message to Balak.

Belshazzar Name Means "Bel, protect the king!" Also Known As Baltasar. Home Babylon.

Family Was the son of Nabonidus; possibly a grandson of Nebuchadnezzar, though the terms "father" and "son" may indicate royal succession. Occupation Ruled Babylon

under Nabonidus, who left his son in control while he campaigned for ten years in Arabia. Best Known As The king who hosted a banquet during which a hand appeared

and wrote his doom on the wall. Cornelius Home Stationed in Caesarea, Rome's administrative center in Palestine. Occupation

Centurion. A Roman officer was designated a centurion if he oversaw at least 100 soldiers. As head of the Italian Regiment, he probably had about 600 men under his command. Known to Be God-fearing, prayerful, and generous. He was drawn to

Jewish monotheism as opposed to the pagan idolatry and immorality common among Romans of the day. Best Known As The second recorded Gentile convert to

Christianity (an Ethiopian treasurer was first). He sent men to fetch Simon Peter, 36 miles away, in response to a vision from God.

Daniel Name Means "God is my judge." Also Known As "Belteshazzar." Home Probably

Jerusalem, until he was deported to Babylon in 605 B.C. advisor to Babylonian and Median rulers.

Occupation Prophet and

Best Known As The Source of one of the

four major (larger) prophetic books in the Old Testament (the other three being Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel). David Name Means "Beloved, friend." Home Bethlehem during his youth; probably Gibeah

while he served Saul; Ziklag during much of the time while Saul pursued him; Hebron during the first seven years of his reign; Jerusalem during the rest of his reign. Family

Was a son of Jesse, a descendant of Judah; had seven brothers and two sisters; married to numerous wives and concubines, including Saul's daughter Michal, Abigail, and Bathsheba; father of numerous sons and daughters, including Absalom and David's successor, Solomon; ancestor of Jesus. Occupation Shepherd, court musician, military Best Known As The king under whom

commander under King Saul, and king of Israel.

the Israelite monarchy was firmly established; most significant ancestor was Jesus Christ. Also known for killing Goliath, the Philistine giant of Gath, with a stone from his slingshot. Deborah Name Means "Bee." Ephraim. Home Between Bethel and Ramah, in the hill country of Occupation Prophetess and judge.

Family Was the wife of Lapidoth.

Best Known For Leading the people of Israel to victory over the armies of the Canaanite general Sisera, after which she and her general, Barak, sang a victory song, and the nation experienced 40 years of peace. Elisha Name Means "God is salvation." 17:1). Don't Confuse With Elijah, his predecessor (I Kings

Home Abel Meholah (I Kings 19:16), a city in the Jordan River valley, halfway Family Was the son of Shaphat. Best Known As The

between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.

Occupation Prophet in Israel between about 850 and 800 B.C.

successor to Elijah the prophet and the benefactor of a "double portion" of Elijah's spirit (II Kings 2:9). Enoch Name Means "Dedicated." of Methuselah. Family Was the son of Jared, a descendant of Seth; father

Of special note After the Babylonian exile, legends began to circulate

claiming that Enoch was the father of writing, and that he had received divine revelations. Best Known For Walking with God until "God took him," meaning that he was translated into God's presence without dying, as was the prophet Elijah. The New Testament honors Enoch as an example of outstanding faith. Esther Name Means"Star" HomeThe palace at Shushan (capital of Persia) FamilyOrphan daughter of Abihail and an unnamed mother who was adopted by her cousin Mordecai of the tribe of Benjamin, became part of a royal harem, and eventually married Ahasuerus the king of Persia. OccupationQueen of Persia Best Known AsThe queen (formerly known as Hadassah) who saved her people (the Jews) from genocide by boldly speaking up before King Ahasuerus and exploiting Haman's plot to destroy them. Eve Name Means "Life-giving." Also Known As Woman (Genesis 2:23). Home

Originally the Garden of Eden, from which she and Adam were expelled after they disobeyed God's command. Family Was the wife of Adam; mother of three known Occupation

sons: Cain, Abel, and Seth, as well as many unnamed sons and daughters. Originally tended the Garden of Eden with Adam.

Best Known As The first woman,

and the person who first tasted of the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:1-6). Ezekiel Name Means "God strengthens." the Book of Ezekiel. Also Called "Son of man," a term used 93 times in Family Was

Home Tel Abib, near the Chebar River in Babylon.

the son of Buzi, probably a priest in the line of Zadok; married to an unnamed woman

whose death coincided with the beginning of the final siege of Jerusalem around 588 B.C. Occupation Priest and prophet. Gad Name Means "Good fortune." Occupation Prophet of Israel. Best Known As The

prophet who advised David as he fled from Saul (I Samuel 22:5) and brought God's options for punishment after David took a census of Israel (II Samuel 22:11-14). Gad also brought David God's orders to build an altar, apparently on the site of the future Temple (II Samuel 24:18-19); and he assisted in showing David God's plan for Temple worship (II Chronicles 29:25). Gideon Name Means"Hewer" or "smiter" Also Known AsJerubbaal ("Baal fighter"

or "let Baal contend") and Jerubbesheth ("let shame contend") HomeOphrah, probably in the Valley of Jezreel FamilySon of Joash and the father of seventy sons (by several wives), including Abimelech (by his Canaanite concubine) OccupationJudge and wheat farmer Best Known AsThe military leader of a small force of 300 Israelites whom God used to rout the Midianites. Goliath Family Perhaps descended from the Anakim, warriors of Palestine known for their extraordinary height; possibly the father of four sons. Occupation Warrior, described as a "champion." giant felled by a stone thrown from David's slingshot. Gomer Name Means "Complete, enough, or burning coal." 2:23). Also Known As Woman (Genesis Home Gath, a Philistine city. Best Known As The Philistine

Family Daughter of Diblaim and wife of Hosea the prophet (Hosea 1:3). Best Known As "A wife of whoredoms" (Hosea 1:2). Various

Occupation Harlot.

explanations have been offered for that designation. Some have maintained that she was a common prostitute. Others have maintained that she was a cultic prostitute in the service of Baal. Some have suggested she symbolized Israel's worship of many gods. Habakkuk

Name Means "Embraced by God." temple musician or singer as well.

Occupation Prophet of the Lord and possibly a Best Known As The prophet whose "burden" is

given in the Book of Habakkuk. He decided to trust God, no matter how desperate things appeared; even when Judah was about to fall to the idolatrous Babylonians. Haman Home Shushan (Susa), a royal city of the Persians. Family Was the son of

Hammedatha, called "the Agagite," probably descended from Agag, king of Amalek. Occupation Second-in-command to King Ahasuerus until replaced by Mordecai, his enemy. Best Known For< Plotting the destruction of Mordecai and the Jews, only to

have his evil intentions exposed by Esther, after which he was executed on the very gallows intended for Mordecai. Hannah Name Means "Grace." mountains of Ephraim. Home Ramathaim Zophim (Ramah), said to be in the Family Was one of two wives of Elkanah of the tribe of Occupation

Ephraim; mother of Samuel, three other sons, and two daughters. Homemaker.

Best Known As The mother of Samuel, who was conceived after Hannah

earnestly prayed for a son, vowing to dedicate him as a Nazirite to the Lord. Hosea Name Means "Deliverance." Home Probably Israel, perhaps Samaria. Family Was

the son of Beeri; husband of Gomer, a prostitute; father of two sons, Jezreel and LoAmmi, and a daughter, Lo-Ruhamah. Occupation Prophet (c. 755-710 B.C.) Best

Known As The principle prophet to Israel in the years just prior to its fall to Assyria (c. 722 B.C.) Huldah Name Means "Weasel." Home Jerusalem, in the Second Quarter (possibly meaning Family Was the wife of Shallum, and official of either Best Known For Being sought

the western portion of the city). the royal court or the temple.

Occupation Prophetess.

out by messengers from King Josiah who reported on the rediscovered Book of the Law

and prophesying that judgment would come on Judah and Jerusalem following Josiah's death. Hushai Name Means "Quick." Occupation Advisor (Secretary of State). Best Known As A

friend of King David who was sent by David to deceive Absalom. His counsel to Absalom bought time for David to establish new headquarters and gather forces for new strategy. Isaiah Name Means "The Lord has saved." Home Believed to be Jerusalem. Family May

have been related to the royal house of Judah; married to a woman he called the "prophetess"; father of two sons, Shear-Jashub and Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.

Occupation Official of King Uzziah of Judah; later called by God to be a prophet. Best Known As An Old Testament prophet who vividly predicted the coming of the Messiah. Special Interest May have been executed by the wicked King Manasseh by

being placed in a log that was then sawed in two. Jael Name Means "Mountain goat." 4:17). Family Was the wife of Heber the Kenite (Judges

Best Known For receiving the Canaanite leader Sisera as he fled following his

defeat by the Israelites under Deborah and Barak. Jael assassinated Sisera. Her action is celebrated in the Song of Deborah (Judges 5:24-27). James Don't Confuse With James the son of Zebedee and James the son of Alphaeus, two of the 12 disciples; James the Less, the son of Mary and brother of Joses; James the father of Judas. Home Probably Nazareth. Family His father was probably Joseph; his mother

was Mary; his older brother was Jesus; younger brothers were Joses, Judas, and Simon; he had sisters whom Scripture does not name. Occupation Unknown, but since his Best Known For

father and Jesus were carpenters, he may have been a carpenter also. Leading the church at Jerusalem and writing the book of James.

Jeremiah Name Means "The Lord exalts." northeast of Jerusalem. Home Anathoth, a Levitical city a few miles Occupation Best

Family Was the son of Hilkiah the priest.

Prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah in the late 7th and 6th centuries B.C.

Known As The "weeping prophet" whose tearful confessions and anguish of soul sometimes called for redress against personal enemies, giving rise to the term 'jeremiad.' Jeremiah's message of Jerusalem's impending fall made many enemies and few friends. He was often imprisoned. Some traditions hold that he died in Egypt, where he was taken against his protests by the survivors of the siege of Jerusalem. Others suggest that he was removed from Egypt to Babylon after the Babylonian invasion in 583 B.C. Jezebel Don't Confuse With a prophetess of Thyatira who enticed Christians in that church to commit sexual sins and idolatry (Revelation 2:20). Home Originally from Tyre and Family Was the daughter

Sidon; lived in Samaria (I Kings 16:24) after marrying Ahab.

of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians and priest of Melqart, the local name for Baal; married Ahab of Israel (I Kings 16:31) in what was probably a political marriage by Ahah's father Omri. Occupation Queen of Israel. Notorious for Her devotion to Baal (or Melqart),

as evidenced by the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of Asherah that she employed (I Kings 18:19); and for her influence over Ahab, as evidenced by the idols which she influenced him to set up (I Kings 16:32-33) and the murder of Naboth that she persuaded him to commit (I Kings 21:1-29). Best Known For Her determination to kill

the prophet Elijah, which caused him to flee for his life to Mount Horeb (I Kings 19:1-8). Joab Name Means "Yahweh is Father." Home Egypt. Family Was the eldest son of

Zeruiah, David's sister or half sister, making him David's nephew; brother of Abishai and Asahel. Occupation Commander of David's army, a position he held for many years.

Best Known As David's cunning military strategist and ruthless field marshal.

Jochebed Name Means "The Lord is our glory." Home Egypt. Family Was from the tribe of Occupation

Levi; wife of her nephew Amram; mother of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. Homemaker; later a servant to Pharoah's daughter.

Best Known For Finding a way to

save her son from Pharoah's command to kill all Hebrew newborn boys, and then becoming his nanny under Pharoah's daughter. John Mark Often Confused With John, one of the Twelve and a close friend of Jesus. Family Was

the son of Mary, who owned a house in Jerusalem where the church often prayed; cousin to Barnabas. Peter referred to Mark as his "son." Background His family was wealthy

enough to own a large home with at least one servant. They frequently hosted gatherings of believers. Best Known For Leaving Paul and Barnabas on their first gospel tour

after visiting Cyprus; later writing the Gospel that bears his name, Mark. John the Baptist Name Means "Yahweh has been gracious." prophet Elijah. Often Confused With the Old Testament

Home Born and raised in a town of Judah, but lived most of his adult Family Was the son of Zacharias Best Known For Preparing the

life in the Judean wilderness, near the Jordan River. and Elizabeth. Occupation Preacher and prophet.

way for Jesus the Messiah. Jonah Name Means "Dove." Home Gath Hepher, a city about 15 miles west of the Sea of Family Was the son of Amittai. Occupation

Galilee, in the territory of Zebulun.

Prophet in Israel during the reign of Jeroboam II.

Best Known As The prophet who

survived being swallowed by a fish before preaching repentance to Nineveh. Jonathan Name Means "The Lord has given." Home Gibeah, in the territory of Benjamin.

Family Was the son of King Saul and presumably of his wife, Ahinoam; had two brothers named Jishui and Malchishua, and two sisters named Merab and Michal; father

of Mephibosheth.

Occupation As Saul's heir, a commander in the military.


Known For His devoted friendship with and loyalty to David. Joshua Name Means "The Lord is salvation." of Ephraim. Home Timnath Serah located in the mountains Occupation

Family Was the son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim. Best Known As The successor to Moses.

Military commander. Joshua the Priest

Name Means "The Lord is salvation." return from the Babylonian captivity.

Occupation High priest of Israel during the

Best Known As The high priest who stood before

the Lord and was given a clean turban and garments to replace his filthy clothes thus symbolizing the removal of iniquity from his life (Zechariah 3:1-5). Luke Name Means "The Beloved Physician." Home Possibly Antioch of Syria; later Background Born

Philippi and other cities where Christian communities were started. into a cultured, educated Gentile family.

Occupation Primarily a physician, though he Best Known For

became a historian and author, and even did some evangelism.

Writing about of the New Testament (Luke and Acts). His works emphasize the impact of the gospel on people considered to be 'second class' in Jewish culture at the time -Gentiles, women, the poor -- as well as the topics of prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit. Malachi Name Means"My messenger" or "my angel" Home Probably Jerusalem Occupation Prophet in postexilic Jerusalem, possibly during the time of Nehemiah, as he condemned many of the same sins mentioned by Nehemiah. Best Known As The last prophet in the Old Testament. Some 400 years of silence come between Malachi and the next messenger of the Lord, John the Baptist. Mary Also Known As Miryam (of Nazareth); the Virgin. Don't Confuse With Mary of

Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus; Mary, the mother of James and Joses; and

Mary, the mother of John Mark.

Home Nazareth.

Family Married to Joseph; their

family included four other sons - James, Joses, Judas, and Simon - as well as daughters; she was a relative of Elizabeth (John the Baptist's mother). Best Known As The mother of Jesus. Mary Magdalene Also Known As Mary of Magdala. Name Means "Rebellious, bitter." Home Occupation Homemaker.

Magdala, an important agricultural, fishing, and trade center of ancient Galilee. Occupation Loyal supporter of Jesus. Best Known For Being freed from seven

demons by Jesus and becoming one of His most devoted followers. She was witness to Jesus' crucifixion, burial, the empty tomb, and resurrection. Michal Name Means "Who is like God?" Home Probably grew up in Gibeah. Family Was

the daughter of King Saul, of the tribe of Benjamin; younger sister of Merab; wife of David, who won her hand in marriage by single-handedly killing 100 Philistines; during David's exile, was given in marriage to Palti, the son of Laish, but was later restored to David; childless to the day of her death, although she is said in some manuscripts to have brought up five sons. Occupation Homemaker. Best Known As The wife of David

who saved her husband from being murdered by assassins sent by her father Saul, but who later despised her husband for "uncovering himself" as he leaped and danced with joy while bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. Miriam Name Means "Beloved" (in Egyptian). Home Was born in Egypt, where she lived for

more than 80 years before leaving in the Exodus; shed died at Kadesh in the Wilderness of Zin. Family Was the daughter of Amram and Jochebed; older sister of Aaron and

Moses; one later tradition holds that she was married to Caleb (see Joshua 14:6), while Josephus considered her the wife of Hur, a leader appointed by Moses (Exodus 17:10). Of Special Interest The name Miriam (or Mary) became popular among the Jews, perhaps in honor of Miriam's role in the Exodus. Achievements Led the women of

Israel in worship through song and dance after God brought them through the Red Sea,

rescuing them from the Egyptians.

Best Known As Moses' sister, probably the one who

stood watch when his mother placed him in a small reed boat, and the one who told Pharaoh's daughter that she knew a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby; also known for being struck with leprosy after siding with her brother Aaron in challenging Moses' marriage, and probably his leadership as well. Moses Name Means "To draw forth." Home Egypt for 40 years; Midian (near the eastern Family His father

Sinai Peninsula) for 40 years; the Widerness of Sinai for 40 years.

was Amram and his mother was Jochebed. Had an older sister named Miriam and a younger brother named Aaron. He was raised by an Egyptian princess, the daughter of Pharaoh. Occupation Probably a royal ruler in Egypt; in Midian, a shepherd; later the Of

leader of God's people and a prophet who received and delivered the Law to Israel.

Special Interest Received his calling when encountering God in a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire. Best Known As The man who delivered Israel from bondage

in Egypt and gave the nation God's Law. Nathan Name Means "Gift." Don't Confuse With six other figures in the Bible named

Nathan, including a son of David by Bathsheba who is listed by Luke as an ancestor of Christ. Home Jerusalem. Occupation Prophet during the reign of King David. Best

Known For Confronting David with a parable that exposed the king's sings of adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband Uriah.

Nebuchadnezzar Name Means "O (god) Nabu, protect my son!" Home Babylon. Also Known As Nebuchadrezzar.

Family Was the eldest son of Nabopolassar; married to Nitocris and

Amytis; father of at least three sons, including Evil-Merodach (Amel-Marduk), his successor. Occupation King of Babylon (605-562 B.C.). Achievements Extensive

rebuilding of Babylon, including the Ishtar Gate, a ziggurat, canals, the "hanging gardens," and other architectural achievements that were among the wonders of the

ancient world; the new Babylong was vast for its day - about 200 square miles. Known For Capturing Jerusalem (c. 587 B.C). Nehemiah Name Means "The Lord comforts." Shushan; later Jerusalem.


Home Known to live at one or two palaces in

Noted For Deep piety and prayer; leadership and Occupation

organizational ability; compassion for his people; impeccable integrity.

Cupbearer to the Persian king Antaxerxes I; oversaw the rebuilding of the wall at Jerusalem; twice served as governor of Jerusalem. Best Known For Returning from

Persia to Jerusalem to lead an effort to rebuild the city wall, a project which he completed in 52 days despite heavy opposition; also instituted social and political reforms, including the repopulation of Jerusalem, a ban on marriage to pagans, and the elimination of charging interest on loans.

Othniel Family Was the son of Kenaz; nephew as well as son-in-law of Caleb; husband of Achsah. Occupation "Judge" or deliverer of Israel. Best Known For Being the first

of Israel's judges. He served for 40 years after overthrowing the oppressive CushanRishathaim, king of Mesopotamia.

Paul Also Known As Saul, his Jewish name, perhaps given in memory of Israel's first king, a member of the tribe of Benjamin, to which Paul's family belonged; but following his conversion he was known as Paul. Home Born at Tarsus; brought up in Jerusalem.

Later settled in Antioch of Syria, but traveled throughout the Roman Empire, with extended stays in Corinth and Ephesus. Family Saul was a Jew but was born a Roman

citizen, which means his father, who was a Pharisee must have been a Roman citizen before him. Luke mentions that Paul had a sister and a nephew in Acts 23:16. Occupation Tentmaker by trade; trained as a Pharisee under Rabbi Gamaliel, he

became the Jewish council's chief agent of anti-Christian activity before his conversion on the road to Damascus. Paul became a leader in the church, its most well-known and widely traveled spokesperson, and a major New Testament writer. Life-Changing Experience A

vision of Christ on the Damascus road, which led to his conversion and call as an apostle. Best Known As The apostle to the Gentiles. Peter Also Known As Simon (his given name); renamed Cephas (Aramaic), or Peter (Greek), or "The Rock" or "Rocky" (English) by Jesus. north shore of the Sea of Galilee. Home Bethsaida and Capernaum on the

Family Was the son of Jonah; his younger brother

was Andrew; he was married, and his wife traveled with him as he spread the message about Jesus. representatives. denial of Christ. Occupation Commerical fisherman; later one of Jesus' first Best Known For His declaration that Jesus was the Christ, and his

Pharaoh Name Means "Great house." Home Egypt. Occupation Ruler. Best Known As

The hardened-hearted pharaoh under whose reign occured two major events: 7 catastrophic plagues and the exodus across the Red Sea by the Israelites. Philip's Daughters Number Philip had 4 daughters. Home Caeserea. Best Known For Breaking the

cultural norm of being wives and mothers, perhaps choosing to remain single in order to carry out their prophetic work. Rebekah Name Means "To tie fast." Home Originally Haran ("the city of Nahor"); then Beer

Lahai Roi ("the well of the Living One"), Gerar, and other locations in Canaan after

marrying Isaac.

Family Was the daughter of Bethuel, Abraham's nephew; wife of Occupation Homemaker. Best Known For

Isaac; mother of Esau and Jacob.

Masterminding the deception by which Jacob obtained Isaac's blessing. Ruth Name Means "Friendship" or "Refreshment." Home Born in Moab, but relocated with Family

her mother-in-law Naomi to Bethlehem in Judah after the death of her husband.

Was the wife and widow of Mahlon; remarried Boaz by an extension of levirate marriage; gave birth to a son, Obed, who figuratively was called the son of Naomi; was an ancestor of David and Jesus Christ. Occupation Originally a homemaker, later a Best Known For Insisting that

maidservant of Boaz; and finally a homemaker again.

her mother-in-law Naomi allow her to come to Bethlehem, in order that Naomi's people, the Israelites, could become Ruth's people, and Naomi's God could become Ruth's God.

Samson Name Means "Distinguished." Home Born at Zorah in the region of Dan, on the Family Was the son of

border between Israel and the territory of the Philistines.

Manoah and an unnamed, previously childless woman; married to a Philistine woman from Timnah, but deserted her after one week; consorted with but probably did not marry a woman named Delilah. Occupation A "judge" or deliverer of Israel. Best Known

For His miraculous strength, by which he harassed the Philistines, and his long hair was the secret of his strength. Samuel Name Means "Name of God." Jerusalem. Home Ramah in the mountains of Ephraim north of

Family Was the oldest son of Elkanah and Hannah; had three brothers and

two sisters, plus half brothers and half sisters; raised by Eli the priest of Shiloh. Occupation Judge and prophet in Israel. Point of Interest Dedicated to the Lord

according to a Nazirite vow by his mother even before he was born.

Best Known As

The last of the judges and the first of the prophets (not including Moses) who anointed King Saul and King David. Ananias and Sapphira Names Mean "God is gracious" (Ananias) and "beautiful" (Sapphira). Don't Confuse

With Ananias, the disciple in Damascus, who was the first believer to visit Saul after his dramatic conversion (Acts 9:10)or with Ananias the high priest (Acts 23:2). Best

Known For lying to Peter about donating money to the church and being struck dead by the Holy Spirit for their deception. Sarah Name Means Traditionally, "my princess" (Sarai), until the Lord changed her name to Sarah meaning "princess." eventually Canaan. Home Originally Ur in Mesopotamia; later Haran, and

Family Was half sister to her husband, Abraham; they had the same Best Known As Bearing a promised son,

father but different mothers; mother of Isaac. Isaac, after she was pat the childbearing years. Saul Name Means "Asked (of God)."

Don't Confuse With another man in the Old

Testament named Saul (Genesis 36:37, I Chronicles 1:48-49) or the New Testament figure Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul (Acts 13:2-3). north of Jerusalem in the territory of Benjamin. Home Gibeah, three miles

Family Was the son of Kish, a

prominent Benjamite (I Samuel 9:1); father of several sons presumably by his wife Ahinoam, including his heir Jonathan (I Samuel 14:49-51, I Chronicles 8:33), of two sons by his concubine Rizpah (II Samuel 21:8), and of two daughters, Merab and Michal (I Samuel 14:49). Occupation King of Israel. Best Known As The first king of

Israel, whose disobedience resulted in the Lord's appointment of David to the throne (I Samuel 16:12-13).

Simeon Name Means "God hears." Home Jerusalem. Best Known As A just and devout man

of old age who had a close walk with the Holy Spirit. As promised by God, Simeon (before seeing death) took up the Christ child in his arms and blessed Him in the temple. Zephaniah Name Means "The Lord has hidden," perhaps reflecting the likelihood that Zephaniah was born during the evil days of King Manasseh. Home Probably Jerusalem. Family

Was a descendent of Hezekiah, probably the king of Judah; was the son of Cushi; probably a cousin and contemporary of King Josiah. Occupation Prophet in Judah

during the early reign of King Josiah, probably before the spiritual reforms of 621 B.C. Best Known As A prophet from the royal family in Judah who warned that the nation's immorality and idolatry made judgment inevitable. However, he also predicted that a penitent remnant would survive the coming judgment and enjoy blessings. Noah Was, according to the Bible, the tenth and last of the antediluvian Patriarchs; and a prophet according to the Qur'an. The biblical story of Noah is contained in the book of Genesis, chapters 69; he is also found in the passage 'Noah's sons", while the Qur'an has a whole sura named after and devoted to his story, with other references elsewhere. In the Genesis account, Noah saves his family and representatives of all animals in groups of two or seven from the flood. In the Islamic account, a group of 72 others are also saved (although none reproduce after the flood).[2] He receives a covenant from God, and his sons repopulate the earth. In the Hindu account, Manu built a huge boat, which housed his family, 9 types of seed, and animals and repopulated the earth after the deluge occurred and the oceans and seas receded.

Judas Iscariot, Was, according to the New Testament, one of the twelve original Apostles of Jesus. Among the twelve, he was apparently designated to keep account of the "money bag" but he is most traditionally known for his role in Jesus' betrayal into the hands of Roman authorities.


Or "Father/Leader of/is peace" or "Salem is my Father") was the third son of David, king of Israel with Maachah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur. (1 Chronicles 3:2).2 Samuel 14:25 describes him as the most handsome man in the kingdom. Absalom eventually rebelled against his father and was killed during the Battle of Ephraim Wood Jesse or Yishay Meaning "God Exists" or "God's gift") is the father of the Biblical David, who became the king of the nation of Israel. His son David is sometimes called simply "Son of Jesse" Jesse was the son of Obed and the grandson of Ruth. He was a Bethlehemite. Jesse lived in Bethlehem, in Judah, and was a farmer and breeder of sheep. Jesse is important in Judaism because he was the father of one of the most famous kings of Israel. Jesse is important in Christianity because, in part, he is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

Adam Was, according to the Book of Genesis and the Qur'an, the first man created by God and noted in subsequent Jewish, Christian and Islamic commentary. His wife was Eve.

Andronicus and Junia Main article: Junia In Rom. 16:7 Paul states that Andronicus and Junia were "of note among the apostles," that is, distinguished apostles.[18] Apparently, Paul is referring a female apostle.[19][20] Unhappy with reference to a female apostle, editors and translators have often changed the name to "Junias," the masculine version of Junia, as in the Revised Standard Version.[20] While "Junia" was a common name, "Junias" was not.[20] This alteration is part of a pattern by which later editors changed Paul's epistles to make them less favorable toward women in positions of authority.[20]

Silas Main article: Silas Silas is referred to as an apostle in 1 Thes. 1:1 and 2:6 along with Timothy and Paul. He also performs the functioning of an apostle as Paul's companion in Paul's second missionary journey in Acts 15:40ff.

Timothy Main article: Timothy Timothy is referred to as an apostle in 1 Thes. 1:1 and 2:6 along with Silas and Paul. However, in 2 Cor. 1:1 he is only called a "brother" when Paul refers to himself as "an apostle of Christ". Timothy performs many of the functions of an apostle in the commissioning of Paul in 1st and 2nd Timothy, though in those epistles Paul refers to him as his "son" in the faith.

Jesus of Nazareth Also known as Jesus Christ or occasionally Jesus the Christis the central figure of Christianity, and within most Christian denominations he is venerated as the Son of God and as God incarnate. Christians also view him as the Messiah foretold in the

Old Testament; however, Judaism rejects these claims. Islam considers Jesus a prophet and also the Messiah while several other religions revere him in some way.

Lot Was the nephew of the patriarch Abraham, or Abram. He was the son of Abraham's brother Haran (Gen. 11:27). Abraham's brother Nahor became Lot's brother in law by marrying Milcah, Lot's sister. Lot was the son of Abraham's brother Haran.[2] Lot and his family went with Abraham and his family from Ur of the Chaldees to Egypt. When Abraham traveled to the Land of Canaan at the command of God, Lot accompanied him. (Gen 12:1-5).

Esau Was the fraternal twin brother[1][2][3] of Jacob (whom God renamed Israel) the patriarch and founder of the Israelites.[4] Esau and Jacob were the sons of Isaac and Rebekah, and the grandsons of Abraham and Sarah. Esau was born first and when Jacob was born, he held onto Esau's heel. (Genesis 25:26) Isaac was sixty years old when they were born, but Rebekah is believed to have been much younger. Abraham was still alive at that time, though he would have been 160 years old by that stage, and would live another fifteen years.

Timothy Was a first-century Christian bishop who died about AD 80. Evidence from the New Testament also has him functioning as coadjutor of Saint Paul. Timothy is mentioned in the Bible at the time of Paul's second visit to Lystra, where Timothy is mentioned as a "disciple".[2] Paul, having been impressed by his "own son in the faith," arranged that he should become his companion, and personally circumcised[3] him because his mother was of the Jewish faith, so that he might be accepted by the Jews.

Saint Stephen Known as the Protomartyr of Christianity, is venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Eastern Orthodox Churches. Stephen means "wreath" or "crown" in Greek. He was one of the first in the early Church to bear the title Archdeacon.

Sopater Saviour of his father"[2], Easton's reads "The father who saves"[3], Holman's reads sound parentage was the son of Pyrhus, a man from the city of Berea, he accompanied Paul along with Aristarchus and Secundus the Thessalonians, Gaius of Derbe, Timothy, and Trichicus and Tromphimus of Asia, out of Macedonia after a group of Jews began to plot against him. They sailed from Philippi to Alexandria Troas where they met Paul who had gone by land. It is commonly accepted that Sopater is the kinsman of Paul noted in Romans 16:21 as Sosipater.

Lazarus Name found in two separate contexts in the New Testament. Lazarus of Bethany is the subject of a miracle recounted only in the Gospel of John, in which Jesus restores him to life four days after his death. Another Lazarus appears as a character in Jesus' parable of Lazarus and Dives, or Lazarus and the Rich Man, recorded in the Gospel of Luke. The English variant of the name comes directly from the Latin, itself derived from the Greek Lazaros, which in turn came from the Aramaic Lazar. The ultimate origin is the Hebrew name Eleazar ( helped" , El z r), meaning "God's assistance" or "God (has)

Apollos Was an early Jewish Christian mentioned several times in the New Testament. His special gifts in presenting Christian doctrine made him an important person in the

congregation at Corinth, Greece after Paul's first visit there (1 Corinthians 3:6). He was with Paul at a later date in Ephesus (1 Cor. 16:12). In 1 Cor. 1:10-12 we read of four parties in the Corinthian church, of which two attached themselves to Paul and Apollos respectively, using their names, though the "division" can hardly have been due to conflicting doctrines and there is no indication that Apollos favored or approved an overestimation of his person.

Joseph Joseph, Jusuf or Yosef was the eleventh son of Jacob and first son of Rachel according to the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament).[1] He is also mentioned in the Qur'an as a Prophet of Islam.The story of Joseph is told in Genesis, chapters 37-50 (making it one of the longest continuous narratives in the Bible). The favourite son of his father Jacob, Joseph is sold into slavery in Egypt by his jealous brothers, but rises to become Pharaoh's viceroy, and brings the Children of Israel (i.e., of Jacob) down to Egypt to live in the land of Goshen.

Joseph Saint Joseph also known as Joseph of the House of David, Joseph the Betrothed, Joseph of Nazareth, or Joseph the Worker) is known from the New Testament as the husband of Mary, mother of Jesus. Although according to Christian tradition he was not the biological father of Jesus, he acted as his foster-father and as head of the Holy Family. Joseph is venerated as a saint within the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, and Anglican Churches.

Abaddon Meaning "A place of destruction", "The Destroyer", "Depths of Hell") in the Revelation of St. John, is the king of tormenting locusts and the angel of the bottomless pit.[1] The exact nature of Abaddon is debated, but the Hebrew word is related to the triliteral root ABD, which in verb form means "to perish.

Abagtha Was a court official (likely a eunuch) of King Ahasuerus. He is mentioned once in the Book of Esther (Esther 1:10). According to this narrative, he and six other officials suggested that Queen Vashti parade before the king and his ministers in the crown jewels. Her refusal led to her demise and the selection of Esther as the new queen of the Persian Empire. The Hebrew word translated eunuch can mean a general court official, not only a castrated man. Since Abagtha and the other six officials are spoken of as attending to the king, not to royal women, it is possible that he was not a eunuch in the technical sense.

Agur ben Jakeh Was the compiler of a collection of proverbs found in Proverbs 30, which is sometimes known as the Book of Agur or Sayings of Agur. The initial text of the chapter runs as follows (JPS translation), and bears great similarity to Isaiah 40:12-14. This translation is not universally accepted as correct; see below. Abimelech or Avimelech "father/leader of a king; my father/leader, a king") was a common name of the Philistine kings. Abimelech was most prominently the name of a king of Gerar who is mentioned in two of the three wife-sister narratives in Genesis. The Haggada identifies them as separate people, the second being the first Abimelech's son, and that his original name was Benmelech ("son of the King") but changed his name to his father's. At the time of Abimelech, there was an Egyptian governor of Tyre named Abimilki. They could possibly be the same person. Abimilki's name appears on the Tell-el-Amarna tablets.

Eliab The eldest son of Jesse, and thus the older brother of King David. He was apparently tall and had fair features, but not the proper heart to be king of Israel (1 Samuel 16:7). "Do

not consider his appearance or his height...the Lord looks at the heart." Some commentators have suggested that it was due to his temper, as he argued with David before David went to fight Goliath.

Elisha Elisha was the son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah; he became the attendant and disciple of Elijah (1 Kings 19:16-19), and after Elijah was taken up in a fiery chariot into the whirlwind, he was accepted as the leader of the sons of the prophets, and became noted in Israel. He possessed, according to his own request, "a double portion" of Elijah's spirit (2 Kings 2:9); and for sixty years (892-832 BC) held the office of "prophet in Israel" (2 Kings 5:8).

Ephraim (Hebrew) was, according to the Book of Genesis, the second son of Joseph and Asenath, and the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Ephraim; however some Biblical scholars view this as postdiction, an eponymous metaphor providing an aetiology of the connectedness of the tribe to others in the Israelite confederation.[1] The text of the Torah argues that the name of Ephraim, which means double fruitfulness, refers to Joseph's ability to produce children, specifically while in Egypt (termed by the Torah as the land of his affliction).[2]

Ezra Ezra was the son of Seraiah, the high priest taken captive by Babylonians, a lineal descendant of Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron. In the seventh year of the reign of Artaxerxes I Longimanus, Ezra obtained leave to go to Jerusalem and to take with him a company of Israelites. Artaxerxes showed great interest in Ezra's undertaking, granting him his requests, and giving him gifts for the house of God. Ezra assembled a band of approximately 5,000 exiles to go to Jerusalem.They rested on the banks of the Ahava for three days and organized their four-month march across the desert. After observing a day of public fasting and prayer, they left the banks of the river Ahava for Jerusalem. Having

rich gifts and treasures in their keeping and being without military escort, they made the due precaution for the safeguarding of the treasures.

Eliashib Eliashib the High Priest is mentioned in Nehemiah 12:10,22 and 3:1, 20-21,13:28 and possibly the Book of Ezra 10:6 of the Hebrew Bible. Some also place him in different parts of Nehemiah including 12:23 and 13:4,7, but this is disputed. Nehemiah 3:20-21 places his home between the area of two working groups constructing the walls of Jerusalem on the north side of the city. He helped with the refortification of this wall (Neh 3:1). The size of his house indicated his wealth and high socio-economic status (Neh 3:23-21). His grandson was married to the daughter of Sanballat the Horonite (Neh 13:28). This places him as someone who lived during the time of Nehemiah, and as a result, probably Ezra also. In the year 445 B.C.E., Eliashib was the high priest when Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem in the 20th year of Artaxerxes I (Nehemiah 1:1, 2:1).

Benjamin In the Book of Genesis, is a son of Jacob, the second (and last) son of Rachel, and the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Benjamin;[1] in the Biblical account, unlike Rachel's first son Joseph, the father of Ephraim and Manasseh Benjamin was born after Jacob and Rachel arrived in Canaan. However, some view these details as postdiction, an eponymous metaphor providing an etiology of the connectedness of the tribe to others in the Israelite confederation. Herod I or Herod the Great (born 74 BC, died 4 BC in Jericho, was a Roman client king of Israel.[1] He is often confused with his son Herod Antipas, also of the Herodian dynasty, who was ruler of Galilee (4 BC - 39 AD) during the time of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. Herod is known for his colossal building projects in Jerusalem and other parts of the ancient world, including the rebuilding of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, sometimes referred to

as Herod's Temple. Some details of his biography can be gleaned from the works of the 1st century AD Roman-Jewish historian Josephus Flavius.

Hoshea (Salvation") was the last king of Israel and son of Elah. William F. Albright has dated his reign to 732 BC 721 BC, while E. R. Thiele offers the dates 732 BC 723 BC. Assyrian records basically confirm the Biblical account of how he became king. According to 2 Kings, Hoshea conspired against and slew his predecessor, Pekah (2 Kings 15:30). Shalmaneser V then campaigned against Hoshea, and forced him to submit and render tribute (17:3). An undated inscription of Tiglath-Pileser III boasts of making Hoshea king after his predecessor had been overthrown:

Jehoshaphat (alternately spelled Jehosaphat, Josaphat, or Yehoshafat) (Hebrew: Jehovah is the judge") was the fourth king of the Kingdom of Judah, and successor of his father Asa. His children included Jehoram, who succeeded him as king. His mother was Azubah. Historically, his name has sometimes been connected with the Valley of Jehosaphat, where, according to Joel 3:2, the God of Israel will gather all nations for judgment.

Nehemiah or Nechemya "Comforted of/is the LORD (YHWH)," Standard Hebrew N Hebrew N emya, Tiberian

emy h) is a major figure in the post-exile history of the Jews as recorded in

the Bible, and is believed to be the primary author of the Book of Nehemiah. He was the son of Hachaliah, (Neh. 1:1) and probably of the Tribe of Judah. His ancestors resided in Jerusalem before his service in Persia. (Neh. 2:3).

Ephraim Was, according to the Book of Genesis, the second son of Joseph and Asenath, and the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Ephraim; however some Biblical scholars view

this as postdiction, an eponymous metaphor providing an aetiology of the connectedness of the tribe to others in the Israelite confederation.[1] The text of the Torah argues that the name of Ephraim, which means double fruitfulness, refers to Joseph's ability to produce children, specifically while in Egypt (termed by the Torah as the land of his affliction).

Gad Was a seer or prophet in the Hebrew Bible. He was one of the personal prophets of King David of Israel and some of his writings are believed to be included in the Books of Samuel.[1] He is first mentioned in 1 Samuel 22:5 telling David to return to the land of Judah. The most important Biblical reference to Gad is 2 Samuel 24:11-13, where after David confesses his sin of taking a census of the people of Israel and Judah, God sends Gad to David to offer him his choice of three forms of punishment. Gad is mentioned a last time in 2 Samuel 24:18, coming to David and telling him to build an altar to God after He stops the plague that David chose.

Lazarus Is a name found in two separate contexts in the New Testament. Lazarus of Bethany is the subject of a miracle recounted only in the Gospel of John, in which Jesus restores him to life four days after his death. Another Lazarus appears as a character in Jesus' parable of Lazarus and Dives, or Lazarus and the Rich Man, recorded in the Gospel of Luke.The English variant of the name comes directly from the Latin, itself derived from the Greek Lazaros, which in turn came from the Aramaic Lazar. The ultimate origin is the Hebrew name Eleazar, meaning "God's assistance" or "God (has) helped"

Nahum Was a minor prophet whose prophecy is recorded in the Hebrew Bible. His book comes in chronological order between Micah and Habakkuk in the Bible.[1] He wrote about the end of the Assyrian Empire, and its capital city, Nineveh, in a vivid poetic style.[2]

Little is known about Nahums personal history. His name means "comforter," and he was from the town of Alqosh, (Nah 1:1) which scholars have attempted to identify with several cities, including the modern `Alqush of Assyria and Capharnaum of northern Galilee. He was a very nationalistic Hebrew however and lived amongst the Elkoshites in peace. His writings could be taken as prophecy or as history

Salome The Daughter of Herodias (c AD 14 - between 62 and 71), is known from the New Testament (Mark 6:17-29 and Matt 14:3-11, where, however, her name is not given). Another source from Antiquity, Flavius Josephus' Jewish Antiquities, gives her name and some detail about her family relations. Name in Hebrew reads and is derived from Shalom (Shlomit)

, meaning "peace". Christian traditions depict her as an

icon of dangerous female seductiveness, for instance depicting as erotic her dance mentioned in the New Testament (in some later transformations further iconised to the dance of the seven veils), or concentrate on her lighthearted and cold foolishness that, according to the gospels, led to John the Baptist's death. A new ramification was added by Oscar Wilde, who in his play Salome let her devolve into a necrophiliac, killed the same day as the man whose death she had requested. Mahalalel, Mahalaleel, or Mihlaiel Was a patriarch named in the Hebrew Bible. He was the son of Kenan, son of Enos, son of Seth, son of Adam in the Old Testament of the Bible. He was also the father of Jared and the grandfather of Enoch. He appears in the Book of Genesis 5:12-17, and according to the book, he lived 895 years, placing him eighth in the records for the unusually long lifespans related in that book for the antediluvian patriarchs. Later references to Mahalalel include Jubilees 4:1415 and Luke 3:37. Enochs first Dream Vision in 1 Enoch 83 recounts the dream that Enoch had in the house of Mahalalel his grandfather, and which Mahalalel explains to him.

Jaddua Jaddua was a the son of Jonathan and a high priest during the postexilic period. Reference to Jaddua may be found in Nehemiah verses 12:11,22. When reading Josephus' accounts of Jaddua's priestly position, it is unclear whether or not Jaddua was the sole high priest or if he shared the office with Manasseh. The other possiblility (which is difficult to discern from Josephus' accounts) is that Manasseh was Jaddua's assistant or ''sagan.''

Demetrius, Demetrios, Dimitrios, Demitri or Dimitri Son of Demeter) is the name of several notable people from classical antiquity and other eras. The Latin form of this name, Demetrius, is the spelling normally used in English speaking countries when most historical figures of this name are referred to. Lists of famous men named Demetrius are therefore found in the article under that spelling. Greek feminine forms of Demetrius include Demetra or Dimitra and various diminutives. Dimitri is often anglicized as James (and so Jim and Jimmy), though the names are etymologically unrelated.

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