Ir, RF, Bluetooth
Ir, RF, Bluetooth
Ir, RF, Bluetooth
Now a day communication and data transfer between different devices be come necessary and requires a faster speed. Wireless data transfer mechanisms ar e getting common and advancing day by day. Infrared, Bluetooth, zigbee and Wi-Fi are the different type of mechanisms used for wireless data transfer and multim edia communication. Let s have an overview between the differences of them. Wireless It is a way of telecommunication between two or more devices without any physica l connection. We can communicate or transfer data from any distance according to our device range. The distance can be some meters or thousands or million kilom eters with radio transmission. Wireless computer mice and head sets are the simp lest example of wireless communication. Infrared It is a short range wireless communication tool. Infrared rays are the electroma gnetic radiations which contains a wave length longer than visible light. These are the radiations which emitted from an object at room temperature. Their frequ ency range is from 1 to 400 THz. Infrared rays are used for industrial, medical and scientific purpose. Zigbee It is another wireless communication tool. Zigbee is suitable for high level com munication protocols which used low power digital radio base. It is used in diff erent applications like electrical meters, wireless light switches etc. Zigbee i s low-rate wireless data transfer in which data is transferred within short dist ance like Bluetooth. Bluetooth It was the alternate of data cables used for transferring of data between mobile s and PC. Bluetooth is a wireless technology for transferring of data in short d istances. It uses short wavelength radio transmission of 2400 to 2480 MHz. It wa s also beneficial as compare to synchronization and limitation of connecting mor e than one device at a time. Wi-Fi It is the latest wireless technology now a day. It is used for long distance wir eless communication. Between different electronics devices like computers, mobil es etc. devices are wirelessly connected with internet access points. The access point or hotspot range is 20 meters indoor and it may be in many square miles b y overlapping of multiple access points. Infrared vs Bluetooth vs Zigbee vs Wi-Fi vs Wireless The difference between above mention wireless technologies is actually the advan cement in technology by passage of time. Earlier when infrared devices used, the re was a limitation of wireless data transfer between different devices and it i s used to connect just two devices. With Bluetooth we can connect with many devi ces and it is safer and fast then infrared. Another difference between infrared and Bluetooth is distance enhancement. Zigbee technology is also for short range data transfer but the difference between zigbee and Bluetooth is that zigbee is low-rate and inexpensive wireless technology. It is also suitable for high leve l application. The difference between Wi-Fi and other wireless technologies is, it connects with internet access point or hotspot. It is most fast wireless tech nology as compare to infrared, Bluetooth or Zigbee. The major difference of Wi-F
i is that, we can increase the distance by overlapping multiple access points wh ish makes it more efficient and fast than old wireless technologies.