523 Subjective
523 Subjective
523 Subjective
religious texts are filled with metaphor. Metaphors
differently interpret the text, “Christ is God and
man,” .Metaphors lead to additional layers of meaning.
The claim is that “reality” is not simply given to us
through language; rather it is mediated through different
forms of language representation
One disadvantage in discussing metaphoric
representation is that it is necessary to discuss verbal
metaphor. And as is well known, metaphor is one of the
most difficult problems in language. In verbal metaphor,
there are usually two explicit parts: a topic, which is the
entity being talked about, and the vehicle, which is the
metaphoric material being predicated of the topic. For
example, in Lee is a block of ice, Lee is the topic, and
block of ice is the vehicle. The implicit connection
between the two is often referred to as the ground.
What is corpus
and design of Corpora
A corpus is usually computer-readable and able to be
accessed with tools such as concordances which are able
to find and sort out language patterns.
Corpora may be general or they may be specialized.
· A general corpus, also known as a reference
corpus: A general corpus, thus, provides sample data
from which we can make generalizations about
spoken and written discourse as a whole, and
frequencies of occurrence and co-occurrence of
particular aspects of language in the discourse
· Specialized corpora are required when the
research question relates to the use of spoken or
written discourse in particular kinds of texts or in
particular situations
Factors used in representation of corpus:
The representativeness of the corpus further depends on
the extent to which it includes the range of linguistic
distribution in the population. That is, different linguistic
features are differently distributed (within texts, across
texts, across text types), and a representative corpus
must enable analysis of these various distributions.
The discourse-historical approach DHA provides a
vehicle for looking at latent power dynamics and the
range of potential in agents, because it integrates and
triangulates knowledge.
Systematic qualitative analysis in the DHA takes four
layers of context into account: the intertextual and inter-
discursive relationships between utterances ; the extra-
linguistic social/sociological variables; the history and
archaeology of texts and organizations; and institutional
frames of the specific context of a situation .
the DHA distinguishes between three dimensions
that constitute textual meanings and structures:
the topics that are spoken/ written about; the
discursive strategies employed; and the linguistic
means that are drawn upon to realize both topics
and strategies
Critical discourse analysis explores the connections
between the use of language and the social and political
contexts in which it occurs. It explores issues such as
gender, ethnicity, cultural difference, ideology and
identity .Critical discourse analysis starts with the
assumption that language use is always social and that
discourse both reflects and constructs the social world’
Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis--------------
Fairclough's framework and Wodak (1997), however,
describe a number of principles for critical discourse
analysis which underlie many of the studies done in this
These include
Social and political issues are constructed
and reflected in discourse
Power relations are negotiated and
performed through discourse
Discourse both reflects and reproduces
social relations
Ideologies are produced in the use of
Van Dijk argues that CDA should not be seen as a
method but as a form of critically driven theory .CDA has
been criticized for its claim to use linguistic analysis to
confirm forms of power abuse ”Many of the scholars
writing on CDA have also been leaders in the field of
political discourse; for example, Norman Fairclough,
Ruth Wodak, and Teun van Dijk.
Intonational units
Intonation units are an important component of
American English pronunciation and speech. An
intonation unit is a segment of speech. It can be as small
as a single word, or as long as a sentence .
Generally, intonation units:
begin with faster speech, and end with
slower speech
include a single pitch word
end with a pitch boundary
Elements of intonation units
· Sentences can often be broken up into multiple
intonation units. Each intonation unit usually has a
single pitch word and ends in a pitch boundary.
· Similar sentences can have a different number of
intonation units. The end of each intonation unit is
marked with a hash (/) and the pitch words are
Use of intonation in conveying meaning
According to Halliday (1970), intonation plays a crucial
role in conveying meaning. If the intonation of a
sentence is changed, its meaning will also be changed .
plays a crucial role By signaling emotions, attitudes,
emphasis and the structure of information. changes in
pitch, rhythm and tone can alter the interpretation of a
sentewnce, suchg as distinguishing b/w a sentence and a
Intonation units and emotion
Individual speakers alter the number of intonation units
they use .Faster and Slower speaker in intonation
A faster speaker will generally use fewer intonation units
and may be seen as being more urgent, frantic, excited,
and anxious.
A slower speaker may have more intonation units and
may be perceived as being more emphatic, determined,
and insistent
What is Genre?
Genres are ways in which people ‘get things done’
through their use of spoken and written discourse. Genres
are activities that people engage in through the use of
language. Academic lectures and casual conversations
are examples of spoken genres. Newspaper reports and
academic essays are examples of written genres
Genre as social action
Discourse arises among people, in interaction, and it is
part of the means by which people accomplish social
actions. Meanings arise within the pragmatic unfolding of
events and mediate the alignment of participants to
perceptions of immediate situations and relevant
contexts (whether fictive or non-fictive) called to mind by
· The thinness of the written sign
· Typification, social organization, and social
Factors that help in exaining The social and
cultural context of genres
An important stage in genre analysis, formerly, is an
examination of the social and cultural context in which
the genre is used. In the case of a written text, factors
that might be considered Include:
The setting of the text
The focus and perspective of the
The purpose of the text
The intended audience for the text,
expectations and requirements for
Steps in Genre Analysis
Bhatia (1993) and Bawarshi and Reiff (2010) present
steps for carrying out the analysis of genres, in their case
written genres
· The first step, however, is to collect samples of the
genre you are interested in
· The next step is to consider what is already known
about the particular genre
· We next need to refine the analysis by defining the
speaker or writer of the text.
· We also need to consider the goal, or purpose, of the
· We should also think about the networks of texts that
surround the genre
We need a term to refer to a single instance of cohesion,
a term for one occurrence of a pair of cohesively related
items. This is called a tie.
Wash and core six cooking apples. Put them into a
fireproof dish.
The relation between them and six cooking apples in
the above example constitutes a tie .
Proponents of discourse ethics reverse the order in which
we normally address ethical uncertainties
Discourse ethics (DE) has two aims:
to specify the ideal conditions for discourse and to
ground ethics in the agreements reached through
the exercise of such discourse
Discourse ethics consequently instantiates the
intuition that if people discuss issues in fair and
open ways, the resulting conclusions will be
morally binding for those appropriately involved in
the conversation.
Conjunctive elements are cohesive not in
themselves but indirectly, by virtue of their
specific meanings;
Hasan and Halliday (1976) adopt a scheme of just four
categories, namely additive, adversative, causal, and
temporal. According to Halliday (1985), conjunction is
classified into elaboration, extention, and enchancement
Elaboration means one clause that expands another by
elaborating on it (or some portion of it) by restating in
other words, specifying in greater detail, commenting,.
There are two categories of elaborative relation, namely
apposition and clarification.
According to Kridalaksana (1993) apposition is a
word or phrase which explains other preceding
phrase or clause. In this type of elaboration
some element is re-presented, or restated, either
by exposition or example. Look at the example
Expository: in other word, that is (to stay), I mean
(to say), to put it another way.
Exemplifying: for example, for instance, thus, to
Here, the elaborated element is not simply
restated but reinstated, summarized, made more precise
or in some other way clarified for the purposes of
Corrective: or, rather, at least, to be more
Distractive: by the way, incidentally
Particularizing: in particular, more especially
Summative: in short, to sum up, in conclusion,
Verifactive: actually, as a matter of fact, in fact
2) Extension
Extension means one clause expands another by
extending beyond it by adding some new element , or
offering an alternative .Extension involves either
addition, adversative, or variation.
· Additive conjunction acts to
structurally coordinate or link by adding to the
presupposed item divided into positive and
negative .
· Adversativet is conjunction which
relates two clauses that state contras each
· Variation includes replacive ‘instead’,
subtractive ‘except’ and alternative ‘or’ types
Replacive: on contrary, instead
Subtractive: apart from that, except
Alternative: alternatively
3) Enhancement
Enhancement means one clause expands another by
embellishing around it by qualifying it with some
circumstantial feature of time, place, cause or condition
What is text?
In linguistics, the term text refers to:
1. The original words of something written, printed, or
spoken, in contrast to a summary or paraphrase.
2. A coherent stretch of language that may be regarded
as an object of critical analysis.
Text linguistics refers to a form of discourse analysis a
method of studying written or spoken language that is
concerned with the description and analysis of extended
In the humanities, different fields of study concern
themselves with different forms of texts. Literary
theorists, for example The concept of texture is entirely
appropriate to express the property of ‘being a text’
Pronouns in Discourse
The pronoun is bound to the noun phrase when semantic
rules and contextual interpretation determine that a
pronoun is co referential with a noun phrase. A pronoun is
free or unbound when it refers to some object not
mentioned in the discourse.
Pronouns include three classes:
Personal pronoun
Possessive determiners
Reflexive pronouns
Personal Pronouns:
The speaker and the addressee of a communication
situation are often marked linguistically by the first- and
second-person pronouns. the reference of especially the
plural first-person pronouns is more complex.
Conventional typological studies have arranged personal
pronouns into tables and used the terms 'first', 'second'
and 'third person', and 'singular' and 'plural number'.
Examples: If the buyer wants to look the condition of
the property, he has to have another survey. One carried
out on his own behalf.
Here in the above example the use of personal pronoun
‘he’ or ‘his’ for ‘buyer’ and ‘one’ for ‘survey’ is a source of
personal reference.
Possessive pronouns:
If possessive pronouns are used, they give two more
notions other than speaker and addressee.
They are that of ‘possessor’ and ‘possessed’
Example: That new house is John’s.
I didn’t know it was his.
Here, in the above example the use of possessive
pronouns ‘his’ for ‘John’ indicates the possessor and ‘’s’ is
for the possessed ‘house’ includes another source of
personal reference.
Reflexive pronouns:
Reflexive pronouns are a kind of pronoun that is used
when the subject and the object of the sentence are the
same. Include myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves
himself, herself, itself, themselves.
Pronouns may be classified by three categories:
person, number, and case. English has three
persons (first, second, and third):
First-person is the speaker or writer him- or
herself. The first person is personal (I, we, etc.)
Second-person is the person who is being
directly addressed. The speaker or author is saying this is
about you, the listener or reader.
Third-person is the most common person
used in academic writing. The author is saying this is
about other people. In the third person singular there are
distinct pronoun forms for male, female, and neutral
Confidentiality refers to a condition in which the
researcher knows the identity of a research subject, but
takes steps to protect that identity from being discovered
by others. , maintaining confidentiality is a key measure
to ensure the protection of private information.