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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting 8.

12 Implementation Guide

April 2006

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting 8.12 Implementation Guide SKU E1_812AGA-B_0406 Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose. If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are commercial computer software or commercial technical data pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer SoftwareRestricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensees responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and we disclaim liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms of the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party. Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Open Source Disclosure Oracle takes no responsibility for its use or distribution of any open source or shareware software or documentation and disclaims any and all liability or damages resulting from use of said software or documentation. The following open source software may be used in Oracles PeopleSoft products and the following disclaimers are provided. This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( Copyright 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.


General Preface About This Documentation Preface .............................................................. . . . .xxxiii JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Prerequisites..................................................... . . . . .xxxiii Application Fundamentals..................................................................................... . . . . .xxxiii Documentation Updates and Printed Documentation..................................................... . . . . .xxxiv Obtaining Documentation Updates........................................................................ . . . .xxxiv Ordering Printed Documentation......................................................................... . . . . .xxxiv Additional Resources.......................................................................................... ......xxxv Typographical Conventions and Visual Cues............................................................... . . . . .xxxvi Typographical Conventions............................................................................... . . . . .xxxvi Visual Cues.................................................................................................. . . . .xxxvii Country, Region, and Industry Identifiers................................................................ . . . .xxxvii Currency Codes.............................................................................................. . . .xxxviii Comments and Suggestions.................................................................................. . . . .xxxviii Common Fields Used in Implementation Guides.......................................................... . . . .xxxviii

Preface JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Preface................................... . . . . . . . .xli JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Products........................................................................ .........xli JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Fundamentals................................................... .........xli Common Fields Used in This Implementation Guide...................................................... .........xli Chapter 1 Getting Started with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting................... ..........1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Overview............................................... ..........1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Business Processes. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ..........1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Integrations............................................ ..........2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Implementation....................................... ..........4 Global Implementation Steps.......................................................................................5 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Implementation Steps......................................6

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Chapter 2 Understanding the General Accounting Features............................................. ..........9 General Accounting Features................................................................................. ..........9

Chapter 3 Setting Up the General Accounting System.................................................... . . . . . . . .13 Understanding General Accounting System Setup........................................................ . . . . . . . .13 Prerequisite..................................................................................................... . . . . . . . .14 Setting Up Constants for General Accounting.............................................................. . . . . . . . .14 Understanding General Accounting Constants.......................................................... . . . . . . .14 Prerequisite................................................................................................... . . . . . . .16 Forms Used to Set Up General Accounting Constants................................................. . . . . . . .16 Setting Up General Accounting Constants............................................................... . . . . . . .16 Setting Up User-Defined Codes for General Accounting.................................................. . . . . . . . .18 Setting Up Ledger Types for General Accounting.......................................................... . . . . . . . .20 Setting Up Ledger Type Rules for General Accounting................................................... . . . . . . . .21 Understanding Ledger Type Rules.. ...................................................................... . . . . . . .21 Forms Used to Set Up Ledger Type Rules............................................................... . . . . . . .21 Setting Up a Ledger Type Rule............................................................................ . . . . . . .21 Setting Up AAIs for General Accounting.................................................................... . . . . . . . .24 Understanding General Purpose Accounts.............................................................. . . . . . . .24 Understanding Retained Earnings Accounts............................................................. . . . . . . .26 Understanding Financial Statement Totals............................................................... . . . . . . .27 Understanding Speed Codes.............................................................................. . . . . . . .29 Understanding Account Summarization. ................................................................. . . . . . . .29 Understanding Reconcilable Ranges..................................................................... . . . . . . .29 Understanding Prior Year Account Purges............................................................... . . . . . . .30 Setting Up Business Unit Supplemental Data.............................................................. . . . . . . . .30 Prerequisite................................................................................................... . . . . . . .30 Setting Up Vertex Sales Tax.................................................................................. . . . . . . . .31

Chapter 4 Setting Up Account Reconciliation............................................................... . . . . . . . .33 Understanding Account Reconciliation...................................................................... . . . . . . . .33 Setting Up AAIs for Account Reconciliation................................................................. . . . . . . . .33 Setting Up Reconciliation Codes............................................................................. . . . . . . . .34


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Chapter 5 Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing........................................... . . . . . . . .35 Setting Integration Options for Automatic Bank Statement Processing................................. . . . . . . . .35 Understanding Bank Statement Integration Options.................................................... . . . . . . .35 Setting Integration Options for Conversion Flows....................................................... . . . . . . .35 Setting an Integration Option for the Date Pattern...................................................... . . . . . . .36 Setting Up UDCs for Automatic Bank Statement Processing............................................ . . . . . . . .36 Understanding UDC Setup for Automatic Bank Statement Processing.............................. . . . . . . .36 Setting Up UDCs for Automatic Bank Statements...................................................... . . . . . . .37 Setting Up Cross References................................................................................. . . . . . . . .41 Understanding Cross References......................................................................... . . . . . . .42 Forms Used to Set Up Cross References................................................................ . . . . . . .42 Setting Up Cross References for a Bank Account...................................................... . . . . . . .42 Setting Up a Cross Reference for a Transaction Type................................................. . . . . . . .43 Setting Up Automatic Bank Account Reconciliation....................................................... . . . . . . . .45 Understanding Automatic Bank Account Reconciliation................................................ . . . . . . .45 Forms Used to Set Up Automatic Bank Account Reconciliation. ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... . . . . . . . .46 Setting Up Automatic Reconciliation Rules.............................................................. . . . . . . .46 Assigning Automatic Reconciliation Rules to Groups................................................... . . . . . . .49 Assigning Groups to Automatic Bank Statement Accounts............................................ . . . . . . .50

Chapter 6 Setting Up Budget Forecasting and Planning.................................................. . . . . . . . .53 Understanding Budget Forecasting and Planning Setup.................................................. . . . . . . . .53 Setting Up Growth Patterns................................................................................... . . . . . . . .53 Understanding Growth Patterns........................................................................... . . . . . . .53 Forms Used to Set Up Growth Patterns.................................................................. . . . . . . .54 Setting Up a Growth Pattern............................................................................... . . . . . . .54 Assigning a Growth Pattern to Business Units.......................................................... . . . . . . .55

Chapter 7 Setting Up Cash Forecasting....................................................................... . . . . . . . .57 Understanding Cash Forecasting Setup.................................................................... . . . . . . . .57 Understanding Cash Type Codes............................................................................ . . . . . . . .57 Setting Up Cash Type Rules.................................................................................. . . . . . . . .58 Understanding Cash Type Rules.......................................................................... . . . . . . .58 Forms Used to Set Up Cash Type Forecasting.......................................................... . . . . . . .59 Setting Up Cash Type Rules for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

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Setting Up Cash Type Rules for General Ledger........................................................ . . . . . . .62 Defining a Cash Forecast Report Structure................................................................. . . . . . . . .63 Understanding Cash Forecast Report Structures....................................................... . . . . . . .63 Prerequisites................................................................................................. . . . . . . .64 Forms Used to Define Cash Forecast Reports.......................................................... . . . . . . .64 Setting Processing Options for the Cash Forecast Report Structures Setup Program (P09523). . . . . . . . .64 Defining a Cash Forecast Report Structure.............................................................. . . . . . . .65

Chapter 8 Setting Up Statements of Cash Flow............................................................. . . . . . . . .69 Understanding Cash Management........................................................................... . . . . . . . .69 Understanding Cash Flow Statements...................................................................... . . . . . . . .69 Setting Up Cash Flow Activity Codes........................................................................ . . . . . . . .70 Setting Up Normal Balance Codes........................................................................... . . . . . . . .71 Setting Up Cash Flow Rules.................................................................................. . . . . . . . .71 Understanding Cash Flow Rules.......................................................................... . . . . . . .71 Forms Used to Set Up Cash Flow Rules................................................................. . . . . . . .72 Setting Up Cash Flow Rules............................................................................... . . . . . . .72

Chapter 9 Setting Up Cash Basis Accounting............................................................... . . . . . . . .75 Understanding Cash Basis Accounting Setup.............................................................. . . . . . . . .75 Setting Up Cash Basis Document Types.................................................................... . . . . . . . .75 Forms Used to Set Up Cash Basis Document Types................................................... . . . . . . .76 Setting Up Document Types for Cash Basis Entries.................................................... . . . . . . .76 Setting Up Document Types to Exclude for Cash Basis Entries..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... . . . . . . . .76 Assigning Cash Basis Document Types to the AA Ledger............................................. . . . . . . .77 Setting Up AAIs for Cash Basis Accounting................................................................ . . . . . . . .77 Setting Up AAIs for Unapplied Receipts.................................................................. . . . . . . .77 Setting Up AAIs for Balancing Accounts.................................................................. . . . . . . .78

Chapter 10 Setting Up 52 Period Accounting................................................................. . . . . . . . .79 Setting Up 52 Period Fiscal Date Patterns.................................................................. . . . . . . . .79 Understanding 52 Period Fiscal Date Patterns.......................................................... . . . . . . .79 Forms Used to Set Up 52 Period Fiscal Date Patterns................................................. . . . . . . .80 Defining 52 Period Fiscal Date Patterns.................................................................. . . . . . . .80


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Setting Up 52 Period Reporting Dates....................................................................... . . . . . . . .80 Understanding 52 Period Reporting Dates............................................................... . . . . . . .80 Forms Used to Set Up 52 Period Reporting Dates...................................................... . . . . . . .80 Assigning 52 Period Reporting Dates to a Company................................................... . . . . . . .81 Changing to 52 Period Accounting........................................................................... . . . . . . . .81 Understanding the Repost for 52 Period Program (R0902B).. ........................................ . . . . . . .81 Prerequisite................................................................................................... . . . . . . .81 Running the Repost for 52 Period Program.............................................................. . . . . . . .82 Setting Data Selection for the Repost for 52 Period Program......................................... . . . . . . .82

Chapter 11 Processing Journal Entries......................................................................... . . . . . . . .83 Understanding the Journal Entry Process................................................................... . . . . . . . .83 Understanding Other Methods of Entering Journal Entries............................................... . . . . . . . .84 Working with Journal Entries.................................................................................. . . . . . . . .85 Understanding the Journal Entry Program.... ........................................................... . . . . . . .85 Understanding Types of Journal Entries.................................................................. . . . . . . .85 Understanding Journal Entry Features................................................................... . . . . . . .86 Understanding Temporary Invalid Account Numbers................................................... . . . . . . .87 Forms Used to Work with Journal Entries................................................................ . . . . . . .88 Setting Processing Options for Journal Entry (P0911).................................................. . . . . . . .88 Setting Processing Options for Journal Entry Master Business Function (P0900049). . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Entering Basic Journal Entries............................................................................. . . . . . . .90 Adding an Attachment to a Journal Entry................................................................ . . . . . . .91 Entering a Journal Entry with an Invalid Account Number............................................ . . . . . . . .92 Entering a Percent Journal Entry.......................................................................... . . . . . . .92 Revising an Unposted Journal Entry...................................................................... . . . . . . .93 Copying a Journal Entry.................................................................................... . . . . . . .94 Deleting an Unposted Journal Entry...................................................................... . . . . . . .94 Working with Reversing Journal Entries..................................................................... . . . . . . . .94 Entering a Reversing Entry................................................................................. . . . . . . .95 Reviewing a Reversing Journal Entry..................................................................... . . . . . . .95 Changing a Posted Journal Entry to a Reversing Entry................................................ . . . . . . .95 Working with Model Journal Entries.......................................................................... . . . . . . . .95 Understanding Model Journal Entries..................................................................... . . . . . . .96 Creating a Model Journal Entry............................................................................ . . . . . . .96 Creating a Model Journal Entry from an Existing Journal Entry....................................... . . . . . . .97 Entering a Journal Entry Based on a Model by Copying the Model. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . .97 Entering a Journal Entry Based on a Model by Selecting the Model. ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... . . . . . . . .97

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Reviewing Journal Entries..................................................................................... . . . . . . . .98 Forms Used to Review Journal Entries................................................................... . . . . . . .98 Setting Processing Options for General Journal Review (P0011)..................................... . . . . . . .98 Reviewing a Journal Entry.................................................................................. . . . . . . .98 Posting Journal Entries........................................................................................ . . . . . . . .99 Understanding the General Ledger Post Process....................................................... . . . . . . .99 Setting Processing Options for General Ledger Post (R09801).............................................100 Posting Journal Entries...........................................................................................103 Revising and Voiding Posted Journal Entries............................................................... .......103 Understanding Revisions to Posted Journal Entries. .........................................................104 Understanding the Void of a Posted Reversing Journal Entry...............................................104 Forms Used to Revise and Void Posted Journal Entries.....................................................105 Revising a Posted Journal Entry.................................................................................105 Voiding a Posted Journal Entry..................................................................................105 Voiding a Posted Reversing Journal Entry.....................................................................105

Chapter 12 Processing Batch Journal Entries................................................................ .......107 Understanding Journal Entry Batch Processing............................................................ .......107 Uploading Batch Journal Entry............................................................................... .......108 Understanding the Journal Entry Batch Upload Process.....................................................108 Running the Journal Entries Batch Processor. ................................................................109 Setting Processing Options for Journal Entries Batch Processor (R09110Z)..............................109 Working with Batch Journal Entries.......................................................................... .......110 Understanding the Journal Entry Revisions Program.........................................................110 Forms Used to Work with Batch Journal Entries........................................................ . . . . . .111 Setting Processing Options for Journal Entry Revisions (P0911Z1)................................. . . . . . . .111 Posting Processed Batch Journal Entries................................................................... .......112 Purging Processed Batch Journal Entries................................................................... .......112

Chapter 13 Processing Store-and-Forward Journal Entries............................................... .......113 Understanding Store-and-Forward Processing............................................................. .......113 Downloading Master Tables for Store-and-Forward Processing......................................... .......113 Understanding the Download of Master Tables for Processing. .... .... .... ... .... .... ... .... .... ..........113 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................114 Downloading Store-and-Forward Master Tables..............................................................114 Creating Journal Entries for Store-and-Forward Processing............................................. .......115


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Understanding Journal Entry Creation..........................................................................115 Forms Used to Create Store-and-Forward Journal Entries..................................................115 Adding Store-and-Forward Journal Entries....................................................................116 Uploading Store-and-Forward Journal Entries............................................................. .......116 Understanding the Store-and-Forward Upload Process......................................................116 Uploading Store-and-Forward Journal Entries to the Server................................................116 Processing Store-and-Forward Journal Entries............................................................ .......116 Understanding the Store-and-Forward Processor.............................................................116 Running the Store & Forward JE Batch Processor...........................................................117 Setting Processing Options for the Store & Forward JE Batch Processor (R09110ZS)..................117 Updating Transaction Control Records. ..................................................................... .......118 Understanding the Update Transaction Control Record Program...........................................118 Updating Control Records........................................................................................118 Purging Store-and-Forward Journal Entries................................................................ .......118 Purging Processed Store-and-Forward Journal Entries......................................................118

Chapter 14 Processing Allocations.............................................................................. .......119 Understanding Allocations.................................................................................... .......119 Understanding the Process for Creating Allocations...................................................... .......120 Understanding Multitiered Allocations... .................................................................... .......121 Common Elements Used in This Chapter................................................................... .......121 Processing Recurring Journal Entries....................................................................... .......123 Understanding Recurring Journal Entries......................................................................123 Understanding the Recurring JE Compute & Print Program.................................................123 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................124 Forms Used to Process Recurring Journal Entries...........................................................124 Creating Recurring Journal Entries..............................................................................124 Running the Recurring JE Compute & Print Program........................................................126 Setting Data Selection for Recurring JE Compute & Print...................................................126 Setting Processing Options for Recurring JE Compute & Print (R09302). . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . ........126 Processing Indexed Allocations.............................................................................. .......127 Understanding Indexed Allocations.............................................................................127 Understanding the Indexed Computations Compute & Print Program.. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .........128 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................129 Forms Used to Create Indexed Allocations....................................................................129 Creating Indexed Allocations.....................................................................................129 Running the Indexed Computations Compute & Print Program.. ...........................................132 Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Indexed Computations Compute & Print......................132

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Setting Processing Options for Indexed Computations Compute & Print (R093021). . . . . . . . . . . . . .......132 Processing Variable Numerator Allocations................................................................. .......133 Understanding Variable Numerator Allocations................................................................133 Understanding Variable Numerator Allocation Calculations. .............. .............. ....................135 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................135 Forms Used to Process Variable Numerator Allocations.....................................................135 Creating Variable Numerator Allocations.......................................................................135 Running the Variable Numerator Compute & Print Program.................................................137 Setting Data Selection for Variable Numerator Compute & Print............................................137 Setting Processing Options for Variable Numerator Compute & Print (R093022). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........137

Chapter 15 Reconciling Bank Account Transactions........................................................ .......139 Understanding Bank Account Reconciliation............................................................... .......139 Reconciling Voided Payments and Receipts................................................................ .......139 Understanding the Auto Reconciliation Void Programs......................................................139 Reconciling Voided Payments...................................................................................140 Reconciling Voided Receipts.....................................................................................140 Refreshing Account Reconciliation Information............................................................ .......140 Understanding the Refresh Reconciliation File Program.....................................................140 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................141 Running the Refresh Reconciliation File Program............................................................141 Setting Data Selection for Refresh Reconciliation File.......................................................141 Setting Processing Options for Refresh Reconciliation File (R09130). . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . ........141 Reconciling Bank Account Transactions Manually......................................................... .......142 Understanding Manual Bank Account Reconciliation.........................................................142 Understanding the Reconciliation Report......................................................................142 Forms Used to Reconcile Bank Account Transactions Manually.. ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... .........143 Setting Processing Options for Manual Reconciliation (P09131)...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .............143 Reconciling Bank Account Transactions Manually............................................................143 Changing a Reconciled Transaction to Unreconciled...................................................... .......145

Chapter 16 Reconciling Debit and Credit Amounts.......................................................... .......147 Understanding the Debit and Credit Reconciliation Process............................................. .......147 Prerequisites.................................................................................................... .......147 Reconciling Debit and Credit Transactions................................................................. .......147 Forms Used to Reconcile Debit and Credit Transactions....................................................148

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Setting Processing Options for Manual Reconciliation (P09131)..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..............148 Reconciling Debit and Credit Transactions Manually.. .......................................................149

Chapter 17 Reconciling Bank Tapes............................................................................. .......151 Understanding the Bank Tape Reconciliation Process.................................................... .......151 Reformatting the Bank Tape.................................................................................. .......152 Understanding the Program Used to Reformat Bank Tapes..... ............................................153 Running the Custom Reformat UBE Program.................................................................153 Setting Processing Options for Custom Reformat UBE (R09501)..........................................153 Refreshing Account Reconciliation Information............................................................ .......154 Matching the Bank Tape to the Reconciliation Workfile................................................... .......154 Understanding the Program Used to Reconcile Transactions...............................................154 Running the Match Tape File To Recon File Program........................................................154 Setting Processing Options for Match Tape File To Recon File (R09510).. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .........154 Verifying the Bank Tape Reconciliation...................................................................... .......155

Chapter 18 Processing Bank Statements Manually.......................................................... .......157 Understanding Manual Bank Statement Processing...................................................... .......157 Common Elements Used in This Chapter......................................................................157 Understanding Transaction Codes........................................................................... .......158 Understanding Transit Accounts............................................................................. .......159 Entering Bank Statement Transactions...................................................................... .......160 Understanding Bank Statement Transactions.................................................................160 Forms Used to Enter Bank Statement Transactions..........................................................161 Setting Processing Options for Bank Statement Entry (P09160). ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .........161 Entering Bank Statement Transactions.........................................................................165 Refreshing Account Reconciliation Information............................................................ .......166 Understanding the Refresh Reconciliation File Program.....................................................167 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................167 Running the Refresh Reconciliation File Program. ...........................................................167 Setting Data Selection for Refresh Reconciliation File.......................................................167 Setting Processing Options for Refresh Reconciliation File (R09130). . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . ........167 Running the Bank Journal Statement Process Program.................................................. .......168 Understanding the Bank Journal Statement Process Program..............................................168 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................169 Running the Bank Journal Statement Process Program.....................................................169

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Setting Data Sequence for Bank Journal Statement Process...............................................169 Setting Processing Options for Bank Journal Statement Process (R09170).. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ........170 Reviewing the Bank Statement Processing Reports..........................................................172 Processing Batch Cash Receipt Transactions.................................................................172

Chapter 19 Processing PeopleSoft Enterprise Bank Statements in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting.................................................................................. .......175
Understanding the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Integration......................................................................................... .......175 Processing PeopleSoft Enterprise Bank Statements...................................................... .......176 Processing PeopleSoft Enterprise Accounting Transactions............................................. .......176 Converting Accounting Transactions to the F0911Z1 Table.......................................... .......176 Transferring Accounting Transactions to the F0911 Table...................................................177 Posting Accounting Transactions to the F0902 Table.........................................................177

Chapter 20 Processing Bank Statements Automatically................................................... .......179 Understanding the Automatic Bank Statement Process.................................................. .......179 Running the Conversion Flows for Automatic Bank Statement Processing. .......... ......... ........ .......181 Understanding the Conversion Flows for Bank Statements.................................................181 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................181 Running a Bank Statement Conversion Flow..................................................................181 Revising Data in the Staging Tables......................................................................... .......182 Understanding Data Revisions to the Staging Tables........................................................182 Forms Used to Revise Data in Staging Tables................................................................183 Setting Processing Options for Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging (P09610). . . . .. . . . . . ........183 Revising Staging Data............................................................................................183 Loading Data into the Bank Statement Tables.............................................................. .......185 Understanding the Load Bank Statement Program.... .......................................................185 Running the Load Bank Statement Program...................................................................186 Setting Processing Options for Load Bank Statement (R09612)............................................186 Revising Data in the Bank Statement Tables............................................................... .......186 Understanding Data Revisions to the Bank Statement Tables...... ................. .......................186 Forms Used to Revise Data in the Bank Statement Tables..................................................187 Setting Processing Options for Revise Automatic Bank Statement (P09616). ............................187 Revising Bank Statement Data..................................................................................188 Revising Transactions without a Customer Number..........................................................189


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Processing Automatic Bank Statements.................................................................... .......190 Understanding the Automatic Bank Statement Program........... ..........................................190 Understanding Automatic Bank Statement Reports and Messages........................................192 Running the Process Automatic Bank Statements Program.................................................192 Setting Processing Options for Process Automatic Bank Statements (R09616)..........................193 Reconciling Unreconciled Bank Statement Transactions................................................. .......193 Understanding the Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation Program.......................................194 Form Used to Manually Reconcile Bank Statement Transactions....................... ...................195 Setting Processing Options for Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation (P09631). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........195 Reconciling Unreconciled Bank Transactions.................................................................195 Purging Bank Statement Tables.............................................................................. .......199 Understanding the Bank Statement Purge Programs........................................................199 Purging Staging Tables...........................................................................................199 Setting Processing Options for Purge Staging Tables (R09610)............................................199 Purging Automatic Bank Statement Tables Program.........................................................200 Setting Processing Options for Purge Automatic Bank Statement Tables (R09615). . . . . . . . . . . . . ........200

Chapter 21 Creating Budgets..................................................................................... .......201 Understanding Budgets........................................................................................ .......201 Understanding Budget Patterns.............................................................................. .......202 Creating Budget Pattern Codes.............................................................................. .......204 Forms Used to Create Budget Pattern Codes.................................................................204 Creating a Budget Pattern Code.................................................................................204 Changing Budget Pattern Codes for a Group of Accounts................................................ .......205 Understanding Budget Pattern Code Changes................................................................205 Form Used to Change Budget Pattern Codes for a Group of Accounts....................................205 Changing a Budget Pattern Code for a Group of Accounts... ...............................................205 Entering Annual Budgets...................................................................................... .......207 Understanding Annual Budgets..................................................................................207 Understanding Budget Cycles......... ..........................................................................207 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................208 Forms Used to Enter Annual Budget Amounts................................................................209
Setting Processing Options for Requested by Business Unit (P14102) and Requested by Account (P14103).................................................................................................209 Entering Annual Budget Amounts by Business Unit..........................................................210 Entering Annual Budget Amounts by Account.................................................................212 Spreading Annual Budget Amounts to Periods............................................................. .......212 Understanding the Methods for Annual Budget Spreads.....................................................213 Understanding How the System Spreads Annual Budget Amounts........................................213

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Spreading Annual Budget Amounts to Periods During Budget Entry.......................................214 Running the Spread Annual to Periods Program..............................................................215 Setting Processing Options for Spread Annual to Periods (R14801)... ....................................215 Generating Budget Worksheets.............................................................................. .......215 Understanding Budget Worksheets.. ...........................................................................215 Running the Budget Worksheet.................................................................................216 Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Budget Worksheet...............................................216 Setting Processing Options for Budget Worksheet (R14113)................................................217 Reviewing Budget Comparisons Online..................................................................... .......218 Understanding the Online Budget Comparison Program.....................................................218 Form Used to Review Budget Comparisons Online..........................................................219 Setting Processing Options for Online Budget Comparison (P09210A)....................................219 Reviewing Budget Comparisons Online........................................................................220 Managing Budget Overages.................................................................................. .......221 Understanding the Management of Budget Overages........................................................221 Understanding the Budget Checking Calculation.............................................................222 Running the G/L Budget Checking Report... ..................................................................223 Setting Processing Options for G/L Budget Checking Report (R14115).. .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .........223 Entering Detailed Budget Amounts.......................................................................... .......224 Understanding the Detailed Budget by Account Program....................................................224 Forms Used to Enter Detailed Budget Amounts...............................................................224 Entering Detailed Budget Amounts by Account...............................................................224 Entering Journalized Budgets................................................................................. .......225 Understanding Journalized Budgets............................................................................225 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................226 Forms Used to Enter Journalized Budgets.....................................................................226 Entering Budget Journal Entries.................................................................................226

Chapter 22 Uploading Budget Data.............................................................................. .......227 Understanding the Budget Upload Process................................................................. .......227 Importing Budget Data from Spreadsheets................................................................. .......227 Understanding the Import Budget Process for Spreadsheets...............................................228 Forms Used to Import Budget Data From a Spreadsheet....................................................228 Setting Processing Options for Upload/Conversion Revisions (P0902Z1).................................228 Importing Budget Data From a Spreadsheet...................................................................229 Importing Budget Data from Text Files...................................................................... .......230 Understanding the Budget Import Process for Text Files.....................................................230 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................230


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Copying Budget Data into the F0902Z2 Text File.............................................................230 Running the Budget Import Field Mapping Program..........................................................231 Setting Processing Options for Budget Import Field Mapping (R14110M).................................232 Revising Imported Budget Data.. ............................................................................ .......232 Understanding Revisions to Imported Budget Data...........................................................232 Form Used to Revise Imported Budget Data..................................................................233 Revising Imported Budget Data.................................................................................233 Uploading Budget Data to the F0902 Table................................................................. .......233 Understanding the Upload/Conversion Program. .............................................................234 Running the Upload/Conversion Program......................................................................234 Setting Processing Options for Upload/Conversion (R14110).. .............................................235 Purging Processed Records in the F0902Z1 Table.. ...................................................... .......237 Understanding the Processed Upload Purge Program. ......................................................237 Running the Processed Upload Purge Program..............................................................237

Chapter 23 Forecasting and Planning Budgets............................................................... .......239 Understanding Budget Forecasting and Planning......................................................... .......239 Defining Accounts and Retrieving Basis Amounts......................................................... .......240 Understanding Account Definition and Basis Amounts... ....................................................240 Forms Used to Manually Define Accounts and Retrieve Basis Amounts. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .........241 Defining Accounts and Retrieving Basis Amounts Manually.................................................241 Generating Accounts and Basis Amounts Automatically.....................................................243 Setting Processing Options for Generate Forecast Basis (R1403)...... ......................... ..........243 Revising Accounts and Basis Amounts...................................................................... .......243 Understanding Account and Basis Amount Revisions........................................................243 Forms Used to Revise Accounts and Basis Amounts........................................................244 Revising Accounts and Basis Amounts.........................................................................244 Generating Budget Forecast Amounts...................................................................... .......245 Understanding Budget Forecast Amount Generation.........................................................245 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................246 Running the Generate Forecast Results Program............................................................246 Setting Data Selection for Generate Forecast Basis..........................................................246 Setting Processing Options for Generate Forecast Results (R1404).......................................246 Revising Budget Forecast Amounts......................................................................... .......247 Understanding Budget Forecast Amount Revisions..........................................................247 Forms Used to Revise Budget Forecast Amounts............................................................248 Revising Budget Forecast Amounts.............................................................................248 Updating Budget Forecast Records.......................................................................... .......249

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Understanding the Budget Forecast Update Program........................................................249 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................250 Running the Apply Forecast to Budget Program..............................................................250 Setting Data Selection for Apply Forecast to Budget.........................................................250 Setting Processing Options for Apply Forecast to Budget (R1407)... ......................................250 Purging Budget Forecast Records........................................................................... .......250 Understanding the Budget Forecast Purge Programs........................................................250 Running the Purge Forecast Basis and Purge Forecast Results Programs...............................251 Setting Data Selection for Purge Forecast Basis and Purge Forecast Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........251

Chapter 24 Processing Cash Forecast Data................................................................... .......253 Refreshing Cash Forecast Data.............................................................................. .......253 Understanding the Refresh Cash Forecast Data Program...................................................253 Refreshing Cash Forecast Data.................................................................................255 Setting Processing Options for Refresh Cash Forecast Data (R00522). .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. ........255 Analyzing Cash Forecast Information........................................................................ .......256 Understanding Cash Forecast Information.....................................................................256 Understanding Bank Account Opening Balances.............................................................257 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................257 Form Used to Analyze Cash Forecast Information............................................................257 Setting Processing Options for Cash Forecast Analysis (P09522).. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .........257 Analyzing Cash Forecast Information...........................................................................258 Purging Forecast Data......................................................................................... .......259 Understanding the Cash Forecast Purge.......................................................................259 Purging Cash Forecast Data.....................................................................................260 Setting Processing Options for Purge Cash Forecast Data (R09522B)....................................260

Chapter 25 Creating Cash Basis Entries....................................................................... .......261 Understanding Cash Basis Accounting...................................................................... .......261 Understanding Accrual Entries............................................................................... .......261 Understanding Cash Basis Entries........................................................................... .......262 Running the Cash Basis Program from the Menu.......................................................... .......266 Understanding When to Run the Cash Basis Program from the Menu.....................................266 Understanding Multithreaded Job Queues.....................................................................266 Running the Create Cash Basis Entries Program from the Menu...........................................266 Setting Processing Options for the Create Cash Basis Entries Program (R11C850). . . . . . . . . . . . . .......266


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Running the Cash Basis Program from the Post........................................................... .......267 Understanding When to Run the Cash Basis Program from the Post......................................267 Running the Cash Basis Entries Program from the General Ledger Post Program (R09801). . . .......267 Setting Processing Options for General Ledger Post (R09801).............................................268 Reviewing Exception Reports................................................................................. .......268 Reviewing Cash Basis Entries................................................................................ .......269 Setting Data Selection for Unposted Cash Basis Report.....................................................269 Printing the Unposted Cash Basis Report......................................................................269 Posting Cash Basis Entries................................................................................... .......269

Chapter 26 Using 52 Period Accounting........................................................................ .......271 Posting 52 Period Accounting Entries.. ..................................................................... .......271 Understanding the 52 Period Accounting Post Program.....................................................271 Running the 52 Period Accounting Post Program.............................................................272 Setting the Processing Options for 52 Period Accounting Post (R098011)................................272 Closing a 52 Period Year...................................................................................... .......272 Understanding the Annual Close for 52 Period Program.....................................................272 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................272 Running the Annual Close for 52 Period Program............................................................273 Setting Data Selection for Annual Close for 52 Period (R09820B)... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ..........273 Producing a 52 Period Income Statement.................................................................. .......273 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................273 Setting Data Selection and Sequence for 52 Period Income Statement...................................273 Setting Processing Options for 52 Period Income Statement (R10252).. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. ........274 Generating the 52 Period Income Statement..................................................................274

Chapter 27 Understanding Account Consolidations........................................................ .......275 Account Consolidations........................................................................................ .......275 Online Consolidation Method....................................................................................275 High-Volume Consolidation Method.............................................................................276 Multisite Consolidation Method..................................................................................277

Chapter 28 Processing Online Consolidations............................................................... .......279 Understanding Organization Report Structures............................................................ .......279

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Prerequisites.................................................................................................... .......280 Creating Hierarchical Organization Report Structures..................................................... .......280 Understanding How to Define and Build Organization Report Structures..................................280 Forms Used to Create Hierarchical Organization Report Structures.. .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ...........281 Defining Organization Report Structures.......................................................................281 Building Organization Report Structures.......................................................................281 Setting Processing Options for Business Unit Structure Build (R10450)...................................281 Adding Organization Report Structures Without Using Category Codes.. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .......282 Understanding Organization Report Structures Without Category Codes. ......... ........ ...............282 Forms Used to Add Organization Report Structures Without Category Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........282 Adding an Organization Report Structure Without Using Category Codes.. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .........282 Reviewing and Rearranging Organization Report Structures............................................ .......283 Understanding Organization Report Structure Revisions....................................................283 Form Used to Review and Rearrange Organization Report Structures....................................283 Reviewing and Rearranging Organization Report Structure Components.................................283 Creating Additional Business Units and Copying Report Structures. .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... .. .......283 Forms Used to Create Additional Business Units and Copy Report Structures...........................284 Setting Processing Options for Organization Structure Inquiry/Revisions (P0050).......................284 Creating Additional Child Business Units.......................................................................284 Copying Organization Report Structures.......................................................................285 Creating Online Consolidations............................................................................... .......286 Understanding Online Consolidation Creation.................................................................286 Forms Used to Create Online Consolidations.................................................................288 Consolidating Business Units....................................................................................288 Reviewing Online Consolidations............................................................................ .......290 Forms Used to Review Online Consolidations.................................................................290 Setting Processing Options for Online Consolidations (P09218).. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .........290 Reviewing Consolidated Financial Statements Online.......................................................292

Chapter 29 Processing High-Volume Consolidations....................................................... .......293 Understanding High-Volume Consolidation Processing................................................... .......293 Deleting Prior High-Volume Consolidations................................................................. .......293 Understanding the Delete Prior Consolidation Program......................................................294 Deleting Prior Consolidations....................................................................................294 Setting Processing Options for Delete Prior Consolidations (R10861).....................................294 Creating High-Volume Consolidations....................................................................... .......294 Understanding the Refresh Consolidation Program..........................................................295 Understanding the Structure of Fictitious Business Units....................................................295


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Understanding Records Created by the Refresh Consolidation Program..................................295 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................296 Form Used to Review High-Volume Consolidations..........................................................296 Running the Refresh Consolidation Program.. ................................................................296 Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Refresh Consolidations... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ..........296 Setting Processing Options for Refresh Consolidation (R10862)...........................................296 Reviewing High-Volume Consolidations..................................................................... .......297 Understanding High-Volume Consolidation Review..........................................................297 Setting Processing Options for Consolidation Review (P09210A)..........................................297 Reviewing High-Volume Consolidations........................................................................299

Chapter 30 Processing Multisite Consolidations............................................................. .......301 Understanding Source and Target Site Tasks.............................................................. .......301 Understanding Multiple Consolidation Tiers................................................................ .......302 Understanding Multisite Consolidation Structures and Tables...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... .......302 Running Control File Reports................................................................................. .......303 Understanding Control File Reports.............................................................................303 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................303 Running the Create UDC Control File Report.................................................................304 Setting Processing Options for Create UDC Control File (R10005). .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ...........304 Running the Create Obj/Sub Control File Report..............................................................304 Setting Processing Options for Create Obj/Sub Control File (R10909). .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. ........304 Creating Organizational Structures.......................................................................... .......304 Understanding Organizational Structures......................................................................304 Forms Used to Create Organizational Structures.............................................................305 Defining Organizational Structures..............................................................................305 Creating Account Structures.................................................................................. .......305 Understanding Account Structure Components...............................................................305 Forms Used to Define an Account Structure...................................................................306 Defining an Account Structure...................................................................................306 Building Account Structures......................................................................................307 Setting Data Sequence for Account Structure Build..........................................................307 Setting Processing Options for Account Structure Build (R10430). ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..........307 Revising and Printing Account Structures................................................................... .......308 Understanding Account Structure Revisions...................................................................308 Forms Used to Revise Account Structures.....................................................................309 Revising Account Structures.....................................................................................309 Printing the Account Structure Report..........................................................................309

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Setting Processing Options for Account Structure Report (R10445).... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ...........310 Defining Multisite Consolidation Rules...................................................................... .......310 Understanding Components of Multisite Consolidation Rules... ............................................310 Understanding Consolidation Rules.............................................................................310 Understanding Elimination Rules................................................................................311 Forms Used to Define Consolidation and Elimination Rules.................................................311 Defining Consolidation Rules....................................................................................311 Defining Elimination Rules.......................................................................................313 Creating Consolidated Balances............................................................................. .......314 Understanding the Process Consolidations Program.........................................................314 Processing Consolidations.......................................................................................315 Setting Processing Options for Process Consolidations (R10550).. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .........315 Running the Multisite Consolidations Reports.............................................................. .......317 Understanding Multisite Consolidation Integrity Reports.....................................................318 Understanding the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report..............................................318 Running the Prior Period Balance Integrity Report............................................................319 Setting Processing Options for Prior Period Balance Integrity (R10700).. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ........319 Running the UDC Value Control Exceptions Report..........................................................319 Setting Processing Options for UDC Value Control Exceptions (R107011)................................319 Running the Object/Subsidiary Value Control Exceptions Report...........................................320 Setting Processing Options for Object/Subsidiary Value Control Exceptions Report (R107021)........320 Running the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report (R10701)..........................................320 Setting Data Selection and Sequence for BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report. . . . . . . . . . . . .......320 Setting Processing Options for BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report (R10701)....................320 Running the Consolidated Balance Sheet Report.............................................................320 Setting Processing Options for Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10150). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........321 Running the Consolidated Income Statement Report........................................................321 Setting Processing Options for Consolidated Income Statement (R10250). ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .........321 Reviewing Consolidation Statuses........................................................................... .......322 Understanding the Consolidation Console Program..........................................................322 Form Used to Review Consolidation Statuses.................................................................323 Reviewing Consolidation Statuses..............................................................................323 Sending Consolidated Balances by Batch to the Target Company...................................... .......324 Understanding the Process to Send Consolidated Balances to the Target Company....................324 Understanding the MSC Data Transmission Program........................................................324 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................325 Running the MSC Data Transmission Program...............................................................325 Setting Processing Options for MSC Data Transmission (R10610).. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .........325 Sending Consolidated Balances Interactively to the Target Company.................................. .......327 Understanding the Process to Send Consolidated Balances to the Target Company....................327


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Understanding the Consolidation Console Program. .........................................................327 Form Used to Send Consolidated Balances Interactively to the Target Company........................327 Setting Processing Options for Consolidation Console (P10610)...........................................328 Sending Consolidated Balances Interactively to the Target Company.. .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... ... .........328 Processing Consolidated Balances from Non-EnterpriseOne Source Sites............................ .......329 Understanding Inbound Multisite Consolidations..............................................................329 Understanding the Inbound Multisite Consolidations Process...............................................329 Processing Inbound Consolidations Data......................................................................330 Setting Processing Options for Process Inbound Consolidations Data (R1002Z1).......................330 Revising Inbound Consolidations............................................................................ .......330 Understanding Inbound Consolidations Revisions............................................................330 Forms Used to Revise Inbound Consolidations...............................................................331 Revising an Inbound Consolidation.............................................................................331 Purging Inbound Consolidations Data... .................................................................... .......331 Purging Inbound Consolidations.................................................................................331 Generating Multisite Batch Journal Entries................................................................. .......331 Understanding the Journalize Consolidation Balances Program............................................332 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................332 Generating Multisite Batch Journal Entries....................................................................333 Setting Data Selection for Journalize Consol. Balances.....................................................333 Setting Processing Options for Journalize Consol. Balances (R10480).. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... ... .........333 Processing and Purging Multisite Batch Journal Entries.................................................. .......334 Understanding Multisite Batch Journal Entry Processing and Purging.....................................334 Processing Batch Journal Entries...............................................................................335 Purging Processed Multisite Journal Entries...................................................................335

Chapter 31 Reviewing Balances and Transactions.......................................................... .......337 Understanding Online Inquiries............................................................................... .......337 Understanding Statutory Inquiries............................................................................ .......338 Understanding Trial Balance Inquiries....................................................................... .......338 Understanding Account Ledger and Balance Inquiries.................................................... .......339 Reviewing Trial Balances, Ledgers, and Subledgers...................................................... .......339 Understanding Trial Balance and Ledger Comparisons......................................................340 Forms Used to Review Balances, Ledgers, and Subledgers................................................340 Setting Processing Options for Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison (P09210A)............................340 Reviewing Trial Balances and Ledger Comparisons..........................................................341 Reviewing Trial Balance Subledger Information...............................................................343 Reviewing Trial Balances...................................................................................... .......343

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Understanding Trial Balance Review...........................................................................343 Forms Used to Review Trial Balances..........................................................................344 Setting Processing Options for T/B by Object Account (P09214)...........................................344 Setting Processing Options for T/B by Company (P09216)..................................................345 Setting Processing Options for T/B by Subledger (P09215).................................................345 Reviewing Balances by Object Account........................................................................345 Reviewing Balances by Company...............................................................................346 Reviewing Balances by Subledger..............................................................................346 Reviewing Account Ledgers.................................................................................. .......347 Understanding Account Ledger Inquiry.........................................................................348 Understanding Account Ledger by Object Account.... .......................................................348 Understanding Account Ledger by Category Code...........................................................348 Forms Used to Review Account Ledgers.......................................................................349 Setting Processing Options for Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200)..........................................349 Setting Processing Options for Account Inquiry by Object Account (P09201). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........351 Setting Processing Options for Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202).............................351 Reviewing Account Ledger Transactions.......................................................................351 Reviewing Ledgers by Object Account.........................................................................352 Reviewing Ledgers by Category Code.........................................................................353 Reviewing Account Balances by Month.. ................................................................... .......353 Understanding Account Balances Review.....................................................................354 Forms Used to Review Account Balances.....................................................................354 Setting Processing Options for Account Balance by Month (P0902P1)....................................354 Reviewing Monthly Account Balances..........................................................................354 Reviewing Balances by Subledger..............................................................................355

Chapter 32 Generating Financial Reports...................................................................... .......357 Understanding Financial Reports............................................................................ .......357

Setting Up Data Selection and Data Sequence for the Simple Income Statement and Simple Balance Sheet.................................................................................................. .......358 Generating a Simple Income Statement.................................................................... .......359 Understanding the Simple Income Statement.................................................................359 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................359 Printing a Simple Income Statement............................................................................360 Setting Data Selection for Simple Income Statement.........................................................360 Setting Processing Options for Simple Income Statement (R10211B).....................................360 Generating a Simple Balance Sheet......................................................................... .......361 Understanding the Simple Balance Sheet......................................................................361


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Prerequisites.......................................................................................................362 Printing a Simple Balance Sheet................................................................................362 Setting Data Selection for Simple Balance Sheet.............................................................362 Setting Processing Options for Simple Balance Sheet (R10111B)..........................................362 Generating a Statement of Cash Flow....................................................................... .......363 Understanding the Statement of Cash Flow...................................................................363 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................366 Printing the Statement of Cash Flow............................................................................366 Setting Data Selection for Statement of Cash Flow Report..................................................366 Setting Processing Options for Statement of Cash Flow Report (R10521)................................366 Generate Consolidated Financial Reports.................................................................. .......367 Understanding Consolidated Financial Reports........... ....................................................367 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................367 Printing a Consolidated Income- 7 Column Statement.......................................................367 Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Consolidated Income-7 Column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........368 Setting Processing Options for Consolidated Income-7 Column (R103121A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........368 Printing a Consolidated Balance Sheet.........................................................................368 Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Consolidated Balance Sheet... .... .... .... .... ..... ...........369 Setting Processing Options for Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10311A)..................................369 Generating Monthly Spreadsheets........................................................................... .......369 Understanding Monthly Spreadsheets..........................................................................369 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................370 Printing the Monthly Spreadsheet...............................................................................370 Setting Processing Options for Monthly Spreadsheet (R10412A)... ........... .......... .......... ........370 Generating Variance Analysis Reports...................................................................... .......371 Printing the Variance Analysis Report..........................................................................371 Setting Processing Options for Variance Analysis (R10212A)...............................................371 Printing the Variance Analysis w/5 Months Report............................................................371 Setting Processing Options for Variance Analysis w/5 Months (R10411A).... ... .... ... .... ... ...........372

Chapter 33 Verifying Data Integrity for General Accounting............................................... .......373 Understanding General Accounting Integrity Reports..................................................... .......373 Running the Transactions to Batch Headers Report....................................................... .......376 Understanding the Transactions To Batch Headers Report..................................................376 Printing the Transactions to Batch Headers Report...........................................................376 Setting Processing Options for Transactions to Batch Headers (R007021).... ..... ..... ..... ............376 Correcting Discrepancies on the Transactions To Batch Headers Report. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ..........379 Running the Batch to Detail Report.. ........................................................................ .......379

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Understanding the Batch to Detail Report......................................................................379 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................380 Printing the Batch to Detail Report..............................................................................380 Setting Processing Options for Batch to Detail (R007031)...................................................380 Running the Unposted Batches Report...................................................................... .......382 Understanding the Unposted Batches Report.................................................................382 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................382 Printing the Unposted Batches Report..........................................................................382 Running the Batches Out of Balance Report............................................................... .......382 Understanding the Batches Out of Balance Report. ..........................................................382 Printing the Batches Out of Balance Report...................................................................383 Setting Data Selection for Batches Out of Balance...........................................................383 Setting Processing Options for Batches Out of Balance (R007032). .......................................383 Correcting Discrepancies on the Batches Out of Balance Report.. .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .........383 Running the Company by Batch Out of Balance Report.................................................. .......384 Understanding the Company by Batch Out of Balance Report..............................................384 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................384 Printing the Company by Batch Out of Balance Report......................................................385 Setting Processing Options for Company by Batch Out of Balance (R09706). .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........385 Correcting Discrepancies on the Company by Batch Out of Balance Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........385 Running the Companies in Balance Report................................................................. .......385 Understanding the Companies in Balance Report............................................................385 Printing the Companies in Balance Report.....................................................................386 Locating Out-of-Balance Companies...........................................................................386 Correcting Discrepancies on the Companies in Balance Report............................................387 Running the Intercompany Accounts in Balance Report.................................................. .......388 Understanding the Intercompany Accounts in Balance Report..............................................389 Printing the Intercompany Accounts in Balance Report......................................................389 Setting Processing Options for Intercompany Accounts in Balance (R097011)...........................389 Locating Out-of-Balance Intercompany Accounts.............................................................390 Correcting Discrepancies on the Intercompany Accounts in Balance Report.. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. ........390 Running the Account Balance to Transactions Report.................................................... .......390 Understanding the Account Balance to Transactions Report................................................391 Printing the Account Balance to Transactions Report........................................................391 Setting Processing Options for Account Balance to Transactions (R09705). .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ........391 Correcting Discrepancies on the Account Balance to Transactions Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........393 Running the Accounts without Business Units Report..................................................... .......394 Understanding the Accounts without Business Units Report................................................394 Printing the Accounts without Business Units Report.........................................................394 Setting Processing Options for Accounts w/o Business Units (R097041). . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . ........394


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Running the Account Balance without Account Master Report..... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......395 Understanding the Account Balance without Account Master Report......................................395 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................395 Printing the Account Balance without Account Master Report.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ... ... ... ..........395 Setting Processing Options for Account Balance without Account Master (R097031). . . . . . .. . . . ........395 Correcting Discrepancies on the Account Balance without Account Master Report.. ....................396 Running the Transactions without Account Master Report............................................... .......396 Understanding the Transactions without Account Master Report...........................................396 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................396 Printing the Transactions without Account Master Report................................... ................396 Setting Processing Options for Transactions w/o Acct Master (R097021).................................397 Correcting Discrepancies on the Transactions without Account Master Report...........................397

Chapter 34 Maintaining Batch Headers......................................................................... .......399 Understanding Batch Header Revisions..................................................................... .......399 Prerequisite..................................................................................................... .......400 Working with Batch Headers.................................................................................. .......400 Forms Used to Work with Batch Headers......................................................................401 Reviewing Batch Headers........................................................................................401 Adding and Revising Batch Headers............................................................................402 Revising Batches to Post Out of Balance......................................................................403

Chapter 35 Reposting the Account Ledger and Recalculating a Fiscal Year... ....................... .......405 Understanding the Repost Programs........................................................................ .......405 Prerequisites.................................................................................................... .......406 Reposting the Account Ledger............................................................................... .......406 Understanding When to Repost the Account Ledger.........................................................406 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................407 Running the Repost Account Ledger Program................................................................408 Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Repost Account Ledger.........................................408 Setting Processing Options for Repost Account Ledger (R099102)........................................408 Recalculating the Fiscal Year and Period................................................................... .......408 Understanding When to Recalculate the Fiscal Year and Period................. ................. .........409 Running the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period Program.....................................................410 Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Calculate Fiscal Year and Period.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .........410 Setting Processing Options for Calculate Fiscal Year and Period (R099103)............. ................410

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Chapter 36 Revising an Organization........................................................................... .......413 Understanding Organization Revisions...................................................................... .......413 Understanding Account Structure Revisions................................................................ .......414 Understanding Tables Affected by Account Structure Revisions......................................... .......414 Prerequisite..................................................................................................... .......415 Changing a Business Unit on Multiple Accounts... ........................................................ .......415 Understanding Changes to a Business Unit...................................................................415 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................415 Form Used to Change a Business Unit on Multiple Accounts...............................................416 Changing a Business Unit on Multiple Accounts..............................................................416 Changing Accounts by Object................................................................................ .......416 Understanding Changes to Accounts by Object...............................................................416 Form Used to Change Accounts by Object....................................................................417 Changing Accounts by Object...................................................................................417 Changing Accounts by Subsidiary........................................................................... .......417 Understanding Changes to Accounts by Subsidiary..........................................................417 Form Used to Change Accounts by Subsidiary................................................................418 Changing Subsidiary Accounts... ...............................................................................418 Updating the F0911 and F0902 Tables. ..................................................................... .......418 Understanding the Process to Update the F0911 and F0902 Tables.......................................418 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................418 Running the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent Program........................................................419 After Running the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent Program.................................................419 Changing the Company Number on a Business Unit...................................................... .......419 Understanding Changes to the Company Number on a Business Unit.. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .........419 Moving a Business Unit to a Different Company..............................................................420 Changing Account Information............................................................................... .......421 Understanding Account Information Changes.................................................................421 Running the Change Account Information Program..........................................................422 Setting Data Selection for Change Account Information.....................................................422 Setting Processing Options for Change Account Information (R09813). . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. ........422 Updating the Model/Consolidated Field..................................................................... .......423 Understanding Model/Consolidated Field Updates...........................................................423 Running the Update Model/Consolidated Field Program.....................................................424 Updating Category Codes for Business Units.............................................................. .......424 Understanding Category Code Updates........................................................................424 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................424 Running the Update Cat Codes F0101>F0006 Program.....................................................425


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Chapter 37 Closing Accounting and Reporting Periods.................................................... .......427 Understanding Period-End Close Tasks..................................................................... .......427 Closing the Accounting Period................................................................................ .......428 Understanding How to Close an Accounting Period..........................................................428 Understanding the Affect of Closing an Accounting Period..................................................428 Forms Used to Close the Accounting and Reporting Period.................................................429 Closing an Accounting Period for a Company.................................................................429 Closing the Accounting Period and Year for a Company.....................................................431 Closing an Accounting Period for Multiple Companies.......................................................431 Changing Financial Reporting Periods...................................................................... .......431 Understanding Financial Reporting Dates......................................................................432 Changing a Financial Reporting Period.........................................................................432

Chapter 38 Closing the Fiscal Year.............................................................................. .......433 Understanding the Fiscal Year Close........................................................................ .......433 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................434 Understanding Setup Requirements and Common Tasks................................................ .......434 Understanding Fiscal Year Setup Requirements... ...........................................................435 Understanding Common Tasks for the Year-End Close......................................................435 Closing a Fiscal Year........................................................................................... .......436 Understanding the Annual Close Program.....................................................................436 Running the Annual Close Program............................................................................436 Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Annual Close.....................................................436 Setting Processing Options for Annual Close (R098201)....................................................437 Closing a Fiscal Year for Budgets............................................................................ .......437 Understanding the Fiscal Year Close for Budget Ledger Types.............................................438

Chapter 39 Summarizing Records and Purging Records................................................... .......439 Understanding Summarizations, Deletions and Purges................................................... .......439 Summarizing Account Ledger Records...................................................................... .......439 Understanding the Summarize Transactions Program.......................................................439 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................440 Summarizing Transactions.......................................................................................441 Setting Processing Options for Summarize Transactions (R09811)........................................441 Purging Prior-Year Records................................................................................... .......441

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Understanding the Purge Prior Year JEs Program... .........................................................442 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................443 Purging Prior-Year Records......................................................................................443 Setting Data Selection for Purge Prior Year JEs..............................................................443 Setting Processing Options for Purge Prior Year JEs (R09911).............................................443 Purging Prior-Year Account Balances....................................................................... .......444 Understanding the Purge Prior Year Account Balances Program...........................................444 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................444 Purging Account Balances for Prior Years.....................................................................444 Deleting Account Master Records............................................................................ .......444 Understanding the Delete Account Master Records..........................................................444 Prerequisite.........................................................................................................445 Running the Delete Account Master Records Program......................................................445 Setting Processing Options for Delete Account Master Records (R09814). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........445 Deleting Business Units and Companies.................................................................... .......445 Understanding the Delete Business Unit/Company Program................................................446 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................446 Running the Delete Business Unit/Company Program.......................................................446 Setting Processing Options for Delete Business Unit/Company (R09925).. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .........446

Appendix A General Accounting Tables......................................................................... .......449 Primary Tables.................................................................................................. .......449 Supplemental Tables........................................................................................... .......449

Appendix B Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing......................................... .......453 Mapping Fields in the F0911Z1 Table........................................................................ .......453 Mapping Fields in the F0911Z1 Table for Advanced Cost Accounting. .... .... .... ... .... .... .... ... ... .......457 Mapping Fields in the F0911Z1 Table for Externally Reconciled Transactions......................... .......466 Updating Reconciled Transactions in EnterpriseOne.........................................................467

Appendix C Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing........... .......469 Mapping BAI2 Fields to the F09610 and F09611 Tables.................................................. .......469 Record 01...........................................................................................................470 Record 02...........................................................................................................471


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Record 03...........................................................................................................472 Record 16...........................................................................................................473 Record 88...........................................................................................................475 Record 49...........................................................................................................476 Record 98...........................................................................................................476 Record 99...........................................................................................................476 Mapping SWIFT Fields to the F09610 and F09611 Tables............................................... .......477 Block 2..............................................................................................................478 Block 4..............................................................................................................478

Appendix D Mapping Fields for Budget Data Import......................................................... .......483 Mapping Fields in the F0902Z1 Table....................................................................... .......483

Appendix E Mapping Fields for Inbound Multisite Consolidations....................................... .......487 Mapping Fields in the F1001Z1 Table....................................................................... .......487 Mapping Fields in the F1002Z1 Table....................................................................... .......490

Appendix F Delivered Workflow for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting............... .......495 Delivered Workflow for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting............................... .......495 Journal Entry Batch Approval....................................................................................495 Route Expense Report............................................................................................496

Appendix G JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports................................... .......497 General Accounting Reports.................................................................................. .......497 General Journal Reports..........................................................................................497 Trial Balance Reports. ............................................................................................498 Category Code Reports...........................................................................................498 General Ledger Reports..........................................................................................498 JD Edwards General Accounting Reports: A to Z.......................................................... .......498 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports: Selected Reports.......... ................ .......501 R00650 - Data by Business Unit.................................................................................501 Processing Options for Data by Business Unit (R00650)....................................................501

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R09205P, R09206, R09207- Account Master Reports.......................................................501 Processing Options for the Account Master Reports (R09205P, R09206, R09207)......................502 R09301 - Unposted General Journal, General Journal by Batch, Unposted Cash Basis. . . . . . . . ........502 Processing Options for Unposted General Journal and Unposted Cash Basis Report (R09301)........503 R09311 - General Journal by Account..........................................................................503 Processing Options for General Journal by Account (R09311)..............................................503 R09321 - Transaction Journal....................................................................................503 Processing Options for Transaction Journal (R09321).......................................................503 R09410 - Trial Balance Report...................................................................................504 Processing Options for Trial Balance Report (R09410)......................................................504 R094121 - Trial Balance by Object Report.....................................................................506 Processing Options for Trial Balance By Object Report (R094121)..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ............506 R09421 - G/L by Object Account................................................................................507 Processing Options for G/L by Object Account (R09421)....................................................507 R09422 - G/L with Subledger Totals............................................................................509 Processing Options for G/L with Subledger Totals (R09422)................................................510 R09423 - Transactions by Object................................................................................511 Data Selection for the Transactions by Object.................................................................512 Processing Options for Transactions by Object (R09423) and Transactions by Subsidiary (R09424)............................................................................................................512 R09424 - Transactions by Subsidiary...........................................................................513 Data Selection for the Transactions by Subsidiary............................................................513 Processing Options Transactions by Subsidiary (R09424)..................................................513 R09451 - Account Totals by Supplier/Customer...............................................................513 Processing Options for Account Totals by Supplier/Customer (R09451). . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ........513 R09470 - G/L by Category Code................................................................................514 Processing Options for G/L by Category Code (R09470)... .................................................514 R09472 - Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code.................................................................516 Processing Options for Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code (R09472).....................................516 R11C750 - Cash Basis Integrity Test............................................................................517 Data Selection and Sequence for the Cash Basis Integrity Report.........................................517 Processing Options for the Cash Basis Integrity Test (R11C750)... ........................................517 R11C760 - Cash Basis Audit Report............................................................................517 Data Selection and Data Sequencing for the Cash Basis Audit Report....................................518 Processing Options for Cash Basis Audit Report (R11C760)................................................518


Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.


Glossary of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Terms.......................................................519

Index ............................................................................................................529

Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.




Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

About This Documentation Preface

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne implementation guides provide you with the information that you need to implement and use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications from Oracle. This preface discusses: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application prerequisites. Application fundamentals. Documentation updates and printed documentation. Additional resources. Typographical conventions and visual cues. Comments and suggestions. Common fields in implementation guides. Note. Implementation guides document only elements, such as fields and check boxes, that require additional explanation. If an element is not documented with the process or task in which it is used, then either it requires no additional explanation or it is documented with common fields for the section, chapter, implementation guide, or product line. Fields that are common to all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications are defined in this preface.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Prerequisites

To benefit fully from the information that is covered in these books, you should have a basic understanding of how to use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications. You might also want to complete at least one introductory training course, if applicable. You should be familiar with navigating the system and adding, updating, and deleting information by using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne menus, forms, or windows. You should also be comfortable using the World Wide Web and the Microsoft Windows or Windows NT graphical user interface. These books do not review navigation and other basics. They present the information that you need to use the system and implement your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications most effectively.

Application Fundamentals
Each application implementation guide provides implementation and processing information for your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications. For some applications, additional, essential information describing the setup and design of your system appears in a companion volume of documentation called the application fundamentals implementation guide. Most product lines have a version of the application fundamentals implementation guide. The preface of each implementation guide identifies the application fundamentals implementation guides that are associated with that implementation guide.

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General Preface

The application fundamentals implementation guide consists of important topics that apply to many or all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications. Whether you are implementing a single application, some combination of applications within the product line, or the entire product line, you should be familiar with the contents of the appropriate application fundamentals implementation guides. They provide the starting points for fundamental implementation tasks.

Documentation Updates and Printed Documentation

This section discusses how to: Obtain documentation updates. Order printed documentation.

Obtaining Documentation Updates

You can find updates and additional documentation for this release, as well as previous releases, on Oracles PeopleSoft Customer Connection website. Through the Documentation section of Oracles PeopleSoft Customer Connection, you can download files to add to your Implementation Guides Library. Youll find a variety of useful and timely materials, including updates to the full line of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne documentation that is delivered on your implementation guides CD-ROM. Important! Before you upgrade, you must check Oracles PeopleSoft Customer Connection for updates to the upgrade instructions. Oracle continually posts updates as the upgrade process is refined.

See Also
Oracles PeopleSoft Customer Connection,

Ordering Printed Documentation

You can order printed, bound volumes of the complete line of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne documentation that is delivered on your implementation guide CD-ROM. Oracle makes printed documentation available for each major release of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne shortly after the software is shipped. Customers and partners can order this printed documentation by using any of these methods: Web Telephone Email

From the Documentation section of Oracles PeopleSoft Customer Connection website, access the PeopleBooks Press website under the Ordering PeopleBooks topic. Use a credit card, money order, cashiers check, or purchase order to place your order.

Contact MMA Partners, the book print vendor, at 877 588 2525.


Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

General Preface

Send email to MMA Partners at

See Also
Oracles PeopleSoft Customer Connection,

Additional Resources
The following resources are located on Oracles PeopleSoft Customer Connection website:
Resource Application maintenance information Business process diagrams Interactive Services Repository Hardware and software requirements Updates + Fixes Support, Documentation, Business Process Maps Support, Documentation, Interactive Services Repository Implement, Optimize, and Upgrade; Implementation Guide; Implementation Documentation and Software; Hardware and Software Requirements Implement, Optimize, and Upgrade; Implementation Guide; Implementation Documentation and Software; Installation Guides and Notes Implement, Optimize, and Upgrade; Implementation Guide; Implementation Documentation and Software; Pre-Built Integrations for PeopleSoft Enterprise and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Implement, Optimize, and Upgrade; Implementation Guide; Supported Platforms Support, Documentation, Documentation Updates Support, Support Policy Support, Documentation, Documentation Updates, Category, Release Notes Support, Roadmaps + Schedules Support, Documentation, Documentation Updates, Category, Release Notes Support, Documentation, Documentation Updates, Category, Release Value Proposition Support, Documentation, Documentation Updates, Category, Statement of Direction Navigation

Installation guides

Integration information

Minimum technical requirements (MTRs) (JD Edwards EnterpriseOne only) Documentation updates Implementation guides support policy Prerelease notes Product release roadmap Release notes Release value proposition Statement of direction

Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.


General Preface

Resource Troubleshooting information Upgrade documentation

Navigation Support, Troubleshooting Support, Documentation, Upgrade Documentation and Scripts

Typographical Conventions and Visual Cues

This section discusses: Typographical conventions. Visual cues. Country, region, and industry identifiers. Currency codes.

Typographical Conventions
This table contains the typographical conventions that are used in implementation guides:
Typographical Convention or Visual Cue Bold Description Indicates PeopleCode function names, business function names, event names, system function names, method names, language constructs, and PeopleCode reserved words that must be included literally in the function call. Indicates field values, emphasis, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne or other book-length publication titles. In PeopleCode syntax, italic items are placeholders for arguments that your program must supply. We also use italics when we refer to words as words or letters as letters, as in the following: Enter the letter O. KEY+KEY Indicates a key combination action. For example, a plus sign (+) between keys means that you must hold down the first key while you press the second key. For ALT+W, hold down the ALT key while you press the W key. Indicates a PeopleCode program or other code example. Indicate chapter titles in cross-references and words that are used differently from their intended meanings.


Monospace font (quotation marks)


Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

General Preface

Typographical Convention or Visual Cue . . . (ellipses)

Description Indicate that the preceding item or series can be repeated any number of times in PeopleCode syntax. Indicate a choice between two options in PeopleCode syntax. Options are separated by a pipe ( | ). Indicate optional items in PeopleCode syntax. When placed before a parameter in PeopleCode syntax, an ampersand indicates that the parameter is an already instantiated object. Ampersands also precede all PeopleCode variables.

{ } (curly braces)

[ ] (square brackets) & (ampersand)

Visual Cues
Implementation guides contain the following visual cues.

Notes indicate information that you should pay particular attention to as you work with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. Note. Example of a note. If the note is preceded by Important!, the note is crucial and includes information that concerns what you must do for the system to function properly. Important! Example of an important note.

Warnings indicate crucial configuration considerations. Pay close attention to warning messages. Warning! Example of a warning.

Implementation guides provide cross-references either under the heading See Also or on a separate line preceded by the word See. Cross-references lead to other documentation that is pertinent to the immediately preceding documentation.

Country, Region, and Industry Identifiers

Information that applies only to a specific country, region, or industry is preceded by a standard identifier in parentheses. This identifier typically appears at the beginning of a section heading, but it may also appear at the beginning of a note or other text.

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General Preface

Example of a country-specific heading: (FRA) Hiring an Employee Example of a region-specific heading: (Latin America) Setting Up Depreciation

Country Identifiers
Countries are identified with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country code.

Region Identifiers
Regions are identified by the region name. The following region identifiers may appear in implementation guides: Asia Pacific Europe Latin America North America

Industry Identifiers
Industries are identified by the industry name or by an abbreviation for that industry. The following industry identifiers may appear in implementation guides: USF (U.S. Federal) E&G (Education and Government)

Currency Codes
Monetary amounts are identified by the ISO currency code.

Comments and Suggestions

Your comments are important to us. We encourage you to tell us what you like, or what you would like to see changed about implementation guides and other Oracle reference and training materials. Please send your suggestions to Documentation Manager, Oracle Corporation, 7604 Technology Way, Denver, CO, 80237. Or email us at While we cannot guarantee to answer every email message, we will pay careful attention to your comments and suggestions.

Common Fields Used in Implementation Guides

Address Book Number Enter a unique number that identifies the master record for the entity. An address book number can be the identifier for a customer, supplier, company, employee, applicant, participant, tenant, location, and so on. Depending on the application, the field on the form might refer to the address book number as the customer number, supplier number, or company number, employee or applicant ID, participant number, and so on.


Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

General Preface

As If Currency Code

Enter the three-character code to specify the currency that you want to use to view transaction amounts. This code enables you to view the transaction amounts as if they were entered in the specified currency rather than the foreign or domestic currency that was used when the transaction was originally entered. Displays a number that identifies a group of transactions to be processed by the system. On entry forms, you can assign the batch number or the system can assign it through the Next Numbers program (P0002). Enter the date in which a batch is created. If you leave this field blank, the system supplies the system date as the batch date. Displays a code from user-defined code (UDC) table 98/IC that indicates the posting status of a batch. Values are: Blank: Batch is unposted and pending approval. A: The batch is approved for posting, has no errors and is in balance, but has not yet been posted. D: The batch posted successfully. E: The batch is in error. You must correct the batch before it can post. P: The system is in the process of posting the batch. The batch is unavailable until the posting process is complete. If errors occur during the post, the batch status changes to E. U: The batch is temporarily unavailable because someone is working with it, or the batch appears to be in use because a power failure occurred while the batch was open.

Batch Number

Batch Date Batch Status


Enter a code that identifies a separate entity as a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant in which distribution and manufacturing activities occur. In some systems, this is called a business unit. Enter the alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. In some systems, this is called a branch/plant. Enter the code that represents a specific category code. Category codes are user-defined codes that you customize to handle the tracking and reporting requirements of your organization. Enter a code that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company code must already exist in the F0010 table and must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet. Enter the three-character code that represents the currency of the transaction. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides currency codes that are recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The system stores currency codes in the F0013 table. Enter the company number associated with the document. This number, used in conjunction with the document number, document type, and general ledger date, uniquely identifies an original document. If you assign next numbers by company and fiscal year, the system uses the document company to retrieve the correct next number for that company.

Business Unit

Category Code


Currency Code

Document Company

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General Preface

If two or more original documents have the same document number and document type, you can use the document company to display the document that you want. Document Number Displays a number that identifies the original document, which can be a voucher, invoice, journal entry, or time sheet, and so on. On entry forms, you can assign the original document number or the system can assign it through the Next Numbers program. Enter the two-character UDC, from UDC table 00/DT, that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction, such as a voucher, invoice, journal entry, or time sheet. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne reserves these prefixes for the document types indicated: P: Accounts payable documents. R: Accounts receivable documents. T: Time and pay documents. I: Inventory documents. O: Purchase order documents. S: Sales order documents. Effective Date Enter the date on which an address, item, transaction, or record becomes active. The meaning of this field differs, depending on the program. For example, the effective date can represent any of these dates: The date on which a change of address becomes effective. The date on which a lease becomes effective. The date on which a price becomes effective. The date on which the currency exchange rate becomes effective. The date on which a tax rate becomes effective. Fiscal Period and Fiscal Year G/L Date (general ledger date) Enter a number that identifies the general ledger period and year. For many programs, you can leave these fields blank to use the current fiscal period and year defined in the Company Names & Number program (P0010). Enter the date that identifies the financial period to which a transaction will be posted. The system compares the date that you enter on the transaction to the fiscal date pattern assigned to the company to retrieve the appropriate fiscal period number and year, as well as to perform date validations.

Document Type


Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Preface

This preface discusses: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne products. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application fundamentals. Common fields used in this implementation guide.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Products

This implementation guide refers to these JD Edwards EnterpriseOne products from Oracle: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Fundamentals

Additional, essential information describing the setup and design of your system appears in a companion volume of documentation called JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Getting Started with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Application Fundamentals, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Application Fundamentals Implementation

Common Fields Used in This Implementation Guide

Bank Transit Budget Pattern Ledger Type 1 and Ledger Type 2 Enter the number that is assigned to a particular bank by the Federal Reserve. This number facilitates the clearing of funds. Enter a three-character code that identifies a season pattern. The system uses this code to calculate budget amounts for an accounting period. Enter codes that identify two ledger types in UDC table 09/LT. For example, enter AA in the Ledger Type 1 field and BA in the Ledger Type 2 field to display all AA ledger type records in the F0911 table and any matching records with a BA ledger type.

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To display the Ledger Type 2 field on certain forms, you must set a processing option for the program. Net Postings Transaction Code Displays an accumulated amount that shows the net postings for a period or year. Enter a code that identifies the type of transaction that appears on a bank statement. The code must exist in UDC table 09/BJ and is used to identify a journal entry, customer payment, and so on.


Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.


Getting Started with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

This chapter discusses: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting overview. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting business processes. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting integrations. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting implementation.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Overview

Typically, a company uses some type of general ledger application to successfully manage its financial activities. The financial activities might include allocating revenue and expenses among various departments within the company, eliminating intercompany transactions, reconciling account balances, and projecting budgets for future periods and reviewing them against the actual activity. With the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system from Oracle, you can organize, maintain, record, and analyze financial information. For example, you can: Access account balances and consolidated information at any time during an accounting period. Create high-level budget projections or detail-level budgets and compare your budget-to-actual figures online by using any time frame. Forecast revenue and expense budget amounts up to 15 years in the future. Project future cash requirements and effectively manage your cash accounts. Produce cash flow statements that show the historical changes in cash and cash equivalents during a specified period of operations. Create intercompany settlements automatically for transactions between companies.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Business Processes

This process flow illustrates the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting business processes:

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Getting Started with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

Chapter 1

Input transactions, such as sales orders, purchase orders, receipts, journal entries, and so on

System creates records in: Batch Control (F0011) Account Ledger (F0911)

Financial Reports Trial Balances Balances by Period

Review unposted transactions on inquiries and in reports

Posts and updates amounts

Account Balances (F0902)

Post process selects unposted transactions

Updates records as posted (D)

Batch Control (F0011)

Updates records as posted

Source transactions, such as sales orders, purchase orders, receipts, journal entries, and so on

Updates records as posted (P)

Account Ledger (F0911)

Review posted transactions on inquiries and in reports

General Accounting process flow

We discuss these business processes in the business process chapters in this implementation guide.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Integrations

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system integrates with these JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems:

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Chapter 1

Getting Started with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

Workforce Management

Capital Asset Management Fixed Assets Plant & Equipment Management



Logistics Management Inventory Management Warehouse Management Sales Order Management Procurement and Subcontract Management EDI Processing Transportation Management Advanced Stock Valuation

Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Job Cost Multi-Currency Processing Service Billing Tax Processing

General Accounting

Localization Asia Pacific Latin America Central America (LACA) Europe, Middle East, and Asia (EMEA)

Multi-mode Manufacturing

Product Data Management Shop Floor Management Work Orders

Homebuilder Management

Real Estate Management

Service Management

Systems that integrate with General Accounting

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system works with other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems to ensure that all information is fully integrated into the general ledger. We discuss integration considerations in the implementation chapters in this implementation guide. Supplemental information about third-party application integrations is located on the Oracle | PeopleSoft Customer Connection website.

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Getting Started with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

Chapter 1

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workforce Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system from Oracle creates general ledger transactions for labor, labor billing distribution, disbursements, and so on during the payroll cycle.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management systems from Oracle create general ledger transactions for invoices and vouchers, receipt and payment processing, and so on.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Localization

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Localization systems from Oracle create general ledger transactions for journal entries with taxes that are used by certain countries.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management systems from Oracle create general ledger transactions for depreciation, asset transfers, vouchers, equipment, billing, and so on.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Logistics Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Logistics Management systems from Oracle create general ledger transactions during the processes for sales order update, purchase order receipt, voucher match, and so on.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multi-mode Manufacturing

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multi-mode Manufacturing systems from Oracle create general ledger transactions for material issues, completions, labor hours, variances, and so on during the manufacturing accounting process.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management system from Oracle creates general ledger transactions for lot closes and progress payments.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management system from Oracle creates general ledger transactions during invoice and voucher entry.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Management system from Oracle creates general ledger transactions for inventory costs.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Implementation

This section provides an overview of the steps that are required to implement the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system.

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Chapter 1

Getting Started with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

In the planning phase of your implementation, take advantage of all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne sources of information, including the installation guides and troubleshooting information. A complete list of these resources appears in the preface in About This Documentation with information about where to find the most current version of each. When determining which electronic software updates (ESUs) to install for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting, use the EnterpriseOne and World Change Assistant. EnterpriseOne and World Change Assistant, a Java-based tool, reduces the time required to search and download ESUs by 75 percent or more and enables you to install multiple ESUs at one time. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 Software Update Guide For information about the Rapid Start solution for implementation of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting, review the documentation available. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Rapid Start 8.12 Documentation, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Rapid Start 8.12 Documentation, Rapid Start Solution.

See Also
About This Documentation, About This Documentation PrefaceAbout This Documentation Preface, page xxxiii

Global Implementation Steps

This table lists the suggested implementation steps for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system:
Step 1. Set up fiscal date patterns, companies, and business units. 2. Create the chart of accounts and set up accounts and subledgers. 3. Set up the General Accounting constants. 4. Set up multicurrency processing. Reference JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Organizations JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Creating the Chart of Accounts Chapter 3, Setting Up the General Accounting System, Setting Up Constants for General Accounting, page 14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Understanding Multicurrency Setup Chapter 3, Setting Up the General Accounting System, Setting Up Ledger Type Rules for General Accounting, page 21 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book 8.12 Implementation Guide, Entering Address Book Records

5. Set up ledger type rules.

6. Enter address book records.

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Getting Started with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

Chapter 1

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Implementation Steps

This table lists the suggested application-specific implementation steps for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting:
Step 1. Set up user-defined codes (UDCs), ledger types, automatic accounting instructions (AAIs), and business unit supplemental data. Reference Chapter 3, Setting Up the General Accounting System, Setting Up User-Defined Codes for General Accounting, page 18 Chapter 3, Setting Up the General Accounting System, page 13 Chapter 3, Setting Up the General Accounting System, Setting Up AAIs for General Accounting, page 24 Chapter 3, Setting Up the General Accounting System, Setting Up Business Unit Supplemental Data, page 30

2. Set up next numbers by system and by company and fiscal year. 3. Set up batch approval and post security for journal entries. Set up approved and secured users. 4. Set up AAIs for account reconciliation and reconciliation codes. 5. Set up UDCs, bank account cross-references, automatic bank statement accounts, and automatic reconciliation rules and groups. 6. Set up growth patterns and assign them to business units. 7. Set up cash type rules for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting systems and define a cash forecast report structure. 8. Set up cash flow activity codes, normal balance codes, and cash flow rules. 9. Set up document types for cash basis entries, assign the document types to the actual amounts (AA) ledger, and set up AAIs for unapplied receipts and accounts payable and accounts receivable balance accounts. 10. Set up 52-period fiscal date patterns and assign the dates to a company.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Next Numbers JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Batch Approval and Post Security Chapter 4, Setting Up Account Reconciliation, page 33 Chapter 5, Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing, page 35 Chapter 6, Setting Up Budget Forecasting and Planning, Setting Up Growth Patterns, page 53 Chapter 7, Setting Up Cash Forecasting, page 57

Chapter 8, Setting Up Statements of Cash Flow, page 69 Chapter 9, Setting Up Cash Basis Accounting, page 75

Chapter 10, Setting Up 52 Period Accounting, page 79

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Chapter 1

Getting Started with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

Step 11. Set up sales tax using Vertex Sales Tax Q Series.

Reference JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tax Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Mapping Fields from Vertex Sales Tax Q Series System to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Software

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Getting Started with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

Chapter 1

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Understanding the General Accounting Features

This chapter discusses the General Accounting features.

General Accounting Features

This table describes some of the features that are available in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system:
Feature Reporting Description The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system provides standard reports to supplement online summary information. Managers often use these reports to perform detailed analysis. For additional reporting and analysis, you can create one or more organizational structures that are based on category codes that you assign to business units to simulate a parent-child relationship. A graphical interface is available for reviewing the structure, expanding and collapsing the nodes of the structure, and dragging the components to reorganize the structure. You can maintain a chart of accounts according to the requirements of both a parent company and its subsidiaries. Various reports are provided to satisfy the statutory reporting requirements of a country. Account Balance Consolidations At any time during the accounting period, you can access account balances and consolidated information. Whether you review your financial information online or print reports, you can review information at the level of detail that is most meaningful to you. While reviewing account balances online, you can easily access the detail of the originating transactions. This feature provides timely resolution when questions about a transaction arise. You can review your consolidated financial reports online at any time and across multiple currencies and languages. You can consolidate account balances from multiple locations, including locations that do not use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software.

Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Understanding the General Accounting Features

Chapter 2

Feature Multiple Ledger Flexibility

Description Multiple ledgers provide flexibility without requiring you to enter unnecessary and redundant data. With multiple ledgers, you can: Define any number of unit or monetary ledger types, such as actual or budgeted. Retrieve data about anything from global revenue by product to an individual employees expenses, without creating separate account numbers. Maintain transactions in the appropriate ledger and post to the general ledger by summary or detailed transaction. View two ledgers simultaneously. For example, you can view budget and actual ledgers, with the variance calculated online.


You determine the amount of detail to include in your budgets. For example, you can create budgets at the project or business unit level, or by major account category or specific account. You can also create journal entries for each account and budget amount. This detailed method provides a formal audit trail and is used by construction companies and government agencies that need to record supplemental appropriations for an original budget. You can compare your budget-to-actual figures online using year-to-date, period-to-date, or any other time frame. This comparison enables you to respond to variances in a timely manner. If your budget changes, you can create journal entries that explain the reason for the change to ensure that next years budgets are more accurate. Managers can create their department budgets using a PC spreadsheet and then upload the figures into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system and produce a final budget.


Allocations can be defined for many purposes, such as to distribute expenses and to create annual or period budgets. Using one simple allocation, you can create budgets that reflect an increase or decrease over last years budget or actual amounts. You can allocate from one account to another account based on values in a third account. For example, you can allocate your monthly utilities expense from an overhead account to individual departments based on their percentage of square footage. You can also create allocations based on other allocations and process them together. The three types of allocations in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system are recurring journal entries, indexed allocations, and variable numerator allocations.

Account Reconciliation After you perform the initial setup requirements, you can reconcile your accounts on a periodic basis. You can reconcile selected expense accounts and bank accounts as well as bank statements. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system has both manual and automatic bank statement reconciliation programs. Some countries have banking practices that rely heavily on magnetic media processing, electronic fund transfers, and direct bank involvement in the settlement of outstanding debts. For these countries, the bank statement serves as a source document for all banking activity.


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Chapter 2

Understanding the General Accounting Features

Feature Intercompany Settlements

Description Intercompany settlements ensure that each companys net balance equals zero (that is, debits equal credits). If your business enters transactions between companies, the companies will be out of balance unless you create and post intercompany balancing entries. You can either create these settlements yourself or choose a method of intercompany settlements to use and have the system create them automatically. Traditionally, when organizations have changed their reporting structure, the process has entailed reworking the chart of accounts, followed by a time-consuming data conversion to get the historical data into the new account coding design. With the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, when you change an account number, the associated transaction detail and balance histories are transferred automatically by the system, eliminating the need for data conversions. A free-form account number that can be used as a cross-reference to an old account number is available for the initial conversion to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system.

Reorganization Flexibility

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Understanding the General Accounting Features

Chapter 2


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Setting Up the General Accounting System

This chapter provides an overview of the General Accounting system setup and discusses how to set up: Constants. User-defined codes. Ledger types. Ledger type rules. AAIs. Business unit supplemental data. Vertex sales tax.

Understanding General Accounting System Setup

Before you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, you must set up and define certain information that the system uses during processing. This information customizes the system for your business needs. For example, you can set up batch control so that when you enter journal entries, the system verifies the total amount of the batch after you enter it. This table describes the setup features in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system:
Feature Constants Description Constants establish system basics, such as: Whether the system verifies that the amount and number of documents in a batch of journal entries balance to the totals that you enter separately. Whether you require management to approve batches of documents before posting. Whether the system allows you to post batches to a prior accounting period within the current year. How the system manages invalid account numbers on journal entries. What symbols you use to identify the format of the account numbers that you enter during data entry. Whether you use multiple currencies. How the system processes journal entries that cross company boundaries (intercompany settlements).

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Feature User-defined codes

Description User-defined codes are codes that you can customize for your business needs. Various programs throughout the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system and other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems use these codes. Next numbers establish an automatic numbering system for the documents that you enter in the system. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Next Numbers.

Next numbers

Ledger types Ledger type rules AAIs

Ledger types define the ledgers that you maintain in the general ledger. Ledger types include AA (actual amounts) and BA (budget amounts). After you set up ledger types, you set up the financial rules for each ledger type. Automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) define the rules for the chart of accounts and establish how the system creates automatic entries. If you work in a multilingual environment, you can translate the descriptions of your AAIs.

Set up your companies, fiscal patterns, business units, and accounts. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Organizations.

Setting Up Constants for General Accounting

This section provides an overview of general accounting constants and discusses how to set up general accounting constants.

Understanding General Accounting Constants

Constants provide a basic framework for how you want your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system to work. Generally, one person sets up the General Accounting constants. We recommend that you do not change constants after they have been set up because the results of the change will be unpredictable. Constants are cached information. If you change settings for any of the constants, contact your system administrator to determine what additional steps you must perform in order for the changes to take effect. Information about the General Accounting constants is stored in the Company Constants (F0010) and General Constants (F0009) tables.


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Constant Batch Control Required

Description When you create a batch of documents, such as journal entries, you might want to verify the total number of documents and total currency amount for the batch. Doing this enables you to verify the total amount expected against the total amount entered immediately after you enter a batch. The Manager Approval of Input constant enables you to specify whether management approval of batches is required before batches can be posted. Circumstances might occur, especially during implementation, when you need to post batches to prior accounting periods. A constant controls whether the system allows you to do this. If the constant is not set to allow prior period posting, another approach is to change the current period for the company to a prior period and then post to that period. In either case, you need to close the prior period again and process updated period-end financial reports for that period and subsequent periods.

Manager Approval of Input Allow PBCO Postings (allow posted before cut off postings)

Allow Invalid Accounts

You control whether you allow journal entries to be entered with invalid account numbers. Invalid account numbers are account numbers that have not yet been set up in the system for a business unit that already exists in the Business Unit Master table (F0006). By entering an invalid account number, you can complete a batch without exiting and losing your entries. If you allow an invalid account number, the system either: Leaves the batch in an error status and unposted until you correct the invalid account number. Creates a new account dynamically if you have set up the system to do so.

Intercompany Settlements

If your organization has transactions between companies, the companies will be out of balance unless you create and post intercompany balancing entries. You create intercompany settlements to ensure that each companys net balance equals zero (that is, debits equal credits). You can either create these settlements yourself or have the system create them automatically. You can select one of these intercompany settlement methods to use: Hub method Detail method Configured Hub method

Account Symbols

When you enter an account number during data entry, you can use any of these formats: Business unit.object.subsidiary Short ID (8-digit, system-assigned number) Third account number You specify the format that you are using by preceding the account number with a symbol that identifies the format. Normally, you do not specify an account symbol for the most commonly used format to allow for quicker data entry. You can also define the symbol that separates the different components of the business unit.object.subsidiary account format.

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Ensure that only authorized personnel can access and change the general accounting constants.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up General Accounting for Multicurrency Processing

Forms Used to Set Up General Accounting Constants

Form Name System Setup


Navigation General Accounting System Setup (G0941), General Accounting Constants On the System Setup form, click General Accounting Constants.

Usage Access constants for the General Accounting system, or other systems. Set up constants for the General Accounting system.

General Accounting Constants


Setting Up General Accounting Constants

Access the General Accounting Constants form.

General Accounting Constants form

Batch Control Required

Specify whether batch control is required. If you select this check box, the system displays an additional form when you enter a batch. You enter the total number of documents and the total amount that you expect the batch to contain. When you finish entering each batch and close the program, the system displays the difference, if any, between the totals that you expected to enter and the totals that you actually entered.

Manager Approval of Input Specify whether the manager is required to approve General Accounting batches before they can be posted.


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If you select this check box, the manager must approve batches. The system assigns a Pending status to the batch, and a manager must approve it before it can be posted. If you clear this check box, the system assigns an Approved status to the batch, and it does not require manager approval. Allow PBCO Postings (allow post before cutoff postings) Allow Invalid Accounts Specify whether to allow posting to prior accounting periods. If you allow posting to prior periods, the system generates a warning message to prevent accidental postings to a prior period. Specify whether to allow entry of invalid account numbers for the distribution of vouchers, invoices, and journal entries. If you select this check box, you can enter invalid account numbers if the number is preceded by the invalid account symbol, which is #. If you allow entries with invalid account numbers, you must either change the number to a valid account number or set up a new account number before the batch will post. The system verifies the account number against the Account Master table (F0901). Symbol to Identify Short Number Enter a code, such as * or /, that precedes the short account number (the eight-digit code) during data entry. If the short account number is the one that you typically use, leave this field blank. If it is seldom used, enter a symbol to identify it to the system. Only one of the three fields used for account symbols can be blank. Use blank for the type of account number that you typically use. The other two fields must each be unique. Be sure that no symbol (period, comma, and so on) is used for another purpose in the system. Symbol to Identify BU.Object.Sub (symbol to identify business unit.object.subsidiary) Enter a code, such as * or / that precedes the business unit.object.sub (long) account number during data entry. The business unit.object.sub account number is most commonly used. If it is the one that you typically use, leave this field blank. If it is seldom used, enter a symbol to identify it to the system. Only one of the three fields used for account symbols can be blank. The other two must each be unique. Be sure that no symbol (period, comma, and so on) is used for another purpose in the system. Symbol to Identify 3rd G/L Account # (symbol to identify 3rd general ledger account number) Enter a code, such as * or / that precedes the third, or unstructured, account number during data entry. If the third account number is the one that you typically use, leave this field blank. If it is seldom used, enter a symbol to identify it to the system. Only one of the three fields used for account symbols can be blank. The other two must each be unique. Be sure that no symbol (period, comma, and so on) is used for another purpose in the system. Account Separator Character Enter a character that divides the business unit, object, and subsidiary elements or the flex account code elements of an account number on forms and reports. Enter any special character except #, which is the invalid account symbol or \, which is the work order prefix, as a separator character. Do not use

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Setting Up the General Accounting System

Chapter 3

alphabetic characters or numbers. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default character, which is a period (.). Intercompany Settlements Specify the method that the system uses to automatically create journal entries between companies within an organization (intercompany settlements). Values are: 1: Hub method. Create intercompany settlements using a hub company. 2: Detail method. Create intercompany settlements without a hub company. This method is valid for multicurrency processing. 3: Configured hub method. Create intercompany settlements using a configured hub. This method is valid for multicurrency processing. N: Do not create intercompany settlements. The system does not post a batch if it contains intercompany settlements. *: Do not create intercompany settlements. The system posts a batch even if it contains intercompany settlements.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up General Accounting for Multicurrency Processing, Setting Up Multicurrency Constants

Setting Up User-Defined Codes for General Accounting

Each time that you enter a transaction for which the system creates a record, you probably need to enter a user-defined code in a field. For example, when you create allocations, you must enter a user-defined code that identifies a ledger type for the source and destination accounts. In addition to ledger type codes, these user-defined codes are used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system: Business unit category codes Account category codes Business unit type codes Subledger type codes Reconciliation codes Transaction codes

Business Unit Category Codes (00/0130)

You can classify your business units into groups for financial reporting purposes. You determine the groups and the business units that belong to each group. For each group, you set up a business unit category code in UDC table 00/0130. Depending on the number of characters needed for business units: Use code types 0120 for 3-character codes. Use code types 2130 for 10-character codes.


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Business unit category codes are stored in the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

Account Category Codes (09/0143)

You can combine object accounts into groups for financial reporting purposes. For each group, you set up an account category code in UDC table 09/0143. These codes describe your organizational structure for higher level or selective reporting. Account category codes are commonly used to provide a second chart of accounts. For example, you might need a chart of regulatory accounts for government reporting as well as your internal chart of accounts. The system provides 43 category codes; 23 of them can accommodate secondary account numbers. Depending on the number of characters needed for accounts: Use types 0120 for 3-character codes. Use types 2143 for 10-character codes. Some countries use the 10-character category codes for statutory reporting. (CHL and PERU) Chili and Peru use category codes 2123 for statutory reporting. Account category codes are stored in the Account Master table (F0901).

Business Unit Type Codes (00/MC)

You can organize similar business units into groups by assigning them business unit type codes in UDC table 00/MC. These codes are useful when you create accounts dynamically or duplicate business units. For example, accounts that have the same business unit type codes can be duplicated automatically from a model business unit to a group of new business units. You can also use the business unit type code to specify whether a business unit is billable by entering 10 in the Special Handling field for the code. The Expense Management system uses billable business unit types to determine policy rules, expense account mapping, and tax mapping.

Subledger Type Codes (00/ST)

You can set up detailed auxiliary accounting within a general ledger account using subledger type codes in UDC table 00/ST. A subledger type code, such as A for address book, is associated with a number, such as an employee number. Subledger type codes also control how the system validates a subledger value when you create a journal entry.

Reconciliation Codes (09/RC)

You might want to use a reconciliation code other than R (which is hard coded) during manual or automatic bank statement reconciliation if your business uses a different term for the reconciliation procedure. You can enter your own reconciliation codes in UDC table 09/RC.

Transaction Codes (09/BJ)

Transaction codes are used in bank statement processing. When you enter transactions from your bank statement into the system, you assign a transaction code from UDC table 09/BJ to the transaction. The transaction code identifies the type of transaction, such as a journal entry or customer payment, and specifies the detail information that the system requires to reconcile that type of transaction.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 Foundation Guide

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Setting Up the General Accounting System

Chapter 3

Setting Up Ledger Types for General Accounting

You define the ledgers that you maintain in the general ledger in UDC table 09/LT. Ledgers contain management and control information for: Statistics or units Budgets Forecasts Accrual basis amounts Cash basis amounts Some of the ledger types in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system include: AA (actual amounts) AU (actual units) BA (budget amounts) BU (budget units) The system associates a units ledger with each primary amount ledger. For example, the AU ledger is the units ledger that is associated with the AA ledger and the BU ledger is the units ledger that is associated with the BA ledger. When you enter a journal entry that has units, the system does not create an additional record in the F0911 table, it merely stores the units in a separate field. However, when you post a journal entry that has units, the system creates a separate F0902 record that it uses to record the units in the units ledger that is associated with the amount ledger. For example, the system posts the amounts to the AA ledger and posts units to the AU ledger. You can create additional ledger types. Ledger types U1U9 and UAUZ are provided for your business needs. These ledger types are for your use only and cannot be overwritten or used for other purposes in future releases of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software. The information for ledger types is stored in the Ledger Type Master File (F0025).

Example: Ledger Types

This graphic illustrates how the F0902 table separates ledger types for actual amounts (AA) and actual units (AU) for each fiscal year:


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Account Balances (F0902) Contains balances by fiscal year and ledger type

Account 1.4110 2005 AA 100.00 200.00 . . 500.00

AA and AU ledgers

2006 AU 5 2 . . 9 AA 800.00 600.00 . . 400.00 AU 10 7 . . 8

Setting Up Ledger Type Rules for General Accounting

This section provides an overview of ledger type rules and discusses how to set them up.

Understanding Ledger Type Rules

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system includes different types of ledgers, which are used for statistical purposes to track units, to maintain budgets, to control the annual close, and so on. You must set up financial rules for each ledger that you define in UDC 09/LT. The rules that you set up are consolidated on one form, which you access from the Ledger Type Master Setup program (P0025). The financial rules for ledger types are stored in the Ledger Type Master File (F0025).

Forms Used to Set Up Ledger Type Rules

Form Name Ledger Type Rules Setup


Navigation General Accounting System Setup (G0941), Ledger Type Master Setup On the Work with Ledger Types form, select a ledger and click Select.

Usage Set up ledger type rules.

Setting Up a Ledger Type Rule

Access the Ledger Type Rules Setup form.

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Ledger Type Rules Setup form

Units Ledger Type

Enter a value for Units Ledger Type. The units ledger is relational to the amount ledger. The first character in both ledgers is the same. The second character in the units ledger is a U. The one exception to this rule is the AZ (Cash Basis) amount ledger. If you do not fill in a units ledger for the AZ amount ledger, a default units ledger of ZU will be used by the G/L Post. The units ledger must be a valid ledger type. With the exception of the AZ ledger, you typically set up the unit ledger type with the same first character as the actual amounts ledger type to which it applies. For example, the units ledger for AA is AU. You can set up a units ledger to be used with any of the ledgers that you set up in UDC 09/LT. However, unit ledger types FU, HU, and IU can be used only with the FA, HA, and IA ledgers, respectively. For example, you cannot set up an FX ledger for actual amounts and use it with the FU ledger for units.

Close to Retained Earnings Account

Select this option to denote that retained earnings should be calculated for this ledger during the Annual Close. This flag must be selected for the AA and AZ ledgers. This option specifies whether the Annual Close program (R098201) closes accounts in this ledger to a retained earnings account.

Ledger is Required to Balance

Select this check box if entries for this ledger must be in balance (net to zero). Unlike the Create Intercompany Settlements check box, this check box does


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not ensure that companies within this ledger are in balance. This check box ensures only that entries for this ledger are in balance. Create Intercompany Settlements Select this check box if you want the system to create balancing entries when a transaction that involves multiple companies is entered for this ledger. This check box works in conjunction with the intercompany settlement method on the General Accounting Constants form. If this check box is selected, the system validates that entries for this ledger are in balance by company when posted. If companies are out of balance, the system uses the intercompany settlement method to bring them into balance. If this check box is selected and the intercompany settlement method is set to N (no intercompany transactions), the system will not post a transaction that involves multiple companies if those companies are out of balance. If this check box is not selected, the system will not validate that companies within this ledger are in balance. Select this check box to prevent users from entering amounts directly in the Account Balances table (F0902) for this ledger. Note. You must select this check box for ledger types AA, CA, and AZ. Otherwise, the system displays an error message. If an amount ledger has a unit ledger associated with it, the check box value for the unit ledger type must be the same as the amount ledger. You must select this check box for the AA ledger type so that users cannot access a budget program, for example, change the ledger type, and change the account balances. However, you might not want to select this check box for the AC ledger because the Compute Restated Balances program (R11414) directly updates this ledger. For example, if you enter amounts for ledger type BA, do not select this check box so that you can enter amounts using the budget programs. Then when finished, select this check box to prevent future updates to the F0902 table. Roll Original Budget to Next Year Override Budget Do Not Spread Code For budget ledger types, select this check box to designate that the original budget can be rolled forward in the Annual Close program. The Job Cost system uses this functionality. For budget ledger types, select this check box for the Spread Annual to Periods program (R14801) to override the DNS (Do Not Spread) code and evenly distribute annual budget amounts among the periods for accounts that are assigned the DNS code. If this check box is not selected, the Spread Annual to Periods program does not distribute annual budget amounts for accounts that are assigned the DNS code. You must distribute the amounts manually. Prevent Creation of Journal Entry Upper Select this check box to specify whether the system should prevent journal entries from being created for this ledger. You will receive an error if you attempt to prevent the creation of journal entries for the AA, CA, or AZ ledgers. Enter the first line of description used in column headings on a report or form. This description should be no larger than the data item size, if possible. If the column heading is only one line, it should be placed in this column. Use the second line of the Column Title when one is not sufficient. Enter the second line of description used in column headings on a report or form. This description should be no larger than the data item size, if possible. If the column heading is only one line, it should be placed in the first column.

Prevent Direct Balance Update


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See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up the Job Cost System, Setting Up Ledger Types for Job Cost JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fixed Assets 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up the Fixed Assets System, Setting Up Ledger Type Rules for Fixed Assets JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Balance Restatement and As If Restatement, Setting Up the Ledger Type and Rules for Balance Restatement

Setting Up AAIs for General Accounting

The name of an automatic accounting instructions (AAI) item, such as GLG, is hard coded. Each AAI item includes a general ledger account that consists of a business unit, object, and subsidiary, and is mapped to your chart of accounts. In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, AAIs determine how to distribute general ledger entries that the system generates. The AAIs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system are used to define: General purpose accounts Retained earnings Financial statement totals Speed codes Account summarization Reconcilable ranges Prior year account purges Information about AAI items is stored in the Automatic Accounting Instructions Master table (F0012).

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions, Setting Up AAIs JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up General Accounting for Multicurrency Processing, Setting Up Multicurrency AAIs for General Accounting

Understanding General Purpose Accounts

The AAIs for GLGx define account ranges for the different categories in your chart of accounts. For example, the account range for assets (GLG2) might begin with object account 1000, the account range for liabilities (GLG3) might begin with object account 2000, and so on. AAI items GLGx are used primarily for financial reporting. This table shows the information needed to set up AAI item GLG1:


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Description General Purpose Accounts

Company 00000

Business Unit Not used

Object Required

Subsidiary Optional

Sequence Number 1.010

You set up AAI items GLGx for company 00000 only. (The system assumes that your account structure is consistent across all companies.) The exception is AAI item GLG4, which you must set up for each company because it defines the retained earnings account. This table contains the setup considerations for AAI items GLGx:
AAI GLG2 GLG3 Setup Considerations The beginning account range for assets. Enter the object account only. The beginning account range for liabilities and equities. Enter the object account only. You can use this AAI item to reverse the sign on financial reports. GLG4 The account number for retained earnings. Enter the business unit and object account. If the business unit is the same as the company number for all companies, enter only the object account for company 00000. Otherwise, set up GLG4 for each company and specify the business unit and object account. The GLG4 account number must be greater than the account number for GLG1 and less than the account number for GLG4. GLG5 The ending account number for year-to-date income and loss. Enter the object account only. This account number should indicate the last balance sheet account, which must be a nonposting account. The system uses this AAI item in the balance sheet to ensure that assets are equal to liabilities plus equity (a calculated figure). GLG6 The beginning account range for revenue. Enter the object account only. The system uses this AAI item for automatic sign reversal on reports and to calculate the percentage of revenue on some reports and the retained earnings for the general ledger annual close. GLG7 The ending account range for revenue. Enter the object account and, if applicable, the subsidiary. The system uses this AAI item for automatic sign reversal and to calculate the percentage of revenue on some reports. GLG8 GLG9 The beginning account range for cost of goods. Enter the object account only. You can use this AAI item to reverse the sign of expense accounts on some financial reports. The ending account range for cost of goods. Enter the object account and, if applicable, the subsidiary.

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Setup Considerations The beginning account range for other income. Enter the object account only. You can use this item to reverse the sign of income accounts on some financial reports. Note. Do not leave the beginning range for GLG11 (other income) blank. If you do not want to enter an account, enter the same account number as the beginning range for GLG13 (other expenses). If you do not want to enter an account number for the beginning range, enter the same account number as the beginning range for GLG12 (ending profit and loss accounts).


The account for ending profit and loss (income statement), which is used to calculate retained earnings for the general ledger annual close. This is the last account that appears on an income statement. Any accounts that are greater than this account number will not appear on an income statement nor will the accounts be closed to the retained earnings account. Enter the object account and, if applicable, the subsidiary. If you do not enter an object account, the system uses account 999999. Revenues (GLG6) + Expenses (GLG12) = Retained Earnings (GLG4)


The beginning account range for other expenses. Enter the object account only. You can use this AAI item to reverse the sign of other expense accounts on some financial reports. Note. If you do not want to enter an account number for the beginning range, enter the same account number as the beginning range for GLG12 (ending profit and loss accounts).

Understanding Retained Earnings Accounts

AAI item GLG4 defines the retained earnings account for a company. The account must be a posting account that allows machine-generated entries. During the general ledger annual close, the system posts retained earnings to the account assigned to AAI item GLG4. Typically, the business unit and company number for balance sheet accounts is the same. For example, 100 would be the business unit for company 00100. If your companies and business units are set up this way and all companies use the same retained earnings object account, you need to set up only one GLG4 item for company 00000 and assign an object account. In the following example, the system uses the object account (4980) assigned to GLG4 for company 00000 to post the retained earnings amount. The company number and balance sheet business unit are the same for all companies, as shown in this table:
Company 00100 00200 00300 100 200 300 Business Unit Retained Earnings Object Account 4980 4980 4980

If your business unit and company number is different for balance sheet accounts, you must set up AAI item GLG4 for each company and specify the balance sheet business unit and object account.


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In the following example, the system uses GLG4 for each specific company to post the retained earnings amount. The company number is different from the balance sheet business unit for all companies, as shown in this table:
Company 00100 00200 00300 110 210 310 Business Unit Retained Earnings Object Account 4980 4980 4980 Company-Specific GLG4 00100.110.4980 00200.210.4980 00300.310.4980

If you have multiple balance sheet business units for one company, you must set up AAI item GLG4 for the company and specify one balance sheet account. Then, for year-end processing, you must allocate all of the balance sheet business units to the balance sheet business unit specified in GLG4 for the company. If you do not do this, your company will be out of balance because the offset amount for net income would reflect the accounts for one balance sheet business unit (specified in GLG4 for the company) and not all balance sheet business units. In the following example, the system uses GLG4 for each specific company to post the retained earnings amount. The company number is different from the balance sheet business unit for all companies and company 00100 has multiple balance sheet business units, as shown in this table:
Company 00100 110 210 310 00400 00500 410 510 4980 4980 00400.410.4980 00500.510.4980 Business Unit Retained Earnings Object Account 4980 Company-Specific GLG4 00100.110.4980

Note. GLG4 is the only AAI item for general purpose accounts that you can set up by company. All other general purpose items are set up only for company 00000.

Understanding Financial Statement Totals

When you produce financial statements, the system creates report subtotals based on AAI items FSxx. These AAI items, which are used for profit and loss accounts only, are optional. Do not use AAI items FSxx for accounts other than profit and loss accounts or your financial statement results will be unpredictable. Your account numbers must be consistent across all companies for your reports to be meaningful. The subtotal for each AAI item (FS01FS98) prints before the specified account range on your financial statement. These are subtotals that might appear on an income statement: Gross Margin Operating Income Net Profit Before Taxes

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Chapter 3

Net Income (Loss) You can specify the text that you want to appear for each subtotal in the first description line under the heading Account Use Description on the Set Up Single AAI Item form. This table shows the information needed to set up AAI item FS01:
AAI Item FS01 Description Financial Statement Totals Business Unit Not used Object Required Subsidiary Optional Sequence Number 1.130

Follow these guidelines when setting up AAI item FSxx: Set up AAI item FSxx only for company 00000. Do not enter a business unit. To avoid unpredictable results, do not enter an object account to which the system posts transactions. Do not set up AAI item FSxx for balance sheet accounts. For each financial statement, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system provides a report version with subtotals based on AAI items FSxx. You must select the report version that contains the subtotals. For example, to print subtotals for AAI items FSxx on the Simple Income Statement report (R10211B), select the report version Income Statement by Branch with AAI Subtotals instead of Income Statement by Branch.

AAI Item FS99

AAI item FS99 provides the net income wording on your financial statements and specifies whether to print a single or double line before or after the report totals. For AAI item FS99, the text that you enter on the first line under Account Use Description on the Set Up Single AAI Item form is the description that prints on the last line of your financial statement. Unlike most other AAIs, AAI item FS99 does not require account information. Note. Financial statements provide a processing option that allows you to specify whether the system calculates net income. If you calculate net income and you also set up AAI item FS99, the system prints two net income lines on the financial statement. To prevent two net income lines from printing on the financial statement, either set up AAI item FS99 or do not specify to calculate net income in the processing option. To print single or double lines before or after the report totals, enter one of these values on the fourth or fifth line under the Account Use Description heading on the Set Up Single AAI Item form:
Value *BEFORE(-) *BEFORE(=) *AFTER(-) *AFTER(=) Prints a single line before the totals. Prints a double line before the totals. Prints a single line after the totals. Prints a double line after the totals. Description


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Setting Up the General Accounting System

Understanding Speed Codes

The AAI items for SPx define one-character speed codes that you can use instead of the standard combination of business unit.object.subsidiary for a general ledger account. You can use a speed code to replace the entire business unit.object.subsidiary, the object number and subsidiary, or the object number only. You cannot set up a speed code to replace only the subsidiary. This table shows the information needed to set up AAI item SPx:
AAI Item SPx Description Speed Code Company Business Unit Optional Object Required Subsidiary Optional Sequence Number 1.289

Speed codes can be company specific if you enter the business unit in the AAI item. Thexin the speed code item is a user-defined single character. We recommend that you use only alphabetic characters (letters AZ) if your business units are numeric. Assume that you set up AAI item SPB and define only the object account (1110) as a speed code. During data entry, you type a business unit and, if appropriate, a subsidiary. For example, if you enter 1.B, the system reads it as 1.1110. After you set up speed codes, you must exit and then restart your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system before you can enter speed codes instead of account numbers. If you use a flexible format for your chart of accounts, you cannot use speed codes.

Understanding Account Summarization

The AAI items GLSMxx define account ranges that you do not want to summarize. For example, if you do not want liquid asset accounts summarized, you might set up this account range: GLSM01: Object 1000 GLSM02: Object 1199 and Subsidiary 99999999 You must define complete ranges, consisting of a beginning and an ending AAI item. The first range must begin with GLSM01. We recommend that you end the first range with GLSM02, which is the next consecutive number. Define the next range, if needed, to begin with GLSM03 and end with GLSM04, and so on. This table shows the information needed to set up AAI item GLSMxx:
AAI Item GLSMxx Description Bypass Summarization Accounts Business Unit Not used Object Required Subsidiary Optional Sequence Number 1.300

Understanding Reconcilable Ranges

The AAI items GLRCxx define ranges of accounts that you want to reconcile as part of your account reconciliation process. You must reconcile these accounts before you can summarize them.

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Chapter 3

You must define complete ranges, consisting of a beginning and an ending AAI item. The first range must begin with GLRC01. We recommend that you end the first range with GLRC02, which is the next consecutive number. Define the next range, if needed, to start with GLRC03 and end with GLRC04, and so on. This table shows the information needed to set up AAI item GLRCxx:
AAI Item GLRCxx Description Reconcilable Ranges Business Unit Not used Object Required Subsidiary Optional Sequence Number 1.400

Understanding Prior Year Account Purges

The AAI items for GLPRxx define account ranges that you do not want to purge. You must define complete ranges, consisting of a beginning and an ending AAI item. The first range must begin with GLPR01. We recommend that you end the first range with GLPR02, which is the next consecutive number. Define the next range, if needed, to begin with GLPR03 and end with GLPR04, and so on. This table shows the information needed to set up AAI item GLPRxx:
AAI Item GLPRxx Description Bypass Purge Accounts Business Unit Not used Object Required Subsidiary Optional Sequence Number 1.440

Setting Up Business Unit Supplemental Data

You might need to review, track, and report on information about a business unit that is not included in the standard master tables. This type of information is referred to as supplemental data. Supplemental data can include information that is unique to your business. For example, a construction company might use supplemental data to track the progress of each job (business unit). The supplemental data could include the legal description of the job site, the ground conditions, daily job logs, and so on. After you set up the supplemental database, which includes setting up supplemental data types and specifying formats, you can enter the data that you will use and customize it for your specific business. To track information that is not available in the standard master tables, use narrative data types and code data types.

Set up the business units for which you want to track supplemental data.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Understanding Supplemental Data


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Chapter 3

Setting Up the General Accounting System

Setting Up Vertex Sales Tax

If your company wants to apply sales taxes automatically, you can use the Vertex Sales Tax Q Series system with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, as well as with other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tax Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up the Interface to Vertex Sales Tax Q Series

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Setting Up the General Accounting System

Chapter 3


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Setting Up Account Reconciliation

This chapter provide an overview of account reconciliation and discusses how to set up: AAIs for account reconciliation Reconciliation codes

Understanding Account Reconciliation

As part of your period-end processes, you might need to reconcile certain types of accounts in your system. For example, you might need to reconcile the balances in your bank accounts with your bank statement. Or you might want to reconcile debits to credits within a trade or suspense account. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system provides four methods of account reconciliation: Bank Account Reconciliation Use this method to manually reconcile your bank accounts. Debit/Credit Match Use this method to manually reconcile debits and credits for accounts such as clearing or suspense accounts. Bank Tape Reconciliation Use this method if you want the system to automatically reconcile your bank account. You can use this method only if your bank provides magnetic media with transaction information. Bank Statement Processing Use this method to enter transaction information from your bank statement directly into EnterpriseOne software. Countries whose banking processes rely heavily on magnetic media processing, electronic funds transfers, and direct bank involvement in settling outstanding debts typically use this method.

Setting Up AAIs for Account Reconciliation

Before you begin the account reconciliation process, you must set up AAI item GLRCxx. These AAIs define the range of accounts that you want to reconcile and are required for all four methods of account reconciliation. If the account that you want to reconcile is not included in any of your GLRCxx AAI ranges, the Refresh Reconciliation File program (R09130) does not build the WF - Account Ledger Reconciliation worktable (F0911R) for the account and you will not be able to reconcile the account.

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Setting Up Account Reconciliation

Chapter 4

You must define complete ranges, consisting of a beginning and an ending AAI item. The first range must begin with GLRC01. We recommend that you end the first range with GLRC02, the next consecutive number. Define the next range, if needed, to start with GLRC03 and end with GLRC04, and so on. This example shows how you might set up your GLRCxx AAIs:
Item Number GLRC01 GLRC02 GLRC03 GLRC04 Description Line 1 Reconcilable Range Reconcilable Range Reconcilable Range Reconcilable Range Description Line 2 Begin Range 1 End Range 1 Begin Range 2 End Range 2 Company 00000 00000 00000 00000 Business Unit Object Account 1110 1110 4110 4110 99999999 99999999 Subsidiary

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions, Setting Up AAIs

Setting Up Reconciliation Codes

As part of the setup for the Bank Account Reconciliation and the Debit/Credit Match methods of account reconciliation, you can change the reconciliation code that the system uses to indicate the reconciliation status of a transaction. The system updates the transactions in the WF - Account Ledger Reconciliation worktable (F0911R) and the Account Ledger table (F0911) with this reconciliation code when you reconcile transactions within your accounts. The Refresh Reconciliation File program (R09130) uses the reconciliation code to determine which transactions have already been reconciled when refreshing the F0911R worktable. The default reconciliation code is R. However, if your organization has a different term for reconciliation and would like to make the code more applicable, you can add a new reconciliation code. If you want to add a new reconciliation code, you must define the new code in UDC table 09/RC. You can enter any alphanumeric value. The field length is 1. However, if you are using bank statement processing, you cannot use values A or D because they are used by the Bank Statement programs. Note. The Auto Reconcile Void Payment (R09551) and Auto Reconcile Void Receipt (R09552) programs use the default reconciliation code of R. You cannot change the reconciliation code for these programs.


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Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

The automatic bank statement process is an efficient way in which to reconcile your bank statement transactions against transactions in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. The chapter discusses how to: Set integration options for automatic bank statement processing. Set up UDCs for automatic bank statement processing. Set up bank account cross references. Set up automatic bank account reconciliation.

See Also
Chapter 20, Processing Bank Statements Automatically, page 179

Setting Integration Options for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

This section provides an overview of bank statement integration options and discusses how to: Set integration options for conversion flows. Set an integration option for the date pattern.

Understanding Bank Statement Integration Options

Before you run the conversion flow that transfers data from your bank flat file to the EnterpriseOne staging tables, you must set up the integration options. The integration options identify the name and location of the Bank Administration Institute (BAI) or Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) flat file as well as the date pattern.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 Web Services Gateway: Configuration Editor Guide

Setting Integration Options for Conversion Flows

In the Configuration Editor application, select Integration Options > Family > Financials > OneWorld > PSFT EnterpriseOne AutoBankStatement.

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Chapter 5

Integration Options form

If you receive only one bank flat file monthly for one or both bank formats, set the integration options one time only and ensure that you set the option (line 3) to delete the flat file after running the conversion flow. If you receive multiple bank flat files monthly, you must set the integration options before you run each conversion flow to designate the different file names and locations. Value Enter the name of the text file (bank flat file) and its location on lines 1 and 2 (for BAI2) and lines 4 and 5 (for SWIFT). On line 3, specify whether to delete the text file after transferring data to the staging tables. Values are: 0: Do not delete the text file. 1: Delete the text file.

Setting an Integration Option for the Date Pattern

In the Configuration Editor application, select Integration Options > System > OneWorld.

System Integration Options form


Access the line for E1 Date Pattern and enter the date format in this field.

Setting Up UDCs for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

This section provides an overview of UDC setup for automatic bank statement processing and discusses how to set up UDCs for automatic bank statements.

Understanding UDC Setup for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

You set up user-defined codes (UDCs) to facilitate the entry and reconciliation of transactions for automatic bank statement processing. The UDCs minimize the amount of exception processing and maximize the ability to automatically create and reconcile transactions for your bank accounts. The automatic bank statement programs use values from 11 UDC tables.


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Chapter 5

Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Warning! Do not add codes to the UDC tables. The program logic for the automatic bank statement programs depends on certain codes and special handling code values to process information correctly. You can change the description and codes for UDCs that are not hard coded; however, you cannot change what the code represents nor can you change the special handling code value, if one exists. For example, the code 2 in UDC table 09/DT is not hard coded but it has a special handling code of 20. You can change the code from 2 to 4 and the description from Todays Date to Current Date, but you cannot change the date that the code represents nor can you change the special handling code (20).

Setting Up UDCs for Automatic Bank Statements

This section discusses how to set up UDCs for automatic bank statements.

00/DT - Document Types

UDC 00/DT contains the hard-coded document type TM that identifies journal entry transactions that are created in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management system from Oracle and reconciled during the automatic bank statement process. TM journal entry transactions might include bank fees, transfers, and interest earned.

09/TT - Auto Bank Statement Transaction Types

UDC table 09/TT contains transaction types for bank account transactions. The transaction types in UDC table 09/TT are user-defined and might include:
Code CK CR DP JE RJE Description Payment Clear Cash Receipt Clear Draft Paid Clear Journal Entry Reconcile Only Journal Entry 08 04 07 01 02 Special Handling Code

Note. The transaction type code RJE (or other user-specified code with special handling code 02) is used for bank transactions that already exist as journal entries in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. For these transactions, the Automatic Bank Statement process does not create a duplicate transaction but, instead, reconciles the existing journal entry against the general ledger. You can use this transaction type code for bank transactions such as bank fees and transfer fees. If your electronic bank statement originates in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management system and you reconcile the statement in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you must set up this transaction type code. The journal entries for this transaction type are created in the PeopleSoft Treasury Management system, transferred to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, and then reconciled against the general ledger.

09/DT - Default Date

UDC table 09/DT contains codes that specify the default date to use for types of transactions. The default date codes in UDC table 09/DT are user-defined and might include:

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Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Chapter 5

Code 1 2 3

Description Bank Statement Date Todays Date Cleared Date 10 20 30

Special Handling Code

09/FT - E Bank Statement Format

UDC table 09/FT contains the codes for the two formats that are available for electronic bank statements and the format for Oracles PeopleSoft Enterprise journal entries that are reconciled in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne general ledger. The format codes in UDC table 09/FT are hard-coded:
Code SWIFT BAI2 PSFT Description Swift MT 940 BAI2 PeopleSoft Enterprise 1 2 3 Special Handling Code

09/TD - Transaction Debit/Credit Indicator

UDC table 09/TD contains debit and credit indicators, which specify the sign for transaction amounts. The debit/credit indicator codes in UDC table 09/TD are hard-coded:
Code C D RC RD Credit Debit Cancellation Credit Cancellation Debit Description

09/RR - Reconciled Reason Code

UDC table 09/RR contains reason codes that explain why certain transactions were reconciled. For example, the system uses reason code VWT if an amount is different than expected, but falls within the tolerance limit. The system displays the description of these codes on the Revise Auto Bank Statement and Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger forms. The reconciled reason codes in UDC table 09/RR are hard-coded:
Code ABR DPC Description Auto Batch Receipts Created Draft Paid Clear 10 20 Special Handling Code


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Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing


Description Consolidated Receipts Variance Within Tolerance 30 40

Special Handling Code

09/RU - Reconciled Code

UDC table 09/RU contains codes that indicate whether a transaction is reconciled. You can choose which transactions to view on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form by specifying a reconciled code. The reconciled codes in UDC table 09/RU are user-defined and might include:
Code 1 2 3 Description Unreconciled Reconciled All 10 20 30 Special Handling Code

09/UR - Unreconciled Reason Code

UDC table 09/UR contains reason codes that explain why certain transactions were not reconciled. The system displays these codes and their descriptions on the Revise Auto Bank Statement and Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger forms. The codes are stored in the F09617 table. The unreconciled reason codes in UDC table 09/UR are hard-coded:
Code ANC ANE CLD CNV DPN IAC IGO IVA JE NCS NMP Description Auto Batch Rec Not Created Amounts Not Equal Cleared Date Prior to G/L Date Customer/Supplier Not Valid Draft Paid Not Found in F0411 Invalid Account Invalid G/L Offset Account Invalid Variance Account JE Creation Not Successful No Customer/Supplier Number No Matching Payment in G/L 20 30 40 50 120 60 160 150 70 80 90 Special Handling Code

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Chapter 5


Description No Matching Receipt in G/L Offsetting Entries Not Created Posting Edit Code Invalid Variance Not Within Tolerance 100 140 110 130

Special Handling Code

09/BA - BAI2 Transaction Types

UDC table 09/BA contains the transaction types that are defined by BAI. The BAI2 format is the North American format used for electronic banking. The PSFT format is similar to the BAI2 format. Transaction types for the BAI2 and PSFT formats are populated in the F09611 staging table. You use the Bank Account Cross Reference program to map the BAI2 and PSFT transaction types to the EnterpriseOne transaction types in UDC table 09/TT. These ranges identify the types of BAI2 transactions:
Transaction Type Range 001099 100 101399 400 401699 700899 900919 920959 960999 Account level status codes Total credits summary Credit summary and detail codes Total debits summary Debit summary and detail codes Range not used by BAI Account level status codes (customized UDCs) Credit summary and detail codes (customized UDCs) Debit summary and detail codes (customized UDCs) Description

All codes in UDC table 09/BA are hard-coded. You can view a complete list of the codes in documents that are provided by BAI. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software also contains the BAI2 codes. Ensure that you update the UDC table manually if BAI makes changes to the transaction types. Examples of BAI2 transaction types include:
Code 010 105 224 Description 01 Opening Ledger Credits Not Detailed Commission Status Summary Detail Description 02 None CR CR Special Handling Code


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Chapter 5

Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Code 400 506 622

Description 01 Total Debits Book Transfer Debit Broker Debit

Description 02 Summary Detail Detail DB DB DB

Special Handling Code

09/ST - SWIFT Transaction Types

UDC table 09/ST contains the transaction types that are defined by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT). The SWIFT format is the European format for electronic banking. These transaction types are populated in the F09611 staging table. You use the Bank Account Cross Reference program (P09621) to map the SWIFT transaction types to the transaction types in UDC table 09/TT. All codes in UDC table 09/ST are hard-coded. You can view a complete list of the codes in documents that are provided by SWIFT. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software also contains the codes. Ensure that you update the UDC table manually if SWIFT makes changes to the transaction types. Examples of SWIFT transaction types include:
Code BOE COL SEC 001 076 204 Description 01 Bill of Exchange Collections Securities Personal Cheque Telephone Order Letter of Credit None Used with principal amount Used with principal amount Other than euro cheque None None Description 02

09/BU - Offset Business Unit

UDC table 09/BU contains the codes that identify which business unit to use for offsetting accounts when the Process Auto Bank Statement program creates journal entries. When you create a cross reference for transaction code JE (journal entries), you specify whether the business unit is for a bank account or an alternate offset account.
Code 1 2 Description Bank Account Business Unit Alternate Offset Business Unit 10 20 Special Handling Code

Setting Up Cross References

This section provides an overview of cross references and discusses how to:

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Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Chapter 5

Set up a cross reference for a bank account. Set up a cross reference for a transaction type.

Understanding Cross References

Bank account numbers and transaction types that appear on your electronic bank statements must be mapped to account and transaction types in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. You use the Bank Account Cross Reference program (P09621) to cross reference (or map) an account number on an electronic bank statement to an EnterpriseOne account number. When you add or revise information, the system updates the Bank Account Cross References table (F09621). You use the Transaction Type Cross Reference program (P09622) to cross reference a transaction type to the EnterpriseOne transaction type. When you add or revise information, the system updates the Transaction Type Cross References table (F09622). The F09621 and F09622 tables include audit fields that are used for tracking and security purposes. The fields track the User ID, program ID, machine name, date, and time.

Forms Used to Set Up Cross References

Form Name Work With Bank Account Cross Reference


Navigation Automatic Bank Statement Setup (G09214), Bank Account Cross Reference

Usage Review electronic bank information for your bank accounts, select a bank account to revise, or delete a bank account. Set up cross references for bank accounts.

Revise Bank Account Cross W09621B Reference

On the Work With Bank Account Cross Reference form, click Add. On the Revise Bank Account Cross Reference form, you can select G/L Bank Acct from the Form menu to search for an existing bank account or set up a new one.

Work With Transaction Type W09622A Cross Reference Revise Transaction Type Cross Reference

Automatic Bank Statement Setup (G09214), Transaction Type Cross Reference On the Work With Transaction Type Cross Reference form, click Add.

Review transaction types that appear on electronic bank statements. Set up cross references for transaction types.

Setting Up Cross References for a Bank Account

Access the Revise Bank Account Cross Reference form.


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Chapter 5

Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Revise Bank Account Cross Reference form

Electronic Bank Account Number Electronic Format Indicator

Enter the bank account number as it appears on the electronic bank statement. Enter a format code from UDC table 09/FT. Values are: BAI2 SWIFT PSFT Format codes are hard-coded.

EnterpriseOne Account Number Alternate Offset Business Unit

Enter the GL account number of the bank account on the electronic bank statement. Enter the business unit to use to create journal entries for offset accounts. This is the business unit for a bank account or an alternate offset account. (You identify which offset business unit to use as well as the object and subsidiary accounts on the Revise Transaction Type Cross Reference form.) This field enables you to assign a different offset business unit to each transaction type. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the business unit of the bank account as the default value. The Automatic Bank Statement Process program creates offset accounts for JE transactions only.

Setting Up a Cross Reference for a Transaction Type

Access the Revise Transaction Type Cross Reference form.

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Chapter 5

Revise Transaction Type Cross Reference form

Electronic Format Indicator Electronic Transaction Type Debit/Credit Indicator

Enter the format code from UDC table 09/FT for the transaction type. Enter the transaction type code from UDC table 09/ST (SWIFT) or 09/BA (BAI2) for the format that you entered in the Electronic Format Indicator field. These two fields works in conjunction with one another. If you enter a format and an electronic transaction type code for BAI2 or PSFT, the system displays the Debit/Credit Indicator field on the form. The value in the Special Handling Code field of the transaction type determines whether the amount is a debit (D) or credit (C). If you enter a format for SWIFT, the bank flat file for SWIFT already includes the debit or credit indicator so the Debit/Credit Indicator field does not appear on the form.

Transaction Code Offset Business Unit

Enter a value from UDC table 09/TT. If you enter JE in this field, the Offset Business Unit, Object Account, and Subsidiary fields appear on the form. Enter a value from UDC table 09/BU to specify which business unit to use to create journal entries for offset accounts. Values are: 1: Bank Account Business Unit. 2: Alternate Offset Business Unit. If you enter 2, you must specify the alternate offset business unit on the Revise Bank Account Cross Reference form. If you do not, the system uses the business unit of the bank account.

Object and Subsidiary

Enter the object account and, optionally, the subsidiary for the offsetting journal entry.


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Chapter 5

Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Setting Up Automatic Bank Account Reconciliation

This section provides an overview of reconciliation for automatic bank accounts and discusses how to: 1. Set up automatic reconciliation rules. 2. Assign automatic reconciliation rules to groups. 3. Assign groups to automatic bank statement accounts.

Understanding Automatic Bank Account Reconciliation

To automatically reconcile electronic bank statements, the Process Automatic Bank Statement program uses: Reconciliation rules Reconciliation groups Bank statement accounts

Reconciliation Rules
Reconciliation rules enable you to maximize the number of transactions that the system automatically reconciles and minimize any manual reconciliation. The Process Automatic Bank Statement program uses default rules to reconcile receipts, payments, and drafts in the F0911 table that have cleared your bank account. Each reconciliation rule can have up to five transaction types. Each tab on the Revise Auto Reconciliation Rules corresponds to a transaction type. You assign a reconciliation code from UDC table 09/RC to each transaction type or let the system assign the default value R (Reconciled One for One Match). The reconciliation rules that you define for a transaction type consists of variance accounts, document types, tolerance limits, and so on. The system stores reconciliation rules in the F09626 table.

Reconciliation Groups
After you set up reconciliation rules, you set up reconciliation groups and assign rules to the groups. You can assign only one reconciliation rule to a group; however, you can use the same reconciliation rule for multiple groups. The Process Automatic Bank Statement program accesses the reconciliation rule assigned to the group to retrieve the bank statement account. The system stores reconciliation groups in the F09627 table.

Automatic Bank Statements

Next, you assign a reconciliation group to the GL bank account. You can assign only one reconciliation group to an account; however, you can use the same group for multiple bank accounts. The bank account follows the reconciliation rule of the group, unless you override that information when you set up the automatic bank statement account. The system stores automatic bank statement accounts in the F09628 table.

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Chapter 5

Forms Used to Set Up Automatic Bank Account Reconciliation

Form Name Work With Auto Reconciliation Rules


Navigation Automatic Bank Statement Setup (G09214), Automatic Reconciliation Rules Setup On Work With Auto Reconciliation Rules form, click Add or select an existing rule to revise. Automatic Bank Statement Setup (G09214), Automatic Reconciliation Group

Usage Review reconciliation rules, select an existing rule to revise, or copy or delete an existing rule. Set up a reconciliation rule.

Revise Auto Reconciliation Rules


Work With Auto Reconciliation Groups


Review reconciliation groups, select an existing group to revise, or copy or delete an existing group.

Revise Auto Reconciliation Group


On Work With Auto Set up a reconciliation Reconciliation Groups form, group. click Addor select an existing group to revise. Automatic Bank Statement Setup (G09214), Automatic Bank Statement Account Setup On the Work With Auto Bank Statement Setup form, click Add or select an existing account to revise. Review automatic bank statement accounts, select an existing account to revise, or copy or delete an existing account. Set up an automatic bank statement account.

Work With Auto Bank Statement Account Setup


Revise Auto Bank Statement W09628B Account Setup

Setting Up Automatic Reconciliation Rules

Access the Revise Auto Reconciliation Rules form.


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Chapter 5

Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Revise Auto Reconciliation Rules form

Reconciliation Rule

Enter the name of the reconciliation rule for which you want to assign transaction type rules.

Payment Clear
Select this tab if the reconciliation rule applies to payments that have cleared the bank. Payment Variance Select this check box for payment variances. If selected, the system displays the Variance Account, Variance Date Mode, Tolerance Limit, and Variance Doc Type fields, which are required. Select this check box for the system to reconcile payments if the cleared date in the F09617 table is before the general ledger date in the F0911 table. Enter a value from UDC table 09/RC. This value is used by the Process Automatic Bank Statement program to indicate that a bank statement has been approved or processed, a payment was voided, and so on. If you leave this field blank, the system uses R (Reconciled One for One Match) as the default value. Enter the general ledger account that the system uses to record any variance amounts for this transaction type and reconciliation rule. This field and the remaining fields on this tab appear only if the Payment Variance check box is selected. Enter a value from UDC table 09/DT to specify the default date for the system to use when it automatically creates journal entries for variances. Values are:

Payment Reconciliation Date Exception Reconciliation Code

Variance Account

Variance Date Mode

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Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Chapter 5

1: Bank statement date 2: Todays date 3: Cleared date Tolerance Limit Variance Doc Type Enter the maximum amount or highest percentage allowed for the system to create an automatic write-off record. Enter a value from UDC table 00/DT for the system to use to create variance journal entries for payments when you run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program. If you leave this field blank, the system uses PN (Manual Check) as the default value.

Receipt Clear
Select this tab if the reconciliation rule applies to receipts that clear the bank. The Reconciliation Code, Variance Date Mode, and Tolerance Limit fields function the same as those on the Payment Clear tab. Receipt Variance Select this check box for receipt variances. If selected, the system displays the Variance Account, Variance Date Mode, Tolerance Limit, and Variance Doc Type fields, which are required.

Receipt Reconciliation Date Select this check box for the system to reconcile receipts if the cleared date in Exception the F09617 table is before the general ledger date in the F0911 table. Create Auto Batch Receipts Select this check box if you want the system to automatically create batch receipts. If selected, the system displays the Auto Batch Receipt Date Mode field, which is required. The system creates automatic batch receipts and applies them to invoices only for transactions with a customer number. If the customer number is blank, the system creates a logged receipt, which is not applied to invoices. The system creates automatic batch receipts only if the receipt and invoice currency is the same. You cannot apply an alternate currency to an automatic batch receipt. Auto Batch Receipt Date Mode Enter a value from UDC table 09/DT to specify the default date for the system to use when it automatically creates batch receipts. Values are the same as those for the Variance Date Mode field. This field is required if you select the Create Auto Batch Receipts check box. Enter the general ledger account that the system uses to record any variance amounts for this transaction type and reconciliation rule. This field and the remaining fields on this tab appear only if the Receipt Variance check box is selected. Enter a value from UDC table 00/DT for the system to use to create variance journal entries for receipts when you run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program. If you leave this field blank, the system uses RC (Receipts) as the default value.

Variance Account

Variance Document Type

Journal Entry Create

Select this tab if the reconciliation rule applies to journal entries, such as those for bank fees, transfers, and interest earned. The Reconciliation Code and G/L Date Mode fields on this tab function the same as those on the Payment Clear tab.


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Chapter 5

Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Document Type

Enter a value from UDC table 00/DT for the system to use to create journal entries when you run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program. If you leave this field blank, the system uses JE (Journal Entry) as the default value.

Journal Entry Reconcile

Select this tab if the reconciliation rule applies to transaction type RJE (or other user-specified transaction code with special handling code 02) in UDC table 09/TT. This transaction type is used for bank transactions that already exist as journal entries in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. For these transactions, the Automatic Bank Statement process does not create a duplicate transaction but, instead, reconciles the existing journal entry against the general ledger. If your electronic bank statement originates in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury system and you reconcile the statement in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you must use this transaction type code for journal entries that are created in the PeopleSoft Treasury Management system, transferred to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, and then reconciled against the general ledger. Journal Entry Reconcile Variance JE Reconciliation Date Exception Variance Account Select this check box for journal entry variances. If selected, the system displays the Variance Account, Variance Date Mode,Tolerance Limit, and Variance Doc Type fields, which are required. Select this check box for the system to reconcile journal entries if the cleared date in the F09617 table is before the general ledger date in the F0911 table. Enter the general ledger account that the system uses to record any variance amounts for this transaction type and reconciliation rule. This field and the remaining fields on this tab appear only if the Journal Entry Reconcile Variance check box is selected. Enter a value from UDC table 00/DT for the system to use to create variance journal entries for journal entries when you run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program. If you leave this field blank, the system uses JE (Journal Entry) as the default value.

Variance Doc Type

Draft Paid
Select this tab if a reconciliation rule applies to drafts paid by the bank. G/L Date Mode (general ledger date mode) Draft Document Type Enter a value from UDC table 09/DT to specify the default date for the system to use when it automatically creates an entry between the general ledger bank account and the drafts payable account. This field is required. Enter a value from UDC table 00/DT for the system to use to create journal entries when you run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program. If you leave this field blank, the system uses JE (Journal Entry) as the default value.

Assigning Automatic Reconciliation Rules to Groups

Access the Revise Auto Reconciliation Group form.

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Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Chapter 5

Revise Auto Reconciliation Group form

Reconciliation Group Reconciliation Rule Update Reference 3 field with Bank Statement Number

Enter a name to identify the reconciliation group. Enter the name of the reconciliation rule. Select this check box for the system to populate the GLR3 field in the F0911 table with the bank statement number. The reconciliation group identifies the default value. This check box also appears on the Revise Auto Bank Statement Account Setup form.

Assigning Groups to Automatic Bank Statement Accounts

Access the Revise Auto Bank Statement Account Setup form.

Revise Auto Bank Statement Account Setup form


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Chapter 5

Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

G/L Account Number (general ledger account number) Reconciliation Group Reconciliation Rule

Enter the general ledger account number for the bank.

Enter the code that identifies the reconciliation group that you want the system to use when it processes automatic bank statements for this bank account. Enter the code that identifies the reconciliation rule for the system to use when it processes automatic bank statements for this bank account. The rule that you enter in this field must be part of the group that you entered in the previous field. The Reconciliation Group and Reconciliation Rule fields work in conjunction with one another. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the reconciliation rule assigned to the group that you entered in the previous field.

Track Taxes

Select this check box for the system to track taxes for this bank account. To update the Tax Explanation Code, Tax Rate Area, and Tax Item Number fields in the F0911 table, you must select this check box as well as enter values in the two remaining tax fields. If you select the Track Taxes check box, this field is required. Enter the code for the tax rate area for this bank account. This code must exist in the F4008 table. The general ledger date of all transactions for this bank account must be greater than or equal to the effective date and less than or equal to the expiration date of the tax rate/area that you enter in this field. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the tax rate area specified for the GL account number in the F0901 table. If there is none, the system issues an error message.

Tax Rate/Area

Tax Explanation Code

If you select the Track Taxes check box, this field is required. Enter a value from UDC table 00/EX that begins with the letter V (value added tax). The system uses this code in conjunction with the tax rate area and tax rules to determine how to calculate a tax. This field is always required if the Tax Rate/Area field contains a value

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Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Chapter 5


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Setting Up Budget Forecasting and Planning

This chapter provides an overview of budget forecasting and planning and discusses how to set up growth patterns.

Understanding Budget Forecasting and Planning Setup

You can forecast revenue and expense budget amounts up to 15 years in the future with the forecasting and planning programs. Before you can forecast budget amounts for profit and loss accounts, you must complete these setup requirements: Set up growth patterns. Growth patterns can be either fixed amounts or percentages. Assign growth patterns to business units. Growth patterns can be changed at the account level, if necessary. To forecast budget amounts, the system applies a growth pattern to the basis amounts that it retrieves from the net posting amounts in the Account Balances table (F0902).

See Also
Chapter 23, Forecasting and Planning Budgets, page 239

Setting Up Growth Patterns

This section provides an overview of growth patterns and discusses how to: Set up a growth pattern. Assign a growth pattern to business units.

Understanding Growth Patterns

You use growth patterns to specify the amount or percent of increase that you want the system to apply to revenue and expense accounts when it calculates budget amounts. You assign growth pattern types (UDC table 14/GP) to growth pattern codes to identify budget amounts as fixed amounts or percentages. For example, if you enter a growth amount of 1.00, the system: Adds 1 to the account balance, if you use a growth pattern type of FIX (fixed amounts).

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Setting Up Budget Forecasting and Planning

Chapter 6

Multiplies the account balance by 1.01, which is equivalent to multiplying the account balance by one percent and adding that result to the account balance, if you use a growth pattern type of PCT (percentage). You can specify different fixed amounts or percentage amounts for each year for up to 15 years for a growth pattern. The system compounds the growth amounts that you enter for each year. For example, if you enter a percentage growth pattern and specify 1.0 for year 1 and 2.0 for year 2, the system multiplies the account balance by 1.01 the first year and then multiples that amount by 1.02 the following year (for a total of 3.02 percent). After you set up growth pattern codes, you assign them to business units and specify a revision number. Using a revision number enables you to generate multiple budgets for the same business unit. Growth pattern information is stored in the Forecast Growth Patterns table (F1406).

Forms Used to Set Up Growth Patterns

Form Name Work With Forecast Growth W1406A Patterns Revise Forecast Growth Patterns Work With Business Unit Growth Patterns Revise Business Unit Growth Patterns


Navigation Forecasting and Planning (G1411), Forecast Growth Patterns On the Work With Forecast Growth Patterns form, click Add. Forecasting and Planning (G1411), Business Unit Growth Patterns On the Work With Business Unit Growth Patterns form, click Add.

Usage Review existing growth patterns. Add and revise growth patterns. Review growth patterns assigned to business units. Assign growth pattern codes and revision numbers to business units, and revise them.



Setting Up a Growth Pattern

Access the Revise Forecast Growth Patterns form.


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Chapter 6

Setting Up Budget Forecasting and Planning

Revise Forecast Growth Patterns form

Growth Pattern Code

Enter a code to specify the amount or percent of increase that you want the system to apply to revenue and expense accounts when it calculates budget amounts. Assign a user-defined code from UDC table 14/GP to specify whether the budget amounts that you forecast are fixed amounts (FIX) or percentages (PCT). Enter the anticipated growth rate for each year in which you want to forecast budget amounts.

Growth Pattern Type

Forecast Amount - Year 1 through Forecast Amount Year 15

Assigning a Growth Pattern to Business Units

Access the Revise Business Unit Growth Patterns form.

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Setting Up Budget Forecasting and Planning

Chapter 6

Revise Business Unit Growth Pattern form

Revise Business Unit

Select the Revise Business Unit tab. Revision Number Enter a number that identifies the budget revision. You can create an unlimited number of budget revisions for different what-if scenarios in which to forecast budgets. Displays the code (PCT or FIX) that is assigned to the growth pattern code.

Growth Pattern Type

Growth Patterns
Select the Growth Patterns tab. Forecast Amount - Year 1 through Forecast Amount Year 15 Displays the amounts that were set up for the budget pattern.

Budget Codes
The Budget Codes tab and corresponding fields are reserved for future use.


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Setting Up Cash Forecasting

This chapter provides an overview of cash forecasting setup and cash type codes and discusses how to: Set up cash type rules. Define a cash forecast report structure.

Understanding Cash Forecasting Setup

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne cash forecasting programs can help your company project, or forecast, future cash requirements and effectively manage your cash accounts. With cash forecasting, you can analyze one or more bank accounts and forecast your cash position daily or periodically based on a date horizon. The initial setup for cash forecasting includes setting up: Cash type codes Cash type rules Cash type forecast structures After the initial setup, you extract data from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting systems and then refresh the data to update the Cash Forecast Data table (F09522). With your data refreshed, you then use inquiry and report programs to analyze and forecast your cash position. Before you repeat the process again and refresh your data, you might need to purge the existing data in the F09522 table.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Understanding Cash Forecasting in Multiple Currencies

Understanding Cash Type Codes

You set up cash type codes in UDC table 09/CT for the headings and detail row descriptions that you want to appear on the Cash Forecast Analysis form and the Cash Forecast Report (R095221). Your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting software contains five heading cash type codes. You cannot change the code for these headings, but you can change the description. The number 10 in the Special Handling field of a cash type code designates the code as a heading. This table shows the heading cash type codes included in your software:

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Setting Up Cash Forecasting

Chapter 7


Description of Code Cash Forecast Opening Balances Net Operating Incoming Cash Outgoing Cash 10 10 10 10 10

Special Handling

You can set up additional cash type codes for headings. For example, you might set up a heading code for INVOPN (Open Invoices) to appear under the heading Incoming Cash. You must set up cash type codes for the detail row descriptions and the amounts that roll up into the headings. For example, for the heading Open Invoices, you might set up a detail code for INVCK (Open Invoices by Check) or INVEFT (Open Invoices by EFT). Using the previous example, the Cash Forecast Analysis form and the Cash Forecast Report would appear as follows: Incoming Cash Open Invoices Invoices by EFT 1.1110.FIB Invoices by Check 1.1110.BEAR You must set up rules for detail cash type codes, which include information such as bank account numbers, but not for heading cash type codes.

Setting Up Cash Type Rules

This section provides an overview of cash type rules and discusses how to set up: Cash type rules for accounts receivable and accounts payable. Cash type rules for general ledger.

Understanding Cash Type Rules

After you set up cash type codes, you must set up rules that correspond to the cash type codes for detail row descriptions in UDC table 09/CT. You do not set up rules for the cash type codes for headings. The system uses the detail cash type rules to retrieve data from your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting systems to use for cash forecast analysis.


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Chapter 7

Setting Up Cash Forecasting

For each detail code, you specify the system in which the cash type rule applies. The requirements for a rule depend on the system. For example, cash type rules for detail codes in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system require multiple bank accounts, whereas rules for detail codes in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable systems require a single bank account. The system uses these rules to select records from the appropriate detail tables when you refresh your cash flow data. For each detail code, you can specify a weight factor so that amounts are adjusted for more realistic expectations. For example, for the detail code for open invoices, you would set a weight factor of 80 percent if you expect about 80 percent of your open invoices to be paid by the due date. You can also designate a cash type code as active or inactive. When you refresh your cash flow data, the system includes only amounts associated with codes that are active. Cash type rules are stored in the F09521 table.

Forms Used to Set Up Cash Type Forecasting

Form Name Work with Cash Type Rules W09521A Revise Cash Type Rule


Navigation Cash Forecasting (G09319), Cash Type Rules Setup Click Add on the Work with Cash Type Rules form

Usage Review a list of cash type rules. Set up cash type rules for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting systems.

Setting Up Cash Type Rules for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
Access the Revise Cash Type Rule form. Select the A/R or A/P tab.

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Chapter 7

Revise Cash Type Rule form - A/R tab

The fields that appear in the header area of the Revise Cash Type Rule form and on the A/R and A/P tabs are the same.

Header Area Fields

A/R or A/P Cash Type Select the A/R or A/P option under the Data Source heading. Enter a code from UDC table 09/CT that identifies a source of cash inflow or outflow, such as open invoices, open vouchers, or bank accounts. If you enter a cash type that is specifically for a heading (a code with the special handling field of 10 in UDC table 09/CT), the system issues an error message. You do not set up rules for headings. Active Status Select this option to designate that a cash type rule is active. Only cash type rules with an active status are used to refresh cash forecast data for this cash type. Select this option to designate that a cash type is past due. If this option is selected and you refresh cash forecast data, the system selects a net due date range that is prior to the date on which you refresh the data. The date is based on the beginning and ending past due days specified for this cash type rule. If this option is not selected and you refresh cash forecast data, the system selects a net due date that is greater than or equal to the date on which you refresh the data. Weight Factor Enter a multiplier by which to measure the confidence level of receiving the actual amount for a transaction. For example, if you expect about 80 percent of open invoices to be paid by a due date, enter 0.80 in this field. To adjust for

Past Due Cash Type


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Chapter 7

Setting Up Cash Forecasting

unexpected events, you can increase the amount by a certain percent. For example, enter 1.10 in this field to increase the amount of open vouchers by 10 percent. The default value is 1 (no weight factor). Node Currency Enter the common currency in which to revalue amounts from multiple detail records. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the currency assigned to company 00000.

A/R or A/P Tab

Bank Acct No (bank account Enter a value that identifies the bank account number (not the account ID) in number) the general ledger. For an accounts receivable cash type, enter a specific bank account number. Because the bank account cannot be determined until a receipt is entered, you must specify the bank account number to use for the invoices specified. You cannot enter * for all bank accounts. When you refresh cash forecast data, the system updates the bank account number in the F09522 table with the value that you enter in this field and creates cash forecast records from the F03B11 detail records that match the other criteria for the cash type rule. For an accounts payable cash type, enter a specific bank account number to select only vouchers associated with the bank account. When you refresh cash forecast data, the system uses this bank account number to select F0411 detail records with the same number and creates cash forecast records for the same account for the cash type rule. Alternatively, you can enter * for all bank accounts. Document Type Enter a specific document type from UDC table 00/DT or * for all document types.

Note. For the Base Currency, Payment Instrument, and Originating Module fields, you can enter * to include all values. If you leave any of these three fields blank, the system selects only detail records with blanks to create cash forecast data for the cash type rule. Original Module For accounts receivable, enter a system code of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 from UDC table 03B/OS in this field. For accounts payable, enter a software module code of P, R, C, M, or L in this field. The Originating Module fields for AR and AP have different aliases (OMOD and RP3, respectively). Days Past Due - From Enter the beginning number of days prior to the date on which you refresh your cash forecast data. This number is used to select a net due date range so that you can include certain past due amounts for cash forecasting. For example, you can enter 1 in this field and 7 in the Days Past Due - To field to review cash forecast amounts that are up to one week past due. Enter the ending number of days prior to the date on which you refresh your cash forecast data. This number is used to select a net due date range so that you can include certain past due amounts for cash forecasting. For example, you can enter 7 in this field and 1 in the Days Past Due - From field to view cash forecast amounts that are up to one week past due.

Days Past Due - To

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Setting Up Cash Forecasting

Chapter 7

Show Past Due Amount in First Date Column or Show Past Due Amount in Past Due Column

Select one of these options only if this is a past due cash type. These options designate the column in which you want past due amounts for this cash type rule to appear on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. If selected, past due amounts appear in the first date period column. If not selected, past due amounts appear in a separate past due column.

Setting Up Cash Type Rules for General Ledger

Access the Revise Cash Type Rule form. Select the G/L tab.

Revise Cash Type Rule form - G/L tab

Header Fields
G/L (general ledger) Cash Type Select this option under the Data Source heading. If you enter a cash type that is specifically for a heading (a code with the Special Handling field equal to 10 in UDC table 09/CT), the system issues an error message. You do not set up rules for headings.

Beginning and Ending Object Account and Subsidiary Fields

Make sure that you include all bank accounts that apply to a given general ledger cash type. If you omit a bank account, the net operating forecast amount for that cash type, which appears on the Cash Forecast Analysis form, will not include that bank account and subsequent opening balances will be incorrect. Beginning Object Account Enter the beginning object account in a range of accounts. The beginning object account is combined with the beginning subsidiary account to specify a bank account. The beginning object account must be less than or equal to the ending object account. Enter the beginning subsidiary account in a range of accounts. The beginning subsidiary is combined with the beginning object account to specify a bank account. The beginning subsidiary account must be less than or equal to the ending subsidiary account.

Beginning Subsidiary


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Chapter 7

Setting Up Cash Forecasting

Ending Object Account

Enter the ending object account in a range of accounts. The ending object account is combined with the ending subsidiary account to specify a bank account. The ending object account must be greater than or equal to the beginning object account. Enter the ending subsidiary account in a range of accounts. The ending subsidiary is combined with the ending object account to specify a bank account. The ending subsidiary account must be greater than or equal to the beginning subsidiary account.

Ending Subsidiary

Note. To enter values in the Beginning Subsidiary and Ending Subsidiary fields: To enter specific subsidiaries, enter a valid subsidiary in both the Beginning Subsidiary and the Ending Subsidiary fields. For example, 1110.BEAR - 1110.FIB include only the subsidiaries BEAR through FIB. To include all subsidiaries as of a specific beginning subsidiary, enter a valid subsidiary in the Beginning Subsidiary field and * in the Ending Subsidiary field. For example, 1110.BEAR - 1110.* include all subsidiaries beginning with BEAR. To include all subsidiaries through a specific subsidiary, enter * in the Beginning Subsidiary field and a valid subsidiary in the Ending Subsidiary field. For example, 1110.*- 1.1110.FIB include all subsidiaries through FIB. To include every subsidiary within an object account, enter * in both the Beginning Subsidiary and Ending Subsidiary fields. For example, 1110.* - 1110.* include all subsidiaries for object account 1110.

Defining a Cash Forecast Report Structure

This section provides an overview of cash forecast report structures and discusses how to: Set processing options for the Cash Forecast Report Structures Setup program. Define a cash forecast report structure.

Understanding Cash Forecast Report Structures

After you set up cash type codes and their corresponding rules, you must define the reporting structure, or format, for your cash forecasts. You define a reporting structure by arranging cash type codes into reporting hierarchies within a parent/child tree structure. The system uses reporting structures to format the Cash Forecast Analysis form and the Cash Forecast Report (R095221). You can set a processing option in the Cash Forecast Report Structures Setup program (P09523) to automatically include these standard report headings from UDC table 09/CT in your report structure: Cash Forecast (1_TOTCF) Opening Balances (1_BAL) Net Operating Forecast (1_NETOP) Incoming Cash (1_IN) Outgoing Cash (1_OUT) By including these default headings, you provide a framework in which to add other user-defined heading and detail cash type codes when you define your parent/child tree structure.

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Chapter 7

Each row in the tree structure corresponds to a heading or detail cash type code in UDC table 09/CT, and each cash type code that is not a heading has a cash type rule associated with it. You can add and move cash type codes within the tree structure to define your reporting structure. You can define multiple reporting structures. Detail cash type codes, which show detail row descriptions such as Checking Accounts, appear under the cash type code in the tree structure. When you expand the tree structure, account data that is selected for the detail cash type code appears under the detail row description. The amounts from detail rows roll up into heading rows. For example, amounts from the detail row Checking Accounts might roll up into the heading Opening Balances. If you add or move a cash type code to a place within the parent/child tree structure that is not allowed, the system issues a detailed error message. If you revise a cash type rule associated with a detail cash type code, the system issues a warning that the revision will affect all reporting structures that use the rule.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Set up detail cash type codes and, optionally, heading cash type codes in UDC table 09/CT. Set up cash type rules for detail cash type codes. Set the processing option for the Cash Forecast Report Structures Setup program to include standard report sections.

Forms Used to Define Cash Forecast Reports

Form Name Work with Cash Forecast Reporting Structures Revise Reporting Structure Name Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure


Navigation Cash Forecasting (G09319), Cash Forecast Rp Structures Setup On Work with Cash Forecast Reporting Structures, click Add. On Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure, click OK.

Usage Review a list of reporting structures. Enter the report structure and its description. Define the structure of the report.



Setting Processing Options for the Cash Forecast Report Structures Setup Program (P09523)
Use this processing option to specify whether to include reports headings as the default in the cash forecasting reporting structure.

Default Tab
1. Standard Report Sections Specify whether the system includes these report headings from UDC table 09/CT in the cash forecast reporting structure: Cash Forecast (1_TOTCF) Opening Balances (1_BAL) Net Operating Forecast (1_NETOP)


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Chapter 7

Setting Up Cash Forecasting

Incoming Cash (1_IN) Outgoing Cash (1_OUT) Values are: Blank or 0: Omit report headings. 1: Add report headings. You can add detail cash type codes to these headings when you define your cash forecast reporting structure.

Defining a Cash Forecast Report Structure

Access the Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure form.

Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure form

To define a cash forecast report structure: 1. On Revise Reporting Structure Name, enter a name that uniquely identifies the hierarchical reporting structure. The reporting structure specifies how the system displays data for cash forecasting and must exist in the F09523 table. 2. Expand the tree structure. If you set the processing option to include standard report selections, the system displays the cash type codes for headings (UDC table 09/CT) in hierarchical order. 3. To add a detail cash type code to the existing report structure, select the node where you want the code to exist and click Add Node.

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Setting Up Cash Forecasting

Chapter 7

For example, to add the cash type code for Open Invoices by Check to the heading code for Incoming Cash, select Incoming Cash. 4. On Select Cash Type UDC, select one of these options and click Find: Detail Heading 5. In the detail area, scroll down, if necessary, and select the row that corresponds to the code that you want to add. 6. Click OK to update the database. 7. To move (cut and paste) a node, select the node and click Cut (scissors button). 8. Select the node where you want to place the node from the previous step and click Paste. 9. Expand the tree structure to view the node that you moved and its children. 10. Click Save to update the database. 11. On Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure, continue to add, delete, or move nodes until your structure is complete. If you add or move a cash type code to a place within the parent/child tree structure that is not allowed, the system issues an error message. 12. To review or revise cash type rules without exiting the form, continue to step 13; otherwise, click Cancel. Important! After you click Cancel to exit the Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure form, a window appears with the message Do you wish to automatically be connected to cash type rules to validate the changes made within this reporting structure? Click Yes to validate the cash type rules that you specified in the reporting structure and to ensure that no overlapping account ranges or values exist. You cannot verify that account ranges and values are valid when you add cash type rules. Instead, you must validate the rules when you create or revise a reporting structure. If the ranges and values are not correct, the cash forecast data that displays in the analysis could produce incorrect results. 13. To review or revise a cash type rule, complete these steps: To revise a cash type rule without exiting the program, complete steps 1415. To review multiple cash type rules within a reporting structure, complete steps 1617. To revise multiple cash type rules within a reporting structure, complete steps 1619. 14. On Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure, select a detail cash type and then choose Cash Type Rule from the Row menu. 15. On Revise Cash Type Rule, change the fields as necessary and click OK. 16. On Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure, select Rules for Rpt Struc from the Form menu. 17. On Revise Reporting Structure Cash Type Rules, select the Data Source option for one of these groups of cash types and click Find: All A/R A/P


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G/L Use the Revise Reporting Structure Cash Type Rules form to review multiple cash type rules for a group within a reporting structure and to verify that the rules do not have overlapping general ledger accounts, that the bank account numbers are accurate, and so on. 18. To revise multiple cash type codes for a group within a specific reporting structure, enter a new value in the query-by-example (QBE) row and click OK. 19. On the Message form, click OK to accept the revision. Important! If you change criteria for a cash type rule in this reporting structure, the criteria is changed for all reporting structures that use this cash type rule.

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Setting Up Cash Forecasting

Chapter 7


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Setting Up Statements of Cash Flow

This chapter provides overviews of cash management and cash flow statements and discusses how to: Set up cash flow activity codes. Set up normal balance codes. Set up cash flow rules.

Understanding Cash Management

With the cash management functionality available in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, you are able to predict your cash flow forecast on a daily basis so that you can more effectively mange your cash accounts. The cash management functionality is fully integrated so that you can accurately forecast cash flow without redundant data entry among the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting systems. The automatic bank statement process, which creates automated receipts, vouchers, and journal entries from reconciled transactions, integrates with cash management and cash flow forecasting. You can estimate opening and closing balances for cash accounts, as well as the total amount of open invoices and vouchers to improve overall short-term cash forecasting control.

Understanding Cash Flow Statements

International Accounting Standards (IAS) requires European Union (EU) companies to present a cash flow statement that shows the historical changes in cash and cash equivalents during a specified period of operations for a company. With the cash management functionality in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, you can comply with the requirements for creating a cash flow statement that separates these operating, investing, and financing activities: Operating - Cash flow from principal revenue-producing activities, such as cash receipts from the sale of goods and services, and other activities that are not investing or financing activities. Investing - Cash flow from the acquisition and disposal of long term assets and other investments that are not included in cash equivalents. Financing - Cash flow from changes in the size and composition of the equity capital and borrowings. These three activities affect cash and each must be analyzed separately on the statement of cash flow that show the cash-related activities of your business, as required by IAS-7. A cash flow statement provides:

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Setting Up Statements of Cash Flow

Chapter 8

An overview of the major sources of cash flow for your business. An assessment of the current liquidity of your business. A way in which to estimate future cash flow, based on historical changes. Information about cash flows generated from trading, as well as other financial activities. You can use cash flow statements to analyze your cash flow and produce reports by fiscal period over one or more bank accounts for a company.

Setting Up Cash Flow Activity Codes

The activity codes available in user-defined code (UDC) table 10/CF are hard-coded and are based on the requirements for International Accounting Standards (IAS) 7. Review this table for a list of activity codes and the types of accounts associated with them:
Code 10 20 Description of Code Net Income Before Tax Operating Profit Before Working Capital Explanation Includes the account assigned to AAI item FSxx. Includes adjustments to the operating profit before working capital, such as accumulated depreciation, profit or losses on the sale of non-current assets, and interest paid. Includes working capital, such as inventories, receivables, and payables. Includes outflows, such as interest paid, dividends paid, and tax paid. Includes non-current assets and proceeds on the sale of assets. Includes proceeds on the issue of shares and loans and the redemption of certain shares and loan amounts. Includes cash and bank accounts.

30 40 50 60 70

Cash Generated from Operations Cash Flow from Operating Activities Cash Flow from Investing Activities Cash Flow from Financing Activities Cash and Cash Equivalents

The activity code description does not print on the cash flow report; it is informational only. You can change the description of an activity code, but you cannot change its purpose. For example, you can change the description for activity code 10 from Net Income Before Tax to Net Profit/Loss, but you cannot change how the activity code is used on the cash flow report. You assign accounts to an activity code on the Statement of Cash Flow Activity form. The activity code and description appear in the header area of the form so that you can easily keep track of which activity you are assigning accounts to.


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Chapter 8

Setting Up Statements of Cash Flow

Setting Up Normal Balance Codes

The codes for UDC table 10/NB (Normal Balance) identify these types of account balances: Debit Credit The Special Handling field for each of these codes is hard coded and contains either D (debit) or C (credit). When you set up cash flow rules, you assign a value of D or C to each row to specify whether the normal balance for the accounts in the row is a debit or credit. When you print the cash flow statement, the system inserts Increase in or Decrease in before the account description, based on the normal balance.

Setting Up Cash Flow Rules

This section provides an overview of cash flow rules and discusses how to set up cash flow rules.

Understanding Cash Flow Rules

After you verify the activity codes in UDC table 10/CF, you must set up cash flow rules. These rules specify the accounts that are associated with each activity code, the order in which the accounts appear on the cash flow statement, and description. For example, on the cash flow statement, activity code 30 represents all accounts included in the subtotal for Cash Generated from Operations. When you set up cash flow rules for activity code 30, you create a separate line and description for each of the different accounts. For example, you might create these lines for activity code 30: Trade and Other Receivables Inventory Trade Payables You use the Statement of Cash Flow Rules program (P10520) to set up cash flow rules for activity codes 20 through 70 and assign accounts and a description to each line that you want to appear on the Statement of Cash Flow report (R10521). You also specify whether the accounts for a line normally have a debit or credit balance. For activity code 10 only, you use the same program, but assign the AAI item FSxx for net income before tax, and the system retrieves the amount. The subtotal descriptions that print on the report correspond to the different activity codes. The subtotal descriptions are hard-coded in the report and are based on IAS 7. The rules for cash flow statements are stored in the Statement of Cash Flow Rule table (F10520).

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Setting Up Statements of Cash Flow

Chapter 8

Forms Used to Set Up Cash Flow Rules

Form Name Work With Statement of Cash Flow Rules Statement of Cash Flows Activity Statement of Cash Flows Account Selection


Navigation Statement of Cash Flow (G1031), Statement of Cash Flow Rules On the Work With Statement of Cash Flow Rules form, click Add. On the Statement of Cash Flows Activity form, click the Select Accounts link in the Account Selection field.

Usage Review a list of cash flow activity codes. Set up cash flow rules.



Assign accounts to cash flow activity codes.

Setting Up Cash Flow Rules

Access the Statement of Cash Flows Activity form. Cash Flow Activity Enter an activity code from UDC table 10/CF that identifies a specific activity on the Statement of Cash Flow report. The values in this UDC table are hard-coded and are based on the requirements for IAS 7.

This task describes how to set up cash flow rules for activity code 10 and for activity codes 2070. The fields that appear on the Statement of Cash Flows Activity form are different for activity code 10.

Activity Code 10
Enter 10 in the Cash Flow Activity field.

Statement of Cash Flows Activity form

FS AAI Description

Enter the AAI item FSxx for Net Income Before Taxes for the company. Enter a description, if applicable. This description prints on the cash flow statement. The default value is the description from the AAI item entered in the previous step. If you override the


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Chapter 8

Setting Up Statements of Cash Flow

description, the system updates the F10520 table and prints the description on the cash flow statement only.

Activity Codes 2070

Enter a value from 2070 in the Cash Flow Activity field.

Statement of Cash Flows Activity form

For activity code 20 and the row for depreciation, enter the accounts for accumulated depreciation, and not the accounts for depreciation expense. Accumulated depreciation is a credit account. Amounts for this account are reversed and are added to the Net Income Before Tax line. You can enter multiple lines, descriptions, and accounts for activity codes 2070. Description Normal Balance Enter the description that you want to print as one line on the cash flow statement. Enter C or D in this field to specify whether the normal balance for the account on this line is a credit or debit. These values are hard-coded in UDC table 10/NB. Click the Select Accounts link to access the Statement of Cash Flows Account Selection form and assign a range of object and subsidiary accounts.

Account Selection

Statement of Cash Flows Account Selection Form

Use this form to assign from and through object accounts and subsidiaries.

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Setting Up Statements of Cash Flow

Chapter 8

Statement of Cash Flows Account Selection form

From Object Account and From Subsidiary Account

Enter an account in the From Object Account field. To designate all subsidiaries for the object account, enter * in the From Subsidiary Account field. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the first blank subsidiary associated with the "from" object account or the range of accounts. The values in these fields must be equal to or greater than the values in the From Object Account and From Subsidiary Account fields. Accounts that overlap from one line to the next line are not allowed. The system issues the error message Invalid From and Thru values.

Thru Object Account and Thru Subsidiary Account


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Setting Up Cash Basis Accounting

This chapter provides an overview of cash basis accounting setup and discusses how to: Set up cash basis document types. Set up AAIs for cash basis accounting.

Understanding Cash Basis Accounting Setup

When you use cash basis accounting, the system creates cash basis entries in the AZ ledger based on the accrual entry in the AA (actual amount) ledger. To set up your system for cash basis accounting, you determine the document type that you want the system to use for cash basis entries and, if necessary, set up the document type and assign it to a UDC table. Additionally, you must specify which document types to exclude from creating cash basis entries. When you set up your system for cash basis accounting, ensure that cash basis AAIs are set up properly. Cash basis accounting uses AAI items to track rounding differences that might occur in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable systems as a result of using taxes, multiple currencies, or discounts. Cash basis accounting also uses an AAI item to provide a suspense revenue account for the cash basis entry for unapplied receipts.

Setting Up Cash Basis Document Types

This section discusses how to: Set up document types for cash basis entries. Set up document types to exclude for cash basis entries. Assign cash basis document types to the AA ledger.

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Setting Up Cash Basis Accounting

Chapter 9

Forms Used to Set Up Cash Basis Document Types

Form Name Work With User Defined Codes


Navigation Cash Basis Accounting (G09314), Valid Document Types or Document Types to be Excluded

Usage Verify that the document types that you want to include for cash basis entries appear in UDC table 00/DT. Verify that the document types that you want to exclude from cash basis entries appear in UDC table 00/DX.

User Defined Codes


Click Add on the Work With User Defined Codes form.

Add a document type to include with cash basis entries in UDC table 00/DT and add a document type to exclude from cash basis entries in UDC table 00/DX.

Setting Up Document Types for Cash Basis Entries

You must decide which document types you want the system to use when it creates cash basis entries. Do not use the same document type in both the AZ and AA ledgers. Using the same document type could cause confusion when you locate a journal entry because both the AA and AZ ledger records would appear, suggesting that the record had been entered twice. Using the same document type would also increase processing time because the system would need to distinguish between the two records in the F0911 table. If you do not set up cash basis document types, the system assigns them based on the document type of the originating entry. The system uses the first character of the document type in the AA ledger entry and the letter Z for the second character. For example, if an entry in the AA ledger has a document type of PT and you do not set up a cash basis document type, the system uses the document type PZ for the cash basis entry. Because all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable document types for payments begin with the letter P (PK, PN, and PT), all cash basis entries for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system are assigned a document type of PZ unless you set up a different document type. You might want to set up different document types to differentiate automatic, manual, and electronic payment transactions for cash basis entries. For example, you might set up the document type PZ for automatic payments, MZ for manual payments, and TZ for electronic payments. Each document type that you use for cash basis entries must exist in UDC table 00/DT.

Setting Up Document Types to Exclude for Cash Basis Entries

You must identify the document types in the AA ledger that you want the system to exclude when creating cash basis entries in the AZ ledger. The system creates an entry in the AZ ledger for every entry in the AA ledger with a document type that does not appear in UDC table 00/DX. You should exclude voucher (PV) and invoice (RI) document types because cash basis entries for these document types should not be created until they are paid. You should also exclude document types that do not represent cash transactions, such as: Automatic entries (AE) Credit memos (PM)


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Chapter 9

Setting Up Cash Basis Accounting

Debit memos (RM) Adjustments (RA) Recurring documents (PR and RR) Finance charges (RF) Accrued property taxes (JT) Depreciation entries (DP) Ensure that any custom document types are analyzed for exclusion of cash basis entries. Do not exclude document types that represent the void for accounts payable payments (PO) or accounts receivable receipts (RO).

Assigning Cash Basis Document Types to the AA Ledger

Access the User Defined Codes form. After you set up the document types that you want the system to use for cash basis entries, you must assign them to the AA ledger document type from which the system creates cash basis entries. Description 02 Enter the two-character code for the cash basis document type in the first two positions. You are not required to complete this field if you use a system-assigned document type, such as PZ, RZ, or JZ.

Setting Up AAIs for Cash Basis Accounting

This section discusses how to set up: AAIs for unapplied receipts AAIs for balancing accounts

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions, Setting Up AAIs

Setting Up AAIs for Unapplied Receipts

When the system creates cash basis entries for receipts, it debits the bank account from the receipt and credits the revenue accounts from the invoices that the receipt pays. When you enter an unapplied receipt, however, you record the receipt without applying it to an invoice. Later, you match the unapplied receipt to the appropriate invoice. When the system creates a cash basis entry for an unapplied receipt, it debits the bank account and credits a suspense revenue account. Later, when you apply the receipt to the invoice, the system creates cash basis entries that debit the suspense revenue account and credit the invoice revenue accounts. When you set up the AAI item for the suspense revenue account, you must designate a business unit.

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Setting Up Cash Basis Accounting

Chapter 9

If you enter unapplied receipts, you must set up an AAI item for the suspense revenue account. To retrieve the suspense revenue account for unapplied receipts, the system uses one of these AAI items based on the hierarchy indicated: CByyyy. The system first searches for CByyyy (where yyyy is the general ledger offset from the unapplied receipt). You can enter the general ledger offset when you enter the receipt or, by setting a processing option, allow the value to be supplied from the customer master record. CBUC. If CByyyy is not set up or if you do not use a general ledger offset, the system then searches for CBUC. The system supplies UC as the default value for the G/L Offset field when you enter unapplied receipts without an offset. RCyyyy. If the system cannot locate CBUC, the system next searches for RCyyyy (where yyyy is the general ledger offset entered on the receipt). RCUC. If RCyyyy is not set up or if you do not use a general ledger offset, the system finally searches for RCUC. The system supplies UC as the default value for the G/L Offset field in which you enter unapplied receipts without an offset. If the system cannot locate RCUC, it issues an error. Note. If you use the Real Estate Management system, the Unapplied Bill Code field (GLC) is the same as the G/L Offset field that is used in the standard, speed, and draft entry programs. The system searches for CByyyy (where yyyy is the unapplied bill code).

Setting Up AAIs for Balancing Accounts

The system uses balancing accounts when calculations for multiple pay items, discounts, and taxes create slight rounding differences. To track rounding differences, you must set up these AAI items: CBAP - Cash Basis A/P Balancing CBAR - Cash Basis A/R Balancing


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Setting Up 52 Period Accounting

This chapter provides an overview of 52 period accounting and discusses how to: Set up 52 period fiscal date patterns. Set up 52 period reporting dates. Change to 52 period accounting.

Setting Up 52 Period Fiscal Date Patterns

This section provides an overview of fiscal date patterns and discusses how to define fiscal data patterns for 52 period accounting.

Understanding 52 Period Fiscal Date Patterns

You set up your system for 52 period accounting using fiscal date patterns with weekly period-ending dates. You can use periods 53 and 54 for audit adjustments. If you have multiple companies that use the same fiscal date pattern, set up the fiscal date pattern one time for all of the companies. The system stores 52 period dates in the F0008B table. Add a date pattern for the current, prior, and future year. When you set up the date pattern for the future year, the system accepts transactions for dates within that pattern and warns you if they are PACO (Post After Cutoff) or WACO (Way After Cutoff). Each period must have at least one day on which to post. You cannot set up periods with the same ending dates or overlapping dates. Dates must be in the proper format. For example, 09/01/07 is the proper format for September 1, 2007. Each date must correspond to a standard date pattern with the same pattern name. You must set a fiscal date pattern with: Dates for each period. If you receive an error message when you enter a date, verify the date pattern. The system considers any date that is not set up to be invalid during data entry. Periods in sequential order and with the same beginning and ending dates as the standard fiscal year pattern. If you do not do this, the system uses the standard fiscal year pattern to determine the correct fiscal year. Fiscal years in sequential order. Gaps in the date pattern for period and fiscal years prevent the system from posting properly.

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Setting Up 52 Period Accounting

Chapter 10

Forms Used to Set Up 52 Period Fiscal Date Patterns

Form Name Work With 52 Periods


Navigation 52 Period Accounting (G09313), Set 52 Period Dates On Work With 52 Periods: Click Add. Select Print 52 Periods from the Reports menu.

Usage Review a list of 52 period fiscal date patterns. Set up a fiscal date pattern. Print a report of the fiscal date patterns that you have set up

Set Up 52 Periods


Defining 52 Period Fiscal Date Patterns

Access the Set Up 52 Periods form. Fiscal Date Pattern Enter a code to identify the date pattern. You can use one of 15 codes. You must set up a special code (letters A through N) for 52 period accounting or any other date pattern unique to your environment. The default code R, identifies a regular calendar pattern. Enter the first day of the fiscal year. Enter the period end date for 52-period accounting.

Date Fiscal Year Begins Period End Date

Setting Up 52 Period Reporting Dates

This section provides an overview of financial reporting dates for a company with 52 period accounting and discusses how to assign 52 period reporting dates to a company.

Understanding 52 Period Reporting Dates

The system does not supply the current period as the default for a company. Therefore, you must set up the current 52 period accounting period and year for each company. This information is used by your financial reports. If the period is incorrect on your financial reports, verify the reporting period and year, and correct them.

Forms Used to Set Up 52 Period Reporting Dates

Form Name Work With Companies


Navigation Organization & Account Setup (G09411), Company Names & Numbers Select a company on the Work With Companies form.

Usage Review a list of companies.

Company Setup


Assign 52 period reporting dates to a company.


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Chapter 10

Setting Up 52 Period Accounting

Assigning 52 Period Reporting Dates to a Company

Access the Company Setup form.

52 Period Accounting
Select the 52 Period Accounting tab. 52 Period Normal Number of Periods 52 Period Financial Reporting Period Enter the actual number of accounting periods, not including adjustment periods. Enter a period number to specify a 52-period financial reporting date. This reporting period is used by several EnterpriseOne financial reports. The period number is not the same as the current period that you specify as the accounting period for a company. 52 Period Financial Reporting Year Enter the year in which financial statements are to be prepared. Note. A fiscal year spanning 20062007 would be expressed as 06.

Changing to 52 Period Accounting

This section provides an overview of the Repost for 52 Period program (R0902B), lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to: Run the Repost for 52 Period program. Set data selection for the Repost for 52 Period program.

Understanding the Repost for 52 Period Program (R0902B)

You can change amounts in the account balances for periods 1214 to account balances for 52 period accounting. To do this, first post the transactions to the F0902 table and then run the Repost for 52 Period program (R0902B). The Repost for 52 Period program reposts the F0911 table to the F0902B table. This program uses the F0008B table with 54 period ending dates to determine the period number. After you run this program, you can design a report to verify the balances using Report Design Aid (RDA). If the general ledger date or fiscal date do not exist in the F0008B table, the system does not update the F0902 table with transactions from the F0911 table. The system reposts only posted, non-summarized records.

Post transactions to the F0902 table, Set the processing option in the General Ledger Post program (R09801) to submit the post for 52 periods. The system updates the F0902 and F0902B tables. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Posting Financial Transactions, Posting Financial Batches.

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Setting Up 52 Period Accounting

Chapter 10

Running the Repost for 52 Period Program

Select 52 Period Accounting (G09313), Repost for 52 Period.

Setting Data Selection for the Repost for 52 Period Program

Do not enter a fiscal period in the data selection. Instead, enter the fiscal year.


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Processing Journal Entries

Journal entries are used to adjust or add transactions to accounts in your general ledger. This chapter provides overviews of the journal entry process, other methods of entering journal entries, and temporary invalid account numbers and discusses how to: Work with journal entries. Work with reversing journal entries. Work with model journal entries. Review journal entries. Post journal entries. Revise and void posted journal entries.

Understanding the Journal Entry Process

All JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems use three-tier processing to manage batches of transactions. Journal entry processing is an example of three-tier processing. The term three-tier refers to the three steps that you perform to process journal entries: 1. Enter journal entries. The system creates a record in the Batch Control Records table (F0011) and creates records in the F0911 table. Note. For multiple currencies prior to release 8.11, the system created domestic amounts as well as foreign amounts in the F0911 and F0902 tables. Domestic amounts were stored in the Amount field of the AA (actual amounts) ledger record whereas foreign amounts were stored in the Amount field of the CA (foreign currency) ledger record for both tables. As of release 8.11, the system stores both the domestic and foreign amounts on a single record in the F0911 table. The foreign amounts are stored in the Foreign Amount field of the F0911 record as well as the Amounts field of the CA (foreign currency) ledger. These two fields contain the same amounts. In a future release of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, the F0911 record that contains the foreign amount in the CA ledger will be eliminated. All systems will populate and retrieve foreign amounts from the single, shared AA ledger record which contains both the domestic and foreign amounts. These changes will not affect how balances are stored in the F0902 table. 2. Review and approve batches.

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Processing Journal Entries

Chapter 11

If you have the general accounting constants set to require management approval, the system creates the batch record in a pending status. You must approve the batch before you can post it. When you approve batches that are in a pending status, the system updates the batch status only on the batch control record. 3. Post journal entries. When you post journal entries, the system updates the status on the batch control record to D (posted), generates records in the F0902 table, and updates the posted status on the journal entries in the F0911 table to P (posted).

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Using Batch Control to Manage the Entry Process

Understanding Other Methods of Entering Journal Entries

In addition to journal entries that you manually enter for accruals, adjustments, reclassification of transactions, and so on, the system creates journal entries based on transactions from other systems, such as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll from Oracle. Other ways in which you can create journal entries are: Upload journal entries from an external system or third-party software package through batch processing. See Chapter 12, Processing Batch Journal Entries, page 107. Create journal entries in a local environment on your PC and then upload them to the server using store-and-forward journal entry processing. See Chapter 13, Processing Store-and-Forward Journal Entries, Downloading Master Tables for Store-and-Forward Processing, page 113. Import journal entries directly into the F0911 table, if you create journal entries using a spreadsheet. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 Foundation Guide Use the Financial Report Writing tool to design a report that creates journal entries. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 Development Tools: Report Design Aid Guide See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 Development Tools: Report Printing Administration Technologies Guide Create allocations: - Recurring journal entries - Indexed allocations - Variable numerator allocations See Chapter 14, Processing Allocations, page 119.


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Chapter 11

Processing Journal Entries

Working with Journal Entries

This section provides overviews of the Journal Entry program, types of journal entries, journal entry features, and temporary invalid account numbers and discusses how to: Set processing options for Journal Entry. Set processing options for Journal Entry Master Business Function. Enter basic journal entries. Add an attachment to a journal entry. Enter a journal entry with an invalid account number. Enter a percent journal entry. Revise an unposted journal entry. Copy a journal entry. Delete an unposted journal entry.

Understanding the Journal Entry Program

The Journal Entry program (P0911) provides unlimited detail lines for you to distribute amounts to various accounts. When you enter a journal entry, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system validates the information in certain fields to ensure that the integrity of your financial data remains intact. When you complete a journal entry, the system displays the assigned batch and document numbers. The system marks the journal entry as unposted and adds it to the F0911 table. When you review journal entries with thousands of transactions lines, the program loads a page of transactions at a time, which has a minimal impact on processing. You can use the Page Up or Page Down key to scroll through the transaction lines. When you post a batch of journal entries, the system updates the F0902 table and marks the journal entry as posted in the F0911 table.

Understanding Types of Journal Entries

When you enter a journal entry for a ledger type that is required to balance, the debit and credit amounts must balance. You can use journal entries to enter these types of transactions: Basic journal entries. Use the Journal Entry (P0911) or the Journal Entries with Debit/Credit Format (P0911) program to enter basic journal entries. The Journal Entries with Debit/Credit Format program has separate columns for debit and credit amounts so that you do not have to enter the minus sign for credit amounts. Reversing journal entries. Reversing journal entries are used most often for periodic accruals. Percent journal entries.

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Processing Journal Entries

Chapter 11

Allocate amounts to different accounts in your general ledger based on the percentage that is entered for each transaction item. Model journal entries. Reduce data entry time by creating a set of templates for frequently used journal entries. You can enter journal entries for the various ledgers that you have set up for budgets, statistical information, units, and so on. The system uses ledger type codes to separate balance amounts and units for each ledger. These are some examples of ledger type codes and their corresponding ledgers: AA: Actual amounts BA: Budget amounts AU: Actual units BU: Budget units You can also enter journal entries to record a taxable entry, such as value-added tax (VAT) or similar taxes, and journal entries with foreign currencies. The system provides a processing option for a debit and credit format, as well as a separate menu selection for that format. The debit and credit format allows you to enter an amount into a debit or a credit field. In this format, you do not need to include the minus sign for credit amounts.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tax Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Entering Tax Information on Orders and Transactions, Entering Journal Entries with VAT

Understanding Journal Entry Features

The Journal Entry program provides features that can increase your efficiency and speed when entering journal entries. These features allow you to: Duplicate account number segments. Use speed account entry for journal entries for work orders.

Duplicating Account Number Segments

When you enter journal entries, you can duplicate account numbers from one detail line to another to save time and reduce entry errors. This table shows how duplication works for a single journal entry. It shows a series of account numbers that you might enter, followed by the corresponding account numbers that the system will use.
Account Number Entered 1.1110.FIB ..BEAR 200.. 1.. .1810 1.1110.FIB 1.1110.BEAR 200.1110.BEAR 1.1110.BEAR 1.1810 System Result


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Chapter 11

Processing Journal Entries

The system replaces each separator character with the missing part of the account number by copying the same part from the preceding account number. To duplicate account number segments, enter a separator character in the account number field for each segment (business unit, object account, and subsidiary account) that you want to duplicate for each subsequent line in your journal entry. For example, if you entered 9.8720 for the account number in the first line of a journal entry and you want to duplicate the business unit for the second line, enter .8730 and the system completes the account number field with 9.8730.

Using Speed Account Entry for Journal Entries for Work Orders
When you enter journal entries for work orders, you can use speed account entry to save time and reduce entry errors. In the Account Number field, you enter \ (backslash), the work order number, a period, and the object account number. The system locates the business unit for the work order and: Replaces the work order number with the business unit. The object account number remains in the Account Number field. Updates the Subledger field with the work order number. Updates the Subledger Type field with W. Updates the Subsidiary field with the cost code from the work order. Updates the Phase field with the phase from the work order. Updates the Asset Number field with the equipment number from the work order.

Understanding Temporary Invalid Account Numbers

Depending on your general accounting constants, you might be able to accept an invalid account number temporarily, which is useful in these situations: You are not sure what the correct account number is. You are not authorized to add new accounts. Being able to enter an invalid account number allows you to enter a journal entry with a business unit.object account that does not yet exist in your chart of accounts. The system adds the account only if these conditions are met: The business unit that you enter already exists in the Business Unit Master table (F0006). The object account that you enter exists in a business unit previously designated as a model. The business unit type of the business unit that you enter and that of the model must be the same. The process of creating accounts by temporarily accepting invalid accounts allows you to create all or part of your chart of accounts for a business unit on an as needed basis. When you do this, your business units include only those accounts that you use. This provides an initial framework for a business units chart of account. To temporarily accept invalid account numbers, you must select the Allow Invalid Accounts check box on the General Accounting Constants form. Then when you enter a journal entry, you specify the invalid account by preceding the account number with #. After entering the journal entry with the invalid account, the system sets the status of the batch to Error. You must review and approve the batch before posting. When you post the journal entry batch, the system compares the invalid account with the model chart of accounts. If the account exists in the model, the system adds the account to the business unit that is used in the journal entry and removes the invalid account symbol from the account in the journal entry.

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Processing Journal Entries

Chapter 11

Note. You cannot enter a header account as an invalid account. Header accounts are typically used for summary purposes during financial reporting and do not allow amounts to be posted to them. If you need to create a header account, use the Copy Accts to Business Units program (P09804) to copy the nonposting header accounts from the model business unit. You can also enter the account manually and assign it a posting code N on the Revise Single Account form.

Forms Used to Work with Journal Entries

Form Name Work With Journal Entries


Navigation Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), Journal Entry

Usage Review summarized journal entries by document number. To review all journal entries in a batch, use the General Journal Review program (P0011). Add and revise journal entries.

Journal Entry


On Work With Journal Entries, click Add. If you are using batch control, the Batch Control form appears. On the Batch Control form, enter the date and expected totals and continue to the next form.

Setting Processing Options for Journal Entry (P0911)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

1. Batch Type Specify the system and type of entries for the batch. Examples of batch types include: G: General ledger entries. V: Vouchers. IB: Invoices. If you leave this processing option blank, the system processes all batch types.

1. Debit/Credit Format Specify whether to display journal entries in a debit and credit format.

1. Journal Entry MBF Version (P0900049) Specify whether to override the journal entry MBF version for journal entry processing. You must specify a valid version for P0900049. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001. This processing option should be changed only by personnel responsible for your system setup.


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Chapter 11

Processing Journal Entries

1. Fixed Asset ID Specify whether to require an Asset ID if an account is in the AAI account range for assets. Values are: Blank: Do not require an asset ID in the journal entry. 1: Require an Asset ID in the journal entry.

Setting Processing Options for Journal Entry Master Business Function (P0900049)
The master business function (MBF) provides a central location for standard business rules about entering documents such as journal entries, vouchers, and invoices. The master business function is composed of processing options that are shared by certain programs. The processing options for the Journal Entry MBF are used by these journal entry programs: Journal Entries (P0911). Journal Entries with VAT (P09106). Journal Entry Batch Processor (R09110Z). Store and Forward JE Batch Processor (R09110ZS). Recurring Journal Entry Compute & Print (R09302). Indexed Comps Compute And Print Report (R093021). Variable Numerator Compute and Print (R093022). Each program that uses the Journal Entry MBF must specify which version of the MBF is used. If no version is specified, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

1. Ledger Type Specify the ledger type from UDC table 09/LT to use as the default value.

1. Effective Date Specify whether to edit the exchange rate effective date against the general ledger period of the transaction. The effective date is used to calculate currency amounts. Values are: Blank: Do not compare the exchange rate effective date to the general ledger period of the transaction. 1: Compare the exchange rate effective date to the general ledger period of the transaction. 2. Tolerance Specify a tolerance limit that triggers a warning if you enter a currency exchange rate that is over or under the limit. For example, 15.00 indicates over or under 15.00 percent.

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Processing Journal Entries

Chapter 11

Zero Amounts
1. Zero Amounts Specify whether to create journal entry line items with zero amounts and no units. This might be useful when creating journal entries from models. Values are: Blank: Create journal entry line items with zero amounts and no units. 1: Do not create journal entry line items with zero amounts and no units. 2. Audit Information Specify whether to bypass updating the audit information when a change is made to a posted account ledger. Blank: Update audit information. 1: Do not update audit information.

1. Interoperability Version Specify a version of F0911 Interoperability Processing Options (P0900160). If you specify a version, outbound records will be written. If you leave this processing option blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

Entering Basic Journal Entries

Access the Journal Entry form.

Journal Entry form

You can enter thousands of transaction lines on the Journal Entry form. To review the transactions, use the Page Up and Page Down keys to load one page of transactions at a time. This has minimal impact on processing time.

Header Area
These fields in the header area are required: Explanation Enter a description for the journal entry.


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Chapter 11

Processing Journal Entries

G/L Date (general ledger date)

Enter the general ledger date for the journal entry. If you leave this field blank, the system uses todays date.

Detail Area
These fields in the detail area are required for each general ledger account to which amounts will be distributed: Account Number Enter the general ledger account number. The system validates it against the chart of accounts in the F0901 table and fills in the account description. The system uses the business unit in the account number on the first line of the detail area to fill in other information in the header area, such as document company and base currency code. The first line of the journal entry provides the default base currency code for the entry. Therefore, you cannot delete the first line of the entry. You can, however, change the account number as long as the new account resides in the same company as that of the original account. Amount Enter the number that identifies the amount that the system will add to the account balance of the associated account number. Enter credits with (minus sign) either before or after the amount.

Error Message: Amount Does Not Balance to Gross

If, after you click OK to accept a journal entry, the remaining amount has a balance, you will receive the message Amount Does Not Balance to Gross. You can either correct or accept the out-of-balance journal entry: To correct an out-of-balance journal entry, review the Remaining Amount field to determine the amount that needs to be adjusted. Correct the journal entry so that the debits balance to the credits, and then click OK. If you want to delete the entry instead, click Cancel. To accept an out-of-balance journal entry, select Features from the Form menu. On Features, select the Out of Balance JE Mode check box and click OK. On Journal Entry, click OK. Situations in which you might need to accept an out-of-balance journal entry include: - If the General Ledger Post program (R09801) terminated abnormally and the system posted only part of an original journal entry. - You are entering a journal entry with multiple detail lines and need to leave your workstation, but you want to save your work-in-process before you exit the program.

Adding an Attachment to a Journal Entry

After you enter a journal entry and click OK to accept it, the system assigns a document number if you did not manually enter a number. You can add an attachment, such as a comment or memo, to a specific transaction or to the entire journal entry as long as it has a document number, document type, document company, and general ledger date. The system needs this information to associate the attachment with the entry. The attachment is for internal reference only. To add an attachment: To a specific transaction, select the transaction on the Journal Entry form and then select Attachment from the Row menu. To the entire journal entry, exit to the Work With Journal Entries form and from the Row menu, select Attachment.

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Processing Journal Entries

Chapter 11

For performance reasons, the paper clip button does not subsequently appear on the Journal entry form unless you click the Attachments button in the far left column of the row heading. The system displays a paper clip button to the left of the journal entry: On the Work With Journal Entries form, when you add text or another attachment to the entire journal entry. On the Journal Entry form, when you add text or another attachment to a specific transaction.

Entering a Journal Entry with an Invalid Account Number

Access the Journal Entry form. Ensure that the Allow Invalid Accounts check box in the General Accounting Constants program is selected. See Chapter 11, Processing Journal Entries, Understanding Temporary Invalid Account Numbers, page 87. Account Number Precede the account number with #. Observe these rules when you enter the account number: The business unit must exist in your Business Unit Master table (F0006) The object account must exist in a business unit that is designated as a model. The business unit type of the business unit that you enter must be the same value as the business unit type of the business unit designated as a model. If these conditions are met, the Journal Entry program (P0911) displays a warning message that the invalid account will cause an error status and the batch will not post. For example, if you want to enter 9.8115 as the invalid account, business unit 9 must exist in the F0006 table and object account 8115 must exist in a model business unit. If business Unit 9 is an IS (income statement) business unit, the model business unit in which object account 8115 exists must also be an IS (income statement) business unit.

Entering a Percent Journal Entry

Access the Journal Entry form.


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Chapter 11

Processing Journal Entries

Journal Entry form

The total debit percentages for balanced journal entries must equal the total credit percentages. The total debit or credit percentages do not have to equal 100 percent. Document Type Percent Leave this field blank for the system to assign JE (journal entry). This code is from UDC table 00/DT. Select the Percent check box to distribute the total amount of a journal entry among accounts based on percentages. The system displays the Distributed Amount field in the header area and the % field in the detail area. Distributed Amount Enter the total amount of the journal entry in this field. For percent journal entries, the system calculates the detailed amounts to distribute based-on percentages entered in the % fields. Enter the percentage of the total amount that the system should distribute to the account number. The system does not assume decimal places in the number that you enter. If you want to specify a percentage that includes a decimal, you must enter the decimal. For example, enter 12 for 12 percent, and enter 42.5 for 42.5 percent.

Revising an Unposted Journal Entry

After you enter a journal entry, you might need to revise it. Although you can revise most fields on the Journal Entry form, you cannot change these fields on an unposted journal entry: Document Type, Document Number, and Document Company. G/L Date(general ledger date) Ledger Type Currency and Exchange Rate. To change any of these fields, you must either:

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Chapter 11

Delete and re-enter the journal entry. Copy the journal entry and change the fields on the new journal entry before you click OK. Then delete the incorrect journal entry.

Copying a Journal Entry

Access the Work With Journal Entries form. You can create a journal entry by copying an existing journal entry and then revising the copy. This is useful when you need to: - Correct errors in fields that you cannot change on an existing journal entry, such as the general ledger date. In this example, you can use the copy to replace the existing journal entry. - Enter a journal entry that is similar to an existing journal entry with multiple distribution lines. You can copy a posted or an unposted journal entry. If you need similar journal entries on an ongoing basis, consider creating a model journal entry or a recurring journal entry. To copy a journal entry: 1. On Work With Journal Entries, select the journal entry that you want to copy and click Copy. The system displays a copy of the journal entry. The Document Number, G/L Date, and Exchange Rate fields are set to zero or blank. 2. On Journal Entry, enter the document type and general ledger date and values for other fields, as necessary. 3. For each general ledger distribution line, change account numbers, amounts, and other information as needed, and then click OK. 4. On the Work With Journal Entries form, if you want the new journal entry to replace the original one, select the original journal entry and delete or void it.

Deleting an Unposted Journal Entry

Access the Work With Journal Entries form. To delete an unposted journal entry: 1. Select the journal entry, click Delete, and then click OK to confirm the deletion. To delete a detail line from the journal entry, complete the remaining steps. 2. Select the journal entry. 3. On Journal Entry, select the detail line and click Delete. 4. Click OK to confirm the deletion. 5. Change or add detail lines to adjust the journal entry for the detail line that you deleted.

Working with Reversing Journal Entries

Reversing journal entries are used most often for periodic accruals. When you enter reversing journal entries, you mark the accrual journal entries to be reversed. After you post the entries, the system creates and posts the reversing entries to the first day of the next period.


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Chapter 11

Processing Journal Entries

This section discusses how to: Enter a reversing entry. Review a reversing journal entry. Change a posted journal entry to a reversing entry.

Entering a Reversing Entry

Access the Journal Entry form. Reverse Select the Reverse check box for the system to automatically create a reversing entry for a transaction. The system creates reversing entries when you post the original transaction. For the reversing entry, it uses the first day of the next period for the general ledger date After you post a journal entry, you cannot change it to a reversing journal entry.

Reviewing a Reversing Journal Entry

When you locate an unposted journal entry to review, the system displays only the original journal entry. Reversing entries do not appear because the system does not create them until you post the original journal entries. After posting the journal entry, access the Work With Journal Entries form: To review only the original journal entry, enter the original general ledger date. To review only the reversing entry, enter the general ledger date as the first day of the next period.

Changing a Posted Journal Entry to a Reversing Entry

After you post a journal entry, you cannot change it to a reversing journal entry on the Journal Entry form. Instead, you must do this in sequential order: Void the entry. Resubmit the batch to post. Re-enter the journal entry as a reversing journal entry.

Working with Model Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of model journal entries and discusses how to: Create a model journal entry. Create a model journal entry from an existing journal entry. Enter a journal entry based on a model by copying the model. Enter a journal entry based on a model by selecting the model.

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Chapter 11

Understanding Model Journal Entries

You can set up model journal entries as reusable templates to predefine, store, and retrieve regular or recurring transactions, such as monthly accruals. Use models as the basis for journal entries to save time and reduce the potential for error. You can enter the general ledger distribution information in the model journal entry. When you reuse the model journal entry, the distribution has already been entered, thereby saving you data entry time. If you are creating a model journal entry for vouchers or invoices, you can assign the model to either a supplier or customer record. You can vary the information included in the model to fit the situation. For example, you might include: Account numbers, amounts, and explanations. Account numbers and explanations only (because amounts can vary). Account numbers, percentages, and explanations. The system stores model journal entries in the F0911 table with a model posted code (M) and without a general ledger date. Actual journal entries contain a general ledger date and a posted code of P (posted) or blank (unposted). In addition to creating a model journal entry, you can: Enter a model for a percent journal entry. You can create models for journal entries that have fixed percentages of a variable amount. When you subsequently enter an amount based on the model, the system uses the percentages to distribute the gross amount. Create a model journal entry from an existing journal entry. You can create a model journal entry from an existing journal entry. If you want to create a model journal entry from an existing journal entry, you must copy the existing journal entry and then select the Model option on the Journal Entry form. Enter a journal entry based on a model journal entry. After you create a model journal entry, you can use it as a template for an actual journal entry. Choosing a model journal entry saves time if you are adding basic journal entries and a journal entry based on a model at the same time.

Creating a Model Journal Entry

Access the Journal Entry form. After you create a model journal entry, you can revise any fields except: Doc Type/No/Co (document type, number, company) Ledger Type In addition, you cannot change the Model or Percent check box. Model Select this check box for a model journal entry, as well as a percent model journal entry. The system removes the G/L Date field from the header area. You enter that date on the journal entry that you create from a model. If you select the Model check box, the system disables the Percent check box. Review the Document Type field description for information about how to enter a percent model journal entry.


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Chapter 11

Processing Journal Entries

Document Type

For a model journal entry, leave this field blank for the system to assign JE To enter a percent model journal entry, enter %. The system displays the % field in the detail area of the form. See Chapter 11, Processing Journal Entries, Entering a Percent Journal Entry, page 92.

Creating a Model Journal Entry from an Existing Journal Entry

Access the Work With Journal Entries form. To create a model journal entry from an existing journal entry: 1. Select the journal entry that you want to change to a model journal entry and click Copy. 2. On Journal Entry, select the Model check box. 3. Revise the journal entry, as necessary.

Entering a Journal Entry Based on a Model by Copying the Model

Access the Work With Journal Entries form. To enter a journal entry based on a model by copying the model: 1. Enter JE in the Document Type field and select the Models check box. Optionally, you can enter % in this field to copy a percent model. 2. Select the model and click Copy. On the Journal Entry form, enter a date in the G/L Date field. 3. For all journal entries except percent journal entries, enter an amount in the Amount field for each general ledger distribution. 4. For a percent journal entry based on a percent model, enter an amount in the Distributed Amount field. This field appears only if you selected a percent model. 5. Replace or clear information in other fields as necessary.

Entering a Journal Entry Based on a Model by Selecting the Model

Access the Journal Entry form. To enter a journal entry based on a model by selecting the model: 1. Select Models from the Form menu. 2. On Search & Select a Model JE, select a model and then click Select. The Journal Entry form displays the model journal entry. 3. Enter a general ledger date for the journal entry. 4. For all journal entries except percent journal entries, complete the Amount field for each general ledger distribution. 5. For a percent journal entry based on a percent model, complete the Distributed Amount field. 6. Replace or clear information in other fields as necessary.

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Processing Journal Entries

Chapter 11

Reviewing Journal Entries

This section discusses how to: Set processing options for General Journal Review (P0011). Review a journal entry.

See Also
Chapter 34, Maintaining Batch Headers, Adding and Revising Batch Headers, page 402

Forms Used to Review Journal Entries

Form Name Work With Batches


Navigation Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), General Journal Review On the Work With Batches form, select the batch that you want to review and click Select.

Usage Review, approve, and post journal entries in a batch. Review a journal entry. You can also delete an unposted journal entry or void a posted journal entry.

General Journal Review


Setting Processing Options for General Journal Review (P0011)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Batch Type Specify the default batch type that the system displays on the General Journal Review form. For general journal, enter G.

Reviewing a Journal Entry

Access the General Journal Review form.

General Journal Review form


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Chapter 11

Processing Journal Entries

Posting Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of the general ledger post process and revisions to batches and discusses how to: Set processing options for General Ledger Post (R09801). Post journal entries.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Posting Financial Transactions

Understanding the General Ledger Post Process

After you review and approve journal entries, you post them to the Account Balances table (F0902). The General Ledger Post program (R09801): Selects unposted, approved batches of journal entries in the F0911 table and validates each transaction. Posts accepted transactions to the F0902 table. Changes the status of the journal entry batch to posted. Marks the detail lines of the journal entry as posted in the F0911 table. Sends electronic mail messages for transactions that are in error. Produces a General Ledger Post report, which lists details about successfully posted batches. This graphic illustrates the post process for journal entries in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system:

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Processing Journal Entries

Chapter 11

Selects batches (batch type = G) Batch Control (F0011) "A"

Correct and Reapprove batch

Selects unposted batches (post code = blank) Account Ledger (F0911)

Is data valid and batch in balance?


Batch Control (F0011) "E"


Account Balance (F0902)

Journal entry post process

Account Ledger (F0911) "P"

Batch Control (F0011) "D"

Setting Processing Options for General Ledger Post (R09801)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

1. Account Format 2. Print Error Messages Specify the account format that you want to print on the General Ledger Post report. Specify whether to print error messages on the General Ledger Post report. If you leave this processing option blank and an error is detected, the error message still appears in the work center. Values are: Blank: Do not print error messages. 1: Print error messages.

1. Detail Currency Restatement Version Specify the version of the Detailed Currency Restatement program (R11411) that you want to run to create entries. If you leave this field blank, the program does not run and detailed currency restatement entries are not created.


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Processing Journal Entries

2. Fixed Asset Post Version

Specify the version of the Fixed Asset Post program (R12800) that you want the system to run to create fixed asset entries. If you leave this field blank, the program does not run and fixed asset entries are not created. Specify the version of the 52 Period Accounting Post program (R098011) to use to update the F0902 table and the Account Balances - 52 Period Accounting table (F0902B). If you leave this processing option blank, the program does not run and tables are not updated.

3. 52 Period Post Version

1. Update Transaction Specify whether to update the account ID, company, fiscal year, period number, century, and fiscal quarter on unposted records in the F0911 table. You might need to update these fields if you have records in the F0911 table that were created by a custom program and do not contain the correct values. The system uses the value in the G/L Account Number field of the unposted record in the F0911 table to update the Account ID and Company fields. The system calculates the correct values for the Fiscal Year, Period Number, and Century fields using the value in the G/L Date field of the unposted record in the F0911 table. The system will update the Fiscal Quarter field on the unposted record in the F0911 table to blank.

1. Update Tax File Specify whether and how to update the Taxes table (F0018) when you post transactions with tax information to the general ledger. Values are: Blank: Do not update the F0018 table. 1: Update the F0018 table for these tax explanation codes only: V, VT, V+, U, and UT. 2: Update the F0018 table for all tax amounts. The system does not update the F0018 table for transactions with tax explanation code E (exempt). 3: Update the F0018 table for all tax explanation codes including E (exempt). 2. Update VAT Discounts Specify whether to adjust the tax amount fields, which fields to adjust, and when discounts are taken. The system adjusts the tax amount fields only for transactions with tax explanation code V. To use this processing option, tax rules must be set up for tax on gross including discount and discount on gross including tax. Values are: Blank: Do not adjust tax amounts for discounts taken. 1: Update only the Tax Amount field (STAM). 2: Update the STAM (tax amount), ATXA (taxable amount), and AEXP (extended price) fields. The system uses these algorithms to calculate the adjustment amounts to the tax, taxable, and gross (extended price) amount fields for discounts taken: Adjustment to the gross amount (extended price) = discount taken

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Chapter 11

Adjustment to the taxable amount = (taxable amount / gross amount) x discount taken Adjustment to the tax amount = (tax amount / gross amount) x discount taken For example: Tax rate = 25 percent Discount taken = 12.50 USD Gross amount (extended price) = 1,250.00 USD Taxable amount = 1,000.00 USD Tax amount = 250.00 USD Based on the example, using the adjustment algorithms, the system calculates these adjustment amounts: Adjustment to the gross amount = 12.50 Adjustment to the taxable amount = 10.00 Adjustment to the tax amount = 2.50 To calculate the adjustments, the system subtracts the adjusted amount from the original amount: Adjusted gross amount: 1,250.0012.50 = 1,237.50 Adjusted Taxable Amount: 1,000.0010.00 = 990.00 Adjusted Tax Amount: 250.002.50 = 247.50 3. Update VAT Receipts and W/O Specify whether to adjust the tax fields, which fields to adjust, and when the receipt has a write-off. The system adjusts the tax amount fields only for transactions with tax explanation code V. Values are: Blank: Do not adjust tax amounts for write-offs. 1: Updates the STAM field only. 2: Updates the STAM, ATXA, and AEXP amount fields. The system uses these algorithms to calculate the adjustment amounts to the tax, taxable, and gross (extended price) amount fields for write-off amounts: Adjustment to the gross amount (extended price) = write-off amount Adjustment to the taxable amount = (taxable amount / gross amount) x write-off amount Adjustment to the tax amount = (tax amount / gross amount) x write-off amount For example: Tax rate = 25 percent Write-off amount = 12.50 USD Gross amount (extended price) = 1,250.00 USD Taxable amount = 1,000.00 USD Tax amount = 250.00 USD Based on the example, using the adjustment algorithms, the system calculates these adjustment amounts:


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Chapter 11

Processing Journal Entries

Adjustment to the gross amount = 12.50 Adjustment to the taxable amount = 10.00 Adjustment to the tax amount = 2.50 To calculate the adjustments, the system subtracts the adjusted amount from the original amount: Adjusted gross amount: 1,250.0012.50 = 1,237.50 Adjusted taxable amount: 1,000.0010.00 = 990.00 Adjusted Tax Amount: 250.002.50 = 247.50

1. Explode parent item time Specify whether the system explodes the time entries for a parent asset down to the children of the parent asset. This processing option applies only to batch type T entries. Values are: Blank: Do not explode the time entries for a parent asset. 1: Explode the time entries for a parent asset. The General Ledger Post program creates time entries for the parent assets children. The system uses the unit of time from the parent asset entries and the rates from the child asset to calculate the appropriate entries.

Cash Basis
1. Units Ledger Type Specify the units ledger type for the system to use for cash basis entries. You must enter a valid ledger type from the UDC table 09/LT. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default ledger type ZU. Specify which version of the Create Cash Basis Entries program (R11C850) to run. The system runs the Create Cash Basis Entries program after the post program finishes. If you leave this processing option, the program does not run and cash basis entries are not created.

2. Create Cash Basis Entries Version

Posting Journal Entries

Select Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), General Ledger Post. When you post a batch of journal entries, the system updates the F0902 table and marks the journal entries as posted in the F0911 table. The post also updates the batch header records in the F0011 to a posted status.

Revising and Voiding Posted Journal Entries

This section provides overviews of revisions to posted journal entries and the void of a posted reversing journal entry and discusses how to: Revise a posted journal entry.

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Chapter 11

Void a posted journal entry. Void a posted reversing journal entry.

Understanding Revisions to Posted Journal Entries

After you post a journal entry, you can revise a limited amount of information, including information in these fields: Explanation Remark Reference 2 Purchase Order Purchase Order Suffix Service/ Tax Date You can add additional general ledger distribution lines, but you cannot revise existing distribution lines. When you revise a posted journal entry, the system maintains an audit trail. The system changes the batch status on the original batch from posted to pending or approved (depending on general accounting constants). If the batch status is pending, you must approve the batch before you can post it. If the batch status is approved, the batch is eligible to post. To correct information that you cannot change or to remove a posted journal entry, you must void the existing journal entry and then enter a new one. For a change or void to be reflected in both the F0911 and F0902 tables, you must post the batch again. You can void a posted journal entry in any open fiscal period. The system creates a reversing journal entry as of the general ledger date that you specify. After you void the journal entry, you must post it to update the account balances. You cannot delete a posted journal entry.

Understanding the Void of a Posted Reversing Journal Entry

You can void reversing journal entries that are posted if both of the applicable fiscal periods are open. This process has two parts. You must void each of these journal entries individually to keep the periods in balance: The original journal entry that you marked for reversing. The reversing journal entry that the system generated for the next period. To keep your periods in balance, use a date in the same period as the journal entry that you are voiding, as shown in this example:
Journal Entry Original journal entry Void of original System-generated reversing journal entry Void of reversing May 15 May 15 June 1 June 1 Date


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Processing Journal Entries

Forms Used to Revise and Void Posted Journal Entries

Form Name Work With Journal Entries


Navigation Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), Journal Entry On Work With Journal Entries, select the journal entry that you want to revise. On Work With Journal Entries, select the journal entry that you want to void and then select Void from the Row menu. Alternatively, you can void posted journal entries on the General Journal Review form. Voiding on this form is similar to voiding on the Work With Journal Entries form.

Usage Review summarized journal entries by document number. Revise journal entries.

Journal Entry


Void Journal Entry


Void posted journal entries.

Revising a Posted Journal Entry

Access the Journal Entry form.

Voiding a Posted Journal Entry

Access the Void Journal Entry form. To void a posted journal entry: 1. Change the G/L Date field, if necessary, and click OK to proceed with the void. 2. To verify the void, select the voided journal entry on the Work With Journal Entries form. 3. On Journal Entry, review the R V field in the detail area to verify that it contains V (void). 4. Review the lines for the reversing journal entry that the system created as a result of the void. G/L Date (general ledger date) To keep the periods in balance when you void a reversing journal entry, enter the same date for the voiding entry as you enter for the corresponding journal entry you are voiding.

Voiding a Posted Reversing Journal Entry

Access the Work With Journal Entries form. To void a posted reversing journal entry: 1. On the Work With Journal Entries form, select the original journal entry and follow the steps to void a journal entry. 2. Select the reversing journal entry, which is dated the first of the month following the date of the original journal entry and follow the steps to void a posted journal entry.

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Processing Batch Journal Entries

This chapter provides an overview of batch processing and discusses how to: Upload batch journal entries. Work with batch journal entries. Post processed batch journal entries. Purge processed batch journal entries.

Understanding Journal Entry Batch Processing

If you maintain journal entries in a system that is external to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software, you can convert them so that they can be processed as EnterpriseOne transactions. You can upload batch journal entries from external sources, such as PC data entry, third-party or customer systems, or electronic data interchanges (EDI). The batch journal entry process includes these steps: Mapping journal entry transactions to batch input tables. Create a custom program that provides proper data to fields in the Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File table (F0911Z1). Processing batch journal entries. Run the Journal Entries Batch Processor program (R09110Z) to upload the journal entries from the F0911Z1 table to the F0911 table. The Journal Entries Batch Processor program verifies that the information in the F0911Z1 table is formatted correctly before you transfer it to the F0911 table. Revising batch journal entries. Use Journal Entry Revisions (P0911Z1) to revise batch journal entry records if any of your records were not processed successfully. Posting batch journal entries. Post successfully processed batch journal entries to the F0902 table using the General Ledger Post program (R09801). Purging successfully processed batch journal entries. After posting your batch journal entries, purge the F0911Z1 table so that it does not become unmanageable. Use the Purge Batch Journal Entries program (R0911Z1P). Note. If you attempt to update the F0911 table without using the journal entry batch process, your data could be compromised.

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Processing Batch Journal Entries

Chapter 12

Uploading Batch Journal Entry

This section provides an overview of the journal entry batch upload process and discusses how to run the Journal Entries Batch Processor.

Understanding the Journal Entry Batch Upload Process

After your custom program loads the transaction information into the F0911Z1 table, run the Journal Entries Batch Processor program (R09110Z) to process the information in the F0911Z1 table and load it into F0911 table. Any additional information that is necessary for a completed transaction is loaded from other sources or calculated from existing information. For example, the system uses these sources: The document number originates from the Next Numbers program (P0002) if a document number is not provided. The Journal Entry MBF Processing Options (P0900049) provide the default ledger type. The fiscal year and period are calculated from the general ledger date and the Company Names & Numbers program (P0010). The document company number in the F0911 table is assigned based on the business unit from the first line of the account distribution. You can run the Journal Entries Batch Processor program in either proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system: Verifies the data and identifies errors. The system prints a report that shows the number of transactions with errors. These errors are also written to a workflow message in the work center. Processing in proof mode does not affect your ledgers. Allows you to correct errors before you process them in final mode. In final mode, the system: Creates journal entries in the F0911 table. Assigns document and batch numbers if you leave them blank in the F0911Z1 table. Supplies information for the fields that you leave blank. Produces a report that shows the number of correct and incorrect transactions. Specific errors are written to workflow messages in the work center. Purges journal entries that have been processed, if you set the appropriate processing option. If you decide not to purge the batch journal entries, then they are marked as processed

Errors in Processing
If any errors occur during processing, they appear on the edit report. You can correct the errors and reprocess the batch. If one or more transactions in the batch are in error, the error does not stop the batch from processing. If a transaction in the batch is in error, that transaction is not processed with the rest of the batch. After the batch has been successfully processed, the system updates the value in the VNEDSP field from 0 to 1. These records remain in the F0911Z1 table until they are purged. Alternatively, you can set a processing option to purge this table automatically.


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Chapter 12

Processing Batch Journal Entries

These tips might help you to reduce the number of error messages or identify and resolve them when they occur: Initially process a small number of records in a batch. Most errors that occur on one record also occur on all records. Correct the errors on the smaller number of records and then follow the same sequence of steps when you process a larger number of records in a batch. Remember that only errors prevent a batch from processing. Warning messages alert you to nonstandard entries but do not prevent processing. You control whether you receive warning messages with a processing option. Remember that you might not need to run the batch in proof mode because you have the option to review and delete transactions before you post them. Additionally, any error prevents the batch from processing. Review error messages to help you identify the cause and the resolution of errors. If errors exist that you cannot resolve, enter a transaction manually using the Journal Entry- Revision program (P0911Z1) and process it successfully. Then compare the F0911Z1 transaction that you converted to the F0911Z1 transaction that you entered through the Journal Entry Revisions program (P0911Z1). Comparing the differences assists you in locating discrepancies and resolving the errors.

Running the Journal Entries Batch Processor

Select Batch Journal Entry Processing (G09311), Journal Entries Batch Processor.

Setting Processing Options for Journal Entries Batch Processor (R09110Z)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

1. Journal Entry Version Specify a version of Journal Entry MBF Processing Options (P0900049). If you leave this processing option blank, the system runs the standard version (ZJDExxxxx). If the system runs the standard version, it posts all approved G type batches, not just the batches that were created by the Journal Entries Batch Processor program. This is because data selection is set up to select Batch Type G and Batch Status A. You can create a new version of the post program that includes additional data selection (for example, user ID, batch date, and so on), but this may not ensure the results you want. 2. Post Version Specify a version of the General Ledger Post program (R09801) to use to automatically post to the F0902 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the post will not be submitted.

1. Process Mode Specify whether to process the batch in proof or final mode. Values are: Blank: Proof mode. 1: Final mode.

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Processing Batch Journal Entries

Chapter 12

2. Out of Balance

Specify whether to allow general ledger transactions that are out of balance to process. (Amounts do not net to zero.) Values are: Blank: Do not allow out-of-balance transactions to process. 1: Allow out-of-balance transactions to process.

3. Purge

Specify whether to automatically purge processed transactions from the F0911Z1 table. Values are: Blank: Processed transactions are marked as processed, but are not purged. 1: Processed transactions are automatically purged.

1. Warning Message Specify whether to suppress the creation of warning messages in the work center. Values are: Blank: Create warning messages. 1: Do not create warning messages. 2. Electronic Message Specify a user to receive electronic messages. If you leave this processing option blank, the user who entered the transactions receives the message in the work center.

1. Batch Approval Specify whether to update the status on all batches created to a status of approved. Values are: Blank: Update the batch status according to the general accounting constants. 1: Update all batches to a status of approved.

Working with Batch Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of the Journal Entry Revisions program and discusses how to work with journal entry batches.

Understanding the Journal Entry Revisions Program

After you upload data from your external system to the F0911Z1 table, you can use the Journal Entry Revisions program (P0911Z1) to: Add records to a new batch. Typically, you should not need to add batch journal entries. An exception is when you experience difficulties processing transactions. To correct a discrepancy, you can add a journal entry manually and process the transaction. If it processes successfully, compare it with the other records that you are trying to process. Review unprocessed and processed records. Revise unprocessed records.


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Chapter 12

Processing Batch Journal Entries

You can revise unprocessed records, such as records that ended in error, but it is recommended that you make the revisions in your spreadsheet instead because the Journal Entry Revisions program does not perform the same edits as the Journal Entry program (P0911). Delete unprocessed batch journal entries. After you add journal entries or revise unprocessed journal entries on the Journal Entry Revision program, you must run the Journal Entries Batch Processor program again. Note. You cannot use the Journal Entry Revisions program to revise successfully processed records. You must use the Journal Entry program to revise them because they have been processed in the F0911 table. You cannot use the Journal Entry Revisions program to delete successfully processed batch journal entries. Instead, you must purge them using the Purge Batch Journal Entries program (R0911Z1P).

Forms Used to Work with Batch Journal Entries

Form Name FormID Navigation Batch Journal Entry Processing (G09311), Journal Entry Revisions On Work with Store & Forward Journal Entries, click Add to add a journal entry batch. Select the batch and click Select to add a record to an unprocessed batch, and review or delete specific journal entries in an unprocessed batch. Usage Review and delete unprocessed journal entry batches. Add records to the F0911Z1 table, add records to an unprocessed batch, review unprocessed journal entries, and delete unprocessed journal entries. Although you can revise unprocessed records on the Store & Forward Journal Entry Revisions form, it is recommended that you revise your spreadsheet instead because this form does not perform all edits. Revise successfully processed records. Work with Store & Forward W0911Z1B Journal Entries Store & Forward Journal Entry Revisions

Journal Entry


Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries, Journal Entry

Setting Processing Options for Journal Entry Revisions (P0911Z1)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

Entry Type
1. Entry Type Specify whether the system writes control records to the F0041Z1 table for store-and-forward transactions. Values are: Blank: Write transaction control records. 1: Do not write transaction control records.

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Processing Batch Journal Entries

Chapter 12

Posting Processed Batch Journal Entries

Select Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), General Ledger Post. After you successfully process journal entry batches, you must post them. The General Ledger Post program updates the posted code of each batch journal entry in the F0911 table with P (posted) and updates the F0902 table with the batch journal entries.

Purging Processed Batch Journal Entries

Select Batch Journal Entry Processing (G09311), Purge Batch Journal Entries. After you successfully process and post batch journal entries, you should purge them from the F0911Z1 table. When you run the Purge Batch Journal Entries program (R0911Z1P), the system purges successfully processed journal entries from the F0911Z1 table, but only from the environment in which you run the program. Alternatively, you can set a processing option in the Journal Entries Batch Processor program to purge processed journal entries automatically after they are processed by the program.


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Processing Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of the store-and-forward process and discusses how to: Download master tables for store-and-forward processing. Create journal entries for store-and-forward processing. Upload store-and-forward journal entries. Process store-and-forward journal entries. Update transaction control records. Purge processed store-and-forward journal entries.

Understanding Store-and-Forward Processing

Store-and-forward journal entry processing provides an efficient way to enter and manage a high volume of journal entries before processing them in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. For example, if you are at a remote site and are not using a dedicated line to access the server, you could create journal entries in a local environment on your PC during normal business hours and then upload them to the server for processing during off-peak hours. To process store-and-forward journal entries, you must first download master tables from the server. Then you can use store-and-forward processing to create JD Edwards EnterpriseOne journal entries on the client and later upload them to the server for processing. After you process the entries in proof mode, you can revise or delete them, as necessary. After you process them in final mode, update the transaction control status for each journal entry on the PC so it matches the status on the server. Then you can post the journal entries in the F0911 table to the F0902 table.

Downloading Master Tables for Store-andForward Processing

This section provides an overview of the download of master tables for processing and discusses how to download store-and-forward master tables.

Understanding the Download of Master Tables for Processing

Before processing store-and-forward journal entries on the client, you must download tables from the server. These tables are necessary to create and validate transactions. For example, you must download the F0101 and F0901 tables to provide the account information that you need to create journal entries.

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Processing Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

Chapter 13

You must download each table separately. You can use data selection or category codes to limit the information that the system downloads from each table. Each version of the Master Table Download program (P00140) represents a table and its associated tables or a group of tables. Each table is associated with one version. Not all versions must be present for all tables. You can create new versions for these tables in the Store & Forward Journal Entry - Revision program (P0911Z1). The business data tables must reside on the local machine that you use for store-and-forward processing of journal entries: F0004 - User-Defined Code Types F0005 - User-Defined Codes F0006 - Business Unit Master F0008 - Date Fiscal Patterns F0009 - General Constants F0010 - Company Constants F0013 - Currency Codes F0014 - Payment Terms F0022 - Tax Rules F0041Z1 - Transaction Control File F0101 - Address Book Master F0111 - Address Book - Whos Who F0116 - Address by Date F0901 - Account Master F0907 - Chart of Accounts Format F0911Z1 - Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File F4008 - Tax Areas F4801 - Work Order Master File In addition to the business data tables, you must also download the technical data tables, such as Next Numbers - Automatic (F0002) and Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year - Automatic (F00021). The system creates a download report for each table that you download. Use this report to verify the number of records that the system downloads to your PC. After you download the master tables, you can enter your transactions using the store-and-forward process.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Download the necessary master tables. Verify that you are connected to the server and signed on to your normal production environment.

Downloading Store-and-Forward Master Tables

Select Store and Forward Journal Entries (G09318), Master Table Download.


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Chapter 13

Processing Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

Creating Journal Entries for Store-and-Forward Processing

This section provides an overview of journal entry creation and discusses how to add store-and-forward journal entries.

Understanding Journal Entry Creation

After you download the master tables, you can use store-and-forward processing to create journal entries. Using the Store and Forward Journal Entry - Revisions program, you create and store the journal entries until you are ready to upload (or transfer) them to the server for processing. When you create journal entries that you store and forward, the system: Edits and validates each journal entry, based on the information that you downloaded from the tables. Creates a transaction control record for each journal entry, assigns it a status of 1 (ready to process), and stores it in the Transaction Control File table (F0041Z1). When you create journal entries that you store and forward, the system assigns a transaction number to each journal entry. It does not assign document numbers until you upload and process the journal entries. You can store and forward these types of journal entries: Basic journal entries Models for percent journal entries Percent journal entries Model journal entries

Forms Used to Create Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

Form Name FormID Navigation Store and Forward Journal Entries (G09318), Store & Forward Journal Entry Revision On the Work With Store & Forward Journal Entries form, click Add. Usage Review a list of batches of store-and-forward journal entries. Add a batch of store-and-forward journal entries. You can also use this form to revise or delete store-and-forward journal entries prior to processing them in final mode. Alternatively, you can correct the data in the batch table at its external source and upload the batch again to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. Work With Store & Forward W0911Z1B Journal Entries

Store & Forward Journal Entry Revisions


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Chapter 13

Adding Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

Access the Store & Forward Journal Entry Revisions form.

Uploading Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of the store-and-forward upload process and discusses how to upload store-and-forward journal entries to the server.

Understanding the Store-and-Forward Upload Process

After creating journal entries on your personal computer, you must upload them to the server for processing. To do this task, you must be connected to the server and signed on to your normal production environment. When you upload journal entries, the system: Creates records in the Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File table (F0911Z1). Updates the transaction control status of each journal entry to 5 (uploaded) on the PC. After a journal entry is updated to status 5, you cannot change it on the PC. You can change it only on the server. When a journal entry on the PC has a status of 1 (ready to process) or 2 (errors), you can change it on the PC. Creates a transaction control record for each journal entry on the server and assigns it a status of 1 (ready to process). Prints a transmission upload report for all of the journal entries that you upload. Use this report to verify that the journal entries have been uploaded correctly. To maximize system performance, upload the journal entries during off-peak hours.

Uploading Store-and-Forward Journal Entries to the Server

Select Store and Forward Journal Entries (G09318), Store & Forward Journal Entry Upload.

Processing Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of the store-and-forward processor and discusses how to: Run the Store & Forward JE Batch Processor. Set processing options for Store & Forward JE Batch Processor.

Understanding the Store-and-Forward Processor

After you upload journal entries, you must process them to create transactions in the F0911 table. The system sends error messages to the employee work center.


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Chapter 13

Processing Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

The program that you use to process store-and-forward journal entries is different from the program that you use to process batch journal entries, although the results are similar. Verify that you are using the batch processor for store-and-forward journal entries. After you process the journal entries, you must update the transaction control status of the journal entries on the PC to match the status of those on the server.

Running the Store & Forward JE Batch Processor

Select Store and Forward Journal Entries (G09318), Store & Forward JE Batch Processor.

Setting Processing Options for the Store & Forward JE Batch Processor (R09110ZS)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Version Tab
1. Journal Entry Version 2. Post Version Specify a version of Journal Entry MBF Processing Options (P0900049). If you leave this processing option blank, the standard version is run. Specify a version of the General Ledger Post program (R09801) to use to automatically post journal entries to the F0902 table. If you specify a version of the General Ledger Post program, the version must exist on the server. If you leave this processing option blank, the post is not submitted.

Process Tab
1. Process Mode Specify whether to process the batch in proof or final mode. Values are: Blank: Proof mode. Tables are not updated. 1: Final mode. Tables are updated. 2. Out of Balance Specify whether to allow general ledger transactions that are out of balance (amounts do not net to zero) to process. Values are: Blank: Do not allow out-of-balance transactions to process. 1: Allow out-of-balance transactions to process. 3. Purge Specify whether to automatically purge processed transactions from the batch file. Values are: Blank: Do not purge processed transactions. 1: Purge processed transactions.

Messages Tab
1. Warning Message Specify whether to suppress the creation of warning messages in the work center. Values are: Blank: Do not suppress warning messages 1: Suppress warning messages. 2. Electronic Message Specify a user to receive electronic messages in the work center. Values are:

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Processing Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

Chapter 13

Blank: The user who entered the transactions receives the messages. User ID: The user specified receives the messages.

Edits Tab
1. Batch Approval Specify whether to have the status on all batches set to approved. Values are: Blank: The system sets all batch statuses according to the General Accounting constants. 1: The system sets all batch status to approved.

Updating Transaction Control Records

This section provides an overview of the Update Transaction Control Record program and discusses how to update control records.

Understanding the Update Transaction Control Record Program

After you process store-and-forward journal entries, the transaction control status for each journal entry on the PC is different from the status of the journal entry on the server. You need to update the status on the PC so that it matches the status on the server. To perform this task, run the Update Transaction Control Record program (R0041Z1). You can also run this update program to identify any PC journal entries that were in error when they were uploaded to the server. The system updates the journal entry on the PC with the error status of the journal entry on the server. You can then identify the journal entries that are in error on the PC, correct them, and upload them again to the server. Alternatively, you can correct them on the server. You can also use the Update Transaction Control Record program to purge processed transactions from the F0911Z1 table in your local environment.

Updating Control Records

Select Store and Forward Journal Entries (G09318), Update Transaction Control Record.

Purging Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

When you run the Purge Store and Forward Transactions program (R0041Z1P), the system purges processed journal entries and deletes the records in the F0911Z1 and F0041Z1 table, but only from the environment in which you are running the program. This section discusses how to purge processed store-and-forward journal entries.

Purging Processed Store-and-Forward Journal Entries

Select Store and Forward Journal Entries (G09318), Purge Store and Forward Transactions.


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Processing Allocations
This chapter provides overviews of allocations, the process for creating allocations, and multitiered allocations and discusses how to: Process recurring journal entries. Process indexed allocations. Process variable numerator allocations.

Understanding Allocations
Allocations can serve many purposes, such as distributing expenses, creating annual or periodic budgets, and calculating currency conversions. Use allocations to redistribute amounts from one or more business units to accounts in other business units, or from one ledger type to another. You can create model journal entries to work as allocations, regardless of whether the amounts change, or create recurring journal entries if the amounts never change. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system provides three types of allocations: Recurring journal entries Create a recurring journal entry when you have an entry that recurs on a regular basis. Indexed allocations Create an indexed allocation when you want to allocate amounts from one company or business unit to another or create annual or monthly budgets. Variable numerator allocations Create a variable numerator allocation when you want to allocate amounts from one business unit to other business units with a common category code value and to base an allocation on a variable, such as head count. These frequency intervals can be used with all three types of allocations: Weekly Monthly Quarterly Semiannually Annually

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Processing Allocations

Chapter 14

You can create reversing journal entries for accrual accounting or year-to-date performance calculations for all allocations. Companies often reverse allocations to create estimated distributions that will be reversed on the first day of the next period. When you reverse an allocation and process it in final mode, the system reverses the journal entry that was created initially. When you post the allocation journal entry, the system creates the reversing journal entry on the first day of the next accounting period. For all three types of allocations, the system uses the original document number of an allocation for the journal entries that are created each time that you run the allocation. Even though the journal entries have the same document number, they are not considered duplicates because each journal entry has a different general ledger date. You can use the document number to follow the audit trail back to the original allocation. When you create allocations, these dates affect the allocation types:
Date General ledger date Special period/year Description The date that determines the accounting period to which the journal entry posts. The date that determines the source balances for the allocation. The system selects amounts from the F0902 table based on this date if the based-on period or year is different from the current period or year. The date when the allocation becomes ineligible for processing by the computations programs.

Stop date

Understanding the Process for Creating Allocations

These steps are required for each type of allocation: Enter allocations Review allocations Calculate allocations After calculating allocations, review and post the journal entries that the allocation creates. You should review the journal entries that are created by the allocations programs for accuracy and to correct any errors. The General Ledger Post program updates the appropriate tables and creates the necessary journal entries. It also creates reversing journal entries if your allocation was set up as a reversing allocation. You should use document type JA for allocations. All allocations use batch type D. This graphic illustrates how calculating allocations creates journal entries for the AA (actual amounts) ledger:


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Chapter 14

Processing Allocations

Recurring Journal Entries (F0912)

Specify calculations

Indexed Allocations (F0912A)


Account Ledger (F0911)

Variable Numerator Allocation (F0912B)

Review allocations

Post allocation journal entries

Account Balances (F0902)

Journal entries for AA ledger created by allocation

Understanding Multitiered Allocations

All allocations can create multiple tiers of allocations if you define the calculation sequence. Multiple tiers are also known as compound or cascading allocations. Subsequent calculations use the allocation amounts from previous tiers. You can have up to nine tiers. This multitiered allocation sequence is necessary when both of these conditions exist: All of the corporate costs are passed through the warehouses to the business units. Warehouse costs (not just corporate costs) are allocated to the business units. The system can perform calculations sequentially only if all of the calculations in the sequence use the same type of allocation. For example, if you use an indexed allocation and a variable numerator allocation, the system cannot perform calculations sequentially. If you want to use different types for sequential calculations, you must compute each calculation separately and in the correct sequence. You must also post each calculation separately prior to computing the next sequential allocation. Note. You cannot use recurring journal entries for multitiered allocations.

Common Elements Used in This Chapter

Posting Sequence Enter a number that controls the sequence for multi-tiered allocations. Enter a number if you have several related specifications and the result of one specification is to be included in subsequent specifications in the same batch.

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Chapter 14

For example, if the telephone company sends monthly bills to your corporation for all long distance calls, you could set up tiers to allocate the bill to the departments in your regional offices: Tier 1: Regional offices. This tier could identify the rates or percentages to allocate the bill among regions A, B, and C. Tier 2: Departments in Region A. This tier could identify rates or percentages to allocate the bill for region A among departments X, Y, and Z. Leave this field blank for stand-alone allocations. Rate Factor Enter a number that identifies the index or rate for calculations. The system multiplies the from amounts by this factor to calculate the amounts to distribute. You can specify either positive or negative numbers and no more than 8 decimals. If you specify more than eight decimal positions, the system rounds to eight positions. If you specify a large whole number and a large number of decimal positions, the system might not be able to display the entire number. Even though all decimal positions cannot be displayed, they are stored (up to eight) correctly in the table. If you leave this field blank, the default rate factor is 1.00000000. For annual budgets, you can specify zero to remove all balances and start over. Recur Frequency (recurring frequency) Enter a code to specify the time interval between transactions that the system creates. Values are: Blank: Not recurring. This frequency is valid only for annual budget allocations. MO: Monthly. AN: Annually. WK: Weekly. QT: Quarterly. SA: Semiannually. BW: Biweekly. Note. For annual budgets, only blank or AN are valid. Reverse Select this check box for the system to create reversing entries when you post the original transaction. The system uses the first date of the next period for the general ledger date. Enter a number that identifies the general ledger period to use for based-on amounts. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the current period of the company for the based-on amounts. Enter the fiscal year from which the system extracts based-on amounts. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the current fiscal year of the company. Status Code Select the Approved or On Hold check box. The system creates journal entries and updates accounts for approved transactions only.

Special Period and Fiscal Year


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Chapter 14

Processing Allocations

Stop Date

Enter a date that indicates when the allocation becomes inactive. If the general ledger date is less than this date or if you leave this field blank, the allocation is active. If the general ledger date is greater than or equal to this date, the allocation is inactive.

Processing Recurring Journal Entries

This section provides overviews of recurring journal entries and recurring journal entry calculations and discusses how to: Create recurring journal entries. Run the Recurring JE Compute & Print program. Set data selection for Recurring JE Compute & Print. Set processing options for Recurring JE Compute & Print.

Understanding Recurring Journal Entries

Recurring journal entries allow you to redistribute amounts in one or more business units to accounts in other business units. You can redistribute amounts based on a fixed amount, percentage, or units. For example, you can distribute expenses that are categorized as overhead to individual departments. You can create a recurring journal entry using the fixed amount method if you know that the amount of the journal entry will not change. You enter the journal entry once, and then each month (or other desired frequency) the system will create another entry with the new general ledger date. You can also set up a recurring journal entry that is based on percentages rather than a fixed amount. For example, if you know that a piece of equipment is used by several business units, you can distribute the expenses associated with the equipment, such as repairs and depreciation to each business unit, based on the percentage of time that the business unit used the equipment. Each month, the system will calculate the distribution of the repairs and depreciation expenses based on the percentages that you set up. A third method of setting up a recurring journal entry is the units method. If you know how many units to specify for an account, you can set up each account with the number of units and the system will distribute the amount that you specify based on the units entered. For example, if you want to allocate the administrative costs for the payroll department to various departments based on head count in each department, you can set up a recurring entry with units of head count in each account. When the system calculates the distribution, it will calculate a percentage based on the head count in a business unit divided by the total head count and multiply that percentage by the amount in the account to be allocated. Note. You should not change the method of allocation for an existing recurring journal entry from amount to percent or unit. If you need to do so, delete the existing recurring journal entry and add a new one, choosing the percent or unit method of allocation.

Understanding the Recurring JE Compute & Print Program

After you review the recurring journal entries and determine that they are correct, run the Recurring JE Compute & Print program (R09302) to process the recurring journal entries.

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Chapter 14

When you run the program in proof mode, the system generates a report but does not create journal entries. This report lists the journal entries that the system will create in the F0911 when you run the program in final mode. The report also lists error messages for recurring journal entries that contain errors. Invalid accounts appear with *** on the report. Review the report to determine whether you need to make any changes to the journal entries before running the program in final mode. In final mode, the system creates journal entries in the F0911 table and advances the general ledger date according to the recurring frequency and stop date. The recurring journal entry is ready for future processing. Batch type D is assigned to recurring journal entries. You should create different versions of the Recurring JE Compute & Print program for recurring frequencies, specific companies, and specific document types. This approach enables you to include specific groups of recurring journal entries. After you run this program in final mode, review and post the journal entries.

Ensure that the date pattern for next year is set up so that the Recurring JE Compute & Print program advances the dates correctly.

Forms Used to Process Recurring Journal Entries

Form Name Work With Recurring Journal Entries Recurring Journal Entry
W0912D W0912A


Navigation Allocations (G0923), Recurring JE Computation On the Work With Recurring Journal Entries form, click Add.

Usage Locate and review existing recurring journal entries. Create recurring journal entries.

Creating Recurring Journal Entries

Access the Recurring Journal Entry form.


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Chapter 14

Processing Allocations

Recurring Journal Entry form

Explanation Method of Allocation

Enter the text that appears in the first of two description lines for each journal entry that the allocation creates. This field is required. Enter a code that indicates how the system is to calculate the allocation journal entries. The system uses this code in conjunction with the values in the Amount field. Values are: &: Fixed amount method. The system allocates the amount that you specify in the Amount field. You can use this method to create recurring journal entries. %: Percentage method. The system uses the percentage that you specify in the Amount field to perform the allocation. U: Unit method. The system creates a percentage from the units that you specify in the Amount field to perform the allocation. It then allocates the amount in the from and through account range according to the percentages. Examples include square feet and number of employees. Note. If you specify the percentage or unit allocation method, the Computations Based On tab is activated. In this case, the currency for the ledger type or account from which the amount will be distributed must be the same as the currency for the ledger type or business unit company on which the computation is based.

From Obj/Sub and Thru Obj/Sub

Enter the beginning account and ending account in a range of accounts. Only amounts posted to accounts in this range are allocated.

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Processing Allocations

Chapter 14

Using MTD, YTD, or Budget (M/Y/B)

Enter a code that controls whether the allocation is based on month-to-date, year-to-date, or final budget amounts. For the percentage and unit methods, this field is required. Values are: M: Month-to-date. The basis is period activity for the month (net monthly posting for the month). Month-to-date allocations do not include prior month corrections in the allocation base, while year-to-date allocations do. Y: Year-to-date for recurring allocations. The basis is the period-end balance. For profit and loss accounts, this is the sum of all net postings for the year. For balance sheet accounts, this is the cumulative (inception-to-date) balance. For accrual recurring allocations, select the Reverse option. B: Final budget. This is also known as original budget in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost systems. No journal entries are created. Use only with budget ledger types.


Enter a number that identifies the general ledger period to use for based-on amounts. If you leave this field blank, the system will use the current period of the company for the based-on amounts. Enter a number that identifies the amount that the system will add to the account balance of the associated account number. Enter credits with a minus sign () either before or after the amount. If you use the percentage allocation method, enter the percentage that you want to allocate to a specific account in this field. The percentages do not have to equal 100, but the debits and credits must balance if the option to require ledgers to balance is selected in the Ledger Type Master Setup program (P0025). If you use the unit allocation method, enter the number of units for the account in this field. The amount will be allocated based on a percentage of the number of units of the account over the total number of units.


Running the Recurring JE Compute & Print Program

Select Allocations (G0923), Recurring JE Compute & Print.

Setting Data Selection for Recurring JE Compute & Print

Specify the journal entries that you want to include by document numbers and recurring frequencies in the data selection.

Setting Processing Options for Recurring JE Compute & Print (R09302)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


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Chapter 14

Processing Allocations

Thru Date
1. Thru Date Enter the through date in which to include allocations. If you leave this processing option blank, the current date is used.

1. Process Mode Enter the processing mode. Values are: 1: Proof mode with report. 2: Final mode to create transactions.

Processing Indexed Allocations

This section provides an overview of indexed allocations and the Indexed Computations Compute & Print program and discusses how to: Create indexed allocations. Run the Indexed Computations Compute & Print program. Set data selection and sequence for Indexed Computations Compute & Print. Set processing options for Indexed Computations Compute & Print.

Understanding Indexed Allocations

Indexed allocations allow you to redistribute amounts from one business unit or range of business units to another business unit or range of business units. Indexed allocations are the most flexible and most commonly used allocation method because of their copy feature. For example, you can copy this years actual amounts to next years budget. You can also use indexed allocations for these purposes: To distribute expenses categorized as overhead among business units or companies in your organization. To allocate from one company to another. To multiply by a positive or negative factor before allocating. To take actual amounts, multiply by a certain percentage, and allocate the amounts to the budget ledger. To allocate a budget amount to another account. To allocate to or zero out the budget fields (BORG, BREQ, BAPR). To set up either annual or monthly budgets. To zero out accounts. To create allocations transaction-by-transaction in the F0911 table or directly update account balances in the F0902 table. The system maintains indexed computations in the Index Computation Entry File table (F0912A). You can apply an index, or rate, to the balance of an account or a range of accounts. The system distributes the resulting balance to another account, period, and ledger or to a range of accounts, periods, and ledgers.

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Processing Allocations

Chapter 14

To create a budget using indexed allocations, use the balance method and complete the budget fields in the detail area of the Allocations - Index Computations form. This graphic shows how you can use indexed allocations to allocate amounts from the AA ledger to the BA ledger to create a budget:
Amount Company 00001 AA Ledger (Actual Amounts) x 1.25 Amount Company 00001 BA Ledger (Budget Amounts)

Allocate from many business units to many other business units

Business Unit - 1 3 5
Using indexed allocations

Business Unit - 1 3 5

Example: Indexed Allocations

In this example, the system takes the end-of-year balances in the AA ledger in accounts 61106320 and multiplies each by 1.1 (a 10 percent increase over the current years balance). The results are placed in the same account numbers in the BA ledger for the next year:
Description Year-to-date account balance Index or rate Budget to be distributed for next year 50,000 1.1 55,000 Values

Understanding the Indexed Computations Compute & Print Program

After you review the indexed allocations and determine that they are correct, run the Indexed Computations Compute & Print program (R093021). When you run this program in proof mode, the system prints a report that shows the entries that it will create in final mode. Review the report to determine whether you need to make any changes to the allocation before running the program in final mode. In final mode, the system:


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Chapter 14

Processing Allocations

Reads balances or transactions, based on the allocation method, from one or more accounts. Multiplies each balance or transaction by the specified rate index. Creates journal entries with batch type D in the F0911 table. For the balance allocation method, the system creates journal entries based on the balance of an account or a range of accounts. For the transaction allocation method, the system creates journal entries in a one-to-one ratio with the transactions that it reads. Calculates an offset to balance the resulting journal entries, if needed, and distributes the offset to a contra/clearing account. Increases the general ledger date incrementally according to the recurring frequency for the allocation, which ensures that the allocation is ready for future processing. For the update allocation method, updates balances only in the F0902 table for ledger types other than AA. Prints the Indexed Computations Journal report. This report lists detailed allocation information and errors, such as invalid accounts and entries posted before cutoff (PBCO). Invalid accounts appear with *** on the report. You should create different versions of the Indexed Computations Compute & Print program for various recurring frequencies and for specific companies and specific document types. This allows you to include specific groups of allocations. After you run this program in final mode, review and post the journal entries.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Ensure that the fiscal date pattern for next month or next year is set so that the program correctly increases the dates incrementally. Before you run the program with multitiered calculations, verify that the posting sequence numbers on the Allocations - Index Computations form are correct so that the allocations run in the required order.

Forms Used to Create Indexed Allocations

Form Name Work With Indexed Computations Allocations - Index Computations


Navigation Allocations (G0923), Indexed Computations On the Work With Indexed Computations form, click Add.

Usage Locate and review existing indexed allocations. Create indexed allocations.


Creating Indexed Allocations

Access the Allocations - Index Computations form.

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Processing Allocations

Chapter 14

Allocations - Index Computations form


Enter the company number. The system uses the current period, fiscal year, and general ledger date of the company for calculations and for identifying errors based on the General Ledger Date field. The number in this field does not affect the journal entries created. Enter text that describes the allocation. The text appears in the first of two description lines for each journal entry that the computation creates. This field is required. Enter the account to use for a balancing or offsetting journal entry. This field is required for all ledger types that are required to balance. You must enter the account in the business unit.object.subsidiary format. Leave this field blank for non-balancing ledger types, such as budgets, and use the annual budget fields in the detail area of the Allocations - Index Computations form.


Contra/Clearing Account

Period to Date and Year to Date

Enter a code that controls whether the allocation is based on month-to-date or year-to-date amounts. Values are: M: Month-to-date. The basis is period activity for the month (net monthly postings). These do not include prior month corrections in the allocation base. Y: Year-to-date.


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Chapter 14

Processing Allocations

The basis is the period-end balance. For profit and loss accounts, this is the sum of all net postings for the year. For balance sheet accounts, this is the cumulative (inception-to-date) balance. These include prior month corrections in the allocation base. If you have recurring annual allocations, set them up as automatically reversing entries by selecting the Reverse check box. Balances, Transaction, and Update Select one of these options to specify how the system creates allocation journal entries or updates: Balance Method. Create journal entries based on the balance of an account or the balance of a range of accounts in the F0902 table. For annual budgets, you must use this method; journal entries will not be created. Transaction Method. Create journal entries on a one-for-one basis for each posted transaction in the F0911 table for the account range specified. Update Method. Update the account balance for non-AA ledger types in the F0902 table and do not create any journal entries. From Bus. Unit (from business unit) Enter a specific business unit or *xxxxx (asterisk and the company number) to specify all business units for the company. If you enter *xxxxx, the system uses all business units for that company and bypasses any business unit security that is set up. For example, if you specify an allocation for *00001, the allocation will be for all business units in company 00001. Even if your access is normally restricted to business unit 3, the allocation will bypass business unit security. You cannot enter *00000 to specify all business units in all companies. To Business Unit From Budget Code Enter a specific business unit or * to post to the business unit entered in the From Business Unit field. Enter a value in this field only for annual budgets. Values are: 1: Requested budget amount. 2: Approved budget amount. 3: Final budget amount. Note. These three codes are valid only when you specify the Balances method and have the recurring frequency set to AN (annual). Blank is not a value. TO OBJ (to object) To SUB (to subsidiary) TO LT Enter a specific account or * to post to the same account indicated in the From Object field. Enter * in this field to carry the subledger in the From OBJ (from object) field to the Thru OBJ (thru object) field. The TO OBJ field must also contain *. Enter the ledger type. If you leave this field blank for annual budgets, the default is BA. If you leave this field blank for other ledger types, the default is AA. Enter text that describes the allocation. The text appears in the second of two description lines for each journal entry that the computation creates.

Explanation -Remark

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Processing Allocations

Chapter 14

Running the Indexed Computations Compute & Print Program

Select Allocations (G0923), Indexed Computations Compute & Print.

Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Indexed Computations Compute & Print
Specify the allocations that you want to include by document numbers. For multitiered allocations, specify all allocation document numbers that are part of the tiers. For example, if documents JA 1000, JA 1001, and JA 1002 compose the tiers of a multitiered allocation, include documents 1000, 1001, and 1002 in the data selection. Do not change the data sequence provided in the demo version of this program.

Setting Processing Options for Indexed Computations Compute & Print (R093021)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Process Mode Enter the processing mode. Values are: 1: Proof mode with report. 2: Final mode to create transactions.

Audit Trail
1. Print Audit Trail Specify whether to print an audit trail. Values are: Blank: Print the journal entries only. 1: Print an audit trail of all transactions or accounts that support each journal entry.

Include Alloc
1. Thru Date Enter the through date in which to include allocations. If you leave this processing option blank, the date that the allocation is processed is used.

1. Multi-Tier Processing Specify whether to include multi-tiered entries. Values are: Blank: Include only posted transactions created before this batch. R: Include the amounts from transactions created in this batch in the totals for multi-tiered entries.

1. Journal Entry Explanations Specify how to handle explanations for journal entries. Values are: Blank: Move the specification first description.


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Chapter 14

Processing Allocations

1: Move the first description on new transactions from the detail transaction that the calculation is based on. This processing option applies to transaction method allocations only.

1. Error Processing Specify where to distribute error messages. Blank: Send errors to the work center. 1: Print errors on a report.

Log Warnings
1. Warning Processing Specify whether to log errors and warnings. Values are: Blank: Log all errors and warnings. 1: Suppress warnings.

Processing Variable Numerator Allocations

This section provides an overview of variable numerator allocations and calculations and discusses how to: Create variable numerator allocations. Run the Variable Numerator Compute & Print program. Set data selection for Variable Numerator Compute & Print. Set processing options for Variable Numerator Compute & Print.

Understanding Variable Numerator Allocations

Variable numerator allocations are the least flexible but the most dynamic method of allocations. With variable numerator allocations, you can: Allocate amounts from one business unit to other business units with a common category code value. This feature is unique to variable numerator allocations. Base an allocation on a variable, such as head count, square footage, or percentage of use. The allocation percentages change automatically as the variable changes. This feature is also unique to variable numerator allocations. Set up budget amounts. The system calculates variable numerator allocations by computing percentages that are applied to the balance of an account or a range of accounts. The system allocates amounts to only one specific object account. However, you can allocate to a range of subsidiaries and subledgers for that object account if you set up the Based On definition appropriately. You can specify accounts by business unit category code instead of by business unit and account range. The percentages represent fractions of the total of the balances in the accounts that you specify. The balance total is the denominator, and the individual account balances are the numerators of the fractions.

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Chapter 14

The system performs these steps when it calculates variable numerator allocations: 1. Gathers balances from a range of accounts (the Based Upon accounts). 2. Computes the percentage of the total for each account balance. 3. Applies the appropriate percentage to the balance of an account or range of accounts (the Allocate accounts). 4. Creates journal entries to distribute the resulting amounts to a specific account (the Apply To account) within multiple business units 5. Calculates an offset amount, if needed, to balance the resulting journal entries and distributes it to the contra/clearing account that you specify The system assigns batch type D to variable numerator allocations and stores the computation specifications in the Variable Allocation File table (F0912B).

Example: Variable Numerator Allocations

In this example, you allocate a year-to-date salary expense amount (12,000) to several business units (ledger type BU). You want to base the allocation amount for each business unit on the number of people in the business unit compared with the total number of people in the department.
Allocate Salary Expenses Based On Department Head Count Apply To Distributed General Account 7970

BU 9 8100-8199 (12,000) Salary Expenses AA Ledger Type Month-To-Date Balances

Category Code 1 = 197 (Sales) Account 9901 Head Count AU Ledger Type Inception-To-Date Balances

BU 3 = 500 BU 4 = 300 BU 5 = 200 Total Head Count = 1000

Variable Numerators

Common Denominator

Amount 500/1000 = (.5x12,000) = 600 300/1000 = (.30x12,000) = 3600 200/1000 = (.2x12,000) = 2400
Allocating an expense account

Apply To 3.7970 4.7970 5.7970


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Chapter 14

Processing Allocations

Understanding Variable Numerator Allocation Calculations

After you review the variable numerator allocations and determine that they are correct, run the Variable Numerator Compute & Print program (R093022) to process the allocations and to print the Variable Allocations Journal report. When you run this program in proof mode, the system prints a report that shows the entries that it will create when you run it in final mode. Review this report and make any necessary corrections before running the program in final mode. In final mode, the system: Creates journal entries in the F0911 table. Incrementally increases the general ledger date on the allocation according to the recurring frequency in the allocation. This process ensures that the allocation is ready for future processing. Prints the Variable Allocations Journal report. This information appears on the report: - The total amount to allocate is next to the Total To Be Allocated. - The amounts in the Basis Amount column are the numerators, which are the amounts on which the calculation is based. - The amount next to the Basis Total is the denominator in the calculation. - The results of the calculation are under the allocation amount at the bottom of the report. - The contra/clearing account is also located at the end of the report. This report also lists detailed allocation information and errors, such as invalid accounts and entries posted before cutoff (PBCO). You should create different versions of this program for recurring frequencies, specific companies, and specific document types. Doing this allows you to include specific groups of allocations. After you run this program in final mode, you must review and post the journal entries.

Before you run a version with multitiered calculations, verify that the posting-sequence numbers on the Specify Variable Numerator Computation form are correct.

Forms Used to Process Variable Numerator Allocations

Form Name Work With Variable Numerator


Navigation Allocations (G0923), Variable Numerator On the Work With Variable Numerator form, click Add.

Usage Locate and review existing variable numerator allocations. Create variable numerator allocations.

Specify Variable Numerator W09122C Computation

Creating Variable Numerator Allocations

Access the Specify Variable Numerator Computation form.

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Chapter 14

Specify Variable Numerator Computation form - Specifications tab

Select the Identification tab. Explanation Contra/Clearing Account No. Type/Subledger Enter text that describes the allocation. This text appears in the first of two description lines for each journal entry that the allocation creates. Enter the account number associated with a contra/clearing account if the ledger is required to balance. Enter * to specify all subledgers. If you leave this field blank, the system only includes posted transactions with a blank subledger.

Select the Specifications tab. From Business Unit OR Code Number AND Value Enter the first business unit in a range of business unit numbers or enter a number from 130 that identifies a business unit category code. Category codes group several business units and allocate the total amount in all of them. For example, 01 could indicate regions. Enter a specific value for the business


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Chapter 14

Processing Allocations

unit category code. For example, the value WES for category code 01 could indicate only those business units in the western regions. Subsidiary MTD, YTD, ITD Enter a subsidiary account or * to post to the same subsidiary account indicated in the based upon field, even though the object in the apply to field is different. Select one of these options to control whether the allocation is based on month-to-date, year-to-date, or inception-to-date amounts. For month-to-date, the basis is the net posting balance for the month (the fiscal period). These allocations do not include prior month corrections in the allocation base. For year-to-date, the basis is the period-end balance. For profit and loss accounts, this is the sum of all net postings for the year through the end of the month that you specify. For balance sheet accounts, this is the cumulative balance through the end of the month you specify. These allocations do include prior month corrections in the allocation base. For inception-to-date, the basis is the cumulative balance through the end of the month you specify. These allocations include prior month corrections and all postings from prior years. Type/Subledger Enter a number that specifies the subledger account to which amounts are to be posted. The Subsidiary Account, Based Upon Business Unit, Apply To Object Account, Apply To Subledger, Apply To Ledger Type, and Subledger Type fields for the Contra/Clearing Account identify the account that posts the allocation.

Running the Variable Numerator Compute & Print Program

Select Allocations (G0923), Variable Numerator Compute & Print.

Setting Data Selection for Variable Numerator Compute & Print

Specify the allocations that you want to include by document numbers. For multitiered allocations, specify all allocation document numbers that are part of the tiers. For example, if documents JA 1000, JA 1001, and JA 1002 compose the tiers of a multitiered allocation, include documents 1000, 1001, and 1002 in the data selection.

Setting Processing Options for Variable Numerator Compute & Print (R093022)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Effective Date
1. Effective Date Enter the through date in which to include allocations. If you leave this processing option blank, the current date is used.

1. Process Mode Enter the processing mode. Values are:

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Chapter 14

1: Proof mode with report. 2: Final mode to create transactions.

1. Multi-Tier Processing Specify whether to include multi-tiered entries. Values are: Blank: Include only posted transactions created before this batch. 1: Include the amounts from transactions created in this batch in the totals for multi-tiered entries.

Omit Zeros
1. Suppress Zero Amounts Specify whether to print zero amounts. Blank: Print zero amounts. 1: Do not print allocate from and based upon amounts, which are zero.

1. Print Errors on Report Specify where to distribute error messages. Blank: Send errors to the work center. 1: Print errors on a report.


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Reconciling Bank Account Transactions

This chapter provides overviews of bank account reconciliation and voided payment and receipt reconciliation and discusses how to: Reconcile voided payments and receipts. Refresh account reconciliation information. Reconcile bank account transactions manually. Change a reconciled transaction to unreconciled.

Understanding Bank Account Reconciliation

As part of your period-end processes, you might need to reconcile the balances in your bank accounts with your bank statements. After you perform the initial setup tasks, you can easily reconcile bank accounts on a monthly basis using the Manual Reconciliation program (P09131).

See Also
Chapter 4, Setting Up Account Reconciliation, page 33

Reconciling Voided Payments and Receipts

This section provides an overview of the auto reconciliation void programs and discusses how to: Reconcile voided payments. Reconcile voided receipts.

Understanding the Auto Reconciliation Void Programs

Instead of manually reconciling voided payments and receipts, you can save time during account reconciliation by running these programs: Automatic Reconcile Void Payment (R09551) Automatic Reconcile Void Receipt (R09552)

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Reconciling Bank Account Transactions

Chapter 15

These programs automatically reconcile voided payments and receipts (and those with zero amounts) by updating the GLRCND field with the default reconciliation code R on the transactions in the F0911 table. When reconciling payments, the Automatic Reconcile Void Payment program selects payments that were voided manually and those voided during automatic payment processing. You should run these programs before you run the Refresh Reconciliation File program (R09130) so that voided and zero amount payments and receipts are not included in the F0911R workfile. The Automatic Reconcile Void Payments and Automatic Reconcile Void Receipts programs do not have processing options.

Reconciling Voided Payments

Select Bank Tape Reconciliation (G09213), Automatic Reconcile Void Payment.

Reconciling Voided Receipts

Select Bank Tape Reconciliation (G09213), Automatic Reconcile Void Receipt.

Refreshing Account Reconciliation Information

This section provides an overview of the Refresh Reconciliation File program and discusses how to: Run the Refresh Reconciliation File program. Set data selection for Refresh Reconciliation File. Set processing options for Refresh Reconciliation File (R09130).

Understanding the Refresh Reconciliation File Program

Before you reconcile your accounts, you must run the Refresh Reconciliation File program (R09130). Typically, you run this program at the end of each period to reconcile transactions for the period. The Refresh Reconciliation File program copies the unreconciled transaction detail for all reconcilable accounts from the F0911 table into the F0911R reconciliation workfile. Each time that you refresh the F0911R workfile, the system removes all previously reconciled transactions in the table and replaces them with new transactions that meet the processing option and data selection criteria for the Refresh Reconciliation File program. For example, if you run this program for the month of January and reconcile all transactions for that month, and then run the program again for February, the program removes all the reconciled transactions for January from the F0911R workfile and replaces them with the unreconciled transactions for February. Transactions must meet these criteria for the Refresh Reconciliation File program to select records: The account that you are trying to reconcile must be within the AAI range for GLRCxx. The general ledger date for the transaction must be within the date range specified in the Beginning Date and Ending Date processing options. The GLRCND field for the transaction must be blank (unreconciled). When you run the Refresh Reconciliation File program, you can refresh the information for all accounts in the AAI ranges for GLRCxx at one time, or you can use data selection to refresh a specific account.


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Chapter 15

Reconciling Bank Account Transactions

The Refresh Reconciliation File program is designed to build only one F0911R workfile. However, you can allow separate workfiles for specific accounts by using the Configured Network Computing function to point to the F0911R workfile locally.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Set up the AAI ranges for GLRCxx AAIs to identify account ranges that must be reconciled. Set up a reconciliation code in UDC table 09/RC if you do not want to use the default reconciliation code R.

Running the Refresh Reconciliation File Program

Select Manual Reconciliation (G09209), Refresh Reconciliation File.

Setting Data Selection for Refresh Reconciliation File

For faster processing, use data selection to specify the accounts to be reconciled. To create a F0911R workfile for only one account, enter the short account ID number in the data selection. If you run the Refresh Reconciliation File program for a specific account and then run the program again for a different account, the system does not remove the previously reconciled transactions for the first account. Instead, it adds the records for the second account to the previously reconciled transactions of the first account. The Refresh Reconciliation File program only removes all previously reconciled transactions in the F0911R workfile when you run the program subsequently for the same account.

Setting Processing Options for Refresh Reconciliation File (R09130)

Use these processing options to select dates, reconciliation status, ledger type, transactions with an AE document type, and messages to print.

1. Beginning Date and 2. Ending Date 3. Reconciled Status Specify the dates that you want the system to use as the beginning and ending dates when selecting records from the F0911 table. Values are: Blank: Select only unreconciled records. 1: Select both reconciled and unreconciled records. The F0911R can become unmanageable if you select both reconciled and unreconciled transactions on a regular basis. This can impact processing time. Include reconciled items only when it is necessary to correct a previous reconciliation.

1. Ledger Type Specify the ledger type (UDC table 09/LT) for the system to use when selecting records from the F0911 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects all ledger types.

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Chapter 15

1. Document Type Filter Specify whether the system includes AE document type transactions when it selects records from the F0911 table. Values are: Blank: Do not include AE transactions. 1: Include AE transactions.

1. Messages Specify which messages to print on the Refresh Reconciliation File report (R09130). Values are: Blank: Print messages only for accounts that are refreshed. 1: Print messages for all accounts.

Reconciling Bank Account Transactions Manually

This section provides overviews of manual bank account reconciliation and the reconciliation report and discusses how to: Set processing options for Manual Reconciliation (P09131). Reconcile bank account transactions manually.

Understanding Manual Bank Account Reconciliation

When you reconcile your accounts on the Bank Account Reconciliation form, the system marks the transactions on the form with the default reconciliation code R or the code that you selected. As you reconcile transactions, the system updates the amounts in the Outstanding Debits and Outstanding Credits fields. The system also updates the Amt to Reconcile field using this formula: (Bank Balance + Outstanding Debits + Outstanding Credits)Book Balance = Amount to Reconcile Bank Balance = the amount on your bank statement. Outstanding Debits and Credits = the records in the F0911 workfile that have not been marked as reconciled. Book Balance = the account balance in the F0902 table. The system includes balance forward amounts for balance sheet accounts.

Understanding the Reconciliation Report

After you reconcile your bank account transactions, run the Print Reconciliation Report (R09132P) for a list of any outstanding items that are unreconciled. The date range used for the report is the same as the range entered in the processing options for the Refresh Reconciliation File program. To run the Print Reconciliation Report over a different date range, you must change the date range in the processing options and run the Refresh Reconciliation File program again.


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Chapter 15

Reconciling Bank Account Transactions

Forms Used to Reconcile Bank Account Transactions Manually

Form Name Reconciliations


Navigation Manual Reconciliation (G09209), Manual Reconciliation Select Bank Account Reconciliation on the Reconciliations form.

Usage Use this form to select the type of reconciliation. Manually reconcile or unreconcile bank account transactions.

Bank Account Reconciliation


Setting Processing Options for Manual Reconciliation (P09131)

Use these processing options to select default values.

1. Ledger Type 2. Reference 3 Specify a ledger type from the UDC table 09/LT for processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default ledger type AA. Specify whether the system updates the Reference 3 field on the record in the F0911 table with a reconciliation number. The system uses the Next Number Revisions program (P0002) to assign the reconciliation number. This reconciliation number can be overridden at the time of reconciliation. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will not update the Reference 3 field.

Debit/Credit Edits
The processing options on this tab are used only by the Debit/Credit Match program. See Chapter 4, Setting Up Account Reconciliation, page 33.

Reconciling Bank Account Transactions Manually

Access the Bank Account Reconciliation form.

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Reconciling Bank Account Transactions

Chapter 15

Bank Account Reconciliation form (1 of 2)

Bank Account Reconciliation form (2 of 2)

1. Enter the bank account number of the account for which you ran the Refresh Reconciliation File program in the Account Number field. 2. To view both unreconciled and reconciled items, do not select the Unreconciled Only option. You can view reconciled items only if you entered 1 for the Reconciled Status processing option of the Refresh Reconciliation File program. 3. Enter a general ledger date in the From Date field to limit the transactions that you view for the account. You must enter a date that is within the date range that you entered for the Beginning Date and Ending Date processing options of the Refresh Reconciliation File program. To view transactions from a date prior to the date entered for the Beginning Date processing option, you must run the Refresh Reconciliation File program again with different dates. 4. Enter the balance that appears on your bank statement in the Bank Balance field and click Find. 5. To further limit the transactions that you can view for an account, select Options from the Form menu. 6. On Options, enter a value in any of the fields.


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Reconciling Bank Account Transactions

For example, if you enter a number in the Document Number field, only documents with that number will appear. This is helpful if you are trying to search for a particular transaction. Reference 1 For receipts, this field contains the batch number of the receipt. For payments, this field contains the payment number. Reference 2 For receipts, this field contains the document number of the receipt. For payments, this field contains the supplier number of the payment. 7. On Bank Account Reconciliation, click Find. The Options option is now selected. This is a reminder that you are viewing only transactions that meet the criteria that you specified on the Options form. 8. To mark a transaction as reconciled, double-click the transaction or select the transaction and then select Reconcile Toggle from the Row menu. 9. To mark more than one transaction (or all transactions) as reconciled, select the transactions and then select Reconcile Toggle from the Row menu. When you mark transactions as reconciled: If the Reference 3 processing option for the Manual Reconciliation program is set to 1, the Reference 3 Selection form appears and displays the next available number from next numbers. If you do not want all transactions to have the same reconciliation number, select Update Single from the form menu on the Reference 3 Selection form. The system displays this form each time you reconcile a transaction so that you can enter a new number for each transaction. The system enters R (or the reconciliation code that you selected) in the R ND field on the Bank Account Reconciliation form. 10. To unreconcile a reconciled transaction, double-click the transaction or select the transaction and then select Reconcile Toggle from the Row menu. 11. To complete the reconciliation process, select Update F0911 from the Form menu for the system to: Update the GLR3 field in the F0911R workfile with the reconciliation number. Update the GLRCND field in the F0911 table with the information in the F0911R workfile for all reconciled transactions. Update the GLR3 field in the F0911 table with the reconciliation number from the F0911R workfile if the Reference 3 processing option for the Manual Reconciliation program is set to 1. 12. To print a report, select Reconciliation Print from the Report menu.

Changing a Reconciled Transaction to Unreconciled

After you finish the reconciliation process, you might need to change a reconciled transaction to unreconciled. When you change a transaction to unreconciled, the system removes the R (or the reconciliation code that you selected) from F0911R workfile. If you set the Reference 3 processing option to 1 for the Manual Reconciliation program, the system also deletes the assigned reconciliation number from the transaction. After you change a reconciled transaction to unreconciled, remember to update the F0911 table to remove the reconciliation code from the transaction.

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Chapter 15

If you ran the Refresh Reconciliation File program since you reconciled the transaction, you must run the program again and set the Reconciled Status processing option to 1 to include reconciled transactions. If you need to change a reconciled transaction to unreconciled for a period that is different from the current period, you must run the Refresh Reconciliation File program again: Set the Reconciled Status processing option to 1 to include reconciled transactions. Change the Beginning Date and Ending Date processing options to include the general ledger date of the transaction that you want to change.


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Reconciling Debit and Credit Amounts

This chapter provides an overview of the debit and credit reconciliation process and discusses how to reconcile debit and credit transactions manually.

Understanding the Debit and Credit Reconciliation Process

You can use the Debit/Credit Match program (P09131) to reconcile debits and credits within a particular account, such as a trade or suspense account. For example, if a trade account is out of balance, you would use this program to match debit transactions to credit transactions to locate the transaction that is causing the account to be out of balance. The process to reconcile debit and credit transactions consists of these steps: 1. Reconcile voided payments and receipts. See Chapter 15, Reconciling Bank Account Transactions, Reconciling Voided Payments and Receipts, page 139. 2. Refresh account information. See Chapter 15, Reconciling Bank Account Transactions, Refreshing Account Reconciliation Information, page 140. 3. Reconcile or unreconcile debit and credit transactions.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Run the Auto Reconcile Void Payment program. Run the Auto Reconcile Void Receipt program. Run the Refresh Reconciliation File program.

Reconciling Debit and Credit Transactions

This section discusses how to: Set processing options for the Debit/Credit Match program

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Reconciling Debit and Credit Amounts

Chapter 16

Reconcile debit and credit transactions manually.

Forms Used to Reconcile Debit and Credit Transactions

Form Name Reconciliations


Navigation Manual Reconciliation (G09209), Manual Reconciliation

Usage Use this form to select the type of reconciliation.

Bank Account Reconciliation


Select Debit Credit/Match on Manually reconcile and the Reconciliations form. unreconcile debit and credit amounts.

Setting Processing Options for Manual Reconciliation (P09131)

The processing options for the Debit/Credit Match program appear on the Debit/Credit Edits tab of the Manual Reconciliation program. Use these processing options to specify whether a debit and credit transaction must balance before you can continue the manual reconciliation process.

Debit/Credit Edits
The processing options on this tab are used only by the Debit/Credit Match program. 1. Debit/Credit Balance Specify whether debits and credits are required to balance. Values are: Blank: Debits and credits are not required to balance. 1: Debits and credits are required to balance. If you enter 1 for this processing option and you leave the Tolerance Limit processing option blank, the debit and credit transactions must balance exactly; otherwise the system issues an error message. 2. Tolerance Limit Specify the tolerance amount by which debit and credit transactions can be out of balance. This processing option is used only when you enter 1 in the Debit/Credit Balance processing option. If you enter 1 in the Debit/Credit Balance processing option and you leave this processing option blank, debits and credits must balance exactly or the system generates an error. If you enter 1 in the Debit/Credit Balance processing option and you specify an amount for this processing option, the difference between the debit and credit transactions must be less than or equal to the tolerance amount. If the debit and credit transactions are out of balance by the tolerance amount, they are considered reconciled and the system does not generate an error message. For example, if you enter 5.00 in this processing option, debits and credits can be out of balance by 5.00. If debits and credits are greater than the tolerance amount, the system generates an error message. 3. Sort By Specify how the system should sort transactions. Values are: Blank: Sort transactions by general ledger date. 1: Sort transactions by amount. The system sorts the transactions by amount, regardless of whether they are debits or credits. You will be able to see an


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Chapter 16

Reconciling Debit and Credit Amounts

amount with the debit and credit together as opposed to searching for the offset of the amount by the general ledger date.

Reconciling Debit and Credit Transactions Manually

Access the Bank Account Reconciliation form. The steps to reconcile debit and credit transactions manually are the same as those for reconciling bank account transactions manually with the exceptions described in these steps. To reconcile debit/credit transactions manually: 1. To mark the transactions as reconciled in the F0911R worktable, double-click the transaction or select the transaction and then select DB/CR Recon/Unrecon from the Form menu. As you mark transactions as reconciled, the system updates the Total Debits and Total Credits fields. 2. To unreconcile a reconciled transaction, double- click the transaction or select the transaction and select DB/CR Recon/Unrecon from the Form menu. See Chapter 15, Reconciling Bank Account Transactions, Changing a Reconciled Transaction to Unreconciled, page 145. 3. To complete the reconciliation process, select Update F0911 from the Form menu. The system updates the GLRCND field in the F0911R workfile with an R (or the reconciliation code that you selected) only if these conditions are met: You entered 1 for the Debit/Credit Balance processing option in the Manual Reconciliation program and the debit and credit transactions net to zero or the difference between the two transactions is within the tolerance limit that you entered in the Tolerance Limit processing option. You left the Debit/Credit Balance processing option blank in the Manual Reconciliation program. If these conditions are not met, the system displays an error message and does not update the transactions as reconciled in the F0911R workfile. 4. To print a report that lists outstanding items that have not been reconciled, select Reconciliation Print from the Report menu.

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Reconciling Debit and Credit Amounts

Chapter 16


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Reconciling Bank Tapes

This chapter provides an overview of the bank tape reconciliation process and discusses how to: 1. Reformat the bank tape. 2. Reconcile voided payments and receipts. 3. Refresh account reconciliation information. 4. Match the bank tape to the reconciliation workfile. 5. Verify the bank tape reconciliation.

See Also
Chapter 15, Reconciling Bank Account Transactions, Reconciling Voided Payments and Receipts, page 139

Understanding the Bank Tape Reconciliation Process

If your bank provides you with a tape of the transactions that have cleared your bank account, you can use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system to automatically reconcile the account. Your bank must provide magnetic media. Before the system can automatically reconcile transactions, you must convert the data from the bank tape into a flat file called F095051. Then you can run the Custom Reformat UBE program (R09501), which converts the data in the F095051 to the F09505 workfile. For the Custom Reformat UBE program to convert the data, the data must be mapped to certain positions in the F095051 workfile. If it is not, you must create a new custom reformat program. This graphic illustrates the bank tape reconciliation process:

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Reconciling Bank Tapes

Chapter 17

Tape from bank

Convert bank tape to F095051 flat file

Run Custom Reformat program


Flat file in EnterpriseOne format?


Create new Custom Reformat program

Converts data to the F09505 workfile

Run new Custom Reformat program

Refresh the F0911R reconciliation workfile

Match bank tape to F0911R reconciliation workfile

Reconciliation process

Reformatting the Bank Tape

This section provides an overview of the program used to reformat bank tapes and discusses how to: Run the Custom Reformat UBE program. Set processing options for Custom Reformat UBE (R09501).


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Reconciling Bank Tapes

Understanding the Program Used to Reformat Bank Tapes

After you convert the bank tape to the F095051 flat file, run the Custom Reformat UBE program to convert the information to the F09505 workfile. For the Custom Reformat UBE program to convert the data to the F09505 workfile, the data must be in these positions in the F095051 workfile:
Positions Positions 18 Positions 916 Positions 1746 Positions 4761 Account ID Payment number Explanation Amount Information Specifications Enter the ID with or without leading zeros, right or left justified. Enter the payment number right justified with leading zeros. Enter the explanation for the payment. If you are working with a decimal currency, enter the decimal or the whole monetary amount. For example, enter 200.00 CAD as either 200 or 200.00. If you enter the amount as 200000, the program tries to match the amount as 200000.00. Gregorian format

Positions 6267

Payment date

If data in the F095051 workfile is not in the positions specified, you must create a new custom reformat program. Use the Custom Reformat UBE program as a template for creating your custom program.

Running the Custom Reformat UBE Program

Select Bank Tape Reconciliation (G09213), Custom Reformat UBE.

Setting Processing Options for Custom Reformat UBE (R09501)

Use these processing option to specify when to purge workfiles.

1. Purge F09505 table before processing. Specify whether the system purges the F09505 workfile before it runs the Custom Reformat UBE program. Values are: Blank: Do not purge the F09505 workfile. 1: Purge the F09505 workfile. The system purges this workfile before it updates the F095051 workfile. 2. Purge F095051 table before processing. Specify whether the system purges the F095051 workfile after it runs the Custom Reformat UBE program. Values are: Blank: Do not purge the F095051 workfile. 1: Purge the F095051 workfile.

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Reconciling Bank Tapes

Chapter 17

Refreshing Account Reconciliation Information

Before the system can match the data from the bank tape to your general ledger and reconcile your bank account, you must run the Refresh Reconciliation File program (R09130). Typically, you run this program at the end of each fiscal period to reconcile transactions for the period. The Refresh Reconciliation File program copies the unreconciled transaction detail for all reconcilable accounts from the F0911 table to the F0911R reconciliation workfile.

See Also
Chapter 15, Reconciling Bank Account Transactions, Understanding the Refresh Reconciliation File Program, page 140

Matching the Bank Tape to the Reconciliation Workfile

This section provides an overview of the program used to reconcile transactions and discusses how to: Run the Match Tape File to Recon File program. Set processing options for Match Tape File to Recon File (R09510).

Understanding the Program Used to Reconcile Transactions

After you run the Custom Reformat UBE program to convert the bank tape data from the F095015 workfile to the F09505 workfile, run the Match Tape File To Recon File program (R09510) to have the system reconcile the transactions that have cleared your bank account. The Match Tape File To Recon File program reconciles the transactions by performing these steps: 1. Compares cleared transactions from the bank tape in the F09505 to unreconciled transactions in the F0911R reconciliation workfile. 2. Marks as reconciled all transactions with matching document numbers and amounts, and cleared dates greater than the document date in the F0911R workfile and F0911 table. 3. Prints four reports that show the results of the comparison and list any errors that occurred during the automatic reconciliation.

Running the Match Tape File To Recon File Program

Select Bank Tape Reconciliation (G09213), Match Tape File To Recon File.

Setting Processing Options for Match Tape File To Recon File (R09510)
Use these processing options to specify an account ID and assign a reconciliation number, if applicable.

1. Account ID Specify an account ID to automatically assign to each GL account to maintain an audit trail. The account ID is a unique identification number (account key)


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Chapter 17

Reconciling Bank Tapes

and a self-check digit. This number is also called the account serial number, the short account number, and the ID number. 2. Reference 3 Specify whether to automatically assign a reconciliation number to the Reference 3 field. Values are: Blank: Do not update the Reference 3 field. 1: Update the Reference 3 field with a reconciliation number. 3. Reference 3 Value Specify the reconciliation number to update in the Reference 3 field. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the Next Number Revisions program (P0002) to assign the reconciliation number.

Verifying the Bank Tape Reconciliation

Use reports to verify the accuracy of the bank tape reconciliation and, if applicable, to determine the cause of any errors. If errors occur, the system does not mark the transactions as reconciled. You must manually reconcile them using the Manual Reconciliation program (P09131). When you run the Match Tape File To Recon File program, the system generates these four reports:
Report Reconciliation Report Description Prints a detail line for every transaction and, if errors occurred, prints a message such as: A payment cleared but was not issued. A payment cleared before it was issued. The payment cleared amount is not the same as the payment issued amount. Cleared Not Issued Report Summarizes any payments that cleared the bank but do not exist in the F0911 table. Payments appear on this report if: A manual payment number was entered in error. A manual payment was issued but not entered in the system. A MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) code on a payment was damaged and misrepresented on the bank tape.

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Reconciling Bank Tapes

Chapter 17

Report Cleared Before Issued Report

Description Summarizes payments that have a cleared date prior to the payment date. Payments appear on this report if: A date was entered in error. The bank cashed a post-dated payment. The payment was released before it was supposed to be released.

Amounts Not Equal Report

Summarizes payments that have cleared the bank, but the cleared amount is not the same as the actual payment amount. Payments appear on this report if: An amount was entered in error. A bank error allowed the payment to be cashed for an amount that was different from the actual amount.


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Processing Bank Statements Manually

This chapter provides overviews of manual bank statement processing, transaction codes, and transit accounts, and discusses how to: 1. Enter bank statement transactions. 2. Refresh account reconciliation information. 3. Run the Bank Journal Statement Process program.

Understanding Manual Bank Statement Processing

If banking practices in your country rely heavily on magnetic media processing, electronic fund transfers, and direct bank involvement for settling outstanding debts, you can use the bank statement process to reconcile your bank account by manually entering transaction information from your bank statement directly into EnterpriseOne software. For each transaction, you enter a transaction code that specifies how the system reconciles the transaction. You can use the transaction codes that EnterpriseOne provides, or you can set up your own codes. Depending on the types of transactions that you enter, you might need to perform additional tasks, such as posting receipts, payments, and journal entries, before you run the Refresh Reconciliation File program (R09130). You must post batches before running this program so that the WF - Account Ledger Reconciliation workfile (F0911R) contains all records. If your banking process involves clearing all transactions through one bank account and then applying them to specific accounts during bank statement processing, you can use a transit account. Note. You can process bank statement information by using electronic data interchange (EDI) media. You can receive information regarding specific bank accounts through EDI and reconcile the bank statements that are stored in EnterpriseOne.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Interface for Electronic Data Interchange 8.12 Implementation Guide, Processing EDI Documents, Receiving EDI Standard Business Documents

Common Elements Used in This Chapter

Customer Bank Account Number The number assigned by a bank to identify the account for a company. Note. For users in Nordic countries, this is the bank, Bankgiro, or Postgiro account number.

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Processing Bank Statements Manually

Chapter 18

Bank Transit

The number assigned to a particular bank by the Federal Reserve to facilitate the clearing of funds.

Understanding Transaction Codes

You must assign a transaction code to each item that appears on a bank statement. This code identifies the type of transaction, such as a journal entry or customer payment, and specifies the detail information that the system requires to reconcile the entry. For the system to identify your transactions correctly, you must associate each transaction with a transaction code from UDC table 09/BJ. You can change the codes provided by EnterpriseOne to make them more suitable for your organization. Although you can change the code as well as the description for each code, you cannot change the function of a transaction type or the first two characters in the Description 02 field. For example, you can change the transaction code and the description of transaction type 02 (Cash Receipt Batch). You cannot change the function to be a journal entry transaction and you cannot change the first two characters of the Description 02 field to, for example, 03. The transactions that you enter are grouped into these two categories: Transactions that cleared your bank account and have been entered in the system. Transactions that cleared your bank account and have not been entered in the system.

Transactions That Cleared Your Bank Account and Have Been Entered in the System
This table shows setup information for transaction types that cleared your bank account and have been entered in the system:
Transaction Code CR Description 01 Cash Receipt Clear Description 02 04 Cash Receipt Clear Description This transaction code is used to record deposits or other receipts that you previously entered in the system. This transaction code is used to record canceled checks or payments that you previously entered in the system.


Payment Clear

08 Payment Clear

Transactions That Cleared Your Bank Account and Have Not Been Entered in the System
This table shows setup information for transactions that cleared your bank account and have not been entered in the system:
Transaction Code JE Description 01 Journal Entry Description 02 01 Journal Entry Description This transaction code is used to record an adjustment that was made by the bank, such as a service charge or a wire transfer fee. These transactions might have an associated value-added tax (VAT).


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Chapter 18

Processing Bank Statements Manually

Transaction Code CRE

Description 01 Cash Receipt - Batch

Description 02 02 Cash Receipt Batch

Description This transaction code is used to record payments that a customer made directly to your bank account, such as a wire transfer, that you have not previously entered in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system. When you run the Bank Journal Statement Process program (R09170), the system automatically applies the receipt to invoices by running the Update Receipts Header (R03B551) and Apply Receipts to Invoices (R03B50) programs.


Cash Receipt Interactive

03 Cash Receipt Interactive

This transaction code is used to record payments that a customer made directly to your bank account, such as a wire transfer, that you have not previously entered in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable. When you enter a transaction with this code, the Bank Statement Entry program (P09160) launches the Standard Receipts Entry program (P03B102) so that you can apply the receipt manually to the correct invoices.


Draft Paid to Supplier

07 Draft Paid

This transaction code is used to record drafts that have been submitted by your suppliers to your bank for payment. This transaction code is used to record payments. When you enter transaction with this code, the system launches the Payment With Voucher Match program (P0413M). This transaction code is used to record payments. When you enter a transaction with this code, the system launches the Payment Without Voucher Match program (P0411).


Manual Payments with Match

10 Manual Payments with Match 11 Manual Payments without Match


Manual Payments without Match


Self Reconciling

09 Self Reconciling This transaction code is used to record self-reconciling items. A self-reconciling item does not require reconciliation and does not launch a program.

Understanding Transit Accounts

To clear all payments and receipts through one bank account and then apply them to a specific bank account during bank statement processing, you can use a transit account. To use a transit account, you specify the transit account in the processing options for the Bank Statement Entry program. When you run the Bank Journal Statement Process program, the system creates a journal entry to reallocate the amounts from the transit account to the bank account. You can use a transit account with these transaction codes only:

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Processing Bank Statements Manually

Chapter 18

CR CRE CRI CK When you use transit accounts, you do not need to run the Refresh Reconciliation File program (R09130) to update the F0911R table. However, because you do not update the F0911R table, the Bank Journal Statement Process program cannot compare information between the F0911R and F0917 tables to determine whether an item should be reconciled. The system assumes that the information that you entered in the F0917 table is correct. Therefore, you must reconcile the transit account to ensure the accuracy of the information entered for the bank statement. When the system reconciles the transaction, it marks the bank account as reconciled but does not mark the transit account.

Entering Bank Statement Transactions

This section provides an overview of bank statement transactions and discusses how to: Set processing options for Bank Statement Entry (P09160). Enter bank statement transactions.

Understanding Bank Statement Transactions

Entering bank statement information involves entering header information, such as the statement date and the beginning balance, and then entering information that is specific to each transaction on your statement, such as the transaction code and the amount. Depending on the transaction code, you also need to enter detailed information about the transaction, such as an account number or a payment number. When you enter each transaction into the system using the Bank Statement Entry program, the system creates records in the Bank Statement Header (F0916) and Bank Statement Detail (F0917) tables. The F0917 table contains a record for each transaction that you enter for the bank statement. The F0916 table usually contains one header record for each bank statement. This header record includes information such as the bank statement number, bank account number, and beginning balance. Depending on how your bank creates statements, you might have more than one header record in the F0916 table for each statement. For example, if your bank issues one statement for multiple bank accounts, the F0916 table would contain a header record for each account. When you enter a transaction code and amount, the system displays the corresponding detail form for the transaction if you set the Editing Mode processing option for the Bank Statement Entry program accordingly. As you enter transactions, the system updates the Remaining Amount field on the Enter Statement form. When the remaining amount is zero, the statement is in balance. The system also updates the total number of transactions (lines), the number of incomplete transactions, the total withdrawal amount, and the total deposit amount as you enter transactions. If a statement is out of balance, you can display only the incomplete lines to correct the missing information. The system displays the word Processed next to transactions that have been processed in the system.


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Chapter 18

Processing Bank Statements Manually

Forms Used to Enter Bank Statement Transactions

Form Name Work With Bank Statements W09160B FormID Navigation Manual Bank Statement Processing (G09211), Bank Statement Entry Usage Review a list of bank statements for a specific bank account. You can delete an entire bank statement on this form only if all transactions are unprocessed. Enter Statement

On the Work With Bank Statements form, click Add to enter transactions. Or select the statement to access transactions for an existing statement.

Enter bank statement transactions. You can add transactions to and revise transactions for unprocessed bank statements only.

Clear Receipts


On the Enter Statement form, Add detailed information for enter CR in the TR CDe field a cleared cash receipt. and click OK. On the Enter Statement form, Add detailed information for enter JE in the TR CD field a journal entry. and click OK. On the Enter Statement form, Add detailed information for enter CK in the TR CD field a cleared payment. and click OK. On the Enter Statement form, Add detailed information for enter CRE in the TR CD a batch cash receipt. field and click OK. On the Enter Statement form, Add detailed information for enter CRI in the TR CD field an interactive cash receipt. and click OK. On the Enter Statement form, Add detailed information enter DP in the TR CD field for a draft that is paid to a supplier. and click OK. On the Enter Statement form, Add detailed information for enter PWO in the TR CD a manual payment without a field and click OK. matching voucher. On the Enter Statement form, Add detailed information for enter PWM in the TR CD a manual payment with a field and click OK. matching voucher. On the Enter Statement form, select Options from the Form menu. Specify search criteria for the transactions that you want to review or revise.

Journal Entry


Clear Payment


Automatic Receipts Entry


Receipt Entry


Clear Draft Payment


Enter Voucher - Payment Information Manual Payment Entry





Setting Processing Options for Bank Statement Entry (P09160)

Use these processing options to set default values for the Bank Statement Entry program.

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Processing Bank Statements Manually

Chapter 18

1. Short account ID for the default bank account Specify whether the system should preload a bank account in the query-by-example (QBE) row. You must enter the short account ID of the bank account. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not preload a bank account. Specify whether the system should preload a user ID in the QBE row. Values are: Blank: Do not preload a user ID. 1: Preload a user ID. 3. Posted Code Specify whether the system should preload a specific posted code in the QBE row. Values are: A: Preload a posted code of A (approved). D: Preload a posted code of D (processed). 4. Pre-load records Specify whether the system should preload all records. Values are: Blank: Do not preload all records. If the system does not preload all records, you must click Find on the Work With Bank Statements form to load the records. 1: Preload all records.

2. User ID preload

1. Default Deposit Transaction Type and 2. Default Withdrawal Transaction Type 3. Default Transit Accounts (Short account ID) Automatic Receipts Entry, Receipts Clear, Manual Receipts Entry, and Payment Clear Specify a default transaction type from UDC table 09/BJ for deposit amounts and withdrawal amounts.

Enter the short account ID for the types of transactions specified in the previous processing options. Enter the short account ID of the default transit account for each processing option.

Journal Entry
1. Default short account ID for Journal Entry transactions Enter the short account ID of the default account for journal entries.

Dates Tab
1. Value Date (GDVLDT) and, 2. G/L Date (GDDGJ) Specify the default date to use for the value date and the GL date. The value date is the date that the payment amount was debited or credited to the bank account. The GL date identifies the financial period to which a transaction is posted. Values are: 0: Use the GL date.


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Chapter 18

Processing Bank Statements Manually

1: Use the statement date.

Document Type
1. Default Document Types Enter the default document type from UDC table 00/DT for each processing for Transaction CodesBK option and corresponding transaction code. - Self-Reconciling, CK Payment - Clear, CR - Cash Receipt - Clear, CRE - Cash Receipt - Batch, CRI - Cash Receipt Interactive, DP - Draft Paid to Supplier, JE - Journal Entry, PWM - Manual Payments w/Match, and PWO - Manual Payments w/o Match

Display 1
Gross Amount (GDAG), Remark (GDRMK), Bank Transit (GDTNST), Cleared/Value Date (GDVLDT), Reference (GDR1), and Explanation (GDEXA) Specify whether to restrict access to the field associated with each processing option. Values are: Blank: Do not restrict access. 1: Restrict access.

Display 2
Transit Account (GDANI) and G/L Date (GDDGJ) Specify whether to restrict access to the field associated with the processing options. Values are: Blank: Do not restrict access. 1: Restrict access. 2. Home Business Unit Specify whether to restrict access to the Home Business Unit field or to remove the field from the form. Values are: Blank: Allow regular access. 1: Restrict access. 2: Remove this field from the form. 3. Default Bank Account (specified in the Criteria tab) Specify whether to allow users to change the default bank account. Values are: Blank: Allow. 1: Do not allow.

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Processing Bank Statements Manually

Chapter 18

1. Override Manual Receipts Entry processing, 2. Override Manual Payments with Voucher Match processing, and 3. Override Manual Payments without Voucher Match processing Specify which version to use of the Standard Receipts Entry (P03B102), Payment With Voucher Match (P0413M), and Payment Without Voucher Match (P0411) programs. If you leave a processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

Entry Mode
1. Editing Mode Specify the type of editing that the system performs on the Enter Statements form. Values are: 0: The system does not display the detail form and, therefore, does not perform any editing. 1: The system displays the detail form, but does not perform any editing if you enter incorrect information or leave required fields blank on the form. 2: The system displays the detail form and performs editing if you enter incorrect information or leave required fields blank on the form. 2. Exit Out of Balance Specify whether a user can exit the Enter Statement form out of balance. Values are: Blank: Allow the user to exit out of balance. 1: Set an error that does not allow the user to exit out of balance. 2: Set a warning if the user attempts to exit out of balance, but still allow the user to exit out of balance.

Prev Balance
1. Bank Statement Beginning Balance Specify the mode for populating the beginning balance of the bank statement. Values are: Blank: Allow the user to manually enter the beginning balance. 1: Load the beginning balance using the ending balance from the previous bank statement. This processing option requires that bank statements be entered in sequential order and that the previous statement be completely reconciled before entering the next one. 2: Load the beginning balance using the account balance as of the bank statement date. Include posted transactions only. 3: Load the beginning balance using the account balance as of the bank statement date. Include both posted and unposted transactions. Note. Entering a 1, 2, or 3 in this processing option disables the Beginning Balance field on the Enter Statement form.


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Chapter 18

Processing Bank Statements Manually

Transaction Codes
BK - Self-Reconciling, CK - Payment -Clear, CR Cash Receipt - Clear, CRE - Cash Receipt - Batch, CRI - Cash Receipt Interactive, DP - Draft Paid to Supplier, JE - Journal Entry, PWM - Manual Payments w/Match, and PWO - Manual Payments w/o Match Specify whether to allow the transaction code associated with the processing option. Values are: Blank: Allow the code. 1: Do not allow the code.

Entering Bank Statement Transactions

Access the Enter Statement form.

Header Area Fields

Statement Date Statement Number Enter the date of the bank statement. This date is used as the general ledger date when you process bank statements. Enter the statement number assigned by the bank.

Detail Area Fields

TR CD (transaction code) Value Date Enter a valid code from UDC table 09/BJ to identify the type of transaction on a bank statement. Enter the date that the payment amount was debited or credited to the bank account. The value date is not the date that the bank reconciled the payment. Automatic payments populate this field automatically. If the Value Date processing option is 0, the system uses the default GL date from the header area for this field. If it is1, the system uses the statement date. G/L Date Enter the GL date or the bank statement date. If the G/L Date processing option is 0, the system uses the default GL date from the header area in this field. If it is 1, the system uses the statement date. Pmt/Rcpt Number (payment/receipt number) Based on the transaction code in the TR CD field, do one of the following: CR: Enter the batch number of the receipt. The system validates this number to verify whether the receipt batch number exists. CK: Enter the number of the payment. The Bank Journal Statement Process program uses this number to locate the payment record in the F0911 table when reconciling the transaction. JE: Leave this field blank. CRE or CRI: Enter the number of the receipt from the bank statement. The system does not validate either number against any other tables in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. DP: Enter the payment number of the draft paid to the supplier.

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Processing Bank Statements Manually

Chapter 18

PWM or PWO: Leave this field blank. The system uses the number that you enter for the payment. Ty (type) Enter the code from UDC table 00/DT that specifies the kind of document that is used to match the original document. If you entered a default document type for the transaction code in a processing option, the system uses it as the default. A code that designates the processed and reconciled status of a bank statement transaction. This code represents the G/L posted code status of F0917 records as well as the reconciliation status of F0917 and F0911 records. For unprocessed or unreconciled records, the G/L Posted Code field in the F0917 table is A and the Reconciled field is blank. For processed or reconciled records, valid codes are specified in the processing options for the Bank Journal Statement Process program (R09170). These codes are edited against UDC table 09/RC. For reconciled records, the code in the G/L Posted Code field is the same as the code in the Reconciled field for both the F0917 and F0911 tables. After you enter a transaction on the Enter Statement form and click OK or select Detail from the Row menu, the system displays one of the following, based on a processing option setting: If the Editing Mode processing option is 1 or 2, the system displays the detail form that corresponds to the transaction code that you entered. If you entered CR, the system displays the Clear Receipts form. If you entered CK, the system displays the Clear Payment form and so on. If the Editing Mode processing option is 2, the system also performs editing if you enter an invalid value or leave required fields blank on the detail form. Default values for some fields on the detail form are specified in processing options for the Bank Statement Entry program. If the Editing Mode processing option is 0, the system does not display a detail form. Instead, it displays the warning message Incomplete Transactions Exist. Click OK and then Cancel. You must remember to enter the detail at another time.

G/L Posted Code

Refreshing Account Reconciliation Information

This section provides an overview of the Refresh Reconciliation File program, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to: Run the Refresh Reconciliation File program. Set data selection for Refresh Reconciliation File. Set processing options for Refresh Reconciliation File (R09130).


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Chapter 18

Processing Bank Statements Manually

Understanding the Refresh Reconciliation File Program

After you enter bank statement transactions, you must run the Refresh Reconciliation File program (R09130). This program updates the F0911R table with the transactions that you recorded prior to receiving your bank statement. When you run the Bank Journal Statement Process program, the system compares the transaction information in the F0911R table with the information that you entered in the F0917 table using the Bank Statement Entry program. If the information for the transaction in the tables matches, the system reconciles the transaction. Note. Run this program only for transactions that do not use a transit account. If all transactions on your bank statement use a transit account, do not run this program. The Refresh Reconciliation File program is also used to reconcile bank account transactions manually. See Chapter 15, Reconciling Bank Account Transactions, Refreshing Account Reconciliation Information, page 140.

Post any unposted batches.

Running the Refresh Reconciliation File Program

Select Manual Bank Statement Processing (G09211), Refresh Reconciliation File. This program updates the F0911R table with posted batches only.

Setting Data Selection for Refresh Reconciliation File

For faster processing, use data selection to specify the accounts to be reconciled. To create the F0911R table for only one account, enter the short account ID number in the data selection. If you subsequently refresh the F0911R table using a specific account number in the data selection, the system adds the new records to the previous records and does not clear the F0911R table.

Setting Processing Options for Refresh Reconciliation File (R09130)

Use these processing options to specify the records that you want to include in the F0911R table.

1. Beginning Date and 2. Ending Date 3. Reconciled Status Specify the beginning and ending date to refresh the F0911R table. Select the transactions to include in the F0911R table. Values are: Blank: Reconciled transactions only. 1: Both reconciled and unreconciled transactions. The F0911R table can become unmanageable and impact processing time if you choose to include both reconciled and unreconciled transactions on a regular basis. Include both reconciled and unreconciled records only when you need to correct a previous reconciliation.

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Processing Bank Statements Manually

Chapter 18

1. Ledger Type Specify the ledger type that the system uses to select records from the F0911 table. If you leave this processing option blank, all ledger types are selected.

1. Document Type Filter Specify whether the system includes adjusting entry (AE) transactions when selecting records from the F0911 table. Values are: Blank: Do not include AE transactions. 1: Include AE transactions.

1. Messages Specify whether the system prints messages on the Refresh Reconciliation File report (R09130) for all accounts or only for accounts that are refreshed. Values are: Blank: Print messages only for accounts that are refreshed. 1: Print all messages.

Running the Bank Journal Statement Process Program

This section provides an overview of the Bank Journal Statement Process program and discusses how to: Run the Bank Journal Statement Process program. Set data sequence for Bank Journal Statement Process. Set processing options for Bank Journal Statement Process (R09170). Review the bank statement processing reports. Process batch cash receipt transactions.

Understanding the Bank Journal Statement Process Program

The Bank Journal Statement Process program (R09170): Compares transaction information. The program compares each transaction in the F0911R table with the corresponding transaction in the F0917 table to verify that information such as the amount and the date are the same in each table. If you used a transit account, the program does not compare the two tables; the system assumes that the information that you entered in the F0917 table is correct. You must reconcile the transit account to ensure the accuracy of the information. Runs the Update Receipts Header (R03B551) and Apply Receipts to Invoices (R03B50) programs. If you entered CRE transactions, the Bank Journal Statement Process program runs these two programs to create receipts and apply them to invoices. Creates journal entries.


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Chapter 18

Processing Bank Statements Manually

If you used a transit account, the program creates a journal entry to reallocate the amount from the transit account to the bank account. Note. You must post the journal entry batches that the system creates after you run the Bank Journal Statement Process program. Generates reconciliation reports. The program generates these reports, which show the results of the comparison between the F0911R and F0917 tables: - Bank Journal Statement Processing - Bank Reconciliation Report - Cleared Not Issued - Cleared Before Issued - Amounts Not Equal - Unreconciled Items Reconciles transactions. You specify in the processing options whether to run the program in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system prints reconciliation reports but does not reconcile transactions. In final mode, for each transaction with matching information in the F0911R and F0917 tables, the system updates the GLRCND (Reconciled Code) field in the F0911 table with R..To use a reconciliation code other than R, enter a different code in the processing options for the Bank Journal Statement Process program. If you used a transit account, the system updates the GLRCND field without comparing the two tables. You also specify in the processing options whether you want the system to update the Reference 3 field for the transaction in the F0911 table with the bank statement number. These programs display or print the information in the Reference 3 field: Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200) Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202) Transaction Journal (R09321)

Run the Refresh Reconciliation File program to refresh the F0911R table with updated information.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Processing Bank Statements Manually in Multiple Currencies

Running the Bank Journal Statement Process Program

Select Manual Bank Statement Processing (G09211), Bank Journal Statement Process.

Setting Data Sequence for Bank Journal Statement Process

The data sequence for bank statements must be in this order:

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Processing Bank Statements Manually

Chapter 18

1. Statement number 2. Statement date 3. Bank account number

Setting Processing Options for Bank Journal Statement Process (R09170)

Use these processing options to specify the records that you want to include when you process bank statements.

1. Process Mode Specify the mode in which to process bank statements. Values are: Blank: Proof mode. Do not update the F0911 table. 1: Final mode. Update the F0911 table.

Document Type
1. Document Type Enter a code from UDC table 00/DT that begins with U. (U1U9 and UAUZ and are reserved for clients.) If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses JE as the default document type. For document type JE, the system uses the next number for journal entries to assign a document number to the transaction. If a document type other than JE, the system uses the next number for bank journals.

1. Variance Tolerance Limit Enter an amount for the tolerance limit for automatic write-offs. You can also enter an amount with a percent sign to indicate that the number should be used as a percentage. If you leave this processing option blank, tolerance limits are not used. Specify whether to automatically create journal entries to write off variances that are equal to or less than the tolerance limit. Values are: Blank: Do not automatically create journal entries. Variance amounts are listed separately. 1: Automatically create journal entries. 3. Enter the date mode for the Journal Entry. Specify the date to use for the journal entry. Values are: 0: System date. 1: General ledger date. 2: Value (cleared) date. Business Unit Enter the business unit of the GL account for the journal entry. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the business unit of the bank account that appears on the bank statement. Enter the object account and the subsidiary of the GL account for the journal entry.

2. Journal Entry Creation

Object Account and Subsidiary


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Realized Gain/Loss
1. Realized Gain/Loss Processing Specify whether to create realized gain and loss journal entries. Values are: Blank: Do not create entries. 1: Create entries. 2. Date Mode Specify the date to use for realized gain and loss journal entries. Values are: 0: System date. 1: General ledger date from the F0911R table. 2: Value (cleared) date from the F0917 table.

1. Transaction Mode for Value (Cleared) Date Specify how to manage transactions if the value (cleared) date is earlier than the general ledger date in the F0911 table. Values are: Blank: Do not reconcile the transactions, but print them on the report. 1: Reconcile the transactions and print them on the report. 2: Reconcile the transactions, but do not print them on the report.

If you leave any of these processing options blank, the system uses the value from the first condition. Enter a code from UDC table 09/RC for each processing option. Exact One for One Match without Consolidation or Use of Tolerance Rule (Default R) Consolidated Items Where the G/L Transactions Balance to Zero and There is No Bank Record. Consolidated Items Where the Bank Transactions Balance to Zero and There is No G/L Amount. The Consolidation Process was Used to Achieve the Match of the Transactions. (There are G/L and Bank Statement Transactions.) The Transactions Were for Different Values But Fell Within the Tolerance Allowed. Enter a code for an exact one-for-one match.

Enter a code for consolidated items with a balance of zero and no bank record.

Enter a code for consolidated items with a balance of zero and no amount.

Enter a code for the consolidation process.

Enter a code for transactions with different values that are within the tolerance allowed.

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Chapter 18

This Transaction Only Exists in the Bank Statement File and is a Self Reconciling Item.

Enter a code for self-reconciling items.

1. Enter the Mode for Populating the GLR3 Reference Field in the F0911 with the F0917 Bank Statement Number. Specify whether to update the GLR3 (Reference 3) field in the F0911 table with the bank statement number in the F0917 table for corresponding records. Values are: Blank: Do not update the GLR3 field. 1: Update the GLR3 field. If you specify final mode for processing, the system overwrites any previous value in the GLR3 field.

Reviewing the Bank Statement Processing Reports

The Bank Journal Statement Process program generates these reports, which provide information about the reconciliation status of bank statement transactions:
Report Bank Journal Statement Processing Description Lists summary information about each batch. If the program reconciled the transaction, the report prints the message No Errors Found. If the program was unable to reconcile the transaction, the report prints the message **See Reconciliation Reports **. Lists detail information about each transaction on the bank statement. The report has separate columns for issued amount and date, and cleared amount and date. The issued amount and date column uses information from the F0911R table. The cleared amount and date column uses information from the F0917 table. The report also includes the status of each transaction after the reconciliation process. Lists transactions that are in the F0917 table but are not in the F0911R table. Lists transactions that are in the F0917 table with a cleared date that is prior to the GL date in the F0911R table. Lists transactions that have different amounts in the F0917 and F0911R tables. Lists all unreconciled items in the F0917 table.

Bank Reconciliation

Cleared Not Issued Cleared Before Issued Amounts Not Equal Unreconciled Items

Note. If column C (consolidated) on a report contains an asterisk, that particular line on the report consists of multiple transactions that are consolidated together.

Processing Batch Cash Receipt Transactions

CRE transactions are not created until you run the Bank Journal Statement Process program. You must complete these additional steps to reconcile the transactions after you run the program: 1. Post the receipt batch. 2. Run the Refresh Reconciliation File program.


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Processing Bank Statements Manually

3. Manually reconcile the transactions using the Bank Account Reconciliation form, which you access from the Manual Reconciliation program (P09131).

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Chapter 18


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Processing PeopleSoft Enterprise Bank Statements in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting integration and discusses how to: Process PeopleSoft Enterprise bank statements. Process PeopleSoft Enterprise accounting transactions.

Understanding the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Integration
The integration of Oracles PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting systems enables you to use the PeopleSoft Treasury Management system to manage your cash and risk for sound fund management and to meet regulatory requirements while maintaining your accounting information in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. The PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management system provides business processes for cash management activities such as bank transfers, deal transactions, electronic funds transfers (EFTs), and so on. With the integration, bank statements from PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management are transferred to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system provides an automatic bank account process that is automated from the bank flat file to bank account reconciliation. For transactions that affect bank accounts, all bank statement data from PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management is mapped from its original bank format to the PSFT bank format. The PSFT bank statements are transferred via the Web Services Gateway to the bank statement staging tables (F09610 and F09611) in the General Accounting system. The Load Bank Statement program uploads the statements to the bank statement tables (F09616 and F09617) and the Process Automatic Bank Statement program processes and reconciles the transactions in the F0911 table. For GL transactions that affect bank accounts, accounting transactions are created in the Treasury Management system and then transferred via the Web Services Gateway to the F0911Z1 table in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. The transactions are created with a document type TM (Treasury Management). From the F0911Z1 table, the Journal Entry Batch Processor program (R09110Z) uploads the transactions to the F0911 table and sends a message to PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management indicating whether the program completed successfully. The Process Automatic Bank Statement program processes and reconciles the accounting transactions against RJE transactions in the F0911 table.

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Chapter 19

After the transactions are written to the F0911 table, they can be posted to the F0902 table using the General Ledger Post program (R09801). When the accounting transactions are successfully posted, a message is sent to PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management.

Processing PeopleSoft Enterprise Bank Statements

If your bank statements originate in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management system and you perform your bank account reconciliations using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, you must run an integration flow to transfer the bank statement data from PeopleSoft Enterprise to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. When PeopleSoft Enterprise PSFT bank statements are ready to be processed in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management sends the message BANK_STATEMENT_LOAD to the Web Services Gateway. This is an XML message that contains the bank statements. Upon receiving the message, the Web Services Gateway automatically runs the integration service flow insert E Treasury to E1 BankStatementStaging.This integration flow transfers data from bank statements in the PSFT format to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne staging tables. From the staging tables, the process to reconcile bank accounts is the same regardless of whether the bank statements originate in PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management. See Chapter 20, Processing Bank Statements Automatically, Revising Data in the Staging Tables, page 182.

Processing PeopleSoft Enterprise Accounting Transactions

If journal entries for bank statement transactions, such as bank fees, transfers, and interest earned, originate in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management system and you perform your bank account reconciliations using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, you must convert the journal entries and reconcile them as part of the automatic bank statement process. This section discusses how to: Convert accounting transactions to the F0911Z1 table. Transfer accounting transactions to the F0911 table. Post accounting transactions to the F0902 table.

Converting Accounting Transactions to the F0911Z1 Table

When PeopleSoft Enterprise accounting transactions are ready to be processed in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management sends the message SYNC_TR_ACCTG_TXN to the Web Services Gateway. The message contains the accounting transactions. Upon receiving the message, the Web Services Gateway automatically runs an integration service flow called insert E Treasury to E1 GeneralLedger. This integration flow converts the PeopleSoft Enterprise accounting transactions to a format that maps the PeopleSoft Enterprise accounting fields to the fields in the Batch Journal Entry table (F0911Z1) in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.


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Transferring Accounting Transactions to the F0911 Table

Select Batch Journal Entry Processing (G09311), Journal Entries Batch Processor. To transfer the accounting transactions from the F0911Z1 table to the F0911 table for automatic bank statement reconciliation, you must run the Journal Entries Batch Processor (R09110Z). When you run this program in final mode, the system processes batches that contain transactions with document type TM. Specifically, the program: Updates a status flag in the F0911Z1 table for each journal entry to indicate that the accounting transaction processed successfully. For each accounting transaction that processed successfully, creates a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne document number and GL date for the journal entry. Submits a status message to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management system for accounting transactions that were successfully written to the F0911 table. After the accounting transactions are successfully processed in the F0911 table, the Automatic Bank Statement program reconciles the accounting transactions against the RJE transactions in the F0911 table. RJE transactions originate from electronic bank statements in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury system.

Posting Accounting Transactions to the F0902 Table

Select Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), General Ledger Post. After you transfer PeopleSoft Enterprise accounting transactions to the F0911 table, you must post them as you would any other transactions. When you run the General Ledger Post, the system processes batches that contain transactions with document type TM. Specifically, the program: Updates a status flag for each batch that posted successfully to the F0902 table. Submits a status message to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management system for accounting transactions that were successfully posted to the F0902 table. See Chapter 11, Processing Journal Entries, Setting Processing Options for General Ledger Post (R09801), page 100.

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Processing Bank Statements Automatically

This chapter provides overviews of the automatic bank statement process and discusses how to: Run the conversion flows for automatic bank statement processing. Revise data in the staging tables. Load data into the bank statement tables. Revise data in the bank statement tables. Process automatic bank statements. Reconcile unreconciled bank statements. Purge bank statement tables.

See Also
Chapter 5, Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing, page 35

Understanding the Automatic Bank Statement Process

Automatic bank statement processing is used within the cash management process to reconcile bank account information that you receive from your bank against bank account information in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. This automated process saves you time as it creates accounts receivable and general ledger transactions when it reconciles your bank statement against your general ledger. Specifically, the automatic bank statement process creates: Entries for receipts, if an item has cleared your bank but has not yet been recorded in the system. Journal entries for receipt and payment variances, taxes, bank fees, and transfers. Offsetting journal entries for a bank account or an alternate offset account. Journal entries for the drafts payable account. To use automatic bank statement processing, your bank must submit bank statement data electronically using flat files. To convert the data from the flat files to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, you must run a conversion flow from the Integration Server. This conversion flow transfers the data to the staging tables (F0910 and F09611).

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Next, you run the Load Bank Statement program (R09612) to transfer the data to the bank statement tables (F09616 and F09617) and use the Revise Automatic Bank Statement program (P09616) to revise any data. Then run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program (R09616) to automatically reconcile data from the electronic bank statement against the bank account information in your general ledger. If there are transactions that do not reconcile automatically and a processing option is set accordingly, the program prints an unreconciled report. You can correct unreconciled exceptions through the Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation program (P09631). Note. If you use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury Management system but perform your accounting activities using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, you must transfer bank statement data from PeopleSoft Enterprise to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne bank statement staging tables for automatic bank statement processing. See Chapter 19, Processing PeopleSoft Enterprise Bank Statements in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting, page 175. This diagram illustrates the automatic bank statement process:

Bank Flat File


convert_BAI2_To_E1_ BankStatementStaging convert_SWIFT_To_E1_ BankStatementStaging


Optional Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging (P09610)

Load Load Bank Statement (R09612) F09616, F09617

Optional Revise Automatic Bank Statement (P09616)

Reconcile Process Automatic Bank Statement (R09616)

Exceptions Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation (P09631)

Exit to Manual Exit to Manual Exit to Standard Payment With Payment Without Receipts Entry Voucher Match Voucher Match (P03B102) (P0413M) (P0411)

Exit to Review Electronic Receipts (P03B121)

Exit to Journal Entry (P0911)

Exit to Batch Review (P0011)

Exit to Revise Automatic Bank Statements (P09616)

Automatic bank statement process


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Chapter 20

Processing Bank Statements Automatically

Running the Conversion Flows for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

This section provides an overview of the conversion flows for bank statements and discusses how to run a bank statement conversion flow.

Understanding the Conversion Flows for Bank Statements

To use automatic bank statement processing, your bank must submit data electronically using flat files. To transfer the data from your bank to the EnterpriseOne staging tables where it can be accessed for processing, you must run a conversion flow. Use one of these conversion flows to map data from bank flat files to fields in the staging tables: BAI2_To_E1_BankStatementStaging Swift_To_E1_BankStatementStaging These conversion flows are designed according to the electronic bank format requirements for the Bank Administration Institute (BAI) and the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT). The conversion flows retrieve information from the integration options that you set up. The integration options specify the location of the bank flat file that contains the data that is converted to the EnterpriseOne staging tables as well as the date format to use when converting the data. In most cases, you will need to modify the conversion flow so that the program can process the specific bank format used by your bank. You will need a schema of the fields and a sample data set for testing from your bank. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 Web Services Gateway: Integration Development Methodology Guide

To process multiple bank flat files, change the path location in the Value field on the Integration Options form before you run each conversion flow. See Chapter 5, Setting Up Automatic Bank Statement Processing, Setting Integration Options for Conversion Flows, page 35.

Running a Bank Statement Conversion Flow

From the Integration Server, select Packages > Management > PSFT EnterpriseOne Interfaces > Browse services in PSFT EnterpriseOne Interfaces. Run one of the conversion flows to transfer data from your bank to the EnterpriseOne staging tables.

Services form that shows conversion flows for automatic bank statement

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Chapter 20

Note. If you did not set the integration options to delete the text file that was created previously, change the path location in the Value field to the new path on the Integration Options form before you complete these steps. 1. On the Services form, scroll down to PSFT EnterpriseOne Interfaces.Financials.AutoBankStatement. 2. Select one of these: convert_BAI2_To_E1_BankStatementStaging convert_Swift_To_E1_BankStatementStaging 3. Depending on the conversion flow that you selected in the previous step, select one of the these: Test convert BAI2 To E1 BankStatementStaging Test convert Swift To E1 BankStatementStaging 4. On the Assign Input Values form, click Test (without inputs) to run the conversion flow. Note. If you set the integration options to delete the previously created text file after transferring data, the conversion flow creates the new text file using the path specified on the Integration Options form. 5. To access the audit log, return to the Integration Server and under the Logs heading, select Server. 6. If the conversion flow failed, return to the Integration Server and under the Logs heading, select Error.

Revising Data in the Staging Tables

This section provides an overview of data revisions to the staging tables and discusses how to: Set processing options for Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging (P09610). Revise staging data.

Understanding Data Revisions to the Staging Tables

If you have data that did not map correctly from the flat files to the staging tables (F09610 and F09611) when you ran a bank statement conversion flow, perform one of these tasks: Modify the mapping for the applicable conversion flow and run it again. Revise data in the staging tables using the Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging program. Some fields in the staging tables are disabled and the system does not allow you to revise data. Other fields in the staging tables can be revised. You use a processing option to control which of these fields you will allow to be revised. You can only revise data in the staging tables; you cannot add or delete records. When you revise data that is in error, the Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging program validates the data to ensure that the beginning balance and transaction amounts equal the ending balance for a bank statement. The staging tables include audit fields that are used for tracking and security purposes. Records that are revised in the staging tables are tracked for internal audit purposes.


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Chapter 20

Processing Bank Statements Automatically

Forms Used to Revise Data in Staging Tables

Form Name Work with Electronic Bank Statement Staging


Navigation Automatic Bank Statement Processing (G09212), Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging To purge records, on the Work with Electronic Bank Statement Staging form, select Purge Staging to access the Purge Staging Tables program (R09610).

Usage Review a list of bank statements or limit your search to a specific bank statement.

Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging


On the Work with Electronic Bank Statement Staging form,, select the bank statement that you want to revise.

Revise data that is in error. You cannot delete or add data on this form. Instead, you must modify the mapping for one of the conversion flows and run it again.

Setting Processing Options for Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging (P09610)
Use these processing options to restrict users from revising certain fields on the Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging form.

For each processing option on this tab, values are: Blank: Do not allow the field to be revised. 1: Allow the field to be revised. The processing options for this program correspond to these fields on the Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging form: Transaction Value Date Transaction Debit/Credit Indicator Transaction Amount Electronic Transaction Type Customer Reference Bank Reference Subfield 9 Misc Information

Revising Staging Data

Access the Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging form.

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Chapter 20

Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging form

You cannot use this form to revise reconciled records.

Header Fields
Closing Balance This field is required for the SWIFT format. The SWIFT bank flat file will always include a closing balance amount, which displays in this field. If the closing balance is not in the bank flat file for the BAI2 or PSFT format, the system calculates the closing balance in this field but it does not update any tables. This enables the staging tables to remain pristine, exactly as the data appeared in the bank flat file. Not Loaded, Loaded, All Select one of these options to identify the transactions that you want to display. If you revise records that have not been loaded from the staging tables to the bank statement tables, run the Load Bank Statement program again so that the bank statement tables reflect the revisions.

Detail Fields
Processing option settings control whether you can revise certain fields in the detail area of this form. Electronic Transaction Type Customer Reference Displays the transaction type code from UDC table 09/BA (BAI2 format) or 09/ST ( SWIFT format). Identifies a reference that appears on the electronic bank statement. The reference in this field links the bank statement transaction to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. This could be a deposit number for receipts or a payment number. Displays the date that the payment amount was debited or credited to the bank account. The transaction value date is not the date the bank reconciled the payment.

Transaction Value Date


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Trans Debit/Credit Indicator (transaction debit/credit indicator)

Indicates if a transaction is a debit or credit. Values are: D: Debit C: Credit RC: Cancellation credit RD: Cancellation debit If you change the Electronic Transaction Type field and the bank format is BAI2 or PSFT, the system supplies the default value for this field. If the bank format is SWIFT, you must enter the indicator.

Transaction Currency Code Bank Reference Reconciliation Code Subfield 9 Misc Information (miscellaneous information)

Displays the transaction currency code of the bank account. In a multicurrency environment, if the bank account currency is foreign, the foreign currency is the transaction currency. Identifies a reference that the bank assigns to electronic bank statements. Displays the code from UDC table 09/RC that identifies whether a transaction has been reconciled. This field is always disabled. Displays information that appears on the electronic bank statement. Displays miscellaneous information that appears on the electronic bank statement.

Loading Data into the Bank Statement Tables

This section provides an overview of the Load Bank Statement program and discusses how to: Run the Load Bank Statement program. Set processing options for Load Bank Statement.

See Also
Appendix C, Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing, page 469

Understanding the Load Bank Statement Program

The Load Bank Statement program loads data from the F09610 and F09611 staging tables to the F0916 and F0917 bank statement tables in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. This program formats data according to the type of electronic format used (BAI2, PSFT, or SWIFT) and edits values in the bank statement tables to ensure that they are valid. The Load Bank Statement report (R09612) shows the number of records loaded and, if applicable, not loaded. To accommodate reference numbers such as those for receipts, payments, and bank wire transfers, the F09611 table includes a Customer Reference (CUSTREF) field that allows up to 16 alphanumeric characters and maps to the Receipt Number (CKNU) field in the F09617 table. The contents of the CUSTREF field also map to the Document Number (DOCM) and Reference 1 (REF1) fields and are truncated in the F09617 table. If data was successfully mapped to the bank statement tables, the system sets a flag in the header record in the F09610 table that allows the record to be purged. You can set a processing option to purge the data from the staging tables when you run the Load Bank Statement program or you can purge the data at a later time.

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If a bank statement does not contain transactions, the bank statement is not mapped to the bank statement tables because no detail records exist. The statement is, however, mapped to the staging tables to provide an exact duplicate of the bank flat file.

Running the Load Bank Statement Program

Select Automatic Bank Statement Processing (G09212), Load Bank Statement.

Setting Processing Options for Load Bank Statement (R09612)

Use this processing option to specify whether to purge records after running the Load Bank Statement program.

Purge Staging Tables Specify whether to purge staging records that have been loaded successfully into the bank statement tables. Values are: Blank: Do not purge. 1: Purge. The system runs the Purge Electronic Bank Statement Staging program after it successfully loads the staging records into the bank statement tables.

Revising Data in the Bank Statement Tables

This section provides an overview of data revisions to the bank statement tables and discusses how to: Set processing options for the Revise Automatic Bank Statement program (P09616). Revise bank statement data. Revise transactions without a customer number.

Understanding Data Revisions to the Bank Statement Tables

If errors occur when you run the Load Bank Statement program, you can use the Revise Automatic Bank Statement program to correct the errors in the bank statement tables (F09616 and F09617). Some fields in the bank statement tables are disabled and the system does not allow you to revise data. Other fields in the bank statement tables can be revised. You use a processing option to control which of these fields you will allow to be revised. You can revise data only; you cannot add or delete records. The bank statement tables include audit fields that are used for tracking and security purposes. Records that are revised in the bank statement tables are tracked for internal audit purposes.


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Chapter 20

Processing Bank Statements Automatically

Forms Used to Revise Data in the Bank Statement Tables

Form Name Work With Auto Bank Statement




Review a list of bank Automatic Bank Statement Processing (G09212), Revise statements or limit your search to a specific Automatic Bank Statement bank statement. If a On the Work With Auto bank statement appears Bank Statement form, select highlighted on this form, Customer/Supplier from the statement contains a the Form menu to revise data error. transactions without a customer number. On the Work With Auto Bank Statement form, select the bank statement that you want to revise. Select Bank Stmt Staging from the Row menu to revise data in the staging tables. Select Purge Bank Statement from the Form menu to access the Purge Automatic Bank Statement Tables program (R09615) and purge the F09616 and F09617 tables. Correct data that is in error. You cannot delete or add records on this form.

Revise Auto Bank Statement W09616C

Work With Bank Statement Customer/Supplier Entry


Automatic Bank Statement Processing (G09212), Automatic Bank Statement Customer/Supplier Entry On the Work With Bank Statement Customer/Supplier Entry form, select a transaction.

Identify automatic batch receipt transactions that are missing a customer number. Enter a missing customer number for an automatic batch receipt transaction. This form contains detailed information associated with the bank statement transaction. All fields except the Customer/Supplier Number field are for reference purposes only and cannot be changed.

Revise Bank Statement Customer/Supplier Entry


Setting Processing Options for Revise Automatic Bank Statement (P09616)

Use these processing options to restrict users from revising certain fields on the Revise Auto Bank Statement form. This form accesses records in the bank statement tables.

Revise Fields
For each processing option on this tab, values are:

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Chapter 20

Blank: Do not allow the field to be revised. 1: Allow the field to be revised. The processing options for this program correspond to these fields on the Revise Auto Bank Statement form: Cleared/Value Date Payment/Receipt Number Bank Statement Transaction Code Remark SWIFT Subfield 9 SWIFT Miscellaneous Information

Revising Bank Statement Data

Access the Revise Auto Bank Statement form.

Revise Auto Bank Statement form

The system displays transactions by the date they cleared the bank in descending order, with the most recent transaction first. If a data error exists, the system displays a warning message at the top of the Revise Auto Bank Statement form. For BAI2 and PSFT electronic formats, the system performs an integrity check that validates the data that you revise on this form. The integrity check ensures that the opening balance and the total debit and credit amounts equal the closing balance for an electronic bank statement. If there is a discrepancy in the amounts, the program displays a warning message, such as Closing balance is incorrect. If the bank statement does not include a closing balance, the amount calculated in the Closing Balance field becomes the closing balance.


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Header Fields
Electronic Bank Account Number Display Transactions w/o Customer/Supplier Number for Auto Batch Receipts Display All, Display Reconciled Transactions, Display Unreconciled Transactions Displays the bank account number from the F09610 staging table. You can revise this field, if necessary. Select this check box to display CR transactions that are missing a customer number. When the system processes automatic bank statements, it requires a customer number to create automatic batch receipts and apply them to invoices. If the customer number is blank, the system creates the automatic batch receipts as logged receipts. These receipts are not applied to invoices. Select one of these options to display only reconciled or unreconciled transactions, or both.

Detail Fields
Processing option settings control whether you can revise certain fields in the detail area of this form. Cleared/Value Date Payment/Receipt Number Displays the date that the payment amount was debited or credited to the bank account. The value date is not the date the bank reconciled the payment. Displays a reference number of up to 16 alphanumeric characters and is typically used for receipts, payments, and bank wire transfers. The Customer Reference (CUSTREF) field in the F09611 staging table maps to this field (CKNU) in the F09617 bank statement table. Electronic Bank Transaction Type Bank Statement Transaction Code Displays a user-defined code from UDC table 09/BA (BAI2 bank format) or 09/ST ( SWIFT bank format) that identifies the transaction type code. Displays a user-defined transaction type, such as CK, CR, DP, JE, or RJE.

Revising Transactions without a Customer Number

Access the Work With Bank Statement Customer/Supplier Entry form.

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Chapter 20

Work With Bank Statement Customer/Supplier Entry form

This form displays CR transactions only. The customer number is required to create automatic batch receipts and apply them to invoices; it is not required for all CR transactions. If the customer number is blank and the reconciliation rules are set up to create automatic batch receipts, the system creates a logged receipt and does not apply it to invoices. Show Trans w/o Cust/Suppl No for Auto Batch Receipts (show transactions without customer/supplier number for automatic batch receipts) Show All Transactions Select this option to display CR transactions in which the customer number is missing. If a number is missing for a transaction and the transaction is marked as an automatic batch receipt, the Customer/Supplier Flag field on this form is 1. Select this option to display CR transactions with and without customer numbers. If the number exists for a transaction and the transaction is marked as an automatic batch receipt, the Customer/Supplier Flag field on this form is blank.

Processing Automatic Bank Statements

This section provides overviews of the automatic bank statement program and the automatic bank statement reports and messages and discusses how to: Set processing options for Process Automatic Bank Statement (R09616). Run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program.

Understanding the Automatic Bank Statement Program

After you run the Load Bank Statement program and, if necessary, revise data in the bank statement tables, you can run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program. This program reconciles data that has cleared your bank against data that has been entered in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. Specifically, the Process Automatic Bank Statement program: Reconciles data based on the reconciliation rules that you set up for transaction types (UDC table 09/TT).


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Chapter 20

Processing Bank Statements Automatically

Uses the offset business unit code (UDC table 09/BU) that is assigned to transaction code JE (on the Revise Transaction Type Cross Reference form) to determine whether to create an offsetting journal entry using the business unit of an alternate offset account or a bank account. Processes the transactions in the F09616 and F09617 tables and reconciles them to the transactions in the F0911 table. Note. The Process Automatic Bank Statement program does not automatically reconcile manual journal entries entered in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system; you must manually reconcile them. There is no reference number field to connect these transactions from the F09616 and F09617 tables to the F0911 table. Runs the Automatic Batch Receipt program (R03B551) to create batch receipts for CR transactions that are marked for automatic batch receipts. The system creates automatic batch receipts and attempts to apply the receipts to invoices if a customer number is assigned to a transaction. If the customer number is blank, the system creates a logged receipt, which is not applied to invoices. The Process Automatic Bank Statement program populates the GLR3 (Reference 3) field in the F0911 table with the batch number of the bank statement, not the batch number of the receipt or deposit number. If you want the bank statement number to appear on transactions, you must select a check box for the reconciliation rule on the Revise Auto Reconciliation Group form. For multicurrency processing, the program creates batch receipts only if the receipt and invoice currencies are the same. For transactions with customer numbers, runs the Apply Receipts to Invoices program (R03B50) to apply the batch receipts to invoices. If there is no matching invoice, the program creates an invoice with type RU. Updates records in the staging tables as reconciled, unless the records were purged earlier in the process. In a multicurrency environment, the bank account format uses the transaction currency of the bank account. If the bank account currency is foreign (not in the base currency of the company), the foreign currency is the transaction currency. The Process Automatic Bank Statement program cannot calculate gains and losses on foreign currency bank accounts because there are no domestic amounts on the transactions. After you run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program, you can review transactions on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form and manually reconcile any exceptions that did not reconcile and, if applicable, unreconcile reconciled transactions.

Journal Entry Reconciliation Only

Transaction type RJE (or other user-specified code with a special handling code 02) from UDC table 09/TT is used for bank statement transactions that already exist as journal entry transactions in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. For these transactions, the Automatic Bank Statement process does not create a duplicate transaction but, instead, reconciles the existing journal entry against the general ledger. Typically, this transaction type code is used for bank transactions such as bank fees and transfer fees. If your electronic bank statement originates in Enterprise, the journal entries for these bank statement transactions are created in the Treasury Management system with the document type TM and then transferred to EnterpriseOne. When you run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program, the system reconciles the TM transactions against the RJE (or other user-specified code) transactions. The program does not create journal entries for these transactions, thereby eliminating duplication of the entries from Enterprise to EnterpriseOne.

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Chapter 20

Understanding Automatic Bank Statement Reports and Messages

Based on processing option settings, the Process Automatic Bank Statement program produces an Auto Bank Statement Processing report (R09616) that includes these reports: Summary Report - a summary report that shows the number of reconciled and unreconciled transactions as well as summary information about any new batches created. Reconciled Transactions report - a detailed report that shows the total amount of reconciled transactions as well as each reconciled transaction. Unreconciled Transactions report - a detailed report that shows the total amount of unreconciled transactions as well as each unreconciled transaction. The reason codes and corresponding text for unreconciled messages are set up in UDC table 09/UR. This list shows examples of unreconciled messages that might appear on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form or on the Unreconciled Transactions report that is generated by the Process Automatic Bank Statement program:
Message Amt Not Equal (amount not equal) Description This message appears if the program detects a difference between the bank statement and general ledger amounts and either of these applies: A tolerance limit was not set up for the reconciliation rule. The amount set up for the reconciliation rule is not within the tolerance limit set up. No Matching Payment in G/L (no matching payment in general ledger) No Matching Receipt in G/L (no matching receipt in general ledger) This message appears if there is no matching payment in the F0911 table. You must create a manual payment and post it to the general ledger. This message appears if there is no matching receipt in the F0911 table and the reconciliation rule is not set to create automatic batch receipts. Do one of these: Create a manual receipt, post it to the general ledger, and run the Process Automatic Bank Statement Program again. Revise the reconciliation rule to create auto batch receipts and run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program again. Invalid G/L Offset Account (invalid general ledger offset account) Auto Batch Rec Not Created (automatic batch receipt not created) This message appears if the offsetting account for a transaction is not valid. This message appears if the reconciliation rule for a CR transaction was not set to automatically create a batch receipt.

Running the Process Automatic Bank Statements Program

Select Automatic Bank Statement Processing (G09212), Process Automatic Bank Statement. Do not use data selection for the Process Automatic Bank Statement program. Instead, use the processing options to select data by bank statement number, GL bank account number, and date range.


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Chapter 20

Processing Bank Statements Automatically

Setting Processing Options for Process Automatic Bank Statements (R09616)

Use these processing options to select the bank statement to reconcile and the reports to print.

Bank Statement Number Specify the bank statement number to reconcile. If you leave this processing option blank, the program processes all bank statements in the F09616 table.

G/L Bank Account Number Specify the general ledger bank account number to reconcile. If you leave (general ledger bank account this processing option blank, the program processes all general ledger bank number) accounts in the F09616 table. Beginning Date Specify the beginning date in which to reconcile records. If you leave this field blank, the program processes all records in the F09616 table through the ending date. If you leave the Ending Date processing option blank, the program processes all records in the table. Specify the ending date in which to reconcile records. If you leave this field blank, the program processes all records in the F09616 as of the beginning date. If you leave the Beginning Date processing option blank, the program processes all records in the table.

Ending Date

For these processing options, values are: Blank: Print 1: Do not print Suppress Printing Unreconciled Report, Suppress Printing Reconciled Report, and Suppress Printing Summary Report Specify whether to print the report. To print all reports, leave these processing options blank.

Reconciling Unreconciled Bank Statement Transactions

This section provides an overview of the Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation program and discusses how to: Set processing options for Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation (P09631). Reconcile unreconciled bank transactions.

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Chapter 20

Understanding the Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation Program

After you run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program, you can use the Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation program (P09631) to revise unreconciled as well as reconciled transactions. This program accesses the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form. On this form, you can reconcile bank statement detail information from the F09617 table. You can also view and reconcile the corresponding general ledger information from the F0911 table in the Account Ledger region of the form. The Account Ledger region displays posted transactions only. If the Process Automatic Bank Statement program is unable to process a transaction, the transaction appears as unreconciled (the Recon Code field is blank) on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form with the reason why it was not reconciled. See Chapter 20, Processing Bank Statements Automatically, Understanding the Automatic Bank Statement Program, page 190. To correct unreconciled transactions, you can exit to various forms from the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form. From the various forms, you can: Create manual receipts as well as manual payments with or without vouchers. When you create a manual receipt or payment, the Payment ID is stored in the F09617 table and the corresponding bank statement transaction is marked as reconciled. The system assigns the batch number of the bank statement to the manual payment and receipt batches. When you post the receipt or payment, the system updates the RCND (Reconciled) field and, if a processing option for the Process Automatic Bank Statement program is set, updates the GLR3 (Reference 3) field in the F0911 table with a next number. Revise automatic receipts created by the Process Automatic Bank Statement program. Create journal entries. When you create a journal entry, the system assigns a batch number from next numbers. Post unposted transactions. After you correct the unreconciled transaction, you can either manually reconcile the bank statement transaction on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form or rerun the Process Automatic Bank Statements program to have the system automatically reconcile it. When a transaction is reconciled, the corresponding F0911 transaction appears as reconciled in the Account Ledger region of the form. You can use the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form to reconcile unreconciled transactions, as well as unreconcile reconciled transactions, if necessary. After all transactions for a bank statement are reconciled in the F09617 table, the system marks the corresponding staging records as reconciled in the F09611 staging detail table unless either of these conditions exist: The records were purged from the F09610 and F09611 staging tables. The records were in error and did not get loaded to the F09611 staging detail table. After all transactions in the F09611 table are reconciled, the system updates the header record in the F09610 table as reconciled.


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Chapter 20

Processing Bank Statements Automatically

Form Used to Manually Reconcile Bank Statement Transactions

Form Name Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger


Navigation Automatic Bank Statement Processing (G09212), Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation

Usage Reconcile unreconciled transactions for a bank account and, if applicable, unreconcile reconciled transactions.

Setting Processing Options for Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation (P09631)

Use these processing options to specify default values on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form.

Suppress Reference 3 Update Specify whether to update the Reference 3 (GLR3) field in the F0911 table with a number from next numbers. Values are: Blank: Do not suppress the update of Reference 3. That is, update the Reference 3 field. 1: Suppress the update of Reference 3. That is, do not update the Reference 3 field. Note. You can override this processing option value for transactions on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form. Reconciled Code Specify the reconciliation code from UDC table 09/RC to use as the default value on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses R (Reconciled One for One Match) as the default value.

Reconciling Unreconciled Bank Transactions

Access the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form.

Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form - Search Bank Statement region

Account Number From Date and Thru Date Reconciliation Status

Enter the general ledger number for the bank account. Enter the beginning and ending dates in which to view transactions for the bank account. Select Reconciled, Unreconciled, or All from the drop down menu to display the transactions that meet your criteria.

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Chapter 20

Bank Statement Detail

The system displays bank statement transactions from the F09617 table that correspond to the account number and the date range specified in the header area of the form.

Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form: Bank Statement Detail

To correct an unreconciled transaction: 1. Select the transaction. 2. Scroll to the top of the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form. 3. From the Row menu, select the appropriate program. For example, to correct a transaction in which the payment has not been posted, select the transaction and then select Batch Review from the Row menu. On the Work With Batches form, select the unposted batch and then select Post by Batch from the Row menu. Note. If you use the Row menu to exit to a program and manually create a receipt or payment, the system assigns the bank statement batch number to the batch that you created. For manual journal entries, the system assigns a new batch number instead. Statement D and Statement D... Displays bank statement transactions based on the beginning and ending dates that you entered in the header area of the form. To override the those dates, enter dates in these fields and click Find. The system displays transactions in the F09617 table that correspond to the statement dates that fall within the date or range of dates that you enter. To further limit the transactions that the system displays, enter values in the QBE row.


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Chapter 20

Processing Bank Statements Automatically

To display the corresponding F0911 information, which is based on the general ledger date, leave the From Date and Thru Date fields blank in the Account Ledger region, or broaden the date range if necessary, and click Find. No. of Unreconciled Bank Statement Transactions (number of unreconciled bank statement transactions) Recon Code (reconciliation code) Displays the number of unreconciled transactions in the F09617 table that meet the criteria that you specified.

Displays the code from UDC table 09/RC that is used when you manually reconcile a transaction. The default value for this field is set in a processing option for the Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation program. You can override the default value. Displays the value stored in the CUSTREF (Customer Reference) field in the F09611 table which is mapped to the CKNU (Check Number) field in the F09617 table. This field allows up to 16 alphanumeric characters and accommodates reference numbers for receipts, payments, bank wire transfers, and so on. Select this check box to optionally update the Reference 3 field on journal entries that you manually reconcile. When you click Reconcile/Unreconcile to update the journal entries, the Reference 3 form appears with a reference number generated by next numbers. You can override the number with the bank statement number or any other number. Then, you can choose to update each selected F0911 record with the same reference number or with a different reference number. If you choose a different reference number, the system displays the Reference 3 form for each transaction. Select the transactions to reconcile and click the Reconcile/Unreconcile button, which is a toggle. For transactions that you manually reconcile, the system updates either or both of these tables: F09617: Updates the reconciliation code and displays the reconciled transactions. If the transactions remain in the F09611 staging tables, they are updated as reconciled. F0911: Updates the reconciliation code and, if applicable, the Reference 3 field and displays the reconciled transactions in the Account Ledger region of the form. After you reconcile all unreconciled transactions in the F09617 and F0911 tables, the system marks the header record in the F09616 table with D (reconciled). If all transactions in the F09611 table are reconciled, the system updates the header record in the F09610 table with D.

Payment/Receipt Number

Update Reference 3 Field


Account Ledger
The system displays general ledger transactions from the F0911 table that correspond to the account number and date range specified in the header area of the form.

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Chapter 20

Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form: Account Ledger

G/L Date and G/L Date

Displays general ledger transactions based on the beginning and ending dates that you entered in the header area of the form. To override the dates in the header, enter dates in these fields and click Find. The system displays transactions in the F0911 table that correspond to the general ledger dates that fall within the date or range of dates that you enter. To further limit the transactions that the system displays, enter values in the QBE row.

No. of Unreconciled G/L Transactions (number of unreconciled general ledger transactions) Debit and Credit Book Balance Bank Balance

Displays the number of unreconciled transactions in the F0911 table that meet the criteria that you specified.

Displays the unreconciled debit and credit amounts from the F0911 table for the bank account. Displays the year-to-date balance amount from the F0902 table. Displays the ending balance amount of the latest bank statement for the account from the F09616 table. This ending balance is used as the bank account


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Chapter 20

Processing Bank Statements Automatically

opening balance by the Cash Forecast Analysis program when calculating cash forecast amounts for an account, if a processing option is set accordingly. See Chapter 24, Processing Cash Forecast Data, Understanding Bank Account Opening Balances, page 257.

Purging Bank Statement Tables

This section provides an overview of the bank statement purge programs and discusses how to: Purge staging tables. Set processing options for Purge Staging Tables. Purge automatic bank statement tables. Set processing options for Purge Automatic Bank Statement Tables.

Understanding the Bank Statement Purge Programs

After bank statement records are reconciled, you can purge the records by running these programs: Purge Staging Tables (R09610). Purge Automatic Bank Statement Tables (R09615).

Purge Staging Tables

The Purge Staging Table program purges data in the F09160 and F09611 staging tables. If the data was successfully mapped to the bank statement tables, the Load Bank Statement program sets a flag in the header record in the F09610 table that allows the record to be deleted in both tables. Alternatively, you can set a processing option for the Load Bank Statement program to purge these tables.

Purge Automatic Bank Statement Tables

The Purge Automatic Bank Statement Tables program purges data in the F09616 and F09617 bank statement tables. If the data was successfully reconciled, the RECCODE field in the header record in the F09616 table is set to D (reconciled), which allows the record to be deleted in both tables. Alternatively, you can select Purge Bank Statement from the Form menu on the Revise Auto Bank Statement form.

Purging Staging Tables

Select Purges (G09215), Purge Staging Tables.

Setting Processing Options for Purge Staging Tables (R09610)

Use these processing options to select the date range and to specify whether to print detailed record information on the report.

Bank Statement Beginning Date and Bank Statement Ending Date Specify the date range in which to purge records from the F09610 and F09611 staging tables. The system uses these processing options to locate the available records.

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Chapter 20

If you leave the beginning date blank, all records with a statement date that is on or before the ending date will be purged. If you leave the ending date blank, all records with a statement date that is on or after the beginning date will be purged. If you leave both the beginning and ending dates blank, all records will be purged.

Report Output Specify whether to print the purged records on the Purge Staging tables report (R09610). Values are: Blank: Do not print records. The report prints the bank statement number, general ledger bank account number, statement date, number of detail records, and the total number of records purged. 1: Print records. The report prints detailed information about the records purged.

Purging Automatic Bank Statement Tables Program

Select Purges (G09215), Purge Automatic Bank Statement Tables.

Setting Processing Options for Purge Automatic Bank Statement Tables (R09615)
Use these processing options to select the date range and the type of information to print on the purge report.

Bank Statement Beginning Date and Bank Statement Ending Date Specify the date range in which to purge records from the F09616 and F09617 bank statement tables. The system uses these processing options to locate the available records. If you leave the beginning date blank, all records with a statement date that is on or before the ending date will be purged. If you leave the ending date blank, all records with a statement date that is on or after the beginning date will be purged. If you leave both the beginning and ending dates blank, all records will be purged.

Report Output
Report Output Specify whether to print the purged records on the Purge Auto Bank Statement Tables report (R09615). Values are: Blank: Do not print records. The report prints the bank statement number, general ledger bank account number, statement date, number of detail records, and the total number of records purged. 1: Print records. The report prints detailed information about the records purged.


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Creating Budgets
This chapter provides overviews of budgets and budget patterns and discusses how to: Create budget pattern codes. Change budget pattern codes for a group of accounts. Enter annual budgets. Spread annual budget amounts to periods. Generate budget worksheets. Review budget comparisons online. Manage budget overages. Enter detailed budget amounts. Enter journalized budgets.

See Also
Chapter 23, Forecasting and Planning Budgets, page 239

Understanding Budgets
Budgeting provides a projection of future expenses and revenues. Using budget history, you can compare actual amounts to your projections and use the information to improve your budgeting process. You can enter annual budget amounts by business unit or account. Entering amounts by business units creates a budget by department, location, project, and so on. Entering amounts by account creates a budget that crosses business unit boundaries. To review budgets, use an online review or a printed budget worksheet. With an online review, you can compare budget amounts with actual amounts. With the budget worksheet report, you can: Review your requested, approved, and final budgets for the next year. Compare budget amounts against actual amounts and projected amounts for the current year, and against actual amounts from the previous year. Show a projected amount and the percentage that the budget amount varies from the projected amount.

Budget Methods
To create a budget, use one of these methods:

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Chapter 21

Method Annual budgets by business unit or account Detailed budgets by account

Description Enter annual budget amounts. Using the spread program, the system allocates budget amounts to periods, based on budget pattern codes that you assign. This method updates the Account Balances table (F0902) directly. Enter a budget amount for each period for selected accounts, or for selected periods and accounts. This method does not provide a formal audit trail, but it directly updates each period budget in the F0902 table. Enter journal entries to a budget ledger to provide a formal audit trail. This method updates the F0911 table. You must post entries to update the F0902 table. Construction companies that use cost accounting and government agencies that record supplemental appropriations for the original budget typically need a formal audit trail. Journalized budgeting consists of entering, reviewing, and posting the journalized budget entries.

Journalized budgets

Import from spreadsheet

Use a spreadsheet program to create budgets and then transfer them to the F0902 table. Then use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting programs to process your budget data. For example, you can spread annual budget amounts to your fiscal periods. Create budgets using allocations. See Chapter 15, Reconciling Bank Account Transactions, Reconciling Voided Payments and Receipts, page 139.


See Also
Chapter 38, Closing the Fiscal Year, Understanding the Fiscal Year Close for Budget Ledger Types, page 438

Understanding Budget Patterns

When a group of accounts have budgets that follow a predictable pattern, budget pattern codes can be used to define the percentages for spreading annual budget amounts among periods. For each business year, you can use the Revise Seasonal Patterns program (P09001) to: Spread amounts equally across the number of periods. Create an unlimited number of seasonal pattern codes. Bypass spreading amounts. This table describes the three budget patterns:
Budget Pattern Equal spread Description If your revenues and expenses occur evenly through the fiscal year, you can spread the annual budget equally among the periods.


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Budget Pattern Seasonal pattern spread

Description If your revenues and expenses occur in a predictable pattern, you can set up seasonal pattern codes to describe each pattern. For each code, enter the percent of the total annual budget to be spread to each period. If you do not want to spread an annual amount to periods for an account, you can bypass spreading amounts for that account.

No spread

The default budget pattern for the code blank evenly spreads an annual budget equally among periods; however you can change the instructions for the code blank. You should assign the most common budget pattern the code of blank. For example, is your company rarely needs to spread an annual budget equally among the months, you can use the budget pattern code of blank to identify a seasonal pattern code that you frequently use, which speeds data entry of that code. You do not need to define budget pattern codes if your company performs any of these tasks: Creates only annual budgets (no monthly budgets). Manually creates monthly budgets for all accounts. Creates annual budgets for all accounts with the annual amount being spread equally among the periods.

Example: Default Pattern

A coffee shop sells its products evenly throughout the year. It does not need to create a seasonal pattern code to identify percentages for revenues and expenses. The default budget pattern code (blank) spreads the annual budget evenly across periods. The coffee shop enters an annual budget amount of 120,000 for an account and leaves the budget pattern code blank and then runs a program to spread the amounts among the periods. The program identifies the total number of accounting periods set up for the company as 12. The program assigns a budget amount of 10,000 (1/12 or 8.33 percent) to each period.

Example: Seasonal Pattern

A sports shop creates a seasonal pattern code called WIN to identify percents for revenues and expenses for its winter ski equipment. The shop allocates budget amounts to the winter months because little activity occurs for ski equipment in the summer months. The shop identifies these percentages for the winter months: November - 10 percent December and January - 25 percent each February and March - 20 percent each The sports shop creates an annual budget amount for each applicable account and assigns the seasonal pattern code WIN to the accounts. The shop enters 120,000 to an account with a WIN pattern code and then runs a program to spread the amounts among the periods. Based on the percentages in the WIN budget pattern code, the system spreads 12,000 to November, 30,000 each to December and January, and 24,000 each to February and March.

Example: Do Not Spread Pattern

A company has an account with no predictable budget pattern, although the company spreads amounts for other accounts. The company enters an annual budget for the unpredictable account and assigns a budget pattern code of DNS (Do Not Spread) to that account. When the company runs a program to spread annual amounts among the periods, the program bypasses the account coded DNS.

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Creating Budgets

Chapter 21

Creating Budget Pattern Codes

This section discusses how to create a budget pattern code.

Forms Used to Create Budget Pattern Codes

Form Name Work with Budget Patterns Revise Budget Pattern
W09001B W09001A


Navigation Budgeting (G1412), Revised Seasonal Patterns On Work with Budget Patterns, click Add.

Usage Review a list of existing budget pattern codes. Create a budget pattern code.

Creating a Budget Pattern Code

Access the Revise Budget Pattern form.

Revise Budget Pattern form

Budget Pattern

Enter a unique three-character code that identifies a seasonal budget pattern. The system uses this code to calculate budget amounts for an accounting period. For example, you could enter SUM or WIN to identify a seasonal pattern code or blank to evenly spread an amount among all periods. For a seasonal pattern code or the DNS budget pattern code, enter a number that identifies the percentage of the total annual budget assigned to the period. You can enter:

Period 01Period 14


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Whole numbers. For example, 20 for 20 percent. Decimal numbers up to four decimals. For example, .3333 for 33.33 percent. The system rounds more than four decimals to four decimals. Zero (no percentage for the period). For the DNS budget pattern code and each seasonal pattern code, the total of all percentages must equal 100 percent. Note. The default periods for the fiscal year are set up for company 00000 on the Date Pattern Revisions form.

Changing Budget Pattern Codes for a Group of Accounts

This section provides an overview of budget pattern code changes and discusses how to change a budget pattern code for a group of accounts.

Understanding Budget Pattern Code Changes

To change an existing budget pattern code assigned to a group of accounts within a business unit or company, use the Budget Pattern Code Change program (P1441) and observe these guidelines: Change the code before you enter the annual budget amounts. Plan to spread your annual budget amounts among the periods. The new code that you assign overrides the previous (old) code that was assigned. The system updates assigned codes in the Account Master table (F0901).

Form Used to Change Budget Pattern Codes for a Group of Accounts

Form Name Global Pattern Codes


Navigation Budgeting (G1412), Budget Pattern Code Change

Usage Change an existing budget pattern code for a group of accounts within a business unit or company.

Changing a Budget Pattern Code for a Group of Accounts

Access the Global Pattern Codes form.

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Global Pattern Codes form

From Account and Thru Account

These two fields identify a range of object accounts. If you specify an account in the From Account field, you must also specify an account in the Thru Account field. If you leave the From Account field blank, the default is 0000. If you leave the Thru Account field blank, the default is 9999.

Old Code and New Code

In the Old Code field, enter the three-character code that identifies the seasonal pattern that you want to change. In the New Code field, enter the three-character code that identifies the seasonal pattern that replaces the code in the Old Code field. Three asterisks (***) represent a blank value. To change a blank value to a new value, enter *** in the Old Code field. You can also enter *** in the New Code field to change an existing value to a blank value. Enter * in the Old Code field to change all of the old budget pattern codes to the value that you enter in the New Code field. Enter DNS in the Old Code field to change budget pattern codes from do not spread or in the New Code field to change to do not spread.


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Chapter 21

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Entering Annual Budgets

This section provides overviews of annual budgets and budget cycles and discusses how to: Enter annual budget amounts by business unit. Enter annual budget amounts by account.

Understanding Annual Budgets

Using the annual budget method saves time when you enter budget amounts for each accounting period but still provides detailed amounts by period. The system distributes or spreads the annual amounts among accounting periods according to the budget pattern codes that you assign. You can assign budget pattern codes during any cycle of the annual budget process. You can enter annual budgets for amounts as well as units. Organize your annual budget by one of these types of entries:
Type of Entry Business unit Account Description This type of entry creates a budget for accounts that are associated with a specific organizational unit, such as a department or warehouse. This type of entry crosses business units and company boundaries. For example, use this type of entry to create a budget for salary and wage accounts across all business units.

Understanding Budget Cycles

Depending on your business needs, you can use one or a combination of these budget cycles: Requested (cycle 1). You enter the initial budget amount, which the system copies to the approved and final amount. Approved (cycle 2). You enter or change the approved budget amount, which the system copies to the final amount. The requested amount, if one exists, remains unchanged. Final (cycle 3). You enter or change the final amount. Any requested and approved amounts remain unchanged. Using three cycles provides an informal audit trail. Because the system carries forward amounts to the next cycle, using more than one cycle might require little or no additional time. You set a processing option to define the cycle to use for current entries. Then during budget entry, you can override the processing option and change to a different cycle, as needed. The system updates these fields in the F0902 table: BREQ: Requested budget amount BAPR: Approved budget amount BORG: Final budget amount

Example: Using Annual Budget Cycles

The budget in this example uses all three cycles:

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Chapter 21

Cycle Requested (cycle 1) Approved (cycle 2) Final (cycle 3)

Updates Update requested budget, approved budget, and final budget. Update approved budget and final budget. Update final budget.

The table shows how the system updates amounts in the F0902 during each cycle:
Cycle Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Requested (BREQ) 7,000 not applicable not applicable Approved (BAPR) 7,000 6,000 not applicable Final (BORG) 7,000 6,000 5,000 Description of Update The system updates the requested, approved, and final amounts. The system updates the approved and final amounts. The system updates the final amount, which represents the annual amount to be spread.

Decide whether to enter budget amounts by business unit or by account across all business units.


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Chapter 21

Creating Budgets

Forms Used to Enter Annual Budget Amounts

Form Name Work with Budgets


Navigation Budgeting (G1412), Requested by Business Unit, Approved by Business Unit, or Final by Business Unit

Usage Review a list of business units for a company.

Budget by Business Unit


On the Work with Budgets Enter budgets by business form, select the business unit. unit and assign budget pattern codes to individual accounts. Budgeting (G1412), Requested by Account, Approved by Account, or Final by Account On the Work with Budget Accounts form, select the account. Review a list of accounts by company.

Work with Budget Accounts W14103B

Budget by Account


Enter and revise budgets by account and assign budget pattern codes to individual accounts. You can also interactively spread annual budget amounts to periods. See Chapter 21, Creating Budgets, Spreading Annual Budget Amounts to Periods, page 212.

Setting Processing Options for Requested by Business Unit (P14102) and Requested by Account (P14103)
The processing options for the Requested, Approved, and Final by Business Unit and the Requested, Approved, and Final by Account programs are the same, with the exception of the name of the first tab.

Budget by Business Unit

1. Ledger Type Specify the budget ledger type from UDC table 09/LT. Values are: BA: Budget Amounts BU: Budget Units 2. Fiscal Year 3. Budget Cycle Enter the last two digits of the fiscal year. Specify the budget cycle to update. Values are: 1: Requested 2: Approved 3: Final

Spread Budget
4. Rounding Increment Specify the rounding increment to use for amounts. For example:

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Chapter 21

Blank: Round amounts to the smallest currency unit for the company. 1.00: Round amounts to the nearest 1.00 10.00: Round amounts to the nearest 10.00 The results of rounding will be exactly divisible by the value that you enter for this processing option. 5. Balancing Method Specify the balancing method. Values are: Blank: Do not force the total of the rounded period amounts to be equal to the annual budget amount. 1: Force a balanced spread by rounding the final budget amount. 2: Force a balanced spread by not rounding the last calculated period amount.

Entering Annual Budget Amounts by Business Unit

Access the Budget by Business Unit form.


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Budget by Business Unit form

Budg Patt (budget pattern) Show Periods

Enter the three-character budget pattern code. Select this check box to display the period amount fields, which enable you to manually enter budget amounts on a period-by-period basis. To access the Period fields, scroll to the right if necessary. If you do not select this check box, the system automatically spreads the amount among the fields for the accounting periods.

Options Requested, Approved, and Final

Select this check box to interactively change the processing options for budget spread. Then from the Form menu, select Options. Select one of these options based on whether you want to enter or update a value in the Requested Amount, Approved Amount, or Final Amount field. If you select the Requested option, the system updates the BREQ field and, to expedite entry of the final budget, the BAPR and BORG fields in the F0902 table.

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If you select the Approved option, the system updates the BAPR field and, to expedite entry of the final budget, the BORG field in the F0902 table. Budg Patt (budget pattern) Enter a code that specifies how to spread budget amounts. If you enter DNS, you must manually enter the amounts for each period. With the Show Periods check box selected, access the Period fields by scrolling to the right. Alternatively, select Detail from the Row menu to access the Detailed Budget by Account form and manually enter the amounts. Requested Amount, Approved Amount, and Final Amount Enter a value in one of these fields. The field that is input capable depends on whether you selected the Requested, Approved, or Final option. If you entered DNS in the previous field, these fields are not input capable.

Entering Annual Budget Amounts by Account

Access the Budget by Account form.

Budget by Account form

Spreading Annual Budget Amounts to Periods

This section provides overviews of the methods for annual budget spreads and how the system spreads annual budget amounts and discusses how to:


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Spread annual budget amounts to periods during budget entry. Run the Spread Annual to Periods program. Set processing options for Spread Annual to Periods (R14801).

Understanding the Methods for Annual Budget Spreads

You can spread annual budget amounts: Interactively, during budget entry. Automatically, by running a program.

Interactively During Budget Entry

As you enter annual budget amounts, you can have the system spread the amounts to period amounts based on the budget pattern code for each account. Spreading amounts during budget entry allows you to: Vary the results by making revisions without exiting the budget entry program. Change the rounding increment and balancing methods that are specified in the processing options. Change the annual amounts for the same cycle or a different cycle. Recalculate spread amounts as many times as necessary. Note. If you enter a budget pattern code of DNS, you must manually enter the amounts in each of the Period fields on the Budget by Business Unit or Budget by Account form. The system accumulates the period amounts and displays the annual total for the account.

Automatically by Running a Program

An alternative to spreading annual amounts during budget entry is to run the Spread Annual to Periods program (R14801) to spread the amounts automatically. This might be a faster or more efficient approach. You might choose to run the Spread Annual to Periods program if you have many amounts to spread and one of these situations applies: You upload annual budget amounts from one or more spreadsheets. You set up a blank budget pattern code with percentages or you change the existing percentages, and you want to update the spread for all accounts. If the Override Budget Do Not Spread Code check box is selected on the Ledger Type Setup form, the Spread Annual to Periods program evenly distributes the budget amount among the periods. If the check box is not selected, the program does not distribute the amounts. You must manually distribute the amounts by period on the Budgets by Business Unit or Budgets by Account form.

Understanding How the System Spreads Annual Budget Amounts

The system uses the budget pattern code that is assigned to each account to determine how to spread amounts regardless of whether you enter budgets manually or run the Spread Annual to Periods program (R14801), with the exception of the DNS pattern code. This table describes how the system spreads amounts:

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Budget Pattern Code Blank

Description Blank is the default value for annual amounts that are to be evenly spread. The system spreads the annual budget amount for the account equally among the periods. For a 12-month calendar year, the program assigns 1/12 (8.33 percent) to each period. Note. If your company changes the meaning of the blank pattern code, the system divides the annual amount by the percentages that you specify. To spread annual amounts to periods, the system uses information from the Budget Patterns (F1401), Account Master (F0901), and Account Balances (F0902) tables.

Seasonal DNS

The system spreads the annual amount according to the percentages and periods that you specify for a seasonal budget pattern code. If you enter budgets manually, the system does not spread annual amounts to accounts assigned pattern code DNS. You must manually enter an amount for each period on the Budgets by Business Unit or Budgets by Account form. If you run the Spread Annual Periods program, the system spreads annual amounts evenly among the periods only if the Override Budget Do Not Spread Code is selected on the Ledger Type Rules Setup form. If the Override Budget Do Not Spread Code check box is not selected, the program does not spread the annual budget amounts. Instead, you must manually enter them.

Spreading Annual Budget Amounts to Periods During Budget Entry

Access the Budget by Business Unit or the Budget by Account form. Note. You cannot enter an annual budget amount for an account if the posting edit code is N (no posting) or I (inactive). 1. Select the Show Periods check box. 2. Enter the budget pattern code. 3. Enter an amount in one of these fields: Requested Amount Approved Amount Final Amount 4. Select Spread form the Row menu to evenly spread the amount entered in the previous step. 5. To change the amounts that the system spread in the previous step, select Detail from the Row menu to access the Detailed Budget by Account form. 6. To change the rounding increment or balancing method in the processing options, select the Options check box. Then from the Form menu, select Options. 7. Click OK to save your budget entries.


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Running the Spread Annual to Periods Program

Select Budgeting (G1412), Spread Annual to Periods. This program does not produce a report. To review the amounts that the system has spread, access the Detailed Budget By Account form.

Setting Processing Options for Spread Annual to Periods (R14801)

Use these processing options to specify how to spread budget amounts. Do not change the data sequence for this program.

Budget Spread
1. Rounding Increment Specify the rounding increment to use for amounts. For example: Blank: Round amounts to the smallest currency unit for the company. 1.00: Round amounts to the nearest 1.00 10.00: Round amounts to the nearest 10.00 The results of rounding will be exactly divisible by the value that you enter for this processing option. 2. Balancing Method Specify the balancing method. Values are: Blank: Do not force the total of the rounded period amounts to be equal to the annual budget amount. 1: Force a balanced spread by rounding the annual budget amount prior to spreading the amounts. 2: Force a balanced spread by not rounding the last calculated period amount.

Generating Budget Worksheets

This section provides overviews of budget worksheets and discusses how to: Run the Budget Worksheet. Set data selection and sequence for Budget Worksheet. Set processing options for Budget Worksheet (R14113).

Understanding Budget Worksheets

The Budget Worksheet (R14113) is a report that shows requested, approved, and final budgets. When you generate the Budget Worksheet, you can: Specify the level of detail, fiscal years to compare, report format, and how the system performs the calculations and totals the amounts. Print the report for selected companies, business units, and business unit category codes.

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Consolidate information if you have a consistent account structure and level of detail across all companies and business units. The Budget Worksheet program uses AAI items FSxx to determine where to print interim total. Some examples for FSxx include: FS04: Gross margin FS05: Operating income FS99: Net income (loss) Depending on how you set the processing options, the Budget Worksheet provides this type of information:
Type of Report Comparisons Description Compares amounts for any level of detail, such as: Ledger type AA (actual amounts) for the prior year. Actual and projected amounts for the current year. Actual and budget year-to-date amounts for the current year and actual year-to-date amounts for prior years. Projections Calculates balances for the year end, such as: Actual amounts plus the remaining budget. Remaining budgets. Actual amounts divided by the percentage complete (Job Cost). Estimates the annual budget for the next year. For example, you can print the actual amounts from the previous year and the projected amounts for the current year, and leave the annual budget amount columns blank to make manual entries. Variances Shows percentages of difference or change between actual amounts and budget amounts. The calculation is based on projected budget amounts.

Running the Budget Worksheet

Select Budgeting (G1412), Budget Worksheet.

Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Budget Worksheet

You must specify the range of object accounts in the data selection. If you post to the F0902 table by currency, select a specific currency code or all currency codes. This report prints totals and starts new pages based on the data item immediately preceding the object account in the data sequence. You can use these data items in the data sequence: Company For the reporting date to be company-specific, you must sequence your report by company. Business unit category codes 130 Account master category codes 123 Business unit


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Object account (required) Subsidiary account (required) If you do not specify a company or business unit as the first item in the sequence, the system uses the current fiscal period for company 00000. To print a report for a business unit, or one that consolidates all business units or companies, enter one of these data sequences:
Type of Report Business unit Business unit consolidation Company consolidation Data Sequence Business unit, object account, subsidiary account. Company, object account, subsidiary account. Object account, subsidiary account.

Important! If you change the data sequence, a sequence other than one of the previous sequences can produce undesirable results.

Setting Processing Options for Budget Worksheet (R14113)

Use these processing options to specify dates, ledger types, level of detail, and so on.

1. Period Number and Fiscal Year Enter the fiscal period and year. If you leave these processing options blank, the financial reporting date for the company is used. For the reporting date to be company-specific, you must use the data sequence to sequence your report by company.

Ledger Types
1. Actual Ledger Type 2. Budget Ledger Type Specify the ledger type from UDC table 09/LT to use for the actual columns. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA. Specify the ledger type from UDC table 09/LT to use for the budget columns. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type BA.

1. Level of Detail Specify the lowest account level of detail (39) that you want to print. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 9.

1. Reverse Sign Specify how to print amounts. Values are: 0: Print amounts in their original debit and credit format. 1: Reverse the signs on amounts for income statement accounts. Revenues print as positive and expenses print as negative.

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2: Reverse the sign on amounts for balance sheet accounts. All accounts print as positive. 3: Reverse the sign on amounts for revenue and expenses. Revenues and expenses print as positive. The program uses AAI item GLGx to determine whether liabilities and expense accounts print with a negative sign.

1. Net Income Computation Specify how to compute net income. Values are: Blank: Do not compute. 1: Compute balance sheet net income. 2: Compute profit/loss net income. 2. Projected Calculation Specify how to calculate projected budget. Values are: Blank: Do not calculate. 1: Actual + Remaining Budget. 2: Actual / Percent Complete. 3: Remaining Budget.

Print Headings Specify how to print headings on the worksheet. Values are: blank: Print headings on first page only. 1: Print page headings with page number and run date on each page. 2: Print page headings without page number and run date on each page. Date Title Type Enter the date title type to print in the page headings. If you leave this processing option blank, no date title prints.

Reviewing Budget Comparisons Online

This section provides an overview of the Online Budget Comparison program (P09210A) and discusses how to: Set processing options for Online Budget Comparison (P09210A). Review budget comparisons online.

Understanding the Online Budget Comparison Program

After you spread annual budget amounts to the fiscal periods, you can compare budget amounts with amounts from other ledgers. Comparing amounts from two ledgers is especially helpful when you need to review budget and actual amounts, and analyze budget variances. Online comparisons show information from the F0902 table.


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AAIs Used by Online Budget Comparison

The Online Budget Comparison program uses these two AAIs: GLG6: Beginning Revenue GLG12: Ending Profit and Loss These AAIs are used to distinguish balance sheet accounts from income statement accounts so that the correct cumulative balance is calculated. Balance sheet accounts include the prior year cumulative amount in the cumulative balance. Income statement accounts do not include a beginning balance amount.

See Also
Chapter 31, Reviewing Balances and Transactions, Reviewing Trial Balances, Ledgers, and Subledgers, page 339

Form Used to Review Budget Comparisons Online

Form Name Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison FormID

Navigation Budgeting (G1412), Online Budget Comparison

Usage Review budget comparisons online. Review summarized trial balance information for two different ledgers and for a specific account or for all accounts within a business unit.

Setting Processing Options for Online Budget Comparison (P09210A)

Use these processing options to specify the default values, such as the ledger types and the calculation method to use to compare budgets.

1. Ledger Type 1 and 2. Ledger Type 2 Specify which two ledger types you want to compare online. If you leave the Ledger Type 1 processing option blank, the system uses BA as the default value. If you leave the Ledger Type 2 processing option blank, the system uses AA. Values are: Blank or 1: Ledger type 1. 2: Ledger type 2.

3. Exit with Ledger Type

1. Suppress Zero Balances Specify whether to suppress zero balances. Values are: Blank or N: Do not surprise zero balances. That is, display accounts with zero balances. Y: Suppress zero balances. That is, do not display accounts with zero balances.

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2. Calculation Method

Specify the method to use to calculate the differences between the two ledgers: Blank or S: Subtraction A: Addition M: Multiplication D: Division

3. Additional Ledger Type 1 and 4. Additional Ledger Type 2 5. Subledger and 6. Subledger Type 7. Account Level Of Detail

Specify additional ledgers for ledger type 1 and ledger type 2. If you leave these processing options blank, the system does not display additional ledger types. Specify a specific subledger and subledger type in which to display balances. If you leave these processing options blank, the system uses the blank subledger and type. Specify the lowest account level of detail (39) that you want to display. If you leave this processing option blank, the system displays level of detail 9.

1. Currency Code Specify the default currency code to display. If you leave this processing option blank, the system displays all currencies.

1. Date Effective Balances Specify which dates to use for the date effective balances: Values are: Blank or N: Use period end dates. Y: Calculate date effective balances. 2. Default Thru Period Display Specify whether to display a date or a period. Blank or N: Display thru dates. Y: Display thru periods.

Reviewing Budget Comparisons Online

Access the Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison form.


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Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison form

Managing Budget Overages

This section provides overviews of the management of budget overages and the budget checking calculation and discusses how to: Run the G/L Budget Checking Report. Set processing options for G/L Budget Checking Report (R14115).

Understanding the Management of Budget Overages

Before you post transactions to an account, you might want to verify that the actual and planned expenditures are within budget. For example, assume that you have entered a batch of vouchers. Before posting the batch, you want to see whether the totals in the affected accounts exceed the budget. You can use the G/L Budget Checking Report (R14115) to identify transactions that will create budget overages. The appropriate person in your organization can then approve the expenditures or notify the affected departments to change or delete transactions for these accounts before posting. The G/L Budget Checking Report selects unposted records from the F0911 table. It bases calculations on information in the F0902 table. Using a predefined calculation, the report: Calculates the available budget for each specified account or level of detail. Adds new, unposted transactions to posted totals. Determines whether posting new transactions creates a total that exceeds the budget.

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Generates an exception report that lists the unposted transactions in the F0911 table that will cause budget overages. The exception report is for information only and is sequenced by company, account, and detail. The G/L Budget Checking Report does not update any tables.

Understanding the Budget Checking Calculation

The G/L Budget Checking Report uses this predefined calculation: Primary ledger (second ledger + third ledger) = available budget amount

Example: Budget Checking Calculation

For account 3.8605, these default ledgers contain the totals indicated: BA (budget amount) for the year: 1,000 PA (encumbered amount) balance to date: 320 AA (actual amount) balance to date: 420 Using the totals for the ledgers, the calculation is: 1,000 (320 + 420) = 260 If any unposted transactions in the F0911 table cause the account to exceed the available budget amount of 260, the transaction appears on the report. You can substitute other ledgers for the default ledgers in the processing options. You also choose the level of detail to use to accumulate the balances and the calculation method to use to determine the total budget amount. The calculation for the budget variance includes any vouchered amounts already encumbered by purchase orders. If a vouchered amount that is encumbered by a purchase order appears in the AA ledger as an unposted amount, the system does not count it twice. Note. Run this program during off-peak hours, if possible. The number of records in the F0911 table might require significant processing time.

Amounts and Encumbrances

This table describes how the G/L Budget Checking Report processes amounts and encumbrances:
Item No budget amount Description If an account has no record in the budget (primary) ledger, the report assumes that the budget is zero. It subtracts the amounts from the second and third ledgers, resulting in a negative amount on the exception report. Budgeted amounts are in the domestic currency only. Therefore, the report does not select transactions from the CA (foreign currency) ledger in the F0911 table. These budgeted amounts have commitments or contracts, such as purchase orders.

Foreign currency amounts Encumbrances


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Running the G/L Budget Checking Report

Select Budgeting (G1412), G/L Budget Checking Report.

Setting Processing Options for G/L Budget Checking Report (R14115)

Use these processing options to specify the ledgers to use for calculations, the calculation method, and so on.

Ledger Type
1. Primary Ledger 2. Secondary Ledger 3. Third Ledger Enter the budget or primary ledger to use for calculations. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses BA. Enter the second ledger to use for calculations. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses PA. Enter the third ledger to use for calculations. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses AA.

Budget Year
1. Fiscal Year Enter the budget year. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current fiscal year.

Calculation Methods
1. Budget Totaling Method Specify the budget totaling method to use. Blank or 1 The total original budget, period amounts for the year, and prior year end posting amounts. 2: The total period amounts for the year. 3: The total original budget and period amounts through the current period. Specify method 1 or 3 only if the original budget has not been spread to periods.

1. Level of Detail Specify the lowest account level of detail (39). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 9. The analysis of accounts occurs at a level no higher than the designated level of detail. For example, if you specify the level of detail 5, the report assumes that all of the budgets are at a level no higher than 5. The exception is level 9. If you specify level 9, the analysis of accounts includes all accounts.

1. Subledger and 2. Subledger Type Enter a specific subledger or * for all subledgers. If you enter a specific subledger, enter the subledger type.

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Entering Detailed Budget Amounts

This section provides an overview of the Detailed Budget by Account program and discusses how to enter detailed budget amounts by account.

Understanding the Detailed Budget by Account Program

Even if you do most of your budgeting on an annual basis, you might need to use the Detailed Budget by Account program (P14101) for any of these reasons: To set up budgets by periods for specific accounts that have no predictable seasonal pattern. To change the results that the Spread Annual to Periods program created. To review budget amounts by period both before and after annual budgets are spread. You can also use the Detailed Budget by Account program to enter budget amounts for each period and account. When you use this program to enter budget amounts, the system does not create records in the F0911 table. Instead, it updates: Final budget and net posting amounts for the budget ledger records in the F0902 table. Budget pattern code in the F0901 table to DNS. This code ensures that the spread program does not overwrite the amounts that you enter. Note. You can enter monthly amounts on the Budget by Business Unit form instead of using the Detailed Budget by Account form. With the Show Periods option selected, each period appears as a column in the detail area.

Forms Used to Enter Detailed Budget Amounts

Form Name Work With Budget Accounts W14101C Detailed Budget by Account W14101A FormID Navigation Usage Budgeting (G1412), Detailed Review budgets by account. Budget By Account On the Work With Budget Accounts form, select an account. Enter detailed budget amounts by account. Revise existing budgets that were created using other budgeting methods.

Entering Detailed Budget Amounts by Account

Access the Detailed Budget by Account form.


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Detailed Budget by Account form

Entering Journalized Budgets

This section provides overviews of journalized budgets and discusses how to enter budget journal entries.

Understanding Journalized Budgets

Although most organizations do not need a formal audit trail for budgeting, some do. For example, construction companies use cost accounting, and governmental agencies record supplemental appropriations for the original budget. For these types of organizations, journalized budgets provide a formal audit trail.

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Budget entries for a journalized budget are the same as journal entries, but you assign a budget ledger type. You create the budget by entering budget amounts as journal entries, which you then review and post like other journal entries. Batches with budget entries have the same batch type (G) as other journal entries. The system updates journalized budgets in the F0911 table. When you post the batch, the system updates the F0902 table. However, the system does not update the budget amount fields BREQ, BAPR, and BORG in the F0902 table. To change a budget that you entered as a journalized budget, you must use the Journal Entry form. Do not use the annual or detailed budget method to change a journalized budget entry. Budget journal entries typically do not have to be in balance. You specify whether your budget ledgers are required to balance in the Ledger Type Master Setup program (P0025).

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Specify a budget ledger type, such as BA, in the processing options. Verify that you have set up your fiscal date patterns. (Recommended) Set up a document type, such as BX, for budget journal entries instead of using document type JE.

See Also
Chapter 11, Processing Journal Entries, Entering Basic Journal Entries, page 90

Forms Used to Enter Journalized Budgets

Form Name Work With Journal Entries


Navigation Other Budgeting Methods (G1421), Budget Entry On the Work With Journal Entries form, click Add.

Usage Review a list of existing batches of budget journal entries. Add journal entries for budget amounts.

Journal Entry


Entering Budget Journal Entries

Access the Journal Entry form.


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Uploading Budget Data

This chapter discusses how to: Import budget data from spreadsheets. Import budget data from text files. Revise imported budget data. Upload budget data to the F0902 table. Purge processed records in the F0902Z1 table.

Understanding the Budget Upload Process

This table describes the two methods for uploading budgets and summarizes the steps involved for each method. Notice that the last three steps for both methods are the same. The difference between the two methods is how you import the budget data into the EnterpriseOne tables:
Method Import budgets from a spreadsheet Steps 1. Import budget data using the Upload/Conversion Revisions program. 2. Review and revise imported data. 3. Upload budget data to the F0902 table. 4. Purge processed records. Import budgets from a text file 1. Copy budget data to a text file. 2. Convert the data by running the Budget Import Field Mapping program. 3. Review and revise imported data. 4. Upload budget data to the F0902 table. 5. Purge processed records.

Importing Budget Data from Spreadsheets

This section provides an overview of the import budget process for spreadsheets and discusses how to: Set processing options for Upload/Conversion Revisions (P0902Z1). Import budget data from a spreadsheet.

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Uploading Budget Data

Chapter 22

Understanding the Import Budget Process for Spreadsheets

If you create budgets using a spreadsheet program, you can import the budget data directly into the Account Balances - Batch File table (F0902Z1) using the Upload/Conversion Revisions program. Before you import records into the F0902Z1 table, you should compare the columns in your spreadsheet to those on the Upload Records to F0902Z1 form. Customize the grid and rearrange the columns on the Upload Records to F0902Z1 form so that they match your spreadsheet and the order in which the columns appear on the spreadsheet. Your spreadsheet must contain an account number, at minimum, for every record. No other fields are required. You can use the Account Number processing option in the Upload/Conversion Revisions program to specify which format to use for the account number. You will notice that if you change the Account Number processing option, different fields will appear in the detail area to accommodate each account number format. Before you upload your budget data to the F0902 table, use the Upload/Conversion Revisions program (P0902Z1) to verify that the data is correct and revise the data, if necessary.

Forms Used to Import Budget Data From a Spreadsheet

Form Name Work With Batch Account Balances FormID



Other Budgeting Methods Review a list of existing (G1421), Upload/Conversion batches that have been Revisions uploaded to the F0902Z1 table. On the Work With Batch Account Balances form, select Upload Records from the Form menu. If necessary, you can delete all records regardless of whether they have been processed by selecting Delete All from the Form menu. Import budget data from a spreadsheet. This uploads the budget data to the F0902Z1 table.

Upload Records to F0902Z1 W0902Z1D

Setting Processing Options for Upload/Conversion Revisions (P0902Z1)

Use these processing options to specify the default values on the Upload Records to F0902Z1 form.

1. Ledger Type 2. User ID Field Specify the ledger type from UDC table 09/LT to use for the budget amounts. Specify whether to enable the User ID field. Values are: Blank: Disable the field. 1: Enable the field.

Account Number
1. Account Number Specify the format to use for the account number: Values are:


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1: Short account ID. 2: 3rd account number. 3: Long account number. Blank or 4: Business unit, object, and subsidiary.

Importing Budget Data From a Spreadsheet

Access the Upload Records to F0902Z1 form. The Upload Records to F0902Z1 form appears two timeswhen you first access the form and after you complete step 1 in the following steps. The following form appears after you complete step 1.

Upload Records to F0902Z1 form

1. On Upload Records to F0902Z1, select Import Grid Data from the Tools menu. 2. Select an option under the Import Options heading. If you import from Excel, complete the next step. Otherwise, continue to step 4. 3. Click Browse to locate the excel file and enter the worksheet name from which to import data. 4. Specify a range of cells from which to import data (for example, A1:B10) under the Define Cell Range heading:

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Uploading Budget Data

Chapter 22

5. Click Preview and then click Continue to import the data.

Importing Budget Data from Text Files

This section provides an overview of the budget import mapping program and discusses how to: Copy budget data into the F0902Z2 text file. Run the Budget Import Field Mapping program. Set processing options for Budget Import Field Mapping (R14110M).

Understanding the Budget Import Process for Text Files

As an alternative to importing your data from a spreadsheet, you can copy your budget data into the F0902Z2 text file and then run the Budget Import Field Mapping program (R14110M). This table conversion program reads the text file and converts the data to fields in the Account Balances - Batch File table (F0902Z1). The fields in the F0902Z1 table use the same format as those in the F0902 table. Before you upload your budget data to the F0902 table, use the Upload/Conversion Revisions program (P0902Z1) to verify that the data is correct and revise the data, if necessary.

Create a folder called Import in the B9/PROD directory, or wherever your EnterpriseOne directory resides.

Copying Budget Data into the F0902Z2 Text File

To copy your budget data into a text file: 1. Create a text file and copy your budget data directly into the file. To create a text file from your PC, go to Start > Programs > Accessories and select Notepad. If your budget is in a spreadsheet, first save the spreadsheet in .csv format and then copy it into the text file. 2. Save the text file as F0902Z2.txt. The system assigns a default path that enables the conversion to run on any platform. The default path is path code\Import\file name, for example, xxxx\Import\F0902Z2.txt, where xxxx is the name of the input environment. When you run the Budget Import Field Mapping program (R14110M), the system searches for the text file in the Import folder. Note. For iSeries platforms, the default path is always the Import directory under the path code of the input environment.

Adding Column Headings

For the system to read your budget data correctly, you must add column headings to your text file as shown in this example:
F0902Z2.txt Account Number,Subledger,Subledger Type,Net Posting 1,Net Posting 2,Net Posting 3,Net Posting 4,Net Posting 5,Net Posting 6,Net Posting


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7,Net Posting 8,Net Posting 9,Net Posting 10,Net Posting 11,Net Posting 12, Net Posting 13,Net Posting 14,Requested,Approved,Final 1.1110.Bear,1,A,1000,100,10,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1110,0 1.1110.Fib,1,A,2000,200,20,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,200,0 1.1110.France,,,3000,300,30,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5000,0,0 1.1105,,,0,52,12313,13213,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6589

The budget data appears after the column headings in the text file.

Running the Budget Import Field Mapping Program

Select Other Budgeting Methods (G1421), Budget Import Field Mapping. You must perform this task in a Windows environment. To run the Budget Import Field Mapping program from a Windows environment: 1. On Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions, select the version. 2. On Table Conversion Prompting: If you are working in a local environment, click Submit. If you are working in a server environment, select the Override Location check box and click Submit. On EnterpriseOne Data Sources, select the local data source so that the table conversion program can access the data that you copied into the F0902Z2.txt file. 3. On PC Budget Upload Field Definition, access the tabs described in this table and follow the instructions:
Tab Select Environments Instruction Under Input Environment, choose the environment that has the F0902Z2.txt file mapped to your local drive. The input environment corresponds to the local database on the client machine. Under Output Environment, choose the environment that has the Account Balances - Batch File (F0902Z1) mapped to the server. The output environment corresponds to the target database that contains the F0902 table. Table Options Select the Run Currency Triggers option only if you use multicurrency processing. The system converts decimal places and other currency fields based on your multicurrency setup. Do not select the Clear Output Tables option. If you do, the system deletes all data in the F0902Z1 table, regardless of the user status or processing status. The data in the F0902Z1 table gets uploaded to the F0902 table later in the PC budget upload process. Do not select the Force Row by Row Processing option. The system ignores this option. Debug Logging Do not clear the option for Use ini settings for trace level and number of rows to process unless this applies: You want to generate a log during the upload process. Change the Trace Level field to a number between 1 and 10, with 10 providing the most detailed log. You do not want to process all input rows. Therefore, change the Number of Rows field to a number other zero.

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Chapter 22

When the program finishes, it sends a message to the work center that indicates whether the batch process completed successfully.

Setting Processing Options for Budget Import Field Mapping (R14110M)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Ledger Type
1. Ledger Type Specify the ledger type for the system to assign to the budget records. Enter a valid ledger type from the Ledger Type Master Setup program (P0025). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type BA.

Account Number
1. Account Number Format Specify the account number format that you used in the budget text file. Values are: blank or 3: Long account number. 1: Short account ID. 2: 3rd account number.

Revising Imported Budget Data

This section provides an overview of revisions to imported budget data and discusses how to revise imported budget data.

Understanding Revisions to Imported Budget Data

After you import your budget data into the F0902Z1 table, use the Upload/Conversion Revisions program (P0902Z1) to review the records for accuracy and, if necessary, revise the data. Later, when you run the Upload/Conversion program (R14110) to upload the records to the F0902 table, some records might end in error. For example, you might have records with invalid account numbers or incorrect amounts. To ensure the integrity of your F0902 table, correct any errors using the Upload/Conversion Revisions program. You can also use the Upload/Conversion Revisions program to delete records from the F0902Z1 table, regardless of whether the records have been successfully processed. After revising data in the F0902Z1 table, as necessary, run the Upload/Conversion program to copy the budget data from the F0902Z1 table to the F0902 table.


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Uploading Budget Data

Form Used to Revise Imported Budget Data

Form Name Work With Batch Account Balances FormID



Other Budgeting Methods Review a list of existing (G1421), Upload/Conversion batches that have been Revisions uploaded to the F0902Z1 table. On the Work With Batch Account Balances form, select the record to revise. Revise a budget record. These are the budget records that have been imported to the F0902Z1 table.

Revise Batch Account Balances


Revising Imported Budget Data

Access the Revise Batch Account Balances form.

Revise Batch Account Balances form

Uploading Budget Data to the F0902 Table

This section provides an overview of the Upload/Conversion program and discusses how to:

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Chapter 22

Run the Upload/Conversion program. Set processing options for Upload/Conversion (R14110).

Understanding the Upload/Conversion Program

After you review and, if necessary, revise your budget data on the Revise Batch Account Balances form, run the Upload/Conversion program (R14110) to copy the data from the Account Balance - Batch File (F0902Z1) to the F0902 table. In proof mode, the system identifies any errors that might occur. You must correct the errors before you run the program in final mode. If the system finds any problems with the records, it sends a workflow message to the work center notifying you of the problem and does not process any of the records in the F0902Z1 table. This ensures the integrity of the data. Examples of possible errors include: Account numbers not set up in the F0901 table. Invalid subledgers or subledger types. Fiscal date patterns not set up for the fiscal year. Invalid ledger types. Use the Upload/Conversion Revisions program (P0902Z1) to correct any errors in the F0902Z1 table. Then rerun the Upload/Conversion program in proof mode. When the resulting report is free of errors, run the program in final mode. In final mode, the program prints a report and uploads the budget data to the F0902 table. For each record that the program successfully uploads, it updates the Batch Status field to D (posted) in the F0902Z1 table. The program bypasses any records that contain errors. For detailed budgets by period, final mode sets the budget pattern code to DNS (Do Not Spread) for the corresponding accounts in the F0901 table. You set processing options to control the upload process. For example, you can: Specify an annual budget upload instead of uploading periodic amounts. If you do this, specify the type of budget (requested, approved, or final) to which the system will add all periodic amounts. Add uploaded amounts to the existing amounts in the F0902 table. The processing option default replaces the amounts in the F0902 table with the uploaded amounts for all matching account numbers. Reverse the sign of the amounts for all revenue accounts. After the budget data is loaded successfully into the F0902 table, you can purge records from the F0902Z1 table using the Processed Upload Purge program (R0902ZP).

Running the Upload/Conversion Program

Select Other Budgeting Methods (G1421), Upload/Conversion.


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Chapter 22

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Setting Processing Options for Upload/Conversion (R14110)

Use these processing options to specify the budget cycles to update, whether to upload monthly or annual amounts, and so on.

1. Century and 2. Fiscal Year Use these processing options to identify the century and fiscal year that apply to the budget that you are uploading to the F0902 table. For example, if the budget is for fiscal year 2007, enter 20 for the century and 07 for the fiscal year.

Budget Cycle
You can update one, two, or all three of the budget cycles. 1. Requested Budget Specify whether to update the Requested Budget field (BREQ) in the F0902 from the budget that you are uploading. Values are: Blank: Do not update the field. 1: Update the field. If you enter 1 for this processing option and also enter 1 for the Annual/Monthly processing option, the system enters the requested budget amount from the budget that you are uploading in the BREQ field. If you enter 1 for this processing option and leave the Annual/Monthly processing option blank, the system totals the monthly budget amounts in the budget that you are uploading and enters the total in the BREQ field. 2. Approved Budget Specify whether to update the Approved Budget field (BAPR) in the F0902 table from the budget that you are uploading. Values are: Blank: Do not update the field. 1: Update the field. If you enter 1 for this processing option and also enter 1 for the Annual/Monthly processing option, the system enters the approved budget amount from the budget that you are uploading in the BAPR field. If you enter 1 for this processing option and leave the Annual/Monthly processing option blank, the system totals the monthly budget amounts in the budget that you are uploading and enters the total in the BAPR field. 3. Final Budget Specify whether to update the Final Budget field (BORG) in F0902 table from the budget that you are uploading. Values are: Blank: Do not update the field. 1: Update the field. If you enter 1 for this processing option and also enter 1 for the Annual/Monthly processing option, the system enters the final budget amount from the budget that you are uploading into the BORG field. If you enter 1 for this processing option and leave the Annual/Monthly processing option blank, the system totals the monthly budget amounts in the budget that you are uploading and enters the total in the BORG field.

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Chapter 22

4. Annual/Monthly

Specify whether to upload annual budget amounts (requested, approved, and final) or monthly budget amounts (periods 114) to the F0902 table. Values are: Blank: Upload monthly budget amounts. 1: Upload annual budget amounts. If you enter 1 for this processing option, the system uploads only the annual budget amounts for which you entered 1 in the corresponding Budget Cycle processing options. If you leave processing option blank, the system uploads the monthly budget amounts. The system also totals the monthly budget amounts and enters the total in each annual budget field for which you entered 1 in the corresponding Budget Cycle processing options.

Replace Entries
1. Replace Entries Specify whether to replace the existing entries in the F0902 table with the entries from the budget that you are uploading, or add them. Values are: Blank: Replace existing entries. 1: Add entries.

Reverse Sign
1. Reverse Sign Specify whether to reverse the sign on the amounts in the revenue accounts for the budget that you are uploading. Reversing the sign means that negative numbers become positive numbers, and positive numbers become negative numbers. Values are: Blank: Reverse the sign on the amounts. If the amounts in the revenue accounts in the budget that you are uploading are positive numbers (debits), you must leave this processing option blank. The system will change the positive numbers to negative numbers during the upload. 1: Do not reverse the sign on the amounts; keep it as is. Amounts for revenue accounts in the F0902 table are negative numbers (credits). If the amounts in the revenue accounts in the budget that you are uploading are negative numbers, you must enter 1 in this processing option to keep them as negative numbers.

Job Cost
1. Job Cost Specify whether to update only the monthly budget amounts (periods 114) in the F0902 table from the budget that you are uploading, regardless of how you set the Budget Cycle processing options. Values are: Blank: Update the budget amounts that are specified in the Budget Cycle processing options. 1: Update only the monthly budget amounts. Enter 1 for job cost budgeting.


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1. Mode Specify whether to run the program in proof or final mode: Blank: Proof mode. The system prints a report of the changes that would be made to the amounts in the F0902 table. 1: Final mode. The system updates the F0902 table and prints a report.

1. Purge Specify whether to automatically purge processed transactions from the F0902Z1 table. Values are: Blank: Do not purge processed transactions. 1: Purge processed transactions.

Purging Processed Records in the F0902Z1 Table

This section provides an overview of the Processed Upload Purge program and discusses how to run the program.

Understanding the Processed Upload Purge Program

If you upload multiple spreadsheets to the F0902Z1 table, the table might become very large. To manage the size of this table, run the Processed Upload Purge program (R0902ZP) to purge records that have been processed. Before you run this program, ensure that you do not want to revise and upload any records that you previously uploaded. The Processed Upload Purge program deletes all records that have a batch status of D, which indicates that the records were successfully uploaded to the F0902 table. This program also prints a report that lists the records that have been deleted from the table. Running the Processed Upload Purge program regularly ensures that the F0902Z1 table contains only budget data that is waiting to be uploaded. This program does not have processing options.

Running the Processed Upload Purge Program

Select Other Budgeting Methods (G1421), Processed Upload Purge. Alternatively, you can set the Purge processing option to purge processed records from the F0902Z1 table when you run the Upload/Conversion program (R14110).

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Uploading Budget Data

Chapter 22


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Forecasting and Planning Budgets

This chapter provides an overview of budget forecasting and planning and discusses how to: Define accounts and retrieve basis amounts. Revise accounts and basis amounts. Generate budget forecast amounts. Revise budget forecast amounts. Update budget forecast records. Purge budget forecast records.

Understanding Budget Forecasting and Planning

With the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting programs for forecasting and planning, you can: Create fixed or percentage growth patterns. Assign growth patters to business units. Generate and review the basis for the forecast. Automatically generate the forecast budget amounts. Revise and adjust the forecast to achieve the desired results. Upload the finalized forecast to any user-defined ledger. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting programs for forecasting and planning integrate with the standard budget programs. This integration allows you to streamline the entire budgeting process and generate detailed short-term and long-term budgets. You can customize your budgets to reflect your business and maintain multiple versions of a forecast to evaluate different scenarios. After you modify and finalize the forecasts, you can upload them to an user-defined budget or forecast ledger. But first, you must set up growth patterns and assign them to business units. You can then create an unlimited number of revisions with different growth patterns. Revision numbers enable you to generate multiple budgets for the same business unit so that you can perform what-if analyses before you commit to a forecast. For each revision, you complete these tasks: Define the revenue and expense accounts to include in your budget forecast. Retrieve the amounts for each account. Review and revise the accounts and basis amounts for each revision. See Chapter 6, Setting Up Budget Forecasting and Planning, Setting Up Growth Patterns, page 53.

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After you complete these tasks, you generate the budget amounts for a revision and then revise the amounts as necessary to achieve the desired results. When you are satisfied with the results, you copy the finalized budget amounts to the F0902 table for each revision. From the F0902 table, the records can be incorporated with budgets from other systems for reporting purposes. You must forecast budgets using the forecasting and planning programs before you can use the standard budget programs. This graphic illustrates the forecasting and planning process and the tables that the system uses during the process:
Set up and assign growth patterns

F0901 and F0902

Generate forecast basis


Revise forecast basis

Generate budget forecast

F1404 and F14041

Revise budget forecast amounts Update budget forecast


Budgeting programs and reports

Forecasting and planning process

Defining Accounts and Retrieving Basis Amounts

This section provides overviews of account definition and basis amounts and discusses how to: Define accounts and retrieve basis amounts manually. Generate accounts and basis amounts automatically.

Understanding Account Definition and Basis Amounts

To forecast budget amounts for your revenue and expense accounts, you must define the accounts to include in the forecast and retrieve the basis amounts for those accounts.


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You can do this manually with a search and select program or automatically with a batch program using one of these programs: Revise Forecast Basis (P1403) Generate Forecast Basis (R1403) Regardless of whether you define accounts and retrieve basis amounts manually or generate them automatically, the system copies account information from the F0901 table and net posting amounts from the F0902 table and updates the Forecast Basis table (F1403).

Manual Account and Basis Amount Retrieval

An alternative to having the system generate your accounts and basis amounts is to use the Revise Forecast Basis program and manually account information and have the system retrieve the basis amounts. You might prefer to manually enter account information if you have an insignificant number of accounts to define. With the Revise Forecast Basis program, you manually enter a range of accounts, ledger type, fiscal year, and range of periods associated with a business unit and revision number. The system retrieves the basis amounts from the F0902 table. You can retrieve account balances for up to 14 consecutive periods using two fiscal years and two ledger types. For example, you could retrieve balances from periods 07 through 12 for fiscal year 05 and ledger type AA, and periods 01 through 06 for fiscal year 06 and ledger type BA. Alternatively, you could retrieve balances for fiscal years 05 and 06 for the same ledger type. You can also use the Revise Forecast Basis program to revise basis amounts and add or delete accounts.

Automatic Account and Basis Amount Generation

Depending on the number of accounts for which you forecast budget amounts, running the Generate Forecast Basis program (R1403) might be more efficient than using the Revise Forecast Basis program to manually enter account information. The Generate Forecast Basis program automatically updates the F1403 table with a range of accounts, based on AAI item GLGxx for expense and revenue, and basis amounts from the F0902 table. In the processing options, you specify the revision number, the ledger type, the fiscal year, the range of periods, and whether to roll up subledger balances. You can also retrieve account balances for up to 12 or 14 consecutive periods for one or two fiscal years and ledger types. For example, you could retrieve balances from periods 01 through 06 for fiscal year 05 and ledger type AA, and periods 07 through 12 for fiscal year 06 and ledger type BA. Alternatively, you could retrieve balances for fiscal years 05 and 06 for the same ledger type.

Forms Used to Manually Define Accounts and Retrieve Basis Amounts

Form Name Work With Forecast Basis


Navigation Forecasting and Planning (G1411), Revise Forecast Basis On the Work With Forecast Basis form, click Add.

Usage Locate and select existing forecast basis records. Define accounts and retrieve basis amounts.

Retrieve Forecast Basis


Defining Accounts and Retrieving Basis Amounts Manually

Access the Retrieve Forecast Basis form.

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Chapter 23

Retrieve Forecast Basis form

To manually define accounts and retrieve basis amounts: 1. On Retrieve Forecast Basis, complete the header fields. 2. Select the Roll Up Subledger Balances option to roll up subledger balances into the object account total. 3. To retrieve accounts for the same ledger type or a different ledger type and different fiscal year, enter values in these fields: Ledger Type Fiscal Year From Period Thru Period Note. The From Period and Thru Period fields for the two ledger types cannot overlap. For example, assume the first ledger type is AA, the fiscal year is 05, and the from and thru periods are 712. The second ledger type must be for a different range of periods. For example, you could enter 16 for the from and thru periods. This flexibility enables you to retrieve amounts for the last six months of one year and the first six months of the next year, the last three months of one year and the next nine months of the next year, and so on. 4. Click Find. The system retrieves the accounts and displays the balances for each period in the detail area of the form. 5. Select the View Net Postings check box to view the net period postings for each period.


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6. Revise any basis amounts in the detail area. 7. To save individual records, select the records and then select Save from the Row menu. 8. To save all records, select Save All from the Form menu. 9. On the Message form, click OK to replace existing unlocked accounts in the F1403 table.

Generating Accounts and Basis Amounts Automatically

Select Forecasting and Planning (G1411), Generate Forecast Basis.

Setting Processing Options for Generate Forecast Basis (R1403)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Revision Number Specify the revision number in which to generate forecast basis amounts. The system copies account information from the F0901 table and net posting amounts from the F0902 table and updates the F1403 table for the revision number. Specify the ledger type in which the system retrieves net posting amounts in the Ledger Type 1 processing option. This processing option works in conjunction with the Fiscal Year 1, From Period 1, and Thru Period 1 processing options. Optionally specify a second ledger type in which the system retrieves net posting amounts in the Ledger Type 2 processing options. This processing option works in conjunction with the Fiscal Year 2, From Period 2, and Thru Period 2 processing options. Specify whether to roll up subledger balances into the object account. Values are: Blank: Do not roll up subledger balances. 1: Roll up subledger balances. For example, if you specify 1 for this processing option and you use subledgers to track travel expenses by employee, the system will roll up the travel expenses for all employees into the object account.

2. Ledger Type 1, 3. Fiscal Year 1, 4. From Period 1, and 5. Thru Period 1. 6. Ledger Type 2, 7. Fiscal Year 2, 8. From Period 2, and 9. Thru Period 2 10. Roll Up Subledger

Revising Accounts and Basis Amounts

This section provides an overview of account and basis amount revisions and discusses how to revise accounts and basis amounts.

Understanding Account and Basis Amount Revisions

After you define the accounts and retrieve the basis amounts for your revenue and expense accounts, you can use the Revise Forecast Basis program to: Add or change basis amounts for periods by account.

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Chapter 23

Spread an amount over an account using a budget pattern code. If you have budget pattern codes set up, you can assign the code and an override amount and the system will spread the override amount to the amount field for each period, according to the percentages defined for the budget pattern code. Assign override growth pattern codes to individual accounts. Lock records. The Generate Forecast Results program forecasts amounts for locked records only. The Lock Account flag (LOCKFLG) must equal 1 in the F1403 table.

Forms Used to Revise Accounts and Basis Amounts

Form Name Work With Forecast Basis


Navigation Forecasting and Planning (G1411), Revise Forecast Basis On the Work With Forecast Basis form, select the business unit and revision number that you want to revise.

Usage Review existing forecast basis records. Revise accounts and basis amounts.

Forecast Basis Revisions


Revising Accounts and Basis Amounts

Access the Forecast Basis Revisions form.

Forecast Basis Revisions form

To revise accounts and basis amounts:


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1. On the Forecast Basis Revisions form, select one of these options: Display Periods Annual Total Only 2. To change the period basis amounts for an account, select the Display Periods option and complete the Basis Amount Period fields for the applicable periods. The system updates the amount in the Basis Amount Year Total field accordingly. 3. To spread an amount over an account using a specific budget pattern and amount, complete these fields in the detail area: Budg Patt If you leave this field blank, the system spreads annual budget amounts evenly across all months. Override Amount Enter a value in this field only if you entered a non-blank value in the Budg Patt field. 4. To override the growth pattern for an account, complete the Override Growth Pattern Code field in the detail area. Enter a value in this field for an account only if you do not want the system to use the default growth pattern. The system applies the growth pattern when you run the Generate Forecast Results program. 5. To lock an account record, select the record and then select Lock from the Row menu. The number 1 appears in the Lock Account field to identify the account as locked. To toggle between locking and unlocking an account, select Lock again from the Row menu. 6. To lock all account records, select Lock All from the Form menu. To toggle between locking and unlocking all accounts, select Lock All again from the Form menu. 7. Click OK to accept all revisions. Note. The Generate Forecast Results program generates budget forecast amounts only for locked records in the F1403 table.

Generating Budget Forecast Amounts

This section provides an overview of budget forecast amount generation and discusses how to: Run the Generate Forecast Results program. Set data selection for Generate Forecast Results. Set processing options for Generate Forecast Results.

Understanding Budget Forecast Amount Generation

After you revise your accounts and basis amounts and are satisfied with the revisions, you run the Generate Forecast Results program (R1404). The system retrieves locked records in the F1403 and generates budget forecast amounts in these tables: Forecast Results - Header (F1404) Forecast Results - Detail (F14041)

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You can generate budget forecast amounts up to fifteen years in the future. You specify the fiscal year to begin generating the amounts and the revision number in the processing options. You use data selection to specify the account ranges and business units in which to generate the budget forecast records. The Generate Forecast Results program: Uses the basis amounts that were retrieved and updated in the F1403 table. Applies the growth pattern to the basis amounts for accounts with any posting edit code except N (non-posting). The growth pattern includes the default pattern associated with the business unit and revision number and any override growth patterns associated with individual accounts. Generates forecast amounts only for accounts in the F1403 table that are locked. The Lock Account flag (LOCKFLG) in the F1403 table must equal 1. The data selection for the program is hard coded to select only locked records. This program produces a report that shows the revision number, fiscal year, and number of years to forecast, as well as the number of records that were added and updated in the F1404 and F14041 tables. The report also includes the number of records that failed, if applicable, and sends error messages to the work center. The report does not identify any accounts that are unlocked. Unlocked accounts are not included in the forecast amounts. After you run the Generate Forecast Results program, you can either: Revise the accounts and basis amounts in the F1403 table, if necessary. You must unlock the records using the Revise Forecast Basis program, change the records, and lock the records again. Then, rerun the Generate Forecast Results program to override existing unlocked records in the F1404 and F14041 tables. Review and revise the budget forecast amounts in the F1404 and F14041 tables using the Revise Forecast Results program.

Ensure that all accounts associated with the business unit and revision number are locked.

Running the Generate Forecast Results Program

Select Forecasting and Planning (G1411), Generate Forecast Results.

Setting Data Selection for Generate Forecast Basis

If you do not want to forecast amounts for all business units and accounts associated with a revision number, you can use data selection to select specific ones. You can also use data selection to select a specific growth pattern if you have multiple growth patterns assigned at the account level and do not want to forecast amounts for all of them.

Setting Processing Options for Generate Forecast Results (R1404)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


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1. Revision Number Specify the revision number in which to generate budget forecast amounts. The system applies a growth pattern to the basis amounts and updates the header and detail records in the F1404 and F14041 tables. Specify the first fiscal year in which to generate budget forecast amounts. For example, to generate amounts beginning with the year 2005, enter 05. Specify the number of years in which to generate budget forecast amounts. This processing option is used in conjunction with the Start Fiscal Year processing option. For example, if you enter 05 in the Start Fiscal Year processing option and enter 10 in this processing option, the system generates forecast amounts for 20052015. You can forecast amounts up to 15 years in the future.

2. Start Fiscal Year 3. Number of Years to Forecast

Revising Budget Forecast Amounts

This section provides an overview of budget forecast amount revisions and discusses how to revise budget forecast amounts.

Understanding Budget Forecast Amount Revisions

After you generate your budget forecast amounts, you can review and revise them for any account, year, or period using the Revise Forecast Results program. You can also use this program to: Spread an amount over a forecast year using a budget pattern code. Navigate to an account to review the account detail. Lock an account after it is finalized (optional). Unlike the Generate Forecast Results program, you do not have to lock accounts before you run the Apply Forecast to Budget program (R1407). However, you might choose to lock an account for one of these reasons: - To prevent accidentally changing a forecast amount on the Revise Budget Forecast Results form. - To prevent overriding existing records in the F1404 tables if you rerun the Generate Forecast Results program.

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Forms Used to Revise Budget Forecast Amounts

Form Name Work With Budget Forecast W1404D Revisions Work With Budget Forecast W1404A Results FormID Navigation Forecasting and Planning (G1411), Revise Forecast Results On the Work With Budget Forecast Revisions form, select the business unit and revision number that you want to revise. On the Work With Budget Forecast Results form, click the link in the year column for an account. On the Work With Budget Forecast Results form, select the account that you want to revise. Usage Review existing budget forecast records. Review summary budget forecast amounts.

Revise Budget Forecast Results - Single Year


Revise, lock, and unlock budget forecast amounts for an account for a single year. Revise, lock, and unlock budget forecast amounts for an account for multiple years.

Revise Budget Forecast Results - Multiple Years


Revising Budget Forecast Amounts

Access the Revise Budget Forecast Results - Single Year or the Revise Budget Forecast Results - Multiple Years form.

Revise Budget Forecast Results - Single Year form

You might need to replace or delete a record if you add new records for a range that includes the account number on an existing record.


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Forecast Amount Period 1 through Forecast Amount Period 12

Change amounts in these fields, as necessary. When you change amounts, the system automatically enters DNS (do not spread) in the Budget Pattern Code field. The amounts in the Forecast Amount Period 112 fields must equal the total amount in the Annual Forecast field. If they are not equal, the system issues the error message Amounts Not Equal. Review the Remaining Amount field and correct the amounts accordingly.

Lock Account or Lock All Fiscal Years

If you are revising a single year, the Lock Account option appears. If you are revising multiple years, the Lock All Fiscal Years option appears. You can select this option to toggle between locking and unlocking an account or fiscal years. Select the option to lock the record. You cannot revise it. Clear the option to unlock the record and revise it.

Updating Budget Forecast Records

This section provides an overview of the budget forecast update and discusses how to: Run the Apply Forecast to Budget program. Set data selection for Apply Forecast to Budget. Set processing options for Apply Forecast to Budget.

Understanding the Budget Forecast Update Program

When you are satisfied with the budget forecast records for a specific revision number, you can run the Apply Forecast to Budget program (R1407) to copy the finalized amounts from the F1404 and F14041 tables and update the BREQ, BAPR, and BORG fields in the F0902 table. After you update this table, you can combine the records from the F0902 with budgets from standard budgeting programs or other systems for reporting purposes. Unlike the Generate Forecast Results program, you do not have to lock accounts before you run the Apply Forecast to Budget program. The system updates budget forecast records by revision number and copies the records for that revision number to a user-defined ledger type that you specify in a processing option. The ledger type must exist in UDC table 09/LT and the F0025 table or the system will not update the budget forecast records in the F0902 table. To verify that the Apply Forecast to Budget program successfully copied the budget forecast records and updated the F0902 table, review the report that the system generates. The report shows the number of records updated in the F0902 table and, if applicable, the number of records in error. For information about the records in error, review the message in the work center. If the budget ledger type or revision number that you entered in the processing options is not valid, an error message appears on the report and no processing occurs. Note. If you run the Apply Forecast to Budget program more than one time for a revision number, the system copies amounts from the F1404 and F14041 tables to the F0902 table and adds new records, if applicable. If an amount on a record changed, the F0902 table reflects the changed amount. It does not double amounts or otherwise inflate balances in the F0902 table.

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Chapter 23

Verify that the ledger type to which you want budget forecast records copied is set up in UDC table 09/LT and in the F0025 table.

Running the Apply Forecast to Budget Program

Select Forecasting and Planning (G1411), Apply Forecast to Budget.

Setting Data Selection for Apply Forecast to Budget

If you do not want to forecast amounts for all business units and accounts associated with a revision number, you can use data selection to specify certain business units and accounts.

Setting Processing Options for Apply Forecast to Budget (R1407)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Budget Ledger
1. Budget Ledger Type Specify the ledger type in which to update budget forecast records. This ledger type must exist in UDC table 09/LT and the F0025 table. The system copies finalized amounts from the F1404 and F14041 tables and updates the F0902 table for the ledger specified in this processing option. Specify a code from UDC table H00/BC. Values are: 1: Update Requested Budget Ledger. 2: Update Approved Budget Ledger. 3: Update Final Budget Ledger.

2. Target Budget Field

Purging Budget Forecast Records

This section provides an overview of the budget forecast purge programs and discusses how to: Run the Purge Forecast Basis and Purge Forecast Results programs. Set data selection for Purge Forecast Basis and Purge Forecast Results.

Understanding the Budget Forecast Purge Programs

Because you can create multiple revisions of the same budget for different business units, you might want to manage the size of the tables that contain budget forecast data by running these programs: Purge Forecast Basis (R1403P). Purges all cash forecast basis records in the F1403. Purge Forecast Results (R1404P). Purges all header and detail results records in the F1404 and F14041 tables.


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Forecasting and Planning Budgets

Running the Purge Forecast Basis and Purge Forecast Results Programs
Select Advanced and Technical (G14111), Purge Forecast Basis or Purge Forecast Results.

Setting Data Selection for Purge Forecast Basis and Purge Forecast Results
If you do not want to purge all records, use data selection to select a specific revision number, business unit, and so on. These purge programs does not have process options. There is no proof or final mode.

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Forecasting and Planning Budgets

Chapter 23


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Processing Cash Forecast Data

This chapter discusses how to: Refresh cash forecast data. Analyze cash forecast information. Purge cash forecast data.

See Also
Chapter 7, Setting Up Cash Forecasting, page 57 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Understanding Cash Forecasting in Multiple Currencies

Refreshing Cash Forecast Data

This section provides an overview of the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program and discusses how to: Refresh cash forecast data. Set processing options for Refresh Cash Forecast Data.

Understanding the Refresh Cash Forecast Data Program

You must refresh the data in the Cash Forecast Data table (F09522) so that you have the most current information available when you analyze and forecast amounts for your cash accounts using the Cash Forecast Analysis program (P09522). You can refresh your data for a fiscal period, as well as daily or weekly. When you run the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program (R00522), you specify in the processing options a based-on date and the future number of days in which to create cash forecast data. The system then calculates the ending date. To refresh data from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting systems in the F09522 table, you specify a version for each of these programs: Extract A/R Cash Forecast Data (R03B522). Extract A/P Cash Forecast Data (R04522). Extract G/L Cash Forecast Data (R09522). The extraction programs perform these tasks: Retrieve active cash type rules for AR, AP, and GL from the F09521 table. Extract cash forecast detail from the F03B11, F0411, and F0911 tables.

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Chapter 24

Refresh the F09522 table with new cash forecast records. For each cash type, the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program refreshes the F09522 table with summarized amounts for active cash types by bank account and due date. If more than one bank account or due date meets the selection criteria for a cash type, the program produces multiple summarized amounts. For each unique bank account ID in the F09522 table, the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program creates a bank account record in the F09525 table. The system accesses information in the F09525 table if you use the Search button to locate a bank account number on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. If no bank accounts exist in the F09525 table, the system accesses account master information in the F0901 table instead. You can set a processing option to purge existing cash forecast records for prior based-on dates. The system purges the data in the F09522 table before it refreshes the table with the new cash forecast data. The Cash Forecast Data Refresh program refreshes the F09525 table with bank accounts from all GL cash type rules, and not only for cash type rules in the reporting structure. Note. If you make changes to your data and need to run the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program more than one time in a given day, you must run the Purge Cash Forecast Data program (R09522B) from the menu only before you run the refresh program again. See Chapter 24, Processing Cash Forecast Data, Understanding the Cash Forecast Purge, page 259.

Extract A/R Cash Forecast Data and Extract A/P Cash Forecast Data Programs
The Extract A/R Cash Forecast Data program extracts open invoices with amounts that are not equal to 0, pay status A (approved), and a posted code D (posted) for active AR cash type rules from the F03B11 table. The Extract A/P Cash Forecast Data program extracts open vouchers with amounts that are not equal to 0 and a pay status that is not equal to P (paid) for active AP cash type rules from the F0411 table. To determine which open invoices and vouchers to include in your cash forecast data, you specify a based-on date and a future number of days in the processing options. Invoices and vouchers with due dates that are between the beginning and ending dates are included in your cash forecast data. Depending on whether a cash type has the Past Due option selected, one of these situations applies: If a cash type has the Past Due option selected, the program chooses due dates that are less than the based-on date specified in a processing option: The program adjusts the based-on date by the negative beginning number and the negative ending number of past due days to derive the most recent past due date and the oldest past due date, respectively. The program selects transactions with due dates that are less than or equal to the most recent past due date as well as transactions that are greater than or equal to the oldest past due date and writes new AR and AP cash forecast records to the F09522. If a cash type does not have the Past Due option selected, the program chooses due dates that are greater than or equal to the based-on date specified in a processing option and less than or equal to the ending date and writes new AR and AP cash forecast records to the F09522.

Extract G/L Cash Forecast Data Program

The Extract G/L Cash Forecast Data program extracts posted account balances from the F0911 and F0902 tables for each account that is associated with an active GL cash type rule for the based-on date balance. It does not include non-posting accounts or inactive accounts. The program increases the based-on date in a processing option by one day to derive an adjusted date and then retrieves posted F0911 transactions for the cash type rules using that adjusted date. Then the program refreshes the F09522 table with new GL cash forecast records using the adjusted date.


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Chapter 24

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The program repeats this process until it has written records for the bank accounts for all days greater than or equal to the based-on date and all days less than or equal to the ending date. Then, it resets the adjusted date to the based-on date and repeats the process for the next GL cash type. If the program finds an account with a zero balance, it writes the zero balance to the F09522 table for the based-on date. The program always writes the based-on date balance for each bank account to the F09522 table. This balance is used as the beginning book balance for the bank account, even if it is zero. However, for subsequent adjusted dates after the based-on date, the program does not write records to the F09522 table for an adjusted date if the F0911 transactions are not posted. The program writes net F0911 amounts for adjusted dates to the F09522 table only if there are posted F0911 transactions for that specific date. When you access the Cash Forecast Analysis program, any F0911 net amounts on adjusted dates are accumulated and applied to one of these balances: The based-on date book balance in the F09522 The based-on date bank statement balance in the F09616 and F09617 tables. You specify the based-on date to use for the opening balance in a processing option for the Cash Forecast Analysis program.

Refreshing Cash Forecast Data

Select Cash Forecasting (G09319), Refresh Cash Forecast Data.

Setting Processing Options for Refresh Cash Forecast Data (R00522)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Based On Date Specify the based-on date, or beginning date, for which to create cash forecast data in the F09522 table. If data for the based-on date already exists in the F09522 table, use the Purge Cash Forecast Data program (R09522B) to purge the existing data before you create new cash forecast data. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses todays date for the based-on date. Specify the future number of days in which to create cash forecast data. For example, if you specify 10, the system creates cash forecast data from (and including) the based-on date through the next 9 calendar days. If you leave this processing option blank or specify 0, the system creates cash forecast data from (and including) the based-on date through the next 6 calendar days.

2. Future Number of Days

1. A/R Cash Forecast Data Extraction Version (R03B522), 2. A/P Cash Forecast Data Extraction Version (R04522), and 3. G/L Cash Forecast Data Extraction Version (R09522) Specify the versions to use for the Extract A/R Cash Forecast Data, Extract A/P Cash Forecast Data, and Extract G/L Cash Forecast Data programs. If you leave any of these processing options blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

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Chapter 24

1. Prior Number of Days Specify the prior number of days in which to begin purging cash forecast records. If you specify 10, all cash forecast records with based-on dates prior to 10 days from the based-on date will be purged. For example, if the based-on date is June 14, all cash forecast records with based-on dates June 4 and before will be purged. If you specify 1, all records with based-on dates prior to today will be purged. If you leave this processing option blank or specify 0, no records will be purged.

Analyzing Cash Forecast Information

This section provides overviews of cash forecast information and bank account opening balances, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to: Set processing options for Cash Forecast Analysis. Analyze cash forecast information.

Understanding Cash Forecast Information

After you refresh the F09522, you can view cash forecast amounts for one bank account or all bank accounts using the Cash Forecast Analysis program (P09522). This program provides both an online inquiry and a report that uses the refreshed data in the F09522 table, as well as this information: The report structure that you defined in the F09523 table. The rules that you set up for active cash types F09521 table. The bank account number in the F09525 table. The system accesses information in the F09525 table if you use the Search button to locate a bank account number on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. If no bank accounts exist in the F09525 table, the system accesses account master information in the F0901 table instead. The summarized amounts that appear on the Cash Forecast Analysis form and Cash Forecast Report (R095221) correspond to the based-on date that you refreshed your data. You can view the summarized amounts by day, week, or period. If you set up cash type rules for past-due items, the system displays the past-due amounts in a separate column or combined with the amounts in the first date column, according to the rules. If you choose, you can hide the column and amounts. If you specify a weight factor for cash type rules, you can optionally view amounts with the weight factor adjustments applied to the actual amounts. The contents of the Cash Forecast Analysis form and the Cash Forecast Report are basically the same. The report prints all detail information as if the tree structure on the Cash Forecast Analysis form is expanded at all levels, regardless of whether all levels are expanded. If the form is set to hide past due amounts, the report does not include past due cash types. You can print the report from the Cash Forecast Analysis form by selecting Print from the Report menu. The report retrieves information from the Cash Forecast Detail table (F09UI017). This table is not populated with cash forecast data until you actually select Print from the Report menu. Because of this, there might be a delay between the time you select Print and the time the report processes. The report prints data from the F09U1017 table and then subsequently deletes the table when the report finishes processing.


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Chapter 24

Processing Cash Forecast Data

Understanding Bank Account Opening Balances

If you use the automatic bank statement process to process and reconcile your bank statements, you can use the ending balance from the statement as the opening balance for a bank account when you analyze cash forecast amounts on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. To use the bank statement balance as the opening balance for the cash forecast amount for an account, you must: Run the Load Bank Statement program (R09612) to upload a current automatic bank statement for the account. This program is part of the automatic bank statement process. See Chapter 20, Processing Bank Statements Automatically, Loading Data into the Bank Statement Tables, page 185. Set the processing option for the opening balance method to 1 for the Cash Forecast Analysis program.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Run the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program to update the F09522 table. In the processing option for the Cash Forecast Analysis program, specify the name of the reporting structure in which you want to view cash analysis information.

Form Used to Analyze Cash Forecast Information

Form Name Cash Forecast Analysis


Navigation Cash Forecasting (G09319), Cash Forecast Analysis To print the Cash Forecast Analysis report, select Print from the Report menu.

Usage Review and analyze cash forecast amounts.

Setting Processing Options for Cash Forecast Analysis (P09522)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

1. Reporting Structure Specify the reporting structure that the system uses to display information in the Cash Forecast Analysis program. The reporting structure must exist in the F09523 table. A value for this processing option is required; do not leave it blank. Specify the number of date period columns (up to a maximum of seven, the default) to display on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. If specified in the Setup Cash Type Rules program, the system displays a Past Due column for past due items. Specify the revaluation currency to use to display amounts on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. The currency code must exist in the F0013 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the currency code for company 00000 from the F0010 table.

2. Number of Columns

3. Revaluation Currency

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Chapter 24

4. Company for Fiscal Date Patterns

Specify the company to use to retrieve the fiscal date pattern to calculate cash forecast amounts when the Time Period option in the Cash Forecast Analysis program is set to accounting period. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the fiscal date pattern and the fiscal year beginning date of company 00000.

1. Bank Acct Opening Balance Method (bank account opening balance method) Specify the method to use for the opening balance of a bank account: Blank: Book balance. The system uses the book balance from the F0911 and F0902 tables for the opening balance. 1: Bank statement balance. The system uses the bank statement balance from the F09616 table for the opening balance.

1. Cash Forecast Reporting Structures (P09523) and 2. Cash Forecast Report (R095221) Specify the version to use for the Setup Cash Forecast Reporting Structures program and the Cash Forecast Report. If you leave these processing options blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

Analyzing Cash Forecast Information

Access the Cash Forecast Analysis form.

Cash Forecast Analysis form


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The processing time required to display information on this form depends on the amount of data in the F09522 table. Based On Date Enter the date on which cash forecasting data was refreshed.

Bank Acct No (bank account Enter a value that identifies the bank account number (not the account ID) in number) the general ledger. If you use the Search button to locate an account, the system accesses the bank accounts associated with all GL cash type rules in the F09252 table. If no bank accounts exist in the F09525 table, the system accesses the account information in the F0901 table instead. Beginning Date and Ending Date Apply Weight Factors Hide Past Due Column Enter the beginning and ending dates in which to display cash forecast information. If this option is selected, the weight factors defined in the F09521 table are applied to the actual amounts you view on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. If this option is selected, the past due column does not appear on the Cash Forecast Analysis form. If this option is not selected, a separate past due column appears on the form. Specify the segment or interval of time during which to view cash forecast amounts.

Day, Week, and Period

Error Message: G/L Cash Type Rule Not Found for [Account]
If a bank account is not assigned to an active GL cash type rule and you refresh the F09522 table, you will receive the warning message on the Cash Forecast Analysis form: G/L Cash Type Rule Not Found for [Account]. The net operating carryover amount for that cash type will not include the bank account, and subsequent opening balances on the Cash Forecast Analysis form will be incorrect. To correct the problem, use the Cash Type Rules Setup program and either add the bank account to the account range for an existing GL cash type rule or set up a new GL cash type rule for the bank account. Then rerun the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program. Access the Cash Forecast Analysis form again. The net operating carryover amount will include the bank account, and subsequent opening balances will be correct.

Purging Forecast Data

This section provides an overview of the Cash Forecast Purge program and discusses how to: Purge cash forecast data. Set processing options for Purge Cash Forecast Data.

Understanding the Cash Forecast Purge

You can run the Purge Cash Forecast Data program (R09522B) in one of two ways: From the Purge Cash Forecast Data menu selection. Use the processing options to specify the beginning and ending based-on dates on which to purge records. From the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program.

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Chapter 24

Use a processing option to specify the prior number of days in which to purge records. The purge program runs before the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program refreshes the data in the table. When you run the purge program from the refresh program, you can purge records up to one day before the based-on date, but not including the based-on date. Note. If you make changes to your data and need to run the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program more than one time in a given day, you must run the Purge Cash Forecast Data program from menu G09319 before you run the refresh program again. If you do not, the program issues this error message: Record already exists in F09522 for based on date. Please purge the records for this date using Purge Cash Forecast Data (R09522B) and then run the refresh. The purge program that you run from the menu enables you to specify an ending based-on date, whereas the purge program that runs from the Refresh Cash Forecast Data program enables you to purge records only up to one day before the based-on date.

Purging Cash Forecast Data

Select Cash Forecasting (G09319), Purge Cash Forecast Data.

Setting Processing Options for Purge Cash Forecast Data (R09522B)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Beginning Date to Purge Specify the beginning based-on date in which to purge records in the F09522 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system purges all records with a based-on date prior to the date that you specify in the Ending Date processing option. Specify the ending based-on date in which to purge records in the F09522 table. If you leave both this processing option and the Beginning Date processing option blank, the system purges all records with a based-on date through yesterday.

2. Ending Date to Purge


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Creating Cash Basis Entries

This section provides overviews of cash basis accounting, accrual entries, and cash basis entries, and discusses how to: Run the cash basis program from the menu. Run the cash basis program from the Post. Review exception reports. Review cash basis entries. Post cash basis entries.

Understanding Cash Basis Accounting

Cash basis accounting is an accounting method that recognizes revenue when monies are received and expenses when monies are paid out. This accounting method shows only cash that is actually received or disbursed during a particular accounting period. You might be required to use cash basis accounting due to a requirement in an oil well lease, venture capital, or partnership. The timing of receipts and disbursements might differ from the period of operating activities. Therefore, the period during which cash basis transactions are recorded might differ from the period during which transactions are recorded for accrual accounting. The system maintains accrual entries in the AA (actual amount) ledger. When you use cash basis accounting, the system generates parallel transactions from the AA ledger and updates the AZ (cash basis) ledger. You create cash basis entries by running the Create Cash Basis Entries program (R11C850) or by activating the cash basis processing option in the General Ledger Post program (R09801). You must understand how the system creates cash basis entries for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable systems to determine the best business practice for running the program.

Understanding Accrual Entries

When you use cash basis accounting, you create transactions in the AZ ledger at the time that you receive and disburse money. Transactions involving the receipt and disbursement of money occur as receipts and payments in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable systems. For accrual entries, the system creates debits and credits to the bank account in the F0911 table for these batch types:

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Creating Cash Basis Entries

Chapter 25

K: automatic payments M: manual payments with match W: manual payments without match RB: receipts The system creates the entry as one sided with a document type of PK, PN, or PT for Accounts Payable and RC or RK for Accounts Receivable. It then creates a balancing entry in the accounts payable and accounts receivable trade accounts with a document type of AE (automatic entry). Because the system creates both documents in the same batch, the batch is in balance and can be posted without error.

Understanding Cash Basis Entries

The Create Cash Basis Entries program always creates cash basis entries for Account Ledger transactions first, and then launches additional programs to create accounts payable and accounts receivable balancing entries for batches K, M, W, and RB.

Cash Basis Entries for Account Ledger Records

The Create Cash Basis Entries program creates cash basis entries that are based on accrual transactions in the F0911 table, regardless of batch type. The system locates transactions in the F0911 table that meet these criteria: The document type is not in UDC table 00/DX (Excluded Document Types). The ledger type is AA. The posted code is P. The GLALT6 (Cash Basis Posting Code) field is blank. The transaction has not been processed for cash basis. Every time that you run the Create Cash Basis Entries program, the system creates cash basis entries with ledger type AZ and batch type G in a single batch in the F0911 table. The system uses the general ledger date from the originating AA ledger transaction as the general ledger date for the cash basis entry. To prevent the system from creating cash basis entries multiple times for the same transactions, the system updates the GLALT6 field to P on the F0911 accrual records. If you delete cash basis entries before you post them, the system does not create new cash basis entries for the same records; you must manually enter AZ journal entries to re-create the cash basis entry. When the system creates cash basis entries based on journal entries, it copies the entire transaction to the AZ ledger and assigns it a cash basis document type. As long as you create the original journal entry in balance, the system creates the cash basis entry in balance.

Cash Basis Entries for Units

If you work with units, the system creates unit entries in the ZU (cash basis unit) ledger unless you designate a different ledger type in the processing option of the General Ledger Post program. Units for accrual transactions are created in the AU (actual units) ledger. The unit ledgers exist only in the F0902 table, not in the F0911 table. The system updates unit ledgers when you post accrual and cash basis entries.


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Chapter 25

Creating Cash Basis Entries

Cash Basis Entries for Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable

The Create Cash Basis Entries program launches additional programs to create balancing entries for batch types K, M, W, and RB. The program does not create balancing entries for document types AE, DP, JT, PM, PR, PV, RA, RI, RM, and RR. For payments and receipts, the system first processes the F0911 record for the bank account. The system excludes general ledger transactions for the corresponding expense and revenue accounts because those document types (such as PV and RI) are in UDC 00/DX. To balance the cash basis entry, the system automatically runs the Create Cash Basis Entries - A/P (R11C854) and Create Cash Basis Entries - A/R (R11C853) programs to retrieve the expense and revenue accounts. The system locates paid vouchers from the F0414 table and paid invoices from the F03B14 table that meet these criteria: The posted code is D. The RNALT6 and RZALT6 fields are blank in the F0414 and F03B14 tables. When the system locates eligible transactions, it: Locates records in the F0411 and F03B11 tables to retrieve the expense and revenue accounts. If the RPOBJ (Object) field has a value, uses the values in the RPMCU (Business Unit), RPOBJ, and RPSUB (Subsidiary) fields from the invoice or voucher record. If the RPOBJ field is blank, locates the expense and revenue accounts from the associated F0911 record. Adds the expense and revenue account information to the cash basis entry that was previously generated for the bank account, based on the F0911 payment and receipt records. Uses the general ledger date from the receipt or payment as the general ledger date for the cash basis document. Payment and receipt amounts are prorated under these conditions: The payment or receipt does not fully pay the voucher or invoice. The payment or receipt is for multiple vouchers or invoices. The payment of receipt is for vouchers or invoices with multiple expense accounts. To prevent the system from creating cash basis entries multiple times for the same vouchers and invoices, the system updates the RNALT6 and RZALT6 fields to P in the F0414 and F03B14 tables. If you delete cash basis entries before you post them, the system does not create new cash basis entries for the same records; you must manually enter AZ journal entries to re-create the cash basis entry. This table describes the differences between the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable cash basis entry programs:
Create Cash Basis Entries - A/P The system uses the F0414 table to locate all paid vouchers that have not been updated for cash basis. The system uses the payment number (DOCM) from the F0413 table as the cash basis document number. The system uses the voucher number to locate the document in the F0411 table, and then uses the values from the OBJ and SUB fields for the expense account. Create Cash Basis Entries - A/R The system uses the F03B14 table to locate all paid invoices that have not been updated for cash basis. The system uses the general ledger document number (DOCG) as the cash basis document number. The system uses the invoice number to locate the document in the F03B11 table, and uses the values from the OBJ and SUB fields for the revenue account.

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Creating Cash Basis Entries

Chapter 25

Create Cash Basis Entries - A/P If the OBJ and SUB fields are blank, the system searches the F0911 record to locate expense accounts. The system updates the F0911 record in the batch with expense account information from the voucher. The system updates the RNALT6 field to P in the F0414 table.

Create Cash Basis Entries - A/R If the OBJ and SUB fields are blank, the system looks at the F0911 record to locate revenue accounts. The system updates the F0911 record in the batch with revenue account information from the invoice. The system updates the RZALT6 field to P in the F03B14 table.

Example: How Cash Basis Entries Are Created

This graphic illustrates how cash basis entries are created for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable systems:


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Creating Cash Basis Entries

AA Ledger (F0911)

Create Cash Basis Entries (R11C850)

AZ Ledger (F0911)

JE 1234 G/L Date 6/08/05 Bank Account -300 Bank Fee 300 ALT 6 is updated with P PK 111 G/L Date 6/13/05 Bank Account -400

Creates new G batch #445

JZ 1234 G/L Date 6/08/05 Bank Account -300 Bank Fee 300

PZ 111 G/L Date 6/13/05 Bank Account -400

RC 32143 G/L Date 6/23/05 Bank Account 600

RZ 32143 G/L Date 6/23/05 Bank Account 600

PV 45666 G/L Date 6/01/05 Expense Account 400 Cash basis entries are not created. Document types PV and RI are excluded.

RI 3342 G/L Date 5/27/05 Revenue Account 600

Cash basis entries for General Accounting, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable systems

This graphic illustrates the cash basis entries created for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, based on the previous example:
Batch Type G, Batch Number 445 PZ 111 G/L Date 6/13/05 (R11C850) Bank Account -400 (R11C854) Expense Account 400 RZ 32143 G/L Date 6/23/05 (R11C850) Bank Account 600 (R11C853) Expense Account -600

Cash basis entries for Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable systems

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Creating Cash Basis Entries

Chapter 25

Running the Cash Basis Program from the Menu

This section provides overviews of when to run the cash basis program from the menu and of multithreaded job queues and discusses how to: Run the Create Cash Basis Entries program from the menu. Set processing options for Create Cash Basis Entries.

Understanding When to Run the Cash Basis Program from the Menu
When you first use cash basis accounting, you should run the Create Cash Basis Entries program from the menu instead of from the General Ledger Post program. All transactions that were previously entered must be processed for cash basis accounting; therefore, the program requires additional processing time and might run more efficiently during off-peak hours. If you create cash basis entries periodically, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly, you can control when to create cash basis entries by running the Create Cash Basis Entries program from the menu.

Understanding Multithreaded Job Queues

If your system is set up for multithreaded job queues, you can simultaneously run more than one job for the Create Cash Basis Entries program. Subsequent jobs can be the same version or different versions of the same program. Running multiple jobs enables you to process a high volume of transactions more efficiently. When you run multiple jobs, the Create Cash Basis Entries program checks the Cash Basis Status field (CBP) in the F0011 table for each batch to ensure that no batch is processed more than one time. Therefore, it is not necessary for each job to have unique data selection. A batch can have one of these statuses: blank: The batch has not been reserved or processed by the Create Cash Basis program. The system selects the batch and sets the flag to 1. Subsequent jobs ignore batches with status 1. The batch has been reserved or processed by the Create Cash Basis program. The system skips the batch and moves on to the next one.

Running the Create Cash Basis Entries Program from the Menu
Select Cash Basis Accounting (G09314), Create Cash Basis Entries.

Setting Processing Options for the Create Cash Basis Entries Program (R11C850)
Use these processing options to create cash basis entries.

Process Tab
This processing option specifies whether to post the cash basis entries. 1. G/L Post (general ledger post) Specify whether to post cash basis entries to the F0911 table.


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Creating Cash Basis Entries

Defaults Tab
This processing option specifies whether to use journal entry or audit information for the cash basis entries. 1. AZ Journal Entry Explanation Specify whether to use the journal entry explanation from the AA ledger record for the AZ ledger entries. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses audit information.

Versions Tab
This processing option specifies the post version for the cash basis entries. 1. G/L Post (R09801) Version Specify the version of the General Ledger Post program in which to process cash basis entries. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

Running the Cash Basis Program from the Post

This section provides an overview of when to run the cash basis program from the General Ledger Post program and discusses how to: Run the Cash Basis Entries program from the General Ledger Post program. Set processing options for General Ledger Post.

Understanding When to Run the Cash Basis Program from the Post
After you create cash basis entries, you can ensure that your AZ ledger has the most up-to-date information as cash is received or disbursed by activating a processing option in the General Ledger Post program. To activate the cash basis processing option, you designate the version of the Create Cash Basis Entries program that you want to run. You can activate the cash basis processing option in versions of the General Ledger Post program for these batch types only: G: general ledger K: automatic payments M: manual payments with match W: manual payments without match RB: receipts

Running the Cash Basis Entries Program from the General Ledger Post Program (R09801)
Select Journal Entry, Inquiries, & Reports (G0911), General Ledger Post.

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Creating Cash Basis Entries

Chapter 25

Setting Processing Options for General Ledger Post (R09801)

The section discusses the processing options for the General Ledger Post program that are specific to cash basis accounting.

Cash Basis Tab

1. Units Ledger Type Specify the units ledger type for the system to use for cash basis entries. You must enter a valid ledger type from the Ledger Type Master Setup program (P0025). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses a default ledger type of ZU. Specify which version of the Create Cash Basis Entries program to run. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not create cash basis entries.

2. Create Cash Basis Entries Version

Reviewing Exception Reports

When the system creates cash basis entries, it can generate up to three exception reports for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable systems. If an exception report does not contain detail information under the heading, no errors occurred when cash basis entries were created. Examples of errors include:
Applicable JD Edwards EnterpriseOne System General Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable only Description A cash basis document type is not defined. A message appears on the report, but it does not prevent the system from creating the cash basis entry. These errors prevent the system from creating cash basis entries: The original voucher record is not found. The voucher distribution record is not found. Accounts Receivable only These errors prevent the system from creating cash basis entries: The original invoice record is not found. The invoice distribution record is not found.

If an accounts payable or accounts receivable error occurs, the system does not update the cash basis posting code and the message No records written appears on the report. Errors continue to appear on subsequent exception reports until you correct them. In most cases, errors that prevent the system from creating cash basis entries for the revenue or expense accounts do not prevent the system from creating the entry for the bank account. When the system creates the entry for the bank account but not the revenue or expense account, the transaction and batch are out of balance. When you correct errors and create cash basis entries again, the next batch for the expense and revenue accounts will be out of balance by the same amount, with the opposite sign. The net effect is that the two batches combined are in balance; however, you must post each of them out of balance.


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Chapter 25

Creating Cash Basis Entries

Reviewing Cash Basis Entries

This section describes how to review cash basis entries by printing the Unposted Cash Basis Report.

Setting Data Selection for Unposted Cash Basis Report

To print a report that shows only cash basis batches, set the data selection for ledger type to AZ.

Printing the Unposted Cash Basis Report

Select Cash Basis Accounting (G09314), Unposted Cash Basis Report. If you do not post cash basis entries automatically when you run the Create Cash Basis Entries program, you can print this report and review, revise, and approve your cash basis batches before you post them.

Posting Cash Basis Entries

After you create cash basis entries, you must post them to the F0902 table. You can post cash basis entries in one of two ways: Post cash basis entries as a separate process by not setting the processing option for the Create Cash Basis Entries program. If you choose to review cash basis batches prior to posting them, you must run the General Ledger Post program to post cash basis batches as a final step. You post cash basis batches exactly as you would post general ledger batches. Post cash basis entries as an automatic process by setting a processing option for the Create Cash Basis Entries program. Regardless of whether you create cash basis entries by setting a processing option in the General Ledger Post program or by running the Create Cash Basis Entries program from the menu, you must set the G/L Post processing option in the Create Cash Basis Entries program. It must be set for the system to launch the General Ledger Post program automatically after it creates cash basis entries. You also specify the version of the post program in a processing option. Note. Any cash basis entries that are created out of balance (one sided) must be posted out of balance.

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Creating Cash Basis Entries

Chapter 25


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Using 52 Period Accounting

52 period accounting helps businesses track perishable items in weekly accounting intervals. For example, grocery stores typically use 52 period accounting to report their financial status on a weekly basis. You can establish 52 accounting periods per year, plus two extra periods for adjustments. This chapter discusses how to: Post 52 period accounting entries. Close a 52 period year. Produce a 52 period income statement.

Posting 52 Period Accounting Entries

This section provides an overview of the 52 Period Accounting Post program and discusses how to: Run the 52 Period Accounting Post program. Set processing options for 52 Period Accounting Post.

Understanding the 52 Period Accounting Post Program

The 52 Period Accounting Post program (R098011) selects transactions from the F0911 table and creates records in the F0902B table. You can run the 52 Period Accounting Post program from the General Ledger Post program (R09801) and use a processing option to specify which version to run.

Multithreaded Job Queues

If your system is set up for multithreaded job queues, you can simultaneously run more than one job for the 52 Period Accounting Post program. Subsequent jobs can be the same version or different versions of the same program. Running multiple jobs enables you to process a high volume of transactions more efficiently. When you run multiple jobs, the 52 Period Accounting Post program checks the 52 Period Status field (52PP) in the F0011 table for each batch to ensure that no batch is processed more than one time. Therefore, it is not necessary for each job to have unique data selection. A batch can have one of these statuses: blank: The batch has not been reserved or processed by the 52 Period Accounting Post program. The system selects the batch and sets the flag to 1. Subsequent jobs ignore batches with status 1. 1: The batch has been reserved or processed by the 52 Period Accounting Post program. The system skips the batch and moves on to the next one.

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Using 52 Period Accounting

Chapter 26

Running the 52 Period Accounting Post Program

Select Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), General Ledger Post. To run a single version of the 52 Period Accounting Post program, run the General Ledger Post program.

Setting the Processing Options for 52 Period Accounting Post (R098011)

Enter a version of the 52 Period Accounting Post program in the Versions processing option.

Versions Tab
This processing option specifies the version to run. If a version is specified, the system runs the program after the post program finishes. 52 Period Post Version Specify the version of the 52 Period Accounting Post program to use to update the F0902 and F0902B tables. If you leave this processing option blank, the 52 Period Accounting Post program does not run and does not update the tables.

Closing a 52 Period Year

This section provides an overview of the Annual Close for 52 Period program and discusses how to: Run the Annual Close for 52 Period program. Set data selection for Annual Close for 52 Period.

Understanding the Annual Close for 52 Period Program

After you run the Annual Close program (R098201) at the end of a fiscal year, run the Annual Close for 52 Period program (R09820B). The Annual Close for 52 Period program updates the F0902B table with balances from the F0902 table. Specifically, the program updates these amounts: Prior year-end net Prior year-end cumulative Beginning budget Projected over/under Percent complete Projected final Budget requested Budget approved Week-to-date

Update the F0902 table by running the Annual Close program.


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Chapter 26

Using 52 Period Accounting

See Chapter 38, Closing the Fiscal Year, page 433.

Running the Annual Close for 52 Period Program

52 Period Accounting (G09313), select Annual Close for 52 Period.

Setting Data Selection for Annual Close for 52 Period (R09820B)

For the data selection, set the fiscal year equal to the next fiscal year, not the fiscal year that you are closing. For example, if your current fiscal year is 07 (2007) and you want to close fiscal year 04 (2004), set the data selection for fiscal year to 07. If the selection criteria for the Annual Close for 52 Period program and Repost for 52 Period (R0902B) program are the same, the results are the same, except that the Repost for 52 Period program also updates the 54 amount categories from the F0911 table.

Producing a 52 Period Income Statement

This section discusses how to: Set data selection and data sequence for 52 Period Income Statement. Set processing options for 52 Period Income Statement. Generate the 52 Period Income Statement.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Verify that you have set up automatic accounting instruction (AAI) items FSxx. These items establish the optimal interim totals on the income statement. Verify that your 52-period financial reporting dates are set correctly.

Setting Data Selection and Sequence for 52 Period Income Statement

For the data selection, select the object accounts that you want to include on the report. For example, if your profit and loss accounts begin with object account 5000, select Object Account GE (greater than or equal to) 5000. You must also specify a ledger type. If you do not, the system combines all of the ledger types, which will not provide the expected results. The 52 Period Income Statement is designed to print in this sequence: Company Business unit report codes Account master report codes Business unit Object account

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Using 52 Period Accounting

Chapter 26

Subsidiary The data selection and data sequencing for the 52 Period Income Statement are the same as those for the Simple Income Statement for 12- to 14-period accounting. See Chapter 32, Generating Financial Reports, Setting Data Selection for Simple Income Statement, page 360.

Setting Processing Options for 52 Period Income Statement (R10252)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. For the 52 period reporting date to be for a specific company, you must set the data sequence for this program by company or by business unit. Period Number Fiscal Year Account Level of Detail Enter the period number the report is to be based on. If you leave this processing option blank, the 52 period financial reporting period is used. Enter the fiscal year the report is to be based on. If you leave this processing option blank, the 52 period financial reporting period is used. Enter the account level of detail to be used when the option for level of detail processing is selected.

Generating the 52 Period Income Statement

52 Period Accounting (G09313), select 52 Period Income Statement. Print the 52 Period Income Statement program (R10252) to produce an income statement and compare current period and year-to-date amounts with amounts for the same period in the prior year.


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Understanding Account Consolidations

This chapter provides an overview account consolidations and methods.

Account Consolidations
The account consolidation programs enable you to group, or consolidate, business unit account balances for online review and reports, provided that the balances are in the same currency and all of the companies use the same fiscal date pattern. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system provides these methods of account consolidation: Online consolidations High-volume consolidations Multisite consolidations The method that you choose depends on the availability of disk space. All methods use AAI items GLG6 (beginning revenue account) and GLG12 (ending income statement account) to distinguish between balance sheet and income statement accounts. When the system calculates cumulative balances, it adds the prior year-end cumulative balance to the year-to-date amount for accounts that are not income statement accounts.

Online Consolidation Method

With online consolidations, you can compare budget amounts to actual amounts for a group of business units for a specific company; you can also compare different budget ledgers, unit ledgers, and so on. When you use online consolidations, you can consolidate business units and review account balances by: Category code, such as branch, office, or geographical region. Company, category code, and value. For example, you can review types of expenses by department, product type, and geographical region. Organizational report structure within parent/child business units. By grouping business units, you can create consolidated trial balances, balance sheets, and income statements. The advantages of the online consolidation method are: Enables you to consolidate small numbers of companies or business units. Includes realtime information for up-to-the-minute consolidations. Enables you to store criteria for future consolidations.

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Understanding Account Consolidations

Chapter 27

Controls the calculation method for ledger comparison. For example, you can subtract budgeted amounts from actual amounts to calculate budget variances or divide budgeted amounts by actual amounts to show a budget-to-actual ratio. Four calculation options are available. Accesses the ledger for reviewing detail information for business units, down to the account level. Requires less additional disk space than the high-volume method because it creates fewer new records. Instead, it uses the existing account balance records. Enables you to consolidate balances that are based on multiple business unit category codes. Enables you to use the parent/child relationships that you create in organization report structures. The disadvantages of the online consolidation method are: Provides reviewing capability only, although you can export the information to a spreadsheet for analysis. Causes increased processing time, based on the number of business units.

High-Volume Consolidation Method

Use high-volume consolidations to combine balances for online review and financial reporting. To use high-volume consolidations, you combine balances under a fictitious company that you create solely for this purpose. For example, you can use a fictitious company to consolidate actual balances for each region or division of your company. Advantages of the high-volume consolidation method are: Enables you to consolidate large balances and numbers of companies or business units. Enables you to use the results in financial reporting. Enables you to use batch mode for running consolidations overnight. Processing in batch mode is useful for consolidating a large number of business units or accounts, or both. Disadvantages of the high-volume consolidation method are: Requires additional disk space because several programs add records to tables and build a new database that contains consolidation information. Prevents realtime access, due to batch mode. Requires you to delete the prior consolidation and then refresh the consolidation to update a consolidation with new account balance information. Is limited to one category code per consolidation.

Example: High-Volume Consolidation

In this example, these business units are grouped together under the West Region: Business unit 5, which is associated with company 1. Business unit M10, which is associated with company 200. During high-volume consolidation, these two business units are consolidated into a fictitious business unit named 02W, where: 02 represents category code 02. W represents the category code value for West Region.


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Chapter 27

Understanding Account Consolidations

This graphic illustrates a high-volume consolidation that consolidates data by region using business unit category code 02:
Company 00001 Company 00200

BU 3

BU 4

BU 5

BU M40

BU M20

BU M10

Region Category Code 02

121,000 Balance






Consolidated by category code 02

Company Constraints Company 00800 (F0010) Creates: New business units New accounts New accounts balances Category Codes 02 Values C Central N North S South W West BU Master table (F0006) Account Master table (F0901) Account Balance table (F0902)

02W 02S 02C 02N

8720 8720 8720 8720

135,000 240,000 541,000 315,000

High-volume consolidation by region

Multisite Consolidation Method

Many organizations with subsidiary or branch operations have JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems running in multiple locations. Most of these organizations consolidate general ledger information at the headquarters level for statutory and management reporting. In many instances, organizations specify the account ranges in the corporate chart of accounts where information from subsidiary or branch operations must be consolidated. In other instances, organizations might have different charts of accounts for different subsidiaries or branches. Multisite consolidations enable you to consolidate account balances at multiple locations so that you can send the information to a central location. At the central location, you process the resulting journal entries into the general ledger using batch journal entry processing. You can also process consolidated balances from non-EnterpriseOne sites.

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Understanding Account Consolidations

Chapter 27

The information that you consolidate at the central location is accessible to all standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne programs.


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Processing Online Consolidations

This chapter provides an overview of organization report structures and discusses how to: Create hierarchical organization report structures. Add organization report structures without using category codes. Review and rearrange organization report structure. Create additional business units and copy report structures. Create online consolidations. Review online consolidations.

See Also
Chapter 27, Understanding Account Consolidations, Online Consolidation Method, page 275

Understanding Organization Report Structures

An organization report structure is a method of grouping business units for reporting purposes. It provides more flexibility in using online consolidations and reporting, which enables you to display summary-to-detail income statement information. It also facilitates printing subtotals and roll-up totals.

Hierarchical Organization Report Structures

You can create hierarchical structures for each business unit and across companies. Each structure can contain multiple levels of parent, child, and grandchild relationships. For reporting purposes, you can organize the parent/child hierarchies based on structures that you define for financial, geographical, or responsibility reporting. Parent/child hierarchies can be as simple or complex as you require. To create organization report structures, you create parent/child relationships for business units. Any business unit that is designated as a parent must be associated with a complete chart of accounts. A parent business unit does not have to be a posting business unit. With organization report structures, you can: Organize business units into multiple levels of parents and children. A business unit can be both a parent and a child, and each business unit can have multiple children. However, a business unit cannot have a parent that is also a child of the same business unit. Add or revise parent-child structures at any time. For example, you can add children to an existing parent/child structure.

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Processing Online Consolidations

Chapter 28

Organization Report Structures Without Category Codes

Alternatively, you can create an organization report structure by directly selecting business units for the structure. This method does not use category codes to create parent/child relationships for the business units.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Determine the organization report structures to use for your business. Set up the structure codes in UDC table 00/TS. Determine the business unit that is associated with each structure level. For each organization report structure that you want to create, create a pseudo consolidation company and determine the hierarchy to use for the category codes.

Creating Hierarchical Organization Report Structures

This section provides an overview of how to define and build organization report structures and discusses how to: Define organization report structures. Build organization report structures. Set processing options for Business Unit Structure Build.

Understanding How to Define and Build Organization Report Structures

To define an organization report structure, you assign category codes to business units using the Organization Structure Definition program (P0050B). The values of the category codes that you assign determine where the business unit appears in the hierarchy. This program updates the Business Unit Structure Build File table (F0050B). After you define your organization report structure, run the Organization Structure Build program (R10450) to build it. You can run the Organization Structure Build program in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system prints a report that shows the changes that will occur when you run the report in final mode. In proof mode, any business units that are dynamically created appear on the report as a concatenation of category codes, regardless of the setting of the BU Creation processing options. In final mode, the system dynamically creates business units either by using next numbers or by concatenating category codes, depending on the setting of the BU Creation processing options. In final mode, the system updates the Organization Structure Master File table (F0050).


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Chapter 28

Processing Online Consolidations

Forms Used to Create Hierarchical Organization Report Structures

Form Name Work With Structure


Navigation Advanced Organization Setup (G094111), Organization Structure Definition. On Work With Structure, click Add.

Usage Locate organization report structures.

Structure Setup


Define a hierarchical organization report structure.

Defining Organization Report Structures

Access the Structure Setup form. Type Sequence Enter a structure from UDC table 00/TS that identifies the type of organization structure, such as financial or responsibility. Each type of organization structure can have a separate hierarchy. Enter the order in which the child business units appear when listed under their parent. If you leave this field blank when you set up the organization structure, the system assigns the sequence number.


Building Organization Report Structures

Select Advanced Organization Setup (G094111), Organization Structure Build.

Setting Processing Options for Business Unit Structure Build (R10450)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Mode Specify the mode in which to process the consolidations: 0: Proof mode with report. 1: Final mode with update and report 2: Final mode with update and no report

Structure Name
1. Structure Name Enter the name of the business unit structure type.

BU Creation
1. Business Unit Creation Specify whether to dynamically create business units. Values are: Blank: No dynamic business unit creation.

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Chapter 28

1: Dynamic business unit creation with concatenation of category code values to determine the new business unit. 2: Dynamic business unit creation with next numbering to determine the new business unit. 2. Business Unit Type 3. Pseudo Consolidation Company Enter the business unity type to use to create business units. Enter the pseudo consolidation company to use for business unit creation.

Adding Organization Report Structures Without Using Category Codes

This section provides an overview of organization report structures without category codes and discusses how to add an organization report structure without using category codes.

Understanding Organization Report Structures Without Category Codes

You can add an organization report structure by selecting the structure type and then selecting the business units that appear in the structure. When you select a business unit for the structure, the system assigns a display sequence that you can change. This approach does not use category codes for sequencing and, therefore, does not require that you run the Organization Structure Build program to build the structure. The Organization Structure Inquiry/Revision. program updates the F0050 table.

Forms Used to Add Organization Report Structures Without Category Codes

Form Name Parent/Child Browse


Navigation Advanced Organization Setup (G094111), Organization Structure Inquiry/Revision On Parent/Child Browse, click Add.

Usage Review and rearrange organization report structures. Add an organization report structure by selecting business units.

Headerless Detail


Adding an Organization Report Structure Without Using Category Codes

Access the Headerless Detail form. Dspl Seq. (display sequence) Enter the order in which the child business units appear when listed under their parent. If you leave this field blank when you set up the organization structure, the system assigns the sequence number.


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Chapter 28

Processing Online Consolidations

Reviewing and Rearranging Organization Report Structures

This section provides an overview of organization report structure revisions and discusses how to review and rearrange organization report structure components.

Understanding Organization Report Structure Revisions

When you use the Organization Structure Inquiry/Revision program to review your report structure, the system displays your organizational structures in a tree format that you can expand or collapse at each level. Folder and document icons represent the levels of the structure. A folder can contain folders or documents. Documents are the lowest level of the structure. You can revise an organizational structure by moving components of the structure to different locations within the hierarchy. You can move individual business units by dragging the corresponding documents and dropping them under a different parent. You can also move higher levels of the structure by dragging the folder that represents a parent business unit and its children. When you move a component of the structure, the system updates the F0050 table.

Form Used to Review and Rearrange Organization Report Structures

Form Name Parent/Child Browse


Navigation Advanced Organization Setup (G094111), Organization Structure Inquiry/Revision

Usage Review and rearrange organization report structures.

Reviewing and Rearranging Organization Report Structure Components

Access the Parent/Child Browse form.

Creating Additional Business Units and Copying Report Structures

After reviewing your organizational structure, you might decide to create additional business units or copy organizational report structures. Use the Organization Structure Inquiry/Revision program (P0050) to perform these tasks and update the F0050 table. This section discusses how to: Set processing options for Organization Structure Inquiry/Revisions. Create additional child business units. Copy report structures.

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Chapter 28

Forms Used to Create Additional Business Units and Copy Report Structures
Form Name Parent/Child Browse


Navigation Advanced Organization Setup (G094111), Organization Structure Inquiry/Revision From the Parent/Child Browse form, select the business unit to which you want to add a child business unit. From the Parent/Child Browse form, select the business unit that you want to copy and then click Copy.

Usage Review and rearrange organization report structures. Create additional business units.

Headerless Detail


Copy Organizational Structure


Copy all or a portion of an existing organization report structure into a new organization report structure.

Setting Processing Options for Organization Structure Inquiry/Revisions (P0050)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

Structure Type
1. Initial Selection Values Enter values in the processing options to preload the corresponding fields on the Headerless Detail form.

Manager Name
1. Display Managers Name Specify whether to display the managers name in the organizational structure tree. Values are: 0: Do not display the managers name. 1: Display the managers name.

Creating Additional Child Business Units

Access the Headerless Detail form.


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Chapter 28

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Headerless Detail form

When you add child business units, the system verifies that the parent and the child are not the same, and ensures that the business unit child is not also the parent. Parent Select this check box to see the parent of the business unit to which you are adding children. The parent business unit appears in the detail area. Select the Parent check box again to continue adding children. Enter the business unit of the child. Enter a number that represents the order in which the child business unit appears when listed under their parent. If you leave this field blank when you set up the organization structure, the system assigns the sequence number.

Child Business Unit Dspl Seq. (display sequence)

Copying Organization Report Structures

Access the Copy Organizational Structure form.

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Chapter 28

Copy Organizational Structure form

Ensure that the organization report structure to which you are copying exists in UDC table 00/TS but does not exist as a structure in the F0050 table. To Type Structure A code from UDC table 00/TS that identifies the type of organization structure, such as financial or responsibility. Each type of organization structure can have a separate hierarchy. Specify whether to copy an entire organization report structure or only a portion of the structure. Select the Copy Entire Structure option to copy every level of the From Type Structure value to the To Type Structure value, regardless of the level that you selected on the Parent/Child Browse form. Select the Copy Selected Tree Only option to copy only the selected parent business unit and its children from the From Type Structure value to the To Type Structure value.

Copy Entire Structureor Copy Selected Tree Only

Creating Online Consolidations

This section provides an overview of online consolidations creation and discusses how to consolidate business units.

Understanding Online Consolidation Creation

After creating your organization report structures, you can create your online consolidation. In addition to creating an online consolidation based on an organization report structure (parent business unit method), you can also create one using the category code method. The category code method enables you to consolidate business units by company, category code, and value. However, this method enables you to use only 4 category codes for the structure.


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Chapter 28

Processing Online Consolidations

Example: Consolidating Business Units by Category Code

This graphic illustrates how you can consolidate business units by category code:
Business Unit Category Code 02 = DIVISION Select DIVISION Value = 240 (Marketing)

Southern Branch Marketing 122,000

Central Branch Marketing 220,000

Western Branch Marketing 129,000

Consolidated Financial Reporting DIVISION (02) Marketing (240) Consolidated Amount 471,000
Consolidation by category code

Example: Consolidating Business Units by Organization Report Structure

This graphic illustrates how you can consolidate business units by organization report structure:

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Processing Online Consolidations

Chapter 28

Board of Directors BU 10000 Headquarters BU 10000

Marketing BU 11100

Administration BU 11500

Manufacturing BU 11300

Finance BU 11000

Engineering BU 11400

BU 11120 Eastern

BU 11130 Western

BU 11110 Midwestern

BU 11210 HR

BU 11230 Payroll

Chicago BU11111

Houston BU 11113

BU 11220 IS

Denver BU 11112

Consolidation by report structure

Forms Used to Create Online Consolidations

Form Name Work With Online Consolidations Review Online Consolidation
W09218D W09218B


Navigation Consolidations (G1011), Online Consolidations. On the Work With Online Consolidations form, click Add.

Usage Locate and review online consolidations. Create online consolidations.

Consolidating Business Units

Access the Review Online Consolidation form.


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Chapter 28

Processing Online Consolidations

Review Online Consolidation form


Enter the name that corresponds to the consolidated business unit (up to 10 characters). To consolidate business units by organization report structure, enter values in the Type Structure and Parent Business Unit fields.

Company and Category Code Type Structure and Parent Business Unit Category Code Method, Parent Business Unit Method, or Masked Business Unit Method

(optional) Enter a company and a category code (0130) in these fields to consolidate business units by company and category code. Enter the type structure from UDC table 00/TS and the primary business unit in the hierarchy to consolidate business units by organization report structure. Select one of these options: Category Code Method. This method consolidates based on business unit category codes. Parent Business Unit Method. This method consolidates based on organization type structure and a parent business unit. Masked Business Unit Method. This method consolidates based on business units that match character position values.

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Processing Online Consolidations

Chapter 28

Menu Selections
After you determine your choices for consolidation, access these menu selections from the Form menu: Store Inquiry Refresh BU (refresh business units) Online Statements Save your criteria. This information is stored in the Online Consolidations Set-up table (F09218). Process account balances. The processing time depends on the number of business units and associated accounts that you are consolidating. This information is stored in the F09218 table. Create consolidated financial statements. See Chapter 28, Processing Online Consolidations, Reviewing Online Consolidations, page 290.

Reviewing Online Consolidations

After a consolidation has been created, you can review consolidated information online without recreating the consolidation criteria. Using the consolidations that you created, you can review consolidated information for a trial balance, balance sheet, or income statement. This section provides discusses how to: Set processing options for Online Consolidations. Review consolidated financial statements online.

Forms Used to Review Online Consolidations

Form Name Work With Online Consolidations Online Consolidated Financial Statements
W09218D W09218J


Navigation Consolidations (G1011), Online Consolidations. On the Work With Online Consolidations form, select the consolidation that you want to review and then select Online Statements from the Row menu.

Usage Locate online consolidations. Review online financial statements for consolidations.

Setting Processing Options for Online Consolidations (P09218)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

Ledger Type
1. Ledger Types Enter the default ledger types in these processing options. Ledger Type - Column 1. If you leave this processing option blank, ledger type BA is used.


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Chapter 28

Processing Online Consolidations

Ledger Type - Column 2. If you leave this processing option blank, ledger type AA is used. 2. Exit With Ledger Type Specify the ledger type to use when exiting to another application: Blank or 1: Ledger Type 1. 2: Ledger Type 2.

1. Suppress Zero Balances Specify whether to display accounts with zero balances if the Business Unit Detail option is not selected. Values are: Blank or N: Display accounts with zero balances. Y: Do not display accounts with zero balances. 2. Calculation Method Specify the calculation method to use for calculating variances. Values are: A: Addition Blank or S: Subtraction M: Multiplication D: Division.

Additional LT
1. Additional Ledger Types Specify additional ledger types to use for calculating account balances for Ledger Types 1 and 2. If you leave these processing options blank, no additional ledger types are used.

Subledger and Subledger Type Enter the subledger and subledger type to use for calculating account balances. If you leave these processing options blank, the system uses a subledger and subledger type of blank.

Account LOD
Account Level of Detail Enter the account level of detail (39) to use. If you leave this processing option blank, 9 is used.

Currency Code
1. Currency Code Enter the currency code to use for calculating account balances. If you leave this processing option blank, all currencies are used. Use this processing option only if you use multicurrency processing.

BU Detail
1. Business Unit Detail Specify whether to display business unit detail. Values are: Blank or N: Do not display business unit detail. Instead, combine business units.

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Chapter 28

Y: Display business unit detail.

Process Mode
1. Financial Statement Processing Mode Specify the processing mode for the consolidated financial reports. Values are: Blank or T: Trial Balance. B: Balance Sheet. I: Income Statement

Date Effective
1. Date Effective and 2. Date Effectivity For future use.

Job Cost
1. Exclude Blank Object Account Specify whether to exclude blank object accounts: Values are: Blank or 0: Exclude blank object accounts from the consolidation. This value should improve processing time. 1: Include blank object accounts in the consolidation.

Reviewing Consolidated Financial Statements Online

Access the Online Consolidated Financial Statements form. Trial Balance, Balance Sheet,, and Income Statement Select the type of online statement to review and click Find to perform the calculation. For the balance sheet, the system calculates net income or loss based on AAI item GLG5 and includes the description for that item on the form. For the income statement, interim totals for gross margin, operating income, and so on the system uses AAI item FSxx. Level of Detail or Business Unit Detail Enter a value in one of these fields to review detail or summary amounts or to review a different level of detail. If you select Business Unit Detail, you can access additional detail fields from the Row menu.


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Processing High-Volume Consolidations

This chapter provides overviews of high-volume consolidation processing and discusses how to: Delete prior high-volume consolidations. Create high-volume consolidations. Review high-volume consolidations.

See Also
Chapter 27, Understanding Account Consolidations, High-Volume Consolidation Method, page 276

Understanding High-Volume Consolidation Processing

High-volume consolidations include these two programs: Refresh Consolidation program (R10862). Creates records in the F0006, F0901, and F0902 tables, where account balances are available for online review and reporting purposes. Delete Prior Consolidation program (R10861) Clears the account balances from the F0901 and F0902 tables so that when you run subsequent consolidations, the balances do not include amounts from previous consolidations. This program also deletes prior consolidation records from the F0911 table if journal entries were created to consolidated accounts. The system consolidates the account balances using one of these category codes: Business unit category codes (RP01 - RP30) in the F0006 table for review by organizational structure. Account master category codes (R001 - R023) in the F0901 table for review by an alternate chart of accounts.

Deleting Prior High-Volume Consolidations

This section provides an overview of the Delete Prior Consolidation program and discusses how to: Deleting prior consolidations. Set processing options for Delete Prior Consolidation.

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Chapter 29

Understanding the Delete Prior Consolidation Program

If you do not delete the information in the consolidation database before you run a new consolidation, the system displays an error message that balances exist, and you must run the Delete Prior Consolidation program (R10861). The Delete Prior Consolidation program deletes prior consolidation records for the fictitious company from these tables: F0901. F0902. F0911 (if journal entries were made to consolidated accounts). Fictitious companies and business units are designed for consolidation purposes. The Delete Prior Consolidation program does not delete these items: Fictitious business units in the F0006 table. Fictitious companies in the F0010 table. Important! Delete only the fictitious consolidation company. Be very careful not to delete any actual companies.

Deleting Prior Consolidations

Select Consolidations (G1011), Delete Prior Consolidation. Do not use data selection for this program. The system deletes all prior consolidation records for the fictitious company.

Setting Processing Options for Delete Prior Consolidations (R10861)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Default PO
Pseudo Company Enter the pseudo company number to which to delete records. Enter leading zeros for the pseudo company number. For example, enter 00001 for company 1 This deletes all prior consolidation records for the fictitious pseudo company from the F0901, F0902, and F0911 tables. High Volume Consolidations Account ID Enter the next number to use when refreshing the consolidation accounts. You should enter a number high enough to avoid your normal account numbers. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the 90000000.

Creating High-Volume Consolidations

This section provides overviews of the Refresh Consolidation program, the structure of fictitious business units and records created by the Refresh Consolidation program and discusses how to:


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Run the Refresh Consolidation program. Set data selection and sequence for Refresh Consolidation. Set processing options for Refresh Consolidation (R10862).

Understanding the Refresh Consolidation Program

To create a new consolidation with current balances, you must run the Refresh Consolidation program (R10862). This program creates additional records in the F0902 table for the fictitious business units, accounts, and account balances within the fictitious company that you specify in the processing options. This fictitious company is used specifically for high-volume consolidations. The system copies all of the balances in the accounts to be consolidated into the fictitious company, regardless of fiscal year. The system updates the Model/Consolidated field with C in the F0006 and F0901 tables for the fictitious business units and accounts to indicate that the fictitious business units and accounts were created as a result of the consolidation. Note. The Refresh Consolidation program does not create a fictitious account if the corresponding actual account has no balance. High-volume consolidations are based on category codes. You can use either account or business unit category codes. You must set up a separate version for each category code that you use for consolidating. After you refresh consolidations using one category code, you can choose another category code and run the program again. This process creates additional records for the fictitious company. You can have more than one consolidation at any given time. To do this, set up a separate fictitious company for each consolidation.

Understanding the Structure of Fictitious Business Units

A business unit number can contain up to 12 characters. The structure of the fictitious business unit number is AABBB, where: AA represents the category code number that you designated in data selection, such as 02. BBB represents the category code value for the selected category code, such as 260 for East region or 270 for West region.

Example: Fictitious Business Units

If you run the consolidation for business unit category code 2 (RP02), and the values for category code 2 are 210, 220, and 230, the system creates these three fictitious business units: 02210 02220 02230

Understanding Records Created by the Refresh Consolidation Program

Refreshing consolidations creates records that are based on your setup. The records include this information: Prior year-end net (APYN), prior year-end cumulative (APYC), and monthly posting information. All accounts with consolidated balances.

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Chapter 29

Header and nonposting title accounts for reports, such as Assets. Important! You must choose a fictitious company for the consolidation. Refreshing consolidations adds records to the F0006, F0901, and F0902 tables for an entire company. If you choose an actual company for the consolidation, the system creates consolidated records for that company. Separating valid records from those created by the consolidation program is very difficult. After you create a consolidation, you can make adjusting entries directly to the fictitious accounts using the Journal Entry program (P0911). You must also make eliminating entries to handle intercompany settlements. When you delete a prior consolidation, adjusting entries are deleted along with consolidated balances.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Restrict access to the Refresh Consolidation program by placing security on the program. Set up a fictitious company for each consolidation that you plan to run. Verify the category codes that you want to use for consolidations. Delete any prior consolidations. Ensure that enough disk space exists on your computer for this process to run.

Form Used to Review High-Volume Consolidations

Form Name Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison FormID

Navigation Consolidations (G1011), Consolidation Review

Usage Review high-volume consolidations.

Running the Refresh Consolidation Program

Select Consolidations (G1011), Refresh Consolidation.

Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Refresh Consolidations

You can use only one category code for each consolidation. Set up the category code data selection so that it is not equal to blanks. To exclude other fictitious companies from the consolidation, use the data selection for company. Otherwise, the system consolidates previously consolidated information. The category code that you use must be on the first line of the data sequence. The data sequence for refreshing a consolidation should be: 1. Selected category code 2. Object account 3. Subsidiary

Setting Processing Options for Refresh Consolidation (R10862)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


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Default PO
1. Pseudo Company 2. Reporting Code Enter the number of the pseudo company for consolidations. Enter the reporting category code used in the data selection. Use RPxx for business unit and R0xx for account master category codes. For example, category code 02, the region would be RP02.

1. Fiscal Year and 2. Ledger Type 3. Process Non-Posting Accounts Enter the fiscal year to consolidate. Enter a value for the fiscal year to reduce the number of F0902 records that the system processes. Enter the ledger type to consolidate. Enter 1 to retrieve account balances for non-posting accounts. For better performance, leave this processing option blank so that the program does not attempt to retrieve account balances for accounts that do not have account balances.

Reviewing High-Volume Consolidations

This section provides an overview of high-volume consolidation review and discusses how to: Set processing options for Consolidation Review. Review high-volume consolidations.

Understanding High-Volume Consolidation Review

After you create high-volume consolidations, you can review them using the Consolidation Review program (P09210A). You can review account balances by business unit or account number and you can compare the amounts in two types of ledgers for the fictitious company. For example, for budget-to-actual ratios, you compare actual amounts (AA) to budgeted amounts (BA).

Setting Processing Options for Consolidation Review (P09210A)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

1. Ledger Type 1 and 2. Ledger Type 2 Specify the two default ledger types. For example, you can enter ledger types AA and BA, or AA and CA. If you leave the processing option ledger type 1 blank, BA is used. If you leave ledger type 2 blank, AA is used. 3. Exit with Ledger Type Specify the ledger type that the called application should use when exiting to another application. Values are: Blank or 1: Ledger type 1. 2: Ledger type 2.

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1. Suppress Zero Balances Specify whether to display posting accounts with zero balances. Values are: Blank or N: Display posting accounts with zero balances. Y: Do not display posting accounts with zero balances. This processing option applies only to posting accounts. Nonposting header accounts will appear on the Trial Balance/ Ledger Comparison form (P09210A) regardless of this processing option. 2. Calculation Method Specify the calculation method to use to calculate variances. Values are: Blank or S: Subtraction. A: Addition. M: Multiplication. D: Division. 3. Additional Ledger Type 1 4. Additional Ledger Type 2 5. Subledger and 6. Subledger Type Specify an additional ledger type to use to calculate account balances for ledger type 1. For example, you can use ledger types AA or C. If you leave this processing option blank, no additional ledger type is used. Specify an additional ledger type to use to calculate account balances for ledger type 2. For example, you can use ledger types AA or CA. If you leave this processing option blank, no additional ledger type is used. Specify the subledger and subledger type that the system uses to calculate account balances. Enter * to select all transactions with subledgers. If you leave the Subledger processing option blank, the system selects transactions with no subledgers. Enter a subledger type such as A or C. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects a blank subledger type. 7. Account Level Of Detail Specify the account level of detail (39) to use. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 9.

1. Currency Code Specify the currency code to be used for calculating account balances. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses all currencies.

1. Date Effective Balances Specify whether to use period-end dates or calculate date-effective balances. Values are: Blank or N: Period End Dates. Y: Calculate date effective balances. 2. Default Thru Period Display Specify whether to display through dates or through periods. Values are: Blank or N: Display thru dates. Display


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Y: Display thru periods.

Reviewing High-Volume Consolidations

Access the Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison form.

Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison form

When you refresh consolidations, the system creates balances only, and not transactions. Therefore, the Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison form shows only journal entries that are made directly to the fictitious business unit.

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Processing Multisite Consolidations

This chapter provides overviews of tasks for source and target sites tasks, multiple consolidation tiers, and multisite consolidation structures and tables and discusses how to: Run control file reports. Create organizational structures. Create account structures. Revise and print account structures. Define multisite consolidation rules. Create consolidated balances. Run the multisite consolidations reports. Review consolidation statuses. Send consolidated balances by batch to the target company. Send consolidated balances interactively to the target company. Process consolidated balances from non-EnterpriseOne source sites. Revise inbound consolidations. Purge inbound consolidations. Generate multisite batch journal entries. Process and purge multisite batch journal entries.

See Also
Chapter 27, Understanding Account Consolidations, Multisite Consolidation Method, page 277

Understanding Source and Target Site Tasks

The two types of sites involved in multisite consolidations are: Source. Any of the sites where consolidated account balances originate. Target. The central site (headquarters) that receives the consolidated account balances.

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Source Site Tasks

At each source site, the multisite consolidation process consists of these sequential steps: 1. Define the organizational structure. 2. Define the account structure. 3. Define the multisite consolidation rules. 4. Create the consolidated balances. 5. Run the integrity reports. 6. Send the consolidated balances to the target company. Each source site defines its own consolidation rules, but all of the consolidations must meet the requirements of the target site. Note. When the target and source sites have different currencies, the target site must use multicurrency processing.

Target Site Tasks

At the target site, the multisite consolidation process consists of these sequential steps: 1. Process consolidated balances received from external sites, if necessary. 2. Run the integrity reports. 3. Generate the batch journal entries. 4. Process the batch journal entries.

Understanding Multiple Consolidation Tiers

You can have more than one tier of consolidation. After you consolidate account balances at multiple source sites and send them to a single target site, you can consolidate balances at that target site and at other target sites. These sites become source sites that can send consolidated balances to a new target site.

Understanding Multisite Consolidation Structures and Tables

Before you can consolidate account balances, you must define the structure of the consolidation. For multisite consolidations, you define the organizational structure separately from the account structure. The combination of the organizational structure and the account structure represents the multisite consolidation structure. Multisite consolidations use the standard format (business unit.object.subsidiary) for account numbers. The system uses the organizational structure in conjunction with the account structure to create these tables, which contain consolidated balances that are sent to the target company: Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer File Header (F1001). Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer File (F1002).


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Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer File - Category Codes (F1003).

Running Control File Reports

This section provides an overview of control file reports and discusses how to: Run the Create UDC Control File report. Set processing options for Create UDC Control File (R10005). Run the Create Obj/Sub Control File report. Set processing options for Create Obj/Sub Control File.

Understanding Control File Reports

Usually, the target company specifies the account ranges in the corporate chart of accounts where information from sources must be consolidated. The target specifies the business unit category codes that each source can use to create its organizational structure. If a source defines its account structure by sequencing account category codes, the target also specifies the account category codes. If the source defines its account structure by object and subsidiary, the target specifies the valid object and subsidiaries that the source can use. At the target company, you run two control file reports. Each source can use only the values that are shown in the reports to create its organizational structure and account structure. Create UDC Control File report (R10005). This report identifies the user-defined codes that the source can use when consolidating multisite information. The source can use only category codes from this report to define its organizational structure and its account structure. Usually, the target company defines valid user-defined codes and their values. Create Obj/Sub Control File report (R10909). This report identifies each of the objects and subsidiaries that the source can use when consolidating multisite information. Usually, the target company defines these objects and subsidiaries.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: At both the source and the target, set up a pseudo company in the Company Names & Numbers program (P0010) for the consolidated account balances. Set up the structure codes in UDC table 00/TS. Ensure that your business unit category codes are assigned. Determine the organizational structures to use for your business. For each organizational structure that you want to create, determine the sequence to use for the business unit category codes. At the target, ensure that a model chart of accounts is set up if you want the system to dynamically create business units or accounts.

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Chapter 30

Running the Create UDC Control File Report

Select Integrity Reports (G1022), Create UDC Control File.

Setting Processing Options for Create UDC Control File (R10005)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. UDC Control File Version Enter a unique name for the UDC Control File version that you are creating. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses a report name of blank.

Running the Create Obj/Sub Control File Report

Select Integrity Reports (G1022), Create Obj/Sub Control File.

Setting Processing Options for Create Obj/Sub Control File (R10909)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Data Selection
1. Object/Subsidiary Control File Version 2. File Data Selection Enter a unique name for the Object/Subsidiary Control File version that you are creating. you would like to create. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses a report name of blank. Enter 1 to select a unique object and subsidiary. If you leave this processing option blank, only a unique object is selected.

Creating Organizational Structures

This section provides an overview of organizational structures and discusses how to define organizational structures.

Understanding Organizational Structures

An organizational structure is a method of grouping business units for reporting and analysis. You can create one or more organizational structures for multisite consolidations. Each structure can be as simple or as complex as you require. You can also create organizational structures for other purposes, such as financial, geographic, and responsibility reporting at a single site.


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Forms Used to Create Organizational Structures

Form Name Work With Structure


Navigation Multi-Site Consolidation Setup (G1042), Business Unit Structure Definition On the Work With Structure form, click Add.

Usage Locate and review organization report structures. Define an organization report structure.

Structure Setup


Defining Organizational Structures

Access the Structure Setup form. Structure Name Sequence Enter a unique name that identifies the structure of the organization. Enter the order in which the child business units appear when listed under their parent.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Organizations, Revising Business Units Within an Organizational Structure

Creating Account Structures

This section provides an overview of account structure components and discusses how to: Define an account structure. Build account structures. Set data sequence for Account Structure Build. Set processing options for Account Structure Build.

Understanding Account Structure Components

You must define an account structure and build the consolidation chart of accounts based on the account structure. For example, if the target company requires you to send balances for your bank accounts, you can define an account structure called Bank and Cash Rollup and then run the Account Structure Build program to include all bank accounts. The system creates an initial account structure based on the F0901 table. You can review and revise this structure.

Account Structure Definition

You can define an account structure either by sequencing up to seven of the 23 account category codes or by object and subsidiary. If you choose to sequence by category codes, the values of the category codes determine where the account appears in the hierarchy. The last two items that you sequence must be the object and the subsidiary.

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Chapter 30

The Account Structure Definition program (P10430A) updates the Account Structure Definition table (F10430A).

Account Structure Build

Before you can consolidate account balances, you must build the account structure that the system uses for the consolidation. The Account Structure Build program (R10430) reads the F0901 table and creates the account structure that is based on the sequence that you define in the account structure. The system creates one record in the structure for each unique object and subsidiary combination. The Account Structure Build program can add records to an existing account structure, or it can create a new account structure. The system deletes the existing structure if you set the corresponding processing option to create a new account structure that has an existing structure name. If you entered target object and subsidiary information in category codes, you can specify the codes in the corresponding processing option. The system uses the values to create the target object and subsidiary account information. If you entered level of detail information in a category code, you can specify the code in the corresponding processing option. The system uses the value for the level of detail of the account structure. You can run the Account Structure Build program in proof or final mode. Both modes produce a report of the account structure. In proof mode, the system prints a report that shows the changes that will occur when you run the report in final mode. In final mode, the system updates the Multi-Site Consolidation - Account Structure table (F10430).

Forms Used to Define an Account Structure

Form Name Work With Account Structures Account Structure Setup FormID

Navigation Multi-Site Consolidation Setup (G1042), Account Structure Definition. On the Work With Account Structures form, click Add.

Usage Locate and review account structures. Define account structures.


Defining an Account Structure

Access the Account Structure Setup form.


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Account Structure Setup form

Account Structure Name

Enter a code from UDC table 00/TS that identifies the type of account structure, such as financial or responsibility. Each type structure can have a different hierarchy. Select this check box to sequence your accounts by object and then subsidiary. The program will ignore category code sequencing.

Sequence By Object/Subsidiary Only

Building Account Structures

Select Multi-Site Consolidation Setup (G1042), Account Structure Build.

Setting Data Sequence for Account Structure Build

Do not change the data sequence for this program.

Setting Processing Options for Account Structure Build (R10430)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

1. Mode Enter the mode in which to process and update calculations. Values are: 0: Proof mode with report (default).

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1: Final mode with report. 2: Final mode without report. 2. Type of Build Enter 1 to add records to an existing structure. If you leave this processing option blank, the system builds a new structure.

Structure Name
1. Structure Name Enter a code from UDC table 00/TS that represents the name of the structure.

Target Object
1. Target Object Enter the fields (Fields 13) to use to load the target object. If you use multiple fields, their values will be concatenated together to form the target object. If you leave this processing option blank, the target object is left blank. Valid fields are OBJA (alternate object ) and R001R023 (category codes 123).

Target Sub
1. Target Subsidiary Enter the fields (Fields 13) to use to load the target subsidiary. If you use multiple fields, their values will be concatenated together to form the target subsidiary. If you leave this processing option blank, the target subsidiary is left blank. Valid fields are SUBA (alternate subsidiary ) and R001R023 (category codes 123).

Level of Detail Enter the field that contains the account level of detail. If you leave this processing option blank, the level of detail field LDA is used. Valid fields are R001R023 (category codes 123).

Revising and Printing Account Structures

This section provides an overview of account structure revisions and discusses how to: Revise account structures. Print the Account Structure report.

Understanding Account Structure Revisions

After creating and reviewing account structures, you can revise them. Revising account structures involves moving components of the structure to different sites in the hierarchy and revising detail information about the account structure.


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When you move components of the structure to other sites in the hierarchy, you can move individual accounts or higher levels of the structure. When you move a component of the structure, the system updates the F10430 table. You might need to revise the account structure detail information before consolidating balances if the target object or subsidiary of an account differs from the source object or subsidiary of an account. Use the Account Structure Inquiry/Revision program (P10440) to rearrange components of the structure and to revise detail information about the account structure. After you create or revise the account structure, you can print the Account Structure report (R10445) to show the complete hierarchy of the structure.

Forms Used to Revise Account Structures

Form Name Account Structure Revisions W10440B FormID Navigation Multi-Site Consolidation Setup (G1042), Account Structure Inquiry/Revision On the Account Structure Revisions form, select the account that you want to revise. Usage Locate and review account structures. Revise and rearrange account structures.

Account Structure Revisions W10440A (Detail)

Revising Account Structures

Access the Account Structure Revisions (Detail) form. Target Object Account Target Subsidiary Enter the object account that the system uses for mapping in multisite consolidations when the target object is different from the source object. Enter the subsidiary account that the system uses for mapping in multisite consolidations when the target subsidiary is different from the source subsidiary. Enter the portion of a general ledger account that refers to the division of the cost code (for example, labor, materials, and equipment) into subcategories. Note. If you use a flexible chart of accounts and the object account is set to 6 digits, you should use all 6 digits. For example, entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because if you enter 456 the system enters three blank spaces to fill a 6-digit object. Subsidiary Posting Edit Enter a subset of the object account. Subsidiary accounts include detailed records of the accounting activity for an object account. Enter N in the Posting Edit field for summary accounts. Doing this improves the performance of the Process Consolidations program because the system does not search for account balances during processing.

Object Account

Printing the Account Structure Report

Select Multi-Site Consolidation Setup (G1042), Account Structure Report.

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Chapter 30

Setting Processing Options for Account Structure Report (R10445)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for and reports.

1. Account Level of Detail Enter the account level of detail (3 9) to print. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 9.

Defining Multisite Consolidation Rules

This section provides an overviews of multisite consolidation rules and elimination rules and discusses how to: Define consolidation rules Define elimination rules

Understanding Components of Multisite Consolidation Rules

After you define the account and organizational structures at a source site, you define: The rules by which the system consolidates account balances for use by the target site. The rules by which the system eliminates intercompany transactions when consolidating the account balances.

Understanding Consolidation Rules

You must define the rules by which the system consolidates the account balances at your source site. For example, you might want to consolidate accounts for one business unit in one way and the same accounts for another business unit in another way. You might want to summarize different accounts to different levels of detail. Use the Consolidation Specifications program (P10470) to define consolidation rules. Using the Consolidation Specifications program, you define each parent business unit in the consolidation by specifying a sequence level and a sequence value. The sequence level is the level within the organizational structure at which the system consolidates the account balances. For example, if you want to consolidate balances at the highest level of the organizational structure, enter a sequence level of 1. The sequence value indicates the business unit category code at the level of the consolidation. For example, if you want to consolidate at the region level and you are defining the parent business unit in the Central region, enter the value of the category code that represents the Central region. You can choose to work with a live business unit category code structure or a date-effective snapshot of a business unit category code structure. You can choose not to consolidate business units. If you choose not to consolidate business units, the system sends account balances for all business units. The Consolidation Specifications program updates the Consolidation Specifications table (F10470).


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Understanding Elimination Rules

You can define how the system eliminates intercompany transactions at your source site. You define an elimination group of accounts by indicating a combination of company, business unit, object, subsidiary, subledger, and subledger type. Each elimination group can have multiple elimination rules that the system uses to determine whether the balance of an account should be eliminated when consolidating. The account balances within an elimination group should net to zero. The system uses elimination rules to automatically eliminate intercompany transactions within the elimination group when you run the Process Consolidations program (R10550). Alternatively, you can specify an elimination account number to which the system enters the eliminating amount for the elimination group. You also must specify a variance account to which the system enters the variance (write-off) amount for the elimination group if the account balances in the group do not net to zero. In addition, you can specify an elimination percentage for each elimination group if you do not want to eliminate 100 percent of an account balance. When you run the Process Consolidations program, the system prints a report of the accounts and balances that were eliminated from the consolidation. The report also shows any variance amounts and the accounts where they were entered. The system stores elimination rules and elimination groups in the Elimination Rules table (F10471).

Forms Used to Define Consolidation and Elimination Rules

Form Name Work With Consolidation Specification Revisions


Navigation Multi-Site Consolidation (G1021), Consolidation Specifications On the Work With Consolidation Specification Revisions form, click Add. Multi-Site Consolidation (G1021), Elimination Rules. On the Work With Elimination Rules form, click Add.

Usage Locate and review existing multisite consolidation rules. Define consolidation rules and revise existing consolidation rules. Locate and review existing elimination rules. Add elimination rules.

Consolidation Specification W10470D Revisions Work with Elimination Rules Elimination Rules Setup
W10471A W10471B

Defining Consolidation Rules

Access the Consolidation Specification Revisions form.

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Consolidation Specification Revisions form

Business Unit Structure

Select the Business Unit Structure tab. Consolidate Business Units Select this option to consolidate business units. The system will consolidate business units by using the business unit structure definition to create business unit parent/child relationships. If you clear this option instead, the system will not consolidate business units, but instead will transmit account balances for each individual business unit. Enter the name of a saved consolidation. Enter a number that indicates the level of the organizational structure at which the system will consolidate account balances. For example, 01 indicates that the system will consolidate at the highest level of the organizational structure, and 03 indicates that the system will consolidate at the third highest level of the organizational structure. This field is used in conjunction with the Sequence Value field. If you use the Search button to complete the Structure Name field, the system completes the Sequence Level field. Sequence Value Enter the value of the category code that represents the level of the consolidation. For example, to consolidate at the region level and to define the parent business unit in the Central region, enter the value of the category code for the Central region. To define parent business units in all category codes at the level of the consolidation, enter *. The system will not define any business unit as a parent business unit if it has a blank category code at the level of the consolidation. This field is used in conjunction with the Sequence Level field.

Consolidation Name Sequence Level


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Live Business Unit Master Snapshot Business Unit Master Effective Date/Version

Select this option to use a live business unit category code structure from the Business Unit Maser table (F0006). Select this option to use a date-effective snapshot of a business unit category code structure from the Date Effective Business Unit Master table (F0006S). Enter the date that was assigned to a date-effective snapshot of a business unit category code structure when the snapshot was created and the number of the version.

Additional Setup
Select the Additional Setup tab. Rounding Factor Enter a code that controls how amounts are to be rounded, that is, whether amounts are rounded to 100s, 1000s, and so on. Codes are: Blank: No rounding 0: Round decimals 1: Round to the nearest 10 2: Round to the nearest 100 3: Round to the nearest 1000 4: Round to the nearest 10000 5: Round to the nearest 100000 6: Round to the nearest 1000000 For example, the number 987,654,321.91 would be appear as follows for each of the rounding factors: Blank: 987,654,321.91 0: 987,654,322.00 1 : 987,654,320.00 2: 987,654,300.00 3: 987,654,000.00 4: 987,650,000.00 5: 987,700,000.00 6: 988,000,000.00 Subledger Detail Balances by Currency Select this check box for subledger detail to be carried forward in the consolidation. Select this check box if you post F0902 records by currency for this company.

Defining Elimination Rules

Access the Elimination Rules Setup form.

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Elimination Rules Setup form

Group Elimination Account Number Elimination Subledger

Enter a two-character value that you use to group accounts that eliminate one another. The account balances within an elimination group should net to zero. Enter the account to which the system enters the elimination. Leave this field blank to enter the elimination to the account that is being eliminated. Enter the subledger to which the system enters the elimination. If you specify the subledger, you must also specify the subledger type. Leave this field blank to enter the elimination to the subledger that is being eliminated.

Elimination Sub Type

Enter the subledger type to which the system enters the elimination. If you specify a subledger type, you must also specify the subledger. Leave this field blank to enter the elimination to the subledger type that is being eliminated.

Write Off Account Number Pcnt (percent)

Enter the account to which the system records variance write-off amounts for the specified elimination group. Specify an elimination percentage for the elimination group.

Creating Consolidated Balances

This section provides an overview of the Process Consolidations program and discusses how to: Process consolidations. Set processing options for Process Consolidations.

Understanding the Process Consolidations Program

After you define the account and organizational structures and the rules for multisite consolidations for the source company, you are ready to create the consolidated balances. When you run the Process Consolidations program (R10550) to create consolidated balances, the system reads the account and organizational structures that you defined in the sequence that you specified. The system then processes these structures, based on the rules that you defined for multisite consolidations and eliminations, and based on the processing options. The system reads account balances from the F0902 and:


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Omits zero balance accounts. Consolidates year-to-date balances. Matches up fiscal date patterns for account balances. Ignores balances after the as of period. Performs rounding. Maintains the specified subledger and currency detail. Creates account balances at the specified levels of detail. Writes off variances within the specified limits. Eliminates intercompany balances. The Process Consolidations program writes the consolidated balances to these tables: Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer File Header (F1001) Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer (F1002) Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer - Category Codes (F1003)

Reports Created by the Process Consolidations Program

The Process Consolidations program creates a report that displays the summarized account balances. The first part of the report shows the summarized account balance data that was written to the Multi-Site Transfer tables for periods 16. The second part of the report shows the same information for periods 714. The Process Consolidations program also produces the Eliminated Account Balances report. This report shows the accounts and balances for which the system created eliminating entries for each elimination group. This report also shows any variance amounts and the accounts where they were entered. Note. Regardless of the type of account, the Process Consolidations program always updates the Balance Forward field in the F0902 table. Usually, the system does not print balance-forward amounts for income statement accounts. However, to enable inception-to-date reporting for multisite consolidations, the system prints beginning balances for income statement accounts.

Processing Consolidations
Select Multi-Site Consolidation (G1021), Process Consolidations.

Setting Processing Options for Process Consolidations (R10550)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Mode Specify the mode in which to run this program. Values are: 0: Proof mode with report (default). 1: Final mode with report. 2: Final mode without report. 2. Pseudo Company Enter the company number of the pseudo consolidation company.

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3. Period Number andFiscal Year 4. Ledger Type5. Save Category Codes

Enter the period and fiscal year through which the consolidation is to be prepared. If you leave this processing option blank, the financial reporting year and period for the company are used. Enter the target ledger type to be used for consolidation or leave this processing option blank to use ledger type AA. Specify which category codes to save for transmission. Values are: Blank: Do not save category code values. 1: Save business unit category codes. 2: Save account category codes. 3: Save both business unit and account category codes.

6. Process Non-Posting Accounts

Enter 1 to retrieve account balances for non-posting accounts. The designation of non-posting accounts is in the F10430 table, not the F0901 table. Leave this processing option blank for better performance. The program does not attempt to retrieve account balances for accounts that do not have account balances.

BU Creation
1. Dynamic Business Unit Flag Specify how to dynamically create business units. Values are: Blank: Do not use dynamic business unit creation. 1: Use dynamic business unit creation with concatenation of category code values. If you included company in your organizational structure sequence, you must enter 1 for this processing option. 2: Use dynamic business unit creation with next numbering.

Business Unit Type

1. Business Unit Type Enter the business unit type to use when creating business units.

Site ID
1. Site ID Enter the site ID associated with the source of the data.

1. Variance Threshold Enter a variance threshold for creating an automatic write-off amount for consolidations. If a variance exists in the consolidations that were created and the variance is within the tolerance, an automatic write-off is created. Leave this processing option blank if you do not want to use this feature. Note. If the variance entered is a percentage, use the % character. For example, 3 percent would be entered as 3%. 2. Consolidation Variance Threshold Enter the object and subsidiary accounts to use for the automatic write-off amount.


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1. Eliminations Ledger Type Enter the target ledger type to be used for elimination entries. If you created rules for the elimination of intercompany transactions, you must enter 1 for this processing option to indicate the ledger type where the system records the eliminated amounts. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not create eliminating entries. 2. Elimination Variance Threshold Enter a variance threshold for creating an automatic write-off amount for eliminations. If a variance exists in the elimination entries that were created and the variance is within the tolerance, an automatic write-off amount is created. Leave this processing option blank if you do not want to use this feature. Note. If the variance entered is a percentage, use the % character. For example, 3 percent would be entered as 3%.

Currency Code Multi-Currency Off If the target site uses multiple currencies but your source site uses a single currency, you can set a processing option to designate the currency code for your consolidated account balances. The system does not perform any currency conversion; it simply assigns the currency code to the account balances. The system ignores this processing option if your site uses multicurrency processing.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Organizations

Running the Multisite Consolidations Reports

This section provides overviews of multisite consolidation reports and the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report and discusses how to: Run the Prior Period Balance Integrity report. Set processing options for Prior Period Balance Integrity. Run the UDC Value Control Exceptions report. Set processing options for UDC Value Control Exceptions. Run the Object/Subsidiary Value Control Exceptions Report. Set processing options for Object/Subsidiary Value Control Exceptions Report. Run the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison report. Set data selection and data sequence for BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison. Set processing options for BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison.

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Run the Consolidated Balance Sheet report. Set processing options for Consolidated Balance Sheet. Run the Consolidated Income Statement report. Set processing options for Consolidated Income Statement.

Understanding Multisite Consolidation Integrity Reports

After you create the consolidated balances, you should run integrity reports to verify the information. Integrity reports supplement your internal balancing procedures. Integrity reports also help you locate potential balancing problems and data inconsistencies before you send the information to the target site. Note. In addition to integrity reports, you can also generate a consolidated balance sheet and a consolidated income statement. This table lists the available multisite consolidations integrity reports and a description of each:
Integrity Report Prior Period Balance Integrity (R10700) UDC Value Control Exceptions (R107011) Object/Subsidiary Value Control (R107021) BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison (R10701) Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10150) Consolidated Income Statement (R10250) Description Identifies any consolidated balances from the prior period that have changed since the previous consolidation. Identifies user-defined code values in the consolidation that are not recognized by the target company. You can run the UDC Value Control report to review a list of valid user-defined code values. Identifies objects and subsidiaries in the consolidation that are not recognized by the target company. Compares the business units and accounts in the source to those in the target. Run this report either at the source site prior to sending a consolidation or at the target site after you receive a consolidation. Shows the assets, liabilities, and stockholders equity of the consolidation that you are sending to the target company. Shows the revenues and expenses of the consolidation that you are sending to the target company.

Understanding the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report

There are multiple versions of the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison report. Depending on the version that you choose, the report identifies one of these: At the source site, business units and accounts that appear in the current consolidation, but did not appear in the previous consolidation. At the target site, business units and accounts that appear in the current consolidation, but did not appear in the previous consolidation At the source site, business units and accounts that appeared in the previous consolidation, but do not appear in the current consolidation At the target site, business units and accounts that appeared in the previous consolidation, but do not appear in the current consolidation


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You must set a processing option to indicate whether you are running the report at a source site or a target site. If the integrity report fails, the system updates one of these fields in the F1001 table. Each of these fields indicates a specific error condition:
Field GPIN07 GPIN08 GPIN05 GPIN06 Description of error Accounts appear in the current consolidation, but not in the previous consolidation. This error applies to the first two versions listed previously. Business units appear in the current consolidation, but not in the previous consolidation. This error applies to the first two versions listed previously. Accounts appear in the previous consolidation, but not in the current consolidation. This error applies to the last two versions listed previously. Business units appear in the previous consolidation, but not in the current consolidation. This error applies to the last two versions listed previously.

Running the Prior Period Balance Integrity Report

Select Integrity Reports (G1022), Prior Period Balance Integrity.

Setting Processing Options for Prior Period Balance Integrity (R10700)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Integrity Status Enter 1 to force the integrity to fail if the system does not find previous consolidation balances. Do not set the processing option to 1 for the first period in which you create consolidations because the system will not find previous balances for comparison. If you leave this processing option blank, a message prints on the report if a previous balance is not found, but it will not cause an error condition or integrity failure.

Running the UDC Value Control Exceptions Report

Select Integrity Reports (G1022), UDC Value Control.

Setting Processing Options for UDC Value Control Exceptions (R107011)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. UDC Control File Version Enter the unique name of the UDC Control File version to validate. If you leave this processing option, the name of blank is used.

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Running the Object/Subsidiary Value Control Exceptions Report

Select Integrity Reports (G1022), Obj/Sub Value Control.

Setting Processing Options for Object/Subsidiary Value Control Exceptions Report (R107021)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

Data Selection
1. Object/Subsidiary Control File Version 2. File Data Selection Enter the unique name of the Object/Subsidiary Control File version to validate. If you leave this processing option, the name of blank is used. Enter 1 to select a unique object and subsidiary account. if you leave this processing option blank, only a unique object is selected.

Running the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report (R10701)

Select Integrity Reports (G1022), BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison.

Setting Data Selection and Sequence for BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report
Do not change the data selection or data sequence. Each version of the report has the appropriate data selection and data sequence.

Setting Processing Options for BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report (R10701)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Integrity Location Enter the site at which the integrity is being run. Values are: 1: Source site. 2: Target site. 2. Integrity Status Enter 1 to force the integrity to fail if the system does not find previous consolidation balances. Do not set the processing option to 1 for the first period in which you create consolidations because the system will not find previous balances for comparison. If you leave this processing option blank, a message prints on the report if a previous balance is not found, but it will not cause an error condition or integrity failure.

Running the Consolidated Balance Sheet Report

Select Integrity Reports (G1022), Consolidated Balance Sheet.


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Setting Processing Options for Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10150)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Reverse Sign Enter 1 to print the liability accounts as negative amounts. If you leave this processing option blank, the accounts print as positive amounts.

Enter the beginning object account for each of these processing options. 1. Beginning Stockholders Equity 2. Automatic Accounting Instructions (Required) Enter the beginning object account that represents stockholders equity. The report does not run if you do not complete this processing option. (Optional) Enter the beginning object account for each of these: Beginning Assets Beginning Liabilities Operating Income If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses accounts for AAI items GLG2, GLG3, and GLG respectively.

Running the Consolidated Income Statement Report

Select Integrity Reports (G1022), Consolidated Income Statement.

Setting Processing Options for Consolidated Income Statement (R10250)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Reverse Sign Enter 1 to print expense and liability accounts as negative amounts. If you leave this processing option blank, the accounts print as positive amounts.

1. Beginning Object Enter the beginning object account for each of these: Beginning Revenue Beginning Cost of Goods Sold Beginning Other Income Beginning Other Expense If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses accounts for AAI items GLG6, GLG8, GLG11, and GLG13 respectively.

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Reviewing Consolidation Statuses

This section provides an overview of the Consolidation Console program and discusses how to review consolidation statuses.

Understanding the Consolidation Console Program

Whether you are sending a consolidation to a target company or receiving a consolidation from a source company, you need to monitor the consolidations status. The Consolidation Console program (P10610) enables you to: Monitor the transmission status of the consolidation. Monitor integrity reports. Send consolidated balances to the target company. Delete previously processed consolidations. Both the source company and the target company need to track the consolidations that have been sent from source to target and the consolidations that have been processed at the target. The system maintains the status of each consolidation name and batch in the F1001, F1002, and F1003 tables. These tables exist at both the source and target sites. The status in the Transmission File Status field can have these values:
Transmission File Status Blank P 1 Not transmitted. Pending. The system is in the process of transmitting. In the source table: Transmitted In the target table: Received. 2 3 Processed. Previously processed. Description of Status

The system updates the consolidation status during these processes:

Process MSC Data Transmission (R10610) Updates to Status At the source, the system copies consolidation records to the target. The system changes the transmission status of the records at the source to 1. The records are created at the target with a status of 1. At the target, the system updates the transmission status of the consolidation records to 2 when it creates journal entries. It also updates previously processed records with a status of 2 to 3 at the target site.

Journalize Consolidated Balances (R10480)


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The target is responsible for communicating with the source after the target runs the batch process to create journal entries at the target. The source must manually update the corresponding records from transmission status 1 to transmission status 2. If a previously processed batch of corresponding records has a transmission status 2, the system updates that batch to transmission status 3. The Consolidation Console program also identifies the integrity reports that you are required to run at the source and target sites, based on the processing options that you set. The program indicates whether integrity reports have been run, and whether the integrity reports passed or failed. This information appears in the Integrity Status fields in the detail area. The Integrity Status fields can have these values:
Integrity Status Blank 0 1 2 9 Integrity not run. Integrity not run. Integrity passed. Integrity failed. Override; transmit regardless of integrity status. Description of Status

When you are ready to send the consolidated balances to the target company, the Consolidation Console program enables you to send the information. The system holds the consolidated account balances in the F1001, F1002, and F1003 tables until you delete them. Whether you are at a source or target site, you should delete these records periodically.

Form Used to Review Consolidation Statuses

Form Name Consolidation Console


Navigation Multi-Site Consolidation (G1021), Consolidation Console

Usage Review consolidation statuses, monitor integrity reports, send consolidated balances to the target company, and delete processed consolidations.

Reviewing Consolidation Statuses

Access the Consolidation Console form.

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Consolidation Console form

Sending Consolidated Balances by Batch to the Target Company

This section provides overviews of the process to send consolidated balances to the target company and the MSC Data Transmission program and discusses how to: Run the MSC Data Transmission program. Set processing options for MSC Data Transmission.

Understanding the Process to Send Consolidated Balances to the Target Company

After you run integrity reports and verify the status of your consolidation, you are ready to send your consolidated balances to the target company. You can send consolidated balances to the target company either by batch or interactively using these two programs: MSC Data Transmission batch program (R10610). Consolidation Console interactive program (P10610). Either program enables the source or the target to initiate the transmission. The batch program enables you to choose and send multiple consolidations at one time. After the target company receives the consolidated balances, the target company generates and processes batch journal entries.

Understanding the MSC Data Transmission Program

You can use the MSC Data Transmission batch program (R10610) to send to the target company the consolidated balances in the Transmission File Status field in the F1001, F1002, and F1003 tables. You can select and send multiple consolidations at one time.


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You software includes two versions of this program. Do not change version XJDE0001. You can change version XJDE0002. The system prompts you for the names of the source and target environments. You can use the browse function to locate either environment. If you leave the source environment blank, the system uses your environment as the source environment. If you leave the target environment blank, the system uses your environment as the target environment. You can set a processing option to prevent the transmission of the consolidated balances if one or more integrity reports fail.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Verify that the F1001, F1002, and F1003 tables exist on your local drive or that you have access to the tables on the server. Use the Object Configuration Manager program (P986110) to map the MSC Data Transmission program (R10610) to a local drive.

Running the MSC Data Transmission Program

Select Multi-Site Consolidation (G1021), MSC Data Transmission.

Setting Processing Options for MSC Data Transmission (R10610)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

If you do not run the specified integrity report for each of the processing options, the transmission is not affected. Prior Period Adjustments Specify whether the Prior Period Balance Integrity report must pass before data can be transmitted. The system considers the integrity report as passing if it does not find any consolidated balances from the prior period that have changed since the previous consolidation. Values are: Blank: This report does not have to pass before data can be transmitted. 1: This report must pass before data can be transmitted. Credits = Debits Specify whether the integrity process that verifies that debits equal credits must pass before data can be transmitted. This integrity process is an internal process that the system runs before writing records to the F1001 and F1002 tables. Values are: Blank: The integrity process that verifies that debits equal credits does not have to pass before data can be transmitted. 1: The integrity process that verifies that debits equal credits must pass before data can be transmitted. Source UDC = Target UDC Specify whether the UDC Value Control integrity report (R107011) must pass before data can be transmitted. The system considers the report as passing

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when the consolidation does not contain any instances of user-defined code values that are unrecognized by the target company. Values are: Blank: This report does not have to pass before data can be transmitted. 1: This report must pass before data can be transmitted. Source Obj/Sub = Target Obj/Sub Specify whether the Obj/Sub Value Control integrity report must pass before data can be transmitted. The system considers the integrity report as passing when the consolidation does not contain any instances of object accounts and subsidiaries that are unrecognized by the target company. Values are: Blank: This report does not have to pass before data can be transmitted. 1: This report must pass before data can be transmitted. Accounts Last Month Not This Specify whether the Accounts Last Month Not This Month version of the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison report must pass before data can be transmitted. The system considers the report as passing when all of the accounts that appeared in last months consolidation appear in this months consolidation. Values are: Blank: This report does not have to pass before data can be transmitted. 1: This report must pass before data can be transmitted. BU Last Month Not This Month Specify whether the Business Units Last Month Not This Month version of the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison report must pass before data can be transmitted. The system considers the report as passing when all of the business units that appeared in last months consolidation appear in this months consolidation. Values are: Blank: This report does not have to pass before data can be transmitted. 1: This report must pass before data can be transmitted. Accounts This Month Not Last Specify whether the Accounts This Month Not Last Month version of the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison report must pass before data can be transmitted. The system considers the report as passing when all of the accounts in this months consolidation also appeared in last months consolidation. Values are: Blank: This report does not have to pass before data can be transmitted. 1: This report must pass before data can be transmitted. BU This Month Not Last Month Specify whether the Business Units This Month Not Last Month version of the BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison report must pass before data can be transmitted. The system considers the report as passing when all of the business units in this months consolidation also appeared in last months consolidation. Values are: Blank: This report does not have to pass before data can be transmitted. 1: This report must pass before data can be transmitted.


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Sending Consolidated Balances Interactively to the Target Company

This section provides overviews of the process to send consolidated balances to the target company and the Consolidation Console program and discusses how to: Set processing options for Consolidation Console. Send consolidated balances interactively to the target company.

Understanding the Process to Send Consolidated Balances to the Target Company

After you run integrity reports and verify the status of your consolidation, you are ready to send your consolidated balances to the target company. You can send consolidated balances to the target company either by batch or interactively using these two programs, respectively: MSC Data Transmission batch program (R10610). Consolidation Console interactive program (P10610). Either program enables the source or the target to initiate the transmission. The batch program enables you to choose and send multiple consolidations at one time. After the target company receives the consolidated balances, the target company generates and processes batch journal entries.

Understanding the Consolidation Console Program

You can use the Consolidation Console program (P10610) to interactively send to the target company the consolidated balances in the F1001, F1002, and F1003 tables. You can set a processing option to prevent the transmission of the consolidated balances if one or more integrity reports fail. The Consolidation Console form indicates whether each integrity report has been run, and whether it passed or failed.

Form Used to Send Consolidated Balances Interactively to the Target Company

Form Name Consolidation Console


Navigation Multi-Site Consolidation (G1021), Consolidation Console. On Consolidation Console, select the consolidation for which you want to send consolidated balances to the target company and then select Transmit from the Row menu.

Usage Review consolidation statuses, monitor integrity reports, send consolidated balances to the target company, and delete processed consolidations.

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Setting Processing Options for Consolidation Console (P10610)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

1. Integrities Enter 1 for each integrity report that is required to pass before the consolidation batch may be transmitted. Transmission is not affected by integrity failure or not running the report. The integrity reports for these processing options are: Prior Period Adjustments Credits = Debits Source UDC = Target UDC Source Obj/Sub = Target Obj/Sub Accounts Last Month Not This BU Last Month Not This Month Accounts This Month Not Last BU This Month Not Last

Sending Consolidated Balances Interactively to the Target Company

Access the Consolidation Console form. The system prompts you for the names of the source and target environments. You can use the browse function to locate either environment. If you leave the source environment blank, the system uses your environment as the source environment. If you leave the target environment blank, the system uses your environment as the target environment. Transmitted File Status Enter the status of records in the F1001 table. Values are: Blank: Not transmitted. P: Pending. The system is in the process of transmitting. 1: Transmitted. 2: Most recently processed record. 3: Previously processed record. Site ID Enter the source of the transaction. This can be a user ID, a workstation, the address of an external system, a node on a network, and so on. This field helps identify both the transaction and its point of origin. Enter the number that an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transmitter assigned to a transaction. In a non-EDI environment, you can assign any number that is meaningful to you to identify a transaction within a batch. It can be the same as a document number.



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Batch Number Range

Enter the number that the transmitter assigned to the batch. During batch processing, the system assigns a new batch number to the transactions for each control (user) batch number it finds.

Processing Consolidated Balances from NonEnterpriseOne Source Sites

This section provides overviews of inbound multisite consolidations and the inbound multisite consolidation process and discusses how to: Process inbound consolidations data. Set processing options for Process Inbound Consolidations Data.

Understanding Inbound Multisite Consolidations

A target site might want to process multisite consolidations from a source site that does not use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. The source must enter the consolidation information into two tables in the format that is specified and then send the tables to the target. The two tables are the Unedited MSC Interoperability Header table (F1001Z1) and the Unedited MSC Interoperability Table (F1002Z1).

Understanding the Inbound Multisite Consolidations Process

To successfully upload multisite consolidation information from a non-EnterpriseOne source site to EnterpriseOne, you must create a custom program that provides proper data to fields in the F1001Z1 and F1002Z1 tables. The system processes these tables to create consolidation information in the F1001 and F1002 tables. The field names in these tables correspond to the field names on interactive forms in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. See Appendix E, Mapping Fields for Inbound Multisite Consolidations, page 487. At the target site, when you process the tables by running the Process Inbound Consolidations Data program (R1002Z1), the system reads the F1001Z and F1002Z1 tables and creates records in the F1001 and F1002 tables. If necessary, you can revise existing transactions or add new transactions. You can also purge the F1001Z1 and F1002Z1 tables. You can run the Process Inbound Consolidations Data program in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system prints a report that displays the transactions that will be written to the F1001 and F1002 tables. In final mode, the system prints the report and writes the transactions to the tables. The system writes error messages to either the work center. After processing the inbound data, you should run these reports: Prior Period Balance Integrity UDC Value Control Obj/Sub Value Control BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Consolidated Balance Sheet Consolidated Income Statement

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After you process the inbound consolidations and revise them, if necessary, you can generate journal entries for the summarized account balances, verify that they are accurate, and process them.

Processing Inbound Consolidations Data

Select Inbound Multi-Site Consolidations Data (G1023), Process Inbound Consolidations Data.

Setting Processing Options for Process Inbound Consolidations Data (R1002Z1)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Mode Enter the mode in which to run the inbound consolidations process. Values are: 1: Proof mode with report. 2: Final mode. This mode processes F1001Z1 and F1002Z1 records to the F1001 and F1002 respectively.

JE Processing
1. JE Processing Enter the version of the Journalize Consolidation Balances report to run. If you leave this processing option blank, the report does not run.

Purge Data
1. Purge Data Enter 1 to purge all data from the F1001Z1 and F1002Z1 tables after all processing has completed. If you leave this processing option blank, data is not purged from these tables.

Revising Inbound Consolidations

This section provides an overview of inbound consolidations revisions and discusses how to revise an inbound consolidation.

Understanding Inbound Consolidations Revisions

After you run the integrity reports, you might need to revise the inbound consolidations or add inbound consolidation records before you generate the corresponding journal entries. You use the Revise Inbound Consolidations Data program (P1002Z1) to revise your inbound consolidations data.


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Forms Used to Revise Inbound Consolidations

Form Name Work With Multi-Site Consolidation Unedited Transactions Multi-Site Consolidation Unedited Transactions Revisions FormID

Navigation Inbound Multi-Site Consolidations Data (G1023), Revise Inbound Consolidations Data

Usage Review inbound multisite consolidations.


On the Work With Multi-Site Add and revise inbound Consolidation Unedited multisite consolidation Transactions form, select records. the record that you want to revise. To add inbound multisite consolidation records, on the Work With Multi-Site Consolidation Unedited Transactions form, click Add.

Revising an Inbound Consolidation

Access the Multi-Site Consolidation Unedited Transactions Revisions form.

Purging Inbound Consolidations Data

This section discusses how to purge inbound consolidations.

Purging Inbound Consolidations

Select Inbound Multi-Site Consolidations Data (G1023), Purge Inbound Consolidations Data. The system retains processed multisite consolidations in the F1001Z1 and F1002Z1 tables until you purge them. You should purge the consolidations after they have been successfully processed. Note. You can set a processing option for the Process Inbound Consolidations Data program to automatically purge the tables when processing is complete.

Generating Multisite Batch Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of the Journalize Consolidation Balances program and discusses how to: Generate multisite batch journal entries. Set data selection for Journalize Consol. Balances. Set processing options for Journalize Consol. Balances.

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Chapter 30

Understanding the Journalize Consolidation Balances Program

After you receive the multisite consolidations at the target company, you should run integrity reports to ensure that the data that you received is accurate. Then you must run the Journalize Consolidation Balances program (R10480) to create journal entries for the summarized account balances that were received from the source company. These journal entries are based on the difference from one consolidation batch to another. When you run the Journalize Consolidations Balances program, the system reads the F1001, F1002, and F1003 tables and creates journal entries in the Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File table (F0911Z1). You can run this batch program in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system prints a report of the journal entries, but does not update the F0911Z1 table. In final mode, the system creates the journal entries in the F0911Z1 table and, based on a processing option, prints a report of the journal entries. The report shows the journal entries that were created for the summarized balances from the source company by source system ID and batch number. It also shows batch totals. The BU (Business Units) and AC (Accounts) columns contain information about dynamically created business units and accounts. Values that you might see in these columns include:
Value Blank 1 2 Description The business unit or account already existed. The business unit or account was not dynamically created because an error occurred during processing. The business unit or account was dynamically created.

When the system creates journal entries in the F0911Z1 table, it does this for each journal entry: Places a concatenation of the source system ID, the batch number, and the transmission date in the Explanation field. Places the consolidation name in the Transaction Number field. Places the last day of the corresponding accounting period in the G/L Date field. Places the source system ID in the User ID field. Note. Regardless of the type of account, the system always updates the Balance Forward field in the F0902 table. Usually, the system does not print balance-forward amounts for income statement accounts. However, to enable inception-to-date reporting for multisite consolidations, the system prints beginning balances for income statement accounts. If the Journalize Consolidation Balances program dynamically creates business units or accounts, it generates reports that show the new information.

Run these reports at the target company: Prior Period Balance Integrity UDC Value Control Obj/Sub Value Control


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Chapter 30

Processing Multisite Consolidations

BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Consolidated Balance Sheet Consolidated Income Statement

Generating Multisite Batch Journal Entries

Select Multi-Site Consolidation (G1021), Journalize Consol. Balances.

Setting Data Selection for Journalize Consol. Balances

You must set the transmitted file status in the data selection to 1.

Setting Processing Options for Journalize Consol. Balances (R10480)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Mode Specify the mode in which to run the program: 0: Proof mode with report (default). 1: Final mode with report. 2: Final mode without report.

1. Consolidation Company Enter the number of the consolidation company to update. If you leave this processing option blank, the company defined in the F1001 table is used.

Ledger Type
1. Ledger Type Enter the ledger type from UDC table 09/LT to update. If you leave this processing option blank, the ledger type defined in the F1001 table is used.

Prior Period
1. Prior Period Adjustments Specify create adjusting entries. Values are: Blank: Do not create adjusting entries. The record will not be processed and an error will be written to the report. 1: Create adjusting entries to prior periods for differences between the current and previous consolidation. 2: Create the adjusting entries in the current period. 3: Ignore prior period differences. 2. Directly Update F0902 Enter 1 to directly update F0902 table for Balance Forward differences between the current and previous consolidation. If you leave this processing option blank, the F0902 is not updated.

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Chapter 30

Business Unit
1. Dynamic Business Units Creation Enter 1 to dynamically create business units that exist in the Consolidation table but do not exist in the F0006 table. If a business unit in the F1002 does not exist in the target, the program creates it. If you leave this processing option blank, business units are not created. 2. Business Unit Type Enter the business unit type to use when creating business units.

Account Number
1. Dynamic Account Creation Specify the dynamic account creation. Values are: Blank: Do not dynamically create accounts. 1: Dynamically create accounts that exist in the consolidation table but do not exist in the F0901 table. 2: Dynamically create accounts that exist in the consolidation table but do not exist in the F0901 table by editing the object only. If the object exists in the account master, the account will be created regardless of the subsidiary. If an account in the F1002 table does not exist in the target, the program creates it.

JE Processing
1. Automatic Batch Journal Entry Processing 2. Version Enter 1 to automatically submit the Process Batch Journal Entry program (R09110Z) after creating batch journal entries. If you leave this processing option blank, the program is not automatically submitted. Enter the version of Process Batch Journal Entry program to run. If you leave this processing option blank, version ZJDE0002 is used.

Processing and Purging Multisite Batch Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of multisite batch journal entry processing and purging and discusses how to: Process multisite batch journal entries. Purge multisite batch journal entries.

Understanding Multisite Batch Journal Entry Processing and Purging

Before you process a batch, you can review and correct journal entries for multisite consolidations using the Journal Entry Review program (P0911Z1). You can review individual journal entries that have been created in the F0911Z1 table. You can also use the Journal Entry Review program to revise your journal entries. For example, you might need to make additions or corrections before you process them. After you review and revise journal entries for multisite consolidations, run the Process Batch Journal Entry program (R09110Z) to process the journal entries from the F0911Z1 table and move them to the F0911 table.


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Processing Multisite Consolidations

After you run the Process Batch Journal Entry program, you must post the batch so that F0902 table reflects the amounts from the consolidation. The system holds processed journal entries in the batch table until you globally purge them. You should purge batches after they have been successfully processed.

Processing Batch Journal Entries

Select Multi-Site Consolidation (G1021), Process Batch Journal Entry.

See Also
Chapter 12, Processing Batch Journal Entries, page 107

Purging Processed Multisite Journal Entries

Select Multi-Site Consolidation (G1021), Processed Journal Entry Purge.

See Also
Chapter 12, Processing Batch Journal Entries, Purging Processed Batch Journal Entries, page 112

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Processing Multisite Consolidations

Chapter 30


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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

This chapter provides overviews of online inquiries, statutory inquiries, trial balances, and account ledger and account balance inquiries and discusses how to: Review trial balances, ledgers, and subledgers. Review trial balances. Review account ledgers. Review account balances. Note. Country-specific functionality for reviewing balances and transactions exists for Chile and Peru.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, (CHL and PER) Working With General Ledger Functionality for Chile and Peru

Understanding Online Inquiries

You can access the most current general ledger information that is available in your system by using online inquiry programs. In general, online inquiries use information from the F0902 and F0911 tables. Trial Balance and Account Balance inquiries use information from the F0902 table and Account Ledger inquiries information from the F0911 table. When displaying information for online inquiries, the system uses these two automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) to determine income statement accounts: GLG6 - Beginning Revenue Account GLG12 - Ending Income Statement Account Accounts outside this range (GLG6 GLG12) are considered balance sheet accounts. These AAI accounts are also used to retrieve the cumulative balance for a trial balance report or inquiry. For each online inquiry, you can summarize accounting information at different levels of detail, depending on your needs.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Using Multicurrency Inquiries for General Accounting, Reviewing Accounts in Domestic, Foreign, and As If Currencies

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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Chapter 31

Understanding Statutory Inquiries

Statutory inquiry programs provide information used for government reporting. To review statutory information, you can use these online inquiry programs: Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202). Balance Inquiry by Account/Category Code (P76H9006). Statutory Account Inquiry (P09218A).

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Creating the Chart of Accounts, Defining an Alternate Chart of Accounts for Statutory Reporting

Understanding Trial Balance Inquiries

To review trial balances for accounts quickly and in a variety of sequences, use the trial balance inquiry programs. These inquiry programs display summarized information from the F0902 table and provide access to more detailed information. The inquiry program that you choose depends on how you want to review the account and what information you want to see. These are the trial balance inquiry programs:
Inquiry T/B/ Ledger Comparison (P09210A) T/B by Object Account (P09214) Description This program displays account balances within a specific business unit or balances for a specific account. This program displays account balances across all business units and displays any account numbering discrepancies. For the program to be useful, accounts must be numbered consistently across all business units. This program displays account balance information across business units for a single company. This program displays account balance information by subledger.

T/B by Company (P09216) T/B by Subledger (P09215)

All four programs have a processing option that enables you to review account balances as of a specific date, instead of viewing balances only as of the ending date for a period. If you do not specify a date for the review, the programs identify the current (open) period for the company in the Company Constants table (F0010) and use the period-ending date for that period as recorded in the Date Fiscal Patterns table (F0008). The cumulative balance for balance sheet accounts includes the cumulative balance forward for the prior year. The cumulative balance for income statement accounts does not include this amount.


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Chapter 31

Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Understanding Account Ledger and Balance Inquiries

You might need to review detailed transactions and balances for your accounts in different formats and sequences. The online ledger and balance inquiry programs provide information for specific accounts. These programs access either the F0911 table, which contains detailed transactions or the F0902 table, which contains posted balances, or both of these tables. The inquiry program that you choose depends on what you want to review and how you want to see information displayed. The account ledger and account balance inquiry programs are listed in this table:
Inquiry Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200) Account Inquiry by Object Account (P09201) Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202) Description Displays detailed transactions from the F0911 table. Displays detailed transactions from the F0911 table using a selected object account, across all business units. Displays detailed transactions from the F0911 table using one of the category codes that are set up for a government-defined (alternate) chart of accounts. Displays monthly net changes and cumulative monthly balances from the F0902 table for each period of the fiscal year. The system includes net posting totals for income statement accounts and balances forward for balance sheet accounts. Displays balances and posted amounts from the F0902 table for the current period and for the year-to-date in sequence by subledger and subledger type. Displays balances from the F0902 table by company or organization structure using one of the category codes that are set up for a government-defined (alternate) chart of accounts. Displays balances from two different ledgers in the F0902 table. You can display the calculated comparison or the cumulative balances for each ledger. This program is helpful in comparing budgets to actual amounts.

Account Balance by Month (P0902P1)

Account Balances by Subledger (P092131)

Statutory Account Inquiry (P09218A)

T/B / Ledger Comparison (P09210A)

Reviewing Trial Balances, Ledgers, and Subledgers

This section provides overviews of trial balances and ledger comparisons and discusses how to: Set processing options for Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison (P09210A). Review trial balances and ledger comparisons. Review trial balance subledger information.

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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Chapter 31

Understanding Trial Balance and Ledger Comparisons

Use the T/B / Ledger Comparison program (P09210A) to review account balances for a specific account or to review balances for all accounts within a business unit. You might also need to analyze account balances between two different ledgers. This is especially helpful when comparing budget amounts to actual amounts or when analyzing budget variances. You control the level of detail in which to review information. You can compare ledger types from different fiscal years or specific general ledger dates. You can define the type of format that you use to view your account balances by rearranging the columns in the detail area. Using processing options, you define how the program calculates the balances and variances. The system calculates the variance using the ledger types and calculation method that you specify in the processing options. If you change the ledger types or calculation method, the variance also changes.

Forms Used to Review Balances, Ledgers, and Subledgers

Form Name Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison FormID

Navigation Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), T/B / Ledger ComparisonTo review an account, select the account and then select Subledger Detail from the Row menu. Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Account Balance by Subledger

Usage Review summarized trial balance information for a specific account or for all accounts within a business unit and for two ledgers.

Account Balance by Subledger


Review subledger information for an account.

Setting Processing Options for Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison (P09210A)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Ledger Type 1 2. Ledger Type 2 3. Exit with Ledger Type Specify the default ledger for the first ledger type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type BA. Specify the default ledger for the second ledger type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA. Specify the ledger type for the system to use when accessing another program. Values are: Blank or 1: Ledger Type 1. 2: Ledger Type 2.

1. Suppress Zero Balances Specify whether to display posting accounts with zero balances. Values are: Blank or N: Display zero balances.


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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Y: Do not display zero balances. This processing option applies only to posting accounts. Non-posting header accounts appear on the inquiry form. 2. Calculation Method Specify the calculation method to use when calculating variances. Values are: Blank or S: Subtraction A: Addition. M: Multiplication. D: Division. 3. Additional Ledger Type 1 and 4. Additional Ledger Type 2 5. Subledger Specify an additional ledger type to use when retrieving account balances for ledger type 1 and ledger type 2. If you leave these processing options blank, the system does not use additional ledger types to retrieve balances for these ledger types. Specify the subledger to use for retrieving account balances. Enter * to display all transactions with subledgers. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects transactions without subledgers. Specify the subledger type from UDC table 00/ST to use for retrieving account balances. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses blank for the subledger type. Specify the account level of detail to use (39). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 9.

6. Subledger Type

7. Account Level Of Detail

1. Currency Code Use this processing option only if use multicurrency processing. Specify the currency code to use for retrieving account balances. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses all currency codes.

1. Date Effective Balances Specify whether to use period-end dates or to calculate date-effective balances. Values are: Blank or N: Period-end dates. Y: Date-effective balances. 2. Default Thru Period Display Specify whether to display thru dates or thru periods. Values are: Blank or N: Thru dates. Y: Thru periods.

Reviewing Trial Balances and Ledger Comparisons

Access the Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison form.

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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Chapter 31

Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison form

Skip to Account

Enter an account number to review account balances for a specific account or enter a business unit number to review account balances for all accounts in a business unit. Based on the value that you entered in the Skip to Account field: To review account balances for a specific account, select this check box. To review account balances for all accounts in the business unit, do not select this check box.

Select / Skip To

Ledger Type 1, Ledger Type 2, Type/Subledger, and Level of Detail Period / Date

Change the default information in these fields, if necessary. To display all subledger information posted to accounts, enter * in the Subledger field. If you leave this field blank, the system displays only posted amounts without subledgers. To review account balances through the ending date of a specific period, select this check box. To review account balances through a specific date within a period, clear this check box.

LT 1 Thru Date and LT2 Thru Date

Change the values in these fields, if necessary. If you leave the LT 1 Thru Date and LT 2 Thru Date fields blank, the system uses the current date for the company in which the business unit belongs. To review account balances through a specific date within a period, enter the date in the LT 1 Thru Date and LT 2 Thru Date fields and clear the Period / Date check box. You must set the Date Effective Balances processing option for this program to Y to review account balances through a specific date.


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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Access to Other Programs from the Row Menu

You can access several other programs from within the T/B / Ledger Comparison program. Selections from the Row menu enable you to access these forms: Work with Account Ledger Account Balances Account Balance by Currency Code Account Balance by Subledger Work With Order Details Work With Commitment Inquiry

Reviewing Trial Balance Subledger Information

Access the Account Balance by Subledger form.

Reviewing Trial Balances

This section provides an overview of trial balance review and discusses how to: Set processing options for T/B by Object Account (P09214). Set processing options for T/B by Company (P09216). Set processing options for T/B by Subledger (P09215). Review balances by object. Review balances by company. Review balances by subledger.

Understanding Trial Balance Review

You can review trial balances by: Object account Company Subledger Use the Trial Balance by Object Account program (P09214) to review account balances across all business units. You can also review balances for two ledger types at the same time, which enables you to review actual amounts and currency or budget amounts side by side and so on. Use the T/B by Company program (P09216) to review balance information for a specific account across business units for a single company. Use the T/B by Subledger program (P09215) to review account balances for a one subledger or all subledgers. You can review balances for one ledger type only.

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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Chapter 31

Forms Used to Review Trial Balances

Form Name Trial Balance by Object


Navigation Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), T/B by Object Account Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), T/B by Company Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), T/B by Subledger

Usage Review account balance information across all business units. Review account balance information for a specific account across business units for a single company. Review account balances for a specific subledger or for all subledgers.

Trial Balance by Company


Trial Balance by Subledger


Setting Processing Options for T/B by Object Account (P09214)

The processing options for the T/B by Object Account program are the same as those for the Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison program except for the processing options described in this section. See Chapter 31, Reviewing Balances and Transactions, Setting Processing Options for Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison (P09210A), page 340.

1. Date Effective Balances Specify whether to use period-end dates or to calculate date effective balances. Values are: Blank or N: Period-end dates. The system only allows you to use a period-end date in the Thru Date field. The system retrieves totals from the F0902 table. Y: Date effective balances. The system allows you to enter any valid date within a period in the Thru Date field and the totals will be calculated up to that date. The system calculates totals using the F0911 table instead of the F0902 table.

3. Exit Ledger Type Specify the ledger type for the system to use when accessing another program. Values are: Blank or 1: Ledger Type 1. 2: Ledger Type 2. Note. This processing option applies only when accessing programs that have one ledger type, such as Account Balances by Month (P0902P1). For programs with two ledger types, such as Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200), ledger type 1 will always be the same as ledger type 1 of the originating program, and ledger type 2 will be blank.


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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

7. Model Accounts Specify whether to display model accounts. Values are: Blank or N: Exclude model accounts when a company other than 00000 or * is used. Y: Include model accounts when a company other than 00000 or * is used

Setting Processing Options for T/B by Company (P09216)

The processing options for the T/B by Company program are the same as those for the Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison program except for the processing option described in this section.

3. Ledger Type Specify a ledger type from UDC table 09/LT to use when displaying records. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA.

Setting Processing Options for T/B by Subledger (P09215)

The processing options for the T/B by Subledger program are a subset of those used by the Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison program. See Chapter 31, Reviewing Balances and Transactions, Setting Processing Options for Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison (P09210A), page 340.

Reviewing Balances by Object Account

Access the Trial Balance by Object form.

Trial Balance by Object form

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Chapter 31

Select / Skip To

To review balances only for the account number in the Object/Subsidiary field, select this check box. To begin the list of accounts that display with the account number in the Object/Subsidiary field and include all account numbers greater than the account, do not select this check box.

Period / Date Thru Period Thru Date

To specify a period, select this check box and enter the period number in the Thru Period field. Enter the period number. This field appears only if you select the Period / Date check box. To specify a through date, enter the date in this field. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the ending date of the current period for the company.

Access to Other Programs from the Row Menu

You can access several other programs from within the Trial Balance by Object Account program. Selections from the Row menu enable you to access these forms: Work with Account Ledger Account Balances Account Balance by Currency Code Account Balance by Subledger

Reviewing Balances by Company

Access the Trial Balance by Company form.

Trial Balance by Company form

The fields that appear on this form are similar to those on the Trial Balance by Object Account form. See Chapter 31, Reviewing Balances and Transactions, Reviewing Balances by Object Account, page 345.

Reviewing Balances by Subledger

Access the Trial Balance by Subledger form.


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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Trial Balance by Subledger form

Access to Other Programs from the Row Menu

You can access several other programs from within the T/B by Subledger program. Selections from the Row menu enable you to access these forms: Work with Account Ledger Account Balances

Reviewing Account Ledgers

You can review account ledger information using different programs: Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200). Account Inquiry by Object Account (P09201). Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202). This section provides an overview of account ledger inquiry, account ledger by object account, and account ledger by category code and discusses how to: Set processing options for Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200). Set Processing options for Account Inquiry by Object Account (P09201). Set processing options for Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202). Review account ledger transactions.

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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Chapter 31

Review ledgers by object account. Review account ledgers by category code online.

Understanding Account Ledger Inquiry

Use the Account Ledger Inquiry program (P09200) to review detailed transactions for an account by date range, subledger, and ledger type. The system displays both posted and unposted transactions from the F0911 table and provides a ledger total (posted and unposted amounts) and an unposted total. The difference between these totals is the posted total. The year-to-date period amount equals the posted ledger total if your date selection meets this criteria: The From Date is the first day of the fiscal year. The Thru Date is the last day of the month specified. The From Date and the Thru Date are in the same fiscal year. The year-to-date and cumulative-period amounts might not equal the posted ledger total if you cross over a fiscal year or if you display only part of the current fiscal year. If you are reviewing an income statement account, the year-to-date and cumulative period amounts are equal. The cumulative period amount does not appear for an income statement account. If you set the Second Ledger processing option accordingly, you can review amounts for two ledger types, such as actual and currency restatement ledgers, at the same time. A second ledger type is especially beneficial in multicurrency environments because you can see transactions for foreign and domestic currencies at the same time.

Understanding Account Ledger by Object Account

Use the Account Inquiry by Object Account program (P09201) to review detailed transactions for an object account across all business units. The system displays both posted and unposted transactions from the F0911 table. To limit your search for transactions to review, you can use the same criteria that is available in the Account Ledger Inquiry program (P09200). If you set the Second Ledger processing option accordingly, you can review amounts for two ledger types, such as actual and budget ledgers, at the same time.

Understanding Account Ledger by Category Code

Use the Account Inquiry by Category Code program (P09202) to review detailed transactions for any of the category codes that are set up for an alternate (statutory) chart of accounts. You specify the category code (21, 22, or 23) in the Category Code processing option for this program. The system displays both posted and unposted transactions from the F0911 table. To limit your search, you can use the same criteria that is available in the Account Ledger Inquiry program. If you set the Second Ledger processing option accordingly, you can review amounts for two ledger types, such as actual and budget ledgers, at the same time.


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Chapter 31

Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Forms Used to Review Account Ledgers

Form Name Work With Account Ledger


Navigation Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Account Ledger Inquiry

Usage Review account ledger transaction information for an account. To print the account ledger, select Print Ledger from the Report menu.

Journal Entry


On the Work With Account Ledger form, select the transaction for which you want to review the source information and then either click Select or select Original Entry LT1 from the Row menu. To review the source information for a transaction in ledger type 2, select the transaction and then select Original Entry LT 2 from the Row menu.

Review source information for account ledger transactions in ledger type 1 and ledger type 2. Depending on the original transaction, the system accesses various forms. For example, if the original transaction is a journal entry, the system accesses the Journal Entry form or if the original transaction is an accounts receivable invoice, the system accesses the Standard Invoice Entry form. Review detailed information about the document. Review additional details about the document including number and date and the user ID of the person who created the batch. Review account ledger transactions for an object account across business units.

Account Ledger Detail


On the Work With Account Ledger form, select Details from the Row menu. On the Account Ledger Details form, select Additional Details from the Form menu. Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Account Inquiry by Object Account To print the account ledger, select Print Ledger from the Report menu.

Account Ledger Additional Details


Work With Account Ledger by Object Account


Work With Account Ledger by Category Code


Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Account Inquiry by Category Code To print the account ledger for an account, select the account and then select Print Ledger from the Row menu.

Review account ledger transactions for a statutory chart of accounts.

Setting Processing Options for Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200)

These processing options specify the default values that the system uses on the Work with Account Ledger form.

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Chapter 31

1. Account Number, 2. For each processing option, specify the default value for the system to display From Date, 3. Through in the corresponding fields on the inquiry form. Date, 4. Ledger Type, 5. Subledger, 6. Subledger Type, and 7. Currency Code

1. From Date Method Specify the date the system should use on the inquiry form if the From Date field is left blank. Values are: 1: Use the beginning date of the current fiscal year as the from date. 2: Use the beginning date of the current period as the from date.

1. Second Ledger Type Specify whether to display a second ledger type, which enables you to view two ledger types at one time. Values are: Blank: Display one ledger type. 1: Display two ledger types. The system uses ledger type 1 as the basis for determining the amount for ledger type 2; therefore, the system displays only records with ledger type 1 amounts on the inquiry form. For example, if you enter AA for ledger type 1 and CA for ledger type 2, the system displays all records with AA ledger type amounts in the F0911 table (F0911) and any matching records with a CA ledger type. The matching records must have the same document number, document type, document company, general ledger date, and journal entry line number. If the system does not find AA ledger type amounts for an account, there is no corresponding CA ledger type amounts. 2. Ledger Type Specify the ledger type to display in the Ledger Type 2 field. The Second Ledger Type processing option must be set to display two ledger types.

1. Exit for PK or PN document type Specify which form to use when accessing to the source document. Values are: Blank: Exit to the Manual Payment Entry form. 1: Exit to the Journal Entry form.

1. As-If Currency Specify the currency code to use as the default for the as if currency. To display the As If field, you must select As-If Currency from the Form menu on the Work With Account Ledger form. This processing option enables amounts to appear in a currency other than the currency in which they were originally entered.


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Chapter 31

Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Only the amounts associated with ledger type 1 are converted to the as if currency. If you leave this processing option blank, amounts appear in the currency of the transaction. 2. Exchange Rate Date Specify the date to use for the exchange rate to display amounts in the as if currency. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the date in the Thru Date field on the Work With Account Ledger form.

Setting Processing Options for Account Inquiry by Object Account (P09201)

The processing options for the Account Inquiry by Object Account program are the same as those for the Account Ledger Inquiry program except for the processing option described in this section. See Chapter 31, Reviewing Balances and Transactions, Setting Processing Options for Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200), page 349.

Object/Subsidiary Account Number Specify the default value that the system displays in the Obj/Sub field on the Work With Account Ledger by Object Account form.

Setting Processing Options for Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202)

The processing options for the Account Inquiry by Category Code program are the same as those for the Account Ledger Inquiry program except for the processing options described in this section. See Chapter 31, Reviewing Balances and Transactions, Setting Processing Options for Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200), page 349.

Category Code
Category Code (2123) Enter the account category code from UDC table 09/2123. The default value is category 21.

Alternate Account Enter the number that identifies the alternate account number in the category code you specified in the Category Code (2123) processing option.

Reviewing Account Ledger Transactions

Access the Work With Account Ledger form.

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Chapter 31

Work With Account Ledger form

Ledger Type 1 Ledger Type 2

Change the value in this field to review a ledger other than AA (actual amounts) ledger. The program uses AA as the default ledger type. Change the value in this field, if necessary. This field appears only if a processing option is set to display a second ledger type.

Reviewing Ledgers by Object Account

Access the Work With Account Ledger by Object Account form.


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Chapter 31

Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Work With Account Ledger by Object Account form

Reviewing Ledgers by Category Code

Access the Work With Account Ledger By Category Code form. Alternate Account Displays the account assigned to a user-defined code in UDC table 09/2123. The Category Code and Alternate Account processing options work in combination to supply the value that appears in this field.

Display Company Subtotals Select this option to display company subtotals for the range of companies specified in the From Company and Thru Company fields.

Reviewing Account Balances by Month

You can use two programs to review account balances: Account Balance by Month (P0902P1). Account Balance by Subledger (P092131).

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Reviewing Balances and Transactions

Chapter 31

This section provides an overview of account balances review and discusses how to: Set processing options for Account Balance by Month (P0902P1). Set processing options for Account Balance by Subledger (P092131). Review monthly account balances. Review balances by subledger.

Understanding Account Balances Review

Use the Account Balance by Month program (P0902P1) to review account balances for a general ledger period including: Monthly net changes (net postings) and cumulative monthly balances for each period of the fiscal year for a single account. Prior year-end net posting amounts for profit-and-loss accounts. Prior year-end balance forwards for balance-sheet accounts. This online inquiry displays information from the F0902 table. Reviewing information on this inquiry form is especially helpful after you run the Annual Close program (R098201) because you can quickly review amounts for balance forward and prior-year ending net postings to verify that the closing was successful. Use the Account Balance by Subledger program (P092131) to review account balance information by subledger and subledger type for a particular account. This program displays posted amounts and balances for the current period and year to date from the F0902 table. It does not have processing options.

Forms Used to Review Account Balances

Form Name Account Balances FormID

Navigation Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Account Balance by Month Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Account Balance by Subledger

Usage Review monthly account balances. Review balances by subledger for a specific account.

Account Balance by Subledger


Setting Processing Options for Account Balance by Month (P0902P1)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

Fiscal Year, Ledger Type, Subledger, Subledger Type, and Currency Code For each processing, specify the default value for the system to display in the corresponding fields on the Account Balances form.

Reviewing Monthly Account Balances

Access the Account Balances form.


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Account Balances form

Balance Forward

Displays the cumulative prior year-end balance. The system uses this amount as the beginning balance for balance sheet and job cost carry-forward accounts. Note. Do not confuse this amount with the prior year-end net posting amount. The prior year-end net posting amount includes only the postings from the prior year. It does not include the ending balance of the previous year. The prior year-end net postings are typically used for profit and loss statement comparisons.

PYE Net Postings (prior year-end net postings)

Displays the prior year-end net postings. The system uses this number for profit and loss statement comparisons.

Reviewing Balances by Subledger

Access the Account Balance by Subledger form.

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Chapter 31

Account Balance by Subledger form

The system displays subledger detail information on this form only if the posting edit code is not S. The Net Posting Thru Date field shows the net balance posted year-to-date while the Net Posting for Period field shows the net balance for the current period. Period Thru Period Thru Ending Date Select this check box to limit your search to a specific accounting period. To limit your search to a specific ending date, do not select this check box. If the Period check box is selected, enter a fiscal period number in this field. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the ending date of the current period. If the Period check box is not selected, enter a date in this field.


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Generating Financial Reports

This chapter provides an overview of financial reports and discusses how to: Set up data selection and data sequence for the Simple Income statement and Simple Balance Sheet. Generate a simple income statement. Generate a simple balance sheet. Generate a statement of cash flow. Generate consolidated financial reports. Generate monthly spreadsheets Generate variance analysis reports.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, (RUS) Working With General Ledger Reporting, Fixed Assets, and Inventory Management for Russia JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, (CHN) Generating Financial Reports for Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, (ITA) Working With Functionality for Italy, Verifying Account Balances in Italy

Understanding Financial Reports

In most businesses, the accounting department or controllers office is required to produce certain financial reports on a regular basis. Typically, these reports are produced at the end of a period or fiscal year. To compare current period and year-to-date amounts to amounts for the same period in the prior year, you can print an income statement. To assess your companys financial position, you can print a balance sheet. Financial reports combine information from the Business Unit Master (F0006), Account Master (F0901), and Account Balances (F0902) tables.

Types of Financial Reports

This table describes the types of financial reports:

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Feature Standard reports

Description You can use any of the standard templates that are provided with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. A report template contains a fixed format for your data and predefines the number of columns, their order, and their headings. You can create your own version using any report template. A single report version can contain amounts for individual companies or consolidated totals for several companies. You can design additional, customized financial reports using the Report Design Aid tool.

Custom reports

Detail and summary information on reports

You can print different levels of summarization on financial reports by specifying a level of detail in which to show accounts. Using AAIs, you assign the account ranges and subtotals that the system uses for the reports.

Setting Up Data Selection and Data Sequence for the Simple Income Statement and Simple Balance Sheet
You must select the object accounts that you want to include on the report. You must also specify a ledger type. If you do not, the system combines all ledger types, which could produce inaccurate results. Financial reports are designed to print in this sequence: Company Object account Subsidiary If you do not use company as your first sequence, the system uses the information for company 00000 to determine the financial reporting date. You must always use a sequence by object account and subsidiary to protect the integrity of your data and to ensure that the level-of-detail subtotals are accurate. To print a report across many business units or companies, use a sequence by object account and subsidiary only. The data sequence item that immediately precedes the object account determines page breaks and totals for all financial reports. For example, if the data sequence is by company, object account, and subsidiary, page breaks and totals occur when the company number changes. If the object account is the first data sequence item, the report has no page breaks and totals appear at the end of the report. You can change the subtotals by changing the sequence and level breaks. For example, you could create subtotals by specifying category codes for level breaks. This table shows the data sequence that is required for specific types of reports:


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Report Type Business unit report

Data Sequence Setup The data sequence should be: Business Unit Object Account Subsidiary

Business unit consolidation report

The data sequence should be: Company Object Account Subsidiary

Company consolidation report

The data sequence should be: Object Subsidiary

Generating a Simple Income Statement

This section provides an overview of the simple income statement, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to: Print a simple income statement. Set data selection and data sequence for Simple Income Statement. Set processing options for Simple Income Statement (R10211B).

Understanding the Simple Income Statement

The Simple Income Statement (R10211B) tracks revenues and expenses and the net income or loss for a specific period of time. To print a simple income statement, all of your profit and loss accounts must be grouped together in your chart of accounts and cannot be interrupted by any balance sheet accounts. The system uses AAI item FSxx to establish the optimal interim totals on the income statement. Some examples of special interim totals include: Gross Margin Net Profit Before Taxes Net Income (Loss)

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Verify that you have set up AAI items FSxx. Verify that your financial reporting period is set correctly.

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See Chapter 37, Closing Accounting and Reporting Periods, Changing Financial Reporting Periods, page 431.

Printing a Simple Income Statement

Select Financial Reports (G10), Simple Income Statement.

Setting Data Selection for Simple Income Statement

You must select the object accounts that you want to include on the report. For example, if your profit and loss accounts begin with object account 5000, select an object account greater than or equal to 5000. See Chapter 32, Generating Financial Reports, Setting Up Data Selection and Data Sequence for the Simple Income Statement and Simple Balance Sheet, page 358.

Setting Processing Options for Simple Income Statement (R10211B)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports. 1. Calculate Net Income Specify whether to calculate net income. Values are: Blank: Do not calculate net income. 1: Calculate net income.

1. Period Number and 2. Fiscal Year Enter the period number and fiscal year that the report should be based on. If you leave these processing options blank, the system uses the financial reporting date of the company.

1. Level of Detail Enter the lowest level of account detail to print on the report.

1. Reverse Sign Specify how to print amounts. Values are: 0: Print amounts in their original debit and credit format. 1: Reverse the sign for all account types (revenues will print as positive and expenses as negative). 2: Reverse the sign of revenue accounts only (revenues and expenses will print as positive).

1. Calculate Net Income Specify whether to calculate net income. Values are: Blank: Do not calculate net income. 1: Calculate net income.


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1. Print Heading Specify how to print headings. Values are: Blank: Print headings on the first page only. 1: Print headings with page number and run date on each page. 2: Print headings without page number and run date. 2. Date Title Type Enter the date title type to print in the page heading. If you leave this processing option blank, a date title does not print.

Generating a Simple Balance Sheet

This section provides an overview of the simple balance sheet, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to: Print a simple balance sheet. Set data selection and data sequence for Simple Balance Sheet. Set processing options for Simple Balance Sheet (R10111B).

Understanding the Simple Balance Sheet

The Simple Balance Sheet (R10111B) tracks assets, liabilities, and equity by business unit or company. To print a simple balance sheet, all of your balance sheet accounts must be grouped in your chart of accounts, and cannot be interrupted by any profit and loss accounts. You can use a balance sheet to track financial information for: Current period. Prior period end. Prior year end. Net change for the period and year. AAI items GLG2, GLG3, and GLG5 establish the beginning and ending ranges for balance sheet accounts.

How Net Income Is Calculated

The system does not perform calculations on the actual revenue and expense accounts (50009999) to derive a net income amount. Instead, it uses this equation: Assets (Liabilities + Equity) = Net Income This method of calculating the net income saves a considerable amount of processing time when you produce a balance sheet.

Example: Net Income Calculation

Review this example to see how the system uses the computed total in the net income calculation: Assets = 6,966,772.54 Liabilities + Equity = 6,592,393.31

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Net Income = 374,379.23 This calculation is based on: Assets = 6,966,772.54 Liabilities + Equity: Current Liabilities = 755,755.74 Long-Term Liabilities = 2,027,576.49 Common Stock = 267,500.00 Paid-in-Capital = 1,535,017.77 Retained Earnings = 2,006,543.31 Total Liabilities + Equity = 6,592,393.31

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Validate the net income amount on your income statement. This amount is the year-to-date income (loss) on the balance sheet. Verify that AAI items GLG2, GLG3, and GLG5 are set up. Verify that your financial reporting period is set correctly. See Chapter 37, Closing Accounting and Reporting Periods, Changing Financial Reporting Periods, page 431. For reports that cross over to a new year, verify that the Annual Close Report (R098201) ran successfully. Balance forward amounts are not created until the close process is complete. See Chapter 38, Closing the Fiscal Year, page 433.

Printing a Simple Balance Sheet

Select Financial Reports (G10), Simple Balance Sheet.

Setting Data Selection for Simple Balance Sheet

You must select the object accounts that you want to include on the report. For example, if your profit and loss accounts begin with object account 5000, you could select an object account that is less than or equal to 4999. See Chapter 32, Generating Financial Reports, Setting Up Data Selection and Data Sequence for the Simple Income Statement and Simple Balance Sheet, page 358.

Setting Processing Options for Simple Balance Sheet (R10111B)

The processing options for the Simple Balance Sheet are the same as those for the Simple Income Statement except for those described in this section. See Chapter 32, Generating Financial Reports, Setting Processing Options for Simple Income Statement (R10211B), page 360.


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Reverse Sign Specify how to print amounts. Values are: 0 (zero): Print amounts in their original debit and credit format. 1: Reverse the sign for liability and equity accounts.

Calculate YTD Net Income Specify whether to calculate and print a year-to-date net income amount. Values are: Blank: Do not print a year-to-date net income amount. 1: Print a year-to-date net income amount.

Generating a Statement of Cash Flow

This section provides an overview of the statement of cash flow, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to: Print the statement of cash flow. Set data selection for Statement of Cash Flows Report. Set processing options for Statement of Cash Flows Report (R10521).

See Also
Chapter 8, Setting Up Statements of Cash Flow, page 69

Understanding the Statement of Cash Flow

The Statement of Cash Flows Report (R10521), which reports on the cash flows of a reporting entity, meets International Accounting Standards (IAS) requirements for financial reporting. The statement of cash flow consists of accounts that are part of a companys operating, investing, and financing activities and provides information about how cash and cash equivalents are generated and used by a company. The system retrieves information for cash flow statements from these tables: Statement of Cash Flow Rules (F10520). This table contains the descriptions that appear on the report, the accounts associated with each description, and an indication of whether the accounts normally have a debit or credit balance. This table does not include the subtotal descriptions. The subtotal descriptions are hard-coded in the Statement of Cash Flow Report and are based on International Accounting Standards (IAS) 7. Account Balances (F0902) This table contains the account balances for the accounts in the F10520 table. The system calculates the net year-to-date postings for the period, based on the F0902 table and the fiscal period specified in a processing option. On the Statement of Cash Flow Report, the system inserts the words Increase in or Decrease in before the account descriptions for each line as follows:

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If the accounts associated with the description normally have a debit balance (as specified in the F10520 table) and the balances in the F0902 table are positive (zero or greater), the system concatenates the text Increase in before the description. If the balances are negative (less than zero), it concatenates the text Decrease in. If the accounts associated with the description normally have a credit balance (as specified in the F10520 table) and the balances in the F0902 table are positive, the system concatenates the text Decrease in before the description. If the balances are negative, it concatenates the text Increase in. If amounts on the Statement of Cash Flows Report are out of balance, an error message prints at the end of the report. An out-of-balance condition occurs when the difference between beginning and ending cash and cash equivalents is not equal to the net increase or decrease in cash and cash equivalents.

Example: Statement of Cash Flow

This example shows the contents of a statement of cash flow. The left column shows the description as it appears on the report, the middle column shows the activity code and line item that correspond to that description, and the right column shows amounts, which are typically subtotal amounts. You define line items for activity codes 2070 (UDC table 10/CF) and assign accounts to each line item. The system uses those account numbers to calculate the amounts that appear on your report. For most activity codes, the system summarizes the line item amounts into a subtotal. For example, the subtotal description for activity code 20 is Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes and the subtotal amount is 100. For activity code 10, you do not assign an account. Instead, you assign AAI item FSxx, which you use for Net Profit Before Tax, and the system locates the corresponding amount. This amount is from the Simple Income Statement (R10211B), which is generated when you run the Statement of Cash Flows Report. For the Depreciation line item, you use accumulated depreciation accounts, which are credit accounts, so that when the amounts are reversed for the report they are added to the Net Income Before Tax line item.


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Name of Company Statement of Cash Flows For the Period Ending day/month/year Cash Flows from Operating Activities Net Profit Before Tax Adjustment for: Depreciation and Amortization Profit/Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets Decrease in Interest Expense Decrease in Other Expense Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes Decrease in Inventory Increase in Receivables Decrease in Payables Cash Generated from Operations Increase in Taxes Paid Increase in Dividends Paid Increase in Other Non-Operating Income Increase in Other Non-Operating Expense Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Activity code 10 Activity code 20, line 1 Activity code 20, line 2 Activity code 20, line 3 Activity code 20, line 4 Subtotal activity code 20, lines 1-4 Activity code 30, line 1 Activity code 30, line 2 Activity code 30, line 3 Subtotal activity code 30, lines 1-3 Activity code 40, line 1 Activity code 40, line 2 Activity code 40, line 3 Activity code 40, line 4 Subtotal activity codes 10+20+30+activity code 40, lines 1-4 Activity code 50, line 1 Activity code 50, line 2 Activity code 50, line 3 Subtotal activity code 50, lines 1-3 Activity code 60, line 1 Activity code 60, line 2 Subtotal activity code 60, lines 1-2 50 100 -25 -25


100 25 -25 -25 -25 25 25 -50 50

1,125 -50 25 -25 -50 -50 -50

Increase in Purchase of Fixed Assets Decrease in Proceeds of Sale of Fixed Assets Increase in Purchase of Other Assets Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities Decrease in Non-Current Liabilities Increase in Capital Stock (excluding Retained Earnings) Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities Net Increase/Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents (beginning balance) Cash and Cash Equivalents (ending balance)

-100 **975 350 1,325

Statement of Cash Flows

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Chapter 32

** This amount equals the difference between the beginning balance and ending balance of cash and cash equivalents.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Ensure that all financial statements for the fiscal period have been generated. Ensure that you have access to the programs in the Financial Reports system (system code 10).

Printing the Statement of Cash Flow

Select Statement of Cash Flow (G1031), Statement of Cash Flows Report.

Setting Data Selection for Statement of Cash Flow Report

To generate a Statement of Cash Flows Report that includes more than one company, the currency, the fiscal date pattern and account structure must be the same for the companies that you specify in the data selection.

Setting Processing Options for Statement of Cash Flow Report (R10521)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Fiscal Date Pattern Company 2. Thru Period Number and 3. Fiscal Year Specify which company fiscal date pattern you want to use to print the date on the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current period for company 00000 and prints the corresponding date. Specify the through period number and fiscal year n which to run the Statement of Cash Flows Report. If you leave these processing options blank, the system uses the current period number and current fiscal year of the company in the Fiscal Date Pattern Company processing option. If that processing option is blank, the system uses the current period number and fiscal year of company 00000. Specify the ledger type to use for the Statement of Cash Flows Report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA. If you work in a multicurrency environment, the currency of the ledger type must be the same as the currency of the company on the report.

4. Ledger Type

1. Scaling Specify the value in which to scale amounts on the report. Values are 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, and 1000000000. The system performs rounding when it scales amounts. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not scale amounts.


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Generate Consolidated Financial Reports

This section provides an overview of consolidated financial reports, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to: Print a Consolidated Income-7 column statement. Set data selection and data sequence for Consolidated Income-7 column. Set processing options for Consolidated Income-7 column (R103121A). Print a consolidated balance sheet. Set data selection and data sequence for Consolidated Balance Sheet. Set processing options for Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10311A).

Understanding Consolidated Financial Reports

At the end of each financial period, most companies produce financial reports. To combine income or balance sheet information across companies or business units, you can print consolidated financial reports. These reports use information that is stored in the F0006, F0901, and F0902 tables. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system provides several sample versions of consolidated financial reports. Before you print them, you must first define the column headings and data that you want to appear in each column of the report. This information also applies to consolidated financial reports: Each report includes a consolidated column. The system calculates the consolidated column based on the amounts in the other columns. Amounts on the report appear as whole currency amounts. Decimal amounts are omitted. You can define as many columns as fit on the printed report.

Define the column headings and data that you want to appear in each column of the consolidated financial report. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96: Development Tools: Report Design Aid Guide See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96: Development Tools: Report Printing Administration Technologies Guide

Printing a Consolidated Income- 7 Column Statement

Select Financial Reports (G10), Consolidated Income-7 column. To see income (profit and loss) information that is combined for companies or business units, print the Consolidated Income-7 column statement (R103121A). Amounts on consolidated income statements include a maximum of 999 million with separators and 999 billion without separators. You can include information for the current period or year to date. The XJDE versions for the Consolidated Income-7 column statement have predefined columns for specific companies. To create a report for companies other than those that are defined in the XJDE versions, you must use the Report Design Aid tool to set up data selection and column titles.

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See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96: Development Tools: Report Design Aid Guide See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96: Development Tools: Report Printing Administration Technologies Guide

Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Consolidated Income-7 Column

The first data selection must be the object account range for your profit and loss accounts. You must sequence by object and subsidiary account. If you do not, your column data will spread over many pages.

Setting Processing Options for Consolidated Income-7 Column (R103121A)

The processing options for the Consolidated Income-7 column statements are the same as those for the Simple Income Statement except for those described in this section. See Chapter 32, Generating Financial Reports, Setting Processing Options for Simple Income Statement (R10211B), page 360.

Period/YTD Specify the account balances to appear on the report. Values are: Blank: Print year-to-date account balances. 1: Print account balances for a single period.

Calculate Net Income Specify whether to calculate net income. Values are: Blank: Do not calculate net income. If the version uses AAI subtotaling, leave this processing option blank. The system will automatically calculate and print net income. 1: Calculate net income.

Printing a Consolidated Balance Sheet

Select Financial Reports (G10), Consolidated Balance Sheet. To make balance sheet comparisons using combined totals for companies or business units, print the Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10311A) for the current period or the year to date. You can consolidate up to seven different reporting entities on the consolidated balance sheet. The XJDE versions of the Consolidated Balance Sheet have predefined columns for specific companies. To create a report for companies other than those that are defined in the XJDE versions, you must use the Report Design Aid tool to set up data selection and column titles. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96: Development Tools: Report Design Aid Guide See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96: Development Tools: Report Printing Administration Technologies Guide


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Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Consolidated Balance Sheet

The first data selection must be the object account range for the balance sheet accounts. You must sequence by object and subsidiary account. If you do not, the column data will spread over many pages.

Setting Processing Options for Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10311A)

The processing options for the Consolidated Income- 7 Column statements are the same as those for the Simple Income Statement with this exception. See Chapter 32, Generating Financial Reports, Setting Processing Options for Simple Income Statement (R10211B), page 360.

Compute YTD Income Specify whether to calculate year-to-date income. Values are: Blank: Do not calculate year-to-date income. 1: Calculate year-to-date income.

Reverse Sign Specify how to print amounts. Values are: 0: Print amounts in their original debit and credit format. 1: Reverse the sign for liability and equity accounts.

Generating Monthly Spreadsheets

This section provides an overview of monthly spreadsheets, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to: Print the monthly spreadsheet. Set processing options for Monthly Spreadsheet (R10412A).

Understanding Monthly Spreadsheets

To examine trends in your companys financial activity, print the Monthly Spreadsheet (R10412A). You can analyze actual and budget amounts for period-to-date, as well as year-to-date. You can also show current period amounts with budget amounts for future periods. The monthly spreadsheet rounds to the thousands. For example, if the amount is 2700, it rounds to 3000 and prints as 3. If you want a spreadsheet with different specifications, you can design your own by using the Report Design Aid tool. The monthly spreadsheet uses information stored in the F0902 table.

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Note. You must use version XJDE0006 or create a copy of the version if you want AAI subtotals to appear on your report. XJDE0006 contains additional event rules for AAI subtotaling; therefore, you cannot add a version and achieve the desired results.

Verify that the financial reporting period is set correctly. See Chapter 37, Closing Accounting and Reporting Periods, Changing Financial Reporting Periods, page 431.

Printing the Monthly Spreadsheet

Select Financial Reports (G10), Monthly Spreadsheet.

Setting Processing Options for Monthly Spreadsheet (R10412A)

The processing options for this report are the same as those for the Simple Income Statement with the exceptions described in this section. See Chapter 32, Generating Financial Reports, Setting Processing Options for Simple Income Statement (R10211B), page 360.

1. Reverse Sign Specify how to print amounts. Values are: 0: Print amounts in their original debit and credit format. 1: Reverse the sign for income statement accounts (revenues print as positive and expenses print as negative). 2: Reverse the sign for liability and equity accounts. 3: Reverse the sign for revenue accounts only (revenues and expenses print as positive).

1. Calculate Net Income Specify the type of net income to calculate. Values are: 1: Calculate balance sheet net income. 2: Calculate profit and loss net income. 3: Do not calculate net income (default)

1. Column Format Specify the format of the twelve columns that print on the spreadsheet: 1: Last 12 Months Actual (default) 2: Year-to-Date Actual 3: Year-to-Date Actual plus Remaining Budget.


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2. Budget Ledger Type

If the Column Format processing option is set to 3, enter the ledger type for the remaining budget. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type BA. Enter the ledger type in which to base the spreadsheet. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA.

3. Ledger Type

Generating Variance Analysis Reports

To compare actual to budget amounts and compute current period and year-to-date variances, use the variance analysis reports. This section discusses how to: Print the Variance Analysis report. Set processing options for Variance Analysis (R10212A). Print the Variance Analysis w/ 5 Months report. Set processing options for Variance Analysis w/ 5 Months (R10411A).

Printing the Variance Analysis Report

Select Financial Reports (G10), Variance Analysis. The Variance Analysis report (R10212A) lists budget and actual amounts, and shows the difference (variance) between the two amounts. In addition, the percentage that is associated with each line item reflects the percentage of revenues. The percentage of budget that is associated with each line item is equal to the variance divided by the budget for the current period or year-to-date.

Setting Processing Options for Variance Analysis (R10212A)

The processing options for this report are the same as those for the Monthly Spreadsheet except for the processing option described in this section. See Chapter 32, Generating Financial Reports, Setting Processing Options for Monthly Spreadsheet (R10412A), page 370.

Period Number and Fiscal Year Enter the period number and fiscal year that the report should be based on. If you leave these processing options blank, the system uses the financial reporting date of the company. For the reporting date to be company-specific, you must set the data sequence by company.

Printing the Variance Analysis w/5 Months Report

Select Financial Reports (G10), Variance Analysis w/5 Months. The Variance Analysis with Five Months Actual report (R10411A) lists annual and year-to-date budget amounts, year-to-date actual amounts, and the year-to-date variance. The report also lists actual amounts for the period that is specified in the processing option and the four preceding periods.

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Setting Processing Options for Variance Analysis w/5 Months (R10411A)

The processing options for this report are the same as those for the Variance Analysis report. See Chapter 32, Generating Financial Reports, Setting Processing Options for Variance Analysis (R10212A), page 371.


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Verifying Data Integrity for General Accounting

This chapter provides an overview of General Accounting integrity reports and discusses how to: Run the Transactions to Batch Headers report. Run the Batch to Detail report. Run the Unposted Batches report. Run the Batches Out of Balance report. Run the Company by Batch Out of Balance report. Run the Companies in Balance report. Run the Intercompany Accounts in Balance report. Run the Account Balance to Transactions report. Run the Accounts without Business Units report. Run the Account Balance without Account Master report. Run the Transactions without Account Master report.

Understanding General Accounting Integrity Reports

Use integrity reports to supplement your internal balancing procedures and to locate potential balancing problems and data inconsistencies. Integrity reports are an integral part of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. Running integrity reports helps you ensure that your system functions correctly and that tables remain in balance. It also enables you to correct any problems in a timely and efficient manner. You should run integrity reports at these times: During new software installation. During conversion. Daily, if necessary. At the end of the month. At the end of the fiscal year. The more often that you run GL integrity reports, the easier it is to determine when a problem occurred. Some integrity reports are exception reports that list only discrepancies among tables. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system has three types of GL integrity reports.

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Verifying Data Integrity for General Accounting

Chapter 33

Batch Header Reports

Use the batch header reports to identify discrepancies between the Batch Control Records table (F0011) and the F0911 table. Run the batch header reports in this sequence: 1. Transactions to Batch Headers 2. Batch to Detail 3. Unposted Batches

Out-of-Balance Reports
Use the out-of-balance reports to verify that: Transactions within a company are in balance. Accounts balance on a period-by-period basis. Intercompany settlement accounts are in balance. If a batch has the Exclude Batch from Integrity Report option selected in the Batch Header Revisions program (P0011) and the batch contains an out-of-balance entry, the batch will not appear on the Batches Out of Balance and Company by Batch Out of Balance integrity reports. When you run these two integrity reports, ensure that the data selection for Include Batch on Integrity (IBOI) flag is not equal to N.

Chart of Accounts Reports

Use the chart of accounts reports to verify that the company number in the F0901 matches the company number in the Business Unit Master (F0006), F0902, and F0911 tables. You should also run these reports if you move one or more business units to another company. In update mode, run the chart of accounts reports in this sequence: 1. Accounts without Business Units. This report uses the company number in the F0006 table to update the company number in the F0901 table. 2. Account Balance without Account Master. This report uses the company number in the F0901 table to update the company number in the F0902 table. 3. Transactions without Account Master. This report uses the company number in the F0901 table to update the company number in the F0911 table. This sequence ensures that the company number always originates from the F0006 table. By running the Accounts without Business Units report first, it also ensures that the other two integrity reports use the company information in the F0901 table to update the F0902 and F0911 tables.

List of General Accounting Integrity Reports

To decide which integrity report to run, review this list of reports and descriptions:


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Report Transactions to Batch Headers (R007021)

Description Provides this transaction level information: Unposted and posted transactions without a batch header record in the F0011 table. Unposted transactions with a batch status of D (posted). In final mode, the system rebuilds missing batch header records in the F0011 table.

Batch to Detail (R007031)

Provides batch level information and automatically: Deletes empty batch header records with no AR, AP, or GL detail records. Updates the batch status of a batch header record in the F0011 table to D (posted) if the detail records in the F0911 table are posted, but the header record is unposted. Based on processing option settings, updates the batch status of a batch header record in the F0011 table to D (posted) if the detail records in the F03B11 and F0411 tables are posted, but the header record is unposted.

Unposted Batches (R007011) Batches Out of Balance (R007032) Company by Batch Out of Balance (R09706) Companies in Balance (R097001)

Prints a list of unposted batches based on the batch control records in the F0011 table. Locates batches in which the net amount of debits and credits does not equal zero. Locates out-of-balance amounts within each batch by company. Prints net differences by company and fiscal year and identifies: Adjustments posted to a prior year that are not included in the balance forward amounts for an account. Amounts posted after the period cutoff. Missing intercompany settlements.

Intercompany Accounts in Balance (R097011) Account Balance to Transactions (R09705) Accounts without Business Units (R097041) Account Balance without Account Master (R097031) Transactions without Account Master (R097021)

Locates imbalances between corresponding intercompany accounts. Locates imbalances between the F0902 and F0911 tables on a period-by-period basis. Locates business unit and company discrepancies between the F0006 and F0901 tables. Also locates accounts with missing levels of detail. Locates company and account discrepancies between the F0901 and F0902 tables. Locates company and account discrepancies between the F0911 and F0901 tables.

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Running the Transactions to Batch Headers Report

This section provides an overview of the Transactions To Batch Headers report and discusses how to: Print the Transactions To Batch Headers report. Set processing options for Transactions To Batch Headers. Correct discrepancies on the Transactions To Batch Headers report.

Understanding the Transactions To Batch Headers Report

The Transactions To Batch Headers report (R007021) identifies discrepancies between a batch record and its associated transactions. This report compares batches in the F0011 table with transactions in these tables: F0911 F03B11, F03B13, and F03B14 F0411, F0413, and F0414 Specifically, the report lists unposted transactions with a batch header record that is marked as posted (D) as well as unposted and posted transactions without matching batch header records. For transactions without matching batch header records, you can set a processing option to rebuild missing batch header records in the F0011 table. This report can be lengthy. For example, if a 500-line journal entry has a integrity issue, the system prints all 500 lines. For this reason, you might want to create different versions of this report and use processing options to specify whether to compare GL, AP, or AR transactions with the batch records. You must set at least one of the GL, AR, or AP processing options for the system to process records. Otherwise, the system prints the message No Data Selected on the report.

Printing the Transactions to Batch Headers Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Transactions to Batch Headers. Do not enter data selection criteria for this report.

Setting Processing Options for Transactions to Batch Headers (R007021)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Posted/Unposted Transactions Specify the records the system selects for processing. Values are: Blank: Posted and unposted transactions. 1: Unposted transactions only.

Because this is a batch header report, the system uses the batch date, not the general ledger date, to select records.


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1. Date Range From Date and Thru Date

Specify a beginning and an ending date for a range of dates to limit the records that the system selects for processing. If you leave these processing options blank, the system selects all records unless you enter a value for the Prior Days processing option.

2. Prior Days

Specify the number of days prior to the current date that the system uses to select records for processing. The system selects records with a batch date that is equal to the calculated date through the current date. For example, if you specify 30 for this processing option, the system selects records starting 30 days ago through today. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the dates that are specified in the From Date and Thru Date processing options.

3. Batch Type Range From Batch Type and Thru Batch Type 4. Batch Number Range From Batch Number and Thru Batch Number 5. User ID Range From User ID and Thru User ID

Specify the beginning and ending batch types for a range of batch types that the system uses to select records for processing. Enter a value from UDC table 98/IT. If you leave these processing options blank, the system selects all batch types. Specify the beginning and ending batch numbers for a range of batch numbers that the system uses to select records for processing. If you leave these processing options blank, the system selects all batch numbers. Specify the beginning and ending user IDs for a range of user IDs that the system uses for selecting records for processing. If you leave these processing option blanks, the system selects all user IDs.

If you specify a range of batch types or batch numbers in the Batch processing options and specify 1 for this GL processing option, the system identifies the batches and then compares the corresponding records in the F0911 table to the F0011 table. If you specify a range of batch types or batch numbers in the Batch processing options and leave this GL processing option blank, the system does not perform an integrity check between the F0911 and F0011 tables. 1. G/L Integrity Check Flag Specify whether the system includes records from the F0911 table for comparison with the batch control records in the F0011 table. Values are: Blank: Do not include F0911 records. 1: Include F0911 records. If you do not specify 1 for the AR or AP processing options, the system selects all batch types in the F0911 table for the integrity check

Values for these processing options are: Blank: Do not include records from the specified table for comparison with batch control records in the F0011. 1: Include records from the specified table for comparison with batch control records in the F0011. If you specify a range of batch types or batch numbers in the Batch processing options and specify 1 for any these processing options, the system identifies the batches and then compares the corresponding records in the AR table to the F0011 table.

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If you specify a range of batch types or batch numbers in the processing options and leave any of these AR processing options blank, the system does not perform an integrity check between the specified table and the F0011 table. For example, assume that you specify the batch type range IB through RB in the processing options. Then you specify 1 for the GL and AP processing options and leave the AR processing options blank. The system will perform an integrity check on the batches within the IB through RB range that exist in the F0911 table and compares them to the F0011 table. 1. A/R Ledger File F03B11 Flag 2. A/R Receipts Header File F03B13 Flag 3. Compare Receipts Header and Detail Flag Specify whether the system includes customer ledger records in the F03B11 table. Specify whether the system includes receipt header records in the F03B13 table. Specify whether the system includes receipt header records in the F03B13 and receipts detail records in the F03B14 tables.

Values for these processing options are: Blank: Do not include records from the specified table for comparison with the batch control records in the F0011 table. 1: Include records from the specified table for comparison with the batch control records in the F0011 table. If you specify a range of batch types or batch numbers in the Batch processing options and specify 1 for any these processing options, the system identifies the batches and then compares the corresponding records in the AP table to the F0011 table. If you specify a range of batch types or batch numbers in the Batch processing options and leave any of these AP processing options blank, the system does not perform an integrity check between the specified table and the F0011 table. 1. A/P Ledger File F0411 Flag 2. A/P Matching Document File F0413 Flag 3. Compare A/P Header and Detail Flag Specify whether the system includes ledger records in the F0411 table. Specify whether the system includes matching document records in the F0413 table. Specify whether the system includes matching document records in F0413 and matching document detail records from the F0414 tables.

1. Rebuild Missing Batch Header F0011 Flag Specify whether the system rebuilds missing batch header records in the F0011 table. Values are: Blank: Do not rebuild missing batch header records. A message will appear on the report that there is no batch header record. 1: Rebuild missing batch header records. A message appears on the report that the missing batch header record was added. 2. Manager Approval Flag Specify whether manager approval is required to rebuild missing batch header records in the F0011 table. Values are:


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Blank: Manager approval is not required to rebuild missing batch header records. The batch status will be set to A (approved). 1: Manager approval is required to rebuild missing batch header records. The system sets the batch status to P (pending).

Correcting Discrepancies on the Transactions To Batch Headers Report

After running the Transactions to Batch Headers report, you should correct any discrepancies by setting the processing option to rebuild missing batch header records in the F0011 table. Correct any discrepancies identified on this report before you run the Batch to Detail report. To prevent future discrepancies, consider assigning responsibility for batch revisions to one user.

Missing Batch Header Records

The reasons for this error to appear on the Transactions to Batch Headers report include: A computer failure. A conversion or interface program created a batch header incorrectly. A user created a batch header incorrectly. A user did not enter the actual number of documents on the Batch Header Revisions form.

Posted Batch Header Record, No Posted Detail

This error appears on the Transactions to Batch Headers report if a user incorrectly changes a batch header record to a posted status. To correct this discrepancy, change the status of the batch header record to A (approved) on the Batch Header Revisions form and post the batch.

See Also
Chapter 34, Maintaining Batch Headers, Adding and Revising Batch Headers, page 402

Running the Batch to Detail Report

This section provides an overview of the Batch to Detail report, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to: Print the Batch to Detail report. Set processing options for Batch to Detail.

Understanding the Batch to Detail Report

The Batch to Detail report (R007031) compares the status of the batch header records for each batch in the F0011 table to the status of the corresponding transactions in these tables: F0911 F0411, F0413, and F0414

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F03B11, F03B13, and F03B14 The system does one of the these: Updates the status of the batch header to D in the F0011 table if all corresponding transaction records in the batch are marked as posted. For example, if all F0911 records for batch type G are posted, but the batch header record for the batch in the F0011 table is not posted, the report updates the status of the F0011 record to D (posted). Deletes the batch header and prints a message on the report indicating that the batch was deleted if one of these situations apply: - No records exist for batch type G in the F0911 table. - No records exist in either the F03B11 table or the F03B13 and F03B14 tables and the A/R Integrity Check Flag processing option is set to 1. - No records exist in either the F0411 table or the F0413 and F0414 tables and the A/P Integrity Check Flag processing option is set to 1. Note. If the A/R or A/P Integrity Check Flag processing option is blank, the report ignores the batch regardless of whether unposted records exist in the AR or AP tables. A blank processing option indicates that the batch is not eligible for the integrity check.

Correct any discrepancies that are identified on the Transactions to Batch Headers report before you run the Batch to Detail report.

Printing the Batch to Detail Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Batch to Detail.

Setting Processing Options for Batch to Detail (R007031)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

Date Range
Because this is a batch level report, the system uses the batch date, not the general ledger transaction date, when selecting records. 1. From Date and 2. Thru Date Specify a beginning and an ending date for a range of dates to limit the records that the system selects for processing. If you leave these processing options blank, the system selects all records unless you enter a value for the Prior Days processing option. Specify the number of days prior to the current date that the system uses to select records for processing. The system selects records with a batch date that is equal to the calculated date through the current date. For example, if you specify 30 for this processing option, the system selects records starting 30 days ago through today. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the dates that are specified in the From Date and Thru Date processing options.

3. Prior Days


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1. A/R Integrity Check Flag Specify which tables the integrity check should include. Values are: Blank: Limit the integrity check to include only batch control records in the F0011 table and ledger records in the F0911 table. If you leave this processing option blank and no F0911 records exist, the batch header in the F0011 table is not deleted because the integrity check does not include the AR tables. Therefore, the batch does not appear on the report. 1: Expand the integrity check to include the F03B11, F03B13, F03B14, and F03B11Z1 tables. If you set this processing option to 1 and no records exist in the F0911 and AR tables, the batch header is deleted and a message prints on the report notifying you that it was deleted. If posted detail records exist in the AR tables, but no corresponding F0911 records exist, the batch is ignored and does not appear on the report.

1. A/P Integrity Check Flag Specify which tables the integrity check should include. Values are: Blank: Limit the integrity check to include only batch control records in the F0011 table and ledger records in the F0911 table. If you leave this processing option blank and no F0911 records exist, the batch header in the F0011 table is not deleted because the integrity check does not include the AP tables. Therefore, the batch does not appear on the report. 1: Expand the integrity check to include the F0411, F0413, and F0414 tables. If you set this processing option to 1 and no records exist in the F0911 and AP tables, the batch header is deleted and a message prints on the report notifying you that it was deleted. If posted detail records exist in the AP tables, but no corresponding records exist in the F0911 table, the batch is ignored and does not appear on the report.

1. Batch Type 2. Starting Range Of Batch Numbers and 3. Ending Range Of Batch Numbers Specify which batch type the integrity check should include. If you leave this processing option blank, the system includes all batch types. Specify a beginning and ending range of batch numbers for the system to include in the integrity check. If you leave the Starting Range of Batch Numbers processing option blank, the system includes all batch numbers through the batch number that is specified in the Ending Range of Batch Numbers processing option. If you leave the Ending Range of Batch Numbers processing option blank, the system includes all batch numbers from the batch number that is specified in the Starting Range of Batch Numbers processing option. If you leave both processing options blank, the system includes all batch numbers.

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Running the Unposted Batches Report

This section provides an overview of the Unposted Batches report, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to print the report.

Understanding the Unposted Batches Report

The Unposted Batches report (R007011) prints a list of all unposted batch transactions in your system. Use this report as a reminder to: Post batches that have an approved status. Review and approve batches that are still pending. Research batches that are in error. The Unposted Batches report prints batch control information from the F0011 table only. If the batch header does not exist for a batch of unposted transactions, the batch does not appear on this report. This report sorts information by batch type and then by batch number.

Correct any discrepancies that are identified on the Batch to Detail report before you run the Unposted Batches report.

Printing the Unposted Batches Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Unposted Batches. This report has no processing options.

Running the Batches Out of Balance Report

This section provides an overview of the Batches Out of Balance report and discusses how to: Print the Batches Out of Balance report. Set data selection for Batches Out of Balance. Set processing options for Batches Out of Balance. Correct discrepancies on the Batches Out of Balance report.

Understanding the Batches Out of Balance Report

You should research any batches that are out of balance. You might have intentionally posted some batches out of balance or you might have batches that posted out of balance due to system problems. The Batches Out of Balance report (R007032) reviews the net amount in each batch. If the net amount is not zero, the net difference - not the batch amount - prints on the report. If the amounts net to zero, the batch is in balance and does not print.


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See Also
Appendix G, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports, R09301 - Unposted General Journal, General Journal by Batch, Unposted Cash Basis, page 502

Printing the Batches Out of Balance Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Batches Out of Balance.

Setting Data Selection for Batches Out of Balance

Enter a batch number, batch type, and company number in data selection, if possible, to improve processing time for the report.

Setting Processing Options for Batches Out of Balance (R007032)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

Date Range
Because this is a batch level report, the system uses the batch date, not the general ledger transaction date, when selecting records. 1. From Date and 2. Thru Date Specify a beginning and an ending date for a range of dates to limit the records that the system selects for processing. If you leave these processing options blank, the system selects all records unless you enter a value for the Prior Days processing option. 3. Prior Days Specify the number of days prior to the current date that the system uses to select records for processing. The system selects records with a batch date that is equal to the calculated date through the current date. For example, if you specify 30 for this processing option, the system selects records starting 30 days ago through today. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the dates that are specified in the From Date and Thru Date processing options.

Ledger Type
1. Ledger Types Specify an additional ledger type for the system to include in the integrity check. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects only records for ledger type AA.

Correcting Discrepancies on the Batches Out of Balance Report

After running the Batches Out of Balance report, you should correct any discrepancies that the system detects. To analyze the detail records for a batch, run the General Journal by Batch report (R09301). To prevent future out-of-balance postings, consider: Assigning security to the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form to prevent improper changes. Assigning responsibility for out-of-balance posting to one user.

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Batches Posted Out of Balance

The reasons for this error to appear on the report include: The batch was purposely posted out of balance. To remove the batch from the report, select the Exclude Batch from Integrity Report check box on the Batch Overrides form. Maintain documentation for this batch. The intercompany settlement constant is set to *. To correct this error: - Enter journal entries manually, if intercompany settlements are necessary, and post the batch. - Change the intercompany settlement constant to 1 or 2 so that the system automatically creates intercompany settlements.

Batch is Partially Posted

A reason for this error to appear on the report is a computer failure or job cancellation. To correct this error: Select the Allow Batch to Post Out of Balance check box on the Batch Overrides form and post the partially posted batch again. Enter journal entries manually, if intercompany settlements are necessary. Note. To prevent the system from deleting an empty batch header for specific batch types, enter x in the Description 02 field of the batch type in UDC table 98/IT.

Running the Company by Batch Out of Balance Report

This section provides an overview of the Company by Batch Out of Balance report, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to: Print the Company by Batch Out of Balance report. Set processing options for Company by Batch Out of Balance. Correct discrepancies on the Company by Batch Out of Balance report.

Understanding the Company by Batch Out of Balance Report

The Company by Batch Out of Balance report (R09706) reviews only posted transactions in the F0911 table. This report totals all posted transactions in the F0911 table by batch and compares each batch total to the batch header record in the F0011 table. It prints all batches that are out of balance and includes: The amount by which the batch is out of balance. The company numbers that have out-of-balance batches and the portion of the total discrepancy for each company. This report is an exception report. If no discrepancies exist, the report is blank.

To ensure accuracy, run the Company by Batch Out of Balance report when users are not accessing the system.


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Printing the Company by Batch Out of Balance Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Company by Batch Out of Bal.

Setting Processing Options for Company by Batch Out of Balance (R09706)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

Additional Ledger
Ledger Type Specify an additional ledger for the system to include in the integrity check. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects only records for ledger type AA.

Correcting Discrepancies on the Company by Batch Out of Balance Report

After running the integrity report, you should correct any discrepancies that the system detects.

A Batch is Out of Balance by Batch and Company

The reasons for this error to appear on the report include: The batch was intentionally posted out of balance because the general accounting constants are set accordingly or the batch was set to allow out-of-balance postings on the Batch Overrides form. A computer failure or job cancellation occurred. To correct the error: Select the Allow batch to post out of balance check box on the Batch Overrides form, change the Intercompany Settlements field to * in the general accounting constants, and post the batch. Change the value in the Intercompany Settlements field back to 1 or 2 so that the system automatically creates intercompany settlements.

Running the Companies in Balance Report

This section provides an overview of the Companies in Balance report and discusses how to: Print the Companies in Balance report. Locate out-of-balance conditions. Correct discrepancies on the Companies in Balance report.

Understanding the Companies in Balance Report

All transactions within each company balance should net to zero. The Companies in Balance report (R097001) uses information from the F0902 table to determine whether a company is in balance.

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This report identifies adjustments that posted to a prior year that are not included in the balance forward amounts for an account, amounts that were posted after the period cutoff, and missing intercompany settlements. For intercompany settlements, run this report and then run the Intercompany Accounts in Balance report (R097011) immediately to ensure that intercompany accounts are in balance. Note. The Intercompany Settlements field in the general accounting constants controls the automatic generation of intercompany entries. To automatically create intercompany entries for journal entries, you must set this constantto 1 or 2. The Companies in Balance report includes three columns. These columns appear blank if a company is in balance. If a company is out of balance, the summarized (net) amount appears in the columns as described in this table:
Column FY (fiscal year) Description This column shows the fiscal year that is out of balance, using these guidelines: If only one year is out of balance, this column shows all future years that are out of balance by the same amount because the out-of-balance amount carries forward to each year until it is corrected. All the years that follow will display out-of-balance amounts even if a specific year is in balance. If more than one year is out of balance, then the amounts for the fiscal years will be different. The earliest year with an amount is the first out-of-balance condition. Amount This column shows the amount by which the company is out of balance. This field is cumulative. For example, if fiscal year 2006 was out of balance, that amount is added to the amount column for fiscal year 2007. This column shows an amount if an entry is out of balance and was posted to a future period or to a future year.

PACO (Post After Cut Off)

Printing the Companies in Balance Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Companies in Balance. This report has no processing options.

Locating Out-of-Balance Companies

After running and reviewing the Companies in Balance report, you can locate the source of out-of-balance companies by: Running any of these reports: - Batch to Detail (R007031) - Account Balance to Transactions (R09705) - Intercompany Accounts in Balance (R097011) Reviewing specific batches or batch types using the General Journal Review program (P0011). Running the Trial Balance Report (R09410) to determine which periods are out of balance for each company. Select level of detail 5 for a summarized report. Verifying that data in the F0911 table is correct.


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Run the Repost Account Ledger program (R099102) with the appropriate processing option set to print a report only. If the system identifies discrepancies on the report, run the Repost Account Ledger program in final mode to correct the discrepancies. See Chapter 35, Reposting the Account Ledger and Recalculating a Fiscal Year, Reposting the Account Ledger, page 406.

Correcting Discrepancies on the Companies in Balance Report

After locating the source of the out-of-balance companies, you should correct any discrepancies that the system detects. To prevent future out-of-balance conditions, consider: Placing security on the Work With Batches form and in the general accounting constants to prevent improper changes. Assigning responsibility for correcting out-of-balance conditions to one user.

Company is Out of Balance in YTD Column

The reasons for this error to appear on the report include: The batch was posted out of balance. To locate and correct out-of-balance batches, run the Batch to Detail report and the Company by Batch Out of Balance report. Additionally, run the Account Balance to Transactions report to determine whether an account does not balance and the period for which it does not balance. Create an out-of-balance entry to correct the original entry. The F0902 table contains erroneous data that does not equal the transactions in the F0911 table. Create an out-of-balance entry. If necessary, run the Repost Account Ledger program with the processing option set to update the F0902 table so that the F0902 table will match the total of posted records in the F0911 table.

Two Companies are Out of Balance by the Same Amount in the YTD Column
This error appears on the report if the intercompany settlements were not set up properly, and therefore, were not created for some batches during posting. Ensure that you: Research the automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) that control intercompany settlements and, if necessary, correct them. Restrict the intercompany accounts to automatic journal entries (posting edit code M). Verify that the Intercompany Settlements field in the general accounting constants is set to 1 or 2. To locate the error: Run the Intercompany Accounts in Balance report to locate any imbalances. Run the Trial Balance by Object report or use the Trial Balance by Object inquiry form to determine the period in which the out-of-balance condition occurs. To correct the error, create a balancing intercompany journal entry and post with the Intercompany Settlements field set to * in the general accounting constants. If this field is not set to *, the batch creates intercompany settlements, which causes the transaction for each company to net to zero and does not eliminate the out-of-balance condition. When you are finished, you must change this field back to its original setting.

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Amount in PACO (Post After Cut Off) Column

This error appears on the report if a journal entry was posted to the next fiscal period or year and it does not net to zero. To correct this error: Run the Trial Balance Report for future fiscal periods and years to locate the entry. Research the data on the report to determine whether you need to enter two one-sided journal entries to move the amounts to the proper periods. Post these entries out of balance. Run the Company by Batch Out of Balance report to identify batches that posted out of balance for the company with the PACO amount. Create an out-of-balance entry to correct the original entry. Post the entry out of balance.

Prior Year Total for a Company That is Out of Balance

The reasons for this error to appear on the report include: An entry was created in the prior year to reclassify an amount between a balance sheet and an income statement account but the year was not reclosed. A batch was posted out of balance in the prior year. The F0902 table from the prior year contains erroneous data that does not equal the transactions in the F0911 table. To correct the error: If the prior year entry is a reclassification between a balance sheet and an income statement account, run the Annual Close program (R098201) again to recalculate retained earnings. Verify that the AAI item GLG4 for retained earnings is correct. If an out-of-balance condition exists in the prior year, run the Batch to Detail report and the Company by Batch Out of Balance report to locate out-of-balance batches. Additionally, run the Account Balance to Transactions report to determine whether an account does not balance and the period for which it does not balance. Create an out-of-balance entry in the prior year to correct the original entry, and then run the Annual Close program to recalculate retained earnings. If the F0902 table contains erroneous data in the prior year that does not equal the transactions in the F0911 table, enter an out-of-balance journal entry to correct the original entry. If necessary, run the Repost Account Ledger program with the processing option set to update the F0902 table. The F0902 table will match the total of posted records in the F0911 table.

Missing Company
This error appears on the report if a company was deleted after journal entries for the company were posted. To correct the error: Re-enter the missing company using the Company Names & Numbers program (P0010). Transfer the amounts from the missing company to another company.

Running the Intercompany Accounts in Balance Report

This section provides an overview of the Intercompany Accounts in Balance report and discusses how to:


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Print the Intercompany Accounts in Balance report. Set processing options for Intercompany Accounts in Balance. Locate out-of-balance intercompany accounts. Correct discrepancies on the Intercompany Accounts in Balance Report.

Understanding the Intercompany Accounts in Balance Report

If you have multiple companies that are set up for hub or detail intercompany settlements, you should verify that all intercompany accounts are in balance. The Intercompany Accounts in Balance report (R097011): Uses information from the F0902 table to compare the balances among the companys various intercompany settlement accounts. Determines whether AAI items and the associated intercompany accounts are set up correctly. Includes all of the periods in the current year, previous year, and next year. The report is not based on any specific financial period. The intercompany accounts for your companies should be in balance. If they are not, the Intercompany Accounts in Balance report lists the intercompany accounts, their balances, and the amount that is required to balance each account. Transactions that posted with the intercompany settlement code * do not appear on this report. The system automatically uses this code when batches are posted out of balance. To locate imbalances that are caused by missing intercompany settlements, print the Companies in Balance report. A message appears on the Intercompany Accounts in Balance report only if these conditions occur: All intercompany accounts are in balance. The intercompany accounts are not set up in the AAIs. Note. If you have multiple companies with different base currencies, do not run this integrity report. Instead, run the Companies in Balance report. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Reports, Intercompany Accounts in Balance (R097011).

Printing the Intercompany Accounts in Balance Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Intercompany Accts in Balance.

Setting Processing Options for Intercompany Accounts in Balance (R097011)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

Ledger Type
Ledger type Enter a specific ledger type or leave this processing option blank to process all ledger types.

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Locating Out-of-Balance Intercompany Accounts

After reviewing the Intercompany Accounts in Balance report, select any of these methods to locate the out-of-balance intercompany accounts: Run the Batch to Detail report. Run the Companies in Balance report. Review batches or batch types using the General Journal Review program. Run the Monthly Spreadsheet report (R10412A) or the Trial Balance By Object Report (R094121) to determine which period is out of balance.

Correcting Discrepancies on the Intercompany Accounts in Balance Report

After running the Intercompany Accounts in Balance report, you should correct any discrepancies that the system detects. To prevent future out-of-balance conditions, assign the posting edit code M to intercompany accounts to allow only machine-generated transactions.

Intercompany Accounts Do Not Balance

The reasons for this error to appear on the report include: The intercompany AAI items were set up improperly. Manual journal entries were improperly posted to accounts that should allow only automatic entries. Intercompany accounts allow for manual posting and an intercompany entry was made without the offsetting entries. To correct the error: Correct AAI items ICH and ICCC, if they were set up improperly. Void or correct incorrect journal entries to intercompany clearing accounts.

Running the Account Balance to Transactions Report

This section provides an overview of the Account Balance to Transactions report and discusses how to: Print the Account Balance to Transactions report. Set processing options for Account Balance to Transactions. Correct discrepancies on the Account Balance to Transactions report.


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Understanding the Account Balance to Transactions Report

The Account Balance to Transactions report reviews balances in the F0902 table, verifies the amounts against the posted transactions in the F0911 table, and prints any out-of-balance conditions by period. If this integrity report does not locate F0911 records with the same account number, period number, fiscal year, and ledger type as the F0902 records, it deletes the invalid period balance from the F0902 table as long as these conditions apply: A processing option is set to clear invalid period balances. The affected ledger type has the Prevent Direct Balance Update check box selected in the Ledger Type Master Setup program (P0025). If the Account Balance to Transactions report locates F0911 records with corresponding F0902 records, the system does not delete invalid period balances from the F0902 table, regardless of the processing option and ledger type master setup.

See Also
Chapter 3, Setting Up the General Accounting System, Setting Up Ledger Type Rules for General Accounting, page 21

Printing the Account Balance to Transactions Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Acct Balance to Transactions.

Setting Processing Options for Account Balance to Transactions (R09705)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Company Specify the company number that the system uses to select records from the F0902 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects all companies. Specify the ledger type (UDC table 09/LT) that the system uses to select records from the F0902 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects all amount ledger types in the F0902 table and excludes all unit ledger types in the same table. To process records for unit ledger types, submit the report for each unit ledger type individually. Enter a specific unit ledger type in this processing option and enter the associated amount ledger type in the Amount Ledger Type processing option. For example, if you want to process unit ledger type records from the AU ledger and the associated amount ledger is AA, specify AU for the Ledger Type processing option and AA for the Amount Ledger Type processing option. 3. Fiscal Year Specify the fiscal year that the system uses when selecting records from the F0902 table. Enter the last two digits of the fiscal year. For example, enter 06 for 2006. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects all fiscal years.

2. Ledger Type

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4. Beginning Period Number and 5. Ending Period Number

Specify the beginning and ending periods that the system uses to select records from the F0902 table. If you leave the Beginning Period Number processing option blank, the system selects all records with a period number that is prior to the period that is specified in the Ending Period Number processing option. If you leave the Ending Period Number processing option blank, the system selects all records with a period number after the period that is specified in the Beginning Period Number processing option. If you leave both processing options, the system selects all period numbers.

6. Business Unit

Specify the business unit that the system uses to select records from the F0902 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects all business units for the company that is specified in the Company processing option. Specify the beginning and ending object account numbers in a range of object accounts that the system uses to select records from the F0902 table. If you leave the Beginning Object Account processing option blank, the system selects all records with an object account that precedes the object account that is specified in the Ending Object Account processing option. If you leave the Ending Object Account processing option blank, the system selects all records with an object account after the account that is specified in the Beginning Object Account processing option. If you leave both processing options blank, the system selects all object accounts.

7. Beginning Object Account

1. Clear invalid period balances Specify whether the system deletes period amounts in the F0902 table that have no corresponding records in the F0911 table. Values are: Blank: The system does not delete period amounts for invalid records in the F0902 table and prints the invalid records on the report. 1: Delete period amounts for invalid records in the F0902 table and prints the invalid records on the report. The system deletes period amounts for invalid records only if no records exist in the F0911 table and the corresponding ledger type has the Prevent Direct Balance Update option selected in the Ledger Type Master Setup program (P0025). Example: If an account in the F0902 table for ledger type AA has a balance of 600 in period 6 of fiscal year 2007 and no records for the account exist in the F0911 table for the same period, fiscal year and ledger type, the system deletes the F0902 amount only if the AA ledger type has the Prevent Direct Balance Update check box selected. In this situation, the system deletes the period balance from the F0902 and prints the out-of-balance amount and the message Balance Cleared on the report. Example: If an account in the F0902 table for ledger type AA has a balance of 600 in period 6 of fiscal year 2007 and the same account has a balance of 400 in the same period, fiscal year, and ledger type in the F0911 table, the system does not delete the amount from the F0902 table because the account has a balance in the F0911 table for the same period number, fiscal year and ledger type, regardless of whether the Prevent Direct Balance Update option is selected.


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2. Exclude inactive accounts.

Specify whether the system excludes inactive accounts when comparing period balances in the F0902 table to corresponding records in the F00911 table. Values are: Blank: Include active accounts. 1: Exclude inactive accounts.

1. Amount Ledger Type Use this processing option in conjunction with the Ledger Type processing option to specify the amount ledger type that the system uses to select records from the F0902 table. Specify the amount ledger type (UDC table 09/LT) that is associated with the unit ledger type identified in the Ledger Type processing option. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA.

Correcting Discrepancies on the Account Balance to Transactions Report

After running the Account Balance to Transactions report, you should correct any discrepancies that the system detects. To prevent future out-of-balance conditions, consider: Placing security on the Work With Batches form to prevent improper changes. Assigning responsibility for out-of-balance posting to one individual. Allowing only one user to void, change, or delete entries. Important! To prevent inaccurately deleting records from the F0902 table, ensure that you select the Prevent Direct Balance Update check box in the Ledger Type Master Setup program only for those ledger types that should not allow data entries directly to the F0902 table. Certain ledger types might allow direct updates to the F0902 table, such as the BA ledger or other budgeting ledger types.

Account Balance and Detail Columns are Out of Balance

The reasons for this error to appear on the report include: Data entries were damaged by improper void or revision processes. If data entries are damaged in the F0911 table, run a data utility program. If data entries are damaged in the F0902 table, run the Repost Account Ledger program. An entry was not properly created by the conversion/interface programs. Research the error and add the missing entries. Verify the validity of F0911 records and correct the conversion/interface programs.

Balance Column Has an Amount and Detail Column Does Not Have an Amount
This error appears if entries were made directly to the F0902 table. To correct this error, select the Prevent Direct Balance Update option in the Ledger Type Master Setup program for any ledger type that should not allow data entries directly to the F0902 table. Then run the Account Balance to Transactions report with the Clear Invalid Period Balances processing option set to 1 to delete invalid balances from the F0902 table.

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Date Pattern is Incorrect

This error appears if changes were made to the fiscal date pattern after journal entries were entered in the system. If the date pattern of the prior company is different from the new company, run the Repost Account Ledger program with the processing option set to print only the report. After reviewing the report, run the Repost Account Ledger program with the processing option set to recalculate the amounts to correct the fiscal period and year balances.

Running the Accounts without Business Units Report

This section provides an overview of the Accounts without Business Units report and discusses how to: Print the Accounts without Business Units report. Set processing options for Accounts without Business Units.

Understanding the Accounts without Business Units Report

The Accounts without Business Units report (R097041) verifies that a business unit and valid company number exist for each record in the F0901 table. The report compares the F0901 table to the Business Unit Master table (F0006) and lists any discrepancies in which the account master records in the F0901 table do not have corresponding business units in the F0006 table. A missing business unit is identified by * in the Invalid MCU column on the report. The report also lists discrepancies in which the company number is different between the F0901 and F0902 tables. If you run the report in update mode, the system updates the company number in the F0901 table with the company number in the F0006 table. The Accounts without Business Units report also identifies accounts that are missing level of detail assignments. Accounts should be assigned a level of detail 39. An account with a blank level of detail is identified by * in the Invalid LOD column on the report. If the level of detail for an account is missing and you display levels of detail on a form or print them on a report, the amounts that appear might be overstated or understated. Note. If your company recently converted its chart of accounts to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system, ensure that you run this report to identify and correct accounts with missing level of detail information. You should correct any discrepancies identified on the Accounts without Business Units report before you run the Account Balance without Account Master report.

Printing the Accounts without Business Units Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Accounts w/o Business Units.

Setting Processing Options for Accounts w/o Business Units (R097041)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.


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1. Company Number Update Specify whether to update the company number. Values are: 1: Print only the report. 2: Print the report and update the company number.

Running the Account Balance without Account Master Report

This section provides an overview of the Account Balance without Account Master report and discusses how to: Print the Account Balance without Account Master report. Set processing options for Account Balance without Account Master. Correct discrepancies on the Account Balance without Account Master report.

Understanding the Account Balance without Account Master Report

The Account Balance without Account Master report (R097031) verifies that an account master number or a valid company number exists for each transaction in the F0902 table. If the account master or company number does not exist, the report prints the account balance information. If you run the report in update mode, the system updates the company number in the F0902 table with the company number in the F0901 table. Note. Alternatively, you can run the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent program (P09806) instead of running this report and the Transactions without Account Master report in update mode. The Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent program automatically updates records in the F0902 table as well as the F0911 table.

Correct any discrepancies identified on the Accounts without Business Units report before you run the Account Balance without Account Master report.

Printing the Account Balance without Account Master Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Account Balance w/o Account Master.

Setting Processing Options for Account Balance without Account Master (R097031)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Company Update Specify whether to update the company number. Values are: 1: Print only the report.

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2: Print the report and update the company number.

Correcting Discrepancies on the Account Balance without Account Master Report

After you run the Account Balance without Account Master report, you should correct any discrepancies that the system detects.

Account Master Company Column is Blank

This error appears on the report if the account is not set up. To correct the error, add the account by entering the short account ID from the report using the Review and Revise Accounts program (P0901).

Company Number is Not in the Account Balances Table

This error appears on the report if the company number is not in the F0902 table. To correct the error, set the processing option for this report to update the company number in the F0902 table with the company number in the F0901 table. This processing option is helpful if you change the company number in the account master record and want to globally update the F0902 table.

Running the Transactions without Account Master Report

This section provides an overview of the Transactions without Account Master report and discusses how to: Print the Transactions without Account Master report. Set processing options for Transactions without Account Master. Correct discrepancies on the Transactions without Account Master report.

Understanding the Transactions without Account Master Report

The Transactions without Account Master report (R097021) verifies that for each record in the F0911 table, an account master number or valid company number exists in the F0901 table. If the account master information or company number does not exist in the F0901 table, the report prints every account transaction from the F0911 table. If you run the report in update mode, the system updates the company number in the F0911 table with the company number in the F0901 table.

Correct any discrepancies that are identified on the Account Balance without Account Master report before you run the Transactions without Account Master report.

Printing the Transactions without Account Master Report

Select Integrity Reports and Updates (G0922), Transactions w/o Acct Master.


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Setting Processing Options for Transactions w/o Acct Master (R097021)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Company Number Update Specify whether to update the company number. Values are: 1: Print only the report. 2: Print the report and update the company number.

Correcting Discrepancies on the Transactions without Account Master Report

After you run the Transactions without Account Master report, you should correct any discrepancies that the system detects.

Company Number is Not in the Account Ledger Table

This error appears on the report if the company is not in the F0911 table. To correct the error, set the processing option to update the company number in the F0911 table with the company number from the F0901 table. This processing option is helpful if you change the company number in the F0901 record and want to globally update the F0911 table.

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Maintaining Batch Headers

This chapter provides an overview of batch header revisions, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to work with batch headers.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Working with Batches

Understanding Batch Header Revisions

Typically, you revise a batch if you need to repair damaged or incorrect batch header records. Revising a batch can include deleting a batch header record, allowing a batch to post out of balance, preventing a batch from appearing on an integrity report, or changing the batch or processing status. You use the Batch Header Revisions program (P0011) to revise, add, or delete batch header records. The system updates the F0011 table. Important! If you revise batch header records with the Batch Header Revisions program, be aware that you might affect the audit trail. This program allows you to revise any field on a batch header record; however, it was not designed for general use and should not be used regularly to update batch statuses. You can use the Create/Revise Batch Header form to change the status of a batch. Depending on the type of change that you make, you might also need to post the batch after you revise it. For example, if the General Ledger Post program (R09801) ends abnormally, the system might leave the batch header at a status of In Use. To correct this problem, you must change the batch status to Pending so that you can access the batch detail or to Approved so that you can post the batch. The Create/Revise Batch Header form also displays the processing status for detailed currency restatement, 52 period accounting, and cash basis batches. If one of these types of batches was previously processed (status equals 1) and you add entries to the batch, the system resets the processing status to blank. Then, when you post the batch again, the Detailed Currency Restatement (R11C850), 52 Period Accounting Post (R098011), or Create Cash Basis Entries (R11411) program select only detail records for posting. You can use the Batch Overrides form to revise a batch to post or not post out of balance and, if necessary, exclude that batch from an integrity report. For example, you might need to post a batch out of balance to correct an integrity report. These are other situations in which you might need to post a batch out of balance: A power failure occurred during entry or posting. A valid, one-sided journal entry was entered to correct a conversion error that was made during setup. If the Transactions to Batch Headers integrity report indicates that one or more batches is missing a batch header, you must add a batch header record.

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Chapter 34

Typically, you should run the Batch to Detail integrity report to delete any empty batch headers. However, you can delete a batch header manually. Before you delete an empty batch header, ensure that no entries exist in the batch.

Restrict user access to these programs to prevent unauthorized changes.

Working with Batch Headers

This section discusses how to: Review batch headers. Add and revise batch headers. Revise batches to post out of balance.


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Chapter 34

Maintaining Batch Headers

Forms Used to Work with Batch Headers

Form Name Work With Batches


Navigation G/L Advanced & Technical Operations (G0931), Batch Header Revisions

Usage Review summarized journal entries by document number. Approve and post journal entry batches. Review the batch processing status stored in the F0011 table for detailed restatement, 52 period, and cash basis batches. Change the status of a batch to approved or pending. Post a batch.

Batch Approval


On the Work With Batches form, select Batch Approval from the Form menu. To post a batch, select Post by Batch from the Form menu to access the Work With Batch Versions Available Versions.

Create/Revise Batch Header W0011D

To create a batch header, select Create from the Form menu on the Work With Batch Headers form. To revise a batch header, select Revise from the Row menu on the Work With Batch Headers form. To delete the batch, select Delete from the Form menu on the Create/Revise Batch Header form. Confirm the deletion.

Add new batch headers and revise and delete existing batch headers.

Batch Overrides


Select Overrides from the Form menu on the Create/Revise Batch Header form.

Specify whether to post a batch out of balance and whether to exclude a batch from appearing on an integrity report.

Reviewing Batch Headers

Access the Work With Batches form. The Work With Batches form is used by many systems. Because of this, the field listed might not apply to batch types created in some systems. Difference Amount If you use the batch control feature, the system displays an amount in this field if the amount you entered for a batch was different than the amount you expected to enter. For example: Total Expected = 10,052 Total Entered = 10,000

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Difference = 52 If you do not use batch control, or if you did not enter a total expected amount, the system compares the total amount of the transactions you enter to zero and displays the difference as a negative number in this field. Difference Documents If you use the batch control feature, the system displays the number of transactions entered in the batch. If you do not use batch control, the system displays the number as negative.

Adding and Revising Batch Headers

Access the Create/Revise Batch Header form.

Create/Revise Batch Header form

The Create/Revise Batch Header form is used by many systems. Because of this, the fields listed might not apply to batch types created in some systems. Detailed Restatement Status, 52 Period Status, and Cash Basis Status Change the value in this field to change the processing status of a batch. Values are: Blank. Batch has not been reserved or processed by this particular program. You should only have to change this field to blank if a batch ended abnormally and you would like to process it again. If you add entries to a processed batch, the system automatically resets the processing status to blank. 1: Batch has been reserved or processed by this particular program. This field applies to amounts and documents:


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Total Entered

If you use the batch control feature, the total amount entered should equal the total amount expected. This applies to both monetary amounts and the total number of documents.

Revising Batches to Post Out of Balance

Access the Batch Overrides form. Allow batch to post out of balance Exclude batch from integrity report Specify whether the batch can be posted out-of-balance. If you do not require a batch to balance for posting, ensure that you exclude the batch from integrity reports. Specify whether to exclude an out-of-balance batch from integrity reports.

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Maintaining Batch Headers

Chapter 34


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Reposting the Account Ledger and Recalculating a Fiscal Year

This chapter provides an overview of the repost programs, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to: Repost the account ledger. Recalculate the fiscal year and period. Note. Country-specific functionality for reposting the account ledger table exists for Chile, Peru, and Poland.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, (CHL and PER) Working With General Ledger Functionality for Chile and Peru, Reposting the Account Ledger Tag File for Chile and Peru JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, (POL) Working with Poland-Specific Functionality, Reposting the Account Ledger Tag File

Understanding the Repost Programs

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system has these four repost programs:

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Chapter 35

Repost Program Repost Account Ledger (R099102) Use this program to:


Correct damaged account balances in the F0902 table. You must update account balances with the posted amounts from the F0911 table. Post by currency when it becomes an organizational requirement. You must update the F0902 table to reflect the currency information. Calculate Fiscal Year and Period (R099103) Use this program to restate account balances to a new fiscal year or period. This program recalculates the fiscal year and period in the F0911 table using a revised fiscal pattern that is specified in the Date Fiscal Patterns table (F0008). This program also maintains an audit trail of account ledger transactions that transfer account balances to new periods or fiscal years. If you run this program, you must also run the Repost Account Ledger program to update the F0902 table.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Place security on the repost program. Post all transactions to avoid creating automatic offsets to the incorrect period. Update fiscal date patterns for the company, if necessary. Back up the F0901, F0902, and F0911 tables.

Reposting the Account Ledger

This section provides an overview of when to repost the account ledger, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to: Run the Repost Account Ledger program. Set data selection and sequence for Repost Account Ledger. Set processing options for Repost Account Ledger.

Understanding When to Repost the Account Ledger

The examples in this section describe situations in which you might run the Repost Account Ledger program (R099102). Possible solutions are provided for each situation.


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Example: F0911 and F0902 Tables Are Out of Balance

You post all account ledger transactions and the amount in the F0911 table appears to be correct. You compare the amounts in the F0911 and F0902 tables and note that the amounts are out of balance. Possible solution: 1. Run the Repost Account Ledger program with the processing option set to print the report only. 2. Review the report and compare the amounts in the Old Balance (current F0902) and Detail Amount (current F0911) columns to verify that the amount in the F0911 table is correct. 3. Run the Repost Account Ledger program in update mode to print the report and update the F0902 table with the amount from the F0911 table.

Example: Batch Is Partially Posted

A post program ends abnormally and the batch is only partially posted. Possible solution: 1. Post the specific batch out of balance. 2. Run the General Journal by Batch report (R09301) to locate the automatic entries that were created for the batch during the post program. 3. Change the Intercompany Settlements field to * on the General Accounting Constants form to allow manual intercompany settlements. Remember to set the Intercompany Settlements field back to its original setting after you complete these steps. 4. Manually create any missing balancing entries for the batch using the Journal Entry program (P0911). 5. Post the batch of manually created entries out of balance. 6. Run the Repost Account Ledger program to print the report only. 7. Review the report, and compare the amounts in the Old Balance and Detail Amount columns to verify that the amount in the F0911 table is correct. 8. If necessary, Run the Repost Account Ledger program in update mode to print the report and update the F0902 table with the amount from the F0911 table.

Example: After Recalculating Fiscal Year and Period

After you run the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program (R099103) to recalculate the fiscal year and period, you must run the Repost Account Ledger program to: Update account balances with the posted amounts from the F0911 table. Maintain an audit trail of account ledger transactions that transfer account balances to new periods or fiscal years. If you purge the transaction detail for one or more years, the processing options enable you to specify the beginning balance forward for one fiscal year to be carried forward to the first fiscal year under the new date pattern.

Run the Repost Account Ledger program during non-business hours when no users are on the system because it can take a considerable amount of processing time.

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Chapter 35

Running the Repost Account Ledger Program

Select Global Updates (G09316), Repost Account Ledger.

Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Repost Account Ledger

If you have recalculated the fiscal year and period, you must use the same data selection that you used when you ran the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program. If only one period needs to be reposted, do not specify the period. Instead, specify the entire fiscal year in the data selection. Otherwise, only information for that period exists in the F0902 table and all other period information is cleared. The system does not repost ledger type BA because budget amounts do not require transaction support in the F0911 table. If you have defined ledger types that do not have complete transaction support, change the data selection to bypass the ledgers. The system automatically reposts unit ledgers with the amount information. For example, to repost an actual amounts ledger (AA) with units (AU), enter ledger type AA in the data selection. The system reposts both the amount and unit ledgers. Do not change the data sequence.

Setting Processing Options for Repost Account Ledger (R099102)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Process Mode Specify the processing mode. Values are: 1: Print report. The system prints a report that shows the changes to the F0911 table that will occur if you run the report in update mode. 2: Print report and update. The system prints a report that shows the changes made to the F0911 table and updates the F0902 table to match the F0911 table.

Recalculating the Fiscal Year and Period

This section provides an overview of when to recalculate the fiscal year and period and discusses how to: Run the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program. Set data selection and sequence for Calculate Fiscal Year and Period. Set processing options for Calculate Fiscal Year and Period.


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Understanding When to Recalculate the Fiscal Year and Period

The examples illustrate situations in which you might run Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program (R099103). Possible solutions are provided for each situation.

Example: Fiscal Date Pattern Changes to a Calendar Date Pattern

Your company has been operating under a July through June fiscal date pattern. Due to a merger, you must change to a January through December calendar date pattern. The current fiscal year is 2006. Your current fiscal year pattern is July 2006 through June 2007. The next calendar year will be January through December 2008. Possible solution: 1. Set up the new fiscal date pattern and pattern code for July 2007 through December 2007. 2. Using the new fiscal date pattern and pattern code (from step 1), set up the new fiscal date pattern and pattern code for January through December 2008. 3. Run the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program to print the report only. 4. Review the report and compare, on a line-by-line basis, the old and new century (CT), fiscal quarter (FQ), fiscal year (FY), and period number (PN) columns for accuracy. 5. Run the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program to update the F0911 table to reflect the new fiscal date pattern. To calculate a new balance forward amount in the F0902 table, complete the processing options on the Balance Forward tab. 6. Run the Repost Account Ledger program to restate the account balances to reflect the new fiscal date pattern. This updates the F0902 table with amounts that are based on the new period number and fiscal year that were previously assigned to the F0911 records. Use the same data selection that you used when you ran the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program. 7. Run the Annual Close program to close the year for 2006 or set the Balance Forward processing option to recalculate balance forward amounts. 8. Run the Annual Close program to close the year for 2007 or set the Balance Forward processing option to recalculate balance forward amounts. Important! For the fiscal year 2006, the current fiscal year pattern is July 2006 through June 2007. For the fiscal year 2007, the current fiscal year pattern is July 2007 through December 2007. For the fiscal year 2008, the calendar year is January through December 2008. Be aware that when comparing period 1 amounts for different fiscal years, you are viewing amounts for different months.

Example: Calendar Date Pattern Changes to a Fiscal Date Pattern

Your company has been operating under a calendar year and now needs to convert to a November through October fiscal year pattern. The fiscal year is 2006. The current calendar year is January through December 2006. The new fiscal year pattern is November 2006 through October 2007. Possible solution: 1. Set up a new fiscal date pattern and pattern code for all of the existing years to be restated to the November through October pattern.

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Reposting the Account Ledger and Recalculating a Fiscal Year

Chapter 35

2. Run the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program and print the report only. 3. Review the report and compare, on a line-by-line basis, the old and new CT, FQ, FY, and PN columns for accuracy. Run the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program to update the F0911 table to reflect the new fiscal date pattern. Run the Repost Account Ledger program to restate the account balances to reflect the new fiscal date pattern. This updates the F0902 table with amounts that are based on the new period number and fiscal year that were previously assigned to the F0911 records. Use the same data selection that you used when you ran the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program. Note. None of the financial reports processed under the old fiscal date pattern will match the information on the financial reports for the restated years.

See Also
Chapter 38, Closing the Fiscal Year, page 433 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Organizations, Setting Up Fiscal Date Patterns

Running the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period Program

In update mode, the Calculate Fiscal Year and Period program restates account balances to a new fiscal year or period. Specifically, it recalculates the fiscal year and period in the F0901 table using a revised fiscal pattern in the F0008 table. Select Global Updates (G09316), Calculate Fiscal Year and Period.

Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Calculate Fiscal Year and Period
For the data selection, enter a company, ledger type, and fiscal year or any combination of the three. If you are changing fiscal periods, do not specify a fiscal year. Do not change the data sequence.

Setting Processing Options for Calculate Fiscal Year and Period (R099103)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Process Mode Specify the processing model. Values are: 1: Print report. The system prints a report that shows the updates that will occur to the F0911 table if you run the report in update mode. 2: Print report and update.


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Chapter 35

Reposting the Account Ledger and Recalculating a Fiscal Year

The system updates the F0911 table and prints a report that shows the updates made to the F0911 to use for an audit trail. You must also run the Report Account ledger program to update the F0902 table. 2. Version Name For R099102 Specify whether to run the Repost Account Ledger program. Values are: Blank: Do not run. XJDE0001: Print. The system prints a report that shows the updates that will occur to the F0902 table if you run the report in update mode. XJDE0002: Print and update. The system updates the F0902 table and prints a report that shows the updates made to the F0902 table to use for an audit trail.

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Reposting the Account Ledger and Recalculating a Fiscal Year

Chapter 35


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Revising an Organization
This chapter provides overviews of organization revisions, account structure revisions, and tables affected by account structure revisions, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to: Change a business unit on multiple accounts. Change accounts by object. Change accounts by subsidiary. Update the F0911 and F0902 tables. Change the company number on a business unit. Change account information. Update the Model/Consolidated field. Update category codes for business units.

Understanding Organization Revisions

If your company has recently expanded or merged with another company, you might need to change the company account structures in the chart of accounts. You can change your chart of accounts without manually creating journal entries to transfer your account transactions and balances to new accounts. The system assigns a unique account ID to each new account. The account ID is used to maintain an audit trail of account ledger transactions and balances. You can change the business unit.object.subsidiary, but you cannot change the account ID. In addition to changing the structure of your accounts, you can also run programs that change: Account information. Run the Change Account Information program (R09813) to change information such as account description or posting edit code for several accounts at one time. Model/Consolidation field. Run the Update Model/Consol Field program (R0006QD) if you change the value of the Model/Consolidation field on a business unit. This program updates the Model/Consolidation field on all accounts in the business unit to match the value for the field for the business unit. Category Codes. Run the Update Cat Codes F0101>F0006 program (R098021) to ensure that the category code information for a business unit in the F0101 table matches the category code information for the business unit in the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

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Understanding Account Structure Revisions

Due to an increase in the volume of transactions to particular accounts, a company merger, or a management decision to change financial reporting, you might need to change the chart of accounts for your company. This task might involve: Creating new business units and moving existing account detail and balances to the new business units. Creating new object or object.subsidiary accounts under an existing or new business unit, and moving existing account detail and balances to the new object.subsidiary or business unit.object.subsidiary. Moving existing business units from one company to another. If you decide to change your company account structures, you might need to set up new business units or revise the current ones. When you restructure your accounts, you can change the business unit, object, or subsidiary number in any of these ways: You can change a single account within a business unit. For example, if you need to change an account, you can change the object and subsidiary only. You can use the Business Unit and Account fields to locate information. You can change a single account by object. For example, assume that for all business units, you need to change object account 5010 to 5015. You can change an object account to a new object or object.subsidiary. You can also change the business unit, object, or subsidiary for one or many business units, objects, or subsidiaries at one time. When you need to change a single account number, you can change the business unit, object, and subsidiary for an account at one time. You can also globally change any of this information: Business units, from one business unit to another. Object accounts, from one object account to another. Subsidiaries, from one subsidiary to another.

Understanding Tables Affected by Account Structure Revisions

Three general ledger tables are affected by a change to account numbers: Account Master (F0901) Account Balances (F0902) Account Ledger (F0911) The account ID is the key to all three of the tables. All three tables contain these fields: Account ID Business Unit Object Subsidiary


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The Business Unit Master table (F0006) might also be affected. For each account ID, the system posts these items in the F0902 table in sequential order: Account ID Fiscal year Ledger type Subledger Subledger type Currency code (denominated)

Back up the F0901, F0902, and F0911 tables.

Changing a Business Unit on Multiple Accounts

This section provides an overview of changes to a business unit, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to change a business unit on multiple accounts.

Understanding Changes to a Business Unit

You can change the business unit portion of the account number on many accounts at once by globally changing the business units. For example, you can change business unit 3 to business unit 4 for all object and object.subsidiary accounts. To change the business unit on multiple accounts, the current business unit and the future business unit must exist in the F0006 table and must belong to the same company. If they do not, the system displays the company for the old business unit and for the new one, but it does not update them. Accounts that already exist in the new business unit are not updated with the new business unit number because this action would cause duplicate accounts. For example, if you are renumbering business unit 1 to business unit 10, and account 10.1110.BEAR already exists in the F0901 table, the system does not update account 1.1110.BEAR to business unit 10. The Change Business Units program (P09812) updates the F0901 table with each account. Important! Do not delete the old business unit from the F0006 table before you run the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent program (R09806). If the old business unit does not exist in the F0006 table, the system cannot update records that have the old business unit number.

Create new business units, if applicable. See Chapter 38, Closing the Fiscal Year, page 433.

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Chapter 36

Form Used to Change a Business Unit on Multiple Accounts

Form Name Global Business Unit Change


Navigation Global Updates (G09316), Change Business Units

Usage Change a business unit on multiple accounts.

Changing a Business Unit on Multiple Accounts

Access the Global Business Unit Change form.

Global Business Unit Change form

After you complete this task, complete the additional tasks necessary to update the F0911 and F0902 tables. Old Business Unit and New Business Unit Enter the number of the old business unit that you want to change and the number of the new business unit. The new business unit must exist in the F0006 table.

Changing Accounts by Object

This section provides an overview of changes to accounts by object and discusses how to change accounts by object.

Understanding Changes to Accounts by Object

You can globally change object account numbers. For example, you can change object account 1131 to 1132 for all business units in company 1. When you globally change object account numbers, the old object account must already exist, and the new object account cannot exist in the system. Run the Change Object Account program (P09803) to change object accounts for one company or for all companies. If you need to change the object account for more than one company (but not all companies), you must run the Change Object Account program for each company. The Change Object Account program updates the F0901 table. This program does not produce a report.


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Form Used to Change Accounts by Object

Form Name Global Account Number Update


Navigation Global Updates (G09316), Change Object Account

Usage Change accounts by object.

Changing Accounts by Object

Access the Global Account Number Update form. After you complete this task, complete the additional tasks necessary to update the F0911 and F0902 tables. Company and Subsidiary To update all companies and subsidiaries, leave these two fields blank. If you do not specify a company or a subsidiary in these fields, the program will change all instances of the old object account in your chart of accounts to the new object account. If you specify a company or subsidiary or both, the program will change only the object accounts for either the company or subsidiary or both the company and subsidiary. Old Object and New Object Enter the number of the old object account that you want to change and the number of the new object account. The new object account cannot already exist in the F0006 table.

Changing Accounts by Subsidiary

This section provides an overview of changes to accounts by subsidiary and discusses how to change subsidiary accounts.

Understanding Changes to Accounts by Subsidiary

You can globally change a subsidiary. For example, you might change the subsidiary portion of account 1.1110.BEAR to 2220 for data entry efficiency. This global change affects all of the companies for object account 1110 only. When you restructure your accounts, you can change subsidiaries within a company, within an object range, or both. If you need to do this restructuring for selected companies or object account ranges, you must change the subsidiary for each company or object account range. If you globally change a subsidiary, the old subsidiary must already exist and the new subsidiary cannot exist in the system. The Change Subsidiaries program (P09805) updates the F0901 table.

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Form Used to Change Accounts by Subsidiary

Form Name Global Subsidiary Update


Navigation Global Updates (G09316), Change Subsidiaries

Usage Change accounts by subsidiary.

Changing Subsidiary Accounts

Access the Global Subsidiary Update form. After you complete this task, complete the additional tasks necessary to update the F0911 and F0902 tables. Company, Object From, and Object Thru To update all companies and object accounts, leave these fields blank. To change the subsidiary on a range of accounts, enter object account numbers for the beginning and the ending of the account range. If you do not specify a company or an object account range in these fields, the program will change all instances of the old subsidiary in your chart of accounts to the new subsidiary. If you specify a company, range of object accounts, or both, the program will change only the subsidiary with that company, object account range, or both. Old Subsidiary Enter the number of the old subsidiary that you want to change and the number of the new subsidiary account. The new subsidiary account cannot already exist in the F0006 table.

Updating the F0911 and F0902 Tables

This section provides an overview of the process to update the F0911 and F0902 tables, lists prerequisites, and discusses: How to run the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent program. After you run the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent program.

Understanding the Process to Update the F0911 and F0902 Tables

After you change business units, object account numbers, or subsidiaries, you must update the F0911 and F0902 tables with the revised information. To do this, you run the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent program (R09806). This program compares the business unit, object, and subsidiary for each account ID in the F0911 and F0902 tables to the account master records in the F0901 table and updates the F0911 and F0902 tables, based on the F0901 table.

Before you complete the task in this section: Verify that your account numbers are correct. Run this program during off-business hours.


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Running the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent Program

Select Global Updates (G09316), Update BU. Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent. When you select this program, the system immediately submits it for processing.

After Running the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent Program

After you run the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent program, complete these tasks: 1. Run these integrity reports: Accounts w/o Business Units (R097041) Account Balance w/o Acct Master (R097031) Transactions w/o Acct Master (R097021) 2. Update the AAI items to reflect changes to the business unit, object, and subsidiary numbers. 3. Review your business unit information. If you created a new business unit, you can revise old business unit information. You can change the old business unit to be inactive or delete it. You might also want to enter the new business unit number of the old business unit as a cross-reference. You can do this in the Project Number field on the Revise Business Units - More Detail tab. 4. Update your reporting versions, allocations, and model journal entries, if necessary, to reflect the changes in your chart of accounts.

Changing the Company Number on a Business Unit

This section provides an overview of changes to the company number on a business unit and discusses how to move a business unit to a different company.

Understanding Changes to the Company Number on a Business Unit

If your company reorganizes or acquires another business, you might need to move an existing business unit to a different company. You complete this move by changing the company number on the business unit and then updating the F0901, F0911, and F0902 tables with the new company number.

Example: Moving a Business Unit

This graphic illustrates the process of moving Business Unit 3 from Company 1 to Company 200:

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Chapter 36

Company 1 B.U. 1 B.U. 5

Moving a business unit

Company 200 B.U. M10 B.U. 3 B.U. M20 B.U. M30

B.U. 4 B.U. 3

Moving a Business Unit to a Different Company

To change the company number for one or more business units, complete these tasks: 1. Run these integrity reports in sequential order and verify that each company is in balance: Companies in Balance (R097001) See Chapter 33, Verifying Data Integrity for General Accounting, Running the Companies in Balance Report, page 385. Acct Balance to Transactions (R09705) See Chapter 33, Verifying Data Integrity for General Accounting, Running the Account Balance to Transactions Report, page 390. Intercompany Accts in Balance (R097011) See Chapter 33, Verifying Data Integrity for General Accounting, Running the Intercompany Accounts in Balance Report, page 388. 2. Change the company number on the business unit master. 3. Run the Accounts w/o Business Units integrity report (R097041) and set the processing option mode to update. This program updates the company number in the F0901 table. See Chapter 33, Verifying Data Integrity for General Accounting, Printing the Accounts without Business Units Report, page 394. 4. Run the Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent program (R09806). This program updates the company number for all transactions for the business unit in the F0911 and F0902 tables. Alternatively, run these integrity reports in update mode in sequential order: Account Balance w/o Account Master (R097031) Transactions w/o Acct Master (R097021) 5. Update all necessary AAI items. See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Automatic Accounting Instructions, Setting Up a Single AAI Item. 6. Verify row security by business unit security. 7. Run the Companies in Balance and the Intercompany Accts in Balance integrity reports again to determine which intercompany transactions to enter.


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8. Enter any necessary intercompany transactions. 9. Post the intercompany transactions, if necessary. The Intercompany Settlements field must be set to * in the general accounting constants for the system to post transactions to the intercompany settlement account. 10. If you changed the Intercompany Settlements field in the previous step, change it back to its original value.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management Solutions Application Fundamentals 8.12 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Organizations, Setting Up Business Units

Changing Account Information

This section provides an overview of account information changes and discusses how to: Run the Change Account Information program. Set data selection for Change Account Information. Set processing options for Change Account Information.

Understanding Account Information Changes

If you make changes to account information that is attached to a particular business unit, you should globally change the information for the same accounts that are attached to other business units. You can change account information throughout all business units or companies. You can run the Change Account Information program (R09813) in proof or final mode. When you select proof mode, the system prints a report and does not update the information. In final mode, the system updates the information in the F0901 table and, optionally, prints a report that contains the changes that it made. When you run this program in final mode, the system updates selected fields for all similar accounts. Set the Account Information processing option to update these fields: Account Description Alternate Description Posting Edit Code Level of Detail Billable Budget Pattern Code Unit of Measure Alternate Object.Subsidiary Account Category Codes 123 Model Account

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Important! The system updates all of the fields that you select in the processing option. To exclude fields such as Category Codes 2123 that might represent your statutory chart of accounts, verify that the fields are not selected in the processing options. You should restrict access to these processing options so that your statutory chart of accounts is not inadvertently changed. The system does not update the Object.Subsidiary field. To update this field, you can change object accounts or subsidiaries, or you can run the Update BU. Obj. Sub to Jrnl Ent. program.

Running the Change Account Information Program

Select Global Updates (G09316), Change Account Information.

Setting Data Selection for Change Account Information

Select only the business units that you want to change.

Setting Processing Options for Change Account Information (R09813)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

Global Update
1. From Business Unit Specify the business unit number from which account information will be copied. Enter a valid business unit from the F0006 table. When you run the Change Account Information program, the system copies values from accounts within this business unit to equivalent accounts in other business units. Note. You must enter a value for this processing option. 2. Processing Mode Specify the mode in which to run the Change Account Information program. Values are: Blank or 0: Proof mode. This mode generates a report, but does not update the F0901 table. 1: Final mode. This mode generates a report and updates the F0901 table. 2: Final mode. Updates the F0901 table, but does not generate a report.

Account Info
1. Fields to be included in the Global Update Select the fields to update: Account Description, Posting Edit Code, Level of Detail, Billable, Budget Pattern Code, Unit of Measure, Alternate Object/Subsidiary, Model Account, Account Category Code 123.


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1. Advanced Cost Accounting fields to be included in the Global Update: Select the fields to update: Cost Object Edit Code 14 and Item Edit Code.

Alt Desc
1. Update Alternative Descriptions Specify whether the system updates account descriptions in the Account Master - Alternate Description table (F0901D) that have been translated into alternate languages. Values are: Blank: Do not update alternate language account descriptions. 1: Update alternate language account descriptions. The system copies alternate language account descriptions that correspond to language preferences in the F0901D table for accounts within the business unit specified in the From Business Unit processing option to the F0901D table for equivalent accounts in other business units. 2. Specific Alternate Description language code. Specify a language code for the system to use when copying the alternate language account descriptions to the F0901D table. To update a specific language code, enter a code from UDC table 01/LP in this processing option and enter 1 in the Update Alternative Descriptions processing option. To update all language codes, leave this processing option blank and enter 1 in the Update Alternative Description processing option. 3. Include Alternative Descriptions on the report. Specify whether the system prints detail for the alternate language account descriptions that were copied to the F0901D table on the report. Values are: Blank: Do not print detail. 1: Print detail.

Updating the Model/Consolidated Field

This section provides an overview of Model/Consolidated field updates and discusses how to run the Update Model/Consolidation Field program.

Understanding Model/Consolidated Field Updates

If a business unit is a model, all of the accounts in the business unit contain an M in the Model/Consolidated field in the F0901 table. Otherwise, the Model/Consolidated field is blank. If you change a model business unit to a business unit that is not a model, you must run the Update Model/Consolidated Field program (R0006QD) to update the F0901 table. The system changes the Model/Consolidated field to blank for all of the accounts within the business unit.

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Likewise, if you change a business unit that is not a model to a model business unit, you must run the Update Model/Consolidated Field program to update the F0901 table. The system changes the Model/Consolidated field to M for all of the accounts within the business unit. Note. If records exist for the business unit in the F0911 or F0902 table or both, you cannot change a business unit that is not a model to a model business unit The Update Model/Consolidated Field program does not update the Model/Consolidated field in the F0901 table for accounts that belong to a consolidation business unit. Instead, those accounts are updated with a value of C in the Model/Consolidated field by the Refresh Consolidation program (R10862).

Running the Update Model/Consolidated Field Program

Select Global Updates (G09316), Update Model/Consol Field. This program does not have any processing options.

See Also
Chapter 29, Processing High-Volume Consolidations, Understanding the Refresh Consolidation Program, page 295

Updating Category Codes for Business Units

This section provides an overview of category code updates, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to run the Update Category Codes F0101>F0006 program.

Understanding Category Code Updates

If your company has business units that must be maintained as address book entries, you might want to ensure that the category code information for the business unit in the F0006 matches the information in the address book. To eliminate re-entering category code information in the F0006 table, run the Update Category Codes F0101>F0006 program (R098021) to update this information. This program globally updates all category code values for business units. When you run the Update Cat Codes F0101>F0006 program, the system compares the business unit information in the F0006 and F0101 tables. When the system finds a match, it copies this information from the F0101 table to the F0006 table: Category codes 1 through 4. Alpha Name field to the Description Line 1 field. Compressed description (alpha name without spaces between words). The Business Unit field is 12-characters in the F0006 table and address book numbers are eight characters. The system updates only business units that contain a numeric value and are eight characters or less. If the business unit is more than eight characters, it is not updated.

Before you complete the task in this section:


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Set up numeric-value business units as address book numbers using the Address Book Revisions program (P01012). See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book 8.12 Implementation Guide, Entering Address Book Records. Back up the F0006 table.

Running the Update Cat Codes F0101>F0006 Program

Select Global Updates (G09316), Update Cat Codes F0101>F0006. When you select this program, the system automatically submits it for processing and the update is complete when the report is finished. No output of the update is printed. There are no processing options or data selection for this program.

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Closing Accounting and Reporting Periods

This chapter provides an overview of the period-end close tasks and discusses how to: Close the accounting period. Change the financial reporting period. Note. Country-specific functionality exists for accounting reports for France, Italy, and Spain.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, Spain JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, France JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, Italy

Understanding Period-End Close Tasks

The specific process for closing an accounting period is unique to every company. Your organization should develop its own detailed closing tasks and include them in your internal documentation. This list includes common tasks that most companies perform for an accounting period close: Enter period-end accruals. Review and post all batches. Run integrity reports and correct errors. Every company should include this task in their period-end closing process. Integrity reports supplement your internal balancing procedures and locate any data inconsistencies. You should run these reports before you close an accounting period as well as between closings so that you can correct problems in a timely and efficient manner. If you do not run integrity reports on a periodic basis, you risk compromising your accounting data. Reconcile general ledger and bank accounts. Close the accounting period for AP, AR, and GL. Run financial reports. Change the financial reporting period.

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Closing Accounting and Reporting Periods

Chapter 37

Closing the Accounting Period

This section provides overviews of how to close an accounting period and the affect of closing an accounting period and discusses how to: Close an accounting period for a company. Close the accounting period and year for a company. Close an accounting period for multiple companies.

Understanding How to Close an Accounting Period

No special processing is required to close an accounting period. You simply increment the current period by one for AR, AP, and GL on the Company Setup form. These rules apply to closing an accounting period: You can close JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable separately from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting so that each system can use a different period for the current period. The current period for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable systems can be later, but not earlier, than the current period for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting. If all three systems use the same accounting period, you need to close only JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting to increment the current period for all three systems. You can reopen a GL period without reopening that period for AR and AP. For example, you might reopen a period if you need to create entries in a prior period and the general accounting constants do not allow prior-period entries. To reopen a GL period, you change the current period on the Company Setup form. Systems are usually closed in this order, although this order is not mandatory: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting After you complete your financial reporting, the last step in the close process is to change the financial reporting period to the new fiscal period.

Understanding the Affect of Closing an Accounting Period

When you close an accounting period, the system updates the Company Constants table (F0010) with the new accounting period and resets the date that it uses for date editing purposes. If you create entries outside the current fiscal period, you will receive one of these warnings or errors:
Warning or Error PBCO (Post Before Cut Off) PACO (Post After Cut Off) Description Entries created in a closed period. Entries created in a future period.


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Warning or Error WACO (Post Way After Cut Off) PYEB (Period Year-End Balance)

Description Entries created in a future year. Entries in a prior closed year.

A general accounting constant specifies whether entries can be posted to a closed period (PBCO). Because the F0010 table is cached, you must exit the EnterpriseOne system after you close an accounting period and then restart the websphere server to reset cache. The new period takes effect after you restart and return to the EnterpriseOne system.

Forms Used to Close the Accounting and Reporting Period

Form Name Work With Companies


Navigation Periodic and Annual Processes (G0924), Close Accounting Period On the Work With Companies form, select the company for which you want to close the accounting period. On the Work With Companies form, select multiple companies and then select Global Close from the Row menu.

Usage Review company information. Close an accounting period, close the last accounting period and fiscal year, and change a financial reporting period. Close an accounting period, close the last accounting period and fiscal year, and change a financial reporting period for multiple companies. The companies must have the same current period and fiscal year.

Company Setup


Global Period Close


Closing an Accounting Period for a Company

Access the Company Setup form.

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Chapter 37

Company Setup form

General Accounting
Current Period Increment by 1 the value in this field to close the accounting period for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting. The system automatically closes JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable if these systems have the same current period as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting.

Accounts Payable
Current Period Increment by 1 the value in this field to close the accounting period for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable without closing the period for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable. If you close JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable separately, you leave JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting open for final entries for that period.

Accounts Receivable
Current Period Increment by 1 the value in this field to close the accounting period for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable without closing the period for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable.


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If you close JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable separately, you leave JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting open for final entries for that period.

Closing the Accounting Period and Year for a Company

Access the Company Setup form. Before you run the Annual Close to close a fiscal year, you should close the accounting period and year on the Company Setup form. To do this, change the value in the Current Period field to 01 and enter the new fiscal year in the Beginning of Fiscal Year field for General Accounting. The system automatically applies the new period and year to Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable after you click OK. For example, to close a calendar fiscal year for 2006, you would change the current period to 01 and the beginning date to January 1, 2007 for General Accounting.

Closing an Accounting Period for Multiple Companies

Access the Global Period Close form.

Global Period Close form

The functionality of this form is the same as the Company Setup form except that you can close the accounting period and, if applicable, the fiscal year for multiple companies. To do this, the companies must have the same current period and fiscal year. Current Period Increment by 1 the value in this field for General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable.

Changing Financial Reporting Periods

This section provides an overview of financial reporting dates and discusses how to change a financial reporting periods.

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Closing Accounting and Reporting Periods

Chapter 37

Understanding Financial Reporting Dates

After you close the accounting period for AP, AR, and GL and run all financial reports for an accounting period, the last step in closing an accounting period is to change the financial reporting period. You change the financial reporting period to the next period on the Company Setup form to specify the new default reporting period for financial reports. The financial reporting date is used by all financial reports and is stored in the company record in the Constants table (F0010). If you need to generate reports for prior periods, you can reopen a financial reporting period on the Company Setup form by decreasing the reporting period. For example, if a company is currently operating in period 6, you can change the period to 5 for reporting purposes. Alternatively, you can use processing options to override the financial reporting date in the F0010 table when you run a report. The financial reporting date for company 00000 should be the same current period and year that is used for all companies. These financial reports use the reporting period and year for company 00000, unless the first data sequence is company or business unit: Simple Income Statement (R10211B) Simple Balance Sheet (R10111B)

Changing a Financial Reporting Period

Access the Company Setup form.

Financial Reporting
Reporting Period and Reporting Year Increment by 1 the value in the Reporting Period field to specify the new default period for financial reports. To close a fiscal year, increment by 1 the value in the Reporting Year field as well. You can specify a default financial reporting date that is different from the actual accounting period by decreasing the period by 1 or more in the Reporting Period field. This is often referred to as reopening a period and it allows you to generate financial statements for any prior period. Note. Use the Global Period Close form to change the financial reporting period and, if applicable, the fiscal year for multiple companies with the same current period and fiscal year.


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Closing the Fiscal Year

This chapter provides overviews of the fiscal year close and setup requirements and common tasks and discusses how to: Close a fiscal year. Close a fiscal year for budgets. Note. Country-specific functionality for closing a fiscal year exists for France and Italy.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, (FRA) Working With French Functionality, Closing Accounting Periods and a Fiscal Year in France JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, (ITA) Working With Functionality for Italy, Closing a Fiscal Year in Italy

Understanding the Fiscal Year Close

As part of your year-end procedures, you must close your books for the fiscal year and run the Annual Close program. To close your books, you close these systems on the Company Setup form: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable for year-end reconciliations to the GL. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting for retained earnings calculations. After you close the fiscal year for these systems, you should run the Annual Close program (R098201). This sequence is suggested to prevent users from posting to the fiscal year while you are running the program or after you have completed running the program. Changing this sequence can cause integrity issues such as out-of-balance issues. The Annual Close program: Calculates and posts retained earnings for ledger type AA. Entries that are posted to the retained earnings account are included in the final retained earnings figure. Creates account records in the F0902 table for the new fiscal year for the AA ledger and budget ledger types. Updates balance forward fields and prior year-end net posting fields in the F0902 table. Regardless of the type of account, the system always updates the Balance Forward field in the F0902 table. However, the system does not show the balance forward amounts for profit-and-loss accounts in online inquiries or on reports that use AAI items GLG6 and GLG12. The system updates the Balance Forward field in the F0902 table to allow inception-to-date reporting, which is commonly used for job costing.

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Closing the Fiscal Year

Chapter 38

Prints the Annual Close report (R098201). You can close the same fiscal year as often as needed. Multiple closings are often necessary to handle audit adjustments or unexpected final adjustments. If you close the fiscal year multiple times, the Annual Close program calculates and posts the correct balances without doubling or otherwise inflating balances. For example, if you run the program twice, balances are not doubled. Note. You can provide reports for the first period of the new fiscal year without performing the final year close. Run the Annual Close program to update the balance forward fields for every account in the F0902 table. This carries forward the amounts to the first period of the new fiscal year for reporting purposes.

Retained Earnings
If you need to adjust the amount of the retained earnings account, do not enter an adjusting entry. This can cause undesirable results. Instead, create a new account with the same business unit and object of the retained earnings account and a new subsidiary. You can close more than one company to a single retained earnings account. This is necessary if corporate divisions are set up as companies. You close these divisions to a single retained earnings account to consolidate reporting for the legal corporate entity.

Balance Sheet Entries

If you close a fiscal year and later find out that you must create entries for balance sheet accounts for that year, you do not have to reopen the year (that is, change the current period back to the prior year ending period) and rerun the Annual Close program. Instead, create the entries for document type ## (prior year transactions) using the Journal Entry program (P0911). The system generates a warning message but accepts the transactions. Post the transactions as usual. The system updates the beginning balance forward amounts in the F0902 table for the balance sheet accounts affected. Because the entries are balance sheet entries, they do not impact the retained earnings account so there is no need to reopen the fiscal period and year and run the Annual Close program.

Intercompany Settlements
After you run the Annual Close program, you might need to create journal entries for intercompany settlements to keep the companies in balance. The Annual Close program posts retained earnings to a retained earnings account for a single company but does not create automatic entries for intercompany settlements.

Before you perform the final fiscal year close: Back up your entire environment for fiscal auditing purposes. You might be asked to provide reproductions of your reports as well as your electronic data files during a tax audit of your information system. Ensure that no users are accessing the F0902 table while the Annual Close program is running. If users are accessing the F0902 table, records might be skipped when the program calculates retained earnings.

Understanding Setup Requirements and Common Tasks

This section provides an overview of fiscal year setup requirements and common tasks for the year-end close..


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Chapter 38

Closing the Fiscal Year

Understanding Fiscal Year Setup Requirements

This table lists items that must be set up in preparation for the annual close:
Setup Chart of Accounts These accounts must be set up: Profit and loss account Beginning balance sheet Ending balance sheet Automatic Accounting Instructions (AAIs) These AAI items must be set up: GLG4: retained earnings GLG6: beginning revenue account GLG12: ending profit and loss account AAI item GLG4 for retained earnings is the only GLG item that is company specific. Important! If you close the year, change any of these AAI items, and then rerun the close, you might get different results. Ledger Types Ledger type AA and budget ledger types must be set up in UDC table 09/LT and on the Ledger Type Rules Setup form. For the AA ledger, select these check boxes on the Ledger Type Rules Setup form: Close to Retained Earnings Account Ledger is Required to Balance For budget ledger types, select the Roll Original Budget to Next Year check box. Description

Understanding Common Tasks for the Year-End Close

The specific process for closing a fiscal year is unique for each company. Your organization should develop its own detailed closing tasks and include them in your internal documentation. This list includes common tasks that most companies perform for the fiscal year close: Review and post all batches. Run integrity reports and correct errors. This is one of the tasks that every company should include in their closing processes. Integrity reports supplement your internal balancing procedures and locate any data inconsistencies. Enter and post audit adjustments. Many companies reserve an accounting period for audit adjustments. Many companies also use a specific document type (UDC table 00/DT) for their year-end closing entries. Assume that you want to enter and post audit adjustments to record the final adjusting entries for fiscal year 2008. Ensure that the fiscal year on the Company Setup form is 2008. If the fiscal year is 2009, reopen fiscal year 2008 by entering the beginning start date (for example, January 1, 2008) and change the current period to the last period of fiscal year 2008 for General Accounting only. Close the fiscal period and year for AP, AR, and GL.

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Closing the Fiscal Year

Chapter 38

Run year-end financial reports, trial balances, and any other reports that are required. Close the fiscal period and year for financial reporting. Run the Annual Close program.

Closing a Fiscal Year

This section provides an overview of the Annual Close program and discusses how to: Run the Annual Close program. Set data selection and sequence for Annual Close. Set processing options for Annual Close.

Understanding the Annual Close Program

When you run the Annual Close program to close a fiscal year, the system produces a report that lists the company that was closed, and the retained earnings account and amount. Use this report to verify that a company closed successfully. By setting a processing option, you can print a detailed list of the accounts and balance amounts that are used in the retained earnings calculation. This is useful if you need to research an incorrect retained earnings amount. The detailed list for retained earnings can be lengthy. Do not print it unless you need to research the retained earnings calculation.

Error Messages on the Annual Close Report

If any errors prevent a company from closing, the errors are listed on a report. Examples of errors and resolutions include:
Error Message The retained earnings account is not set up in the Account Master table (F0901). The close program could not find AAI item GLG6. Resolution Set up the retained earnings account for AAI item GLG4. Set up AAI item GLG6 to define beginning revenue account.

If AAI item GLG12 is not set up, an error message does not appear on the annual close report. The system uses account 999999.99999999 as the default.

Running the Annual Close Program

Select Periodic and Annual Processes (G0924), Annual Close.

Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Annual Close

You cannot close multiple years at the same time. You must close them consecutively, one year at a time. To help ensure a successful close, observe these rules for data selection and sequence: For data selection, enter the company and fiscal year. Do not specify any other data selection.


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Chapter 38

Closing the Fiscal Year

If you close multiple companies to the same retained earnings account: - The companies must have the same fiscal date pattern. - You must use a single version that selects all of the companies that are being closed together. For data sequence, the sequence must be by fiscal year, company, and ledger type; do not change it.

Setting Processing Options for Annual Close (R098201)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs.

Profit/Loss Specify whether to create profit/loss account records for next year if the net posting for this year has a zero balance. Values are: Blank: Do not create profit/loss records. 1: Create profit/loss records.

Orig Budget
Original Budget Specify whether to override the original budget regardless of whether record for next year already exists. Values are: Blank: Do not override the original budget. 1: Override the original budget. Note. With job cost accounts, you enter an original budget and then make changes using change orders. For example, assume that you have a job in 2008 that you budgeted for and expect to complete in 2010. You added budgetary information to the original budget in 2008. To override the original budget with new information, enter 1 for this processing option.

Print Specify whether to print detail information for the retained earnings calculation. Values are: Blank: Do not print supporting detail. 1: Print supporting detail. The detailed list for retained earnings can be lengthy and should not be printed unless you need to research the retained earnings calculation.

Closing a Fiscal Year for Budgets

This section provides an overview of closing a fiscal year for budget ledger types.

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Closing the Fiscal Year

Chapter 38

Understanding the Fiscal Year Close for Budget Ledger Types

When you close a fiscal year, you can roll the original budget amounts in the F0902 table to the next year for budget ledger types, such as: BA (budget amounts) JA and JU (job cost budget amounts and units) PA and PU (job cost commitment amounts and units) You control how to process the original budget amount on the Ledger Type Rules Setup form and with a processing option for the Annual Close program. When you run the Annual Close program, the system determines if records exist in the F0902 table for the new year and then does one of the these: If a record already exists, the system updates the original budget amount if a processing option is set accordingly. If a record does not exist, the system uses the ledger type rules to determine whether to roll forward the original budget amount.


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Summarizing Records and Purging Records

This chapter provides an overview of summarizations, deletions, and purges and discusses how to: Summarize account ledger records. Purge prior-year records. Purge prior-year account balances. Delete account master records. Delete business units and companies.

Understanding Summarizations, Deletions and Purges

To increase disk space, you can summarize, delete, or purge information from the system. Programs that summarize records create a single record to replace numerous detail records. Programs that delete records remove information from the system. And programs that purge information do one of these tasks, depending on the program: Copy records to a purge table. The system marks the original records as purged and then deletes them from the system. Remove information from the system.

Summarizing Account Ledger Records

This section provides an overview of the Summarize Transactions program, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to: Summarizing transactions. Set processing options for the Summarize Transactions.

Understanding the Summarize Transactions Program

Ensure that you run the Summarize Transactions program (R09811) before you purge the records: For the current year.

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Summarizing Records and Purging Records

Chapter 39

Summarized records are required to support the F0902 table. Unsummarized records for the current year are bypassed when the system purges prior-year journal entries. For prior-year records, summarization is optional. For the prior year. Account balances can be set to zero by the Repost Account Ledger program (R099102) if any purged prior-year records are left unsummarized. You can use the Summarize Transactions program (R09811) to summarize journal entries and replace numerous detailed records with a single record. Specifically, the Summarize Transactions program: Creates a summarized record for each accounting period, ledger type, subledger, or subledger type that contains: - A document type of BF. - A document number that is the system Julian date when you summarize transactions - A general ledger date for the period-ending dates Marks the summarized detail records in the F0911 table with Y (summarized) or blank (not summarized). Three AAI items control the account ranges that are summarized or bypassed: GLRCxx: Defines a range of accounts that must be reconciled before they are summarized. The Reconciled field in the record must have a value from UDC table 09/RC to allow summarization. GLSMxx: Defines the range of accounts not to be summarized. GLPRxx: Defines a range of accounts that are not purged. After the system creates summarized records, you can: Restate prior fiscal years, if necessary. Delete or purge records for that year from the F0911 table. Summarization adds records. You must purge and reorganize to make more disk space available. You do not have to summarize transactions for summarized reporting. You can summarize general ledger reports by setting a processing option to include a specific object account range. The Summarize Transactions program does not include data selection. To specify which transactions the system summarizes, you use processing options in conjunction with AAI items GLSMxx, GLRCxx, and GLPRxx.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Back up the F0911 table. Determine the fiscal year, companies, and ledger types that you want to summarize. To ensure adequate processing time, summarize transactions after business hours. For each ledger type that you want to summarize, verify that the Summarize Ledger Types option is selected in the Ledger Type Rules program (P0025). See Chapter 3, Setting Up the General Accounting System, Setting Up Ledger Types for General Accounting, page 20. Reconcile accounts, if necessary.


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Chapter 39

Summarizing Records and Purging Records

Summarizing Transactions
Select Summarize & Purge Data (G09317), Summarize Transactions.

Setting Processing Options for Summarize Transactions (R09811)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

1. Number of Periods to Retain Specify the number of periods that you want the system to retain in detail. If you enter 01, the system retains only the current period. The system uses the 14 period net posting amounts from the F0902 table to determine which periods to retain. If you have a 12-period fiscal year and you want to retain information from a prior fiscal year, add two (12+2) and enter 14 in this processing option. If you are in the third period of a fiscal year and you want to retain information from the last two periods of the prior fiscal year, enter 05 as the number of periods to retain and so on. If you want to retain information only for the current fiscal year, do not increase the number of periods by two. For example, if you are in the fourth period of a fiscal year and you want to retain information from periods 2, 3, and 4 of the current fiscal year, enter 03 as the number of periods to retain in the processing option. 2. Company 3. Business Unit 4. Starting Account ID Range 5. Ending Account ID Range 6. Subledger 7. Subledger Type 8. Ledger Type Specify the company number of the records that you want the system to summarize. Enter a valid company number from the F0010 table. Specify the business unit of the records that you want the system to summarize. Enter a valid business unit from the F0006 table. Specify a starting account ID for the range of accounts that you want the system to summarize. Enter a valid account ID from the F0902 table. Specify the ending account ID for the range of accounts that you want the system to summarize. Enter a valid account ID from the F0901 table. Specify the subledger of the records that you want the system to summarize. Specify the subledger type of the records that you want the system to summarize. Enter a valid subledger type from UDC table 00/ST. Specify the ledger type of the records that you want the system to summarize. Enter a valid ledger type from the F0025 table.

Purging Prior-Year Records

This section provides an overview of the Purge Prior Year JEs, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to: Purge prior-year records.

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Summarizing Records and Purging Records

Chapter 39

Set data selection for Purge Prior Year JEs. Set processing options for Purge Prior Year JEs.

Understanding the Purge Prior Year JEs Program

If you create a summarized record or you want to increase disk space, you can purge journal entries using the Purge Prior Year JEs program (R09911). This program: Copies prior year journal entries in the F0911 table to the purge F0911P table. Marks the copied records in the F0911 table as purged. Deletes purged records from the F0911 table when certain conditions are met. Prints a report that lists the number of records purged by company. The Purge Prior Year JEs program purges only: Prior-year transactions. Summarized transactions for the current year. Summarized transactions for the prior-year. You can purge these transactions only one year at a time. When you run the Purge Prior Year JEs program, prior-year transactions can be purged and deleted, purged but not deleted, deleted, or completely bypassed. When the system identifies and marks a record as eligible to purge, the record must then meet all of these conditions before the system deletes it: The account number cannot be within the bypass purge ranges for AAI item GLPRxx. For accounts within the reconcilable ranges in AAI item GLRCxx to be purged, the reconciled code must be a value other than blank. The record must not have * in the Payment Number field. The * denotes a partial payment, retainage, or discount. For Service Billing clients, if the account is billable, the bill code of the transaction must be X (direct charge allocated or billed) or Y (manually allocated and billed). Do not purge summary records (document type BF) unless you no longer need them to support the F0902 table. Three AAI items control the account ranges that are to be purged or bypassed: GLSMxx: Defines the range of accounts not to be summarized. Current-year transactions must contain a Summarized Code Y to be deleted from the F0911 table. Prior-year transactions in these ranges can be deleted, regardless of summarization. GLRCxx: Defines a range of accounts that must be reconciled before they are deleted. The Reconciled field must contain a code from UDC table 09/RC to be deleted. GLPRxx: Defines a range of accounts that are not to be deleted. These accounts are written to the purge table with a purge code set to Y, but are not deleted. After the purge process is complete, you should copy the F0911P table to another medium. If you keep this table on your system and you purge again, the system adds newly purged records to the F0911P table, which will decrease available disk space.


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Chapter 39

Summarizing Records and Purging Records

You also might want to defragment the F0911 table and rebuild the table indices. Contact your database administrator for more information about this process. Note. The Purge Prior Year JEs program purges only records from the F0911 table. This program does not purge corresponding records in other systems, such as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable or JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable. To avoid integrity issues between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting and other systems, contact your system administrator to develop a plan to purge corresponding records.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Back up the F0911 table. Set up purge parameters in the AAIs. See Chapter 3, Setting Up the General Accounting System, Setting Up AAIs for General Accounting, page 24. Summarize transactions.

Purging Prior-Year Records

Select Summarize & Purge Data (G09317), Purge Prior Year JEs.

Setting Data Selection for Purge Prior Year JEs

Enter the fiscal year of the records that you want to purge.

Setting Processing Options for Purge Prior Year JEs (R09911)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Delete Options
1. Purge and Delete Enter 1 to purge and delete 1099 transactions that are more than three fiscal years old (current and previous two fiscal years). If you partially pay transactions, you might have 1099 transactions that are paid in separate years. These transactions are identified by * in the Payment Number. If you set this processing option to 1, the system purges and deletes these types of transactions only if they are more than three years old. Leave this processing option blank to purge but not delete any questionable 1099 transactions. 2. Delete and Purge Billable Transactions This processing option is for Service Billing clients. Enter 1 to delete and purge billable transactions that have a valid bill code. If you leave this processing option blank, any bill code other than X or Y will be purged but not deleted. However, all X and Y billable transactions will be purged and deleted.

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Summarizing Records and Purging Records

Chapter 39

Purging Prior-Year Account Balances

This section provides an overview of the Purge Prior Year Account Balances program, lists a prerequisite, and discusses purge account balances for prior years.

Understanding the Purge Prior Year Account Balances Program

To increase disk space, you can purge account balance records using the Purge Prior Year Account Balances program (R09912). This program: Copies records with a date that is prior to the current fiscal year from the F0902 table to the purge F0902P table. Deletes records that have a date that is prior to the current fiscal year. Prints a report that lists the number of records that were purged by company, date, and time that the F0902P table was created. You can purge records only one year at a time. After the purge process is complete, you should copy the F0902P table to another medium. If you keep this table on your system and you purge again, the system adds newly purged records to the existing F0902P table which decreases available disk space. You also might want to defragment the F0902 table and rebuild the table indices. Contact your database administrator for more information about this process.

Back up the F0902 table.

Purging Account Balances for Prior Years

Select Summarize & Purge Data (G09317), Purge Prior Year Account Balances.

Deleting Account Master Records

This section provides an overview of the Delete Account Master Records program, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to: Run the Delete Account Master Records program. Set processing options for Delete Account Master Records.

Understanding the Delete Account Master Records

To increase disk space, you can delete accounts that do not contain transactions by running the Delete Account Master Records program (R09814). This program searches certain tables for transactions for an account and, if none are found, it does not copy accounts to a purge table. Instead, it deletes the account from the F0901 table. The program searches for transactions in these tables: Customer Ledger (F03B11)


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Chapter 39

Summarizing Records and Purging Records

Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411) Employee Transaction History (F0618) Employee Pay Instructions (F06106) Burden Distribution File (F0724) Account Master - Alternate Description (F0901D) Account Balances (F0902) Account Ledger (F0911) Cost Allocations/Flex Budgeting (F0912) Asset Account Balances File (F1202) Purchase Order Detail (F4311) Draw Reporting Master (F51911) You can run the Delete Account Master Records program in proof or final mode.

Back up the F0901 table.

Running the Delete Account Master Records Program

Select Summarize & Purge Data (G09317), Delete Account Master Records.

Setting Processing Options for Delete Account Master Records (R09814)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Delete Account Specify the processing mode for deleting account master records. Values are: Blank: Proof mode. Prints a report that lists the accounts to be deleted, but does not delete them 1: Final mode. Deletes the accounts and prints a report that lists the accounts that were deleted.

Deleting Business Units and Companies

This section provides an overview of the Delete Business Unit/Company program, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to: Run the Delete Business Unit/Company program. Set processing options for Delete Business Unit/Company.

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Summarizing Records and Purging Records

Chapter 39

Understanding the Delete Business Unit/Company Program

Your organization might have business units or companies that are obsolete because the structure of the organization has changed. Or you might have business units or companies from a test data environment that you no longer need. The Delete Business Unit/Company program (R09925) deletes records for the business unit or company that is obsolete. You can delete records for a single business unit or for all of the business units within a single company. If you specify a company in the processing option, the system deletes records for all of the business units in the company. If you specify a business unit, the system deletes records for the business unit. If you specify both a business unit and a company, the system deletes records for the business unit only. When you delete a business unit or company, the system does notcopy information to a purge table nor does it search for open balances. It deletes records for the business unit or company regardless of whether open balances exist. The Delete Business Unit/Company program deletes records from these tables: F0006 F0901 F0901D F0902 F0911 The system does not print a report. After the process is complete, you must: Delete the company on the Work With Companies form. Delete the business unit or company on the Work With Addresses form. Important! If you are signed on to two environments, such as a test and an active environment, the system deletes the records from both environments.

Before you complete the tasks in this section: Back up the F0006, F0901, F0901D, F0902, and F0911 tables. Verify that there are no transactions for the business unit or company that you are going to delete.

Running the Delete Business Unit/Company Program

Select Summarize & Purge Data (G09317), Delete Business Unit/Company.

Setting Processing Options for Delete Business Unit/Company (R09925)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


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Chapter 39

Summarizing Records and Purging Records

Delete Records
1. Delete Records Enter either the company in which to delete business units or enter a business unit to delete. If you specify a company in this processing option, the system deletes records for all of the business units in the company. If you specify a business unit, the system deletes records for the business unit. If you specify both a business unit and a company, the system deletes records for the business unit only.

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Chapter 39


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General Accounting Tables

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system uses these types of tables: Primary tables Supplemental tables

Primary Tables
The General Account system uses these primary tables:
Table Name (Number) Account Master (F0901) Account Balances (F0902) Description Stores account definitions, including account numbers and descriptions. One record exists for each account. Stores account balances including net postings for each period and prior year balances (net and cumulative). One record exists for each account/ledger type/subledger/subledger type/fiscal year and, if you post by currency, transaction currency. Stores detail transactions in the general ledger. One record exists for each transaction. When you use multiple currencies, two records exist for each transaction.

Account Ledger (F0911)

Supplemental Tables
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system uses these supplemental tables:
Table Name (Number) Next Numbers - Automatic (F0002) Description Stores the next available number for all automatically assigned numbers in the system, such as batch numbers and transaction numbers. Stores user-defined codes and their descriptions. Stores business unit definitions, including name and number, company, and category codes.

User-Defined Codes (F0005) Business Unit Master (F0006)

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General Accounting Tables

Appendix A

Table Name (Number) Date Effective Business Unit Master (F0006S) Date Fiscal Patterns (F0008) General Constants (F0009)

Description Stores business unit definitions including name and number, company, and category codes by effective date. Stores each companys fiscal date pattern. Stores the rules that control system-wide functions, such as account coding, batch control, batch approval, date validation, intercompany settlements, and batch balancing. Stores company definitions, including number and name, fiscal date pattern, and current period. Stores identification header records for each batch. Stores the rules that control how the system creates automatic balancing entries, special interim totals for reports, and general information about the chart of accounts. Stores the transaction detail for each item that is subject to tax. Stores tax information by general ledger account. Stores rules for specific ledger types, such as: Attached ledger types for units Financial rules, such as balancing required Column titles for ledger comparisons

Company Constants (F0010) Batch Control Records (F0011) Automatic Accounting Instructions Master (F0012)

Taxes (F0018) Tax Reconciliation Repository (F0018R) Ledger Type Master File (F0025)

Organization Structure Master File (F0050) Structure Definition File (F0050A) Supplemental Database Data Types (F00091) Supplemental Data (F00092) Address Book Master (F0101) WF - Account Ledger Reconciliation (F0911R) Cost Allocations/Flex Budgeting (F0912) Index Computation Entry File (F0912A)

Stores parent/child relationships for business units by structure type. Stores the organization structures that you define for grouping business units by category codes. Stores the definitions of the data types that you use to track additional information about business units. Stores additional information that you enter about business units, categorized by data types. Stores address book information, including companies, suppliers, and customers. Stores unreconciled transaction detail. The system replaces the contents of this table after each reconciliation. Stores information about recurring journal entries (allocations). Stores information about indexed allocations.


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Appendix A

General Accounting Tables

Table Name (Number) Variable Allocation File (F0912B) Bank Statement Header (F0916) Bank Statement Detail (F0917) Inter/Intra Company Account Relationships (F09190)

Description Stores information about variable numerator allocations. Stores header information about bank statements. Stores detail information about the transactions on bank statements. Stores information about configured hubs for intercompany settlements.

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General Accounting Tables

Appendix A


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Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

This appendix discusses: Mapping fields in the F0911Z1 table. Mapping fields in the F0911Z1 table for Advanced Cost Accounting. Mapping fields in the F0911Z1 table for externally reconciled transactions.

Mapping Fields in the F0911Z1 Table

This section contains a list of the fields in the Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File (F0911Z1). Some of the fields are required to run the Journal Entries Batch Processor program (R09110Z), while others are not. Zero or blank is a value for some fields; however, null is not a valid value. Not all fields are displayed on General Accounting forms or used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system.

Required Fields
These fields in the F0911Z1 table are required:
Field Name EDI - User ID Alias VNEDUS Type Alpha Length 10 Definition Enter the user ID of the person who is running the process or the person who is to receive messages in the Employee Queue Manager program (P012501). This field, in conjunction with VNEDTN, VNEDBT, and VNEDLN, uniquely identifies a specific journal entry. Enter a value that, in conjunction with VNEDLN, identifies each transaction. Each new transaction number indicates a new journal entry. You can have only one transaction with the same number in a batch unless VNEDLN is different. This field normally contains the document number of the source system so that the transaction can be readily identified. Enter a value that, in conjunction with VNEDTN, identifies each line of the journal entry. Enter a value that indicates whether a record has been processed successfully. Update this field with a value of 0. If the record is processed successfully, the system updates this field to a value of 1. If an error occurs, the system leaves 0 in the field. Do not leave this field blank.

EDI Transaction Number




EDI - Line Number EDI Successfully Processed


Number Alpha

7 1

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Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Appendix B

Field Name EDI Transaction Action EDI Transaction Type EDI - Batch Number


Type Alpha 1


Definition Enter A for transactions to be processed. No other values are valid. Enter J for journal entries. You cannot leave this field blank. Enter a value that, in conjunction with VNEDTN, VNEDUS, and VNEDLN, uniquely identifies a transaction within a specific batch. This field also acts as a level break and causes the assignment of a new batch number each time that the value changes. You can greatly increase performance by assigning one batch number for each group of transactions that is being processed at one time. Enter a value that indicates the date of the transaction. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry; therefore, you can enter only one value for each document. Enter the general ledger date in the format that your database accepts. Some databases allow you to enter the date in a Gregorian date format (mmddyy), while others might require a Julian date format (cyyddd, where c= century). Enter 0 for transactions in the 20th century and enter 1 for transactions in the 21st century. For example, the date June 1, 2007 corresponds to the Julian date 107152 and the date June 1, 2008 corresponds to the Julian date 108153 (because the year 2008 has a leap day, February 29). Alternatively, you can leave this field blank and complete VNDGM (mm), VNDGD (dd), VNDGY (yy), and VNDG# in the month/day/year/century format. Enter the prefix of the year in VNDG#. For example, enter 20 for 2007.






G/L Date




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Appendix B

Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Field Name Account Number


Type Alpha

Length 29

Definition A value that represents the account number that you want to update when you process the transaction. Complete either VNANI or VNAID, or VNMCU, VNOBJ, and VNSUB to designate the account number. The first character in the VNANI field must correspond to the Symbol to Identify the Account Number in the F0009 table. For example, if the Symbol to Identify the Short Number is * and you want to enter the Short Number in VNANI, you must precede it with *. Otherwise, leave VNANI blank and enter the Short Number in VNAID. The system populates the fields that you leave blank, based on the account information that you enter. For example, if you complete the Business Unit, Object, and Subsidiary fields, the system updates the Account ID and Account Number fields when the transaction is processed. If you complete the Account Number field, the system updates the Business Unit, Object, Subsidiary, and Account ID fields when the transaction is processed.

Account ID



Enter a value that represents the identifier of the account that you want to update when you process the transaction. Complete either VNANI or VNAID, or VNMCU, VNOBJ, and VNSUB to designate the account number. Enter a value that helps identify the account number that you want to update when you process the transaction. Complete either VNANI or VNAID, or VNMCU, VNOBJ, and VNSUB to designate the account number. Enter a value that helps identify the account number that you want to update when you process the transaction. Complete either VNANI or VNAID, or VNMCU, VNOBJ, and VNSUB to designate the account number. Enter the tax amount for journal entries with VAT. This amount is passed to the tax calculator for validation and calculation. If the Rate/Rate Area and Tax Explanation Code fields are not passed, this field is ignored. Enter the gross amount for journal entries with VAT. This amount is passed to the tax calculator for validation and calculation. If the Rate/Rate Area and Tax Explanation Code fields are not passed, this field is ignored. Specify whether to update tax information for the account taxed in the F0911. The value 1 updates tax explanation code, tax rate/area and tax item. Enter a value for the GLDLNID field in the F0911 table. The system does not perform any validation or formatting on the value in this field.

Business Unit




Object Account



Amount - Tax




Amount - Gross VNAG



Track Taxes Flag Distribution Line Number





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Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Appendix B

Field Name Check/Receipt Number Subsidiary


Type String

Length 25

Definition Enter a value for the GLCKNU field in the F)911 table. The system does not perform any validation or formatting on the value in this field. A value that helps identify the account number that you want to update when you process the transaction. Complete either VNANI or VNAID, or VNMCU, VNOBJ, and VNSUB to designate the account number. Enter a value that directs the system to read a specific field to locate the account number. Values are: 1: Use the value in the VNAID field. 2: Use the value in the VNANI field. 3: Use the value in the VNANI field, but this value must be the third account number, as defined in the general accounting constants. 4: Use the values assigned in VNMCU, VNOBJ, and VNSUB. 7: Use the value in VNANI, but use the character in the first position of the VNANI field to identify the format in which the account number was entered, as defined in the general accounting constants. For example, if the value in VNANI is #123, the system uses the account number format that is represented by # in the general accounting constants.



Account Mode







Enter a value that represents the amount of the transaction. Enter the amount in the format that your database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier, while others do not. If you are entering a foreign currency amount, leave this field blank and enter an amount in VNACR. Enter a description of the transaction. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.








Enter the number of the company for which you are processing the transaction. This is required for multicurrency processing.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing 8.12 Implementation Guide, Mapping Requirements for Processing Multicurrency Batch Journal Entries, Multicurrency Fields Required in the F0911Z1 Table.


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Appendix B

Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Mapping Fields in the F0911Z1 Table for Advanced Cost Accounting

This section discusses how to map fields in the F0911Z1 table for the Advanced Cost Accounting system.

Required Fields for the Advanced Cost Accounting System

If you use the Advanced Cost Accounting system, these fields in the F0911Z1 table are required:
Field Name Cost Object Type 1 4 Alias VNABT1 VNABT2 VNABT3 VNABT4 Type Alpha 1 Length Information Enter up to four cost object types. The system uses these fields to edit the values entered in the corresponding VNABR1 - VNABR4. If you enter a value in one of the Cost Object Type fields, you must enter a value in the corresponding Cost Object field. The values in the Cost Object Type fields must exist in the F1620 table. Cost Object 14 VNABR1 VNABR2 VNABR3 VNABR4 VNPM01 VNPM10 VNITM Alpha 12 Enter up to four cost objects. The value in each Cost Object field must follow the edit rules for the corresponding VNABT1 - VNABT4. Leave these fields blank. If you enter a value in this field, the system verifies that the item exists in the F4101 table.

Posting Code 110 Item Number

Alpha Number

1 8

Optional Fields
You can use optional fields to provide additional information about the journal entries. These fields in the F0911Z1 table are optional:
Field Name EDI - Detail Lines Processed EDI Transaction Type Alias VNEDDL Type Number 5 Length Definition Enter the number of detail lines that are included in a specific transaction. For user verification only. Enter J for journal entry transactions or leave this field blank.



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Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Appendix B

Field Name Document Company


Type Alpha 5


Definition Enter a number that identifies the company of the transaction. This field is used only to differentiate transaction numbers by company. If you leave this field blank, the value is determined by the company that is associated with the business unit of the first journal entry line. If you enter a value in this field, the value must exist in the F0010 table. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

Document Type



Enter a code that identifies the type of transaction. If you leave this field blank, the system uses JE. If you enter a value in this field, the value must exist in user-defined code (UDC) table 00/DT. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

Document Number



Enter a number that identifies the transaction in the F0911 table. If you leave this field blank, the system uses next numbers for System 09 to generate a document number. If you enter a value in this field, the value cannot exist in the F0911 table with the same general ledger and document type, or the transaction is considered a duplicate and is not processed. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

Journal Entry Line Number



Enter a value that you use to track the number of lines in a journal entry. If you leave this field blank, the system updates it when it processes the transactions. The maximum number of journal entry lines in a transaction is 9999. Enter a code that indicates the line extension. If you leave this field blank, the General Ledger Post program (R09801) updates it if multicurrency intercompany settlements exist. Enter a value that indicates whether the transaction has been posted. If you leave this field blank, the General Ledger Post program updates it. If the transaction represents a model journal entry, enter M.

Line Extension Code G/L Posted Code






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Appendix B

Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Field Name


Type Number 8


Definition Enter a number used to group journal entries that are processed simultaneously. If you leave this field blank, the system uses next numbers for System 00 to generate a batch number. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

Batch Number VNICU

Batch Type



Enter a code that designates the type of transaction being processed (invoice, voucher, and so on). If you enter a value in this field, the value must exist in UDC table 98/IT. If you leave this field blank, the system populates the field with G when it processes the journal entries. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

Batch Date



Enter the date of the batch. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the date on which the batch program is executed. If you complete this field, enter the date in a format that your database accepts. Review the field definition for VNDGJ for more information. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

Batch System Date



Enter the date on which the batch was entered into the system. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the date on which the batch program is processed. If you complete this field, enter the date in a format that your database accepts. Review the field definition for VNDGJ for more information. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

Batch Time



Enter the time when the batch was entered into the system. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the time that the batch program is processed. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.




Enter a code that identifies an auxiliary account for the transaction. If you complete this field, you must also enter a value in VNSBLT. Enter a code that identifies a category within a subledger. If you complete this field, the value must exist in UDC table 00/ST.

Subledger Type



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Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Appendix B

Field Name Ledger Type

Alias VNLT

Type Alpha 2


Definition Enter a code that identifies the type of ledger. You can leave this field blank, or enter AA or any other valid ledger type in UDC table 09/LT except CA. Never enter CA in this field. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

Period Number



A code that indicates the accounting period. We recommend that you leave these fields blank. The system populates them, based on the general ledger date and company. The century in which the transaction takes place. if you leave this field blank, the system populates it based on the general ledger date and company. The year in which the transaction takes place. If you leave this field blank, the system populates it based on the general ledger date and company. A previous exchange rate. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.




Fiscal Year



VNHCRR Historical Exchange Rate



Historical Date



Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. If you complete this field, enter the date in a format that your database accepts. Review the field definition for VNDGJ for more information. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.





Enter the number of units in the transaction. If you complete this field, the system updates the Amount field with the value in the AU ledger when you run the Post General Ledger program (R09801). Enter a value that describes the type of units entered. If you enter a value in this field, the value must exist in UDC table 00/UM. If you leave this field blank and a unit of measure is assigned to the account in the F0901 table, the system updates this field with that unit of measure. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it.

Unit of Measure



G/L Offset




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Appendix B

Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Field Name Reverse or Void (R/V)

Alias VNRE

Type Alpha 1


Definition Enter a value that indicates whether you want to reverse accrual entries. If you enter R (reverse) in this field, when the entry is posted, the system generates another journal entry with a general ledger date that is the first day of the next period. The transaction amount is reversed from the original entry. Voided transactions are not eligible for this process. You must use the Journal Entry program (P0911) to void journal entries. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

Remark/ Explanation Reference 1


Alpha Alpha

30 8

Enter a description for a specific journal entry line. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

Reference 2


Alpha Alpha Number Alpha

8 3 8 5

Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it.

Document Pay VNSFX Item Document Original Document Company (Purchase Order) Document Company (Original Order) Document Type Purchase Order Address Number VNODOC VNPKCO



Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it.



Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it.



Enter the address book number of the customer or supplier who is associated with a voucher or invoice transaction. If you enter a value in this field, it must exist in the F0101 table. Enter the payment number for the transaction.

Payment Number



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Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Appendix B

Field Name Check Date


Type Date 6


Definition Enter the payment date that is associated with the payment number. Use a format that your database accepts. Review the field definition for VNDGJ for more information. Enter the date on which the payment cleared the bank. Use a format that your database accepts. Review the field definition for VNDGJ for more information. The asset ID that is associated with a fixed asset. The system verifies that this field exists in the F1201 table. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Enter a value that indicates whether the record is reconciled. You can enter R in this field to indicate that the record is reconciled. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it.

Check Cleared VNDKC Date Serial Number Batch Rear End Posted Code Reconciled Code VNASID VNBRE


Alpha Alpha

25 1



Summarized Code Purge Code Flag for 1099 G/L Posting Code Alternate 1 G/L Posting Code Alternate 2 G/L Posting Code Alternate 3 G/L Posting Code Alternate 4 G/L Posting Code Alternate 5


Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha

1 1 1 1

Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it.










Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Appendix B

Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Field Name G/L Posting Code - Cash Basis Account Commitment Relief Flag Billing Control Currency Update G/L Posting Code Alternate 0 Consumption Tax Cross Reference Delete Not Allowed Client Free Form Alternate 1 Client Free Form Alternate 2 Lease Cost Ledger Posted Code Bill Code Supplier Invoice Number

Alias VNALT6

Type Alpha 1


Definition Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. We recommend that you leave this field blank.


Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha

1 1 1 1



Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. If you enter a value in this field, the value must exist in UDC table 98/BC. An invoice number for the transaction. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.


Alpha Alpha

1 1






Alpha Alpha

1 25

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Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Appendix B

Field Name Invoice Date


Type Date 6


Definition The invoice date for the transaction. Use a format that your database accepts. Review the field definition for VNDGJ for more information. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.

VNWR01 Categories Work Order 01 Purchase Order Purchase Order Suffix Order Type Line Number Fiscal Year Weekly Fiscal Period Weekly Closed Item - As Of Processing Sequence Number Operations Job Type (Craft) Code Job Step Business Unit - Home VNPO VNPSFX VNDCTO VNLNID VNWY VNWN VNFNLP

Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Number Number Number Alpha

4 8 3 2 6 2 2 1

Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. If you enter a value in this field, the value must exist in UDC table 00/DT. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. A value that indicates the business unit for the transaction. If you enter a value in this field, the system verifies that it exists in the F0006 table. This field is part of the header section of the journal entry. Therefore, you can enter only one value for each document.




Alpha Alpha Alpha

6 4 12

DOI Stub



Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it.


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Appendix B

Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Field Name


Type Alpha Alpha Date 25 2 6


Definition Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. Any value that you enter in this field is passed. The system does not validate it. The service or tax date of the transaction. Use a format that your database accepts. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value from VNDGJ. Review the field definition for VNDGJ for more information.

Outsider Lease VNALID or Well ID ID Type Service/Tax Date VNALTY VNDSVJ

Ignored Fields
The system does not use values in ignored fields. The fields in this table are ignored by the system.
Field Name Type Record Record Sequence EDI - Document Type EDI - Transaction Set Number EDI - Translation Format EDI - Transmission Date EDI - Send/Receive Indicator Batch File Create G/L Record User Address Number Fiscal Quarter (Obsolete) Reference 3 - Account Reconciliation Document Type Original Document Pay Item Original G/L Posting Code Alternate T VNEDTY VNEDSQ VNEDCT VNEDTS VNEDFT VNEDDT VNEDER VNEDGL VNEDAN VNFQ VNR3 VNODCT VNOSFX VNALTT Alias Alpha Number Alpha Alpha Alpha Date Alpha Alpha Number Number Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Type 1 2 2 6 10 6 1 1 8 2 8 2 3 1 Length

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Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Appendix B

Field Name G/L Posting Code Alternate U Stock Inventory Commitment G/L Posting Code Alternate W G/L Posting Code Alternate Z Registration Number Payment ID Transaction Originator User ID Program ID Work Station ID Date Updated Time Last Updated VNALTU VNALTV VNALTW VNALTZ VNREG# VNPYID VNTORG VNUSER VNPID VNJOBN VNUPMJ VNUPMT

Alias Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Number Number Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Date Number

Type 1 1 1 1 8 15 10 10 10 10 6 6


Mapping Fields in the F0911Z1 Table for Externally Reconciled Transactions

If you use outbound interoperability to send bank account information to a third-party software package for bank statement reconciliation, you can import the reconciliation information back into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system to complete the reconciliation process.

Required Fields
You must populate these fields in the F0911Z1 table for each transaction that you want to update in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system: VNEDUS (EDI - User ID). VNEDBT (EDI - Batch Number). VNEDTN (EDI - Transaction Number). VNEDLN (EDI - Line Number). VNEDSP (EDI - Processed Flag) - The value in this field must be 2. VNDOC (Document Number).


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Appendix B

Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

The values in these fields must match the records that you want to update in the F0911 table: VNDCT (Document Type) VNKCO (Document Company) VNDGJ (G/L Date) VNJELN (Journal Entry Line Number) VNEXTL (Line Extension Code) VNRCND (Reconciled Code) VNDKC (Check Cleared Date) After you populate the F0911Z1 table, you run the Update Externally Reconciled Transaction program to update the transactions from the F0911Z1 table to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system.

Updating Reconciled Transactions in EnterpriseOne

Select Batch Journal Entry Processing (G09311), Update Externally Reconciled Transaction. You run the Update Externally Reconciled Transaction program to update the reconciliation information from the F0911Z1 table to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system. The program also updates the Processed Flag field (VNEDSP) to 1 (successfully processed) in the F0911Z1 table for each transaction to prevent the transaction from being processed again by the Update Externally Reconciled Transaction program or by the Journal Entry Batch Processor program (R09110Z).

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Mapping Fields for Journal Entry Batch Processing

Appendix B


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Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

This appendix describes how the conversion service flows map data from bank flat files to fields in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne staging tables. Specifically, this appendix describes how the conversion flows: Map BAI2 fields to the F09610 and F09611 tables. Map SWIFT fields to the F09610 and F09611 tables.

See Also
Chapter 20, Processing Bank Statements Automatically, page 179

Mapping BAI2 Fields to the F09610 and F09611 Tables

This section describes how the conversion flow (BAI2 to E1 BankStatementStaging) maps fields for the BAI2 bank format from the bank flat file to the EnterpriseOne bank statement staging header (F09610) and detail (F09611) tables. These rules apply to the BAI2 bank format: A comma (,) delimits fields within records. A slash (/) indicates the end of the logical record, except for record 16. The comma and slash characters are not allowed in any fields except for record 16 text. Adjacent delimiters (, ,) identify a default or unspecified field value. Amount fields do not contain decimals. The decimal places are implied, based on the currency code. The default currency code is USD (2 decimal places).

The information in the BAI2 bank flat file is grouped by record. The tables in this section are organized by record and contain information about whether a field is required (R) or optional (O) according to BAI2 requirements, whether the conversion flow maps the field in a record to an EnterpriseOne field, and so on.

Example: BAI2 Text File

This is an example of a BAI2 text file:

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Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Appendix C

BAI2 example

Record 01
Record 01 is the header record that indicates the beginning of the table. It identifies the sender and receiver and describes the table structure. Record 01 ends with the file trailer record (99).
Required or Optional R R R R Field Description Record Code Sender Identification Receiver Identification File Creation Date Field Position 1 2 3 4 EnterpriseOne Table and Field Not applicable F09610.SGBSSID F09610.SGBSRID F09610.SGSTMD F09611.BGSTMD R File Creation Time 5 Not applicable Numeric 4 Field Type and Length Numeric 2 String 9 String 9 Numeric 6

Description The value for this field is always 01. The company or bank that sends the flat file. The company or bank that receives the flat file. The date of the bank statement, in the YYMMDD format. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.


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Appendix C

Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Required or Optional R

Field Description File Identification Number

Field Position 6

EnterpriseOne Table and Field F09610.SGBSTN F09611.BGBSTN

Field Type and Length Numeric 15

Description The bank statement number. Each flat file with the same creation date must have a different bank statement number. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. The value for this field is always 2.

Physical Record Length Block Size

Not applicable

Numeric 5

Not applicable

Numeric 5

Version Number

Not applicable

Numeric 1

Record 02
Record 02 is the group header record. It identifies the group of bank statements with the same as of date and time. Record 02 ends with the group trailer record (98).
Required or Optional R O Field Description Record Code Field Position 1 EnterpriseOne Table and Field Not applicable Not applicable Field Type and Length Numeric 2 String 9

Description The value in this field is always 02. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. The date of the transaction, in YYMMDD format. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.

Ultimate Receiver 2 ID Originator ID 3

Not applicable

String 9

Group Status

Not applicable

Numeric 1

As-Of Date


Numeric 6

As-Of Time

Not applicable

Numeric 4

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Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Appendix C

Required or Optional O

Field Description Currency Code

Field Position 7

EnterpriseOne Table and Field F09610 SGOCRCD

Field Type and Length String 3

Description The currency of the amount in record 03. The currency code must exist in the F0013 table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.

As-Of-Date Modifier

Not applicable

Numeric 1

Record 03
Record 03 is the account identifier and summary status. It identifies the account number and shows account activity and status. Record 03 ends with the account trailer record (49).
Required or Optional R R Field Description Record Code Customer Account Number Field Position 1 2 EnterpriseOne Table and Field Not applicable F09610 SGBAN F09611 BGBAN O Currency Code 3 Not applicable String 3 This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. The opening and closing balances. Summary amounts are positive and do not include a sign. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. Field Type and Length Numeric 2 String 29

Description The value in this field is always 03. The commercial account number. This number should include significant leading zeros.

Type Code

Not applicable

String 3

Amount Summary


Numeric 15, 2

Item Count

Not applicable

Numeric 5

Funds Type

Not applicable

Character 1


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Appendix C

Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Required or Optional O

Field Description Value Date

Field Position 8A

EnterpriseOne Table and Field Not applicable

Field Type and Length Numeric 6

Description This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.

Value Time


Not applicable

Numeric 4

Amount Immediate Availability Amount - 1 Day Availability Amount - 2 or more Day Availability Number of Distributions


Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2


Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2


Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2


Not applicable

Numeric 1

Day Availability 1 9C

Not applicable

Numeric 1

Amount Available 10C 1 Day Availability 2 11C

Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2

Not applicable

Numeric 1

Amount Available 12C 2 Day Availability 3 13C

Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2

Not applicable

Numeric 1

Amount Available 14C 3

Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2

Record 16
Record 16 contains transaction detail with accompanying text and reference numbers. All type 16 records correspond to the account number in the Record 03.

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Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Appendix C

Required or Optional R R

Field Description Record Code Type Code

Field Position 1 2

EnterpriseOne Table and Field Not applicable F09611 BGTRANT

Field Type and Length Numeric 2 Numeric 3

Description The value in this field is always 16. The type code for the detail transaction. The value for this field must exist in UDC table 09/BA. Unsigned. The type code for the transaction amount indicates whether the amount is a debit or credit. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.

Amount 3 Transaction Detail

F09611 BGAA

Numeric 15, 2

Funds Type

Not applicable

Character 1

Value Date


Not applicable

Numeric 6

Value Time


Not applicable

Numeric 4

Amount Immediate Availability Amount - 1 Day Availability Amount - 2 or more Day Availability Number of Distributions


Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2


Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2


Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2


Not applicable

Numeric 1

Day Availability 1 6C

Not applicable

Numeric 1

Amount Available 7C 1

Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2


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Appendix C

Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Required or Optional O

Field Description

Field Position

EnterpriseOne Table and Field Not applicable

Field Type and Length Numeric 1

Description This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. A number defined by the bank. This number cannot include a comma or a slash. A number defined by the bank. Typically, this is the deposit or payment number. An informational field used for references purposes only.

Day Availability 2 8C

Amount Available 9C 2 Day Availability 3 10C

Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2

Not applicable

Numeric 1

Amount Available 11C 3 Bank Reference Number 5

Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2


String 16

Customer Reference Number Text


String 16

F09611 BGINFO1

String 360

Record 88
Record 88 is the continuation record for record 16. If the data in record 16 exceeds the maximum physical record length or if dividing the record is necessary for any reason, the continuation record allows the data to continue in the same format.
Required or Optional R Field Description Record Code Field Position 1 EnterpriseOne Table and Field Not applicable Field Type and Length Numeric 2

Description This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.

Format of continued record type

Not applicable

Not applicable

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Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Appendix C

Record 49
Record 49 is the account trailer record. It provides account level control totals and includes the sum of all amount fields in record type 03 as well as the total number of records associated with an account from records 16 and 88. A record 49 exists for each record 03. Although the fields in record 49 do not map to EnterpriseOne fields, the information in the record is used to identify the end of the transactions and balances for an account.
Required or Optional R R Field Description Record Code Account Control Total Number of Records Field Position 1 2 EnterpriseOne Table and Field Not applicable Not applicable Field Type and Length Numeric 2 Numeric 15, 2

Description The value in this field is always 49. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.

Not applicable

Numeric 5

Record 98
Record 98 is the group trailer record. It provides group control totals and corresponds to the group header in record type 02. Although the fields in record 98 do not map to EnterpriseOne fields, the information in the record is used to identify the end of the bank statement.
Required or Optional R R R R Field Description Record Group Control Total Number of Accounts Number of Records Field Position 1 2 3 4 EnterpriseOne Table and Field Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Field Type and Length Numeric 2 Numeric 15, 2 Numeric 5 Numeric 5

Description The value in this field is always 98. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.

Record 99
Record 99 is the file trailer record. It provides file control totals and corresponds to the file header in record type 01. Although the fields in record 99 do not map to EnterpriseOne fields, the information in the record is used to identify the end of the text file. Each text file has one record 99 and one record 01. Record 01 identifies the beginning of the text file.


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Appendix C

Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Required or Optional R R R R

Field Description Record Code

Field Position 1

EnterpriseOne Table and Field Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Field Type and Length Numeric 2 Numeric 15, 2 Numeric 5 Numeric 5

Description The value in this field is always 99. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.

File Control Total 2 Number of Groups Number of Records 3 4

Mapping SWIFT Fields to the F09610 and F09611 Tables

This section describes how the conversion flow (Swift To E1 BankStatementStaging) maps fields for the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) bank format from the bank flat file to the EnterpriseOne bank statement staging header (F09610) and detail (F09611) tables. These rules apply to the SWIFT bank format: A } delimits the beginning of a block and a -} delimits the end of the block. Fields within a block are enclosed with : : If a delimiter is required between fields, a slash (/) is used. A comma (,) is used instead of a decimal. The amount is always in the currency of the bank account.

The information in the SWIFT bank flat file is grouped by block. This section contains field information for blocks 2 and 4. It does not contain information for blocks 1 (basic header), 3 (user header), and 5 (trailers) because the fields in those blocks do not map to EnterpriseOne fields. The tables in this section are organized by block and contain information about whether a field is required (R) or optional (O) according to SWIFT requirements, whether the conversion flow maps the field in a record to an EnterpriseOne field, and so on. Because fields can be optional according to SWIFT requirements, the field positions listed in the tables in this section may not reflect the actual field positions in the text file. For example, assume that field positions 16 are required, positions 710 are optional, and positions 1112 are required. If your bank text file does not contain values for positions 710, then positions 1112 will become positions 78. Any subsequent field positions would be adjusted accordingly.

Example: SWIFT Text File

This is an example of a SWIFT text file:

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Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Appendix C

SWIFT example

Block 2
Block 2 contains messages and bank statement information.
Field Position 1 EnterpriseOne Table and Field F09610 SGFIO R Message Type 24 F09610 SGMESST R R Time of Message 58 Not applicable F09610 SGSTMD F09611 BGSTMD R Description 1560 F09610 SGDESC04 String 46 A description of bank information. Numeric 4, 0 Date 6 String 4 Field Type and Length Character 1


Field Description File Input/Output

Description The value in this field is always 2. Only message type 940 is processed. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. The date of the bank statement.

Bank Statement Date 914

Block 4
Block 4 contains opening balances, transactions amounts and dates, closing balances, and forecasting amounts. Fields 61 and 86 can be repeated, but they must always occur before field 62.


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Appendix C

Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing


Field Description Transaction Reference Number Account Identification Statement Number

Field 20

Field Position 116

EnterprisOne Table and Field F09610 SGETRN

Field Type and Length String 16

Description The reference number of electronic statement. The account number.



F09610 SGBAN

String 35




Numeric 15

The bank statement number.



Not applicable

Character 1

This field is required only if there is a sequence number. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.

Sequence Number




Numeric 5

The sequential number for each transaction.

Opening Balance Debit/Credit Indicator Opening Booking Date Opening Balance Currency Code

60m or 60f


Character 1

The debit (D) or credit (C) indicator for the opening balance. The value date for the opening balance, in YYMMDD format. The 3-character ISO currency code associated with the opening balance amount.

60m or 60f 60m or 60f



Date 6



String 3

60m or Opening Balance Amount 60f Value Date 61



Numeric 15, 2

The opening balance amount. The date that the transaction clears the bank, in YYMMDD format.



Date 6

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Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Appendix C


Field Description Booking Date

Field 61

Field Position 710

EnterprisOne Table and Field Not applicable

Field Type and Length Date 4

Description This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table. The indicator for debit (D), credit (C), reversal of credit (RC), or reversal of debit (RD). The third character of the ISO currency code. The amount of the transaction. The transaction type identification code. The customer reference, such as payment or receipt. If an external bank reference exists, this field is required. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.

61 Detail Debit /Credit Indicator



String 2

Type of Currency Transaction Amount Transaction Type Reference




Character 1



F09611 BGAA

Numeric 15, 2




String 4




String 16




Not applicable

External Bank Reference Separator




String 16

The account servicing institutions reference. If detail (positions 71-102) exists, this field is required. This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.



Not applicable




F09611 BGSUBF9

String 34

The supplementary details. An informational line that can contain 65 characters. There are six informational lines.

Informational line



F09611 BGINFO1

String 390


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Appendix C

Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing


Field Description Closing Balance Debit/Credit Indicator Closing Booking Date Closing Currency Code Closing Balance Amount Closing Available Balance Debit/Credit Indicator Closing Available Value Date Closing Available Currency Code Closing Available Balance Forward Available Balance Debit/Credit Indicator Forward Available Value Date

Field 62m or 62f 1

Field Position

EnterprisOne Table and Field F09610 SGCBDBCR

Field Type and Length Character 1

Description The indicator debit (D) or credit (C) for the closing balance amount. The date of the closing balance, in YYMMDD format. The 3-character ISO currency code for the closing balance. The closing balance amount. Field 64 is optional, but if it is used all subfields are required. The value date for the closing available balance, in YYMMDD format. The 3-character ISO currency code for the closing available balance. The closing available balance amount. Field 65 is optional, but if it is used all subfields are required. The value date for the forward available balance, in YYMMDD format.

62m or 62f 62m or 62f 62m or 62f 64



Date 6



String 3



Numeric 15, 2


Character 1




Date 6




String 3




Numeric 15, 2



Character 1




Date 6

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Conversion Flow Field Mapping for Automatic Bank Statement Processing

Appendix C


Field Description Forward Available Currency Code Forward Available Balance

Field 65

Field Position 810

EnterprisOne Table and Field F09610 SGFACRCD

Field Type and Length String 3

Description The 3-character ISO currency code for the forward available balance. The forward available balance amount.




Numeric 15, 2


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Mapping Fields for Budget Data Import

This appendix discusses how to map fields in the Account Balances - Batch File table (F0902Z1).

Mapping Fields in the F0902Z1 Table

This section contains a list of the fields contained in the F0902Z1 table. The fields are categorized as follows: Fields updated by the spreadsheet. Fields updated by the system.

Fields Updated by the Spreadsheet

Review these guidelines for information about fields in the spreadsheet: Each field in the spreadsheet should not exceed the maximum number of characters shown in the previous table, but it can contain fewer. Amount fields can include decimal points. If you use a minus sign, it must be the first character to the left of the left-most number. This table describes each of the fields in the detail area of the Upload Records to F0902Z1 form and how to complete the corresponding cell in your spreadsheet:
F0902Z1 Field Account ID (AID) Complete Corresponding Cell in Spreadsheet Enter a value in this field only if you entered 1 for the Account Number processing option for the Upload/Conversion Revisions program (P0902Z1). Enter the 8-digit system-assigned short account ID. Ensure that you enter all 8 digits, using the leading zeros if applicable.

Free Form Account Number Enter a value in this field only if you entered 2 for the Account Number processing option (ANS) for the Upload/Conversion Revisions program. This is commonly referred to as the third account number and is typically used to enter the account number from a prior system. No limitations exist for the characters that you can use. Account Number (ANI) Enter the entire account number, including business unit, object account, and subsidiary (if applicable). Enter a value in this field only if you entered 3 for the Account Number processing option for the Upload/Conversion Revisions program. Enter the number of the business unit. Use this field in conjunction with the Object Account and Subsidiary fields) only if you entered 4 for the Account Number processing option for the Upload/Conversion Revisions program.

Business Unit (MCU)

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Mapping Fields for Budget Data Import

Appendix D

F0902Z1 Field Object Account (OBJ)

Complete Corresponding Cell in Spreadsheet Enter the object account number. Use this field in conjunction with the Business Unit and Subsidiary fields only if you entered 4 for the Account Number processing option for the Upload/Conversion Revisions program. Enter the subsidiary of the account. Use this field in conjunction with the Business Unit and Object Account fields only if you entered 4 for the Account Number processing option for the Upload/Conversion Revisions program. Enter the value of the subledger for the account. This value is 8 alphanumeric characters. Enter the value of the subledger type for the account. This value is one alphanumeric character. Enter the budget amount for periods 114. Use these fields to import budgets by period. This value is 15 numeric characters. Use this field to import annual budgets. This value is 15 numeric characters. Use this field to enter a prior year posting for this account. This value is 15 numeric characters. Enter a value in this field if you use 52 period accounting. This value is 15 numeric characters. Use this field to import annual budget that are approved. This value is 15 numeric characters. Use this field to import annual budgets that are requested. This value is 15 numeric characters. Use this field to enter a beginning balance for this account. This value is 15 numeric characters.


Subledger (SBL) Subledger Type (SBLT) Net Posting 01 (AN01) Net Posting 14 (AN14) Original/Beg Budget (BORG) Prior Year Net Postings (APYN) Week to Date Net Postings (AWTD) Approved Budget (BAPR) Requested Budget (BREQ) Beg Balance/PYE Forward (APYC)

Fields Updated by the System

These fields are completed by the system and, therefore, do not need to exist in your spreadsheet: Century (CTRY) Fiscal Year (FY) The CTRY and FY fields are populated by the system when you run the Upload/Conversion program (R14110), based on the values you enter in the Century and Fiscal Year processing options for that program. To load more than one year of budget data, complete these fields for each year you want to load, and then use the Century and Fiscal Year processing options and data selection for the Upload/Conversion program to upload one year at a time. For example, if you want to upload budget data for 2006 and 2007, run the Upload/Conversion program once with the Century processing option set to 20, the fiscal year processing option set to 06, and data selection set to Century is equal to 20 and Fiscal Year is equal to 06. Then, run the Upload/Conversion program again with the specifications set to the appropriate values for the year 2007. If you do not use data selection, the system overwrites the fiscal year and century from your spreadsheet with the values from the processing options.


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Appendix D

Mapping Fields for Budget Data Import

Company (CO) Date Updated (UPMJ) Budget Memo Change (POU) Commitment Memo Changes (TKER) % Cmp (PC) Note. The system completes the Currency Code Denominated field (CRCX) with the currency of the company to which the accounts belong. The Currency Code From field (CRCD) is typically left blank for budget ledgers.

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Mapping Fields for Budget Data Import

Appendix D


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Mapping Fields for Inbound Multisite Consolidations

This appendix discusses how to map fields in these multisite consolidation inbound tables: Unedited MSC Interoperability Header table (F1001Z1). Unedited MSC Interoperability Detail table (F1002Z1).

Mapping Fields in the F1001Z1 Table

This section contains lists of the fields in the F1001Z1 table. The lists are group by required, optional, and ignored fields.

Required Fields for F1001Z1

These fields are required in the F1001Z1) In some fields, blank is a value. Some of these fields are used to identify or control the transfer of consolidation information from the F1001Z1 table to the Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer File Header table (F1001). Values in the other fields are written to the F1001 table.
Field Name EDI - User ID Alias IAEDUS Type Alpha Length 10 Definition Enter the user ID of the person who is running the process or the person who is to receive workflow messages about the transfer. This field, in conjunction with IAEDBT and IAEDTN, uniquely identifies a specific transaction. Enter a number that is used to group transactions for processing. This field, in conjunction with IAEDUS and IAEDTN, uniquely identifies a specific transaction. Enter a number that identifies a transaction. This field, in conjunction with the SZRC5 from the F1002Z1, uniquely identifies a specific line of a specific transaction. This field, in conjunction with IAEDUS and IAEDBT, uniquely identifies a specific transaction. Enter a value that indicates that the record was written by an external system. The value in this field must be 1 for inbound transactions.

EDI - Batch Number




EDI - Transaction Number




Direction Indicator



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Mapping Fields for Inbound Multisite Consolidations

Appendix E

Field Name Transaction Action


Type Alpha Alpha 1 1


Definition Enter A for transactions to be processed. No other values are valid. Leave this field blank because the system populates it. The value N indicates that the transaction was not processed or was processed in error. After the transaction is successfully processed, the system changes the value in this field to Y. Enter the name of the consolidation. This value must exist in UDC table. Enter the general ledger period number of the transaction. Enter the last two digits of the fiscal year. The first two digits of the fiscal year. Enter the ledger type of the transaction. This ledger type must exist in UDC 09/LT. If you leave this field blank, the system uses ledger type AA. Enter the company of the transaction. This company must exist in the F0010 table.

EDI - Successfully IAEDSP Processed

Consolidation Name Period Number General Ledger Fiscal Year Century Ledger Type


Alpha Number Number Number Alpha

3 2 2 2 2

Document Company



Optional Fields for F1001Z1

These fields are optional in the F1001Z1 table. They are not required to process multisite consolidations. The values in these fields are written to the F1001 table, but they are not used by the multisite consolidations programs.
Field Name Category Code File Sent Alias IACCSE Type Alpha 1 Length Definition Enter a value indicates whether the Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer File - Category Codes table (F1003) was created for this consolidation. Values are: Blank or 0: The table was not created 1: The table was created. EDI - Line Number EDI - Document Type Type Transaction EDI - Translation Format IAEDLN IAEDCT IATYTN IAEDFT Number Alpha Alpha Alpha 7 2 8 10 Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations.


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Appendix E

Mapping Fields for Inbound Multisite Consolidations

Field Name EDI Transmission Date EDI - Detail Lines Processed Trading Partner ID


Type Date 6


Definition Not used to process consolidations.


Number Alpha Alpha Number

5 15 1 15

Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations.

Transmission File IATRFG Status Number of Records Transmitted Date - Sent Number of Records Received Date - Received Prior Period Adjustments Debits = Credits Source UDC = Target UDC IATRSE


Date Number

6 15

Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations.


Date Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha

6 1 1 1 1 1

Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations.

Source OBJ/Sub IAIN04 = Target OBJ/Sub Accounts Last Month Not This Month Business Units Last Month Not This Month Accounts This Month Not Last Month Business Units This Month Not Last Month Integrity Control Status 9 IAIN05



Not used to process consolidations.



Not used to process consolidations.



Not used to process consolidations.



Not used to process consolidations.

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Mapping Fields for Inbound Multisite Consolidations

Appendix E

Field Name Integrity Control Status 10 Integrity Control Status 11 Integrity Control Status 12

Alias IAIN10 IAIN11 IAIN12

Type Alpha Alpha Alpha 1 1 1


Definition Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations.

Ignored Fields for F1001Z1

The fields in this table are ignored by the system. The system does not use the or write the values in these fields to the 1001 table.
Field Name User Reserved Reference User Reserved Code User Reserved Code User Reserved Code User Reserved Amount User Reserved Number Transaction Originator IAURRF IAURCD IAURC1 IAURC2 IAURAT IAURAB IATORG Alias Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Number Number Alpha Type 15 2 3 10 15 8 10 Length

Mapping Fields in the F1002Z1 Table

This section contains lists of the fields in the F1001Z1 table. The lists are group by required, optional, and ignored fields.

Required Fields for F1002Z1

These fields are required in the F1002Z1 table. In some fields, blank is a value. Some of these fields are used to identify or control the transfer of consolidation information from the F1002Z1 table to the F1002 table. Values in the other fields are written to the F1002 table.
Field Name Alias Type Alpha Length 10 Definition Enter the user ID of the person who is running the process or the person who is to receive workflow messages about the transfer. This field, in conjunction with SZEDBT and SZEDTN, uniquely identifies a specific transaction.



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Appendix E

Mapping Fields for Inbound Multisite Consolidations

Field Name EDI - Batch Number EDI Transaction Number File Line Identifier Direction Indicator Transaction Action EDI Successfully Processed


Type Alpha

Length 15

Definition Enter a number used to group transactions for processing. This field, in conjunction with SZEDUS and SZEDTN, uniquely identifies a specific transaction. Enter a number that identifies a transaction. This field, in conjunction with SZRC5), uniquely identifies each transaction. This field, in conjunction with SZEDUS and SZEDBT, also uniquely identifies a specific transaction. Enter a number that, in conjunction with SZEDTN, identifies each line of the transaction. Enter 1 in for inbound transactions. this indicates that the record was written by an external system. Enter A for transactions to be processed. No other values are valid. Leave this field blank because the system populates it. The number 0 indicates that the transaction was not processed or was processed in error. After the transaction is successfully processed, the system changes the value in the field to 1. Enter the business unit of the transaction. This value must be entered in the format that is defined in the account structure. Enter the object account of the transaction. This value must be entered in the format that is defined in the account structure. Enter the subsidiary account of the transaction. This value must be entered in the format that is defined in the account structure. Enter a description of the account.





Number Alpha Alpha Alpha

5 1 1 1

Business Unit SZMCU



Object Account Subsidiary









Optional Fields for F1002Z1

These fields are optional in the F1002Z1 table. They are not required to process multisite consolidations. The values in these fields are written to the F1002 table, but they are not used by the multisite consolidations programs.
Field Name Subledger G/L Subledger Type Alias SZSBL Type Alpha 8 Length Definition Enter a value that indicates the subledger for the transaction. If you complete this field, you must also enter a value in SZSBLT. Enter a value that indicates the subledger type for the transaction. If you enter a value in this field, the value must exist in UDC table 00/ST.



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Mapping Fields for Inbound Multisite Consolidations

Appendix E

Field Name Currency Code - From Currency Code Denominated In Amount Beginning Balance/PYE Forward


Type Alpha Alpha 3 3


Definition Enter a code that identifies the currency of the transaction. The value in this field must exist in the F0013 table. Enter a code that identifies the currency in which the transaction was denominated. The value in this field must exist in the F0013 table. Enter the cumulative prior year-end balance. The system uses this amount as the beginning balance for balance sheet and job cost accounts. Enter the net amount that is posted during the specified accounting period. These fields represents accounting period 0114. The system uses the accounting periods from the F0010 table. For each period, the net amount posted is the total of all debits and credits from the first day of the period through the last day of the period. Enter the prior year-end net postings. The system uses this number for profit and loss statement comparisons. Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations.




Amount - Net SZAN01 Posting 01 SZAN14 Amount - Net Posting 14



Amount Prior Year Net Postings Amount Week to Date Amount Original/ Beginning Budget Budget Requested Budget Approved





Number Number

15 15


Number Number

15 15

Not used to process consolidations. Not used to process consolidations.

Ignored Fields for F1002Z1

The fields in this table are ignored by the system. The system does not use or write values in these fields to the F1002 table.
Field Name User Reserved Reference User Reserved Code User Reserved Code User Reserved Code SZURRF SZURCD SZURC1 SZURC2 Alias Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Type 15 2 3 10 Length


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Appendix E

Mapping Fields for Inbound Multisite Consolidations

Field Name User Reserved Amount User Reserved Number Transaction Originator SZURAT SZURAB SZTORG

Alias Number Number Alpha

Type 15 8 10


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Mapping Fields for Inbound Multisite Consolidations

Appendix E


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Delivered Workflow for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

This appendix discusses the delivered workflow for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting.

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 Workflow Tools Guide

Delivered Workflow for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

This section discusses the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting workflow.

Journal Entry Batch Approval

This section discusses the Journal Entry Batch Approval workflow.

Workflow Description

The system sends a workflow message to a specified batch approver when a secured user creates a journal entry. The batch remains at a status of P (pending) and cannot be posted until the approver changes the batch status to A (approved). A secured user creates a journal entry batch. The approver for the secured user receives a workflow message to approve the batch. When the approver selects the message in the Work center, the system displays the Work With Batches form. The approver can review the batch and then select Batch Approval from the Row menu to approve the batch.

Workflow Trigger Workflow Action

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Delivered Workflow for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

Appendix F

Workflow Objects
System Workflow Object Name Object ID Event Description / Function Name Sequence / Line Number

09 JDEBCHAPPR W0911A Post Button Clicked 140

Route Expense Report

This section discusses the Route Expense Report workflow.

Workflow Description

The system sends a workflow message to an auditor or manager when a secured user submits an expense report. The auditor or manager is specified as the approver in the routing rules for the expense report. A secured user submits an expense report. The approver for the secured user receives a workflow message to approve the expense report. When the approver selects the message in the work center, the system displays the Expense Report Approval form. The approver can review and approve the expense report on the form.

Workflow Trigger Workflow Action

Workflow Objects
System Workflow Object Name Object ID Event Description / Function Name Sequence / Line Number

09 EXPROUTING N09E0008 StartWorkflowProcess 61


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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports

This appendix provides an overview of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting reports and allows you to: View summary tables of all reports. View details for selected reports

See Also
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Setup and Processes 8.12 Implementation Guide, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Reports

General Accounting Reports

This section provides overviews for: General journal reports Trial balance reports Category code reports General ledger reports Most of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting reports can be grouped into one of these types of reports.

General Journal Reports

Normally, you review the general journal online. However, if you need to perform a detailed analysis, a printed general journal might provide a more workable format. Printed reports are especially helpful when you are resolving out-of-balance conditions. You can print a general journal that shows unposted journal entries or both posted and unposted entries. All the general journals print transactions from the F0911 table. If you are using multiple currencies, both the CA foreign amounts and the AA domestic amounts print for foreign transactions. The processing time for these reports is related to the number of F0911 records in your system.

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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports

Appendix G

Trial Balance Reports

Trial balance reports are useful when you need to verify the accuracy of individual ledger account balances and your overall ledger. If a balancing problem occurs, you can review these reports to locate the problem. For example, you can use a trial balance report to locate which period is out of balance. You can also use the report to analyze the debit and credit totals that make up your trial balance. Trial balance reports use information from the F0902 table. You can use the trial balance reports to review cumulative balance information. You can use the debit/credit trial balance to review totals for debits and credits. All of the reports provide information through the current period or any previous period or fiscal year that has been retained in your Account Balances table.

Category Code Reports

If you assign category codes 2143 to the accounts in your chart of accounts, you can print data for all accounts associated with a specific category code. European and Chinese governments have guidelines that dictate the account numbers that businesses must use. To accommodate these guidelines, you can assign one or more alternate account numbers to category codes 21-43. These category codes are used because the code value (in this case, the statutory account number) allows up to ten characters. You can assign the same category code to multiple accounts, if necessary. The category code indicates your statutory account number and the category code description indicates the account description on the reports. You can summarize several accounts with the same statutory value and list the statutory number and description.

General Ledger Reports

General ledger reports provide detailed information about account transactions. Use these reports when you need to review transactions within individual accounts, to research problems, or to verify account accuracy. The general ledger reports use AAI (automatic accounting instruction) items GLG6 and GLG12 to determine the beginning and ending account ranges for income statement accounts. The general ledger reports provide a choice between year-to-date and current-period totals. You can also include specific document types, such as vouchers or journal entries, on these reports.

JD Edwards General Accounting Reports: A to Z

This table includes a summary of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting reports:
Report ID and Report Name R00650 Data by Business Unit R09205P Account Master Report Cat. Code 0123 Description Prints the supplemental data that is set up for the business units. Prints the accounts in your chart of accounts that are associated with category codes 0123. Navigation Business Unit Supplemental Data (G09312), Data by Business Unit Financial Reports (G75C09), Account Master Report Cat. Code 0123


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Report ID and Report Name R09206 Account Master Report Cat. Code 2433 R09207 Account Master Report Cat. Code 3443 R09301 Unposted General Journal Unposted Cash Basis Report R09301 General Journal by Batch R09311 General Journal by Account R09321 Transaction Journal

Description Prints the accounts in your chart of accounts that are associated with category codes 2433. Prints the accounts in your chart of accounts that are associated with category codes 3443. Prints unposted transactions.

Navigation Financial Reports (G75C09), Account Master Report Cat. Code 2433

Financial Reports (G75C09), Account Master Report Cat. Code 34-43

Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), Unposted General Journal Cash Basis Accounting (G09314), Unposted Cash Basis Report (R09301)

Prints posted and unposted journal entries in batch number sequence. Prints posted and unposted transactions by account. The report provides totals by account number. Prints transactions within a general ledger date range. This report prints the debit and credit amounts that comprise balanced entries for invoices and vouchers.

Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), General Journal by Batch Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), General Journal by Account Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Transaction Journal

R09410 Trial Balance Report

Prints account balances by business Accounting Reports & Inquiries unit. Use this report to analyze account (G0912), Trial Balance Report balances by business unit and to obtain business unit totals. This report includes a processing option for level-of-detail summarization. Prints account balances across all business units. Use this report to review similar object accounts, such as all cash accounts, and to obtain account totals for each group of accounts. Prints transactions by object account within a specific business unit. Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Trial Balance By Object Report.

R094121 Trial Balance by Object Report

R09420 G/L by Business Unit R09421 G/L by Object Account

Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), G/L by Business Unit

Prints transactions across all or several Accounting Reports & Inquiries business units. (G0912), G/L by Object Account This report lists transactions by account. Use this report to review specific accounts across all or several business units, and to obtain account totals for each group.

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Report ID and Report Name R09422 G/L with Subledger Totals

Description Prints transaction totals by subledger. This report includes the same information that you can view online with the T/B by Subledger program. Prints the account balances and posted transactions for each object account of a specified company over the period selected.

Navigation Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), G/L with Subledger Totals

R09423 Transaction by Object

Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Transactions by Object

R09424 Transactions by Subsidiary

Prints the account balances and posted Accounting Reports & Inquiries transactions for every object account (G0912), Transactions by Subsidiary and subsidiary over the period that you select. Prints the balance for each customer and supplier by object account. Prints account balances for accounts assigned to category codes 2143. Prints a trial balance that includes the account balances for accounts assigned to category codes 2143. Use this report to obtain debit and credit totals, and to supplement your chart of accounts reporting for multinational companies and for statutory accounting. Prints the total debit and credit amounts for each account in any given ledger. Current balances for income statement accounts do not include the prior-year balance. To calculate an inception-to-date total for income statement accounts, add the year-end balances for all prior years to the current balance. Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Account Totals by Supplier/Customer Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), G/L by Category Code Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code

R09451 Account Totals by Supplier/Customer R09470 G/L by Category Code R09472 Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code

R09473 Debit/Credit T/B by Object

Accounting Reports & Inquiries (G0912), Debit/Credit T/B by Object


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Report ID and Report Name R11C750 Cash Basis Integrity Test

Description Prints the cash basis entries for a specified time period. This program produces an exception report that shows the accounts that are out of balance. Only cash accounts can be expected to balance between the two ledgers (AA and AZ).

Navigation Cash Basis Accounting (G09314), Cash Basis Integrity Test

R11C760 Cash Basis Audit Report

Prints information about the cash basis Cash Basis Accounting (G09314), entries at the transaction level. This Cash Basis Audit Report report is a powerful research tool that allows you to quickly determine which documents are balanced, as well as which documents are posted. Cash basis entries that do not balance are identified by the message Document Not Balanced.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports: Selected Reports

Some reports include a more detailed descriptions, as well as information about processing options. These reports are listed alphanumerically by report ID in this appendix.

R00650 - Data by Business Unit

This report prints the supplemental data that is set up for business units.

Processing Options for Data by Business Unit (R00650)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

Generic Text
Generic Text Option Specify whether to print generic text on the report. Values are: Blank: Print the text. 1: Do not print the text.

SDB Code
Supplemental Database Code Enter the supplemental database code in which to print records. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints records for BU (business unit).

R09205P, R09206, R09207- Account Master Reports

Use these reports to determine if the appropriate accounts are associated with the appropriate category reporting codes:

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R09205P - Account Master Report Cat. Code 0123 R09206 - Account Master Report Cat. Code 2433 R09207 - Account Master Report Cat. Code 3443

Processing Options for the Account Master Reports (R09205P, R09206, R09207)
The processing options are the same for Account Master Report Cat. Code 01-23 (R09205P), Account Master Report Cat. Code 24-33 (R09206), and Account Master Report Cat. Code 34-43 (R09207).

These processing options specify how information prints on the report. 1. Unstructured Account Number Specify whether the system prints the 3rd account number (data item ANS) on the report. Values are: Blank: Do not print the 3rd account number (unstructured account number). 1: Print the 3rd account number. 2. Business Unit Description Specify whether the system prints the description of the business unit associated with the accounts when the system changes from printing the accounts for one business unit to printing the accounts for another business unit. Values are: Blank: Do not print the business unit description. 1: Print the business unit description.

R09301 - Unposted General Journal, General Journal by Batch, Unposted Cash Basis
The Unposted General Journal, General Journal by Batch, and Unposted Cash Basis reports print a general journal report to analyze journal entry transactions before you post them to the general ledger. You can print both posted and unposted transactions by batch. The totals printed on this report are by document number and document type within each batch.

Unposted Cash Basis Report

Run the DEMO version General Journal: Cash Basis Entries. This version has the data selection set for ledger type equal to AZ and general ledger posted code equal to Blank. The processing time for the Unposted Cash Basis Report depends on the number of unposted batches in the system. Alternatively, you can review cash basis transactions online. Reviewing transactions online provides a quicker, more flexible review. However, if you require an audit trail for proofing or if a balancing problem exists, the report is more useful for detailed analysis.

Data Selection and Sequence for the Unposted Cash Basis Report
You can enter additional data selection, but you should not change the data sequence. The report calculates totals, and changing the data sequence produces unpredictable totaling results.


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Processing Options for Unposted General Journal and Unposted Cash Basis Report (R09301)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

Account Mode
Account Specify the format in which to print accounts. Values are: 1: Account number 2: Short account ID 3: Unstructured account 4: Number entered

Units Specify whether to print units. Values are: Blank: Do not print units. 1: Print units.

R09311 - General Journal by Account

You can print both posted and unposted transactions by account. The General Journal by Account provides totals by account number.

Processing Options for General Journal by Account (R09311)

The processing options for the General Journal by Account are the same as those for the Unposted General Journal. See Appendix G, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports, Processing Options for Unposted General Journal and Unposted Cash Basis Report (R09301), page 503.

R09321 - Transaction Journal

To review transactions within a general ledger date range, print the Transaction Journal. This report prints the debit and credit amounts that make up balanced entries for invoices and vouchers. It uses the logic in the post program to print the original journal entry and the corresponding offsets for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable systems, and for taxes. Multiple offsets for a single journal entry appear on the Transaction Journal as a single amount, as if you were using offset method S (Summary) in the accounts receivable and accounts payable constants. This report includes only the AA ledger amounts and does not include intercompany settlements.

Processing Options for Transaction Journal (R09321)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

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1. Date From and 2. Date Thru Specify a beginning and an ending general ledger date in a range of dates for the system to use when selecting records from the F0911 to print on the report.

1. GLR3 Reference Number Specify whether the system prints the Reference 3 (GLR3) field on the report. The GLR3 field contains either the reconciliation number that is assigned during the manual bank reconciliation process or the bank statement number that is assigned during the bank statement process. Values are: Blank: Do not print the GLR3 field on the report. 1: Print the GLR3 field on the report. 2. Category Code 21-23 Specify which alternate chart of accounts to use to print account numbers. Values are: Blank: Print the BU.Object.Subsidiary account format. 21: Print the alternate chart of accounts using Category Code 21. 22: Print the alternate chart of accounts using Category Code 22. 23: Print the alternate chart of accounts using Category Code 23.

R09410 - Trial Balance Report

To review balances for business units, print the Trial Balance Report. You can specify summarization at any level of detail without printing lower levels. This report provides subtotals at all higher levels, and a grand total and report for the company. Note. This report page breaks on each company. Do not remove the company page break because the report will become difficult to read.

Processing Options for Trial Balance Report (R09410)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

Fiscal Year and Period Number Specify the last two digits of the fiscal year and the period for which the trial balance will be printed. For example, enter 07 for 2007. If you complete one of these processing options, you must also complete the other. If you leave these processing options blank, the program uses the fiscal year and current period defined for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system on the Company Setup form and recorded in the F0010 table.

1. Account Number Format Specify the format for printed account numbers. Values are: Blank: Standard account number.


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1: Standard account number. The default is business unit.object.subsidiary. 2: Short account ID. The system assigns this number. 3: Third G/L number. You assign this number during account setup. 2. Accounts with Zero Balances Specify whether the system includes or omits accounts with zero balances for the specified period. Values are: Blank: Include accounts with zero balances. 1: Omit accounts with zero balances. Note. Accounts that are assigned a posting edit code N print even if you set this processing option to 1. Accounts that are assigned a posting edit code N are header accounts, which do not have balances. 3. Page Breaks Enter 1 to skip to a new page when the business unit number changes. Leave this processing option blank if you do not want page breaks.

For rollup from one level of detail to the next to occur accurately, you cannot skip levels of detail when you set up the chart of accounts. Skipping a level of detail produces unpredictable results. 1. Lowest Level of Detail Specify the lowest level of detail to print on the report. You can enter a value between 3 and 9. For example, if you specify level 7 as the lowest level and the chart of accounts includes levels 8 and 9, level 7 will include the totals for accounts with level 8 and 9 amounts, but the system will not print the detail for levels 8 and 9. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints all levels of detail on the report.

1. Ledger Type Specify the type of ledger that the report uses. The value that you specify must exist in UDC table 09/LT. If you leave this processing option, the system prints amounts for the AA (actual amounts) ledger type. Note. If you specify the CA (foreign currency) ledger type, and the CA ledger type includes amounts for multiple currencies, the totals will be meaningless.

1. Subledger Specify whether to print amounts for accounts with subledgers. Values are: Enter a specific subledger number. If you enter a value in this processing option, you must also enter a value in the Subledger Type processing option. Enter * to include all subledgers Leave this processing option blank to include only accounts without subledgers. 2. Subledger Type Specify a code in UDC table 00/ ST that specifies the table containing the subledger numbers. For example, subledger type A for address book subledgers identifies the F0101 table.

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If you enter a value in this processing option, you must also enter a value for the Subledger processing option.

This processing option applies only if you post account balances by currency. 1. Currency Code Specify the currency that the system includes in the report to limit the report to amounts for a specific currency code. The code that you enter must exist in the F0013 table. To include amounts for all currencies, enter * . Leave this processing option blank if you do not post balances by currency. Note. If you specify ledger type CA in the Ledger Type processing option, and the CA ledger type includes amounts for multiple currencies, the totals will be meaningless unless you enter a specific currency code for this processing option.

R094121 - Trial Balance by Object Report

To review balances by object account across all business units, print the Trial Balance By Object report. You can review totals by object account, company, or both. The report includes a grand total.

Processing Options for Trial Balance By Object Report (R094121)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Fiscal Year and 2. Period Specify the fiscal year and fiscal period for the system to use when printing the report. If you leave these processing options blank, the system uses the reporting year specified in the Company Names & Numbers program (P0010). Specify the ledger type for the system to use when printing the report. Enter a valid ledger type from the Ledger Type Master Setup program (P0025). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA. Specify a subledger for the system to use when printing the report. Enter * for all subledgers. Specify a subledger type for the system to use when printing the report. If you entered a subledger in the Subledger processing option, you must enter a value in this processing option. Specify whether the system includes non-posting accounts from the F0902 table on the report. Values are: Blank: Do not include non-posting accounts. 1: Include non-posting accounts. If you changed an account from posting to non-posting and the account still has a balance, the balance is included on the report.

3. Ledger Type

4. Subledger 5. Subledger Type

6. Non Posting Account

1. Zero Balances Specify whether the system prints accounts with zero balances. Values are:


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Blank: The system prints accounts with zero balances. 1: The system does not print accounts with zero balances. 2. Account Number Format Specify the format in which the system prints the account number. Values are: 1: Print the account number in business unit.object.subsidiary format. 2: Print the short account ID. 3: Print the third (unstructured) account number.

1. Currency Code Specify the currency code that the system uses to select records for processing. Enter * to include all currency codes.

1. Beginning Range Object Account Summarization and 2. Ending Range Object Account Summarization Enter the beginning object and ending object account in a range of accounts for the system to use when selecting records for this report. In a summarized report, detailed transactions appear as a single, summarized balance for each account in the range that you specify. If you leave these processing options blank, the program prints a detailed report for all accounts in the chart of accounts.

R09421 - G/L by Object Account

To review transactions across all or several business units, run the G/L by Object Account report. This report lists information from the F0911 and F0902 tables. The Account Inquiry by Object Account program (P09201) provides a quicker, more flexible review of the same information.

Processing Options for G/L by Object Account (R09421)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. From Period Specify the balances that the system includes in the report. Values are: 0: Use the first period of the current fiscal year as the beginning period. This is the default. The report prints all current year transactions for all accounts plus debit and credit totals by period for the current fiscal year. The balance forward totals for balance sheet accounts are from inception through the end of the previous fiscal year. 1: Use the current period as the beginning period. The report prints a balance forward total of the previous activity for the current fiscal year and transactions for the current period only for each account. The report does not print all account activity for the year. The balance forward total reflects the year-to-date amounts through the end of the previous period for profit-and-loss accounts. For balance sheet accounts, the report reflects the inception-to-date amounts through the end of the previous period.

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2: Use the first period of the first fiscal year (when you first used the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system) as the beginning period. The report prints transaction information from the date when you began processing for General Accounting through the current period. This report can be lengthy, depending on the amount of data that you have. 2. From Date Specify a beginning date in a range of dates for the system to use when selecting records to print on this report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the value specified in the From Period processing option. Specify the ending fiscal year in a range of years that the system uses to select records for this report. Enter the last two digits of the fiscal year. For example, enter 07 for the year 2007. If you enter 0 (for year-to-date balances) for the From Period processing option and you enter a year for this processing option, the year must be the same as the year specified in the Beginning of Fiscal Year field in the Company Names & Numbers program (P0010). Otherwise, the report does not include a line item for balance forward amounts. 4. Period Number 5. Thru Date Specify a period number for the system to use when selecting records for this report. Specify an ending date in a range of dates for the system to use when selecting records to print on this report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the value specified in the From Period processing option. Specify a subledger that the system uses to select records for this report. Enter the subledger or one of these values: Blank: Process records without subledgers. *: Process records for all subledgers, including blank subledgers. 7. Subledger Type Specify a subledger type for the system to use when selecting records for this report. Enter a valid subledger type from UDC table 00/ST. If you specify a value in the Subledger processing option, you must enter a subledger type for this processing option. Specify the ledger type that the system uses to select records for this report. Enter a code from UDC table 09/LT. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Ledger Type processing option to specify a document type that the system uses to select records for this report. Enter a document type code from UDC table 00/DT. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects all document types. If you do not specify a ledger type for the Ledger Type processing option, the system ignores the value in this processing option.

3. Thru Fiscal Year

6. Subledger

8. Ledger Type

9. Document Type

1. Account Number Format Specify the format in which the system prints the account number. Values are: 1: Print the account number in business unit.object.subsidiary format. 2: Print the short account ID.


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3: Print the third (unstructured) account number 2. Units Specify whether the system prints amounts only or amounts and units. Values are: Blank: Print amounts only. 1: Print units. 3. Accounts with zero balance Specify whether the system prints accounts with zero balances. Values are: Blank: Print accounts with zero balances. 1: Print accounts with zero balances. 4. Posted Transactions Specify whether the system prints both posted and unposted transactions on the report. Values are: Blank: Print posted transactions only. 1: Print both posted and unposted transactions

Beginning and Ending Enter the beginning object and ending object account in a range of accounts for the system to use when selecting records for this report. In a summarized report, detailed transactions appear as a single, summarized balance for each account in the range that you specify. If you leave these processing options blank, the program prints a detailed report for all accounts in the chart of accounts. You cannot enter * to summarize all object accounts. Instead, enter the first and last object accounts from your chart of accounts in these processing options, respectively.

1. Currency Code 2. Currency Code From Specify the currency code that the system uses to process this report. Enter a specific currency code or * for all currency codes. Specify a currency code for as if reporting. This processing option allows amounts to print in a currency other than the currency in which they are originally entered. Enter a valid currency F0013 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints amounts in the currency in which they were originally entered. Specify the as of date that the system uses when processing the current exchange rate for the as if currency. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the value specified in the Thru Date processing option.

3. As-of-date

R09422 - G/L with Subledger Totals

To review transaction totals by subledger, run the G/L with Subledger Totals report. This report lists information from the F0911 and F0902 tables. It prints information in business unit, object, and subsidiary sequence, and calculates totals by general ledger period, subledger, general ledger account, business unit, and company.

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Appendix G

Processing Options for G/L with Subledger Totals (R09422)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Report Content Specify the balances that the system includes in the report. Values are: 0: Use specify the first period of the current fiscal year as the beginning period. This is the default. The report prints current year transactions for all accounts plus debit and credit totals by period for the current fiscal year. The balance forward totals for balance sheet accounts are from inception through the end of the previous fiscal year. 1: Use the current period as the beginning period. The report prints a balance forward total of the previous activity for the current fiscal year and transactions for the current period only for each account. The report does not print all account activity for the year. The balance forward total reflects the year-to-date amounts through the end of the previous period for profit-and-loss accounts. For balance sheet accounts, the report reflects the inception-to-date amounts through the end of the previous period. 2: Use the first period of the first fiscal year (when you began JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting processing) as the beginning period. The report prints transaction information from the date when you began JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting processing through the current period. This report can be lengthy, depending on the amount of data that you have. 2. Fiscal Year Enter the fiscal year in which the system processes the report. If you enter 0 for the Report Content processing option (for year-to-date balances) and you enter a year in this processing option, the year that you specify must be the same as the year that is specified in the Beginning of Fiscal Year field in the Company Names & Numbers program (P0010). Otherwise, the report does not include a line item amount for the balance forward. 3. Period 4. Ledger Type Enter the period in which the system processes the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the financial reporting period. Specify the ledger type that the system uses to select records for this report. Enter a l code from UDC table 09/LT. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Ledger Type processing option to specify a document type that the system uses to select records for this report. Enter a code from UDC table 00/DT. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects records for all document types. If you do not enter a value for the Ledger Type processing option, the system ignores the value entered for this processing option. 6. Transaction Status Specify whether the system prints both posted and unposted transactions. Values are: Blank: Print only posted transactions. 1: Print both posted and unposted transactions.

5. Document Type


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1. Account Number Format Specify the format in which the system prints account numbers. Values are: Blank or 1: Standard account number (business unit.object.subsidiary). 2: Short account ID. 3: Third general ledger number. 2. Print Units Specify whether the system prints amounts only or amounts and units. Values are: Blank: Print amounts only. 1: Print amounts and units. 3. Zero Balances Specify whether the system prints accounts with zero balances. Values are: Blank: Print accounts with zero balances. 1: Omit accounts with zero balances.

1. Business Unit Type Specify a business unit type for subledger summarization. Enter a specific business unit type or one of these values: +: Include all types *: Include all non-blank types. 2. Subledger Summarization Beginning Object and 3. Subledger Summarization Ending Object Specify the beginning and ending object accounts in a range of object accounts for subledger summarization.

1. Currency Code Specify a currency code to use when printing the report. Enter a valid currency code from the F0013 table or * for all currency codes.

R09423 - Transactions by Object

The Transactions by Object report shows the account balances and posted transactions for each object account of a specified company over the period selected. It displays all of the posted transactions and account balances for each account in the debit/credit format. All posted transactions for the period and object account selected are printed in the debit, credit, and total columns. If no transactions were posted for an account during the period selected, only the totals for the account appear. This list describes each of the total amounts that appear at the end of the Transaction by Object report: Total Transactions: Sum of all transactions for the current period. Prior Period Transaction Total: Sum of all transactions from previous periods in the fiscal year up to the current period.

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Column Total: Sum of the Total Transactions plus the Prior Period Transaction Total. Prior Year End Balance: Balance of the object account from the previous year. Prior Period End Balance. Sum of all prior period transactions and the prior year end balance. Ending Balance: Sum of the Prior Year End Balance and the Column Total balance. Note. If you use the CA ledger type, the subtotals and totals might be meaningless because of mixed currencies. If so, the totals will indicate N/A.

Data Selection for the Transactions by Object

The system ignores data selection for a specific business unit for this report.

Processing Options for Transactions by Object (R09423) and Transactions by Subsidiary (R09424)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Period From and 2. Period To Specify the first and last periods from which the system retrieves transactions for the report. If you leave the Period From processing option blank, the system uses the current period of the company that is specified in the data selection. If you leave the Period To processing option blank, the system uses the period specified in the Period From field. 3. Fiscal Year Enter the last two digits of the fiscal year for which you want the report to print. For example, enter 07 to print the report for the year 2007.

1. Ledger Type Specify the ledger type for the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA. Note. If you enter CA for the ledger type, subtotals and totals may be meaningless.

1. Suppress Zero Amounts Specify whether to suppress printing transactions with zero amounts. Values are: Blank: Print transactions with zero amounts. 1: Do not print transactions with zero amounts. 2. Suppress Print Total Specify whether to suppress printing period totals. Values are: Blank: Print period totals. 1: Do not print period totals.


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R09424 - Transactions by Subsidiary

The Transactions by Subsidiary report shows the account balances and posted transactions for every object account and subsidiary over the period that you select. It displays all the posted transactions for each account and subsidiary in the debit/credit format. All posted transactions for the period, object account, and subsidiary selected are printed in the debit, credit, and total columns. If no transactions were posted for an account and subsidiary during the period selected, only the totals for the account and subsidiary appear. This list describes each of the total amounts that appear at the end of the Transactions by Subsidiary report: Total Transactions: Sum of all transactions for the current period. Prior Period Transaction Total: Sum of all transactions from previous periods in the fiscal year up to the current period. Column Total: Sum of the Total Transactions plus the Prior Period Transaction Total from the F0902 table. Prior Year End Balance: Balance of the object account from the previous year from the F0902 table. Prior Period End Balance: Sum of all prior period transactions and the prior year-end balance. Ending Balance: Sum of the Prior Year End Balance and the Column Total balance.

Data Selection for the Transactions by Subsidiary

The system ignores data selection for a specific business unit for this report.

Processing Options Transactions by Subsidiary (R09424)

The processing options for the Transactions by Subsidiary report are the same as those for the Transactions by Object report. See Appendix G, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports, Processing Options for Transactions by Object (R09423) and Transactions by Subsidiary (R09424), page 512.

R09451 - Account Totals by Supplier/Customer

The Account Totals by Supplier/Customer report shows the balance for each customer or supplier by object account. The report lists the balance for each account for which the customer or supplier has transactions, as well as a total of all account balances for each customer or supplier. You can include only posted transactions or both posted and unposted transactions.

Processing Options for Account Totals by Supplier/Customer (R09451)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

Report Detail
1. From Period or From Date 2. Thru Fiscal Year and Period or Thru Date Enter either the period or from date in which to begin the report. Enter the two-digit fiscal year and the period or thru date in which to end the report.

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1. Document 2. Document Type 3. Unposted Transactions Enter a specific ledger type. If you leave this processing blank, the system uses ledger type AA. Enter a specific document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses all document types. Specify whether to print posted or both posted and unposted transactions. Values are: Blank: Print posted transactions only. 1: Print posted and unposted transactions.

1. As if Currency 2. As of Date Enter the currency code in which to print as if currency amounts. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the company currency. Enter the date in which to retrieve the exchange rate for the as if currency. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the date in the Thru Date processing option.

R09470 - G/L by Category Code

To use a statutory account number instead of business.object.subsidiary, print the G/L by Category Code report. The category code indicates the account number, and the category code description indicates the account description. This report provides balance information useful for statutory accounting and uses information from the F0901, F0911, F0902, and F0006 tables.

Processing Options for G/L by Category Code (R09470)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. From Period Specify the beginning fiscal period for the system to use when selecting account balances for this report. Values are: 0: Year to date. Use the first period of the current fiscal year as the beginning period. The report prints all current year transactions for all accounts plus debit and credit totals by period for the current fiscal year. The balance forward totals for balance sheet accounts are from inception through the end of the previous fiscal year. 1: Current period. Use the current period as the beginning period. The report prints a balance forward total for the current fiscal year and transactions for the current period for each account. It does not print all account activity for the year. The balance forward total reflects the year-to-date amounts through the end of the previous period for profit-and-loss accounts. For balance sheet accounts, the report reflects the inception-to-date amounts through the end of the previous period.


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Appendix G

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports

2: Inception to date. Use the first period of the first fiscal year in which you began using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system as the beginning period. The report prints transaction information from the date when you began using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system through the current period. This report can be lengthy, depending on the amount of data that you have. 2. From Date Specify a beginning date in a range of general ledger dates for the system to use when selecting records to print on this report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the value specified in the From Period processing option. Specify a thru fiscal year for the system to use when selecting records for this report. Enter the last two digits of the fiscal year, for example, 07 for 2007. Specify a period for the system to use when selecting records for this report. Specify an ending date in a range of general ledger dates for the system to use when selecting records for this report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the value specified in the From Period processing option.

3. Fiscal Year 4. Period 5. Thru Date

1. Ledger Type Specify the ledger type for the system to use when selecting records to print on this report. Enter a valid ledger type from the F0025 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA. Use this processing option in conjunction with the Ledger Type processing option to specify the document type that the system uses to select records for this report. Enter a document type code from UDC table 00/DT. If you leave this processing option blank, the system selects all document types. Note. If you do not enter a value in the Ledger Type processing option, the system ignores the value for this processing option. 3. Transaction Type Specify whether the system prints only posted transactions. Values are: Blank: Print only posted transactions. 1: Print both posted and unposted transactions. 4. Account Category Code (123) Specify the account category code (123) that the system prints on the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints category code 21. The value you enter in this field is used only to print the category codes on the report. It is not used for data selection. 5. Units Specify whether the system prints units as well as amounts. Values are: Blank: Print amounts only. 1: Print both amounts and units. 6. Zero Balances Specify whether the system prints accounts with zero balances. Values are: Blank: Print accounts with zero balances. 1: Do not print accounts with zero balances.

2. Document Type

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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports

Appendix G

7. Date Order

Specify whether the system prints information in ascending or descending order by date. Values are: Blank: Print information in descending order by date. 1: Print information in ascending order by date.

1. As-If Currency Code Specify an as if currency code in which to print amounts for this report. This processing option allows you to review amounts in a currency other than the currency in which they are stored. Only amounts associated with the AA ledger type are converted to the as if currency. If you leave this processing option blank, amounts do not print in an as if currency. Specify the date on which to retrieve the exchange rate for the as if currency from the F0015 table. If you enter a value for the As If Currency Code processing option and leave this processing option blank, the system uses the date specified in the Thru Date processing option for the exchange rate.

2. Exchange Rate Date

R09472 - Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code

Use the Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code report to print a statutory account (category code value) on a trial balance instead of the business unit.object.subsidiary account code. The category code indicates the account number, and the category code description indicates the account description.

Processing Options for Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code (R09472)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Fiscal Year Specify the fiscal year for the system to use when selecting records to print on this report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current fiscal year. Specify the period number for the system to use when selecting records to print on this report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current period number. Specify the ledger type for the system to use when selecting records to print on this report. Enter a valid ledger type from the F0025 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ledger type AA. Use this processing option to specify the account category code (2123) that the system prints on the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints category code 21. The value you enter for this processing option is used only to print the category codes on the report. It is not used for data selection.

2. Period

3. Ledger Type

4. Category Code (2123)


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Appendix G

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports

R11C750 - Cash Basis Integrity Test

The Cash Basis Integrity Test reviews all of the cash basis entries for a specified time period and produces an exception report that shows the accounts that are out of balance. Only cash accounts can be expected to balance between the two ledgers (AA and AZ). The report prints summary or detail information. The integrity test with transaction detail can be lengthy. You might want to run the report without detail first to see how many accounts within the selected range are out of balance. If you specify the detail format in the processing option, all of the posted detail records in the AA and AZ ledgers appear above the ledger balances for each period that is out of balance. If you do not specify the detail format, the two ledger balances appear side by side for each period that is out of balance. Information on the report appears in reverse chronological order, beginning with the as of date that you specify in the processing option and going back through all years that you specify in the data selection. The Cash Basis Integrity Test shows transactions from the F0911 and F0902 tables.

Data Selection and Sequence for the Cash Basis Integrity Report
Enter the prior fiscal years that you want to view. You must specify ledger type AA. The integrity test and report run more efficiently when you sequence by company.

Processing Options for the Cash Basis Integrity Test (R11C750)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. As Of Date Specify the as of date in which to run the integrity test. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current date.

1. Transaction Detail Specify whether to print transaction detail. Values are: Blank: Print summarized information. 1: Print transaction details.

R11C760 - Cash Basis Audit Report

The Cash Basis Audit Report (R11C760) provides you with information about the cash basis entries at the transaction level. This report is a powerful research tool that allows you to quickly determine which documents are balanced, as well as which documents are posted. Cash basis entries that do not balance are identified by the message Document Not Balanced. There are three DEMO versions of this report for AR, AP, and GL entries. The Cash Basis Audit Report uses information from the F0911 table.

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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports

Appendix G

Data Selection and Data Sequencing for the Cash Basis Audit Report
Do not change the data selection for Ledger Type equal to AZ (cash basis). You can enter additional data selection to select posted records, a specific batch, or general ledger dates. Do not change the data sequencing. The report calculates totals, and changing the data sequencing produces unpredictable totaling results.

Processing Options for Cash Basis Audit Report (R11C760)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for reports.

1. Account Number Specify which account number format to print on the report. Values are: Blank: Number specified during data entry 1: Long account number 2: Short account number 3: Unstructured account number


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Glossary of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Terms

activity activity rule add mode Advanced Planning Agent (APAg) application server as if processing alternate currency A scheduling entity in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tools that represents a designated amount of time on a calendar. The criteria by which an object progresses from one given point to the next in a flow. A condition of a form that enables users to input data. A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tool that can be used to extract, transform, and load enterprise data. APAg supports access to data sources in the form of rational databases, flat file format, and other data or message encoding, such as XML. A server in a local area network that contains applications shared by network clients. A process that enables you to view currency amounts as if they were entered in a currency different from the domestic and foreign currency of the transaction. A currency that is different from the domestic currency (when dealing with a domestic-only transaction) or the domestic and foreign currency of a transaction. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management, alternate currency processing enables you to enter receipts and payments in a currency other than the one in which they were issued. as of processing A process that is run as of a specific point in time to summarize transactions up to that date. For example, you can run various JD Edwards EnterpriseOne reports as of a specific date to determine balances and amounts of accounts, units, and so on as of that date. A process in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Supply Management that contains the same keys that are used in another process. A process of transferring records from a third-party system to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management, batch processing enables you to transfer invoices and vouchers that are entered in a system other than JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, respectively. In addition, you can transfer address book information, including customer and supplier records, to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. batch server batch-of-one immediate A server that is designated for running batch processing requests. A batch server typically does not contain a database nor does it run interactive applications. A transaction method that enables a client application to perform work on a client workstation, then submit the work all at once to a server application for further processing. As a batch process is running on the server, the client application can continue performing other tasks. See also direct connect and store-and-forward. business function A named set of user-created, reusable business rules and logs that can be called through event rules. Business functions can run a transaction or a subset of a transaction (check inventory, issue work orders, and so on). Business functions also contain the application programming interfaces (APIs) that enable them to be called from a form, a database trigger, or a non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application. Business functions can be combined with other business functions, forms, event rules,

back-to-back process batch processing

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and other components to make up an application. Business functions can be created through event rules or third-generation languages, such as C. Examples of business functions include Credit Check and Item Availability. business function event rule business view See named event rule (NER). A means for selecting specific columns from one or more JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application tables whose data is used in an application or report. A business view does not select specific rows, nor does it contain any actual data. It is strictly a view through which you can manipulate data. A process that blends a customers modifications to the objects in a current release with objects in a new release. A server that has been designated to contain the originally installed version of the software (central objects) for deployment to client computers. In a typical JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation, the software is loaded on to one machinethe central server. Then, copies of the software are pushed out or downloaded to various workstations attached to it. That way, if the software is altered or corrupted through its use on workstations, an original set of objects (central objects) is always available on the central server. Tables of information in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne that appear on forms in the software. Component-based interoperability model that enables third-party applications and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to share logic and data. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne connector architecture includes Java and COM connectors. A general ledger account in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management that is used by the system to offset (balance) journal entries. For example, you can use a contra/clearing account to balance the entries created by allocations in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management. An application that, during the Installation Workbench processing, runs the batch applications for the planned merges that update the data dictionary, user-defined codes, menus, and user override tables. A process that blends a customers modifications to the control tables with the data that accompanies a new release. The process in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Cost Accounting of tracing or allocating resources to activities or cost objects. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing, an element of an items cost (for example, material, labor, or overhead). A logic statement that establishes the relationship between configured item segments. Cross segment edits are used to prevent ordering of configurations that cannot be produced. The process of converting amounts from one currency into another currency, generally for reporting purposes. You can use the currency restatement process, for example, when many currencies must be restated into a single currency for consolidated reporting. A server in a local area network that maintains a database and performs searches for client computers. An application that, during the Installation Workbench process, copies all data sources that are defined in the installation plan from the Data Source Master and Table and Data Source Sizing tables in the Planner data source to the system-release number data source. It also updates the Data Source Plan detail record to reflect completion.

central objects merge central server

charts connector

contra/clearing account

Control Table Workbench

control tables merge cost assignment cost component cross segment edit

currency restatement

database server Data Source Workbench


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date pattern denominated-in currency deployment server detail information direct connect

A calendar that represents the beginning date for the fiscal year and the ending date for each period in that year in standard and 52-period accounting. The company currency in which financial reports are based. A server that is used to install, maintain, and distribute software to one or more enterprise servers and client workstations. Information that relates to individual lines in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne transactions (for example, voucher pay items and sales order detail lines). A transaction method in which a client application communicates interactively and directly with a server application. See also batch-of-one immediate and store-and-forward.

Do Not Translate (DNT) dual pricing edit code

A type of data source that must exist on the iSeries because of BLOB restrictions. The process of providing prices for goods and services in two currencies. A code that indicates how a specific value for a report or a form should appear or be formatted. The default edit codes that pertain to reporting require particular attention because they account for a substantial amount of information. A condition of a form that enables users to change data. A method used for formatting and validating user entries against a predefined rule or set of rules. An interoperability model that enables paperless computer-to-computer exchange of business transactions between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and third-party systems. Companies that use EDI must have translator software to convert data from the EDI standard format to the formats of their computer systems. An event rule that is specific to a particular table or application. Examples include form-to-form calls, hiding a field based on a processing option value, and calling a business function. Contrast with the business function event rule. A central location for sending and receiving all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne messages (system and user generated), regardless of the originating application or user. Each user has a mailbox that contains workflow and other messages, including Active Messages. A server that contains the database and the logic for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. A reusable piece of code that is used to build applications. Object types include tables, forms, business functions, data dictionary items, batch processes, business views, event rules, versions, data structures, and media objects. A software process that enables JD Edwards EnterpriseOne clients and servers to handle processing requests and run transactions. A client runs one process, and servers can have multiple instances of a process. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne processes can also be dedicated to specific tasks (for example, workflow messages and data replication) to ensure that critical processes dont have to wait if the server is particularly busy. An application that, during the Installation Workbench process, copies the environment information and Object Configuration Manager tables for each environment from the Planner data source to the system-release number data source. It also updates the Environment Plan detail record to reflect completion. A batch process that monitors pending requests or activities and restarts or forwards them to the next step or user after they have been inactive for a specified amount of time.

edit mode edit rule Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

embedded event rule

Employee Work Center

enterprise server EnterpriseOne object

EnterpriseOne process

Environment Workbench

escalation monitor

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event rule

A logic statement that instructs the system to perform one or more operations based on an activity that can occur in a specific application, such as entering a form or exiting a field. An entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a facility might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, or branch/plant. A facility is sometimes referred to as a business unit. A command prompt that enables the user to move quickly among menus and applications by using specific commands. A server that stores files to be accessed by other computers on the network. Unlike a disk server, which appears to the user as a remote disk drive, a file server is a sophisticated device that not only stores files, but also manages them and maintains order as network users request files and make changes to these files. The report processing mode of a processing mode of a program that updates or creates data records. A server that responds to requests for files via file transfer protocol. Information at the beginning of a table or form. Header information is used to identify or provide control information for the group of records that follows. See Z table. A server that facilitates interaction between diverse operating systems and applications across internal and external networked computer systems. A process used to supplement a companys internal balancing procedures by locating and reporting balancing problems and data inconsistencies. A method for third-party systems to connect to or access JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, a form-level property which, when enabled, causes the text of application errors to appear on the form. This internet server service resides on the web server and is used to speed up delivery of the Java class files from the database to the client. An alternative data dictionary item description that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne appears based on the product code of the current object. A component-based server that resides in the middle-tier of a server-centric architecture. This server provides middleware services for security and state maintenance, along with data access and persistence. A database driver that enables heterogeneous servers to access each others data. A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne proprietary database middleware package that provides platform-independent APIs, along with client-to-server access. An API used by business functions to invoke other business functions. A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne file (or member for iSeries) that provides the runtime settings required for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne initialization. Specific versions of the file or member must reside on every machine running JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. This includes workstations and servers. Communications programming tools used by server code to regulate access to the same data in multiprocess environments, communicate and coordinate between processes, and create new processes.


fast path file server

final mode FTP server header information interface table integration server integrity test interoperability model in-your-face-error IServer service jargon Java application server

JDBNET JDEBASE Database Middleware JDECallObject jde.ini



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The main diagnostic log file of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. This file is always located in the root directory on the primary drive and contains status and error messages from the startup and operation of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne proprietary communications middleware package. This package is a peer-to-peer, message-based, socket-based, multiprocess communications middleware solution. It handles client-to-server and server-to-server communications for all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne supported platforms. An application that, during the Installation Workbench process, copies all locations that are defined in the installation plan from the Location Master table in the Planner data source to the system data source. A server in a distributed network that provides the business logic for an application program. In a typical configuration, pristine objects are replicated on to the logic server from the central server. The logic server, in conjunction with workstations, actually performs the processing required when JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software runs. An application that merges Microsoft Word 6.0 (or higher) word-processing documents with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne records to automatically print business documents. You can use MailMerge Workbench to print documents, such as form letters about verification of employment.


Location Workbench

logic server

MailMerge Workbench

master business function (MBF) An interactive master file that serves as a central location for adding, changing, and updating information in a database. Master business functions pass information between data entry forms and the appropriate tables. These master functions provide a common set of functions that contain all of the necessary default and editing rules for related programs. MBFs contain logic that ensures the integrity of adding, updating, and deleting information from databases. master table matching document See published table. A document associated with an original document to complete or change a transaction. For example, in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management, a receipt is the matching document of an invoice, and a payment is the matching document of a voucher. Files that use one of the following naming conventions that are not organized into table format: Gxxx, xxxGT, or GTxxx. A central location for sending and receiving all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne messages (system and user generated), regardless of the originating application or user. An interoperability model that enables third-party systems to connect to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to exchange information through the use of messaging queues. A server that handles messages that are sent for use by other programs using a messaging API. Messaging servers typically employ a middleware program to perform their functions. Encapsulated, reusable business logic created using event rules, rather that C programming. NERs are also called business function event rules. NERs can be reused in multiple places by multiple programs. This modularity lends itself to streamlining, reusability of code, and less work. In Brazil, a legal document that must accompany all commercial transactions for tax purposes and that must contain information required by tax regulations. In Brazil, a nota fiscal with invoice information. See also nota fiscal.

media storage object message center messaging adapter messaging server

named event rule (NER)

nota fiscal nota fiscal factura

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Object Configuration Manager (OCM)

In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, the object request broker and control center for the runtime environment. OCM keeps track of the runtime locations for business functions, data, and batch applications. When one of these objects is called, OCM directs access to it using defaults and overrides for a given environment and user. A repository of all versions, applications, and business functions reusable in building applications. Object Librarian provides check-out and check-in capabilities for developers, and it controls the creation, modification, and use of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne objects. Object Librarian supports multiple environments (such as production and development) and enables objects to be easily moved from one environment to another. A process that blends any modifications to the Object Librarian in a previous release into the Object Librarian in a new release. An interoperability model that enables you to use SQL statements to extract JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data for summarization and report generation. An interoperability model that enables you to set up an interface for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to pass data to another software package, such as Microsoft Excel, for processing. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne objects are installed to workstations in packages from the deployment server. A package can be compared to a bill of material or kit that indicates the necessary objects for that workstation and where on the deployment server the installation program can find them. It is point-in-time snapshot of the central objects on the deployment server. A software application that facilitates the deployment of software changes and new applications to existing users. Additionally, in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, a package build can be a compiled version of the software. When you upgrade your version of the ERP software, for example, you are said to take a package build. Consider the following context: Also, do not transfer business functions into the production path code until you are ready to deploy, because a global build of business functions done during a package build will automatically include the new functions. The process of creating a package build is often referred to, as it is in this example, simply as a package build.

Object Librarian

Object Librarian merge Open Data Access (ODA) Output Stream Access (OSA)


package build

package location

The directory structure location for the package and its set of replicated objects. This is usually \\deployment server\release\path_code\package\package name. The subdirectories under this path are where the replicated objects for the package are placed. This is also referred to as where the package is built or stored. An application that, during the Installation Workbench process, transfers the package information tables from the Planner data source to the system-release number data source. It also updates the Package Plan detail record to reflect completion. A means of grouping end items whose similarity of design and manufacture facilitates being planned in aggregate. The ability to define default values for specified fields for a user-defined hierarchy of items, item groups, customers, and customer groups. The interface between a printer and a network that enables network clients to connect to the printer and send their print jobs to it. A print server can be a computer, separate hardware device, or even hardware that resides inside of the printer itself. A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment used to test unaltered objects with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne demonstration data or for training classes. You must have this environment so that you can compare pristine objects that you modify.

Package Workbench

planning family preference profile print server

pristine environment


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processing option

A data structure that enables users to supply parameters that regulate the running of a batch program or report. For example, you can use processing options to specify default values for certain fields, to determine how information appears or is printed, to specify date ranges, to supply runtime values that regulate program execution, and so on. A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment in which users operate EnterpriseOne software. A file server that has been quality assurance tested and commercialized and that is usually provided in conjunction with user support services. A representation of changes to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software that your organization receives on magnetic tapes or disks. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, a virtual container for objects being developed in Object Management Workbench. The designated path for advancing objects or projects in a workflow. The following is the normal promotion cycle (path): 11>21>26>28>38>01 In this path, 11 equals new project pending review, 21 equals programming, 26 equals QA test/review, 28 equals QA test/review complete, 38 equals in production, 01 equals complete. During the normal project promotion cycle, developers check objects out of and into the development path code and then promote them to the prototype path code. The objects are then moved to the productions path code before declaring them complete.

production environment production-grade file server program temporary fix (PTF) project promotion path

proxy server published table

A server that acts as a barrier between a workstation and the internet so that the enterprise can ensure security, administrative control, and caching service. Also called a master table, this is the central copy to be replicated to other machines. Residing on the publisher machine, the F98DRPUB table identifies all of the published tables and their associated publishers in the enterprise. The server that is responsible for the published table. The F98DRPUB table identifies all of the published tables and their associated publishers in the enterprise. One of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne methods for replicating data to individual workstations. Such machines are set up as pull subscribers using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data replication tools. The only time that pull subscribers are notified of changes, updates, and deletions is when they request such information. The request is in the form of a message that is sent, usually at startup, from the pull subscriber to the server machine that stores the F98DRPCN table. An abbreviation for query by example. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, the QBE line is the top line on a detail area that is used for filtering data. A service that uses system calls to capture JD Edwards EnterpriseOne transactions as they occur and to provide notification to third-party software, end users, and other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems that have requested notification when certain transactions occur. A function used to modify JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software, or subset of it, such as a table or business data, so that it functions at a new release or cumulative update level, such as B73.2 or B73.2.1. A server that is responsible for replicating central objects to client machines. In JD Edwards Procurement and Subcontract Management, a request from a supplier for item and price information from which you can create a purchase order.

publisher pull replication

QBE real-time event


replication server quote order

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In JD Edwards Sales Order Management, item and price information for a customer who has not yet committed to a sales order. selection Found on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne menus, a selection represents functions that you can access from a menu. To make a selection, type the associated number in the Selection field and press Enter. An application that, during the Installation Workbench process, copies the server configuration files from the Planner data source to the system-release number data source. It also updates the Server Plan detail record to reflect completion. An exchange rate entered at the transaction level. This rate overrides the exchange rate that is set up between two currencies. A merge that comprises three merges: Object Librarian merge, Versions List merge, and Central Objects merge. The merges blend customer modifications with data that accompanies a new release. A complete description of a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne object. Each object has its own specification, or name, which is used to build applications. An application that, during the Installation Workbench process, runs the batch applications that update the specification tables. The mode of processing that enables users who are disconnected from a server to enter transactions and then later connect to the server to upload those transactions. Table F98DRSUB, which is stored on the publisher server with the F98DRPUB table and identifies all of the subscriber machines for each published table. Any type of information that is not maintained in a master file. Supplemental data is usually additional information about employees, applicants, requisitions, and jobs (such as an employees job skills, degrees, or foreign languages spoken). You can track virtually any type of information that your organization needs. For example, in addition to the data in the standard master tables (the Address Book Master, Customer Master, and Supplier Master tables), you can maintain other kinds of data in separate, generic databases. These generic databases enable a standard approach to entering and maintaining supplemental data across JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems. table access management (TAM) The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne component that handles the storage and retrieval of use-defined data. TAM stores information, such as data dictionary definitions; application and report specifications; event rules; table definitions; business function input parameters and library information; and data structure definitions for running applications, reports, and business functions. An interoperability model that enables the exchange of information between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and third-party systems using non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. An interoperability model that enables the exchange of information between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and third-party systems using non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. Logic that is attached to database triggers that runs whenever the action specified by the trigger occurs against the table. Although JD Edwards EnterpriseOne enables event rules to be attached to application events, this functionality is application specific. Table event rules provide embedded logic at the table level. A server that enables terminals, microcomputers, and other devices to connect to a network or host computer or to devices attached to that particular computer.

Server Workbench

spot rate Specification merge

specification Specification Table Merge Workbench store-and-forward subscriber table supplemental data

Table Conversion Workbench

table conversion

table event rules

terminal server


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three-tier processing three-way voucher match

The task of entering, reviewing and approving, and posting batches of transactions in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. In JD Edwards Procurement and Subcontract Management, the process of comparing receipt information to suppliers invoices to create vouchers. In a three-way match, you use the receipt records to create vouchers. A monitor that controls data transfer between local and remote terminals and the applications that originated them. TP monitors also protect data integrity in the distributed environment and may include programs that validate data and format terminal screens. An electronic business transaction (electronic data interchange standard document) made up of segments. One of several events specific to data dictionary items. You can attach logic to a data dictionary item that the system processes automatically when the event occurs. A specific workflow event that requires special action or has defined consequences or resulting actions. In JD Edwards Procurement and Subcontract Management, the process of comparing purchase order detail lines to the suppliers invoices to create vouchers. You do not record receipt information. Adds new user override records into a customers user override table. In JD Edwards Capital Asset Management, the difference between revenue generated by a piece of equipment and costs incurred by the equipment. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Costing and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing, the difference between two methods of costing the same item (for example, the difference between the frozen standard cost and the current cost is an engineering variance). Frozen standard costs come from the Cost Components table, and the current costs are calculated using the current bill of material, routing, and overhead rates.

transaction processing (TP) monitor

transaction set trigger triggering event two-way voucher match

User Overrides merge variance

Version List merge

The Versions List merge preserves any non-XJDE and non-ZJDE version specifications for objects that are valid in the new release, as well as their processing options data. Forms that can be invoked from a control via a trigger to assist the user in determining what data belongs in the control. An alternate description for a data dictionary item that appears on a specific JD Edwards EnterpriseOne form or report. An internal type of a wide character. It is used for writing portable programs for international markets. A web server that enables web applications to exchange data with the back-end systems and databases used in eBusiness transactions. A server that sends information as requested by a browser, using the TCP/IP set of protocols. A web server can do more than just coordination of requests from browsers; it can do anything a normal server can do, such as house applications or data. Any computer can be turned into a web server by installing server software and connecting the machine to the internet. A multiuser server that enables terminals and minimally configured computers to display Windows applications even if they are not capable of running Windows software themselves. All client processing is performed centrally at the Windows

visual assist vocabulary override wchar_t web application server web server

Windows terminal server

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terminal server and only display, keystroke, and mouse commands are transmitted over the network to the client terminal device. workbench A program that enables users to access a group of related programs from a single entry point. Typically, the programs that you access from a workbench are used to complete a large business process. For example, you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll Cycle Workbench (P07210) to access all of the programs that the system uses to process payroll, print payments, create payroll reports, create journal entries, and update payroll history. Examples of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workbenches include Service Management Workbench (P90CD020), Line Scheduling Workbench (P3153), Planning Workbench (P13700), Auditors Workbench (P09E115), and Payroll Cycle Workbench. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing, a calendar that is used in planning functions that consecutively lists only working days so that component and work order scheduling can be done based on the actual number of work days available. A work day calendar is sometimes referred to as planning calendar, manufacturing calendar, or shop floor calendar. The automation of a business process, in whole or in part, during which documents, information, or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules. A server that usually contains subsets of data replicated from a master network server. A workgroup server does not perform application or batch processing. A service that uses system calls to capture JD Edwards EnterpriseOne transactions as they occur and then calls third-party software, end users, and other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems that have requested notification when the specified transactions occur to return a response. An interoperability capability that enables you to call business functions. An interoperability capability that provides a single point of entry for all XML documents coming into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for responses. An interoperability capability that enables you to request and receive JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database information in chunks. An interoperability capability that enables you to request events from one JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system and receive a response from another JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. An interoperability capability that enables you to use a predefined transaction type to send information to or request information from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. XML transaction uses interface table functionality. Transforms an XML document that is not in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne format into an XML document that can be processed by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. XTS then transforms the response back to the request originator XML format. A service that uses interface table functionality to capture JD Edwards EnterpriseOne transactions and provide notification to third-party software, end users, and other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems that have requested to be notified when certain transactions occur. A working table where non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne information can be stored and then processed into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. Z tables also can be used to retrieve JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data. Z tables are also known as interface tables. Third-party data that is properly formatted in interface tables for updating to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database.

work day calendar


workgroup server XAPI events

XML CallObject XML Dispatch XML List XML Service

XML Transaction

XML Transaction Service (XTS) Z event

Z table

Z transaction


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52 period accounting annual close 272 assigning reporting dates to a company 81 changing to 81 fiscal date patterns 79 generating income statements 274 multithreaded job queues 271 overview 271 posting entries 271 repost 81 setting up reporting dates 80 52 period Accounting Post (R098011) 271 52 Period Accounting Post (R098011) processing options 272 52 Period Income Statement (R10252) 274 processing options 274 processing options 351 Account Inquiry by Object Account (P09201) processing options 351 Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200) processing options 349 Account Structure (R10445) 309 Account Structure Build (R10430) 306 processing options 307 Account Structure Definition (P10430A) 305 Account Structure Inquiry/Revision (P10440) 309 Account Structure Report (R10445) processing options 310 account structures revisions 414 Account Totals by Supplier/Customer (R09451) 513 processing options 513 accounting period closing 427, 428, 429, 431 accounts balancing 389 changing 421 global updates 422 Accounts w/o Business Units (R097041) processing options 394 Accounts without Business Units (R097041) 394 additional documentation xxxiv allocations indexed allocations 127, 129, 132 indexed allocations example 128 multitiered 121 overview 119 process 120 recurring journal entries 123, 124, 126 types of 119 variable numerator 133, 135, 137 variable numerator example 134 Annual Close (R098201) 436 processing options 437 Annual Close for 52 Period (R09820B) 272

AAIs account reconciliation 33 account summarization 29 cash basis accounting 77 financial statement totals 27 general purpose 24 overview 24 prior year account purges 30 reconcilable ranges 29 retained earnings 26 speed codes 29 Account Balance by Month (P0902P1) 354 processing options 354 Account Balance by Subledger (P092131) 354 Account Balance to Transactions (R09705) 393 processing options 391 Account Balance without Account Master (R097031) processing options 395 Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202) 348

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application fundamentals xxxiii Apply Forecast to Budget (R1407) 249 processing options 250 attachments adding to journal entries 91 automatic accounting instructions balance sheet 362 automatic bank statement assigning groups to bank statement accounts 50 assigning reconciliation rules 49 automatic bank statements 35 BAI2 conversion flow 181 bank account cross references 42 bank account reconciliation 45 conversion flows 181 loading data into bank statement tables 185 mapping fields for conversion flows 469 overview 179 process 180 processing 190 purging tables 199 reconciliation groups 45 reconciliation rules 45, 46 reconciling unreconciled transactions 194, 195 reports 192 revising data 186, 188 revising staging data 183 revising transactions without customer numbers 189 running a bank statement conversion flow 181 setting an integration option for the date pattern 36 setting integration options for conversion flows 35 setting up cross references 42 staging tables 182 SWIFT conversion flow 181 UDCs 36 unreconciled messages 192

balance sheets 361 generating 362 generating consolidated balance sheets 368

net income calculation 361 bank account reconciliation changing reconciled transactions to unreconciled 145 reconciling accounts manually 142 reconciling transactions manually 143 reconciling voided payments 139 reconciling voided receipts 139 refreshing the reconciliation workfile 140, 141 report 142 bank accounts 139 See Also bank account reconciliation setting up cross references 42 Bank Journal Statement Process (R09170) processing options 170 Bank Journal Statement Process Program (R09170) 168 Bank Statement Entry (P09160) processing options 161 bank statements, See automatic bank statements, manual bank statements bank tape reconciliation overview 151 reconciling cleared transactions 154 reformatting bank tapes 153 refreshing account reconciliation information 154 reports 155 verifying 155 Batch Header Revisions (P0011) 399 batch headers adding records 402 missing 379 no posted detail 379 post out of balance 403 reviewing records 401 revising records 399, 402 Batch Out of Balance report (R09706) 384 batch processing errors 108 ignored fields 465 mapping fields for externally reconciled transactions 466 mapping fields for journal entries 453 optional fields 457 posting processed batch journal entries 112 processing batch journal entries 107


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purging processed records 112 required fields 453 required fields for Advanced Cost Accounting 457 running the batch processor 109 uploading journal entries 108 working with batch journal entries 110 Batch to Detail (R007031) 400 processing options 380 Batches Out of Balance (R007032) 382 processing options 383 BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report (R10701) processing options 320 budget forecasting and planning account definition 241 basis amounts 241 defining accounts and retrieving basis amounts manually 241 generating accounts and basis amounts automatically 241, 243 generating forecast amounts 245, 246 process 240 purging forecasts 250 revising accounts and basis amounts 243, 244 revising budget forecasts 247, 248 updating forecast records 249 updating forecasts 250 Budget Import Field Mapping (R14110M) 230, 231 processing options 232 Budget Worksheet (R14113) 215 processing options 217 budgets 239 See Also budget forecasting and planning amounts and encumbrances 222 annual budgets 207 budget checking calculation 222 budget patterns 202 changing budget pattern codes 205 comparing budgets online 220 creating budget pattern codes 204 cycles 207 detailed budgets by account 224 entering annual amounts by account 212 entering annual amounts by business unit 210 entering budget journal entries 226

entering detailed budget amounts by account 224 entering journalized budgets 226 guidelines for spreadsheets 228 importing data from a spreadsheet 228, 229 journalized 202 journalized budgets 225 managing budget overages 221 methods 201 overview 201 purging processed records 237 reviewing budget comparisons online 220 reviewing budgets online 218 revising imported data 232, 233 spreading annual amounts 215 spreading annual budgets 213 uploading imported data 234 uploading imported data to the F0902 table 234 using variable numerator allocations 133 worksheets 215, 216 Business Unit Structure Build (R10450) processing options 281 business units changing company numbers 419 deleting 446 global revisions 418 revisions to multiple accounts 415, 416 supplemental data 30

Calculate Fiscal Year and Period (R099103) processing options 410 calendar date pattern changing 409 recalculating 409 cash basis accounting AAIs 77 accrual entries 261 assigning document types to the AA ledger 77 cash basis entries 262 document types 75 entries for AP 263 entries for AR 263 entries for GL 262 entries for units 262

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errors on exception reports 268 exception reports 268 multithreaded job queues 266 overview 75, 261 posting entries 269 reviewing cash basis entries 269 setting up AAIs for balancing accounts 78 setting up AAIs for unapplied receipts 77 setting up document types 76 cash flow statements cash flow activity codes 70 cash flow rules 71 example 364 generating 366 normal balance codes 71 overview 69, 363 setting up cash flow rules 72 Cash Forecast Analysis (P09522) 253, 256 processing options 257 Cash Forecast Report (R095221) 256 cash forecasting analyzing information 256, 258 cash type codes 57 cash type rules 58 defining a report structure 65 overview 57 process 253 purging data 259, 260 refreshing data 253, 255 report structures 63 setting up cash type rules 59, 62 cash type rules setting up 59, 62 category codes reports 498, 516 Change Account Information (R09813) 421 processing options 422 Change Business Units (P09812) 415 Change Subsidiaries (P09805) 417 chart of accounts revisions 413 close accounting period 427, 428, 429, 431 fiscal year 433 comments, submitting xxxviii common fields xxxviii

Companies in Balance (R097001) 386 Company by Batch Out of Balance (R09706) processing options 385 Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10150) processing options 321 Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10311A) 368 processing options 369 Consolidated Income Statement (R10250) processing options 321 Consolidated Income-7 column (R103121A) processing options 368 Consolidation Console (P10610) 322, 327 processing options 328 Consolidation Review (P09210A) 297 processing options 297 consolidation rules 310 Consolidation Specifications (P10470) 310 consolidations, See high-volume consolidations, multisite consolidations, online consolidations constants overview 14 setting up 16 contact information xxxviii Create Cash Basis Entries (R11C850) 261, 266, 267 Create Cash Basis Entries Program (R11C850) processing options 266 Create Obj/Sub Control File (R10909) 303 processing options 304 Create UDC Control File (R10005) 303 processing options 304 cross-references xxxvii Custom Reformat UBE (R09501) 153 processing options 153 Customer Connection website xxxiv

debit and credit reconciliation 148 process 147 reconciling transactions manually Debit/Credit Match (P09131) 147 149


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Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code (R09472) 516 Delete Account Master Records (R09814) 444, 445 processing options 445 Delete Business Unit/Company (R09925) 446 processing options 446 Delete Prior Consolidation (R10861) 293, 294 Delete Prior Consolidations (R10861) processing options 294 Detailed Budget by Account (P14101) 224 documentation printed xxxiv related xxxiv updates xxxiv

processing options 64 forecasting and planning 243 See Also budget forecasting and planning forms Ledger Type Rules Setup 21

G/L Budget Checking Report (R14115) 221 processing options 223 G/L by Category Code (R09470) 514 G/L by Object Account (R09421) 507 G/L with Subledger Totals (R09422) 509 general accounting delivered workflow 495 features 9 integrations 2 system setup 13 tables 449 general journal reports 497 General Journal by Account (R09311) 503 General Journal Review (P0011) processing options 98 general ledger reports 498 General Ledger Post (R09801) processing options 100 Generate Forecast Basis (R1403) 241 processing options 243 Generate Forecast Results (R1404) 245 processing options 246 government reporting 338

elimination rules 311 encumbrances 222 Extract A/P Cash Forecast Data (R04522) 254 Extract A/R Cash Forecast Data (R03B522) 254 Extract G/L Cash Forecast Data (R09522) 254

fictitious business units 295 financial reports balance sheets 361 changing reporting dates 432 See Also financial reporting dates consolidated reports 367 overview 357 fiscal date pattern changing 409 recalculating 409 fiscal period recalculating 409 fiscal year closing 433, 435, 436 closing for budgets 438 error messages on close reports 436 preparation for closing 435 recalculating 409 Forecast Report Structures Setup (P09523)

high-volume consolidations creating 295, 296 deleting prior consolidations 294 example 276 fictitious business units 295 overview 276, 293 reviewing 297, 299

implementation general accounting 4 implementation guides ordering xxxiv

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Importing budgets converting data to F0902Z1 table 230 income statements 359 generating consolidated income statements 367 Indexed Computations Compute & Print (R093021) 128 processing options 132 integration options 35 integrities 318 See Also reports error messages 384, 385, 387, 388, 390, 393, 396 out-of-balance conditions 386, 390 overview 373 reports 374, 376, 379, 382, 384, 386, 394, 395 Intercompany Accounts in Balance (R097011) 389, 390 processing options 389 invalid account numbers 87

revising unposted 93 selecting model 97 speed account entry for work orders 87 types of 85 voiding 104 voiding posted 105 voiding posted reversing 104, 105 Journal entries generating 84 Journal Entries Batch Processor (R09110Z) 108 processing options 109 Journal Entry Master Business Function (P0900049) 89 Journal Entry Revisions (P0911Z1) processing options 111 Journalize Consol. Balances (R10480) processing options 333 Journalize Consolidation Balances (R10480) 332

journal entries 108, 113 See Also batch processing; store-and-forward processing accepting invalid account numbers adding an attachment 91 basic 85 batch processing 107 changing posted to reversing 95 copying 94 copying models 97 creating models 96, 97 deleting unposted 94 duplicating account number segments 86 entering basic 90 entering percent 92 entering reversing 95 error messages 91 model 86, 96 overview 83 percent 85 post process 99 posting 99, 103 reversing 85, 95, 104 reviewing 98 reviewing reversing 95 revising posted 104, 105

ledger types setting up 20 setting up rules for 21 Load Bank Statement (R09612) processing options 186



Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation (P09631) 194 processing options 195 manual bank statements entering bank statement transactions 160 entering transactions 165 overview 157 processing bank statements 168 processing batch cash receipts 172 reconciliation reports 172 refreshing the reconciliation workfile 167 transaction codes 158 transit accounts 159 Manual Reconciliation (P09131) processing options 143 master business function 89 Match Tape File To Recon File (R09510) 154


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processing options 154 Monthly Spreadsheet (R10412A) 369 processing options 370 MSC Data Transmission (R10610) 324 processing options 325 multisite consolidations account structures 305 building account structures 306, 307 consolidation rules 310 consolidation statuses 322 control file reports 303 creating consolidated balances 314 defining account structures 305, 306 defining consolidation rules 311 defining elimination rules 313 defining structures 302 elimination rules 311 errors on reports 319 generating batch journal entries 333 generating multisite batch journal entries 332 ignored fields for F1001Z1 table 490 ignored fields for F1002Z1 table 492 mapping fields for inbound consolidations 487 mapping fields in the F1002Z1 table 490 mapping optional fields for F1001Z1 table 488 mapping optional fields for F1002Z1 table 491 multiple tiers 302 organization structures 304 overview 277 printing account structures 308 process 301 processing 315, 334 processing batch journal entries 335 processing inbound consolidations 330 purging 334, 335 purging inbound consolidations 331 reports 317, 318 required fields for F1001Z1 table 487 required fields for the F1002Z1 table 490 reviewing statuses 323 revising account structures 308, 309 revising inbound consolidations 330, 331

sending consolidated balances 324, 327, 328 source site 301, 302 target site 301, 302 transmission program 324, 325 uploading consolidations 329 multithreaded job queues 52 period accounting 271 cash basis accounting 266

notes xxxvii

object accounts global revisions 416, 418 Object/Subsidiary Value Control Exceptions Report (R107021) processing options 320 Online Budget Comparison (P09210A) 218 processing options 219 online consolidations adding report structures 282 building organization report structures 280 building report structures 281 consolidating business units 288 consolidating business units by category code 287 consolidating business units by report structure 287 copying report structures 283, 285 creating 286 creating additional business units 283, 284 defining report structures 280, 281 organization report structures 279 overview 275 rearranging report structures 283 reviewing 290 reviewing financial statements online 292 reviewing report structures 283 Online Consolidations (P09218) processing options 290 online inquiries Account Balance by Month (P0902P1) 339, 354

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Account Balance by Subledger (P092131) 354 Account Balances by Subledger (P092131) 339, 355 Account Inquiry by Category Code (P09202) 339, 348, 353 Account Inquiry by Object Account (P09201) 339, 348, 352 Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200) 339, 348, 351 overview 337 Statutory Account Inquiry (P09218A) 339 T/B / Ledger Comparison (P09210A) 339, 340 T/B by Company (P09216) 338, 343, 346 T/B by Object Account (P09214) 338, 345 T/B by Subledger (P09215) 338, 346 T/B Ledger Comparison (P09210A) 341 T/B/ Ledger Comparison (P09210A) 338 Trial Balance by Object Account (P09214) 343 trial balances 338 Organization Structure Definition (P0050B) 280 Organization Structure Inquiry/Revision (P0050) 283 Organization Structure Inquiry/Revisions (P0050) processing options 284

PC budget upload field mapping 231 mapping fields in F0902Z1 table 483 purging records 237 PeopleCode, typographical conventions xxxvi period end, See accounting period post general ledger 99 prerequisites xxxiii Print Reconciliation Report (R09132P) 142 printed documentation xxxiv Prior Period Balance Integrity (R10700)

processing options 319 Process Automatic Bank Statement (R09616) 190 Process Automatic Bank Statements (R09616) processing options 193 Process Batch Journal Entry (R09110Z) 334 Process Consolidations (R10550) 314 processing options 315 Process Inbound Consolidations Data (R1002Z1) 329 processing options 330 processing options 148, 274 52 Period Accounting Post (R098011) 272 Account Balance by Month (P0902P1) 354 Account Balance to Transactions (R09705) 391 Account Balance without Account Master (R097031) 395 Account Inquiry by Object Account (P09201) 351 Account Ledger Inquiry (P09200) 349 Account Structure Build (R10430) 307 Account Structure Report (R10445) 310 Account Totals by Supplier/Customer (R09451) 513 Accounts w/o Business Units (R097041) 394 Annual Close (R098201) 437 Apply Forecast to Budget (R1407) 250 Bank Journal Statement Process (R09170) 170 Bank Statement Entry (P09160) 161 Batch to Detail (R007031) 380 Batches Out of Balance (R007032) 383 BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison Report (R10701) 320 Budget Import Field Mapping (R14110M) 232 Budget Worksheet (R14113) 217 Business Unit Structure Build (R10450) 281 Calculate Fiscal Year and Period (R099103) 410 Cash Forecast Analysis (P09522) 257


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Cash Forecast Report Structures Setup (P09523) 64 Change Account Information (R09813) 422 Company by Batch Out of Balance (R09706) 385 Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10150) 321 Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10311A) 369 Consolidated Income Statement (R10250) 321 Consolidated Income-7 column (R103121A) 368 Consolidation Console (P10610) 328 Consolidation Review (P09210A) 297 Create Cash Basis Entries Program (R11C850) 266 Create Obj/Sub Control File (R10909) 304 Create UDC Control File (R10005) 304 Custom Reformat UBE (R09501) 153 Delete Account Master Records (R09814) 445 Delete Business Unit/Company (R09925) 446 Delete Prior Consolidations (R10861) 294 G/L Budget Checking Report (R14115) 223 General Journal Review (P0011) 98 General Ledger Post (R09801) 100 Generate Forecast Basis (R1403) 243 Generate Forecast Results (R1404) 246 Indexed Computations Compute & Print (R093021) 132 Intercompany Accounts in Balance (R097011) 389 Journal Entries Batch Processor (R09110Z) 109 Journal Entry Revisions (P0911Z1) 111 Journalize Consol. Balances (R10480) 333 Load Bank Statement (R09612) 186 Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation (P09631) 195 Manual Reconciliation (P09131) 143 Match Tape File To Recon File (R09510) 154 Monthly Spreadsheet (R10412A) 370

MSC Data Transmission (R10610) 325 Object/Subsidiary Value Control Exceptions Report (R107021) 320 Online Budget Comparison (P09210A) 219 Online Consolidations (P09218) 290 Organization Structure Inquiry/Revisions (P0050) 284 Prior Period Balance Integrity (R10700) 319 Process Automatic Bank Statements (R09616) 193 Process Consolidations (R10550) 315 Process Inbound Consolidations Data (R1002Z1) 330 Purge Automatic Bank Statement Tables (R09615) 200 Purge Cash Forecast Data (R09522B) 260 Purge Prior Year JEs (R09911) 443 Purge Staging Tables (R09610) 199 Recurring JE Compute & Print (R09302) 126 Refresh Cash Forecast Data (R00522) 255 Refresh Consolidation (R10862) 296 Refresh Reconciliation File (R09130) 141 Repost Account Ledger (R099102) 408 Requested by Account (P14103) 209 Requested by Business Unit (P14102) 209 Revise Automatic Bank Statement (P09616) 187 Simple Balance Sheet (R10111B) 362 Simple Income Statement (R10211B) 360 Spread Annual to Periods (R14801) 215 Statement of Cash Flows Report (R10521) 366 Store & Forward JE Batch Processor (R09110ZS) 117 Summarize Transactions (R09811) 441 T/B by Company (P09216) 345 T/B by Object Account (R09214) 344 T/B by Subledger (P09215) 345 Transactions by Subsidiary (R09424) 513

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Transactions to Batch Headers (R007021) 376 Transactions without Account Master (R097021) 397 Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison (P09210A) 340 UDC Value Control Exceptions (R107011) 319 Upload/Conversion (R14110) 235 Upload/Conversion Revisions (P0902Z1) 228 Variable Numerator Compute & Print (R093022) 137 Variance Analysis (R10212A) 371 Variance Analysis w/5 Months (R10411A) 372 purge prior-year account balances 444 prior-year records 442 Purge Automatic Bank Statement Tables (R09615) processing options 200 Purge Cash Forecast Data (R09522B) 259 processing options 260 Purge Prior Year Account Balances (R09912) 444 Purge Prior Year JEs (R09911) 442, 443 Purge Prior Year JEs (R09911) processing options 443 Purge Staging Tables (R09610) processing options 199

reconciliation, See bank account reconciliation, bank tape reconciliation, see debit and credit reconciliation reconciliation groups assigning groups to bank statement accounts 50 automatic bank statements 45 reconciliation rules assigning rules to groups 49 automatic bank statements 45 setting up 46 Recurring JE Compute & Print (R09302) 123 processing options 126 Refresh Cash Forecast Data (R00522) 253 processing options 255 Refresh Consolidation (R10862) 293, 295

processing options 296 Refresh Reconciliation File (R09130) 140, 154, 167 processing options 141 related documentation xxxiv reports Account Balance to Transactions (R09705) 375, 393 Account Balance w/o Account Master (R097031) 375 Account Balance without Account Master (R097031) 395 Account Structure (R10445) 309 Account Totals by Supplier/Customer (R09451) 513 Accounts without Business Units (R097041) 375, 394 Auto Bank Statement Processing (R09616) 192 Batch Out of Balance (R09706) 384 Batch to Detail (R007031) 375, 379 Batches Out of Balance (R007032) 375, 382 BU/Accounts Monthly Comparison (R10701) 318 Business Units/Accounts Monthly Comparison (R10701) 320 Cash Forecast Report (R095221) 256 category codes 498 Companies in Balance (R097001) 375, 386 Company by Batch Out of Balance (R09706) 375 Consolidated Balance Sheet (R10150) 318, 320 Consolidated Income Statement (R10250) 318, 321 Create Obj/Sub Control File (R10909) 303 Create UDC Control File (R10005) 303, 304 Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code (R09472) 516 G/L Budget Checking Report (R14115) 221 G/L by Category Code (R09470) 514 G/L by Object Account (R09421) 507 G/L with Subledger Totals (R09422) 509 general journal 497


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General Journal by Account (R09311) 503 general ledger 498 Intercompany Account Balance Integrity Report (R097011) 375 Intercompany Accounts in Balance (R097011) 389 Monthly Spreadsheet (R10412A) 369 Object/Subsidiary Value Control (R107021) 318, 320 Print Reconciliation Report (R09132P) 142 Prior Period Balance Integrity (R10700) 319 Simple Income Statement (R10211B) 359 Statement of Cash Flows Report (R10521) 363 Transaction Journal (R09321) 503 Transaction w/o Account Master (R097021) 375 Transactions by Object (R09423) 511 Transactions by Subsidiary (R09424) 513 Transactions to Batch Headers (R007021) 375 Transactions To Batch Headers (R007021) 376 Transactions without Account Master (R097021) 396 trial balance 498 Trial Balance by Object Account (R094121) 506 UDC Value Control (R107011) 319 UDC Value Control Exceptions (R107011) 318 Unposted Batches (R007011) 375, 382 Unposted Cash Basis Report (R09301) 269 Variance Analysis (R10212A) 371 Variance Analysis w/5 Months Actual (R10411A) 371 repost program 406, 408 when to repost 406 Repost Account Ledger (R099102) 406 processing options 408 Requested by Account (P14103) processing options 209 Requested by Business Unit (P14102)

processing options 209 Revise Automatic Bank Statement (P09616) processing options 187 Revise Electronic Bank Statement Staging (P09610) 182 Revise Forecast Basis (P1403) 241 Revise Inbound Consolidations Data (P1002Z1) 330

Simple Balance Sheet (R10111B) processing options 362 Simple Income Statement (R10211B) processing options 360 speed codes AAIs 29 example of 29 Spread Annual to Periods (R14801) processing options 215 Spreading annual amounts to periods during budget entry 213 spreadsheets overview of monthly 369 printing monthly spreadsheets 370 Statement of Cash Flows Report (R10521) 363 processing options 366 statements of cash flow, See cash flow statements statutory programs 338 Store & Forward JE Batch Processor (R09110ZS) processing options 117 store-and-forward processing adding journal entries 116 batch processor 116 creating journal entries 115 downloading master tables 113, 114 overview 113 purging processed journal entries 118 running the batch processor 117 updating transaction control records 118 uploading journal entries 116 subsidiaries global revisions 417, 418 suggestions, submitting xxxviii Summarize Transactions (R09811) 439, 441 processing options 441

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supplemental data setting up business unit system setup overview 13


T/B / Ledger Comparison (P09210A) 340 T/B by Company (P09216) 343 processing options 345 T/B by Object Account (R09214) processing options 344 T/B by Subledger (P09215) 343 processing options 345 Transaction Journal (R09321) 503 Transactions by Object (R09423) 511 Transactions by Subsidiary (R09424) 513 processing options 513 Transactions to Batch Headers (R007021) 399 processing options 376 Transactions without Account Master (R097021) 396 processing options 397 transit accounts 159 trial balance inquiries 338 reports 498 Trial Balance by Object Account (P09214) 343 Trial Balance by Object Account (R094121) 506 Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison (P09210A) processing options 340 trial balances online inquiries 338 reviewing balances by company 343, 346 reviewing balances by object account 343, 345 reviewing balances by subledger 346 reviewing ledger comparisons 340, 341 typographical conventions xxxvi

automatic bank statements 36 business unit category codes 18 cash flow activity codes 70 cash flow rules 71 cash type codes 57 document types 19 ledger types 20 normal balance codes 71 overview 18 reconciliation codes 19, 34 subledger types 19 transaction codes 19 unposted batches 382 Unposted Batches (R007011) 382 Unposted Cash Basis Report (R09301) 269 Update BU.Obj.Sub to Jrnl Ent (R09806) 418, 419 Update Category Codes F0101>F0006 (R098021) 424, 425 Update Model/Consolidated Field (R0006QD) 423 Upload/Conversion (R0902Z1) 228 Upload/Conversion (R14110) 234 processing options 235 Upload/Conversion Revisions (P0902Z1) 234 processing options 228

Variable Numerator Compute & Print (R093022) processing options 137 Variance Analysis (R10212A) 371 processing options 371 Variance Analysis w/5 Months (R10411A) processing options 372 Variance Analysis w/5 Months Actual (R10411A) 371 Vertex sales tax 31 visual cues xxxvii

UDC Value Control Exceptions (R107011) processing options 319 UDCs account category codes 19

warnings xxxvii work orders speed account entry 87


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