Cement Kiln Flue Gas Recovery Scrubber Project: A DOE Assessment
Cement Kiln Flue Gas Recovery Scrubber Project: A DOE Assessment
Cement Kiln Flue Gas Recovery Scrubber Project: A DOE Assessment
U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory P.O. Box 880, 3610 Collins Ferry Road Morgantown, WV 26507-0880 and P.O. Box 10940, 626 Cochrans Mill Road Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940
website: www.netl.doe.gov
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed therein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.
Executive Summary .........................................................................................................................5 I II Introduction..........................................................................................................................6 Project/Process Description .................................................................................................7 II.A II.B II.C Promise of the Technology ......................................................................................7 Project Description...................................................................................................7 Technology Description ...........................................................................................7 II.C.1 Cement Manufacture....................................................................................7 II.C.2 Passamaquoddy Technology Recovery Scrubber ..................................10 II.D III Project Objectives and Statement of Work............................................................12
Technical And Environmental Assessment .......................................................................14 III.A Technical Results ...................................................................................................14 III.A.1 Recovery Scrubber Operation ................................................................14 III.A.2 Fertilizer Production ..................................................................................16 III.B Environmental Performance ..................................................................................17 III.B.1 III.B.2 III.B.3 III.B.4 Air Emissions.............................................................................................17 Hazardous Air Pollutants ...........................................................................18 Pollution Prevention/Recycling .................................................................18 Regulatory Developments..........................................................................18
Market Analysis .................................................................................................................20 IV.A IV.B IV.C IV.D Market Size/Commercialization ............................................................................20 Capital Costs ..........................................................................................................21 Operating Costs......................................................................................................22 Economics..............................................................................................................22
Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Page Typical Coal Properties..................................................................................................8 Typical Operating Parameters......................................................................................15 Analyses of CKD Entering and Leaving the Scrubber.................................................15 Chemical Analysis of By-product Fertilizer ................................................................17 Sulfur Dioxide Removal Efficiency as a Function of Inlet Concentration ..................17 Chemistry of Biomass Ash ..........................................................................................20 Economics of Recovery ScrubberTM Process...............................................................23
Executive Summary
This document is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) post-project assessment (PPA) of the Cement Kiln Flue Gas Recovery Scrubber project, funded in Round II of the Clean Coal Technology (CCT) Program. In December 1989, the Participant, Passamaquoddy Technology, L.P. (Ptech), entered into an agreement to conduct this study with the host and co-sponsor, Dragon Products Company, at their cement plant in Thomaston, Maine. DOE provided 34 percent of the total project funding of $17.8 million. The demonstration was conducted between August 1991 and September 1993. The technology involves removing sulfur dioxide (SO2) from cement kiln flue gas, using available cement kiln dust (CKD) as the sorbent. No other reagents are required, and fertilizergrade potassium salts are recovered as a saleable by-product. The process offers energy efficiency by using flue-gas waste heat to evaporate slipstream water from the scrubber in order to recover fertilizer-grade potassium sulfate (K2SO4). The performance objectives of this project were the following: Remove SO2 from the flue gas at efficiencies of 90 to 95 percent, using CKD as the sole reagent. Recycle CKD to the kiln after its potassium content had been reduced in the scrubber. Use waste heat for evaporation to concentrate and crystallize the by-product K2SO4.
The demonstration project met or exceeded these goals. At design flue-gas flow rates, SO2 removal efficiencies ranged from 94 percent to over 98 percent. In addition, about 25 percent of the nitrogen oxides (NOX), 98 percent of the hydrogen chloride (HCL), and over 70 percent of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the flue gas were removed. Approximately 70 percent of the potassium in the CKD was removed in the scrubber. This allowed the treated CKD (which was previously landfilled) to be recycled to the kiln, thus eliminating a major solid-waste disposal problem. Although some problems were encountered with the evaporator/crystallizer system, by the end of the project it was concluded that fertilizer-grade K2SO4 could be recovered and that there was sufficient waste heat from the flue gas to accomplish the recovery. The process shows an acceptable payout period for cement manufacture, provided a tipping fee can be obtained for utilizing ash from other sources. There is great potential for use of this technology. In the United States and Puerto Rico combined, there are over 100 Portland Cement plants, operating more than 200 kilns with an average size of almost 400,000 tons/yr (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1999c). The scrubber is also potentially useful for a variety of other applications, such as the pulp and paper industry and waste-to-energy plants.
The goal of the U.S. Department of Energys (DOE) Clean Coal Technology (CCT) program is to furnish the energy marketplace with a number of advanced, more efficient, and environmentally responsive coal-utilization technologies through demonstration projects. These projects seek to establish the commercial feasibility of the most promising advanced coal technologies that have developed beyond the proof-of-concept stage. This document serves as a DOE post-project assessment (PPA) of the Cement Kiln Flue Gas Recovery Scrubber project in CCT Round II, as described in a Report to Congress (U.S. Department of Energy 1989). In December 1989, Passamaquoddy Technology, L.P. (Ptech), the Participant, entered into a cooperative agreement with DOE to conduct this project. DOE funded 34 percent of the total project cost of $17.8 million. The independent evaluation contained herein is based primarily on information from the Final Report (Passamaquoddy Technology, L.P. 1994), as well as other references cited. The Passamaquoddy Technology Recovery Scrubber (Recovery Scrubber) removes sulfur dioxide (SO2) from cement-kiln flue gas by reaction with alkaline solid wastes from the kiln. Disposal of these solids, known as cement-kiln dust (CKD), has been traditionally accomplished in a landfill. Under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA), regulations have been established for airborne emissions from the Portland Cement manufacturing industry. An expectation at the inception of this project was that CKD would be classified as a hazardous waste, thereby establishing a strong regulatory driver for the technology. The Recovery Scrubber provided a means of meeting federal and state air-quality requirements at the Passamaquoddy Cement Plant, using CKD as the SO2 sorbent. After potassium removal, the reaction product (treated CKD) is recycled to the kiln, thereby eliminating a solid-waste disposal problem. In addition, potassium salts recovered from the CKD are usable as fertilizer-grade potassium sulfate (K2SO4). The objectives of this project were the following: Remove SO2 from the flue gas at efficiencies of 90 to 95 percent, using CKD as the sole reagent. Recycle CKD to the kiln after its potassium content had been reduced in the scrubber. Use waste heat for evaporation to concentrate and crystallize the by-product K2SO4.
Project/Process Description
Calcining Zone
Drying Zone
Kiln Burner
Cement plants are divided into two major categories, wet process and dry process, with some variations of these types, such as the semidry process. In the dry process, raw materials are milled and fed, already dry, to the kiln. In wet-process plants, water is added to the ball or tube mill during grinding to produce a pumpable slurry of about 65-percent solids, which is fed to the kiln. In the semidry process, water is added to the dry raw mix in a pelletizer to form moist pellets. They are conveyed on a moving-grate preheater, where they are dried and partially calcined before being fed to the rotary kiln. The feed mixture, either dry or in the form of a dense aqueous slurry, is introduced into the elevated end of the kiln. Fuel for the process is combusted in a burner located at the opposite end. Fuel is typically coal or natural gas, but occasionally oil. Some kilns also fire other materials, such as solvents, waste tires, and hazardous wastes. Because of the high temperature in the kiln, fuel materials are essentially completely combusted, and any ash in these materials is incorporated into the clinker. However, kilns that burn hazardous wastes are classified as hazardous-waste burners by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and are subject to more stringent regulatory requirements. (See section III.B.4.) In 1999, about 30 out of the 210 cement kilns in the United States burned hazardous waste as fuel (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1999a). The combustion products pass upward through the kiln, heating the mineral feed. At the high operating temperature (about 3,000 F) in the kiln, some of the potassium and sodium in the feed vaporizes as oxides, which then condense as a fine dust in the cooler parts of the kiln and mix with other mineral dusts. The exhaust gases exit the kiln, carrying along some of this mineral dust (CKD). Because only limited quantities of potassium and sodium are acceptable in cement, the CKD cannot be recycled to the kiln nor incorporated into the final product. Current practice is to dispose of CKD by landfilling, frequently in an abandoned area of the limestone quarry associated with the cement plant. Annual production of CKD in 1993 in the United States was about 4.5 million tons (Abeln, et al. 1993). In 1995, the industry disposed of an estimated 3.3 million metric tons of CKD (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1999d). The EPA has established management standards for disposal of CKD, to be implemented at the state level. These standards require landfills to control releases of toxic metals to groundwater and to control releases of fugitive dust from the landfill and from the CKD handling and storage areas. When CKD is handled according to EPAs management standards, it is not classified as a hazardous waste. CKD is sometimes used as a soil amendment, and the standards identify concentration levels of various contaminants in the CKD used for this agricultural purpose. Flue gas from the kiln represents another environmental problem because it contains sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), all of which are subject to EPA regulations. The SO2 content of the flue gas is a function of the sulfur content in the fuel and the mineral raw materials, as well as the design and operating conditions of the cement kiln. When medium- or high-sulfur coal is used as the fuel, the SO2 content of the flue gas is likely to exceed air-quality-emission limitations. Where wetlimestone scrubbers are used to meet SO2 emissions regulations, disposal of the resulting sludge 9
poses another environmental problem. In addition, NOX formed as a result of the combustion process in the kiln must meet todays more stringent emissions limitations.
Scrubbed Kiln Gas Dust Hopper Scrubber (Reaction Tank) Vortex Mixer CKD
Storage Tank
Hot Water
Flash Drum
Settling Tank
Settling Tank
Air Blower
Figure 2. Passamaquoddy Technology Recovery Scrubber An advantage of using the potassium compounds in CKD to react with SO2 is that K2SO4 is soluble in the aqueous reaction medium, thus permitting its recovery by crystallization. Removal of the potassium from the CKD as a soluble salt minimizes or eliminates the problem of potassium buildup and permits recycling the solid reaction products to the kiln, thus eliminating a solid-waste-disposal problem. Other acid gases (HCl and carbon dioxide (CO2)) in the flue gas are also removed in the scrubber. HCl is removed by the following reactions: KOH + HCl ----> KCl + H2O Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl ----> CaCl2 + 2H2O Calcium, in the form of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), reacts with CO2 to precipitate calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which is recycled to the kiln along with the other solids. Ca(OH)2 + CO2 ----> CaCO3 + H2O (5) (3) (4)
The slurry leaving the scrubber flows to a storage tank from which it is recycled to the scrubber. A slipstream of the recycled slurry is sent to settling tanks, where it is separated into liquid and solid fractions. The solids (treated CKD) are recycled to the kiln, and the liquid fraction is sent to 11
the crystallizer. Hot quench water (resulting from cooling the flue gas) is flashed to produce subatmospheric-pressure 125 oF steam providing the heat required in the crystallizer. Slurry from the crystallizer is centrifuged to effect liquid/solids separation. The liquid is returned to the crystallizer, and the wet solids are sent to a dryer, where water is evaporated to recover dry alkali salts, consisting primarily of K2SO4. The potassium salt by-product is fertilizer-grade, suitable for sale. A vacuum pump maintains a vacuum on the crystallizer, and water vapor from the vessel is sent to a condenser. Steam from the crystallizer heat exchanger is also condensed. The recovered pure water is another by-product that can be disposed of easily or used in a variety of ways. Under scrubber operating conditions, some kiln-gas NOX is converted to nitric acid (HNO3): 2NO2 + 2 O2 + H2O ----> 2HNO3 (6)
Any HNO3 formed is neutralized in the scrubber. Resulting nitrate salts end up in the fertilizer: HNO3 + KOH ----> KNO3 + H2O 2HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 ----> Ca(NO3)2 + 2H2O During the projects last year of operation, NOX emissions decreased by 25 percent. To summarize, the Recovery Scrubber process involves three major inputs: kiln exhaust gas, CKD, and makeup water. The outputs are scrubbed exhaust gas, treated CKD (which is recycled to the cement kiln), fertilizer-grade K2SO4, and pure water. There are no waste products that require disposal. Although intended primarily as an SO2 scrubber, the Recovery Scrubber also serves to remove HCl and particulates, as well as part of the NOX and VOCs. (7) (8)
Thus, the goal of this project was to demonstrate the capabilities of the Recovery Scrubber to reduce gaseous and solid emissions from a coal-fired cement plant. The project was designed to confirm pilot-plant results and to develop scale-up procedures necessary for commercial application of the technology, as well as to resolve those technical issues that could not be adequately addressed in an engineering study or in pilot-scale tests. The Scope of Work states that: the Participant will design, engineer, construct, operate, and test its patented Recovery Scrubber. Major equipment and systems, other than the existing kiln facility and environmental controls, include a gas-slurry reaction tank, heat exchanger/crystallizer, waste dust and treated waste dust handling systems, mixing and settling tanks, and numerous pumps. The demonstration coal planned for testing is a high-sulfur (3.0 wt %) Pennsylvania coal. The predicted performance of the Recovery Scrubber is 0.2 lb of SO2/million Btu [SO2/MBtu], which will comply with State of Maine emissions permit limits of 0.41 lb of SO2/million Btu [SO2/MBtu]. The project was conducted in three phases. Phase I: Design, Engineering, and Permitting; Phase II: Construction and Startup; and Phase III: Operation, Data Collection, and Reporting. This PPA is concerned mainly with Phase III and deals only minimally with Phases I and II. The Statement of Work for Phase III required the Participant to prepare and implement a test plan, collect and analyze data, and report both operating and environmental results. Specifically, the Participant was to do the following: Complete tests to determine emissions during normal operating conditions and during startup and shutdown. Compile data on plant operation, maintenance, reliability, and environmental performance in accordance with the Test Plan. Provide necessary analysis of the collected data and correlation of relevant parameters to ensure meaningful use of all information. Monitor operating cost, operating income and savings for assessment of overall operating economics.
Because it involved only post-combustion treatment of the flue gas, scrubber operation had no adverse effect on cement kiln performance. Recycling the CKD sorbent from which the potassium had been leached produced no adverse effects on kiln operation. Table 3 shows that approximately two-thirds of the potassium was removed from the CKD in the scrubber, making the material leaving the scrubber suitable for recycle to the kiln. Table 3. Analyses of CKD Entering and Leaving the Scrubber
Component, wt% SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O SO3 CO2 Entering 14.1 2.3 1.4 44.1 3.3 3.3 0.3 5.6 25.6 Leaving 12.9 2.1 1.3 40.0 3.0 1.0 0.2 3.7 35.8
Operating parameters did not vary significantly from the values in Tables 2 and 3 during the test period. It was not possible, with one exception, to correlate cement kiln operating parameters, such as CKD composition or exhaust-gas rate, with scrubber performance. The one exception was SO2 concentration in the exhaust gas, which affected scrubber SO2 removal efficiency. (See section III.B.1.) After some initial problems were corrected, the Recovery Scrubber proved to be a reliable and efficient method for removing sulfur dioxide from cement-kiln exhaust gas and for treating CKD so that it could be recycled to the kiln. This eliminates a waste-disposal problem and reduces the requirement for raw materials by almost 10 percent. Through the lessons learned from this demonstration, a new unit could be designed to be more reliable by increasing corrosion resistance through additional use of fiberglass or alloys.
*Uncontrolled emissions were about 3.4 lb SO2/MBtu These data indicate that the target SO2 removal efficiency of 90 to 95 percent was met or exceeded at inlet SO2 flow rates above 100 lbs/hr, a rate typical of normal kiln operation. As noted in Table 5, the exit SO2 emissions remained fairly steady regardless of the inlet 17
concentration. This indicates that the gas leaving the scrubber reached equilibrium with the CKD slurry at all inlet SO2 concentrations. Some NOX reduction resulted from conversion of NOX to nitric acid, which was neutralized by reaction with potassium hydroxide to form potassium nitrate in the fertilizer by-product. (See section II.C.2.) NOX emissions were reduced by an average of 18.8 percent over the entire demonstration period. NOX removal increased to about 25 percent during the final months of operation. Particulates emissions were very low, in the range of 0.005 to 0.007 grains/standard cubic foot. This was about 10 percent of the emissions rate allowed under EPA regulations for cement kilns at the time the project was conducted.
The EPA also developed regulations, implemented at the state level, that provide management standards for CKD. CKD will be classified as a nonhazardous waste so long as the waste is managed according to the requirements. However, CKD becomes a regulated hazardous waste if significant violations of the management standards occur. Under the standards, CKD is to be managed in landfills designed to meet performance requirements that protect groundwater from toxic metals. A performance standard requiring facility owners and operators to take measures to prevent CKD releases from landfills, storage areas, or handling conveyances was also developed. EPA further initiated technology-based standards requiring compacting and periodic wetting of CKD in landfills; on-site handling of CKD in closed, covered vehicles; and keeping CKD in enclosed tanks, containers, and buildings prior to disposal or sale (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1999c). Untreated CKD has also been used as an agricultural soil amendment to raise the pH of acid soils to a level that is appropriate for crops. It is assumed to be applied only to soils that are acidic. However, there may be an incremental risk associated with the use of CKD as a soil amendment due to some of its constituents (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1999e). Therefore, EPA proposed concentration limits for arsenic, cadmium, lead, thallium, dioxins, and furans when CKD is used for beneficial agricultural purposes (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1999c). CKD waste-management regulations regarding use of CKD on soils were developed at the state level in response to EPAs proposal. A strong environmental benefit of the Passamaquoddy Project is that potassium sulfate, a product that can easily be used as a commercial fertilizer, can be readily made as a by-product of the technology and applied to both acidic and nonacidic agricultural soils. Cement kilns that burn hazardous waste are regulated under a separate EPA rule that covers hazardous waste generators. These kilns receive liquid hazardous wastes to burn as fuel to run their cement processes. EPAs Revised Technical Standards for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1999c) are based on the maximum achievable control technology (MACT) approach required by the CAAA. MACT reflects the maximum degree of hazardous air-pollution reduction that can be achieved, considering the availability, current use, and non-air environmental impacts of emissions of dioxins, furans, mercury, semivolatile metals (cadmium and lead), low-volatile metals (arsenic, beryllium, chromium, and antimony), particulate matter, acid gas emissions (hydrochloric acid and chlorine), hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide.
Market Analysis
Table 6. Chemistry of Biomass Ash Typical Biomass Ash Constituent SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 K2O Na2O Others Total Analysis, wt% 54.0 7.0 2.0 21.0 2.5 1.5 8.0 2.0 2.0 100.0
Export of the Recovery Scrubber technology presents another marketing opportunity, with about 100 cement plants operating in Canada and Mexico as well as about 500 plants in nonNorth American countries. However, to date, attempts to commercialize the Recovery Scrubber technology beyond the Dragon Products application have been unsuccessful. In the past, this lack of success was attributed, at least in part, to uncertainty regarding EPAs position on disposal of solid wastes from cement plants. Recent EPA regulations categorize CKD as nonhazardous, so it can be landfilled under certain conditions. Therefore, trying to meet hazardous waste-disposal regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act will not be a driving force in the application of this technology. The Recovery Scrubber technology performs a needed function in removing SO2 from kiln exhaust gas, and it achieves this goal in a cost-effective way by utilizing a waste product as the sorbent rather than requiring purchase of additional reagents. Another advantage of the Recovery Scrubber is the capability of reclaiming previously landfilled CKD. This provides additional benefits including: Savings on the cost of mining, crushing, and grinding kiln feed. Eliminating the cost of permitting and constructing new landfills. Making land previously used for CKD disposal available for other uses. Eliminating future environmental problems associated with landfilling. Extending the life of existing limestone quarries.
The scrubber used in this demonstration project has become a permanent part of the Dragon Products cement plant, where it continues to operate successfully. However, PTech is no longer in business, and efforts are underway to sell the Recovery Scrubber technology. PTech actively pursued marketing the Recovery Scrubber in cement plant applications, both in the United States and in other countries, without success. Other flue-gas-scrubbing applications were investigated, including pulp and paper manufacture and waste-to-energy plants. Another application of the Recovery Scrubber principle would involve reaction of acid gases with alkaline solids. In view of the many benefits resulting from use of the Recovery Scrubber, it is difficult to see why efforts to promote this technology have been unsuccessful.
IV.D Economics
An economic evaluation of the technology is given in Table 7. Because of the many benefits of the Recovery Scrubber, income comes from a combination of by-product sales and operatingcost savings, as follows: Income of $4,000,000/yr in tipping fees. PTech estimated that up to 200,000 tons/yr of waste materials from sources such as ash (from area pulp and paper mills) could be accommodated at the Dragon Products plant, which would receive a tipping fee estimated at $20/ton. However, it needs to be noted that adding any hazardous waste materials in a cement kiln can change its regulatory category to that of a hazardous waste incinerator, with different pollution emissions requirements. Income of $600,000/yr from sale of fertilizer-grade K2SO4 at $200/ton. Savings of $300,000/yr from use of recycled CKD, based on fresh kiln feed valued at $5/ton and a usage rate of about 60,000 tons/yr. Savings of $540,000/yr from avoided cost of landfilling 60,000 tons/yr of CKD at $9/ton. Savings of $110,000/yr from the use of previously landfilled CKD, based on use of about 37,000 tons/yr at a credit of $3/ton. Savings of $190,000/yr from use of high-sulfur coal (made possible by installation of the Recovery Scrubber) based on kiln fuel usage of 95,000 tons/yr and savings of $2/ton.
450,000 85 10.5 Tons/yr 200,000 3,000 60,000 60,000 37,000 96,800 $/ton 20 200 5 9 3 2 $/yr 4,000,000 600,000 300,000 540,000 111,000 194,000 5,745,000 315,000
Based on these values, total revenues and credits are $5,745,000/yr. Then, profit before income taxes is $4,230,000/yr, and profit after taxes is $2,623,000/yr, at an assumed tax rate of 38 percent. On this basis, the simple payout period after taxes on the $10.5 million investment is 3.2 years. This represents an acceptable level of profitability. Potential users of the technology would need to compare these economics with the cost of alternatives, such as continuing existing operations while paying increased costs for landfilling CKD (based on more recent EPA requirements), burning low-sulfur coal, etc. Another point to keep in mind when considering these economics is that many of the factors involved may vary considerably from one location to another. The major source of income in this analysis is tipping fees (nearly 70 percent of total revenues and credits), which may not be available to all plants. Also, the possibility of using reclaimed CKD and the cost differential between high- and low-sulfur coal will vary from site to site. If the tipping fee is removed, then the economics look much less favorable, with the payout period increasing to 12.5 years. 23
The Cement Kiln Flue Gas Recovery Scrubber Project was a technical success and demonstrated the following: CKD can be used successfully as the sole reagent for removing SO2 from cement kiln flue gas, with removal efficiencies of 90 percent or greater. Removal efficiencies for HCl and VOCs were approximately 98 percent and 70 percent, respectively. Particulate emissions were low, in the range of 0.005 to 0.007 grains/standard cubic foot. The treated CKD sorbent can be recycled to the kiln after its potassium content has been reduced in the scrubber, thereby avoiding the need for landfilling. The process can yield fertilizer-grade K2SO4, a saleable by-product. Waste heat in the flue gas can provide the energy required for evaporation and crystallization in the by-product recovery operation.
The demonstration program established the feasibility of using the Recovery Scrubber for desulfurization of flue gas from cement kilns, with generally favorable economics, assuming tipping fees are available for disposal of ash from biomass combustion. The process appears to be suitable for commercial use on any type of cement kiln. EPA has ruled that CKD is a nonhazardous waste, provided the facility meets Performance Standards for the Management of CKD (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1999d). Therefore, regulatory drivers for the technology focus more on reduction of air pollutants and pollution prevention, rather than on treating CKD as a hazardous waste. Application of the Recovery Scrubber concept to other waste-disposal operations, where pollution and waste reductions are needed, appears promising.
CaCO3 CO2 Ca(OH)2 CAAA CCT CKD DOE EPA HAPs HCl HNO3 KOH K2SO3 K2SO4 MACT NESHAPs NHW NOX O&M Ptech Recovery Scrubber PPA SO2 VOCs calcium carbonate carbon dioxide calcium hydroxide Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 Clean Coal Technology cement kiln dust Department of Energy Environmental Protection Agency hazardous air pollutants hydrogen chloride nitric acid potassium hydroxide potassium sulfite potassium sulfate maximum achievable control technology National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants nonhazardous waste nitrogen oxides operating and maintenance Passamaquoddy Technology, L.P. Passamaquoddy Technology Recovery Scrubber post-project assessment sulfur dioxide volatile organic compounds
Abeln, D.L., R.J. Hastings, R.J. Schreiber, and C. Yonley. 1993. Detailed Illustration of Contingent Management Practices for Cement Kiln Dust. In Research and Development Bulletin SP115T, p. 6. Skokie, IL: Portland Cement Association. Delta Engineering, Inc. 1991. Cost Analysis of Dragon Scrubber. Passamaquoddy Technology, L.P. 1994. Final Report, Passamaquoddy Technology Recovery Scrubber. U.S. Department of Energy. 1989. Comprehensive Report to Congress, Clean Coal Technology Program, Cement Kiln Flue Gas Recovery Scrubber.DOE/FE-0152. NTIS/DE90004462 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1999a. Fact Sheet: Final Air Toxics Rule for Portland Cement Manufacturing Plants. May. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1999b. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories: Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry.40 CFR, part 63, vol. 64, no. 113, 31898-31962. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1999c. Environmental Fact Sheet: Revised Technical Standards for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities, EPA/530-F-99-039. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1999d. Environmental Fact Sheet: Management Standards Proposed for Cement Kiln Dust Waste, EPA/530-F-99-023. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1999e. Standards for the Management of Cement Kiln Dust: Proposed Rule. Federal Register: vol. 64, no. 161. August 20.
Alsop, P.A. 1990. Treatment of Cement Kiln Dust and Exhaust Gas with the Passamaquoddy Technology Recovery Scrubber. Paper presented to the International Kiln Association, October 1990, Toronto, Ontario. Morrison, G.L. 1990. CKD and Flue Gas Scrubbing: The Demonstration at Dragon Products Company. Paper presented to the Portland Cement Association General Technical Committee. September 16 to18, Dallas, Texas. Morrison, G.L. 1990. Exhaust Gas Scrubbing and Waste Elimination, an Application of the Recovery Scrubber to a Cement Kiln. Paper presented at the 1990 EPRI/EPA SO2 Control Symposium, May 8 to 11, New Orleans, Louisanna. Morrison, G.L. 1991. Recovery Scrubber Operation and Industry-Utility Cooperation. Paper presented at the 1991 International Power Generation Conference, October 6 to10, San Diego, California. Morrison, G.L. 1992. Recovery Scrubber Installation and Operation. Paper presented at the First Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, September 1992, Cleveland, Ohio. Morrison, G.L. 1993. Industrial Pollution Control: 1993 Performance Update of the Recovery Scrubber. Paper presented at the Second Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, September 1993, Atlanta, Georgia. Morrison, G.L. 1994. Continuing U.S. Interest and Export of Recovery Scrubber Pollution Control Technology. Paper presented at the Third Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference, September 1994, Chicago, Illinois. Passamaquoddy Technology, L.P. 1989. Passamaquoddy Technology Recovery Scrubber Public Design Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1993. Report to Congress on Cement Kiln Dust. EPA/530-R-94-001.