• Before each use of the portable automotive lifting device • This device was designed for lifting purposes only. Do not
visually inspect for abnormal conditions, such as cracked attempt to work on a vehicle until jack stands rated equal to
welds, excessive wear, leaks, and damaged, loose, or missing or greater than the rated capacity of the jack are positioned
parts. If the visual inspection reveals any problems, remove to support the load. Long stroke bottle jack models 76402,
the device from service until repaired by a Norco Authorized 76402G, 76403, 76403G, 76403L, 76403LG, 76406G, 76420G
Service Center. Contact the Norco Customer Service Office for and 76603 shall not be used for lifting a vehicle.
the location of the nearest Norco Authorized Service Center. • Before lifting a vehicle, identify the recommended jack lifting
• A device which is believed to have been subjected to an points and jack stand support surfaces on the vehicle chassis
abnormal load or shock should be inspected by a Norco by referring to the vehicle’s service manual or by calling the
Authorized Service Center. vehicle manufacturer.
• Owners and/or operators must have the device annually • Do not exceed rated capacity. Lift only dead weight.
inspected by a Norco Authorized Service Center and have any • Use only on a hard level surface.
defective parts, decals, or safety labels replaced with Norco’s
• During lifting, inspect the position of the jack and its saddle in
specified parts.
relation to the vehicle and the ground to prevent any unstable
• Because of potential hazards associated with this type of conditions from developing. If conditions could become
device, do not make any alterations or modifications and do unstable, slowly lower the load to the ground and make the
not use any attachments and/or adapters unless supplied by or appropriate setup corrections.
approved by Norco.
1. Fit the two handle halves together. 30 and 50 ton capacity TO PURGE AIR FROM THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
models come with long one piece handles. a. Open the release valve by turning the handle in a
2. The 50 ton bottle jack is supplied with an air vent. Open the air counterclockwise direction two full turns.
vent before using by turning the knurled valve cap two full turns in b. Pump the handle ten full strokes.
the counterclockwise direction.
c. Close the release valve by turning the handle in a clockwise
3. Sometimes air gets trapped in the hydraulic system during direction until tight.
shipment. An air bound hydraulic system feels spongy when
d. Pump the jack until the ram is extended to maximum height.
pumped and may not allow the jack to pump full incremental
strokes. e. If the condition remains, repeat steps “a” through “d” until all
the air is purged from the system.
1. Become familiar with the identification and function of the required ram travel to raise the vehicle to the desired height. If the
operating jack components. desired vehicle height exceeds the entire ram travel, unscrew the
a. The one or two-piece handle serves two purposes. One end extension screw to make up the difference.
of the handle fits over the release valve to turn it in either 5. Pump the jack up until the saddle comes close to the lift point.
direction. The handle can be removed from the release Make sure the lift point is flat, parallel to the ground and free from
valve and inserted in the handle receiver which is located on grease, any kind of lubricant, or debris. Continue pumping the
top of and connected to the pump piston. Once installed, the jack to lift the vehicle to the desired height. During lifting, inspect
pump piston can be pumped by moving the handle in an up the position of the jack in relation to the ground and the saddle
and down motion. in relation to the load to prevent any unstable conditions from
b. The release valve is the shaft that sticks out from the pump developing. If conditions look like they are becoming unstable,
housing at the base of the jack. Using the handle to turn slowly lower the load and make appropriate setup corrections after
the release valve all the way in a clockwise direction until the load is fully lowered.
it stops (closed position) prepares the jack for pumping or 6. When the vehicle or load is lifted to its desired height,
lifting the load. Using the handle to turn the release valve immediately place jack stands in their designated locations and
in a counterclockwise direction (open position) very slowly adjust the stands’ support columns up as close to the designated
and carefully lowers the load. It is not necessary to open the vehicle support points as possible. Although jack stands are
valve more than two full turns. individually rated, they are to be used in a matched pair to support
c. The ram is the shaft that comes out of the top of the jack the vehicle. Slowly and carefully open the release valve of the jack
with every pump stroke and lifts the load. in order to gently lower the vehicle onto the jack stands. Make sure
the vehicle is safely supported by the jack stands’ saddles and not
d. The saddle is the round pad located on top of the ram which
the locating lugs of the saddles. Inspect the relationship of the jack
comes in contact with the load to be lifted.
stands with the ground and the jack stand columns and saddles
e. The extension screw is part of the saddle which can be with the vehicle to prevent any unstable conditions. If conditions
unscrewed to extend the ram if there is not enough hydraulic look unstable, close the jack’s release valve and pump the jack to
stroke to raise the load to the desired height. raise the vehicle off the jack stands. Make the appropriate setup
2. Long stroke bottle jacks do not include saddles and changes and slowly and carefully lower the vehicle onto the jack
extension screws and therefore are not designed to lift a stand saddles.
vehicle. 7. After the work is done, close the release valve and pump the
3. Do not lift more than one wheel of a vehicle at a time. Activate the jack high enough to remove the vehicle or load from the jack stand
hazard warning flasher, turn off ignition, move automatic selector saddles. Be sure the load is stable, if it is not, lower the load back
to park position or reverse gear if it is a manual transmission and onto the jack stands. Make appropriate setup corrections and
set parking brake. The wheel diagonally opposite from the wheel repeat the step again. Remove the jack stands from under the
being lifted shall be chocked in both directions. Consult the vehicle vehicle being very careful not to move the vehicle.
manufacturer for the tire changing procedure and lift points. 8. Open the jack’s release valve very slowly and carefully to lower
4. Position the jack at the appropriate lift point. Estimate the the vehicle or load to the ground.
1. Always store the jack in a well protected area where it will not free environment by qualified hydraulic repair personnel who are
be exposed to inclement weather, corrosive vapors, abrasive dust, familiar with this equipment. Norco Authorized Service Centers are
or any other harmful elements. The jack must be cleaned of water, recommended. IMPORTANT: In order to prevent seal damage
snow, sand, or grit before using. and jack failure, never use alcohol, hydraulic brake fluid, or
2. The jack must be lubricated periodically in order to prevent transmission oil in the jack.
premature wearing of parts. A general purpose grease must be 4. Every jack owner is responsible for keeping the jack label clean
applied to the threads on the extension screw but not the saddle. and readable. Use a mild soap solution to wash external surfaces
A general purpose grease must be applied to the three rivets that of the jack but not any moving hydraulic components.
are part of the handle receiver and pump assembly. 5. Do not attempt to make any hydraulic repairs unless you
3. It should not be necessary to refill or top off the reservoir with are a qualified hydraulic repair person that is familiar with this
hydraulic fluid unless there is an external leak. An external leak equipment.
requires immediate repair which must be performed in a dirt-
If your Norco product requires service or repair, contact the Norco It will be necessary to provide the Norco Authorized Service Center
Customer Service Department for the location of the nearest Norco with a copy of the bill of sale if requesting warranty repair. If the
Authorized Service Center. authorized service center determines your product is eligible for
Norco Industries, Inc. warranty repair, the repair will be made at no charge and returned
365 West Victoria St. freight prepaid. The cost of non-warrantable service, repair, and
Compton, CA 90220 return freight is the customer’s responsibility.
(310) 639-4000 • Fax: (310) 639-7411
Bottle Jack