Bca 2nd Sem Final Syllabus
Bca 2nd Sem Final Syllabus
Bca 2nd Sem Final Syllabus
Course Objectives:
To acquire the basic knowledge of digital logic levels and application to understand digital electronics circuits. This
course also prepares students to perform the analysis and design of various digital electronic circuits, design and
analyze sequential and combinational logic circuits.
Course Outcomes:
Unit – I
Digital Systems and Binary Numbers: Digital Systems: Digital Signals, Digital Waveforms, Digital Computers and
Digital Integrated Circuits. Number Systems: Binary Number Systems, Octal and Hexadecimal Number System.
Number Base Conversions. Complements, Signed Binary Numbers and Binary Codes, Error Detection and Correction
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates: Boolean Algebra: Axiomatic Definition, Theorems and Properties. Boolean
Functions, Canonical Standard forms: SOP and POS forms. Digital Logic Gates: NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND,
XOR and XNOR. Universal Gates and their implementation
Unit – II
Gate Level Minimization: Karnaugh Map (K-map) Method: Simplification: Algebra postulates and Canonical forms.
Prime Implicants: Types, Determination and Selection of Prime implicants.
Unit – IV
Sequential Circuits: Characteristics of Sequential Circuits, Latches, Flip-Flops: Introduction, S-R Flip flop, J-K Flip
Flop, D Flip flop, T Flip flop and Master Slave Flip flop.
Registers: Shift Registers, Applications of Registers. Counters: Asynchronous & Synchronous Counters. Modulo-N
Counters and Up-Down Counters.
Suggested Readings:
1. Mano, M.M. : Digital Logic and Computer Design, Prentice- Hall of India.
2. Gill, Nasib Singh and Dixit J.B.: Digital Design and Computer Organisation, University Science Press
(Laxmi Publications), New Delhi.
3. Stallings, William: Computer Organisation & Architecture.
4. Mano, M.M. : Digital Design, Prentice-Hall of India.
5. Anand Kumar : Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, PHI.
6. Tokheim : Digital Electronics, TMH.
7. S. Rangnekar: Digital Electronics, ISTE/ EXCEL
8. Any other book covering the contents of the subject.
Note: Latest and additional good books may be suggested and added from time to time.
Note: The examiner has to set nine questions in all by setting two questions from each Unit and Question No. 1
consisting of 5 parts (short-answer type questions) covering the entire syllabus. Student will be required to
attempt five questions in all by selecting one question from each Unit and Question No. 1, which is
Course Objectives:
The course aims to empower students with a comprehensive skill set in data and file structures, fostering both
theoretical understanding and practical application, preparing them for analyzing and applying algorithms,
design and apply efficient algorithms using data structures, understand the significance of efficient data and file
organization, develop coding proficiency in data structure applications.
Course Outcomes:
Unit – I
Introduction: Elementary data organization, Data Structure definition, Data type vs. data structure, Categories
of data structures, Data structure operations, Applications of data structures.
Arrays: Introduction, Linear arrays, Representation of linear array in memory, address calculations, Traversal,
Insertions, Deletion in an array, Multidimensional arrays, Parallel arrays, Sparse arrays.
Searching: Introduction, Sequential search, Binary search, Prerequisite for binary search, Comparison in terms
of efficiency.
Unit – II
Sorting: Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort, Quick sort, Merge sort, Comparison in terms of their
Stack: Introduction, Array and linked representation of stacks, Operations on stacks, Applications of stacks:
Polish notation, Recursion.
Queues: Introduction, Array and linked representation of queues, Operations on queues, Deques, Priority
Queues, Applications of queues.
Unit – III
Linked List: Introduction, Representation of linked lists in memory, Traversal, Insertion, Deletion, Searching
in a linked list, Header linked list, Circular linked list, Two-way linked list, Threaded lists, Garbage collection,
Applications of linked lists.
Tree: Introduction, Definition, Representing Binary tree in memory, Traversing binary trees, Traversal
algorithms using stacks.
Graph: Introduction, Graph Theory terminology, Sequential and Linked representation of Graphs.
Unit – IV
Introduction to file structures: Concept of a file, types of files, File operations - open, read, write, close.
External storage devices, Concepts of record, file, database and database system.
File Organization: Sequential file organisation – structures and processing, Record structures and access
methods. Indexed sequential file organisation – structures and processing, Indexing techniques, B-trees and
hashing for indexed files. Direct file organisation. Hashed File Organization - Hash function implementation.
Suggested Readings:
Note: Latest and additional good books may be suggested and added from time to time.
List of Programs
1. Write a C program to demonstrate basic data structure operations such as creating, inserting,
deleting, and displaying elements in an array.
2. Write a C program to insert and delete an element at a specified position in a linear array.
3. Write a C program to implement and demonstrate a sequential search on an array.
4. Write a C program to implement and demonstrate a binary search on a sorted array.
5. Write a C program to implement and demonstrate the Bubble sort algorithm.
6. Write a C program to implement and demonstrate the Selection sort algorithm.
7. Write a C program to implement and demonstrate the Insertion sort algorithm.
8. Write a C program to implement and demonstrate the Quick sort algorithm.
9. Write a C program to implement and demonstrate the Merge sort algorithm.
10. Write a C program to implement a stack using an array and perform basic stack operations: push,
pop, and display.
11. Write a C program to implement a queue using an array and perform basic queue operations:
enqueue, dequeue, and display.
12. Write a C program to implement a singly linked list and perform insertion, deletion, and traversal
13. Write a C program to implement a binary tree and perform in-order, pre-order, and post-order
traversal using recursion.
14. Write a C program to implement a binary search tree (BST) and perform insertion, deletion, and
search operations.
15. Write a C program to represent a graph using an adjacency matrix and perform a depth-first search
16. Write a C program to represent a graph using an adjacency list and perform a breadth-first search
17. Write a C program to demonstrate basic file operations: open, read, write, and close.
Semester: II
Session: 2024-25
Name of the Program ----- Program Code -----
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to acquire knowledge and Skills for creation of Web Sites. Also to acquire the
knowledge regarding creation of Web applications using tools and techniques used in industry and how to design a
basic web site using HTML & CSS to demonstrate responsive web design.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course the students will be able to:
XML: Introduction, Syntax, Document structure, Document Type definitions, Namespaces,
XML Schemas: Displaying raw XML documents, Displaying XML documents with CSS, XSLT style sheets, XML
Processors, Web services.
ECMA Script: ECMA Script versions, ES5 Features, ES6 introduction, Var Declarations and Hoisting, let
declaration, Constant declaration, function with default parameter values, default parameter expressions, unnamed
parameters, the spread operator, arrow functions, object destructuring, array destructuring, sets and maps, Array.
find(), Array,findIndex(), template strings, Javascript classes, callbacks, promises, async/await.
AJAX: Introduction, Need for AJAX, Working of AJAX, Handling Ajax request and response, data formats: XML,
JSON, Working with JSON data, Loading HTML with Ajax, Loading XML with Ajax, Loading JSON with Ajax.
JQuery: Introduction, A basic JQuery example, Need of JQuery, finding elements, JQuery selection, getting
element content, updating elements, changing content, inserting elements, adding new content, getting and setting
attributes, getting and setting CSS properties, using each(), events, event object, effects, animating CSS properties,
using animation, traversing the DOM, working with forms, JavaScript libraries, JQuery and Ajax.
Web Servers: Introduction, HTTP Transactions, Multitier Application Architecture, Client SideScripting versus
Server-Side Scripting, Accessing Web Servers.
Server Side Scripting with Node.js: Getting to know node, node.js changed JavaScript forever, features of node,
when to use and not use node, asynchronous callbacks, the NoSql movement, node and MongoDB in the wild, Hello
World in Node, package.json, modules, Built-in Modules: FS Module, HTTP Module, Events; Node Package
Manager(npm), web server using http, node.js with express, middleware, routing in express, CRUD operations in
express, web server using express, making it live on Heroku
Node.js with MongoDB: Basics of MongoDB, MongoDB CRUD Operations, Building a datamodel with
MongoDB and Mongoose, Defining simple mongoose schemas, build node express app with MongoDB.
Introduction to PHP: Basic Knowledge of websites ; Introduction of Dynamic Website ; Introduction to PHP ;
Why and Scope of PHP ; XAMPP and WAMP Installation PHP Functions ; PHP Functions
Creating an Array ; Modifying Array Elements ; Processing Arrays with Loops ; Grouping Form Selections with
Arrays ; Using Array Functions ; Using Predefined PHP Functions ; Creating User- Defined Functions PHP
Programming Basics ; Syntax of PHP ; Embedding PHP in HTML ; Embedding HTML in PHP ; Introduction to
PHP Variable ; Understanding Data Types ; Using Operators ; Using Conditional Statements ; If(), else if() and else
if condition Statement ; Switch() Statements ; Using the while() Loop ; Using the for() Loop.
Suggested Readings:
1. Bing Liu, Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data, Second Edition, Springer.
2. Ramesh Sharda, DursunDelen, Efraim Turban, Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision
Support, Pearson Education.
3. Reza Zafarani, Mohammad Ali Abbasi, and Huan Liu, Social Media Mining: An Introduction, Cambridge
University Press.
4. Bing Liu, Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.
5. Nitin Indurkhya, Fred J. Damerau, Handbook of Natural Language Processing, Second Edition, CRC Press.
6. Matthew A. Russell, Mining the Social Web, Second Edition, O'Reilly Media.
7. Thomas A. Powell, Web Design: The Complete Reference, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.
8. Deitel and Goldberg, Internet and World Wide Web: How to Program, PHI.
9. Any other book covering the contents of the subject.
Note: Latest and additional good books may be suggested and added from time to time.
The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit
and one compulsory question consisting of short answer from all
units.The candidate has to attempt one question each from each unit
along the compulsory question (5 X7- 35 marks)
Course Objectives%
1- fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks fgUnh Hkk"kk ds egÙo ,oa xq.koÙkk ls lqfoK djokdj fgUnh dh vksj
mUeq[k djukA
2- fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks fgUnh&Hkk"kk dh oSKkfudrk ds fo"k; esa crykdj blds xkSjo ls
lqifjfpr djokukA
3- fgUnh Hkk"kk ds ek/;e ls uo;qod&uo;qofr;ksa dks jk"Vªh;rk ds iquhr Hkkoksa dh vksj
mUeq[k djukA
Course Outcomes
1- 'kq) fgUnh ds ç;ksx esa vfHko`f) gksxhA
2- O;olk; ,oa jkstxkj dh miyC/krk okys lHkh {ks=ksa esa fgUnh Hkk"kk esa fu".kkr ;qokvksa
dh çfrHkkfxrk esa vfHko`f) gksxhA
3- vUrjjk"Vªh; Lrj ij fgUnh&Hkk"kk ds opZLo dh LFkkiuk gksxh vkSj fgUnh&Hkk"kh dks
ns'k vkSj fons'k esa leqfpr lEeku feysxkA
fyfi dk ekudhdj.k] ekud o.kZekyk] nsoukxjh vad ekyk] vuqLokj vkSj folxZ]
vuqukfld] orZuh dh 'kq)rk ds fy, /;ku nsus ;ksX; ckrs]a orZuh laca/kh v'kqf);ksa ds
dkj.k] orZuh laca/kh v'kqf);ksa dks nwj djus ds mik;
Name of the Department/Centre/Institute: - Biochemistry
Name of the Minor Course: Multidisciplinary
Offered in semester: 2
Name of Program Not to be filled Program Code Not be filled
Name of the Course Nutrients and Human Health Course Code 24BCHX02MD01
Hours per Week 03 Credits 03
Maximum Marks 75 {External term-end Time of 3 Hours
exam – 50}(Internal – 25) Examinations
Note: Question 1 will be compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus in the form of short
questions. Que. 2 to 9 will include two questions from each unit and the candidate will have to
attempt one question from each unit. Overall, five questions to be attempted. All questions to carry
equal marks.
Course Objectives:
1. To study the biological importance of Vitamins.
2. To impart basic knowledge about the nutritional requirements of the human body.
3. To impart basic knowledge role of minerals in health.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be enriched in basic concepts of vitamins.
2. Students will be enriched with the role of vitamins in human physiology.
3. Students will learnaboutthe source of energyfor human health.
Basic concepts: Concept of balanced diet and energy content of foods; basal metabolic rate
(BMR): determination and factors affecting BMR, specific dynamic action (SDA) and factors
affecting it; Thermogenic effects of foods; Antinutrients (Antiproteins, antivitamins, and anti-
Carbohydrates: Dietary requirements and sources of available and unavailable carbohydrates.
Proteins:Biological value of protein (B.V), protein efficiency ratio (PER), Essential amino acids,
and concept of protein quality.
Lipids:Sources, classification and functions; essential fatty acids and their physiological function.
Electrolytes and pH balance: Electrolyte concentrations of body fluids, production of acids and
bases in the body; regulation of blood pH by blood buffers; respiratory and renal mechanisms of
pH regulation.
Vitamins: Dietary sources, biochemical functions, and specific deficiency diseases associated with
fat and water-soluble vitamins.
Minerals: Nutritional significance of dietary calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, zinc
and copper.
Suggested Readings for Nutrients and Human Health:
1. Textbook of Medical Biochemistry 2012 By MN Chatterjea and Rana Shinde, Jaypee Brothers.
2. Essentials of Food and Nutrition Vol I & II, 2010 By M. Swaminathan. Bangalore Printing and
Publishing Co. Ltd.
3. Modern Nutrition in Health and Diseases, By Maurice E Shils and Vernon Robert Young, 7th
Ed., Pub: Lea &Febiger.
4. Handbook of Nutrition and Food 2013 By Carolyn Berdanier, Johanna Dwyer and Elaine
Feldman, CRC Press.