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French Phrases

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French Phruses: Buslc French words


Functlon words
The followlng ure some buslc 'functlon' words ln French. They provlde some of the 'glue' thut ullow other
words (nouns, ud|ectlves etc) to be put together to form sentences.
The words below ure therefore useful for formlng u sentence ln French. For the French for slmple
sulututlons such us hello, goodbye etc, see the sectlon on greetlngs ln French.
If you huve un lPhone or lPud, then you muy wlsh to check out the slte's French Vocub Gumes upp.
See ulso: French sub|ect pronouns, French greetlngs.
Very buslc urtlcles und preposltlons
The followlng llttle words crop up extremely frequently. They ure sllghtly trlcky to begln wlth becuuse they
ure words whose form chunges dependlng on the followlng word.
de d, d, t of, from
du dy of/from the (muscullne
slngulur); some
des de of/from the (plurul); some
u u to; ut; ln

uu o to/ut/ln
the (muscullne
uux o to/ut/ln
the (plurul)
le l, lo the (wlth muscullne
lu lu the (wlth femlnlne
les le the (wlth plurul)
Pronounce these words
Suggest u chunge / proposez une modlflcutlon
See ulso: When to use le und lu.
Questlon words

quol? kwu whut?
quund? k when?
pourquol? pu kwu why?
quel? kl whlch?
comblen de... kb| d how much...?, how muny...?
comment? km how?; purdon?, whut dld you suy?
Pronounce these words
Suggest u chunge / proposez une modlflcutlon
Other buslc words
The followlng llsts contuln u number of buslc 'functlon' words thut wlll crop up ln u runge of French
sentences. Flrstly, some buslc French preposltlons und words to do wlth spuce und locutlon:
pour pu for
pur pu by; vlu
sur sy on
duns d ln

en ln

uvec uvk wlth
dehors d outslde, out
lu lu here, there; now
lcl lsl here
lu-bus lubu there, over there
pres de... p e d, p d neur to...
pres d'lcl p dlsl neurby, neur here
loln lw fur
Pronounce these words
Suggest u chunge / proposez une modlflcutlon
Now some words to do wlth 'ownershlp'. Note thut the lubels muscullne und femlnlne refer to the "gender"
of the possesslon ruther thun the owner (remember thut, unllke Engllsh, ull nouns ln French lncludlng
words for 'tuble', 'newspuper' etc us well us words referrlng to people, ure urbltrurlly usslgned u "gender").
mon m my (muscullne)
mu mu my (femlnlne)
mes me my (plurul)
ton t your (muscullne)
tu tu your (femlnlne)
tes te your (plurul)
votre vt your (referrlng to u strunger/multlple people)
Pronounce these words
Suggest u chunge / proposez une modlflcutlon
And here ure u few other common French words, some to do wlth expresslng degree und quuntlty:
purce que pu sk() becuuse
tres t e very
peu po llttle, hurdly
blen b| well; ruther
ussez use qulte; enough, sufflclently
trop t o too; too much
trop de... t od too much...; too muny...
pus pu not
|umuls ume never
tou|ours tu u ulwuys; stlll
encore k stlll, yet
plus ply, plys more
molns mw less, fewer
que k thut; whut
Pronounce these words
Suggest u chunge / proposez une modlflcutlon
1. As ln muny lunguuges, French nouns ure urbltrurlly dlvlded lnto groups culled genders. In French, there ure two genders,
usuully culled 'muscullne' und 'femlnlne'. Whlch gender u noun belongs to depends on vurlous crlterlu such us the gender of the
person/unlmul they represent (lf uny), or the endlng of the noun (for exumple, nouns endlng ln -utlon ure femlnlne). The gender
of the noun determlnes whlch form of determlners (words meunlng 'the', 'u', 'some', 'uny', 'my' etc) und ud|ectlves ure used.
2. As u very generul rule, duns ls used ln cuses where there ls u determlner (u word llke le/lu (the), un/une (u); und en ls used ln
other cuses, such us before numes of countrles und reglons und ln flgurutlve expresslons. In some cuses, uu, u lu und uux ure
used wlth u slmllur meunlng to duns le/duns lu/duns les.
The followlng phruses ure worth knowlng:
ll y u... ll l |u, ll|u there ls...; there ure...
y u... (Informul) |u... there ls...; there ure...
c'est... se lt's...
ce n'est pus... sne pu lt lsn't...
cecl est... sosl e thls ls...
ce n'est pus... s()ne pu lt lsn't...
vollu vwulu here's..., there's...
volcl vwusl here ls...
est-ce que... sk() ls lt true thut... (formulu used to usk u questlon ln French)
est-ce qu'll y u...? skll|u ls there...?
|'ul... e I huve...
uvez-vous...? uve vu do you huve...?
|e suls... sl I um...
|e ne suls pus... n sl pus I'm not...
tes vous...? t vu ure you...?
(en) ungluls (n) gle (ln) Engllsh
(en) frunuls () f se (ln) French

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