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Physics Wave

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Oscillations and Waves

Luis Anchordoqui

Simple harmonic motion

If an object vibrates or oscillates back and forth over the same path, each cycle taking the same amount of time, the motion is called periodic The mass and spring system is useful model for a periodic system

Luis Anchordoqui

Simple harmonic motion (contd)

If an object vibrates or oscillates back and forth over the same path, each cycle taking the same amount of time, the motion is called periodic

The mass and spring system is useful model for a periodic system

Luis Anchordoqui

Simple harmonic motion (contd)

We assume that the surface is frictionless.
There is a point where the spring is neither streched nor compressed

The equilibrium position

We meassure displacement from that point ( x = 0 on the previous figure)

The force exerted by the spring depends on the displacement

F = - kx
Luis Anchordoqui

Simple harmonic motion (contd)

The minus sign on the force indicates that it is a restoring force

it is directed to restore the mass to its equilibrium position

k is the spring constant The force is not constant, so the acceleration is not constant either
Luis Anchordoqui

Simple harmonic motion (contd)

Displacement is measured from the equilibrium point

Amplitude is the maximum displacement

A cycle is a full to-and-fro motion. This figure shows half a cycle

Period is the time required to complete one cycle

Frequency is the number of cycles completed per second

Luis Anchordoqui

Simple harmonic motion (contd)

Any vibrating system where the restoring force is proportional to the negative of the displacement is in simple harmonic motion (SHM) and is often called a simple harmonic oscillator

We know that the potential energy of a spring is given by

PE = kx
The total mechanical energy is then:

E = mv + kx
The total mechanical energy will be conserved, as we are assuming the system is frictionless
Luis Anchordoqui

Energy in the simple harmonic oscillator

If the mass is at the the energy is limits of its motion, all potential

If the mass is at the equilibrium point, the enrgy is all kinetic

We know what the potential energy is at the turning points

E = k A
Luis Anchordoqui

The period and sinusoidal nature of SHM

The figure shows how we can experimentally obtain x versus t for a mass on a spring A marking pen is attached to a mass on a spring and the paper is pulled to the left. As the paper moves with constant speed the pen traces out the displacement x as a function of time. The general equation for such curve is

x = A cos ( t + )
2 f
Phase constant
Luis Anchordoqui

Sinusoidal Nature of SHM

Consider an object on a spring on a frictionless surface Equilibrium

F = -kx x
Using Newtons second law

m dx = -kx dt
The general solution is

x = A cos (t + )

Luis Anchordoqui

Sinusoidal Nature of SHM (contd)

The velocity and acceleration can be calculated as function of time
Displacement x

v = -v max sin t v max = A (k/m)

Velocity v

a = -a max cos (2t/T) a


= k A/m
Luis Anchordoqui

Acceleration a

a) Estimate the value of the spring stifness constant k for the web. (b) At what frequency would you expect the web to vibrate if an insect mass 0.1 g were trapped in addition to the spider?

A spider of mass 0.3 g waits in its web of negligible mass. A slight movement causes the web to vibrate with a frequency of about 15 Hz.

Spider Web

k = 2.7 N/m f= 13 Hz
Luis Anchordoqui

Oscillating systems: object on a vertical spring

Fy = -ky + mg
Changing variables y = y y 0

Fy = -k(y + y ) + mg

But ky0 = mg

Fy = -ky

From Newtons second law -ky = m dy dt dy = dy y = y + y 0 dt dt

dy dt

= - y

The solution is

k m

y = A cos (t + )
Luis Anchordoqui

= (k/m)

You are teaching your sister how to make paper party decorations using paper springs. She makes a paper string. The spring is stretched 8 cm and has a single sheet of colored paper suspended from it. You want decorations to bounce at approximately 1 cy/s. How many sheets of colored papers should be used for the decoration on that spring?

Three sheets are needed

Luis Anchordoqui

Oscillating systems: the simple pendulum

-mg sin = m ds Where the arc length s = L dt
Repeatedly differentiating on both sides of s gives

ds = L d dt dt Substituting and re-arranging gives g d = - sin dt L

Note that the motion of the pendulum does not depend on its mass For small sin

g d - L dt

General solution for small oscillation


g = and T = 2 = 2 (L/g) L

= 0 cos (t + )
Luis Anchordoqui

The simple pendulum

As long as the cord can be considered massless and te amplitude is small, the period does not depend on the mass

Luis Anchordoqui

Sin at small angles

(degrees) 0 1 5 10 15 20 30 (radians) 0 0.01745 0.08727 0.17453 0.26180 0.34907 0.52360 sin 0 0.01745 0.08716 0.17365 0.25882 0.34202 0.50000 % Difference 0 0.005% 0.1% 0.5% 1.1% 2.0% 4.7%

Luis Anchordoqui

The pendulum in an old clock is made perfect time at 17 How much time is gained or lost in an kept at 25 C?

of brass and keeps C. year if the clock is

T = 40 min

(Assume the frequency dependence on length for a simple pendulum applies.)

Luis Anchordoqui

A straight tunnel is dug through Earth as shown in the figure. Assume that the walls of the tunnel are frictionless. (a) The gravitational force exerted by Earth on a particle of mass m at a distance r from the center of Earth when r < R is F = (G m M / R 3 ) r. r Show that the net force on a particle of mass m at a distance x from the middle of the tunnel is given by Fx = -(G m M /R 3 ) x and that the motion of the particle is therefore simple harmonic motion. Show that the period of the motion is independent of the length of the tunnel and is given by T = 2 (R /g) Find its numerical value in minutes.

T = 84.4 min
Luis Anchordoqui

Energy in a simple harmonic motion

U = kx U = kA cos (t+) K = mv K = m A sin (t+) Using = k/m
E = U + K = kA[cos(t+) + sin(t+)] = kA
Luis Anchordoqui

Energy in a simple harmonic motion (contd)

The total energy is, therefore k A And we can write

mv + kx = kA
This can be solved for the velocity as a function of position:

v = v max

1 -

x A

v max = (k/m) A
Luis Anchordoqui

Simple Harmonic Motion and circular Motion

If we look at the projection onto the x axis of an object moving in a circle of radius A at a constant speed v max , we find that the x component of its velocity varies as :

v = v max

x 1 - A

This is identical to SHM

Luis Anchordoqui

SHM and Circular Motion (contd)

Therefore, we can use the period and frequency of a particle moving in a circle to find the period and frequency

2r T = v r = A v = (k/m) A T = 2A (k/m) A

Simplifying gives T = 2 (m/k) 1 1 f = = (k/m) T 2

Luis Anchordoqui

Damped oscillations
Left to itself a spring or pendulum eventually stops oscillations because the mechanical energy is dissipated by frictional forces The damped force exerted on an oscillator can be represented by the empirical expression

Such a system is said to be F = -bv d linearly damped The motion of a damped system can be obtain from Newtons second law

dx -kx b dt = m dx dt Rearranging m dx + b dx + kx = 0 dt dt

The solution to this equation is x = A0 e (-b/2m) t cos (t +) = 0 1-( b ) 2m 0 frequency with no damping
Luis Anchordoqui

0 = (k/m)

For weak damping b/(2m 0 ) 1 and is nearly equal 0

Damped oscillations (contd)

Because the damping force is opposite to the direction of motion it does negative work and causes the mechanical energy of the system to decrease This energy is proportional to the square of the amplitude

A = A e-t/ 0

= m/b

The dashed curves correspond to x = A and x = -A If the damping constant b is gradually increased the angular frequency decrease until it becomes zero at the critical value

b c = 2m 0

When b b c system is overdamped (does not oscillate)

Luis Anchordoqui

A bug on the surface of a pond is observed to move up and down a total vertical distance of 6 cm, from the lowest to the highest point as a wave passes. If the ripples decrease to 4.5 cm, by what factor does the bug's maximum kinetic energy change?

KE 2

KE 1

= 0.56

Luis Anchordoqui

A bungee jumper (with mass 65 kg) jumps from a high platform in Kuta Beach (Bali, Indonesia). After reaching his lowest point, he oscillates up and down, hitting a low point eight more times in 38 s

k = 114 N/m L = 19.4 m

He finally comes to rest 25 m below the level of the bridge. Calculate the spring stiffness constant and the unstretched length L of the bungee cord.

Luis Anchordoqui

Wave Motion
A mechanical wave is caused by a disturbance in a medium As wind passes over the water's surface friction forces it to ripple The strength of the wind, the distance the wind blows and the duration determine how big the ripples will become The crest is the highest point on a wave the trough between two waves is the lowest point Wavelength is the horizontal distance, either between the crests or troughs of two consecutive waves Wave height is a vertical distance between a wave's crest and the next trough Wave period measures the size of the wave in time
Luis Anchordoqui

Wave Motion (contd)

If you have ever watched the ocean waves moving toward shore before they break you may have wondered if the waves were carrying water from far out at the sea into the beach Water moves with a recognizable velocity THEY DON'T but each of the molecule of water itself merely oscillates about an equilibrium point This is clearly demostrated by observing a bottle on a pond as waves move by The bottle is not carried forward by the waves, but simply oscillate about an equilibrium point because this is the motion of water itself Watch the water droplet move in a vertical circle as the wave passes The droplet moves forward with the wave's crest and backward with the trough These vertical circles are more obvious at the surface As depth increases, their effects slowly decrease until completely disappearing about half a wavelength below the surface Luis Anchordoqui

Looking a little more closely at how a wave its forme and how it comes to travel:

A single wave bump or pulse can be formed on a rope by a quick up-and- down motion of the hand The figure shows a pulse on a string at time t =0

The shape of the string at this instant can be represented by some function y = f(x) At some later time the pulse is farther down the string

In a new coordinate system with origin O' that moves to the right with the same speed as the pulse the pulse is stationary The string is described in this frame by f(x') for all times The x-coordinates of the two reference frames are related by x' = x - vt f(x') = f(x - vt) The shape of the string in the original reference frame is y = f(x - vt) wave moving in the +x direction The same line of reasoning for a pulse moving to the left leads to y = f (x + vt)

Luis Anchordoqui

Looking a little more closely at how a wave its formed and how it comes to travel:

Periodic wave
A continuous or periodic wave has as its source a disturbance that is continuous and oscillating

When a taut string is plucked the disturbance in this case is the change in shape of the string from its equilibrium shape Its propagation arises from the interaction of each string segment with the adjacent segments The segments of the string move in the direction perpendicular to the string as the pulses propagate back and forth along the string

Luis Anchordoqui

Types of waves

Waves in which the motion of the medium (molecules of water, particles on the string) is perpendicular to the direction of propagation are called transverse waves

Waves in which the motion of the medium is along (parallel to) the direction of propagation of the disturbance are called longitudinal waves. (Sound waves are examples of longitudinal waves) Luis Anchordoqui

The speed of the waves relative to the medium depends on elastic and inertial properties of the medium but is independent of the motion of the source of the waves For a pulse on a rope
String tension

Speed of waves

v =


Linear mass density

For sound waves

v =
Volume mass density

Bulk modulus

Luis Anchordoqui

Inchy runs for his life

Inchy, an inchworm, is inching along a cotton clothesline. The 25-m-long clothesline has a mass of 1 kg and is kept taut by a hanging object of mass 10 kg as shown in the figure. Gaby is hanging up her swimsuit 5 m from one end when she sees Inchy 2.5 cm from the opposite end. She plucks the line sending a terrifying 3-cmhigh pulse towards Inchy. If Inchy crawls at 1 in/s, will he get to the end of the clothesline before the pulse reaches him?

Inchy does not beat the pulse

Luis Anchordoqui

Graphic representations of a sound wave

(A) Air at equilibrium, in the absence of a sound wave

(B) Compressions and rarefactions that constitute a sound wave

(C) Transverse representation of the wave, showing amplitude (A) and wavelength ()

Luis Anchordoqui

Speed of sound in air

For sound waves in a gas the bulk modulus is proportional to the pressure wich in turn is proportional to the density and to the absolute temperature of the gas The ratio B/ is independent of density and is merely proportional to the absolute temperature v = ( RT/M)
2 2

The dimensionless constant depends on the kind of gas For diatomic molecules such as O2 and N 2 = 7/5 Because O2 and N 2 comprise 98% of the atmosphere for air = 7/5 For gases composed of monoatomic molecules such as He = 5/3

T = t + 273

The speed of sound at 20C is the about 343 m/s

The molar mass from air is M = 29 x 10 -3 kg/mol

R = 8.3145 J/(mol K)

Luis Anchordoqui

The explosion of a depth charge beneath the surface of a body of water is recorded by an helicopter hovering above the water's surface as shown in the figure. Along which path (A, B, or, C) will the sound wave take the least time to reach the helicopter?

The speed of sound in water is greater than the speed of sound in the air path C
Luis Anchordoqui

Wave transports energy from one place to another As waves travel through a medium the energy is transferred as vibrational energy from a particle to particle in the medium If a point source emits waves uniformely in all directions then the energy at a distance r from the source is distributed uniformly on a spherical surface of radius r and area A = 4 r

Wave intensity

The average power per unit area that is incident perpendicular to the direction of propagation is called the intensity

Pav I = A

Luis Anchordoqui

Wave intensity (contd)

Sound waves from a telephone handset spreading out in the air The wave have been made visible by sweeping out the space in front of the handset with a light source whose brightness is controlled by a microphone

Luis Anchordoqui

Doppler Effect
You may have noticed that you hear the pitch of the whistle on a speeding train dropped abruptly as it passes you

This phenomenon is known as Doppler effect

Luis Anchordoqui

Consider the whistle of a train at rest which is emitting sound of a particular frequency in all directions as shown in the figure The sound waves are moving at the speed of sound in air which is independent of the velocity of the source or observer If the our source is moving then whistle emits sounds at the same frequency as it does at rest The sound wavefronts it emits forward are closer together than when the train is at rest This is because the train as it moves is "chasing" the previously emitted wavefronts and emits each crest closer to the previous one Thus an observer in front of the train will detect more wave crests passing per second so the frequency heard is higher The wavefronts emitted behind the train are farther apart than when the train is at rest because the train is speeding away from them Fewer wave crest per second pass by an observer behind the moving train and the perceived pitch is lower Luis Anchordoqui

Doppler effect (cont'd)

Doppler effect (cont'd)

In the following discussion all motions are relative to the medium Consider a source moving with speed us and a stationary receiver

The source has frequency fs The received frequency (the number of crests passing the receiver per unit time) is related to the wavelength (distance between successive crests) and the wave speed v by f = v r
r Luis Anchordoqui

Doppler effect (cont'd)

A wave crest leaves the source at time t1 and the next wave crest leaves the source at time t2

The time between these two events is Ts = t 2 - t1 and during this time the source and crest leaving the source at time t travel distances usT and vTs , respectively s 1

At time t 2 the distance between the source and the crest leaving at time t1 equals the wavelength

Luis Anchordoqui

Doppler effect (cont'd)

If us < v Behind the source

= b = (v + us)

T s

In front of the source

= f = (v - us) T s
We can express both and as b f

= (v us ) Ts =
v v

v u s fs

Substituting for our expression for and rearranging

f = = r v u

f (stationary receiver)
s s
Luis Anchordoqui

Doppler effect (cont'd)

When the receiver moves with respect to the medium the received frequency is different because the receiver moves past more or fewer wave crests in a given time Let Tr denote the time between arrivals of succesive crests for a receiver moving with speed u r During the time between the arrivals of two succesive crests each crest will have traveled a distance vT r and during the same time the receiver will have traveled a distance u r Tr If the receiver moves in the direction opposite to the wave during a time T the distance a wave moves + the distance r the receiver moves equals the wavelength

vTr + u r T r = vTr - u r Tr =

Tr = /(v + u r )

If the receiver moves in the same direction as the wave

Tr = /(v - u r )

Luis Anchordoqui

Doppler effect (cont'd)

Because fr = / T we have

f = 1 = Tr

v ur

Substituting for v ur fr = fs v us
In a reference frame in which the medium is moving (for example the reference frame of the ground if air is the medium and there is a wind blowing) The wave speed v is replaced by v = v uw where uw is the velocity of the wind relative to the ground
Luis Anchordoqui

Batman has sent a signal to the batcave calling for his batfriends to cover his escape.

Answering the signal, a bat which is nearby starts flying at 5 m/s. As it flies, the bat emits an ultrasonic sound wave with frequency 30 kHz towards the tall wall of the building. What frequency does the bat hear in the reflected wave?

f = 3.09 x 10 4 Hz
Luis Anchordoqui

Shock Waves
During our derivations of the Doppler-shift expressions we assumed that the speed u of the source was less than the wave speed v If the source moves with speed greater than the wave speed there will be no waves in fron of the source Instead the waves pile-up behind the source to form a shock wave In the case of sound waves this shock wave is heard as a sonic boom when it arrives at the reciver

Luis Anchordoqui

Shock waves produced by a bullet traversing a helium balloon

Luis Anchordoqui

Mach Number
The figure shows a source originally at point P 1 moving to the right with velocity u After some time t the wave emitted from point P has traveled a distance vt 1 The source has traveled a distance ut and will be at point P2 The line from this new position of the source to the wavefront emitted when the source was at P makes 1 an angle with the path of the source known as the Mach angle + v t v sin = = u u t The shock wave is confined to a cone that narrows as u increases The ratio of the source speed u to the wave speed v is called the Mach number u Mach number = Luis Anchordoqui v

Sonic Boom
Shock waves from a supersonic plane

Luis Anchordoqui

A supersonic plane flying due east at an altitude of 15 km passes directly over point P. The sonic boom is heard at point P when the plane is 22 km east of point P.

What is the speed of the plane?

velocity = 610 m/s

Luis Anchordoqui

Doppler Effect (summary)

Stationary Sound Source

Doppler Shift Source moving with vsource < v sound

Breaking the Sound Barrier Sonic Boom Source moving with vsource > v

Luis Anchordoqui

Physics 209

Luis Anchordoqui

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