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3 authors:
Faheem Masoodi
University of Kashmir
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ABSTRACT less than exhaustive key search, then only these are
Stream Ciphers are one of the most important cryptographic considered as successful. A symmetric key cipher, especially
techniques for data security due to its efficiency in terms of a stream cipher is assumed secure, if the computational
resources and speed. This study aims to provide a capability required for breaking the cipher by best-known
comprehensive survey that summarizes the existing attack is greater than or equal to exhaustive key search.
cryptanalysis techniques for stream ciphers. It will also There are different Attack scenarios for cryptanalysis based
facilitate the security analysis of the existing stream ciphers on available resources:
and provide an opportunity to understand the requirements for
developing a secure and efficient stream cipher design. 1. Ciphertext only attack
2. Known plain text attack
Stream Cipher, Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Cryptanalysis 3. Chosen plaintext attack
4. Chosen ciphertext attack
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 60– No.9, December 2012
2.2 Side Channel Analysis Attack: distinguishing attack tries to identify that if a given keystream
Generally there are two steps involved in developing any is a random sequence or a cipher or generator has created it.
cryptographic primitive. First, it is defined as an abstract Distinguishing attack tries to identify the relations between
mathematical object. Thereafter this mathematical entity internal state variables and output keystream. The internal
needs to be implemented in form of a program and in some structure of a cipher has to be analyzed extensively for
cases these programs are further implemented in some distinguishing attack. Distinguishing attack is a known
specific hardware. These programs after implementation will keystream attack.
be executed in a computing environment on processing units.
These executions will present some specific characteristics. Fluhrer and McGrew introduced the idea of this attack on
alleged RC4 key stream generator [18]. Some other works on
Side channel Analysis (SCA) refers to the attacks based on the this attack are Ekdahl and Johansson [19,53]; Goli´c and
physically observable characteristics during execution. Some Menicocci [20]; Junod [21]; Watan-abe et al. [22]; Englund
of the common physical characteristics that are used for Side and Johansson [23]; Paul et al. [24]; Rose and Hawkes [25]
Channel Analysis are Power and Microprocessor time and many more. In [26] Paul and Preneel unified
required for execution, electromagnetic radiation, heat distinguishing attacks into a single framework. Ciphers are
dissipation and noise of the system etc. required to use sufficiently long keystreams to avoid
On the basis of above characteristics; there are different Side distinguishing attacks.
Channel attacks on ciphers in general and on stream cipher in
particular. Some of powerful techniques, that generally used
2.5 Algebraic Attack
for Side Channel Analysis attacks are Simple Power analysis Algebraic attacks are relatively new attacks for stream ciphers
attack, Differential Power Analysis attack [2,3], Timing and progress is rapidly taking place in this field. Algebraic
Analysis attack [4,5], Electromagnetic Analysis attacks [6,7,8] attacks are very much effective against LFSR based
and Acoustic Cryptanalysis [9]. ciphers[17]. The basic principle of algebraic attacks is to
model a cryptographic system in terms of algebraic equations.
Though there is no general countermeasure to these attacks The first step of this attack is to find the set of algebraic
but some of the possible countermeasures maybe noise equations that relate the initial state with the output
addition, buffering of the output sequence, Physical shielding, keystream, then keystream bits are observed and these values
reduction of signal size, eliminating the branch processing in are substituted into the equations. Attackers try to collect
implemented algorithm that will make the encryption time maximum possible keystream bits. Finally, this system of
equivalent [10,11] and few more. equations is solved to determine the initial state and then
derive the secret key from it. Courtois in [27] against
2.3 Time Memory Tradeoff Attacks Toycrypt first proposed algebraic Attack on stream cipher and
A time memory tradeoff attack is a method of cryptanalysis later it was used on LILI-128 [28]. This attack was also
that aims to attack a cryptographic primitive with lower successfully applied to the stream ciphers with memory that
complexity than look up table and an online complexity lower were assumed to be more secure against this attack [29,30].
than exhaustive key search. TMTO is an improvement to the Later on Courtois further enhanced this attack and proposed
exhaustive key search attack that trades off computational Fast Algebraic attack [31] that was further strengthened by
time against memory complexity [12]. Armknecht [32]. The idea behind fast algebraic attack was to
get equations of lower degree by linearly combining the
This attack can be divided into two phases; an offline phase or
equations before solving the system of equation that
pre-computation phase and online phase. In offline phase a
drastically increases the speed of the attack.
table is constructed in like lookup table method by selecting
different random keys and generating the output for each 2.6 Correlation Attacks
chosen key. These pairs of output strings and keys are stored Correlation attack is a class of known plaintext attack. These
in an indexed table by the output strings. In the second phase
or online phase, the attacker observes the output generated by attacks are widely applicable to stream ciphers; especially to
unknown keys. Then these outputs are matched with the design based on feedback shift registers. A correlation attack
outputs of the table generated in the offline phase. If a match tries to extract some information about the initial state from
is found then corresponding key will be the key off the the output keystream by exploiting the weaknesses in the
matched output. combining function of the design.
Amirazizi and Hellmen were the first to propose Time
memory processor trade-off attack [12] on block ciphers and Siegenthaler first introduced the Correlation attack against
in case of stream ciphers, TMTO was proposed by Babbage combination generator [33] in 1985 but Meier and Staffelbach
[13] in 1995 and Golic [14] in 1997 independently. Later on further improved this attack in 1988 as Fast Correlation
Biryukov and Samir combined Babbage and Golic scheme Attack [34]. Zhang and Feng proposed an improved fast
with Hellmen attack [15]. This attack was further refined by correlation attack on stream ciphers in [35]. This attack was
Birykov, Shamir and Wagner and applied on A5/1 [16].
further discussed and applied in [36, 37, 38, 39]. Correlation-
To avoid TMTO on stream ciphers, Hong and Sarkar [52] immune functions need to be implemented for avoiding such
suggested that state size should be equal to or greater than attacks. In the case of LFSRs, the irregular clocking is one of
sum of key size and size of IV and it should be random. the concepts to avoid linearity that will help countering this
Babbabge [13] and Golic [14] suggested that state size should
be at least double the size of key.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 60– No.9, December 2012
attacks, an attacker guess a part of the internal state and try to [49, 50]. High correlation immunity decreases the
recover the full value of internal states by observing the vulnerability to divide and conquer attack [51].
keystream using the guessed part and small amount of known
keystream. In the end a part of keystream is generated using CONCLUSION
the guessed values and then it is compared with the known
keystream to check the correctness of the guessed values. In In this paper, we have tried to describe the existing
[40] guess and determine attack was given against Polar Bear. cryptanalytic attacks on stream ciphers and countermeasures
Guess and determine attacks were also presented in [41] to these attacks have been suggested with different examples.
against SNOW. By irregular clocking, resistance against These attacks are generally tried against any new
guess and determine attacks can be increased. Guess and cryptographic primitive at first. In order to develop a new
determine attacks are more effective against word oriented secure stream cipher, it is very much necessary that these
stream ciphers [42]. attacks should be taken into consideration during development
and countermeasures of these attacks should be applied in the
2.8 Linear Masking Attacks design, so that the new design is not vulnerable to these
Linear masking attacks can be applied to those ciphers where attacks. Though these are the available techniques in literature
some non-linear process resembling block cipher design exist for cryptanalysis of the stream ciphers but generally
and in which linear masking is used to hide this process. In combinations and variants of these attacks can be used in
these attacks first of all a non-linear characteristic is future and just by overcoming these attacks any cryptographic
distinguished that exhibits some bias. Then we look at linear primitive cannot be assumed secure. We are working in the
process and get some missing linear combinations. The same field of cryptanalysis for further enhancement of available
linear combinations are applied to the cipher output and we attacks and their applications on available stream ciphers.
try to find the traces of distinguishing property. Coppersmith
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