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Clinical Information System

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Mariano Marcos State University COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Batac, Ilocos Norte 2906



Submitted by: Reina Domingo Kathrina Mae Espejo Monique Joyce Gonzales BSCS III-B

Submitted to: Reynold Villacillo Instructor 1

October 11, 2011


The researchers would like to thank: Mr. Reynold P. Villacillo for the supervisions and for the patience checking the revisions of the different diagrams and artifacts that were presented. The researchers owe the completion of the design to Mr. Villacillo and for always saying that there should always be HARDWORK. Poly Clinic for letting the researchers make Poly Clinic as the pilot agency for the system they designed. Dr. Nenita Navarro for allotting time for the interview that the researchers conducted for them to gather information about the clinic. The researchers want to thank also their family for the financial and moral support theyve given. Last but not the least, to the Almighty God who guides them all through the process of the project and for giving them the strength and courage to finish what they have started.


I. Acknowledgement II. Introduction A. Statement of the Problem 1. Ishikawa Diagram B. Objective of the Study C. Significance of The Study D. Scope And Limitation III. Designs Artifacts A. Context Diagram B. UML/use case diagram C. Use Case Description D. Data Dictionary (Expanded Data Dictionary) 1. Patient Record 2. Laboratory Test Request 3. Laboratory Test Result 4. Diagnosis 5. Prescription 6. Receipt E. Data Fields F. Class Diagram G. Methodology IV. Appendix 16 A. Initial Interview Guide B. Interview Script C. Gantt Chart D. Documentation

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At these times, people are prone to sickness and its human nature to take care of ones health. Undergoing medical examinations are part of human life to prevent and cure ourselves from sickness. Clinics and hospitals play a big role and have a great significance in our lives. Without these when people get sick, people wont be able to do their tasks which is a responsibility and duty for their own good. Issues like slow improvement and processing of hospitals and clinics are complaints of the majority. And because of this, the researchers would like to develop and implement a system, a Clinical Information System, that could lessen the slow processing in clinics. The researchers have chosen Poly Clinic as their pilot agency because they want to help and improve the way of implementing the processors inside the clinic. Their purpose is not just to help the clinic but also to put the patients under consideration and make something at their convenience. A system related to this system is the hospital Informative System (HIS). This system is usually used in big hospitals like Mariano Marcos Medical Center. On the other hand, Clinical Information System (CIS) is used for clinics or small areas of hospitals.


Poly Clinic is currently using a manual recording of information that leads to slow processing of information in the clinic.



This study generally aims to design and develop a Clinical Information System for Poly Clinic. Specifically, it is aimed to conduct researches in order to gather information for the development of an appropriate Clinical Information System and use tools, methods and techniques in the analysis, design and implementation of the proposed system.


The Clinical Information System is an improved way to lessen the slow processing of information in the Poly Clinic. This design substitutes the manual recording of information. It implements computerized storing of information. This is improves and provides a faster way of retrieving the information/records stored in the database of system.


This study focused on the development of Clinical Information System. The system covered the following processes: admission of patient, recording of laboratory tests, recording of diagnosis, recording of prescription and paying bill.



Clinical Information System

<<process>> Admit Patient Patient <<process>> Record Lab Test Results Clerk

<<process>> Record Diagnosis

<<process>> Record Prescription

<<process>> Pay Bill


ADMIT PATIENT Use case ID: Use case Description: Actor(s): Pre condition: Post condition: Normal Flow 1.0 This use case allows the patient to be admitted in the clinic Patient, Clerk The patient must give patient details/record The clerk records the patient details and the patient will be admitted. 1. The clerk checks the database if the patient is already been admitted or already have a record. 2. If there is already a record, the clerk updates the record of the patient. 3. The clerk clicks the Save button. 4. The system stores the patient record. 2. If there is no record yet, the clerk creates a new record for the patient.

Alternate Flow

RECORD LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Use case ID: Use case Description: Actor(s): Pre condition: Post condition: Normal Flow 2.0 This use case allows the clerk to record the laboratory test results of the patient Clerk The patient should have undergone laboratory test The patient receives laboratory test results 1. The clerk enters the laboratory test results given by the laboratory 2. The clerk clicks SAVE button 3. The system stores the laboratory test results.

RECORD DIAGNOSIS Use case ID: Use case Description: Actor(s): Pre condition: Post condition: Normal Flow 3.0 This use case describes how the clerk records diagnosis Clerk The doctor must have the diagnosis The patient receives diagnosis 1. The clerk enters the diagnosis given by the doctor 2. The clerk clicks SAVE button 3. The system stores the diagnosis.

RECORD PRESCRIPTION Use case ID: Use case Description: Actor(s): Pre condition: Post condition: Normal Flow 4.0 This use case allows the clerk to record prescription Clerk The doctor must have the prescriptions The patient receives prescription 1. The clerk enters the prescriptions given by the doctor 2. The clerk clicks SAVE button 3. The system stores the prescriptions

PAY BILL Use case ID: Use case Description: Actor(s): Pre condition: Post condition: Normal Flow 5.0 This use case allows the patient to pay the bill Patient, Clerk The doctor must have the prescriptions The patient receives receipts 1. The clerk enters the prescriptions given by the doctor 2. The clerk clicks SAVE button 3. The system stores the prescriptions


Data Flow Name: Description: Alias: Timing: Volume: Composition: FIELD ID_number Fname Mname Surname Age Gender Status Address Cpnum Telnum Birthday Date Symptoms

Patient Record This document contains information about the patient Patient Chart Every time the patient undergoes check-up Used one at a time This data flow contains: DATA TYPE char char char char Int char char Char char char date date char LENGTH 7 25 25 25 2 6 10 70 11 9 250 DEC FORMAT 99-9999 a@25 a@25 a@25 99 a@6 a@10 a@70 @11 a@9 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy a@250 REMARKS Primary Key required required required required required required required required required required required required

Data Flow Name: Description: Alias: Timing: Volume: Composition: FIELD Patient name Gender Age Address Birthday Examination desired Date requested Date to undergo test Requesting physician

LABORATORY TEST REQUEST This document contains the request for taking the laboratory tests. None Every time the patient needs to undergo in a laboratory test Used one at a time This data flow contains: DATA TYPE Char Char Int Char Date Char Date Date Char LENGTH 50 1 2 50 250 50 DEC FORMAT a@50 a 99 a@50 mm/dd/yy a@250 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy REMARKS required required required required required required Required Required required

Data Flow Name: Description: Alias: Timing: Volume: Composition: FIELD Patient name Date Lab test Results

LABORATORY TEST RESULT This document contains the result of the lab test

Every time the patient undergoes lab tests Used one at a time This data flow contains: DATA TYPE Char Date Char Char LENGTH 50 250 250 DEC FORMAT a@50 mm/dd/yy a@250 a@250 REMARKS required required required required

Data Flow Name: Description: Alias: Timing: Volume: Composition: FIELD Patient_name Lab test Diagnosis Doctor Date

DIAGNOSIS This contains the disease found after the lab test none Every time the patient undergone lab test Used one at a time This data flow contains: DATA TYPE char char char char date LENGTH 50 250 250 50 DEC FORMAT a@50 a@250 a@250 a@50 mm/dd/yy REMARKS required required required required required

Data Flow Name: Description: Alias: Timing: Volume: Composition: FIELD Medicine Dosage Doctor name date

PRESCRIPTION This document contains the medicines the patient should take

Every time the patient undergoes check-up Used one at a time This data flow contains: DATA TYPE char char char date LENGTH 250 250 50 DEC FORMAT a@250 a@250 a@50 mm/dd/yy REMARKS required required required required

Data Flow Name: Description: Alias: Timing: Volume: Composition: FIELD Name Recipient Receipt number Amount Date

RECEIPT This document contains the payment of the patient Every time the patient pays for the bill Used one at a time This data flow contains: DATA TYPE char char char int date LENGTH 50 50 10 5 DEC FORMAT a@50 a@50 a@10 9@5 mm/dd/yy REMARKS required required required required required


Person Name Address Age Gender Civil Status Contact number E-mail address addRecord(); deleteRecord(); Updaterecord();

Clerk Name Position Address Age Gender Civil Status Contact number E-mail address

Patient Name Address Age Gender Civil Status Contact number E-mail address

Doctor Name Position Address Age Gender Civil Status Contact number E-mail address

Laboratory Name Address E-mail address Contact Number

Laboratory Test Request Patient_name Age Gender Address Birthday Examination desired Date requested Date to undergo lab test Requesting physician

Patient Record First name Middle name Surname Age Gender Civil status Address Contact number Date Birthday ID_number Symptoms updateRecord(); addRecord();

Laboratory Test Result Lab tests Patient_name Doctor Results addLabTest();

Diagnosis Prescription Medicine name Dosage Doctor name Date addMedicine(); Receipt Payers name Recipient Receipt number Date Amount Patient_name Lab test Diagnosis Doctor Date




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In the conduct of this study, the researchers used Waterfall Model as the methodology to develop the design. The phases are requirements, design, implementation, verification and maintenance.

Modhu, 2009 (Author)


INTERVIEWEE: Med. Tech of Poly Clinic INTERVIEWER: Reina Domingo, Kathrina Mae Espejo, Monique Joyce Gonzales A. Introduction

This rainy season, lots of people had their resistance reduced. Because of this, diseases are widely spread out and transmitted easily from one person to another. In our subject which is CmpSc 140(System Analysis and Design), we are required to make a system for a company or agency. We have chosen your clinic because we want to make a system for the convenience of your clinic and mostly for the patients that make health consultations.

B. Interview Proper

1. What are the services of your clinic? 1.1 How fast are the results of your services? 2. What are the different specified works of your staffs? 3. What are the problems do you often encounter in your clinic? 3.1 What do you do to solve these problems? 4. What are the processes you do to record the information of your patients?

C. Parting Notes

Thank you for allotting time for us. Thank you for trusting us. God Bless!

Interviewer: Good afternoon maam! Thank you for approving our request. Q: A: Q: A: We would like to ask your name. Im Nenita Navarro. Whats your position in this clinic? Im the head medical technologist. I supervise the medical technologists

and other staffs. I also teach at North Western University. Q: A: What are the services of you clinic? Our services are: -CDC Platelet -Blood Chemistry -Fasting Blood Sugar -SGPT -Dengue Blot -Lipid Profile -Sodium/Potassium -Test for Syphilis -Pregnancy Test -Hepatitis B surface

-Hematology -Erythrocyte Regimentation Rate -Blood Urea Nitrogen -Cholesterol -Vidal Test -Triglyceride -Uric Acid -Serology -Proctology -Occult Blood -SGOT

Q: A:

How fast are your services? We use TAT, turnaround time. But when we do routines the results will take

15 minutes. Sometimes when they performed test is blood chemistry, it takes 3 hours to get the result. But usually, it really depends on the test performed. Q: A: What are the different specified works of your staffs? The different works are: -Performance of laboratory test -Collection of Specimen -Issuing of result Q: A: -Extraction of Patient -Recording of result -Maintenance of cleanliness

What are the processes you do to record information of your patients? We do manual recording. Our clerk records information and then we file

it in cabinet. In admission of patients, we use log book for the recording. Q: A: Hows the retrieval of records? Of course its also manual. Every file is alphabetically arranged in a

labeled cabinet. Q: A: What problems do you often encounter? First problem really is our manual recording. Most of the time especially

when there are a lot of patients, we encounter slow processing because we only have one clerk that does the recording. Next is lack of registered medical technologists for our laboratory. They all prefer going abroad. Q: A: What do you do to solve these problems? We are thinking of computerized recording but we dont have that much

fund for computers. And besides, there are lots of clinics out there competing

with us. Its not secured that we spend money for computers. On the problem for our lack of registered medical technologists, we advertise that registered medical technologists for our clinic are needed. Interviewer: Thank you for allotting time for this interview maam. Interviewee: Youre all welcome! I hope to see you after you finish your system. Interviewer: Thank you again maam

Title: ACTIVITIES Conceptualiza tion Research on Business Domain Creation of Request Letter Approval of Request Letter Interview Guide Interview Script Ishikawa Diagram Context Diagram Data Dictionary Use Case Diagram Expanded Data Dictionary Use Case Description Class Diagram Gantt Chart Presentation

Gantt Chart for Clinical Information System

June July August September October
W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 W17 W18


Mr. Villacillo/Med. Tech.

Head Medical Technologist

Domingo/Espej o/Gonzales/Mr. Villacillo


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