1 Describe the functions of various layers of simplified IoT architecture model. (3)
2 Discuss the evolutionary phase of internet. (3)
3 List any three types of actuators classified by energy types with examples. (3)
4 Describe Micro–Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). (3)
5 List and explain any three main industry organizations working on profile (3)
definitions and certifications for IoT constrained nodes and networks.
6 With neat diagram compare the IoT protocols using 6 LoWPAN and IP. (3)
7 Describe any three types of data analysis results. (3)
8 With a neat diagram describe distributed analytics throughout the IoT systems. (3)
9 Write a python program for switching LED/Light based on LDR reading. (3)
10 Describe any three single board mini computers which can be used as alternative (3)
for Raspberry Pi.
Answer any one full question from each module, each carries 14 marks.
Module I
11 a) Explain the challenges of IoT. (5)
b) Illustrate the impact of IoT in at least 2 domains of everyday lives of human life. (9)
12 a) Differentiate between OT and IT technology. (6)
b) Describe the standardized IoT architectures. (8)
Module II
13 a) Describe any two communication criteria which are to be considered when (6)
selecting and dealing with connecting smart objects.
b) Explain the IEEE 802.15.4 standard for wireless communication. (8)
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