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Programmer's Guide For Web Solutions: Wison Technology Corp

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Fingerprint SDK of Wison Technology Corp.

Programmers Guide for Web Solutions

Wison Technology Corp.

Addr: 13F-5, No. 295, Sec. 2, Kuang-Fu Rd., Hsin-Chu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-3-5753901 Fax: 886-3-5753908 Email :

Fingerprint SDK of Wison Technology Corp.

1. Environment Setup
See the procedure running in the SetupServer.bat and SetupClient.bat. These batch files do the environment setup for the client-server applications.

Server Side
1. Install the IIS(Internet Information Services) 4.0 or above. 2. The server side needs the following files: WebClient.asp WebEnroll.asp WebVerify.asp the main form of the demo the form to save the user info to the database. the form to verify the template of the known user with the users enrolled template in the database. (1 to 1 matching) the form to identify the template of the unknown user with the enrolled templates in the database (1 to N matching). It is suggested the database be not more that 100 templates. the Dll to do the matching process. the Dll to do the database access. The system integrator can replace the dll by saving the templates directly to the actual database such as AccessSQL serverOracle and etc. All the data are saved in C:\TestLog. WIS_Ext.dll 3. 4. 5. 6. an auxialiary dll to use in WebFileIO.dll.




Copy *.asp to C:\InetPub\wwwroot (or another entry point of the server). Copy *.dll to the system32 or any specified folder. The server needs a fixed IP, lets say, Run regsvr32 /s c:\windows\system32\WebSvrMatch.dll to register the Dll, where c:\windows\system32 indicates any location of the dll. 7. Run regsvr32 /s c:\windows\system32\WebFileIO.dll to register the Dll, where c:\windows\system32 indicates any location of the dll. 8. The WebFileIO.dll need the WIS_Ext.dll in the same location.

Fingerprint SDK of Wison Technology Corp.

Client Side
1. The client side needs the following files : Driver WISCMS12.inf WISCMS12.sys WIS_API.ocx WIS_API.dll WISCMS12.dll Driver for the CMOS reader API The fingerprint object to run on the browser. The APIs for use of the OCX. The low-level API used by the OCX for CMOS.

2. Copy *.ocx*.exe and *.dll to the system32 or any specific folder. 3. Run regsvr32 C:\windows\system32\WIS_API.OCX to register the ocx, where C:\windows\system32 indicates any location of the ocx. 4. Run the internet explorer. Select Tools\Internet Option and set the safety level to the lowest.

Fingerprint SDK of Wison Technology Corp.

2. Function List
All the functions in WIS_API.OCX have their corresponding functions in WIS_API.dll. The only difference is that the binary data (BYTE *) in the functions of the OCX or Dll running on the browser are always in Variant type. See detailed description of each function in the ProgrammerGuide.pdf. These functions are listed below: short WISInitDriver(short device); void WISTerminateDriver(); short WISTestDevice(); short WISCheckNoFinger(); short WISInitCapture(); short WISEndCapture(); long WISCapture(short count); short WISCreateTemplate(VARIANT FAR* rRawTemplate); short WISSetEnrollMode(short Mode); short WISEnroll(VARIANT FAR* rEnrlTemplate); short WISReleaseEnroll(); short WISVerifyTemplate(VARIANT FAR& RawTemplate, VARIANT FAR& EnrlTemplate, short Security, long FAR* rScore); short WISDisplayImage(short nStartX, short nStartY, short nDestWidth, short nDestHeight); BOOL WISSetParameter(short Brightness, short Contrast, short Gamma); There are new functions specially designed for interfacing the TuneImage() function of the web applications. The programmer can also design their own user interface and set the parameters of the image through the WISSetParameter(). BOOL WISTuneImageInit (short Brightness, short Contrast, short Gamma) : To set the value of the parameters thorough a displayed dialog. short WISGetTunedBrightness() : To get the value of the current brightness short WISGetTunedContrast() : To get the value of the current contrast. short WISGetTunedGamma() : To get the value of the current gamma.

Fingerprint SDK of Wison Technology Corp.

All the parameters of the functions running on the server for use of the browser are always in Variant type.

Synopsis WISServerVerifyTemplate(VARIANT rawTemplate, VARIANT enrlTemplate, VARIANT securityLevel, VARIANT *rScore, VARIANT *rResult); Parameter rawTemplate enrlTemplate securityLevel rScore rResult

The fingerprint code generated through WISCreateTemplate(). The final fingerprint template generated through WISEnroll(). A parameter to set the threshold that determines where the verification can be passed. See ProgrammerGuide.pdf. The similarity of two fingerprints to be compared, ranged from 0 ~100. A higher score means a higher similarity. The return value. 0 indicates successful verification, otherwise fails.

Fingerprint SDK of Wison Technology Corp.

This dll is just for simulating the database process. It provides the functions of saving, loading the enrolled data of the uses. All the data are saved to a predefined directory C:\TestLog. The programmers may update the functions of the dll by using their own database, such as AccessSQL Server and etc to insert or select the information of the users.

Synopsis WriteUserData(VARIANT uid, VARIANT fingerId, VARIANT quality, VARIANT enrlTemplate); Parameter Uid fingerId

Quality enrlTemplate

The id or name of the user to be saved. The id of the finger to be saved. 1 ~ 5 corresponds to Right Thumb to Right Little respectively. 6 ~ 10 corresponds to Left Thumb to Left Little respectively. The enrolled quality of the finger, must be QUALITY_A ~ QUALITY_D. The enrolled template.

Synopsis ReadUserData(VARIANT uid, VARIANT fingerId, VARIANT* rQuality, VARIANT* rEnrlTemplate, VARIANT* rResult); Parameter uid fingerId rQuality rEnrlTemplate RResult

The id or name of the user to be loaded. The id of the finger to be loaded. The loaded enrolled quality of the finger. The loaded enrolled template of the user with specified finger Id. The return value. 0 indicates success. -3 indicates user is not found. -1 indicates finger Id is not between 1 ~10. -2 indicates the id/name is blank.

Fingerprint SDK of Wison Technology Corp.

Synopsis IsUserExisted(VARIANT uid, VARIANT fingerId, VARIANT *rExist); Parameter uid fingerId rExist

The id or name of the user to be loaded. The id of the finger to be loaded. The return value. 1 indicates existing of the user with specified finger Id. 0 indicates user is not found. -1 indicates finger Id is not between 1 ~10. -2 indicates the id/name is blank.

Synopsis GetUserCount(VARIANT* rCount); Parameter rCount

The return value. Indicates the number of users in the database.

Synopsis GetUserList(VARIANT inFlag, VARIANT* rUid, VARIANT* rFingerId, VARIANT* rQuality, VARIANT* rEnrlTemplate, VARIANT* rResult); Description This function is used for the identification process. The function will automatically move to the next record for subsequent call. And please free all the resource by setting the inFlag to 1 while the loading is terminated. Parameter InFlag

rUid rFingerId rQuality rEnrlTemplate The loaded enrolled template of the user with specified finger Id. The return value. 0 indicates success. 1 indicates success in freeing rResult the resource. -3 indicates the end of the records. -2 indicates specified user is not found. -1 indicates database is not found.

0 indicates to continue loading the users info. 1 indicates to terminate loading the data and free the resource. The id or name of the user currently loaded. The id of the finger currently loaded. The loaded enrolled quality of the finger.

Fingerprint SDK of Wison Technology Corp.

Synopsis DeleteUserData (VARIANT uid, VARIANT fingerId, VARIANT* rResult); Parameter uid fingerId rResult

The id or name of the user to be deleted. The id of the finger to be deleted. The return value. 0 indicates success. -3 indicates user is not found. -1 indicates finger Id is not between 1 ~10. -2 indicates the id/name is blank.

Fingerprint SDK of Wison Technology Corp.

The auxiliary Dll is used to convert the binary data to variant type or vise versa. The data of variant type is need in the use of the browser. In addition, to save the binary template to the database such as Access, the variant type is also required.

Synopsis void WINAPI WIS_BinaryToVariant( unsigned char *EnrlTemplate, VARIANT *enrlTemplate, int Size); Parameter EnrlTemplate enrlTemplate Size

The input binary template. The output template of Variant type. The size of the template, should be TEMPLATE_SIZE in this case.

Synopsis void WINAPI WIS_VariantToBinary (VARIANT *enrlTemplate, unsigned char *EnrlTemplate, int Size); Parameter enrlTemplate EnrlTemplate Size

The input template of Variant type. The output binary template. The size of the template, should be TEMPLATE_SIZE in this case.

Fingerprint SDK of Wison Technology Corp.

3. Running the program

1. Run the internet explorer. 2. Run the demo by typing\WebClient.asp, where refer to the fixed IP of the server. 3. The screen below will be shown on the browser.

A. Click TuneImage to tune the brightness and contrast of the device. B. Click Snap to test snapping a fingerprint. C. Input a name and select a finger and Click Enroll to enroll a finger. Once succeeded, the users info will be sent to the server. All the subsequent process will be done in the WebEnroll.asp. D. Click Identify to do the identification process. The template will be sent to the server and all the identification process will be done in the WebIdentify.asp. E. Input a name and select a finger and Click Verify to verify a finger. The users info will be sent to the server. All the subsequent process will be done in the WebVerify.asp. F. The status will be shown in the status window. G. The programmer can change their screen design and flow here.

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