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Dear NBS students,

As we are approaching revision and examinafion season in 2 weeks’

fime, do you only have studies, studies, studies on your mind?
While doing well in your exams and gefting a good GPA is important, it
is equally important to keep your future goals in sight. Remember,
your studies (and GPA) is not an end but a means to an end, i.e. a
steppingstone to your future career aspirafions.
Don't get a rude “WHAT NOW?!” awakening on your graduafion day
like Jeff on the right.

Click on image to watch the video.

If you are currently looking for a job or an internship, here are two free resources that can help you:

1. NTU CAREERtracks 2023

Need advice on resume wrifing and internship/job search strategies? Or curious about what your future job fitle could be?
Read CAO’s comprehensive career guide, CAREERtracks 2023, for all NTU students at: hftps://
Our career guide contains useful articles on career skills and advice, industry insight articles, inspiring alumni career stories, and
more. Also, read these students’ accounts of their internship experiences to prep yourself for this milestone of your university-to-
work transition.

2. NTU Graduates First pracfice assessments

Register for a Graduates First account with your NTU email address and unlock the many resources at your own pace for free!
Resources include employer-specific job applicafion guides, pracfice video interviews, and gain free access to over 70 online pracfice
assessments, covering apfitude tests, game-based assessments and video interviews used by top employers globally. Use your NTU
email to sign in and immerse yourself in an online pracfice environment similar to real tests. Access Graduates First here.

Inspired to make full use of your fime and level up your skills? Scroll down this email and check out some of CAO’s offerings.


Here are some events your peers have parficipated in over the past month to hone skills and build porffolios.
Stay tune for more learning opportunifies in the coming months!
NTU PEAK NTU CAO x WorldQuant BRAIN Alphathon 2023

On 6 October, we concluded the 14th NTU PEAK, CAO's one-month leadership NTU CAO partnered WorldQuant, a leading quanfitafive asset management company,
development programme, where nine interdisciplinary teams presented their to hold the eagerly awaited NTU CAO x WorldQuant BRAIN Alphathon 2023. This is an
solutions to a panel of judges consisting of members from senior management and C- annual university-level compefifion, where students from all backgrounds, including
suites from our industry partners, Deloitte, G-Element, Land Transport Authority, those from computer science, engineering, finance, maths and economics, pit their
Schneider Electric, Sime Darby Motors Singapore and TEAM LEWIS. skills to build predicfive models using historical market data on WorldQuant BRAIN’s
web-based simulafion plafform. Students need not have any prior knowledge to
In just one month, 45 students worked tirelessly in teams to come up with solutions
parficipate as training workshop and webinars were provided.
for real-world business problems related to Sustainability and Technology. They
committed time and effort to group discussions with their mentors, visits to
On 6 September, the Alphathon kicked off with a workshop on NTU campus, aftracfing
companies, and attended workshops on Design Thinking and Strengths Leadership.
approximately 200 students. The compefifion then concluded at WorldQuant's office
In addition to gaining insights into real business issues, students had the privilege of on 10 October, where the top 20 winners had the opportunity to share about their
learning industry-relevant skills from experienced mentors. They developed leadership experiences of parficipafing in this Alphathon.
and problem-solving skills, along with many other essential job skills, while working on
the business challenges in their interdisciplinary teams. With more than 500 NTU students on the Alphathon’s leaderboard, the C-suites and
mentors of WorldQuant have nothing but praise for our students’ performance.
On event finale day, our future leaders had a networking lunch with industry leaders
and mentors. They also gained first-hand insights from the business leaders through
an interactive CEO dialogue session.
For students who are ready for a challenge, keep an eye for the 15th edition of NTU This is an excellent opportunity to hone your research, modelling and analyfical skills
PEAK. More details will be provided in January next year. and apply them to real-world business problems. Stay tuned to the next run in 2024!


Here are some ways you can help yourself boost your employability

This programme is for ALL students.

Need a quick chat with a Career Coach on anything related to your job search? Join us
Need help navigating your career after graduation and wish to speak to someone on a 15-min Drop-In Video Call every Thursday between 1 to 3pm.
who can offer insights based on their personal experiences? Or want to speak to an
industry professional to seek clarity about your career aspirations but not too sure
where and how to reach out?
Join us for LevelUP! Round 9 to learn from industry mentors and make more
informed decisions for yourself. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable
insights and knowledge to help you with your personal and professional growth in
the upcoming semester break.

You will have the opportunity to learn from over 70 volunteer Industry Mentors in
various roles and companies, including BCG, DuPont, Schneider Electric, Google, If you need guidance to know more about your career values, preferences and
Singapore Airlines and more! interests to idenfify a meaningful first job, sign up for our Self-Assess Workout (SAW)
happening every Wednesday between 1 to 3pm. Click here to find out more.
Click on this link to view the full list of Round 9 Mentors and programme info.
Just two simple steps to register:
1. Register as a Mentee in LevelUP! Round 9 at this form
2. Submit two short videos at NTU LaunchPad

CAO COMIC SERIES #2 – How to Avoid Internship CATastrophes

The second instalment of CAO’s career comics is now live on Instagram (@caontusg)!
This fime, the stories focus on internship mafters.

If you are not aware, internship is now compulsory for all students and this is
certainly something that you shouldn’t miss out on.

If you’ve missed out our first comic series, read them here:

Stay tuned for upcoming stories every Friday on Instagram!

Read the rest of the story here.


Career and Employability Skills Workshops Internship / Recruitment / Scholarship Talks

Industry / Company-Specific Career Consultafion CareerAxis Online


Career Skills / Internship /

Career Coaching: Industry Related Consultafion:

Career & Aftachment Office Career & Aftachment Office

Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Technological University
Student Services Centre, Level 1 South Spine, SS3-B2-15
42 Nanyang Avenue 50 Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639815 Singapore 639798

Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday, 8.30am – 5.30pm
Friday, 8.30am – 5pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays


Have 3 minutes to spare? Help us with a short survey to make the
experience befter for you and stand to win a goody bag from us!
Click here to let us know what you think today!

Do something meaningful that will have a posifive impact on your future employability today. OWN IT! 💪

Best regards,
Career & Aftachment Office (CAO)

Own It! Fast track your career success with CAO

CAREERZEST is a monthly e-newsletter from the Career & Attachment Office (CAO). Every last Wednesday of the month,
we bring you the latest happenings and offerings from CAO to help you in your career planning and development.
Missed an issue of CAREERZEST? Read the past issues here.

Follow CAO on Instagram (@caotntusg) and visit CareerAxis to get updates on our latest events.

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