for English 7
Prepared by: Generose Q. Amongos
Learning Competency:
EN7G-I-a-11: Observe correct subject-verb agreement
By the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Recall subject-verb agreement
b. Discuss the use of subject-verb agreement in a sentence
c. Demonstrate the rules of subject-verb agreement in a sentence
d. Distinguish sentences that uses subject-verb agreement
e. Evaluate the appropriate subject-verb agreement in a sentence
f. Construct sentences using subject-verb agreement
Topic: Subject-verb agreement
Materials: Flashcards, Laptop, Bond papers, Pen, and Worksheets.
Learning Resources: EN7G-I-a-11: Observe correct subject-verb
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. –
Romans 3:23 (NLT)
We can often get caught up in the busyness of life that we don’t take time to
recall all the good things Jesus has done for us. Being thankful and realizing
the goodness of God is really important for us, and brings us joy and
Today’s Bible verse reminds us that we all have sinned. We’ve all lied. Each
of us has done things that are not right and those sins cause us to fall short
of God’s standard. And as hard as we try to do well and be right, we can’t in
our own strength. Continually we mess up and need God’s forgiveness.
That’s why knowing Jesus is so amazing. Because we couldn’t live good
enough lives. We couldn’t do enough good to meet God’s standard. We
deserved hell but got grace. That’s the goodness of God. It met us where we
were when we least deserved it. So today, take some time out of your busy
life to thank God. Realize that you didn’t deserve what God gave you and
thank Him today for His goodness in reaching out to you!
A. Activating Prior Knowledge
For example:
HE IS wearing a jacket.
THEY ARE playing soccer.
6. Of course, there are plenty of other variations that depend on the level of the
C. Application
1. Let's Exercise!
Allow students to evaluate their learning by responding to the provided sets of
Set A. Direction: Choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject.
Set B. Direction: In the given sentences, choose sentence/s that uses subject-
verb agreement and put it in the box below.
1. Ana is sleeping
2. At the door
3. Jacob wants to go home
4. The people screams for justice
5. Birds are flying over the lake
6. Don't be hesitant
Set C. Direction: Circle the correct verb that agrees with the subject. Then tell if
the agreement is singular (S) or plural (P).
____ 1. The world (change, changes) so rapidly that we can hardly catch up.
____ 2. A notebook and a pen (is, are) on the desk in the library.
____ 3. Life (is, are) very complicated, but good.
____ 4. The students in my class (has, have) very poor work habits.
____ 5. My son, along with two friends, (is, are) coming for the weekend.
____ 6. There (is, are) both men and women at the meeting.
D. Assessment
Direction: Write a sentence using the given subject/verb by applying the rules of
subject-verb agreement.
1. Is-
2. Are-
3. Children-
4. goes-
5. Countries-
6. Do-
V. Assignment
Write a 3-stanza poem discussing the dreams you want to achieve in the
future. Make sure that you observe the subject-verb agreement in your
writing. The poem must contain at least five S-V Agreement.
Subject-verb Agreement
“Dog” is a singular subject, “drinks” is a singular present tense verb. A common mistake in S-V
Agreement is to assume that present tense verbs ending in “s” (ex: drinks, runs, dances) are
plural. They are in fact singular. Be careful!
Singular Plural
The girl dances. The girls dance. (No “s” on end of a plural verb!)
The dog drinks. The dogs drink.
The boy runs. The boys run.
If the subject was plural, the verbs would have to change form to agree with
the subject.
For example:
The lights in the lampposts flicker each night.
In this sentence, since the subject is now plural, the -s has to be removed
from the verb in order to have subject-verb agreement.