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Zhiyong Xu, Yaroslav V. Kartashov and Lluis Torner - Stabilization of Vector Soliton Complexes in Nonlocal Nonlinear Media

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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 73, 055601 R 2006

Stabilization of vector soliton complexes in nonlocal nonlinear media

Zhiyong Xu, Yaroslav V. Kartashov,* and Lluis Torner
ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Mediterranean Technology Park, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain Received 11 October 2005; published 19 May 2006 We introduce vector soliton complexes in nonlocal Kerr-type nonlinear media. We discover that under proper conditions the combination of nonlocality and vectorial coupling has a remarkable stabilizing action on multihumped solitons. In particular, we nd that stable bound states featuring several eld oscillations in each soliton component do exist. This affords stabilization of vector soliton trains incorporating a large number of humps, a class of structures known to self-destroy via strong instabilities in scalar settings. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.73.055601 PACS number s : 42.65.Tg, 42.65.Jx, 42.65.Wi

The mutual interaction between nonlinear excitations is under active consideration in different areas of physics, including condensed matter, solid state, dynamical biomolecules, and nonlinear optics. This includes a rich variety of effects connected with the vectorial nature of the nonlinear excitations. For example, vectorial coupling was observed in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates 1 and in topological defects arising due to the interspecies interaction 2 . In nonlinear optics, vectorial coupling between several light waves resulting in the formation of vector solitons has been extensively studied for coherent 3 and incoherent 4,5 interactions in materials with local nonlinearity. One important result introduced in Ref. 4 is the existence of multihumped solitons afforded by the vectorial interactions. Recently, vector solitons in media with transverse periodic modulation of refractive index were addressed as well 6 . It was shown 36 that vectorial coupling in local Kerr-type media could lead to the existence of complex multihumped structures that have no counterpart in the scalar case. However, in a local saturable medium such structures were found to be stable only when the total intensity distribution does not feature more than three humps 5 . On the other hand, nonlinearity may be highly nonlocal, a property that drastically alters the propagation and interaction of nonlinear waves 7 . Nonlocality should be taken into account when the transverse extent of the wave packet becomes comparable with the characteristic response length of the medium. The nonlocal nonlinear response brings new features in the development of modulation instability 8 , prevents catastrophic collapse of multidimensional solitons 9,10 , and results in the stabilization of vortex solitons 11 . New effects attributed to nonlocality have been studied in photorefractive crystals 12 , thermo-optical materials 13 , liquid crystals 14 , plasmas 15 , and Bose-Einstein condensates with long-range interparticle interactions 16 . Among other specic features encountered with nonlocal medium is the possibility of the formation of complex multihumped trains composed of scalar bright or dark solitons 17 . Such trains may or may not feature a threshold number of humps for stability depending on the type of nonlocal response of the medium. In particular, in materials with exponential re-

sponse functions stable scalar trains cannot involve more than four solitons 18 . In this Communication we introduce vector soliton structures in nonlocal media, and reveal that such a combination affords remarkable phenomena. In particular, we discovered that because of the nature of soliton interactions in nonlocal media, vector solitons can form stable bound states that feature several eld oscillations in each component, in sharp contrast to the behavior encountered in local media. We reveal that nonlocal nonlinear response plays a strong stabilizing action for vector solitons of higher orders. Complex patterns with a large number of humps in one eld component, that are unstable when propagating alone, can be made stable

*On leave from Physics Department, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.
1539-3755/2006/73 5 /055601 4

FIG. 1. Soliton proles corresponding to b1 = 3, d = 2, and a b2 = 1.8, b b2 = 2.5. c Energy ow vs propagation constant b2 at b1 = 3. Points marked by circles correspond to solitons shown in a and b . d Energy sharing between w1 and w2 soliton components vs b2 at b1 = 3, d = 2. Domains of existence of vector solitons at d , b2 plane for b1 = 3 e and at b1 , b2 plane for d = 2 f . 2006 The American Physical Society




PHYSICAL REVIEW E 73, 055601 R 2006

FIG. 2. Soliton proles corresponding to b1 = 3, d = 2, and a b2 = 1, b b2 = 2.3. Domains of existence of vector solitons at d , b2 plane for b1 = 3 c and at b1 , b2 plane for d = 2 d .

in nonlocal media due to the mutual coupling with stable solitons propagating in other eld components. We consider the propagation of two mutually incoherent laser beams along the axis of a nonlocal focusing Kerr-type medium described by the system of equations for dimensionless complex light eld amplitudes q1,2 and nonlinear correction to refractive index n given by i i q 1/ q 2/ nd

= = n/

1 2 1 2

q 1/ q 2/

q1n, q2n, 1

FIG. 3. Proles of various higher-order vector solitons at a b2 = 2.55, d = 2, b b2 = 1.5, d = 2, c b2 = 0.45, d = 4, e b2 = 2.15, d = 10, and f b2 = 2.37, d = 16. Panel d shows stability shaded and instability domains on d , b2 plane for solitons incorporating nodeless w1 and ve-hump w2 components see panels c and e for soliton proles . In all cases b1 = 3.

= q1 2 + q2 2 .

Here and stand for the transverse and longitudinal coordinates scaled to the input beam width and diffraction length, respectively; the parameter d describes the degree of nonlocality of the nonlinear response. In the limit d 0 the system 1 reduces to a system of coupled nonlinear Schrdinger equations for the elds q1,2 whose vector soliton solutions are well established 35 . The opposite limit d corresponds to a strongly nonlocal regime. Under appropriate conditions the mathematical model 1 adequately describes the nonlinear response of some thermo-optical materials, liquid crystals, or partially ionized plasmas 1315 . Among the conserved quantities of system 1 are the energy ows U , U1,2 and the Hamiltonian H; U = U1 + U2 =

We searched for the stationary solutions of Eq. 1 numerically in the form q1,2 , = w1,2 exp ib1,2 , where are real functions and b1,2 are real propagation conw1,2 stants. The resulting system of equations obtained after substitution of light eld in such form into Eq. 1 was solved with a standard relaxation method. To elucidate the linear stability of the solutions, we searched for perturbed solutions in the form q1,2 , = w1,2 + u1,2 , + iv1,2 , exp ib1,2 , where real u1,2 , and imaginary v1,2 , parts of the perturbation can grow with a complex rate upon propagation. Linearization of Eq. 1 around a stationary solution w1,2 yields the eigenvalue problem
1 u1 = 2 d2v1/d

+ b 1v 1 n v 1 , n,

q1 + q2 d ,

v1 = 2 d2u1/d

b1u1 + nu1 + w1

1 u2 = 2 d2v2/d

+ b 2v 2 n v 2 , n, 3


1 2

1 2

q 1/
2 2

1 2

q 2/ G

v2 = 2 d2u2 /d
2 2

b2u2 + nu2 + w2

q1 + q2

q1 + q2 d

d ,

where G = 1 / 2d1/2 exp tion of the nonlocal medium.

/ d1/2 is the response func-

where n = 2 G w1 u1 + w2 u2 d is the perturbation of refractive index. We solved Eq. 3 numerically to nd the proles of perturbations and the associated growth rates. The simplest vector solitons can be found with b1 = b2 in the form w1 = w cos and w2 = w sin , where




PHYSICAL REVIEW E 73, 055601 R 2006

FIG. 4. Propagation dynamics of vector solitons in nonlocal medium. a Soliton involving nodeless w1 and dipole-mode w2 components at b1 = 3, b2 = 2, d = 2. b Soliton involving nodeless w1 and triple-mode w2 components at b1 = 3, b2 = 2.4, d = 3. c Soliton involving dipole-mode w1 and triple-mode w2 components at b1 = 3, b2 = 2.55, d = 2. d Soliton involving dipole-mode w1 and quadrupole-mode w2 components at b1 = 3, b2 = 1.5, d = 2. e Soliton involving nodeless w1 and ve-hump w2 components at b1 = 3, b2 = 0.45, d = 4. f Decay of soliton depicted in e in the absence of 2 w1 component. In a e white noise with variance noise = 0.01 is added into input proles. Only w2 components are shown.

w describes the prole of scalar soliton, and is an arbitrary projection angle. The most interesting situation is encountered, however, when b2 b1 and the rst and second soliton components possess different types of symmetry. Below, without loss of generality, we search for solutions with b2 b1. The properties of vector soliton composed from the rst nodeless and second dipole-mode components are summarized in Fig. 1. At xed propagation constant b1 and nonlocality degree d there exist lower blow and upper bupp cutoffs 2 2 on b2 for vector soliton existence. As b2 blow the second 2 dipole-mode component gradually vanishes Fig. 1 a , while in the opposite limit b2 bupp the nodeless component ceases 2 to exist Fig. 1 b . Such transformation of the internal structure of the vector soliton is accompanied by the development of a two-humped refractive index distribution near bupp. 2 Notice, that with increase of nonlocality degree, the width of the refractive index distribution increases substantially and far exceeds the width of the actual intensity distribution w2 + w2. The deep on top of the refractive index distribution 1 2 becomes more pronounced in the local limit d 0 and almost vanishes in strongly nonlocal medium d . At small degrees of nonlocality and at b2 bupp the vector soli2 ton transforms into two very well separated solitons with

bell-shaped second components having opposite signs, while at b2 blow a small second component broadens substan2 tially in comparison with the localized rst component. In strongly nonlocal media both components remain well localized in the cutoffs. The total energy ow U is found to be a monotonically increasing function of b2 Fig. 1 c . The energy sharing S1,2 = U1,2 / U as a function of b2 is depicted in Fig. 1 d . We found that the width of the existence domain on b2 for vector solitons shrinks substantially with the increase of nonlocality degree d Fig. 1 e and expands with the increase of b1 Fig. 1 f . A comprehensive linear stability analysis revealed that vector solitons composed of nodeless and dipole-mode components are stable in the entire domain of their existence. We also found vector solitons composed of rst nodeless and second triple-mode components, whose properties are summarized in Fig. 2. The generic properties of such solitons are reminiscent to those of solitons discussed in Fig. 1, but the existence domain for such solitons is substantially wider compare Figs. 2 c and 1 e . The linear stability analysis revealed that solitons composed from nodeless and triplemode components are unstable for small values of d. With decrease of d the instability domain emerges near upper cutoff bupp and occupies the entire domain of soliton existence 2 as d 0.2 Fig. 2 c . In contrast, at moderate nonlocality degrees d 2.3 such solitons are stable near lower and upper cutoffs and feature only a narrow instability band inside their existence domain. At small values of d the instability is of exponential type while for d 2.3 we encountered only oscillatory instabilities. It should be pointed out that, in contrast to the case of local saturable medium 5 , multihumped vector solitons in nonlocal media may be stable when total intensity and refractive index distributions develop three or even more humps. One of the central results of this Communication is that vector solitons were found to form stable bound states that feature several eld oscillations in both components and that, to the best of our knowledge, were not encountered previously in any model of local Kerr-type media. Such bound states exist because of the specic character of soliton interactions in nonlocal medium, whose sign is determined not only by the phase difference, but also by the separation between solitons 17 . Thus, in nonlocal media both w1 and w2 can change their sign in contrast to the case of local media where one of the components remains nodeless 35 . Several representative examples are shown in Fig. 3, including solitons incorporating dipole-mode rst and triple- Fig. 3 a or quadrupole-mode Fig. 3 b second components, as well as more complex structures Figs. 3 c 3 f . The total number of humps in the refractive index distribution is determined by the relative weights of the components. While borders of the existence domain for bound states e.g., Figs. 3 a and 3 b look qualitatively similar to those shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the complexity of the structure of stability instability domains increases progressively with the increase of the number of humps in each component, so that typically several stability windows appear in the d , b2 plane. To conrm the outcome of the linear stability analysis, we performed numerical simulations of Eq. 1 with the input




PHYSICAL REVIEW E 73, 055601 R 2006

conditions q1,2 , = 0 = w1,2 1 + 1,2 , where w1,2 are stands for the proles of stationary solitons, and 1,2 random functions with Gaussian distribution and variance 2 noise. Numerical simulations conrmed the results of the linear stability analysis in all cases. Stable solitons shown in Figs. 13 propagate over huge distances, exceeding experimentally feasible nonlinear material lengths by several orders of magnitude, even in the presence of considerable broadband input noise Fig. 4 . Another important result that we encountered is that complex patterns with a large number of humps, that are unstable when propagating alone, can be made stable in suitable parameter regions due to the mutual coupling with stable single-humped or multihumped components. Illustrative examples are shown in Figs. 3 c 3 f , where stabilization of ve- and six-hump components that are unstable when propagating alone in a medium with exponential response function G 18 is achieved because of the coupling with rst stable fundamental and stable quadrupole-mode components, respectively. To stress that stabilization of such complex multihumped structures takes place in a wide parameter region we show in Fig. 3 d the stability instability domains for solitons depicted in Figs. 3 c and 3 e . Besides the expected stability domain which adjoins the lower cutoff blow, where the vector soliton bifurcates from the stable fun2 damental scalar soliton, another stability domain that appears at d 3 shaded area in the inset of Fig. 3 d was found. In this latter domain, stabilization of the ve-hump component is achieved at the expense of coupling with a weak fundamental component. For a soliton prole belonging to this stability domain, see Fig. 3 e . Dropping the rst component causes fast splitting and decay of the second component Fig.

4 f that is stable in the presence of coupling Fig. 4 e . Similar results were obtained for more complex solitons, e.g., Fig. 3 f . Therefore, vectorial coupling of unstable solitons in one eld component with stable solitons in other eld components allows a substantial increase of the number of solitons that can be packed into the composite, stable vector soliton complex. We thus conclude stressing that vectorial coupling in Kerr-type nonlocal media features important soliton phenomena. In particular, we revealed that in such media vector solitons could form stable bound states that exhibit several eld oscillations in each component, thus affording an extended number of peaks that can be packed into stable soliton trains. Our predictions open a route to the experimental observation of such multihumped soliton complexes. We based our analysis on a general model that combines nonlocal nonlinearity and vectorial coupling, potentially relevant to a variety of multicomponent nonlinear excitations in strongly nonlocal materials with symmetric nonlocal kernels. Formation of stable vector soliton complexes with rich internal structure might be possible in several systems. Therefore, our results motivate specic research in settings that exhibit diverse mechanisms resulting in nonlocal nonlinearities, including charge transport in photorefractive crystals 12 , thermal nonlinearities 13 , reorientational nonlinearities in liquid crystals 14 , many-body interactions in multispecies Bose-Einstein condensates 16,19 and partially ionized plasmas 15 , nonlinearities of semiconductors 20 , or interatomic interactions in strongly correlated atomic gases 21 . This work has been partially supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya, by the Government of Spain through Grant No. TEC2005-07815, and by the Ramon-y-Cajal Program.

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