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February 12

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Issue No.

30, February 2012

Praise and Glory to God:

God continues to provide faithfully for Renewal in every way, encouraging us weekly with His grace and goodness to our church in all areas. God consistently provides opportunities for us to engage in His mission throughout our city, not only individually but through partnering with other local churches. God continues to grow our youth, students, and our College and Student Ministries across the city.

God continues to bring new families and individuals to Renewal weekly, and our January membership class was attended by 25 new folks desiring to partner with us going forward.

Renewal Church Prayer Needs:

Continue to pray for our elders, that He would guard and protect them as they shepherd well. Pray that local churches would continue to partner for the sake of His glory in our city. Pray that we would eagerly submit ourselves in humble obedience to live on mission for God. Pray that our men would grow in the Lord and lead their families well, that our time together for Mens Coffee would be profitable to that end. Pray for missions partnerships and opportunities, both locally and abroad, as we seek to multiply disciples for His glory. Pray that God would raise up missionaries among us.

Renewed Love for God


morning, and we recognize that daily we must resolve to live in submission to the Lord. In 2012, this is our desire as individuals and as a body to live our lives in daily submission to the Lord and setting our face firmly on loving Him, repenting well and trusting the gospel for ourselves, and to bring the gospel of redemption to others. The last two sermons in our Home for the Holidays series focused on children and marriage with one principal question: Is the home mine or Gods? In Psalm 127, we were encouraged that the Lord is the builder and watchman, or protector, of our homes and that we can entrust our homes to Him and rest in His sovereign care. In contrast to societys view of children, we were also encouraged that children are a heritage, reward, and blessing from the Lord, and we should receive them as gifts for our sanctification and the spread of the gospel as we release our children into the world as arrows to bring the gospel to every tribe, tongue, and nation. In the sermon, The Unbreakable Promise, we began in Psalm 117 and then studied through the book of Genesis as we contemplated Gods steadfast, covenantal love for His people, recognizing that God made marriage to be a reflection of this relationship. Our marriages are not ours, to stay or leave as we please, but

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:1-2)

rather they are fundamentally Gods and were created to reflect His character steadfast, faithful, covenantal love for us.

For most, the New Year brings excitement, fresh vision, and purpose to the calling of God on our lives as we set new goals to accomplish over the coming year and review the year that lies behind. We saw this described in Psalm 101 on our first Sunday of the New Year as David lists out his personal resolve. He first resolves to hunger for the Lord as he sings of His steadfast love and justice and makes music to the Lord. True and lasting resolve begins with the Lord as He is the only One who can make lasting change in our hearts. Next David recognizes that true and lasting transformation begins in HIM first, as he resolves to walk with integrity, not set before his eyes anything that is worthless, and to keep a perverse heart far from him. We also must come to the knowledge that we cannot lead others until we can lead ourselves by taking responsibility for our own sin and repent before the Lord. Lastly, we see Davids attention turn outwardly to other believers and to those far from the Lord as he resolves to lead them in knowing the Lord. This he does, morning by

Others may think it strange, but we are so excited to be resuming our Blueprint series as we continue through the book of Leviticus! We picked back up in Leviticus 17 and were instructed that God has given us one, specific way that we are to worship Him. However, our tendency is to question His way and go our own way instead. Knowing us better than we know ourselves, He reminds us again that His way is right and good and we should seek to follow it. Jesus brings us comfort and hope here when confronted with Gods way in the Garden of Gethsemane, even He asked if there was another way instead of the way God laid out through His suffering and death. He sympathizes with us in our weakness, but He is our Savior and Lord because, instead of giving in, He put His way aside and chose Gods path to His death. Praise be to Jesus for perfectly obeying in our place!

Renewed in Relationships

Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts. (Acts 2:46)

Small Group Ministry

Annual Covenant Renewal - We began the year off with our annual church membership renewal. It is the practice of Renewal Church to completely purge the membership roles of all the previous year's church partners and re-covenant as a body. We updated the body with several Renewal partners that have left the church in good standing. Most of these church partners moved to other cities, and we have been in contact with them to ensure that they are connecting with a gospelcentered church in their new cities.

step towards joining with Renewal as partners. The elders walked through the history, mission, and core values of the church. Praise God for growing His church!

Lunch with a Pastor

We also began a new monthly event in January were calling Lunch with a Pastor. Folks who are new to Renewal can sign up to have lunch with one of our pastors, ask questions, and learn more about what God is doing in and through Renewal Church.

Renewal Student Ministry

Our student group rented a van and set out for Pigeon Forge, TN, and the Meltdown Student Conference, January 20-22. Everyone was excited as this was our groups first trip together to a conference and, as you can imagine, we all had a blast.


The conference was outstanding and was attended by about 600 students from across the Southeast. We had two days of fellowship, fun, and concentrated time in the Word. Dustin Willis, a church planter from Midtown in Columbia, was the keynote teacher and he taught through the book of Jonah in four separate sessions. It was a sweet time together as we all took time to pray, read the covenant again, and sign together. Annual covenant renewal is a great reminder for our congregation to remember the covenant that they have voluntarily entered into with one another. Small Group Leader Huddle - This month we initiated another forum for our small group leaders to occur on a bi-monthly basis. This is important for furthering small group ministry at Renewal for a number of reasons. First, it provides a more regular platform for teaching and training. Second, it gives us the space to discuss current issues. A particular group leader in a difficult situation may gain insight and help from another leader that has been through a similar issue. Third, it is always good for our leaders to come together. Leading a group is often a difficult and tiring task, and we pray that these huddles serve as times of encouraging refreshment. As weve moved to our new office space we now have a new address. Our mailing address is now:

4 Davis Keats Drive, Greenville, SC 29607

How You Can Give to Support What God's Doing at Renewal

Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. (Acts 2:45)

Thank you again for your commitment to give to Renewal Church! Your faithfulness has been a blessing to our church and our efforts in the city. See the following information on how to give: By check Place a check in the pre-labeled envelope along with a stamp, and mail to Renewal Church 4 Davis Keats Drive, Greenville, SC 29607 Online Go to and click on Online Giving at the bottom of the home page. Click Register to give a one time gift. Automatic Draft Go to and click on Online Giving at the bottom of the home page. Click Register to complete your automatic draft. A few reminders: All gifts are tax deductible Please make us aware of any address changes or changes to your giving so we can make the necessary adjustments. Send an email to to update your information!

Each of our thirteen students in attendance made public decisions on Saturday night, some for obedience to parents, some concerned for family members, and some to be bold in their faith and walk with Christ. As most of you may know, Toby and Julieann and have been putting on the Meltdown conference for years, and we continue to be amazed at the work God continues to do in the lives of these students each year. We pray for His continued blessing upon this conference, students, and youth leaders.

Connections - This month we also began our first membership class of the year with a bang. We had 25 adults attend the three-week class as the first

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