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2024 ADLM Exhibit Guide

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McCormick Place

System Map
Convention Center
Booth #413
July 28-August 1, 2024

All journeys meet at ADLM24

At Sysmex, we’re dedicated to equipping healthcare professionals
with products and services to get patients the fast, accurate results
they need to make informed healthcare decisions. This year see our
innovative portfolio of hemostasis analyzers and reagents and learn
more about how Sysmex is leveraging AI to make an impact on your lab.
See our expanded portfolio of solutions this year at
ADLM or visit
© 2024 Sysmex America Inc.
The ADLM 2024 Clinical Lab Expo (formerly known as the
AACC Clinical Lab Expo) is the premier global laboratory
medicine exposition. As the place to learn about the
breakthrough innovations shaping the future of clinical
testing and patient care, ADLM’s Clinical Lab Expo gives
attendees the opportunity to browse 900+ exhibitors
in person for the solutions to their lab-related needs.


Expo Information 2 STAY UP TO DATE
Tuesday, July 30
Shuttle Schedule 4 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Information is accurate at
the time of printing, but
2024 Sponsors 5 Wednesday, July 31 changes are bound to
Special Session: How FDA Oversight 6 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. happen! Stay up to date
on the latest by using the
of LDTs will Affect Patient Care
ADLM 2024 mobile app.
Thursday, August 1
Convention Center Industry Workshops 8
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall Theater Industry Workshops 9
Special Session: Laboratory Feud 14
Clinical lab exhibitor listings
Hotel Industry Workshops 15 have been reproduced
without editorial alteration
Lecture Series Presentations 18
from the materials supplied
Product Showcase 25 by the authors. Infelicities
of preparation, grammar,
Exhibitors 27
spelling, style, syntax, and
Exhibitors by Booth Number 120 usage are the authors’.



The ADLM 2024 Clinical Lab Expo is one of the largest international Main Registration Location: Grand Concourse
marketplaces for the clinical laboratory community. In recent years, Sunday 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
the number of international attendees and exhibitors has grown Monday - Wednesday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
exponentially, providing you with an opportunity to see Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
a multitude of products available around the world.
• Abused drugs • Glycohemoglobin Satellite Registration Location: Transportation Lobby
Saturday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• Allergy • Hematology
Sunday 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
• Artificial Intelligence • Hemostasis/coagulation
Monday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• Autoimmune disease • Immunoassay
Tuesday 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
• Automation and robotics • Infectious diseases
• Blood gases/electrolytes • Information systems/ Satellite Registration Location:
informatics Marriott Marquis 2nd Floor
• Bone markers and osteoporosis
Saturday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• Cancer diagnostics and markers • Microbiology
Sunday 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
• Cardiac diagnostics and markers • Molecular diagnostics
Monday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• Cholesterol testing • Nutrition
• Clinical decision systems • OEM and research products
• Cytology/histology • Patient self-testing Location: South Building, Level 2.5
• DNA/RNA testing • Pharmacogenomics Sunday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
• Endocrine testing • Point-of-care and POL testing Monday - Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
• Flow cytometry • TDM/toxicology Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
• Genetic testing/genotyping • Thyroid testing
• Genomics, proteomics • Urinalysis ADLM HEADQUARTERS OFFICE
• Glucose • Viral genotyping Location: North Building, N427cd
Phone: 312-791-6700
…and much more
Sunday 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
For a complete listing of where exhibitors are located, Monday - Wednesday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
turn to page 120 and/or use the mobile app. Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Note: ADLM permits individuals age 16 and 17 with a photo ID

to attend, if accompanied by a registered adult. Children under COAT & LUGGAGE CHECK
16 are not permitted on the exhibit floor or in the educational Location: South Building, South Level One Lobby
sessions at any time. Sunday 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Monday - Wednesday 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
EXPO HALL MAP Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
To view an interactive Expo Hall map, download the ADLM 2024 Coat $4, bag or poster $5
Mobile App. Alternatively, you can pick up a copy of CLN Daily,
which has the map printed in each issue.
Location: South Building, Level 2.5
McCormick Place installed private nursing pods called
Location: South Building, S103d
Mamava Lactation Suites. These nursing pods can be
locked and unlocked by utilizing the free Mamava mobile
Location: South Building, Level 2.5 app. Please download the Mamava Mobile App at
Emergency Phone Number: 6060 from any telephone
in the convention center.

2 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.

Location: Booth #1990, at the back of the 1900 aisle


Location: Booth #4190
n VIEW details on the Opening Mixer, ancillary events
EXHIBITOR LOUNGE and networking opportunities.
Location: Booth #1385
PLAN each day with a built-in calendar.
PHOTOGRAPHY n GET the most up-to-date, accurate information.
Except for photography specifically authorized by ADLM, use of n ACCESS detailed session and speaker information.
video and photographic equipment is prohibited on the exhibit
floor and in the meeting rooms. Photography of poster sessions is n PARTICIPATE in session polling and view live session
permitted only with expressed permission of the presenting author. presentations through the interactive audience
engagement technology.
Ice Cream Social through the Expo Hall.
Tuesday, July 30 I 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Enjoy a frozen treat on the Expo floor. Please note that these are
at the Expo Hall.
first come, first served. Available until supplies last.
n ORGANIZE your notes about exhibitors or check off
Networking Lunch
which ones you’ve visited.
Wednesday, July 31 I 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Join us in the Expo Hall for a boxed lunch. Please note that these n PLAY the Scavenger Hunt, navigating the Expo
are first come, first served. Available until supplies last. Hall by visiting booths and answering questions to
earn prizes.
Coffee Break
Thursday, August 1 I 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. n 
FOLLOW social media about the meeting.
Enjoy coffee on the last day of the Clinical Lab Expo provided by
Choose Chicago.
DxPx US — Investor & Industry Partnering • Visit
Conference & Startup City • Search ADLM 2024 on the Apple App Store,
Location: Booth #2890 Google Play or scan the barcode.
Tuesday, July 30 - Thursday, August 1
ADLM is a proud Gold Sponsor of DxPx: An Industry + Investor
Partnering Conference for the Diagnostics, Digital Health, Precision
Medicine, and Life Science Tools industries, presented by Brown
Gibbons Lang & Company (BGL).
DxPx U.S. is hosted on the floor of the ADLM 2024 Clinical Lab
Expo and is the place for startups and growth-stage companies to
meet with investors and industry participants for licensing, financing,
co-development, and M&A opportunities. DxPx is also home to the
42PLUS1 Pitch Competition, which offers Startups the chance to
compete for up to $2 million in funding.

Various Dates and Times
Attend and meet up with colleagues from across the
globe. Visit special events on the mobile app for more.


Date Service Hours Departures

Sunday, July 28 6:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Every 20 minutes TELL US ABOUT YOUR
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Every 30 minutes CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE!
4:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.* Every 20 minutes Be the first to share your
thoughts with this quick survey.
Monday, July 29 6:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Every 15 minutes The first 20 respondents will
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Every 30 minutes receive a $20 Amazon gift
4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.* Every 15 minutes card. All respondents will be
entered in a drawing for a
Tuesday, July 30 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Every 15 minutes $250 Amazon gift card.
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Every 30 minutes
4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.* Every 15 minutes Scan the QR
code for a
6:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Every 15 minutes chance to win!
Wednesday, July 31
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Every 30 minutes
4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.* Every 15 minutes

Thursday, August 1 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Every 15 minutes

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Every 30 minutes
12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.* Every 15 minutes

* Indicates the last time the shuttle is departing from McCormick Place to hotels.
The last shuttle departs from the hotels coming to the center one hour before this time.

If you need to arrange wheelchair-accessible transportation, please call

877-875-2455 at least 12 hours prior to requested pick-up time.

Shuttles May Vary Due to Traffic & Weather Conditions

For real-time shuttle pickup information, scan the QR code or
navigate to the shuttle tracker link within the ADLM mobile app!

4 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.

THANK YOU 2024 SPONSORS As of June 13, 2024

With gratitude, we acknowledge the sponsors of the ADLM 2024 Clinical Lab Expo.


How FDA Oversight of LDTs will Affect Patient

Care: A Conversation with ADLM, the American Medical MODERATOR:
Association, the Children’s Hospital Association, Octavia Peck Palmer, PhD, FADLM
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
and a Patient Advocate Pittsburgh, PA
Tuesday, July 30 | 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. | Grand Ballroom (S100)
The New FDA Rule on LDTs:
A Physician Perspective
The US Food and Drug Administration released a final rule expanding Geoff Hollett, PhD
agency oversight of laboratory developed tests (LDTs). This regulatory American Medical Association
action will significantly impact patient care, limiting the ability of Representative, Chicago, IL
physicians to order rare and modified diagnostic tests. In addition, the What the New FDA Rule Means
new rule will result in many laboratories discontinuing LDTs, forcing them for Pediatric Care
to send their critical tests offsite and thereby further delaying diagnosis Meghan Delaney, DO, MPH
and treatment. Representatives from ADLM, the American Medical Children’s Hospital Association
Representative, Washington, DC
Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association will discuss how these
challenges will affect their members’ ability to provide quality patient The Value of LDTs:
care. Attendees of this special session will also hear from a caregiver A Parent’s Perspective
Sarah Braswell
and patient advocate on the importance of LDTs in diagnosing medical
Caregiver and Patient Advocate,
conditions. The session will close with a panel of our experts taking Sterling, VA
questions directly from the audience.
The ADLM special session on LDTs is open to all conference Olivia Braswell
attendees with a valid ADLM 2024 badge. This includes Chicago Patient Representative, Sterling, VA
All Access, Exhibitor, and Expo only. Dennis Dietzen, PhD, DABCC, FADLM
Washington University School
of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

6 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.

September 25—27, 2024 | San Diego, CA

The world of critical and point-of-care testing (CPOCT) is driven by the need for accurate,
rapid diagnosis that is integrated into healthcare systems. CPOCT technologies are
continually advancing the field to meet this need.
Join us at the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine’s (formerly AACC)
International CPOCT Symposium in San Diego, CA.
For two days:
• Learn the latest in POCT from interdisciplinary experts
• Engage with companies in the exhibit hall
• And network with peers during poster hall receptions
(Poster abstracts submissions due August 5)
Register by Monday, August 19 for the best rate!
Don’t miss this unique and engaging conference specifically geared toward CPOCT

These 90-minute workshops will be held at McCormick Center. Food and beverage served.


7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Conference Kick-off with Kappa and Lambda: Testing for HIV Integrase Inhibitor Resistance:
An In-Depth Workshop on Immunological Significance 2024 and Beyond
and Clinical Applications Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sponsored by Diazyme Laboratories McCormick Center MR# N231
McCormick Center MR# N226
OVERVIEW HIV drug Resistance (HIVDR) can emerge with use of antiretroviral
Through this workshop we aim to educate on the kappa/lambda (ARV) drug for HIV treatment and prevention. The increasing
ratio of free light chains in serum and the importance of biological prevalence of drug-resistant HIV strains poses a serious threat
variations for free light chain measurements. Additional information to the progress made over the past decades in combating the
such as light chain predominant multiple myeloma and higher HIV epidemic and can be attributed to various factors, including
mortality will be expanded upon. incomplete adherence to ARV drugs regimens, suboptimal drug
availability, and transmission of drug-resistant HIV strains. The World
MODERATOR & SPEAKER Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 10% of
Dr. Chong Yuan people initiating ARV treatment (ART) globally have drug resistant
Managing Director, Diazyme Laboratories HIV strains. This workshop will bring forward the perspectives of key
option leaders in the field of HIVDR to discuss the current state of
drug resistance globally, use of HIV drug resistance testing for
Dr. Gurmukh Singh public health surveillance and clinical management of person living
Medical College of Georgia Department of Pathology
with HIV (PLWH), and new challenges related to detection and
Dr. Alan Wu monitoring HIVDR.
Co-Core Lab Director Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital,
Professor Laboratory Medicine Chief, Clinical Pharmacogenomics MODERATOR
Laboratory, University of California, San Francisco Stephen Williams, PhD
Clinical Director, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Gert van Zyl, MD, PhD
Convention center industry workshops, exhibit hall theater
Executive Head, Department of Pathology, Stellenbosch University
industry workshops, hotel industry workshops and lecture series and National Health Laboratory Service, Cape Town, South Africa
presentations listed as of May 30, 2024. Check the mobile app
Rami Kantor, MD, PhD
for updates.
Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases, Brown
University, Providence, Rhode Island
Urvi Parikh, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine, Associate Director, Virology Core
STAY UP TO DATE! Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Access the most current info on all events,
exhibitors and workshops. Download the
mobile app at

8 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.

These 60-minute workshops are conveniently presented in theaters built inside the exhibit hall.


10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

The Impact of VITEK REVEAL on Antimicrobial Laboratorians Perspectives on Evaluation and
Stewardship Practices Implementation of Alzheimer’s CSF Assays
Sponsored by bioMerieux Sponsored by Roche
Exhibit Hall Theater 3 Exhibit Hall Theater 1

Dr. Dien Bard will discuss how the VITEK REVEAL will be Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology can occur in
implemented in the microbiology lab at her facility. She will discuss vivo using fluid biomarkers and/or Positron emission tomography
how results will be best utilized to maximize the benefits from the (PET) imaging. The FDA approved/cleared cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
time saved using the VITEK REVEAL for the rapid AST workflow. ratios can detect AD amyloid pathology early in the disease and
correlate with amyloid PET. With the availability of amyloid removal
SPEAKER therapies which slow down cognitive decline, it is expected that
Jennifer Dien Bard, PhD, D(ABMM), FIDSA, FAAM laboratories will be faced with increased requests for AD testing.
Interim Chief of Laboratory Medicine, Children’s Hospital Los
Angeles, Chief, Academic and Faculty Development, Director, A panel of laboratory experts will discuss particularities of evaluation
Clinical Microbiology and Virology, Department of Pathology and and implementation of AD CSF biomarkers in clinical laboratories.
Laboratory Medicine, Professor of Pathology (Clinical Scholar)
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California MODERATOR
Maria-Magdalena Patru, MD, PhD
Scientific Partner, CNS, Medical and Scientific Affairs,
Roche Diagnostics

Senior Director, Clinical Chemistry, Toxicology and
Point-of-Care Testing
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University
of California Davis Health

Heather Nelson, PhD, DABCC

Medical Director, Clinical Chemistry, ARUP Laboratories
University of Utah School of Medicine



12:45 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Navigating Antibiotic Stewardship Regulations Challenges in Pre-Analytical Error Detection: Impact
with Procalcitonin of Hemolysis and Potential Solutions
Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific Sponsored by Werfen
Exhibit Hall Theater 3 Exhibit Hall Theater 1

The antibiotic stewardship (ABS) regulatory landscape is changing. What might you be missing in your point-of-care blood gas results?
Organizations like CDC, CMS, and Joint Commission are changing This workshop will focus on the challenges in pre-analytical error
the way they view ABS and how ABS committees operate. This detection, including hemolysis, its prevalence, and impact on
session will explore how procalcitonin can help meet changing potassium and clinical outcomes. Current strategies and a new
requirements for ABS and improve clinical outcomes. technology to detect hemolysis to mitigate risk at the point-of-care
will also be discussed.
Lois Brisben MODERATOR
Regional Product Marketing Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific Anne Winkler, MD
Vice President, Reagent Development and Medical Affairs, Werfen
Michael Broyles, PharmD SPEAKERS
Director of Medical Affairs, Thermo Fisher Scientific Alan Wu, PhD
Co-Core Lab Director Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital,
Professor Laboratory Medicine
Chief, Clinical Pharmacogenomics Laboratory, University of
California, San Francisco

Christopher Farnsworth, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Immunology,
Medical Director of Clinical Chemistry Point-of-Care Testing
Washington University School of Medicine

10 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.



2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

How Labs Evolve When Sigma Metrics are Making a Subjective Sepsis Diagnosis More Objective:
Provided Automatically Role of AI-based Sepsis Medical Algorithms in
Sponsored by QuidelOrtho Empowering Healthcare decisions
Exhibit Hall Theater 3 Sponsored by Roche
Exhibit Hall Theater 1
What would you do if you had your lab’s assay Sigma metrics at your OVERVIEW
fingertips without spending hours in Excel? That is the experience Sepsis, a leading cause of death and the costliest condition to
for the laboratory leaders in this session. Learn what happened when treat in U.S. hospitals, poses a significant diagnostic challenge
they were empowered with their data: what they did, what they due to patient variability despite efforts to automate its detection.
learned, the improvements they made, and how it impacted their Current methods rely on clinical data or biomarkers, but AI offers
lab management. a transformative solution. With its profound impact on healthcare,
AI is revolutionizing diagnostics, drug discovery, personalized
MODERATOR medicine, and patient care. Join us for a session that explores how
Johanna Miller EMR-Integrated AI digital diagnostics utilizing patient parameters
Global Product Manager, QuidelOrtho and biomarkers can reshape the diagnosis of sepsis, offering new
perspectives and strategies for improved patient outcomes.
Angela Armato, MT, MBA MODERATOR
Core Lab Manager, United Health Services Wilson Hospital Sonia Rao, PharmD, BCIDP
Gilles Attipoe Disease Area Network Lead - ID, Roche Diagnostics
Director of Laboratory Services, St. Peter’s University Hospital
Chris White, MLS (ASCP) Bobby Reddy, Jr.
Director of Laboratory Services, Springhill Medical Center CEO, Prenosis

Convention center industry workshops, exhibit hall theater FOLLOW ADLM

industry workshops, hotel industry workshops and lecture series @myADLM on Instagram and use
presentations listed as of May 30, 2024. Check the mobile app #ADLM2024 to join the conversation.
for updates.



1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Faster and Safer – Maximizing Efficiency with a Empowering Laboratories Efficiency: Spotlight on
Dedicated Transportation System for Sending Specimen Molecular Automation & HPV Extended Genotyping
Tubes Quickly and Reliably to the Lab Sponsored by Becton Dickinson
Sponsored by SARSTEDT Exhibit Hall Theater 3
Exhibit Hall Theater 1
OVERVIEW Join us for an immersive symposium on the forefront of cervical
This session will explore the implementation of a dedicated specimen cancer prevention and molecular diagnostics. This event will
transport system in a 504-bed medical center, resulting in tubes highlight cutting-edge advancements in integrated molecular
being sent nearly 700 yards from the emergency department to the automation and innovative assay design, with a specific focus on
central lab in seconds immediately after collection. Integration of transforming screening practices through expanded extended
the system with the hospital's automation line will also be discussed, genotyping result offering. Explore the impact of self-collection
along with important considerations for hospital-wide coordination. on improving screening access and patient engagement, addressing
barriers that hinder traditional cervical cancer screening. Gain
MODERATOR insights into successful implementation strategies from global
Mr. Brett Bartles programs and understand how self-collection is reshaping cervical
CEO/President, SARSTEDT, Inc. cancer screening paradigms.

Alicia Simon, MBA, MT (ASCP) Cassondra Mize
Central Laboratory Director, Intermountain Healthcare Associate Director, Marketing, Becton Dickinson

Melissa Randolph
Cytopathology Manager of Operations at Indiana University Health,
Indiana University Health

Convention center industry workshops, exhibit hall theater

industry workshops, hotel industry workshops and lecture series
presentations listed as of May 30, 2024. Check the mobile app
for updates.

12 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.



3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Cardiac Troponin I POC Testing in the Emergency Anti-MCV: Advancing RA Diagnosis with New
Department: What Evidence, What Applications, Citrullinated Proteins
What Algorithms, What Timing and What Technology? Sponsored by Sebia
Sponsored by Polymedco Exhibit Hall Theater 1
Exhibit Hall Theater 1
OVERVIEW Traditional tests for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) detect the
Accelerated Diagnostic Protocols are becoming a standard of care autoantibodies rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated
for managing suspected acute coronary syndrome and myocardial peptide (CCP). But neither test identifies all patients with the
infarction patients in emergency medicine worldwide. Guidelines disorder, especially in the early stages when intervention can
promulgated by professional societies have championed algorithms prevent more serious disease later. This session will discuss the role
that focus on temporal troponin changes, or deltas, utilizing highly of citrullination in RA, the evolution of anti-CCP assays, and the
sensitive assays. This innovation allows for safe and effective search for antibodies to individual citrullinated proteins which may
rule out and risk assessment of patients with suspected acute be used to complement anti-CCP in the diagnosis and management
coronary syndromes and myocardial infarction. “One and done” of RA. The utility of antibodies to the mutated version of citrullinated
at presentation and subsequent cardiac troponin deltas at 1-hour, vimentin will be highlighted.
2-hour, and 3-hour are typically used. Cardiac troponin has improved
patient and caregiver satisfaction, saved resources, and added value MODERATOR
to laboratory medicine services. Oliver Sendscheid, PhD
Autoimmunity Business Area Director, Sebia
Todd Kelley, MD
James D. Faix, MD
VP of Medical Affairs, Polymedco
Medical Director, Immunology, Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
Romeo Goia, MBA
Director of Marketing, Polymedco Holger Bang, PhD
Scientific Director, Orgentec by Sebia
Robert H. Christenson, PhD, DABCC, FADLM, FACC
University of Maryland School of Medicine

Access the most current info on all events,
exhibitors and workshops. Download the
mobile app at



Wednesday, July 31 | 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Expo Hall Theater 2

2024 Laboratory Feud: BOD vs SYCL

Celebrate innovation, evolution, and progress with Laboratory Feud. This year, MODERATOR
the association is once again hosting its ever-popular annual Laboratory Feud — Paul J. Jannetto
a special gameshow style event. Two teams will be made up of ADLM members PhD, MT (ASCP), DABCC, FADLM,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
who are members on the Board of Directors (BOD) or the Society for Young
Clinical Laboratorians (SYCL), and will compete in a Family Feud-style game TEAM BOD
format, in a throwback to the original match-up used the first year of the Team Captain
competition. The questions will cover various areas of laboratory medicine Bonny Van
including molecular testing, nutrition, hematology, biomarkers, point-of-care J Michael Consulting LLC
testing, MS tests, data analytics, therapeutic drugs, and more. Team Members
Daniel Holmes
St Paul’s Hospital, Providence
Don’t miss out – join us for this exciting and fun special event and play along Health Care

in this year’s BOD vs SYCL Laboratory Feud! Laura Parnas

Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Joe El-Khoury
Yale University

Team Captain
Yachana Kataria
Boston Medical Center
Team Members
Caroline Nottingham
National Institutes of Health
David Shiembob
ARUP Laboratories
David Maciak
Washington University in St. Louis

14 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.

These 90-minute workshops will be held at the Hyatt Regency McCormick in the morning and early evening. Food and beverage served.


7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

The Highs and Lows of Cardiac Troponin: What Your Lipoprotein(a): Laboratory Testing and Clinical Use
High Sensitivity Assay is Measuring and What Might Sponsored by Helena Laboratories
it Be Missing? Hyatt Regency McCormick I Room: Hyde Park
Sponsored by Abbott
Hyatt Regency McCormick I Room: Regency Ballroom C-E OVERVIEW
Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is a member of the ApoB family of lipoproteins
OVERVIEW which bears independent risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular
High sensitivity (hs) cardiac troponin assays have revolutionized events. Approximately 20% of individuals have elevated Lp(a); most
the care of patients with suspected myocardial infarction, allowing of these patients are unaware of the risk because screening for Lp(a)
for faster triage and more accurate diagnostic protocols. However, is not routinely implemented in clinical practice. Here we will discuss
interpretation of cardiac troponin results requires consideration these aspects, standard and esoteric testing for Lp(a) and how the
of patient and assay specific factors. This expert led session will complexity of the molecular structure of this biomarker influences
cover analytical and clinical aspects across high and low hs-cardiac measurements and challenges the clinical laboratory. Further we will
troponin results, while covering factors that may lead to potential explain how those results can guide clinical management of patients
misdiagnosis of myocardial infarction. at risk, and influence cascade family testing strategies.

Gillian Murtagh, MD, MBA Robert S. Galen, MD MPH
Director of Systems, Cardiology/Pulmonology Professor Emeritus Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University
Medical and Scientific Affairs of Georgia - College of Public Health
Core Diagnostics
SPEAKERS Leslie J Donato, PhD
Fred S. Apple PhD, DABCC Co-Director, Hospital Clinical Laboratory, Division of Clinical Core
Medical Director Clinical & Forensic Toxicology, Laboratory Medicine Laboratory Services, The Mayo Clinic
& Pathology, Hennepin Healthcare/Hennepin County Medical Center
Vlad C Vasile, MD, PhD
Principal Investigator, Cardiac Biomarkers Trials Laboratory & Assistant Professor Laboratory Medicine and Pathology;
Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute Consultant-Division of Preventive Cardiology, The Mayo Clinic
Professor, Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, University of Minnesota

Christopher W. Farnsworth, PhD, DABCC, FADLM

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology
Section Head, Clinical Chemistry
Co-Director, Clinical Chemistry Fellowship FOLLOW ADLM
Washington University in St. Louis @myADLM on Instagram and use
#ADLM2024 to join the conversation.



7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

CLIA 2024: Are You Worried or Are You Ready? Embracing New Quality Specifications: Adjusting Lab
Sponsored by Beckman Coulter Diagnostics Practices — CLIA 2024 and Beyond
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place I Room: Hyde Park Sponsored by Bio-Rad Laboratories
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place I Room: Grant Park CD
With the July 2024 changes to CLIA Proficiency Training (PT) goals, OVERVIEW
laboratories face an unprecedented challenge. PT expenses and The workshop aims to provide attendees with a key understanding
failures will go up, but this pain will not be felt equally across of the implications of changing quality specifications using the
methods, instruments, and laboratories. Necessarily, some new CLIA 2024 Proficiency Testing (PT) limits as an example. This
instruments and methods will need more stringent quality control workshop will start with an overview of how the changes in the
(QC). Before the failures impact laboratory operations, it’s critical quality specifications will affect existing QC workflow processes and
to assess the ability of methods to pass the new PT QC and to then address the critical steps in QC troubleshooting, the necessity
implement optimal QC. of revising risk assessment with new quality specifications and
the value of Unity for preparing for CLIA 2024 PT. This workshop
MODERATOR provides an excellent opportunity to embrace changing quality
Douglas Lee specifications.
North American Marketing Director, Chemistry and Immunoassay
Solutions, Beckman Coulter Diagnostics SPEAKERS
James H. Nichols, PhD, DABCC, FADLM
SPEAKER Medical Director, Clinical Chemistry and POCT, Professor of
Sten Westgard Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Director of Client Services and Technology, Westgard QC, Inc Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Lorin Bachmann, PhD, DABCC

Co-Director, Clinical Chemistry, VCU Health System

John Yundt-Pacheco, MSCS

Principal Scientist, Sr, Bio-Rad Laboratories
Access the most current info on all events,
exhibitors and workshops. Download the
mobile app at

16 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.



6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. JOIN ADLM

Get member-exclusive discounts on educational
Enhancement of Sensitivity of Immunofixation Protein offerings and meetings like ADLM 2024, access to
Electrophoresis Methods the popular Member Lounge, and other perks.
Sponsored by Helena Laboratories Stop by ADLM Booth #1879 for a special
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place I Room: Hyde Park A membership offer.


Techniques to enhance the sensitivity of immunofixation 1. C
 ommunity: Reconnect with your colleagues at
electrophoresis for serum and urine will be described along ADLM meetings, Local Section events, or virtually
with the evidence for improvement in detecting monoclonal through The Artery, ADLM’s online community.
immunoglobulins in serum and urine. Emphasis will be placed on
2. K
 nowledge: Refresh your knowledge with the
using undiluted serum, concentrated urine, use of antisera to free
latest innovations in clinical laboratory medicine
immunoglobulin light chains, and immune subtraction. Modifications
at ADLM 2025, save $300+ on registration and
to the procedure will be covered in detail so that any laboratory
more. Stay current with webinars, online courses,
performing protein electrophoresis could execute the procedures
and Certificate Programs.
without the need to acquire any additional equipment or the
need for additional personnel or expertise. The modified methods 3. R
 esearch: Access peer-reviewed original research
compare favorably with the sensitivity of mass spectroscopy. in clinical laboratory medicine through Clinical
Chemistry, The Journal of Applied Laboratory
MODERATOR Medicine, Clinical Laboratory News, and more.
Robert S. Galen, MD, MPH
Professor Emeritus Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University
of Georgia College of Public Health

Gurmukh Singh, MD, PhD
Shepeard Chair in Clinical Pathology, Augusta University

Convention center industry workshops, exhibit hall theater

industry workshops, hotel industry workshops and lecture series
presentations listed as of May 30, 2024. Check the mobile app
for updates.

Learn about the latest technologies and services in convenient, 20-minute presentations. The theater is located in the exhibit hall,
so you don’t need to leave the action of the Expo Hall to attend these lectures.


10:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.

Bead Lyophilization for Custom Molecular Leveraging Novel Multi-Functional Nanoparticles to
Diagnostic Assays Address Challenges in Oncology Diagnostics
Sponsored by Fortis Life Sciences Sponsored by Fortis Life Sciences
Exhibit Hall Theater 2 Exhibit Hall Theater 2

While molecular diagnostic assays are now common in clinical labs, The development and innovative application of multi-functional
their broader implementation for point-of-care testing use has been reporter nanoparticles enable advancements in many diagnostics
limited by assay complexity and requirement for cold chain storage. platforms. Here, we describe a new class of composite
The use of lyophilized assay components can help overcome these nanoparticle, magnetic gold nanoshells, which combine rapid
challenges, providing simplified workflows and ambient temperature magnetic concentration with a distinct plasmonic optical response
stability. Though lyophilized mixes are available for several kinds of to overcome complex diagnostic challenges like low analyte
molecular assays, the chemistries offered are typically limited to a concentration and matrix effects. Using prostate-specific antigen
single assay type and detection platform. Here we demonstrate the (PSA) as a model system in lateral flow assays and other biosensors,
utility of single-reaction lyophilized beads, which can be custom- we showcase the potential of these novel particles to enhance
formulated and packaged to accommodate a wide range of assays sensitivity and specificity and drive advancements in diagnostics.
and point-of-care devices across the diagnostic industry.
SPEAKER Jess Widman
Brendan Looyenga Product Development Scientist, Fortis Life Sciences
Development Scientist, Fortis Life Sciences

18 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.



11:00 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. 12:00 p.m. - 12:20 p.m.

New Solutions for Nucleic Acid Detection Using Detection of Syphilis Infection in Pregnant Women
1-Step RT-qPCR for the Prevention of Neonatal Syphilis Transmission
Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific Sponsored by Anbio
Exhibit Hall Theater 2 Exhibit Hall Theater 2

The Invitrogen™ Lyo-ready SuperScript™ III Flash Reverse Anbio's Syphilis Detection System presents a point-of-care (POC)
Transcriptase joins the Invitrogen SuperScript product family as solution targeting syphilis detection in expectant mothers, aiming
a new reverse transcriptase designed for 1-step RT-qPCR and to assess treatment efficacy and prevent neonatal transmission. The
point-of-care assay development. It is a novel SuperScript III Electrochemical i-t and IMPT RPR Test exhibit capability in detecting
Reverse Transcriptase variant, engineered for enhanced speed, CLA presence, necessitating further experimentation for thorough
thermostability, and inhibitor tolerance. It is a glycerol-free enzyme validation. Key consideration encompass the Electrochemical RPR
that ensures compatibility with microfluidics, air-drying, and Test's reliance on a sample impedance baseline for negative quality
lyophilization technologies. Lyo-ready SuperScript III Flash Reverse control, demanding consistent electrode performance. Challenges
Transcriptase is inactive at ambient temperatures due to the hot start may arise in obtaining positive samples for assay validation.
mechanism, which enables room temperature reaction setup and Subsequent actions entail IMPT testing utilizing the labeled antigen
improved specificity and consistency of RT-qPCR results. electrode. To address the reduced demand in testing, leading
labs are expanding their offerings to generate new revenues to
SPEAKER replace COVID-19 testing and to make use of the increased testing
Agnieška Mackoit capabilities and idle equipment acquired during the pandemic.
Product Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Michael Lau
Chief Executive Officer, Anbio

Convention center industry workshops, exhibit hall theater

industry workshops, hotel industry workshops and lecture series
presentations listed as of May 30, 2024. Check the mobile app
for updates.

Access the most current info on all events,
exhibitors and workshops. Download the
mobile app at



12:30 p.m. - 12:50 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 1:20 p.m.

Overcoming In Vitro Diagnostic Development Barriers Using ddPCR to Detect Rare Variant Allele Frequencies
with GenScript’s Cutting-Edge Solutions in cfDNA Samples on the MagBinder Fit24 Platform
Sponsored by GenScript USA Inc Sponsored by Omega Bio-Tek
Exhibit Hall Theater 2 Exhibit Hall Theater 2

Overcoming barriers in the development of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) Recent advancements and studies have demonstrated the potential
tests demands cutting-edge solutions and GenScript stands at the of cfDNA as a universal, non-invasive biomarker in cancer prognosis,
forefront to provide advanced technologies for protein expression, diagnosis, and management of prenatal testing. To harness the full
antibody development, and nucleic acid methodologies. Join our potential of cfDNA, important considerations should be given to:
presentation as we showcase GenScript’s advanced products and 1. preanalytical stabilization to minimize cfDNA degradation post-
services to support every stage of assay development and share sample collection,
a case study in the development of COVID-19 diagnostic tests.
2. reliable cfDNA extraction methodology to maximize cfDNA yield
SPEAKER with minimal genomic DNA contamination, and
Amanda Grimm 3. appropriate downstream technology with high sensitivity to draw
Sr. Segment Marketing Manager, GenScript USA Inc relevant conclusions. Here, we aim to equip researchers with a
simple and efficient semi-automated cfDNA extraction workflow
and present droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) as a powerful tool for
detecting ultra-low variants with high specificity.

Kiran Durvasula
Product Manager, Omega Bio-Tek

SPECIAL SESSION I 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

HIDA (Health Industry Distributors Association) Lab Advisory Council Fireside Chat
Sponsored by HIDA I Exhibit Hall Theater 2

This fireside chat promises to provide valuable insights into the Lab Market, offering attendees a comprehensive understanding
of current trends and strategies shaping the industry. Join us for an engaging discussion that will inform and inspire your
approach to lab services and distribution. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session following the
panel discussion, allowing for a deeper exploration of key topics and insights.

20 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.



10:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.

Latest Advancements in Isothermal Amplification How Novel Capillary Technologies Can Target
Techniques: RPA, RCA, and LAMP Unmet Blood Testing Needs in Traditional and
Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific Emerging Care Sites
Exhibit Hall Theater 2 Sponsored by Becton Dickinson
Exhibit Hall Theater 2
Thermo Fisher Scientific has launched 3 new isothermal amplification OVERVIEW
products supporting RPA, RCA, and LAMP techniques. The first, Laboratory tests support up to 70% of all clinical decisions and can
a lyo-ready protein set for RPA isothermal amplification amplifies aid clinicians in diagnosing, monitoring, and treating acute and
nucleic acid templates in low temperatures and in a short time. chronic conditions. However, blood testing may be underutilized
Second, the new EquiPhi29™ DNA Amplification Kit for sensitive and in managing patient care. Traditional venous blood collection has
efficient rolling circle amplification (RCA) and multiple displacement been utilized for many decades, but when this type of collection
amplification – whole genome amplification (MDA-WGA). EquiPhi29 is not available or expeditious for certain patients, other methods
DNA Polymerase is the engineered mutant that possesses strong will need to be utilized such as capillary collection. In this session,
strand displacement activity and enables high product yield and you will hear Dr. Ries, Medical Director of Critical Care, Tele-Critical
low amplification bias important in sequencing applications. Third, Care, Patient Command Center, and Co-Chair system Sepsis
the new Invitrogen Lyo-ready Bst DNA Polymerase for (RT)-LAMP Committee at Advocate Health - Midwest, discuss a case studie(s)
isothermal amplification, the best-in-class enzyme demonstrating about how difficult access to venipuncture can have an impact on
the highest speed. Together with the lyo-ready SuperScript IV patient care and clinical outcomes. You will also learn about a novel
reverse transcriptase, it offers the fastest solution for pathogen capillary blood collection device, the BD MiniDraw™ Capillary Blood
diagnostics using RT-LAMP. Collection System, that is designed to address gaps in the current
blood testing landscape.
Agnieška Mackoit SPEAKER
Product Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific Dr. Michael Ries
Medical Director, Critical Care, Tele-Critical Care, Patient
Command Center, and Co-Chair system Sepsis Committee,
Advocate Health - Midwest

Convention center industry workshops, exhibit hall theater

industry workshops, hotel industry workshops and lecture series
presentations listed as of May 30, 2024. Check the mobile app
for updates.



11:00 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. 11:30 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

Results of Bringing Rapid Amplicon-based Sequencing Development of an Automated Targeted Metagenomics
to Doylestown Hospital NGS Application for Rapid Detection of Bacteria and
Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific Fungi Directly from Specimens
Exhibit Hall Theater 2 Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Exhibit Hall Theater 2
Recent years have seen advances in automation that have brought OVERVIEW
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) out of specialized reference Rapid detection and identification of microbial pathogens in the
laboratories and into local pathology departments. This innovation laboratory is imperative. However, standard microbiology testing
has allowed biomarker assessment to take place “in-house”, approaches often depend on the recovery and culture of viable
facilitating shorter turnaround times and more efficient use of organisms, limiting their utility. More recently, next-generation
laboratory resources. During this workshop, hear how one lab with sequencing (NGS) approaches have been successfully used for
no previous NGS experience was able to adopt a rapid, amplicon various applications within the laboratory, but adoption in most
based NGS profiling assay via an automated semi-conductor laboratories is unlikely due to the complexity, expertise, and
sequencing system. You will hear about how utilizing automated resources required. To address these shortcomings, we developed
amplicon-based sequencing in-house has resulted in reduced TAT an automated targeted metagenomic NGS method to rapidly detect
and cost savings for Doylestown Hospital. bacteria and fungi directly from specimens. This presentation will
describe the performance of this new approach and its advantages
SPEAKERS over other methods.
Jeffrey Smith
Thermo Fisher MODERATOR
Allison Eck Jeffrey Smith, PhD
Director of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, NGS Precision Medical Director, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Doylestown Hospital
Jennifer Dien Bard, PhD, D(ABMM), FIDSA, FAAM
Professor of Pathology (Clinical Scholar), Keck School of Medicine,
University of Southern California. Interim Chief of Lab Medicine
and Director, Clinical Microbiology and Virology, Children’s Hospital
of Los Angeles


Stop by the ADLM Booth #1879 during expo hours and learn how to save on next year's
meeting along with other amazing members-only benefits.

22 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.



12:00 p.m. - 12:20 p.m. 12:30 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.

Managing Pipettes In-House; Debunking the Myths Next Generation Materials for Blood-Plasma Generation
Sponsored by Advance Instruments in Point-of-Care Diagnostics
Exhibit Hall Theater 2 Sponsored by Porex
Exhibit Hall Theater 2
99.9 percent of pipette operators have not been trained properly in OVERVIEW
pipetting. Variation between pipette operators and their technique In the U.S. alone, blood tests are performed 2 billion times each
can have a critical impact on data quality. How are you evaluating year and influence 80% of medical decisions made in hospital and
your pipette operators? Do you have records of competency? primary care settings. Yet, for blood-based testing using plasma
Are there enough granular details in your SOPs describing proper starting material, traditional lab-based centrifuge methods for
pipetting technique or are they open for interpretation? If an plasma separation is not feasible in the point-of-care setting.
accidental pipette failure occurs such as a dropped pipette, how can Porex’s expert team of membrane specialists look at blood-plasma
you feel confident that the pipette is still within calibration? generation and separation materials to help you learn what matters
most for accuracy in blood testing diagnostics.
Countless dollars are being spent sending pipettes our for
calibration but, what happens during the transportation process to SPEAKER
your precious pipettes? Do you know how pipettes perform in your Stefan Sproll, PhD
specific laboratory environment? Come to the Artel by Advanced VP Center of Excellence, Membranes Technologies, Porex
Instruments session to get an overview on how we can help debunk
the various myths surrounding the pipette world.

Candie Gilman 1:00 p.m. - 1:20 p.m.
Education & Training Manager, Advanced Instruments
Automated IFA Now Available Through Thermo Fisher
in the US
Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Exhibit Hall Theater 2

Thermo Fisher Scientific announced an exclusive distribution
agreement with Aesku.Group (Aesku), to market, sell, and support
their portfolio of FDA-cleared IFA products, automated instruments
like the Helios HTC, and software in the United States. Now in
combination with EliA assays run on Phadia Laboratory Systems, this
unique partnership demonstrates Thermo Fisher’s unparalleled focus
on automation and workflow efficiency to support earlier diagnosis
with an aim towards improving patient care.

Dr. Isabel Wilhelm
Global Product Manager, Autoimmunity, Thermo Fisher Scientific

J U LY 2 7 - 3 1 , 2 0 2 5



From harnessing AI to nanotechnology, mass spectrometry, diagnostic
discovery and beyond, the world of laboratory medicine is by all accounts
captivating. Bring the wonder to ADLM 2025 and leave feeling energized,
a little surprised, and inspired to take on what’s next. Don’t miss this incredible
opportunity to engage with global laboratory medicine leaders in Chicago
for conversations and connections you won’t find anywhere else.

Join us for ADLM 2025 in Chicago. Learn more at

As of May 1, 2024

ARK Diagnostics, Inc. Hamilton Company Sekisui Diagnostics LLC

Booth 1115 Booth 203 Booth 1809
• Methotrexate ll Assay • Hamilton Verso Dx • OSOM® Flu SARS-CoV-2 Combo Test
• SEKURE Total Cholesterol Assay
BIOLYPH, LLC KNF Neuberger Inc.
Booth 3624 Booth 5247 Thermo Fisher Scientific
• LyoSpheres: Your Reagents Lyophilized • FP 7 and FP 25 Low Pulsation Liquid Booth 2213
in Any Device Diaphragm Pumps • Lyo-ready SuperScript™ III Flash Reverse
bioMerieux, Inc. MEDTOX Diagnostics, Inc.
• Ion Torrent™ Genexus™ System
Booth 624 Booth 4621 • TSQ Altis™ Plus Triple Quadrupole Mass
• VITEK® REVEAL™ • Labcorp® Plasma Detect™ Spectrometer
• BIOFIRE® SPOTFIRE® • Applied Biosystems™ HIV-1 Genotyping Kit
MeMed with Integrase
• BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® TORCH Booth 4816 • Applied Biosystems Diomni Enterprise
® ® • MeMed Key® and MeMed BV® Software
• VIDAS® 3 • Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Custom
Meridian Bioscience, Inc. QSY2-based Probes ​
Bio-Techne Booth 3516 • TaqPath™ DuraPlex™ 1-Step RT-qPCR
• Curian , Efficient Fluorescent
® Master Mix
Booth 4326
Immunoassay Analyzer • Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5DX
• CLINIQA Liquid QC Cardiac Control
Real Time PCR System
Complete TnI and TnT
Nova Biomedical Corporation • Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 7Pro Dx
DiaSorin Inc. Booth 1832 Real Time PCR
• Stat Profile Prime Plus • Thermo Scientific™ MAS™ Omni Quality
Booth 1424
• Next Generation StatStrip Hospital Controls
• LIAISON PLEX® Respiratory Flex Assay
Glucose Meter • Thermo Scientific™ Indiko™ Plus Analyzer
• Thermo Scientific™ MAS™ Diabetes Max
QuidelOrtho Control
Eurotrol, Inc.
Booth 1819 • B·R·A·H·M·S™ sFlt-1/PlGF KRYPTOR™​
Booth 1017
• Vitros Duo
® Test System
• VeriSTAT in CueSee Ringe
• CueSee Coag in ACU-Drop II Randox Laboratories ZeptoMetrix
• CueSee Coag in CueSee Mix Booth 2454
Booth 1413
• Randox Acusera Serum Indices Control • ZeptoMetrix® NATtrol™ Flu/RSV/
Golden West Biologicals, Inc.
SARS-CoV-2 Negative Control Swab
• Acusera Smart Controls
Booth 2471 • ZeptoMetrix® NATtrol™ Chlamydia
• Mass Spect Gold Product Line SARSTEDT Trachomatis Positive Control
(6 x 1 mL Vials)
Haemonetics Corporation Booth 3409
• Tempus600® Specimen Transportation
Booth 1232 System
• TEG® 6s hemostasis analyzer and TEG
• S-Monovette® Blood Collection System
Manager® software

As of May 14, 2024. Check the mobile app for updates.

77 Elektronika Ltd. AB Medical, Inc.

Booth: 5110 Booth: 4640
77 Elektronika is a major global developer, manufacturer and supplier Starting with a clinical field test certification and with the quality
of in vitro diagnostic medical devices, mainly urine analyzers, assurance system certified by ISO-13485, GMP, CE – AB MEDICAL
blood glucose meters and their consumables since 1986. The key is in the process of FDA 510k. AB Medical’s V-TUBE is one of the
to company success is our philosophy focusing on innovation and widely used vacuum blood collecting tubes in the medical field. AB
development; hence we continuously expand our product portfolio Medical offers 32 types of products in the V-tube line up according
providing our partners with high-quality products and services. to additives and draw volume and the typical products. The NEW
product V-PBMC which offers a one-step solution for isolation of
A&T Corporation PBMC will be introduced at ADLM 2024.
Booth: 3855
Booth: 1201
A&T supports medical care and contributes to people’s health around
the world. As an Integrated Solution Provider, A&T works on product
development, manufacturing, marketing and customer support in the Abbott is a global leader in in vitro diagnostics with one of the
all fields of C·A·C·L (Chemicals, Analyzers, Computers, Lab-Logistics). broadest portfolios of businesses spanning nearly every segment –
point of care, immunoassay, clinical chemistry, hematology, blood
A2LA American Association for Laboratory screening, molecular, and informatics. Abbott’s life-changing tests
Booth: 756 and diagnostic tools provide accurate, timely information to better
manage health. We’re empowering smarter medical and economic decision making to help transform the way people manage their
A2LA is an internationally recognized accreditation body whose health at all stages of life.
primary mission is to provide comprehensive accreditation services
for laboratories, inspection bodies, proficiency testing providers, ABclonal Technology
reference materials producers, and product certification bodies. Booth: 229
Assessments are conducted using international standards and field-
specific technical requirements developed in cooperation with the
government and industry. ABclonal Technology aims to improve the accuracy and precision of
life science research through our expansive catalog of high-quality,
Aalto Scientific, Ltd. personalized biological reagents and services to facilitate diverse
Booth: 1118 fields including cancer, metabolism, and cardiovascular research.
To promote clinical research, we supply raw materials for multiple research and diagnostic applications, specimen collection kits, and
Private Label manufacturer of quality control and EQA/proficiency support antibody and assay development to promote global health.
materials for HbA1c, C-Peptide, Insulin, Fructosamine, TNI, TNT,
BNP, CK-MB, Galectin 3, General Chemistry, Immunoassay, Tumor ABIMO
Markers, Drugs of Abuse, Procalcitonin. We have the ability to Booth: 5140
customize our products to meet your needs, or contract manufacture
your formulation in our ISO13485:2016 100,000 square foot facility.
A complete line of purified human proteins, bulk human and animal Founded in 1962, ABIMO-Brazilian Medical Devices Manufactures
sera is available. Association offers support to the health production chain. Nowadays,
the association represents more than 300 companies and offers
AB ANALITICA SRL an export program (Brazilian Health Devices) in partnership with
Booth: 4953 ApexBrasil- Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency,
aiming to promote the sustainable growth of the sector.


Abnova Corporation Access Bio, Inc.

Booth: 4562 Booth: 2477
Abnova Corporation, a leader in research and GMP reagents for Access Bio, Inc. is a New Jersey based corporation specialized in
over 20 years, offers high-quality antibodies, NanoAb™, proteins, the development, manufacture, and marketing of IVD tests under
ELISA kits, FISH probes, and CellTX™ cell therapy reagents. We CareStart™. The company utilizes advanced lateral flow technology
provide custom recombinant antibody and protein, VHH antibody and its CareStart™ malaria RDTs have been recognized as one of
production, and integrated antibody engineering and humanization, the world’s leading brands due to their excellent quality. Access Bio,
kit, DNA/RNA probe, pseudovirus, orthotopic and PDX mouse model Inc. has recently expanded its impressive RDT portfolio to include
services. Committed to innovation and excellence, we empower Influenza A & B, Strep A, G6PD, and COVID-19.
researchers globally to advance scientific discovery.
Accreditation Commission for Health Care
Absea Biotechnology, Ltd. Booth: 1461
Booth: 4549 Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) has over 35 years
Absea, a powerhouse in protein engineering, leads with its high- of experience promoting safe, quality patient care. As a national
throughput platform, conducting 1,000+ new projects per month accreditor, ACHC is trusted for providing value, integrity, and the
in protein and monoclonal antibody development. With a vast industry’s best customer service. ACHC offers a comprehensive
library of 12,000 soluble proteins and validated monoclonals, range of accreditation and certification options across the continuum
we collaborate with industry leaders, offering advanced solutions of care.
in proteomics and interactomics.
AccuBioTech Co., Ltd.
ABSOLOGY Co., Ltd. Booth: 447
Booth: 4468 AccuBioTech Co., Ltd. specializes in developing, manufacturing
We provide POCT fluorscence immunoassay, ABSOL and high and distribution in vitro rapid diagnostic tests and Lab Equipment.
sensitivity ELISA analyzer, ABSOL HS. We have some parameters like Our company is ISO 13485 certified. Over 40 products are CE
PSA, Vitamin D, Testosterone, TSH, B-amyloid and ultra troponin I. marked. Our main products include Rapid Tests for fertility, infectious
And we are developing some other biomarkers such as PTH, freeT4, diseases, tumor markers, drug of abuse tests, urine reagent strips,
other cardiac markers. We hope we will meet soon at ADLM 2024. elisa test and Lab Equipment.

Absolute Biotech Accumen

Booth: 1245 Booth: 4265
Absolute Biotech unites multiple antibody-centric brands into Accumen leverages technology-enabled consulting services to solve
a single organization specializing in antibody reagents, kits and complex hospital and health system issues. Based in Scottsdale, AZ,
services. Our antibody sequencing, engineering and recombinant with offices in Louisville, KY and Blue Bell, PA, Accumen accelerates
expression services help diagnostic developers ensure a secure results for more than 1,000 US hospitals and health systems by
supply chain and high-quality assay results for the entire lifespan of providing expert resources, extensive operational and clinical data,
a diagnostic. Our catalog includes many clinically relevant reagents, as well as analytic technology.
including infectious disease antibodies, research-grade biosimilars
and isotype controls.


Be the first to share your thoughts with this quick
survey. The first 20 respondents will receive a $20
Amazon gift card. All respondents will be entered
in a drawing for a $250 Amazon gift card.

28 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Acon Laboratories, Inc. AEHEALTH LIMITED

Booth: 1039 Booth: 4268
ACON Laboratories has led the way in making high quality diagnostic AEHEALTH is established in 2015 and start export in 2019. We
and medical devices more affordable to people around the world integrated our dedicated and professional team focusing on research
for over 27 years. Specializing in OEM products as well as medical & development, manufacturing, sales & marketing, and servicing for
products for Diabetes Care, Clinical Chemistry including Urinalysis the superior quality In-vitro diagnostic products, including rapid tests,
Reagent Strips, Urine Analyzers, Urine Controls, ACON Laboratories fluorescence immunoassay analyzer and corresponding test kits,
is the legal manufacturer of the FDA Flowflex COVID-19 Antigen nucleic acid extraction instrument and test kits, PCR instrument and
Home Test. A rapid test for the detection of COVID-19 antigens test kits, Hematology analyzer, etc.
in nasal specimens.
Acro Biotech Inc. Booth: 4232
Booth: 1642 Wendelsheim based AESKU.GROUP, composed of AESKU.
Acro Biotech is a California-based manufacturer of rapid tests offering DIAGNOSTICS, AESKU.KIPP INSTITUTE, AESKU.THERAPY, DST &
products including USFDA 510K registered DOA Tests, Women’s AESKU.BION, offers the most comprehensive product portfolio in
Health, Cardiac Markers, Tumor Markers, Infectious Disease, and the field of autoimmune diagnostic - worldwide. AESKU.GROUP is
Lateral Flow Test Readers for International Markets. proud to provide its state-of-the-art products (using ELISA, BLOT,
and Immunofluorescence methodology), covering the wide area
ADLM (formerly AACC) of autoimmunity, infectious serology, allergy, and food intolerance.
Booth: 1879 The high quality and innovativeness of AESKU products have their
foundation in the in-house research, development, and production of all assays and lab systems. This ensures the best possible quality
The Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly and consistency to the customer. Acquiring DST in 2017, AESKU.
AACC) is a global scientific and medical professional organization GROUP added the expertise in allergy and food intolerance to
dedicated to clinical laboratory science and its application to its already wide-ranged set of talents. AESKU.BION specializes in
healthcare. Our leadership in education, advocacy and collaboration manufacturing high-quality IFA products for clinical laboratories.
helps lab professionals adapt to change and do what they do best:
provide vital insight and guidance so patients get the care they Agappe Diagnostics Switzerland GmbH
need. Stop by Booth 1879 to learn more about ADLM’s valuable Booth: 3852
educational products, services, and meetings like ADLM Annual
Meeting & Clinical lab Expo. Join ADLM for member perks like
product discounts and access to the exclusive Member Lounge. Agappe Diagnostics Switzerland GmbH is one among the few IVD
companies who has spread her wings in and out of Euro Zone.
Advanced Instruments Agappe in Greek means Divine Love. And it is with this devotion
Booth: 1420 we deliver all our products and services. Agappe is global player
with presence over 85 Countries. Our product portfolio includes; • Clinical Chemistry • Immuno Chemistry • Molecular Diagnostics
Advanced Instruments is trusted in labs worldwide. Our focus • Hematology • Coagulation • Serology • Urinalysis • Controls &
on service, quality, & reliability makes us a leading developer Calibrators • Pre-analytics • Rapids
& manufacturer of analytical instruments & services for the
biopharmaceutical & clinical industries for over 65 years. We Ahlstrom Filtration LLC
provide innovative technologies aligned with the needs of the Booth: 1443
market, helping improve efficiency, enhance productivity, & ensure
best-in-class performance. Chemistry labs depend on our easy-
to-use osmometers that provide accurate & precise results with Ahlstrom specializes in high-performance fiber-based materials for
secure & efficient electronic data management. Microbiology labs use in diagnostic and life science applications. We offer a full range
have confidence in our Anoxomat® III anaerobic jar system that of sample, conjugate and absorbent pads for lateral flow tests,
efficiently achieves desired environments in minutes. Hematology blood separation media and conjugate release pads. We also offer
labs rely on the GloCyte® Automated Cell Counter System as the a customizable portfolio of specimen collection cards for transport
only CSF counter that is FDA cleared to count down to 0. Our latest and storage of biosamples at ambient temperature. Come see us
acquisition, the Artel portfolio, includes analytical instruments, at Booth #1443 to discuss our newest products!
software & services that validate, automate & calibrate critical liquid
handling processes & instrumentation.


Aiiboom (ShenZhen) Advanced Technology Co., Ltd. Aladdin Scientific Corporation

Booth: 3222 Booth: 127
Aikang MedTech Co., Ltd.
Aladdin Scientific Corp provides cutting-edge scientific solutions
Booth: 3276 with a comprehensive range of products, including chemicals & reagents. Our products cater to life sciences, environmental sciences,
material sciences, and analytical chemistry. With a customer-centric
Founded in 2003, Aikang is a national high-tech enterprise
approach, our team of experts offers customized solutions backed by
specialized in R&D, production, sales and service of medical
stringent quality control measures. We prioritize innovation, staying
devices. Aikang has always been at the forefront of independent
at the forefront of technological advancements through research and
innovation, taking research and development as the cornerstone,
development. Our global presence, with a network of distributors
building core competitiveness, and striving for excellence. After
and partners, enables us to serve clients worldwide. By partnering
20 years developing, Aikang currently has products in three fields:
with Aladdin, you gain access to an ever-expanding portfolio of
fully automatic medical equipment, IVD diagnostic reagents and
premium chemical reagents, backed by our unwavering commitment
medical consumables.
to supporting your R&D success. Let us help you accelerate your
research and innovation by providing the superior chemical reagents
Air Sea USA
you need to achieve outstanding results.
Booth: 1679 Alberta Centre for Advanced Diagnostics
Air Sea USA specializes in the supply of UN Certified packaging Booth: 954
for dangerous goods. Over 700 off the shelf Hazmat packaging
solutions available, including jerricans, steel drums, 4DV, 4GV & 4GV
From prototyping to clinical implementation, ACAD leverages
boxes, lithium battery & infectious substances packaging. All UN
Alberta’s consolidated healthcare infrastructure to connect early-
approved packaging is independently tested, approved & certified &
stage innovators with the facilities, equipment, performance testing
are compliant with Dangerous Goods regulations for air, road & sea.
centres, and healthcare contacts needed for emerging technologies
Our technical experts will help you select the compliant packaging
in the pathogen diagnostics sector. Rapid Infection Diagnostics (RID)
solution for your hazardous material.
Inc., success story of ACAD, leverages advanced mass spectrometry
to enable a suite of rapid diagnostic tests that reduce microbiology
Akonni Biosystems
testing times from days to hours.
Booth: 454
ALCOR Scientific LLC
Akuratemp LLC Booth: 1011
Booth: 2372 ALCOR Scientific engages in the research, development and global
Akuratemp designs and manufactures multi-use pre-validated marketing of advanced diagnostic products for the clinical laboratory.
parcel shipping systems to keep diagnostic samples, laboratory Through steady investment on research and development, ALCOR’s
reagents, and controls within acceptable temperature ranges during innovative analyzers simplify testing emphasizing on safety, cost-
transportation. We provide an IoT-enabled temperature monitoring effectiveness and quality of test results. ALCOR proudly offers the
platform for laboratory freezers, refrigerators, sample dropbox, and only USA Made fully-automated ESR analyzers in the marketplace.
sample courier totes.
Alfa Scientific Designs, Inc.
Booth: 3643
ALFA, a creative leader at innovating new products for rapid, IVD
DOWNLOAD THE MOBILE APP testing, will showcase our most recent products in development
featuring Driven Flow Technology, our patented, revolutionary
mechanism of action that significantly improves test results in point-
of-care, diagnostic devices. Our newest Instant-view Driven Flow
health tests are focused on infectious diseases and have shown
dramatic reductions in reaction times as well as increased accuracy.

30 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


ALI Global Medical Group Limited ALPCO

Booth: 128 Booth: 2852
ALPCO is a leading immunoassay distributor and
Booth: 1438 developer, featuring novel stool-based diagnostics for the GI testing market. ALPCO, partnered with GeneProof has evolved into a
leading diagnostics company, combining immunodiagnostics and
Alifax, the Italian manufacturer of innovative diagnostic solutions for
molecular biology with proprietary automated platforms in the areas
clinical laboratories. Our latest products include the New Test1 2.0
of allergy, diabetes, endocrinology, gastroenterology, and infectious
for ESR determination in less than 20 secs, the MOLECULAR MOUSE
disease to enable laboratories to do more with less.
RT-PCR system, equipped with a full SEPSIS panel for quick and
reliable identification of microorganisms and resistances, the I-dOne
American Proficiency Institute
reagent-free ATR-FTIR based platform for microbe ID in 1 min, and
latest phenotypic kits for CRE, ESBL/AmpC, and VRE detection in Booth: 3146
positive hemoculture in 4 hours.
American Proficiency Institute (API), the leading innovator in
ALine, Inc.
proficiency testing programs for the clinical laboratory, provides
Booth: 4443 superior value to the laboratory customer. API offers a wide number of proficiency testing programs, automated result transmission,
creative online services, cost savings and free continuing education.
Experts in the Science and Engineering of Microfluidics for the Life
When it comes to proficiency testing, reliability is everything and API
Science, IVD, Wearables, Point of Care Markets. Need for Speed...
is fully committed to supporting laboratories with technical expertise
Do you have critical milestones to meet that will allow you to unlock
and prompt, personal service.
the next round of funding? ALine helps you leverage your investment
in demonstrating proof of principle to reach milestones that unlock
Amolifescience Co., Ltd.
10x your initial investment through a successful demonstration of
a complete functional system for your point of care product. Our Booth: 226
clients have confidence in our ability to partner with them to meet
critical deadlines with well structured milestone-based pricing. We
Since 2015, Amolifescience, a spin-off of the AMO group, has
meet our shipping deadlines 95% of the time. Typical turn around
developed biomedical materials, bio equipment, and healthcare
times for new parts based on design changes are less with 7 business
devices. Amolifescience provides electro-spun nanofibers, magnetic
days. ALine has a toolbox of engineered functional microfluidic
beads, and biomedical devices by using its expertise in material
components that have well defined functional specifications. We've
science such as bio reactor, RNA/DNA automated extraction system
solved a range of applications needs over our 16 years in business
and automated thawing system.
and over a wide range of projects and applications.
Amos Scientific Pty., Ltd.
Booth: 4250
Booth: 4055
Amos Scientific Pty. Ltd. is a company specializing in the research,
Building on over 30 years of experience in transfusion diagnostics,
development, manufacture and sale of histopathology instruments.
Quotient is a commercial-stage diagnostics company committed to
The company provides a full range of equipment to support the
delivering solutions that reshape the way diagnostics is practiced.
entire process of tissue processing and preparation for laboratories
Quotient has two key product portfolios, Alba by Quotient™ and
in biology, pathology, morphology, histology, etc., which involves
MosaiQ™ by Quotient. The MosaiQ solution combines a fully
dehydration, embedding, sectioning, drying, staining, sealing, etc.
automated instrument, an innovative microarray, and a smart
algorithm to provide multimodal, multiplex testing—on a single
diagnostic platform.


Analyticon Biotechnologies GmbH Aniara Diagnostica

Booth: 5109 Booth: 5335
Analyticon is an agile & global diagnostics company focused on Aniara Diagnostica LLC distributes lab reagents for testing in the
customized solutions for urine diagnostics & hematology. Our clinical, industrial, academic and research arenas. We represent
products support accurate & cost-effective onsite diagnostics ACOA, Hyphen Bio-Med, Medicago, U-Cytech and Xenometrix.
in doctors' offices, hospitals & clinical laboratories. Analyticon
distributes products to more than 100 countries via a worldwide Ansh Labs, LLC
distributor network. Dedicated to develop & distribute innovative Booth: 5137
systems for the identification of diabetes, kidney diseases &
infectious diseases, among other medical conditions.
Ansh Labs manufactures immunoassay test kits for Reproductive
ANAVASI Diagnostics Function, Growth Factors, and Glucagon Regulation along with
Booth: 4405 species specific ELISA kits. We will feature MenoCheck, the first FDA
cleared test to determine menopausal status. Our Dried Blood Spot tests for reproductive function will also be featured.
ANAVASI Diagnostics is a privately held company focused on
innovative and leading technology for the future of health care.Our Ant Medical Company
AscencioDx® Molecular Detector and COVID-19 test offers results Booth: 1764
with precision on par with lab-based PCR tests, detecting 99.99% of
Omicron subvariants and other known variants of concern. This cost-
effective, reliable and convenient portable device provides medical Ant Biotechnology is at the forefront of microbiology, leading the way
professionals with reliable diagnostic data at the point of care. Its with our innovative Uniqplex™ technology. This RT-PCR technology
eco-friendly design features a reusable detector significantly reducing makes it possible for various DNA and RNA detection kits to function
waste. The AscencioDx Molecular Detector and COVID-19 Test is concurrently, delivering results in just 42 minutes. Our comprehensive
authorized for emergency use (EUA) by the FDA.Anavasi Diagnostics product range includes major pathogens such as HBV, HPV, HIV1-
proudly manufactures in the US and is a RADx® Funded-Company, 2 and others. By enhancing the speed and efficiency, we are
recognized by the NIH in the esteemed RADx initiative -- a testament empowering laboratories worldwide, and pioneering the future of
to our commitment to quality and innovation. We are actively rapid diagnostics.
developing an expanded menu of assays, in addition the versatility
of the AscencioDx also lends itself well to other molecular application. Applied Biocode, Inc.
Booth: 2474
Anbio Biotechnology
Booth: 3818
Applied BioCode, Inc. develops, manufactures, and commercializes multiplex diagnostic testing products. The company’s products focus
Anbio Biotechnology (Anbio) is a leading global medical device on the $4.5 billion molecular diagnostic infectious disease segment
company with a focus on in vitro diagnostics. We offer cutting-edge of the market with assays that detect pathogens for gastrointestinal
laboratory, wellness, at-home, and point-of-care (POCT) in vitro infections, respiratory infections and other high value diseases. Also
diagnostic (IVD) solutions that are rapid, accessible, and affordable included are the infectious disease, autoimmune disease, allergy, gut
on a global scale. Since its establishment, Anbio has been committed microbiome, and veterinary diagnostics markets.
to deliver the most advanced diagnostic solutions while ensuring
cost-effectiveness for our customers. Our extensive capabilities in Appolon Bioteck
research and development, manufacturing, and global product Booth: 1265
distribution logistics allow us to continuously focus on cost reduction
while offering a wide range of mature laboratory diagnostics and
point-of-care technology (POCT) products. Our product range
spans across cancer, cardiovascular conditions, pharmacogenomics,
hormones, infectious diseases, inflammation, and drug of
abuses tests
@myADLM on Instagram and use
#ADLM2024 to join the conversation.

32 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


APTEC Diagnostics NV Argonaut Manufacturing Services

Booth: 4246 Booth: 2272
APTEC Diagnostics nv, founded in 1992, is a manufacturer of high Argonaut Manufacturing Services, located in Carlsbad, CA, is a
quality stable Turbidimetric reagents to measure serum proteins in contract manufacturing organization providing GMP-compliant
human plasma or urine. We are specialized in customized solutions manufacturing solutions to the life science, diagnostic, and
for ready to use reagents, antibodies, calibrators and controls, in bulk biopharmaceutical industries. Argonaut has unique expertise in the
format, general kit format or system packs which are designed for a areas of formulation, filling, kitting, lyophilization, and supply chain
specific analyser. We are Anvisa, ISO9001:2008 and ISO13485:2003 management solutions. Argonaut is FDA registered, CA FDB-audited,
certified and CE-conform. and compliant with ISO 13485:2016, cGMP, and QSR 21 CFR 820
including Part 4 update, 21 CFR 210, 21 CFR 211.
ARK Diagnostics Inc
Booth: 553
Booth: 1115
Aptitude is transforming point-of-care molecular diagnostics with
our breakthrough Metrix® platform. Metrix empowers providers to ARK Diagnostics Inc. designs, manufactures, and distributes in vitro
give their patients lab accuracy in minutes – No lab. No wait. Metrix diagnostic products. ARK’s proprietary assays accurately measure
is simple. Its hand-held design disrupts cost barriers, enabling use drug levels in biological fluids. Clinicians use these measurements
by anyone in any environment. Metrix is FDA authorized OTC/CLIA- to guide dosing decisions for safe, effective, and personalized drug
waived for COVID-19 and has a rapidly growing menu for COVID/ therapy. By optimizing drug levels, clinicians improve outcomes,
Flu, RSV, STIs, Strep A and more. No instruments. No training. No reduce toxicity, and lower healthcare costs. ARK is dedicated to
maintenance. No compromises. No brainer. improving the quality of patient health through better therapeutic
drug management.
Arlington Scientific Inc.
Booth: 1168
Booth: 1441
Apto-Gen is a technology-driven company dedicated to providing
customized PCR and qPCR solutions for our customers’ applications. Arlington Scientific, Inc is a U.S. global medical technology company
We manufacture market-leading molecular biology reagents for that develops, manufactures, and sells in-vitro diagnostics for
direct integration into test devices and assays for both human and syphilis and other infectious diseases, nonmammalian blocking
animal diagnostics companies. By specializing in lyophilization- buffers, diagnostic analyzers for syphilis screening, nasal curettes,
compatible enzyme and reagent technologies, we offer more and blood donor lounges. The ASI Evolution is the only automated
environmentally sustainable products by reducing cold chain storage nontreponemal (RPR) syphilis analyzer FDA cleared for diagnostic,
and product wastage. Apto-Gen is ISO 13485 certified enabling us to blood donor screening and cadaveric (non-heart beating) tissue
identify with our customers’ quality systems and meet their specific screening. FDA registered and CE marked.
design requirements to deliver customized and innovative products.
Our mission is the improvement of DNA and RNA detection for more Artron BioResearch Inc
accurate diagnoses by bringing bespoke, high-quality molecular Booth: 4537
biology reagents to the healthcare and biotechnology markets.
Aquabot, Inc. Artron BioResearch Inc is a technology-based manufacturer
specializing in the development and large-scale production of
Booth: 140
antibodies and antigens. We are a rapidly growing biotech company
located in Burnaby, B.C. The laboratory is operated by a team of
Arcmed dedicated scientists with over 20 years of extensive experience in the
Booth: 3936 field of monoclonal antibodies, recombinant antigens, and in vitro
diagnostic test development.
Arcmed creates and delivers precision fluid handling systems to
global OEMs in diagnostics and medical devices. Diba is famous for
our Click-N-Seal® torque-release fittings and flared tubing assemblies,
precision probes with DP3® polishing for super-smooth IDs and
our precision machined and diffusion bonded polymer manifolds.
Diba helps OEMs optimize instrument performance by minimizing
carryover, improving wash characteristics and increasing system
throughput and accuracy.


ARX Sciences, Inc. ASCP Board of Certification

Booth: 3742 Booth: 4939
ARX Sciences specializes in partnering with companies world- The ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) is the gold standard in global
wide to support and develop technologies for in Vitro Diagnostic certification for medical laboratory professionals and has certified
applications. ARX manufactures Platelet Aggregation Controls, over 625,000 individuals. We are the first and largest certification
Viral Transport Media, and markets and distributes Antibodies and agency. Since our inception in 1928, the BOC continues to set a high
Proteins optimized for assay development and research. With our standard for quality and continuing competency.
experienced management team, we aim to provide the highest level
of quality and customer service. ASKION GmbH
Booth: 4552
Asahi Kasei Corporation
Booth: 4613
ASKION GmbH - your high-performance OEM partner in development, manufacturing & service of med-tech and bio-
We, Asahi Kasei Group, offer a wide range of raw materials used analytical devices, optoelectronics and fine mechanical optical
for IVD products. NanoActTM is multicolor cellulose nanoparticles as modules. Furthermore, we offer with our Fluo S/M a customizable,
labels for LFIA. MicrolineTM is nonwoven pad materials, like a sample affordable and easy to use platform for automated fluorescence
pad for LFIA. We also have been providing a wide variety of high microscopy and with our ASKION C-line® system a modular and
quality IVD enzymes to the customers worldwide as a pioneer in fully automatable system solution for cryo-/biobanks for control rate
IVD enzymes since the early 1970s. We will continue to develop and freezing and storage of biological samples at -130°C.
provide the raw materials used for IVD products that precisely meet
the needs of our customers. ASP Lab Automation AG
Booth: 4508
Booth: 4632
Process design and automation in the Pre- and Post Analytical area of clinical laboratories. When you need complete specimen handling
ASC specializing in FDA, OTC/CLIA Waived Drug Testing Products, in the Pre- or Post Analytical stages, ASP delivers the automation
selling worldwide to 27 countries. We also sell, Saliva Drug Test, and expertise to maximize your throughput in the most cost efficient
Alcohol, HCG , LH , H.Pylori, Strep A , Flu A/B, FOB, Chlamydia, HIV, way. If you need specimen prep in the Hematology or Chemistry, ASP
HBV, HCV and many more. OEM/Private Label Services are available. provides your lab with workflow analysis and recommendations on
how best to eliminate bottlenecks and get the analysis completed on
Ascenth time with automation.
Booth: 1152
Associates of Cape Cod, Inc.
Booth: 1015
Ascential Medical & Life Sciences
Booth: 4432 Associates of Cape Cod, Inc., manufactures Fungitell® and the single
patient sample format, Fungitell STAT® Assay. The Fungitell product line is the Gold Standard in Rapid Screening for Invasive Fungal
Ascential Medical & Life Sciences mission is to meet medical device Infection (IFI) and is the first and only FDA-cleared & CE marked
manufacturer’s needs by providing them with the most advanced rapid in vitro diagnostic screening test for IFI (including Candida,
and productive manufacturing equipment available today. We focus Aspergillus & Pneumocystis) that detects (1→3)-ß-D-Glucan in serum.
on solving our client’s manufacturing challenges by utilizing both
practical and proven solutions with the right mix of innovative and ASSURE TECH LLC
cutting-edge technology.
Booth: 3619
Assure Tech was founded in the USA by senior experts in the IVD
industry. We have advanced level in various IVD fields including
immunoassay diagnostics, biochemical diagnostics, coagulation
diagnostics, molecular diagnostics, rapid test, chronic disease
monitoring. Hundreds of products in 8 series are successfully
developed including Drug of Abuse Test, Infectious Disease Test,
Fertility Test, Tumor Markers Test, Cardiac Markers Test, Biochemical
Test, Allergy Test and Chronic Disease Series.

34 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Athens Research and Technology, Inc. Auer Medical

Booth: 3414 Booth: 4813
Athens Research & Technology manufactures highly pure, highly Auer Precision Company Inc., d/b/a Auer Medical is a Contract
active human and animal proteins for ongoing use worldwide by Manufacturer of diagnostic devices. Auer Medical is supported
researchers, and for life sciences product manufacturing in the by Auer Precision for the design and manufacture of automation,
pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and calibration & control verticals. We Class A precision dies, tooling, etc. Auer Medical will support small
are driven by People, Purpose, and Proteins. As a small company volume production through high volume commercialized products
with a vital impact in the biotech world, we are deeply committed to with the capability of performing all regulatory mandated activities.
our team, our community, and the critical nature of the components Auer Medical operates ~60,000 square feet of ISO 7 compliant
we produce. We take pride in being your trusted source for a wide cleanrooms with the capability of meeting ISO 5 requirements.
range of proteins, knowing the importance they hold in your research Auer Medical will also offer “Cleanrooms as a Service”, a business
or manufacturing projects. When you choose ART, you can have model a la carte approach to supporting clients’ needs ranging
confidence in receiving not only high-quality products but also expert from cleanroom space, warehouse space, office space, design for
support tailored to your specific needs. From our humble beginnings manufacturability, support staff at all levels, regulatory support
in 1986 as one of the University of Georgia’s first start-ups to our and packaging/distribution. Located in Arizona. Arizona offers
recent consecutive Globe Awards for global exports, ART is a small competitive cost structures, virtually no natural disasters, efficient
company that is making a difference locally and globally. transportation options and close proximity to condensed regions of
medical device companies.
Attomol Molekulare Diagnostika
Booth: 323 Auker Biotech Co., Ltd. Booth: 138
ATTOPLEX Inc. Auker Biotech Co., Ltd. is a leading developer, manufacturer, and
Booth: 959 marketer of monoclonal antibodies and antigens for the IVD industry,
We have over 20 years experience and are ISO 13485:2016 certified. With a dedicated team of experienced researchers, and a state-of-
ATTOPLEX Inc. is a company specializing in molecular the-art 4,000-square-meter production facility, we are fully equipped
immunodiagnosis for the practice of One Health. ATTOPLEX was to ensure both dependable quality and a consistent supply capacity.
incorporated in 2019 in order to ccomplish development of its Auker will be your reliable raw material partner!
Home Test System and Diagnostic Platform based on molecular
immunodiagnosis and IT technologies. Our company is developing AusDiagnostics USA, Inc.
the systems and diagnostic kit to quickly (Accurate, Convenient,
Booth: 2049
Affordable, and Fast) diagnose virus or bacteria-related infectious
and genetic diseases accurately, conveniently, and at low cost.
AusDiagnostics is an in vitro diagnostics company that designs,
AUDIT MicroControls, Inc. manufactures, and markets molecular diagnostic reagents and
Booth: 3628 automation solutions for medical, animal, food, and environmental
testing. Our comprehensive suite of sample purification kits, highly multiplexed PCR panels, and automation solutions support testing in
AUDIT is the only total solution in daily quality controls and multiple subject areas. We supply to customers in over 25 countries
calibration verification/linearity materials for clinical laboratories. from our offices in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, and
AUDIT provides value to customers through high-quality products, a growing distribution network.
easy to use data management tools and unrivaled personalized
service. Stop by our booth to determine the best product for Autobio Diagnostics Co., Ltd.
your laboratory. We offer products for over 120 chemistry and
Booth: 242
immunoassay analytes.
Autobio Diagnostics has been focusing on research and
development, manufacturing, integration and service for in vitro
diagnostic reagents and instruments. Autobio provides Immunology,
Microbiology and Biochemistry, planning in Molecular Diagnostics.


Autonomous Medical Devices Inc. Awareness Technology, Inc.

Booth: 1561 Booth: 1541
Autonomous Medical Devices Incorporated (AMDI), with its principal Awareness Technology, Inc. manufactures automated and semi-
place of business in California, is dedicated to the development and automated systems with emphasis on quality, reliability, & economy.
manufacture of point-of-care diagnostic devices using breakthrough Products include: chemistry, ELISA, chemiluminescent, ISE, and RPR
microfluidics, protein engineering, and data/cloud connectivity. AMDI analyzers and microplate assays and equipment for routine health
has created and will soon launch a sub 10-minute sample to answer, screening, allergy, autoimmune and infectious disease testing.
multiplex RT-PCR test and a serum-based test (AMDI Q-NAb test) Designed and manufactured in Florida, USA, under FDA & ISO 13485
that correlates with Neutralization Assays that must be performed in 2016. Custom-designs, OEM, and private-labeled products are
a BSL-3 laboratory. also available.

Avantor AWEsome Numbers, Inc.

Booth: 2057 Booth: 3176
Avantor®, a Fortune 500 company, is a leading global provider of ElevateQC, a division of AWEsome Numbers Inc., offers specialized
mission-critical products and services to the life sciences industry. SaaS products for targeting risk management and quality control in
For the preclinical and clinical trial community, Avantor Services laboratories. The company aims to address critical gaps in current
offers an experienced team of skilled associates that has a quality control methods, starting with the medical industry.
proven track record of excellence. Our services include custom
kitting, clinical trial equipment and ancillary supply solutions and axiVEND
biorepository & archiving. Avantor – we set science in motion to Booth: 3846
create a better world.
AVE Science & Technology Co., Ltd. We offer equipment and services for the production axiVEND
Booth: 2876 of diagnostics bio-coated sensors. M2 Automation spotters
can use 4 dispense technologies (non-contact or contact), on the same system. See the new small benchtop iFOUR. We carry new
AVE specializes in researching, manufacturing, and technical OEM- colorimetric and fluorescence microarray readers, featuring
service of IVD medical devices, laboratory instruments and auxiliary single-click imaging, analysis and diagnostic report generation.
consumables. It’s dedicated to applying Machine Vision Technology The label-free reader from IRIS Kinetics for real-time molecular
in Morphological Microscopy Analyzer, which is for classification, binding measurements. The multiplexed format offers accurate
identification and counting of formed elements in the urine and stool. measurement of kinetic data for hundreds of probe molecules
The main products include urine analyzer, urine formed elements simultaneously using inexpensive chips. It has proven valuable for
analyzer, feces Analyzer and related reagents, etc. the selection of antibodies / antigen pairs for new immunoassays.
For the manufacturing of test kits, we have the M2-Automation i602
Aviva Systems Biology Corporation filling station to dispense into from PCR tubes to 500 ml bottles. The
Booth: 5339 PreciseDrop can dispense 80 nL to 2 mL into 96- 384- and 1536-well
microtiter plates, quickly and accurately. We also offer spotting and binding kinetics measurements as services.
Aviva Systems Biology is one of the largest antibody manufacturers,
producing over 40,000 commercially available antibodies. The Axxin
company has an extensive list of IHC-validated antibodies, Booth: 1956
transcription factor antibodies, recombinant proteins, ELISA Kits,
peptides and cell lysates.
Axxin provide diagnostics instruments and systems for IVD and
non-IVD applications. The company’s goal is to take the cost
and complexity out of point of care diagnostics and near patient
applications. The company has extensive experience in instrument
design, industrial design, sensor technologies and has applied
these to molecular and lateral flow applications. Axxin is ISO 13485
accredited. Axxin is located at Booth #1956.

36 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Azenta Life Sciences (acquired by B. Medical Systems) BBI Solutions

Booth: 545 Booth: 2242
B Medical Systems is an international leader in medical-grade BBI Solutions has been serving the global diagnostics industry for
refrigeration and cold chain equipment with over four decades of over 30 years and is the world’s largest independent producer of
experience in the research and clinical markets. The company offers immuno-diagnostics reagents. We develop and manufacture critical
a wide range of innovative solutions for Laboratory, Blood Bank, components for the diagnostics industry and apply our expertise
and Pharmacy including ultra-low temperature freezers (ULTs), by delivering solutions that bring critical components together in
refrigerators, freezers, transport devices, and remote monitoring developing and manufacturing point of care and conventional tests.
systems. All models deliver proven reliability, superior temperature NovarumTM Mobile Diagnostic Platform complements the diagnostics
uniformity, reduced energy consumption, and low noise levels. workflow to allow rapid interpretation and sharing of assay results.
The company helps customers protect critical samples, preserve This makes BBI unique among In-vitro diagnostic suppliers. Our
blood, and keep vaccines safe through temperature-controlled range of immuno-diagnostics reagents includes human antigens,
transportation, processing, and storage solutions. Their quality antibodies, gold nanoparticles and conjugates, enzymes, and serum
products and facilities meet the highest regulatory requirements and plasma products. With manufacturing sites spanning four
including ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 14001, Class l and Class II (FDA) continents, we produce world-renowned labels for lateral flow, ELISA
Medical Devices, and are AABB standards-compliant (SCoPE). assay and biosensors, including our high-quality gold nanoparticles
and glucose oxidase.
B&E Diagnostics Inc.
Booth: 543 BD Integrated Diagnostic Systems Booth: 2232

B&E Diagnostics is a ISO and CE certified manufacturer of

hematology analyzer, bio-sensor cartridge based electrolyte analyzer, BD is a global medical technology company that is advancing the
hand-held dry cartridge based blood gas analyzer, HPLC method world of health by improving medical discovery, diagnostics and the
HbA1c analyzer and compatible hematoloty reagents. B&E has delivery of care. BD leads in patient and health care worker safety
served international IVD instrument market for 20 years. More and the technologies that enable medical research and clinical
than 6000 units of B&E’s analyzers are being used in medical labs laboratories. The company partners with organizations around the
and hospitals in over 50 countries worldwide. B&E is constantly world to address some of the most challenging global health issues.
recognized and praised by customers for high quality products
and good service. B&E will continue to be a faithful partner to our Beacon MedTech Solutions
dsitributors and end users by offering them with reliable products Booth: 1663
and service.
Bangs Laboratories, Inc. Beacon MedTech Solutions leverages a full range of highly
Booth: 3849 configurable capabilities to launch new products and scale up
production quickly for your medical, bioprocessing parts, and Contract Manufacturing Operation (CMO) needs with critical
Bangs Laboratories is a leading manufacturer of microspheres injection molded plastic and silicone parts (LSR), products, and
for medical device and diagnostic companies and instrument assembled components.
manufacturers. Our particles are used for biosensor and drug
development, molecular and immunoassay research, nucleic acid
purification, CAR-T cell research, and CUT&RUN Next Generation
Sequencing (NGS). We additionally manufacture beads for flow
cytometers, particle sizers, and cell viability analyzers. We supply
Europium Chelate Nanoparticles and Visibly Dyed Beads with STAY UP TO DATE!
streptavidin, carboxyl groups, or non-functionalized surfaces to Access the most current info on all events,
complement our partner company, Ethos Biosciences, which supplies exhibitors and workshops. Download the
Colloidal Gold and a cost-effective Lateral Flow Assay (LFA) Starter mobile app at
Kit that includes multiple options for sample pads, conjugate pads,
and membranes to optimize your custom lateral flow assay. The wide
selection of nanoparticles with the starter kit provides high-quality
options for your research needs. Come see us at Booth #3849 or visit
us at


Beaufort CRO Beijing Strong Biotechnologies, Inc.

Booth: 4739 Booth: 346
Beaufort is a global CRO dedicated to helping life science companies Beijing Strong Biotechnologies, Inc. (BSBE) is an enterprise engaging
improve and save lives through the rapid development and in liquid in-vitro diagnositc( IVD) reagents with R& D, manufacturing
commercialization of innovative products. Our shared interest and and sales professionally. BSBE was established in 2001, located in
commitment to your success drives our entire organization to deliver Beijing, P. R. China with ISO9001, ISO 13485 and GSP certified.
best-in-class clinical trial services, regulatory strategy and planning, BSBE is a leading company in China’s IVD industry with a full line
data and business analytics, data management and statistics, and of products of clinical biochemistry reagents and analyzers.
quality services. Learn more about how we can deliver targeted
solutions to match your unique needs. Bio Molecular Systems
Booth: 1665
Beckman Coulter, Inc.
Booth: 2803 BioAssay Works, LLC
Beckman Coulter is committed to advancing healthcare for every Booth: 2037
person by applying the power of science, technology and the passion
and creativity of our teams to enhance the diagnostic laboratory’s
role in improving healthcare outcomes. Our diagnostic systems are BioAssay Works, LLC (BAW) specializes in making lateral flow assays.
used in complex biomedical testing, and are found in hospitals, We offer turnkey contract assay development and manufacturing
reference laboratories and physician office settings around the globe. services allowing our clients to quickly enter a market with a minimum
investment of resources and time. Our expertise is grounded in
Beijing Biowe Technology Co., Ltd making our own high-sensitivity gold sols, gold conjugates, and
other reagents that are the backbone of any high performance
Booth: 449
lateral flow tests. BAW develop point-of-use assays for: • Disease biomarkers • Identity tests for biotherapeutics • Viruses, bacteria,
Biowe specializes in contract manufacturing services for medical toxins • Veterinary applications • Food allergens and more Our state-
devices and life science instruments. Biowe offers a wide range of of-the-art facility is dedicated completely to the development and
solutions, including Consultation and Project Definition, Design and manufacture of rapid assays. We produce hundreds of thousands of
Development, Prototype Development, Scale-Up and Manufacturing, assays annually in our ISO 13485:2016 certified facility for a variety of
Quality Assurance and Testing, and Continuous Improvement. customers. Focus on the needs of your customers while BAW handles
Techniques in: Real-Time Quantitative PCR, Nucleic Acid Extraction, the assay development and manufacturing. Visit us to find out more
Fluorescence Quantification, Microplate Detection, Fully Automatic about how our services and products can get you to market quicker.
Molecular Diagnostic Systems
Beijing Diagreat Biotechnology Co., Ltd Booth: 2072
Booth: 1262 BIOBASE is a new high-tech enterprise whose business covers
Headquartered in Beijing since 2013, Diagreat is a high-tech biomedical, e-commerce, intelligent manufacturing, scientific
enterprise specializing in developing, manufacturing and distributing equipment, In Vitro Diagnosis (IVD) instrument and reagent. With
of IVD (In Vitro Diagnosis) Products and POCT Device. Along with more than 6,000 people, 22 workshops, covering a total area of
product progress and business growth, Diagreat sincerely hopes 932,900 m2. We have established overseas company in USA, Dubai,
to work with customers all over the world on product distribution India, other countries. A variety of products such as biological safety
and OEM/ODM. We believe that our customers and partners’ best cabinets have passed the CE, EN, NSF, FDA and other authoritative
interest will be assured through our cooperation. certificates.

38 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


BioCheck, Inc. Bioeksen AR GE Teknolojileri A.Ş.

Booth: 5010 Booth: 1453
BioBioCheck-DRG strives to become your one-stop Bioeksen R & D Technologies is a biotechnology company
-shop for daily clinical and research workflows. Our company offers established to develop and produce molecular diagnostic products
ChLIA & ELISA automated instruments in both low and medium for human health, animal health, and food and water safety using
throughput options with support for over 80 different assays. We also RT-qPCR and qPCR technologies. Bioeksen’s broad product portfolio
offer a wide range of antibodies and manual ELISAs that meet all covers many pathogens in various multiplexing formats • Respiratory
levels of the diagnostic world. BioCheck-DRG has a highly-qualified Infections • UTI • STI • Wound • Gastroenteritis • Nail Infections • EI
R&D team who designs and ensures our products meet the highest • Antibiotic Resistance
clinical and regulatory standards. All products are manufactured at
compliant GMP facilities and are rigorously tested and inspected Biofortuna
prior to distribution. Our after-sales technical support team also Booth: 3157
stands ready to globally support our world-wide customers to ensure
they receive the best of class and immediate support. BioCheck-DRG
has global distribution network that covers all 6 inhabited continents. Biofortuna is a specialist contract assay development and
Come and visit us at Booth 5010 to find out how BioCheck-DRG can manufacturing organization providing a flexible and scalable
be your clinical and research partner! outsourcing service to the sector’s leading in-vitro and point-of-
care assay developers. Operating from state-of-the art, humidity-
Bioclin Diagnóstica controlled premises, and benefiting from ISO 13485 certification, ISO
17025 accreditation and FDA registration, they have a proven track
Booth: 5141
record in the development and large-scale manufacture of PCR and LAMP molecular assays and Immunoassays.
With more than 40 years as a manufacturer of High quality IVD
reagents (GMP, GDP, CE, ISSO-13485/16 Certificates) and more than BioIVT
200 products for several types of laboratories. Our portfolio has a Booth: 1005
wide variety of kits for Biochemistry, turbidimetry, agglutination in
latex, ELISA, coagulation, dyes, anticoagulants, cleansing solutions
and Real Time PCR. We have most of the products available for BioIVT is a leading global provider of high-quality biological
immediate shipping and you can get it directly from our factory! specimens and value-added services. We specialize in control and
disease state samples including human and animal tissues, cell
BioDot, Inc. products, blood, and other biofluids. Our unmatched portfolio of
clinical specimens directly supports precision medicine research and
Booth: 4043
the effort to improve patient outcomes by coupling comprehensive clinical data with donor samples. Our Research Services team works
BioDot has been supplying low volume dispensing systems for the collaboratively with clients to provide in vitro hepatic modeling
diagnostic test market for over 25 years. Dispensing DNA, proteins, solutions. And as the world’s premier supplier of ADME-Tox model
cells and other reagents for lateral flow tests, microarrays, biosensors, systems, including hepatocytes and subcellular fractions, BioIVT
and biochips in nanoliter and picoliter volumes is our specialty. Our enables scientists to better understand the pharmacokinetics
systems offer the precision, flexibility and robustness needed for and drug metabolism of newly discovered compounds and their
development and manufacturing of POC devices. Our continuous effects on disease processes. By combining our technical expertise,
in-line and batch processing systems are customizable to meet any exceptional customer service, and unparalleled access to biological
application need. specimens, BioIVT serves the research community as a trusted

Biological Dynamics, Inc.

Booth: 4152
Be the first to share your thoughts with this quick Biological Dynamics mission is to improve global health outcomes
survey. The first 20 respondents will receive a $20 by empowering global communities with innovative and affordable
Amazon gift card. All respondents will be entered molecular diagnostic solutions. The company is developing a suite
in a drawing for a $250 Amazon gift card. of novel tests using its proprietary platform for early detection
and monitoring of cancer. In addition to lab-focused products, the
company is also developing a smartphone-enabled portable version
of the platform for point of care applications.



Booth: 3624 Booth: 4517
For over 31 years, BIOLYPH has served IVD & Research assay GmbH is Europe’s largest supplier of human biological materials
developers with Efficient, Effective, & Economical Lyophilization and Contract Research Organization for In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD).
Services. BIOLYPH transforms unstable liquid reagents into precise, With donation centers in Germany and Africa, a network of trusted
room-temperature stable lyophilized aliquots–LyoSpheres™–and partners and cutting-edge labs, we have been sourcing and
packages them inside virtually any device, including custom devices processing even rare samples for our customers for more than 30
and standard tubes, strips, and plates. LyoSpheres™ rehydrate years already. Choose from more than 600,000 human biospecimens
instantly and simplify workflows by reducing steps, errors, and and 6,000 units of disease state plasma within our online inventory
hands-on time, and all reagent components for an assay can be ( Additionally, 15,000 liters of negative
contained in a single LyoSphere. Imagine the possibilities of freedom plasma are produced annually with a reliable pool of donors. As
from cold chain dependency, years of shelf life, coexistence of a CRO exclusively for IVD, we conduct performance evaluations
incompatible reagents, consistent quality, and expedited time to for your rapid tests, PCR or CLIA systems. These include ethics
market. Please visit us in booth #3624 to explore how BIOLYPH approvals, study plans, fresh and frozen samples,lab work, data
can maximize the quality and value of your assays, compress your analysis, and final reports. As most of your study will be performed
development timelines, and help you delight your customers with our “in house” at BIOMEX premises and with own full-time staff, we
comprehensive Formulation, Lyophilization, & Packaging Services. ensure the highest chances of approval of your assay under EU IVDR,
Booth: 4368 Biomiga, Inc. Booth: 132

Biomeme revolutionized molecular detection in 2012 when it created
the first smartphone-based real-time PCR thermocycler. Since its Biomiga’s featured products, 1. UTI panel real time PCR detection 2.
inception, Biomeme has used advanced biology and chemistry, COVID-19 real time PCR detection 3. Pneumonia panel real time PCR
along with world-class hardware and software engineering, to create detection 4. RPP panel real time PCR detection 5. STI panel real time
elegant solutions to complex problems. Their full suite of end-to-end PCR detection 6. Fungal panel real time PCR detection 7. STI Triplex
mobile molecular testing solutions perform to the gold standard real time PCR detection (CT/NG/TV) 8. SC2 Flu A&B RSV-A RSV-B
used by the world’s most advanced central labs yet require no lab real time PCR detection 9. GI panel real time PCR detection 10. Nail
equipment or special experience to use. Fungal real time PCR detection 11. Universal pathogen DNA/RNA
purification kit (CE-IVD certified)
Booth: 624 Bioneer Inc. Booth: 4439
A world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics for
60 years, bioMérieux provides diagnostic solutions (systems, Bioneer was established in Korea in 1992. The company has
reagents, software) that determine the source of disease and developed state of art molecular biology products and technologies
contamination to help improve patient health and ensure consumer including oligonucleotides, thermostable polymerases, and
safety. Our industry-leading molecular and microbiology products instruments of gene manipulation (automatic nucleic acid extractor,
provide fast actionable results and are used for diagnosing infectious thermal cycler, real-time QPCR instruments and DNA sequencer).
diseases that cause respiratory, gastrointestinal, bloodstream, and The company is positioned to fully-integrate its capability to develop
other infections, as well as identifying antimicrobial resistance. Our next generation technologies in the post-genome era through the
products are also used for detecting pathogens and identifying invention of new biochemistry and instruments.
microorganisms responsible for contamination at all steps of
the manufacturing process as well as within the manufacturing
environment in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
We are present in 45 countries and serve more than 160 countries
with the support of a large network of distributors. Our dedication
to making the world a healthier place is the thread that connects STAY UP TO DATE!
everything we do. Access the most current info on all events,
exhibitors and workshops. Download the
mobile app at

40 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


BioParkDx Inc. Bio-Rad Laboratories

Booth: 1860 Booth: 2319
We are a Manufacturer & Distributor dealing with IVD medical Bio-Rad Laboratories is a leading global clinical diagnostics and
devices and reagents. Founded in 2014, we have strength in sales life sciences company. Our focus is on meeting the diagnostic
networking in Korea. needs of our customers. Bio-Rad delivers on this commitment by
offering a broad portfolio of quality products backed by superior
BioPathogenix service. Bio-Rad has market-leading products for quality control (QC)
Booth: 4162 solutions, diabetes screening, multiplex autoimmune and infectious
serology testing, HIV test systems, molecular diagnostics, and blood bank testing.
BioPathogenix specializes in the development and distribution of
high-quality qPCR molecular assays. Our assays are designed to Biosafe Solutions
provide accurate and reliable results, making them ideal for a wide Booth: 3185
range of applications. BioPathogenix also offers the biobank of
contrived specimens for infectious diseases, a Peer group of Split
Sample Testing, and quality controls for molecular diagnostics (PCR).
BioSci Inc.
Bioperfectus Booth: 4755
Booth: 4807 Shenzhen Dakewe Bio-engineering Co., Ltd., is a national high-tech
Since its founding in 2010, BioPerfectus(SSE:688399) has been enterprise, specializing in R&D and production of cell culture and
dedicated to providing holistic molecular diagnostic solutions IVD reagents such as cell culture media, cell separation products,
specializing in emerging infectious diseases for generations and molecular products, histopathology products, and disposable virus
generations to come. We are leading the change by offering qRT sampling tube products. With more than 4,500 sqm of GMP-Level
PCR Kits, Nucleic Acid Extraction Systems, Automation Solutions, and factory area, the company has obtained the TÜV Rheinland ISO13485
Rapid Tests to laboratories, hospitals, institutions, and CDCs across certificate and possesses national invention patents such as human
the globe. As one of the leading global IVD suppliers. This is us, this separation tubes, TB kits, etc.
is BioPerfectus.
BIOSHARE Solutions
BioPorto Diagnostics Booth: 4364
Booth: 5311
Introducing ProNephro AKI™ (NGAL), the first FDA-cleared BioSistemika
biomarker for pediatric acute kidney injury risk assessment. In Booth: 1959
conjunction with clinical evaluation, ProNephro AKI is designed to
help clinicians identify patients aged 3 months through 21 years at
risk of developing, or having persistent, moderate-to-severe AKI
within 48-72 hours after ICU admission. Visit booth 5311 to learn BiosPacific
about our NGAL reference interval study and ProNephro AKI’s data Booth: 4426
on precision, sensitivity, and interferences.
BiOptic Inc. Looking for exceptional-quality antibodies and antigens for your IVD
assay development? BiosPacific can help. We have over 35 years of
Booth: 5332 experience in the field, meeting the rigorous requirements of the in vitro diagnostics market and delivering effective solutions to meet
BiOptic Inc. is a privately held biotechnology instrument company your individual needs. Our range of monoclonal antibodies, affinity-
that develops, manufactures, and markets fully-integrated purified polyclonal antibodies, and purified proteins can support you
bio-molecules detection systems for DNA, RNA, protein, and from early-stage feasibility testing to your commercial launch.
carbohydrate in research, clinical and industrial markets. BiOptic
maintains an extensive collaborative network with universities,
government laboratories, and industrial partners globally.


Biosynex Biotechrabbit
Booth: 1655 Booth: 314
Specializing in the design and distribution of rapid diagnostic tests biotechrabbit is a German biotechnology company which offers
worldwide, Biosynex enhances patient care with healthcare solutions. highest quality products and optimized services for diagnostic
The Biosynex Group of companies include Chembio Diagnostics, companies and life science research with a focus on OEM supply and
rapid POC assays for HIV, COVID and the only FDA approved combo customized solutions. Our offering includes ultra-pure enzymes for
test for HIV & Syphilis; Qualigen Diagnostics FastPack, providing diagnostics, antibody production, high capacity protein fermentation,
tests for prostate cancer, thyroid function, Testo and more; and innovative lyophilization and a comprehensive molecular biology
ProciseDx, offering the first FDA cleared instrument for Therapeutic product portfolio.
Drug Monitoring (TDM) for Infliximab and Adalimumab with results
in less than 5 minutes. BioTouch
Booth: 3257
Biosynex Technologies
Booth: 318
Booth: 1649 BIOWAY Biological Technology CO., Ltd.
Critical Raw Materials and Services for Diagnostics, Vaccines and Booth: 5107
Pharmaceuticals - where Chemistry meets Biology, Products meet
Services andInnovation meets Quality, Biosynth is at the Edge of
Innovation. We are by scientists, for scientists, securing supply chains
with consistent quality, across the globe. and take pride in delivering BizLink Elocab Ltd
products that others cannot. We are experts in biologics, chemicals Booth: 1763
and peptide production. We provide a full range of products and
services to support life science research and development, with
over 1 million products in our research catalog and hundreds of BBizLink elocab Ltd. is North America's leading manufacturer of
complex manufacturing service projects. The trusted supplier, custom cables and specialty interconnect systems solutions. BizLink
manufacturerand partner for the pharmaceutical, life science and elocab Ltd. is a 100% subsidiary of the BizLink Group. Together with
diagnostic sectors, food,agrochemistry and cosmetics, with facilities its sister company, BizLink elocab GmbH, BizLink elocab represents
across three continents and a rapid global distribution network. We the custom cable division of BizLink. BizLink elocab, Canada, is
produce chemicals and peptides at different scales, and at ISO 9001 a market leader in high-end cabling solutions for challenging
and GMP. applications and extreme environments, such as industrialautomation,
warehousing systems, semiconductor lithography, and medical
Bio-Techne diagnostics. Low outgassing, participation, and high cleanliness
levels are essential, especially in the latter two applications.
Booth: 4326
BizLink, therefore, offers cable manufacturing and assembly system production, each in a clean room environment. When developing
Bio-Techne is a global developer, manufacturer and supplier of high- a new project, we recommend simultaneously reviewing the cable
quality reagents, analytical instruments, and precision diagnostics. and assembly. Then, our engineering team will review the overall
Our Diagnostics Division includes R&D Systems Clinical Controls, design and suggest the best solution. Contact the team today!
Biospacific, Bionostics (RNA Medical) and Cliniqa (Including Liquid +1 866-365-2221
QC, LiniCAL, LiquiSPx, Raichem and NEPHROCHECK). Our ISO
13485:2003 certified business units develop and manufacture test Blackhills Diagnostic Resources, S.L.U (BDR)
kits/assays, quality controls, calibrators, reagents, proficiency testing Booth: 3052
materials, as well as biological raw materials for the worldwide IVD
and veterinary markets.
Blackhills Diagnostic Resources (BDR) is a Spanish biotechnology
company dedicated to the research, development, manufacture and
sale of CE-IVDD and CE-IVDR products. We are specialized in qPCR,
fragment analysis and NGS technologies and we offer a wide kits
portfolio for the diagnosis of pathologies associated to HLA allele,
hematology, and rare diseases. Besides we provide with bioinformatics
tools for the interpretation of the results obtained with the kits.

42 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Blueberry Diagnostics SL Bruker

Booth: 3151 Booth: 4459
Bruker changed microbiology by developing the MALDI Biotyper®
Boca Biolistics, LLC System, the market-leading MALDI-TOF for microbiology laboratories
Booth: 3277 that provides an identification for over 4000 species in less than
10 minutes starting from culture. Another Bruker innovation, the IR Biotyper®, provides rapid and cost-effective microorganism strain
typing using infrared spectroscopy technology to further support
Boditech Med, Inc. proactive infection control.
Booth: 1658
BSD Robotics
Booth: 3087
Boditech Med Inc. has always taken one step forward with the rapid
changes in the IVD market to meet customers’ needs. Founded in
1998, we have been focusing on developing key technologies of BSD Robotics is dedicated to the art of semi-automated sample
immune-diagnosis and molecular diagnosis. Based on innovative preparation laboratory instruments for life science applications.
R&D, mutual trust, and respect, we are providing reliable in-vitro Our capabilities include manufacturing, research and development,
diagnostic solutions in over 130 countries. Boditech Med Inc. is industrial design, customization and service and support of our
constantly striving to become a global IVD company emphasizing portfolio. BSD products are trusted and adopted by leading scientific
the value of respect for life. organizations across the globe. BSD instruments range are designed
to increase traceability and throughput, whilst ensuring compliance
Boston BioProducts with validated laboratory protocols.
Booth: 5349
BUHLMANN Diagnostics
Booth: 4409
Boston Easy Biotech, Inc.
Booth: 5046 BUHLMANN Diagnostic Corp (BDC) offers the broadest fecal
calprotectin (fCAL) product range in the world, including FDA
cleared fCAL, pancreatic elastase & fully automatable CALEX® Cap
and Research Use Only kits (IBDoc®, Quantum Blue® fCAL & TDM).
Bronkhorst USA BDC also offers unique Cellular Allergy (Flow CAST®, food & drug
Booth: 3771 Allergens), Neuroimmunology (MAG, SPGP, Gangliosides) & other
Clinical Chemistry tests. Visit or email sales@ for more information.
We offer an extensive product range of thermal, Coriolis and
ultrasonic flow meters and controllers for low flow rates of gases Burkert Fluid Control Systems
and liquids. Our flow meters and controllers are used for a variety
of applications in laboratory, machinery, industrial and hazardous Booth: 2464
areas. By sharing our knowledge and closely cooperating with
OEM customers in the field we develop customer specific low flow Microfluidics
solutions of multifunctional, pretested modules or skids for gas, The global leader in microfluidic systems and fluid control products.
liquid of vapor flow control. USA Engineering team, design consultation, liquid & gas pumps,
fluid handling solutions. Clean room assembly, reliability testing, flow
Brooks Automation simulation, CNC manifold machining.
Booth: 3839
Brooks Automation offers products for a range of Clinical
Diagnostic applications including specimen sorting, decapping,
sealing, aliquoting and archiving. PathFinder™ benchtop systems
are designed for sample management and storage in pathology
laboratories. Complementary tube decapper and sealer modules are
also offered. PreciseFlex™ sample handlers and collaborative robots
are ideal for benchtop applications where ease of use and space
savings are critical, with payloads ranging from 3-8kg.


Burst Diagnostics Camozzi Automation

Booth: 5343 Booth: 4850
Burst Diagnostics is developing the next generation of point-of-care Camozzi Automation is a global manufacturer offering a complete
and at-home diagnostic test solutions. Our unique platform, CaDI, range of components and customized solutions for the control of
achieves high performance (low detection limit, high sensitivity, ease fluids, both liquid and gas. Camozzi utilizes ISO7 clean rooms and
of quantification) in a simple, easy-to-use format that looks and feels ultrasonic cleaning/inspections during the assembly of products that
like a lateral flow assay. Our microfluidic system enables sequential require extreme cleanliness and elimination of all organic/inorganic
delivery of reagents and wash solutions to achieve ELISA-like compounds. Solenoid Valves, Proportional Valves, Regulators,
performance while maintaining operational simplicity, speed, and Fittings, Oxygen Service Components, Custom Integration
Cangzhou Shengfeng Plastic Product, Co., Ltd.
BYG4lab, Inc. Booth: 1554
Booth: 549 Cangzhou ShengFeng Plastic Product Co., Ltd. is specialized in
BYG4lab is a global software company specializing in clinical the production of diagnostic reagent packaging materials and
laboratory and diagnostic data management solutions. The consumables. Our products cover series of plastic products for the
company has more than 4,500 user laboratories across the globe, use of clinical diagnostic reagents and food safety testing, including
with solutions translated into 11 languages. It offers one-stop-shop plastic reagent bottles, desiccant tube, plastic cassette for rapid
“instrument neutral” solutions covering all central lab disciplines, test, dropper bottle, urine cups and FOB tube. Our products are
microbiology, point-of-care management, method validation and popular in European countries and the USA and have won wide and
quality management, epidemiology and infection control. consistent praise from the clients.

Calbiotech, Inc. Cangzhou Xingyuan Plastic Products Co., Ltd.

Booth: 3456 Booth: 2922
Calbiotech offers contract manufacturing and assay development
services to labs, pharma, and biotech firms globally. From Booth: 4844
commercializing assays to scaling up manufacturing and clinical
trial support, we handle it all from our FDA-registered facility in
Catachem Inc. (Oxford CT.) is a US based, ISO 13485 certified, FDA
San Diego, CA. Our ISO 13485 certification ensures a reliable
registered, custom manufacturer of diagnostic reagent products.
manufacturing partnership. Our services include: -Microplate coating
These include controls, calibrators and test products in lyophilized,
-Reagent formulation, dispensing and labeling -Custom assay
liquid or dry powder-fill formats. Additionally, Catachem has a range
development -Manufacturing scale up for ASRs and GPRs
of various RUO and IVD products covering a number of specialty
tests including those for Ethylene glycol, Methanol, Plasma free
Calzyme Laboratories, Inc.
Hemoglobin, Fructosamine, Glutamate dehydrogenase and others.
Booth: 2017 Please visit us in Booth #4844.
CellaVision AB
Primary manufacturer of enzymes, proteins, coenzymes, substrates
and related biochemicals. Supplying the diagnostic and Booth: 1035
pharmaceutical industries with the highest quality products backed
by a limited warranty and technical support. Animal products are
CellaVision® is a pioneer in digital cell morphology. We provide
derived from sources collected by USDA licensed establishments.
digital microscopy solutions, covering analyzers, instruments,
Horseradish sources are company grown in the USA.
reagents, and software. We have leading-edge expertise in sample
preparation, image analysis, artificial intelligence, and automated
microscopy. Our products replace manual laboratory work and secure
effective workflows within and between hospitals.

CELLTREAT Scientific Products

Booth: 5021

44 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Changchun Chenyu Jiakang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Division of Laboratory Systems Booth: 862
Booth: 2162 Established in December 2014, Chenyu group is an in-vitro
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division diagnostics, product research and development, production and
of Laboratory Systems (DLS) improves public health surveillance sales technology-based medical services enterprise. The group
and practice and patient outcomes through the advancement of mainly includes R & D, manufacturing, marketing and after-sales
laboratory initiatives in key areas like biosafety, diagnostic excellence, service of medical devices, in vitro diagnostic reagents and biological
and workforce development. DLS also offers a variety of free online reagents (without dangerous chemicals).
laboratory training opportunities that highlight laboratory-focused
topics of interest like infectious diseases, laboratory quality and Changchun Medicside Technology Co., Ltd.
safety, and more. Booth: 3156

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Booth: 4052
Changzhou Wheeler Motor Co., Ltd.
Booth: 652
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) administers the
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) program. CLIA
establishes quality laboratory standards to protect patient safety and CHEMA DIAGNOSTICA
improve the quality of health care. CLIA serves over 300,000 clinical Booth: 4855
laboratories and the results from these laboratories provide 70% of
all diagnostic information for our physicians and providers.
Chema Diagnostica is an Italian manufacturer that delivers highly
Central BioHub GmbH stable clinical chemistry and immunochemistry reagents for over 30
years. Products are available as finished kits marketed under Chema
Booth: 324
name and as bulk to be filled, labelled and packaged under others’ brand name. Chema is one of the very first IVDR certified companies
Order human biospecimens online - fast, easy and compliant. in Europe since 2022. EU Regulation 2017/746 compliance is
mandatory for marketing new CE mark products and it will fully
Central BioHub provides the smart marketplace where hundreds
replace the Directive.
of biobanks offer their inventory to global research organisations.
Browse and filter 500,000+ biosamples with comprehensive donor-
Chemelex, S.A.
related information in all biomedical research areas. The valuable raw
materials are shipped on dry ice within 3 business days. Thanks to the Booth: 3051
transparent click & buy system, the realisation of your next research
project is just one step away.
CHEMELEX, S.A. develops and produces clinical diagnostic “in vitro”
reagents since 1992. The main premise of our company has always
CerTest Biotec, S.L.
been the manufacturing of high quality reagents, and to offer the
Booth: 1646 best service to the customer. CHEMELEX, S.A. is ISO 13485-2003 certified, and most of our products are CE marked. Our reagents are
introduced in more than 50 countries.
CerTest Biotec is focused on the development and manufacture
of in vitro diagnostic products for human applications. We provide
Chengdu Illumaxbio Technology Co., Ltd.
products for clinical diagnosis with high standards of quality, high
sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility, allowing the identification Booth: 3244
of pathogens at early stages of the infection: Raw materials for
immunoassays, Rapid Test, Turbidimetry, VIASURE Real Time PCR
Illumaxbio, an innovator of precision point-of-care diagnostics,
Detection Kits and CLIA.
launches lumilite8 — 10 inch high CLEIA system with core-lab
precision and ready-to-use reagents, offers comprehensive tests
including cardiac, inflammation,fertility,thyroid,tumor marks, etc.
Illumaxbio also offers OEM and ODM solutions to worldwide
partners. We are constantly striving to provide 5A diagnostic system.
(5A—Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone, Affordable, Accuracy)


Chongqing iSIA Bio-technology Co., Ltd. Chrono-log Corporation

Booth: 856 Booth: 5132
Chongiqng iSIA BIO-Technology Co., Ltd is the first company in Bleeding or Thrombosis caused by abnormal Platelet Function is
the world to set QDs Immunofluorescence platform, a rapid clinical detectable with Hypo-or-Hyper Aggregation. Chrono-log Corp.,
diagnostic reagent based on QDs technology, with higher sensitivity, with over 50 years of experience in platelet testing, offers Model
better accuracy and wider linear range. The products cover infectious 700 with Whole Blood Impedance [ideal for monitoring anti-platelet
diseases, cardiovascular diseases, renal disease, gastric disease, therapies], LTA with PRP, and Luminescence for measuring ATP
autoimmune disease, cancer and etc. We are committed to providing Secretion. The Model 490 4+4 System offer LTA testing in up to 8
faster and more accurate detection methods. channels with ability to tests in sample volumes as low as 250uL.

Chroma ATE Inc. Chronus Health Inc.

Booth: 113 Booth: 216
Founded in 1984, Chroma ATE Inc. is a world leading supplier of Chronus Health is transforming the point-of-care blood diagnostics
automated turnkey solutions, automated test systems, and precision market. The Company is building an affordable, easy-to-use,
measurement instruments marketed globally under the brand name CLIA-waived POC diagnostic platform for all commonly ordered
“Chroma”. We provide valuable automated instrument solutions for blood tests that delivers results in 15 minutes. Chronus will provide
molecular diagnostics to meet your needs now and in the future. clinicians with critical data to make informed decisions for patient
care outside of the hospital setting. The initial markets target urgent
CHROMagar care, skilled nursing facilities, and infusion clinics.
Booth: 3575
Citizen Care Health
Booth: 1761
Chromsystems Instruments & Chemicals GmbH
Booth: 1828 An innovative connectivity solution designed for the point of care. Citotest Scientific Co., Ltd.

Chromsystems is a leading global company providing ready-to-use
Booth: 859
assays for routine clinical diagnostics by HPLC and LC-MS/MS. In
addition, we offer you a range of calibrators and controls, as well
as other components such as analytical columns that are perfectly CITOTEST was established in 1996 in East China. The owner
suited to support and safeguard your LDTs. Most of our calibrators ambitiously founded CITOTEST for creating a cost-effective
and controls are based on human materials, ensuring a maximum of Manufacturer and Provider for high quality Microscope Slides and
precision and reliability. We combine these high quality products with Microscope Cover Glass. And based on a lot of fundamental hard
an excellent support and service. work as well as persistent pursuit during the initial years, we finally
made it and had CITOTEST well distinguished from other suppliers
of economical products, and CITOTEST obviously became popular
as a symbol of high quality production.

FOLLOW ADLM Cleveland Diagnostics

@myADLM on Instagram and use Booth: 3076
#ADLM2024 to join the conversation.
CCleveland Diagnostics manufactures assays and provides CLIA
lab services for early cancer detection. Our proprietary Solvent
Interaction Analysis technology can improve specificity by
investigating protein structure to provide insight into whether the
biomarker originated from cancer cells or not. Our IsoPSA test
is available to assess risk of high-grade prostate cancer. Tests for
lung cancer, breast cancer, neurological disease and ID are under

46 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Clinical Lab Products CLTech Corp.

Booth: 4523 Booth: 4036
For over 52 years, Clinical Lab Products continues to be the foremost With numerous years of experience in the health care industry,
product and technology resource for clinical laboratorians. The CLP CLTech has developed Laboratory information, Pathology, Blood
portfolio includes a glossy trade publication that presents feature Bank System and outreach solution by listening and identifying the
articles, interviews, product news, comparative Tech Guides, plus increasing necessities of our extensive client base worldwide. CLTech
webcasts, e-newsletters, podcasts, white papers on our website: has a team of Engineers specializing in specific areas supporting over — all with a focus on the specialized products and 400 active clients in the Americas. The development process of our
technologies that are essential in clinical laboratories. products is certified under ISO 9001:2000 by SGS certifying body
and ANAB international stamp.
Clinsis LLC
Booth: 2076 CML Biotech, Ltd. Booth: 656

At Clinsis, we empower the medical industry to streamline access to

medical and administrative information, and automates processes CML Biotech was established in 2000 and currently it is the biggest
through a platform with easy access and remote availability. Digitize Vacuum and Non Vacuum tube manufacturing company in India.
and automate your clinic or laboratory with us, ensuring online access Our products are Blood Collection Tubes (Vacuum Blood Collection
for patients and doctors. Tubes, Non Vacuum tubes, Micro Blood Collection Tubes) and Blood
Collection Accessories (Needles, Laboratory Disposables). CML
Cloud-Clone Corp. products are exported to more than 60 countries in Asia, Europe,
Booth: 3577 South America and Africa etc. Products are certified with ISO- 9001-
2015, ISO- 13485-2016 and CE.
Cloud-Clone Corp. is an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 Cnpair Biotech Co., Ltd.
registered manufacture of life science research products mainly Booth: 3452
focused on providing high-quality gene-protein-antibody related
research tools and services with perfect technical support security
system. Free positive control is contained in most of our products to Cnpair Biotech Co., Ltd is an ISO 13485 certified national high-tech
guarantee validity. Moreover, our scientific staff team provide expert enterprise specializing in the development and production of IVD
technical support to each customer in every step of service, which core raw materials. We are committed to providing leading core raw
can guarantee benefit of our customers. materials, related products, and application solutions to the global
IVD industry. Our portfolio displays more than 200 preeminent
CLSI antibodies, proteins, and molecular enzymes for immunoassays and
molecular diagnostics.
Booth: 3468 CoaguSense
CLSI is the world’s leading nonprofit laboratory medicine standards Booth: 1652
development organization. CLSI standards are recognized by
laboratories, accreditors, and government agencies around the
globe as the best way to improve medical laboratory testing.
Co-Diagnostics, Inc. (Co-Dx)
Organizations use CLSI standards to improve their testing outcomes,
maintain accreditation, bring products to market faster, and navigate Booth: 2879
regulatory hurdles.
Co-Dx is dedicated to improving global health and preventing
the spread of infectious disease by making high-quality PCR
diagnostics accessible to everyone. More accurate testing means
better treatments for infectious disease and higher quality of life.
Co-Dx empowers patients and physicians to make informed, timely
healthcare decisions, either at the point of care, at home, or in a
laboratory setting, because we believe everyone deserves “the
Power to Know.”


Cognex Colorcon
Booth: 2046 Booth: 1021
Cognex Corporation is the world’s leading provider of image- Colorcon (formely Airnov) is a global leader in the development
based barcode readers, machine vision sensors, and machine vision and supply of functional packaging for the healthcare industries.
systems. For over 30 years, Cognex systems have been used to solve Functional packaging products provide moisture and oxygen
our customers’ most critical ID code reading and vision inspection protection for Diagnostic and Medical Devices using various
applications in almost every industry including semiconductor, life solutions such as vials, packets, custom desiccant plastic pieces.
sciences, automotive and pharmaceutical. Ask about our products Our best-in-class products and technologies are complemented
that are specifically designed for integration as OEM components by our industry knowledge and value-added services to support
in automated Life Science systems. product development from concept to commercialization.

Co-Innovation Biotech Co., Ltd. Comar

Booth: 4568 Booth: 5147
Co-Innovation Biotech Co., Ltd.was founded in 2012 at Guangzhou, Comar is a contract manufacturer of innovative plastic solutions for
China. We are Manufacturing rapid diagnostics tests: HCG pregnancy the global medical and healthcare markets. For 75 years, we have
test kits, LH ovulation test kits, Drug of abuse test kits etc. We got developed a reputation for custom design, rapid prototyping, robust
ISO13485, CE mark, FDA510K, CLIA-waived. manufacturing, and a diverse set of cleanroom molding processes
and technologies, including injection molding, blow molding, and
COLA automated assembly.
Booth: 2016
Com-Pac International, Inc.
Booth: 2062
In 1993 COLA was the first Accrediting Organization to be granted
deemed status by CMS to provide laboratory accreditation. Our
ISO 9001:2015 certified program is led by staff dedicated to quality It was 1970 when the company that is now Com-Pac received
laboratory services, standardization and customer satisfaction. its first patents on the world’s only liquid-tight, yet reclosable,
Laboratories across the country are evaluated and mentored to meet laboratory specimen bag. Com-Pac offers a white room facility for
CLIA regulations and best practices. COLA’s Board of Directors is the production and inspection of various leak proof specimen flexible
comprised of representatives from the AMA, the AAFP and the ACP. packaging solutions. Com-Pas is a leading manufacturer of specimen
handling and shipping products, kPa 95 bags, leakproof and non-
College of American Pathologists leakproof specimen bags. Custom packaging design and printing
Booth: 2427 are also available. CompuGroup Medical

The world’s largest organization of board-certified pathologists, Booth: 3502
the CAP focuses on serving patients, pathologists, and the public.
Through our Laboratory Quality Solutions—proficiency testing,
accreditation, and cancer protocols—the CAP partners with CompuGroup Medical is a leading supplier of laboratory information
laboratories worldwide to elevate the quality of laboratory medicine systems and billing services. Its trusted clinical pathology software—
with best-in-class solutions designed to drive operational excellence, including CGM LABDAQ, CGM MEDICUS, and CGM SCHUYLAB—
achieve diagnostic confidence, and ensure the best patient care. is used across the US by reference labs and POLs of all sizes and
specialties. CGM SCHUYLAB is available internationally in languages
from Spanish to Chinese. For anatomic pathology, CGM AP EASY
offers a full range of features including the ability to interface with
instruments, EHR, and other software.


48 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Cone Bioproducts Coris Bioconcept

Booth: 2014 Booth: 528
Specialists in Stable Products Derived from Human Plasma - Coris BioConcept is a leading expert of rapid in vitro diagnostics
Manufacturing Components, Quality Control Materials, and of human infectious diseases since 1996. Based in Belgium, the
Proficiency Test Specimens Our products are designed for use company develops, produces and markets IVD kits for various
in, or as ingredients of, in vitro diagnostic products for chemistry, pathogens mainly based on the immunochromatographic technology
immunoassay, immunology/serology, and other laboratory test (ICT) aka Lateral Flow technology. Coris has also developed a
disciplines. Our offerings include families of processed human range of assays (RESIST) for rapid detection of antibiotic resistance
plasma/serum, quality control and calibrators, proficiency test mechanisms. Coris is ISO 13485 certified and its kits are used in over
specimens, purified human proteins, and antisera/antibodies. 60 countries all over the world.

CoolSmart Medical Logistics, Inc. Corvalent Corporation

Booth: 1570 Booth: 4458
For over 20 years, CoolSmart Medical Logistics has enhanced Corvalent is a proven turnkey solutions provider that builds-to-spec
the well-being of patients, and added value to IDN's, Healthcare Edge and Rackmount computing systems and IoT solutions with
Providers and Clinical Laboratories nationwide by transforming its IoT software platform, CorGrid to monitor and track your critical
medical courier operations through improved quality, performance, assets from anywhere in the world.
and optimization. Our critical, time-sensitive service supports
lab, pharmacy, SPD, HIM, mail, supplies, equipment and other Coyote Bioscience
departments, with hundreds of daily touch-points. We see ourselves Booth: 4841
as an extension of our client's Lab Operation, and know there is a
patient on the end of every delivery we make. With the aid of our
proprietary technology and the ability to adapt to changing business Coyote Bioscience is dedicated to innovation in portability of
structures, we’ve been able to achieve or exceed our customers’ point-of -care molecular diagnostics, pathogen detection and Life
goals consistently. Science Tools. In 2013, Coyote Bioscience achieved its break-through
One-Step molecular diagnostic method based on direct qPCR. No
Copan Diagnostics, Inc. DNA extraction is required. Coyote’s point-of-care technologies
Booth: 4413 are designed to enable medical providers to identify disease early,
enhancing the probability of patient’s recovery and quality of life. Coyote is committed to developing high quality products that meet
With a reputation for innovation, COPAN is the leading manufacturer our customer’s needs and exceed their expectations. Quality is
of collection and transport systems in the world. COPAN’s at the forefront of what we do from beginning to end, from the start
collaborative approach to innovation in pre-analytics has resulted of design through delivery of a product to our customer. We comply
in the original FLOQSwabs™, ESwab™, FecalSwab™ and UTM™, as with applicable regulatory requirements and employ a meticulous
well as Full Laboratory Automation. COPAN’s automation includes quality management system. Coyote products have been and will
specimen processing, smart incubation, digital imaging, and strong be designed for portable, POC, environmental, agricultural and
algorithms for automatic segregation of bacterial cultures, followed research testing.
by automated colony picking.
Create Biosciences
CorDx Inc. Booth: 1875
Booth: 849, 3144
CorDx, A CorDx Union company, a transforming the global
diagnostics industry with innovative R&D solutions, a vertically
integrated supply chain, and manufacturing footprints in the United
States and around the world. Our proprietary line of rapid diagnostic
products is recognized by families and medical professionals for
reliability, affordability, and rapid results.


Creative Biosciences (North America) Inc. Currier Plastics, Inc.

Booth: 1928 Booth: 3843
Creative Biosciences (North America) Inc is a branch company of At Currier we understand that within the healthcare and medical
Creative Biosciences (Guangzhou) CO., Ltd which is an advanced device industry there is another level of quality and commitment that
bio-tech corporation in R&D of noninvasive DNA test kits for early is required from your strategic partner. Here at Currier, we have years
detection of various cancers, its related automation equipment, and of demonstrated commitment to that quality. Products produced
cutting edge POCT instruments to make molecular testing anytime at Currier are used to DETECT, DIAGNOSE, DICOVER, PREVENT
and anywhere. Colosafe is a leading noninvasive stool DNA test in applications across general healthcare packaging & critical to
for early detection of colorectal cancer. Please check out more at function consumables for the diagnostics, life science, bioprocessing & point of care industries.

Credo Diagnostics Biomedical Pte. Ltd. Cytiva

Booth: 3654 Booth: 3868
Focusing on research and development of revolutionary diagnostic Cytiva, now with the life sciences business from Pall Corporation,
technologies since 2011, Credo Diagnostics develops, manufactures, is a global life sciences leader dedicated to helping customers
and commercializes accurate, rapid, and affordable molecular discover and commercialize the next generation of therapeutics.
diagnostic platforms at the Point-of-Care. Together, we bring dedicated technical expertise and a broad
portfolio of tools and technologies that enable the development,
CrelioHealth Inc. manufacture, and delivery of transformative medicines to patients.
Booth: 3082
Booth: 4819
At CrelioHealth, we pride ourselves on providing cutting-edge
software solutions that help medical labs and diagnostic centers
optimize their operations. With a powerful combination of advanced Cytovale is a medical diagnostics company focused on providing
features, such as TAT analysis and automated QC for pathology, our rapid and insightful tools to improve early detection of fast-moving
platform seamlessly integrates critical operations like registration, and immune-mediated diseases. Cytovale’s FDA-cleared IntelliSep
billing, finance management & more. Our dedicated mobile apps test is pioneering a new way of quickly and accurately analyzing white
make it easy for laboratory professionals to access vital information blood cells to stratify a patient’s risk of sepsis. The test is designed to
on the go. Our commitment to quality and innovation has earned quantify the state of immune activation by measuring the biophysical
us the trust and recognition of industry leaders worldwide, making properties of leukocytes from a blood sample in <10 minutes.
us the go-to choice for labs looking to streamline their operations,
reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. With CrelioHealth, you Daan Gene Co., Ltd.
can be confident that you’re partnering with a trusted and highly- Booth: 440
rated industry leader. Join us at ADLM 2024 to see our solutions in
action and learn more about how we can help transform your lab.
Founded in 1993 and headquartered in Guangzhou, China, Daan
Crescent Industries Gene is in the front ranks among the world’s molecular diagnosis
Booth: 3080 companies with its expertise in many core businesses. Apart from
developing new molecular diagnostic test kits, automatic extractors, and real-time PCR systems, its objectives include producing core raw
If you’re looking for the perfect partner for custom injection material, and CRMs, and setting up labs to perform clinical analyses
molding, Crescent Industries is the way to go! With over 75 years of for hospitals and individuals. It is also committed to immunology,
experience, they offer engineering support, mold building, injection biochemistry, and POCT.
molding, and post-molding operations. Their facilities are FDA-
registered and ISO 13485:2016 certified. With 160 employee-owners
and three manufacturing facilities located in New Freedom, PA,
including a brand-new ISO 8 cleanroom facility. Stop by booth
#3080 today!

50 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Dagatronics Corporation Delta ModTech

Booth: 4741 Booth: 2060
manufacturing and exporting Auto Stainer for Microbiology TOUGHEST CHALLENGES CONVERTING, PACKAGING AND
(AFB,GRAM), Hematology, Cytology and related products. Our COATING EQUIPMENT - For over 40 years we have been providing
products already have been used in well known Hospital & Scientific our customers flexible, trust-worthy machines, reduced risk,
Labs and we are exporting to many countries and it has already good and performance that is unmatched in the industry. PROCESS
reputation from the market. Particularly, as specialist in this field we KNOWLEDGE - Serving customers in many industries has giving us
are running a well-organized production system with best quality, web handling expertise you won’t find anywhere else. Die cutting,
by which you would enjoy very pleasant services from us. placement, lamination, pouching, coating, advanced integration,
we’ve done it all. Our customers drive us to continually develop
DAS innovative modules that meet and more often exceed production
Booth: 350 goals. EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE - Servicing our customers’ needs has
always been our highest priority, we focus on quick efficient solutions to keep your machines running to their full potential.
DAS designs and manufactures, within its premises, analytical
medical instruments according to the latest technological DEMGY
transformation. The “ELITE line” instruments, thanks to its Booth: 4664
outstanding flexibility and originality, are the most advanced
processors for autoimmune technology on ELISA micro-plates,
IFA slides and BLOT strips. The products are designed for easy DEMGY is a manufacturer of components made from thermoplastics
installation, easy maintenance and high reliability in order to save and composites. With multiple sites in the U.S. and Europe certified
technical manpower costs. The systems are sold Worldwide. to the ISO 13485 medical standard, we offer ISO Class 7 and 8
cleanroom production capability and a focus on High Performance
Data Innovations LLC Plastics. Our MULTIPLASTURGY® concept allows us to simplify and
Booth: 1944 implement your plastic and composite projects, utilizing capabilities
including injection molding, micromolding, additive, machining, thermoforming, metalizing, and painting.
At Data Innovations, we believe that when we enable labs to
harness innovation and optimize performance, we empower them DENSO Health
to focus on what matters most: their patients. Our vendor-neutral Booth: 1468
connectivity middleware, Instrument Manager™, enables enterprise
labs to connect virtually any LIS/EMR/EHR, discipline, and instrument
through a single platform – and connectivity is just the beginning. For over 38 years Peripheral Resources has been a leading global
Our solutions also optimize productivity, reliability and quality so that distributor in POS, OEM, Mobility, & Barcoding (AIDC). We offer
labs can do more with less. Stop by our booth for some exciting new a variety of products from a number of different manufacturers.
lab optimization product news! We provide value added services and support that enables our
partners to be successful.
DCN Diagnostics, Inc.
Booth: 2468 Detect, Inc. Booth: 5227

DCN Dx is a global leader in the end-to-end development,

manufacture, and commercialization of point-of-use tests. From
its headquarters in Carlsbad, California, DCN Dx’s cross-functional DGP Intelsius
team of scientists and engineers develop and integrate all aspects Booth: 4522
of assays into reliable systems for point-of-use applications that
enable users to monitor sample quality, identify pathogens, and
facilitate the delivery of treatments.


DiaCarta DiagnostikNet-BB
Booth: 4849 Booths: 317, 322, and 325
DiaCarta develops, manufactures and markets cancer research and The DiagnostikNet|BB (Netzwerk Diagnostik Berlin-Brandenburg
IVD products for precision molecular diagnostics. Xeno nucleic acid e.V.) covers the entire In-vitro-diagnostics value-added chain and
(XNA) is the enabling technology that powers our QClamp® (qPCR) offers a broad range of high-quality services and products made
and OptiSeqTM (NGS) platforms for ultra-sensitive detection of genetic in Germany: COVID-19-Testing | Microbiology | Autoimmune |
mutations in liquid biopsy samples. Our US facility is ISO13485 and Oncology | Neurology & More Monoclonal Antibodies | Native &
CLIA-certified. We have also expanded our business and clinical Recombinant Proteins | Dry Culture Media PCR and RPA Enzymes
operations in China. Learn more at and Reagents | HotStart Antibodies Lyophilized PCR Reagents | NGS
Polymerases Human Biomaterials | Controls | Proficiency Testing
DIAGAM S.A. | Clinical and Analytical Performance Studies Multiplex-Assays |
Booth: 525 Rapid Tests | Lateral Flow Tissue and Cell-based IFA, ELISA, Dot/
LINE Assays Histology | Cytology | Immunhistochemistry | Blood Grouping Serology Epigenetics | Immune Cell Quantification Assays
DiAgam manufactures reagents for immunoturbidimetry. Our Point-of-Care Testing | High End Reader | Smart Devices The network
reagents, controls and calibrators are liquid, stable and ready to use represents over 70 members in Brandenburg, Berlin and other
on all opened biochemistry analyzers even with barcodes. Thanks to regions in Germany.
our manufacturing flexibility, we can propose all our parameters in
different packaging’s: kits, vials and bulk, all available under DiAgam DIALAB GmbH
label or in OEM. DiAgam is present all around the world and we Booth: 443
seek to increase our network through distribution agreements and
DIALAB is offering a wide range of laboratory diagnostics such as
Diagnostica Stago, Inc. Clinical Chemistry, Turbidimetric Tests, Coagulation, Urine Strips,
Booth: 1432 Rapid Tests, Blood Grouping, ELISA Tests, Heamatology and
Instruments. We maintain a quality management system certified according to ISO 13485:2016, most products are CE marked.
At Stago our focus is on YOU. We are dedicated to deliver OEM possible.
customized hemostasis solutions for large integrated networks,
small community laboratories, and every lab in between. Stago DIALUNOX GmbH
delivers innovative, reliable solutions for routine testing, specialty Booth: 3022
coagulopathy investigations and ground-breaking research including
hemostasis systems, automation, reagents, and complete e-solutions
offerings. See how Stago can help YOU deliver best-in-class, patient- We operate as a strategic engineering partner for the development
centered solutions. of complex optical measurement devices and as a manufacturer of
compact rapid test readers. Our customers are predominately in the
Diagnostics Biochem Canada Inc. fields of point of care diagnostics, food or environmental analysis
Booth: 4609 with a need for customized measuring instruments for their tests.
Co-location of consulting, development and production department makes us a one-stop solution which guarantees short cycle times
Diagnostics Biochem Canada Inc. (DBC) was founded in 1973 by from the idea to the finished product.
a partnership of medical doctors with the initiative to research,
develop and market quality radioimmunoassay kits and reagents. Diamond Diagnostics
As technology in the field progressed, the founders of DBC Booth: 3419
recognized the need to develop simple and non-isotopic kits for
our customers. With a strong research initiative, DBC successfully
converted from RIA to the ELISA and LIA technologies of today. Diamond Diagnostics is an FDA regulated manufacturer and
We have been exporting our products to customers around international supplier of instrumentation, reagents, quality control
the world for 50 years. As a leader in the industry, it has always products and hardware consumables for use in the clinical diagnostic
been our goal to offer a wide range of test kits and continually laboratory. It manufactures the SmartLyte, ProLyte and CareLyte lines
introduce new and unique products to the marketplace. It is our of Electrolyte Analyzers, and is headquartered in Holliston, MA from
strong commitment to research and development that has enabled where it supports distributors, end-users and other manufacturers in
us to offer an ever expanding array of quality products. nearly 100 countries. Diamond has been fully ISO certified and FDA
Registered for over a decade.

52 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Diamond Technologies Inc. DiaSys Diagnostic Systems GmbH

Booth: 4408 Booth: 3738
Diamond Technologies Inc. specializes in providing bar code Since 1991, DiaSys Diagnostic Systems has been a leading and
reading, machine vision, and RFID reading solutions to medical reliable specialist in developing and manufacturing diagnostic system
device, lab automation, and kiosk OEM equipment suppliers. Our solutions for small up to medium-sized labs. In line with strong
company has more than 20 years of experience in specifying and commitment to quality, service, ease of use and sustainability, DiaSys
implementing reliable and cost-effective solutions that reduce our constantly expands its product portfolio, which comprises reagents
clients’ integration time and costs. With Diamond’s expertise, OEMs for routine and special diagnostics, as well as fully automated and
are improving and enhancing the customers’ experience with their semi-automated clinical chemistry analyzers, POCT instruments and
products. Explore what we can do for you. water purification systems.

DiaPharma Group, Inc. Diazyme Laboratories, Inc.

Booth: 5039 Booth: 1803
We deliver solutions. DiaPharma specializes in laboratory products At Diazyme Laboratories, we are committed to developing and
and analyzers for hemostasis, fatty liver disease, and cancer research. manufacturing high quality and cost-effective IVD solutions for your
We offer assays for COVID-related coagulopathy and organ damage laboratory. Choose from our clinical tests for cardiovascular, diabetes,
studies, anticoagulation measurement, bleeding disorders, liver injury cancer, liver, inflammation, electrolyte, kidney, coagulation, vitamin,
markers, and more. Learn about the FDA-cleared T-TAS® 01 whole sepsis and more. Our products are designed to empower your lab by
blood platelet function analyzer and the Ceveron® s100* all-in-one working with your testing platform to meet your needs. We invite you
coagulation analyzer. *Research use only. Not for use in diagnostic to meet with us to discuss your needs and learn how Diazyme can
procedures. positively impact your lab.

DiaSorin Inc. Dier Biotech Co., Ltd.

Booth: 1424 Booth: 146
At Diasorin, health and well-being guides everything we do. By DL Biotech, founded in 2003 in Zhuhai, China, is specialized in
automating and consolidating specialty testing, we empower Microbiology IVD products like Rapid microbial Identification MS
laboratories to do more with less. Whether it is through our system(MALTI-TOF), auto blood culture system, microbial ID/AST
broad immunodiagnostic solution, which pairs powerful LIAISON® system, auto Gram stainer with R&D laboratories in Maryland US.
chemiluminescent technology with tests that are consistent and As the leading brand of China clinical microbial diagnostics product
easy to use, our reliable molecular portfolio that offers targeted and manufacturer and service provider, our products are used in over
syndromic options for detecting pathogens in clinical specimens, or 45 countries and regions at domestic and overseas, covering nearly
our multiplexed-based clinical and life science research solutions, 5,000 clinical medical institutions.
we provide laboratories and clinicians with the right test at the right
time. Diasorin provides solutions that optimize laboratory operations DIESSE Diagnostica Senese S.p.A
by consolidating, automating, and integrating workflows. Our Booth: 1446
robust testing solutions enable early diagnostic delivery, helping
impact patient care and outcomes. Diagnosis is the first step toward
understanding one’s health. Visit booth #1424 to discover solutions DIESSE Diagnostica SenesE S.p.A. is an Italian company with an
to help you simplify your testing needs. integrated and entirely inhouse production of diagnostic solutions
for the immune system. The company has a global presence in over
DIAsource ImmunoAssays SA 100 countries and since its foundation in 1980 it has developed,
Booth: 425 produced and marketed innovative diagnostic systems primarily
in the field of immunodiagnostics and automatic measurement of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
Present in more than 75 countries with 80 distributors, DIAsource
ImmunoAssays develops, manufactures and markets clinical
diagnostic RIA & ELISA products for endocrinology, autoimmunity
and infectious diseases. We also provide selected instrumentation to
IVD laboratories worldwide. DIAsource is also a recognized supplier
of high quality and unique Antibodies, internally developed with
special focus to be used in IVD Assays.


Dirui Industrial Co., LTD D-tek

Booth: 3806 Booth: 529
Since established in 1992, DIRUI has always been dedicated to R&D, D-tek is a Belgian privately owned company specialized in
manufacturing, and sales of high-quality diagnostic equipment and autoimmunity. Since 1995, D-tek develops and manufactures in-vitro
reagents. As an ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 certified manufacturer, diagnostic kits for autoimmune diseases. The company produces
all of Dirui’s products are CE certified, some of which are holding different ranges of products from ELISA, Immunodot, Microarrays
FDA certification. Dirui products are served in over 120 countries. and Custom-made kits. Moreover, D-tek produces a complete range
Our products: * Clinical Chemistry Analyzer * Urine Analyzer * of ready-to-use diagnostic reagents (stabilizers, substrates, coating
Hematology Analyzer * Vaginal Infections Analyzer * Immunoassay buffers). D-tek is looking for experienced distributors to promote and
Analyzer * Coagulation Analyzer sell its products.

Dolphin Data Capture Dynamiker Biotechnology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.

Booth: 123 Booth: 345
Dolphin Data Capture specializes in the full integration of Zebra Dynamiker is an IVD developer and manufacturer focusing on early
Technologies OEM scan engines, bar code scanners, printers, RFID and rapid diagnosis of Invasive Fungal Diseases (IFD) with the vision
products and mobile/wireless handheld terminals. Our integration “Protect more people from threat of Fungal disease”. Our products
expertise includes complete engineering, design and development for (1,3)-ß-D-Glucan, Aspergillus, Candida and Cryptococcus have
services for key markets such as medical OEM manufacturing, been CE-IVD marked under ISO-13485. We have successfully
general healthcare, logistics, retail or any other application that launched Dynamiker Quic Family for IFD and Carbapenem Resistant
requires the use of machine vision, barcode or RFID. Let’s discuss Enterobacteriaceae Test Kit. Our subsidiary Dynamiker Pets can offer
the best solutions for you and your customers. 71 Items for Pets Diagnostics Testing.

Drummond Scientific Co. Eagle Biosciences, Inc.

Booth: 4463 Booth: 4547
With over 75 years in business, Drummond Scientific Company Providing the best possible products for your needs Eagle
stands at the forefront of innovating essential life science devices and Biosciences has been providing the highest quality and best value
manufacturing solutions. Our diverse range of products and services, immunoassays, antibodies, and proteins available on the market.
including Custom Capillary Development, Automated Lateral Flow There are many suppliers of ELISAs and other assays and hundreds
Cassette Assembly, and Venture Manufacturing, showcase our of thousands of products to choose from, but Eagle Bio only offers
unyielding commitment to providing the essential products and products that deliver the maximum level of performance and provide
solutions to create and save lives worldwide. Showcasing exactly reliable and trusted results.
why we are where innovation scales.
Eaglenos Sciences, Inc.
DSM Pentapharm Booth: 5239
Booth: 843
DSM Pentapharm offers contract manufacturing services and Easemedtrend Biotech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
reagents including PRIONEX® The BSA Alternative®, Aprotinin, Booth: 4852
Pefabloc® SC and other inhibitors, peptide substrates, snake venom
proteins and Pefaclot® and Pefakit® coagulation test kits.
·A solution providing company, with 20 years presence in China.
·Creating BRAND & PRODUCT differentiation through innovation.
·Helping to form strategic alliances globally. ·Marketing and
representation. ·Integrating chemistry, immunology,and molecular
biology into devices for the development of tests in the areas of
public health, forensic, clinical and veterinary medicine. ·Global
sourcing and supply chain. ·Possession of multiple patents in the field
of testing and diagnostics.

54 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Eastern Business Forms Inc. Electronic Lab Logs

Booth: 4728 Booth: 1159
EBF LLC has been the leader in blood and urine collection devices Electronic Lab Logs is helping labs Ditch the Paper Logs used for
for over 50 years. EBF has also gained a reputation for high quality, Maintenance and QC tracking. By using the software,
utilizing strict manufacturing control and extensive quality testing. labs can now standardize data capture, get alerts when tasks are
missed, and generate electronic monthly reports with e-signatures.
EDAN, INC. tracks maintenance for everything in the lab from
Booth: 641 chemistry automation lines to kit tests and everything in between.
Track Reagents and Controls, add Service Reports and view historical data in one easy-to-use platform.

Eiger Diagnostics Inc. ELGA LabWater

Booth: 4543 Booth: 224
Parasitology and Infectious Disease Clinical Diagnostic Products ELGA has been a trusted name in water purification for over 80 years,
pioneering innovative technologies and award-winning product
EKF Diagnostics Inc. design. Our MEDICA® systems help to achieve 100% uptime by
Booth: 2042 providing high quality water and emergency bypass, ideal for clinical
lab, hospital, and medical research applications. They provide a
constant, reliable supply of compliant water. Our new MEDICA® EDI
EKF is a leading global diagnostics and biotechnology units combine technologies with low running costs to ensure purified
company specializing in the development, production, water exceeding the CLRW specification.
and distribution of innovative medical technologies and patient-
centric solutions. It empowers medical professionals to make ELITechGroup
informed clinical decisions through point-of-care testing and life
Booth: 621
sciences applications. EKF Diagnostics develops and manufactures
point-of-care medical devices and tests, including hemoglobin
and HbA1c, designed to provide quick and accurate results. ELITechGroup Biomedical Systems empowers laboratories to do
EKF Life Sciences develops and supplies reagents, enzymes, more in lesstime to enable rapid and accurate course of treatment for
and other components used in the research, biotechnology, and patients. Globally recognized for performance and reliability in slide
pharmaceutical industries. staining, cytocentrifugation, ESR instrumentation, cystic fibrosis sweat
test systems, and osmometers, our best-in-class technology will take
E-LAB Biological Science & Technology Co., Ltd. your laboratory to a new level of efficiency.
Booth: 245
EMPECS Medical Device Co., Ltd.
Booth: 4858
BIOELAB is the professional manufacturer, could supply 7 kinds
of semi-auto with incubator and blood coagulation function and 8
kinds of fully auto from 120 test/hour to 800 test/hour. Till now, our We have been specializing in the manufacture and sales of
products have been exported to United States, France, Ukraine, disposable medical devices since 1992 when the company was
Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, India, Pakistan, South Africa etc. up to founded. Since 2004, the company has concetrated its effors
more than 80 countries and regions, products have been recognized on developing blood glucose monitoring systems. The Korea-
as quality ones with good reputation in the market around the world. based biosensor Lab, run by the company, has been a pioneer in
developing these systems. In 2012, We gained the U.S Food and
Elargir Int’l Trading Co., Ltd. Drug Administration’s permit of the MM1000 series, an auto-coding
Booth: 1268 monitoring system produced by the company.


Enjet Inc. Envoke

Booth: 4715 Booth: 3320
The Enjet Inc. was founded in 2009 with vision to provide innovative Envoke is the industry leader in creating virtual demonstrations
manufacturing solution replacing conventional vacuum manufacturing for life science instruments. Our solutions dramatically reduce the
process in Bio-medical, OLED, PCB, Semiconductor, Glass, energy instrument sales cycle while also improving end-user adoption. Your
industries. We has developed original fluid control technology, based instrument in virtual mode can be deployed on your website, in
on i-electrohydrodynamics (iEHD), precise valve, and robotic control kiosk-mode for events, and on electronic notepads for 1:1 meetings.
technology. The Enjet is the only supplier of iEHD high resolution Virtual demonstrations quickly communicate the benefits of your
printing and coating solutions in mass production. product, overcoming the obstacles of shipping and set-up. Visit us
at Booth 1294 or
Booth: 3450 Epredia Booth: 5329

Enplas is a global manufacturer of high-precision custom plastic

products. From advanced microfluidic chips to no-leak multiplex Epredia is a total solution provider for pathology, laboratory
cartridges, our Life Science division produces high-performing instruments, consumables and service. Epredia offers a wide breadth
medical and diagnostic devices and components. We offer of solutions that have and will continue to transform the anatomical
engineering and manufacturing for prototyping and mass production, pathology lab. We continue to work to improve patient outcomes by
from DFM / design development, in-house tool making, class 7 providing groundbreaking technologies. Every product developed
cleanroom injection molding & assembly (lyophilizing and preloading has been impacted by generations of employees who are committed
reagents can be automated). U.S. locations in NC and CA. to improving lives by enabling pathologists through enhancing
precision cancer diagnostics.
Entegrion, Inc.
Booth: 3860 Equitech-Bio, Inc. Booth: 4252

The VCM testing platform offers a cost effective, accurate, easy
to use, and reliable global coagulation solution in just minutes. Equitech-Bio, is a major manufacturer of high-quality animal serum,
Entegrion’s VCM platform is changing hemostasis assessment, plasma, albumins, IgG, antibodies, and antisera. We supply our
replacing traditional limited diagnostic testing methods with a more products to pharmaceutical, diagnostic and research labs both
complete answer for diagnostics, monitoring and critical pathways nationally and globally. We also have a broad collection network to
management. acquire human serum and plasma, as well as clinical samples and
bulk disease state materials. Our R & D Laboratory is continually
Envigo Bioproducts, Inc. working on new products, and production methods to improve the
Booth: 2047 quality and diversity of our product line. Euromed Biotech Hk Ltd.

Envigo Bioproducts, Inc. is a world leading Contract Antibody Booth: 4505
Manufacturer. For over 35 years we have supported leading
academic, biotech, diagnostic and pharmaceutical companies as a
Eurospital S.p.A.
reliable and effective contract manufacturer of research and cGMP,
bulk and purified monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. We can Booth: 4462
produce from mg-multi-gram quantities. Many of these antibodies
have been used to protect against disease and diagnose illness.
Eurospital, an Italian IVD Company, focuses its activities on specific
Other products/services include PDX, immunogenicity study work as
diagnostic sectors such as diagnosis of Coeliac Disease, IBD,
well as Biological products and NGF. Envigo Bioproducts is AAALAC
detection of genetic predisposition to Coeliac, Type 1 Diabetes and
and ISO 9001-2015 accredited, OLAW and cGMP compliant and
Lactose Intolerance. Actively present worldwide, Eurospital’s aim
USDA licensed.
is to provide Paediatricians, Gastroenterologists and Laboratory
Immunologists with highly innovative diagnostic tests such as
Calprest family products, Eu-tTG, XeliGen, DiabeGen and LactoGen.

56 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Eurotrol, Inc. EzDiatech, Inc.

Booth: 1017 Booth: 3358
Eurotrol provides quality control materials with specialized Our technologies (the brand name is called “VEUS”) are based
formulations for critical care, laboratories and point-of-care sites in on both a novel rod-shaped magnetic particle and a new imaging
hospitals, clinics, proficiency testing providers, standardization bodies system showing very high sensitive fluorescent signal detection
and instrument manufacturers (OEM). Our menu includes daily QC, and excellent signal to noise ratio. And, VEUS is a fully automated
calibration verification materials and standards. CueSee online, a data ALL-IN-ONE diagnostic system for rapid and accurate immunoassays
submission service providing statistical analysis, peer comparison and and molecular diagnostics within 30~50 minutes. In particular, we
graphical reports, is complementary. Eurotrol supplies products and succeeded in developing a TBI diagnostic kit and obtained CE
services worldwide. certification. Please visit website:

Evergreen/Caplugs Fabletics Scrubs

Booth: 1246 Booth: 1974
Caplugs is a leading manufacturer of single-use laboratory supplies,
with thousands of catalog parts in-stock and ready to ship. Our full Fapon Biotech Inc.
line of Evergreen labware is manufactured in our California facility Booth: 1815
ensuring excellent quality. Our in-house Design Engineers work with
customers for custom designs or variations to catalog parts, such as
different materials, colors, engraving, etc. Work with a trusted leader Fapon is a global leading life sciences company dedicated to
to ensure quality parts, reliable delivery and superior providing integrated solutions and services for diagnostics,
customer service. biopharma and biotherapy. Integrating a one-stop solution on raw
materials, reagents and innovative open instrument platforms, the
Evik Diagnostic Innovations, Inc. Company has grown into a leading supplier in in-vitro diagnostics.
Fapon boasts advanced innovations in therapeutics technologies
Booth: 4851
and AI algorithm platforms with data insights that contribute to a better and healthier world. Supported by its strong global R&D,
Evik Diagnostics develops & produces customized Ab/Ag, nucleic manufacturing, sales and service network, Fapon’s products have
assay reagents/components into lyophilized beads, EVIK™ established presence in 68 countries and regions, serving more than
DxSpheres. We assist clients in R & D, scale to high-volume 2,500 business partners worldwide. Follow us on LinkedIn (Fapon) or
production. Our beads are precise-durable spheres, each originated visit our website
from a few uL drops of liquid reagent mix. We help assay developers
solve common challenges i.e. reagent stability by incorporating Fepod Oy, Ltd.
reagent(s) into stable lyophilized beads that are versatile for use in Booth: 4639
micro-fluidics, cartridges or custom POC devices.
Exonbio LLC. Fepod Oy Ltd is developing and commercialising a cutting edge
electrochemical IVD technology platform that enables measuring the
Booth: 852
real blood concentration of pain medicine and other markers directly from a drop of blood at the point-of-care. Our technology provides
Exonbio is a leading recombinant protein and antibody CRO. a fast, simple, and relatively painless sampling process with quick
Exonbio’s novel proprietary Single Plasma cell INterrogation (SPIN®) test results, using a mobile phone, portable potentiostat and mass-
technology is capable of developing monoclonal antibodies producible & disposable sampling sensors.
with broad epitope coverage and high affinity. Thus, has made
the technology perfect for therapeutic and diagnostic antibody


Ferrotec FlexMedical Solutions

Booth: 4635 Booth: 362
Ferrotec is a world leader in advanced material, component, and FlexMedical Solutions offers a unique range of services that are
system solutions. We make precision TECs, Peltier coolers for designed to help you bring your investment to life. We are a
heat-pumping, thermal cycling and precise temperature control. As globally renowned partner that provides support from concept to
the leader in ferrofluid technology, we offer a range of ferrofluids commercialization for the development of Point-of-Care diagnostics
including our new PBG product line featuring PEG coated particles and wearables. - Design/ Develop/ Science/ Engineer/ Quality/
in super stable colloidal suspensions. We’ve also partnered with Manufacture FlexMedical Solutions - Flexible Approach - Medical
Liquids Research Ltd, Europe’s leading producer of custom magnetic Focus - Solutions Driven
particles for biomedical applications.
Fluid Metering, Inc.
Filtrous Corp. Booth: 3001
Booth: 4944
Precision Valveless Dispensers & Metering Pumps featuring FMI’s
First Business Bank
patented CeramPump® design. One moving part, a rotating and
Booth: 4103 reciprocating ceramic piston, accomplishes all fluid control functions without valves. Sapphire-hard ceramic internals are wear resistant,
chemically inert & dimensionally stable. From 3 uL per dispense to
First Business Equipment Finance is part of a Banking Organization
4 L/min continuous flow at 0.5% precision. Miniature OEM pumps
that operates as a direct lender in all 50 states. We provide a wide
for clinical chemistry & analytical instrumentation. Lab, process &
range of cost effective Financing Programs for Laboratories and
programmable production models also.
Healthcare professionals seeking to acquire a variety of equipment
types. We work hard for our customers and Vendor Partners every
Fluid-o-Tech International Inc.
day. Our Business is earned one relationship at a time.
Booth: 860
FlashDx Inc.
Booth: 4355
Booth: 3446
Founded by US and European industry experts with Silicon Valley
knowhow, FlashDx is a fast-paced company offering a turn-key POC Fluxergy develops platforms, assays, and consumables with
Molecular test platform with growing test menu of initial focus on multimodal technology which bring a variety of lab tests to Point-
syndromic testing. The portfolio will expand to oncology and other of-Care. We are actively developing point-of-use single and panel
disease areas. molecular, immunochemistry, chemistry, and cytometry-based
assays for use in Human Diagnostics, Animal Health, Food Safety,
Flexcraft Environmental, and Forensics.
Booth: 4940


Stop by the ADLM Booth #1879 during expo hours and learn how to save on next year's
meeting along with other amazing members-only benefits.

58 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Fortis Life Sciences Fujirebio

Booth: 1864 Booth: 1032
Fortis partners with diagnostics and life sciences companies to Fujirebio is a global R&D-driven company constantly developing new
design, validate, and manufacture solutions to solve their complex in vitro diagnostics (IVD) testing technologies and unique biomarkers
development problems. Fortis' tailored approach and end-to-end with high clinical value. We value our CDMO partnerships with many
capabilities accelerate the work of its customers as they bring the of the world’s leading diagnostic companies, sharing knowledge,
next generation of medicines and diagnostics to market. Fortis capabilities, and critical materials to supply, develop, or manufacture
serves a global customer base and has offices across the world diagnostic solutions on a wide variety of platforms.
including four R&D sites and three GMP and ISO 13485 compliant
manufacturing facilities in North America. Future Diagnostics Solutions B.V.
Booth: 3346
Foshan Yuyang Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.
Booth: 3347
At Future Diagnostics we invent, create, develop and validate IVD tests and products. We are a service provider to biotech companies
Foshan Yuyang Medical Instrument Co., Ltd was founded in 2009, in the global IVD medical device market. Our team of experienced
located in Foshan in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay professionals has been doing this for clients for over 25 years. If you
Area where is the biotech science industrial cluster city. The factory need highly specialized knowledge or manpower, we are your trusted
covers 13,000 square meters, with 100,000 grade clean room independent partner for the development of many different types of
1000 square meters, with over 200 workers, over 30 technicians for IVD immunoassays, based on different technologies, either manually
R&D. As a high tech enterprise with numbers of products structure or automated.
technology patents, Yuyang medical is professional in R&D,
producing and selling disposable medical consumables. G&H | ITL
Booth: 1249
FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas Corporation
Booth: 1449
G&H provides award-winning medical device design for manufacture services through our G&H | ITL (Integrated Technologies Limited)
With more than 80 years of experience, we offer unique, reliable IVD/ business. We help pharmaceutical and medical device innovators
RUO reagents, innovative instrumentation, and bulk reagents for focus on what they do best while optimizing their go-to-market times
OEM manufactured by FUJIFILM Wako. For outside the US, we offer and development budgets. Our G&H | ITL business offers specialized
dry chemistry solutions with various analytes for point-of-care. Our contract manufacturing with a global footprint and with operations
portfolio includes: • Immunoanalyzer with Liver cancer biomarkers that are fully compliant with relevant standards and regulations for
• Clinical diagnostic reagents: CH50, NEFA, HDL-C, LDL-C, and medical devices.
microalbumin • Dry chemistry solution for point-of-care* • COVID
rapid test* *Available outside the US GA Generic Assays
Booth: 320
Fujimori Kogyo Co., Ltd. (ZACROS)
Booth: 4353 Galactics Laboratory Supplies
Fujimori Kogyo, also known as ZACROS, has been providing unique Booth: 3422
packaging solutions to various industries since 1914. Our in vitro
diagnostics system ‘T-TAS 01’ is an automated microchip flow
chamber system developed for the assessment of the thrombus
formation process under flow conditions which mimics arterial blood
flow. It is obtained CE marking in 2019 as well as FDA clearance in
2020, and that is expected to improve the quality of medical care in
the hemostasis field.


GATTACO Inc. Gener8

Booth: 109 Booth: 4204
GattaCo addresses billion-dollar bottlenecks in healthcare by Gener8 offers complete engineering services from product
decentralizing clinical lab testing. Our A-PON™ Plasma Separator development through manufacturing and focuses on commercializing
(FDA Class-1) eliminates the need for phlebotomy, blood tubes, complex instruments and consumables, with additional expertise in
centrifuges, etc. Plasma produced by the A-PON can be dispensed software and industrial design.
into a tube and sent to a lab for analysis, it can be dispensed into a
rapid test for immediate quantitative results, or A-PON tech can be General Water Technologies
integrated into your customized Dx product. For DTC, DCT and POC Booth: 5114
applications. ISO-13485
Genes 2Me Private Ltd.
Genabio Diagnostics
Booth: 5213
Booth: 4321
Genabio Diagnostics is transforming testing for companies and
Genesis Quantum Inc.
their employees by offering a low-cost, easy-to-use, point-of-care
diagnostic platform for infectious diseases and drug abuse testing. Booth: 4269
Genabio’s testing system is designed to provide individuals access
to cutting-edge molecular and serological testing and real-time data
integration for rapid testing and disease management. GeneTex, Inc.

GenBody, Inc. Booth: 2163

Booth: 1050 As a multinational antibody manufacturer, GeneTex’s primary goal

is to provide bioscience researchers with thoroughly validated
Founded in 2012, GenBody Inc. creates innovative technologies for reagents to accelerate their discovery. GeneTex is proud to offer the
the development of raw materials for diagnostic use such as ELISA highest quality antibody reagents supported by extensive research,
and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). With over 15 years combined development, and validation. We are committed to the highest
experience in the diagnostic industry and through vast bio-networks standards of product performance.
between several key institutes, universities, and hospitals, our
core strength is in R&D; we specialized in developing monoclonal Genetic Signatures
antibodies and recombinant antigens in-house at our facility in
South Korea. Booth: 1463
Gene Tech ENTS, Ltd. Genetic Signatures is a specialty molecular diagnostics company
Booth: 1052 focused on the development and commercialization of its proprietary technology, 3base™ to provide hospitals and laboratories the
ability to screen for a wide array of pathogens in a high throughput
GENE TECH ENS LTD. aims to simplify the challenging PCR and environment. For more information about Genetic Signatures please
flow cytometry sample preparation. Our PCR sample preparation speak to one of our local representatives.
instrument and consumables save labor, reduce contamination and
ensure consistent results. Our flow cytometry sample preparation Genetic Tools, LLC
instruments and kits for platelet and lymphocyte (TBNK)testings
process samples easier and faster.The platelet testing time Booth: 1353
window extends to 7 days. Additional Inf All the instruments and
comsumables are avaiable at the booth.
Genetic Tools, LLC, a California company, developed a novel,
revolutionary Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase. The RTase is
super-efficient with as little as one unit per 20 μL of MULTIPLEX
reaction, over 200 times more efficient than MMLV RTase. Its optimal
temperature is 60-62°C, over 10°C higher than MMLV, overcoming
high GC content and secondary structure of RNA. It can easily detect
single digit copies of RNA targets. It is particularly suitable to one-
step, multiplex real-time RT-PCR.

60 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Genolution GenSure
Booth: 3040 Booth: 3959
Established in 2006, Genolution Inc. has been developing faster, GenSure Biotech Inc., is a high-tech company specializing in research,
more affordable, and higher through-put nucleic acid extraction development, production and sales of IVD(in vitro diagnostic)
platforms. In-vitro Diagnostics ·Nextractor® nucleic acid extraction reagents and testing instruments. GenSure has three major
instrument ·DNA, RNA Extraction Kit ·COVID-19 •Liquid Handler presences in China- the headquarters and a R&D center in Shanghai;
a manufacturing facility up to GMP standard in Hebei, as well as
GenomeWeb LLC a business and customer service center in Beijing. The Company
Booth: 521 also has two global presences focusing on R&D and business
development in Frankfurt, Germany and Tel Aviv, Israel.
GenomeWeb, an independent online news organization based in Gentian USA Inc
New York, publishes 360Dx, a real-time news service for the IVD and Booth: 3201
clinical lab industries. Our dedicated team of journalists aggressively
pursues news about companies, organizations, and trends in the
clinical diagnostics market. We post original content throughout the Gentian’s goal is to increase efficiency and decrease costs associated
day that is not available from any other news source. with human and veterinary diagnostic testing in areas of kidney,
infectious, inflammatory, and cardiovascular diseases. In combining
Genrui Biotech Inc. 20+ years of industry experience with proprietary technologies,
Booth: 846 Gentian has established itself as a leader in Particle-Enhanced
Turbidimetric Immunoassay (PETIA) development. The current product portfolio includes cystatin C (510(k)-cleared/CE marked),
Genrui, established in 2004, is a professional Chinese company plasma and serum calprotectin (CE marked/US Research Use Only),
specialized in IVD field including Hematology, Chemistry, Specific canine CRP and fecal calprotectin assays. Gentian also welcomes
Protein, Chemiluminescence, POCT, Molecule, Veterinary Analyzers opportunities for collaboration with OEMs. Gentian products can
and Reagents. ISO9001/ISO13485 qualified and all products with be used without additional investment in instrumentation because
CE mark. assays are designed for use on all major clinical chemistry analyzers.
Production, R&D, marketing and distribution of immunoassays are
GenScript USA Inc. performed at our headquarters in Norway and are supported globally
by subsidiaries in the US and Sweden and a representative office
Booth: 1872
in China.
GenScript is the world‘s leading technology and service provider of Genuine Biosystem Pvt. Ltd.
life science R&D and manufacturing. Built upon solid gene synthesis Booth: 1345
technology, GenScript Biotech offers comprehensive services
supporting diagnostics and lab medicine. From Gene Synthesis,
CRISPR sgRNA, Non-viral Payload (ssDNA, dsDNA), IVT RNA, Genuine Biosystem comprises of independent diagnostics units
and Oligo, to Peptides, Protein, Antibody, and Virus production, and has emerged as the leading manufacturer and marketer of
GenScript also offers cGMP-grade services and products for your In-vitro Diagnostics ,Reagents and Instruments both Nationally &
research needs. Visit us at Booth 1872! Internationally, Our Research and Development (R&D) We have
emerged to develop antibodies, clinical Enzymes, and substrates on
Immuno-turbidimetry and Turbi-assay platforms for Invitro diagnostics
(IVDs) as per GMP standards.

Access the most current info on all events,
exhibitors and workshops. Download the
mobile app at


Gerresheimer Peachtree City Globe Scientific Inc.

Booth: 1568 Booth: 832
Gerresheimer Medical Systems is an international acting product Globe Scientific is a leading producer of laboratory plasticware,
development, industrialization and contract manufacturing partner glassware & scientific equipment. Our products are sold through
for customized laboratory disposables, point-of-care tests and distributors worldwide & are used in the Research, Clinical, Industrial
medical products. Our service range includes product and process & Specialty markets. Some of our new products include: analyzer
development, engineering, moldmaking, automation engineering, cuvettes & sample cups for popular new instruments, microscope
small and large scale production according to FDA/GMP (cleanroom), slides for printers, outstanding line of pipette tips & an expanded
product refinement, assembly and packaging. We offer production line of tube racks, reusable plasticware & more! Globe also provides
sites in Europe, USA and Asia. private label & OEM products.

Getein Biotech, Inc. Gold Standard Diagnostics

Booth: 326 Booth: 2460
Getein Biotech, Inc. is a Nanjing headquartered and globally At Gold Standard Diagnostics, your lab will find
operated in-vitro diagnostic company, specializing in analytical comprehensive diagnostic solutions to improve efficiency and
medical devices, point-of-care testing kits, clinical chemistry minimize costs, along with outstanding customer service. Our
reagents, and raw materials for more than 15 years. Our mission to extensive menu includes assays for autoimmune, infectious disease,
“pursue excellence and deliver health” means a commitment to keep endocrinology, and more while our suite of instruments includes
patients’ wellbeing in mind. automation for immunoblot, ELISA, and agglutination testing. Let us
help you bring send-out tests in house, optimize testing workflow,
Global Access Diagnostics improve test results and simplify your laboratory experience.
Booth: 4558
Golden West Biologicals, Inc.
Booth: 2471
Global Access Diagnostics (GADx) is your proven partner for rapid
diagnostic solutions to solve pressing health needs. We develop
innovative, quality, custom rapid lateral flow immunoassay tests GWB offers an array of biological products that are critical
— from antibody and protein development to production. We are components for the development and manufacture of immunoassays.
the world’s first full-suite social enterprise diagnostics company, Products include processed human sera matrices, highly purified
re-investing 100% of our profits to increase access to diagnostics for protein fractions, disease state plasmas, antigens and antibodies.
people who need them the most. GWB has also developed the Mass Spect Gold® product line to
address the need for ultrasensitive testing and matrix-effect free base
Global Focus Marketing and Distribution material for calibrators and controls. Come visit us at Booth #2471!
Booth: 444
Global Focus Marketing and Distribution is a U.S. based small
business, specializing in manufacturing, and distributing to
the laboratory market. GFMD’s Silencer® centrifuges and the TELL US ABOUT YOUR CONFERENCE
representation of the Immuno Concepts immunology product line EXPERIENCE!
has established our organization throughout the US. Our product Be the first to share your thoughts with this quick
portfolio also includes ASI serology kits, Hemagen clinical infectious survey. The first 20 respondents will receive a $20
diagnostic kits, B-Medical cold storage solutions, Binder incubators, Amazon gift card. All respondents will be entered
and Diamond Diagnostic electrolyte analyzers. in a drawing for a $250 Amazon gift card.

62 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Gore & Associates Grifols Bio Supplies

Booth: 1252 Booth: 3862
devices Grifols Bio Supplies provides a portfolio of human biological
GORE Microfiltration Media for In Vitro Diagnostics help design materials collected from our own network of blood and plasma
engineers and program managers of OEMs and CDMOs of centers in the U.S. and Europe being able to provide materials with
diagnostics equipment and consumables to develop MDx panels different compliance grades (EP/USP, GMP or RUO) for pharma and
with consistent and precise fluid movement thus enabling accurate diagnostic manufacturing as well as for life-science research.
and reliable test results. Unlike other filter or vent options, Gore’s
vents are engineered to work with aggressive reagents and solvents Guang Dong JetKeen Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
giving more degrees of freedom in cartridge design enabling the Booth: 1244
most cost-effective designs.
Greiner Bio-One North America, Inc.
Guangdong Hecin Scientific, Inc.
Booth: 2023
Booth: 4161
Greiner Bio-One North America, Inc., is a privately held
manufacturing company that specializes in the development, Guangdong Hecin Scientific, Inc., an IVD company with more than
production and distribution of high-quality plastic laboratory products 5,000 m2 factory and P2 biosafety laboratory. Hecin has developed
for the medical and research fields. The company is a technology the largest biobank and the most comprehensive range of IVD
partner for hospitals, laboratories, universities, research institutes, products of respiratory pathogens in China. Its quality control
and the diagnostic, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. products have been widely used in many Chinese hospitals and labs.
The Preanalytics division develops and produces innovative collection Hecin’s anti-Covid products has been exported to Europe, South
systems for human and veterinary blood, urine and saliva samples; America, and Southeast Asia, etc. Our commitment is to create a
the Bioscience division develops and produces specialized products healthy respiratory system for all.
for the cultivation of cell cultures, microplates for high-throughput
screening, biobanking solutions, and more. As an international Guangdong Hybribio Biotech Co., Ltd.
manufacturer with presence in more than 100 countries, Greiner Booth: 5216
Bio-One provides manufacturing, distribution logistics and product
application support to the world’s largest health organizations and
pharmaceutical and biotechnology corporations. Hybribio (300639,SZ) is a leading nucleic acid molecular diagnostic
products developer and supplier in China. We provide products
Grifols including, but not limited to, HPV testing, reproductive health,
Booth: 2438 genetic diseases, methylation, respiratory tract infection,
pharmacogenetics and instrumentation. By May 2023, Hybribio has provided HPV DNA tests for over 50 million Chinese women.
Quality care improves life for everyone. Our mission to improve In addition, our products have been exported to over 30 countries.
the health and well-being of people around the world is achieved Betterment of human life we care!
by thinking beyond the box to advance transfusion medicine.
Challenging the status quo with high-quality, automated, and Guangdong World Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
sensitive testing solutions that drive laboratory productivity. Booth: 3668
Designing solutions and services that empower the highest standards
of care, enabling our customers to spend time where it’s needed
most — safely matching patients and donors.
Guangzhou Decheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Booth: 4546


Guangzhou Improve Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. Haimen Rotest Labware Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Booth: 437 Booth: 4943
Improve Medical, provides relevant products and services for
specimen processing, laboratory automation and COVID-19 product Halyard (Owens & Minor)
line. The group companies are ISO certified and run overall quality Booth: 453
management following international mainstream QMS, received CE
mark and MDSAP certified. Gel & Clot Activated Tube and Blood
Hamilton Company
Collection Needles are FDA cleared.
Booth: 203
Gulf Coast Scientific, Inc.
Booth: 4524 Hamilton Company specializes in the development and manufacturing of , automated liquid handling workstations and
OEM solutions. Hamilton offers fully automated solutions for sample
preparation, drugs of abuse testing, toxicology, and more.
Haemonetics Corporation
Booth: 1232 Hangzhou Allsheng Instruments Co., Ltd. Booth: 4946
Our TEG® hemostasis analyzer systems deliver fast, comprehensive
hemostasis information where and when you need it to help guide
Allsheng Instruments, a manufacturer in molecular biology since
treatment decisions, improve resuscitation, and drive more efficient
2006, with 350 employees and 30% are engineers in R & D Center,
use of blood products. TEG systems provide a unique and more
manufacturing size: 13,000 M3, main market: Japan, Europe &
complete picture of hemostasis to facilitate a better understanding of
North America. Product Category Sample preparation (Nucleic
each patient’s risk of hemorrhage or thrombosis. The TEG 6s analyzer
acid purification system, NGS Libarary preparation, etc.) Molecular
has a small footprint, robust quality control processes, vibration
Biology Instruments (Micro-spectrophotometer, microplate Reader
resistance, and a simple-to-use cartridge system to be readily
etc.) General Lab Instruments (Heater, centrifuge, shakers) Our goal:
deployed in laboratory or other care settings. The TEG Manager®
To be the quality first and long lasting Chinese brand.
software allows secure, real-time remote access to patient results
and can help simplify interpretation and standardize application
Hangzhou AllTest Biotech Co., Ltd.
of TEG results per your institution’s guidelines. Our experienced
clinical and other support teams help hospitals realize the full value Booth: 4643
of their investment in the technology and drive a more standardized
approach to better hemostasis management.
ALLTEST is integrating research, manufacture, sales and marketing
Hahn-Schickard for POCT products. Having been specializing in IVD field for a
decade, ALLTEST has a comprehensive product line for more than
Booth: 4065 700+ products.
Hangzhou Bioer Technology Co., Ltd.
Hahn-Schickard is your R&D service provider for intelligent products.
Together with our partners we support our customers in IVD product Booth: 934
development – from initial design to serial production. We have
strong expertise in laboratory automation, assay development,
centrifugal microfluidics and liquid handling solutions. With its three- Hangzhou Bioer Technology Co., LTD is a molecular detection
line concept and ISO 13485 certification, Hahn-Schickard is able to supplier based on a series of products and services. Bioer has
provide microfluidic cartridges from prototype to CE-IVD products. been focusing on the PCR field for more than 25 years. Bioer
Technology has developed into a world-famous PCR industrial base,
providing customers with a full set of solutions in the field of life
science research and application, including instruments, reagents,
consumables, etc.

64 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Hangzhou Biotest Biotech Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Lifereal Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Booth: 649 Booth: 4729
Hangzhou Biotest Biotech Co., Ltd. is an upcoming IVD manufacturer Founded in Sept. 2011, LifeReal Biotech focuses on the R&D and
of Rapid Tests. Founded by Healthcare Industry professionals, the production for the life science and clinical diagnostic products with
senior management comprises of astute professionals of more than its base in Hangzhou, China. LifeReal had set up its GMP factory with
ten years’ high performance senior level experience in R&D, Sales & 3000 sqM to manufacturer the related reagents.
Marketing, Manufacturing & Operations with professional expertise
gained in renowned multinational organizations. Hangzhou Medconn Diagnostics Technology Co., Ltd.
Booth: 2274
Hangzhou Clongene Biotech Co., Ltd.
Booth: 1053 Hangzhou Safecare Biotech Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Clongene Biotech is a national high-tech enterprises Booth: 1251
has expertise in the R&D of Biological Raw Materials, Diagnostic
Reagents and CDMO Services. Our main IVD reagents have obtained
authoritative certifications including NMPA, FDA 510(k) clearances, Safecare Biotech is a manufacturer of rapid tests including DOA test,
TGA, CE and so on. The products have been sold well in more Firtility test and infectious disease tests. All the tests are designed
than 100 countries around the world. Our CDMO services including for healthcare professionals in laboratories, rehabilitation centers,
antibody discovery, antibody expression, protein expression, and treatment centers, hospitals, clinics, private practices, human
stable cell line development platforms. resource departments, and the judicial system. We are committed to
provide speedy delivery and a comprehensive, cutting-edge product
Hangzhou DALTON BioSciences, Ltd. offering to help you in selecting the accurate and fast rapid tests.
Booth: 133
Hardy Diagnostics
Booth: 5019
DALTON BioSciences ("DALTONbio") is an innovative global medical
company focusing on in vitro diagnosis (IVD) in women's health and
oncology. Investing in cutting-edge technologies, DALTONbio has Hardy Diagnostics manufactures over 3,500 different products used
established leading positions in clinical diagnosis and screening of in the microbiology laboratory. The company is licensed by the FDA
cervical cancer, including its high-performance HPV test, Artificial as an in vitro Medical Device Manufacturer and ISO 13485 Certified.
Intelligence-powered LBC and p16/Ki-67 dual immunostaining. There are two main manufacturing facilities: Santa Maria and
We are committed to women's well-being, through investing in our Springboro, Ohio.
people, in science & technology, and in various initiatives for the
world. We have served the health of nearly 30 million women. Harro Höfliger Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH
Booth: 4064
Hangzhou Genesis Biodetection & Biocontrol Co., Ltd.
Booth: 1772
Harro Höfliger specializes in the development of customer-oriented process and production solutions for pharmaceutical and medical
Hangzhou Genesis Biodetection and Biocontrol Co., Ltd, an IVD applications as well as market-oriented consumer products. In
device manufacturer founded in 2002, has specialized with a high addition to innovative machine platforms and packaging machines,
reputation in the research, development, and manufacture of POCT customized turnkey system solutions for product assembly,
products, microbiology reagents, laboratory consumables, etc., as processing of web materials, as well as dosing and inhalation
well as the OEM & ODM service. The launched products had been technology are the company’s core expertise.
CE certified and got FDA approval.


Healgen Scientific LLC Helmer Scientific

Booth: 2168 Booth: 1846
Healgen Scientific is a leading global IVD developer and Helmer Scientific offers cold storage solutions for critical
manufacturer focused on delivering life-changing diagnostic products temperature-controlled storage. Designed for the safe storage of
for patients worldwide. For over 15 years, we have strived to provide patient samples, reagents, and controls, GX Solutions are the first
world-class products and services across multiple healthcare sectors, professional medical-grade refrigerators and freezers that utilize
such as Infectious Diseases, Toxicology, Fertility & Women's Health, OptiCool™ technology. Combining temperature, noise, and energy
Oncology, Cardiovascular, Metabolism, and more. As a highly trusted management, GX Solutions deliver optimized control and energy
healthcare partner for over 140 facilities, we develop state-of-the-art
devices that exceed industry standards and redefine healthcare, and HemoSonics, LLC
our portfolio spans multiple testing platforms. Booth: 645


Booth: 135 HemoSonics is revolutionizing bleeding management with the

Quantra® Hemostasis System - a novel, closed-cartridge viscoelastic (VET) assay based on an innovative ultrasound technology. Quantra is
HeavyBio is a global supplier of IVD raw materials, founded in 2017 a Fast, Easy, and Reliable hemostasis analyzer that enables healthcare
in China. HeavyBio has focused on producing antigens/antibodies, professionals to make quick and informed decisions during acute
bulk reagents for CLIA, uncut sheets for LFA that meet GMP bleeding scenarios. With hands-on time of less than 30 seconds,
standards, and has achieved ISO 13485 certification. Our R&D no open-tube blood manipulation after sample collection, intuitive
team’s core consists of highly experienced experts. Prokaryotic, workflow, and easy-to-read dials display, Quantra provides a fast,
insect/baculovirus, CHO cell and HEK293 cell expression platforms simple, and scalable solution for viscoelastic testing. The Quantra®
are available. Hemostasis System runs two cartridge tests. The QPlus® Cartridge is
FDA cleared for use in perioperative patients 18 years and older in
Helena Laboratories Corporation cardiovascular and major orthopedic surgery. The QStat® Cartridge
Booth: 2238 is FDA cleared for use in perioperative patients 18 years and older in
trauma and liver transplantation. HemoSonics is member of the Stago Group, a global leader in hemostasis and thrombosis testing.
Helena is the premier developer of clinical capillary and gel
electrophoresis systems for proteins, IFE and ID, hemoglobins, Hettich Instruments
Lp(a) cholesterol, isoenzymes and more. The revolutionary SPIFE Booth: 3743
Nexus totally automates gel electrophoresis including the highest
sensitivity characterization of immunoproteins and a newly
expanded test menu. The V8 Nexus plus the MAX handler expands Hettich is an industry-leading laboratory equipment manufacturer
automated capillary throughput to 552 SPEs in six hours. The SPIFE known for our vast array of quiet, reliable, and safe centrifugation
Touch platform is a solid workhorse solution used in thousands of products and our highly efficient, accurate, and space-saving
laboratories with a new assay for Alpha 1 Antitrypsin now available incubators. We also manufacture and support quality equipment for
and Lp(a) Particle Counts in development. Helena’s Myeloma sample preparation, climate control, and laboratory automation.
Tracking software streamlines batch interpretation of data and
automates compilation of electrophoresis results for monitoring HICOMP Microtech
MM patients. Helena’s POC testing includes Plateletworks platelet Booth: 4465
function screening, Actalyke ACT heparin monitoring, and Cascade
Abrazo (not available in USA).
Hicomp Microtech designs and manufactures advanced microfluidics
and lab consumables. Our quality, performance, and affordability-
focused solutions help researchers and engineers achieve greater
accuracy, efficiency, and reliability from prototype to volume
production. Our products, including microfluidic chips and
microplates, empower scientists to make groundbreaking discoveries
DOWNLOAD THE MOBILE APP and improve the world around us. Choose us for your lab needs and experience the future of microfluidics today.

66 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


High Technology, Inc. Hochuen International Corp.

Booth: 838 Booth: 3539
High Technology, Inc. is a USA manufacturer of IVD reagents and Hochuen is one of the leading OEM/ODM manufacturers of medical
laboratory instruments. Our focus is to offer turnkey IVD product disposables and wearables. We are specialized in microfluidics,
solutions for clinical diagnostic laboratories, providing international precision die-cutting, lamination, injection molding, LSR, blister
medical organizations with the world’s most effective and affordable packing, plastic bonding, CNC, laser machining, laser welding,
medical equipment, reagents, and consumables. Established in printing, packaging, soft good manufacturing, wearable devices and
Massachusetts in 1997, today HTI has 5 international subsidiaries electronic accessories manufacturing. Hochuen is FDA registered
and is represented in over 45 countries across the world. and ISO 13485 certified. We are based in California with factories in
Malaysia and China.
Booth: 5139 Hologic Booth: 1216

Meet the Hilab Lens, device is the world’s first complete blood
count by fingerstick and Point-of-Care Testing. It’s small, remote At Hologic, we enable people to live healthier lives everywhere,
and fast, marking the next evolution in microscopy. Try it today and every day. The Diagnostic Solutions division delivers on this
experience the future of healthcare technology. Developed by Hilab, commitment by developing and providing innovative cytology,
a brazilian healthtech with over 40 tests available, offering quick and molecular and perinatal testing. Our Panther® instrumentation and
accurate results using a few drops of blood. Our platform integrates Aptima® and Panther Fusion® assays help guide patient care and
AI and IoT, digitizing tests from anywhere in the world and creating a enable earlier detection. With our menu of 18 assays, plus 8 in
decentralized lab. development, you can consolidate your molecular testing today and
meet your lab’s growing needs tomorrow.
Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Booth: 4449 HORIBA Medical Booth: 2027

Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a company focused on R&D,

manufacturing, and OEM services related to IVD products. Our HORIBA Medical is part of HORIBA, Ltd. headquartered in Kyoto,
primary products (CE and ISO 13485 approved) include: A POCT Japan. Founded in Kyoto in 1945 by Dr. Masao Horiba, we have
Nephelometric Immunoassay Analyzer, able to simultaneously test 4 become experts at measuring and analyzing liquids, solids and
channels; and test kits which can return results as quickly as 1 minute. gases. HORIBA Medical manufactures and distributes hematology,
Some available tests include: HsCRP, HbA1c, HCY, MALB, D-Dimer, chemistry, toxicology and hemostasis systems under the ABX Micros,
ASO, RF, H-Fabp, PCT, etc. ABX Pentra and Yumizen brand names; these analyzers provide high
quality patient results on the first run. Our markets include physician
HMD Biomedical Inc. office laboratories, hospital laboratories, reference laboratories and
Booth: 968 veterinary laboratories worldwide. HORIBA Medical has production
facilities located in Japan, Brazil, China, France and India, and R&D centers in the U.S., Japan and France. HORIBA Medical also
Since 2000, HMD BioMedical Inc. is devoted to the development of collaborates with several companies within the IVD industry by
medical device products, such as blood glucose monitoring system providing our products as OEM solutions. HORIBA Medical has
from professional use (POCT) to home-use (SMBG). HMD’s medical over 100 distribution partners on all five continents, and 30,000
device quality assurance system was rigorously reviewed and certified laboratories worldwide use our products.
by FDA / CAP/ CE / MDSAP/ GMP. We are looking for long-term
distributing partner. Also, OEM/ODM/Private labeling services
are available. Welcome to contact us Email:;


HS Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Hycor Biomedical LLC

Booth: 3078 Booth: 4846
At HYCOR, we believe that people with an allergy improve their
Booth: 1455 quality of life when they know exactly what is causing their symptoms. Defining the underlying allergens is key! We empower physicians,
laboratories, and patients with accurate allergy test results from a
HUGENX LIS is the laboratory information system for diagnostics
new standard of assays designed to limit the impact of interference.
labs. It connects every part of your lab on one simple yet powerful
HYCOR allergy testing products are ideal for mid to high-volume
platform. Accessible from anywhere and updated in real-time, our LIS
laboratories that process routine allergy tests regularly.
gives everyone on your team the right tools to diagnose more cases
fast and accurately. HUGENX makes a laboratory efficient, scalable,
Hycult Biotech Inc.
and successful. Our LIS increases efficiency by deploying automation,
generating insightful patient reports, facilitate workflow adjustments Booth: 4839
and drive innovation.
Experts in the complement system. In house complement product
Hunan Celis Biotech Co., Ltd.
development, validation, and production Antibodies, proteins and
Booth: 5143 immuno assays. EN ISO13485:2016. Manufacturing and development services: - Antibody production - Assay development - Assay
manufacturing - Plate coating - Freeze drying
Celis Biotech is a global medical device innovator specializing in
Helicobacter pylori breath test of the gastrointestinal system.
Hunan Michael Laboratory Instrument Co., Ltd. Booth: 3870
Booth: 4756 Hydrix has a 20+ year track record in developing FDA Class II & III
medical devices, implanted devices, wearables, and diagnostic &
Established in 2015, MKE is a manufacturer of centrifuges for
life sciences instruments. Ahead of ADLM 2024, our insights team
laboratory, medical treatment, blood bank, pharmaceutical, and other
spoke to POC developers on their challenges post the COVID-19
sectors. Based in Changsha, China, the factory is operating under
pandemic. We learned of challenges in strategy, resourcing &
ISO 90001 and ISO 13485, and has passed SGS and Intertek factory
budgets, and a need for new revenue sources for newly developed
inspection. All products have got CE certification and approved as
platforms. Hydrix has developed a ‘drag and drop’ to approach help
Class II medical devices (IVD).
with these challenges. Visit our booth to learn more!
Booth: 424
heJiang HUAWEI Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd was established
Tuesday, July 30 &
in 1996. HWLAB is registered trademark of HUAWEI which is
Wednesday, July 31
professional manufacturer of high quality laboratory instruments for
9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
use in life-science research laboratories worldwide. Its product range
includes pipettes, centrifuges and shakers. Visit the Poster Hall on the
Expo show floor to view
accepted abstracts on display.
Presenting authors for all
posters will be in attendance
from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Open to all attendees.

68 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


HyTest ICL
Booth: 232 Booth: 1823
Since 1994, HyTest has developed & supplied immunological ICL (Immunology Consultants Laboratory) is a U.S. based company
reagents for the IVD industry. We provide products for several clinical dedicated to the production of the highest quality primary and
areas, such as cardiac markers, infectious diseases, blood coagulation secondary antibodies, immunoassays, antigens, and reference
& anemia and inflammation markers. We are proud to be a leading standards on a wholesale and retail basis. Our customers include
provider of reagents for troponin I immunoassays, as well as for many of the worlds leading IVD manufacturers, pharmaceutical
certain infectious diseases. companies and research institutions. Contact our expert team of
scientists to learn how ICL can support projects ranging from
Hzymes Biotechnology Co., Ltd. R&D to IVD.
Booth: 4356
ICON plc
Booth: 5237
Established in 2015, Wuhan Hzymes Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a
high-tech enterprise specializing in biomedicine, R&D, production
and application of core materials of in vitro diagnosis, and technical
services. It has five R&D and production centers. Hzymes technical Icosagen
platforms: enzyme mining & characterization, enzyme molecule Booth: 4526
optimization & modification, high-throughput screening of enzyme
genes, organic synthesis, synthetic biology, and antigen-antibody
R&D and production. Icosagen is a research-driven contract research, development and
manufacturing company for diagnostic, biopharmaceutical and
IBL-America biotechnology industry. We offer hundreds of off-the-shelf diagnostic
antibodies and antigens, custom-tailored services on antibody
Booth: 4510
development, recombinant protein production and stable CHO cell line development. We are a trusted European biotechnology
Since 1997 IBL-America has been an importer and company with more than 20 years of supply experience. Icosagen
distributor of ELISA, RIA and Chemiluminescent assays for is ISO9001:2015 certified and follows GLP guidelines.
the clinical and research marketplaces. In addition, we have
thousands of antibodies and proteins available for researchers and IDS Co, LTD
manufacturing companies. We supply products for the following Booth: 4109
fields: Autoimmune, Bone Metabolism, Brain Research, Diabetes,
Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Infectious Disease, Neuroscience,
Oncology, and Research Drug Monitoring. IDS delivers high-quality clinical lab automation products using an
integrated development and automated manufacturing environment.
ICA Corporation This highly automated infrastructure allows us to provide valuable
and unique solutions to Worldwide Medical Institutions. IDS
Booth: 3122
has remained solely focused on automating the clinical sample management testing process for over 35 years. We take great
Employee-owned contract manufacturer providing close tolerance responsibility for our role as a market leader in automating the clinical
multi-axis machined components and assemblies to leading life sample management process. Our products include solutions that
science OEMs. Capabilities include close tolerance CNC milllng meet the Pre-Analytical, Analytical and Post Analytical processes
and turning, precision sheet metal fabrication, laser cutting, chassis needs in both Stand-alone and Total Laboratory Solutions. We are
and custom enclosures, mechanical/electro-mechanical assemblies. proud of our long history of integrating our solutions with major WW
Employee owned, 90,000 square foot facility. ISO 9001 certified and IVD Companies and directly selling/servicing end user customers.
ITAR registered.


Igenesis (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Immuno Concepts

Booth: 1664 Booth: 1942
Igenesis (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was founded in 2015 by technological In 1979, Immuno Concepts pioneered the industry conversion
veterans and sales marketing experts from both the Silicon Valley from rodent tissue to HEp-2 cells for the detection of ANAs. The
and China with a mission to effectively address the market’s needs HEp-2000 followed as the only patented ANA substrate genetically
by delivering a highly integrated and fully automated molecular altered to improve sensitivity for detection of autoantibodies to SS-A/
diagnostics instrumentation system. Igenesis’ innovative POCT Ro. IC continues to put education first by creating the most reliable
molecular diagnostic system provides highly integrated and fully automated solution for routine IFA. The Image Navigator has been
enclosed solutions for qPCR detection. designed with empathy for the technologist, efficiency in resulting,
and robustness in implementation.
iLine Microsystems SL
Booth: 3149 ImmunoChemistry Technologies Booth: 3455

iLine Microsystems is a biotech company that has been designing

innovative and accurate IVD Point-of-Care devices in the field of Since 1994, ImmunoChemistry Technologies (ICT) has been
hemostasis area for more than 10 years. The microINR system, producing reagents, kits, and services for cell viability and ELISA
flagship of the company, is a CLIA-waived portable coagulometer applications in a broad range of research areas. We are your partner
with great usability, risk mitigation features and outstanding in cell viability assays, immunoassays, immunohistochemistry (IHC),
performance, which meets the needs of the different warfarin antibodies and proteins. With decades of expertise, ICT has a
monitoring models. wide range of products for immunoassay, cellular, and molecular
diagnostics development. Our portfolio includes products in
Illumina Apoptosis, Autophagy, Cytotoxicity, Metabolic & Fluorescent
Booth: 4840 assays, Oxidative Stress, Pyroptosis, Biochemicals, and more.
From ELISA development and plate coating to conjugation and purification, the team at our ISO-13485-certified facility in Davis,
For more than 20 years, Illumina has aspired to improve human California is dedicated to helping you build a better assay. Our
health by unlocking the power of the genome. Now, with more than Life Science family of companies including Antibodies, Inc., Aves
3400 patents worldwide and our sequencing-by-synthesis technology Labs, ImmunoChemistry Technologies, and PhosphoSolutions offer
being used to generate over 90% of the world’s sequencing data, we antibodies, custom antibody production, ELISA Reagents, Cell
are just beginning to discover the true impact of genomics in areas Viability Assays and IHC Reagents.
we touch, including oncology, reproductive health, genetic disease,
agriculture, microbiology, and beyond. ImmunoReagents, Inc.
Booth: 2364
Immundiagnostik AG
Booth: 1839
We are your worldwide manufacturer of quality polyclonal antibodies used in research and in vitro diagnostics. We have secondary
Immundiagnostik AG is an internationally active antibodies covering a broad spectrum of immunoglobulins from
diagnostics company developing innovative various species and cross absorbed to provide high specificity. We
immunoassays and other analytical methods for routine & research. also provide primary polyclonal antibodies to hormones, cancer
Immundiagnostik, Inc. is the North American subsidiary of markers, cardiac markers and serum proteins. We offer custom
Immundiagnostik AG. We provide novel immunoassays and analytical absorptions and purifications and can provide bulk manufacturing
tools focused on gastroenterology, cardiovascular diseases, bone within cGMP guidelines and ISO requirements.
metabolism, immunology, and more. We also offer laboratory support
services, including proficiency testing, custom bulk packaging, and
validation assistance. Visit Immundiagnostik to discover more about
our products, services, and brands, including Preventis GmbH: Your
Partner for Patient-oriented Diagnostics.

70 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


IMPAK Corporation Indigo BioAutomation

Booth: 4452 Booth: 1349
IMPAK has been offering innovative Packaging Solutions and If your laboratory uses chromatography and mass spectrometry,
Custom Packaging expertise for our partners for almost 30 years. your business can use ASCENT as one of its biggest competitive
We manufacture, sell and service sealers, flexible film pouches and advantages. Our team of scientists and engineers are constantly
sorbents. We stock a large collection of consumables for immediate surveying the latest in software automation and artificial intelligence
shipment, as well as provide the manufacturing expertise to bring an research. We stay on top of new regulations, developments and best
project to production. We can work to provide the perfect custom practices in our key industries. Our goal is to lead the way to better
material and packaging designs, bespoke sealing machines, and processes so your laboratory can be more productive.
even custom desiccant/sorbent tabs/packets.
in.vent Diagnostica GmbH Booth: 5226
Booth: 315 Approximately $10 billion/year is spent trying to diagnose acute
Human Bio-Materials of all kinds, all matrices and all volumes are infections, but current methods that focus on ‘finding the bug’
available at invent Diagnostica. You will receive tailor-made panels are too slow and are ineffective 70% of the time. Inflammatix has
with extended analytical information, well-characterized cohorts with developed a game-changing diagnostic test that reads the immune
clinical background to provide clinical evidence, prospective clinical system and uses proprietary algorithms to generate clinically
studies to prove clinical utility. All samples are collected according actionable information on the presence, type (bacterial or viral), and
to IVDR 2017/746. Diagnostic trials and studies are conducted at our severity of infection in patients in less than 30 minutes.
Study Center. Let us meet at our booth at the ADLM for more details.
InBio Booth: 4105
Booth: 4557 ingeDx was founded in August 2020, located in building 9, 188
Fuchunjiang Road, New District, Suzhou, China. ingeDx focuses on
InBios International, Inc. the development and manufacture of film microfluidic products and
Booth: 3252 provides intelligent point-of-care testing solutions to our customers.
Together with the thin film microfluidic pouches, the automatic nucleic acid detection and analysis system can be used for the
At InBios we believe an accurate diagnosis is the first step to effective detection of respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, and
treatment. Our mission is to develop innovative, superior quality, reproductive tract infections, etc.
cost-effective diagnostics for emerging infectious diseases and
biothreats. All products are manufactured in the USA, and many Innoterix Labs
have FDA market approvals and CE Marking. InBios is also ready
Booth: 4762
to partner with you to meet your assay development and contract
manufacturing needs.

Booth: 568
Be the first to share your thoughts with this quick
survey. The first 20 respondents will receive a $20
Amazon gift card. All respondents will be entered
in a drawing for a $250 Amazon gift card.


Inpeco S.A. Integrated Graphene

Booth: 2245 Booth: 3965
Inpeco is the global leader in Total Laboratory Automation. The Since developing our novel, 3D carbon scaffold, Gii, our focus lies
company’s game-changing solutions combine open connectivity with in facilitating next generation technology to drive a sustainable
full sample traceability to deliver secure test results and increased economy. The unique properties of Gii successfully combines the
productivity to clinical laboratories around the world. To date, more benefits of graphene without the impracticalities, lending itself
than 2600 Inpeco systems have been shipped to 78 countries. The perfectly to a variety of markets including the medical diagnostic
Group is headquartered in Novazzano, Switzerland, operates a space, Iot, fuel cells, gas sensing & energy storage. Our work
development and manufacturing facility in Piedmont, Italy, and has with you integrates Gii at scale to create innovative and impactful
sales and service offices in the U.S. solutions to industry wide challenges.

Instand e.V. Intelligenome

Booth: 461 Booth: 1986

Instanosis Inc. International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory

Booth: 5327 Medicine (IFCC) Booth: 2280
InTec Products, Inc. IFCC is a worldwide non-political organization made of 95 National,
Booth: 356 22 Affiliate and 54 Corporate Members, affiliated with 6 Regional
Federations. It aims to expand scientific and educational knowledge in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Our mission is to
InTec is a world leader in infectious disease diagnostics with a Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare
focus on screening at the point of care. We strive for continual worldwide. Through leadership and innovation in science and
improvement through partnerships with health authorities in the education we strive to enhance the scientific level and quality of
managemnt of infectious disease. It is our vision that through close diagnosis and therapy for patients.
cooperation with these global stakeholders, InTec will continue to be
a key contributor to reaching the goals of hepatitis elimination, HIV Invetech
90-90-90, and other ambitious targets set by the foremost authorities
Booth: 3632
in public health.
Integrated Computer Solutions Invetech specializes in the design, development and manufacturing
Booth: 4737 of clinical diagnostic instruments and point of care devices. With
hundreds of successful collaborations over the past 30 years, we bring innovative thinking, processes and people to empower your
Integrated Computer Solutions (ICS) creates transformative path to progress.
medtech products for a connected world. Our dedicated medtech
practice comprising UX and visual designers, software engineers,
regulatory specialists and cybersecurity experts use ISO 13485 and
IEC 62366-compliant processes in full-stack product development
leading to 510(k) submission. We’ve created everything from in vitro
diagnostics and SaMD to organ-transplant transportation systems, STAY UP TO DATE!
smart infusion pumps and defibrillators. Access the most current info on all events,
exhibitors and workshops. Download the
mobile app at

72 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


IPA (ImmunoPrecise Antibodies) IVEK Corporation

Booth: 1564 Booth: 1147
The rabbit B cell Select® platform from ImmunoPrecise Antibodies IVEK is a worldwide provider of Fluidic Components for precision
(IPA) yields sequence-diverse candidate pools with high affinities & liquid dispensing used in Instruments and Production applications.
specificities ideal for diagnostic applications. Additionally, IPA offers Our unique ceramic capabilities allow IVEK to build the highest
reliable, high-quality production of proteins, including the most quality Displacement Pumps, Metering Pumps, AutoPipettors,
challenging, at a wide range of scales as a stand-alone service or in Integrated Fluidic Assemblies and Ceramic Shear Valves. ISO 13485
combination with a previous or ongoing antibody discovery project. certified. Call 1-800-356-4746 or visit
IPA’s rabbit monoclonal and gene-to-protein production experts can
be found at booth #1564. Iwaki America Inc.
Booth: 4102
iProcess Global Research Inc.
Booth: 1862
Partners in OEM Product Development IWAKI is a world wide leader of Pumps for Medical & Analytical Applications Our high
iProcess Global Research is a Leading Provider of Biospecimens quality, compact products, such as air, magnetic drive and metering
and Research With a network of sites across the globe, we provide pumps, are widely used in medical, laboratory and environmental
banked and prospective tissues, blood, plasma, serum, and other control systems. Applications include: Precision metering for
biospecimens across all disease types & geographies biomedical instrumentation, laser chillers, personal body cooling
and other thermal management systems. Stop by booth 4102 for
ITO CORPORATION a demonstration!
Booth: 1469
Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories
Booth: 2064
we provide microsyringes, nozzles(probes), stirrers and parts for
Chromatography and Analytical Instruments.
Specializing in affinity-purified secondary antibodies (many adsorbed
IVD Research, Inc. against other species) conjugated with Alexa Fluor®, DyLight™, and
Booth: 3544 Cyanine fluorescent dyes; R-PE; and other detection ligands. Other
products include anti-IgG, Light Chain specific for Western blotting after IP, Alexa Fluor® 680 and 790 for highly sensitive Western blots.
IVD Research specializes in the development and manufacturing of ISO 9001:2015 registered.
high-performance, high-quality diagnostics and turn-key laboratory
solutions. In addition to our own line of diagnostic products, we offer Jet Life Sciences Co., Inc.
Contract Development and Contract Manufacturing (CDMO) Services Booth: 561
for a range of applications such as ELISA, Lateral Flow, reagent
labeling/bottling/kitting and more! We are an ISO 13485 certified
Jiangsu Accuracy Technology Co., Ltd.
facility and an FDA Registered Manufacturer operating under cGMP’s.
In addition, our sister company, SafePath® Laboratories, is a USDA Booth: 459
Licensed Biologics Manufacturer.
Jiangsu Konsung Bio-medical Science and Technology Co., Ltd. was
IVD Technologies
founded in 2013. There are 60,000 square meters building area. It
Booth: 2039 is an innovative technology company focused on hone healthcare, clinical, in vitro diagnostic products, telemedicine products and rapid
test kits. Konsung medical integrates R & D, manufacturing, sales and
IVD Technologies develops diagnostic products. Product lines
service. Furthermore, Konsung’s products have approved CE, FDA,
include ELISA, RIA, HEIA, chemistry reagents, synthesis, antibody
ISO 13485, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001, and it has already exported to
production, PCR, infectious diseases, endocrinology, tumor markers,
Asia, America, Europe, Africa.
and autoimmune diseases. Services include method development
on LCMSMS, HPLC, GCMSMS, GCFID, and ICPMS. Other services
include lyophilization, formulation, and automated high volume
bottle filling and labeling.


Jiangsu Caina Medical Co., Ltd. Joinstar Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.
Booth: 3660 Booth: 4646
Caina Medical is a globe leader in design and manufacturing medical JOINSTAR is the first company in the world to provide the innovative
devices. We can provide for our customers with original equipment diagnostic tests in early diagnosis, prediction, monitoring and
manufacturing (OEM) products as well as one-stop original design prognosis management of sepsis. Our tests enable hospitals and
manufacturing (ODM) service. Currently all the products are labs to deliver that information quickly and reliably. HBP (Heparin
registered with CE mark, and have 26 products registered with US Binding Protein), a new biomarker, the study results that HBP is an
FDA and having 510K numbers. early diagnostic marker of infection-related organ dysfunction and
can reliably predict whether infected patients will progress to severe
Jiangsu Maik Medical Apparatus Co., Ltd. sepsis within 72 hours.
Booth: 1022
JSR Life Sciences
Booth: 1242
We are a modern enterprise which produces medical consumable
goods and lab equipment. With several years of rapid development,
Maik has been a bright star in the inspection industry. We have JSR Life Sciences is committed to driving innovative services and
many advanced equipment, such as a purification workshop which technologies to help our IVD and Therapeutic partners develop
conforms to GMP standards, an automatic injection workshop, and commercialize diagnostics and therapeutics. JSR manufactures
standardized production line, quality tests, etc. Magnosphere™, our super-paramagnetic beads, IMMUTEX™, our
highly standardized polystyrene latex particles, and Blockmaster™,
Jiangsu Medomics Medical Technology Co., Ltd. a family of fully synthesized blocking reagents for the reduction of
non-specific binding in IVD assays. MBL carries products including
Booth: 4662
biochemical immunoassays and molecular diagnostic raw materials, antibodies, RUO reagents, and autoimmune disease detection kits for
Jiangsu Medomics Medical Technology Co., Ltd., founded in in vitro diagnostics. MBL also provides a wide range of latex particle
October 2017, is located in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. It is an enhanced immunoturbidimetric assays, ready to meet the needs
international high-tech enterprise driven by innovation in the area of of small to large companies seeking to enhance current product
medical devices R&D, production and sales. Medomics focuses on portfolios or develop new product lines.
diagnosis of microorganisms, tumors and some rare diseases, mainly
engaged in the research and development, production and sales of KANGJIAN MEDICAL
in vitro diagnostic reagents and automatic instruments. Booth: 2164

Jinhua Noke Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu KANGJIAN Medical Apparatus Co., Ltd. was founded in
Booth: 4236
1998. It is an enterprise specialized in manufacturing disposable medical plastic ware and laboratory apparatus. With more than ten
Jinhua Noke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a large professional years’ unremitting effort, the Company has come a long way and
manufacturer in the area of laboratory and medical consumables. It accumulated rich practical experience. KANGJIAN always treats
is established in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province. Noke has four production the product quality as his vitality and has established a whole set of
bases, possessing more than 7500 square meter 100000 grade dust- strict inner quality control system and passed ISO9001, ISO13485
free workshop and more than 10000 square meter injection workshop and CE approval.
with full production lines of biological consumables like pipette tips,
PCR tubes, centrifuge tubes, petri dishes, cyrovials, urine Kawasumi Laboratories America, Inc.
containers etc. Booth: 3859
Kawasumi Laboratories has been providing high quality, cost-
effective, medical supplies since 1957. Kawasumi manufactures
safety devices that protects against accidental needle sticks. We
are introducing our newest advancement that prevents accidental
needle sticks. Our products offer: •Blood collection sets with
multiple sampling adapters. •Port access infusion set •Therapeutic
phlebotomy bag. Please visit us at

74 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


KB Medical Group Inc Keyu Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.

Booth: 962 Booth: 4068
KB Medical Group, located in Irvine California, your leading global Zhuhai Keyu Biological Engineering Co.,Ltd. (Stock code: 870620) is
partner in the fields of Safety Parenteral Nutrition Support and a new hi-tech enterprise integrating R&D, manufacturing and sales
Enteral Nutrition Solution, Preanalytical Specimen Collection System of in vitro diagnostic analytical instruments and reagents. Our main
as well as in the world of research in Safety Medical Device, we products are automated urine analyzers, feces analyzers, leucorrhea
use almost 40 years of experience in the healthcare sectors, and analyzers and related reagents. Most products have authorized by
our passion for innovation, with more than 700 employees and 3 ISO 13485, CE and RoHS system. At present, we have obtained more
subsidiaries, with state-of-the-art manufacturing technology and than 70 patents. All products are developed independently, with
supply capabilities. proprietary intellectual property.

Kelliop Kinbio Tech. Co., Ltd.

Booth: 4256 Booth: 3603
Kelliop is a medical diagnostics company focusing on IVD field. Kinbio is a professional manufacturer of equipment and raw materials
Kelliop’s technologies integrate lab-on-chip microfluidics, photonics, for rapid test strips. Our equipment can be used in colloidal gold
advanced material, thermal control, automation, embedded edge conjugated immunoassay, glucose test, urine test and dry chemical
computing, molecular biology and biochemistry capabilities to test, like dispenser, guillotine cutter, sheet cutter, cassette roller,
produce a unique and valuable combination of speed, sensitivity and reagent filling machine, laminator, automatic assembling and packing
throughput sample-to-answer solutions for molecular diagnostic and machine. For raw materials, we have plastic backing card, conjugated
genomics, enabled by qPCR, ddPCR, and Sequencing. pad, sample pad, absorbent paper, cassette, etc.

Kementec Solutions Inc. KMC Systems

Booth: 1007 Booth: 4733
Kementec is a well-established, innovative and service oriented KMC Systems is a leading provider of engineering and manufacturing
company with 30 years of experience as manufacturer & supplier services for complex medical and biotechnology instrumentation.
of components to the industry and researchers worldwide. Being KMC Systems has been solving difficult automation and integration
a market leader in developing solutions for immunoassays, challenges in fields like molecular diagnostics, clinical chemistry,
our continuous goal is to deliver sustainable products without laboratory automation and life sciences research since 1980. Our
compromising on quality, sensitivity and accuracy. A part of this vision team of experts will work in close collaboration with your team from
is providing high quality colorimetric substrates and color-coded proof of concept to manufacture and after-market support. We
reagents, described as: Colors of Success! operate as your center of excellence — bringing together teams
of specialists in hardware and software design, robotics, optics,
Key Tech fluidics, chemistry integration, motion and thermal control, risk
Booth: 1836 management, supply chain management, performance testing and
lean manufacturing. Leverage our breadth of technical and scientific expertise to transform scientific disciplines into innovative, full-system
Since 1998, Key Tech has been transforming complex technologies instrumentation. Stop by Booth 4733 to speak with the KMC Systems
into intuitive products. We design and develop medical, industrial, team about your upcoming projects.
and consumer products using novel sensors, wireless, ultrasound,
microfluidics, and robotics, just to name a few.


Stop by the ADLM Booth #1879 during expo hours and learn how to save on next year's
meeting along with other amazing members-only benefits.


KNF Neuberger Inc. Kurin, Inc.

Booth: 5247 Booth: 3155
KNF Neuberger liquid and vacuum/compressor pumps handle Contaminated blood cultures are costly for hospitals and patients.
many clinical diagnostic instrument tasks including washing, waste Kurin seamlessly sidelines the initial aliquot of blood and any
handling, metering/dosing, aspiration, degassing/debubbling, direct contaminants, into the Kurin Lock, allowing a more clinically relevant
liquid transfer and recirculation, vacuum-over-liquid transfer, vacuum sample into the blood culture collection bottle. Kurin provides
evacuation, and pneumatics. Featured this year is the expanding improved antibiotic stewardship and dramatic reductions in cost.
series of KNF smooth-flow liquid pumps with flow rates ranging
from 120 ml/min to 12.4 l/min. Also featured are new compact, high Labcon
performance gas pumps. KNF optimizes pumps to your equipment Booth: 5341
performance needs, balancing desired controllability, lifetime, and
cost. Stop by to consult with a KNF engineer about your next project.
Labcon is the world-wide leader in Earth Friendly® disposable
KogeneBiotech Co., Ltd. laboratory plastics. Since 1959 we have supplied Centrifuge tubes,
Booth: 103 Culture Tubes, Aerosol Pipette Tips, Microcentrifuge Tubes, and PCR
disposables to laboratories throughout the world. Our focus is on sustainable solutions in laboratory disposables. We have over 300
KogeneBiotech is the first mover in qPCR diagnostics and provides ACT® labeled products with certified environmental claims. All our
a total solution not only qPCR kits but also fully automated system products are Made in USA.
from extraction to amplification. We have developed 1,000 qPCR
kits based on R&D in the area of Human, Food and Animal by Labcorp
collaborating with govt and international research institutes. And Booth: 4621
we have contributed to build K-quarantine system against emerging
infectious diseases like MERS and COVID-19. Ultimately, we aim to
improve public health and wellbeing of mankind.
Kryptos Biotechnologies Booth: 4058
Booth: 3622 Labgen LIS is a fully integrated computer system uniquely designed
Kryptos Biotechnologies is developing Kuick, a rapid, accurate, for medical and diagnostic laboratories and has been on the
easy-to-use and affordable molecular diagnostic system for point- market for the past 35 years. Versions available for commercial or
of-care testing. The system uses proprietary Ultrafast Photonic PCR independent laboratories, hospital laboratories and physician office
technology combined with sold-phase extraction in the sample laboratories (POL).
preparation. The system ensures the best-in-class performance while
providing test results on time. The development of the system is LABiTec GmbH
completed and ready for validation study or clinical study. Booth: 3970

KSL Biomedical

Booth: 1559 LABiTec® LAbor BioMedical Technologies GmbH has been providing
market oriented and high quality diagnostic solutions for efficient and reliable diagnostics for more than 30 years. Today LABiTec® is one of
KSL Biomedical companies specialize in translational medicine the world´s most recognized providers in in-vitro diagnostics with a
impacting immunology, Oncology and Genomics. KSL Diagnostics focus on hemostasis and platelet function diagnostics.
is a reference laboratory featuring proprietary IVD, personalized
medicine applications, novel biomarker development and LabMedica International
qualification, targeted clinical laboratory diagnostics, and contract Booth: 4423
research with locations in Buffalo, Toronto, and China.
LabMedica is the leading international medium serving the world’s
clinical lab community and is is published simultaneously in separate
English and Spanish language editions. LabMedica is served by the
websites and

76 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Laboratorios Condalab S.A. LACAR Mdx Technologies

Booth: 3152 Booth: 425

Labquality Lambda-X High Tech SRL

Booth: 1857 Booth: 428
We are quality makers – a team of experienced experts in healthcare
and health-tech quality. Our quality services for the medical LaMeditech Co., Ltd.
laboratories, point-of-care testing, healthcare, pharmaceutical and Booth: 4350
medical technology industries cover external quality assessments,
regulatory consulting, clinical investigations and trials, audits
and certifications, and training. In ADLM we are promoting our Focused in the field of miniaturization laser technology, our laser
international clinically relevant external quality assessment schemes lancing devices have improved on the traditional needle lancet by
for medical laboratories. being needless, low pain, and safe.

Labtest Diagnóstica Lampire Biological Laboratories, Inc.

Booth: 1261 Booth: 2849
Founded in 1971, Labtest Diagnóstica S.A. is one of the largest LAMPIRE Biological Laboratories is a leading international life science
Brazilian in vitro diagnostic industries. At the milestone of its company that specializes in the production of biological reagents
50th anniversary, the Labtest group was merged into VIRTUE and raw materials used across a wide range of applications. With
DIAGNOSTICS, an innovative IVD company headquartered in 47 years of experience in servicing the diagnostic, pharmaceutical,
Singapore, which brought its youthful perspective and bold thrust biotechnology, and drug discovery markets, LAMPIRE has built a
into research and development. Labtest and Virtue are together to reputation for being a trusted partner that delivers high-quality and
offer the Brazilian and Latin American market the best solutions in reliable products and services. The company is comprised of multiple
reagents and equipment for clinical analysis. research campuses and three state-of-the-art laboratory facilities,
which are strategically located across Pennsylvania. LAMPIRE's
LabTurbo Biotech LLC cutting-edge facilities and talented team of experts enable the
company to provide innovative solutions and stay at the forefront of
Booth: 4735
the life science industry. LAMPIRE's products are shipped worldwide, and the company's commitment to quality has made it a go-to
At LabTurbo Biotech, we focus on the development and manufacture partner for many researchers, scientists, and other professionals in
of nucleic acid testing device including automated systems, DNA/ the life science community.
RNA purification kits, liquid handling system, and qPCR kits for
nucleic acid testing. We aim on bringing innovations to achieve Landwind Medical
faster, more sensitive, and sample-to-result nucleic acid testing for Booth: 328
a wide range of sample types and multi-target panel testing.
LabWare, Inc. LANDWIND MEDICAL, established in 1994, with 29 years
experience, is focused on IVD, Hemodialysis, Life support and Home
Booth: 3077
Healthcare products with more than 1000 staffs. Landwind has received many professional awards and certificates, such as CE, ISO
LabWare is a global leader in clinical lab management and workflow 13485, ISO9001etc. Till now, our services has covered over 30,000
automation software solutions. We empower customers to succeed medical institutions in more than 90 countries. We always believe
by providing a powerful and configurable enterprise solution that innovation, quality and responsibility are the keys to benefit our
delivers long-term value. Our comprehensive laboratory solution partners and helping them to see life more clearly.
enables clinical and research labs to increase productivity, reduce
costs, optimize compliance and improve quality across diverse lab
types including anatomic, clinical, and molecular pathology, genetics,
and microbiology.


LasX/MicroMed Solutions Leister Technologies LLC

Booth: 3313 Booth: 5319
MicroMed Solutions, a division of LasX Industries, is a full-service
CDMO—deploying microfluidic technology and thin-film laser Lepu Medical Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
converting to bring point-of-care devices to the marketplace. We Booth: 659
care deeply about partnering with our clients every step-of-the-way
from product development to high volume commercial production to
advance medical care and improve health outcomes.
Levprot Bioscience, S.L.U.
LaunchWorks Booth: 754
Booth: 1565 At Levprot, we bring extensive experience to the table in achieving
high-yield protein expression in yeast through precision fermentation.
LaunchWorks is a full-service, ISO-13485:2019 certified contract
We pride ourselves on our deep expertise, which encompasses
manufacturer serving the diagnostics industry. We are a team of
every facet of the process, from optimizing the producing yeast
innovative, experienced, and knowledgeable contract manufacturing
strain through meticulous genetic design to seamlessly scaling up
experts with a track record of turning complex life science ideas into
in bioreactors, thereby maximizing protein expression efficiency.
high-quality products on-time and on-budget. We are committed
Moreover, we specialize in the intricate processes of purification and
to accelerating life science product commercialization by optimizing
characterization of the final product, ensuring not only high quality
every step of the manufacturing process in order to create high-
but also an extended shelf-life for our proteins and enzymes. Our
quality products for our customers.
rigorous quality control measures guarantee that our products meet
the highest standards, providing peace of mind to our clients.
Booth: 5211 LEX Diagnostics Ltd. Booth: 1332
Since its foundation in 1996 LDN has been devoted to the
development, production and supply of speciality in-vitro diagnostics
We are developing a step change improvement in molecular
test systems and innovative technologies to the clinical and research
diagnostics for primary care. The LEX platform is a true-PCR platform
laboratory markets. The product focus is on immunoassays for
optimized for urgent care centres, physician’s office labs and
Biogenic Amines, Neuroscience, Food Safety and Endocrinology.
pharmacies, it provides a fully enclosed swab elution system and
LDN products are distributed worldwide by a network of OEM
sample to confirmed negative result in 5-7 minutes.
partners and distributors and in North America through our daughter
company Rocky Mountain Diagnostics.
LGC Clinical Diagnostics
Leinco Technologies Booth: 2845
Booth: 3602 LGC Clinical Diagnostics is a leading and trusted global manufacturer
of Quality Management Tools (QMT) and reagent components.
Leinco Technologies is a contract manufacturer for the diagnostics
We partner with In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) and biopharmaceutical
& life science research industries. Our focus is on manufacturing of
developers, clinical research organizations (CROs) and academic
monoclonal antibodies & recombinant proteins, but we develop
institutions in commercialization activities across the entire diagnostic
assay’s for ELISA, Luminex, and lateral flow too. We also manufacture
pipeline – from concept and early-stage research, through expedited
second step reagents like Steptavidin, Normal Serums, and IgG’s
product development and onwards into routine clinical use.
plus have a 10,000+ catalog items full of related reagents for many
Laboratories and diagnostic professionals across disciplines of clinical
different applications including Western Blot, ELISA, Flow Cytometry,
chemistry, immunochemistry, serology, molecular diagnostics, and
IHC and much more.
clinical genomics rely on LGC’s products to achieve accurate and
reliable diagnostic results.

78 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Life Science Outsourcing, Inc. Linear Chemicals, S.L.U.

Booth: 1153 Booth: 3053
J-Pac helps innovative diagnostic device companies Linear Chemicals, S.L.U. is a Spanish company founded in 1994
launch new products on-time and provide an outsourcing solution in Barcelona. Manufactures and commercializes In Vitro Diagnostic
that scales as they grow. Diagnostic companies come to us when Reagents and Instrumentation under its brands Cromatest®,
they need to meet aggressive product launch deadlines, lack Clonatest®, Plus-Sed® and LiNEAR®. Currently present in 5 continents,
manufacturing infrastructure, and expect rapid expansion. We solve 125 countries, Linear is developing new Biotechnology products
these challenges by providing deep manufacturing engineering and with the best quality at competitive prices. Our experience and
regulatory expertise, scalable manufacturing infrastructure, and flexibility on production meets all the requirements in OEM and
a relationship driven service model. ODM business.

Liferiver Bio-Tech Corp. Linkfar Healthcare GmbH

Booth: 4049 Booth: 662
Liferiver is a world leading manufacturer of nucleic acid detection
products, offering 400+ real time PCR tests covering most infectious Linxens
diseases as well as various instruments including fully automated Booth: 1162
sample-to-result systems. Liferiver is the ONLY company worldwide
whose diagnostic tests were approved by WHO during all of 3 Public
Health Emergency of International Concern (“PHEIC”) so far—Ebola, For 40 years, Linxens has been a global player in the electronics
Zika & COVID-19. industry, providing innovative, customized solutions to meet the most
demanding technical specifications for connectivity, tracking and
LifeSign/PBM authentication to ensure a seamless end-user experience. Linxens is
the preferred partner of global technology pioneers who are shaping
Booth: 2260
the markets for telecommunications, mobility, hospitality, leisure, financial services, e-government, access control, healthcare and the
Lifesign is a medical diagnostics company delivering rapid point of Internet of Things (IoT).
care testing products to the clinical laboratory. Lifiesign’s products
are used worldwide for the detection of Infectious Disease, Women’s Liofilchem
health, Drugs of Abuse and Cardiac Markers. Our products are Booth: 4615
developed and manufactured under ISO,cGMP and CE guidelines
and supported with quality standards by our team of Sales, Technical
and Customer Service professionals. Liofilchem produces devices for microbial identification and
antimicrobial susceptibility testing, MIC Test Strip, antibiotic discs
Lifotronic Technology Co., Ltd. in cartridges, ready to use culture media in petri dish, tube, bottle
and dip-slide, dehydrated culture media, selective supplements,
Booth: 4243
systems for the chemical and microbial screening in food, bio- indicators for the sterilization process control. Liofilchem is certified
Lifotronic, founded in 2008, is an R&D driven medical device ISO 9001, ISO13485 and its products are used in over 130 Countries
in the world.
manufacturer from China, dedicated to the development, production,
sales and service of in-vitro diagnostic analyzer and reagent and
Liuyang SANLI Medical Technology Development Co., Ltd.
therapeutic products. Based on technical innovation and oriented by
clinical demands, Lifotronic aims at providing products and services Booth: 3858
that have significant value to human health and life via continuously
improving innovation capacity and enhancing core competitiveness
for products. SANLI MEDICAL, set up in 1991, is the first one to introduce vacuum
blood collection system to China. Now it has developed to be
one of the largest manufactories with annual capacity of over 600
million vacuum blood collection system, including vacuum tubes and
needles, and has held over 30% domestic market share and exported
products to over 70 countries. if you need more information, please
visit our website at


LRE Medical GmbH LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc.

Booth: 1638 Booth: 2160
LRE Medical is a leading provider of contract engineering and LumiQuick Diagnostics a Silicon Valley based medical device
manufacturing of complex and highly integrated instrumentation company, develops and manufactures extensive product lines cover
for the IVD, MedTech and Life Sciences industry. The spectrum of Point-of-Care Lateral Flow Assays, ELISA kits, and other platforms.
instruments ranges from PoC and field-testing systems through Here are the highlights of some of our products: QuickProfile™
analyzers for small to medium sized laboratories based on a variety of Quantitative Vitamin D Rapid Test, QuickProfile™ Zika IgG/IgM
technologies including solutions for molecular diagnostics. LRE offers Antibody Rapid Test, QuickProfile™ Chikungunya IgG/IgM Antibody
one-stop shop solutions from early feasibility studies through product Rapid Test, Quicknostics® Vitamin D ELISA
development, manufacturing, after-sales service to lifetime product
support. LRE manages project risks and assures compliance through Lumos Diagnostics
tight integration of engineering and manufacturing. With over 60 Booth: 3943
years of comprehensive expertise LRE has a history of proven success
and continuity. Our committed team combines customers’ assay
know-how with instrumentation expertise, helping our customers to Lumos Diagnostics specializes in rapid, cost-effective and complete
provide innovative, cost-effective products to their markets. point-of-care (POC) diagnostic test solutions to help accurately
diagnose and manage medical conditions. Lumos offers fully
LSI Medience Corporation (PHC Corporation) customized assay development and manufacturing services for POC
Booth: 1351 tests and proprietary digital reader platforms and cloud technologies.
Lumos also directly develops, manufactures and commercializes novel, Lumos branded POC tests that target infectious and
From supply of clinical diagnostic reagents and instruments to inflammatory diseases with unmet diagnostic needs.
operating management support, the LSI Medience Group responds
to the diverse needs of medical institutions. The LSI Medience Lusis
Group’s respected track record in the development, manufacture, Booth: 637
and sale of clinical diagnostic reagents and instruments is reinforced
by its wealth of experience as an integrated clinical testing facility.
Realizing Possibilities Together. Our goal is to be the premier
Lumigenex partner to laboratories, making molecular diagnostic solutions more
Booth: 646 accessible and affordable, to better serve all patients and clinicians. LW Scientific
Lumigenex is a nanotechnology-driven provider of POCT products Booth: 4518
to the clinical laboratories, doctor offices and At-home tests. It
specializes in developing and manufacturing of quantitative POCT
readers and diagnostic kits based on its proprietary TRFIA platform LW Scientific is an ISO 13485:2003 certified medical device
to detect CVS diseases, women’s health, and infectious diseases manufacturer with distributors in the US and around the world. Our
including many COVID-19 rapid tests. We also offer dry chemistry USA-manufactured products provide reliable and affordable solutions
analyzers and reagents to manage chronic diseases by measuring for laboratory needs. In the thirty years since the introduction of its
lipids, glucose, creatinine and uric acids. proprietary merchandise into the marketplace, LWS has established
itself as a leading manufacturer of laboratory products.
Luminate Health, Inc.
Booth: 107 M.A. Industries, Inc. Booth: 4336

Millions of patients use Luminate Health to access, manage, and

understand their lab results. We work with commercial and hospital Since its inception in 1969, M.A. Industries has been a family owned
labs across the country to engage their patients and grow their business devoted to Delivering the highest level of Service, Quality,
businesses. Much more than a patient portal, we are the leader and Value to Out Customers. As a market leader in porous plastic
in patient-centered lab services. We bring together everything manufacturing, our experienced engineers and state of the art
you need to create a single integrated solution, from patient manufacturing technologies allow us to capitalize on our capability to
engagement to provider engagement, population health and continue to deliver the most innovative advanced porous products.
disease management, direct-to-consumer testing, and more. Our Medical and BioScience capabilities are focused in Liquid
Handling, Canisters, and Filters.

80 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Maccura Biotechnology Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Booth: 1042 Booth: 3352
Maccura was founded in 1994, with hundreds of high-quality Mayo Clinic Laboratories partners with health care organizations
products, including immunoassay, hematology, coagulation & around the globe to help provide answers to the most complex
biochemistry, and other professional services, also with extensive questions facing patients. With the most sophisticated test menu in
experience in marketing and channel management capabilities. the world, laboratory diagnostic testing and pathology services from
Mayo Clinic span every medical subspecialty. We are committed to
Madison Company putting the needs of all patients first by providing clinically relevant
Booth: 1563 answers, not just test results. Mayoly
Booth: 839
MassSpec Medical
Booth: 5055 MCRA, LLC
MassSpec Medical is a new company founded by mass specroscopy Booth: 4658
senior scientists, life and medical science researchers, clinical
microbiologists and IT specialists. We use mass spectroscopy in
immunoassay resulting in ultimate specificity, good sensitivity, MRCA is the leading privately held independent medical device,
multiplexing options, high throughput and speed as well as ease of diagnostics, and biologics Clinical Research Organization (CRO)
use and low cost. In bacteriology, we offer our proprietary bacterial and advisory firm. MCRA delivers to its client’s industry experience,
wall polysaccharide profiling and in silico protein/peptide libraries. integrating its core business value creators: regulatory, clinical
research, reimbursement, healthcare compliance, quality assurance,
Mawi DNA Technologies cybersecurity, talent solutions and distribution logistics, to provide
Booth: 1465 a dynamic, market-leading effort from innovation conception to
We are a United States based company developing unique McShane Welding
biosample collection technologies enabling universal sample Booth: 3522
collection from any population segment including animals, that also
allow samples to be transported and stored at room temperature.
The innovative design of our iSWAB™ biosample collection products TRANSFORMING METAL INTO SOLUTIONS Since 1980, McShane
allow for release of cells captured from almost any swab into a has been a top global supplier of insulated lock boxes and
proprietary buffer. iSWAB samples can be used for simple or complex specimen containers for the laboratory testing industry. McShane
applications in multiomics-based analysis. Metal Products has built our reputation by listening our customers,
manufacturing innovative solutions, and creating long-term
Maxon relationships. We also manufacturer box solutions for home delivery,
Booth: 555 medical/drug lock-boxes for schools, institutions and personal use.
Located in Erie, PA, McShane’s products are 100% USA made.
At maxon, we develop and build high-precision electric drive MDI Membrane Technologies, Inc.
systems that are among the best in the world. We combine brushed Booth: 2264
and brushless DC motors, gearheads, sensors, and controllers
into complete mechatronic drive systems. Our drives are ideal for
laboratory automation applications because of their size, reliability, MDI specializes in producing a diverse array of nitrocellulose
and service life. membranes tailored for manufacturing various rapid tests. 'MDI
PLASMADROP KIT' ensures Plasma-on-Demand availability directly
at the Point-of-Care. The kit is versatile for bedside testing, POC
instruments, and ambulances, catering to acute care medical wards,
remote regions lacking lab facilities, and resource-limited settings
without centrifuges or electricity. Its design and reliable performance
makes it indispensable.


MDSS GmbH MedBio Reference Laboratories, Inc.

Booth: 2363 Booth: 5234
Established in 1994 with over 30 years of expertise, MDSS is a
leading Authorized Representative for In Vitro Diagnostics and Medcaptain Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
Medical Devices, specializing in Regulatory Affairs. Certified to Booth: 239
EN ISO 13485, we serve as the main contact for EU Competent
Authorities, MHRA, Swissmedic, FDA and TGA. Our services, among
others, include EU and Swiss Representation, UK Responsible Person, Medcaptain Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is dedicated to pursuing
U.S. Agent and Australia Sponsor, ensuring your company’s forefront innovation in the fields covering Life Support, Minimally Invasive
position in regulatory compliance. Interventions, In-Vitro Diagnostics and Medical Disposables.
Medcaptain have established 5 R&D centers and 6 manufacturing
Mechatronics Instruments B.V. centers around the world, as well as branch offices in the UK,
Netherlands, Colombia, Turkey, India, Indonesia and Thailand.
Booth: 841
At present, Medcaptain’s products are being used in over 140 countries and regions.
RR Mechatronics, Masters of Measurement, are an innovative
medical technology company focusing on hematology. With the MEDICA 2024/Messe Duesseldorf North America
Starrsed range of instruments, RR Mechatronics is the world leader Booth: 4421
in automated true Westergren ESR. With the Lorrca, it markets a
functional hematology instrument that measures RBC deformability,
osmotic stress and (dis-) aggregation. The RPI is a reagent MEDICA is the world’s flagship medical industry trade fair and will
reconstitution instrument that dramatically reduces reagent logistics return to the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf, Germany from November
in hematology labs. 11-14, 2024. In recent years MEDICA has featured over 5,000
exhibitors and attracted around 83,000 visitors annually. On average
Med Water Systems 800+ international IVD companies and lab equipment manufacturers
have participated each year, displaying the latest global
Booth: 214
advancements in laboratory medicine, equipment, and molecular diagnostic solutions.
We provide laboratory water systems for clinical analyzers that
produce the highest purity water in high volumes, all at a simple Medical Electronic Systems, LLC
cost of ownership. Our commitment to the highest quality laboratory Booth: 3640
water systems guarantees reliability and compliance, ensuring
accurate results for your chemistry and immunoassay tests.
Remember, it ALL Started with a Sperm! Medical Electronic Systems
is a Los Angeles based technology company specializing in rapid,
automated semen analysis for the laboratory and home. The MES line
of CE and FDA approved Sperm Quality Analyzers are sold through
an extensive network of international distributors and direct to
DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY DISRUPTIVE consumer in the USA. MES is ISO certified as a medical manufacturer
TECHNOLOGY and has distribution offices in America, Europe, Asia and Israel. Stop
Visit the 2024 Disruptive Technology AWARD by our booth to lean more!
Award finalists and semifinalists in
Disruptive Technology Booth #3426. Medical Laboratory Observer
Learn about innovative testing Booth: 4422
solutions that are transforming
patient care.
MLO is the premier publication for clinical lab professionals,
delivering peer-reviewed articles for over 54 years. MLO also
provides CE courses, lab management tips, regulatory updates,
industry trends, and new product reviews via print and digital
editions, daily e-newsletters, the MLO website and CLR-Clinical
Laboratory Reference site, the annual Clinical Laboratory Reference
guide published in August. Free subscriptions for ADLM 2024
attendees are available now at

82 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Medical Research Networx medlabdia AG

Booth: 3638 Booth: 3562
Medical Research Networx LLC (MRNdx). provides a comprehensive medlabdia – one platform for all your needs! We buy your lab
toolbox of services and products to the in-vitro diagnostics, equipment, and connect Buyers & Sellers. We sell used/refurbished
biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industry for research, Laboratory equipment, accessories, spare parts and consumables
development manufacturing and commercialization of diagnostic that fit your needs.
tests. We provide expertise and critical materials to support the
discovery, development and launch of immunoassay, molecular- MedPhab
genetic, anatomic pathology and hematology-based laboratory tests. Booth: 4945
MRN promotes complete transparency under signed CDA’s. MRN
products and services include Human Biological materials obtained
from within the US and around the globe including ZIKA, Dengue MedPhab is Europe’s first Pilot Line dedicated to manufacturing,
and Chikungunya virus; IRB approved De-Linked remnant specimens, testing, validation and up-scaling of new photonics technologies
fully consented clinical specimens, Bulk infectious and normal Serum for medical diagnostics enabling accelerated product launch with
and Plasma for Manufacturing of Controls, Calibrators, and Launch reduced R&D costs. This project has received funding from the
Panels for Marketing, Proficiency Panels, and Quality Control Panels European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
and management of client specific prospective patient collections. under grant agreement No 871345 and is an initiative of the
Photonics Public Private Partnership (
MedicalLab Management Magazine
Booth: 3642 MedSpeed Booth: 3287

MedicalLab Management, a print and digital publication, is a peer-

to-peer information source for clinical laboratory management. It MedSpeed is the leading provider of same-day logistics to
provides clinical laboratory managers and directors with unbiased the healthcare industry. Our transformative approach connects
articles, practical, actionable, real-world examples, purchasing laboratories, health systems, and more through the movement of
research, decision-making processes and new products in the physical materials such as specimens and supplies. We enable better
marketplace. healthcare by reimagining logistics into an asset that more effectively
utilizes scale, reduces risk, eliminates redundancies and enables
Medix Biochemica clinical effectiveness.
Booth: 3249
MEDTOX Diagnostics, Inc.
Booth: 4621
Come visit our main booth – #3249! Medix Biochemica, a top-tier in
vitro diagnostics raw material supplier, offers high-quality antibodies,
antigens, and other critical IVD materials globally. Our expertise MEDTOX Diagnostics, Inc. is a manufacturer of drugs of abuse
spans immunoassay, clinical chemistry, and molecular diagnostics, testing devices that are utilized in hospital and medical center
with comprehensive capabilities in biospecimen accruals and contract laboratories, occ health departments, by employers and in
manufacturing. With the best minds in the field, we expedite your government facilities. MEDTOX Diagnostics' devices are FDA
time to market and ensure quality in every test. Whatever your needs, cleared and are manufactured in our ISO certified facility. MEDTOX
we IVDo that. Diagnostics offers devices that are used with our MEDTOXScan
reader as well as visual read devices. We manufacture single panels
Medix Biochemica up to 13 panel cassette and cup products.
Booth: 3301
Megarobo Technologies USA, Inc.
Booth: 3555
ViroStat is a primary manufacturer of infectious disease antigens
and antibodies, supplying researchers and manufacturers since
1985. Specialties include high affinity antibodies to Flu A, Flu B, MegaRobo has been devoting in the research and development
RSV & H. pylori as well as antibodies to food-borne pathogens of robotic automation and artificial intelligence technologies along
and toxins. Newly released monoclonal antibodies for rapid test with their applications. MegaLab, has innovated the practices in the
application include: Clostridium difficile toxin B, Helicobacter pylori, areas such as the traditional drug discovery and development, cell
Campylobacter, Adenovirus, Rotavirus, Hepatitis B surface antigen, and gene therapy development, regenerative medicine, and clinical
Dengue NS1, Noroviruses & Zika virus. diagnostics.


Meizhou Cornley Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. MetaSystems Group, Inc.

Booth: 552 Booth: 4913
MetaSystems is a leading manufacturer of automated imaging slide
MeMed scanning systems and DNA FISH probes for clinical laboratories
Booth: 4816 and biomedical research. MetaSystems’ latest product solution
offering includes Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), a class of artificial intelligence algorithms that solve challenging image processing tasks
At MeMed, a leader in host response technologies, we decode such as object recognition and image classification. With DNNs,
the body’s complex signals into simple insights that improve MetaSystems offers improved karyotyping to include automatic
people’s lives. By leveraging expertise in host-response profiling separation and assignment of chromosomes.
and machine-learning algorithms, we are creating a portfolio of
tests that address tough clinical dilemmas. With the support of MGS Mfg. Group, Inc.
public and private partnerships, we have developed a point-of-
Booth: 4746
need, rapid measurement platform called MeMed Key® to ensure
timely availability of these novel tests during the clinician’s decision-
making workflow. Run on the MeMed Key, MeMed BV® accurately
determines the likelihood of bacterial or viral infections, enabling Michigan Diagnostics, LLC
improved patient management. Based on computational integration Booth: 1923
of bacterial and viral-responsive immune proteins, MeMed Key
delivers the MeMed BV results in 15 minutes from serum; this test
was clinically validated on thousands of patients, is CE-marked and Michigan Diagnostics a leading manufacturer of diagnostic reagents
FDA cleared. & kits for research and clinical applications. We are committed to
applying the highest quality and innovative solutions to service
Menarini Silicon Biosystems our clients’ needs. As we have grown we have expanded our
Booth: 3664 operations into multiple sites which are located across the world.
Those operations include but are not limited to the manufacturing of Diagnostic & research reagents, Diagnostic kits, rapid tests, and
Menarini Silicon Biosystems/Diagnostics (MSB) is committed to clinical labs.
bringing innovative solutions in the In Vitro Diagnostics market and
to the development of high-tech diagnostics systems and reagents Mico BioMed USA Inc.
to improve patients’ quality of life, providing healthcare professionals Booth: 464
with the best possible solutions for their diagnostics needs. MSB has
extensive MSB, based in Bologna, Italy and Huntingdon Valley, PA, Introducing Mico POCT Human and Veterinary Integrated Systems:
US, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Menarini Group. Advanced tech including Vet chemistry CHEM C Vet, Coagulation
Hematology, Rapid Tests, and LIS. Empowering vets with accurate
Meridian Bioscience, Inc. results for optimal care. Visit our booth to see how we transform
practice workflows, enhance efficiency, and improve patient
Booth: 3516 outcomes. Join us in shaping the future of veterinary care.
Meridian is a fully integrated life science company that develops,
manufactures, markets, and distributes a broad range of innovative
diagnostic and life science products. We are dedicated to developing
and delivering better solutions that give answers with speed,
accuracy, and simplicity that are redefining the possibilities of life
from discovery to diagnosis. Through discovery and development, STAY UP TO DATE!
we provide critical life science raw materials used in immunological Access the most current info on all events,
and molecular tests for human, animal, plant, and environmental exhibitors and workshops. Download the
applications. Through diagnosis, we provide diagnostic solutions in mobile app at
areas including gastrointestinal and upper respiratory infections and
blood lead level testing. We build relationships and provide solutions
to hospitals, reference laboratories, research centers, veterinary
testing centers, physician offices, diagnostics manufacturers, and
biotech companies in more than 70 countries around the world.
A privately held company headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.

84 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Microbiologics MilliporeSigma
Booth: 3968 Booth: 1213
Microbiologics is the go-to partner for infectious disease diagnostic MilliporeSigma, the U.S. life science business of Merck KGaA,
quality controls, focused on protecting the safety and health of Darmstadt, Germany supports clinical testing labs and IVD
people around the world. They offer the broadest collection of manufacturers with a wide range of products and services. Our
third-party IVD controls for simple, reliable QC testing of traditional high-quality products cover proactive risk mitigation, lab efficiency
and molecular infectious disease diagnostics. They also partner with solutions, immunoassay & molecular diagnostic reagents, compliant
diagnostic technology developers to design and manufacture custom critical raw materials, cGMP oligos, Milli-Q® water purification, an
biological materials for every step of the process from conception extensive analytical chemistry portfolio, and CRM standards. Our
through market adoption. services are offered in the areas of IVD contract manufacturing, lateral
flow assay development services, and custom diagnostic antibody
Microbix Biosystems Inc. development & manufacturing services. We provide customer-centric
Booth: 3319 solutions across diagnostic applications with expert technical support
from end-to-end.
Since 1984, Microbix has manufactured native infectious disease Min-Jier Firm Taiwan
antigens in our facility in Toronto, Canada. Our top pathogens Booth: 3178
include the ToRCH panel, respiratory, STI, GI, Dengue, VZV, EBV,
and more. They are raw materials used by assay manufacturers
and for our own QAPs™ (Quality Assessment Products), which are
commutable samples for molecular and antigen assays, and are Miraclean Technology Co., Ltd.
formatted on Copan FLOQ® Swabs as well as liquid format. There is Booth: 2278
nothing better for POCT.
microfluidic ChipShop GmbH Established in 2003, Miraclean is a manufacturer which engaged
to develop Flocked Sampling Swabs, Transport Mediums and
Booth: 3444
Saliva Collection Kits. MIRACLEAN has been evolved into a class II medical device manufacturing enterprise which integrates
microfluidic ChipShop offers microfluidic design and development, R&D, production and distribution. With continuous investment in
with many functional modules available for rapid proof-of-concept R&D and technological revolutions, we have been able to provide
experiments as well as a complete industrial infrastructure for cell and virus collection solutions for Life Sciences, Forensic, C.D.C.
volume fabrication. It operates application laboratories for fluidic and Medical Institutions.
and application validation and offers complete system development
including microfluidic instrumentation. A unique service is its MK Fluidic Systems
catalogue with off-the-shelf components and systems for a rapid Booth: 1844
access to lab-on-a-chip technologies.
Micropoint Biotechnologies Co., Ltd. MK Fluidic Systems designs and manufactures
components to serve the OEM diagnostic and life
Booth: 141
science industries. We specialize in glass syringes, rotary valves, tubing assemblies, stainless steel probes and preventative
Micropoint Biotechnologies Co., Ltd, founded in 2007, has been maintenance kits used with laboratory automation equipment.
committed to providing medical professionals and patients with rapid We customize components to meet your needs with our engineers
point-of-care diagnostics and self-testing products and solutions. actively engaged in customer discussions to select the best materials,
Based on microfluidic (Lab-on-a-chip) technology, we have strong design and manufacturing process. Most often MK products out live
expertise in cardiovascular disease diagnostics and assessment, as the OEM products being replaced. Our mission is to create a superior
well as coagulation point-of-care testing. We now have developed product for your system. ISO13485 compliant. Please direct all sales
over 100 distribution partners all over the world. inquiries to or +1 (702) 622-6262

Modulight, Inc.
Booth: 4738


Moeller Medical GmbH MT Promedt Consulting GmbH

Booth: 1462 Booth: 4447
Möller Medical is a problem solver and systems manufacturer for MT Promedt Consulting is an EN ISO 13485:2016 certified regulatory
development phase until series production.We develop and produce consultancy based in Germany acting in the international healthcare
components and finished devices for chemical analysis, IVD and market. We provide services regarding CE marking and QM systems
HPLC.We offer tube reduction down to 50µm, grading, surface for manufacturers of medical devices and IVDs. For non-European
finishing, injection moulding, laser welding and coating systems. manufacturers, we act as independent European Authorized
We are specialist in custom fabrication of HPLC hardware, reagent Representative (EAR) according to the MDR/IVDR. Since January
probes, heater tubes, PTFE tube and pump systems. 1, 2021, we provide services as UK Responsible Person via our
subsidiary MT Promedt Consulting Ltd. located in Oxford.
Molecular Lab Partners LLC
Booth: 4555 Nal Von Minden GmbH Booth: 4569

Custom Pre-Plated Assays Enhance your lab’s

efficiency with our ready-to-run custom plated assays: Your partner for professional drug of abuse diagnostics. For over
Extractionless & Direct Plate Technology UNG Contamination Control 40 years, we have been asserting ourselves in the field of medical
20µl Reactions Breakaway Plates (Columns & Rows) Multiplexed For diagnostics and drug analysis with outstanding, certified product
Increased Throughput Increased Stability & Shelf Life Practical Design quality, excellent customer service and ideas that set industry
Optimal Performance. standards. We focus R&D and healthy growth. We currently have
eight sites across Europe – including our subsidiary ESA Test GmbH,
Moss, Inc. which deals exclusively with toxicological substance testing.
Booth: 1326 Contact us: NAMSA
MOSS produces Liquid Stable Substrates for HRP Booth: 2355
and AP based assays along with conjugates, stabilizing
diluents, assay reagents, conjugation kits for HRP/AP/FITC/Oligo/
Biotin/APC. Custom packaging,manufacturing, and development Bringing a new IVD to a market can be a difficult task with the
services offered at our ISO 9001:2015 facility. All products are changing regulatory landscape. As a Contract Research Organization,
produced in bulk and are stable for 30-48 months. Products can be CRO, NAMSA specializes in helping innovators bring their devices
bottled to your specifications. Custom manufacturing services are to the global market. NAMSA has a dedicated team of IVD experts
also offered. MOSS enjoys an excellent reputation for high quality in Clinical Studies, Reimbursement, Biostatistics, Regulatory Affairs,
products backed by on time delivery and consultative service. Quality Management, and more. Many of our experts have come
directly from regulatory bodies, IVD manufacturers, or clinical
MP Biomedicals, LLC laboratories. Our team can easily collaborate with you or manage the
Booth: 2285 full submission and clinical trial. With a global presence in the United
States, Europe, China, Japan, and more, we can fully manage your regulatory, quality, and clinical needs across the globe. Stop by our
MP Biomedicals is a global supplier of life science research and booth today and learn more about how NAMSA can help bring your
diagnostics products based in Southern California. With ISO- IVD to the global market.
certified and FDA-approved manufacturing and distribution facilities
worldwide, we provide customers with top quality products. MP
Biomedicals is your strategic partner for all your fine chemicals needs.
We remain committed to supporting our customers’ needs with
superior service and on-time delivery from basic research through FOLLOW ADLM
scale-up and full scale production. @myADLM on Instagram and use
#ADLM2024 to join the conversation.

86 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Nanjing Poclight Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Nanodigmbio (Nanjing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Booth: 144 Booth: 3772
Poclight Biotechnology is an innovator of POCT and IVD new Nanodigmbio has complete series of products in targeted
platforms. Headquarters in Nanjing China. Adopting the patent sequencing, including kinds of library preparation kits and liquid
platform of “Chemiluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (CRET)” phase hybridization reagents, compatible with MGI and illumina
developed and owned by us, we bring our Chemiluminescence platforms. Nanodigmbio provides optimized panels for applications
Immunoassay (CLIA) product line to the market Homogeneous in precision medicine and research, including exome research panel,
Chemiluminescence. Targeting all POC scenarios we are here to pan-cancer research panel, hemooncology research panel and
provide you a new option with precision, accuracy, cost effective, respirovirus research panel, and excellent customized panel validated
rapidity, portability. by NGS.

Nanjing RealMind Biotech Co., Ltd. NanoHelix Co., Ltd.

Booth: 4750 Booth: 4649
NanoHelixCo., Ltd. is a global provider of high-quality molecular
Nanjing Rebeads Biotech Co., Ltd. biological reagents and raw materials for molecular diagnostics.
Booth: 228 NanoHelix Co., Ltd. was established in December 2008 to develop,
manufacture, and market state-of-the-art laboratory reagents. We also specialize in the customized production of enzymes for
Nanjing Rebeads Biotech Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer molecular diagnostics and offer high-quality, specialized products.
and supplier of biotechnology products in China. Our products Championing our slogan, ‘Reliable Partner for DNA Technologies’,
ranges: Nucleic Acid Extraction Magnetic Beads, NGS Selection we have become one of the most trustworthy manufacturers and
Purified Magnetic Beads,Carboxyl Magnetic Beads, Streptavidin suppliers of laboratory reagents and raw materials for molecular
Magnetic Beads, Oligo dT beads for mRNA Extraction, Protein diagnostics.
Purification Beads, Antibody-Purified Beads and related reagent etc.
High quality, competitive prices and nice services are our superiors. Nanophage Technology
Booth: 3514
Nano Flow
Booth: 427
At Nanophage we achieve 100-fold better detection performance than many current assays. We precisely genetically engineer
Nano Flow is a Belgian company located in Liege. For over 10 years, biological rods, saturated with chromophores that attach to your
we develop and manufacture high-quality and highly stable gold Antibody of choice. We are a platform technology with multiple
nanoparticles and protein gold conjugates for the diagnostic industry. applications improving detection in diagnostics and analytics.
Our monodisperse gold colloids have unique sphericity with no
odd shapes bringing to diagnostic assays excellent sensitivity and Nantong Egens Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
precision. Thanks to these unique features, our gold particles are
Booth: 1253
used in over 100 million of rapid diagnostic tests all around
the world.
Nantong Egens Biotechnology Co., Ltd is a joint venture and
Nanobrick Co., Ltd. a leading IVD solution provider, we develop, manufacture and
Booth: 452 distribute diagnostic kits worldwide, products ranging from Rapid
Tests , Elisa kits, CLIA and POCT analyzer system, with registered trade mark as EGENS.EGENS have more 10 automatic production
NANOBRICK specializes in nucleic acid extraction with its patented lines, more than one hundred productssFDA licensed and 7 products
magnetic nano-beads called M-bead. Not to mention that it has FDA cleared, over 40 products CE marked , exported to more than
gained a great reputation with its application on the DNA/RNA test 106 countries and regions around the world.
kits and Next Generation Sequencing, it has proved the high-end
quality compared to those of competitors. Features; Consistent
quality with low lot-to-lot, variations, Price competitiveness, Uniform
particle size distribution, High binding capacity and particle stability,
Capacity for mass-production


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) New England Biolabs

Booth: 1850 Booth: 1886
NIST Standard Reference Materials supports accurate and
compatible measurements by certifying and providing over 1200 New England Small Tube
Standard Reference Materials with well-characterized composition Booth: 1936
or properties used to perform instrument calibrations. Standard
Reference Data provides well-documented numeric data for use
in technical problem-solving, research, and development. An ISO 9001Certified company, providing small diameter tube
bending and fabrication. Capabilities include burr-free cutting,
Navitar, Inc. bending, brazing, laser welding, swaging, flaring, bulging, CNC
operations, grinding, micropolishing, electropolishing, abrasive
Booth: 4556
flow honing, passivation and specialty coatings. We specialize in the custom fabrication of sampling and reagent probes, dispensing
Navitar designs, develops and manufactures innovative optical manifolds, and much more.
solutions for clients and enterprises across the globe. Solutions
include complete optomechanical and optoelectronic assembly and New Life Biologics, LLC
sub-assembly systems. Our products range from high magnification Booth: 145
motorized zoom imaging systems to fisheye projection lenses used
in a wide variety of industries including Life Sciences, Industrial
Imaging, Microscopy and Projection.
Nikon Instruments Inc.
NAYO Biotechnology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Booth: 1010
Booth: 4258 Nikon Instruments Inc. is the US microscopy arm of
NAYO is an innovation-driven lab automation company which Nikon Healthcare, a world leader in the development
headquartered in Shanghai. We are a collection of R&D, production, and manufacture of optical and digital imaging technology for
sales and service network company, that serves over 4,000 clients biomedical applications. With over 100 years of optical design
including medical, government, industrial and research institutions in expertise, Nikon offers industry-leading microscope systems for
China. With R&D centers established in Shanghai and Jiaxing, we try clinical pathology including digital pathology and remote slide
to create QDS product delivery system and standard product matrix viewing and sharing. See the difference with Nikon optics and
to meet the multidimensional needs of laboratory automation around digital solutions. To learn more, visit
the world.

Neogen Ningbo HEALTH Gene Technologies Ltd.

Booth: 2036 Booth: 2387
Neogen is dedicated to enhancing human and animal well-being Ningbo HEALTH Gene Technologies Co., Ltd (HGT), founded
through our range of Specialty products. Our diverse solutions in 2011, has dedicated to develop and manufacture Advanced
encompass healthcare hygiene monitoring, toxicology tests, and Fragment Analysis (AFA) based in vitro diagnostic kits for pathogen
substrates for immunoassay production. As a global supplier and detection, pharmacogenomics and Human DNA Identification.
trusted partner, we deliver solutions across a wide range of industries,
including healthcare, forensic toxicology, workplace testing, research, Ningbo HLS Medical Products Co., Ltd.
and IVD manufacturing. Trust Neogen for expert solutions, expert Booth: 557
support, and exceptional results.
Neurocode Inc Ningbo HLS Medical Products Co., Ltd. is a privately-owned
enterprise established in May 2007, specializing in the production
Booth: 1259
and after-sales service of disposable cervical brush, cell preservation solutions, sharps container, etc. In 2020, the production and sales of
epidemic prevention materials such as medical face masks, Melt-
blown Fabric, disposable sampling swab.

88 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Ningbo ProWay Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. Norma Instruments Zrt.
Booth: 1962 Booth: 3722
ProWay Optics & Electronics is a professional manufacturer and Norma Instruments Zrt. is a Hungarian company specializing in the
supplier of Microscopes in China, with over 28 years of experience designing and manufacturing high-quality and innovative blood
and supplying in the Medical, Laboratory, Educational and Industrial analysis systems serving the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) market. Since
markets, we have sold our microscopes to over 80 countries, looking our company’s launch in 2012, Norma has grown into an international
forward to having a good opportunity to supply our best service to company that operates in nearly 80 countries today through a well-
you by our most professional team. established and well-trained distribution network. Our product range
comprises hematology analyzers and human medical and veterinary
Ningbo Trustlab Instruments Co., Ltd. reagents.
Booth: 359
Noul Co., Ltd.
Booth: 4637
We supply liquid handling and cell culture products with consistent
high quality to help ensure you get the most reproducible and
reliable results in your research. We offer cell culture products Noul is a biotech startup focused on improving access to modern,
with growth area ranging from 0.33 to 25,240 cm² for convenient more accurate and eco-friendly diagnostic blood tests through its
scaled-up culture. Our cell culture products are manufactured in miLab testing platform. miLab is a compact, automated, all-in-one
class 100,000 clean rooms, strictly in compliance with the national point-of-care diagnostics device which perfectly replicates the gold
standards of production management in clean rooms. standard blood testing method and makes it possible for accurate,
morphology-based blood tests to be conducted without water,
Nittobo without using earth-damaging chemicals, and without the traditional
Booth: 2054 clinical lab and skilled technicians.,, Nova Biomedical Corporation
Booth: 1832
Nittobo is a one stop solution for IVD products. We are a primary
manufacturer of high-quality bulk polyclonal antisera and
complementing items supplied as raw material for the further Nova Biomedical is a world leader in whole blood critical care and
production of bio-medical reagents produced by leading IVD POC testing, offering hospital meters (including StatStrip® Glucose,
companies. We are also a manufacturer of immunoassay reagents the first FDA-cleared meter for critically ill testing) and Stat Profile®
on a clinical chemistry platform utilizing the in-house high quality Prime critical care blood gas analyzers.
raw material. Our quality control for reagents, calibrators, and
controls is based on international standards. Novanta
Booth: 2275
Booth: 3439
Jadak, a Novanta Company, specializes in Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) solutions for a wide range of OEMs looking
view&category_id=10 to solve complex inspection, tracking, scanning and documenting
NOF CORPORATION is a Japan-based chemical company that challenges in medical and advanced industrial markets. Let our
provides unique phosphorylcholine based polymers, Biolipidure. engineers become an extension of your team, combining their broad
These polymers work for blocking, stabilizing, and enhancing technical expertise with a wide range of technologies to develop and
sensitivity, which will be useful for the development of immunoassay. implement a customized solution that optimizes performance, total
cost of ownership and time to market.


Stop by the ADLM Booth #1879 during expo hours and learn how to save on next year's
meeting along with other amazing members-only benefits.


Novoprotein Scientific Inc. Nugget Scientific

Booth: 4365 Booth: 217
Novoprotein is a protein-centric biotech company dedicated to
recombinant protein service. Since its inception in 2004, Novoprotein NUHIGH BIO
has manufactured more than 20,000 recombinant proteins. The Booth: 522
product portfolio includes cytokines, growth factors, immune
checkpoint proteins, IVD products, enzymes and drug targeted-
proteins. In Novoprotein, the extensive experience, well-established Nuhigh Biotechnologies is a professional molecular diagnosis
capacity and rigorous QC standard guarantee efficient protein solution provider which founded in 2007. We have served more
production and the highest product quality. than 500 customers in IVD industry and developed a series of
product portfolios to support our customers across different stages
NOWDiagnostics of molecular testing, which is from sample collection & preservation,
DNA&RNA extraction to nucleic acid detection (PCR amplification).
Booth: 5219 numares GROUP Corporation
NOWDiagnostics® has revolutionized diagnostic testing with one- Booth: 4713
step, one-drop testing platforms that deliver results in minutes.
Our patented, approved, and externally validated technologies
include a fingerstick platform, saliva platform, a blood and plasma numares is an innovative diagnostics company that applies machine
collection device, and a suite of analyzers for optional use with tests. learning to metabolic data to develop advanced analytical tests for
Our product pipeline consists of 50+ diagnostic tests in a variety of high-throughput use in clinical diagnostics and life science research.
categories, including women and men’s health, common infectious The company´s AXINON® System employs nuclear magnetic
diseases, toxicology, and more. resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to create a spectrum standardized
by Magnetic Group Signaling (MGS®) to evaluate metabolic
NTL Biotech constellations. MGS® is a proprietary technology that enables NMR
for highly standardized and rapid throughput testing
Booth: 2855 Omega Bio-Tek
NTL Biotech has extensive experience in reference labs, creating Booth: 1150
custom solutions for molecular diagnostics. We specialize in
innovative molecular reagents and lab equipment, with a veteran
staff. Our R&D focus led to a full manufacturing division. We break Omega Bio-tek, founded in 1998, is an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO
the status quo in molecular lab testing by listening to customers and 13485:2016 certified, industry-leading manufacturer of DNA/RNA
market demand. We prioritize customer service and offer cutting- purification kits for clinical, biotechnology, and genomics research.
edge technology to labs of all sizes in molecular science. With a diversified product portfolio for low-throughout to high-
throughput purification, Omega Bio-tek kits purify high-quality
NuAire nucleic acids from a wide variety of samples. Omega Bio-tek’s
products and services are used in thousands of universities and
Booth: 5016
research institutes worldwide.
NuAire, Inc. is a family-owned company that has provided airflow Omnica Corporation
equipment to laboratories for over fifty years. As a small company Booth: 1858
with a big footprint, NuAire has supplied both public and private
laboratories around the world in sectors such as academia,
pharmaceuticals, animal research, healthcare, and more. We seek Omnica Corporation is a design and engineering firm founded in
to differentiate our products by minimizing their long-term cost 1984 and specializes in developing laboratory and POC instruments,
of ownership, maximizing their configurability for each customer’s and consumables. Our highly experienced staff, coupled with our
application, and extending their service life through personalized complete in-house prototyping equipment and capabilities, ensures
after sales support and a generous warranty. the highest quality and most rapid development possible.

90 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


OMNIPrint, Inc. Optikos Corporation

Booth: 5043 Booth: 744
OmniPrint designs and manufactures a complete line of thermal and Optikos partners with life science clients developing medical devices
impact printers for a variety of embedded and stand-alone printing and diagnostic tools enabled by optics. Our engineering team can
applications. 35 years in the OEM printer industry gives OmniPrint help move your product from concept through manufacturing with
the distinct advantage of supplying reliable, cost-effective printer design, assembly, and optical testing expertise—including optics,
solutions to a wide variety of global customers with unique and opto-mechanics, software, electronics, and automation—from pilot
demanding printer requirements. Private labeling and custom design through full-scale production. You receive full transparency of the
services are available. development process along the way and at the end of your journey,
you own the design.
OnsiteGene, Inc.
Booth: 1047 OPTIMA Machinery Corporation (WI) Booth: 3470

Sponsored by the NIH RADx initiative, OnsiteGene has developed

“PeakV”, a next-gen PCR instrument. PeakV enables ultra-fast Optima manufactures filling and production systems for the human
thermal cycling (40 cycles in 5 minutes), fully automated nested PCR, and veterinary diagnostics and life science industries. We focus
and magnetic beads based nucleic acid extraction. The low cost, on automatic monoblock systems and complete production lines
contamination free Open-Assay Cartridge of PeakV has a universal for filling and processing liquid and powder products for in-vitro
assay capability, allowing third party assay developers to make their diagnostics. These include PCR test kits. Dosing and closing systems
own sample-to-answer cartridge-based PCR nucleic acid tests free are at the heart of our systems. The extensive range is completed by
from any instrument design restrictions. process technology, freeze-drying systems, and automated loading
and unloading technology.
Booth: 3153 Orchard Software Corporation Booth: 3405

We provide the following high quality products: - LF Rapid Tests:

wide range of analytes. - Molecular Diagnostics : Hybridization on Orchard Software is a leader in the laboratory information system
strip & Real Time products. - Raw Materials: MAbs & rAgs - Contract industry and offers a variety of laboratory system solutions. Orchard
Manufacturing Services. All our know how is available as a service. serves more than 2,000 laboratories across the country, helping them
improve efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance integration. Orchard’s
Opticon, Inc. cloud-based solutions are installed in physician groups, hospitals,
Booth: 2354 reference labs, student health centers, veterinary labs, public health
organizations, universities, and retail facilities. Orchard offers an enterprise suite of LIS products that help labs streamline processes,
Founded in 1976, Opticon has been designing and manufacturing promote provider and staff confidence, and be in a position to
world-class 2D imager and 1D laser and CCD barcode scan engines succeed and grow. We support our clients along every step of their
for OEMs building medical, mobile and retail devices. These barcode LIS journey with superior, guided implementation, training, and
scan engines also power Opticon fixed mount barcode scanners, support. Stop by booth #3405 to learn more.
cabled and wireless scanners and mobile devices. Opticon’s solutions
offer advances in performance, quality and reliability with an installed OSANG LLC
base in the millions worldwide. For more information, please visit Booth: 4071
OSANG Healthcare has been a leader in the Korean IVD (In-Vitro
Diagnosis) industry since its founding in 1996, expanding a wide
array of medical devices for Biochemical, Immunoassay, and
Molecular Diagnostics. OSANG Healthcare Co., was the first South
Korean SARS-CoV-2 test kit producer to receive authorization from
the U.S. Food & Drug Administration in April 2020. The company has
supplied countries from Brazil to Russia and also sold 760,000 tests
to U.S. customers, including FEMA.


Owen Mumford P4Q HEALTH

Booth: 1826 Booth: 3740
Owen Mumford is a global industry leader in medical device design At P4Q we believe that we can create an impact by bringing our
and manufacturing. Our research, design, and manufacturing abilities 25 year electronics expertise to the IVD industry. That is why we have
produce first-class medical devices that are used worldwide in areas launched Qassay: our digital, home use Lateral Flow Reader. We
such as specimen collection and drug delivery. combine a simple, cost-effective hardware, with state-of-the-art
AI and mathematical modelling to achieve lab quality results.
Oxford University Press Our 3 factories (USA, Spain, China) provide the scale that the
Booth: 5337 diagnostics industry needs to take the next step and enable
decentralized testing.
Oxford University Press is proud to publish the ADLM Journals: Pacific Die Cut Industries/PDCI Medical
Clinical Chemistry and The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine. Booth: 1752
Visit our booth to stay up to date on the latest journal news and
content, and learn about submitting your research.
Pacific Die Cut Industries/PDCI Medical serves diagnostic
OYC Americas, Inc. manufacturers though mass production converting. Capabilities
Booth: 421 include precision die cutting, low-tension narrow width slitting
& lamination within a humidity controlled Class 10K clean room. Components used in top-tier POC diagnostic devices, lateral flow,
OYC Americas is dedicated to advancing human healthcare microfluidic and wearable biosensors. Please visit our booth to
innovation in the Clinical Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, and discuss your cutting needs for hydrophilic, nitrocellulose, protein-
Nutraceutical industries. Our aim is to bring value to Research & treated materials & adhesives. ISO 13485:2016
Development and Manufacturing by providing high quality raw
materials manufactured by our parent company, Oriental Yeast, Co., Palladium Diagnostics LLC
Ltd of Japan, and our partner networks. With a focus on scientific Booth: 1257
research and clinical support, we are committed to meeting the
rigorous regulatory standards of the healthcare industry.
Panion & BF Biotech Inc.
Oyster Bay Pump Works, Inc. Booth: 3576
Booth: 3568 As a medical device manufacturer since 2015, Vstrip is a branch
under Panion & BF Biotech Inc., a pharmaceutical manufacturer
OBPW is a leading developer of innovative concepts in liquid
established in 1976 and a listing company in Taiwan. Our main
dispensing automation technology used worldwide in life sciences
products are antigen rapid tests for gastrointestinal and respiratory
applications. We design and build state-of-the-art, quality
infectious diseases based on Lateral Flow Immunoassay, such as
instruments for processing microplates, tubes, vials, slides, and more.
COVID-19, Flu A&B, and H.Pylori with FDA and CE certified. We also
Available functions include precise dispensing, washing, blocking,
provide contract manufacturing/OEM services based on our 8+ years’
drying, printing, labeling, color coding, lidding, sealing, incubation,
of R&D and industrial production experience.
fill verification, data acquisition, and more. Our durable products
provide great return on investment.
Parker Hannifin Corporation - Precision Fluidic Division
Booth: 943
Parker’s Precision Fluidics Division is a leading supplier of miniature
fluidic components and system solutions integral to the world’s
life sciences, life safety, and other high-technology markets. Our
Access the most current info on all events,
product portfolio includes miniature pneumatic, proportional, and
exhibitors and workshops. Download the
liquid control valves, diaphragm and piston pumps, mass flow and
mobile app at
electronic pressure controllers, and precision regulators. Visit us to
learn about our new EPiC Digital Pressure Controller and Ultra-Low
Carryover Gradient Valve.

92 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


PathoFinder B.V./PathoNostics B.V. PHASE Scientific Americas

Booth: 3353 Booth: 4352
PathoNostics combines global leadership with personalized care, PHASE Scientific Americas is a fast-growth, global biomedical
delivering superior fungal diagnostic solutions. Our CE-IVD-certified company that is helping to reinvent the diagnostics sector. Starting
multiplex real-time PCR kits offer unparalleled sensitivity, swiftly with COVID-19 Rapid Antigen tests for PoC/OTC, our product
detecting disease-causing fungus while identifying antifungal pipeline is dedicated to the growing diagnostics category for
resistance in Dermatophytes to Aspergillus and beyond. From respiratory health, sexual health and more. Providing you with a
diagnosis to treatment, we prioritize accuracy, empowering clinicians reliable supply of high-quality products is just part of what you
in over 70 countries worldwide to address complex diagnostic need to enhance revenue, you also need a diagnostics partner who
challenges with confidence. provides insights and resources to help you grow.

PCR Biosystems Inc. PhlebX Inc

Booth: 4732 Booth: 110
PCR Biosystems is a manufacturer of PCR kits and reagents for PhlebX is revolutionizing mobile phlebotomy services!
molecular biology research and diagnostics. Our portfolio covers PhlebX is setting new industry standards in tech-powered, high-
a broad range of applications including hot start PCR, long range quality, house-call service delivery. Our Lab customers
PCR, high fidelity PCR, PCR direct from crude samples and molecular
- Eliminate fixed payroll costs, and management overhead, of in-
diagnostic PCR. With ISO 13485:2016 certification, our customers
house phlebotomists
can have the assurance that our products and processes meet (and
exceed) the required standards and regulations for the manufacturing - Leverage our advanced mobile technologies for a fully digital –
of medical device components. paperless - workflow process
-Drive new revenue streams from house-call orders and fast-growing
Pel-Freez Biologicals Concierge and Telemedicine services.
Booth: 3558 - Pay per stick only! PiSA USA

Founded over 100 years ago as a backyard rabbit farm, Pel-Freez Booth: 250
Biologicals today provides over 200 products to over 1300 customers
in over 35 countries annually. The only large-scale producer of
US-origin rabbit biologicals, Pel-Freez specializes in human and
animal blood fractions, as well as tissue extracts for the vaccine and PixCell Medical
diagnostic community. Visit our booth to learn about Pel-Freez’s Booth: 4362
sera, plasma, gamma globulin, albumin, acetone powder and tissue
product offerings!
PixCell Medical’s HemoScreen™ is the only FDA-cleared and CE-
Perwin Science and Technology Co., Ltd. marked 5-part differential Complete Blood Count (CBC) analyzer
— offering on-the-spot diagnostics with full results within 5 minutes.
Booth: 1354
Leveraging a cutting-edge disposable cartridge preloaded with all necessary reagents, HemoScreen’s unique AI-powered Viscoelastic
PERWIN was founded in November 1999. PERWIN has been Focusing technology enables improved medical outcomes and
focusing on the R & D, manufacturing and sales of the Liquid Filling patient quality of life while substantially reducing costs for healthcare
Production Line Equipment & Sticker Labeling Machine series, which providers.
are widely used in fields of in vitro diagnostics (IVD), pharmaceutical,
chemical industries. Biochemistry Diagnostic Reagent Filling Lines;
Culture Media Petri Dish Filling Line; Serum Products Aseptic Filling
Lines; Cleaning Liquid/Substrate Solution/Blood Cell Filling Line; IVD
Reagents Labeling Machine


Planet Innovation Pty Ltd. Plexus Corp.

Booth: 3055 Booth: 941
Planet Innovation is a HealthTech product development company Design & Development | Supply Chain | New Product Introduction |
and manufacturer of FDA regulated products. We are a team of 500+ Contract Manufacturing | Sustaining Services — Making the leap from
experts that provide commercial, digital, design, engineering and idea to successful life science instrument is no simple task. It can be
manufacturing services to world-leading organizations developing a struggle to get the science out of the lab — to align the resources
innovative new products. We offer the full end-to-end services and expertise to go from breakthrough idea to a fully realized,
needed to create and commercialize sophisticated, connected game-changing product. Unless you have the right partner. Plexus
products. Our flexible approach and ability to scale support means specializes in providing contract engineering and manufacturing
we can tailor our services to suit your needs. solutions to life sciences and diagnostic system companies with
complex products used in demanding regulatory environments. With
Plasma Services Group Plexus, you’ll work with a team that’s built for life sciences — with
Booth: 5232 dedicated expertise and a proven record of integrating complex
technology like yours into fully compliant, market-ready products. Together, we can help you bring your most visionary life science
PSG is the premier bridge between patients with autoimmune, products to life. Learn more at
infectious, and clotting disorders and the IVD industry. Our unique
patient-focused, ethical donor outreach program and advanced Plitek
recruitment strategies ensures a consistent supply of well- Booth: 4843
characterized patient sera and data. With a new state-of-the-art GLP
laboratory, comprehensive testing capabilities and a secure database
of over 3000 potential donor candidates, we can help bring your PLITEK is a leading manufacturer of custom die cut components
diagnostic products to market more efficiently. and converted materials for the diagnostics industry. Through our
converting capabilities, we manufacture products and components
Plastic Design Company from thin gauge films, plastics, foams, and adhesives for POC
Booth: 1856 diagnostic devices, lateral flow assays, microfluidics, and
wearable sensors.
- Class 8 Clean room manufacturing
As an experienced manufacturer of microfluidics and microplates, - Prototyping
PDC is an established partner to clinical diagnostics companies. - Custom film extrusion
Combining an ability to produce complex micro geometry with an
- Precision die and laser cutting
understanding of material characteristics, PDC is well-positioned
- Multi-layer laminating
to support various applications in point-of-care (POC) testing,
- Slitting & Rewinding
immunoassay, qPCR, clinical chemistry, and molecular diagnostics.
PDC supplies over 5 million parts annually and is a leading global - ISO 13485:2016
supplier to OEMs & Tier 1 companies.
PLUGS/Seattle Children’s
Booth: 5125
PLUGS is a leader in the laboratory test stewardship industry
TELL US ABOUT YOUR CONFERENCE and aims to ensure patients get the right test at the right time.
EXPERIENCE! Our membership network includes hospitals, health systems,
Be the first to share your thoughts with this quick laboratories, insurers, patient advocacy groups, and biotechnology
survey. The first 20 respondents will receive a $20 companies. Join us at our booth to learn practical tools for laboratory
Amazon gift card. All respondents will be entered stewardship program development and insurance alignment
in a drawing for a $250 Amazon gift card. strategies. PLUGS members have access to member-only resources
and discounts. Learn how to become more involved!

Booth: 2283

94 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


PolyAn GmbH Porex Life Sciences Institute

Booth: 321 Booth: 4652
PolyAn is a nanotechnology company specialized in Molecular Porex Life Sciences institute is dedicated to advancing life science
Surface Engineering. Since 1996 PolyAn develops and manufactures technologies by providing integrated solutions enabled by porous
consumables for multiplex diagnostics and LifeScience research. This polymers. The company leverages and builds upon Porex’s 60 years
includes the broadest portfolio of microarray consumables (slides, of material science expertise in biological collection materials and
coverslips, microplates) on the market, microplates for covalent size-exclusion filtration. Their newest product, the Saletto® Oral
binding as well as fluorescence encoded PMMA microparticles and Fluid Collection Device for genetic testing applications, ensures a
nanoparticles for multiplex bead assays, latex enhanced turbimetry, comfortable user experience, improving accessibility and streamlining
fluorescence imaging and flow cytometry. genetic testing workflows.

Polymedco, Inc. Precision Converting Solutions, LLC

Booth: 1742 Booth: 1552
For nearly every disease, early detection means better outcomes, PCS is a leading component and device manufacturer producing
lower costs, and a better experience for patients. Polymedco multilayer thin film assemblies for the bio-tech & medical industry.
partners with health care systems, payors, providers, and reference The unparalleled range of process capabilities at our ISO9001
labs to build best-in-class screening and early detection solutions. & ISO13485 certified factories include converting, film coating,
Our organization has been built around a portfolio of products with lamination, stamping & die cutting, multi-layer film assembly, testing
exceptional performance, robust clinical evidence, and user-friendly and packaging. From inception we offer design support, material
design. Today, we offer world-leading products and customizable selection, prototyping and production of sub-assemblies, diagnostics,
solutions. microfluidics and filtration devices.

PolyMicrospheres Precision for Medicine

Booth: 1008 Booth: 3649
PolyMicrospheres manufactures a complete line of uniform Precision for Medicine is the first global, precision-medicine, contract
microspheres with a variety of particle sizes and surface chemistries. research organization and a leader in complex development of
We offer the widest range of products in the industry: Carboxyl therapeutics and diagnostics. Our clients benefit from advanced
microspheres (10 product lines with over 150 products, including technologies, streamlined timelines, and increased approval
SpaceLink with spacer arms, Specialty Carboxyl with steric effects, probabilities. Precision integrates a vast biospecimens repository,
Lipophilic, Low-Density), Plain-Surface microspheres, ready-to-couple sophisticated biomarker capabilities, and worldwide CRO services.
Chloromethyl and Epoxy microspheres, magnetic microparticles, With 6 specialty labs and 3200+ professionals worldwide, we help
fluorescent/dyed microspheres & microbeads. clients accelerate life-changing diagnostics and treatments, and
propel medicine forward.
Polysciences, Inc.
Booth: 3949 Precision System Science Booth: 4149

Polysciences offers a broad range of products and tailored solutions

in addition to custom synthesis and contract manufacturing services Precision System Science, for over 20 years an OEM leader in
for the life sciences, bioprocessing, microparticles, medical device, automated, self-contained instrumentation meeting the rigors of
specialty chemical and electronic chemical industries. today’s IVD market. We provide clinical diagnostic laboratories with
solutions for extraction, purification as well as versatile sample-to-
answer instruments. Complete systems with user friendly software
interface, consumables and reagents. Simple, fast solutions for
improving the healthcare around the world.


Princeton Separations Scientific LLC Promega Corporation

Booth: 2063 Booth: 4919
Join Promega, booth 1594, to learn about our high-quality custom
ProGnosis Biotech S.A. products for IVD manufacturers & clinical testing labs. Speak with our
Booth: 556 clinical consultants about designing a custom solution that fits your
clinical lab’s workflow. We offer services including custom product
dispensing & formulation, custom manufacturing (including cGMP
ProGnosis Biotech is biotechnology company established in 2011 capabilities) & custom assay development. We also provide onsite lab
and based in Greece. The company develops and manufactures services, such as automating chemistries on robotic liquid handlers &
in-vitro testing technologies for various markets, including clinical, product training.
food safety and veterinary diagnostics. Apart from next-generation
immunoassays, it also develops its own antibodies internally, as well Promex Industries
as hardware and software solutions. Through extensive R&D it creates
accurate ELISA and Lateral Flow tests and exports its products to Booth: 5053
over 70 countries.

Pro-Lab Diagnostics Protia Inc

Booth: 4424 Booth: 4346
ProteomeTech Inc. provides several innovative IVD products with its
Progressive Media International own patented technology and provides proteomics-based biomarker
Booth: 4521 research in goal of giving substantial benefits to the customer.
PROTIA Allergy-Q, allergy test detecting over 100 allergies in one
panel; ImmuneCheck IgG, Human IgG rapid test can get semi-
Practical Patient Care is continued leading online and print quantitative results; PROTIA food IgG detecting over 60 food specific
publication that focuses on providing valuable information and IgG, showing food Intolerance. Other innovative IVD products for
insights on the latest developments in medical technology and human and animals, we are ready to provide.
patient care. With a readership that includes healthcare professionals,
clinicians, and key decision-makers in the healthcare industry, Puritan Medical Products
Practical Patient Care offers an ideal platform for companies to
showcase their products and services. Booth: 3441
Proliant Health and Biologicals Puritan Medical Products has been producing single-use products
Booth: 1342 since 1919. Puritan is the leading US manufacturer of tipped
applicators and transport devices for clinical and diagnostic specimen
collection. Intended for collection of bacterial, viral, fungal and
Proliant Health & Biologicals is the world’s largest and most molecular specimens, you will find fiber, foam, fabric and Puritan’s
experienced manufacturer of animal-derived proteins, producing patented PurFlock Ultra® and HydraFlock® flock swabs in the Puritan
animal extracts and a number of grades of “Fraction V” bovine line. Liquid and semi-solid, traditional and custom transport media
serum albumin (BSA). Providing the highest level of consistency, products - now including PurSafe® DNA/RNA preservation solution
traceability, and quality in the market, PHB is the industry leader - complete the broad offering for patient care, diagnostics and
and go-to BSA supplier for in-vitro diagnostics, vaccine production, research. Customization and contract filling are also available.
biopharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing, nutraceutical, A family-owned business in Guilford, and Pittsfield, Maine.
and life science research industries.
Pushkang Biotechnology
Booth: 4544
Zhejiang Pushkang Biotechnology Co., Ltd, founded in 2014 by
Dr.Yu Bo, is a high tech enterprise specialized in R&D, Production
and Promotion for IVD product. With the core technology platform
of Centrifugal microfluidics, Pushkang had successfully developed
POCT products for Coagulation, Biochemistry, CLIA and Molecular
tests, etc.

96 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Pycube Inc Quaero Life Science Co., Ltd.

Booth: 5324 Booth: 1056
Quaero Life science, founded in 2005, is focusing on R&D,
Qingdao Hightop Biotech Co., Ltd. manufacturing IVD instruments and consumables for more than 10
Booth: 1556 years. We have three R&D centers located in Shanghai, Hangzhou
and Jiaxing, one manufactory and one consumable cleanroom factory. Through technology innovation and the hard work of our
Hightop Biotech is a high-tech company, with three manufacturing excellent Engineering teams in the fields of Mechanics, Electronics,
facilities in China since 1996. Product:COVID-19 Antigen/Antibody T, Firmware & Software, Optics, Fluidic & Thermal, we provide high
RAPID TEST, ELISA, POCT, HEMATOLOGY ANALYZER. quality instruments and consumables for the IVD industry.

Qingdao NovelBeam Technology Co., Ltd. QuidelOrtho

Booth: 5040 Booth: 1819
NovelBeam constantly innovates on optical processing, high-energy QuidelOrtho develops and manufactures intelligent solutions that are
optical coating, LED thermal management, LED driving technology, transforming data into understanding and action for more people in
and customized illumination and imaging system design. Optical more places every day, helping spot trends sooner, respond quicker
Division of NovelBeam has been adapting and improving optics and chart the course ahead with accuracy and confidence. Together,
technology for micro optics, IVD, stomatology, industrial laser and we are transforming the power of diagnostics into a healthier future
many other applications, offering design solutions and rapid R&D for all.
prototyping as well as high volume manufacturing with repeatable
performance and reliability. Radiometer
Booth: 3832
Qingdao Raisecare Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Booth: 2085
Radiometer’s products and solutions help diagnose and care for
Q-Linea Inc. critically ill hospital patients by providing fast, accurate information
on a variety of parameters. Our analyzers, monitors, systems and
Booth: 3961 software are also used in blood banks, general practice offices and clinics for the screening and treatment of a variety of conditions.
We provide powerful acute care diagnostic solutions based on a
Q-linea is a company of thinkers and makers who develop solutions
belief that a seamless relationship between people and technology
for improved infection diagnostics. Since 2008, we have worked hard
is crucial.
to create innovative technologies with a keen focus on improving
sepsis treatment while reducing antibiotic resistance.
Randox Laboratories
Qoolabs, Inc. Booth: 1413
Booth: 1972 Established in 1982, Randox is dedicated to improving healthcare
worldwide with the use of innovative diagnostic technologies. As the
Qoolabs is dedicated to providing innovative antibody products
heartbeat of the UK’s National COVID Testing Programme, we have
with focus on recombinant rabbit monoclonal antibodies. With
completed more than 26 million gold-standard PCR tests. A world
our cutting-edge technology QMAb™ quick monoclonal antibody
leader in healthcare, our product portfolio aims to improve the speed
discovery platform, we provide top-notch antibody solutions. The
& accuracy of diagnostics with clinical chemistry analysers & reagents,
QMAb™ platform is highly customizable to meet the unique needs
quality control, molecular diagnostics, toxicology and more.
of each of our clients. Whether you’re searching for antibodies to
small molecules or specific epitopes, reach out to Qoolabs for the
finest antibodies


Rapid Novor Inc. Rees Scientific Corp.

Booth: 227 Booth: 4247
Rapid Novor is helping researchers around the world secure an Since 1982, Rees Scientific has been the most compliant continuous
indefinite supply of their key reagents with predictable biological environmental monitoring system in the industry. Our system can
activity. With over 20yrs in proteomics & bioinformatics they have monitor the temperature of any cold storage (refrigerators, freezers,
successfully de novo sequenced thousands of proteins. ultra-low freezers) from +100 to -196 °C. We monitor equipment and
parameters such as temperature, humidity, light, differential pressure
Rapigen Inc. & more. Our FDA compliant monitoring system helps protect critical
Booth: 3552 assets, equipment and environments. Meet compliance for GxP,
CLIA, 21CFR part 11 & more.
Our company, Rapigen INC from South Korea, is a leading Rekom Biotech S.L.
manufacturer of in vitro diagnostic industry. We are the first Booth: 3150
developer and user of black gold particle in rapid test method.
Our products using black gold particles brought innovation to the
in vitro rapid test field with their high specificity, sensitivity, and Rekom Biotech is a biotechnology company focused on the
reproducibility. design and manufacturing of IVD reagents for the diagnosis of
human and animal infectious diseases, and allergies. We offer high
Rayto Life & Analytical Sciences Co., Ltd. quality, validated and versatile raw material, suitable for use in the
Booth: 3356 various platforms available on the market. Our quality system is
certified by ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 standards. Besides, as we are manufacturers, we can try to adapt our products to your needs, if any
Rayto is a high tech enterprise specialized in the research, problem arises during the evaluation.
manufacture, sales and service of diagnostic instruments & reagents.
Rayto is certified by ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 from Germany TUV ReLIA Bioengineering (Jiangsu), Inc
and our products are CE marked. Our products include: Immunlogy Booth: 4559
Analyzer (CLIA, Elisa, Western Blot), Biochemistry Analyzer,
Coagulation Analyzer, Hematology Analyzer, Veterinary Analyzer and
relative reagents.
R-Biopharm AG Booth: 4062
Booth: 2049 Resonetics is a leader in laser processing, centerless grinding, nitinol
Working in the fields of clinical diagnostics, food and feed processing, thin-wall stainless steel and precious metal tubing,
analysis and nutrition care, R-Biopharm employs its innovative and photochemical machining, metal fabrication, and fiber optic sensors.
reliable products to develop pioneering solutions for successful With nine Lightspeed Application Development Labs located
worldwide distribution. In the clinical field, R-Biopharm offers IVD strategically to serve medical device companies around the world,
test systems for the identification of antigens and antibodies of Resonetics is ISO 13485:2016 certified with facilities in the United
infectious diseases, as well as test systems for allergy diagnostics, States, Canada, Costa Rica, Israel, and Switzerland.
gastroenterology, molecular diagnostics and TDM using methods like
ELISAs, Rapid Tests, Blots and PCR. Response Biomedical
Booth: 4435
Reach Diagnostic (Wuhan) Biotech Co., Ltd.
Booth: 4956
Response Biomedical Corp. develops, manufactures and markets the RAMP system, a rapid diagnostics platform that delivers lab-quality
performance for efficient patient management in acute care settings.
Reagen Inc. RAMP is a global leader in comprehensive acute care testing with
Booth: 1117 a wide range of markers available including Troponin I, CK-MB,
NT-proBNP, D-dimer, Beta-hCG and Procalcitonin. For effective and efficient patient care, RAMP tests aid in the diagnosis of Heart Attack,
Heart Failure and Sepsis.

98 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Retractable Technologies, Inc. Rocky Mountain Biologicals

Booth: 3557 Booth: 126
Through innovation, education, and the development of safe and RMBIO specializes in the development and production of cell
reliable money-saving medical devices, Retractable Technologies, culture media supplements, sera, and protein fractions utilizing the
Inc. strives to be a catalyst in reducing the worldwide spread of highest safety and compliance standards, for the global research,
infectious disease. bioprocessing, and clinical diagnostic industries.

Revvity/EUROIMMUN AG RWD Life Science Co., Ltd

Booth: 1221 Booth: 5120
EUROIMMUN is a global leader in autoimmunity, infectious Since 2002, RWD Life Science has been the world leading
serology, allergy and molecular diagnostics. The company’s global manufacturer of laboratory instruments for life science research.
success is attributed to its dedication of delivering the highest We specialize in producing Animal Surgery and Modeling Solution,
quality products matched with unsurpassed scientific and technical in vivo Imaging Solution, Histopathology Solution, Cellular and
support. As of December 2017, EUROIMMUN became a member Molecular Biology Research Solution for researchers around the
of the PerkinElmer family, combining two innovative, results-driven world. For more information please visit our website at
companies with a shared mission of improving global health. or E-mail us:

RKT Rodinger Kunstsoff-Technik GmbH Rychiger AG

Booth: 4165 Booth: 644
Roding Plastics Technology offers the scaled production of Rychiger, based in Switzerland, prides itself on decades of experience
injection molded precision plastic parts like consumables used in supplying IVD kit manufacturers with a whole family of modular and
modern diagnostics. As CMO we cover the full process chain from scalable systems from lab-scale or development platforms to fully
preengineering over mold manufacturing, injection molding, filling, automated production lines for primary and secondary packaging.
assembly, labelling, packaging, sterilization and global logistics. Whether it is the manufacturing of immunoassay reagent kits, DNA/
Complex cartridges, microfluidics or 2/3 component molding are RNA purification cartridges, or advanced sample-in /result-out qPCR
our specialty. Focus is on Diagnostics/ Medtech. ISO 13485/ 15378 / molecular diagnostic POCT devices, our advanced know-how in the
ISCCplus / Clean rooms ISO 8/7 IVD sector enables us to develop.

Roche Diagnostics Corporation SA Scientific Ltd.

Booth: 2003 Booth: 3314
As the world leader in healthcare R&D, Roche is committed to SA Scientific is a FDA, USDA registered, ISO 13485-2016 certified
innovation, inclusion and sustainability. We develop and produce facility, that focuses on research, design and development of immuno
medical tests and digital tools that help labs and HCPs find the right chromatographic lateral flow rapid tests. The portfolio of tests include
treatments for patients and deliver the best care to improve, prolong hCG, Rotavirus, Adenovirus, RSV, Legionella, Influenza A and B, Strep
and save lives. We deliver the industry’s most comprehensive IVD A, E.Coli, Salmonella Canine Heartworm, Parvo and Giardia.
solutions in clinical chemistry and immunoassays, molecular, tissue,
point of care, self-testing, next-gen sequencing, lab automation and Sagabio Technology Co., Ltd.
IT, and more. #WeAreRoche Booth: 218

Rockland Immunochemicals, Inc.

Booth: 136 Sagabio Technology Co., Ltd. is a global developer and manufacturer
of tools for life science research and biological analysis platform. Our core technical team focuses on the research, development and
Established in 1962, Rockland is a global biotechnology company production of biotechnology, new biological materials, advanced
manufacturing leading-edge tools for basic, applied, and clinical instruments and other related technologies for many years. Our core
research for academic, biopharma, diagnostic, and agbio industries. products: microarray slides, biochip scanners, IVD test kits, etc.
Rockland is a privately held company, operating manufacturing
facilities with antibody and protein production capabilities near
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA and offices in Aachen, Germany.


Sapio Sciences SCC Soft Computer

Booth: 3964 Booth: 2457
Sapio Sciences’ mission is to improve life in the lab - because SCC Soft Computer is a leading LIS vendor at the forefront of
science is complex, Sapio makes technology simple. Sapio is laboratory, genetics, outreach, and blood services software
a global business offering an all-in-one science-aware (TM) lab development. Committed to supplying innovative technologies to
informatics platform combining cloud-based LIMS, ELN, and data meet the needs of every client, SCC offers comprehensive suites of
solutions. Sapio serves some of the largest global and niche brands, fully integrated, Web-enabled laboratory and genetic information
including biopharma, CRO’s and clinical diagnostic labs across NGS management system solutions for the healthcare industry since 1979.
genomic sequencing, bioanalysis, bioprocessing, stability, clinical,
histopathology, drug research, and in vivo studies. Our customers SCHOTT MINIFAB
love Sapio’s platform because it is robust, scalable, and with no-code Booth: 746
configuration, can quickly adapt to meet unique needs.
SARSTEDT SCHOTT MINIFAB provides contract development and
Booth: 3409 manufacturing services for life science and diagnostic consumables.
We focus on glass and polymer microfluidic and microarray diagnostic and research tools. SCHOTT MINIFAB's exceptional
As a leader in pre-analytic innovation, SARSTEDT provides solutions in-house design, science and engineering teams represent a unique
for improving specimen quality, reducing turnaround time and combination of technologies, processes and expertise. SCHOTT
automating labs of all sizes with customizable modular systems. MINIFAB is ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 certified with locations in the
Visit us as our pre-analytical experts lead short in-booth Workflow US, Europe and Australia.
Walkthroughs on Tuesday and Wednesday. Join our Industry
Workshop on Wednesday to hear how a dedicated sample transport SCIENION US, Inc.
system for sending tubes immediately to the lab reduced turnaround Booth: 938
time at a 504-bed medical center. Hear firsthand about the impact of
sending tubes without batching, single-touch handling, and first-in
first-out processing. Founded in 2001, SCIENION is a specialist in ultra-low volume
precision liquid handling in the pico-liter to micro-liter range,
Sartorius enabling applications from research to high throughput production of
Booth: 335 assays in diagnostics and life sciences. Addressing increasing needs
for miniaturization and multiplex analyses, SCIENION is a complete solution provider offering a unique portfolio of automated precision
Sartorius Stedim Biotech is a leading provider of products and dispensing systems, readers, consumables, assay development and
services for fermentation, filtration, purification, fluid management contract manufacturing.
and lab technologies. SSB is the #1 supplier of nitrocellulose
membrane for rapid IVDs such as lateral flow strip, flow through SCIEX
device, line blot strip, and protein microarray slides. For OEM Booth: 3402
devices, SSB offers a new range of hydrophilic or hydrophobic
microporous membranes.
SCIEX offers robust, sensitive, and fully functional mass spec
Scantibodies Laboratory Inc. solutions, with smart sophisticated software designed for multiple
Booth: 1543 levels of experience - the ultimate technology for accurate clinical
analyses you need to deliver reliable and timely patient test results under challenging regulatory and financial pressures.
Scantibodies Laboratory is an OEM manufacturer and Laboratory that Our affordable bench-top platforms offer high sensitivity, low
is set up to work with you, whatever your manufacturing needs may detection limits and high specificity, allowing you to support
be. For over 40 Years we have been an industry leader in everything clinicians with confident results.
from Contract Manufacturing, Contract Testing, Packaging, and
Lyophilization to Custom Controls, Antibodies, Serum and Diagnostic
Kits. We are here to make your products the best patients could
expect, which is why our products and services continue to be used
by top biotech companies worldwide.

100 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Sclavo Diagnostics International S.p.A. Seamaty Diagnostic Co., Ltd.

Booth: 1958 Booth: 3462
Sclavo Diagnostics International S.p.A. boasts a high value know-how Chengdu Seamaty Technology Co., a high-tech enterprise for
in the IVD sector, with the production of diagnostic reagents and IVD products of human and veterinary diagnostics, integrated the
instruments in the fields of coagulation/hemostasis, clinical chemistry, R&D, manufacturing, sales and service. Seamaty owns advanced
plasma and urinary proteins, bacteriology and serology. Experience technology, excellent production, considerate sales and services.
and care for the products guarantee the highest quality, flexibility Our goal is to provide affordable and better diagnostic solutions for
and stability of the reagents. During the World Lab 2023 exhibition, human and animal patients.
Sclavo will display its newly developed instruments for Sed Rate
and Coagulation. Sebia
Booth: 2449
Scopio Labs
Booth: 4046
Sebia, the global leader in clinical electrophoresis equipment and reagents, offers both capillary separation and agarose gel
Scopio Labs created the first Full-Field cell morphology platform, technologies. Following the acquisition of Orgentec in 2021 Sebia
enabling faster, earlier, more consistent detection and diagnosis of is expanding its core competencies to include autoimmunity
hematological conditions. Scopio’s CE & FDA-cleared Full- Field testing. Sebia’s automated capillary electrophoresis portfolio, the
PBS application combines breakthrough imaging technology CAPILLARYS 3 Family and MINICAP Flex Piercing systems, provide
and advanced AI, to scan and analyze slides at 100X resolution, full walkaway capability and workload flexibility on our multi-assay
eliminating the need to revert to a manual microscope. With instruments. Adding a tube loader with the CAPILLARYS 3 TERA
additional applications coming soon including Full-Field BMA, allows for custom configuration of our MC family for added capacity
Scopio is set to revolutionize the hematology industry. and work cell productivity. Sebia platforms are driven by PHORESIS
Core analysis and networking software. For autoimmunity, Sebia
Scripps Laboratories offers the fully automated, random access Alegria 2 ELISA platform*;
Booth: 4628 coupled with a comprehensive menu of antigen assays & panels
utilizing a unique Monotest Strip Technology; allowing serum, plasma, and fecal sample testing in the same run. (* Not available
Scripps Laboratories is a Tier 1 Critical Raw Material Manufacturer to in the US.)
the largest clinical diagnostic corporations and biomedical research
institutes worldwide. Product areas include cardiology, inflammation, Seegene, Inc.
metabolism & anemia, oncology, reproductive biology, and thyroid Booth: 2442
disease. Ancillary reagents are also available for assay detection
and optimization. Highlighted at ADLM is our sustainable line of
recombinant proteins, featuring human hormones, cardiac markers, Seegene, as a leader in multiplex molecular diagnostics, is
and metabolic markers. committed to supporting the global response to the rapidly evolving
COVID-19. The unveiled Seegene’s complete solution for COVID-19
SDIX, LLC detects and differentiates SARS-CoV-2, influenza, RSV, and other
Booth: 3646 common respiratory pathogens in one integrated platform. Its
accurate and reliable test results help reduce further spread of SARS-CoV-2 and provide right information for effective management
SDIX, a wholly owned subsidiary of OriGene Technologies of influenza-like illness patients. With Seegene’s core technology
specializing in high quality, large-scale, GMP antibody production. and proprietary know-how, we offer multiple diagnostics solutions
All sites are ISO13485:2016 certified and FDA registered. Products for infectious diseases, including common respiratory infections,
include critical immunoreagents such as Troponin I, Strep A, CRP, gastrointestinal tract infections, meningitis, HPV, and STIs.
Apo A1, ApoB, Micro-albumin, Immunoglobulins as well as Human
Serum Calibrators. SDIX’s services include antiserum development
and production in a variety of species as well as large-scale
monoclonal antibody production (ascites and in vitro).


Sekisui Diagnostics LLC SENTINEL CH. SpA

Booth: 1809 Booth: 1256
Headquartered in Burlington, MA, for over 40 years SEKISUI Sentinel Diagnostics (Sentinel CH. SpA) is an Italian company with
Diagnostics has been committed to helping improve the lives of more than 40 years’ experience in the development and production
patients by providing innovative medical diagnostics to physicians of a wide portfolio of In Vitro Diagnostics kits for the most advanced
and laboratories. We continue to invest in the areas of diabetes, Clinical Chemistry, Immunochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
infectious disease, coagulation, diagnostic enzymes and automated platforms and, thanks to the acquisition of EUREKA S.r.l LAB
systems, and have a leading position as a provider of rapid tests DIVISION, the world’s largest range of HPLC, GC, GC-MS, LC-MS/MS
in the US and high throughput coagulation systems in Japan. Our diagnostic kits for Chromatography. Our products include the FOB
workforce spans six sites located in four countries. We are a sister Gold® line for CRC screening, the CALiaGold® line for calprotectin
company to SEKISUI Medical in Japan, making us a worldwide quantification, the patented STAT-NAT® high-quality, ready-to-use,
company with R&D and Manufacturing facilities on three continents. Molecular Diagnostics solutions for virology and, with the recent
We develop, manufacture, and supply billions of tests each year to integration of PrimaLab SA, Sentinel group is enlarging its scope in
the global healthcare market through our commercial networks and the lateral flow rapid test area, for both self and professional use.
partners. Our product lines include: • Clinical chemistry reagents •
Point-of-care rapid tests and immunoassay system • Enzymes and Sepmag Systems
specialty biochemicals Booth: 4838

Senbt Co., Ltd.

Booth: 223 Sepmag Systems produces scalable, safe magnetic separation

instruments for customers working with any volume of magnetic beads. From 1ml to 50L or more, with built-in process monitoring
for peace of mind, our technology assures batch consistency by
SensoScientific, Inc. applying a constant magnetic force. For almost 20 years, Sepmag
Booth: 5265 has produced instruments that provide faster separations while
minimizing aggregation and eliminating sample loss. For larger volumes, our automation solutions provide unmatched results.
Since 2005, SensoScientific has been at the forefront of Internet of
Things (IoT) technology and innovative environmental monitoring. Seyonic SA
Whether you are seeking to monitor temperature, humidity, pressure,
Booth: 4749
or more, SensoScientific’s solutions are designed to exceed strict
regulatory compliance requirements for every application. All data
is centralized to the FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliant SensoScientific We provide OEM Pipetting systems. Seyonic’s Sensor Controlled
Cloud for immediate visibility. Through the Cloud, you can access Pipetting technology (SCP) allows very precise monitoring of the
data records, generate reports, and view NIST traceable calibration liquid handling process. Therefore, every pipetting operation can
certificates from our in-house A2LA Accredited calibration laboratory. effectively be monitored and validated as it is going on!
Custom alert notifications are sent 24/7 the moment nodes take
readings outside their allowable range and can be sent via email, SFC Co., Ltd.
text, SMS, voice, fax, and pager. Make meeting compliance the
Booth: 1785
easiest part of your day - Contact us for a free trial!
SFC Co., Ltd., headquartered in South Korea, is your premier
destination for tailored oligonucleotide manufacturing solutions.
With over 25 years of expertise in the fluorescent chemical industry,
SFC prides itself on offering exclusive proprietary dyes. This not only
STAY UP TO DATE! ensures top-notch quality but also alleviates any licensing worries
Access the most current info on all events, for MDx companies employing qPCR probes. Our state-of-the-
exhibitors and workshops. Download the art manufacturing facility operates under ISO13485 certification,
mobile app at guaranteeing reproducible products.

102 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Shanghai Gene Era Bio-Science Co., Ltd. Shanghai Sun Biotech Co., Ltd
Booth: 1362 Booth: 664
Since its inception, GEB has committed to manufacture and supply Founded in 2001, Shanghai Sun Biotech fully dedicated to the
superior laboratory consumables to our customers. All our products development, manufacturing and sales of Coagulation Reagent Kits,
are produced in the dust-free clean facility under strict manufacturing Automated Coagulation Analyzers as well as Coagulation Cuvettes.
processes with premium materials. We guarantee that all products As a CFDA, IS013485 and CE certified company, we have more than
are DNase/RNase and pyrogen-free to meet the highest standard of 10,000 m2 of R&D and production bases for diagnostic reagents
both laboratory experiment and clinical diagnostics. that meet GMP standards, and nearly 30,000 m2 of R&D and
production bases for medical instruments and medical consumables
Shanghai Jiening Biotech Co., Ltd. that meet medical equipment production standards. Attaching
Booth: 1874 great importance to scientific and technological innovation, it
has successfully de­veloped a series of coagulation diagnostic reagents, thrombus and hemostasis diagnostic reagents, automated
Shanghai Jiening biotech Co., Ltd was established in August 2005. coagulation analyzers, medical consumables and other more than
Since then, we have been dedicated to serving upstream companies 100 kinds of products, mastered the core technology of products,
in the field of Lateral flow and have become a reliable partner for and formed nearly 50 independent intellectual property rights
laboratories. To provide professional solutions including instruments, including invention patents.
reagents, consumables, technical support, and training to small
and medium-sized research and production enterprises as well as Shanxi Ruiyali Technology Co., Ltd.
scientific research institutions worldwide engaged in Lateral flow Booth: 4668
chromatography platform.
Shanghai Q-Best Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. Shanxi Ruiyali Technology Co., Ltd. is part of Realbio Group Co., Ltd..
Booth: 1368 Founded in 2014, Realbio is an IVD raw material platform company.
We are an innovative technology company integrating biological products, IVD raw materials, medical devices, diagnostic reagents,
Since 2007, Q-best machinery has been focusing on developing standard quality controls, research technology services, and medical
and manufacturing machines of bottle filling, capping, and sealing. translation center. Our main business includes production and
Dedicated to the industries of pharmacy and IVD. We are dedicated distribution of IVD Raw Material and biological specialty products’
in the design and manufacturing of liquid filling capping sealing import and export.
and labeling lines. Over 200 lines are now in smooth operation
worldwide. We provide customized nonstandard packaging system Shaoxing Shangyu Mingji Plastic Co., Ltd.
with stable, personalized, and intelligent solutions. Booth: 4460
Shanghai Rendu Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Booth: 1068 Mingji Plastic is a high-tech enterprise integrating research and
development, production and sales, covering an area of 15000
square meters ,with 100,000 purification workshops of 3,000 square
Established in 2007, Shanghai Rendu Biotechnology CO., LTD. meters, the existing staff of more than 300 people.
(Stock code: 688193) possesses an exclusive patented technology
platform, known as RNA real-time fluorescence isothermal Shenzhen Boomingshing Medical Device Co., Ltd.
amplification (SAT). Based on this platform, it has independently
developed a comprehensive range of integrated products, including Booth: 4916
molecular diagnostic reagents and equipment, tailored for accurate
diagnosis, effective prevention and control, as well as personalized Founded in 2010, Boomingshing is specialized in IVD/IVF/life science
diagnosis and treatment of pathogens in various fields. plastic consumables with a total manufacturing sites of 178,000m2.
BMS is ISO13485 certified with ISO14644 certified 100,000 clean
workshops. BMS offers a flexible and fast response to customers’
unique demands from product optimization for manufacturing, mold
design and fabrication, customized automation work cells, injection
and blow molding and sterilization.


Shenzhen Diasia Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Increcare Biotech Co., Ltd.
Booth: 759 Booth: 142
Diasia Biomedical is a POCT R&D manufactory, supply Dry IncreCare,Since its birth in December 2016, it has unswervingly
biochemistry/Fluorescence Immunoassay/RT PCR/White blood cell/ devoted itself to the research and development and manufacturing
Urine detection products for basical medical institutions like private of in vitro diagnostic instruments. When the company was founded, it
hospitals, clinical department and laboratories. We give end-users aimed at the development of an open chemiluminescence instrument
objective, precise, and reliable in-vitro diagnostic results by quickly/ platform with a forward-looking strategic vision. So far, IncreCare has
simple detection and friendly-use operation. Our products screen, more than 200 partners worldwide, sells to more than 20 countries,
diagnose, and monitor chronic or urgent situations and most and has sold more than 5,000 chemiluminescent immunoassay
common diseases. analyzers in the past three years.

Shenzhen Dule Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Lvshiyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Booth: 762 Booth: 864
Shenzhen Dymind Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Lvshiyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd, founded in 2003, is
Booth: 1853 a national high-tech enterprise focuses on the development of the most advanced human In vitro diagnostic reagents(IVD), food
safety detection reagent, drug safety ,environmental monitoring
Dymind is a national-level high-tech enterprise specialized in the
reagent, protein products, small molecule antigen antibody, genetic
R&D, manufacture, sales and service of medical devices and reagents
recombinant antigen antibody and other biochemical products.
in the field of in-vitro diagnosis. Dymind launched its self-developed
committed to the industrialization of biological test kits in the world.
joint detection analyzers, including blood routine and CRP joint
detection analyzers, the world’s leading 5-Part and 3-Part joint
Shenzhen MandeLab Co., Ltd.
detection hematology analyzers, automatic blood routine and CRP
joint detection analyzers and joint detection analyzers for blood Booth: 4550
routine, CRP and SAA.
Established in 2010, MandeLab is a manufacturer specializing
Shenzhen Heto Medical Tech Co., Ltd.
in producing Sampling Swabs, Transport Mediums, and Saliva
Booth: 149 Collection Kits. We have evolved into a class II medical device manufacturing enterprise that integrates R&D, production, and
distribution. Mandelab is committed to providing the specimen
Shenzhen Heto Medical Tech Co., Ltd. established in 2014 is a
collection solutions for CDC, Forensic, IVD Industry Life Sciences,
professional manufacturer engaged in the research, development,
and Medical Testing Institution. We have passed ISO13485, and all
sale and service of Semi auto and Fully auto Clinical Chemistry
products have been certificated by CE(MDR) and FDA.
analyzer, 3 diff and 5 diff Hematology analyzer, POCT hematology
analyzers, Auto Specific Protein analyzers, POCT Immunoassay
Shenzhen Microprofit Biotech Co., Ltd.
Analyzer, Electrolyte analyzer Diagnostic reagents including
Biochemistry Reagents, Concentrated HbA1C reagents, Booth: 351
Concentrated Hematology reagents etc.
Shenzhen Microprofit Biotech Co., Ltd. is located in the Shenzhen
Shenzhen iFluid Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
High-Tech Industrial Park,has been focusing on the R&D, production,
Booth: 222 sales and service of point-of-care testing (POCT) products and providing customers with professional rapid test solution and
complete respiratory viruses testing solution.
iFluid Biotech is a R&D manufacturer of Al in-vitro diagnostics,
focusing on providing fully integrated automation solution for clinical
laboratory diagnostics, Our solution combines hardware, software,
and services into one package, enabling small and medium-sized Booth: 768
medical institutions to achieve higher diagnosis accuracy and
increase operational capability.
SEKBIO is a prestigious biotech developer and manufacturer
specializing in immunoreagents. Based in Shenzhen, the China Silicon
Valley. Over 100 immunoassay items developed on various platforms:
CLIA, TRFIA, LFA. Core team comprises professionals from renowned
institutions worldwide. One-stop Solution for Immunoassay: From
Concept to Massive Production Development Service to OEM Off-
the-shelf Finished Products, Semi-finished Products to Tech Transfer.

104 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Shenzhen YHLO Biotech Co., Ltd. sifin diagnotics gmbh

Booth: 4317 Booth: 316
Shenzhen YHLO Biotech Co., Ltd. (YHLO) is a leading company sifin diagnostics gmbh is manufacturer and distributor of tailored
of immunoassay solutions in China. Founded in 2008, and listed mAbs, bacteriological test reagents, blood grouping serological
on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2021, YHLO is headquartered products and culture media. All our antibodies have been developed
in Shenzhen China, specialized in developing, manufacturing and in-house and are manufactured in our company. Our products are
distributing in-vitro diagnostic instruments and reagents by a team offered as ready-to-use reagents in dropper bottles, or as bulk to IVD
of experienced scientists and engineers. companies. The MICRONAUT portfolio – a broad range of antibiotic
resistance and specialty susceptibility testing – is also available at
Shenzhen ZiJian Biotechnology Co., Ltd. sifin diagnostics gmbh.
Booth: 2175
Sight Diagnostics
Booth: 1228
Founded in 2011, Shenzhen Zijian Biotechnology is a high-tech
enterprise focusing on providing total solutions in the field of in
vitro diagnostics. We proudly have a R&D center of 10002 and a Sight OLO is the first device to receive FDA clearance for a 5-part
production factory of 50002. Many years of experience in medical differential CBC test directly from a fingerstick sample, requiring 5%
production Modern laboratory equipment and a professional team of the minimum blood volume needed for traditional lab equipment
Distribution of our products to more than 60 countries around and still providing the same quality of lab-grade results with no
Product Line: Fluorescence Immunoassay/Hematology/ Biochemistry/ maintenance. OLO digitizes blood with only 2 drops of a finger stick
Colloidal Gold/ Molecular Diagnostics. or venous sample and provides lab-grade CBC results in minutes.

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc. SigTuple

Booth: 2013 Booth: 4606
Shimadzu is a global analytical solutions provider, delivering SigTuple, head quartered in Bangalore-India, is automating the
innovative chromatography and mass spectrometry solutions error prone and inefficient manual microscopic review in clinical
worldwide. Shimadzu offers the greatest speed and reliability for laboratories. Our flagship product, AI100, is an AI powered smart
any mass spec environment. Our CL Series HPLC, LC-MS and LC-MS/ automated microscope which can digitize any biological sample on
MS medical devices are manufactured in Canby, Oregon, as Class I a glass slide. Further, we have built AI models for blood (Shonit) &
Medical Devices and are produced under a manufacturing quality urine (Shrava) which run on the digitized images of the sample, to
system intended to ensure that finished devices will be safe, effective create the report for a peripheral blood smear and urine microscopy
and in compliance. respectively. We are committed to democratizing microscopy by
enabling AI assisted remote review unhindered by geographical
Sichuan Vacure Prelab Biotechnology Co., Ltd. boundaries. In the process, we bring down costs, improve outcomes
Booth: 1165 and help streamline operations. SilcoTek
VACURE Biotech is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the field of in Booth: 4565
vitro diagnostics (IVD) point-of-care testing (POCT). It has gathered
39% R&D specialist from the provincial Thousand Talents Program.
Based on self-developed patented core technologies, including SilcoTek innovates and applies coatings specifically designed
microfluidic, TRFIA and inkjet freeze-dried. VACURE can provide to improve performance in clinical chemistry, chromatography,
a comprehensive test parameters for a wide range of disease with semiconductor, biopharmaceutical, and other high technology
excellent POCT test performance and professional service. industries. From eliminating protein adsorption and metal ion
contamination to creating chemically inert flow paths, we solve the
Siemens Healthineers toughest surface challenges. We also offer passivation, cleanroom
Booth: 501 packaging, analytical services, and more to maximize our value to
you as a supply chain partner and solutions provider.
Siemens Healthineers is a leading medtech company with over 125
years of experience. We pioneer breakthroughs in healthcare. For
everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably.


Silgan Unicep SMC Corporation of America

Booth: 1263 Booth: 2840
Silgan Unicep, a leading liquid contract manufacturer, specializes in Leading manufacturer of automation components covering
filling liquid test consumables into our innovative off-the-shelf and pneumatic valves and control components, liquid isolation valves and
custom packaging solutions. We offer comprehensive manufacturing bonded acrylic manifolds. Other products include digital pressure
services to support your liquid components from benchtop and flow control switches and regulators, electric actuators and
development to full commercialization. With our ingrained culture of slides, plus chiller and peltier temperature controllers. By working
quality and focus on innovation, we ensure excellence at every stage with SMC the total solution and miniaturization of your instrument
of the manufacturing process. becomes a reality. SMC technologies provide the complete design,
assembled and tested fluidics solutions.
Simport Scientific Inc.
Booth: 1876 SML Genetree Co., Ltd. Booth: 3570

At Simport Scientific, recognizing the need is our primary condition

in creating. Established in 1975, we are a leading developer and SML Genetree is a South Korean developer of multiplex molecular
designer of quality consumable and reusable laboratory products. technologies. The Ezplex® SARS-CoV-2 G Kit has U.S. FDA
Our extensive range of more than 2000 items are sold in over 5 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and CE IVD. This is a real-time
continents. Our operational agility empowers us to offer the highest PCR in vitro diagnostic test detecting nucleic acid of the SARS-CoV-2
quality products to today’s laboratories. RdRp and N genes from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs
and sputum specimens. In addition, Ezplex PCR kits for MTBC/NTM,
Sinosta Logistics Co., Ltd. H. pylori, respiratory pathogen panel and COVID/Flu/RSV as well as
Booth: 151 an Ezplex NGS kit for HPV have received CE IVD. SMOBIO Technology, Inc.

AIR SHIPPING SERVICE (+2’C to +8’C), from China to Americas, with Booth: 1264
more than 10 years’ experience.
SJK Global LLC SMOBIO Technology, Inc. is the leading supplier of DNA and protein
Booth: 2263 markers as well as DNA polymerase. SMOBIO Technology, Inc. will
gladly meet your requirements for OEM and ODM.
SJK Global is primarily focused on manufacturing Homogeneous SNIBE Co. Ltd.,
Enzyme Immunoassays. Our products cover TDMs, Life Insurance (Shenzhen New Industries Biomedical Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Testing, Steroid /Endocrine Testing, and Veterinary / Companion Booth: 432
Animal Testing. All our reagents including TDMs, Endocrines assays
are designed to be used on open chemical analyzers. This year
we would like to highlight our Vanillylmandelic acid, Cortisol, and Shenzhen New Industries Biomedical Engineering Co., Ltd. (briefed
Progesterone Immunoassays for OEM. We also collaborate with as Snibe) is a leading global in-vitro diagnostic biomedical company.
Suzhou Evermed a fast-growing Chinese IVD company. Snibe has focused on the Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA)
field for more than 28 years. We are providing customized diagnostic
SMC Biosolutions solutions to laboratories in more than 148 countries and regions.
Booth: 4437 Over 23900 units of Snibe’s products have been installed in hospitals
and labs worldwide, including global chain labs like Synlab, Eurofins, Cerba, Synevo, etc.
SMC Biosolutions specializes in the manufacture of Proficiency
Testing/EQA samples. A wide range of disciplines are covered by
our 20+ years of expertise including: Comprehensive Chemistry,
Immunoassay, Immunology, Serology, Andrology, Tumor Markers,
Diabetes/HbA1c, Immunohematology, and Linearity sets.

106 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


SNT Biotech SpeeDx Pty Ltd.

Booth: 3458 Booth: 105
SNT Biotech is a USA Based, leading supplier of FDA Registered SpeeDx develops innovative multiplex real-time polymerase chain
VTM and Saline Sample Collection Kits for Covid, Rapid Antigen reaction (qPCR) solutions and specialize in detection of infectious
Test Kits, Swabs, Tubes, Biohazard Bags, Urine Cups, Blood disease pathogens and antimicrobial resistance markers. The
collection tubes and other lab supplies. We have a large warehouse SpeeDx product portfolio spans sexually transmitted infections
in Plainfield, IL and warehouse all our inventory in USA in order to (STIs), respiratory conditions and more. With streamlined product
provide fast delivery times to our customers. We currently work with development and manufacturing, SpeeDx is equipped to rapidly
over 500 independent labs across the country as a one stop supplier respond to your needs.
for Covid related tests and supplies.
Spherotech, Inc.
Sol-Millennium Medical Inc. Booth: 2901
Booth: 1682 Spherotech makes high quality latex, fluorescent, paramagnetic,
SOL-MILLENNIUM provides COMPLETE, COMPETITIVE and ferromagnetic and various colored microparticles for biomedical
INNOVATIVE MedTech solutions for injection and blood collection. and diagnostic applications. Many of the particles’ surfaces
SOL-MILLENNIUM offers a unique combination of quality to meet are functionalized (carboxyl, amino groups etc.) to suit various
all relevant clinical and safety standards, price that makes clear applications. We also manufacture particles coated with antibodies
economic sense and service that delivers on every promise made. At or ligands such as avidin, streptavidin and biotin for immunological
ADLM 2024 we will introduce the SOL-CARE Safety Blood Collection applications.
Needle, the SOL-CARE Safety Multi-Sample Needle and a range of
accessories for blood collection. Spright
Booth: 1668
Spectrum Solutions
Booth: 5228
Spright offers end-to-end drone delivery solutions to promote healthcare access and minimize the day-to-day transportation and
Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, Spectrum delivery challenges facing modern laboratories. Collaborating with
Solutions is dedicated to empowering complete wellness and leading drone technology partners, Spright’s 2-way, unmanned
bridging the gap between science and innovative healthcare delivery operations can increase transportation reliability and
solutions. Our stand-alone and fully integrated test-to-treat solutions efficiency to improve the safe movement of patient specimens and
support molecular diagnostics and DTC testing applications, supplies between collection sites and area laboratories. Spright
advancing product development and accelerating go-to-market is the drone solutions arm of leading air-medical operator, Air
applications. Our single-source, end-to-end capabilities include Methods Corporation.
a CAP/CLIA accredited molecular diagnostic laboratory, onsite
compounding pharmacy, medical and non-medical product SPT Labtech Ltd.
development, manufacturing, and fulfillment. Booth: 3186


Stop by the ADLM Booth #1879 during expo hours and learn how to save on next year's
meeting along with other amazing members-only benefits.


SSI Diagnostica Streck

Booth: 2257 Booth: 821
CTK develops & manufactures innovative rapid tests, ELISA, external We develop products to ensure accurate diagnosis for a path to
controls, PCR tests, & instruments for research & diagnostics. Our healing and recovery. Our products deliver reliable and consistent
product range specializes in tropical diseases, parasitic infections, results, supporting those who trust us to know they are getting
gastrointestinal illnesses, bloodborne, biomarkers, hepatitis, STD, definitive results for patients in their care. Streck is an ISO-certified
respiratory & hormone tests. Use of proprietary recombinant antigens biotech company that develops and manufactures quality control
& antibodies produced in-house guarantees consistent supply of and diagnostic products in hematology, immunology, molecular
high-quality products at an exceptional value. CTK brands & custom diagnostics, infectious diseases and urinalysis for clinical and research
OEM packaging options. laboratories.

StarFish Medical Sugentech, Inc.

Booth: 120 Booth: 559
StarFish Medical is an award-winning company that specializes in Welcome to Sugentech, a global provider of fully integrated
developing diagnostic devices. We provide a complete range of diagnostic systems based in South Korea. We are dedicated to
services, including design, technology development, and low-volume delivering cutting-edge in-vitro diagnostic products that encompass
NPI manufacturing. All of our services are provided within an ISO self-diagnostics, point-of-care testing (POCT), and multiplex
13485 Quality Management System, which includes manufacturing immunoblot systems. Through our advanced technologies, we ensure
and clean room facilities. Expertise in IVD and Life Sciences, Point precise and accurate results. Emphasizing mobile healthcare, we offer
of Care Diagnostics, Companion Diagnostics, Assay Development, flexibility and convenience across a wide array of testing platforms.
Imaging and Optics, Biosensors, and Wearables.
Sunostik Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
Starplex Scientific Booth: 3085
Booth: 5119 Sunostik medical technology as the leading provider of chemistry
Starplex is dedicated to the development of innovative, premium and turbidimetric analyzer in China, the exist product line contains
quality disposables, providing reliable specimen transportation for 800/400/300/200t of automated system for application on human
many facets of the health care industry. Focused on and responsive to diagnostics and industrial measurement by partners .meanwhile
the needs of the customer, Starplex strives to anticipate the evolving OEM, ODM and parts assembly is available. Total Laboratory
market requirements and work co-operatively with customers to Automation System under Development. Due to our reliable system
implement unique, effective solutions. design and best after sales service, we will be the partner count on
for growth together.
Sterile Safequip USA LLC
Booth: 1976 Super Brush LLC Booth: 5123
STRATEC SE Super Brush LLC is the leader in the design and manufacturing of
Booth: 1235 foam swabs and applicators providing industries with technically
advanced tools for precision cleaning of laboratory equipment and delicate surfaces, collecting samples, removing excess materials,
STRATEC is a world leading partner for fully automated analyzer applying lubricants, solvents, adhesives, topical antiseptics, and other
systems, smart polymer-based consumables and modules for IVD solutions. Available in pre-saturated and sterile formats, foam swabs
companies, as well as life sciences and translational research. Share are a vital part of lab operations. ISO 13485:2016, FDA registered.
your vision with us – together we make it happen!

108 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Surmodics IVD Suzhou Wongeny Precision Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

Booth: 932 Booth: 4560
Surmodics™ IVD offers assay developers gold standard protein
stabilizers, blockers and diluents, colorimetric & chemiluminescent Sysmex America
substrates, autoimmune/infectious disease/allergen antigens and Booth: 413
antibodies and activated slides for microarrays.
Suzhou CellPro Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Sysmex America is committed to improving patients’ healthcare
journeys with diagnostic solutions that equip them and healthcare
Booth: 446
professionals with the information needed to make decisions with greater trust. Its innovative hematology, hemostasis, urinalysis
Founded in 2018, Suzhou CellPro Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and flow cytometry testing technology is reshaping the world of
commits to providing high-quality consumables and customized diagnostics across the U.S., Canada and Latin America. To learn
services for global customers in molecular diagnostics, cell culture, more about Sysmex America, please visit
immunotherapy. CellPro currently has more than 800 employees, with
plant of 60,000 m², 9,000m² clean workshop of ISO Class 8, 3000m² Taiwan Advanced Nanotech Inc.
clean workshop of ISO Class 7 and more than 30 patents. CellPro Booth: 3355
possesses high-precision mold R&D center.
Suzhou Chanshow Biotechnology Co., Ltd. TAN Bead is an innovative solution provider for nucleic acid
extraction. With expertise in automation, buffer optimization and
Booth: 853
modification of magnetic beads, we focus on offering our customers practical solutions with a variety of throughputs. We offer a wide
Suzhou Chanshow Biotechnology CO., Ltd. founded in 2016, we are range of products to meet the unique requirements of our customers.
a creative global supplier of laboratory consumables for the research
industry. We have 30,000 square meters factory sites with 100,000 Taizhou Kaimi Biotech Co., Ltd.
class cleanroom, our production team has many years of experience Booth: 753
in consumables production. We have attached great importance
to product research and development. In order to adapt to new
development directions and explore customer needs, we continue Kaimi Biotech, located in Jiangsu, China, develops and manufactures
to communicate directly with industry researchers. novel medical diagnostic products with our proprietary technologies.
We firmly believe that excellent products rely on innovative materials
Suzhou Vdo Biotech Co., Ltd. and robust production processes. we are fully committed to investing
on development of novel materials and manufacturing processes to
Booth: 3671
deliver new products with great performance and help our customers solve challenging requirements of medical diagnostics.
Vdo Biotech is a high-tech enterprise. The products include
latex microspheres, dyed microspheres, magnetic microspheres, TE Connectivity
fluorescent microspheres, flow cytometry microspheres and Booth: 1459
standard microspheres.
TE IVD Solutions helps life science, IVD and cell therapy clients
transform microfluidic assays into user-friendly, cost-effective,
and clinically validated commercial products. With facilities in the
US and Europe, we provide end-to-end solutions spanning from
concept ideation to full-scale manufacturing. Our expertise includes
DOWNLOAD THE MOBILE APP microfluidic assay integration, design, product development, usability testing, clinical, regulatory compliance and manufacturing of OTC
and point-of-care devices.


Team Consulting Teco Diagnostics

Booth: 450 Booth: 1346
Helping diagnostics companies develop disruptive technology For over 25 years, Teco Diagnostics has been an industry leader
from concept to market is our passion. For over 37 years we in the manufacturing of in-vitro diagnostics and medical devices.
have combined user-centered design, science & engineering and From urinalysis to clinical chemistry reagents, we have high quality
regulatory rigor to help our clients develop commercially successful solutions for all diagnostics needs. Based in the USA with a 40,000
diagnostic devices. square foot facility in Anaheim, CA, and with customers and
distributors in over 100 countries worldwide, we take great pride in
Tecan Trading AG being able to service the world with our products.
Booth: 3810
Booth: 1620
Tecan improves people’s lives and health by empowering customers
to scale healthcare innovation globally from life science to the clinic.
Tecan is a pioneer and global leader in laboratory automation. As TELCOR is the leader of healthcare software solutions for point
an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Tecan is also a leader in of care testing and lab revenue cycle management software and
developing and manufacturing OEM instruments, components and services. Customers need solutions to match lab and hospital
medical devices that are then distributed by partner companies. challenges. TELCOR QML offers an open vendor system with
connectivity to virtually every device type. With a focus only on
Techcyte software, we are not distracted with devices or reagents. TELCOR
Booth: 4351 RCM and TELCOR Revenue Cycle Services are designed to improve
collections, reduce expenses, and provide real-time analytics.
Founded in 2013, Techcyte is transforming the practice of pathology Tellgen Corporation
with a unified pathology platform that digitizes lab workflows Booth: 3464
and offers AI tools that improve the efficiency and accuracy of
diagnostic testing. Our mission is to positively impact the health of
humans, animals, and the environment through the use of artificial Tellgen Corporation (stock code: 300642) was established in
intelligence. We do that by partnering with best-in-class labs, whole 2003, specializing in the research and development, production,
slide scanner manufacturers, AI vendors, diagnostic companies, promotion, and sales of high-end in vitro diagnostic products.
hardware manufacturers, and solution providers. Together, we aim The application of Tellgen products covers cancer prognosis,
to deliver a unified clinical and anatomic pathology platform to cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, pathogen infection,
labs and clinics around the world. Techcyte’s clinical pathology AI reproductive health, using multiplexed bead flow fluorescence,
platform is revolutionizing human, veterinary and environmental chemiluminescence, fluorescence PCR, and liquid chromatography
diagnostic testing. with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS).

Techno Medica Co. Ltd. Tetracore

Booth: 1344 Booth: 2801
Techno Medica, we are developing and manufacturing company of Tetracore provides innovative diagnostic assays, reagents, and
In vitro Device and Lab automation system in Japan. We are trying to devices for the detection of potential biowarfare agents and
contribute to society by providing unique and original products and veterinary diseases. We have two all new devices, the hand-held
services in the fields of health and medical care. Our main products BioThreat Alert® Reader VII for use with the BioThreat Alert strips
are blood gas analyzer, automated labeling and selecting tube and the T-COR 8™ an ultra-mobile Real-Time PCR device.
system and urine dispense system. Please visit our booth No.1344 if
you are interested in our machine.

110 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


The Lee Company Tianjin MNCHIP Technologies Co., Ltd.

Booth: 1027 Booth: 1065
Manufacturer of miniature fluid control components for automated Tianjin MNCHIP technologies Co., Ltd. is engaged in research,
liquid handling in analytical and clinical chemistry. Products include production and operation of medical devices in IVD (in vitro
solenoid valves, dispense pumps, and custom manifold solutions. diagnostics) field. MNCHIP provides the public with accessible and
affordable health services with our professional microfluidic clinical
Thermo Fisher Scientific testing products. Making every effort to ensure clients are the primary
Booth: 2213 beneficiaries, and seeking sustainable development by constant
strive for quality perfection.
Thermo Fisher Scientific is the world leader in serving science. Titan Biotech, Ltd.
Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, Booth: 5044
cleaner, and safer. Through our Thermo Scientific™, Applied
Biosystems™, Invitrogen™, Fisher Scientific™, and Ion Torrent™
brands, we help customers accelerate innovation and enhance TM Media, a brand of Titan Biotech Ltd., has been a trusted provider
productivity. Visit our booth #2213 and collaborate with our team of top-quality microbial products since 1992. With a strong focus on
to discover more ways to solve your toughest challenges. quality, reliability, and sustainability, we have become a renowned
name in the field of microbiology. Our diverse product portfolio
thinXXS Microtechnology GmbH includes Biological Media Bases, 2000+Dehydrated Culture Media,
Booth: 4264 Media Supplements, Antibiotic Discs, and Ready-to-Use Media.
We have established ourselves as one of the industry leaders by continuously enhancing microbial culture.
thinXSS Microtechnology is specialized in both development and
production of complex microfluidic consumables. As a full-service Today’s Clinical Lab
provider and OEM partner, we offer custom designed components Booth: 4061
and lab-on-a-chip systems. With our modular service approach, we
are your partner from concept to large scale production. - Quality
leader with unique in-house design, high precision tooling, molding Today’s Clinical Lab delivers in-depth news, best practices, and other
and assembly. - Part of IDEX Health & Science and a global network content to make clinical lab professionals more efficient at the bench,
with over 7500 employees - ISO 13485 in the lab, or within the office. Check out our free offerings online,
in our quarterly magazine, or at our Digital Forum virtual events.
Tianjin Geneally Biotechnology Co., Ltd. We also welcome outside contributors who can offer their unique
Booth: 1555 perspectives. Go to for more information. Tolo Biotech Co., Ltd.

Tianjin Geneally Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech company Booth: 1987
committed to Nucleic Acid Sample Collection, Storage, Purification
and PCR. The main products includes Dry Blood Spot Card,
Nucleic Acid Purification Kits,Trace Biological Evidence Sticking Tolo Biotechnology Co., Ltd is a leading CRISPR technology
Device,Lyophilized PCR Kits and Polyester Track Etched, etc. and solution company. It has developed the CRISPR-based
Geneally has also built the GMP workshops in accordance with “HOLMES™” nucleic acid rapid detection platform technologies for
national standard, and has been authorized the ISO9001, ISO13485 diagnostics with Cas12 diagnostic method patents. It also develops,
quality management system certification. manufactures, and markets molecular diagnostic reagents such as
Cas proteins, Reverse Transcriptase, Direct PCR and qPCR kit and
provides CDMO services for both academia and industry.


Torvan Medical Inc. TRIGA-S GmbH

Booth: 2385 Booth: 4164
Torvan Medical is a leader in the design and manufacture of Since more than 25 years, TRIGA-S stands for quality and trustful
equipment for medical and scientific industries. We design collaboration in clinical and analytical performance studies of in vitro
innovative, ergonomic decontamination products such as sinks, diagnostics (IVD). We have successfully managed over 250 different
height adjustable workstations & endoscope cabinets- specialized studies with more than 500 study sites worldwide and more than
for workspaces where infection control & cross-contamination are 1 million samples. In our in-house BSL2-laboratory, we conduct
concerns. We specialize in research, design, & manufacturing of contract measurements for analytical performance studies. Study
equipment for labs, hospitals, clinics - from infection control to material and human samples can be safely stored in our 24/7
pathology, as well as premium, ergonomic lab furniture. monitored storage space.

Tosoh Bioscience Trina Bioreactives AG

Booth: 3801 Booth: 3635
Tosoh Bioscience manufactures innovative analyzers TRINA BIOREACTIVES AG is a Swiss manufacturer of bulk reagents
for immunoassay and HbA1c testing. The G8 HPLC and intermediates for the global IVD industry. Processed positive and
Analyzer utilizes the Gold Standard Ion-Exchange method of HbA1c negative human serum/plasma, disease state materials, controls and
measurement with less than 2% CVs and an analysis time of only 1.6 calibrators as well as clinical samples for R&D/QC, Antibodies and
minutes. Tosoh’s automated immunoassay systems, the AIA-900, AIA- Antigens, Animal Sera. OEM Manufacturer of Chemistry, Immunology,
2000 and the compact AIA-360, all utilize the same Unit Dose Test Lipid, Diabetic, Autoimmune, Coagulation and Hematology controls.
Cup reagent format, providing accurate results which are consistent ISO 9001:2008/13485:2003/14001:2004 certified. Swiss Medics
and interchangeable between systems. The AIA-2000 is an extremely registered.
powerful and feature-rich analyzer for high throughput diagnostics.
For lower volume testing, the compact AIA-360 is a cost-effective TrueMed LIS
and reliable solution. Booth: 5221


Booth: 3240 TrueMed LIMS has established ourselves as a leading provider of

comprehensive LIMS solutions, with a user-friendly interface and functionalities that cater to the evolving needs of laboratories of all
In the 1960s, based on a success in commercializing uricase from sizes. Our dedication to delivering excellence is demonstrated by
Candida sp., the first of its kind, we expanded our focus to include our robust system that seamlessly integrates with a lab’s existing
the field of clinical chemistry. Now TOYOBO excels in the market infrastructure, providing real-time access to crucial data, reducing
with more than 60 kinds of material enzymes for diagnostic reagents. error rates, and accelerating turnaround times. We are proud of our
Also, we provide many kinds of materials and kits for research use in unrivaled product portfolio that combines advanced technology
the field of molecular biology to support forefront findings. with industry-leading features. Our LIMS solution stands out for
its scalability, flexibility, and capacity to handle high-volume data,
Transcat making it one of the most comprehensive in today’s market. It is
Booth: 4765 designed not only to streamline workflow but also to adapt to your
laboratory’s unique needs. Beyond providing an exceptional product, TrueMedIT’s strength lies in our commitment to our customers.

tst biomedical Electronics Co., Ltd.

Booth: 5249
@myADLM on Instagram and use tst biomedical Electronics Co. Ltd., an innovative Taiwan-based
#ADLM2024 to join the conversation. biomedical electronics spin-off founded in 2018 by Tai-Saw
Technology Co., Ltd., stands at the forefront of excellence in
providing cutting-edge Surface Acoustic Waves (SAW) Open
Platform Services. Since 2021, tstbio has demonstrated outstanding
achievement by delivering the SAW Platform to diverse partners,
showcasing a commitment to technological advancement.

112 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Tsubaki Nakashima UIMD

Booth: 3322 Booth: 1059
TN Michigan, part of Tsubaki Nakashima and previously known as Many hospital laboratories still go through the same process of
Hoover Precision Products, is a leading U.S. manufacturer of precision analyzing samples by microscope for morphological analysis. Just like
plastic ball and bead products. The Michigan factory has a FDA it was done 100 years ago. Our mission at UIMD is to revolutionize
registered class 8 clean room for contract injection molding plastic the way hospitals and medical professionals analyze blood and bone
medical disposable components. Products range in size from 1/16” marrow samples with a combination of artificial intelligence and
to over 6.000” for injection molded tubes, cartridges, syringes and new innovation.
petri dishes and blow molded pipettes and components. Send your
drawing for quote. UMTR Co., Ltd.
Booth: 1062
TTP plc
Booth: 952 UNICO/United Products & Instruments
At TTP we bring together world-leading scientists and engineers to Booth: 4535
deliver cutting-edge diagnostics solutions. We have a proven track
record of working at the forefront of technology, inventing disruptive
systems. We integrate complex processes into easy-to-use and UNICO offers Centrifuges, Mixers, Microscopes, Spectrophotometers
low-cost disposables. We are unrivalled in speed of development, and more. Come see our tube racks, phlebotomy trays, tube
confidence of functionality and of regulatory manufacturability – and dispensers, diff counters, mixers and incubators. OEM manufacturing
we can deliver at scale. We make sure diagnostics solutions of the is available, inquire at the booth for details. Domestic and
future are delivered today. International Distributor opportunities available as well. Visit unicosci.
com or call 732-274-1155. Para más información, comuníquese al
TubeWriter numero 609-240-5507 ó escriba a
Booth: 3459
URIT Medical Electronic Co., Ltd.
Booth: 1868
TubeWriter provides direct printing solutions for the Life Sciences
URIT is a global diagnostics supplier established in 1984 , urinalysis
UCLA Health leader, now has owned over 80000 square meters base for the
medical products manufacture covers urinalysis, hematology,
Booth: 3101
chemistry analysis, POCT, veterinary products.
UCLA Health defines greatness by the quality of the patient Ustar Biotechnologies (Hangzhou) Ltd.
experience we are able to deliver. Each and every time. To every Booth: 868
single patient. If that’s where your ambitions lie, UCLA is where you
belong. We offer unequaled challenges and opportunities to further
your education, training and career. USTAR BIOTECHNOLOGIES (HANGZHOU) LTD. was founded
in 2005 with a focus on developing, manufacturing, and selling
UCP Biosciences Inc. innovative point-of-care molecular diagnostic technology
and products. We have created a technical platform with fully
Booth: 4457
independent IP rights and have filed for over 90 international and
domestic invention patents, 45 of which have been authorized.
UCSF Health Ustar’s POCT kits integrate nucleic acid extraction, purification,
Booth: 5326 amplification, and testing in an enclosed cartridge, enabling fast,
accurate, simple, and safe tests with LOD≤200 copies/mL. Our
products have been utilized by nearly 3,000 medical institutions
and exported to over 70 countries, actively contributing to the
global prevention and control of major infectious diseases such as
tuberculosis, gonococcus, chlamydia, flu, malaria, cholera. Our vision
is to make molecular testing available to anyone, anywhere,
as reflected in our slogan, Molecular Testing Anywhere!


UTAK Laboratories, Inc. Vazyme

Booth: 3836 Booth: 1364
At UTAK, we’re proud to call ourselves “control freaks”, but not in the Vazyme (688105.SH) is a global technology and service provider that
way you might think. That’s because our obsession lies not in taking specializes in the design, manufacture, and application of bioactive
control but in giving control—to the testing labs that need the finest compounds and continuously expands the application fields of core
quality control materials for their clinical and forensic toxicology test technologies in life sciences, in vitro diagnostics, bio-medicine, and
methods. Our close-knit group crafts the quality controls these labs exploratory business.
depend upon for every kind of analysis, including a wide range of
comprehensive stock controls in urine, serum, blood, oral fluid and VEDALAB
more, as well as starting matrices for laboratories seeking to develop Booth: 1226
in-house quality control material. We also create personalized
control solutions to support the new methods these labs develop.
Our dedication is grounded in our belief that better control for Since 1991 VEDALAB is a worldwide leading manufacturer of
testing labs leads to more accurate results and ultimately, to better immunodiagnostic reagents available under OEM or VEDALAB
safeguarding of health and safety standards. brand for OTC or professional markets. The company is FDA and
USDA registered and ISO 13485 certified. VEDALAB is dedicated
V2 Manufacturers to research, development and manufacturing qualitative and
Booth: 657 quantitative rapid tests, latex, ELISA, urine strips and Easyreader+
instrument are manufactured in France and are CE marked.
In 1990 V2 Manufacturers ventured into plastic Blow Molding & Veranex
Injection Molding. We have expertise in manufacturing Lateral Booth: 3657
Flow Housing Cassette for diagnostic kits. Our aim is to provide
a one-stop solution to our customers for their plastic molding
requirements. We have qualified and experienced staff to design, Veranex is the only truly comprehensive, global, tech-enabled service
develop & manufacture empty cassettes as per the customer’s own provider dedicated to the medical technology industry. Offering
requirements. Our commitment to quality and precision ensure the expert guidance from concept through to commercialization and
best flow results for your test strip. across the development continuum, Veranex enables accelerated
speed to market, controlled development costs, development risk
Valumax International mitigation, and accelerated market viability assessment.
Booth: 4347
Viavi Solutions Inc.
Booth: 1661
We make 32 color high quality disposable lab coats. We make
the best soft face masks that fitting on user face perfectly, more
comfortable, better protection and cooler.
Viramed Biotech AG
Vantiva Precision BioDevices Booth: 4053
Booth: 3256 Viramed® products range from ViraStripe® immunoblots to new state
Technicolor Precision BioDevices provides world-class rapid of the art ViraChip® microarrays for multiplex antibody detection.
prototyping and scalable manufacturing services of precision For infectious disease serology ViraChip® parameters include SARS-
injection-molded microfluidic consumables to the life science CoV-2, CMV, HEV, EBV, Parvovirus, Zika, Dengue, Chikungunya,
industries. As specialists in molding micro-, nano- arrays, optical Borrelia, Helicobacter, Yersinia, Bordetella, Treponema, and for
flow cells, droplet generators for single cell analysis, molecular autoimmune disorders ANA, ENA and Liver profiles. ViraChip®
diagnostics, Point-of-Care and genomics applications, Technicolor automation comprises instruments, software and interface to LIS.
creates customized solutions fitting your requirements for materials,
optics, cost, quality and performance.

114 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Virant Diagnostics Vitassay Healthcare Corp.

Booth: 5235 Booth: 1452
Discover the forefront of diagnostic excellence with Virant Vitassay Healthcare, S.L.U. develops and distributes reliable and
Diagnostics—an innovative clinical and research laboratory certified solutions for the early detection of different pathogens
accredited by CLIA and CAP. By providing a wide spectrum of which cause infectious diseases in humans. Our greatest asset
unique Laboratory Developed Tests, we go beyond the conventional is to offer a complete service for every customer to exceed their
offerings of large commercial labs. Examples include Basophil expectations and provide sustainable value. We use all our technical
Activation Test by Flow Cytometry, the Bradykinin Assay by Mass and human resources to provide comprehensive advice across the
Spectrometry, and Genomic Analysis by NGS and dPCR. Our services international market, always under strict quality control and care
can be customized to meet the distinct needs of each client. in all our processes.

Vircell S.L. Vitestro

Booth: 3049 Booth: 3971
VivaChek Biotech (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.
Vircell is a leading biotechnology company developer of ready-to-use
kits for the diagnosis of infectious diseases with successful operations Booth: 264
in over 85 countries. Vircell, highly specialized in R&D and with close
to 400 references, offers complete diagnostics solutions by means
VivaChek Biotech has emerged as a reputable and swiftly expanding
of different techniques: ELISA, CLIA, IFA, Rapid Tests, Molecular
manufacturer of Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) products and Blood
Biology & unique in-house developments. The reliability of our kits is
Glucose Monitoring Systems. Since its establishment in 2013, the
the result of a strict quality control according to ISO standards. CE-
company has cultivated partnerships in over 160 countries worldwide.
marked products.
We are dedicated to delivering safe, effective and user-friendly
products to customers worldwide, enhancing healthcare accessibility
Visiun, Inc.
and outcomes for all.
Booth: 4621 Volpi Group
Visiun is the leading provider of hospital laboratory analytics to Booth: 2040
the laboratory industry. Visiun’s core product provides laboratory
management with in-depth laboratory analytics to help teams
Volpi develops, industrializes and manufactures optoelectronic
monitor key service commitments to improve workflow, quality,
module solutions for in vitro diagnostics and life science research
and financial performance. Compatible with every LIS on the
(fluorescence, reflectometry, chemiluminescence, calorimetry,
market, Performance Insight provides reporting on areas including
spectroscopy). Applications include modules for PCR, next-
turnaround time, test utilization, QC, productivity/workflow, blood
generation sequencing, immunoassay systems and clinical chemistry
product utilization, AP, and more.
analyzers. Based in the USA and Switzerland, certified ISO 13485,
Volpi provides comprehensive systems engineering combined with
lean manufacturing throughout the product life cycle.
Booth: 3641 Wallonia Export-Investment Agency
VitalScientific is an established global Clinical Chemistry Booth: 527
manufacturer and distributor with over 60 years of expertise in clinical
laboratory instrumentation and reagents for In-Vitro Diagnostic
The Wallonia Export & Investment Agency is in charge of foreign
(IVD) applications. We deliver high-quality, cost-efficient benchtop
trade promotion and foreign investment attraction. On the one hand,
solutions, benefiting healthcare providers and patients worldwide.
we provide Wallonia-based companies with a wide range of export-
Our Selectra systems have performance and quality designed into
oriented services; on the other hand, we act as the one-stop shop for
the complete system: analyzers, reagents, calibrators & controls, ISE,
foreign investors interested in investing in Wallonia Belgium.
service, and training.
We have a close relationship with the life sciences and health industry
ecosystem and the Health Clusters.


Watchmaker Genomics Werfen Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.

Booth: 4949 Booth: 1004
Watchmaker Genomics applies advanced enzymology to enable Werfen Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. founded in 2014, is a
breakthrough applications for the reading, writing, and editing of professional automate equipment builder for rapid diagnostic test
DNA and RNA. The company combines deep domain expertise kit’s production. Our founder is the former senior engineer who
in protein engineering with large-scale enzyme manufacturing to manage all the production instrument for world top rapid test
address high-growth genomics applications’ demanding quality, brand for over 15 years. With numerous experiences in customized
performance, and scale requirements. automation according to different technology and process
requirement, our equipment are capable to cover needs from
Waters Corporation small to super large scale production.
Booth: 3613
Booth: 4625
Waters Global Leader in Mass Spec Dx and & Broadest Clinical
LC-MS/MS Solutions. As a clinical diagnostic laboratory, quickly
providing the broadest range of tests with the best accuracy and Hemosure is recognized worldwide in immunological fecal occult
selectivity is key, but many challenges can stand in the way. Current blood testing, also known as iFOB or FIT testing. Colorectal Cancer,
laboratory techniques can suffer from cross-reactivity that may skew when discovered in the early stages, is the most preventable and
results, availability of reagent kits for new tests can be slow, and curable of all cancers. We at Hemosure are proud to manufacture and
sample preparation is often too manual. Waters unlocks the potential sell the fastest growing Immunological Fecal Occult Blood Test (FIT)
of science by helping clinical diagnostic labs provide better patient and have established its place as an industry leader.
care. Waters helps our customers enhance workflow efficiencies,
improve specificity of results, and implement new diagnostic tests Wiener lab
with LC-MS/MS solutions, so you can help provide accurate diagnosis Booth: 1842
and treatment without compromising compliance, flexibility, and
We are an IVD company, founded in 1960. Our main activity is the
Weqas development, production and marketing of diagnostics systems,
Booth: 104 including reagents, analyzers and software. Our mission is placing
research and technology at the service of health and contribute to the development of clinical laboratory through innovative and
Weqas is the largest PT provider in the UK, with more than highly reliable products. Our product lines includes reagents and
35,000 users, over 50 Programs and 50 years of experience in instruments for Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Hemostasis, ESR,
delivering Quality Assurance solutions. Our Laboratory Programs Immunology and Urinalysis.
are underpinned by traceable Reference Methods whilst our
bespoke POCT programs are customized to the needs of our POCT Wisesorbent Technology LLC
coordinators and users. Booth: 3255


Booth: 2813, 3316 After 18 years of dedication, Wisesorbent has become the expert
in desiccant industry. Our product ranges include desiccant sachet/ strip/capsule/canister/tablets/tube/fiber, and desiccant inserter,
A Specialized Diagnostics leader, Werfen delivers innovative powder packing machine and oxygen absorber. With constant
Hemostasis, Acute Care, Transfusion, Autoimmunity, Transplant and renovation, we launch the revolutionizing ALUMINUM DESICCANT
OEM solutions to Power Patient Care. Key products: ACL TOP® FILM & BLISTER FOIL in 2018, offer an advanced and efficient
Family 50 Series, HemosIL® assays, HemoHub®; GEM® Premier™ 5000, method of packaging to Pharma companies, and we’ll continue to
GEM Premier ChemSTAT®, GEM Hemochron™ 100, ROTEM® sigma, bring more excellent products to our customers in future!
VerifyNow™, GEMweb® Plus 500; Aptiva®, BIO-FLASH®, QUANTA-
Lyser®, QUANTA-Link®; Echo Lumena®, NEO Iris®; assays/biomaterial
for IVD industry.

116 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.


Wondfo USA Co., Ltd. XEMA Group

Booth: 4139 Booth: 3476
Wondfo USA is a branch of Wondfo Biotech Co., Ltd. located in the XEMA manufactures antigens, antibodies and immunoassays for
United States. Wondfo USA distributes rapid drug testing kits as medical and veterinary in vitro diagnostics: detection of tumor
well as other POCT products, which are manufactured by its parent markers, hormones, infections, pre-/neonatal screening, allergy and
company. Headquartered in Guangzhou, China, Wondfo is a globally food intolerance, humoral immunity, QC sera. In food, environment
recognized fast-growing POCT manufacturer specialized in R&D, and forensics we determine food constituents and contaminants -
manufacture, and sales of rapid diagnostic tests and related medical antibiotics, mycotoxins, adulteration marker, with special attention to
devices for in vitro diagnostics. Halal line (detection of pork and alcohol) and new tests for sanitary
control (rats, insects, fungi).
WSLH Proficiency Testing
Booth: 2822 Xiamen Biotime Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Booth: 4445

With WSLH Proficiency Testing, you get reliable, affordable, and
easy-to-use clinical proficiency testing products with rapid access to About Biotime Established in April 2008, Xiamen Biotime is a hi-tech
results. As part of a national public health lab and Big Ten university, enterprise that specialized in R&D, production, and sales of POCT
your lab is our mission. Serving labs like yours since 1966. Learn more in vitro diagnostic devices and reagents. Biotime has successfully
at: established the mature medical marketing channels during the
past years. With the leading technologies, Biotime aims to develop
Wuhan Andigensil Biotechnology Co., Ltd. superior IVD products that provide better solutions for health care
Booth: 139 and benefit people all over the world. Xi’an Tianlong Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

Wuhan andigensil Biotechnologu Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Wuhan Booth: 4822
Yuangu Biotechnology Co., Ltd., was founded in 2015. We specialize
in the development and production of biological raw materials for
IVD. We have self-owned animals breeding base, our core products Established in 1997, Tianlong has been a pioneering domestic
include mouse serum, mouse IgG, bovine IgG and BSA, we can also company in the research and development, as well as production,
supply other animals serum and IgG. We have got the certification of nucleic acid testing instruments and reagents. Tianlong’s products
of ISO 13485 in 2019 and registered in TRACES of the European have received over 70 approvals from the China NMPA and more
Commissions. than 120 international certifications and approvals from various
countries including the European Union, the United States, and South
Wuhan YLK Technology Co., Ltd. Korea. Their products have been successfully marketed in over 100
Booth: 668 countries and regions worldwide. Yangzhou Medline Industry Co., Ltd.

We are manufacturer of Compressor, Vacuum and Liquid Pumps. Booth: 4856
We are your sincere technical partner! From diagnosis to treatment
YLKTECH gas and liquid pumps. Please Access Our Gas and Liquid
Yashraj Biotechnology Limited
Wuxi BioHermes Bio & Medical Technology Co., Inc. Booth: 219
Booth: 4106 Yashraj Biotechnology is an ISO 13485:2016 certified company.
BioHermes is a high-tech IVD enterprise, founded by a group a Since 1999, we are engaged in manufacturing of Native antigen,
scientists trained in the U.S. The history can trace back to year Recombinant antigens & Mabs. We serve our high-quality purified
2006 and the significant moment came in 2013 when we acquired antigens to the worldwide, leading diagnostic companies.
the innovative HbA1c testing technology from U.S. based Scripps
Laboratories, which eventually enabled us to further develop our
current major products. BioHermes changes the way to perform an
HbA1c test, making it possible for users to monitor HbA1c more
frequently at almost any site with much reduced cost.


Yaskawa America/Motoman Robotics Division ZENITH LAB (JIANGSU) CO., Ltd.

Booth: 1239 Booth: 1653
Yaskawa serves the high throughput and commercial diagnostic
and genetic lab market with robust, automated solutions for pre- ZeptoMetrix LLC
and post-analytic specimen processing, including fully-connected, Booth: 2454
end-to-end processing solutions. Standalone workcells provide
“task-targeted” process automation, while connected systems with
a specimen transport conveyor process each specimen as needed ZeptoMetrix®, an Antylia Scientific company, is your end-to-end
to complete the full pre-analytic sequence. Yaskawa also offers diagnostic assay partner in the design, development, and delivery of
engineering and development for unique needs. innovative solutions for the Infectious Disease and Oncology markets.
Our expertise and abilities in microbiology, including molecular
YD Diagnostics Corp. controls, immunoassay solutions, and microorganisms have set the
industry standard for quality and reliability and make ZeptoMetrix the
Booth: 1950
most trusted brand for independent third-party quality controls.
YD Diagnostics a global diagnostic leader in developing, Zeta Corporation
manufacturing and distributing innovative diagnostics products in Booth: 3550
areas of molecular diagnostics, Liquid based cytology and clinical
chemistry. EASYPREP is fully automated liquid based cytology
processor preparing up to 64 slides at once. Uriscan is clinically Zeta Corporation is the leading company in the development and
proven quality urinalysis system. For monitoring and optimizing all manufacture of the equipment for the production of diagnostic
processes, we maintain a quality management system certified in test strips and devices. We have supplied our equipment to many
accordance with ISO13485 & 9001 & GMP. of manufactures for diagnostic test strips and devices world-
wide, helping them to increase the productivity and decrease the
Yourgene Health production cost with our automated and customized equipment
and with our state-of the-art technology.
Booth: 1960 Zhejiang Aicor Medical Technology Co.
Yourgene primarily develops, manufactures, and commercialises Booth: 3457
simple and accurate molecular diagnostic solutions, for reproductive
health, precision medicine and infectious diseases. The Group’s
flagship in vitro diagnostic products include non-invasive prenatal Zhejiang Aicor Medical Technology Co., Ltd. located in the east
tests (NIPT) for Down’s Syndrome and other genetic disorders, Cystic Coast of China, Land of Moulds -- Taizhou, Zhejiang, is Modern
Fibrosis screening tests, invasive rapid aneuploidy tests and Enterprise which specialized in developing, manufacturing and
DPYD genotyping. marketing of disposable Medical & Lab, Surgery plastic consumables.
Our main products are: Cuvettes, Sample Cup, Centrifuge Tube,
YouSeq Freezing Tube, Petri Dish, Culture Plate, Pipette Tip, etc. In addition
to providing regular products, we also offer customized products
Booth: 4656
according to customer requirements.
Zhejiang Biorear Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Zaxis, Inc. Booth: 1156
Booth: 961
Zaxis has over twenty years of manufacturing experience to design
precision dispensing and metering pump equipment . The patented
eVmP is used in various industries, and in the most demanding
applications; food, bio-process, medical, and pharma. The eVmP @myADLM on Instagram and use
allows for dynamic adjustment of both pump stroke volume and #ADLM2024 to join the conversation.
stroke speed, as well as including the latests in industrial PLC
communication. The eVmP pumps utilize ceramic internals, and has
no valves, and offered in stepper and servo models.

118 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.

Zhejiang Gongdong Medical Technology Zinexts Life Science Corporation
Booth: 208 Booth: 235
Zhejiang Gongdong Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading Zinexts Life Science Corp. is a leading biotechnology company in
manufacturer for medical disposables and lab consumables since designing, developing and manufacturing a wide array of reliable,
1985, such as blood collection tubes,sharps container, vaginal user-friendly, and cost-effective molecular biology laboratory
speculum, petri dish , specimen container, tip and pipette, test solutions for clinical diagnosis, life sciences, and research. We thrive
tube and tube rack, cuvette and sample cup. We have more than on innovation and integration in molecular diagnostics solutions
600 types of products and most of them are FDA,CE and ISO13485 while maintaining high quality and reliability in our products
approved. In the year 2013 we set up another new production and services.
factory, now we have production area about 60000M2 and 1000
employees ZiP Diagnostics
Booth: 2286
Zhejiang Renon Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.
Booth: 4655
ZiP Diagnostics is an Australian manufacturer of point-of-care
Zhejiang Renon Medical Equipment Co., Ltd was founded in 2007, diagnostics for human and animal infectious diseases. We provide
located in Hangzhou City, near Shanghai. We are specialized in high-quality diagnostics in decentralised healthcare settings
manufacturing laboratory disposable products and instruments. Our to enable rapid clinical decision-making and to reduce costs in
main products are: Pipette Tips, Test tubes, Centrifuge Tubes, Petri healthcare. Our test platforms comprise of integrated cartridges and
dishes, Swabs, Specimen Containers, Boxes and Racks. In order to instruments for nucleic acid amplification and multiplexed lateral
follow the market trends and seek a far-reaching development, we flow arrays. Our platforms are highly portable and can be used by
got ISO13485, and export to many countries and regions, such as minimally-trained users.
America, Brazil, Italy, Egypt, Algeria, Spain.
Zybio Inc.
Zhejiang Runlab Technology Co., Ltd.
Booth: 4617
Booth: 1859
Zhongke Meiling Cryogenics Company Limited Zybio Inc. is a high-tech enterprise specialized in R&D, manufacture,
sales and technical services of in vitro diagnostic reagents and
Booth: 5116
equipment. Since its establishment in 2008, Zybio has more than
3,300 employees worldwide, of which R&D and technical service
Zhuhai Biori Biotechnology Co., Ltd. personnel account for nearly half. The company’s main product
Booth: 4255 covers biochemistry, molecular diagnosis, microbiology products
and raw materials. Until now, our products have been sold to nearly
100 countries, covering five continents.
Founded in 2012, Biori have been specializing in the core raw
materials of nucleic acid diagnostic reagents for 10 years and have Zymo Research Corp
cooperation with more than 300 companies in China. Almost 20%
of Covid-19 nucleic acid testing raw materials in China come from Booth: 3475
us. Now we have series of mature products such as Hot-start Taq,
MMLV, LAMP premix, direct premix without pre-extraction, etc. Zymo Research is a globally established biotechnology company
And all products in lyophilized form are available. and industry leader in the fields of epigenetics, microbiomics and
the emerging Next-Gen Sequencing space. Even with the most
Zhuncebio technologically advanced products in the industry, everything is
Booth: 1926 driven by the fundamental belief that “the beauty of science is
to make things simple.”

As of May 14, 2024. Check the mobile app for updates.

103 KogeneBiotech Co., Ltd. 264 VivaChek Biotech (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. 521 GenomeWeb LLC
104 Weqas 314 Biotechrabbit 522 NUHIGH BIO
105 SpeeDx Pty Ltd 315 in.vent Diagnostica GmbH 525 DIAGAM S.A.
107 Luminate Health, Inc. 316 sifin diagnostics gmbh 527 Wallonia Export-Investment Agency
109 GATTACO Inc. 317 Cybertron 528 Coris Bioconcept
110 PhlebX Inc 318 BIOTYPE GMBH 529 D-tek
113 Chroma ATE Inc. 319 Biosynex Techologies 543 B&E Diagnostics Inc.
120 StarFish Medical 320 GA Generic Assays 545 Azenta Life Sciences
122 Gesan Production SRL 321 PolyAn GmbH 549 BYG4lab, Inc.
123 Dolphin Data Capture 322 Nephrolyx 552 Meizhou Cornley Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.
126 Rocky Mountain Biologicals 323 Attomol Molekulare Diagnostika 553 Aptitude
127 Aladdin Scientific Corporation 324 Central BioHub GmbH 555 Maxon
128 ALI Global Medical Group Limited 325 DLD-Diagnostika 556 ProGnosis Biotech S.A.
132 Biomiga, Inc. 326 Getein Biotech, Inc. 557 Ningbo HLS Medical Products Co., Ltd.
133 Hangzhou DALTON BioSciences, Ltd. 328 Landwind Medical 559 Sugentech, Inc.
135 HeavyBio, Inc. 335 Sartorius 561 Jet Life Sciences Co., Inc.
136 Rockland Immunochemicals, Inc 345 Dynamiker Biotechnology (Tianjin) 568 INOGENIX
Co., Ltd.
138 Auker Biotech Co., Ltd. 621 ELITechGroup
346 Beijing Strong Biotechnologies, Inc.
139 Wuhan Andigensil Biotechnology Co., Ltd 624 bioMerieux
350 DAS
140 Aquabot Inc 637 Lusis
351 Shenzhen Microprofit Biotech Co., Ltd.
141 Micropoint Biotechnologies Co., Ltd. 641 EDAN, INC.
356 InTec Products,Inc.
142 Shenzhen Increcare Biotech Co., Ltd. 644 Rychiger AG
359 Ningbo Trustlab Instruments Co., Ltd
144 Nanjing Poclight Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 645 HemoSonics, LLC
362 FlexMedical Solutions
145 New Life Biologics, LLC 646 Lumigenex
413 Sysmex America
146 Dier Biotech Co., Ltd. 649 Hangzhou Biotest Biotech Co., Ltd
421 OYC Americas, Inc.
149 Shenzhen Heto Medical Tech Co., Ltd. 652 Changzhou Wheeler Motor Co., Ltd
151 Sinosta Logistics Co., Ltd. 656 CML Biotech Ltd.
425 DIAsource ImmunoAssays SA
203 Hamilton Company 657 V2 Manufacturers
425 LACAR Mdx Technologies
208 Zhejiang Gongdong Medical Technology 659 Lepu Medical Technology (Beijing) Co.Ltd
427 Nano Flow
214 Med Water Systems 662 Linkfar Healthcare GmbH
428 Lambda-X High Tech SRL
216 Chronus Health, Inc. 664 Shanghai Sun Biotech Co., Ltd.
432 SNIBE Co. Ltd., (Shenzhen New Industries
217 Nugget Scientific 668 Wuhan YLK Technology Co., Ltd.
Biomedical Engineering Co. Ltd.)
218 Sagabio Technology Co., Ltd. 744 Optikos Corporation
437 Guangzhou Improve Medical Instruments
219 Yashraj Biotechnology Limited Co., Ltd. 746 SCHOTT MINIFAB
222 Shenzhen iFluid Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 440 Daan Gene Co., Ltd. 752 ALPS Alpine North America, Inc.
223 SENBT CO., LTD 443 DIALAB GmbH 753 Taizhou Kaimi Biotech Co., Ltd.
224 ELGA LabWater 444 Global Focus Marketing and Distribution 754 Levprot Bioscience, S.L.U.
226 Amolifescience Co., LTD 446 Suzhou CellPro Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 756 A2LA American Association for
227 Rapid Novor Inc. 447 AccuBioTech Co., Ltd.
759 Shenzhen Diasia Biomedical Technology
228 Nanjing Rebeads Biotech Co., Ltd. 449 Beijing Biowe Technology Co., Ltd Co., Ltd.
229 ABclonal Technology 450 Team Consulting 762 Shenzhen Dule Precision Manufacturing
232 HyTest 452 Nanobrick Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.
235 Zinexts Life Science Corporation 453 Halyard (Owens & Minor) 768 Shenzhen Sekbio Co., Ltd.
239 Medcaptain Medical Technology Co., Ltd 454 Akonni Biosystems 821 Streck
242 Autobio Diagnostics Co., Ltd. 459 Jiangsu Accuracy Technology Co., Ltd. 832 Globe Scientific Inc.
245 E-LAB Biological Science & 461 Instand e.V. 838 High Technology, Inc.
Technology Co., LTD 839 Mayoly
464 Micro BioMed USA Inc.
250 PiSA USA 841 Mechatronics Instruments B.V.
501 Siemens Healthineers

120 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.

843 DSM Pentapharm 1068 Shanghai Rendu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 1351 LSI Medience Corp. (PHC Corporation)
846 Genrui Biotech Inc. 1115 ARK Diagnostics, Inc. 1353 Genetic Tools, LLC
849 CorDx Inc. 1117 Reagen Inc. 1354 Perwin Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
852 Exonbio LLC. 1118 Aalto Scientific, Ltd. 1362 Shanghai Gene Era Bio-Science Co., Ltd.
853 Suzhou Chanshow Biotechnology 1147 IVEK Corporation 1364 Vazyme
Co., Ltd.
1150 Omega Bio-Tek 1368 Shanghai Q-Best Machinery Technology
856 Chongqing iSIA Bio-technology Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.
1152 Ascenth
859 Citotest Scientific Co., Ltd. 1413 Randox Laboratories
1153 Life Science Outsourcing, Inc.
860 Fluid-o-Tech International Inc. 1420 Advanced Instruments
1156 Zhejiang Biorear Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
862 Changchun Chenyu Jiakang 1424 DiaSorin Inc.
1159 Electronic Lab Logs
Biotechnology Co., Ltd
1432 Diagnostica Stago, Inc.
1162 Linxens
864 Shenzhen Lvshiyuan Biotechnology
1438 ALIFAX S.r.l.
Co., Ltd 1165 Sichuan Vacure Prelab Biotechnology
Co., Ltd. 1441 Arlington Scientific Inc.
868 Ustar Biotechnologies (Hangzhou) Ltd.
1168 Apto-Gen 1443 Ahlstrom Filtration LLC
932 Surmodics IVD
1201 Abbott 1446 DIESSE Diagnostica Senese S.p.A
934 Hangzhou Bioer Technology Co., Ltd.
1213 MilliporeSigma 1449 FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas
1216 Hologic
941 Plexus Corp.
1452 Vitassay Healthcare Corp.
1221 Revvity/EUROIMMUN AG
943 Parker Hannifin Corporation - Precision
1453 Bioeksen AR GE Teknolojileri A.Ş.
Fluidic Division 1226 VEDALAB
952 TTP plc 1228 Sight Diagnostics
1459 TE Connectivity
954 Alberta Centre for Advanced Diagnostics 1232 Haemonetics Corporation
1461 Accreditation Commission for Health Care
1462 Moeller Medical GmbH
961 Zaxis, Inc. 1239 Yaskawa America/ Motoman Robotics
Division 1463 Genetic Signatures
962 KB Medical Group Inc
1242 JSR Life Sciences 1465 Mawi DNA Technologies
968 HMD Biomedical Inc.
1244 Guang Dong JetKeen Biotechnology 1468 DENSO Health
1004 Werfen Automation Equipment Co., Ltd
Co., Ltd.
1005 BioIVT
1245 Absolute Biotech
1541 Awareness Technology, Inc.
1007 Kementec Solutions Inc.
1246 Evergreen / Caplugs
1543 Scantibodies Laboratory Inc.
1008 PolyMicrospheres
1249 G&H | ITL
1552 Precision Converting Solutions, LLC
1010 Nikon Instruments Inc.
1251 Hangzhou Safecare Biotech Co., Ltd.
1554 Cangzhou Shengfeng Plastic Product,
1011 ALCOR Scientific LLC
1252 Gore & Associates Co., Ltd.
1015 Associates of Cape Cod, Inc.
1253 Nantong Egens Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 1555 Tianjin Geneally Biotechnology Co.Ltd.
1017 Eurotrol, Inc.
1256 SENTINEL CH. SpA 1556 Qingdao Hightop Biotech Co., Ltd.
1021 Colorcon
1257 Palladium Diagnostics LLC 1559 KSL Biomedical
1022 Jiangsu Maik Medical Apparatus Co., Ltd.
1259 Neurocode Inc 1561 Autonomous Medical Devices
1027 The Lee Company Incorporated
1261 Labtest Diagnóstica
1032 Fujirebio 1563 Madison Company
1262 Beijing Diagreat Biotechnology Co., Ltd
1035 CellaVision AB 1564 IPA (ImmunoPrecise Antibodies)
1263 Silgan Unicep
1039 Acon Laboratories, Inc. 1565 LaunchWorks
1264 SMOBIO Technology, Inc.
1042 Maccura Biotechnology 1568 Gerresheimer Peachtree City
1265 Appolon Bioteck
1047 OnsiteGene, Inc. 1570 CoolSmart Medical Logistics, Inc.
1268 Elargir Int'l Trading Co., Ltd.
1050 GenBody Inc 1620 TELCOR
1326 Moss, Inc.
1052 Gene Tech ENTS, Ltd. 1638 LRE Medical GmbH
1332 LEX Diagnostics Ltd
1053 Hangzhou Clongene Biotech Co., Ltd. 1642 Acro Biotech Inc.
1342 Proliant Health and Biologicals
1056 Quaero Life Science Co., Ltd. 1646 CerTest Biotec, S.L.
1344 Techno Medica Co. Ltd.
1345 Genuine Biosystem Pvt Ltd
1062 UMTR Co., Ltd. 1652 CoaguSense
1346 Teco Diagnostics
1065 Tianjin MNCHIP Technologies Co., Ltd 1653 Zenith Lab (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.
1349 Indigo BioAutomation

1655 Biosynex 1923 Michigan Diagnostics, LLC 2164 Kangjian Medical
1658 Boditech Med, Inc. 1926 Zhuncebio 2168 Healgen Scientific LLC
1661 Viavi Solutions Inc. 1928 Creative Biosciences (North America) Inc. 2175 Shenzhen ZiJian Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
1663 Beacon MedTech Solutions 1936 New England Small Tube 2213 Thermo Fisher Scientific
1664 Igenesis (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 1942 Immuno Concepts 2232 BD Integrated Diagnostic Systems
1665 Bio Molecular Systems 1944 Data Innovations LLC 2238 Helena Laboratories Corporation
1668 Spright 1950 YD Diagnostics Corp. 2242 BBI Solutions
1679 Air Sea USA 1956 Axxin 2245 Inpeco S.A.
1682 Sol-Millennium Medical Inc. 1958 Sclavo Diagnostics International S.p.A. 2257 SSI Diagnostica
1742 Polymedco, Inc. 1959 BioSistemika 2260 LifeSign/PBM
1752 Pacific Die Cut Industries/PDCI Medical 1960 Yourgene Health 2263 SJK Global LLC
1761 Citizen Care Health 1962 Ningbo ProWay Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. 2264 MDI Membrane Technologies, Inc.
1763 BizLink Elocab Ltd 1972 Qoolabs, Inc. 2272 Argonaut Manufacturing Services
1764 Ant Medical Company 1974 Fabletics Scrubs 2274 Hangzhou Medconn Diagnostics
Technology Co., Ltd.
1772 Hangzhou Genesis Biodetection & 1976 Sterile Safequip USA LLC
Biocontrol Co., Ltd. 2275 Novanta
1986 Intelligenome
1785 SFC Co., Ltd. 2278 Miraclean Technology Co., Ltd.
1987 Tolo Biotech Co., Ltd.
1803 Diazyme Laboratories, Inc. 2280 International Federation of Clinical
2003 Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
1809 Sekisui Diagnostics LLC
2013 Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc. (IFCC)
1815 Fapon Biotech Inc.
2014 Cone Bioproducts 2283 Poly-Dtech
1819 QuidelOrtho
2016 COLA 2285 MP Biomedicals, LLC
1823 ICL
2017 Calzyme Laboratories, Inc. 2286 ZiP Diagnostics
1826 Owen Mumford
2023 Greiner Bio-One North America, Inc. 2319 Bio-Rad Laboratories
1828 Chromsystems Instruments &
2027 HORIBA Medical 2354 Opticon, Inc.
Chemicals GmbH
2036 Neogen 2355 NAMSA
1832 Nova Biomedical Corporation
2037 BioAssay Works, LLC 2363 MDSS GmbH
1836 Key Tech
2039 IVD Technologies 2364 ImmunoReagents, Inc.
1839 Immundiagnostik AG
2040 Volpi Group 2372 Akuratemp LLC
1842 Wiener Lab.
2042 EKF Diagnostics Inc. 2385 Torvan Medical Inc.
1844 MK Fluidic Systems
2046 Cognex 2387 Ningbo HEALTH Gene Technologies Ltd.
1846 Helmer Scientific
2047 Envigo Bioproducts, Inc. 2427 College of American Pathologists
1850 National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) 2049 AusDiagnostics USA, Inc. 2438 Grifols
1853 Shenzhen Dymind Biotechnology Co., Ltd 2049 R-Biopharm AG 2442 Seegene, Inc.
1856 Plastic Design Company 2054 Nittobo 2449 Sebia
1857 Labquality 2057 Avantor 2454 ZeptoMetrix LLC
1858 Omnica Corporation 2060 Delta ModTech 2457 SCC Soft Computer
1859 Zhejiang Runlab Technology Co., Ltd. 2062 Com-Pac International, Inc. 2460 Gold Standard Diagnostics
1860 BioParkDx Inc. 2063 Princeton Separations Scientific LLC 2464 Burkert Fluid Control Systems
1862 iProcess Global Research, Inc. 2064 Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories 2468 DCN Diagnostics, Inc.
1864 Fortis Life Sciences 2072 BIOBASE CHINA 2471 Golden West Biologicals, Inc.
1868 URIT Medical Electronic Co., Ltd. 2076 Clinsis LLC 2474 Applied Biocode, Inc.
1872 GenScript USA Inc. 2085 Qingdao Raisecare Biotechnology 2477 Access Bio, Inc.
1874 Shanghai Jiening Biotech Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. 2801 Tetracore
1875 Create Biosciences 2160 LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc. 2803 Beckman Coulter, Inc.
1876 Simport Scientific, Inc. 2162 Centers for Disease Control and 2813 Werfen
Prevention – Division of Laboratory
1879 ADLM (formerly AACC) Systems 2822 WSLH Proficiency Testing
1886 New England Biolabs 2163 GeneTex, Inc. 2840 SMC Corporation of America

122 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.

2845 LGC Clinical Diagnostics 3252 InBios International, Inc. 3522 McShane Welding
2849 Lampire Biological Laboratories, Inc. 3255 Wisesorbent Technology LLC 3539 Hochuen International Corp
2852 ALPCO 3256 Vantiva Precision BioDevices 3544 IVD Research, Inc.
2855 NTL Biotech 3257 BioTouch 3550 Zeta Corporation
2876 AVE Science & Technology Co., Ltd. 3276 Aikang MedTech Co., Ltd. 3552 Rapigen Inc.
2879 Co-Diagnostics, Inc. (Co-Dx) 3277 Boca Biolistics, LLC 3555 Megarobo Technologies USA, INC
2901 Spherotech, Inc. 3287 MedSpeed 3557 Retractable Technologies, Inc.
2922 Cangzhou Xingyuan Plastic Products 3301 Medix Biochemica 3558 Pel-Freez Biologicals
Co., Ltd.
3313 LasX/MicroMed Solutions 3562 medlabdia AG
3001 Fluid Metering, Inc.
3314 SA Scientific Ltd. 3568 Oyster Bay Pump Works, Inc
3316 Werfen 3570 SML Genetree Co., Ltd
3040 Genolution
3319 Microbix Biosystems Inc. 3575 CHROMagar
3049 Vircell S.L.
3320 Envoke 3576 Panion & BF Biotech Inc.
3051 Chemelex, S.A.
3322 Tsubaki Nakashima 3577 Cloud-Clone Corp.
3052 Blackhills Diagnostic Resources,
3346 Future Diagnostics Solutions B.V. 3602 Leinco Technologies
3347 Foshan Yuyang Medical Instrument 3603 Kinbio Tech. Co., Ltd
3053 Linear Chemicals, S.L.U.
Co., Ltd.
3613 Waters Corporation
3055 Planet Innovation Pty Ltd.
3352 Mayo Clinic Laboratories
3076 Cleveland Diagnostics
3353 PathoFinder B.V. / PathoNostics B.V.
3622 Kryptos Biotechnologies
3077 LabWare, Inc.
3355 Taiwan Advanced Nanotech Inc.
3078 HS Medical Technology Co, Ltd.
3356 Rayto Life & Analytical Sciences Co, Ltd
3628 AUDIT MicroControls, Inc.
3080 Crescent Industries
3358 EzDiatech, Inc.
3632 Invetech
3082 CrelioHealth Inc.
3402 SCIEX
3635 Trina Bioreactives AG
3085 Sunostik Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
3405 Orchard Software Corporation
3638 Medical Research Networx
3087 BSD Robotics
3640 Medical Electronic Systems, LLC
3101 UCLA Health
3414 Athens Research and Technology, Inc.
3641 VitalScientific
3122 ICA Corporation
3419 Diamond Diagnostics
3642 MedicalLab Management Magazine
3144 CorDx Inc.
3422 Galactics Laboratory Supplies
3643 Alfa Scientific Designs, Inc.
3146 American Proficiency Institute
3439 NOF Corporation
3646 SDIX, LLC
3149 iLine Microsystems SL
3441 Puritan Medical Products
3649 Precision for Medicine
3150 Rekom Biotech S.L.
3444 microfluidic ChipShop GmbH
3654 Credo Diagnostics Biomedical Pte., Ltd.
3151 Blueberry Diagnostics SL
3446 FluxErgy
3657 Veranex
3152 Laboratorios Condalab S.A.
3450 Enplas
3660 Jiangsu Caina Medical Co., Ltd.
3153 OPERON S.A.
3452 Cnpair Biotech Co. Ltd
3664 Menarini Silicon Biosystems
3155 Kurin, Inc.
3455 ImmunoChemistry Technologies
3668 Guangdong World Precision Technology
3156 Changchun Medicside Technology
3456 Calbiotech, Inc. Co., Ltd.
Co., Ltd
3457 Zhejiang Aicor Medical Technology Co. 3671 Suzhou Vdo Biotech Co., Ltd.
3157 Biofortuna
3458 SNT Biotech 3722 Norma Instruments Zrt.
3176 ElevateQC (division of Awesome
Numbers, Inc.) 3459 TubeWriter 3738 DiaSys Diagnostic Systems GmbH
3178 MIN-JIER FIRM TAIWAN 3462 Seamaty Diagnostic Co., Ltd. 3740 P4Q HEALTH
3185 Biosafe Solutions 3464 Tellgen Corporation 3742 ARX Sciences, Inc.
3186 SPT Labtech Ltd. 3468 CLSI 3743 Hettich Instruments
3201 Gentian USA Inc 3470 OPTIMA Machinery Corporation (WI) 3771 Bronkhorst USA
3222 Aiiboom (ShenZhen) Advanced 3475 Zymo Research Corp 3772 Nanodigmbio (Nanjing) Biotechnology
Technology Co., Ltd. Co., LTD
3476 XEMA Group
3240 Toyobo/Spinreact 3801 Tosoh Bioscience
3502 CompuGroup Medical
3244 Chengdu Illumaxbio Technology Co., LTD 3806 Dirui Industrial Co., LTD
3514 Nanophage Technology
3249 Medix Biochemica 3810 Tecan Trading AG
3516 Meridian Bioscience, Inc.

3818 Anbio Biotechnology 4139 Wondfo USA Co., Ltd. 4432 Ascential Medical & Life Sciences
3832 Radiometer 4149 Precision System Science 4435 Response Biomedical
3836 UTAK Laboratories, Inc. 4152 Biological Dynamics, Inc. 4437 SMC Biosolutions
3839 Brooks Automation 4161 Guangdong Hecin Scientific, Inc. 4439 Bioneer Inc.
3843 Currier Plastics, Inc. 4162 BioPathogenix 4443 ALine, Inc.
3846 axiVEND 4164 TRIGA-S GmbH 4447 MT Promedt Consulting GmbH
3849 Bangs Laboratories, Inc. 4165 RKT Rodinger Kunstsoff-Technik GmbH 4449 Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd
3852 Agappe Diagnostics Switzerland GmbH 4204 Gener8 4452 IMPAK Corporation
3855 A&T Corporation 4232 AESKU.GROUP GmbH 4457 UCP Biosciences Inc.
3858 Liuyang SANLI Medical Technology 4236 Jinhua Noke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 4458 Corvalent Corporation
Development Co., Ltd.
4243 Lifotronic Technology Co., Ltd. 4459 Bruker
3859 Kawasumi Laboratories America, Inc.
4246 APTEC Diagnostics NV 4460 Shaoxing Shangyu Mingji Plastic Co., Ltd.
3860 Entegrion, Inc.
4247 Rees Scientific Corp 4462 Eurospital S.p.A.
3862 Grifols Bio Supplies
4250 Amos Scientific Pty, Ltd. 4463 Drummond Scientific Co.
3868 Cytiva
4252 Equitech-Bio, Inc. 4465 HICOMP Microtech
3870 Hydrix
4255 Zhuhai Biori Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 4468 ABSOLOGY Co., Ltd.
3936 Arcmed
4256 Kelliop 4505 Euromed Biotech Hk Limited
3943 Lumos Diagnostics
4258 NAYO Biotechnology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 4508 ASP Lab Automation AG
3949 Polysciences, Inc.
4264 thinXXS Microtechnology GmbH 4510 IBL-America
3959 GenSure
4265 Accumen 4517 Biomex GmbH
3961 Q-Linea Inc.
4268 AEHEALTH LIMITED 4518 LW Scientific
3963 Taizhou Honod Medical Co., Ltd.
4269 Genesis Quantum Inc. 4521 Progressive Media International
3964 Sapio Sciences
4317 Shenzhen YHLO Biotech Co., Ltd. 4522 DGP Intelsius
3965 Integrated Graphene
4321 Genabio Diagnostics 4523 Clinical Lab Products
3968 Microbiologics
4326 Bio-Techne 4524 Gulf Coast Scientific, Inc.
3970 LABiTec GmbH
4336 M.A. Industries, Inc. 4526 Icosagen
3971 Vitestro
4346 Protia Inc 4535 UNICO/United Products & Instruments
4036 CLTech Corp.
4347 Valumax International 4537 Artron BioResearch Inc
4043 BioDot, Inc.
4350 LaMeditech Co., Ltd. 4543 Eiger Diagnostics Inc.
4046 Scopio Labs
4351 Techcyte 4544 Pushkang Biotechnology
4049 Liferiver Bio-Tech Corp.
4352 PHASE Scientific Americas 4546 Guangzhou Decheng Biotechnology
4052 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Co., Ltd.
4353 Fujimori Kogyo Co., Ltd. (ZACROS)
4547 Eagle Biosciences, Inc.
4355 FlashDx Inc.
4053 Viramed Biotech AG
4549 Absea Biotechnology Ltd.
4356 Hzymes Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
4055 AliveDx
4550 Shenzhen MandeLab Co., Ltd.
4362 PixCell Medical
4552 ASKION GmbH
4364 BIOSHARE Solutions
4061 Today’s Clinical Lab
4555 Molecular Lab Partners LLC
4365 Novoprotein Scientific Inc.
4062 Resonetics
4556 Navitar, Inc.
4368 Biomeme
4064 Harro Höfliger Verpackungsmaschinen
4557 InBio
GmbH 4405 ANAVASI Diagnostics
4558 Global Access Diagnostics
4065 Hahn-Schickard 4408 Diamond Technologies Inc.
4559 ReLIA Bioengineering (Jiangsu), Inc
4068 Keyu Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. 4409 BUHLMANN Diagnostics
4560 Suzhou Wongeny Precision Medical
4071 OSANG LLC 4413 Copan Diagnostics, Inc.
Technology Co., Ltd.
4102 Iwaki America Inc. 4421 MEDICA 2024/Messe Duesseldorf
4562 Abnova Corporation
North America
4103 First Business Bank
4565 SilcoTek
4422 Medical Laboratory Observer
4105 ingeDx Technologies Co., Ltd.
4568 Co-Innovation Biotech Co., Ltd.
4423 LabMedica International
4106 Wuxi BioHermes Bio & Medical
4569 Nal Von Minden GmbH
Technology Co., Inc. 4424 Pro-Lab Diagnostics
4606 SigTuple
4109 IDS Co, LTD 4426 BiosPacific

124 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.

4609 Diagnostics Biochem Canada Inc. 4822 Xi'an Tianlong Science and Technology 5116 Zhongke Meiling Cryogenics Company
Co., Ltd. Limited
4613 Asahi Kasei Corporation
4838 Sepmag Systems 5119 Starplex Scientific
4615 Liofilchem
4839 Hycult Biotech Inc 5120 RWD Life Science Co., Ltd.
4617 Zybio Inc.
4840 Illumina 5123 Super Brush LLC
4621 Labcorp
4841 Coyote Bioscience 5125 PLUGS / Seattle Children’s
4621 MEDTOX Diagnostics, Inc.
4843 Plitek 5132 Chrono-log Corporation
4621 Visiun, Inc.
4844 Catachem 5137 Ansh Labs, LLC
4625 WHPM/Hemosure
4846 Hycor Biomedical LLC 5139 HiLab
4628 Scripps Laboratories
4849 DiaCarta 5140 ABIMO
4632 ASC
4850 Camozzi Automation 5141 Bioclin Diagnóstica
4635 Ferrotec
4851 Evik Diagnostic Innovations, Inc. 5143 Hunan Celis Biotech Co., Limited
4637 Noul Co., Ltd.
4852 Easemedtrend Biotech (Shanghai) 5147 Comar
4639 Fepod Oy, Ltd.
Co., Ltd.
5211 LDN GmbH
4640 AB Medical, Inc.
5213 Genes 2Me Private Limited
4643 Hangzhou AllTest Biotech Co., Ltd.
4856 Yangzhou Medline Industry Co., Ltd.
5216 Guangdong Hybribio Biotech
4646 Joinstar Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.
4858 EMPECS Medical Device Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.
4649 NanoHelix Co., Ltd.
4907 Jiangsu Hanheng Medical Technology 5219 NOWDiagnostics
4652 Porex Life Sciences Institute Co., Ltd.
5221 TrueMed LIMS
4655 Zhejiang Renon Medical Equipment 4913 MetaSystems Group, Inc.
Co., Ltd. 5226 Inflammatix
4916 Shenzhen Boomingshing Medical Device
4656 YouSeq Co., Ltd. 5227 Detect, Inc.

4658 MCRA, LLC 4919 Promega Corporation 5228 Spectrum Solutions

4662 Jiangsu Medomics Medical Technology 4939 ASCP Board of Certification 5232 Plasma Services Group
Co., Ltd. 5234 MedBio Reference Laboratories, Inc
4940 Flexcraft
4664 DEMGY 5235 Virant Diagnostics
4943 Haimen Rotest Labware Manufacturing
4668 Shanxi Ruiyali Technology Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. 5237 ICON plc
4713 numares GROUP Corporation 4944 Filtrous Corp. 5239 Eaglenos Sciences, Inc.
4715 Enjet Inc. 4945 MedPhab 5241 deepull Diagnostics
4728 Eastern Business Forms Inc 4946 Hangzhou Allsheng Instruments Co., Ltd. 5247 KNF Neuberger Inc.
4729 Hangzhou Lifereal Biotechnology Co., 4949 Watchmaker Genomics 5249 tst biomedical electronics Co, Ltd.
4953 AB ANALITICA SRL 5265 SensoScientific, Inc.
4732 PCR Biosystems Inc.
4956 Reach Diagnostic (Wuhan) Biotech Co, Ltd 5311 BioPorto Diagnostics
4733 KMC Systems
5010 BioCheck, Inc. 5319 Leister Technologies LLC
4735 LabTurbo Biotech LLC
5016 NuAire 5324 Pycube Inc
4737 Integrated Computer Solutions
5019 Hardy Diagnostics 5326 UCSF Health
4738 Modulight, Inc.
5021 CELLTREAT Scientific Products 5327 Instanosis Inc.
4739 Beaufort CRO
5023 Kirgen 5329 Epredia
4741 Dagatronics Corporation
5039 DiaPharma Group, Inc. 5332 BiOptic Inc.
4746 MGS Mfg. Group, Inc.
5040 Qingdao NovelBeam Technology 5335 Aniara Diagnostica
4749 Seyonic SA Co., Ltd.
5337 Oxford University Press
4750 Nanjing RealMind Biotech Co., Ltd. 5043 OMNIPrint, Inc.
5339 Aviva Systems Biology Corporation
4755 BioSci Inc. 5044 Titan Biotech, Ltd.
5341 Labcon
4756 Hunan Michael Laboratory Instrument 5046 Boston Easy Biotech, Inc
Co., Ltd. 5343 Burst Diagnostics
5053 Promex Industries
4762 Innoterix Labs 5349 Boston BioProducts
5055 MassSpec Medical
4765 Transcat
5107 BIOWAY Biological Technology CO., Ltd.
4807 Bioperfectus
5109 Analyticon Biotechnologies GmbH
4813 Auer Medical
5110 77 Elektronika Ltd.
4816 MeMed
5114 General Water Technologies
4819 Cytovale


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128 Follow @myADLM on Instagram #ADLM2024.

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