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BEED 12 MODULE 3 (Answer)

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Name: Bajo, Geraldine P.

Section: A
Time: TTH 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.


1. How do we prepare our students/pupils to be productive digital citizens?

As a teacher, the things that we should do in preparing the pupils to be

productive digital citizens is to make them understand the role of technology in people’s
lives and teach them how to properly use it. I know that most of the kids nowadays are
born in times where in technology is like the life source of human so it is not shocking
that at an early age they would know how to navigate their way in the internet. In that
case, since the pupils are already exposed to the internet world, all the teacher could do
is to guide the pupils and let them explore but with limits since the internet is not a world
for pupils nor a friendly environment. They should be guided in terms of posting things
online and what to watch. Technology or the internet may be helpful to the students but it
could also be a bad influence and the assistance a teacher could give would be very
useful. Pupils should always be reminded of the quote, “Think before you click,” as it will
clearly remind them to not be careless on the things they would share on the internet.

2. Before implementing the project-based learning in the classroom, why is it that teachers
should look at things first from the student’s point of view?

Teachers should look at things first through the students’ point of view for them to
question or testify if that kind of learning style is really effective and advantageous on the
learners’ side. Since the students are the actual persons who will experience project-
based learning then by putting themselves in a students’ disposition, teachers would
know how to assist the students and properly guide them, and what help would they
need once they engage in project-based learning.

3. What are the similarities and differences of project-based learning and problem-based

The similarities of project-based and problem-based learning is that both allow

students to utilize classroom resources and technology, help students gain critical
thinking, require students to be motivated and self-directed, and the classroom is
facilitated by a teacher. (

The difference of project-based and problem-based learning is problem-based

learning originated in the 1960s and is student-centred teaching pedagogy. Students
learn about a topic through the solving of problems and generally work in groups to solve
a problem where there may not necessarily by any one correct answer. Project-based
learning, meanwhile, is an instructional approach where students learn by investigating a
complex question, problem or challenge. It promotes active learning, engages students,
and allows for higher order thinking (Savery, 2006). Students are tasked with exploring
real-world problems and finding answers via the completion of their project. Students
also have some control over the project they are working on, particularly in terms of how
the project will finish and the end product. When students complete a problem-based
learning task, they often share the outcomes with their teacher and learning goals and
outcomes are set jointly. With project-based learning, goals are set from the beginning
and it is also quite structured in its teaching. One big difference is that project-based
learning is typically multi-disciplinary – meaning it utilizes skills and knowledge from a
variety of subjects. Problem based learning is more likely to be a single subject, and
shorter too. Finally, project-based learning follows general steps while a problem-based
learning activity follows specific steps to complete.

4. How is copyright different from plagiarism?

Copyright is different from plagiarism in a way that copyright is legal while

plagiarism is not and is likely compared to stealing. Copyright is a means of protecting
someone’s piece or work like books, poems, artworks and many more. It is giving credit
or acknowledging the owner of a work piece. Plagiarism, on the other hand, using the
other persons’ ideas and thoughts without crediting the source. In which it is illegal by
law as it equate to stealing.

5. Cite three reasons why project-based learning is beneficial to the students.

The 3 reasons why project-based learning is beneficial to the students are the
following. First, project-based learning helps students gain self-confidence as they are
typically required to use their voices and express themselves while working on a project.
Second, project-based learning keeps students engaged as they are encouraged to be
active and communicate among their peers as they work on a project. Lastly, project-
based learning engages students with the real world challenges that showcases their
ability to solve problems and use their critical thinking to get through the challenges

6. What are the characteristics of the students who are engage in global communication?

The characteristics of students who engages in global communication are:

 They collaborate and have meaningful discussions with a variety of people
 Engage in creative pursuits online
 Gain exposure to diverse points of view and experiences
 Make progress in having a global awareness of the world and
understanding other cultures
 Share their own perspectives and unique voices
 Access and connect with resources outside of the school (including in their
homes and community) that are aligned with their educational interests


Choose a topic in the elementary grades and create a project-based learning lesson plan.
A Project-based Learning Lesson Plan in Fun in English 2

Subject Topic /Objective/Activities Note

Fun in English 2: Function
Reading and language

Learning Objectives:
Students will be guided to:
1. Identify the words that
tell past action.

8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson,
students would be able to:
1. Identify the words that
tell past action in a
given dialogue.

Prior Knowledge:
1. Distinguish the words
that tell past action.

Teaching Aid:
 Laptop
 LCD Projector
 Flashcards
 Pictures
 Cartolina
 Scotch tape or double
sided tape

Advance Preparation by
 PowerPoint
presentation of the
story about Apolinario
 Pictures for the
 Flashcards for the
reading session and
 Logical Thinking
 Patience
 Cooperation

Critical and Creative Thinking

 Arranging the events
in the story
 Arranging words
 Identifying the words
that tells past action

Teaching Approach:
 Project-inquiry

Phase/Time Contents Activities Note

Teacher Students Explanation/
Teaching Aid

Phase 1 Story Telling  Teacher start  Lesson starts Teaching aid:

through a the lesson by with the PowerPoint
Intro PowerPoint telling a story students Presentation,
(5 minutes) Presentation about listening to LCD
Apolinario the story read Projector
Mabini. by the teacher
 After the story  Students Reading,
telling, the would answer explanation
teacher would the questions
ask questions according to Strategy:
based on the the story that Reading with
story. the teacher explanation;
read. question and

happened to
Attentive and

Phase 2 Pictures are  Teacher  Students Teaching aid:

shown to the would discuss would listen Pictures,
Lesson class. Group about the carefully to flashcards,
Development of sentences arranging of what the cartolina,
(10 minutes) is written in a events in the teacher double sided
cartolina and story. Would discusses and tape
flashcards held an participate on
with numbers activity after. the activity. Method:
written in it. Explanation,
 Teacher  Students question and
Another would let the would read answer
cartolina with students read the following
a bunch of the words in words shown Strategy:
words written the box and to them and Discussion/
inside the ask questions answer the explanation;
box. to the questions question and
students. asked. Would answer
After that, listen to the
discusses discussion. CCTS:
about the Analyzing,
arranging of participating
alphabetically. Values:
Attentive and

Phase 3 PowerPoint  Teacher  Students Teaching aid:

Presentation discusses the would listen to PowerPoint
Lesson of the topic topic about the add-on Presentation,
Development Learning learning discussion LCD
(20 minutes) words that words that tell about the Projector
Tell past past action. learning
Action words that tell Method:
 Teacher past action. Explanation,
would explain  Students Question and
what are would Answer
those words participate in
and how can the discussion Strategy:
it be used. by asking Discussion/
question. explanation;
 Teacher gives  Students question and
an activity would answer
afterwards. participate in
the activity CCTS:
given. Analyzing,
and logical

Phase 4 Students are  Teacher  Students Teaching aid:

divided into 2 prepares 2 would present PowerPoint
Application groups. Each boxes in front, their selected Presentation,
(20 minutes) group would the players. LCD
select 7 flashcards, Projector,
players to and the  Students flashcards,
play the PowerPoint would the boxes
game/activity. presentation. flashcards to
In this game, the players. Method:
there are 2  Teacher Cooperative
boxes in front would give  Students who
and the flashcards are not Strategy:
flashcards to each group players would Student
beside it. The players. observe while centered
PowerPoint is students who
already set  Teacher are players CCTS:
for the would discuss would be Analyzing,
game/activity. the listening to participating
mechanics of mechanics. and
the cooperating
game/activity.  Students who
are players Values:
 Teacher would pay Attentive,
would play close cooperative
the attention to and logical
PowerPoint the thinking
presentation. PowerPoint

Phase 5 Summary of  Teacher asks  Students Teaching aid:

the topic about the would answer PowerPoint
Closure discussed. arranging of the teachers’ Presentation,
(5 minutes) Recalling the events in the question. LCD
topic that the story. Projector
students  Students
learnt.  Teacher asks would share Method:
about the their Question and
arranging of understanding answer
words about the
alphabetically. topics. Strategy:
 Teacher asks  A student explanation;
about the would explain question and
words that tell what the answer
past action. game/activity
is all about. CCTS:
 Teacher asks Analyzing,
a student to participating
explain what
the Values:
game/activity Attentive and
is all about. logical

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