To watch what made a little girl cute now make her cunning.
When sinful ambitions become armed with charm - a woman
gone wrong is a pathetic figure.
Hosea is the story of two little girls who grew up into wicked
women. Little girls who were loved and considered precious
by the men in their lives, yet they sinned against that love
and went their own way.
One of those little girls was named, “Gomer," and the other
was named, “Israel." Both are a lesson for a third little girl,
“the Church,” the bride of Christ, you and me.
All three prophets had difficulties… but it’s hard to imagine a
tougher row to hoe than the call of Hosea.
And God has always seen this attitude for what it is, idolatry!
For 200 years the northern kingdom continued in this sin.
Though prophets like Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, and Amos warned
them, they turned a deaf ear.
Israel had 19 kings and every last one followed in the sin of
their wicked predecessor, Jeroboam I.
Finally, God sent Hosea to forecast their judgment. God was
about to wipe out Israel at the hands of the Assyrians. Hosea
delivered the warning - then lived to see his warnings fulfilled.
In 722 BC the savage Assyrians invaded and sacked the
capitol of Samaria.
This is the kind of show networks save for sweeps week.
Here’s a drama that would jack-up ratings.
Yet realize this wasn’t pretend. This was real life, and what a
shock it was to Hosea’s spiritual and moral sensibilities. The
Law of Moses required prostitutes to be stoned, not courted.
What was God doing?
I’m sure he thought, “My ministry, what church wants a
prostitute for a pastor’s wife? A leprosy wouldn’t have been
more damaging to Hosea than this marriage.
All Hosea wanted for himself was a happy home - a good
woman to raise his kids. A wife who shared his love for God…
instead he has to share her shame.
Hosea must’ve thought this was all... a trick!
For too long, Israel was suppose to be God’s wife, yet the
nation followed idols. They’d broken their vow to God and
were unfaithful. Here God wants Hosea to feel and reveal this
message to His people. Hosea’s home was to be a reflection
of the house of Israel.
Being a disciple of Jesus would be easy if our job were just
to declare God’s truth. But proclaiming, revealing, is only part
of our job description. As important as revealing a truth, is us
feeling that truth.
This is the kind of fellowship God desires with us. He brings
us into His heart and allows us to feel what He feels. As Paul
said to the Philippians, “That I may know (Christ) and the
power of HIs resurrection, and the fellowship of His
sufferings.” The deepest intimacy with God is sharing in his
heartaches, not just His triumphs.
With his hands Jehu obeyed God, but apparently, in his
heart he went too far. Jehu grew bloodthirsty. The best we
can tell, this man did the will of God while ignoring the love of
God… always a big mistake.
what they were asking. That moment was a turning point in
history, God withdrew His pity…
And for 1,980 years Israel has received no mercy.
Names like Aushwitz, Dachau, Belsin-Bergin send cold
shivers down our spine. Through the centuries, the judgment
on the Jews has been pitiless…
As one Jewish historian facetiously prayed, “Lord, thank you
for choosing us as your chosen people, but how about
choosing someone else for awhile?"
“Then God said: “Call his name Lo-Ammi, for you are not My
people, and I will not be your God.” This third child is named,
"Lo-Ammi" or “not-my-people." If you put it in the singular the
name means “not-my-child.”
The implication in Hosea’s life was that this child was the
fruit of Gomer's renewed harlotry, and not the prophet’s
legitimate son. "Lo-Ammi" was "not-his-child"
But verse 10, “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall
be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or
numbered. And it shall come to pass in the place where it was
said to them, ‘You are not My people,’ there it shall be said to
them, ‘you are sons of the living God.’ Then the children of
Judah and the children of Israel shall be gathered together,
and appoint for themselves one head; and they shall come up
out of the land, for great will be the day of Jezreel!
Say to your brethren, ‘My people,’ and to your sisters,
‘Mercy is shown.’ In essence, God placed the Hebrews on
injured reserve. In NT times and even today, the Church has
fill their spot on the roster. But here, we’re told the Jews will
get back into the game.
Has God abandoned the Jews forever? No way, Hosea(A)!
The Jews will be regathered to their land, reestablished as
a nation, and reintroduced to their Messiah. This is the New
Covenant God promised.
In the end the Jews will be united under one head, Jesus.
Mercy will once again be shown to the Jews!
The awful prophetic names Hosea gave his kids will one day
be given a new twist. In the same place Israel was named
"Lo-Ruhamah" or "unpitied" the negative prefix will be
dropped. They'll be "Ruhamah" or “pitied.”
Likewise, "Lo-Ammi" or "not-my-people" will be changed to
"Ammi" or simply “my-people”… And “Jezreel” or “scattered”
will be gathered as one nation.
In the very same land where the nation was cursed, the
nation will one day be blessed. Paul tells us in Romans 11:26,
that at the time of the end “all Israel will be saved.” When
Jesus returns all Jews alive at the time will embrace Him, and
become Jews For Jesus!
The people who were rejected will be reinstated.
These kinds of stories illustrate the rage, the pain, the agony
that's caused by the violation of one’s vows.
Hosea was hurting, but so was God! Israel did to God what
Gomer did to Hosea. God has emotions too!
It’s amazing to realize that you (tiny, piny, puny you) has the
power to injure the Almighty! Real love always involves
vulnerability - and God in pouring out His love to us makes
Himself vulnerable to our rejection.
When you cling to possessions, pleasures, and pursuits that
take your focus off God, it hurts Him. Fall in love with rival
affections, and it breaks God’s heart.
Verse 5, “For their mother has played the harlot; she who
conceived them has behaved shamefully.” Sadly, Gomer
swapped the cul-de-sac for the fast lane.
A husband and three kids were boring, so Gomer went
whoring. Hosea brought home a pastor’s salary, so Gomer
supplemented it by pimping herself out.
Tragically, her own dignity, her commitments, the people in
her life, even her God didn’t factor into her thoughts.
“Shazzam” - this Gomer - was a sell-out.
material need, but she had given credit to her lovers. She
forgot who was paying the bills!
And Israel likewise, had forgotten the source of her bounty
and blessings… Even today modern Israelis are incline to
take credit for their successes.
Rather than give praise to God for their survival, they credit
the “indomitable human spirit.” Rather than thank God for
their achievements it’s “Jewish ingenuity.” Rather than point to
the hand of God for their military prowess they praise their
own "courage and firepower.”
Let's you and I be on guard against taking credit for
successes that in reality flow from the hand of God!
And this is also a lesson for us. Backslide from God - walk
away - and God won’t chase you. He hedges your way with
thorns - or in essence, creates obstacles for you. He’ll make
your way hard - he’ll keep you lost, You “cannot find your
paths” - to bring you to your senses.
God doesn’t give up on you. He’s patient. But He lets you
learn the hard way. He knows sometimes we don’t learn to
appreciate what we have until its taken away.
blessings - since she was not grateful - God was going to
take those blessings back.
“Now I will uncover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers,
and no one shall deliver her from My hand.
I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her
New Moons, her Sabbaths - all her appointed feasts. And I
will destroy her vines and her fig trees, of which she has said,
‘These are my wages that my lovers have given me.’ So I will
make them a forest, and the beasts of the field shall eat them.
I will punish her for the days of the Baals to which she burned
incense. She decked herself with her earrings and jewelry,
and went after her lovers; but Me she forgot,” says the Lord.”
God describes His treatment of His wayward wife, Israel. She
had boasted that her bounty was due to her lovers, the false
gods she served. What painful words the Lord speaks, “but
Me she forgot.”
The story of Hosea teaches us that gratitude is the first
step toward worship. And ingratitude is the first step
toward idolatry. A heart that's full of thanks is ready to
express it. But a heart that's been lulled into taking God’s
grace for granted is slowing pulling away.
Verse 14, “Therefore, behold, I will allure her, will bring her
into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her.” This is a
painful cry! Hosea really loved Gomer despite her harlotries,
and God loves us despite our unfaithfulness. This is what
makes sin so sinister!
It would be one thing if sin were merely turning from God’s
truth, but it’s much more than that, it’s spurning God’s love. As
the old saying goes, “Sin is not just breaking God’s Law its
breaking God’s heart.”
God’s love makes His feelings vulnerable to our decisions.
We should never trifle with or jilt that love.
Verse 15 tells us, “I will give her her vineyards from there,
and the Valley of Achor as a door of hope; she shall sing
there, as in the days of her youth, as in the day when she
came up from the land of Egypt.”
God is saying once His people have been broken and
humbled; then He'll allure her - He'll woo her with His love.
But God only courts a contrite heart.
Psalm 34:18 declares, “The LORD is near to those who
have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite
spirit.” God sings His love songs to listening ears; plants His
kisses on the back of a bowed neck; strokes the cheeks that
are wet with tears… It’s when I come broken and humble that
God reaches down. He heals a broken heart when we give
him all the pieces.
Verse 16, “And it shall be, in that day,” says the Lord, “That
you will call Me ‘My Husband,’ and no longer call Me ‘My
Master’…” God says to His people you'll call me “Ishi” or
“husband,” rather than “Baali” or “master.”
God is our Lord, and as Master we take orders from Him.
We're servants of God, we're His slaves. But hear me
carefully, the priority of our relationship with God is not
serving God, it’s knowing God and loving God.
God says the day is coming when you won't call me
Master, but husband. Remember what Jesus said to His
disciples in John 15:15, “No longer to I call you servants… but
I have called you friends…” In Christ, God wants a personal
heart-felt relationship with us.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of serving Jesus without loving
Him. Its performance without passion - devotion without
emotion - busyness without a beating heart. He wants to
remind us He’s our husband, not just Lord.
Verse 17, “Or I will take from her mouth the names of the
Baals, and they shall be remembered by their name no more.
In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of
the field, with the birds of the air, and with the creeping things
of the ground. Bow and sword of battle I will shatter from the
earth, to make them lie down safely.” Apparently, at the time
Israel had become associated with idols, the Baals.
But God will remove that association. Peace will come when
He shatters the bow and sword of battle.
And this is a commentary on current events in Israel.
True peace will come to Israel when God shatters the sword
and bow - not when men lay them down.
Verse 21 tells us, “It shall come to pass in that day that I will
answer,” says the Lord; “I will answer the heavens, and they
shall answer the earth.
The earth shall answer with grain, with new wine, and with
oil; they shall answer Jezreel. Then I will sow her for Myself in
the earth, and I will have mercy on her who had not obtained
mercy; then I will say to those who were not My people, ‘You
are My people!’
And they shall say, ‘You are my God!’ Here again we should
ask ourselves the question, “what’s in a name?” Again Hosea
draws upon the names of his three kids.
Which reminds me of the newspaper ad, “Lost Dog: walks
on three legs, is missing an eye, has a gnarled left ear, a
broken tail, several scars… goes by the name, “Lucky.” Some
names just don’t fit the person who has them. But not so with
Hosea’s three children.
This whole ordeal was not easy for Hosea. He let go, but he
never gave up. He kept hoping and praying, and longing for
Gomer’s return. And rewarded his faith.
One day he hears that his wife is the slave market.
She’s being auctioned off by her pimp. Used and abused
she’s being sold on the auction block like some cheap
commodity. He rushes in, buys her back, brings her home…
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves…
We’ll tackled more of the story next week.