Tuan 21
Tuan 21
Tuan 21
Lesson 7: Looking back - Project
Class Date of teaching Attendence
6A ..../01/2022
6B ..../01/2022
6C ..../01/2022
By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following
1. Knowledge:
- Understand the key words: wildlife, popular, funny, animated film,
informative, talk show.
* Pronunciation:
- Pronounce the key words correctly: wildlife, popular, funny, animated film,
informative, talk show.
* Grammar: - use Wh-question to make questions
2. Competencies:
a) General competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
b) Specific competencies:
- Practice the four skills through doing exercises.
3. Qualities:
- Positive about the leisure activities.
- Students know how to watch TV correctly anf some suitale children’s
- Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and
pairwork, cooperative learning and working.
Teacher: Laptop, loudspeaker, projector…
Students: Text books, studying equipment’s….
1. Aim:
To activate students’ prior knowledge and vocabulary related to the topic.
To revise the vocabulary about television and lead in the lesson.
2. Content:
Having some warm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire
Ss to warm up to the subject and new class
3. Products:
- Interest and concentration of Ss on the class activities.
- A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson
- A chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
4. Implementation:
- Teacher instructs
- Ss do as required
Step 1: Task delivering
- Chatting
Step 2: Task performance
+ Chatting
* Mini-talk
Teacher asks students some questions to lead Content:
in the lesson: + What is your favourite TV
“Last lesson, we learnt so many TV programme?
programmes, now I would like to ask you a few + Can you tell me what it is about?
questions about them”. + Could you give me some adjectives
Step 3: Report and discussion to describe it?”
- Ss join in the discussion and do as required
Step 4: Judgement
- T summarizes the discussion and leads to
the lesson.
1. Aim:
To help students revise the vocabulary about television.
2. Content:
- Revise the vocabulary about television to do the exescise.
3. Products:
Remember the words and the use of Wh-questions
Vocabulary about TV
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets the scene/ context for the listening
and reading.
- T ask the whole class to do the Tasks in
Looking Back
Step 2: Task performance
Task 1: Put the words in the box in the Task 1: Put the words in the box in
correct column. Add more words if you can. the correct column. Add more words
Teacher asks students to do the task if you can.
individually. Answer key:
Teacher allows students some time to read the Programmes Adjectives
list of the words and write them in the correct
sports educational
place in the table.
wildlife interesting
Teacher lets students swap their answers for
English in a Minute popular
double check.
animated films funny
Teacher calls on some students to read aloud
their answers before checking them as a class.
Task 2: Use the words in the box to complete Task 2: Use the words in the box to
the text. complete the text.
* This activity is for the revision of the 1. viewers 2. animal
vocabulary, not as single vocabulary but in a 3. sports 4. funny
contextualized situation. 5. educational
* Students have to be able to recognise the
relationship of the target words and their
neighbours, the context in which they appear.
Teacher asks students to do the task
Teacher lets students swap their answers for
double check.
Teacher calls on some students to read aloud
their answers before checking them as a class.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Ss answer some more questions
about the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss
1. Aim:
To help students revise the use of question words.
To help students revise the use of conjunctions
2. Content:
- Review grammar point: Question words, conjunctions.
- Do exercises.
3. Products:
- Remember more the use and form of the grammar points.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T let Ss study the examples, consume the
rules and do the exercises
Step 2: Task performing
Task 3: Complete each question with a Task 3: Complete each question
suitable question word. with a suitable question word.
Teacher asks students to look at the answers 1. How many 2. What
and underline the missing information from the 3. Why 4. Who
questions so that they can decide which 5. How much
question words to be used. Task 4: Use the conjunctions
Teacher goes round and offer help if needed. provided to connect the sentences.
Teacher checks their answers as a class. 1. Ocean Life is on at 7.30, and
Task 4: Use the conjunctions provided to Laughing out Loud comes next at 8.00.
connect the sentences. 2. I liked The Seven Kitties very much,
Teacher asks students to read the two so I watched it many times.
sentences in each question and use the 3. BBC One is a British Channel, but
conjunctions provided to connect them. VTV6 is a Vietnamese Channel.
Mind that in most sentences, the conjunctions 4. Along the Coast is a famous TV
are used to replace the stop mark and connect series, but I don’t like it.
the two sentences. 5. I have a lot of homework tonight,
Teacher checks their answers as a class. so I can’t watch Eight Feet Below.
Task 5: How important is TV to you? Task 5: How important is TV to
* This project introduces to students a new you?
way of learning and practising their learnt Suggested answers:
language outside the class. 1. Other: Surfing the Internet.
* Teacher organises the activity in a way that 2. Other: Internet.
students will be able to go out and ask 3. Other: Less than one hour.
questions to find out how important TV is to 4. Other: Because I have online
their friends, to take notes of the answers, and lessons on TV.
to report the results to other people (their 5. Other: I can completely live
classmates). without TV.
Teacher divides students into groups of four Hello everyone! I interviewed six
or five and instructs them on what they have to members in my group and these are the
do. results. In their free time, Mai and
Teacher encourages them to reach further out Nam go out, Minh reads books, Trung
of the classroom (interviewing their parents, and Phong watch TV, but Nhi surfs the
siblings, neighbours, etc.). Internet. Mai, Nam, Trung prefer to get
Teacher asks students to share their findings information from books, and Minh,
with the class. If there is time, teacher can use Phong, Nhi prefer to do that from the
the results of the project for the class discussion Internet. All of them watch TV more
to see how much TV watching is enough/ than two hours a day because they they
good/bad and the role of TV for children. like it. Mai and Nhi think they can live
Step 3: Report and discussion without TV up to a month, but Nam,
- Ss write down the new vocabulary Minh , Trung, Phong think they can
- T asks, Ss answer some more questions live without TV just one day.
about the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss
1. Aim:
To help Ss revise all they have learnt.
To give Home assigments
2. Content:
A mind map summarising the main points of the lesson.
Home assigments
3. Products:
Review the old lesson
Take note Home assigments
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment)
- T has Ss summarise what they have learnt with
the two skills.
- T can instruct them to draw a mind map to
summarise the main points of the lesson.
- Home assigments
Step 2: Task performance
- T summarises the main points.
- T asks Ss what they have learnt so far. Have * Home assigments:
them recall the important elements. - Do more exercises in workbook.
- T lets Ss take note the home assignments - Complete the paragraph in Project
Step 3: Report and discussion and write down on notebook..
- T asks, Ss answer.
Step 4: Judgement
T gives feedback and requires Ss do homework.
With 6A ……………………………………………………………………………..…
With 6B …………………………...……………………………………..……………
With 6C ……………………………………………………………………….……….
Tiết thứ 62
Lesson 1: Getting started
Class Date of teaching Attendence
6A ..../01/2022
6B ..../01/2022
6C ..../01/2022
By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following
1. Knowledge:
- Understand the key words: fix, gym, table tennis, club, cycle, chess, aerobics,
swimming, volleyball.
* Pronunciation:
- Pronounce the key words correctly: fix, gym, table tennis, club, cycle, chess,
aerobics, swimming, volleyball.
* Grammar:
- use the Past Simple.
- use imperatives to tell someone to do something.
2. Competencies:
a) General competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
b) Specific competencies:
- talk about famous sports people.
- read for general and specific information about sports.
3. Qualities:
- Positive about sports and games.
- Students know the importance of playing sports everyday as well as how
to do physical exercises properly.
- Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector…
Students: Text books, studying equipment’s….
1. Aim:
- To create a friendly and atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To introduce the topic.
- To lead in the topic of the unit.
2. Content:
To have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to
inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson.
3. Products:
- Interest and concentration of Ss on the class activities.
- Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
4. Implementation:
- Teacher instructs
- Ss do as required
Step 1: Task delivering
Step 2: Task performance
+ Greeting
- Teacher writes the words SPORTS AND Chatting.
GAMES on the board and asks students to
give any words relating to the topic.
- Teacher may allow students to give a karate
Vietnamese word and asks other students in gym ...
the class if they know the equivalent in
English. marathon football
- Ss answer
- Teacher writes on the corner of the board a
list of the words which students cannot
translate into English and asks them to keep a
record for later reference when the unit
- Teacher lets students open their books and
starts the lesson.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- T leads in the lesson about vocabulary and
- Ss join in the discussion
Step 4: Judgement
- T summarizes the discussion and leads to
Activity 2.
1. Aim:
- To set the context for the introductory;
- To introduce the vocabulary appearing in the text.
- To practice the targeted language and the background knowledge of the topic
sports and games.
- To help students get the main idea of the text.
2. Content:
- Learn some new words. Read the conversation and find out new words.
3. Products:
- Vocabulary about the topic
- Understanding the conversation; topic of the lesson, grammar points…
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets the scene/ context for the listening and
Step 2: Task performance 1. Where are the two kids?
Lead in: Teacher draws students’ attention to 2. What sports are they going to
the picture in the textbook and asks them play?
questions about the picture: Suggested answers:
- Ss answer 1. They are in the gym/ school gym.
* VOCABULARY 2. They are going to run.
- Teacher introduces the vocabulary by: * VOCABULARY
+ providing definitions of the words. - fix (adj)
+ showing the pictures illustrating the words. - gym (n)
- Ss answer the teacher’s questions and write - table tennis (n)
down the new words. - club (n)
- cycle (v)
- chess (n)
- aerobics (n)
- swimming (n)
- volleyball (n)
Task 1: Listen and read. Task 1: Listen and read.
- Teacher plays the recording twice.
- Students listen and read.
- Teacher checks students’ prediction.
- Teacher calls 3 students to read the
conversation aloud.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Ss answer some more questions
about the conversation
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss
1. Aim:
-To have students get specific information of the text and understand the
conversation better.
- To introduce some vocabulary related to the topic of the unit;
- To help students practice speaking and learn about how sporty they are.
2. Content:
- Filling in the gaps.
- Understand the conversation; grammar points;
- Use learnt vocabulary to practice speaking
3. Products:
- Know more new words.
- Understand the conversation; topic of the lesson
- Vocab, grammar points…
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T let Ss learn Task 2 – Getting Started - Unit
Step 2: Task performing
Task 2: Put ONE word from the Task 2: Put ONE word from the
conversation in each gap. conversation in each gap.
- Teacher asks students to do this activity 1. fit. 2. gym.
independently, reminds them of the ways to do 3. table tennis 4. Club
the activity if needed. Students may refer back 5. cycle
to the conversation for the context of the
words they need to fill the gaps.
- Teacher allows students to share their
answers before discussing in pairs or as a
- Teacher writes the correct answers on the
- Teacher explains the meanings of some
words if necessary.
- Students practise saying the sentences
Task 3: Name these sports and games, using Task 3: Name these sports and
the words from the box. games, using the words from the
*Pelmanism box.
- Teacher divides the class into groups of
fours, prepares each group 2 sets of cards, one
includes pictures of sports and games and the
other includes their names.
- Students work in groups and label the
pictures with the correct words given. The
group matches faster and correctly is the
winner. 1. cycling 2. aerobics
- Teacher checks with the whole class, asks 3. table tennis 4. swimming
them for the meanings of the words. Provide 5. chess 6. volleyball
them with the meanings of the words they - A sport: an activity that you do for
don’t know. Teacher may also ask them if they pleasure and that needs physical
play these sports and games or if people in exercise. (running, cycling, mountain
Viet Nam play them. climbing, ...)
- Teacher helps students differentiate between A game: an activity or a sport with
a sport and a game. rules in which people or teams
compete against each other. (chess,
football, card games, computer
games, ...)
Task 4: Work in pairs. Ask your partner Task 4: Work in pairs. Ask your
these questions to find out how sporty they partner these questions to find out
are. how sporty they are.
- Teacher lets students work in pairs (or in
groups) to ask and answer the questions. Some
pairs (or groups) may report their results to the
class. (In their groups, how many students
with answers “A”, how many with answers
“B” and who is the sportiest in their groups.)
- Ss work in pairs or in groups, ask and answer
the questions then note some information to
report to the class if required.
- Teacher may want to find out how sporty the
class is by writing the results on the board.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss work independently
- Share the answers
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the answers.
1. Aim:
To help Ss revise some words and learn some more words indicating sports and
To give Home assigments
2. Content:
Revision; Home assigments
3. Products:
Know more some words about home.
Take note Home assigments
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment)
- Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they
have learnt.
- Ask Ss to say aloud some words they
remember from the lesson.
- Home assigments
Step 2: Task performance
- Teacher summarizes all opinions * Home assigments:
- T let Ss take note the home assigments - Do exercise in the workbook.
Step 3: Report and discussion - Rewrite some sports and games that
- T says something about the class time. you know.
Step 4: Judgement
T gives feedback and requires Ss do
With 6A ……………………………………………………………………………..…
With 6B …………………………...……………………………………..……………
With 6C ………………………………………………………………………….……
Tiết thứ 63
Lesson 2: A Closer look 1
Class Date of teaching Attendence
6A ..../01/2022
6B ..../01/2022
6C ..../01/2022
By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following
1. Knowledge:
- Understand the key words: racket, goggles, competition, champion, marathon.
* Pronunciation:
- Pronounce the key words correctly: racket, goggles, competition, champion,
- Pronounce the sounds /e/ and /æ/correctly
* Grammar:
- use the Past Simple.
- use imperatives to tell someone to do something.
2. Competencies:
a) General competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
b) Specific competencies:
- talk about what children should / shouldn't do at Tet;
- read for general and specific information about favourite sports stars.
3. Qualities:
- Positive about sports and games.
- Students know the importance of playing sports everyday as well as how
to do physical exercises properly.
- Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and
pairwork, cooperative learning and working.
Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector…
Students: Text books, studying equipment’s….
1. Aim:
- Revise the old lesson.
- Do some activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to warm up to
the new lesson…
2. Content:
- Have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to
inspire Ss to warm up to the new class.
3. Products:
- Interest and concentration of Ss on the class activities.
- A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson
4. Implementation:
- Teacher instructs
- Ss do as required
Step 1: Task delivering
- Chatting
Step 2: Task performance
+ Greeting
* Matching
- Teacher divides the class into two teams.
One member from each team, in turns, comes
to the board and lists all the sports and games
they have learnt.
- The team with more correct answers in two
minutes is the winner.
- Ss play the game.
- Teacher leads students into the lesson by
telling them that “In today lesson, we are
going to learn more words to talk about sports
and games and two sounds /e/ and /æ/.
- Ss open their books and notebooks.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss join in the discussion
Step 4: Judgement
- T summarizes the discussion and leads to
Activity 2.
1. Aim:
- To set the context for the introductory;
- To introduce the topic of the unit, the vocabulary, the sounds, and the grammar
points to be learned.
- To revise/ teach the names of some equipment to be used in some sports/
2. Content:
- Learn some new words . Read the conversation and find out new words
- Matching exercise
3. Products:
- Know more new words. Understanding the conversation; topic of the lesson,
grammar points…
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets the scene/ context for doing exercises
- T ask the whole class to do the Tasks in A
Closer Look 1
Step 2: Task performance
- Teacher introduces the vocabulary by
+ providing explanations of the words;
+ showing picture illustrating the words. * VOCABULARY
1. racket (n)
2. goggles (n)
3. competition (n)
4. champion (n)
5. marathon (n)
Task 1: Write the right words under the Task 1: Write the right words
pictures. under the pictures.
- Teacher asks students to look at the 1.
pictures and see if they can write the words
under the pictures.
- Teacher lets students work
individually, tells them to put the words and
phrases given under the right pictures.
- Teacher calls a student to come and
write their answer on the board. The rest of the
class may pair compare.
- Teacher checks the answer with the
whole class and explains the meanings to them
if necessary. If there is enough time, let ss give ball 2. sports shoes
examples. 3. boat 4. racket
5. goggles
Task 2: What sports are these things for? Task 2: What sports are these
Match each thing in column A with a sport things for? Match each thing in
in column B. column A with a sport in column B.
- Teacher tells students to do the task - table tennis - bats
independently first, then calls on some - running - sports shoes
students to write their answers on the board, - chess - chessboard + chessmen /
then checks their answers as a class. chess pieces
- Teacher checks with the whole class, 1. c 2. d 3. a
asks students to give more names of sports and 4. b 5. e
equipment to be used with them.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Ss answer some more questions
about the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss
1. Aim:
- To introduce some vocabulary related to the topic of the unit;
- To introduce the grammar point of this unit: the present simple.
- To give students practice on how to use words related to sports/ games in
- To help students identify and practise the /e/ and /æ/sounds.
2. Content:
Understand the new words and do the filling exercise.
Listen and repeat the words with the above mentioned sounds.
Pronounce the sounds /e/ and /æ/ correctly in context.
3. Products:
Know more new words. Understand the conversation; topic of the lesson,
Vocab, grammar points…
Students have a chance to identify and practise the /e/ and /æ/ sounds.
To give students a chance to apply what they have learnt.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T let Ss do all theTasks in A closer look 1
Step 2: Task performing
Task 3: Fill each blank with the words from Task 3: Fill each blank with the
the box. words from the box.
- Teacher has students read the sentences and Answer key:
fill the blanks with the words given, then read 1. competition
the sentences carefully and look for clues so 2. champion
that they can choose the right words to 3. congratulations
complete the sentences. 4. sporty
- Teacher calls one student to write the words 5. marathon
on the board, then gives correction.
- Ss do the exercise individually
- For more able students, teacher asks them to
make sentences with the words. Other students
and teacher give comments.
Task 4: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to Task 4: Listen and repeat. Pay
the sound /e/ and /æ/. attention to the sound /e/ and /æ/.
- Teacher asks students to read the words first 1. /e/:
as they are familiar with students. chess tennis exercise contest
- Teacher plays the recording and asks 2. /æ/:
students to listen carefully and check if they racket match marathon active
have pronounced them correctly.
- Teacher plays the recording again. Students
listen and repeat.
- Teacher calls some students to read the
words individually.
Task 5: Listen and repeat. Underline the Task 5: Listen and repeat.
words with the sound /e/ and /æ/. Underline the words with the sound
- Before listening, teacher lets students discuss /e/ and /æ/.
in pairs and find the words with the sound /e/ 1.They cannot take part in this contest.
and /æ/. 2. They began the match very late.
- Teacher plays the recording for students to 3. Please get the racket for me.
check and repeat the sentences. 4. We play chess every Saturday.
*Game: Who is faster? 5. My grandpa is old, but he’s active.
- Teacher divides students into groups of four,
gives each group a piece of paper, ask them to
write sentences including 2 features: sports
and games and one of the sounds /e/ or /æ/.
(E.g. My favourite sport is table tennis.)
- Ss play in groups.
- Teacher asks each group to hand in their
paper and checks, the group with more correct
sentences is the winner.
- Teacher invites the winner to read aloud their
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss work independently
- Share the answers
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the answers and
studying attitucde of Ss in class.
1. Aim: To help Ss revise all they have learnt.; To give Home assignments
2. Content: Make sentences using the new words and structures
Home assignments
3. Products: Know more some words about house; Take note Home assignments
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment)
- Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they
have learnt.
- Ask Ss to say aloud some words they
remember from the lesson and make sentences
with them
- Home assignments
Step 2: Task performance * Home assignments:
- Teacher summarizes the lesson - Find 3 more sports or games that
- T let Ss take note the home assignments have the sound /e/ or /æ/.
Step 3: Report and discussion - Do more exercises in workbook.
- T asks, Ss answer about sports
Step 4: Judgement
T gives feedback and requires Ss do home
With 6A ……………………………………………………………………………..…
With 6B …………………………...……………………………………..……………
With 6C ……………………………………………………………………….………
Đồng Minh, ngày.....tháng 01 năm 2022 Đồng Minh, ngày.....tháng 01 năm 2022
....……………………………........ Duyệt chương trình .
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