DAES tutorail
DAES tutorail
DAES tutorail
Q. In a village consisting of 100 families, each family consisting of 6 persons. Each family
1 has 5 cattles.
The average dung available per cattle is 5 kg/day. Biogas plant is to be designed for
cooking and lighting purpose.
Biogas produced from dung in winter, 50 liter/kg and in summer, 60 liter/kg of dung
vailable (TS 8%).
The total solids content of the dung is 20%. The optimize total solids value is 8%.
Design the biogas plant. Do separate calculation for summer and winter days.
Diameter of the plant should not exceed 1.5 m. Height of the plant is 2 m.
The requirement of biogas per family is 1.5 m 3/day for cooking and 0.5 m3/day for
If one street light consumes 0.5 m3/day how many lights can be installed in village.
Vc ≤ 5% V V1 = 0.0927 D3
K=0.4 R2= 1 D
F1= D/5
F2= D/8
S1= 0.911 D2
S2= 0.8345 D2
The average dung available per cattle is 6 kg/day. Biogas plant is to be designed for
cooking and lighting purpose.
Biogas produced from dung in winter, 40 liter/kg and in summer, 50 liter/kg of dung as
The total solids content of the dung is 20%. The optimize total solids is 9%.
The requirement of biogas per family is 1 m 3/day for cooking and 0.5 m3/day for
If one street light consumes 0.5 m3/day how many lights can be installed in village.
Q. A village consisting 60 families, each family consisting 6 persons and 3 children. Two
6 children are equivalent to one person. Village survey report gives information about
Cows -- 200