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DAES Tutorial Problems

Q. In a village consisting of 100 families, each family consisting of 6 persons. Each family
1 has 5 cattles.

The average dung available per cattle is 5 kg/day. Biogas plant is to be designed for
cooking and lighting purpose.

Biogas produced from dung in winter, 50 liter/kg and in summer, 60 liter/kg of dung
vailable (TS 8%).

The density of slurry is 1100 kg/m3.

Retention time is 25 days in summer and 35 days in winter.

The total solids content of the dung is 20%. The optimize total solids value is 8%.

Design the biogas plant. Do separate calculation for summer and winter days.

Find the number of plants required.

Calculate quantity of the biogas generated per day.

Diameter of the plant should not exceed 1.5 m. Height of the plant is 2 m.

The requirement of biogas per family is 1.5 m 3/day for cooking and 0.5 m3/day for

If one street light consumes 0.5 m3/day how many lights can be installed in village.

If methane volume percentage in biogas is 60% by volume calculate calorific value of


CVmethane = 45000 kJ/m3

Q. Design biogas plant.

For community having

25 cow, daily discharge of 10 kg/cow,

Total solids= 20%

Retention time = 35 days

Design total solids %= 8%

Equations for Design

For Volume D= 1.3 V1/3

Vc ≤ 5% V V1 = 0.0927 D3

Vs≤ 15% V V2 = 0.050 D3

Vgs +Vf = 80% V V3 -= 0.3142 D3

Vgs = 0.5 (Vgs +Vf + Vs )K R1=.725 D

K=0.4 R2= 1 D

F1= D/5

F2= D/8

S1= 0.911 D2

S2= 0.8345 D2

Q. In a village consisting of 50 families, each family consisting of 6 persons. Each family

3 has 3 cattles.

The average dung available per cattle is 6 kg/day. Biogas plant is to be designed for
cooking and lighting purpose.

Biogas produced from dung in winter, 40 liter/kg and in summer, 50 liter/kg of dung as

The density of slurry is 1100 kg/m3.

Retention time is 25 days.

The total solids content of the dung is 20%. The optimize total solids is 9%.

Design the biogas plant.

Calculate quantity of the biogas generated per day.

Diameter of the plant should not exceed 4 m.

The requirement of biogas per family is 1 m 3/day for cooking and 0.5 m3/day for

If one street light consumes 0.5 m3/day how many lights can be installed in village.

Q. With sketch explain Deenbandhu biogas plant.


Q. With sketch explain working of Floating dome type biogas plant.

Explain anaerobic digestion process of biomass.

Q. A village consisting 60 families, each family consisting 6 persons and 3 children. Two
6 children are equivalent to one person. Village survey report gives information about

Cows -- 200


Dung available per day from Cow = 10 kg.

Dung available per day from Buffalo = 15 kg.

Gas required Per Person for cooking/day= 0.3 m3

Gas required for 3 lamps which would burn 4 hours daily.

Average gas produced from 1 kg of dung= 50 liter throughout year.

Design the digester and Gas holder.

Calorific Value of 5000 kcal/m3.

Q. Design gasifier cook stove for following requirement

Mass of food = 2 kg

Time for cooking= 60 min

Heating value of biomass= 2500 kcal/kg

Stove efficiency = 30%

Specific gasification rate = 150 kg/m2hr

Density of biomass = 300 kg/m3

Equivalence ratio = 0.25

Stoichiometric air requirement = 5 kg air/ kg of biomass


(a) Fuel consumption rate

(b) Air flow rate
(c) Diameter and height of the reactor
(d) Superficial air velocity

Q. Design gasifier cook stove for following requirement

Energy needed for cooking = 100 kcal/kg

Time for cooking= 30 min

Heating value of biomass= 3000 kcal/kg

Stove efficiency = 40%

Specific gasification rate = 100 kg/m2hr

Density of biomass = 300 kg/m3

Equivalence ratio = 0.3

Stoichiometric air requirement = 5 kg air/ kg of biomass


(a) Fuel consumption rate

(b)Air flow rate
(c) Diameter and height of the reactor
(d)Superficial air velocity

Q. Explain with figure types of Gasifier indicating temperature zones.


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