Course list TPM 23-24 update
Course list TPM 23-24 update
Course list TPM 23-24 update
Technology, Policy
and Management
Exchange courses
Course selection guidelines
The table below shows how the academic year is divided and what is expected of you from
each semester and/or period. With the details below of how many EC you are expected to
obtain, you will be able to make a study plan that will need to be approved by your home
university and TU Delft.
Courses for 2023
Requirements and Restrictions
BSc students can take MSc courses as long as they meet the pre-requisites as stated in
the course description of the TU Delft study guide.
All first-year Master courses of the MSc Management of Technology (MOT) have a
limited capacity and are only available to exchange students from the faculty TPM.
For all courses in the MSc Industrial Ecology (IE) a separate admission is required from
the IE programme coordinator. Only Master level students can apply. Courses in IE take
place either in Leiden or in Delft.
At TPM all Master courses are given in English. You can follow MSc courses at our
faculty as long as you have the pre-required knowledge.
Minor Courses
Exchange students are not allowed to take separate minor courses, unless approved by
the coordinator or module manager. We offer 3 minors in Q1 and Q2 that can be chosen
by exchange students.
o Med-Tech Based Entrepreneurship
o Companies and innovation: economical, ethical, juridical and safety perspectives
o Security, Safety and Justice (LDE minor)
If you are interested in taking one of those minors, please contact internationaloffice-
(Research) Projects
The Faculty TPM does not facilitate any (research) projects; these are only allowed if
specifically agreed upon in the bilateral agreement.
Courses Bachelor third year
TBM024B Introduction to Energy Systems BSc 5 Q1
TBM301A Writing a Bachelor’s Thesis in BSc 2.5 Q1 / Q3
TBM610A Process Management and BSc 5 Q2
Decision-making in Project
TB341IC I and C Risk and Control BSc 5 Q3
TB341TC Quantitative Models for Transport BSc 5 Q3
TBM007A Critical Thinking in Engineering BSc 3 Q4
SEN121 Agent-based Modelling MSc 5 Q2
SEN122 Statistical Analysis of Choice MSc 5 Q2
SEN152 Electricity and Gas: Market Design MSc 5 Q2
and Policy Issues
SEN162 I&C Service Design MSc 5 Q2
SEN172 Travel Behaviour Research MSc 5 Q2
SEN9115 Participatory Systems MSc 5 Q2
SEN9120 Advanced Agent Based Modeling MSc 5 Q2
SEN9725 Supply Chain Gaming MSc 5 Q2
SEN115 Law & Institutions MSc 5 Q3
SEN123 Mixed Research Methods for Multi- MSc 5 Q3
actor Systems
SEN124 Design in Networked Systems MSc 5 Q3
SEN153 Design of Integrated Energy MSc 5 Q3
SEN163 Responsible Data Analytics MSc 5 Q3
SEN173 Analysis and Design of Freight and MSc 5 Q3
Logistic Systems
SEN131 CoSEM Research Challenges MSc 5 Q4
SEN164 Digital Platform Design MSc 5 Q4
SEN174 Innovations in Transport and MSc 5 Q4
Infrastructure: The effects of the
new business of computing on
TPM007A Talk Like TED Msc 3 Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Courses Ethics and Philosophy
Course code Course name Cat. Ec. Period (Q)
WM1401TU Ethics of Healthcare Technologies MSc 3 Q1
WM1402TU Ethics of Healthcare Technologies MSc 5 Q1
WM0353TU Climate Ethics Msc 3 Q2
WM0801TU Introduction to Safety Science MSc 3 Q2
WM0348TU Christian Philosophy: Recent Msc 3 Q1 + Q2
WM0320TU Ethics and Engineering Msc 3 Q1 / Q3
WM0329TU Ethics and Engineering Msc 6 Q1 / Q3
WM0342TU Introduction to the Philosophy of Msc 5 Q3
WM0375TU Ethics of Technological Risks MSc 3 Q3
WM0376TU Ethics of Technological Risks MSc 5 Q3
WM1301TU Ethics of Transportation MSc 3 Q3
WM1302TU Ethics of Transportation MSc 5 Q3
Please note that the following courses (projects) are NOT available for Exchange
MOT2004* Preparation for Master Thesis
MOT9611* Project Entrepreneurship Thesis related
SEN111 Introduction to Design in Complex Systems
SEN116 Design Project
SEN154 Sociotechnology of Future Energy Systems
SEN232 Master Thesis Preparation
SEN233 CoSEM Master Thesis
EPA2934 Preparation Master Thesis
EPA2942 Master Thesis EPA
TPM424A The Journey
Courses starting with These are Honours courses.
*Other first year MOT courses are only available to exchange students of the faculty TPM.
There are a limited number of places available. Please contact internationaloffice-