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Radio Simplified

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Copyright, 1923, by
Copyright, 1922, by The J. C. W. Co.

All rights reserved

It has been the purpose of the authors in the preparation
of Radio Simplified to provide in non-technical language an
explanation of radio with emphasis upon how it works, and to
furnish simple and definite directions and suggestions for
assembling and installing home radio equipment at small cost.
They have endeavored to answer clearly and simply those
questions which first arise in the mind of the novice and which
they have found to be most frequently asked by students in
radio classes.
Radio itself is introduced in a manner which removes the
necessity for a preliminary course in electrical engineering.
Technicalities are omitted unless they are to be put to some
practical use by the amateur. Equipment which is suggested
is that which is most easily obtainable and in many cases can
be made at home. In every instance, definite and specific
directions are given for hooking it up. Numerous picture
diagrams accompany the circuits suggested, so that the novice
may have no difficulty in fitting his equipment into the hook-up.
A great number of good practical hook-ups are shown, especially
for regenerative sets, in which the experimenter may use to
advantage the apparatus he already owns, without purchasing
additional equipment.
Considerable space has been given to the proper erection of
aerials, to the end that they may give the best results and that
they may be a protection against lightning rather than a fire
The advantages and the limitations of various hook-ups and
types of sets are frankly discussed. Suggestions are made as to
what equipment to select in order to receive what the operator
desires to hear. In the operation of receiving sets, particularly
in regenerative receivers, novices are given specific directions
to follow in tuning.
Many novices, and amateurs as well, have spent good money
for equally good equipment, but have been unable to get the
best results from the set after it has been assembled. Many
others want to own radio sets, but are not clear about what
apparatus to buy or how to hook it up after having purchased
it. Still other amateurs have been operating sets for years
without having become familiar with many of the "kinks" in
hook-ups and in operation that add to the efficiency of any set.
For these three groups, this book has been written.
The authors desire to express deep appreciation to Mr. Logan
Howard-Smith and to Mr. George P. Hamilton, who have
unsparingly given time and thought to the preparation of
material, and to constructive criticism of manuscript from the
viewpoint of the experienced radio amateur.


The very large sale of this book in the original edition and the
great number of enthusiastic letters received from users have
prompted the Authors and Publishers to prepare a thoroughly
revised edition to cover all new developments in the radio art
which have proved practical in the hands of amateurs. This
edition includes a number of new Radio Frequency Circuits, the
De Forest Reflex, the Grimes Inverse Duplex, the Hazeltine
Neutrodyne Receiver, the Reinartz circuit, and many other
new hook-ups.
Thanks are due to Professor L. A. Hazeltine, Mr. David
Grimes, Mr. Boyd Phelps, the Radio Club of America,
"Q. S. T." and the American Radio Relay League for assist-
ance in preparing this revised edition.
Many theories about radio. Vibrations and waves. How radio
works. Sound waves and electrical vibrations. Audio frequency
and radio frequency. Necessity for tuning. Wave length. Varying
the wave length, or tuning 11

Variations in form and size. The receiving aerial. The transmitting
aerial. Making the calculations. The aerial circuit. Size of the
sending aerial. T type versus L type. Size of the receiving aerial.. 17

Materials required. Choosing a site. Supports for the aerial.
Making a mast. Guy wires and aerial rope. Making up the aerial.
Type of spreaders and insulators. The lead-in. Splices in aerial
wires. Making sure of pulleys and guy wires. How to erect a mast.
Raising the aerial. Fire Underwriters' requirements. The aerial
as a protection against lightning. No protection for indoor aerial.
Protecting the outdoor aerial. Lightning arresters and lightning
switches. The lightning ground 24

The simplest receiving set. The addition of a tuning device. The
purpose of a detector. Current oscillations and radio waves. The
crystal detector. The fixed condenser. The head telephones. The
ground connection. Primary and secondary circuits. Setting the
detector. The test buzzer. The loading coil. The variable con-
denser. Capacity effects. Varying the wave length by means of con-
densers. Shunt and series condensers. Tuning by capacity and
inductance. Selecting a variable condenser. The tapped coil with
a single switch. Coil with a units and a multiple turns switch, Ad-
vantages of double-slide and double-tapped coils. The double-slide
tuning coil. The double-tapped coil. A tapped coil with four
switches. The loose coupler and the variocoupler. Coupling effects
in tuning. Specifications for making a loose coupler. The tapped
loose coupler. The short wave loose coupler. The three-slide
tuning coil. Honeycomb and spiderweb coils. The variometer.
Underwriters' requirements 45


Many theories about radio.—Few scientists, engineers

or radio enthusiasts are willing to admit that they know
what radio really is. Many theories and hypotheses have
been advanced to explain its varied behavior. It is not
within the scope of this book, however, to enter into any
technical discussion of the theory of radio. There are,
on the other hand, a few simple facts concerning "how it
works" which even a child can understand. A knowledge
of these facts is useful to every radio enthusiast.
Vibrations and waves.—Radio is essentially the control
of a type of electrical vibrations and the waves resulting
from them.
Everyone is familiar with vibrations and waves of one
sort or another. Grasp the loose end of a rope; shake it
rapidly up and down, and waves visible to the human eye
will travel the length of the rope as a result of the vibra-
tion. Strike a bell, and the vibration which is set up
sends forth in all directions, sound waves audible to the
human ear. Draw a bow across a violin string, or strike
the key of a piano, and audible sound waves are the result.
Kindle a fire in a stove, and the energy released from the
fuel will cause even the particles of iron in the stove to
vibrate and send off waves of heat to which human bodies
are sensible through feeling.
Our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, and the sound
waves which result, carry our speech to all people within
hearing distance.
How radio works.—In transmitting the voice or music
by radio, the sound waves are directed into a sending
device which converts them into electrical vibrations far
too rapid for the human ear to hear. At the same time,
the sending set transfers these vibrations to the wires of

the sending aerial. The vibrations in the aerial cause

electromagnetic waves to radiate in all directions, instan-
taneously circling the globe. When these electromagnetic
waves come in contact with the wires of another aerial,
they set up in these wires, electrical vibrations precisely
similar to the vibrations in the aerial which sent the waves
on their way around the earth. The electrical vibrations
in the receiving aerial are then carried by a lead-in or drop
wire, to a receiving set, where they are re-converted into
sound vibrations, audible to the human ear. These sound
vibrations exactly reproduce the voice or music which is
being directed into the sending set. This, in a nutshell, is
the principle of radio.
Sound waves and electrical vibrations.—The modern
radio telephone sending outfit is essentially a collection
of apparatus for converting audible sound waves into
electrical vibrations and transferring these very rapid or
high frequency electrical vibrations to an aerial.
The modern receiving outfit is essentially an assembly
of apparatus for re-converting the high frequency radio
waves picked up by an aerial, into the corresponding
sound waves, which are of lower frequency and are audible
to the human ear.
The manner in which electrical vibrations are con-
trolled or molded by sound waves will be considered
more in detail in Chapter V and Chapter X.
Audio frequency and radio frequency.—The word fre-
quency in radio language is used to denote rate of vibration.
Sound vibrations in order to be heard by most people
must have a frequency lower than 10,000 per second.
Sound vibrations having a frequency lower than 10,000
per second are said to be of audio frequency because they
are audible to the human ear.
Electrical vibrations which are utilized to propagate
radio waves have a much higher frequency. Electrical
vibrations above 20,000 per second are arbitrarily said
to be of radio frequency. Radio vibrations in the aerial
wires may have a frequency of several million per second.
It may be interesting to note, in passing, that the audio
frequency range begins at about 40 vibrations per second—
the lowest vibration rate at which the human ear is capable
of sensing sound. Light and heat vibrations are of ex-
tremely high frequency. Heat waves, to which the nerves
of the body are sensitive, are the result of 20 trillions to
300 trillions of vibrations per second; light waves, of 430
trillions to 740 trillions per second; and ultra violet and
X-rays, 870 trillions to 1500 trillions per second.
Necessity for tuning.—To this point, we have seemed to
assume that every radio receiving station is at all times
picking up messages from every other station which
happens to be sending. Strictly speaking, this is not
possible, nor would it be at all desirable. If such a con-
dition were to exist, the confusion of sounds which would
come from the receiving apparatus would effectually
preclude any possibility of the reception of intelligible
In order to receive messages by radio, the receiving
operator must tune his station to the station from which
he desires to receive. We may more readily understand
how this tuning is accomplished by considering the action
of two violin strings exactly alike in key, length and
tension, and strung side by side. If a bow is drawn across
one of the strings, causing it to vibrate, the string which
was not touched by the bow also begins to vibrate and
send out sound waves. In like manner, if two pianos in
the same room are tuned to the same pitch, and a note, is
struck on either instrument, the corresponding string on
the o'ther piano will give out the same tone. All the other
strings will remain silent. In both of these illustrations,
the second string was "in tune" with the first, and so
vibrated in sympathy.
Similarly in radio, a receiving station must be in tune
with the sending station from which one wishes to receive.
That is to say, the wave length, or vibration period—both
of which are governed, for the most part, by the effective
length of the aerial—must be identical for both stations.
Sending stations may transmit on a variety of wave
lengths. Tuning to the wave length upon which a station
is transmitting, is accomplished at the receiving station.
Wave length.—Everyone who reads the newspapers
has noticed that when a program is announced for broad-
casting, the wave length of the transmitting station is
always given. The question therefore arises as to what
is meant by wave length, and how the length of an invisible
wave can be measured.
In answering these
questions, let us consider
for a moment, waves we
can really see—water
waves, for example, or better still, the waves of the
vibrating rope.
The wave length in the case of the rope is plainly the
distance from the crest of one wave to the crest of the
next; and every vibration of the arm produces a wave of
this length. If we measure this distance and count the
number of vibrations of the arm per minute, we can
calculate, by simple multiplication, the speed at which the
wave travels along the rope. Or if we measure the
distance which one of these waves travels in one minute,
we can divide this distance by the number of vibrations
per minute (or the number of waves which follow the first
one during the minute) and thereby determine the length
cf a single wave.
Radio waves are, of course, invisible. Their length,
however, may be calculated as exactly as that of the wave
in the rope, and in the same manner.
In the first place, waves sent out by a wireless station
are known to travel at the same speed as light—186,000
miles per second, or, in the metric system, 300,000,000
meters per second. In the second place, the rate of
electrical vibration in a sending aerial can be determined
at the sending station. Therefore, dividing 300,000,000
by the number of vibrations per second will give in meters
the wave length upon which the station is sending. For
example, if a station is sending out waves at the rate of
1,000,000 per second, the length of each wave must be
TtmoocT or 300 meters. Likewise, if it is desired to send
on a 360-meter wave length, the sending station should
be tuned to a frequency of 300^-000 Or 833,333 vibra-
tions per second.*
Varying the wave length, or tuning.—Finally, any given
station may be so constructed as to permit both receiving
and sending on a considerable range of wave lengths,
in order to allow freedom in tuning to the wave lengths
of different stations. Such tuning may be accomplished
in two ways:
(1) Increasing the effective length of the aerial
circuit by adding wire from a tuning coil
(commonly termed "adding inductance");
(2) Increasing or decreasing the capacity of the
aerial circuit by means of condensers.
Both of these methods we shall consider later in
connection with receiving and with sending.
* The shortest electromagnetic wave yet measured is a fraction of an
inch in length; the longest, more than 1,000,000 miles.


Variations in form and size.—The antenna or aerial

is a part of the radio equipment used both in sending and
in receiving. Aerials may vary in size from miniature
aerials used with portable receiving sets, to commercial
station types, hundreds of feet long. In form there is
also wide variation, as indicated by the illustrations on
the following page. As a matter of fact, amateurs often
have been able to receive messages more or less satisfac-
torily, using a bed spring or even a window screen as an
The receiving aerial.:—For receiving only, a single wire,
if of sufficient height and length, furnishes the most satis-
factory aerial. In picking up a given message, one wire,
strange as it may seem, will collect nearly as much energy
as several parallel or radial wires of equal length. To
compensate for any slight loss in the collection of energy,
a single wire also collects much less atmospheric elec-
tricity (commonly called static); induction (electric or
magnetic influence from local current carrying wires,
without direct contact) occurs to a lesser degree; and
humming and crackling is reduced to a minimum.
The loop aerial, in which the wire is wound on a frame
usually from two feet to eight feet square, is somewhat
widely used as an indoor receiving aerial. But owing
to its small size and its limited capability for collecting
energy, sensitive receiving apparatus must be used with
it. We shall therefore postpone to a later chapter the
discussion of its operation and its peculiar qualities
in tuning and in direction finding.
The transmitting aerial.—In sending, best results are
to be obtained from a multiple wire aerial. Increasing
the number of wires has the effect of lowering the resist-
ance of the aerial to the electrical vibrations impressed
upon it and provides a greater amount of surface for
purposes of radiation. More energy may, therefore, be
transferred from the sending set to the wires and radiated
from them.
The counterpoise aerial, which is used chiefly in sending,
will be considered in Chapter IX.
If one aerial is to be used both for spnding and for
receiving, a flat top multiple wire (T or inverted L) type
is the most frequent compromise. It is evident from the
illustration that the only difference between the T type
and the inverted L is in the location of the drop wire
connection. In the former, the lead-in is taken from the
middle of the flat top; in the latter it is taken from one
end. A usual advantage in either of these aerials is ease
of erection.
In the preceding chapter, we have seen that a sending
set may be used to transfer electrical vibrations to the
aerial. We have found that the electromagnetic waves
caused by such vibration, spread in all directions over
and through the earth. We have learned that when
these electromagnetic waves come in contact with the
wires of another aerial, they set up in these wires, elec-
trical vibrations precisely similar to those in the aerial
which sent the waves on their way through space. We
have seen that the receiving aerial must be tuned to the
wave length of the sending aerial, in order that it may
most efficiently pick up the vibrations which are to be
converted by the receiving set into audible sounds. We
are now ready to plan and to build an aerial.

The aerial circuit.—Generally speaking, the natural

wave length of an aerial depends upon the total length of
the aerial circuit, which is measured from the farthest
end of the longest aerial wire to the point where the
grounding device or grounding system enters the earth.
It is a fact, however, that height, material of the masts
or other supporting structures and other conditions affect
the natural wave length of an aerial. But since there are
no fixed rules as to the effect of shape, length, number of
wires, and the factors mentioned above, the precise
dimensions for an aerial which will exactly produce a
desired wave length cannot be determined before the
aerial is erected. The best procedure is to estimate the
circuit as closely as possible, and make allowance for a
natural wave length somewhat under the desired sending
wave length. A similar procedure should be gone through
in the case of a receiving aerial. This will permit including
in the aerial circuit a tuning device necessary for sharp
tuning, which will be discussed in later chapters.
An aerial constructed from the following specifications
should have a natural wave length well under 200 meters,
which is the maximum wave length, with certain excep-
tions,* allocated by the U. S. Department of Commerce
to amateur sending stations. The introduction of tuning
devices, as indicated in Chapter I, will, of course, permit
the reception of messages upon much longer as well as
upon much shorter wave lengths.
Size of the sending aerial.—To begin with, the total
physical length of the aerial circuit for an amateur sending
station should not exceed 150 feet. For best results in

receiving those stations which broadcast on a wave length

of 360 meters, the receiving aerial circuit length should be
approximately 200 feet. Purely local conditions, such as
parallel wires—telephone or electric service—guy wires,
proximity to a tin roof, steel masts, or other metal
structures, may have a slight effect upon the natural
wave length of the circuit. As indicated above, neces-
* See Government Regulations, Chapter XII.
sary corrections for such variations may be made with
a tuning device in the circuit after the aerial has been
installed and tried out. The total length of the aerial
circuit, as outlined in Fig. 4, includes the length of the
longest aerial wire (if the wires are of different lengths),
plus the length of the lead-in or drop wire to the receiving
or the sending set, plus the length of the ground wire
from the set to the water pipe, radiator or other grounding
device, plus the length of pipe line or grounding device to
the point where it actually enters the earth. Not until this
point is reached, is the aerial circuit complete.
The length of the longest aerial wire should be taken as
the distance from the point where the drop wire leaves the
aerial to the farthest end of the longest wire in the aerial.
The fact that there are more wires than one in the flat
top T, or the inverted L type aerial, does not affect the
above calculation. The length is taken as of the longest
It should also be noted that zig-zagging the wires in
an aerial, that is, carrying the same wire backward "and
forward between spreaders or other supports, will not
increase the effective length of the aerial circuit to any
great extent.
T type versus L type.—From the above directions for
computing the length of the aerial circuit may arise the
questions: What is the function of the extra side in the
flat top of the T type aerial? Why not always use an
inverted L type? In answer it may be said that the
additional wire in the T type makes possible the radia-
tion of a greater amount of energy in sending.
Since best results are obtained from an aerial which
extends as high above the earth as possible, and with a
lead-in as short and as direct as possible, it might follow-
that the ideal aerial would extend in a vertical direction
from the set itself. This may be true in the case of a
receiving aerial, but does not hold for a sending aerial.
However, such an erection is seldom practicable, and a
compromise which will take existing conditions into
account, is usually made.*
Size of the receiving aerial.—The size and the wave
length of an aerial to be used for reception only, may be
computed in the same manner as that suggested for the
transmitting aerial on the preceding pages. It should
be said, however, that in case a receiving aerial is to be
erected under limited space conditions (as for example,
on the roof of a house 25 or 30 feet long) the advantages
to be derived from using two to four wires in parallel out-
weigh the disadvantages noted on page 17. The capacity
effect in such an aerial will operate to increase the natural
wave length of the aerial circuit which might be some-
what limited if a single wire were erected.
* It should be noted at this point that the sending aerial described in
the following chapter is an elaborate erection. A much simpler aerial
of the same type may be erected for receiving, and should give satis-
factory results.


Materials required.—The materials necessary for the
sending aerial suggested in the preceding chapter are:
(1) copper wire, either bare or insulated,
(2) two spreaders,
(3) aerial insulators,
(4) two pulleys,
(5) aerial rope,
(6) two poles, or other supports,
(7) guy wire,
(8) guy wire insulators,
(9) supports for guy wires,
(10) lightning arrester or lightning switch, or both,
(11) lightning ground and ground wire.
Almost any form of copper wire will do for use in the
aerial. The only requirement is that it be of sufficient
size to offer low resistance to the electrical currents and
to withstand strains imposed by high winds. Since radio
waves can penetrate all substances, insulation on the
wire has no deterrent effect whatever. As a matter of
fact, there is a slight advantage to be obtained from the
use of insulated wire since it protects the surface of the
wire from corrosion. No. 14 solid copper wire, or seven
strands of No. 22, are prescribed by the National Board of
Fire Underwriters as the minimum size. The latter is
most commonly used.
Phosphor-bronze wire is not so efficient on account of
its higher resistance to electrical currents. It is used, as
for example, on ships, on account of its greater mechanical
strength. Aluminum wire should not be used in any
case because it is not strong enough and because the
wire quickly becomes oxidized in the atmosphere, causing
a loss of energy owing to resistance at any splices which
have been made.
If a single wire type is to be erected, which, as has been
stated, is the most satisfactory aerial for receiving, the
spreaders are unnecessary. Tall trees, or other supports,
if conveniently located, may be utilized instead of masts.

Owing to the high voltage employed in transmitting,

an aerial which is to be used for sending must be par-
ticularly well insulated. For transmitting sets using from
1/4 to one kilowatt of current per hour, the 10-inch "Elec-
trose" strain insulator such as that shown in Fig. 8, or
a similar type, will serve the purpose. With sets which
use vacuum tubes for transmitting, glazed porcelain
insulators are preferable.
In the case of a receiving aerial, or of a transmitting
aerial employed with a set using less than 1/4 kilowatt of
current, such as a spark coil transmitter, the ball type of
insulator may be used. This insulator and other types
suitable for an aerial used only for receiving, are shown
IN Fig. 5. The glazed porcelain cleat is inexpensive and
is usually obtainable at any electrical supply store.
The rope should be sufficiently strong to carry the
weight of the aerial in a high wind. Sash cord and hemp
rope are both satisfactory. The pulleys should be large
enough to allow the rope to slip through them easily.
Guy wire of seven strands of No. 20 or No. 22 heavily
galvanized steel wire is usually obtainable at any hard'
ware store; the latter is strong enough to guy a 40-foot
pole. Seven strands of No. 20 should be used for a
60-foot pole.
Choosing a site.—In choosing a site for an aerial, bear
these points in mind: (1) The aerial wires should be kept
from possible contact with trees or buildings. (2) The
aerial should be kept away from tin roofs. If it is found
necessary to erect an aerial over a tin roof, raise it as
high above the roof as possible—at least several feet.
Close proximity of aerial wires to trees, buildings, and
especially to a tin roof, will result in re-radiation and loss
of energy in sending. It will also interfere with receiv-
ing, in that these objects will absorb, to some extent,
energy which might otherwise be collected by the aerial.
(3) The aerial should be elevated as high as possible above
all surrounding buildings, especially any which are of
steel framework. Such structures will lower the receiving
range from their direction, by what is known as a shield-
ing effect. (4) Avoid close proximity to current-carrying
wires. Where it is necessary to erect an aerial near high
tension wires, it should be run in a direction at right
angles to such wires. If this cannot be done, run the
aerial as nearly at a right angle as possible, This pro-'
cedure will reduce induction from the current-carrying
wires to the aerial and will largely eliminate the loud
humming which is sometimes heard in the receivers.
(5) Aerial wires should never be strung over or under
other wires carrying electric current. If the higher wires
should break or sag, and make contact with the lower
wires, danger to appar-
atus as well as to other
property and to life might
result. (See page 39.)
Bearing these points in
mind, we may cast about
for a location for the
Supports for the
aerial.—The aerial may
be supported between
two house tops. It may
be strung from the peak
of the house to a tree, a
flagpole, or a mast in the yard. It may be suspended
from a short pole eight or ten feet long, placed on the
roof. A pole of this size may be placed against a chimney
and fastened to it, and would not require guy wires
for support. This method will eliminate the necessity for
nailing and the attendant possibility of a leaky roof.
Iron poles or pipes should not be used on a roof unless
the pole and its guy wires are thoroughly insulated
from all parts of the building and then properly
grounded to a lightning rod or other lightning ground.
Insulation of the pole may be accomplished by resting
its base in a glass or porcelain insulator. If it is not
thoroughly insulated and grounded, and lightning should
strike the pipe, considerable damage to the building
might result. Guy wires may be insulated and grounded
after the method shown in Fig. 6.
Since the aerial should be well above the roof, the
method of stringing it between low chimneys or other
parts of the building is not advisable. If the far end of
the aerial is to be supported by a telephone pole or by
another building, or if the aerial is to be stretched over
other properties, the permission of the owners must first
be secured.
If the aerial is to be suspended from a tree, at either
end, the pulley should be tied to the tree and sufficient rope
allowance made to meet the wire at a point beyond reach
of the limbs as shown in Fig. 11. A weight sufficiently
heavy to keep the aerial taut should be attached to the
other end of the rope as shown. This arrangement will
permit the tree to sway without snapping the aerial wire.
Making a mast.—If sufficient height cannot be obtained
between the house and a tree, a flagpole, or another
building, a tall pole such as is used for a flagpole may be
erected. Such a pole should be guyed, even though it is
placed several feet in the ground. This kind of pole,
however, is hard to obtain, especially in cities. Another
good type which has been constructed and successfully
used for several years by the authors, is the laminated
mast shown in Fig. 7.
For a 40-foot pole, three thicknesses of white pine strips
of 1-inch by 4-inch material should be used. These
strips should be put together as shown in the drawing.
Five 16-foot pieces, two 12-foot pieces and two 8-foot
pieces would be required to make this mast.
For a 30-foot pole, three thicknesses of 1-inch by 3-inch
material, making the cross section of this mast 3 inches
by 3 inches, should be sufficient. For a 60-foot pole,
four thicknesses of 1-inch by 4-inch stock should be used.
The 30-foot pole and the 60-foot pole should be laid out
on the same plan as the 40-foot pole, care being taken

that the joints of the strips in any one layer do not come
too close to the joints of the strips in another layer.
Sections may be nailed together as shown in the case
of the 40-foot pole. Then these sections which are
nailed, should be joined together by means of brass screws,
which will not rust. This form of construction will per-
mit the pole to be taken apart for transportation, which
otherwise would hardly be feasible in the case of a 40-foot
or a 60-foot pole. In joining sections, bolts should not
be used on account of their weight and the possibility of
rusting. Besides, holes for the b'olts would weaken the
mast. The laminated pole is more easily constructed and
is stronger than masts made by bolting together joists or
short poles; it is also much more satisfactory than any
iron pole made from pipes of reduced sizes fastened to-
gether by reducer couplings. A good coat of paint will
add to the life, as well as to the appearance of the lam-
inated mast.
Guy wires and aerial rope.—One set of four guy wires
would be sufficient in the case of the 30-foot pole; two
sets of four each—one at the top and one at the middle—

should be used for either a 40-foot or a 60-foot pole. All

of the guy wires should, of course, be attached to the pole
before it is raised. A pulley should also be attached,
and the rope for hoisting the aerial should be passed
through it and both ends fastened near the base of the
pole. The pulley should be fastened to the pole by
means of a bolt bent into the shape of a hook at one end
and threaded at the other end to take two nuts, as shown
in Fig. 8. Or, the pulley might simply be wired to a
groove sawed around the pole about two inches from
the top, as indicated in Fig. 7.
As previously suggested, the guy wire used for the
largest pole should consist of seven strands of No.
20 galvanized steel wire. Insulators should be in-
serted at about every twenty feet to prevent dissipation
and re-radiation of energy in transmitting, which would
result if the guy wires were similar in length to the aerial
wires. Guy wires may be attached to any convenient
supports or to posts driven into the ground. Guy wires
should, if possible, be fastened at a distance from the foot
of the pole, equal to the height of the pole.
Making up the aerial.—The flat top of the aerial should
be made up in a clear space, large enough to permit the
wires to be laid out alongside of one another. The
wires should be cut in even lengths and then fastened
about two or three feet apart to the spreaders. Aerial
wires must be exactly alike in length between the spreaders.
If they are uneven, the longer wires will sag when the
aerial is in place. The ideal method of construction
would be to attach the wires to metal spreaders so that
the spreaders form part of the circuit, as shown in Fig. 8.
Brass rods 3/4 inch square, or brass tubing of a 3/4-inch
outside diameter make excellent spreaders for an aerial of
this design. Brass spreaders eliminate the necessity for
insulating each wire from the spreader. Insulating each
wire separately places a number of insulators in parallel
in the circuit and thereby reduces the total insulation of
the aerial to a fraction of that afforded by a single in-
sulator. In other words, the chance of the high voltage
current leaking to the pole or other support would be
multiplied by the number of insulators used. If the wires
are bolted or. soldered to a metal rod or tube of good
conducting material, only one insulator is required be-
tween the rope and the spreader.
The efficiency of this type of aerial may not be evident
to the novice, but by experienced radio amateurs it is
believed that "fading signals" and other undesirable
phenomena, particularly with vacuum tube transmitters,

are partly due to the insulation factor in the aerial, which

may vary in moist atmosphere or during rainstorms. If,
because of inability to secure material for an aerial of
this type, or for some other reason, the reader does not
desire to use this kind of spreader, a wooden spreader
may be used, with an insulator inserted between each
wire and the spreading device, as shown in Fig. 9. In
this case the aerial wires should be connected to one
another, at each end of the aerial, by a wire soldered across
all of them.
The lead-in.—Keeping in mind that the circuit of a
transmitting aerial should not exceed 150 feet in order to
enable tuning to as low as 200 meters in wave length, we
can decide where the lead-in should be connected. For
example, if the lead-in is to be 50 feet in length and if the
ground circuit is 20 feet in length, we should then be
limited to a length of 65 feet in the flat top of an inverted
L aerial. If plenty of space is available and the flat top
can be extended for as much as 130 feet, we could obtain
a circuit of approximately the same length as in the case
above by connecting the lead-in at the center of the 130-
foot flat top, forming a T type aerial. The lead-in, par-
ticularly for sending, should be of the same current-
carrying capacity as that of the total number of wires in
the flat top. That is to say, if the aerial is made up of
four No. 14 wires, the lead-in' should contain the same
number of wires of the same size.
Splices in aerial wires.—All connections in the aerial
and lead-in wires should be scraped bright, tightly twisted,
and soldered, as shown in Fig. 8. The National Board
of Fire Underwriters requires that these wires, if not
soldered, must be connected by approved clamping de-
vices or wire sleeves, as shown in Fig. 9. Necessity for
soldering the lead-in wire to the aerial may be eliminated
in an inverted L type aerial by passing the aerial wire
through the insulator, giving it a number of twists and
then continuing the same wire as a drop wire to the
lightning arrester or switch.
Making sure of pulleys and guy wires.—Before raising
the pole, make doubly sure that the pulley and all guy
wires are securely attached to it; also that the rope which
is to support the aerial is run through the pulley. This
last suggestion may seem to be an unnecessary caution,
but amateurs have been known to forget this point, and
as a result have had either to climb the pole after it was
in place or to lower it again to put the rope through the
pulley. The rope should be long enough to reach from
the bottom of the pole to the top and down again, so
that after the pole has been erected, the aerial may be
raised and lowered. (See Fig. 10.) The ends of the rope
should be tied together so that an end cannot slip through
the pulley while the pole is being raised. Another method
is to have the rope long enough to reach from the aerial
in the raised position, through the pulley and down to the
base of the pole. Then in raising the pole, and again
when it is desired to lower the aerial, another piece of
rope is tied to the rope used for supporting the aerial and
enough of the new piece is let out to allow the aerial to
drop to the ground. Of course the aerial should not be
attached to the rope before the pole is raised. The
aerial should be raised only after the pole is in position
with the guy wires securely fastened. Be sure to have
the aerial rope in place before raising the pole.
How to erect a mast.—In raising the pole, any one of a
number of methods may be used. In the case of a 40-
foot pole, the base may be rested in a small hollow dug
in the ground and while one or two men keep the base
in this hollow by placing their feet on it, two or three
others may raise the top of the pole from the ground and
walk toward the base, elevating the pole as they go.
After the pole has been raised to an angle of about
45 degrees, two people pulling on guy wires attached to
the top of the pole can raise it the rest of the way. Of
course, two other people should have hold of guy wires
on the opposite side of the pole, so that when the mast
reaches the vertical position, it can be kept from falling
In raising a mast, the use of pike poles, which are long,
slender poles with spikes in one end, commonly used by

telephone companies and others in erecting poles, is not

advised for amateurs, as considerable experience is re-
quired to manipulate these poles. Sufficient leverage for
a 40-foot pole can be obtained, as has been suggested, by
simply pushing it upward with the hands and walking
toward the base. A 60-foot pole would no doubt require
the use of pike poles or some other device.
A more simple way of raising the mast, if conditions
will permit, is to pull up one end of the pole to the roof
of a house or other building and rest it against the eaves,
as shown in Fig. 10.
The pole should be placed on the ground near the build-
ing, as indicated in the drawing. The end of the pole
that is to be raised to the eaves may be pulled to that
position by the aerial rope lowered from the roof. It
may be seen from the diagram how the pole can be raised
from this last position to a vertical position: Two people
should stand off at a distance, each holding a guy wire
attached to the top of the pole. The two guy wires on
the other side of the pole may be run through screw
hooks temporarily fastened at the corners of the house.
One man standing on the ground may hold the two guy
wires which are run through these hooks. As the two
men pull the pole forward to an upright position, the
other man slacks up on his two wires sufficiently to allow
the pole to be righted. If it is not feasible to insert the
two hooks in the edge of the roof so that one man can
hold the two wires, one wire may be carried around each
end of the house; two people would then be required to
pay out the two wires as the pole is being righted.
As soon as the pole has been raised to an upright posi-
tion, each man fastens his guy wire. One man can then
sight the pole, and, by loosening up one guy wire for a
few inches and taking in the slack of the guy wire on the
opposite side, may true up the pole and fasten it securely
in the vertical position.
This latter method of erection can be successfully em-
ployed only where the pole is to be placed near a building.
In other words, if the pole were forty feet long, resting
one end on the eaves at a height of, let us say, twenty-
five feet, would bring the base at the most, only about
thirty feet from the house. It is suggested that the
amateur does not try to move the pole for any distance
after it has been placed in a vertical position.
Raising the aerial.—After the masts have been erected,
or if masts are not used, after the pulleys have been
attached to other supports, all connections for the aerial
should be gone over for the last time. See that the aerial
wires are securely fastened to the spreaders or to the
aerial rope. Go over the lead-in connections carefully
and make sure that strong joints have been made. See
that the lead-in wires—one for each wire in the aerial—
are made up of sufficient length to reach to the point
where they are to connect with the lightning switch.
In raising the aerial, it is necessary to guide it so that
it does not become entangled in the guy wires. All
kinks or sharp bends should be removed from the wire
just as it is being raised. A kink allowed to remain will
cause a sharp bend and possibly a fracturing of the wire
when the aerial is tightened; and even if the wire is later
straightened out, it will be very much weakened at that
point. Drop wires should be allowed to swing free while
the aerial is being raised.
After the aerial is in place, the lead-in wires may be
allowed to hang loose or in a spread out effect to the
point where they are to be fastened to insulators on the
house or building. From this point, it is necessary to
keep them together. This may be accomplished by
twisting them together and continuing the lead-in in this
form from the point where it first is fastened to the
building to the point where it makes connection with the
lightning arresting device prescribed by the National
Board of Fire Underwriters. As noted below, lead-in
wires must be supported in such manner that they are at
least four inches away from the building or the supports
on which the insulators are mounted in the case of a
receiving aerial, and five inches in the case of a sending
aerial. These insulating supports may be purchased
from any electrical dealer.


The aerial as a protection against lightning.—The
importance of erecting the aerial in such manner that
it will be a protection from lightning instead of a hazard
cannot be overestimated. If properly installed, it will
collect and carry to earth any lightning discharge which
might otherwise strike the building. If improperly
installed, it is a source of danger in any locality where
lightning discharges occur. In view of the foregoing,
regulations have been drawn up by a special committee
of the National Fire Protective Association, which is
the authority for the National Electrical Code, in co-
operation with engineers acting for the American Radio
Relay League, the American Telephone and Telegraph
Company, the Radio Corporation of America, and the
Independent Telephone Association. The findings of
this committee are considered standards of good practice
in the installation of aerials and should be strictly com-
plied with.
In the following paragraphs, the recommendations of
the committee are summarized. In some cases, cautions
already given in this chapter are repeated.
No protection for indoor aerial.—In the first place, a
receiving set having an indoor aerial is considered devoid
of hazard, except when storage batteries or other initial
energy is used either for amplification or as a source of
energy for vacuum tubes or other apparatus which the
art may later develop. Proper installation of such
apparatus will be given consideration in later chapters.
With any receiving set, the principal danger is from
lightning brought in over the aerial to the equipment or
to some part of the building. Where there is no outside
aerial, this hazard is removed.
Protecting the outdoor aerial.—The regulations pre-
scribe that aerials outside of buildings shall not cross
over or under electric light or power wires or any circuit
carrying current of more than 600 volts, or of railway,
trolley or feeder wires; nor shall they be so located that
a breaking of either the aerial wires or the above men-
tioned electric light or power wires will result in a contact
between the aerial and such wires. The amateur, how-
ever, should take even further precautions than these
and should not attempt to string aerial wires over any
electric wires which carry as much as 110 volts. The
aerial might be strung under wires which do not carry
more than 110 volts with a fair degree of safety, but even
then the breaking of the electric light wires above might
cause a contact with the aerial wires and destroy the
receiving set.
The Underwriters further require that the aerial shall
be constructed and installed in a strong and durable
manner and shall be so located as to prevent accidental
contact with light and power wires by sagging or swinging.
The Underwriters also require that the aerial and
lead-in be of solid or stranded copper wire, not smaller
than No. 14, excepting that as small as No. 17 copper-
clad steel wire may be used. It might be said that it is
common practice to use No. 14 stranded copper wire
because of its strength as well as its conducting qualities,
and not No. 14 solid, as the latter will kink and break
very easily.
All splices in the aerial and lead-in wires must be
soldered or else be made with an improved connector,
as previously noted.
Bear in mind that a single wire is more satisfactory
for a receiving aerial than a number of wires; but when
more than one wire is used in an aerial employed for
both transmitting and receiving, the lead-in should be
made up of the same number of wires of the same size,
or else of one wire having a current carrying capacity
equal to the total number of wires in the aerial.
The lead-in wires, if attached to the outside of the
building before reaching the point of entrance, must be
mounted upon insulating supports so that they will not
come nearer than four inches from the wall, as previously
noted. Furthermore, they must be kept at least four
inches from electric light and power wires, unless
separated from them by a continuous and firmly fixed
weatherproof non-conducting material which will maintain
permanent separation, regardless of whether or not the
lead-in wires have insulation on them. However, it is
not good practice in any case to run the lead-in wires
parallel to or near electric light or power wires, as in-
duction which will "drown out" the received signals
may take place.
The lead-in wires must enter the building through a
bushing or tube which is non-combustible, non-absorp-
tive, and insulating—of porcelain, for example, or fibre.
All of the foregoing regulations and suggestions apply
to transmitting as well as to receiving aerials, except
that transmitting aerials should be even better insu-
lated. The lead-in wires of an aerial used for trans-
mitting must be supported five inches from the walls
instead of four inches; and where they pass through the
building, they must be so insulated by a long moisture-
proof tube or lead-in device that there will be not less
than five inches creepage distance between the lead-in
wires at the ends of the tube, and the building or any
other conducting material.
Lightning arresters and lightning switches.—The lead-
in for the receiving aerial must be provided with at least
an approved lightning arrester, located either inside or
outside the building, but as near as possible to the point
of entrance of the wires to the building. The lead-in
wires of a transmitting aerial must be provided with a
single pole, double-throw switch having a current carrying
capacity of at least 50 amperes and
having four inches clearance between
the contact points of the switch.
This switch may also be used for
the receiving aerial, in addition to
the lightning arrester, and is desir-
able for additional protection; but
the switch alone is not sufficient to
conform to the Underwriters' require-
ments for the receiving aerial. Its
metal parts must be mounted on a waterproof insulating
base. A switch having a slate
base should not be used, as slate
very often has metallic veins.
The switch for a transmitting
aerial must be so mounted that
its current carrying parts are
five inches from the building
wall. It may be located either inside or outside the build-
ing, but it must be at the immediate point of entrance of
the lead-in wires to the building and preferably in the most
direct line between the aerial and the lightning ground.
The set should be connected to one end of the switch,
the lightning ground to the other end, and the lead-in
wires to the middle point.
The lightning ground.—In the opinion of the authors,
the lightning ground wire for the receiving aerial as well
as for the transmitting aerial, should have a current
carrying capacity as large as that of the total number of
lead-in wires from the aerial, although this specification
is made for only the transmitting aerial. According to
the regulations, however, in no case shall the lightning
ground wire be smaller than No. 10. It must be of copper
or other metal which will not corrode to any extent under
existing conditions. The wire may be either insulated
or bare and it does not have to be mounted on insulated
supports, although again it is better practice to have it
supported from the building by means of insulators. A
good arrangement is to mount the lightning ground wire
on porcelain knob insulators such as are commonly used
in electrical work. Sharp turns or bends in the lead-in
wire and in the lightning ground wire should be avoided
and both of these wires should be run in as direct a
line as possible between the aerial and the lightning
The lightning ground to which the lightning ground
wire is conneoted should be a good, permanent, earth
connection such as the water pipe system. Gas pipe
' systems must not be used for such grounds.
Where the water system is used for the lightning ground,
the ground wire should be connected to the pipe on the
street side of the meter. In other words, the connection
to the water pipe should be made at a point between the
water meter and the place of entrance of the water pipe
into the earth, so that if the water meter were removed, the
lightning ground circuit would still be intact to the
pipe running into the earth.
Other lightning grounds which are permitted are
grounded steel frames of buildings, or approved artificial
grounding devices such as pieces of iron pipe driven into
the ground, or metal plates buried several feet in the earth.
If pipe is used for the lightning ground, it must be of
galvanized iron or other metal which will not corrode or
rust, and it must be at least one inch in diameter. Further-
more, it must be driven down into the earth for a distance
of at least six feet; if a plate is used, it must be buried at

a similar depth. It would be much better to use two or

three such pipes or plates than to use only one, especially
if the earth is not very moist at the spot.
An approved device known as a ground clamp must be
used wherever the lightning ground wire is connected to
driven pipes or to water piping. When the connection
is exposed to the weather, an approved device designed
specifically for that purpose must be used.
According to the regulations, antenna and counterpoise
conductors must be effectively and permanently grounded
(that is, with the arrester in place or the switch thrown,
as the case may be, or both) when the station is not in
actual operation (unattended).


A radio receiving set, as we learned in Chapter I, is an

assembly of apparatus for re-converting into sound waves,
audible to the human ear, the high frequency radio waves
which have been radiated
from a sending station and
picked up in the form of
electrical vibrations in the
receiving aerial circuit.
The simplest receiving
set.—The simplest receiv-
ing outfit includes (1) an
aerial, (2) a lead-in or drop
wire, (3) a detector, or recti-
fier as it is sometimes called,
(4) a pair of head tele-
phones, or receivers, and (5)
a connection to the earth, FIG. 15.—THE SIMPLEST RECEIVING
commonly called the ground.
This simple receiving circuit is shown in Fig. 15.
Such an assembly of apparatus can receive signals from
points within its range if such signals are transmitted on
a wave length corresponding to the natural wave length
of its own aerial circuit. The chief disadvantage in this
circuit grows out of the impossibility of tuning it to
receive signals from stations transmitting on different
wave lengths. In other words, no provision has been
made for lengthening or shortening the aerial circuit to
place it in tune with the aerial circuits of different trans-
mitting stations. This disadvantage may be overcome by
introducing a tuning coil
into the circuit, as shown
in Fig. 16.
The addition of a tun-
ing coil.—A tuning coil is
simply a coil of copper
wire, usually No. 18 to
No. 26, wound on a cyl-
indrical form made of
insulating material as, for
example, a cardboard
tube, and having a con-
tact which may be made
to slide across the turns
of wire. In this hook-up,
the drop wire or lead-in
is connected directly to
one terminal or end of the
coil of wire. The other terminal of the coil remains
unconnected. The sliding contact, or slider, is con-
nected to one side of the detector. The other side of
the detector is connected to one terminal of the cord
attached to the receivers. The other terminal of the
receiver cord is connected to the ground wire. In the
operation of the set, the currents from the aerial will
travel through the coil only to the turn of wire on
which the slider rests. As the sliding contact is moved
in the direction away from the lead-in connection, the
electrical vibrations or currents induced in the aerial circuit
must travel around the turns of wire in the coil which
have thus been added to that circuit, before they pass to
the detector through the sliding contact connection.
Adding turns of wire in a coil is commonly called adding
inductance in the circuit. Adding inductance in this
circuit has the effect of lengthening the aerial, as sug-
gested in Chapter I. That is to say, adding wire from a
coil eliminates the necessity of climbing to the roof to
add additional wire to the aerial, which might otherwise
be necessary in tuning.
A tuning having only one sliding contact, as shown in
Fig. 16, is called a single slide tuning coil.
The purpose of the detector.—The function of the
detector in the receiving circuit is only partially indi-
cated by its name. Its real purpose is to rectify or filter
the radio frequent vibrations induced in the aerial circuit
so that they may be converted by the receivers into sounds
which may be detected by human ears.
To this point in our discussion of radio vibrations and
waves, we have seemed to assume that the electromag-
netic waves caused by the sending set are radiated only
from the sending aerial. In order to better understand
the action of the receiving set, it will be necessary for us
at this point to examine more closely the nature of radio
vibrations and waves.
Current oscillations and radio waves.—The electric
current which is sent into the sending aerial circuit to
produce radio waves is always alternating current. That
is to say, when the first surge of current is sent into the
sending aerial circuit, the flow in the circuit is in one
direction; the second surge of current travels in the op-
posite direction. In the case of a sending set connected
to an aerial and to the ground, if the first surge of current
travels up into the aerial, the second surge will travel to
the ground, the third to the aerial, the fourth to the
ground, and so on. Two successive surges, one in each
direction, make up one complete cycle or oscillation. As
the current surges up into the aerial, a magnetic influence
or pressure or disturbance—commonly called a magnetic
field—is set up around the wires and the earth connection,
and the first half of an electromagnetic or radio wave is
projected from the aerial circuit into space; as this surge
dies out the magnetic field surrounding the aerial circuit
collapses. The magnetic disturbance, however, con-
tinues to move on through space in all directions at the
speed of light. The next surge of current flows in the
direction of the earth. This alternate surge of current,
which goes to the ground, likewise exerts a magnetic
influence and a similar field is set up around the aerial
circuit and is radiated as the second' half of the wave.
The next surge in the direction of the aerial starts another
electromagnetic wave, and the foregoing process con-
tinues as long as the station is sending, with a wave
projected from the wires of the aerial circuit and the
earth surrounding the ground connection, for every
complete oscillation.
What we have heretofore termed vibrations in the aerial
are therefore, more properly, oscillations of current in the
aerial circuit, up into the aerial and down into the ground.
The distance that the first wave has traveled through
space when the second wave starts on its way, is the
length of the wave. Bear in mind that the surges or
oscillations which we have been calling vibrations, often
occur at the rate of many millions per second, and that
every complete oscillation projects a wave from the aerial
circuit, through the air and through the earth. Remember
also that when these waves come in contact with a receiv-
ing aerial circuit, they induce in it oscillations of alter-
nating current, exactly similar to the oscillations in the
aerial circuit from which the waves have been radiated,
although of lower intensity.
With these facts and theories in mind, let us return to
our consideration of the simple detector.
The crystal detector.—Certain minerals—among them
are galena, silicon, carborundum, and iron pyrites—have
the peculiar property of allowing currents of electricity
to pass through them much more readily in one direction
than in another. If one of these minerals is introduced
into the receiving circuit, we have a means of eliminating
half of each of the electrical vibrations or, more properly,
oscillations which are induced in the receiving aerial cir-
cuit, and which we desire to convert^into sound waves,
by stopping either the currents which enter the aerial
circuit and flow to the ground, or the currents which enter
the aerial circuit and flow toward the aerial.
In the simple receiving set under discussion, we may
utilize one of these materials—usually a galena crystal—
mounted in a small cup. As described in connection with
Fig. 16, one terminal from the receiver cord is attached to
the cup, which makes contact with the crystal. The
tuning coil, which as we have seen is an extension of the
aerial, has its sliding contact connected to the other side
of the detector and makes contact with
the crystal through a fine wire, so
mounted that it rests lightly on the
crystal, as shown in Fig. 17. The con-
nections are indicated in the picture
diagram in Fig. 16.
In the reception of signals, the currents flowing in the
circuit in the one direction, are prevented from passing.
The alternate surges of current, which come from the
other direction, are passed through the crystal and into a
condenser and then to the head telephones for conversion
into audible sounds. In this manner, the galena crystal
filters or rectifies the oscillations of the alternating cur-
rent and passes on to the receivers a pulsating direct
current; that is, a pulsating current which flows in only
one direction. But even though hah" of each oscillation
of current has thus been stopped, those impulses which
are allowed to pass are still too numerous and appear in
too rapid succession to operate the telephone receiver
diaphragm slowly enough so that we can hear its vibra-
tion. So we introduce a device called a condenser which
will store up a great number of these electrical impulses
and then discharge them through the receiver circuit in a
single pulse, causing an audible sound
in the telephone receivers.
The fixed condenser.—The con-
denser which we have placed in the
circuit in Fig. 16 is a device usually
made up of two or more small metal plates or sheets of tin
foil, separated by an insulating medium, such as paper or
mica, so that no electrical contact between adjacent
plates is possible. If there are more plates than two in
the condenser, the first, third, fifth, etc., are connected to
one another; the second, fourth, sixth, etc., are similarly
connected. Fig. 18 shows this fixed condenser in its
simplest form.
The purpose of the fixed condenser in the circuit is to
help to reduce the radio or high frequency pulsations of
current to audio frequency pulsations which can register
in the telephone receivers and be heard by human ears.
It acts as a storehouse for radio vibrations, as suggested
above, and then discharges its store or accumulation of
vibrations back into the circuit and through the telephone
receivers in a single surge or pulse.
The effect of a condenser is called a capacity effect,
since the condenser may be used to increase, or in some
cases to decrease the capacity of a circuit for storing up
electrical energy.
In Fig. 16 this piece of apparatus is shown connected
"across" the telephone receiver circuit. That is, one set
of plates is connected to that part of the circuit between
the detector and the phones, and the other set to that part
of the circuit between the phones and the ground connec-
tion. The condenser may also be said to be "in parallel"
with or "in shunt" to the receivers. Shunt and parallel
are two terms having the same meaning and will be used
interchangeably hereafter in this book.
The wires in the receivers, as we shall see, are so fine in
size that they offer high resistance to the more or less
feeble currents coming through the detector. On the
other hand, the relatively large surfaces of the plates in
the condenser afford an easy path for the pulses of current
to enter. So long as they are unable to pass through the
insulation in the condenser, these pulses of current store
themselves up in the manner previously discussed.
The head telephones.—The radio head telephones, or
phones, or receivers as they are usually called, are some-
what similar in appearance and in principle to the ordinary
telephone receiver. Their function is to convert the
pulses of electrical current into sound vibrations. In other
words their purpose is that of
reproducing the voice or music or
other signals which are being trans-
mitted from the sending station.
The receivers, as we have just seen,
are actuated by pulsations of the
rectified oscillating current which,
in the case of radio telephony, has been moulded by the
sound waves of the voice or music at the sending station.
Each receiver consists of a small hard rubber case en-
closing a U-shaped permanent steel magnet, with a coil
of fine insulated copper wire wound around each pole, as
shown in Fig. 20. A disc of thin sheet iron is supported
so that its face does not quite touch the poles of the!
magnet. A hard rubber cap or earpiece with an opening'
at its center, is screwed on the case so that it holds the
iron disc in place. As the pulsating direct current coming
from the condenser flows around the coils on the poles of
the permanent magnet, it sets up a magnetic field or influ-
ence which either strengthens the fields of the permanent
magnet, drawing the steel disc a little closer to the poles,
or weakens the fields, allowing the disc, which is always
under strain of attraction, to spring away from the poles.
Between pulses, the magnetic field returns to its normal
strength and the disc instantly returns to its original
position. Thus the disc of the receiver vibrates with the
pulses of current, and accurately reproduces the sounds
that are being directed into the transmitter at the station
which is sending. That is, the current carried to the
receiver causes the diaphragm or disc to vibrate exactly

as the recording device of the transmitter is vibrating at

the sending station; and these vibrations of the receiver
diaphragm create the sound waves which strike the ear.
The ground connection.—The connection to the ground
completes the aerial circuit. This connection may be a
copper wire connected to a water pipe, radiator, or other
continuous metallic system which enters the earth.
Refinements necessary in the simple receiver hook-up.—
Although either of the two "hook-ups" or circuits which
we have described will accomplish the reception of radio
signals, the novice should not proceed to wire up his
crystal detector set after the plan of either circuit, unless
for the sake of experimenting. Further refinements are
necessary in order to get best results from the crystal
detector set. These refinements include (1) the removal
of the detector and the
receivers to what we
shall call a local circuit,
and (2) some slight
modification of the
tuning device, such as
that found in the tap-
ped coil, the double slide
or triple slide tuner; or
even a greater modifi-
cation such as that
found in the loose coup-
ler and the vario-
coupler. The variable
condenser as a device
for reducing or increas-
ing wave length is a
desirable addition; it
becomes a necessity,
however, only if it is
desired to receive sig-
nals on a wave length
shorter than that of the
receiving aerial.
The local or sec-
ondary circuit.—Be-
cause of the very high
resistance in the detector crystal and in the telephone
receivers, best results cannot be obtained if they are left
in the aerial circuit or in the direct path of the currents
flowing in the aerial, lead-in, and ground wire. The
crystal is of such material that it offers very high resist-
ance to the surges of the weak current picked up by the
aerial. The receivers also impede or hold back the cur-
rents on account of the many turns of fine wire in the
coils through which the surges of current have to pass.
It is desirable, therefore, to remove these two instruments
from the direct path of the currents flowing in the aerial
These two instruments, therefore, are usually placed in
what is known as a local or detector circuit as shown in
Fig. 21. The electric current flowing in the aerial circuit
now has a less obstructed path from the aerial to the
ground, or vice versa. The aerial and ground wires and
those turns of wire on the coil included between T and S
in Fig. 21 A, now become what we shall call the primary
circuit. The local or secondary circuit, as shown in
Fig. 21B, includes the detector and the telephones and
the same turns of wire on the coil included between T
and S. As in the circuit previously considered, the
aerial-and-ground or primary circuit is tuned by moving
the slider S up and down the turns of wire. This opera-
tion tunes the secondary circuit at the same time.
As the electric current oscillates in the aerial circuit,
part of each pulsation is transferred to the secondary cir-
cuit by conduction or direct contact. The currents thus
diverted or shunted through the local circuit are rectified
by the detector and then made audible by the receivers,
as has been previously explained.
Setting the detector.—Maximum response in the head
telephones is obtained when the crystal rectifier or de-
tector is adjusted for the greatest degree of rectification.
There is very little to the operation or adjustment of
crystal detectors; in the "cat whisker" type, the free end
of the fine wire (called the "cat whisker") extending from
the upright binding post, is merely raised from and
lowered on the crystal at various spots until the spot
which gives the greatest degree of rectification, as indi-
cated by strength of signals, is found. In the type of
crystal detector which employs two crystals making con-
tact with each other, the two crystals are adjusted by
pressing them together lightly until similar results are
The only difficulty arises from inability, under certain
conditions, to tell when the point of the fine wire is
resting on the most sensitive spot of the crystal, in the
case of the former type; and in the case of the latter
type, when the two crystals are touching each other at
sensitive spots. In this discussion we shall consider only
the "cat whisker" type of crystal detector, as it is the
type most commonly used by the amateur.
If signals are being received at the time the adjustment
of the "cat whisker" is made, it is very simple to raise
and lower the wire until the incoming signals are heard
at maximum strength; but signals are not always available
as a means for assisting the operator to adjust the detector.
An electric door bell with its clapper removed, or a
buzzer of some sort, may be employed to overcome this
difficulty. Any buzzer used for this purpose is commonly
called a test buzzer.
The test buzzer.—If the ordinary electric bell or house
buzzer is set into operation by a battery, pulses of cur-
rent caused by the making and breaking of the circuit at
the vibrator arm, will flow around the buzzer and battery
circuit. Each pulsation of current flowing through the
wire in this circuit sets up magnetic lines of force which
are radiated in the form of electromagnetic waves; and
if any part of this circuit is placed near the receiving set,
feeble currents will be picked up by the receiving set in

somewhat the same manner as electromagnetic waves

from the transmitting aerial are picked up by a receiving
aerial. If the crystal detector is then adjusted, as pre-
viously explained, it will rectify these feeble currents and
produce sounds in the telephone receivers, similar to the
tone of the buzzer. In a device of this kind we have a
miniature transmitting station, which can be switched on
and off whenever we desire, to provide signals with which
to set the crystal detector.
In practice, however, the electromagnetic waves pro-
duced by the buzzer are usually very weak. Better
results may be obtained, therefore, by connecting a wire
direct from the contact screw or point of the buzzer to
one side of the detector, or else to the ground wire of the
receiving set, as indicated in Fig. 22. This enables some
of the magnetic waves of the buzzer circuit to travel into
either the secondary circuit or the primary circuit of the
receiving set by actual contact or conduction.
The loading coil.—If the coil of the tuning device is not
large enough to
build up the
wave length of
the aerial to
that of the sta-
tion from which
it is desired to
receive, addi-
tional wire may
be inserted in
the aerial cir-
cuit by the use
of w h a t is
known as a
loading coil.
Its hook-up is
shown in Fig.
23. In tuning the set, all of the wire in the tuning coil
is first utilized and then the wire in the loading coil is
added until the wave length of the receiving set has been
built up to the extent desired.
The name "loading coil" is given to any auxiliary coil
of wire used to build up the wave length of a circuit. The
loading coil may be another tuning coil or simply a coil
of insulated wire which need not even be wound on an
insulating tube. It is customary, however, to use a coil
of wire wound on a tube or on some other form, with
taps taken from it at intervals of any desired number of
turns. Fine variations are unnecessary in the loading
coil, since the finer adjustments may always be made in
the tuning device, although a loading coil is very often
tapped at five, ten or fifteen turns. A tapped tuning
coil such as that shown in Fig. 29 makes an excellent
loading coil. The loading coil may be used along with
any tuning device to increase the wave length of any
circuit. Do not lose sight of the fact that the loading coil
is used to increase the wave length. ;,
As previously suggested, there are advantages to be
derived from the use of a variable condenser in the hook-up
just described.
The variable condenser.—
This instrument, as shown in
Fig. 24, is made up of two sets
of thin metal plates, usually of
aluminum. The plates of each
set are fastened at their edges or
sides to a rigid support and are
spaced about one-eighth of an
inch apart. One set of plates is
mounted in a fixed position.
The other set is so mounted
that it may be revolved in and out between the leaves or
plates of the first set without making actual contact.
Condensers of 23 or 43 plates are commonly used in
receiving sets. In hooking up the variable condenser,
one connection of a circuit is made to the fixed set of
plates; another connection of the same circuit is made to
the movable set; and an effect similar to that described in
the case of the fixed condenser, page 51, is obtained. By
revolving the movable plates in and out of the other set,
we may increase or decrease the condenser effect at will.
The variable condenser may be placed in a circuit in
either of two ways. If
connected in one man-
ner (in parallel with
either the aerial or the
local circuit) it will in-
crease the wave length
of the circuit in which it
is so placed. If con-
nected in another man-
ner (in series in the
aerial circuit) it will de-
crease the wave length
of that circuit. All of
these hook-ups we shall
presently describe.
Capacity effects.—It
is interesting to note at
this point that a con-
denser effect is often obtained in other ways than by
the use of plates such as those described for fixed con-
densers and variable condensers. In any case where
one conductor carrying an electric current or charge
is placed near another conductor, the capacity of both
conductors—that is, their ability to store up electrical
energy—is always increased.
That is to say, two conductors in proximity to one
another will always give a condenser effect. For example,
the parallel wires in the receiver cord, like the fixed con-
denser, have a capacity effect and help to reduce radio
frequent vibration to audio frequent vibration. In similar'
manner, the aerial and the earth underneath it form the'
plates of a condenser, with
each "plate" of this con-
denser connected by a wire
to the set—the aerial by
the lead-in, and the earth
by the ground wire.
Varying the wave length
by means of condensers.
—It is an interesting fact
concerning condensers that
if two or more of them
are connected in parallel,
or hi shunt, the total ca-
pacity of these condensers
for storing up energy will
be equal to the sum of
the capacities of all of
them. Therefore, if we
place a condenser in parallel with the aerial-ground cir-
cuit, which we have just said to be a condenser, we
increase the capacity of this circuit. This connection is
shown in Fig. 25. And, since increasing the capacity of
a circuit increases its wave length, we have increased the
wave length of the circuit. A condenser connected in
this manner may be used for the same purpose as the
loading coil described on page 58.
On the other hand, if two or more condensers are con-
nected in series, the total capacity for storing up energy
will be reduced to less than the capacity of the smallest
one. Hooking up a condenser, therefore, in the manner
shown in Fig. 26, which is placing it in series in the
aerial circuit,
will decrease the
capacity of the
circuit, and like-
wise the wave
The variable
condenser may
be connected in
parallel with the
local circuit to
enable placing
this circuit in
tune or in reso-
nance with the
aerial circuit.
From the f ore-
going, we can
see that if the variable condenser were connected as shown
in Fig. 27, the wave length of the aerial and that of
the secondary circuit would both be increased, since the
condenser is in parallel with both circuits. In other words,
the use of the variable condenser in this position would
allow tuning the single slide tuning coil set to much higher
wave lengths. The exact range would of course depend
upon the size of the tuning coil and the size of the condenser.
The condenser used in this position also helps to increase
sharpness of tuning. For instance, if a station is receiving
signals from two broadcasting stations which are sending
on a wave length of 360 meters, it is practically impos-
sible to separate the signals of one from those of the other..
This device,
however, will
aid in doing so
to a consider-
able extent if
we use a rela-
tively l a r g e
amount of the
condenser for
obtaining the
wave length
and reduce the
n u m b e r of
turns of wire
used from the
coil. For ex-
ample, in tuning a 200-meter wave length aerial to a 360-
meter wave length, with a 500-meter coil we might use
from 50 to 75 meters wave length on the coil and then
add the other 85 or 110 meters by the use of the variable
condenser, obtaining in many cases a tuning effect which
will eliminate certain stations or signals.
It might be said that in this hook-up (Fig. 27), the
variable condenser is connected across the circuits; or
in shunt to the detector and phones or to the coil; or in
parallel to the detector and phones or to the coil.
Shunt and series condensers.—A condenser placed in
parallel or in shunt is known as a shunt condenser. A
condenser connected in series in the primary circuit is
known as the series or short wave condenser. i:
In Fig. 28, the hook-up for the variable condenser in
series in the aerial circuit is shown. As suggested above,
this connection would reduce the wave length range of
the receiving aerial.
Two variable condensers may be used at the same
time, the one in series with the aerial circuit to decrease
the wave length of that circuit, and the other across the
secondary circuit to enable sharper tuning.
Tuning by capacity and by inductance.—Varying the
wave length by means of condensers is known as tuning
with capacity. Varying the wave length by means of wire
is known as tuning with inductance. Using a combina-
tion of both condensers and tuning coils is called tuning
by capacity and inductance.
Selecting a variable condenser.—The question as to
what size variable condenser to use is often a trouble-
some one to beginners. This question, however, need not
occasion much concern. It is largely a matter of selecting
a size which will accomplish what you wish to accomplish,
and might be considered analogous to selecting a box in
which to store articles. You would obtain a box which
would hold what you desire to store in it; in any case,
you would want one large enough, and there might be no
objection to using one which would hold more than the
articles you wish to store. The larger box would always
do the work o£ the smaller one, with some room to spare.
So in the case of the variable condenser, it is a matter of
selecting one which will have enough capacity to tune
the circuit to what you want to hear. Additional capa-
city is not a serious objection, except in the matter of
critical adjustment, which we shall consider a little later.
Capacitance, or condenser effect, is measured in units
called microfarads (mfd.). Sizes of condensers are
properly designated by capacity in microfarads rather
than by number of plates.
The .001 mfd. size is commonly used to decrease wave
length. If a still greater decrease is desired, a smaller
condenser may be used; for example, the .0005 mfd.
size. Bear in mind that to decrease wave length, the
condenser must be connected in series.
For building up the wave length, a .0015 mfd. con-
denser, having a greater capacity than either of the
others mentioned, will furnish a wider range of increase.
As previously stated, to increase the wave length, the con-
denser must be connected in parallel.
The chief disadvantage which grows out of using a
condenser larger than necessary is that it is more critical
in adjustment. In other words, the smaller the capacity
of the condenser, the greater will be the distance through
which it is revolved in tuning to a given wave length.
For example, a .0005 mfd. size would be revolved through
a half circle in adding its total capacity to the circuit;
a .001 mfd. condenser, on the other hand, would revolve
through only a quarter of a circle in adding a capacity of
.0005 mfd.
In attempting to pick up with a large capacity con-
denser, a sending station which is sharply tuned, it is an
easy matter in revolving the movable set of plates, to
pass unknowingly over the point at which the station
may be heard, and fail to pick up the signals.
A smaller condenser, not so critical in adjustment,
would add capacity more slowly and would bring in any

given signals over a wider adjustment of its revolving

The tapped tuning coil with a single switch.—A varia-
tion of the single slide tuning coil described on page 46 is
to be found in the tapped coil. In this tuning device, taps
taken from the turns of wire at predetermined points and
connected to switch points with which a switch arm makes
contact, take the place of the sliding contact for varying
the number of turns of wire added to the circuits. This
arrangement is illustrated in Fig. .29. Connections or
taps are made at every fifth or at every tenth turn of wire
on the tuning coil as it is being constructed. (For method
of tapping a coil, see page 151.) In mounting a tuning coil
of this type, connections are made from these taps in order,
to the first, second, third . . . points of a switch. As
stated above, the switch simply takes the place of the
slider on the single slide tuning coil. Therefore, this coil
having one switch is essentially the same as the single slide
tuning coil.
In tuning with the tapped coil shown in Fig. 29, it can
be seen that if the switch arm is placed on switch point
No. 1, the circuit will be completed through the fifth
turn on the coil and only five turns of wire will be in-
cluded in the aerial and ground circuit and also in the
secondary circuit. If the switch arm is revolved to the
second switch point, ten turns will be included, and so on.
The use of a variable condenser across the secondary
circuit will enable sharper tuning, that is, finer adjust-
ment to wave lengths which fall between the taps. An-
other variable condenser, in series with the aerial circuit,
will permit tuning to stations sending on a shorter wave
length than that of the receiving aerial. The positions
of these condensers in the circuits are shown by dotted
The single switch control has an advantage over the
single slide control in the ease with which it may be
operated. It has a disadvantage, however, in that varia-
tions can be made only in steps of several turns; and as
broadcasting stations tune very sharply, and can some-
times be heard within a variation of only one or two turns
of wire on the coil, it is advisable to have an instrument
permitting finer adjustment than the single switch control
Coil with a units and a multiple turns switch.—A coil
permitting finer adjustment than will the single switch coil
is shown in Fig. 30. This coil has two switches instead of

one. As the wire is being wound, a tap is taken from

the first, second, third, fourth and fifth completed turns.
These taps are connected to five points of switch S1, as
shown. If the points of switch S2 are to be connected
to taps at every tenth turn, ten single turn taps are
usually taken from the coil, and eleven contact points on
switch S1 would then be necessary. Do not become con-
fused from these connections: the beginning of the wind-
ing is at the top of the coil, as shown in the diagram.
This end of the wire or the beginning of the winding is
connected to switch point 5 of switch S1. The tap from
the first completed turn is connected to switch point 4;
the tap from the second completed turn to switch point 3;
and so on. ' The fifth completed turn of wire is connected
to the zero switch points of both switches. The tenth
turn of wire is connected to point 5 of switch S2; the
15th turn of wire, to point 10 of the same switch. The
switch having its points connected to the single turns of
wire, is called the units switch. The other, in this
instance, is called the fives switch. In case the points
of the multiple turns switch are connected to every tenth
turn, it would be called the tens switch.
In tuning with this coil, if it is desired to place one turn
of wire in the circuit, the upper or units switch is placed
on point 1 and the fives switch on the zero point, as
shown in the diagram. If two turns are desired, the
units switch is moved up to point 2 and the fives switch
remains at zero, and so on up to five turns. If six turns
are desired, the units switch is brought back to switch
point 1 and the fives switch is moved to contact 5. If
seven, eight or nine turns of wire are desired, the fives
switch would remain on contact 5 and the units switch
would be moved to points 2, 3 or 4 respectively. In
order to add from 10 to 14 turns, the fives switch is
placed on switch point 10 and the units switch is put
through the same manipulation, etc.
For sharp tuning, it would hardly be necessary to place
a variable condenser across the secondary circuit of this
double switch control coil, since the switches permit
variations of one turn of wire at a time. It might be
used to advantage, however, in the position shown by
the dotted lines to tune out one of two stations sending
on the same wave length, by employing a relatively
large capacity of the condenser and less wire or inductance,
as suggested in connection with Fig. 27, page 62.
Remember that a variable condenser might also be used
across this circuit to build up the wave length of both the
aerial and the local circuit to a greater extent than the
coil alone will accomplish.
As with the other tuning coils, a condenser may be used
in series in the aerial circuit, as is also shown by dotted
lines, to enable tuning to lower wave lengths.
Advantages of double slide and double tapped coils.
—The disadvantage of the single slide tuner is that the
primary circuit and the local or secondary circuit are
tuned with the same slider. Neither can be tuned
separately. This disadvantage also holds in the case
of the tapped coils in Figs. 29 and 30. That is to say,
the use of any of the foregoing types of coils always
results in a compromise in tuning, and for the following
reasons: The aerial circuit derives its natural wave
length from the wire in the aerial, lead-in and ground
wire as well as the amount of wire used from the coil.
Since the secondary circuit is much more limited in length
(see Fig. 21) and therefore in wave length, the local circuit
with this type of tuning device, is never in perfect natural
resonance with the aerial circuit. In tuning, therefore,
the slider or the switch control must be moved back and
forth, increasing and decreasing the amounts of wire
equally in both circuits at the same time, until a com-
promise is reached between perfect resonance of the aerial
circuit to the circuit which is transmitting and perfect
resonance of the local circuit to the receiving aerial circuit.
For best results, the tuning coil should be so constructed
that the aerial circuit (which includes the aerial, lead-in,
ground wire, and a certain number of turns of wire in the
tuning coil itself) can be tuned independently to the
incoming signals. Separate means should be provided
for tuning the secondary circuit (which includes the
detector, receivers, condenser, and the necessary number
of turns of wire in the coil) independently to resonance
with the aerial circuit. When the circuits are tuned to
resonance with each other, the maximum amount of
energy passes through the detector and the phones in the
secondary circuit. Independent tuning of these two
circuits can be accomplished by the addition of a second
slider to the tuning coil.
The double slide timing coil.—Fig. 31 shows a tuning
coil exactly like the single slide tuning coil, with the
exception that it has two sliders instead of one. The
operation of this coil differs slightly from that of the
single slide tuning coil. The primary, or aerial and ground
circuit, is tuned to the transmitting station by adjust-
ment of the slider S2. The local or detector or sec-
ondary circuit is then tuned by adjustment of the slider
S1. This arrangement permits tuning the primary
circuit first and adjusting the secondary circuit inde-
pendently to resonance with the primary circuit.
With the double slide tuning coil, a variable condenser
(C1) may be used across the secondary circuit to increase
its wave length; and another condenser may be used in
series with the aerial circuit (C2) to reduce the wave length
of this circuit, as has been suggested for the single slide
tuner hook-up, or in shunt to the turns of wire in the pri-
mary circuit, to build up the wave length. The shunt or
parallel connection is made from the lead-in connection
to the ground slider as shown by the position of condenser

C3. All of these connections for condensers are shown by-

dotted lines. Each condenser is an aid to sharp tuning.
A loading coil placed in series in the aerial circuit may be
used instead of condenser C3 to increase wave length. Or
both the loading coil and the shunt condenser may be
used; in that case, the condenser should be connected
around both the loading coil and the tuning inductance in
the circuit.
The double tapped coil.—Fig. 32 shows the wiring dia-
gram for a tuning coil using two switches instead of the
two sliders. This diagram shows taps taken from the
coil at every five or ten turns for each switch, as described
for the single switch control coil. Note that the taps for
both sets of switch points are taken from the same turns

of wire. It should be clear, however, that the secondary-

circuit and the primary circuit would still be varied
separately. In other words, one switch may be placed
on any of its switch points, regardless of the switch point
on which the other switch arm is placed. Note also that
one set of switch points and the switch, for instance, on
the left hand side, could be swung over or revolved into
the corresponding set of switch points on the other side.
In other words, since the taps for both sets are taken from
the same turns of wire, one set of switch points would
suffice for both switches, providing the switch arms are
placed one on top of the other, properly insulated from
each other, and so arranged that they may be turned inde-
pendently. This is a feature worth noting since it appears
in some of the more complicated types of receiving sets.
Since the taps of this coil do not permit of close enough
adjustment for tuning either the secondary or the primary
circuit, a variable condenser should be used in each circuit.
The condenser in the secondary circuit should be con-
nected as shown. In the case of the primary circuit, if
the receiving aerial is too large, the second variable con-
denser should be used in series, to permit fine adjustment
of that circuit. If, on the other hand, it is desired to tune
to longer wave lengths instead of shorter, the second
variable condenser should be placed in shunt to the turns
of wire included in the primary winding.. The proper
connection for each condenser in the primary circuit is
shown in this figure by dotted lines.
A loading coil in series in the aerial circuit might replace
the shunt condenser; or both the shunt condenser and
the loading coil might be used, in which case the con-
denser should be connected in parallel to both the loading
coil and the tuning inductance, as suggested on page 72.
A tapped coil with four switches.—In Fig. 33 is shown
the wiring diagram for a tuning coil using both a tens and
a units switch in place of each slider of the two slide coil.
A variable condenser should not be necessary across the
secondary circuit in this hook-up, as the tens and the
units switches vary the wire by any desired number of
turns. Just as in the hook-ups previously described,
a condenser might be used in series with the aerial circuit
to cut down the wave length, or in shunt to the turns of
wire of the coil in the primary circuit (by connection
across the two switches as shown by the dotted lines) if

it is desired to increase the wave length to more than the

coil alone will permit. A variable condenser might also
be connected across the secondary circuit, if it is desired
to tune up to high wave lengths.
The loose coupler and the variocoupler.—The loose
coupler and the variocoupler are forms of tuning devices
which transfer the received energy from the aerial circuit
to a secondary or local circuit without actual electrical
contact. In that respect, chiefly, they differ from tuning
coils and other forms of tuning inductance which use only
one coil of wire for both the primary and the secondary
The loose coupler is made up of two cylindrical shaped
coils of wire, wound on insulating tubes such as pasteboard
or fibre. One coil is so mounted
that it can be made to slide into
and out of the other coil with
about one-half inch separation
or clearance between the two
coils. The turns of wire on
both coils of the loose coupler are made variable by
means of sliders rubbing across the wire, or by taps
taken from predetermined points on the coils to switch
points with which a switch arm may make contact.
Loose couplers are often manufactured for wide ranges of
wave lengths, for instance, 150 to 3000 meters or more.
In practice, however, the loose coupler becomes inefficient
on short wave lengths if it is constructed to cover a range
of more than from zero to 2000 meters. Properly designed
loose coupler receiving sets have an arrangement for con-
necting auxiliary or loading coils in both the primary and
the secondary circuits, which permits tuning to long wave
lengths and yet retains maximum efficiency for shorter
wave lengths.
The variocoupler is much like the loose coupler in con-
struction and in operation. The primary coil is usually
wound on a cylindrical form or insulating tube like that
of the loose coupler; the secondary coil of a variocoupler,
on the other hand, is wound on a spherical shaped form
which is mounted on a shaft and rotates inside the primary-
coil instead of sliding in and out as in the case of the loose
coupler. The turns of wire on the outside coil of the
variocoupler are almost always made variable by means
of a switch, with switch points connected to different
turns of wire in the coil. The
inside or rotating coil is made up of
fewer turns of wire and, as a rule,
no allowance is made for varying
the number of turns used in tuning.
The variocoupler is usually designed
for a range of about 150 to 600 or
800 meters and for that reason is
more efficient in that range of wave length than a loose
coupler designed to include a greater range.
In the hook-up, the outside coil of either instrument is
connected in series with the aerial and the ground lead.
In other words, the lead-in wire connects to one end of
the outside coil and the ground wire connects to the
variable connection of the same coil or vice versa. Energy
picked up by the aerial, lead-in and ground wire must,
then pass through a certain number of turns of wire on
the outside coil.
When the energy which is picked up by the aerial
circuit passes through the turns of wire on this outside
coil, much of it is transferred to the inside coil of wire
by what is termed induction. This transfer of current
takes place although there is no direct contact between
the coils. The energy which is thus induced in the inner
coil of wire, flows out of the coil and is led to the detector
and to the head telephones where it is converted into
audible sounds as in the case of the tuning coil circuit
previously described.
Coupling effects in tuning.—The chief advantage of the
loose coupler and the variocoupler over other types of

tuning devices is that the position of the inside coil may

be changed with respect to the outside coil. This prop-
erty or effect is called coupling. In the case of the loose
coupler, when the inside coil is pulled out of the other coil,
it is said to be loosely coupled. When the two coils of the
loose coupler are completely telescoped, the instrument
is said to be tightly coupled. In the variocoupler, when
the inside coil is placed so that its turns of wire are in the
same relative position as the turns of wire on the outside
coil, the instrument is said to be tightly coupled; but
when the inside coil of the variocoupler is revolved 90
degrees so that
its turns of wire
are at right
angles to those
of the outside
coil, it is said
to be loosely
By altering
the relative
position of the
primary and
secondary coils
of either the
loose coupler
or the vario-
coupler, much
closer tuning is
possible. Sig-
nals from two
stations which
are sending on
the same wave-
length can be separated more satisfactorily with the
loose coupled type of instrument than with the tuning
coil or "single tuned circuit" type of receiver.
In operating the loose coupler or the variocoupler, the
secondary coil should be placed inside of or in close
inductive relation to the primary coil. If the secondary
coil is variable, its switch or slider should then be set to
provide for a wave length somewhat near that of the
signals which it is desired to receive. After a little
practice with the set, this approximation is not so difficult
as it sounds. Next the primary coil is adjusted by the
slider to the point where the signals come in at maximum
strength, indicating that the primary circuit is in tune
with the aerial radiating the incoming signals. After
the primary circuit has been adjusted to the wave length
of the incoming signals and the secondary circuit placed
in resonance with the primary, reduce the coupling of
the two coils by pulling the secondary coil out or away
from the primary coil in the case of the loose coupler,
or by revolving the secondary in the case of the vario-
coupler. In this manner, vary the coupling until the
loudest response is heard.
Separating the secondary coil from the primary coil
is known as loose coupling or sharp tuning and placing
the coils closer together is known as tight coupling or
broad tuning. By altering the relative positions of these
two coils, especially in the case of the loose coupler, it is
possible to separate the signals of one station from those
of another, or if two stations are transmitting on the
same wave length, completely to eliminate the signals
from one station while preserving those of another.
Specifications for making a loose coupler.—A loose
coupler with a range of from zero to about 2000 meters
with the average aerial may be made up in the following
manner: The primary is wound on an insulating tube
4-1/2 inches in diameter and 6 inches long with No. 22 wire
for a distance of 4-1/2 inches, making about 175 turns of
wire. The secondary in wound on a similar tube, 3-1/2
inches in diameter and 5-1/2 inches long, with No. 26 wire
for a distance of 4-1/2 inches, making approximately 325
turns of wire. Taps are taken at every 1/2 inch on the
secondary winding,
making eight t a p s
for this winding.
The tapped loose
coupler.—Fig. 3 8
shows the hook-up
for a loose coupler
having taps a n d
switches instead of
sliders. In this dia-
gram, each coil is
shown with a multi-
ple t u r n s switch.
The primary might
be wound similarly
to the coil for the
single slide tuner
shown in Fig. 29, but
if taps are taken only at every five or ten turns, as in
this case, the variations will not be fine enough for close
tuning. Under these conditions, a variable condenser is
required across the secondary circuit as shown, and
another either in shunt to the primary coil or in series
with it, as shown by the dotted lines. In the case of a
loose coupler with a range from 0 to 2000 meters, having
perhaps 200 turns of wire on the secondary coil as few as
eight or ten taps might be taken from the entire coil.
This, of course, would permit varying the secondary coil
only in large steps.
In justification of this arrangement, we might consider
the fact concerning receiving sets, that a circuit to be
tuned readily to a given frequency, should possess both
inductance and capacity. Both factors are theoretically
necessary for an oscillatory circuit, which, in turn, is
necessary for good tuning qualities. The primary circuit
obtains capacity from the aerial and the earth beneath it
(which we have considered as a condenser), and induct-
ance from the wires in the aerial circuit, especially from
those in the tuning device inserted in that circuit. The
secondary coil furnishes inductance to its circuit, but
adds comparatively little capacity, although a capacity
effect is obtained from the turns of wire lying side by
side on the coil. Therefore, it is advantageous to include
in parallel in the secondary circuit, a variable condenser,
which will add capacity to that circuit. With both capa-
city and inductance at our disposal, we can vary the turns
of wire in the secondary coil in large steps and then add
capacity until we reach a wave length which may lie
between two taps.
Remembering that capacity and wave length of a
circuit are directly proportional, we might better under-
stand the action of the secondary circuit from the following
procedure in tuning: In tuning to 360 meters with a coil
the third tap of which would give us 300 meters and the
fourth tap 400 meters, it is plain that we should be out of
tune on either switch point. By turning the switch blade
back to the third tap, which gives us 300 meters, and then
adding capacity from the variable condenser, we can tune
to 360 meters or any other wave length which might come
between the taps. The addition of the secondary variable
condenser, however, is not absolutely necessary in all
cases. Very often the secondary coil of this type is broad
in tune and will re-
spond to a great
range of wave
lengths which
should perhaps
more properly be
tuned at points be-
tween the taps. Be-
fore purchasing a
condenser for use
with this loose
coupler, it is sug-
gested t h a t the
reader borrow a
variable condenser
from a fellow ama-
teur, if possible, in
order to ascertain
whether the instru-
ment will improve the tuning qualities of the set.
It is customary to have a units and a multiple switch1
for the primary of a loose coupler, as shown in Fig. 39, to
permit variations of one turn of wire at a time, instead
of having a variable condenser in the circuit for fine
tuning. However, as in the circuits and hook-ups pre-
viously described, a variable condenser may be inserted
in series in the aerial circuit to reduce the wave length of
that circuit if the receiving aerial is too large; or one
may be placed across the primary winding if it is desired
to increase the wave length of the aerial circuit to a
greater degree than the coil alone will permit. Both
connections for this variable condenser are shown by
dotted lines.
The connection of a variable condenser across the
secondary circuit for the purpose of increasing its wave
length, is also shown by dotted lines in Fig. 39.
The secondary winding may be varied with a units and
a multiple switch, as shown, but owing to the construc-
tional difficulties in supporting the leads in such a way
as to permit movement of the coil, this type is quite
The short wave loose coupler.—This loose coupler is
similar to the 2000-meter coupler described on page 80,
but is shorter in length. It might be constructed with a
slider arrangement for the primary or with a units and
multiple switch. The primary coil of a 600-meter loose
coupler might be wound on the same diameter tube as
that used for the larger instrument (4J^ inches), but
only 2 inches or 2J^ inches in length, thus permitting
about 42 turns of No. 22 wire in its windings. Seven
points would then be sufficient for the units switch, each
controlling one turn, and seven for the multiple switch,
each controlling six turns. The last unit turn is con-
nected to both switches as shown in Fig. 30. The sec-
ondary of a 600-meter loose coupler would be varied by
switch points as in the case of the large loose coupler.
The secondary winding of the smaller coupler might
be placed on a 3-1/2-inch tube, covering the same linear
distance on this tube as that covered in the winding on
the primary. The wire for the secondary winding should
be about No. 26, again permitting a greater number of
turns of wire in the secondary than in the primary coil,
or approximately 75 to 80 turns. The short wave length
loose coupler should have about eight taps taken from
the secondary coil, uniformly spaced, and a variable
condenser across the winding should be used as in the
case of the large loose coupler.
The three-slide tuning coil.—A three-slide tuning coil
is constructed in the same manner as a double-slide tuning
coil, with a third brass rod and sliding contact added.
Its connection in the circuit is shown in Fig. 40. The
aerial and ground circuit is varied by means of the slider
S2 as in the case of the two-slide tuning coil. The three-
slide tuning coil differs from the two-slide tuning coil in
operation in that the detector circuit may be varied by
means of the slider S3 as well as S1.
In tuning with this coil, the aerial and ground circuit
is first tuned to the incoming signals by means of the
slider S2; next the secondary circuit is tuned to the
primary circuit by allowing slider S3 to remain near the
end of the coil to which the lead-in is attached and moving
slider S1 toward or away from slider S3 until the signals
are heard at maximum strength. Then, when the
secondary circuit has thus been tuned to the primary
circuit, a slight coupling effect can be obtained by drawing
both the sliders S1 and S3 towards the lower end of the
coil, taking care to keep them the same distance apart.
In this case the turns of wire used in the aerial circuit
would be at one end of the coil and the turns of wire
included in the secondary circuit would be at the other
end of the coil. This separates to some extent the turns
of wire in the primary circuit from those in the secondary

circuit as in the case of the loose coupler when the second-

ary coil is drawn out of the primary coil, or of the vario-
coupler when the secondary coil is revolved at right
angles to the primary coil. The only advantage in a
three-slide tuning coil is the slight coupling effect to be
obtained in the foregoing manner; however, this advan-
tage over the two-slide tuning coil is so slight that it
seldom compensates for the difficulty of tuning with the
three-slide coil. The variable condensers C2 and C3
shown by the dotted lines in shunt to the secondary circuit
and to the primary circuit respectively, would be used
in the positions indicated, to increase the wave length
of the three-slide tuning coil set, or to enable sharper
tuning. A condenser, C1, is also shown in series with
the aerial to decrease the wave length of the aerial circuit.
The condenser C2 might also be used in shunt to the
secondary circuit when the condenser C1 is used in series
with the primary circuit; in that position, the former
would be used for sharper tuning in the secondary circuit.
The condensers C2 and C1 obviously would not be used
at the same time since the purpose of the latter is to
decrease the wave length of the aerial circuit and of the
former to increase it.
A loading coil might, of course, be used with the three-
slide tuning coil, just as in the case of the two-slide or
the single-slide coil or any of the loose couplers. It
should be inserted between the lead-in and the tuning
coil, as in the case of the other tuning devices.
Honeycomb and spiderweb coils.—Honeycomb coils
and spiderweb coils are forms of inductance which per-
form the same function as tuning coils and loose couplers.
Honeycomb coils with slight variations, appear on the
market under such trade names as ultra-honeycomb
coils, duo-lateral coils, G. A. coils, and others.
The honeycomb coil in any of its forms is made up of
layers of wire wound one on top of the other on a small
insulating tube about two inches in diameter and one
inch in length. This coil is shown in Fig. 41. The turns
of wire in each layer are separated for a distance equal to
two or three times the thickness of the wire. Further-
more the turns of wire in each layer of the entire winding,
cross the turns of wire in the layers next to it, at an angle,
forming a crisscross effect somewhat similar to the wind-
ing in a ball of twine. Around the outside of the winding
is placed a band of heavy paper or other
fibrous material which is fastened at
both ends to a plug arrangement in
order to hold the winding in place
against the plug. The two ends of the
coil of wire are soldered to two contacts
in the plug.
The spiderweb coil is shown in Fig. 42. Its construc-
tion is similar to that of honeycomb coils in that the
turns of wire in the winding crisscross one another.
Spiderweb coils, however, differ considerably from honey-
comb coils in that the spiderweb coil consists of only one
layer of wire, and each turn of wire
crisscrosses the adjacent turns several
times during a complete turn. The
appearance of a spiderweb coil might
be compared to that of a wagon
wheel with a wire or rope wound
in and out between the spokes, start-
ing from the hub and working out towards the rim.
The winding of a spiderweb coil is usually formed on
radial sections or "spokes" cut from a circular piece of
thin sheet fibre about four inches in diameter, having
radial slits cut in it to form the sections or spokes. This
circular form is usually fastened to a support, as in the
case of the honeycomb coils, and connections are made
through the supports to the ends of the winding.
The advantages of spiderweb and honeycomb coils over
ordinary tuning coils grow out of the manner in which
the wires are crisscrossed in the windings, instead of being
wound in spiral cylindrical form.
When a direct current is sent into a tuning coil, in
which the turns of wire are wound alongside of one an-
other in one layer, on a tube or other cylindrical shaped
form, a magnetic effect is set up by each turn of wire
which builds up in a cumulative manner on the magnetic
effect set up by its adjacent turns of wire, thus forming
the complete magnetic field. But, while this magnetic
field is building up, it induces in the same turns of wire
a momentary current in the opposite direction, which
tends to oppose the original flow of current sent into the
coil. This opposing current is called a counter electro-
motive force (counter E.M.F.). Again, when the original
current is switched off, the magnetic lines of force built
up by it of course collapse, and in so doing they induce a
second momentary pulse of current in the turns of wire
which, strange as it may seem, tends to oppose the cur-
rent that is dying out because of being switched off. In
fact, it opposes the dying current to the extent that the
receding current is momentarily sustained.
The action of the coil in inducing counter electric cur-
rent in itself is known as self-induction.
The property of a coil which enables it to induce
counter electric currents in itself is called inductance. It
is mainly the property of inductance which gives us the
increase in wave length when we connect a coil of wire
in the circuit of a radio receiving or transmitting set, and
for that reason it is desirable to a certain extent.
Self-induction occurs in a coil through which a steady
direct current is flowing only when that current is switched
on or off, but with rapidly fluctuating or pulsating direct
current or with, alternating or oscillating current, self-
induction is practically continuous, since it occurs at every
pulsation or alternation of the current.
An undesirable capacity or condenser effect is also
obtained, to some extent, from the scheme of winding in
the tubular shaped tuning coil, which is eliminated to a
considerable extent in the case of honeycomb and spider-
web coils. This condenser effect results from the ten-
dency of a current on entering the first turn of wire in
the tuning coil, literally to jump from the point of en-
trance at the first turn, over to the second turn of wire,
without going around the coil. The current also has the
same tendency to go directly across from the second turn
of wire to the third turn and so on for all the turns of
wire in the coil. In trying to go through the insulation
of the wire from one turn to the next, the current stores
itself up in the insulation and in the air space between the
turns in electrostatic lines of force, as in the case of a
condenser. This capacity effect, unlike the inductance
effect, is undesirable in a coil used in radio work, because
the current stored up between the turns of wire repre-
sents a loss, known as the dielectric loss.
It is evident from the foregoing that if we can reduce
the capacity effect without reducing the inductance prop-
erty, we can obtain a more efficient tuning inductance.
Capacity effect in a coil of wire is known as distributed
capacity. Distributed capacity is lowered to a certain
extent in the honeycomb coils without sacrificing induct-
ance to too great an extent, by spacing the turns well,
as suggested above, and by having the turns of wire in
one layer, cross the turns of wire in the adjacent layers
at an angle.
A lower value
of distributed ca-
pacity is also ob-
tained in t h e
spiderweb coils
by having the
turns of wire in
the one layer
cross each other
at an angle sev-
eral times during
one complete
turn, as previ-
ously noted.
coils are usually
mounted by
means of plugs
and receptacles
into which the
plug connections
may be inserted.
The arrangement
is illustrated in
Fig. 43. Such an arrangement permits the interchange
of coils of various sizes for different wave lengths.
Plugs and receptacles as a rule are not used with
spiderweb coils, as this type of coil is employed only for
short wave length reception due to the fact that coils

designed for long wave lengths would be of such large

proportions that they would be unhandy to manipulate.
Best results are to be obtained with either type of coil
in a crystal detector set when two are used in a coupled
circuit as shown in Figs. 43 and 44. In either hook-up,
coupling is controlled by having the primary coil stationary
and the secondary coil movable. The coupling movement
of the secondary coil is similar to the swinging of a door
on a hinge. The coupling effect may, however, be ob-
tained without the use of the mountings by laying one
coil on the table and sliding the other coil over it, particu-
larly in the case of the spiderweb coils. .' -A
Spiderweb coils for tuning to wave lengths up to 600
meters (with the aid of condensers), may be made up of
two pieces of pasteboard or fibre paper, four inches in
diameter and 1/32 of an inch thick, with an uneven number
of radial slits (about 15) cut in each, providing an uneven
number of "spokes". Approximately 20 turns of No. 18
to No. 24 wire are wound on one form for the primary
winding and 25 turns of the same wire on the other
form for the secondary winding.
As indicated in Figs. 43 and 44, a variable condenser
would be necessary in shunt to the secondary coil and
another condenser either in shunt to or in series with the
primary coil to permit sharp tuning. Larger spiderweb
coils might be made up having taps taken from them to a
units and a multiple switch, in which case the variable
condensers would be unnecessary. Some forms of honey-
comb coils have three or four taps taken from them in
order to eliminate the necessity of having separate coils
for different wave lengths. However, as in the case of
those which are not variable, condensers would be needed
for sharp tuning.
The variometer.—The usual type of variometer is made
up of two coils of wire connected in series and wound on
or glued to insulating forms, one of which is smaller than
the other. These forms are so mounted that the smaller
one, called the rotor, is placed inside the larger one,
which is called the stator. The inner form, or the rotor,
is so arranged that it may be rotated.
These forms may be cylindrical or
spherical in shape, but in either case
they are concentric; that is to say,
they both have a common center or
The variometer differs from the
variocoupler chiefly in that the two
coils or windings of the variometer are connected in series,
while the two coils or windings of the variocoupler are
not connected to each other.
These instruments also differ in that the turns of wire
in the variometer are seldom variable while the turns of
wire on the outside coil of the variocoupler are usually
made variable by means of taps connected to switch
points over which a switch arm rotates.
A variometer may very easily be made at home. In
the home-made instrument, two pieces of cardboard or
other insulation tubing about 1-3/4 or 2 inches long may be
used. The larger tube might have an inside diameter of
about 4-1/8 inches. The inside tube should then have an
outside diameter of about 3-1/2 inches, to permit it to
revolve inside of the larger tube. Each tube should be
wound with forty or fifty turns of No. 20 double cotton-
covered wire. In making the internal connection, either
end of one coil may be connected to either end of the other.
If a current of electricity is passed through the variom-
eter, it will of course pass through both coils of wire
(since the two coils are connected in series), and a mag-
netic field in each coil will be set up by the current.
When the inside coil or rotor winding is placed so that
its turns of wire are parallel to the turns of wire on the
outside coil or stator winding and so that the current
passing through the turns of wire on the inside coil travels
in the same direction as the current passing through the
outside coil, the magnetic field produced by one coil will
combine with and build up on the magnetic field produced
by the other coil.
If the inside coil is then revolved 180 degrees or given
a half turn, the turns of wire on both coils will again be
parallel, but in this case, current passing through the
variometer will travel through one coil in one direction
and through the other coil in the opposite direction. The
magnetic field of one coil will then "buck" or oppose the
magnetic field of the other coil.
If alternating or oscillating current, or pulsating direct
current is sent through the coils of the variometer, an
effect known as self-induction will be present in each coil
at the same time that the magnetic fields of the two coils
are acting upon each other. This self-induction will be
at a maximum when the magnetic fields of the two coils
are building up on each other, and at a minimum when
the fields are opposing each other. As suggested on page
90, when alternating current or fluctuating direct current
is passing through a coil, self-induction is practically con-
tinuous, since it occurs at every alternation or fluctuation.
Self-induction in a coil of wire has the same inductance
effect which is to be obtained, as we learned in connection
with spiderweb and honeycomb coils, from the addition
of wire to the circuit. Since wave length is directly pro-
portional to inductance, it follows that the wave length
of the circuit in which the variometer is placed may be

varied from a minimum to a maximum by revolving the

inside coil of the variometer through a half revolution or
180 degrees. Just how great a range of wave length the
variometer can add to a circuit will depend upon the
sizes of the two coils. In the short wave regenerative set
it usually controls a range of from 200 to 600 meters.
It should be evident from the foregoing that the vari-
ometer offers a very flexible instrument for tuning by
means of inductance. In the case of the instrument of
the range suggested, the inductance may be varied in the
smallest degree by slightly rotating the inner coil in one
direction or in the other.
The variometer may be used in place of a single-slide
tuning coil. As previously suggested, wave length would
be varied with this instrument by revolving the rotor
and not by means of a slider or taps as in the case of the
tuning coils. Both coils in the variometer are included in
both the primary and the secondary circuits if it is used
as a tuning coil; therefore, varying the position of the rotor
of the variometer in Fig. 46 will vary the wave length
of the primary and the secondary circuits simultaneously.
As indicated by dotted lines, a variable condenser may
be used in shunt to the variometer to increase, at the
same time, the wave-length range of both the secondary
and primary circuit, or in series with the latter circuit to
decrease the wave-length range of the set.
A variometer may also be used as a loading coil, placed
in series with the aerial circuit; or one may be placed in
series with the secondary circuit; or two may be used
at the same time. This instrument affords a very flexible
means for adding wave length to either circuit of a receiv-
ing set.
Underwriters' requirements.-The ground wire for any
receiving set may be bare or insulated copper wire, but it
must not be smaller than No. 14, except that approved
copper-clad steel wire not smaller than No. 17 may be
used. The receiving set ground wire may be run either
inside or outside the building, but it must be entirely
independent from the lightning ground wire.
Under no circumstances should the ground connection
be made to a gas pipe.

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