· H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV n¥ð> 21 + 1 _mZ{MÌ h¢ &
· H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| > 34 àíZ h¢ &
· àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo narjmWu CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
_wI-n¥ð> na {bI| &
· H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$
Adí` {bI| &
· Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU
nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-nÌ
H$mo n‹T>|Jo Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo &
· Please check that this question paper contains 21 printed pages + 1 Map.
· Please check that this question paper contains 34 questions.
· Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be
written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
· Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book
before attempting it.
· 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.,
the students will read the question paper only and will not write any
answer on the answer-book during this period.
1. ñVå^ I H$m {_bmZ ñVå^ II go H$s{OE Am¡a ghr {dH$ën H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
ñVå^ I ñVå^ II
(_hm^maV Ho$ nmÌ) (^y{_H$m)
1. Xþ`m}YZ (i) {h{S>å~m H$m nwÌ
2. Jm§Ymar (ii) Y¥VamîQ´> H$m Á`oîR>> nwÌ
3. Hw§$Vr (iii) nm§S>dm| H$s _mVm
4. KQ>moËH$M (iv) Xþ`m}YZ H$s _mVm
{dH$ën :
(A) 1-(iv), 2-(iii), 3-(ii), 4-(i) (B) 1-(ii), 2-(i), 3-(iv), 4-(iii)
(C) 1-(ii), 2-(i), 3-(iii), 4-(iv) (D) 1-(ii), 2-(iv), 3-(iii), 4-(i)
61/3/2-13 Page 2 of 23
General Instructions :
Read the following instructions carefully and follow them :
(i) This question paper contains 34 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Question paper is divided into five Sections – Sections A, B, C, D and E.
(iii) Section A – question number 1 to 21 are Multiple Choice type questions. Each
question carries 1 mark.
(iv) Section B – question number 22 to 27 are Short Answer type questions. Each
question carries 3 marks. Write answer to each question in 60 to 80 words.
(v) Section C – question number 28 to 30 are Long Answer (LA) type questions.
Each question carries 8 marks. Write answer to each question in 300 to 350
(vi) Section D – question number 31 to 33 are Source-based questions having three
sub-questions. Each question carries 4 marks.
(vii) Section E – question number 34 is Map-based question that includes the
identification and location of significant test items. This question carries
5 marks. Attach the Map with the answer-book.
(viii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
Sections B, C and D of question paper. A candidate has to write answer for
only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(ix) In addition to this, Note that a separate question has been provided for
Visually Impaired candidates in lieu of questions having visual inputs, Map
etc. Such questions are to be attempted by Visually Impaired candidates only.
(Multiple Choice Type Questions) 21 1=21
{dH$ën :
61/3/2-13 Page 4 of 23
2. Arrange the following in chronological order and choose the correct
option :
I. Rule of Asoka II. Rule of Mahapadma Nanda
III. Rule of Harshavardhana IV. Rule of Samudragupta
Options :
(A) I, III, IV, II (B) III, II, I, IV
(C) II, I, IV, III (D) IV, III, I, II
Options :
(A) Alexander Greenlaw
(B) Colin Mackenzie
(C) John Marshall
(D) R.E.M. Wheeler
7. H$qZK_ Ho$ g§X^© _| {ZåZ{b{IV H$WZm| H$mo n{‹T>E Am¡a ghr {dH$ën H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
I. H$qZK_ ^maVr` nwamVmpÎdH$ gd}jU H$m nhbm S>m`aoŠQ>a-OZab Wm &
II. CgZo 19dt eVmãXr Ho$ _Ü` _| nwamVmpÎdH$ CËIZZ H$m H$m`© Amaå^ {H$`m &
III. CgZo nw amVÎd H$s nÕ{V _| g¡{ZH$ n[aewÕVm H$m g_mdoe {H$`m &
IV. CgZo MrZr ~m¡Õ VrW©`m{Ì`m| Ûmam N>mo‹S>o JE d¥Îmm§Vm| H$m à`moJ {H$`m &
{dH$ën :
(A) I Am¡a IV ghr h¢ (B) I Am¡a II ghr h¢
(C) I, II Am¡a III ghr h¢ (D) I, II Am¡a IV ghr h¢
61/3/2-13 Page 6 of 23
5. Two statements as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are given below. Read
them carefully and choose the correct option :
Reason (R) : The soils were fertile which allowed the farmers to
produce two crops a year.
Options :
(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct and Reason (R) is
the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct, but Reason (R) is
not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
6. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word from the given options :
Options :
10. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$g {Obo _|o a¡`Vm| Zo a¡`Vdm‹S>r ì`dñWm _| gmhÿH$mam| Ho$ {déÕ {dÐmoh
{H$`m Wm ?
(A) AdY (B) ~¡aH$nwa (C) ^mJbnw a (D) nyZm
61/3/2-13 Page 8 of 23
8. Which of the following schools of art is depicted in the given sculpture
image of Buddha ?
Note : The following question is for the Visually Impaired Candidates, only in
lieu of Q. No. 8 :
10. In which of the following districts did the ryots revolt against sahukars of
the Ryotwari system ?
(A) Awadh (B) Barrackpore (C) Bhagalpur (D) Poona
12. ñVå^ I H$m {_bmZ ñVå^ II go H$s{OE Am¡a ghr {dH$ën H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
ñVå^ I ñVå^ II
(`mÌr) ({bIr JB© {H$Vm~|)
1. A~wb \$µOb (i) Q´>¡dëg BZ X _wJb Eånm`a
2. BãZ ~VyVm (ii) {H$Vm~-Cb-{hÝX
3. Ab-{~éZr (iii) [ahbm
4. \«$m±ñdm ~{Z©`a (iv) AmBZ-E-AH$~ar
{dH$ën :
(A) 1-(iv), 2-(iii), 3-(ii), 4-(i) (B) 1-(iii), 2-(ii), 3-(i), 4-(iv)
(C) 1-(ii), 2-(i), 3-(iv), 4-(iii) (D) 1-(i), 2-(iii), 3-(ii), 4-(iv)
13. ñVå^ I H$m {_bmZ ñVå^ II go H$s{OE Am¡a {ZåZ{b{IV _| go ghr {dH$ën H$m M`Z
H$s{OE :
ñVå^ I ñVå^ II
(1857 Ho$ {dÐmoh Ho$ ZoVm$) (g§~{§ YV joÌ)
1. Hw±$da qgh (i) qgh^y_
2. emh _b (ii) Amam
3. {~a{Og µH$Ð (iii) ~‹S>m¡V
4. JmoZy (iv) bIZD$
{dH$ën :
(A) 1-(i), 2-(ii), 3-(iii), 4-(iv) (B) 1-(iii), 2-(ii), 3-(iv), 4-(i)
(C) 1-(ii), 2-(iii), 3-(iv), 4-(i) (D) 1-(iv), 2-(ii), 3-(iii), 4-(i)
14. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$gZo _hm^maV H$m g_mbmoMZmË_H$ g§ñH$aU V¡`ma H$aZo H$m {µOå_m
CR>m`m ?
(A) S>r.EZ. Pm (B) BamdVr H$md}
(C) dr.Eg. gwH$Wm§H$a (D) am_ H$aU e_m©
61/3/2-13 Page 10 of 23
11. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word from the given options :
The land which was annually cultivated for each crop in succession was
called __________ in the Mughal Empire.
12. Match Column I with Column II and choose the correct option :
Column I Column II
(Traveller) (Books authored)
1. Abu’l Fazl (i) Travels in the Mughal Empire
2. Ibn Battuta (ii) Kitab-ul-Hind
3. Al-Biruni (iii) Rihla
4. François Bernier (iv) Ain-i-Akbari
Options :
(A) 1-(iv), 2-(iii), 3-(ii), 4-(i) (B) 1-(iii), 2-(ii), 3-(i), 4-(iv)
(C) 1-(ii), 2-(i), 3-(iv), 4-(iii) (D) 1-(i), 2-(iii), 3-(ii), 4-(iv)
13. Match Column I with Column II and choose the correct option from the
following :
Column I Column II
(Leaders of the Revolt of 1857) (Related Region)
1. Kunwar Singh (i) Singhbhum
2. Shah Mal (ii) Arrah
3. Birjis Qadr (iii) Barout
4. Gonoo (iv) Lucknow
Options :
(A) 1-(i), 2-(ii), 3-(iii), 4-(iv) (B) 1-(iii), 2-(ii), 3-(iv), 4-(i)
(C) 1-(ii), 2-(iii), 3-(iv), 4-(i) (D) 1-(iv), 2-(ii), 3-(iii), 4-(i)
14. Who among the following initiated the task of preparing the critical
edition of Mahabharata ?
(A) D.N. Jha (B) Irawati Karve
(C) V.S. Sukthankar (D) Ram Karan Sharma
19. 13 {Xgå~a, 1946 H$mo g§{dYmZ g^m _| {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$gZo ‘CÔoí` àñVmd’ noe
{H$`m ?
(A) dëb^ ^mB© nQ>ob (B) ~r.Ama. Aå~oS>H$a
(C) Odmhabmb Zohê$ (D) amOoÝÐ àgmX
22. (H$) g_mO$ gwYmaH$ Ho$ ê$n _| Jm±YrOr H$s ^y{_H$m H$m dU©Z H$s{OE & 3
(I) ^maV _| 1905 go 1907 Ho$ Xm¡amZ amîQ´>r` Am§XmobZ H$s J{V{d{Y`m| H$s ì`m»`m
H$s{OE & 3
23. JwßV emgH$m| Ho$ B{Vhmg H$m nwZ{Z©_m©U H$aZo dmbo {H$Ýht VrZ òmoVm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 3
24. ^maV _| Ab-{~éZr H$s `mÌm H$s _w»` {deofVmAm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 3
25. 16dt Am¡a 17dt eVmpãX`m| Ho$ Xm¡amZ O§Jbdmgr AnZr AmOr{dH$m H¡$go H$_mVo Wo ? ñnîQ>
H$s{OE & 3
26. (H$) ^maV _| _hmË_m Jm±Yr Ho$ àma§{^H$ `moJXmZm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 3
(I) Agh`moJ Am§XmobZ _| Jm±YrOr H$s ^y{_H$m H$mo ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 3
27. dëb^ ^mB© nQ>ob Zo Eogm Š`m| H$hm Wm {H$ A§J«oµO Vmo Mbo JE, _Ja OmVo-OmVo eamaV H$m
~rO ~mo JE ? 3
(XrK©-CÎmar` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ) 3 8=24
28. (H$) ~m¡Õ ñVyn A_amdVr I§S>ha H¡$go hmo J`m Am¡a gm±Mr ñVyn H¡$go ~M J`m ? naI
H$s{OE & 8
(I) nm¡am{UH$ {hÝXÿ Y_© Ho$ {dH$mg H$s naI H$s{OE & 8
61/3/2-13 Page 14 of 23
21. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding ‘Quit India
Movement’ ?
(A) Quit India Movement was a mass movement.
(B) Thousands of Indians took part in this movement.
(C) ‘Independent’ governments were proclaimed in Satara and
(D) A series of ‘Praja Mandals’ were established in princely states.
(Short Answer Type Questions) 6 3=18
23. Explain any three sources on which the histories of Gupta rulers have
been reconstructed. 3
25. Explain how the forest dwellers earned their livelihood during the 16th
and 17th centuries. 3
27. Why did Vallabh Bhai Patel remark that the British element is gone, but
they have left the mischief behind ? 3
(Long Answer Type Questions) 3 8=24
28. (a) Examine how the Buddhist Stupa at Amravati fell to ruins and the
Sanchi Stupa survived. 8
(b) Examine the growth of Puranic Hinduism. 8
61/3/2-13 Page 15 of 23 P.T.O.
29. (H$) ~§Jmb _| BñV_amar ~§Xmo~ñV Ho$ H$m`m©Ýd`Z Am¡a BgHo$ n[aUm_m| H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo
dmbo H$maH$m| H$s naI H$s{OE & 4+4=8
(I) ‘‘18dt eVmãXr Ho$ A§V _| CÎma ~§Jmb Ho$ Hw$N> joÌm| _| OmoVXma à^mdembr ~Z JE
Wo &’’ Bg H$WZ H$s naI H$s{OE & 8
30. (H$) Abdmam| Am¡a Z`Zmam| Ho$ {dMmam| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & amÁ`m| Ho$ gmW BÝhm§oZo AnZo
g§~Y§ {H$g àH$ma ñWm{nV {H$E ? ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 4+4=8
(I) gyµ\$sdmX Ho$ CX` Ho$ H$maUm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE Am¡a gy{µ \$`m| Ho$ amÁ` Ho$ gmW
g§~Y§ m| H$mo ^r ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 4+4=8
(òmoV-AmYm[aV àíZ) 3 4=12
31. {XE JE òmoV H$mo Ü`mZnyd©H$ n{‹T>E Am¡a ZrMo {XE JE àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE : 1+1+2=4
(31.2) H¥$îUXod am` Zo Obme` Ho$ {Z_m©U Ho$ {bE Xmo nhm{‹S>`m| Ho$ _wI-{d~a Ho$ ñWmZ H$mo
Š`m| MwZm ? 1
(31.3) Obme`m| Ho$ nmZr H$m Cn`moJ {H$g àH$ma {H$`m OmVm Wm ? 2
61/3/2-13 Page 16 of 23
29. (a) Examine the factors that influenced the implementation of the
Permanent Settlement in Bengal and its consequences. 4+4=8
(b) ‘‘The jotedars became powerful figures in many areas of North
Bengal during the end of the 18th century.’’ Examine the
statement. 8
30. (a) Explain the ideas of Alvars and Nayanars. Elucidate how they
established their relations with the states. 4+4=8
(b) Explain the causes of the growth of Sufism and also explain the
Sufis relations with the state. 4+4=8
(Source-Based Questions) 3 4=12
31. Read the given source carefully and answer the questions that
follow : 1+1+2=4
(32.2) ì`{º$`m| Zo d¡{XH$ IJmob {dkmZ _| AnZr {ZnwUVm H¡$go àX{e©V H$s ? 1
(32.3) {ebmboI _| C{„{IV {d{^Þ à{V^mAm| Zo g_mO Ho$ g_J« T>m±Mo _| {H$g àH$ma
`moJXmZ {X`m ? 2
33. {XE JE òmoV H$mo Ü`mZnyd©H$ n{‹T>E Am¡a ZrMo {XE JE àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE : 1+1+2=4
(33.2) Zdm~ Ho$ JÔr go hQ>Zo Am¡a OmZo na ^mdZmË_H$ CWb-nwWb Š`m| _Mr ? 1
(33.3) AdY H$m A{YJ«hU A§J«oµOm| H$s Am¡n{Zdo{eH$ aUZr{V _| {H$g àH$ma ghr ahm ?
ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 2
61/3/2-13 Page 18 of 23
32. Read the given source carefully and answer the questions that
follow : 1+1+2=4
What the silk weavers did
Some are intensely attached to music (so) pleasing to the ear; others,
being proud of (the authorship of ) a hundred excellent biographies, are
conversant with wonderful tales; (others), filled with humility, are
absorbed in excellent religious discourses; ... some excel in their own
religious rites; likewise by others, who were self-possessed, the science of
(Vedic) astronomy was mastered.
(32.1) How was love for music expressed in the inscription ? 1
(32.3) In what ways did the various talents mentioned in the inscription
contribute to the overall fabric of society ? 2
33. Read the given source carefully and answer the questions that
follow : 1+1+2=4
The Nawab has left
Another song mourned the plight of the ruler who had to leave his
motherland :
Noble and peasant all wept together
and all the world wept and wailed
Alas! The chief has bidden adieu to
his country and gone abroad.
(33.1) What was the immediate impact of the removal of the Nawab ? 1
(33.2) Why was there emotional upheaval at the dethroning and
departure of the Nawab ? 1
(33.3) How did the annexation of Awadh fit into the British colonial
strategy ? Explain. 2
61/3/2-13 Page 19 of 23 P.T.O.
IÊS> L>>
(_mZ{MÌ-AmYm[aV àíZ) 5
34. (34.1) ^maV Ho$ {XE JE amOZr{VH$ aoIm-‘mZ{MÌ (n¥îR> 23 na) ‘|, {ZåZ{b{IV H$mo
Cn`wº$ {M•m| go A§{H$V H$s{OE Am¡a CZHo$ Zm‘ {b{IE : 3´1=3
(34.2) ^maV Ho$ Bgr amOZr{VH$ aoIm-_mZ{MÌ na Xmo ñWmZm| H$mo A Am¡a B Ho$ ê$n _|
{M[•V {H$`m J`m h¡ Omo 1857 Ho$ Xm¡amZ {~«{Q>e Ho$ AYrZñW Wo & CÝh| nhMm{ZE
Am¡a CZHo$ {ZH$Q> ItMr JB© aoImAm| na ghr Zm_ {b{IE & 2
ZmoQ> : {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ Ho$db Ñ{îQ>~m{YV narjm{W©¶m| Ho$ {bE à. g§. 34 Ho$ ñWmZ na h¢ :
(34.1) {H$gr EH$ h‹S>ßnm nwamñWb H$m Zm_ {b{IE & 1
(34.3) (H$) {dO`ZJa gm_«mÁ` H$s amOYmZr H$m Zm_ {b{IE & 1
(34.3) (I) {dO`ZJa gm_«mÁ` Ho$ {H$gr EH$ n‹S>mogr amÁ` H$m Zm_ {b{IE & 1
(34.4) 1857 Ho$ Xm¡amZ {~«{Q>e AYrZñW {H$Ýht Xmo eham| H$m C„oI H$s{OE & 2
61/3/2-13 Page 20 of 23
(Map-Based Question) 5
34. (34.1) On the given political outline map of India (on page 23), locate and
label the following with appropriate symbols : 3´1=3
(i) Dholavira – a Harappan site
(ii) Meerut Pillar – a site of Asokan inscription
(iii) (a) Vijayanagara
(iii) (b) Bijapur
(34.2) On the same political outline map of India, two places related to
British control in 1857 are marked as A and B. Identify them and
write their correct names on the lines drawn near them. 2
Note : The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates, only in
lieu of Q. No. 34 :
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