Pin Configuration Package Dissipation Rating
The pin map of DIP7 package is shown as Package RJA (℃/W)
below. DIP7 75
(TA = 25OC, VDD=18V if not otherwise noted)
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply Voltage Section (VDD Pin)
Start-up current into VDD
IVDD_st 2 20 uA
IVDD_Op Operation Current VINV=3V, VDD=20V 1 1.5 mA
IVDD_standby Standby Current 0.5 1 mA
VDD Under Voltage
VDD_ON 15 16.3 17.5 V
Lockout Exit
VDD Under Voltage
VDD_OFF 8 9 10 V
Lockout Enter
VDD_OVP VDD OVP Threshold 28 30 32 V
VDD Zener Clamp
VDD_Clamp I(VDD ) = 7 mA 32.5 34.5 36.5 V
Feedback Input Section (INV Pin)
Internal Error Amplifier
VINV_REF 1.97 2.0 2.03 V
(EA) Reference Input
Short Load Protection
(SLP) Threshold
Short Load Protection
TINV_Short 10 ms
(SLP) Debounce Time
Comparator Threshold
Toff_min Minimum OFF time 2 us
Toff_max Maximum OFF time 5 ms
Maximum Cable Drop
ICable_max 63 uA
compensation current
Current Sense Input Section (CS Pin)
CS Input Leading Edge
TLEB 500 ns
Blanking Time
Vcs(max) Current limiting threshold 490 500 510 mV
Over Current Detection
TD_OCP 100 ns
and Control Delay
Over temperature Protection
TSD Thermal Shutdown --- 165 -- °C
CX7508 is a cost effective PWM power switch between the auxiliary winding and INV (pin 3),
optimized for off-line low power AC/DC the auxiliary voltage is sampled at the end of the
applications including battery chargers and demagnetization and it is hold until the next
adapters. It operates in Primary Side Regulation sampling. The sampled voltage is compared with
(PSR), thus opto-coupler and TL431 are not VINV_REF (2.0V) and the error is amplified by an
required. High precision CV and CC control can internal Error Amplifier (EA). The internal EA
be achieved to meet most small power charger output reflects the load condition and control the
and adapter applications requirements. PWM switching frequency to regulate the output
voltage, thus constant voltage (CV) can be
Startup Current and Start up Control achieved.
Startup current of CX7508 is designed to be very When system enters over load condition, the
low (typically 2uA) so that VDD could be charged output voltage falls down and the INV sampled
up above UVLO threshold level and device starts voltage should be lower than 2V internal
up quickly. A large value startup resistor can reference which makes system enter CC Mode
therefore be used to minimize the power loss yet automatically.
reliable startup in application.
Multi Mode CV Operation for High
Operating Current Efficiency
The operating current of CX7508 is as low as
CX7508 is a multi-mode PSR controller. In CV
1mA. Good efficiency is achieved by the low
mode, the controller changes the mode of
operating current together with extended burst
operation by sampling INV voltage. Under the
mode control schemes at No/light
medium to large load conditions, the IC operates
load conditions. in PWM mode, which improves the system audio
noise performance. Under normal to light load
Primary Side CC/CV Control
conditions, the IC operates in PFM mode to
CX7508 is designed to produce good CC/CV
achieve high efficiency. The IC can achieve less
control. In charger applications, a discharged
than 75mW standby power, as shown in Fig.2
battery charging starts in CC portion of the curve
until it is nearly full charged and smoothly
switched to operate in CV portion of the curve. In
an AC/DC adapter, the normal operation occurs
only on the CV portion of the curve. The CC
portion provides output current limiting.
Refer to the equation above, the change of the response performance, which enables charger
primary winding inductance results in the change system to meet the USB charge requirements.
of the maximum output power and the constant
output current in CC mode. To compensate the Programmable Cable Drop Compensation
change from variations of primary winding
inductance, the switching frequency is locked by In CX7508 , cable drop compensation is
and internal loop such that the switching implemented to achieve good load regulation. An
frequency is offset voltage is generated at INV pin by an
1 internal current flowing into the resistor divider.
FSW The current is proportional to the switching off
2TDEM time, as a result, it is inversely proportional to the
Since TDEM is inversely proportional to the output load current, thus the drop due to the
inductance, as a result, the product of Lp and cable loss can be compensated. As the load
Fsw is constant, thus the maximum output power current decreases from full-load to no-load, the
and constant current in CC mode will not change offset voltage at INV pin will increase. It can also
as primary winding inductance changes. Up to be programmed by adjusting the resistance of
± 10% variation of the primary winding the divider to compensate the drop for various
inductance can be compensated. cable lines used.
The percentage of maximum compensation is
Adjustable CC Point and Output Power V Icable_max R1//R2
In CX7508, the CC point and maximum output 100%
power can be externally adjusted by external Vout VINV_REF
current sense resistor Rs at CS pin as illustrated Δ V is load compensation voltage and Vout is
in typical application diagram. The larger Rs, the output voltage;
smaller CC point is, and the smaller output For example: R1=3K Ω , R2=18K Ω , The
power becomes, and vice versa as shown in percentage of maximum compensation is given
Fig.3. by
V 63uA 3K//18K
100% 8.1%
Vout 2V
Package Dimension