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Gokul Homoeopathy Medical College

Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS)

Homoeopathy First Year BHMS Course Scheme (Semester-1)

COURSE NAME COURSE CODE Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)
Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
HUMAN ANATOMY Hom UG-AN 7 1 6 100 20 120*
Human physiology & Hom UG - PB 7 1 6 00 100 20 120*
Homoeopathic Pharmacy Hom-UG-HP 2 00 3 00 50 20 70*
Homoeopathic Materia HomUG-HMM-I 3 00 00 00 50 20 70*
Organon of Medicine and HomUG-OM-I 4 00 3 00 50 20 70*
Homoeopathic philosophy
and Fundamentals of
Yoga for Health Promotion HomUG-Yoga I 1 NA NA 00 00 00 00*
- practical
Gokul homoeopathy medical
Bachelor of Homoeopathic
Medicine and Surgery
Semester: 1
Subject Code: Hom UG-AN Subject Title: Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - Practical
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Practical
NA 1 6 100 00 100*
*means Non University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall conduct examinations.

Anatomy, Histology and Embryology (7 hours/ week)

The following practical are conducted in anatomy laboratory in 1st semester:

Sr. No. Topics Hrs


Stages of Development 12

Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis and Germ layers.

Development of Embryogenic Disc, Placenta

Embryology of organs

Total Hours 12 hrs


Histology lectures of specific organs 18

Total Hours 18 hrs



Clavicle 6
Scapula 6

Humerus 6

Radius 6

Ulna 6

Hand 6

Surface Marking of Upper limb 6


Axilla & Arm 6

Forearm & Hand 6

Muscles of Back 6

Muscles of Pectoral Region 6

Joints of Upper limb

72 hrs
Gokul homoeopathy medical college
Bachelor of
Medicine and
Surgery (BHMS)
Semester: 1

Subject Code: Hom UG-AN Subject Title: Anatomy, Histology and Embryology -Theory
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand the structural organization and development of man from gross
to cellular aspects along with exploring the interrelationship of different tissues, organs and

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. Discuss the evolution of life and the developmental anatomy and genetics of human.
2. Explain the ethics of Anatomy, such as Anatomy act, Body donation & receiving procedure and
its legal aspects, develop respect to the human cadaver.
3. Differentiate the structural organization of man from micro to macro and its evolution from
4. Correlate the structural organization of man with functional organization and its applied aspect
5. Apply anatomy knowledge to achieve vertical integration with clinical subjects
6. Correlate structural organization of man with homeopathic philosophy and concept of man,
Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Repertory and Pharmacy.
7. Correlate structural organization in interpreting different investigations Anatomy is a study of the
structural organization and development of man from gross to cellular aspects along with exploring
the interrelationship of different tissues, organs and systems.

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
7 1 6 100 20 120*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
3.5 Modern concepts of cell and its components; cell division, types with
their significance
1.1 Tissues- Theory & demonstration of each basic Tissue (Structure,
Location & Function)-Organ formation- Histology
3.6 Basics of General Anatomy-
xi. Definition & Subdivision of Anatomy
xii. History of Anatomy
xiii. Anatomical Terms, Position & Movements
xiv. Superficial and Deep fasciae
xv. Muscles
xvi. Bones
xvii. Joints
xviii. Blood vessels
xix. Lymphatic system
1. Anatomy – Physiology Seminar on cell
2. Anatomy – Physiology Seminar on Musculoskeletal System
1. Developmental anatomy (Embryology): -
1.1 Male & Female reproductive organs (Superficial)
1.2 Spermatogenesis
1.3 Oogenesis
1.4 Fertilization
1.5 Formation of Germ Layers- Tissue formation & its classification
1.6 Notochord
1.7 Yolk Sac
1.8 Amniotic Sac
1.9 Developmental embryogenic disk
1.10 Placenta
Development of abdominal organ
1.12 Development of cardio vascular system
1.13 Development of nervous system
1.14 Development of respiratory system
1.15 Development of body cavities
Development of uro- genital system
1. Modern concept of cell, tissue & systemic structure
2. Connective tissue
3. Histology lectures-General
4. Epithelial tissue
5. Nervous tissue
6. Histology lectures of specific organs

1. Brachial plexus
2. Mammary Gland
3. Shoulder Joint
4. Median nerve and wrist joint
5. Muscles of scapular region
6. Muscles of shoulder region
7. Back and Intermuscular spaces around scapula
8. Arm- Post. Aspect
9. Radial nerve
10. Forearm – superficial extensor
11. Forearm- Deep extensor
12. Elbow joint
13. Radioulnar joint
14. Extensor retinaculum
15. Ulnar nerve
16. Hand- post. Aspect
17. Pectoral region
18. Arm- Ant. Aspect
19. Musculocutaneous nerve
20. Cubital fossa
21. Forearm- superficial flexors
22. Forearm- deep flexors
23. Median nerve
24. Flexor retinaculum
25. Brachial, Ulnar & Radial artery
26. Venous drainage of upper limb
27. Anatomy – Physiology Seminar on nerves of upper limb &
nervous system
28. Integrated lecture with Surgery on Joints of Upper limb
29. Tutorial
Text Books
 Garg K, B.D.Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Regional & Applied, Dissection & Clinical. Upper
limb & Thorax. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
 Garg K, B.D. Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Regional & Applied, Dissection & Clinical. Lower
limb &Abdomen.CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Garg K, B.D. Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Regional & Applied, Dissection & Clinical. Head,
Neck &Brain.CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Singh V. General Anatomy. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Garg K, Indira Bahl, Mohini Kaul. Textbook of Histology. Ed. 5. CBS Publishers & Distributors
Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Halim A. Surface and Radiological Anatomy. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Khurana A, Khurana I, Garg K B.D. Chaurasia’s Dream Human Embryology, CBS Publishers &
Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Loukas M, Benninger B, Tubbs R S. Gray’s Clinical Photographic Dissector of Human Body.
Elsevier; Philadelphia
 Romanes G J. Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy. Upper & Lower limb. Oxford
Medical Publisher; Oxford
 Romanes G J. Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy. Abdomen & Pelvis. Oxford Medical
Publisher; Oxford
 Romanes G J. Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy. Head & Neck. Oxford Medical
Publisher; Oxford

Reference Books
 Eroschenko VP. Di’fiore’s Atlas of Histology with functional correlation. Lippincot, William,
Wilkins; London
 Gunasegaran JP. Text book of Histology & Practical Guide. Elsevier; New Delhi.
 Hansen JT. Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy. South Asian Ed. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Mescher AL. Junqueria’s Basic Histology Text & Atlas. Lange; New York
 Mortan DA, Peterson KD, Albretine K. H. Gray’s Dissection Guide for Human Anatomy.Elsevier;
 RomanesGJ.Cunningham’s Textbook of Anatomy. Oxford Medical Publisher; Oxford
 Ross &Wilson.Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness. Elsevier; London
 Singh, Inderbir. Human Embryology. Jaypee; New Delhi
 Singh V. Anatomy of Head, Neck & Brain. Elsevier; New Delhi.
 Singh V. Anatomy of Upper limb & Thorax. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Singh V. Anatomy of Abdomen & Lower limb. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Sinnathamby CS. Snell’s Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students. Lippincot, William, Wilkins;
 Standring Susan. Gray’s Anatomy The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. Elsevier; London
 Tortora GJ &Derrickson B. Anatomy & Physiology. New Delhi: Wiley; New Delhi.
Gokul homoeopathy medical college
Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine
and Surgery (BHMS)
Semester: 2

Subject Code: Subject Title: Homoeopathic Materia Medica -Theory

Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand the study of the action of drugs on healthy human being as a
whole taking into consideration individual susceptibility and its reaction to various
circumstances and time. All this knowledge is of utmost importance in order to apply the
remedies in various clinical conditions.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. To define the homoeopathic Materia Medica and grasp the basic concept with philosophy of it
based on Hahnemannian directions.
2. To discuss different sources and types of homoeopathic Materia Medica.
3. To understand the drug in context of its pharmacological data, constitution, temperament, sphere
of action, pathogenesis, both mental and physical generals, particular symptoms, characteristic/
individualising symptoms, general and particular modalities, relationship with other remedies
including doctrine of signature.
4. To study and understand the bio-chemic system of medicine.
5. To identify the symptoms of a sick individual corresponding to the symptoms of a particular drug.
6. To develop an insight into scopes and limitations of homoeopathic Materia Medica.

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
3 00 00 00 50 20 70*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.
Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1 Introductory Lectures 10
a. Definition and introduction of basic Materia Medica.
b. Sources, types of Homoeopathic Materia Medica

2 Homoeopathic medicines: 34

1. Arnica Montana
3.Baryta carb
4.Calc Carb
7. Ledum pal
8.Natrum Mur
9.Rhus tox


 Allen HC, 2005, Keynotes Rearranged and Classified with Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica and Bowel
Nosodes, Reprint edition, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi
 Choudhuri NM, 2006, A Study On Materia Medica Enriched with real case studies, Reprint revised edn, B.Jain
Publishers, New Delhi
 Kent JT, 2015, Lectures On Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Reprint edn, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi
 Burt W, 2009, Physiological Materia Medica, Third edn, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi
 Boericke W, Dewey W, 2016, The Twelve Tissue Remedies By Schussler, Reprint edn, B.Jain Publishers, New
 All source books
Gokul homoeopathy medical
Bachelor of Homoeopathic
Medicine and Surgery
Semester: 2
Subject Code: Subject Title: Homoeopathic Materia Medica - Practical
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Practical
NA 00 3 00 50 NA 50*
*means Non University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall conduct

Homoeopathic Materia Medica

(3 hours/ week)

The following practical are conducted in 2nd semester:

Sr Topics Hours
1 OPD/IPD/Classroom
Group Discussions
Problem based learning
Case Based Learning (live case)


 Allen HC, 2005, Keynotes Rearranged and Classified with Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica and Bowel
Nosodes, Reprint edition, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi
 Choudhuri NM, 2006, A Study On Materia Medica Enriched with real case studies, Reprint revised edn, B.Jain
Publishers, New Delhi
 Kent JT, 2015, Lectures On Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Reprint edn, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi
 Burt W, 2009, Physiological Materia Medica, Third edn, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi
 Boericke W, Dewey W, 2016, The Twelve Tissue Remedies By Schussler, Reprint edn, B.Jain Publishers, New
 All source books
Gokul homoeopathy
medical college
Bachelor of
Homoeopathic Medicine
and Surgery (BHMS)
Semester: 2
Subject Code: HomUG-OM-I Subject Title: Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic philosophy and
Fundamentals of Psychology - Practical
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Practical
NA 00 3 00 50 NA 50*
*means Non University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Human physiology & Biochemistry

(3 hours/ week)

The following practical are conducted in 1st semester:

Sr Topics Hours
1 History of medicine in brief 5
History and Development of Homoeopathy in brief in India, U.S.A. and
European countries.
2 Short history of Hahnemann’s life, his contributions, and situation leading to 5
discovery of Homoeopathy
3 Fundamental Principles of Homoeopathy 5

4 Basic concept of: Individualistic& Holistic 5

Life: Hahnemann’s concept and modern concept
Health: Hahnemann’s concept and modern concept.
Disease: Hahnemann’s concept Cure.
5 Logic: To understand Organon of medicine and homoeopathic philosophy, it is 5
essential to be acquainted with the basics of LOGIC to grasp inductive and
deductive reasoning. Preliminary lectures on inductive and deductive logic
(with reference to philosophy of Stuart Close).
6 Introduction to Psychology with overview of different schools 1

7 Psychological organization of mind and its interrelationship with Thought, Feelings 1

and Behavior
8 Physiological basis of Emotions, Thought and Behavior 1

9 Understanding behavior, its origins and its representation in Repertory and Materia 1

Text Books

1. Hahnemann S. Organon of medicine. 6ed (2016) New Delhi: Indian Book & Periodicals
2. Sarkar. B. K. Hahnemann’s organon of medicine. (2014) Reprint ed. Birla Publications
3. Roberts H. A. The principles and Art of cure by homoeopathy. student ed. (2014) New
Delhi: B. Jain Publisher’s (P) Ltd; 2006.
4. Kent J. T. Lecture’s on homoeopathic philosophy. Reprint ed. New delhi: B Jain
Publisher’s (P) Ltd; Viva
5. M. L. Dhawale. Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy. 5th ed. 2014.
6. Hughes Richard The Principles and Practice Of Homoeopathy, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B
Jain Publisher’s (P)Ltd.
7. Close Stuart: The genius of homoeopathy, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publisher’s (P)
Ltd. 2006.
8. Allen J Henry: The Chronic Miasm With Repertory, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain
Publisher’s (P) Ltd.
9. Banerjee P N.: Chronic diseases- Its cause and cure, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain
Publisher’s (P) Ltd.

Reference Books

1. Arya M.P (2018): A study of Hahnemann’s Organon of medicine. 6th ed. New Delhi: B
Jain Publisher’s (P) Ltd.
2. Singh Mahindra: Pioneers Of Homoeopathy, B Jain Publisher’s(P) Ltd. B Jain
Publisher’s(P) Ltd.
3. Vithoulkas George (2002): Science of Homoeopathy. B Jain Publisher’s(P) Ltd.

References/ Resources: Standard textbook: for Psychology

1. Shelley E Tylor. 10th edition (2018) Health psychology

2. Shashi Jain 4th edition (2014) Introduction to psychology, Kalyani.
3. Psychology textbook for class XI.7th edition (2013) National Council for Educational
Research and training
4. Psychology textbook for class XII 7th edition (2013) National Council for Educational
Research and training
5. Morgan Clifford Thomas 7th edition (2017) Introduction to Psychology, Tata
6. Alder (2009) Psychology and Sociology applied to medicine, Elsevier publishers.
7. Chavan (2013), Community Mental Health in India,Jaypee Brothers Medical
8. Munn (2010) Norman Normal Psychology, Boston, Houghton Mifflin
9. Baron Misra (2016) Psychology, Pearson
10. Susan (2011) Ayers Psychology for Medicine, Sage publication Ltd.
11. Diana Papilia (2001) Developmental psychology, Colombia: Editorial McGraw Hill
12. Atkinsons & Hilgard (2015) Introduction to Psychology, Cengage India Private
Gokul Pharmacy College
Bachelor of Pharmacy

Subject Code: Subject Title: Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic

HomUG-OM-I philosophy and Fundamentals of Psychology -Theory
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand foundations of homoeopathic practice, education, training and
research. It defines the qualities of a healer, guides the homoeopathic physician in inculcating
values and attitude and develop skills.
Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to
1. Explain the Cardinal Principles and Fundamental laws of Homoeopathy.
2. Describe the concept of Health, Disease and Cure in Homeopathy
3. Interpret a case according to the Hahnemannian Classification of Disease
4. Apply the Theory of Chronic Disease to determine the miasmatic background in
a case.
5. Demonstrate case taking and show empathy with the patient and family during
case taking 6. Demonstrate Analysis, evaluation of the case to form the Portrait of disease
7. Apply the concept of Susceptibility to determine posology in a given case
8. Interpret the action of the medicine in a case on the basis of Remedy reactions.
9. Apply knowledge of various therapeutic modalities, auxiliary measures & its integration with
prevalent & other concepts in the management of patients.
10. Identify the various obstacles to cure and plan treatment accordingly.
11. Display qualities, duties & roles of a Physician as true practitioner of healing art
12. Develop the competencies essential for primary health care in clinical diagnosis and treatment of
diseases through the judicious application of homoeopathic principles
13. Recognize the scope and limitation of homoeopathy and to apply the Homoeopathic Principles
for curative, prophylactic, promotive, palliative, and rehabilitative primary health care for the benefit
of the individual and community.
14. Discern the relevance of other systems of medical practice for rational use of cross referral and
life saving measures, so as to address clinical emergences

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
4 00 3 00 50 20 70*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.
Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1 History of medicine in brief 5
History and Development of Homoeopathy in brief in India, U.S.A. and
European countries.
2 Short history of Hahnemann’s life, his contributions, and situation leading to 5
discovery of Homoeopathy
3 Fundamental Principles of Homoeopathy 20

4 Basic concept of: Individualistic& Holistic 5

Life: Hahnemann’s concept and modern concept
Health: Hahnemann’s concept and modern concept.
Disease: Hahnemann’s concept Cure.
5 Logic: To understand Organon of medicine and homoeopathic philosophy, it is 5
essential to be acquainted with the basics of LOGIC to grasp inductive and
deductive reasoning. Preliminary lectures on inductive and deductive logic
(with reference to philosophy of Stuart Close).
6 Science & Art in Homoeopathy 5

7 Introduction to Psychology with overview of different schools 3

8 Concept of Mind in Psychology and Homoeopathy 3

9 Psychological Organization of Mind and its interrelationship with Thought, Feelings 2

and Behavior
10 Physiological basis of Emotions, Thought and Behavior 3

11 Understanding behavior, its origins and its representation in Repertory and Materia 4
Text Books

1. Hahnemann S. Organon of medicine. 6ed (2016) New Delhi: Indian Book & Periodicals
2. Sarkar. B. K. Hahnemann’s organon of medicine. (2014) Reprint ed. Birla Publications Pvt.Ltd;.
3. Roberts H. A. The principles and Art of cure by homoeopathy. student ed. (2014) New Delhi: B.
Jain Publisher’s (P) Ltd; 2006.
4. Kent J. T. Lecture’s on homoeopathic philosophy. Reprint ed. New delhi: B Jain Publisher’s (P)
Ltd; Viva
5. M. L. Dhawale. Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy. 5th ed. 2014.
6. Hughes Richard The Principles and Practice Of Homoeopathy, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain
Publisher’s (P)Ltd.
7. Close Stuart: The genius of homoeopathy, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publisher’s (P) Ltd.
8. Allen J Henry: The Chronic Miasm With Repertory, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publisher’s (P)
9. Banerjee P N.: Chronic diseases- Its cause and cure, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publisher’s (P)

Reference Books

1. Arya M.P (2018): A study of Hahnemann’s Organon of medicine. 6th ed. New Delhi: B Jain
Publisher’s (P) Ltd.
2. Singh Mahindra: Pioneers Of Homoeopathy, B Jain Publisher’s(P) Ltd. B Jain Publisher’s(P) Ltd.
3. Vithoulkas George (2002): Science of Homoeopathy. B Jain Publisher’s(P) Ltd.

References/ Resources: Standard textbook: for Psychology

1. Shelley E Tylor. 10th edition (2018) Health psychology

2. Shashi Jain 4th edition (2014) Introduction to psychology, Kalyani.
3. Psychology textbook for class XI.7th edition (2013) National Council for Educational Research
and training
4. Psychology textbook for class XII 7th edition (2013) National Council for Educational Research
and training
5. Morgan Clifford Thomas 7th edition (2017) Introduction to Psychology, Tata McGraw-Hill
6. Alder (2009) Psychology and Sociology applied to medicine, Elsevier publishers.
7. Chavan (2013), Community Mental Health in India,Jaypee Brothers Medical
8. Munn (2010) Norman Normal Psychology, Boston, Houghton Mifflin
9. Baron Misra (2016) Psychology, Pearson
10. Susan (2011) Ayers Psychology for Medicine, Sage publication Ltd.
11. Diana Papilia (2001) Developmental psychology, Colombia: Editorial McGraw Hill
12. Atkinsons & Hilgard (2015) Introduction to Psychology, Cengage India Private Limited
Gokul homoeopathy medical
Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine
and Surgery (BHMS)
Semester: 1
Subject Code: Hom-UG-HP Subject Title: Homoeopathic Pharmacy - Practical
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Practical
NA 00 3 00 50 NA 50*
*means Non University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall conduct

Human physiology & Biochemistry

(2.5 hours/ week)

The following practical are conducted in Homoeopathic Pharmacy laboratory in 1st semester:


1 Estimation of size of globules 1 hour
2 Estimation of size of globules 1 hour
3 Medication of globules (Small Scale) 1 hour
4 Medication of globules (Small Scale) 1 hour
5 Purity test of Sugar of milk 1 hour
6 Purity test of Sugar of milk 1 hour
7 Purity test of water 1 hour
8 Purity test of water 1 hour
9 Purity test of Ethyl alcohol 1 hour
10 Purity test of Ethyl alcohol 1 hour
11 Determination of Specific gravity of a given liquid 1 hour
Vehicle & identifying the same.
12 Determination of Specific gravity of a given liquid 1 hour
Vehicle & identifying the same
13 Preparation of dispensing alcohol from strong 1 hour
14 Preparation of dilute alcohol from strong alcohol. 1 hour
15 Trituration of drug in Old Method (One each of 1 hour
Class VII, VIII & IX)
16 Trituration of drug in Old Method (One each of 1 hour
Class VII, VIII & IX)
17 Trituration of drug in Old Method (One each of 1 hour
Class VII, VIII & IX)
18 Trituration of one drug as per HPI 1 hour
19 Succussion in decimal scale from Mother Tincture 1 hour
(Prepared in Old Method) to 3X potency.
20 Succussion in decimal scale from Mother Tincture 1 hour
(Prepared in Old Method) to 3X potency.
21 Succussion in decimal scale from Mother Tincture 1 hour
(Prepared in New Method) to 3X potency
22 Succussion in decimal scale from Mother Tincture 1 hour
(Prepared in New Method) to 3X potency
23 Succussion in centesimal scale from Mother Tincture 1 hour
(Prepared in Old Method) to 3C
24 Succussion in centesimal scale from Mother Tincture 1 hour
(Prepared in Old Method) to 3C
25 Succussion in centesimal scale from Mother Tincture 1 hour
(Prepared in New Method) to 3C
26 Succussion in centesimal scale from Mother Tincture 1 hour
(Prepared in New Method) to 3C
27 Conversion of Trituration to liquid potency: Decimal 1 hour
scale 6X to 8X potency.
28 Conversion of Trituration to liquid potency: 1 hour
Centesimal scale 3C to 4C potency.
29 Preparation of 0/2 potency (Solid form) (LM scale) 1 hour
of 1 Drug from 3rd Degree Trituration.
30 Preparation of 0/2 potency (Solid form) (LM scale) 1 hour
of 1 Drug from 3rd Degree Trituration.
31 Preparation of external applications – Lotion 1 hour
32 Preparation of external applications – Glycerol 1 hour
33 Preparation of external applications – Liniment 1 hour
34 Preparation of external applications – Ointment 1 hour
35 Writing of prescription & Dispensing the Medicine 1 hour
in Water with preparation of Doses

Text Books

1. Dr. Partha Mandal & Dr. Biman Mandal, A Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Revised and
Enlarged 3rd Edition, 2012, New Central Book Agency Publishers.
2. Dr. D.D. Banerjee, Augmented Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 2 nd Edition, 2012, B. Jain
3. Dr. K.P. Mujumdar, Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 2013, New Central Book Agency

Reference Books

1. Banerjee SK & Sinha N. (Reprint edition, 1993). A Treatise on Homoeopathic Pharmacy. B Jain
Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi (1971 to 2006). Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of India (1-9 Vol.)
3. Hughes R (Reprint edition, 1999). A Manual of Pharmacodynamics. B Jain Publishers, New
4. Dr. P.N. Verma & Dr. (Mrs.) InduVaid, Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, Vol-
I,II,III, Edition 2002,B. Jain Publishers.
Gokul homoeopathy medical college
Bachelor of Homoeopathic
Medicine and Surgery

Subject Code: Hom-UG-HP Subject Title: Homoeopathic Pharmacy -Theory

Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand sources of drugs and the process through which these are
processed to obtain dynamic, potent homoeopathic drugs for use at the bedside. It encompasses
knowledge of drug action, drug proving, methods of Quality testing, standardization & storage
with up-to-date information of changing drug laws related to Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Industry & Homoeopathy.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. Explain the principles that govern homoeopathic pharmacy.
2. Discuss the pharmacognosical basis of homoeopathic drugs with respect to their identification,
nomenclature, source, part used, method of collection and preparation.
3. Prepare homoeopathic medicines from their respective sources according to the different scales &
methods of potentisation on a small scale in the laboratory.
4. Describe the pharmacology of homoeopathic drugs with respect to the types of drug action, sphere
of action and pharmacological action of homoeopathic drugs integrated with Homoeopathic Materia
Medica, Anatomy and physiology.
5. Relate the methodology of Homoeopathic Drug Proving integrated with Organon of Medicine.
6. Apply the principles of Homoeopathic Posology in different health care setting like OPD/IPD
integrated with Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
7. State the methods of standardization and quality control of homoeopathic medicines to ensure the
genuineness of homoeopathic medicines.
8. Explain the principles of pharmaconomy, dispensing and preservation of homoeopathic
9. Engage the principles of pharmaco-vigilance, and adverse drug reaction in relation to
homoeopathic medicines.
10. Write an ideal prescription.
11. Evaluate the scope for research in homoeopathic pharmacy in the context of the recent
advancements in pharmaceutical sciences

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
2 00 3 00 50 20 70*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1 History of Pharmacy with emphasis on emergence of Homoeopathic 3
Definition of Pharmacy & Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Concept of Drug substance, Drug, Medicine & Remedy
Forming Basic concept of other AYUSH Schools of Pharmacy (Ayurveda,
Siddha, Sowa Rigpa& Unani Pharmacy)

2 Homoeopathic Pharmacy Basics 4

Sources of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Branches of Pharmacy
Scope of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Specialty and originality of
Homoeopathic Pharmacy
The Principles of Homoeopathy
Law of Similia, Simplex & Minimum
Theory of Chronic Disease & Vital Force
Doctrine of Drug Proving & Drug Dynamisation
3 Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia 4
The Evolution, History & Development of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeias
throughout the world (year wise Publications) – GHP, BHP, HPUS, FHP
Official –(HPI) &Unofficial Pharmacopoeias –
(M Bhattacharya & Co’s Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia
Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia – P N Verma,
Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Codex)
Monograph, Contents of Monograph with its individual importance
4 Ideal laboratory 2
Pre requisites of ideal Laboratory (General Laboratory), Laboratory safety
Role of Laboratory in Homoeopathic Pharmacy Education
5 Metrology 1
Basics & Units of Apothecary System, British Imperial System, Metric
Interrelationship between various systems of Weight & Measure
Concept on Domestic Measures with Metric Equivalents
6 The Basic Rules of Nomenclature 2
Nomenclature of Homoeopathic Drugs
Important terminologies like scientific names, common names, synonyms
Anomalies in Nomenclature
7 Role & contributions of Pioneers in development of Homoeopathic 2
8 Different sources - Plant kingdom, Animal kingdom, Mineral kingdom, 7
Nosodes, Sarcodes, Imponderabilia, Synthetic source,
New Sources - Allersode, Isodes with reference to their clinical utility
Introduction to Bowel Nosodes, Tissue remedies
9 General and Specific guidelines for collecting drugs from all available 3
10 Definition, classification, General Use 6
Source, Properties & Particular use of Vehicles with respect to List
Provided in Appendix D
Preparation – Commercial Lactose, Alcohol
Purity tests – Water, Alcohol, Sugar of Milk

Text Books

1. Dr. Partha Mandal & Dr. Biman Mandal, A Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Revised and
Enlarged 3rd Edition, 2012, New Central Book Agency Publishers.
2. Dr. D.D. Banerjee, Augmented Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 2 nd Edition, 2012, B. Jain
3. Dr. K.P. Mujumdar, Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 2013, New Central Book Agency

Reference Books
1. Banerjee SK & Sinha N. (Reprint edition, 1993). A Treatise on Homoeopathic Pharmacy. B Jain
Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi (1971 to 2006). Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of India (1-9 Vol.)
3. Hughes R (Reprint edition, 1999). A Manual of Pharmacodynamics. B Jain Publishers, New
4. Dr. P.N. Verma & Dr. (Mrs.) InduVaid, Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, Vol-
I,II,III, Edition 2002,B. Jain Publishers.
Gokul homoeopathy
medical college
Bachelor of
Medicine and
Surgery (BHMS)
Subject Code: Hom UG - PB Subject Title: Human physiology & Biochemistry - Practical
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Practical
NA 1 6 100 00 100*
*means Non University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Human physiology & Biochemistry

(7 hours/ week)

The following practical are conducted in Human physiology & Biochemistry laboratory in 1st

Clinical Physiology : Total hours: 115

● Case Taking & Approach to Patient
● General concept of examination.
● Body Fluid & Immune Mechanism
● Nerve Muscles Physiology
Practical :
● Study of the Compound Microscope
● Collection of Blood Samples
● Estimation of Haemoglobin Concentration
● Determination of Haematocrit
● Haemocytometry

Total RBC Count

● Determination of RBC Indices
● Total Leucocytes Count (TLC)
● Preparation And Examination Of Blood Smear
● Differential Leucocyte Count (DLC)
● Absolute Eosinophil Count
● Determination of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
● Determination of Blood Groups
● Determination of Bleeding Time and Coagulation Time

Clinical Physiology :
Examination of muscles, joints,

Reference Books

1. Varshney VP, Bedi M, (2019) Practical Physiology: A Student’s Workbook. 1st

Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher
2. Varshney VP, Bedi M, (2023) Ghai’s Textbook of Practical Physiology: 10th
Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher (CBDC based)
3. John N Aet al (2021) C C Chatterjee’s Manual of Practical Physiology:CBS
Pubklishers and Distributors(CBDC based)
4. Jain A. (2019) Manual of Practical Physiology. 6th ed. Arya Publications.
5. Glynn M., William D. (2017). Hutchison’s Clinical methods. 24th edition Elsevier
Gokul homoeopathy medical college
Bachelor of
Medicine and Surgery
Semester: 1

Subject Code: Hom UG - Subject Title: Human physiology & Biochemistry-Theory

Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand the functional organization of man at several levels like atom,
chemical, cells, tissues, organ systems and the whole body to understand fundamental
mechanisms that operate in a living organism. The underlying goal is to explain the operations
in a living

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. Discuss the Homoeopathic concept of health in relation to integrated body structure and functions.
2. Explain the normal functioning of the human body at all levels of organization.
3. Relate the concept of homoeostasis with relevant ideas in Anatomy, Materia medica and Organon
of Medicine at BHMS I level.
4. Elucidate the physiological aspects of normal growth and development with focus on evolution.
5. Correlate micro functions at cellular level with macro functions at organ-system level.
6. Use necessary communication skills required for history-taking of the patient & relating various
clinical findings in the patient.
7. Perform experiments in haematology, clinical physiology & biochemistry as required for the study
of physiological phenomena and for
assessment of normal function.
8. Identify the normal values of haematology, clinical physiology & biochemistry.
9. Perform clinical – physiological examination under supervision.
10. Correlate knowledge of Organon & Materia Medica with Physiology.
11. Explain the integrated responses of the organ systems of the body to physiological and
pathological stresse

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
7 1 6 00 100 20 120*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.
Course Content:

Sr Topics Hours
1 ● General physiology 100
● Bio Physics Science
● Skin & The integumentary System
● Body Fluid & Immune Mechanism
● Nerve Muscles Physiology

Text Books

1. John N A (2023) Chatterjee C C. Text Book of Physiology 14th Edition. CBS Publication.
(CBDC based)
2. Tortora G (2020). Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. Wiley Publication.
3. Jain A (2021). Text Book of Physiology Vol – 1 & 2. Avichal Publishing Company.
4. Glynn M (2022). Hutchion’s Clinical Method, Elsevier Publication.
5. Reddy L P (2023) Fundamentals of Medical Physiology. CBS Publishers and Distributors(CBDC

Reference Books

1. Hall J. (2020). Guyton & Hall Text book of Medical Physiology. Elsevier Publication.
2. Khurana I (2021). Essential Medical Physiology. Elsevier Publication.
Gokul homoeopathy medical college
Bachelor of Homoeopathic
Medicine and Surgery

Subject Code: HomUG-R-I Subject Title: HOMOEOPATHIC REPERTORY and CASE

Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: Repertories aim at simplifying the work of the physician to find the indicated remedy by
eliminating the non-indicated remedies. Repertorisation is not the end but a means to arrive to
the simillimum and reference to Homoeopathic Materia Medica based on sound principles of
Philosophy is the final court of appeal.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. Define Repertory.
2. Explain the need and utility of repertory to find simillimum, and for the study of Materia Medica
3. Define various terminologies used in repertory
4. Locate different rubrics related to anatomy, physiology and psychology in Kent’s Repertory
5. Illustrate the construction of Kent’s Repertory as per the Hahnemannian Anatomical schema

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
1 NA NA 00 20 20*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1 Introduction to Repertory, Definition and Meaning of Repertory 3
 General Introduction to Repertory
 Origin of Repertory
 Need of Repertory
 Definition of Repertory
 Meaning of REPERTORIUM
2 Need and uses of repertory and repertorisation 3
 Uses and Scopes of Repertory
 Limitations of Repertory
 Definition of Repertorization
 Introduction to Methods and Techniques of Repertorization
3 Terminologies relevant toRepertory 3
 Repertory
 Rubric
 Gradation
 Cross Reference
 Synonym
 Repertorization
 Totality of Symptoms
 Repertorial Totality
 Potential Differential Field
 Conceptual Image
 Case taking
 Analysis of a case
 Evaluation of a Case
 Longitudinal case Study
 Cross Section Study of a case
 General Repertory
 Regional Repertory
 Logico-Utilitarian Repertory
 Puritan Repertory

 Dhawale ML (2000) - Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy,3rd Edition, Institute of Clinical Research
 Hahnemann S (2017). Organon of Medicine 6th edition,48th Impression, B. Jain Publishers
 Kent, JT- Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica (Sixth American Edition), 54thImpression
(2017), B. Jain Publishers
 Kishore, Jugal (2004) -Evolution of Homoeopathic Repertories and Repertorization, Revised Edition,B.
Jain Publishers
 Munir Ahmed R (2016). Fundamentals of Repertories: alchemy of homeopathic methodology. Hi-Line
Publishers, Bengaluru.
 Patel, R.P (1998): The Art of Case Taking and Practical Repertorization, 6th Edition. Sai Homoeopathic
Book Corporation
 Tiwari, Shashikant (2005) - Essentials of Repertorisation, 4th Edition, B. Jain Publishers
Gokul Pharmacy College
Bachelor of Pharmacy

Subject Code: Subject Title: Yoga for Health Promotion - practical

HomUG-Yoga I
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand relationship between Yoga and Homoeopathy in a wholistic
approach, and the point of application of yoga in part of treatment.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. relationship between Yoga and Homoeopathy in a wholistic approach.
2. the point of application of yoga in part of treatment.
3. The student will Improved focus and concentration: The meditative aspects of yoga can
enhance mental clarity and concentration

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
1 NA NA 00 00 00 00*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1 Yoga definition, concept, types, benefits & origin 1
2 History and Patanjali yoga philosophy& development of yoga 1

3 Ashtanga, yoga, hathayoga 1

4 Asana types, examples, benefits 1

5 Correlation of vital force and prana 1

6 Meditation types, methods, benefits 1

7 Kriya types, methods, benefits 1

8 Relationship of yoga and Homoeopathy on wholistic plan 1

9 Application of yoga in term of Hahnemann’s accessory circumstances. 1
Gokul homoeopathy
medical college
Bachelor of
Medicine and
Surgery (BHMS)
Semester: 1
Subject Code: Hom UG-AN Subject Title: Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - Practical
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Practical
NA 1 6 100 00 100*
*means Non University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall conduct

Anatomy, Histology and Embryology (7 hours/


The following practical are conducted in anatomy laboratory in 2nd semester:



Hip Bone 6

Femur 6

Tibia 6

Fibula 6

Foot 6

Surface Marking of Lower limb 6


Femoral Region 6
Gluteal Region 6

Thigh 6

Leg 6

Foot 6


Joints of Lower limb 6

72 hrs



Lumbar Vertebrae 6


Abdominal cavity, Abdominal vessels 6

Stomach, Pancreas, Spleen 6

Relation of viscera 6

Liver, Gall bladder 6

Kidney, Ureter, Urinary bladder 6

Peritoneum & Intestine 6

Uterus, fallopian tubes, Ovaries 6

Ant. Abdominal wall & Post. Abdominal wall 6

Surface Marking of Abdomen 6

Radiology 6

66 hrs
Text Books
 Garg K, B.D.Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Regional & Applied, Dissection & Clinical. Upper limb &
Thorax. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
 Garg K, B.D. Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Regional & Applied, Dissection & Clinical. Lower limb
&Abdomen.CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Garg K, B.D. Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Regional & Applied, Dissection & Clinical. Head, Neck
&Brain.CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Singh V. General Anatomy. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Garg K, Indira Bahl, Mohini Kaul. Textbook of Histology. Ed. 5. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi
 Halim A. Surface and Radiological Anatomy. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Khurana A, Khurana I, Garg K B.D. Chaurasia’s Dream Human Embryology, CBS Publishers &
Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Loukas M, Benninger B, Tubbs R S. Gray’s Clinical Photographic Dissector of Human Body. Elsevier;
 Romanes G J. Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy. Upper & Lower limb. Oxford Medical
Publisher; Oxford
 Romanes G J. Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy. Abdomen & Pelvis. Oxford Medical
Publisher; Oxford
 Romanes G J. Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy. Head & Neck. Oxford Medical Publisher;

Reference Books
 Eroschenko VP. Di’fiore’s Atlas of Histology with functional correlation. Lippincot, William, Wilkins;
 Gunasegaran JP. Text book of Histology & Practical Guide. Elsevier; New Delhi.
 Hansen JT. Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy. South Asian Ed. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Mescher AL. Junqueria’s Basic Histology Text & Atlas. Lange; New York
 Mortan DA, Peterson KD, Albretine K. H. Gray’s Dissection Guide for Human Anatomy.Elsevier;
 RomanesGJ.Cunningham’s Textbook of Anatomy. Oxford Medical Publisher; Oxford
 Ross &Wilson.Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness. Elsevier; London
 Singh, Inderbir. Human Embryology. Jaypee; New Delhi
 Singh V. Anatomy of Head, Neck & Brain. Elsevier; New Delhi.
 Singh V. Anatomy of Upper limb & Thorax. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Singh V. Anatomy of Abdomen & Lower limb. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Sinnathamby CS. Snell’s Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students. Lippincot, William, Wilkins; London
 Standring Susan. Gray’s Anatomy The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. Elsevier; London
 Tortora GJ &Derrickson B. Anatomy & Physiology. New Delhi: Wiley; New Delhi.
Gokul homoeopathy medical college
Bachelor of
Medicine and
Surgery (BHMS)
Semester: 2

Subject Code: Hom UG-AN Subject Title: Anatomy, Histology and Embryology -Theory
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand the structural organization and development of man from gross
to cellular aspects along with exploring the interrelationship of different tissues, organs and

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. Discuss the evolution of life and the developmental anatomy and genetics of human.
2. Explain the ethics of Anatomy, such as Anatomy act, Body donation & receiving procedure and
its legal aspects, develop respect to the human cadaver.
3. Differentiate the structural organization of man from micro to macro and its evolution from
4. Correlate the structural organization of man with functional organization and its applied aspect
5. Apply anatomy knowledge to achieve vertical integration with clinical subjects
6. Correlate structural organization of man with homeopathic philosophy and concept of man,
Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Repertory and Pharmacy.
7. Correlate structural organization in interpreting different investigations Anatomy is a study of the
structural organization and development of man from gross to cellular aspects along with exploring
the interrelationship of different tissues, organs and systems.

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
6 1 5 100 20 120*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.
Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1. Introduction to thorax
2. Development of Heart and lung
3. Pericardium and Heart
4. Coronary circulation
5. Lungs and pleura
6. Trachea
7. Oesophagus
8. Thoracic duct
9. Diaphragm
10. Aorta
11. Mediastinum
12. Azygous vein
13. Sup. Vena cava
14. Inf. Vena cava
15. Integrated lecture with Surgery on Radiology of Thorax
16. Anatomy – Physiology Seminar on Respiratory System
17. Tutorial
18. Anatomy – Physiology Seminar on Cardiovascular System
19. Revision
2 HNF 40
1. Introduction to HNF
2. Ear
3. Tongue
4. Face- muscles
5. Contents of Orbit
6. Lachrymal apparatus
7. Extraocular muscles
8. Ant. Triangle of neck
9. Post. Triangle of neck
10. Common & Internal carotid artery
11. External carotid artery
12. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
13. Fascias of neck
14. Suboccipital triangle of neck
15. Contents of vertebral canal
16. Cranial cavity
17. Supra &Infra hyoid muscle
18. Vertebral artery
19. Scalp
20. Eyeball
21. Oral cavity
22. Pharynx
23. Larynx
24. Eustachian tube
25. Parotid gland
26. Submandibular gland
27. Thyroid gland
28. Muscles of mastication
29. Jugular vein
30. Lateral wall of Nose
31. Revision
3 CNS 40
1. Introduction to Brain
2. IIIrd Ventricle and IVth Ventricle
3. Pons
4. Medulla
5. Spinal cord
6. Lateral Ventricle
7. Cerebrum Sulci & gyri
8. Areas of cerebrum
9. Corpus callosum
10. White matter of cerebrum
11. Internal capsule
12. Basal ganglia
13. Midbrain
14. Blood supply of brain
15. Meninges
16. CSF
17. Thalamus
18. Cerebellum
19. Cranial nerves including special senses.
20. Revision
Text Books
 Garg K, B.D.Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Regional & Applied, Dissection & Clinical. Upper
limb & Thorax. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
 Garg K, B.D. Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Regional & Applied, Dissection & Clinical. Lower
limb &Abdomen.CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Garg K, B.D. Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Regional & Applied, Dissection & Clinical. Head,
Neck &Brain.CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Singh V. General Anatomy. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Garg K, Indira Bahl, Mohini Kaul. Textbook of Histology. Ed. 5. CBS Publishers & Distributors
Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Halim A. Surface and Radiological Anatomy. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Khurana A, Khurana I, Garg K B.D. Chaurasia’s Dream Human Embryology, CBS Publishers &
Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Loukas M, Benninger B, Tubbs R S. Gray’s Clinical Photographic Dissector of Human Body.
Elsevier; Philadelphia
 Romanes G J. Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy. Upper & Lower limb. Oxford
Medical Publisher; Oxford
 Romanes G J. Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy. Abdomen & Pelvis. Oxford Medical
Publisher; Oxford
 Romanes G J. Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy. Head & Neck. Oxford Medical
Publisher; Oxford

Reference Books
 Eroschenko VP. Di’fiore’s Atlas of Histology with functional correlation. Lippincot, William,
Wilkins; London
 Gunasegaran JP. Text book of Histology & Practical Guide. Elsevier; New Delhi.
 Hansen JT. Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy. South Asian Ed. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Mescher AL. Junqueria’s Basic Histology Text & Atlas. Lange; New York
 Mortan DA, Peterson KD, Albretine K. H. Gray’s Dissection Guide for Human Anatomy.Elsevier;
 RomanesGJ.Cunningham’s Textbook of Anatomy. Oxford Medical Publisher; Oxford
 Ross &Wilson.Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness. Elsevier; London
 Singh, Inderbir. Human Embryology. Jaypee; New Delhi
 Singh V. Anatomy of Head, Neck & Brain. Elsevier; New Delhi.
 Singh V. Anatomy of Upper limb & Thorax. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Singh V. Anatomy of Abdomen & Lower limb. Elsevier; New Delhi
 Sinnathamby CS. Snell’s Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students. Lippincot, William, Wilkins;
 Standring Susan. Gray’s Anatomy The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. Elsevier; London
 Tortora GJ &Derrickson B. Anatomy & Physiology. New Delhi: Wiley; New Delhi.
Gokul Pharmacy College
Bachelor of Pharmacy

Subject Code: Subject Title: Homoeopathic Materia Medica -Theory

Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand the study of the action of drugs on healthy human being as a
whole taking into consideration individual susceptibility and its reaction to various
circumstances and time. All this knowledge is of utmost importance in order to apply the
remedies in various clinical conditions.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. To define the homoeopathic Materia Medica and grasp the basic concept with philosophy of it
based on Hahnemannian directions.
2. To discuss different sources and types of homoeopathic Materia Medica.
3. To understand the drug in context of its pharmacological data, constitution, temperament, sphere
of action, pathogenesis, both mental and physical generals, particular symptoms, characteristic/
individualizing symptoms, general and particular modalities, relationship with other remedies
including doctrine of signature.
4. To study and understand the bio-chemic system of medicine.
5. To identify the symptoms of a sick individual corresponding to the symptoms of a particular drug.
6. To develop an insight into scopes and limitations of homoeopathic Materia Medica.

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
3 NA 3 00 50 20 70*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.
Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1 Homoeopathic medicines: 32

1. Aconite nap
2.Aloes soc
3. Apis mellifica
4. Arsenic Alb
8.Carbo veg
12. Colocynth
14. Dulcamara
15. Gelsemium
16. Ignatia
17. Lycopodium
18. Nux vomica
19. Podophyllum
20. Pulsatilla nig.
2 Theory of biochemic system of medicine, its comparison with Homoeopathy 2

3 Study of 5 biochemic tissue salts with their physico-chemical reaction: 13
1. Calc Flour
2. Calc Phos
3. Calc Sulph
4. Natrum Phos
5.Natrum Sulph

 Allen HC, 2005, Keynotes Rearranged and Classified with Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica and Bowel
Nosodes, Reprint edition, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi
 Choudhuri NM, 2006, A Study On Materia Medica Enriched with real case studies, Reprint revised edn, B.Jain
Publishers, New Delhi
 Kent JT, 2015, Lectures On Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Reprint edn, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi
 Burt W, 2009, Physiological Materia Medica, Third edn, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi
 Boericke W, Dewey W, 2016, The Twelve Tissue Remedies By Schussler, Reprint edn, B.Jain Publishers, New
 All source books
Gokul homoeopathy
medical college
Bachelor of
Homoeopathic Medicine
and Surgery (BHMS)
Semester: 2
Subject Code: HomUG-OM-I Subject Title: Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic philosophy and
Fundamentals of Psychology - Practical
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Practical
NA 00 3 00 50 NA 50*
*means Non University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Human physiology & Biochemistry

(3 hours/ week)

The following practical are conducted in 2nd semester:

Sr Topics Hours
1 Different editions and constructions of Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine. 5

2 §1-27&105-145 of Organon of medicine 21

3 Understanding Emotions and their representation in the Repertory and Materia Medica 3

4 Understanding intellect and representation in Repertory and Materia Medica 1. 3

Attention, Concentration and Memory
5 Understanding intellect and representation in Repertory and Materia Medica 2. 2
Perception and Intelligence
6 Motivation, its types and relevance for Homoeopath. 2

7 Learning, its types and its relevance in daily functioning of Humans. 2

8 Understanding Intellect: Thinking, Intelligence and measurement and expression in 2

Repertory and Materia Medica
Text Books

1. Hahnemann S. Organon of medicine. 6ed (2016) New Delhi: Indian Book & Periodicals
2. Sarkar. B. K. Hahnemann’s organon of medicine. (2014) Reprint ed. Birla Publications
3. Roberts H. A. The principles and Art of cure by homoeopathy. student ed. (2014) New
Delhi: B. Jain Publisher’s (P) Ltd; 2006.
4. Kent J. T. Lecture’s on homoeopathic philosophy. Reprint ed. New delhi: B Jain
Publisher’s (P) Ltd; Viva
5. M. L. Dhawale. Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy. 5th ed. 2014.
6. Hughes Richard The Principles and Practice Of Homoeopathy, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B
Jain Publisher’s (P)Ltd.
7. Close Stuart: The genius of homoeopathy, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publisher’s (P)
Ltd. 2006.
8. Allen J Henry: The Chronic Miasm With Repertory, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain
Publisher’s (P) Ltd.
9. Banerjee P N.: Chronic diseases- Its cause and cure, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain
Publisher’s (P) Ltd.

Reference Books

1. Arya M.P (2018): A study of Hahnemann’s Organon of medicine. 6th ed. New Delhi: B
Jain Publisher’s (P) Ltd.
2. Singh Mahindra: Pioneers Of Homoeopathy, B Jain Publisher’s(P) Ltd. B Jain
Publisher’s(P) Ltd.
3. Vithoulkas George (2002): Science of Homoeopathy. B Jain Publisher’s(P) Ltd.

References/ Resources: Standard textbook: for Psychology

1. Shelley E Tylor. 10th edition (2018) Health psychology

2. Shashi Jain 4th edition (2014) Introduction to psychology, Kalyani.
3. Psychology textbook for class XI.7th edition (2013) National Council for Educational
Research and training
4. Psychology textbook for class XII 7th edition (2013) National Council for Educational
Research and training
5. Morgan Clifford Thomas 7th edition (2017) Introduction to Psychology, Tata
6. Alder (2009) Psychology and Sociology applied to medicine, Elsevier publishers.
7. Chavan (2013), Community Mental Health in India,Jaypee Brothers Medical
8. Munn (2010) Norman Normal Psychology, Boston, Houghton Mifflin
9. Baron Misra (2016) Psychology, Pearson
10. Susan (2011) Ayers Psychology for Medicine, Sage publication Ltd.
11. Diana Papilia (2001) Developmental psychology, Colombia: Editorial McGraw Hill
12. Atkinsons & Hilgard (2015) Introduction to Psychology, Cengage India Private
Gokul Pharmacy College
Bachelor of Pharmacy

Subject Code: Subject Title: Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic

HomUG-OM-I philosophy and Fundamentals of Psychology -Theory
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand foundations of homoeopathic practice, education, training and
research. It defines the qualities of a healer, guides the homoeopathic physician in inculcating
values and attitude and develop skills.
Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to
1. Explain the Cardinal Principles and Fundamental laws of Homoeopathy.
2. Describe the concept of Health, Disease and Cure in Homeopathy
3. Interpret a case according to the Hahnemannian Classification of Disease
4. Apply the Theory of Chronic Disease to determine the miasmatic background in
a case.
5. Demonstrate case taking and show empathy with the patient and family during
case taking 6. Demonstrate Analysis, evaluation of the case to form the Portrait of disease
7. Apply the concept of Susceptibility to determine posology in a given case
8. Interpret the action of the medicine in a case on the basis of Remedy reactions.
9. Apply knowledge of various therapeutic modalities, auxiliary measures & its integration with
prevalent & other concepts in the management of patients.
10. Identify the various obstacles to cure and plan treatment accordingly.
11. Display qualities, duties & roles of a Physician as true practitioner of healing art
12. Develop the competencies essential for primary health care in clinical diagnosis and treatment of
diseases through the judicious application of homoeopathic principles
13. Recognize the scope and limitation of homoeopathy and to apply the Homoeopathic Principles
for curative, prophylactic, promotive, palliative, and rehabilitative primary health care for the benefit
of the individual and community.
14. Discern the relevance of other systems of medical practice for rational use of cross referral and
life saving measures, so as to address clinical emergences

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
4 00 3 00 50 20 70*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.
Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1 Different editions and constructions of Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine. 10

2 §1-27&105-145 of Organon of medicine 38

3 Understanding Emotions and their representation in the Repertory and Materia 5


4 Understanding intellect and representation in Repertory and Materia Medica 1. 4

Attention, Concentration and Memory

5 Understanding intellect and representation in Repertory and Materia Medica 2. 3

Perception and Intelligence

6 Motivation, its types and its relevance for Homoeopath. 2

7 Learning, its types and its relevance in daily functioning of Humans. 4

Text Books

1. Hahnemann S. Organon of medicine. 6ed (2016) New Delhi: Indian Book & Periodicals
2. Sarkar. B. K. Hahnemann’s organon of medicine. (2014) Reprint ed. Birla Publications Pvt.Ltd;.
3. Roberts H. A. The principles and Art of cure by homoeopathy. student ed. (2014) New Delhi: B.
Jain Publisher’s (P) Ltd; 2006.
4. Kent J. T. Lecture’s on homoeopathic philosophy. Reprint ed. New delhi: B Jain Publisher’s (P)
Ltd; Viva
5. M. L. Dhawale. Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy. 5th ed. 2014.
6. Hughes Richard The Principles and Practice Of Homoeopathy, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain
Publisher’s (P)Ltd.
7. Close Stuart: The genius of homoeopathy, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publisher’s (P) Ltd.
8. Allen J Henry: The Chronic Miasm With Repertory, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publisher’s (P)
9. Banerjee P N.: Chronic diseases- Its cause and cure, Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publisher’s (P)

Reference Books

1. Arya M.P (2018): A study of Hahnemann’s Organon of medicine. 6th ed. New Delhi: B Jain
Publisher’s (P) Ltd.
2. Singh Mahindra: Pioneers Of Homoeopathy, B Jain Publisher’s(P) Ltd. B Jain Publisher’s(P) Ltd.
3. Vithoulkas George (2002): Science of Homoeopathy. B Jain Publisher’s(P) Ltd.

References/ Resources: Standard textbook: for Psychology

1. Shelley E Tylor. 10th edition (2018) Health psychology

2. Shashi Jain 4th edition (2014) Introduction to psychology, Kalyani.
3. Psychology textbook for class XI.7th edition (2013) National Council for Educational Research
and training
4. Psychology textbook for class XII 7th edition (2013) National Council for Educational Research
and training
5. Morgan Clifford Thomas 7th edition (2017) Introduction to Psychology, Tata McGraw-Hill
6. Alder (2009) Psychology and Sociology applied to medicine, Elsevier publishers.
7. Chavan (2013), Community Mental Health in India,Jaypee Brothers Medical
8. Munn (2010) Norman Normal Psychology, Boston, Houghton Mifflin
9. Baron Misra (2016) Psychology, Pearson
10. Susan (2011) Ayers Psychology for Medicine, Sage publication Ltd.
11. Diana Papilia (2001) Developmental psychology, Colombia: Editorial McGraw Hill
12. Atkinsons & Hilgard (2015) Introduction to Psychology, Cengage India Private Limited
Gokul homoeopathy medical
Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine
and Surgery (BHMS)
Semester: 2
Subject Code: Hom-UG-HP Subject Title: Homoeopathic Pharmacy - Practical
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Practical
NA 00 3 00 50 NA 50*
*means Non University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall conduct

Human physiology & Biochemistry

(2.5 hours/ week)

The following practical are conducted in Homoeopathic Pharmacy laboratory in 1st semester:


1 Mother tincture and its preparation: 1 Hour
Extraction – Principles & Various Methods Old Method
(Based on Class I to IX) Concept of Uniform Drug Strength
Estimation of Moisture Content - Necessity

2 Mother tincture and its preparation: 1 Hour

Extraction – Principles & Various Methods Old Method
(Based on Class I to IX) Concept of Uniform Drug Strength
Estimation of Moisture Content - Necessity
3 Mother tincture and its preparation: 1 Hour
Extraction – Principles & Various Methods Old Method
(Based on Class I to IX) Concept of Uniform Drug Strength
Estimation of Moisture Content - Necessity
4 Mother tincture and its preparation: 1 Hour
Extraction – Principles & Various Methods Old Method
(Based on Class I to IX) Concept of Uniform Drug Strength
Estimation of Moisture Content - Necessity
5 Mother tincture and its preparation: 1 Hour
New Method/Modern Approach of
Homoeopathic Drug Preparation
6 Mother tincture and its preparation: 1 Hour
New Method/Modern Approach of
Homoeopathic Drug Preparation
7 Mother tincture and its preparation: 1 Hour
New Method/Modern Approach of
Homoeopathic Drug Preparation
8 Various Scales of Potentization in Homoeopathic 1 Hour
History of development, Introducer, Designation, Preparation,
Administration & Application with respect to - Centesimal Scale,
Decimal Scale & 50 Millesimal Scale.
9 Various Scales of Potentization in Homoeopathic 1 Hour
History of development, Introducer, Designation, Preparation,
Administration & Application with respect to - Centesimal Scale,
Decimal Scale & 50 Millesimal Scale.
10 Various Scales of Potentization in Homoeopathic 1 Hour
History of development, Introducer, Designation, Preparation,
Administration & Application with respect to - Centesimal Scale,
Decimal Scale & 50 Millesimal Scale.
11 Drugs Dynamisation: 1 Hour
The Evolution of Dynamisation Concept in Homoeopathy
12. Drugs Dynamisation: 1 Hour
Potentisation& its types
13. Drugs Dynamisation: 1 Hour
The Merits of potentization, succession & trituration.
14. Drugs Dynamisation: 1 Hour
Various types of Potency– Fluxion Potency, Jumping Potency,
Back Potency, Single Vial Potency, Multiple Vial Potency, Mixed
Vial Potency
15. Drugs Dynamisation: 1 Hour
Various types of Potency– Fluxion Potency, Jumping Potency,
Back Potency, Single Vial Potency, Multiple Vial Potency, Mixed
Vial Potency.
16. Drugs Dynamisation: 1 Hour
Post-Hahnemannian Potentization Techniques
17. External applications: 1 Hour
Scope of administration of External Applications in Homoeopathic
18. External applications: 1 Hour
Dr Hahnemann’s View as per Organon (5th& 6th Ed)
19. External applications: 1 Hour
Preparation & Uses of lotion, glycerol
20. External applications: 1 Hour
liniment and ointment
21. External applications: 1 Hour
Commercial Preparation of Ointment
22. Dispensing of Homoeopathic Medicines: 1 Hour
● Various Dosage Forms – Solid, Liquid Dosage Forms,
23. Dispensing of Homoeopathic Medicines: 1 Hour
● Methods of Dispensing
24. Placebo: 1 Hour
● Concept of Homoeopathic Placebo
The Philosophy of administration of placebo Concept of Placebo
25. Pharmaconomy: 1 Hour
Routes of Homoeopathic drug administration
26. Pharmaconomy: 1 Hour
Routes of Homoeopathic drug administration
27. Preservation: 1 Hour
Preservation Rules – Raw Materials Drug Substance, Mother
Preparations, Finished products & Vehicles
28. Preservation: 1 Hour
Preservation Rules – Raw Materials Drug Substance, Mother
Preparations, Finished products & Vehicles
29. Doctrine of Signature: 1 Hour
● Basic Concept, Its Evolution & Application in Ancient
Medical System
● Supporters of the Doctrine
Dr. Hahnemann’s view on the Doctrine
30. Adverse Drug Reactions: 1 Hour
● Basic Idea, Reporting of ADE Drug
safety with Ref to HPI
31. Adverse Drug Reactions: 1 Hour
● Medication errors, Causality Assessment
Incompatible Remedies
32. Pharmaco- vigilance: 1 Hour
● Pharmacovigilance in Homoeopathy Activities of
Pharmacovigilance Centres
33. Pharmaco- vigilance: 1 Hour
Awareness on Medicinal Preparations against Homoeopathic
Principles – Patents, Combinations
34. Standardisation in Homoeopathy: 1 Hour
● Different Methods of Standardisation
● Quality Control of Raw Materials – Various Evaluation
35. Standardisation in Homoeopathy: 1 Hour

● In Process Quality Control

Quality Control of finished products – Various standard parameters
36. Industrial pharmacy: 1 Hour
● Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Schedule M1
37. Industrial pharmacy: 1 Hour
● Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Schedule M1
38. Homoeopathic pharmacopoeia laboratory (HPL): 1 Hour
● Functions and Activities of HPL relating to quality control of
Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicines
Text Books

1. Dr. Partha Mandal & Dr. Biman Mandal, A Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Revised and
Enlarged 3rd Edition, 2012, New Central Book Agency Publishers.
2. Dr. D.D. Banerjee, Augmented Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 2 nd Edition, 2012, B. Jain
3. Dr. K.P. Mujumdar, Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 2013, New Central Book Agency

Reference Books

1. Banerjee SK & Sinha N. (Reprint edition, 1993). A Treatise on Homoeopathic Pharmacy. B Jain
Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi (1971 to 2006). Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of India (1-9 Vol.)
3. Hughes R (Reprint edition, 1999). A Manual of Pharmacodynamics. B Jain Publishers, New
4. Dr. P.N. Verma & Dr. (Mrs.) InduVaid, Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, Vol-
I,II,III, Edition 2002,B. Jain Publishers.
Gokul homoeopathy medical college
Bachelor of Homoeopathic
Medicine and Surgery

Subject Code: Hom-UG-HP Subject Title: Homoeopathic Pharmacy -Theory

Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand sources of drugs and the process through which these are
processed to obtain dynamic, potent homoeopathic drugs for use at the bedside. It encompasses
knowledge of drug action, drug proving, methods of Quality testing, standardization & storage
with up-to-date information of changing drug laws related to Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Industry & Homoeopathy.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. Explain the principles that govern homoeopathic pharmacy.
2. Discuss the pharmacognosical basis of homoeopathic drugs with respect to their identification,
nomenclature, source, part used, method of collection and preparation.
3. Prepare homoeopathic medicines from their respective sources according to the different scales &
methods of potentisation on a small scale in the laboratory.
4. Describe the pharmacology of homoeopathic drugs with respect to the types of drug action, sphere
of action and pharmacological action of homoeopathic drugs integrated with Homoeopathic Materia
Medica, Anatomy and physiology.
5. Relate the methodology of Homoeopathic Drug Proving integrated with Organon of Medicine.
6. Apply the principles of Homoeopathic Posology in different health care setting like OPD/IPD
integrated with Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
7. State the methods of standardization and quality control of homoeopathic medicines to ensure the
genuineness of homoeopathic medicines.
8. Explain the principles of pharmaconomy, dispensing and preservation of homoeopathic
9. Engage the principles of pharmaco-vigilance, and adverse drug reaction in relation to
homoeopathic medicines.
10. Write an ideal prescription.
11. Evaluate the scope for research in homoeopathic pharmacy in the context of the recent
advancements in pharmaceutical sciences

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
2 00 3 00 50 20 70*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1 Mother tincture and its preparation 7
Extraction – Principles & Various Methods Old Method (Based on Class I
to IX) Concept of Uniform Drug Strength Estimation of Moisture Content
- Necessity
New Method/Modern Approach of Homoeopathic Drug
2 Various Scales of Potentization in Homoeopathic pharmacy. 3
History of development, Introducer, Designation, Preparation, Administration
& Application with respect to - Centesimal Scale, Decimal Scale & 50
Millesimal Scale
3 Drugs Dynamisation 6
The Evolution of Dynamisation Concept in Homoeopathy
Potentisation& its types
The Merits of Potentisation Succussion & Trituration
Various types of Potency– Fluxion Potency, Jumping Potency, Back Potency,
Single Vial Potency, Multiple Vial Potency, Mixed Vial Potency
Post-Hahnemannian Potentization Techniques
4 External applications 5
Scope of administration of External Applications in
Homoeopathic Practice
Dr Hahnemann’s View as per Organon (5th& 6th Ed)
Preparation & Uses of lotion, glycerol, liniment and ointment.
Commercial Preparation of Ointment
5 Dispensing of Homoeopathic Medicines 2
Various Dosage Forms – Solid, Liquid Dosage Forms,
Methods of Dispensing
6 Placebo. 1
Concept of Homoeopathic Placebo
The Philosophy of administration of placebo Concept of Placebo Effect
7 Pharmaconomy 2
Routes of Homoeopathic drug administration.
8 Preservation Rules – Raw Materials Drug Substance, Mother Preparations, 2
Finished products & Vehicles
9 Doctrine of Signature. 1
Basic Concept, Its Evolution & Application in Ancient Medical System
Supporters of the Doctrine
Dr Hahnemann’s view on the Doctrine
10 Adverse Drug Reactions 2
Basic Idea, Reporting of ADE Drug safety with Ref to HPI
Medication errors, Causality Assessment
Incompatible Remedies
11 Pharmaco- vigilance. 2
Pharmacovigilance in Homoeopathy Activities of Pharmacovigilance
Awareness on Medicinal Preparations against Homoeopathic Principles –
Patents, Combinations
12 Standardisation in Homoeopathy 2
Different Methods of Standardisation
Quality Control of Raw Materials – Various Evaluation techniques
In Process Quality Control
Quality Control of finished products – Various standard parameters
13 Industrial pharmacy. 2
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Schedule M1

14 Homoeopathic pharmacopoeia laboratory (HPL) 1

Functions and Activities of HPL relating to quality control of drugs.
Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicines

Text Books

1. Dr. Partha Mandal & Dr. Biman Mandal, A Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Revised and
Enlarged 3rd Edition, 2012, New Central Book Agency Publishers.
2. Dr. D.D. Banerjee, Augmented Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 2 nd Edition, 2012, B. Jain
3. Dr. K.P. Mujumdar, Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 2013, New Central Book Agency

Reference Books
1. Banerjee SK & Sinha N. (Reprint edition, 1993). A Treatise on Homoeopathic Pharmacy. B Jain
Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi (1971 to 2006). Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of India (1-9 Vol.)
3. Hughes R (Reprint edition, 1999). A Manual of Pharmacodynamics. B Jain Publishers, New
4. Dr. P.N. Verma & Dr. (Mrs.) InduVaid, Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, Vol-
I,II,III, Edition 2002,B. Jain Publishers.
Gokul homoeopathy
medical college
Bachelor of
Medicine and
Surgery (BHMS)
Subject Code: Hom UG - PB Subject Title: Human physiology & Biochemistry - Practical
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Practical
NA 1 6 100 00 100*
*means Non University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Human physiology & Biochemistry

(7 hours/ week)

The following practical are conducted in Human physiology & Biochemistry laboratory in 1st

Clinical Physiology: - Total hours: 110

● Cardio-Vascular System – Blood Pressure Recording, Radial Pulse, ECG, Clinical
● Respiratory System- Clinical Examination, Spirometry, Stethography
● OPD ( Applied Physiology )
● Nervous System- Clinical Examination
● Special Senses- Clinical Examination
● Reproductive System – Diagnosis of pregnancy
● OPD ( Applied Physiology )
Reference Books

1. Varshney VP, Bedi M, (2019) Practical Physiology: A Student’s Workbook. 1st

Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher
2. Varshney VP, Bedi M, (2023) Ghai’s Textbook of Practical Physiology: 10th
Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher (CBDC based)
3. John N Aet al (2021) C C Chatterjee’s Manual of Practical Physiology:CBS
Pubklishers and Distributors(CBDC based)
4. Jain A. (2019) Manual of Practical Physiology. 6th ed. Arya Publications.
5. Glynn M., William D. (2017). Hutchison’s Clinical methods. 24th edition Elsevier
Gokul homoeopathy medical college
Bachelor of
Medicine and Surgery
Semester: 2

Subject Code: Hom UG - Subject Title: Human physiology & Biochemistry-Theory

Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand the functional organization of man at several levels like atom,
chemical, cells, tissues, organ systems and the whole body to understand fundamental
mechanisms that operate in a living organism. The underlying goal is to explain the operations
in a living

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. Discuss the Homoeopathic concept of health in relation to integrated body structure and functions.
2. Explain the normal functioning of the human body at all levels of organization.
3. Relate the concept of homoeostasis with relevant ideas in Anatomy, Materia medica and Organon
of Medicine at BHMS I level.
4. Elucidate the physiological aspects of normal growth and development with focus on evolution.
5. Correlate micro functions at cellular level with macro functions at organ-system level.
6. Use necessary communication skills required for history-taking of the patient & relating various
clinical findings in the patient.
7. Perform experiments in haematology, clinical physiology & biochemistry as required for the study
of physiological phenomena and for
assessment of normal function.
8. Identify the normal values of haematology, clinical physiology & biochemistry.
9. Perform clinical – physiological examination under supervision.
10. Correlate knowledge of Organon & Materia Medica with Physiology.
11. Explain the integrated responses of the organ systems of the body to physiological and
pathological stresse

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
6 1 6 00 100 20 120*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.
Course Content:

Sr Topics Hours
1 ● Cardiovascular System 110

● Respiratory & Environmental Physiology

● Central Nervous System
● Endocrinology

Text Books

1. John N A (2023) Chatterjee C C. Text Book of Physiology 14th Edition. CBS Publication.
(CBDC based)
2. Tortora G (2020). Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. Wiley Publication.
3. Jain A (2021). Text Book of Physiology Vol – 1 & 2. Avichal Publishing Company.
4. Glynn M (2022). Hutchion’s Clinical Method, Elsevier Publication.
5. Reddy L P (2023) Fundamentals of Medical Physiology. CBS Publishers and Distributors(CBDC

Reference Books

1. Hall J. (2020). Guyton & Hall Text book of Medical Physiology. Elsevier Publication.
2. Khurana I (2021). Essential Medical Physiology. Elsevier Publication.
Gokul homoeopathy medical college
Bachelor of Homoeopathic
Medicine and Surgery

Subject Code: HomUG-R-I Subject Title: HOMOEOPATHIC REPERTORY and CASE

Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: Repertories aim at simplifying the work of the physician to find the indicated remedy by
eliminating the non-indicated remedies. Repertorisation is not the end but a means to arrive to
the simillimum and reference to Homoeopathic Materia Medica based on sound principles of
Philosophy is the final court of appeal.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. Define Repertory.
2. Explain the need and utility of repertory to find simillimum, and for the study of Materia Medica
3. Define various terminologies used in repertory
4. Locate different rubrics related to anatomy, physiology and psychology in Kent’s Repertory
5. Illustrate the construction of Kent’s Repertory as per the Hahnemannian Anatomical schema

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
1 NA NA 00 20 20*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1 Correlation of Anatomy, Physiology and Psychology with 6
 Introduction to correlation Anatomy, Physiology and Psychology
with Repertory
 Chapters and Rubrics related to Anatomical parts in Dr. Kent’s
 Chapters and Rubrics related to Physiology in Dr. Kent’s Repertory
 Rubrics related to emotions, intellect and memory in Mind chapter
of Dr.Kent Repertory
Reference Books

 Dhawale ML (2000) - Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy,3rd Edition, Institute of Clinical Research
 Hahnemann S (2017). Organon of Medicine 6th edition,48th Impression, B. Jain Publishers
 Kent, JT- Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica (Sixth American Edition), 54thImpression
(2017), B. Jain Publishers
 Kishore, Jugal (2004) -Evolution of Homoeopathic Repertories and Repertorization, Revised Edition,B.
Jain Publishers
 Munir Ahmed R (2016). Fundamentals of Repertories: alchemy of homeopathic methodology. Hi-Line
Publishers, Bengaluru.
 Patel, R.P (1998): The Art of Case Taking and Practical Repertorization, 6th Edition. Sai Homoeopathic
Book Corporation
 Tiwari, Shashikant (2005) - Essentials of Repertorisation, 4th Edition, B. Jain Publishers
Gokul homoeopathy medical college
Bachelor of Homoeopathic
Medicine and Surgery
Semester: 2

Subject Code: Subject Title: Yoga for Health Promotion - practical

HomUG-Yoga I
Pre-requisite Subject - NONE -

Scope: To learn and understand relationship between Yoga and Homoeopathy in a wholistic
approach, and the point of application of yoga in part of treatment.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to

1. relationship between Yoga and Homoeopathy in a wholistic approach.
2. the point of application of yoga in part of treatment.
3. The student will Improved focus and concentration: The meditative aspects of yoga can
enhance mental clarity and concentration

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Total Marks
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit End semester Internal
exams Assessment Theory
1 NA NA 00 00 00 00*
*means Non-University Examination (NUE). The subject expert at college level shall
conduct examinations.

Course Content:
Sr Topics Hours
1 Pranayama types, benefits 1
2 Practical learning about asanas(postures)-pawanmuktasana, back stretching, 5
sunsalutation, classical sequences
3 Practical learning about breathing, pranayama including abdominal, thoracic, 5
clavicular, hasthmudra, vilom, lung sensitizing.
4 Practice of relaxation, tense and relax, short yognidra, extended, savasana, 4
yodnidra, sankalpa
Gokul Homoeopathy Medical College


Gokul Global University
Students of all undergraduate Homoeopathy degree programs at the time of graduation will be
able to learn:

PO 1: primary health care

Student will develop the competencies essential for primary health care in clinical diagnosis and
treatment of diseases through the judicious application of homoeopathic principles

PO 2: scope and limitation of homoeopathy

Student will recognize the scope and limitation of homoeopathy and to apply the Homoeopathic
Principles for curative, prophylactic, promotive, palliative, and rehabilitative primary health care for
the benefit of the individual and community.

PO 3: clinical emergences
Student will discern the relevance of other systems of medical practice for rational use of cross
referral and life saving measures, so as to address clinical emergences

PO 4: critical thinking and research aptitude

Student will develop capacity for critical thinking and research aptitude as required for evidence
based homoeopathic practice.

PO 5: develop competencies
Student will demonstrate aptitude for lifelong learning and develop competencies as and when
conditions of practice demand.

PO 6: practice homoeopathy as per the medical ethics

Student will be competent enough to practice homoeopathy as per the medical ethics and

PO 7: communication skills
Student will develop the necessary communication skills to work as a team member in various
healthcare setting and contribute towards the larger goals of national policies such as school health,
community health, environmental conservation.

PO 8: Knowledge about health and disease

Student will identify and respect the socio-demographic, psychological, cultural, environmental &
economic factors that affect health and disease and plan homoeopathic intervention to achieve the
sustainable development Goal.
Gokul Homoeopathy Medical College


Gokul Global University
Students after the completion of graduation in degree Homoeopathy programs able to:

PSO 1: Be competent to use homoeopathic medicines scientifically for health problems in

preventive, promotive, curative palliative and rehabilitative mode.

PSO 2: Appreciate the rationale for the use of different therapeutic modalities &engage in
cross- referral when required in the interest of the patient.

PSO 3: Be able to appreciate the socio-psychological, cultural, economic and environmental

factors affecting health and develop a humane attitude towards patients in discharging
professional responsibilities.

PSO 4: Be able to identify community health problems and learn to work to resolve these by
understanding, designing, instituting corrective steps as per homoeopathic principles and
evaluating outcome of such measures. .
Gokul Homoeopathy Medical College


Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery

(B.H.M.S.) Batch 2022-23
Course Outcomes (CO)

Gokul Global University
Students of all undergraduate Homoeopathy degree programs at the time of graduation will be able to
Course Outcomes of 1st B.H.M.S.
Subject with code Course Outcome
Human Anatomy CO1 Discuss the evolution of life and the developmental
anatomy and genetics of human.
CO2 Explain the ethics of Anatomy, such as Anatomy act,
Body donation & receiving procedure and its legal
aspects, develop respect to the
human cadaver.
CO3 Differentiate the structural organization of man from
micro to macro and its evolution from embryo
CO4 Correlate the structural organization of man with
functional organization and its applied aspect
CO5 Apply anatomy knowledge to achieve vertical
integration with clinical subjects
CO6 Correlate structural organization of man with
homeopathic philosophy and concept of man,
Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Repertory
and Pharmacy.
CO7 Correlate structural organization in interpreting
different investigations
Human physiology & CO1 Discuss the Homoeopathic concept of health in
Biochemistry relation to integrated body structure and functions.
CO2 Explain the normal functioning of the human body at all
levels of organization.
CO3 Relate the concept of homoeostasis with relevant ideas in
Anatomy, Materia medica and Organon of Medicine at
BHMS I level.
CO4 Elucidate the physiological aspects of normal growth and
development with focus on evolution
CO5 Correlate micro functions at cellular level with macro
functions at organ-system level.
CO6 Use necessary communication skills required for
history-taking of the patient & relating various clinical
findings in the patient.
CO7 Perform experiments in haematology, clinical physiology
& biochemistry as required for the study of physiological
phenomena and for
assessment of normal function.
CO8 Identify the normal values of haematology, clinical
physiology & biochemistry
CO9 Perform clinical – physiological examination under
CO10 Correlate knowledge of Organon & Materia Medica with
CO11 Explain the integrated responses of the organ systems of
the body to physiological and pathological stresses.
Homoeopathic CO1 Explain the principles that govern homoeopathic
Pharmacy pharmacy.
CO2 Discuss the pharmacognosical basis of
homoeopathic drugs with respect to their
identification, nomenclature, source, part used,
method of collection and preparation.
CO3 Prepare homoeopathic medicines from their respective
sources according to the different scales & methods of
potentisation on a small scale in the laboratory
CO4 Describe the pharmacology of homoeopathic drugs with
respect to the types of drug action, sphere of action and
pharmacological action of homoeopathic drugs
integrated with Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Anatomy
and physiology.
CO5 Relate the methodology of Homoeopathic Drug Proving
integrated with Organon of Medicine.
CO6 Apply the principles of Homoeopathic Posology in
different health care setting like OPD/IPD integrated
with Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Materia
CO7 State the methods of standardization and quality control
of homoeopathic medicines to ensure the genuineness of
homoeopathic medicines
CO8 Explain the principles of pharmaconomy, dispensing and
preservation of homoeopathic medicines.
CO9 Engage the principles of pharmaco-vigilance, and
adverse drug reaction in relation to homoeopathic
CO10 Write an ideal prescription
CO11 Evaluate the scope for research in homoeopathic
pharmacy in the context of the recent advancements in
pharmaceutical sciences
Organon of Medicine and CO1 Explain the Cardinal Principles and Fundamental laws of
Homoeopathic philosophy and Homoeopathy.
Fundamentals of Psychology
CO2 Describe the concept of Health, Disease and Cure
in Homeopathy
CO3 Interpret a case according to the Hahnemannian
Classification of Disease
CO4 Apply the Theory of Chronic Disease to determine the
miasmatic background in
a case.
CO5 Demonstrate case taking and show empathy with the
patient and family during
case taking.
CO6 Demonstrate Analysis, evaluation of the case to form the
Portrait of disease
CO7 Apply the concept of Susceptibility to determine
posology in a given case
CO8 Interpret the action of the medicine in a case on the basis
of Remedy reactions.
CO9 Apply knowledge of various therapeutic modalities,
auxiliary measures & its integration with prevalent &
other concepts in the management of patients.
CO10 Identify the various obstacles to cure and plan treatment
CO11 Display qualities, duties & roles of a Physician as true
practitioner of healing art
Homoeopathic CO1 Define the homoeopathic Materia Medica
Materia Medica

CO2 Understand the philosophy of homoeopathic

Materia Medica.
CO3 Describe evolution, sources and construction of
different types of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
CO4 Enumerate the scope and limitations of Homoeopathic
Materia Medica.
CO5 Evolve the portrait and symptomatology of a particular
drug using the knowledge of pharmacy, psychology,
anatomy, physiology and Organon of medicine.
CO6 Observe the symptoms of a particular medicine in a
clinical set-up with emphasis on individualizing
HOMOEOPATHIC CO1 Describe the philosophical background, construction,
REPERTORY and utility and limitations of various repertories
CASE TAKING CO2 Demonstrate case taking and show empathy with the
patient and family during case taking
CO3 Demonstrate various steps for systematic case processing
viz. analysis of case, evaluation of symptoms as per
Homoeopathic principles to form Totality of symptoms
CO4 Choose the appropriate repertorial approach, Method and
Technique to repertorize a case
CO5 Utilize Repertory as a tool to find out simillimum in all
types of cases and in the study of Materia Medica
CO6 Integrate other subjects in understanding the construction
and utility of repertories
CO7 Utilize different software for Repertorization, patient
data management and record keeping.
CO8 Demonstrate aptitude to utilize repertory for research in
Homoeopathy and lifelong learning
Yoga for Health CO1 The students will be trained in understanding the
Promotion relationship between Yoga and Homoeopathy in a
wholistic approach.
CO2 The students will be trained in the point of application of
yoga in part of treatment.
CO3 The student will Improved focus and
concentration: The meditative aspects of yoga can
enhance mental clarity and concentration.
Course Outcomes of 1st B.H.M.S. PO PSO
Course name CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3 PSO4
Human Anatomy CO1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO7 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Human physiology & CO1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Biochemistry CO2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO7 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO8 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO9 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Homoeopathic CO1 ✓ ✓ ✓
Pharmacy CO2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO7 ✓ ✓
CO8 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO9 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO10 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Organon of Medicine and CO1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Homoeopathic philosophy and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Fundamentals of Psychology
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO7 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO8 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO9 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Homoeopathic CO1 ✓ ✓ ✓
Materia Medica CO2 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOMOEOPATHIC CO1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
REPERTORY and CO2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO7 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO8 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Yoga for Health CO1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Promotion CO2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓

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