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Diagnostics 13 02992 v2
Diagnostics 13 02992 v2
Enhancing the Evidence with Algorithms: How Artificial
Intelligence Is Transforming Forensic Medicine
Alin-Ionut Piraianu † , Ana Fulga *, Carmina Liana Musat † , Oana-Roxana Ciobotaru, Diana Gina Poalelungi,
Elena Stamate *, Octavian Ciobotaru † and Iuliu Fulga
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, 35 AI Cuza St., 800010 Galati, Romania;
alin.piraianu@gmail.com (A.-I.P.); carmina.musat@ugal.ro (C.L.M.); roxana_hag@yahoo.com (O.-R.C.);
dianapoalelungi10@gmail.com (D.G.P.); coctavian72@gmail.com (O.C.); fulgaiuliu@yahoo.com (I.F.)
* Correspondence: ana.fulgaa@gmail.com (A.F.); elena.stamate94@yahoo.com (E.S.)
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: Background: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various fields has ushered in
a new era of multidisciplinary progress. Defined as the ability of a system to interpret external data,
learn from it, and adapt to specific tasks, AI is poised to revolutionize the world. In forensic medicine
and pathology, algorithms play a crucial role in data analysis, pattern recognition, anomaly identifica-
tion, and decision making. This review explores the diverse applications of AI in forensic medicine,
encompassing fields such as forensic identification, ballistics, traumatic injuries, postmortem interval
estimation, forensic toxicology, and more. Results: A thorough review of 113 articles revealed a subset
of 32 papers directly relevant to the research, covering a wide range of applications. These included
forensic identification, ballistics and additional factors of shooting, traumatic injuries, post-mortem
interval estimation, forensic toxicology, sexual assaults/rape, crime scene reconstruction, virtual
autopsy, and medical act quality evaluation. The studies demonstrated the feasibility and advantages
of employing AI technology in various facets of forensic medicine and pathology. Conclusions:
Citation: Piraianu, A.-I.; Fulga, A.; The integration of AI in forensic medicine and pathology offers promising prospects for improving
Musat, C.L.; Ciobotaru, O.-R.; accuracy and efficiency in medico-legal practices. From forensic identification to post-mortem interval
Poalelungi, D.G.; Stamate, E.; estimation, AI algorithms have shown the potential to reduce human subjectivity, mitigate errors, and
Ciobotaru, O.; Fulga, I. Enhancing the provide cost-effective solutions. While challenges surrounding ethical considerations, data security,
Evidence with Algorithms: How and algorithmic correctness persist, continued research and technological advancements hold the key
Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming to realizing the full potential of AI in forensic applications. As the field of AI continues to evolve, it is
Forensic Medicine. Diagnostics 2023, poised to play an increasingly pivotal role in the future of forensic medicine and pathology.
13, 2992. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Keywords: artificial intelligence; medicine; forensic science; forensic medicine; pathology
Academic Editors: Miguel
Mascarenhas Saraiva and
Guilherme Macedo
1. Introduction
Received: 20 August 2023
Revised: 13 September 2023 The next revolution from an IT and industrial point of view will be the use of artificial
Accepted: 14 September 2023 intelligence for multidisciplinary progress. Kaplan and Haenlein define AI as “the ability
Published: 19 September 2023 of a system to correctly interpret external data, learn from such data, and use it to achieve
specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation” [1]. The term “artificial intelligence” is
used colloquially to describe machines that mimic the “cognitive” functions that humans
associate with other human minds, such as “learning” and “problem solving” [2]. We
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. are currently at the point of implementation of the fourth industrial revolution, with AI
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. becoming a cornerstone for all digital transformation initiatives [3].
This article is an open access article Algorithms are well-defined sets of instructions or steps that a computer follows to
distributed under the terms and
solve a particular problem or perform a particular task. These instructions are defined
conditions of the Creative Commons
logically and sequentially so that they can be followed by the computer to achieve a
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
particular result. In the context of the use of artificial intelligence in forensics, algorithms
can be programmed to analyze data, recognize patterns, identify anomalies, or provide
suggestions and decisions based on the data provided. These sets of instructions and
mathematical operations can be used by artificial intelligence to perform specific tasks
within the field of forensics.
In medicine, AI is already used as an assistant to doctors, to establish a correct diag-
nosis, detect and monitor vital signs, and even detect skin cancer [4]. Forensic medicine
is a medical discipline that aims to prepare scientific medical-biological evidence for the
application of judicial rules. Medical science, implicitly forensic medicine and pathology,
cannot ignore the new expertise techniques. The classic way of performing an autopsy
and drawing up an expert report has many limitations, but these can be reduced with the
help of artificial intelligence. Forensic medicine and pathology changes in “the big data
era”, and the development is a full expansion in 2023 artificial intelligence, bringing new
opportunities. In recent years, numerous studies based on artificial intelligence technology
have been carried out, such as face recognition, age and sex estimates, DNA analysis, post-
mortem interval estimation, and injury and cause of death identification, demonstrating the
feasibility and advantages of using artificial intelligence technology in forensic medicine
and pathology [5]. Thus, a new worldwide direction has been launched, which includes
technology adaptability challenges with the potential of integration into the well-known
medico-legal practice until now.
1.1.5. Robotics
The robot has been defined as “a reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator de-
signed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed
Diagnostics 2023, 13, 2992 3 of 11
motions for the performance of a variety of tasks” by the Robot Institute of America; in
medicine, they are used for their precision, especially in surgical specialties [12].
2. Literature Review
2.1. Methodology
We conducted a review of current literature including original articles and reviews
that studied various clinical applications of AI in forensic medicine and pathology. We
performed extensive searches on Google Scholar, PubMed, and ScienceDirect databases
to identify relevant manuscripts. As keywords, we used “artificial intelligence”, “deep
learning”, and “machine learning”, combined with “forensic medicine”, “legal medicine”,
“forensic pathology” and, medicine”. We restricted our search to papers published in
English and found more than 100 relevant manuscripts. The inclusion criteria focused on
studies that examined the application of artificial intelligence in forensic medicine and
pathology and various medical specialties.
2.2. Results
After a thorough review and assessment of the 113 articles, we identified and included
a subset of 32 papers that were directly relevant to our research, including seven in forensic
identification, one in Ballistics and additional factors of shooting, one in traumatic injuries,
three in establishing the post-mortem interval, two in forensic toxicology, one in sexual
assaults/rape, one in crime scene reconstruction, one in virtual autopsy, and fourteen in
medical act quality evaluation, listed in Table 1. These selected studies provided valuable
insights into the use and impact of AI in forensic medicine and pathology and various
medical specialties, forming the basis of our review.
the case of hyperparameters, which allows for the creation of a predictive model at a very
high level of performance.
Table 1. Scientific articles that analyze the use of artificial intelligence in forensic medicine.
In Khanagar S.B. et al.’s review, we found the perspective of using AI for the re-
construction of the mandible [18]. These AI models are based either on artificial neural
networks (ANN) or on convolutional neural networks (CNN). The results being promising,
these models show accuracy and precision equivalent to those of experts in the field, useful
especially in the case of the need to identify victims of mass disasters [17]. CNN is a
deep learning algorithm that can apply different properties/aspects to an input image and
differentiate it from others. Convolutional neural networks work like the human brain
by trying to identify blurred images. Recognition improves when more slices are added,
which provides a 3D feature [19,20]. A forensic anthropologist has the difficult task of
storing and processing a huge amount of anthropometric information, and sometimes
fatigue, subjectivism, methodological difficulties, and interpretation can lead to errors.
The incidence of these errors can be reduced by processing data with the help of AI with
automatic learning that imitates human neural networks which can solve even the most
complex problems, without getting tired, without using emotions, and without particu-
larizing cases through subjective judgment. During COVID-19, person identification (PI)
with the help of AI would have been extremely useful, considering the number of deaths
worldwide and the existence of unknown bodies that needed to be identified. Matsuda S.
and Yoshimura H. carried out a scientific paper in 2022 in which they show that conven-
tional anthropological methods that follow the description of facial features (hair, eye color,
nose, lips, scars, tattoos, particular signs) or fingerprints and DNA analysis can be replaced
with modern, new methods, with the involvement of artificial intelligence, already used for
the identification of some bodily parameters, the retina model and fingerprints, especially
in institutions where data security takes precedence, even proposing the use of artificial
intelligence on all living people, ethically questionable methods, but which could help
identify people [21]. Currently, out of all the identification methods used, facial recognition
is in second place, after the fingerprint [22]. Although progress exists, and the replacement
of fingerprint-based methods with AI identification devices requires training/learning with
images of people, the human factor remains decisive in the formation of these systems, and
the challenges related to the infrastructure and biometric resources of a population will
exist [23].
information on the injuries produced by firearms, measuring the entrance hole at the level
of the flat bones, and comparing it with different models, thus allowing for the estimation
of the caliber of the bullet. All this, together with the possibility of collecting biological
samples through this method, can assist the forensic pathologist in issuing diagnoses and
formulating more correct conclusions [33].
3. Discussion
3.1. Perspectives and Directions for the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Medicine
and Pathology
The scientific palette in the field of artificial intelligence is still at the beginning and will
certainly undergo changes to improve and assist the human factor in medicine. Forensic
medicine is no exception to progress, and as we have shown through the review carried
out, various methods are already being implemented worldwide, which we can subdivide
into a few essential aspects: (1) assistance to the forensic pathologist regarding the accuracy
of both the anatomopathological diagnosis macroscopically, as well as all complementary
exams; (2) reducing subjective judgment and fatigue, all the factors that define human
nature through its vulnerability; (3) reducing the costs that involve all the forensic activity
by eliminating some investigations, sometimes necessary for the human with the help of AI
that can express an earlier and more solid opinion, but also by eliminate the risk of repeating
certain complementary examinations which can cause of human errors; (4) the contribution
of artificial intelligence to the creation of an electronic data archiving environment, thus
eliminating files and devices for storing and memorizing data, which are becoming more
and more difficult to manage due to the volume they occupy and the fragility of USB drives
and hard disk, as well as through the possibility of destroying these data.
Although artificial intelligence is renovating the world, its legal value in front of a
court is still not accepted. The human factor, although showing professional sensitivity,
should have the last word to say in a forensic medical report. AI is still a technology in its
teenage years, but it is already proving that its algorithms are more objective and smarter
than humans, basically speculating on human weaknesses. From a scientific point of view,
it is possible that the opinion formed by artificial intelligence will not be accepted as an
individual conclusive proof, but probably with time and with the implementation of AI
in our daily life, it will evolve and be unanimously accepted. Gerke S. et al. state that the
challenges of artificial intelligence also include the ethical characteristics regarding the use
of data, transparency and cyber security, algorithmic correctness, and the confidentiality of
medical data [34].
Figure 1. Distribution of published papers for disease diagnosis using artificial intelligence tech-
Figure 1. Distribution of published papers for disease diagnosis using artificial intelligenc
niques [4]. Adapted from Kumar, Y., Koul, A., Singla, R. et al. Artificial intelligence in disease
techniques [4]. Adapted from Kumar, Y., Koul, A., Singla, R. et al. Artificial intelligence in diseas
diagnosis: a systematic literature review, synthesizing framework, and future research agenda. J
diagnosis: a systematic literature review, synthesizing framework, and future research agenda.
Ambient Intell Human Comput 14, 8459–8486 (2023).
Ambient Intell Human Comput 14, 8459–8486 (2023).
3.2.2. Personalized Treatment
3.2.2. Personalized
Artificial Treatment
intelligence and pharmacogenomics can help identify the right drugs for a
based on intelligence
their genes and
andpotential drug–drug interactions;
pharmacogenomics can helpAI can analyze
identify medical
the right drugs for
data, and history, to develop a predictive treatment plan [53].
patient based on their genes and potential drug–drug interactions; AI can analyze medica
3.2.3. and history, to develop
Monitoring a predictive treatment plan [53].
and Management
Monitoring systems can collect data about a patient’s condition (heart rate, glucose
3.2.3. Disease Monitoring and Management
level, blood pressure, etc.) and artificial intelligence can analyze this data to detect early
signs of systems
complications. can conducted
In a study collect data aboutby
in China a patient’s
Weng S.F. condition (heart
et al. between 2005rate,
and glucos
2015, using routine clinical data of over 350,000 patients, machine learning significantly
level, blood pressure, etc.) and artificial intelligence can analyze this data to detect earl
improved the accuracy of In
signs of complications. cardiovascular risk prediction,
a study conducted in Chinacorrectly
by Weng predicting 355
S.F. et al. (an
between 200
additional 7.6%) more patients who developed cardiovascular disease compared
and 2015, using routine clinical data of over 350,000 patients, machine learnin with the
established algorithm [54].
significantly improved the accuracy of cardiovascular risk prediction, correctly predictin
In health data management, AI can help analyze and interpret massive amounts of
355 (an additional 7.6%) more patients who developed cardiovascular disease compared
healthcare data, providing healthcare professionals with relevant information and insights
to makethe established
more informedalgorithm
decisions. [54].
In health data management, AI can help analyze and interpret massive amounts o
3.2.4. Robot-Assisted
healthcare Surgery
data, providing healthcare professionals with relevant information and
insights to make
According moreX.Y
to Zhou informed decisions.
et al., artificial intelligence has revolutionized surgery, pro-
longing the life and survival limit of patients by managing acute and chronic diseases [55].
Current robots already Surgery
3.2.4. Robot-Assisted can automatically perform some tasks related to basic surgery,
such as suturing and knot tying [56,57]. In the literature, it has already described that a
surgical robotto was
ableX.Y et al., artificial
to completely intelligence
suture the hasofrevolutionized
small intestines a pig on its own, surgery
prolonging the life and survival limit of patients by managing
surpassing the human manual dexterity of experienced surgeons who performed acute and the
same disease
[55]. Current
suture at the samerobots already can automatically perform some tasks related to basi
time [58].
surgery, such as suturing and knot tying [56,57]. In the literature, it has already described
that aDrug Discovery
skilled surgical robot was able to completely suture the small intestines of a pig o
With surpassing
its own, all the current progress,
the humanartificial
manualintelligence could
dexterity of accelerate the
experienced processwho
surgeons of new
drug discovery, as its ability to model
the same suture at the same time [58]. molecular interactions and identify compounds
with potential therapeutic properties is already known. For example, in toxicology, deep
learning might automatically identify high-level drug use patterns by combining data from
3.2.5. Drug Discovery
social media, poison control logs, published reports, and national surveys [59].
With all the current progress, artificial intelligence could accelerate the process o
new drug discovery, as its ability to model molecular interactions and identif
compounds with potential therapeutic properties is already known. For example, in
toxicology, deep learning might automatically identify high-level drug use patterns b
Diagnostics 2023, 13, 2992 9 of 11
All that remains is to deepen this perspective and the limits of AI, in the hope that it will
provide us with useful data comparable to a complementary forensic medical examination,
helping human nature to reduce its errors, all of which will be reflected in the benefit of
patients and the whole society.
4. Conclusions
Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have marked a turning point in the field
of forensic medicine and pathology. In recent years, these technologies have demonstrated
significant potential in optimizing the processes of data analysis and interpretation. How-
ever, it is important to emphasize that human expertise remains essential in making critical
decisions. One of the major challenges in using AI in this context is ensuring the quality of
scientific data. The process of collecting and cleaning data is of fundamental importance to
ensure the performance and accuracy of AI algorithms. Only by providing reliable data can
we reach the maximum potential of this technology in forensic medicine and pathology.
The benefits brought by AI within the justice system are evident. These include
accelerating the analysis of evidence and interpreting clues, which can lead to a more
efficient and precise legal process. However, it is crucial to recognize that the transition to
fully automated AI use will take time and continuous adjustments. Fundamentally, AI is
not a substitute for human expertise, but rather a valuable partner. Human discernment and
knowledge remain indispensable for interpreting context and making informed decisions.
By balancing technology with human expertise, we can maintain a fair and ethical justice
system in an ever-evolving modern world.
Thus, the progressive integration of AI in forensic medicine and pathology represents
a significant step towards improved well-being and security for society. Through the col-
laboration between technology and human expertise, we can fully harness the advantages
offered by this innovation in the fields of justice and forensic medicine.
Author Contributions: Methodology, data curation, writing—original draft preparation, A.-I.P., A.F.
and E.S.; writing—review and editing, C.L.M., O.-R.C., O.C., A.F., E.S. and D.G.P.; supervision,
conceptualization and funding, I.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, VAT 27232142, and
The APC was paid by the “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, VAT 27232142.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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