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EPISTLE 2008-11 v1

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Volume 13 Issue 10 NOVEMBER 20, 2008

Don’t Miss Spending

“A Night in Bethlehem!”
Families won’t want to miss spending a
night in Bethlehem on:
Sunday, December 21 from
6:30 – 8 p.m.
Come experience what life was like so long
ago on that starry night when our savior
was born! Hear the sounds of the Bethle-
hem marketplace, visit the carpentry shop,
sample the foods at the marketplace and
visit the baby in the quiet stable. This is an
event your children will remember for
years! Sign up in Fellowship Hall.


December 7, 2008 following the Children's pageant.

The sign-up sheets are posted in Fellowship Hall for the advent dinner.
Please bring an entree, side dish or salad, ready to serve and eat. The Deacons will provide
baked ham, pizza for the children, dessert, coffee, milk and water. We cannot keep your dish
hot or cool due to lack of space in the kitchen. Please wrap your dish well and it should be
fine. Please also bring your table service.


(This is a week earlier than usual due to the Christmas holiday!)

November 30: First Sunday of Advent

Lighting of the first Advent candle
Holy Communion (pew communion)
Isaiah 64:1-9
Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19
I Corinthians 1:3-9
Mark 13:24-37

December 7: Second Sunday of Advent

Lighting of the Second Advent candle
Isaiah 40:1-11
Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13
2 Peter 3:8-15a
Mark 1:1-8

December 14: Third Sunday of Advent

Lighting of the third Advent candle
Service of lessons and carols

December 21: Fourth Sunday of Advent

Lighting of the fourth Advent candle
2 Samuel 7:1-111,16
Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38

December 24: Christmas Eve

5:00 PM: Family service of Scripture stories and carols
11:00 PM Festival Eucharist with choir

December 28: First Sunday of Christmas

Isaiah 61:10-62:3
Psalm 148
Galatians 4:4-7
Luke 2:22-40
Advent is a time of waiting. Many of us economy in the dumps, merchants will be asking
think that we are waiting for Christmas and in us to buy! Christmas is a wonderful season, but it
one sense that is right. We look forward to the is different from Advent and in order to fully ap-
celebration, once again, of the birth of Jesus in preciate it, we need to move through the one to get
Bethlehem in the days of Herod the King. No to the other, just as we have to move through Lent
matter how many times we have heard this fa- to get to Easter.
miliar story we are still thrilled to hear the an-
gel’s song of peace and good will sung on the During the Advent season, the Greeting,
night of the Savior’s birth. Confession, Forgiveness and Blessing will remain
the same and will change with Christmas Eve and
We also wait, though, for the great and continue the same through the Christmas season.
glorious day, when the kingdom of God will be
fully realized on earth as it is in heaven. Advent, In the past, the liturgical colors for Advent
then, looks backward to the first coming of Jesus were the same as for Lent, purple. This was be-
and forward to the second coming in power and cause Advent, like Lent, was considered a season
glory. The Bible readings for the season reflect of penitence. Over the years, there has been some
this double meaning. change here and the heavy penitential emphasis of
former days has lightened up a bit. The color for
It is hard for most of us to hold off on Advent is now blue.
Christmas. The culture pushes us earlier and ear-
lier to “get to it.” This year, particularly, with the

Our sympathy is extended to Kim Beach and her family THANK YOU MARGE BROOKS!
on the recent death of her husband, Richmond Beach.
Marge Brooks will never be known as a lady with
He passed away on October 23, 2008 and a memorial
“idle hands, and this is why.
service was held for him at First Church on October 28,
2008. Pastor Cedarleaf officiated. Rich sang in our This year there are brown ones and blue ones, gold
choir for many years. ones and pink ones, some with stripes and some
Our sympathy is also extended to Paul Yerrick and his
plain—also red, white and blue ones, large ones and
family on the death of his mother, Eleanor Yerrick on
small ones and some in between—all in all 31 children
November 16, 2008. Her service will be held at First
will have warm hands as the weather turns to winter.
Church on Friday, November 21, 2008.
This will be due to the beautifully hand knit mittens
plus eight hats and two sets of matching hat and mit-
tens that Marge created.
This has been on on-going project of hers for many
Martha Bowman, St. John’s Home
years. The children of Henry Lomb #20 school in the
Barbara Cobb, Fairport Baptist Home city have been recipients of her generosity for many
Geraldine Stearns, Perinton Manor years. We can all say “thank you” to this caring lady.

I’m writing this on November 13, just a month before we gather as a congregation to receive
and vote on the operating budget for 2009. The past few weeks have seen the work of our stew-
ardship committee begin to bear fruit. November 9 was “Stewardship Sunday”. On that day we
“officially” concluded our campaign. Of course the campaign is not over and we will, no doubt,
receive pledges up to and beyond the financial meeting on December 14. It seems that the
pledges for 2009 are tracking pretty much where they were in 2008. This is not a bad thing, par-
ticularly as we all struggle with the economic chaos that we are in as a nation.

I made clear to the church council that we did not have much choice but to replay the 2008 in
2009. You could call this a flat budget, although there will be some increases in areas that we
have little or no control over, such as insurance etc. In the areas that we can control, and this
includes salaries and benefits, there will be no increases for 2009.

Where we can make other economies we will do so. I also assume that the 2009 budget will in-
clude a “faith gap” as we had last year. This gap will need to be filled with fundraisers and
other ways to narrow the gap. There are creative ways that we can approach the budget for the
coming year. There is no doubt in my mind that we can, if we so desire, raise the money we
need. All we need to do is to look at the fund raising for the new choir robes to see this is the
case. When there is a need, people step up.

I believe that we, as a congregation, have a mission to fulfill and that we are doing all we can to
do it. The mission I’m speaking of is to live out in word and deed the life of Christ for others to
see. We do that through worship and education and mission. Our worship is centered, not on us,
but on God, who calls us into community as the Body of Christ. We are not a conglomeration of
individuals, but the church. The Church of Jesus Christ was here long before we were born and
will be here long after we have died. We join it through baptism and are nurtured by it through
Word and Sacrament, and sent out to be the people of God in the world.

If you feel that this mission is important, then let others know that this is a place to seek out and
to find the God of all our lives, the one who is both the source and the goal of life. As we deal
with the challenges of the coming year, the same challenges many people face, let us remember
that God is good and that God’s steadfast love endures forever.

Your pastor,

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) is looking for volunteers to serve as advo-
cates for the best interests of abused and/or neglected children. Responsible adults who are in-
terested in making a difference in the life of a child are encouraged to join CASA’s team of vol-
unteers. CASA will hold a training course for prospective volunteers on January 21st, January
28th and February 4th from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. Prior to attending the three-day
training course, prospective volunteers must submit a completed application packet and be in-
terviewed. To learn more, please call (585) 428-5297 or visit the CASA website at

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program Presents:

~Dancing Towards the Future~
Friday, November 21, 2008 7:00p.m.
Fairport High School ~ Auditorium

Donations accepted at the door with all proceeds going to Building Futures Inc.
Join us for a 5 to 85 event that will Mania, Japan Matsuri Dance Club from the
enlighten our local community as well help University of Rochester and Dancers from
our global community. The Tango Café Studio.
The International Baccalaureate Di- IB students plan to raise money for
ploma Program is sponsoring a unique inter- The Building Futures, Inc., a charitable or-
national dance night in Fairport High ganization that builds schools in Kenya, di-
School's auditorium. rected by former FHS teacher, Jim Nowak
This special evening will offer everyone the and Fairport resident Adam Jablonski. With
opportunity to experience a variety of cul- this unique event and fundraiser, IB students
tures through the art of dance. The dance are fulfilling an important goal of the IB pro-
groups that will be participating are Sword gram - to develop inquiring, knowledgeable
and Scarab Middle, Eastern Dance Troupe, and caring young people who help to create a
Ukrainian Dancers from the Ukrainian Arts better and more peaceful world through inter-
Foundation of Greater Rochester, Indian cultural understanding.
Dancers from Bharata School of Indian Clas-
sical Dance and Music, Bollywood Dance
The sign-up sheet for
those people wishing to do-
BASKETS nate money toward the purchase of poinsettias
The Board of Missions will provide Christ- used to decorate the church during the Advent
mas Baskets to nine local families. Each season has been posted on the moveable bulle-
basket will contain a complete ham or tur- tin board in Fellowship Hall. The list of donors
key dinner. To do this, donations of food and dedications will be printed in the church
and money are essential, and we can make bulletin.
this happen only with your generosity.
Donations should be in the amount of
Sign-up sheets for specific items, food,
$10.00 per poinsettia plant. Payment for the
money, and basket delivery, will be avail-
poinsettias can be turned in at the church office
able in Fellowship Hall beginning Novem-
or put in the Sunday offering plate. Please
ber 23 and ending December 14. Delivery
make a notation on your check that the payment
will be made on Friday, December 20.
is for “poinsettias”.
Helping our neighbors is in the true spirit
of Christmas. Poinsettias will be available following
Jan Harper,
the Advent season for those people wishing to
Harriet Breckenridge take their plants home. The deadline to sign up
Don Eaton will be the end of November. Have questions?
See or call John Hecker (223-7584)


Beginning November 30th through December 14th the Hillside
Christmas Tree will be located in Fellowship Hall. Please remember to take
an ornament and in exchange provide a holiday gift to one of Hillside’s
troubled youth or family members. Hopefully everyone will take an orna-
ment, give a gift, and help provide a bit of Christmas cheer.

Gifts must be returned by Sunday, December 14th.

Please do not wrap the gift, but do provide wrapping paper and bow.


(This is a week earlier than usual due to the Christmas holiday!)
On behalf of the church membership, I A BIG SUCCESS!
would like to thank all those on the Garden The net profit generated from the Rummage Sale
Committee who helped to make the areas conducted October 23rd through October 25th was
around the church more colorful and welcom- $4,100. A big "thank you" to all who donated
ing this year. First of all thanks go to Sandy goods for sale and all who came over to church
Good, who originated this committee and kept during the week to sort, price, direct "traffic",
it functioning for many years. Sandy is now cashier and clean up on Saturday.
taking a much deserved breather. Many others Special acknowledgements go to (1) the kids of the
have lent their hands to keep up the effort this church who worked so diligently beside the
year. Thank you to those who contributed per- grown-ups to set us up on Sunday in record time
ennials either from their own gardens or by (2) BSA Troop 207 who turned out in droves on
purchasing them. This includes Deb Johnson, Saturday at sale-end to works with members of
Sally Forgensi, Martha Holmes, Janice Coon, the church and were able to box up and stack the
Marge Meyer, and Jan Ruesch. Jan also pur- left-over and put the furniture and items back in
chased a new nozzle for our hose. Sally do- place in under an hour and (3) the members of
nated the two pots with colorful flowers on Evening Circle and Morning Circle who contrib-
both ends of the memorial Garden. A huge uted baked goods that generated about $400 to-
thank you is extended to Matt, John and Nancy wards the bottom-line profit.
Lawrence who donated AND spread mulch on
In addition to raising funds for the church, we
the front and side beds. Thank you to Chic
were also able to contribute items to other worthy
Gray and Jim Franzen who helped Martha and
agencies in our community such as Crafts Bits and
Carole trim shrubs between our church and the
Pieces, Asbury Storehouse, ABVI Goodwill, and
Baptist church. Finally thank you to all those
the Rochester Museum and Science Center for a
who took turns planting, watering and weeding
book sale.
this summer including Sally Forgensi, Martha
More valuable than the amount of money raised
Holmes, Janice Coon, Marge Meyer, Jan
was the vast number of church members who had
Ruesch and Toni Thompson,
never participated in the Rummage Sale before
If anyone would like to join our group who came over during the week to work together,
next year, this is a committee that has no meet- spend time with each other, get better acquainted
ings—we just organize the times we can water and strengthen the bonds of the faith family that
and when we see the need we pitch in. Thanks we are. It was truly a fantastic thing to see! We
again to all who helped. have a great deal to be proud of in this church
Carole Kent which we serve.
Muriel Gabbey Toni Thompson
Family News

Children’s Chapel Students Preschoolers & Elementary Students:

Harvesting Waiting for Jesus To Come!
Special All Church School Advent Project –
“Fruits of the Spirit” On Sunday, Nov. 23, all church school stu-
During November, our Children’s Chapel dents will gather to learn about “Advent” and
students have been learning about the fruits create a keepsake they can use every year to
of the spirit -- love, joy, peace, patience, look forward to Christmas.
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility
and self-control. After their short chapel Junior High Class
service, the students have been making Focuses on
placemats and centerpieces for the Com-
munity Dinner on November 30.
Media & Materialism
In December, our Junior High class
will focus on the topic of “Media and Materi-
alism.” We’ll also discuss the true meaning of
Christmas, and talk about how we can make
our Christmas celebrations more relevant to
this truth.

Senior High To Learn About Simple Living

During December, the Senior High class will continue its study of the foundations of the
Christian life and voluntary simplicity. They will analyze lifestyle, food, celebrations, and
more, as they explore ways to simplify and question if they are living as Jesus wants them to
live. They’ll answer the question, “Is Christmas a celebration of our savior’s birth or an
‘orgy of selfishness?’”


ON NOVEMBER 30 (Thanksgiving Vacation) OR DE-
CEMBER 7 (Christmas Musical). Classes will resume on
DECEMBER 14 with a focus on Advent and Christmas.
“Live Action Laser Tag At Its Best” JYF/SYF NEWS
Offered On Nov. 22
Christmas Shopping at the
Originally offered for our young men and Mall – December 14
Join us for an outing at East-
their dads, this has now been opened up to our ladies
view on Sunday, December 14.
in 6th – 12th grade, as well. We’re heading to Laser
We’ll leave from church at noon and
Quest on Sat., Nov. 22. Meet us at the church at
return at approximately 4 p.m. Bring
1:30, and we’ll return at approx. 5:15 p.m. Cost is
money for lunch. Sign up in Fellow-
$10 per person. This includes laser tag, pizza and
ship Hall.
soda. Sign up in Fellowship Hall!

Help Offer “A Night In Bethlehem” on December 21

Once again, our youth group will host a “Night in Bethlehem” for our congregation to
enjoy! Youth group members will transform to become carpenters, bakers, shopkeepers, pot-
ters and more, as we offer this gift to the families of our church. Let us know if you can partici-
pate by signing up in Fellowship Hall.

Mark your calendar for the annual Mission Trip Spaghetti Dinner fund raiser. Our Spa-
ghetti Dinner is scheduled for Sunday January 11, 2009. Come support the youth
of our church. More information will be forthcoming.

How can you help our church youth spread the word of God? By donating an item or ser-
vice for their annual Spaghetti Dinner silent auction fund raiser. If you have an
item or service that you would like to donate contact Brian Sherry at 425-7336 or 233-


(This is a week earlier than usual due to the Christmas holiday!)
Adult Education

Mid-Week Daytime Class! Nov. 23 2008

New Advent Study: Faith & the Environment
As Christians, what responsibility do we
Let Us Go have in caring for our environment? How do we
execute that responsibility? What are some
Over to Bethlehem
Come join our study and discus- things we can be doing right now to clean up our
sion group as we plot a course toward planet? Come, discuss these ideas and more dur-
Bethlehem; and join in a journey to find ing this very important class led by Roger James.
the “good news” of God’s ultimate vic-
tory in the faith, promise, peace, and These classes will be held during Chris-
Christ of Christmas. Classes are held tian Education time following the worship ser-
Wednesdays from 11 a.m. – noon in vice. Classes take place in the Snow Room.
the Snow Room. Join us. Drop-ins wel-

NOTE: There will be no adult ed. Class on

Sunday, Nov. 30, Dec. 7 or Dec. 14.


New Choir robes have been ordered and will hopefully arrive in time for Christmas. We have
an interim choir director, her name is Janie Marini. She is a faculty member at Hochstein Mu-
sic School and is willing to help us out until a permanent director is hired.
We are still praying for some new choir members, in addition to the remaining loyal members
currently singing for you each Sunday. Please consider joining us! We are planning some spe-
cial music during the Christmas season, including our brass group, a Strong family offering,
harp music and a Marini family piano/organ duet. You won’t want to miss any of this!
Faithfully yours!
Your music committee,
Mary Jane Jones, Paul Yerrick, Sondra Franzen


(This is a week earlier than usual due to the Christmas holiday!)

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