SECTION A (Objective Type Questions)
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Solved Questions
1. Which of the following is true for Accuracy?
a. It is defined as the percentage of correct predictions out of all the
b. It is defined as the percentage of true positive cases versus all the cases
where the prediction is true.
c. It can be defined as the fraction of positive cases that are correctly
d. None of the above
2. What is the formula for Accuracy?
a. Accuracy=((TP + TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN))*100%
b. Accuracy=( (FP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN))*100%
c. Accuracy =((FP+FN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN))*100%
d. Accuracy=(TP+FN)(TP+TN+FP+FN)*100%
3. With the help of which of the following, Prediction and Reality can be easily
mapped together?
a. Predictions b. Reality c. Confusion Matrix d. Recall
4. What will be the outcome, if the Prediction is "Yes" and it matches with the
Reality? and what will be the outcome, if the Prediction is "Yes" and it does not
match with the Reality?
a. True Negative, False Negative
b. True Negative, False Positive
c. True Positive, False Positive
d. True Positive, True Negative
5. Which of the following is not an example of an evaluation method?
a. Precision b. Accuracy c. Prediction d. Recall
6. _____________is defined as the fraction of positive cases that are correctly
a. Precision b. Accuracy c. Recall d. F1 Score
7. F1 Score is 1 when:
a. Recall and Precision is 100%
b. Recall is 100%
c. Precision
d. Recall and Precision is 0
8._________is defined as the percentage of correct predictions out of all the
a. Predictions b. Accuracy c. Reality d. F1 Score
9. Recall-Evaluation method is:
a. defined as the fraction of positive cases that are correctly identified.
b. defined as the percentage of true positive cases versus all the cases
where the prediction is true.
c. defined as the percentage of correct predictions out of all the
d. comparison between the prediction and reality
10. In a confusion matrix handling data for a model predicting breast cancer,
what does False Positive refer to?
a. Model predicted positive and the person has breast cancer in reality.
b. Model predicted positive and the person does not have breast cancer in
c. Model predicted negative and the person has breast cancer in reality.
d. Model predicted negative and the person does not have breast cancer in
Exercise (Section A)
A. 1. a
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. c
6. c
7. a
8. b
9. a
10. b
B. 1. Accuracy
2. falsely predicted
3. high
4. F-measure
5. Model Evaluation
6. unauthorized
7. Reality
8. True Positive
D. 1. d 2. c. 3. a 4. b 5. e
Unsolved Questions
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SECTION A (Objective Type Questions)
1. An AI model is trained to predict the traffic jams in a particular highway.
What according to you can be the data features for such a type of model?
a. Average traffic on weekdays
b. Day and time of traffic jams
c. Weather conditions on the days of traffic jams
d. All of the above
2. If prediction is low and recall is high, what will be the F1 score?
a. Same b. Low c. High d. None
3. Which of the following is true when the value of precision is low?
a. True Positive is high b. False Positive is low
c. False Positive is high d. None of the above
4. What will be the outcome, if the Prediction is "Yes" and it matches with the
Reality? What will be the outcome, if the Prediction is "Yes" and it does not
match the Reality?
a. True Positive, True Negative. b. True Negative, False Negative
c. True Negative, False Positive d. True Positive, False Positive
5. Differentiate between Prediction and Reality.
a. Prediction is the input given to the machine to receive the expected
result of the reality.
b. Prediction is the output given to match the reality.
c. The prediction is the output which is given by the machine and the
reality is the real scenario in which the prediction has been made.
d. Prediction and reality both can be used interchangeably.
6. Which of the following statements is true for the term Evaluation?
a. Helps in classifying the type and genre of a document.
b. It helps in predicting the topic for a corpus.
c. Helps in understanding the reliability of any Al model.
d. Process to extract the important information out of a corpus.
7. Prediction and Reality can be easily mapped together with the help of:
a. Prediction b. Reality c. Accuracy d. Confusion Matrix
8. You have 3 AI models solving the same problem. How will you choose the
best model?
a. The model with the highest accuracy is the best.
b. The model with the best F1 score is the best.
c. The model with the highest precision is the best.
d. The model with the highest recall is the best.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1._____________can be defined as the measure of balance between
precision and recall.
2. When the prediction is No and the reality is Yes then this condition is
called as __________.
3.__________ is a table made with 4 different combinations of predicted
and actual values in the form of a 2X2 matrix.
4. In the Confusion Matrix the target variable has two values
__________and ____________.
5. Another name for False Positive is __________________.
6. High Accuracy means _____________ performance of the AI model.
7. A prediction is said to be correct if it matches with ___________.
8.___________is the percentage of True Positive cases and All Predicted
Positive Cases.
C. Match the following:
1. False Negative a. Error Matrix
2. False Positive b. Sensitivity
3. Recall c. F-measure
4. Confusion Matrix d. Actual Value Positive
5. F1 score e. Actual Value Negative
f. Actual Value zero
D. State whether these statements are true or false.
1. A good F1 score means you have low false positives and low false
2. Another name for recall is precision.
3. False Negative or False Positive have no effect on the cost.
4. Both Recall and Precision are important for finding the performance of
the AI Model.
5. Confusion matrix is not useful for measuring recall.
SECTION B (Subjective Type Questions)
A. Short answer type questions:
1. Give one use of the Confusion matrix.
2. What is Recall? Give its formula.
3. Explain in short the important terminologies of Confusion Matrix.
4. Give two reasons for the inefficiency of the AI Model.
B. Long answer type questions:
1. A Model made the following predictions. Calculate Accuracy, Precision,
Recall and F1 Score.
Confusion Matrix Reality 1 Reality 0
Predicted 1 100 85
Predicted 0 80 32
Ans. (Calculate by yourself)
2. In today's Scenario, People receive constant mails from the organizations they
are connected with and they have to be classified into spam and non-spam as
required. Now it has to be decided which mails to be categorized and set as
spam mails according to the mails received till date, The confusion matrix for
the same is as follows:
Confusion Matrix Reality 1 Reality 0
Predicted 1 40 24
Predicted 0 10 36
Give an example for:
a. High False Negative cost
b. High False Positive cost
Ans. a. High False Negative cost: In a case like forest fire, a False Negative can
cost us a lot and is risky too. Imagine no alert being given even when there is
Forest Fire. The whole forest might burn down.
Another case where a False Negative can be dangerous is Viral Outbreak.
Imagine a deadly virus has started spreading and the model which is supposed
to predict a viral outbreak does not detect it. The virus might spread widely and
infect a lot of people.
b. High False Positive cost: In case of Mining, imagine a model telling you that
there exists treasure at a point and you keep on digging there but it turns out that
it is a false alarm. Here, False Positive case (predicting there is treasure but
there is no treasure) can be very costly.
Similarly, consider a model that predicts that a mail is spam or not. If the model
always predicts that the mail is spam, people would not look at it and eventually
might lose important information. Here also False Positive condition
(Predicting the mail as spam while the mail is not spam) would have a high cost.
3. In the state there is a spread of dengue, and precautions are to be taken to stop
the spread, so that medicine stocks can be arranged, some actual cases have
been detected and the frequency of the infections have been detected, following
predictions are being done, the confusion matrix for the same is as follows:
Confusion Matrix Reality 1 Reality 0
Predicted 1 24 14
Predicted 0 8 28
Why is F1 score considered the best of all the Evaluation methods?
Ans. A good F1 score has low false positives and low false negatives, so you’re
correctly identifying real threats, and you are not disturbed by false alarms. It is
the measure of balance between precision and recall. The F1 score is a number
between 0 and 1 and is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. A model is
said to have a good performance if the F1 Score for that model is high.
4. Differentiate between True Positive and False Positive.
● True Positive: The Predicted value matches the actual value i.e., the
actual value was positive and the model predicted a positive value.
● False Positive (Type 1 error): The predicted value was falsely predicted
i.e., the actual value was negative but the model predicted a positive
Exercise (Section A)
A. 1. a
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. c
6. c
7. d
8. b
B. 1. F1 Score
2. False Negative
3. Confusion Matrix
4. Positive, Negative
5. Type 1 error
6. good
7. Reality
8. Precision
C. 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c
D. 1. False 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False