Exam 2017
Exam 2017
Exam 2017
5. A customer’s letter of instructions, without any stamp, in connection with of his account is
Known as-
6. In executing the standing instructions, their exist a relationship between customer and bank-
8. The paying banker can get protection for a materially altered cheque provided :
9. A customer has issued a cheque where the date of which is already passed Such cheque is
10. How long a bank branch is required to preserve the information of a closed account-?
a). 1 year
b). 5 years
c). 2 years
d). 10 years
a). Concealing or disguising the illicit nature, source, location, ownership or control of the
proceeds of crime
b). Assisting any person involved in the commission of the predicate offence to evade the legal
consequences of such offence
c). Smuggling money or property earned through legal or illegal means to a foreign country
d). All of these
13. Which of the following person cannot open an account with a bank?
a). An adult
b). Lunatic
c). Solvent
d). Minor with guardian
14. One of the directors of a limited company expired and cheques signed by him are presence for
payment, should be bank pay these cheques?
15. The document drawn by a debtor on the creditor agreeing to pay a certain amount of money
is called:
a). Cheque
b). Promissory note
c). Bill of exchange
d). Draft
a) Savings deposit
b) Fixed deposit
c) Current deposit
d) Recurring deposit
19. As regards contract Act, 1872 which one of the following is not true?
a). Hypothecation
b). IGPA for mortage
c). Implied pledge
d). Bailment of goods
a) Unregulated banking
b) Inclusive banking
c) Illegal banking
d) Money Laundering
24. While opening an account in the name of a company, the most important document to be
seen is –
a). Deception
b). Concealment
c). Promise
d). Unethical conduct
27. When a cheque book is lost by a customer of a bank, which of the following document needs
to be executed?
28. Deposits recorded by the depositor but not yet recorded by the Bank means-
29. A note which is burnt or having sign of burn partially or wholly is called-
30. How many handards are provided by the FATF for AML & CFT?
a). 35
b). 40
c). 38
d). 42
32. A bank is unable to pay its short term deposits because the bank’s fund is long term
investments. The risk derived in this case is known as-
34. Under which section of Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 2003 responsibility has been financial institutions
to dispose of property of borrower before filling of suit-
a). Section 8
b). Section 10
c). Section 9
d). Section 12
36. Which one of the following is not the capital budgeting technique?
37. General provisioning requirement for off balance sheet item is-
39. Under the Basel -II framework market discipline falls under which of the following pillar?
a). Pillar-I
b). Pillar- II
c). Pillar-III
d). None of the above
40. Which one is not the irregularities in case of approving loans and advances?
a). 3 categories
b). 5 categories
c). 4 categories
d). None of these
a). CC pledge
b). Bill purchase and discounting
c). Letter of credit
d). Both (b) and (c)
a). NPV>0
b). NPV<0
c). NPV= 0
d). NPV> 1
51. What is the role of internal auditors in the risk management of bank?
52. Based on capital budgeting technique decision rule, which project should be chosen?
53. Execution suit under Artha Rin Adalat Ain’2003 should be filed within-
55. Down payment requirement of term loan for the 1st time rescheduling is-
a). 10% of the total outstanding or 15% of the overdue installment of the loan, whichever is
b). 20% of the total outstanding or 30% of the overdue installment of the loan, whichever is less
c). 10% of the total outstanding or 25% of the overdue installment of the loan, whichever is less
d). None of these
59. A company has a net income of (BDT) 35 million, if the company pays out BDT 1 million
preferred dividend and has 10 million shares for half of the year and 15 million shares for the
whose half of EPS would be-
a). BDT 1.92
b). BDT 1.00
c). BDT 2.00
d). BDT 0.96
60. Which one of the following is an example of leverage Ratio?
a). Debt to total asset ratio
b). Debt equity ratio
c). Debt to capital ratio
d). All of these
63. LIM is a-
a). Applicant
b). Beneficiary
c). Importer
d). Exporter
a). Reimbursement
b). Documentary collection
c). Reimbursement in LC operation
d). Cash in advance
75. A credit opened on the basis of an original credit in favour of another beneficiary is called-