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Overhead Conductors
All Aluminium Conductors (AAC)
Description: Hard drawn Aluminium wires, stranded in successive layers, in opposite direction to form the Aluminium stranded AAC
conductors as per BS EN 50182 or IEC 61089.
Application: All Aluminium bare conductors are used for aerial distribution lines having relatively short spans, aerial feeders and bus
bars of substations.
Nominal Cross No. & Dia. Approx. Overall Rated Max. d.c. Approx.
Sectional Area of Wires Diameter Strength Resistance at Weight
20 0C
mm2 x/mm mm kN Ω/km kg/km
16 7/1.70 5.10 3.02 1.7986 43.4
25 7/2.10 6.30 4.36 1.1787 66.3
35 7/2.50 7.50 6.01 0.8317 93.9
50 7/3.00 9.00 8.41 0.5776 135.2
50 19/1.80 9.00 8.94 0.5944 132.9
70 19/2.10 10.50 11.85 0.4367 180.9
95 19/2.50 12.50 16.32 0.3081 256.3
120 19/2.80 14.00 19.89 0.2456 321.5
150 37/2.25 15.80 26.48 0.1960 405.7
185 37/2.50 17.50 31.78 0.1588 500.9
240 61/2.25 20.30 43.66 0.1193 671.1
300 61/2.50 22.50 52.40 0.0966 828.5
400 61/2.89 26.00 68.02 0.0723 1107.1
500 61/3.23 29.10 82.47 0.0579 1382.9

Nominal Cross No. & Dia. of Approx. Overall Rated Strength Max. d.c. Resistance Approx.
Name Sectional Area wires Diameter at 20 0C Weight
mm2 x/mm mm kN Ω/km kg/km
MIDGE 23.3 7/2.06 6.18 4.20 1.2249 63.8
GNAT 26.9 7/2.21 6.63 4.83 1.0643 73.4
MOSQUITO 36.9 7/2.59 7.77 6.27 0.7749 100.8
LADYBIRD 42.8 7/2.79 8.37 7.28 0.6678 117.0
ANT 52.8 7/3.10 9.30 8.72 0.5409 144.4
FLY 63.6 7/3.40 10.2 10.49 0.4497 173.7
BLUEBOTTLE 73.6 7/3.66 11.0 11.78 0.3880 201.3
EARWIG 78.6 7/3.78 11.3 12.57 0.3638 214.7
GRASSHOPPEER 84.1 7/3.91 11.7 13.45 0.3400 229.7
CLEGG 95.6 7/4.17 12.5 15.30 0.2989 261.3
WASP 106.0 7/4.39 13.2 16.95 0.2697 289.6
BEETLE 106.4 19/2.67 13.4 18.08 0.2701 292.4
BEE 132.0 7/4.90 14.7 21.12 0.2165 360.8
HORNET 157.6 19/3.25 16.3 26.01 0.1823 433.2
CATERPILLAR 185.9 19/3.53 17.7 29.75 0.1546 511.1
CHAFER 213.2 19/3.78 18.9 34.12 0.1348 586.0
SPIDER 237.6 19/3.99 20.0 38.01 0.1210 652.9
COCKROACH 265.7 19/4.22 21.1 42.52 0.1081 730.4
BUTTERFLY 322.7 19/4.65 23.3 51.63 0.0891 886.8
MOTH 373.1 19/5.00 25.0 59.69 0.0770 1025.3
DRONE 372.4 37/3.58 25.1 59.59 0.0774 1027.1
CENTIPEDE 415.2 37/3.78 26.5 66.43 0.0695 1145.1
MAYBUG 486.1 37/4.09 28.6 77.78 0.0593 1340.6
SCORPION 529.8 37/4.27 29.9 84.77 0.0544 1461.2
CICADA 628.3 37/4.65 32.6 100.54 0.0459 1732.9

63 63
7. Overhead Conductors
All Aluminium Alloy Conductors (AAAC)
Description: All Aluminium Alloy Conductors, stranded in successive layers to form the stranded AAAC conductor as per IEC 61089
or BS EN 50182 or ASTM B 399.

Application: AAACs are mainly used for overhead lines in transmission and distribution electrical networks, having relatively long
spans. They are also used as a messenger to support overhead electrical cables.

Nominal Cross No. & Dia. Approx. Overall Rated Max. d.c. Approx.
sectional area of wires Diameter Strength Resistance at 20 0C Weight
mm2 x/mm mm kN Ω/km kg/km
16 7/1.70 5.10 4.69 2.0701 43.4
25 7/2.10 6.30 7.15 1.3566 66.2
35 7/2.50 7.50 10.14 0.9572 93.8
50 7/3.00 9.00 14.60 0.6647 135.1
50 19/1.80 9.00 14.26 0.6841 132.7
70 19/2.10 10.50 19.41 0.5026 180.7
95 19/2.50 12.50 27.51 0.3546 256.0
120 19/2.80 14.00 34.51 0.2827 321.2
150 37/2.25 15.80 43.40 0.2256 405.3
185 37/2.50 17.50 53.58 0.1827 500.3
240 61/2.25 20.30 71.55 0.1373 670.3
300 61/2.50 22.50 88.33 0.1112 827.5
400 61/2.89 26.00 118.04 0.0832 1105.9
500 61/3.23 29.10 147.45 0.0666 1381.4

Nominal Cross No. & Dia. of Approx. Overall Rated Max. d.c. Resistance Approx.
Name Sectional Area wires Diameter Strength at 20 0C Weight
mm2 x/mm mm kN Ω/km kg/km
BOX 18.8 7/1.85 5.55 5.55 1.7480 51.4
ACACIA 23.8 7/2.08 6.24 7.02 1.3828 64.9
ALMOND 30.1 7/2.34 7.02 8.88 1.0926 82.2
CEDAR 35.5 7/2.54 7.62 10.46 0.9273 96.8
DEODAR 42.2 7/2.77 8.31 12.44 0.7797 115.2
FIR 47.8 7/2.95 8.85 14.11 0.6875 130.6
HAZEL 59.9 7/3.30 9.90 17.66 0.5494 163.4
PINE 71.6 7/3.61 10.8 21.14 0.4591 195.6
HOLLY 84.1 7/3.91 11.7 24.79 0.3913 229.5
WILLOW 89.7 7/4.04 12.1 26.47 0.3665 245.0
OAK 118.9 7/4.65 14.0 35.07 0.2767 324.5
MULBERRY 150.9 19/3.18 15.9 44.52 0.2192 414.3
ASH 180.7 19/3.48 17.4 53.31 0.1830 496.1
ELM 211.0 19/3.76 18.8 62.24 0.1568 579.2
POPLAR 239.4 37/2.87 20.1 70.61 0.1387 659.4
SYCAMORE 303.2 37/3.23 22.6 89.40 0.1095 835.2
UPAS 362.1 37/3.53 24.7 106.82 0.0917 997.5
YEW 479.0 37/4.06 28.4 141.31 0.0693 1319.6
TOTARA 498.1 37/4.14 29.0 146.93 0.0666 1372.1
RUBUS 586.9 61/3.50 31.5 173.13 0.0567 1622.0
SORBUS 659.4 61/3.71 33.4 194.53 0.0505 1822.5
ARAUCARIA 821.1 61/4.14 37.3 242.24 0.0406 2269.4
REDWOOD 996.2 61/4.56 41.0 293.88 0.0334 2753.2

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7. Overhead Conductors
Aluminium Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSR)

Description: An outer layer of Aluminium conductor concentrically stranded

over the central core of galvanized solid or stranded steel wires to form
Aluminium steel reinforced conductors as per BS EN 50182 or ASTM B 232 or
IEC 61089.

Application: ACSR conductors are widely used for electrical power transmis-
sion over long distances, since they are ideal for long overhead lines spans.
They are also used as a messenger for supporting overhead electrical cables.

Nominal Appro. Rated Max. d.c. Approx.

Cross Overall Strength Resistance Weight
Sectional No. & Dia. of wires Diameter at 20 0C
Aluminium Steel
mm 2
x/mm x/mm mm kN Ω/km kg/km
16/2.5 6/1.80 1/1.80 5.4 5.80 1.8769 61.6
25/4 6/2.25 1/2.25 6.75 8.95 1.2012 96.3
35/6 6/2.70 1/2.70 8.1 12.37 0.8342 138.7
50/8 6/3.20 1/3.20 9.6 16.81 0.5939 194.8
70/12 26/1.85 7/1.44 11.7 26.27 0.4132 282.2
95/15 26/2.15 7/1.67 13.6 34.93 0.3060 380.6
120/20 26/2.44 7/1.90 15.5 44.50 0.2376 491.0
150/25 26/2.70 7/2.10 17.1 53.67 0.1940 600.8
185/30 26/3.00 7/2.33 19.0 65.27 0.1571 741.0
210/35 26/3.20 7/2.49 20.3 73.36 0.1381 844.1
240/40 26/3.45 7/2.68 21.8 85.12 0.1188 980.1
380/50 54/3.00 7/3.00 27.0 121.30 0.0758 1442.5
490/65 54/3.40 7/3.40 30.6 150.81 0.0590 1852.9

65 65
7. Overhead Conductors
Aluminium Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSR)-(continued)

No. & Dia. of wires Approx. Max. d.c.
Cross Rated Approx.
Overall Resistance
Name Sectional Strength Weight
Diameter at 20 0C
Aluminium Steel
mm2 x/mm x/mm mm kN Ω/km kg/km
MOLE 12.4 6/1.50 1/1.50 4.50 4.14 2.7027 42.8
SQUIRREL 24.5 6/2.11 1/2.11 6.33 7.87 1.3659 84.7
GOPHER 30.6 6/2.36 1/2.36 7.08 9.58 1.0919 106.0
WEASEL 36.9 6/2.59 1/2.59 7.77 11.38 0.9065 127.6
FOX 42.8 6/2.79 1/2.79 8.37 13.21 0.7812 148.1
FERRET 49.5 6/3.00 1/3.00 9.00 15.27 0.6757 171.2
RABBIT 61.7 6/3.35 1/3.35 10.1 18.42 0.5419 213.5
MINK 73.6 6/3.66 1/3.66 11.0 21.67 0.4540 254.9
SKUNK 100.1 12/2.59 7/2.59 13.0 52.79 0.4568 463.0
BEAVER 87.5 6/3.99 1/3.99 12.0 25.76 0.3820 302.9
HORSE 116.2 12/2.79 7/2.79 14.0 61.26 0.3936 537.3
RACOON 92.0 6/4.09 1/4.09 12.3 27.06 0.3635 318.3
OTTER 97.9 6/4.22 1/4.22 12.7 28.81 0.3415 338.8
CAT 111.3 6/4.50 1/4.50 13.5 32.76 0.3003 385.3
HARE 122.5 6/4.72 1/4.72 14.2 36.04 0.2730 423.8
DOG 118.5 6/4.72 7/1.57 14.2 32.65 0.2733 394.0
COYOTE 151.8 26/2.54 7/1.91 15.9 45.86 0.2192 520.7
COUGAR 138.8 18/3.05 1/3.05 15.3 29.74 0.2188 418.8
TIGER 161.9 30/2.36 7/2.36 16.5 57.87 0.2202 602.2
WOLF 194.9 30/2.59 7/2.59 18.1 68.91 0.1829 725.3
DINGO 167.5 18/3.35 1/3.35 16.8 35.87 0.1814 505.2
LYNX 226.2 30/2.79 7/2.79 19.5 79.97 0.1576 841.6
CARACAL 194.5 18/3.61 1/3.61 18.1 40.74 0.1562 586.7
PANTHER 261.5 30/3.00 7/3.00 21.0 92.46 0.1363 973.1
JAGUAR 222.3 18/3.86 1/3.86 19.3 46.57 0.1366 670.8
LION 293.9 30/3.18 7/3.18 22.3 100.47 0.1213 1093.4
BEAR 326.1 30/3.35 7/3.35 23.5 111.50 0.1093 1213.4
GOAT 400.0 30/3.71 7/3.71 26.0 135.13 0.0891 1488.2
SHEEP 462.6 30/3.99 7/3.99 27.9 156.30 0.0771 1721.3
ANTELOPE 422.6 54/2.97 7/2.97 26.7 118.88 0.0773 1413.8
BISON 431.2 54/3.00 7/3.00 27.0 121.30 0.0758 1442.5
DEER 529.8 30/4.27 7/4.27 29.9 179.00 0.0673 1971.4
ZEBRA 484.5 54/3.18 7/3.18 28.6 131.92 0.0674 1620.8
ELK 588.5 30/4.50 7/4.50 31.5 198.80 0.0606 2189.5
CAMEL 537.7 54/3.35 7/3.35 30.2 146.40 0.0608 1798.8
MOOSE 597.0 54/3.53 7/3.53 31.8 159.92 0.0547 1997.3

66 66
7. Overhead Conductors
Aluminium Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSR)-(continued)

Approx. Max. d.c.
Cross No. & Dia. of wires Rated Approx. Weight
Overall Resistance
Name Sectional Strength
Diameter at 20 0C
Aluminium Steel Aluminium Steel
mm2 x/mm x/mm mm kN Ω/km kg/km kg/km
GROUSE 40.5 8/2.54 1/4.24 9.3 23.1 0.7112 112 110
PETREL 51.6 12/2.34 7/2.34 11.7 46.2 0.5614 143 235
MINORCA 56.1 12/2.44 7/2.44 12.2 50.2 0.5163 156 256
LEGHORN 68.2 12/2.69 7/2.69 13.5 60.7 0.4248 189 311
GUINEA 80.4 12/2.92 7/2.92 14.6 71.1 0.3605 223 367
DOTTEREL 89.4 12/3.08 7/3.08 15.4 76.7 0.3240 248 409
DORKING 96.5 12/3.20 7/3.20 16.0 82.8 0.3002 268 441
BRAHMA 102.8 16/2.86 19/2.48 18.1 126.5 0.2819 285 722
COCHIN 107.1 12/3.37 7/3.37 16.9 91.8 0.2707 297 488
TURKEY 13.3 6/1.68 1/1.68 5.0 5.3 2.1570 36 17
SWAN 21.2 6/2.12 1/2.12 6.4 8.3 1.3545 58 27
SWANATE 21.1 7/1.96 1/2.61 6.5 10.5 1.3583 58 42
SPARROW 33.6 6/2.67 1/2.67 8.0 12.7 0.8530 92 44
SPARATE 33.5 7/2.47 1/3.30 8.3 16.1 0.8553 92 67
ROBIN 42.4 6/3.00 1/3.00 9.0 15.8 0.6764 117 55
RAVEN 53.5 6/3.37 1/3.37 10.1 19.5 0.5364 147 69
QUAIL 67.4 6/3.78 1/3.78 11.4 23.6 0.4255 185 87
PIGEON 85.1 6/4.25 1/4.25 12.7 29.5 0.3370 233 110
PENGUIN 107.2 6/4.77 1/4.77 14.3 37.1 0.2676 294 139
WAXWING 135.0 18/3.09 1/3.09 15.5 30.3 0.2133 373 59
PARTRIDGE 134.9 26/2.57 7/2.00 16.3 50.2 0.2142 373 172
OSTRICH 152.2 26/2.73 7/2.12 17.3 56.6 0.1906 421 193
MERLIN 170.2 18/3.47 1/3.47 17.4 38.2 0.1692 470 74
LINNET 170.6 26/2.89 7/2.25 18.3 62.8 0.1699 472 217
ORIOLE 170.5 30/2.69 7/2.69 18.8 77.4 0.1704 473 311
CHICKADEE 200.9 18/3.77 1/3.77 18.9 44.3 0.1432 555 87
BRANT 201.6 24/3.27 7/2.18 19.6 64.7 0.1437 558 204
IBIS 201.3 26/3.14 7/2.44 19.9 72.1 0.1438 558 256
LARK 200.9 30/2.92 7/2.92 20.5 88.7 0.1442 559 367
PELICAN 242.3 18/4.14 1/4.14 20.7 52.3 0.1193 667 105
FLICKLER 241.6 24/3.58 7/2.39 21.5 76.8 0.1199 670 245
HAWK 241.7 26/3.44 7/2.67 21.8 86.4 0.1199 670 308
HEN 241.3 30/3.20 7/3.20 22.4 105.9 0.1202 672 440
OSPREY 282.5 18/4.47 1/4.47 22.3 61.0 0.1022 777 122
PARAKEET 282.3 24/3.87 7/2.58 23.2 88.3 0.1026 782 285
DOVE 282.6 26/3.72 7/2.89 23.5 101.1 0.1025 781 359
EAGLE 282.1 30/3.46 7/3.46 24.2 122.9 0.1030 783 514
PEACOCK 306.1 24/4.03 7/2.69 24.2 95.9 0.0945 850 311
SQUAB 305.8 26/3.87 7/3.01 24.5 108.1 0.0945 849 390
WOOD DUCK 307.1 30/3.61 7/3.61 25.3 129.0 0.0947 851 559
TEAL 307.1 30/3.61 19/2.16 25.3 133.4 0.0947 851 547

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7. Overhead Conductors
Aluminium Conductors Steel Reinforced (ACSR) - (Continued)
Approx. Max. d.c.
Cross No. & Dia. of wires Rated Approx. Weight
Overall Resistance
Name Sectional Strength
Diameter at 20 0C
Aluminium Steel Aluminium Steel
mm 2
x/mm x/mm mm kN Ω/km kg/km kg/km
SWIFT 323.0 36/3.38 1/3.38 23.7 60.7 0.0893 888 70
KINGBIRD 232.0 18/4.78 1/4.78 23.9 69.7 0.0894 889 139
ROOK 232.1 24/4.14 7/2.76 24.8 101.0 0.0899 893 326
GROSBEAK 321.8 26/3.97 7/3.09 25.2 111.9 0.0900 893 409
SCOTER 322.6 30/3.70 7/3.70 25.9 135.5 0.0900 895 588
EGRET 322.6 30/3.70 19/2.22 25.9 140.6 0.0900 895 575
FLAMINGO 337.3 24/4.23 7/2.82 25.4 105.5 0.0859 936 342
GANNET 338.3 26/4.07 7/3.16 25.8 117.3 0.0857 936 429
STILT 363.3 24/4.39 7/2.92 26.3 113.3 0.0798 1005 367
STARLING 361.9 26/4.21 7/3.28 26.7 126.0 0.0800 1004 461
REDWING 362.1 30/3.92 19/2.35 27.5 154.0 0.0801 1006 646
CUCKOO 402.3 24/4.62 7/3.08 27.7 124.5 0.0720 1116 408
DRAKE 402.6 26/4.44 7/3.45 28.1 139.7 0.0720 1117 511
TERN 403.8 45/3.38 7/2.25 27.0 97.5 0.0720 1115 217
COOT 401.9 36/3.77 1/3.77 26.4 74.7 0.0717 1111 87
CONDOR 402.3 54/3.08 7/3.08 27.7 124.3 0.0720 1115 407
MALLARD 403.8 30/4.14 19/2.48 29.0 171.2 0.0721 1119 718
RUDDY 455.5 45/3.59 7/2.40 28.7 109.4 0.0636 1263 246
CANARY 456.3 54/3.28 7/3.28 29.5 141.0 0.0635 1263 461
RAIL 483.8 45/3.70 7/2.47 29.6 116.1 0.0599 1339 261
CATBIRD 484.6 36/4.14 1/4.14 29.0 87.9 0.0595 1335 105
CARDINAL 484.5 54/3.38 7/3.38 30.4 149.7 0.0599 1338 490
ORTLAN 523.9 45/3.85 7/2.57 30.8 123.3 0.0553 1450 283
TANAGER 522.8 36/4.30 1/4.30 30.1 94.8 0.0551 1444 113
CURLEW 522.5 54/3.51 7/3.51 31.6 161.8 0.0553 1450 529
BLUEJAY 565.5 45/4.00 7/2.66 32.0 132.7 0.0513 1562 304
FINCH 565.0 54/3.65 19/2.19 32.8 174.6 0.0516 1571 558
BUNTING 605.8 45/4.14 7/2.76 33.1 142.4 0.0479 1674 326
GRACKLE 602.8 54/3.77 19/2.27 34.0 186.9 0.0483 1681 599
BITTERN 644.4 45/4.27 7/2.85 34.2 151.6 0.0450 1786 348
PHEASANT 645.1 54/3.90 19/2.34 35.1 194.1 0.0452 1795 639
SKYLARK 643.3 36/4.77 1/4.77 33.4 116.7 0.0448 1777 140
DIPPER 684.2 45/4.40 7/2.93 35.2 160.7 0.0423 1897 370
MARTIN 685.4 54/4.02 19/2.41 36.2 206.1 0.0425 1906 679
BOBOLINK 725.2 45/4.53 7/3.02 36.3 170.5 0.0399 2010 392
PLOVER 726.9 54/4.14 19/2.48 37.2 218.4 0.0401 2019 719
NUTHATCH 746.2 45/4.65 7/3.10 37.2 177.6 0.0379 2120 413
PARROT 766.1 54/4.25 19/2.55 38.2 230.5 0.0380 2129 758
LAPWING 807.5 45/4.77 7/3.18 38.2 187.4 0.0359 2232 435

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