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EEE 11

Programming Fundamentals Jhoanna Rhodette I. Pedrasa

Consultation: EEEI 209 (CNL Faculty Room)
Tue 8-12 nn, Thur 8-10 am, Thur 1-4pm, Fri 1-2:30 pm

EEE 11: Programming Fundamentals

Why are WE here?

EEE 11: Programming Fundamentals

Programming is not, by itself, hard. Does not require innate capability. Does not require physical ability. It does, however, require: A certain degree of Craftsmanship Patience and Resolve to stick to a problem Attention to detail

EEE 11: Programming Fundamentals

Attention to Detail

Details matter Computers are incredibly stupid!

Computers do EXACTLY what you tell them to do When you're programming, it helps to be able to ``think'' as stupidly as the computer does, so that you're in the right frame of mind for specifying everything in minute detail, and not assuming that the right thing will happen unless you tell it to.

EEE 11: Programming Fundamentals

Good Memory
Syntax Standard functions Defined variables and functions Techniques

EEE 11: Programming Fundamentals

Ability to abstract and think on several levels

Need to compartmentalize tasks: little black boxes Solve big problems by solving the little problems Be aware of the assumptions made

EEE 11: Programming Fundamentals

You don't learn how to play play the piano by reading a book. You don't learn how to play basketball by watching ESPN.


EEE 11: Programming Fundamentals

Other tips: Bring your lecture notes to class Buy / borrow from the library a C programming book (any book!)

Kernighan & Richie: The C Programming Language

Use your time in the laboratory wisely Have access to a computer outside lab hours. Have F U N

Course Outline

FIRST EXAM Introduction

Computers Number Representation Problem Solving and Algorithms

SECOND EXAM Modularity

Functions Standard Libraries

C Programming

Aggregate Data Types

Syntax Variables and data types Operators, expressions and statements Control structures

Arrays and strings Multi-dimensional Arrays Structures and Unions

Course Outline
THIRD EXAM Dynamic Data Structures Memory and Pointers Linked Lists Trees Others File I/O Searching and Sorting UNIX/Linux environment

Grading System

Lecture Grade (50%)

Laboratory Grade (50%):

Machine Problems 30% Machine Exercises 20%

Exams 45% Exercises, HW, Attendance 5%

Must pass BOTH

Final grade
1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 72 - <76 68 - <72 64 - <68 60 - <64 <60 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 5.0

92-100 88 - <92 84 - <88 80 - <84 76 - <80


C for engineers and scientists, Cheng, 2009 The Joy of C 3/e, Miller & Quilici, 1997 C: How to Program 6/e, Dietel & Dietel, 2010 C by Dissection 4/e, Kelley & Pohl, 2000 C Programming Language, Kernighan & Ritchie, 1988 ... actually, any book in C is better than having no book at all!

Class Policies

UVLE will be used extensively in this course.

It is the student's responsibility to check the email associated with UVLE regularly for updates and course announcements. Students are required to enroll themselves in the following course in UVLE: Course name: EEE 11 : Programming Fundamentals Password: eee11jipedrasa

Students must read and comply with the UP Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). No make-up or final exam will be given. Students who arrive 30 mins late after the start of the exam will NOT be allowed to take the exam.

Class Policies

Attendance will be checked every lecture meeting. A student found absent more than 20% of the total course time (around 3 lecture/lab meetings) may be given a failing grade. Cheating in the exam, machine exercises and machine problems is punishable with a grade of 5.0 and is grounds for suspension/expulsion. Avoid talking in class. Keep your phone in silent mode, or turn it off when the class is in session. No eating and drinking inside the lecture halls.

Practice ........ practice ....... practice .....

EEE 11

Lecture 1: History of Computers Computer System Number Representation

What is a computer?

A programmable machine that responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner and can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program) Anything that computes

e.g. calculator

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History of Computers: Early days

500 B.C.- Abacus 1600s - Blaise Pascal and Gottfried Leibniz mechanical calculators 1800s - Joseph Jacquard programmable weaving loom - Charles Babbage's analytical engine - punch card system 1940 - John Atanasoff's computer using boolean algebra 1943 - First electronic computer ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer 1951 - John von Neumann architecture: stored-program computers

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Early computers

Babbage Difference Engine (1832)

25k parts, 13,600kg, 17470

ENIAC (1946)
17,468 vacuum tubes, 150kW

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History of Computers: Commercialization

1950s 1957 1962 1964 1968 1969 1970 1972 1973 1974

- 1st commercial computer (IBM) - Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) - Space War = 1st computer game st - IBM System/360 = 1 OS - ARPANET at UCLA - UNIX OS by AT&T Bell Labs - UCLA introduces the Internet - Intel produces 1st microprocessor - Mouse is patented - Pong by Atari = 1st commercial video game st - Xerox develops 1 GUI system - TCP is published

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History of Computers: Killer Apps

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 1982 1983

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- Microsoft is established - Apple Computers founded; Apple I released - Apple II with colored graphics is introduced - 1st commercial network ARCNET - TCP splits to TCP/IP; UDP created - Apple DOS 3.1 (1st OS of Apple computers) - VisiCalc (early version of spreadsheets) - Wordstar (word processor) - IBM personal computers are introduced using MS-DOS - Wordperfect 1.0; Lotus 1-2-3 - ARPANET standardizes TCP/IP (birth of the modern internet) 20 - MS Windows

History of Computers: Modern Internet

1984 1985 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998

- IBM releases 1st portable computer (30 lbs) - 1st MUD is released - Appletalk is released - Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) - Linux is introduced - Windows 3.1 - DOOM was released st (turning point of 1 person shooter) - Netscape was established - Yahoo search engine - Windows 95 and IE 1.0 - IEEE 802.11 Wifi standard - Google is released

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Moore's Law
The number of transistors on a chip will double every 18 to 24 months -Gordon Moore, 1965

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Transistor Counts
Source: Intel

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Intel Xeon 7400 Series (2008)

Intel 4004 Microprcessor (1971)

4-bit processor, 1 core 2,000 transistors 0.06MHz

Intel Xeon 7400 Series (2008)

64-bit processor, 6 cores 1.9 billion transistors 2.66 GHz, 130W

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Desktop Computer

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Inside Your PC

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Basic Functional Units of A Computer

Keyboard Mouse Touchscreen Input Memory Monitor Printer Output I/O

Arithmetic and Logic

+,-,/,* compare

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Control Primary storage Main memory Volatile Processor Fast expensive, low capacity RAM Secondary storage Non-volatile Cheap, high capacity Generally slower



Hardware vs Software


Refers to objects that you can actually touch disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards, and chips


Untouchable / intangible component of a computer exists as ideas, concepts, and symbols, but it has no substance

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So how does hardware relate to software?

An analogy (Computer Book)

Computer Hardware Software

Book pages and the ink paragraphs & overall theme

A computer without software is like a book full of blank pages Software to makes the computer useful
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Creating / Building a software

Source Source Source Codes Codes Codes Source codes follow a language that is understood by the system


Object files


Binaries / Executable

Compiler Library EEE 11 30

Compilers vs Interpreters


looks at the entire piece of source code collects and reorganize the instructions to increase efficiency (if possible)


analyzes and executes each line of source code Checks validity of the code

EEE 11


Programming Languages: The Four Generations

First generation: machine language form directly understandable by the computers processor (series of 1s & 0s) processor dependent Second generation: assembly language mnemonic system to represent the machine language instructions an assembly process translated the encoded instructions into machine language

EEE 11

Programming Languages: The Four Generations

Third generation programming languages (3GL) use of compilers and interpreters to translate statements into machine language Procedure-oriented

COBOL, FORTRAN, C, BASIC, Pascal, Ada, LISP, Prolog Java, C++, Python, C#


Fourth generation programming languages (4GL) closer to human languages require fewer commands to perform a given task

EEE 11

Number Representation

Computers can only process numbers Real-world data are normally mapped to numerical values

e.g. Colors are in RGB values of 0-255 each

Use of appropriate number systems to make representations simpler

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Positional Number Systems

Each digit is assigned a weight dependent on its position relative to a radix point Set of symbols consisting of r elements are used to represent each digit

r is also known as radix or base If radix point is here

Example: 678.91

(r =10 elements are 0, 1 9)


6 has a weight of r2=102 EEE 11

Conversion to Decimal

Multiply each binary digit by its weight, then add all the products Mathematical representation: Let ABCDE be a 5-digit number in base r then the value of ABCDEr is A r4 + B r3 + C r2 + D r1 + E r0

EEE 11


Example using binary (base 2)

1 1 0 1 1 . 0 12 = ( ? )10 x 2-2 = 0.25 x 2-1 = 0 x 20 = 1 x 21 = 2 x 22 = 0 x 23 = 8 x 24 = 16 Answer = 27.25 10

EEE 11

Example using octal (base 8)

1 2 5 0 6 . 1 78 = ( ? )10 x 8-2 = 0.109 x 8-1 = 0.125 x 80 = 6 x 81 = 0 x 82 = 320 x 83 = 1024 x 84 = 4096 Answer = 5446.234 10
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Hexadecimal (Base 16 )

Digits include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Use A = 10 B = 11 C = 12 D = 13 E = 14 F = 15 e.g. ABC16 = 10x162 + 11x161 + 12x160 = 2,748

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Conversion from decimal (Integer portion)

Conversion from Decimal (Integer portion)

Continuously divide the integer portion of the number by r. Note the remainder after each division The resulting number are just the remainders from the last to first (left to right).

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7710 = ( ? )2 2 /77 2 /38 1 2 /19 0 2 /9 1 2 /4 1 2 /2 0 1 0 ANS: 10011012 5610 = ( ? )2 2 /56 2 /28 0 2 /14 0 2 /7 0 2 /3 1 2 /1 1 0 1 ANS: 1110002

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Simplified Derivation

Let K = value in Decimal

Let this equal to ABCDE in binary e.g. K=1310 = 011012 (A=0, B=1, C=1,D=0,E=1) = 24A + 23B + 22C +21D+20E = 23A + 22B + 21C +20D remainder E = 23A + 22B + 21C +20D = 22 A + 21 B + 2 0 C remainder D

K K/2 L L/2 ...

EEE 11

Conversion from decimal (fraction portion)

Conversion from Decimal (fraction portion)

Continuously MULTIPLY the fractional portion of the number by r. Note the integer portion after each multiplication the remove it from the number The resulting number is just the integer parts extracted while multiplying

EEE 11


0.710 = ( ? )2 , up to 5 bits after the binary point 2 * .7 = 1.4 2 * .4 = 0.8 2 * .8 = 1.6 2 * .6 = 1.2 2 * .2 = 0.4 1 0 1 1 0

Answer: 0.101102

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Simplified Derivation

Let K = value in Decimal

Let this equal to 0.ABC... in binary e.g. K=0.6410 = 0.101...2 (A=1, B=0, C=1) = 2-1A + 2-2B + 2-3C ... = A + 2-1B + 2-2C ... = 2-1B + 2-2C ... = B + 2-1C

K 2K L 2L ...
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A = whole # B = whole #

Mixed numbers?

Handle fractional and whole part separately then add

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Octal to/from binary

An octal digit is ALWAYS equal to three (3) binary digits,

e.g. 58 = 1012

Simply replace the octal digit with the corresponding binary digits and vice-versa
Octal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Binary 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

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1 2 5 0 6 1 78 = ( ? )2 111 001 110 000 101 010 001 001 010 101 000 110 001 111 2

= = = = = = = Answer =
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Hexadecimal to/from binary

A hexadecimal digit is equal to four (4) binary digits

Hexadecimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Binary 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 Hexadecimal 8 9 A B C D E F Binary 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

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E 2 5A 6 1 716 = ( ? )2 = 0111 = 0001 = 0110 = 1010 = 0101 = 0010 = 1110 Answer = 1110 0010 0101 1010 0110 0001 0111 2
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Hexadecimal to/from Octal

Expand first to binary then group by 4 or 3 depending on the destination e.g. ABC16 = (?)8 = A B C 16 = 1010 1011 1100 2 regroup by 3's ... = 101 010 111 100 2 = 5 2 7 48 = 5274 8

EEE 11



The Center for Programmers and Users. Fundamentals of Programming Hand-out 1 Definitions from: Flowchart examples from: Additional reading:
EEE 11 52

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