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Program Name: Bachelor in Engineering

Level: BE
Branch: Navy Cadets
Course / Subject Code : 1011NC01
Course / Subject Name : National Cadet Corps I

w. e. f. Academic Year: 2021-22

Semester: 1st

Category of the Course: Compulsory

Theory Course Objectives:

No Course Objectives
1 Know about the history of NCC, its organization, and incentives of NCC for their career

2 Acquire knowledge of duties and conduct of NCC cadets.

3 Understand about different NCC camps and their conducts.
4 Understand the concept of national integration and its importance.
5 Understand the concept of self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
6 Understand the concept of critical & creative thinking.
7 Understand the process of decision making & problem solving.
8 Understand the concept of team and its functioning.
9 Understand the concept and importance of Social service.

Practical Course Objectives:

No Course Objectives

01 Understand that drill as the foundation for discipline and to command a group for
common goal.

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Program Name: Bachelor in Engineering
Level: BE
Branch: Navy Cadets
Course / Subject Code : 1011NC01
Course / Subject Name : National Cadet Corps I

02 Appreciate grace and dignity in the performance of foot drill.

03 Understand the importance of a weapon its detailed safety precautions necessary for
prevention of accidents.

04 Develop awareness about different types of terrain and how it is used in battle craft.

05 Develop the concept of various markings on the map and how they are co-related to the
ground features.

06 Understand the various social issues and their impact on social life.
07 Develop the sense of self-less social service for better social & community life.

Theory Course Outcome:

No Course Outcomes
01 Imbibe the conduct of NCC cadets.
02 Respect the diversity of different Indian culture.
03 Practice togetherness and empathy in all walks of their life.
Do their own self analysis and will workout to overcome their weakness for better performance
in all aspects of life.
05 Understand creative thinking & its components.
06 Think divergently and will try to break functional fixedness.
07 Make a team and will work together for achieving the common goals.
08 Do the social services on different occasions.

Practical Course Outcomes:

No Course Outcomes

01 Perform foot drill and follow the different word of command.

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Program Name: Bachelor in Engineering
Level: BE
Branch: Navy Cadets
Course / Subject Code : 1011NC01
Course / Subject Name : National Cadet Corps I

02 Fire a weapon effectively with fair degree of marksmanship.

03 Undertake point to point navigation and take part in route marches by day and night.

04 Perform the social services on various occasions for better community & social life.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits
Assessment Pattern and Marks
(in Hours) L+T+
(PR/2) Total
Theory Tutorial / Practical
(E) (M)
01 00 02 02 70 30 20 30 150

Theory Course Content:

Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage

NCC General (N) Introduction of NCC, History, Aims, Objective of 40

1. NCC & NCC as Organization, Incentives of NCC, Duties of NCC Cadet. 06
NCC Camps: Types & Conduct.
National Integration & Awareness (NI) National Integration:
2. Importance & Necessity, Factors Affecting National Integration, 04 27
Unity in Diversity & Role of NCC in Nation Building, Threats to
National Security.
Personality Development Intra & Interpersonal skills - Self-
3. Awareness- &Analysis, Empathy, Critical & creative thinking, Decision 02 13
making and problem solving.
Social Service and Community Development Basics of social service
4. and its need, Types of social service activities, Objectives of rural 03 20
development programs and its importance, NGO’s and their contribution

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Program Name: Bachelor in Engineering
Level: BE
Branch: Navy Cadets
Course / Subject Code : 1011NC01
Course / Subject Name : National Cadet Corps I
in social welfare, contribution of youth and NCC in Social welfare.
Total 15 100

Practical Course Content:

Unit No. of % of
No. Hours Weightage

Unit 1. Drill . Foot Drill- Drill ki Aam Hidayaten, Word ki

1. Command, Savdhan, Vishram, Aram Se, Murdna, Kadvar Sizing, Teen 12 40
Line Banana, Khuli Line, Nikat Line, Khade Khade Salute Karna Parade
Par, Visarjan, Line Tod, Tej Chal, Tham aur Dhire Chal, Tham.

2. Unit 2. Weapon Training (WT).Introduction & Characteristics of .22 05 17

rifle, Handling of .22 rifle.

Unit 3. Map Reading (MR). Definition of Map, Conventional

3. signs, Scale and Grid System, Topographical forms and technical 03 10
terms, Relief, Contours and gradients, Cardinal points and types of
North, Magnetic Variation and Grid Convergence.

Unit 4. Field Craft & Battle Craft (FC &

4. BC). Introduction of Field Craft & Battle craft, Judging Distance, 03 10
Method of Judging Distance.
Unit 5. Social Service and Community Development (SSCD).Cadets
will participate in various activities throughout the semester e.g., Blood
5. 07 23
donation Camp, Swachhata Abhiyan, Constitution Day, Jan Jeevan
Hariyali Abhiyan, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao etc.
Total 30 100


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