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Program Structure and Syllabus

M. Tech.
Power Electronics & Electrical Drives

Electrical & Electronics

R24 Regulations

Program Structure
Course Hours per week
S. No Category Course Credits
Code L T P
1 A213001 PC Power Electronic Converters 4 0 3 5.5
2 A213002 PC Machine Modeling and Analysis 4 0 3 5.5
A213003 1. Electrical & Hybrid Vehicles

3 A213004 PE-I 2. Energy Storage Systems 3 0 0 3

3. Power Electronics Applications in
Power Systems (MOOCS)
A213006 1. Control of Electric Vehicles
4 2. Nonlinear dynamic systems and
A213007 PE-II 3 0 0 3
Control (MOOCS)
A213008 3. Reliability Engineering
1. Sustainable Power Generation
Systems (MOOCS)
5 A213010 PE-III 2. Microgrid Technologies 3 0 0 3

A213011 3. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

TOTAL 0 0 0 3

Course Hours per week
S. No Category Course Credits
Code L T P
1 A223001 PC Power Electronic Control of Drives 4 0 3 5.5
Power Electronic Applications to
2 A223002 PC 4 0 3 5.5
Renewable Energy
1. E-Mobility and Charging
3 PE-IV 2. Power Quality Analysis and 3 0 0 3
Mitigation Techniques
A223005 3. Smart Grid (MOOCS)
A223006 1. Electric Traction Systems
4 2. Power Electronics with wideband
A223007 PE-V 3 0 0 3
gap devices (MOOCS)
3. Switched Mode Power Supplies
1. Fundamentals of Artificial
Intelligence (MOOCS)
2 Hydrogen Energy: Production, Storage,
5 A223010 OE Transportation and Safety 3 0 0 3
3. Technical and Business
Communication Skills
TOTAL 0 0 6 20

* As per regulations, 40% of the courses may be offered from MOOCS. In case of unavailability of the course in the
current semester, an alternate course will be suggested by the BoS chairperson.
M.TECH II YEAR (Project Work) - A2X3001

Minimum CIE
S.No Phase Deliverables Credits SEE*
Duration *
Within 7 days
from the date of
1 commencement Project work Registration -- -- --
of project work
(say X)
Presentation of objectives,
Project proposal methodology, expected outcomes,
2 X + 24 days (Say Y) 2 25 --
defence Review of previous work /
technologies / processes / literature
Presentations/ Achievements of
Progress Report - mile stones (may include
3 Y + 3 months 8 25 --
1 and Viva Synopsis/Oral Presentation / Viva-
Presentations/ Achievements of
Progress Report - mile stones (may include Extended
4 Y + 6 months 8 25 --
2 and Viva Synopsis / Oral Presentation/ Viva-
Pre-Submission Draft Project work/Oral
5 Y + 10 months 2 25 --
Seminar Presentation / Viva-voce
Achievement of Objectives/
Final submission Outcomes/Efficiency/innovativeness
6 Y + 11 months 20 -- 100
and Viva-voce in the form of Project work / Oral
Presentation/ Viva-voce
Total 40 100 100

M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics &Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A213001 PC
4 0 3 5.5 50 50 100

Course Objectives of PEC are to:

 Understand the principles and control techniques of single-phase and three-phase
 Study the operation and control of various DC-DC converters and regulators.
 Understand the operation, control, and modulation techniques of three-phase bridge
 Explore the operation, control strategies, and performance analysis of AC voltage
 Understand the operation, analysis, and application of single-phase and three-phase

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this PEC course, students will be able to:
 Analyze and implement control methods in power converters for efficient
 Analyze and design efficient DC-DC converters for various applications, ensuring
optimal operation.
 Analyze and apply advanced PWM techniques to control three-phase inverters for
improved performance
 Analyze and design AC voltage controllers.
 Analyze and evaluate the performance of cyclo-converters and matrix converters.

Single phase converters – Half controlled and fully controlled converters

Evaluation of input power factor and harmonic factor –power factor
Improvements Techniques– Extinction angle control – symmetrical angle
control, single phase sinusoidal PWM – three phase PWM - twelve pulse
converters - Problems.

DC-DC Converters
Step-down and step-up dc to dc converters – Switched mode regulators–
Buck Regulators-Boost regulators–buck-boost regulators- Cuk regulators –
Condition for continuous inductor current and capacitor voltage –
comparison of regulators –Multi output boost converters –Problems.

Three phase bridge inverter– Voltage control of three phase inverters –
sinusoidal PWM – Third Harmonic PWM- space vector modulation PWM –
Selective harmonic PWM – Performance parameters – Problems.

AC voltage controllers with PWM Control – Effects of source and load
inductances - Synchronous tap changers-Three phase AC voltage controllers
– Analysis of controllers with star and delta Connected–Problems.

Single phase to single phase cyclo-converters analysis of mid point and bridge
Configurations–Three phase to three phase cyclo- converters–analysis of
Midpoint and bridge configurations – Limitations – Advantages –
Applications & Problems –Matrix Converter.

1. Mohammed H. Rashid “Power Electronics” Pearson Education
Third Edition – First Indian reprint2004.
2. Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and William P. Robbins,
“Power Electronics” - John Wiley & Sons – Second Edition.

1. Milliman Shepherd and Lizang – “Power converters circuits” –
Chapter 14 (Matrix converter) PP-415-444,
2. M. H. Rashid - Power electronics hand book, Pearson publications
3. Marian P. Kaźmierkowski, Ramu Krishnan, Frede Blabjerg
Edition:” Control in power electronics” illustrated Published
by Academic Press, 2002.
4. NPTEL course, Power Electronics by Prof. B. G. Fernandes

M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A213002 PC
4 0 3 5.5 50 50 100

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives of MMA are to:
 Comprehend the basic two-pole machine.
 Develop the mathematical models of for different motors.
 Understand and apply Clarke and Park transformations to develop models of
induction motors.
 Develop the state-space models for various three phase motors.
 Recognize the different frames for modeling of different AC machines.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the MMA course, students will be able to:
 Write the voltage equation and torque equations for DC motor.
 Formulate and analyze the state-space models of various types of DC motors
 Implement Clarke and Park transformations.
 construct and analyze state-space models for various three phase motors.
 Identify the different reference frames for modeling of machines.


Basic Two-pole DC machine - primitive 2-axis machine – Voltage and Current

relationship – Torque equation.


Mathematical model of separately excited DC motor, DC Series motor, DC shunt

motor DC Compound motor in state variable form. State Space model of DC Machine


Clark Transformation, Park’s Transformation, Induction Motor model in various

Reference Frames and Two-Axis model of 3-phase Motor.
State Space Model of 3-ph Induction Motor. State phase model of a 3ph Synchronous
motor – Two axis representation of Syn. Motor. Voltage, current, and Torque Equations
in state – space variable form.

State Space Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, State Space model of
Brushless DC Motor Voltage, current, and Torque Equations in state – space variable

1. Ashok Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Matrix Analysis of electrical Machines, New age
International(p)Ltd 2007.
2. R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives – Modeling, Analysis and Control Pearson

1. P.S. Bimbhra, Generalized Machine theory, Khanna Publishers, 2002
2. Paul C. Krause, Oleg Wasynezuk, Scott D. Sudhoff, Analysis of electric
machinery and Drive systems third edition, IEEE press

M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics &Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A213003 PE-I
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives of EHV are to:
 Study the concepts and drive train configurations of electric drive vehicles
 Provide different electric propulsion systems and energy storage devices.
 Explore performance metrics, and testing methods of electric vehicle batteries
 Explain the technology, design methodologies and control strategy of hybrid electric
 Emphasize battery charger topologies for plug in hybrid electric vehicles.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this EHV course, students will be able to:
 Understand the concepts and drive train configurations of electric drive
vehicles Interpret different electric propulsion systems and energy
storage devices
 Appreciate the technology, design methodologies and control strategy of
hybrid electric vehicles
 Critically evaluate and design Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs).
 Realize battery charger topologies for plug in hybrid electricvehicles


Introduction to Electric Vehicles: Sustainable Transportation - EV System - EV

Advantages - Vehicle Mechanics - Performance of EVs - Electric Vehicle drive train -
EV Transmission Configurations and components-Tractive Effort in Normal Driving -
Energy Consumption - EV Market - Types of Electric Vehicle in Use Today - Electric
Vehicles for the Future.


Electric Vehicle Modeling - Consideration of Rolling Resistance - Transmission

Efficiency - Consideration of Vehicle Mass - Tractive Effort - Modeling Vehicle
Acceleration - Modeling Electric Vehicle Range - Aerodynamic Considerations -
Ideal Gearbox Steady State Model - EV Motor Sizing - General Issues in Design.
Introduction to electric vehicle batteries - electric vehicle battery efficiency - electric
vehicle battery capacity - electric vehicle battery charging - electric vehicle battery fast
charging - electric vehicle battery discharging - electric vehicle battery performance –

Hybrid Electric Vehicles - HEV Fundamentals -Architectures of HEVs- Interdisciplinary
Nature of HEVs - State of the Art of HEVs - Advantages and Disadvantages -
Challenges and Key Technology of HEVs - Concept of Hybridization of the Automobile-
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles - Design and Control Principles of Plug-In Hybrid
Electric Vehicles - Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Drive Train Design - HEV Applications for
Military Vehicles.

Battery Charger Topologies, Charging Power Levels, and Infrastructure for Plug-In
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - The Impact of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles on
Distribution Networks – Ultra capacitors for Hybrid Electric Vehicles.

1 Eshani, Mehrdad, Yimin Gao, Sebastien E. Gay, and Ali Emadi. "Modern
electric, hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles." Fundamentals, Theory, and
Design. Boca Raton, FL: CRC (2005).
2 Larminie, James, and John Lowry. Electric vehicle technology
explained. John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
3 Dhameja, Sandeep. Electric vehicle battery systems. Elsevier, 2001.
4 Chris, Mi, M. Abul Masrur, and David Wenzhong Gao. "Hybrid electric
vehicles: principles and applications with practical
perspectives." Masrur, David Wenzhong Gap (2011).
5 Husain, Iqbal. Electric and hybrid vehicles: design fundamentals. CRC
press, 2021.

M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics &Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A213004 PE-I
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course objectives:

Course Objectives of ESS are to:

 Understand the different storage techniques.
 Know the basic energy storage devices such as batteries, thermoelectric converters,
fuel cells, super capacitors.
 Explore the principles, materials, and applications of supercapacitors and fuel cells.
 Design energy storage for different applications.
 Analyze and design different fuel cells.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this ESS course, students will be able to:

 Understand different energy storage techniques.
 Compare different battery technologies and its characters.
 Analyze and compare supercapacitors and various fuel cell technologies.
 Analyze and design modern day battery technologies.
 Analyze different fields of application of ESS.


Introduction: Mechanical, electrical and chemical energy storage systems and its
applications - Available and unavailable energy - Energy Analysis - Second law
efficiency - Helmholtz & Gibb’s function - Energy Analysis - Recent trends in Energy
storage systems.


Classical & Modern Batteries: Basic Concepts - Battery performance - charging

and discharging - storage density - energy density and safety issues - Lead Acid-
Nickel-Cadmium - Zinc Manganese dioxide- Zinc-Air - Nickel Hydride - Lithium
Battery - State Of Charge - Technology Challenges.


Super Capacitors & Fuel Cells: Super capacitors - types of electrodes and some
electrolytes- Electrode materials – high surface area activated carbons- metal oxide-
and conducting polymers- Electrolyte - aqueous or organic- disadvantages and
advantages of super capacitors - Applications of Super capacitors.
Fuel cells - direct energy conversion - maximum intrinsic efficiency of an
electrochemical converter- physical interpretation - Carnot efficiency factor in
electrochemical energy convertors - types of fuel cells - hydrogen oxygen cells -
hydrogen air cell - alkaline fuel cell- and phosphoric fuel cell.

Mobile Applications and Micro-Power Sources: The diverse energy needs of mobile
applications-Characteristics due to the miniaturized scale -Capacitative storage-
electrochemical storage- Hydrocarbon storage- Pyro-electricity -Radioactive
source - Recovering ambient energy.

Energy Storage in Photovoltaic Systems:
Standalone photovoltaic systems - Grid connected systems- Energy Storage in PV
systems using lead acid battery technology- Flywheels - Compressed Air Energy
Storage - Thermal energy storage - capturing heat and cold to create energy on
demand - Pumped Hydro power.

Text Books:

1. Yves Brunet, “Energy Storage", Wiley-ISTE, 1st Edition, 2010.

2. Robert A.Huggins, “Energy Storage”, Springer, 2nd Edition, 2015.

Reference Books:
1. A G. Ter-Gazarian, "Energy storage systems for Power systems", 2nd edition, IET
2. 2. R M. Dell, D.A.J. Rand, "Understanding Batteries" RSC Publications, 1st edition,
Power Electronics Applications in Power Systems

M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
PE-I L T P C SEE Total
A213005 (MOOCS) 3 0 0 3 100

Week 1: Introduction:

1. Introduction
2. Active and reactive power in electrical circuits
3. Reactive power compensation

Week 2: Long transmission line modelling:

4. Transmission line modelling: Categorization

5. Derivation of the relation of sending and receiving end voltages and currents
6. Concept of surge impedance, phase constant, and symmetrical lines

Week 3: Power flow in Long transmission lines:

7. Derivation of the expressions of active and reactive power

8. Numerical Example
9. Numerical Example

Week 4: Mid-point compensation of transmission lines:

10. Expressions of the voltage and current at the mid-point

11. Mid-point compensation with numerical examples - I
12. Mid-point compensation with numerical examples - II
13. Series and Shunt compensations

Week 5: Static VAR Compensator (SVC): Part-I

14. Different types of SVC: Thyristor controlled Reactor (TCR) - I

15. Different types of SVC: Thyristor controlled Reactor (TCR) - II
16. Different types of SVC: Fixed capacitor TCR and Mechanically switched capacitor

Week 6: Static VAR Compensator (SVC): Part-II:

17. Different types of SVC: Thyristor switched capacitor (TSC)

18. Different types of SVC: TSC-TCR
19. Numerical examples

Week 7: Applications of SVC in power systems - I:

20. Application of SVC in power system voltage control

21.Numerical Example
Week 8: Applications of SVC in power systems - II:

22. Application of SVC in enhancing power system stability

23. Application of SVC in power system damping

Week 9: Thyristor controlled series capacitor(TCSC) - I:

24. Basic mathematical modelling - I

25. Basic mathematical modelling – II
Week 10: Thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) - II:

26. Application of TCSC in power systems - I

27. Application of TCSC in power systems - II

Week 11: Static Synchronous compensator (STATCOM):

28. Basic mathematical modelling

29. Applications of STATCOM in power systems

Week 12: Static synchronous series capacitor (SSSC):

30. Basic mathematical modelling

31. Applications of SSSC in power systems

Books and references:

1. R. M. Mathur and R. K. Varma, Thyristor-Based FACTS Controllers for Electrical

Transmission Systems, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2011.
2. N. G. Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of
Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Wiley, 2012 (reprint).
3. K. R. Padiyar, FACTS Controllers in Power Transmission and Distribution, New
Age International (P) Limited, 2021 (reprint).
Control of Electric Vehicles

M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A213006 PE-II
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course Outcomes:
 Understand the requirements, characteristics, and control strategies of electric
vehicle (EV) motors.
 Study the dynamics and control strategies of DC motors.
 Develop a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic modeling of induction
 Explore advanced techniques for induction motor speed control.
 Study speed sensors and flux estimation techniques in motor control systems.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this Control of Electric Vehicles course, students will be able to:
 Understand requirement of EV motors.
 Understand suitability of electric motor & their control.
 Understand speed control of Induction motor.
 Understand PWM techniques of Inverter for Induction motor.
 Understand different sensors and sensor less operation of motor.

EV Motors Characteristics and DC motor
Requirement of EV motors, Comparison of EV motors, Basics of DC Motor, Torque speed
characteristics, DC Motor dynamics, Field Weakening Control, Four quadrant operation.

DC Motor Dynamics & Control
Current Loop Control, Speed Control Loop Dynamical System Control: PD Controller, PI
Controller Design, PI Controller with Reference model, 2 DOF Controller with Internal
Model Control, Load Torque Observer, Feedback Linearization

Dynamic Modelling of Induction Motor
Voltage equation, induction machine model in stationary and synchronous rotating
reference frames, equivalent circuit, Forward and reverse transformation, power and
torque expressions

Induction Motor Speed Control
Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Control, Rotor Field oriented control, Stator Field
Oriented Control, Field Weakening Control.
Speed sensors and Flux Estimation
Encoders, Resolvers, R/D Converters, Hall current sensors and current sampling, Voltage
Model Estimator, Current Model Estimator, Closed-loop Control.

Reference Books
1. K Wang Hee Nam: AC Motor Control & Electrical Vehicle Application, CR Press,
Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
2. C.C Chan, K.T Chau: Modern Electric Vehicle Technology, Oxford University Press
Inc., New York 2001.
3. Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press,
4. James Larminie, John Lowry, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Wiley, 2003.

Non-linear dynamic systems and Control

M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics &Electric Drives
Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks


(MOOCS) 3 0 0 3 100

Course layout

Week 1: Theory:

Introduction and preliminaries - Examples and definitions of nonlinear models; state and
equilibrium; existence and uniqueness through examples

Week 2: Theory:

Existence and uniqueness of solutions, dependence on initial conditions

Week 3: Theory:

Stability Theory I - Lagrange, Lyapunov, and asymptotic stability, Lyapunov method and

Week 4: Theory:

Stability Theory II - Invariant set theorems and Chetaev’s theorem for instability

Week 5: Theory:

Linear Systems and Linearization

Week 6: Theory:

Construction of Lyapunov functions

Week 7: Applications:

Robust stability and Lure problem - Structured and sector uncertainities

Week 8: Applications:

Passivity and dissipativity - General theory, Applications to mechanical and electrical


Week 9: Applications:

Stable adaptive control - Estimation, indirect, and direct adaptive control

Week 10: Applications:

Lyapunov function theory for control problems - General form, specialization to linear
systems, linearization, and cascade systems

Week 11: Applications:

Optimal control and inverse optimality

Week 12: Applications:

Model predictive control


M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A213008 PE-II
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course Objectives::

Course Objectives of RE are to:

 Comprehend the basics of probability distributions & reliability models.
 Model systems with series-parallel block diagrams and state-space diagrams and
to understand time dependent and limiting state probabilities using Markov models.
 Understand multi-mode failures of electrical & electronic circuits and their effect on
reliability & availability.
 Understand reliability & availability models for generation, transmission and
distribution systems and evaluate critical indices.
 Analyze customer-oriented, load-oriented, and energy-oriented indices in
distribution systems.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this RE course, students will be able to:
 Able to relate the probability concepts and distributions in reliability engineering
 Able to draw reliability logic diagram and state-space diagram of engineering
systems to evaluate reliability and availability.
 Able to apply multi-mode failures in electrical and electronic circuits.
 Able to evaluate various reliability indices related to generation, transmission and
distribution systems.
 Evaluate and optimize distribution system performance using indices and network
reduction methods.
Discrete & Continuous random variables – Binomial, Exponential &Waybill distributions –
Causes of failure – Failure rate & Failure density – Bath tub curve – Reliability & MTTF –
Maintainability & Availability – MTBF & MTTR - Reliability block diagram – Series &
Parallel systems – Conditional probability - Minimal Cut-set & Tie-set methods
Continuous Markov models – State space diagram - Reliability models of single unit, two
unit & standby systems – Reliability & Availability models with repair – Frequency of
failures – State transition matrix and estimation of MTTF
Multi-mode failures - Short circuit & open circuit failures - Resistors& capacitors in series
& parallel - Diodes& MOSFETs in series & parallel - Quad system - Reliability Prediction
- MIL standards - Parts count technique - Parts stress technique -Reliability,
Availability and MTTF evaluation of Power electronic circuits & Drive systems
Outage definitions – Markov model of Generating plant with identical and non- identical
units – Capacity outage probability table – Cumulative frequency – LOLE & LOEE –
Composite Generation & Transmission systems - Radial configuration
Customer oriented, load oriented & energy oriented indices of distribution system –
Application to radial systems – Effects of lateral distributer protection, disconnects,
protection failures & transferring loads – Parallel & Mesh networks – Dual
transformer feeder – Approximate Network reduction methods
Text Books:
1. Charles E. Ebeling, ‘An Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability
Engineering’, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1997
2. L. Umanand, ‘Power Electronics: Essentials & Applications’, Wiley, 2009

3. Roy Billinton, R.N. Allan, ‘Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems’, Springer, 1 st

Edition, Plenum Press, New York , 1996

Reference Books:
1. Roy Billinton, R.N. Allan, ‘Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems’, Springer
International Edition, Plenum Press, New York, 1992
2. E. Balaguruswamy, ‘Reliability Engineering’, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.
Ltd., 2012
Sustainable Power Generation Systems

M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks

A213009 (MOOCS) 3 0 0 3 100

Course Content

Week 1: Module-1: Introduction to power generation

Global and Indian scenario, an overview of current technologies available for power
generation, Concept of the renewable energy- based power plant

Week 2: Module-2: Solar Thermal Power Generation

Fundamentals of Solar thermal energy conversion, solar thermal based power plant
design and analysis (flat plate and concentrator), ORC, RC, and Stirling engine.

Week 3: Module-3: Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation

Fundamentals of Solar photovoltaic energy conversion, Solar PV power plant design,

Performance analysis of standalone and grid connected PV systems.

Week 4: Module-4: Wind Power Generation

Introduction to wind turbine, classification and analysis of different components, Theory,

design and analysis of wind turbines (horizontal axis and vertical axis) and wind farms.

Week 5: Module-5: Hydro Power Generation

Introduction to hydro power plant, overview of micro, mini and small hydro power plants,
hydraulic turbines, Selection and design criteria of pumps and turbines, Brief theory,
design and analysis of hydro power plants

Week 6: Module-6: Biomass Power Generation

Fundamentals of bioenergy production technologies through different routes, design and

analysis of biochemical and thermochemical reactors for clean power generation and
value- added products, IGCC.

Week 7: Module-7: Hydrogen energy and fuel cells

Importance, various routes of hydrogen generation, basic principle and design of different
types of fuel cells and thier applications, future prospects, IGFC
Week 8: Module-8: Geothermal Energy

Fundamentals, classification, theory, design and analysis of geothermal power plant

Week 9: Module-9: Ocean Thermal Energy

Fundamentals, classification, theory, design and analysis of ocean thermal power plant

Week 10: Module-10: Wave and Tidal Energy

Fundamentals, classification, theory, design, and analysis of wave and tidal power plant

Week 11: Module-11: Energy Storage

Different modes of energy storage; design and analysis of different technologies for
thermal, mechanical, and electro-chemical energy storage systems

Week 12: Module-12: Energy Economics

Cost analysis, interest, Accounting rate of return, Payback, Discounted cash flow, Net
present value, Internal rate of return, Inflation and life cycle analysis of energy systems.

Books and references:

1. J. Twidell, T. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, Taylor and Francis, 4th Edition,
2. G. Boyle (Editor), Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Oxford
University press, 3rd Edition, 2012.
3. G. N. Tiwari, Solar Energy, Fundamentals, Design, Modeling and Applications,
Narosa, 2002.
4. J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, John Wiley,
4th Edition, 2013.
5. R. Gasch, J. Twele, Wind Power Plants: Fundamentals, Design, Construction and
Operation, Springer, 2nd Edition, 2012.
6. P. Breeze, Hydropower, Elsevier, 1st Edition, 2018.
7. S. C. Bhattacharyya, Energy Economics Concepts, Issues, Markets and Governance,
springer, 2nd Edition, 2019.
8. S.p Sukhatme and J.K. Nayak, Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and
Storage, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Education Private Limited, 3rd Edition, 2010.

M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A213010 PE-III
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives of MT are to:
 Explore the configurations and functionalities of micro-grids.
 Design modern control technologies for micro-grids in Islanded and grid connected
 Study micro-grid energy management systems.
 Explore stochastic optimization techniques in micro-grids.
 To study protection mechanisms in micro-grids.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this MT course, students will be able to:
 Understand the micro-grid types and configurations.
 Analyze and implement effective control strategies for micro-grids,
 Develop and implement energy management strategies for micro-grids
 Apply optimization methods to enhance the economic performance of micro-
 Design and implement effective protection strategies for micro-grids


Introduction: Micro-grid Configurations – CERTS Micro-grid Test Bed – DC Micro-

grid- HFAC Micro-grid – LFAC Micro-grid – Hybrid DC- and AC- Coupled Micro-grid
Power Electronics in Micro-grid: Grid Connected Mode – Islanded mode – Battery
Charging mode – design of power converters– Brick Busses Software Frame work-
Multi Function grid connected inverters


Control in Micro-grid: Impact of load characteristics–Local control – Centralized

Control- Decentralized Control- islanded operation–PQ Control- Droop control
methods–Frequency/Voltage Control–Inverter Output Impedance


Micro-grid Energy Management Systems: Load Sharing and Power Management

Strategy - Stand-alone – Grid connected – energy storage - Voltage Control and
Active Power Management
Power Quality Enhancement: Compensators and controllers for power quality
issues – Power Quality Improvement technologies– Impact of DG integration on
Power Quality.
Optimization in Micro-grid: Stochastic Optimization for Operating Cost- Unit
Commitment- Congestion Management- Role of Micro-grid in Power Market

Protection in Micro-grid: Device Discrimination-Islanding detection, Effect on
Feeder Reclosure, Protection for an Islanded Micro-grid having IIDG Units- Adaptive
relaying scheme

1. SuleimanM, Sharkh, Mohammad A. Abu-Sara Georgios I. Orfanoudakis,
Babar Hussain, "Power Electronic Converters for Micro grid”, Wiley-IEEE
Press, 2014
2. A.Mahmoud, A.L- Sunni and Faud, M, “Control and Optimization of Distributed
Generation Systems” ISBN: 978331916910, Springer Publishers, 2015.

1. Nikos Hatziargyiou, “Microgrids: Architectures and Control” ISBN: 978-1-118-
72068- 4,Wiley-IEEE Press, December 2013.
2. S.Chowhury, S.P.Chowdury and Peter Crossley, “Microgrids and Active
Distribution Networks” ISBN978-1-84919-014-5, IET renewable Energy
series, 2011.
3. Ritwi K Majumder, “Microgrid: Stability Analysis and Control” VDM Publishing
4. Shin’yaObara, “Optimum Design of Renewable Energy Systems: Microgrid
and Nature Grid Methods”, AEEGT Book Series, 2014.
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

M. Tech I Year I Semester Power Electronics &Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A213011 PE-III
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives of NNFL are to:
 Provide an understanding of artificial neural networks.
 Observe the concepts of feed forward neural networks and about feedback neural
 Introduce the concepts and fundamentals of fuzzy logic.
 Explore the principles and components of genetic algorithms.
 Examine the applications of artificial intelligence techniques in power systems

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this NNFL course, students will be able to:
 Analyze and apply different neural network models and learning technique
 Implement and evaluate different neural network architectures and algorithm.
 Design and implement fuzzy logic systems.
 Design and implement genetic algorithms for optimization problems.
 Apply AI techniques to analyze and solve various power system challenges

Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction-Models of Neural Network - Architectures –
Knowledge representation – Artificial Intelligence and Neural networks – Learning
process – Error correction learning– Hebbian learning – Competitive learning –
Boltzman learning – Supervised learning – Unsupervised learning – Reinforcement
learning - learning tasks.

ANN Paradigms: Multi-layer perceptron using Back propagation Algorithm-Self –
organizing Map – Radial Basis Function Network – Functional link, network –
Hopfield Network.

Fuzzy Logic: Introduction – Fuzzy versus crisp – Fuzzy sets - Membership function
– Basic Fuzzy set operations – Properties of Fuzzy sets – Fuzzy Cartesian Product –
Operations on Fuzzy relations – Fuzzy logic – Fuzzy Quantifiers - Fuzzy Inference -
Fuzzy Rule based system - Defuzzification methods.
Genetic Algorithms: Introduction-Encoding – Fitness Function-Reproduction
operators - Genetic Modeling – Genetic operators - Crossover - Single–site
crossover – Two-point crossover – Multi point crossover-Uniform crossover – Matrix
crossover - Crossover Rate - Inversion & Deletion – Mutation operator –Mutation –
Mutation Rate-Bit-wise operators - Generational cycle-convergence of Genetic

Applications of AI Techniques: Load forecasting – Load flow studies – Economic
load dispatch – Load frequency control – Single area system and two area system –
Small Signal Stability (Dynamic stability) Reactive power control – speed control of
DC and AC Motors.

1. S. Rajasekaran and G. A. V. Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic & Genetic
Algorithms”- PHI, New Delhi,2003.

1 P. D. Wasserman, Van Nostrand Reinhold, “Neural Computing Theory &
Practice” - New York, 1989.
2 Bart Kosko,”Neural Network & Fuzzy System” Prentice Hall, 1992.
3 G. J. Klirand T. A. Folger, “Fuzzy sets, Uncertainty and Information”-
PHI,Pvt.Ltd, 1994.
4 D. E. Goldberg,” Genetic Algorithms”- Addison Wesley1999.

M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics& Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A223001 PC
4 0 3 5.5 50 50 100

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives of PECD are to:
 To understand the drive system and converter, chopper fed DC separately excited
 To understand scalar control of ac motor
 To comprehend the vector control for ac motor drive (IM and SM)
 To explain the static resistance control and Slip power recovery drive
 To explain synchronous motor drive characteristics and its control strategies
 To comprehend the brushless dc motor principle of operation.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this PECD course, students will be able to:
 Analyze drive characteristics and converter as well chopper fed dc drives
 Develop induction motor for variable speed operations using scalar control
 Identify the difference between the rotor resistance control and static rotor resistance
control method and significance of slip power recovery drives
 Develop Controllers for synchronous motor and variable reluctance motor can be

Introduction to drive systems: Basic power electronic drive system– Single
Phase semi & full converter feed separately excited DC motor for
continuous mode of operation.
DC Motor Speed Control: Three Phase full converter fed separately excited
motor, closed loop operation; dc chopper controlled separately excited
motor for one, two and four quadrant application.

Stator Side Control of Induction Drives: Voltage fed inverter control Open
loop volts/Hz control – speed control slip regulation – speed control with
torque and flux control –Current Fed inverter drive – Volts/Hz control of
Current –fed inverter drive.

Rotor Side Control of Induction Drives: Slip power recovery drives – Static
Kramer Drive – Static Scherbius Drive.
Vector control of Induction Motor Drives: Principles of Vector control –
Vector control methods – Direct methods of vector control – Indirect
methods of vector control
Vector Control of PMSM:
Model of PMSM, Vector control PMSM drive– Control strategies – Constant
torque angle control – Unity power factor control – Constant mutual flux
linkage control.
Controllers: Flux weakening operation – Maximum speed – Direct flux
weakening algorithm – Constant Torque mode controller – Flux Weakening
controller – indirect flux weakening – Maximum permissible torque.

Variable Reluctance Motor Drive: Variable Reluctance motor drive – Torque
production in the variable reluctance motor Drive characteristics and control
principles – Current control variable reluctance motor servo drive.
Brushless DC Motor Drives: Three phase full wave Brushless dc motor –
Sinusoidal type of Brushless dc motor- current controlled Brushless dc
motor Servo drive.


1. G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives –– Narora publications –
2. R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives Modeling, Analysis and control ––
Pearson Publications – 1st edition –2002.
3. B K Bose,Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives– Pearson
Publications 1st edition
4. MD Murthy and FG Turn Bull,Power Electronics and Control of AC
Motors – Pergman Press 1stedition
5. BK Bose,Power Electronics and AC Drives –– Prentice Hall Eagle
wood diffs New Jersey - 1st edition
6. M H Rashid Power Electronic circuits Deices and Applications –– PHI –

M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics &Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A223002 PC
4 0 3 5.5 50 50 100

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives of PEARE are to:
 To understand the various Non-Conventional sources of energy
 To explain the DC to DC converters for Solar PV source of energy
 To explain the inverters and its control techniques for a grid connected system
 To understand the characteristics of a solar PV and wind power sources
 To explain the types of distributed generators and batteries in DG and micro grid system

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this PEARE course, students will be able to:
 To acquire knowledge on Non-Conventional energy sources
 To analyze various technologies and for renewable energy systems
 To develop stand alone DG sets and micro grid systems from renewable energy sources

Introduction to renewable sources: World energy scenario-Drawbacks with
conventional energy sources-Types of renewable energy sources: Wind,
solar, hydro, geothermal, tidal, biomass-statistical analysis.

Introduction to solar energy: Photovoltaic effect P-V &I-V
characteristics, MPPT schemes; standalone systems, grid interface- DC-
DC converters for solar PV: buck/boost/buck-boost /flyback

Grid connected solar Inverters: 1ph, 3ph inverters, bipolar and unipolar
PWM, PLL- control of inverter in synchronous frame-forward and reverse
transformations-active and reactive power control-Operation under
unbalanced grid.

Introduction to wind energy: P-V, I-V characteristic, wind energy
conversion system: Power extraction (MPP) and MPPT schemes-Types of
wind turbines and blades

Synchronous generator with back to back converter; Doubly fed induction
generator with rotor side converter; permanent magnet based generators.
1. Sudipta Chakraborty, Marcelo G. Simes, and William E. Kramer.
Power Electronics for Renewable and Distributed Energy Systems:
A Sourcebook of Topologies, Control and Integration. Springer
Science & Business, 2013.

2. Nicola Femia, Giovanni Petrone, Giovanni Spagnuolo, Massimo

Vitelli, Power Electronics and control for maximum Energy
Harvesting in Photovoltaic Systems, CRC Press, 2013. Chetan
Singh Solanki, Solar Photovoltaics: fundamentals, Technologies and
Applications, Prentice Hall of India, 2011.


1. N. Mohan, T.M. Undeland & W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics:

Converter, Applications & Design, John Wiley &Sons,1989

2. Muhammad H. Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices, and

Applications, Pearson Education India,2004
3. E. Guba, P. Sanchis, A. Ursa, J. Lpez, and L. Marroyo, Ground currents
in single-phase transformerless photovoltaic systems, Progress in
Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, vol. 15, no. 7,2007.

4. Remus Teodorescu, Marco Liserre, Pedro Rodriguez, Grid Converters

for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems, John Wiley and Sons,
5. Ali Keyhani, Design of Smart Power Grid Renewable Energy
Systems, Wiley- IEEEPress,2011.
E-Mobility and Charging Infrastructure

M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A223003 PE-IV
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives of EMCI are to:
 Introduce the principles of e-mobility, focusing on electric vehicles.
 Explore electrical drive systems and power electronics in electric
 Provide a comprehensive understanding of various battery technologies.
 Explore the various types of charging infrastructure used in electric
 Examine the principles and technologies of battery chargers for electric

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:

 Elaborate various technical parameters of batteries.

 Distinguish between various types of batteries used for EV applications.
 To develop battery charger for an EV.
 To explain the importance of various charging methods and its advantages and
 To develop battery charger for an EV.

Introduction to E-Mobility
EVs: A clean mobility option, Motion and dynamic equations for vehicles, Propulsion
requirements for vehicles, HEV architectures, EV architectures, Mechanical systems used
in EVs and HEVs.

Electrical Drive system & Power Electronics for EVs applications
Electrical machines for EVs and HEVs, DC-DC Converters, Boost and Buck-Boost
Converter, Multi Quadrant DC-DC Converters, Voltage Control of DC-AC Inverters Using
PWM, Fundamentals of Regenerative Braking.

EV Batteries
Lead acid battery basics, Special characteristics of lead acid batteries, Battery life and
maintenance, Battery charging, Summary Nickel-based Batteries Introduction, Nickel
cadmium, Nickel metal hydride batteries, Sodium sulphur batteries, Sodium metal chloride
(Zebra) batteries, The lithium polymer battery.
Charging Infrastructure
Domestic Charging Infrastructure, Public Charging Infrastructure, Normal Charging Station,
Occasional Charging Station, Fast Charging Station, Battery Swapping Station, Move-and-
charge zone.
EV Charging
Battery Chargers: Charge equalisation, Conductive (Basic charger circuits, Microprocessor
based charger circuit. Arrangement of an off-board conductive charger, Standard power
levels of conductive chargers, Inductive (Principle of inductive charging, Soft-switching
power converter for inductive charging), Battery indication methods.

Reference Books:
1. James Larminie Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK John Lowry Acenti Designs
Ltd., UK, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained.
2. C.C Chan, K.T Chau: Modern Electric Vehicle Technology, Oxford University Press
Inc., New York 2001.
3. Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press,
4. MehrdadEhsani, YimiGao, Sebastian E. Gay, Ali Emadi, Modern Electric, Hybrid
Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design, CRC Press,
5. James Larminie, John Lowry, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Wiley, 2003.

M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A223004 PE-IV
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course Objectives:

Course Objectives of PQAMT are to:

 To describe various power quality issues in power system
 To analyze the power quality issues using appropriate techniques
 To give an insight to various measurement techniques and conduct power quality
 To evaluate and implement various mitigation techniques for power quality

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this PQAMT course, students will be able to:

 Simulate and Analyze voltage sag, swell and interruption and Describe methods to
reduce sag and swell
 Analyze single and three phase loads for improving power factor, harmonics and
unbalanced loads
 Design of filters and compensators for harmonic reduction, load balancing and power
factor improvement
 Evaluate power quality at an Industry/Data centre/Hospital and Develop solution and
design a component or a product applying all the relevant standards with realistic

INTRODUCTION TO POWER QUALITY: Definitions: Overloading - under
voltage - over voltage. Concepts of transients - voltage sag - voltage
swell - voltage imbalance - power frequency variations-Power
Acceptability curves – Power Quality Standards, limits and

VOLTAGE SAGS AND SWELLS: Sources of sags and interruptions -
Estimating Voltage Sag Performance -Fundamental Principles of
Protection - Solutions at the End-User Level-Motor-Starting Sags -
Utility System Fault-Clearing Issues.
ANALYSIS OF THREE PHASE LOADS: Power in three phase systems:
Balanced & unbalanced loads – three phase unbalanced and distorted
source supplying nonlinear loads – concept of power factor under non-
sinusoidal voltages and/or currents.

reactive powers - Principle of load compensation and voltage regulation –
classical load balancing problem: open loop balancing closed loop
balancing, current balancing - Harmonic analysis – Computation of THD,
TDD, DIN – Extraction of fundamental component.

Design of passive filter –Instantaneous real and reactive power theory -
shunt active filter - series active filter - DSTATCOM, UPQC.
Power Quality Measurement and Assessment of Data-Application of
Intelligent Systems.

1. Roger C. Dugan, Mark F. McGranaghan, Surya Santoso, H. Wayne
Beaty, “Electrical Power System Quality”, Tata Mcgraw-hill, New
Delhi, 2012

2. Ewald F.Fuchs and Mohammad A.S Masoum, “Power Quality in

Power Systems and Electrical Machines”, Academic Press, Elsevier,

1. Ghosh and G. Ledwich, “Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom
Power Devices”, Springer Verlag, 2012.

2. Surajit Chattopadhyay, Madhuchhanda Mitra, Samarjit Sen gupta,

“Electric Power Quality”, Springer Publications, 2011

3. Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Quality:

Problems and Mitigation Techniques”, John Wiley & sons Ltd, 2015.
Smart Grid: Basics to Advanced Technologies

M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
L T P C SEE Total
A223005 PE-IV
3 0 0 3 100

Course layout

Week 1:
Introduction to Smart Grid-I.
Introduction to Smart Grid-II.
Architecture of Smart Grid system
Standards for Smart Grid system
Elements and Technologies of Smart Grid System-I

Week 2:
Elements and Technologies of Smart Grid System-II
Distributed Generation Resources-I
Distributed Generation Resources-II
Distributed Generation Resources-III
Distributed Generation Resources-IV
Week 3:
Introduction to energy storage devices
Different types of energy storage technologies
Analytical modelling of energy storage devices
Optimal sizing and siting of storages
Battery management system (BMS)
Week 4:
Wide area Monitoring Systems-I
Wide area Monitoring Systems-II
Phasor Estimation-I
Phasor Estimation-II
Digital Relays for Smart Grid Protection

Week 5:
Islanding Detection Techniques–I
Islanding Detection Techniques –II
Islanding Detection Techniques –III
Smart Grid Protection-I
Smart Grid Protection-II
Week 6:
Smart Grid Protection-III
Smart Grid Protection-IV
Modelling of storage devices
Modelling of DC smart grid components
Operation and control of AC Microgrid-I
Week 7:
Operation and control of AC Microgrid -II
Operation and control of DC Microgrid -I
Operation and control of DC Microgrid -II
Operation and control of AC-DC hybrid Microgrid -I
Operation and control of AC-DC hybrid Microgrid -II
Week 8:
Phasor measurement unit placement
Cyber security and resiliency
Virtual inertia and ancillary support
Demand side management of smart grid
Demand Response Analysis of smart grid
Week 9:
Demonstration of solar power generation
Demonstration of wind power generation
Demonstration of Battery Management System
Demonstration of EV charging system
Hierarchical control techniques in hybrid ac-dc microgrid.
Week 10:
Simulation and case study of AC Microgrid
Simulation and case study of DC Microgrid
Simulation and case study of AC-DC Hybrid microgrid
Demonstration of parallel inverter operation in AC microgrid
Harmonic effects and its mitigation techniques
Week 11:
Energy management
Design of Smart Grid and Practical Smart Grid Case Study-I
Design of Smart Grid and Practical Smart Grid Case Study-II
System Analysis of AC/DC Smart Grid
Demonstration of grid-connected DC microgrid

Week 12:
Demonstration of energy management in microgrid
Demonstration of PHIL experimentation for symmetric and asymmetric fault analysis of
grid-connected DFIG wind turbine.
Demonstration of ancillary support from virtual synchronous generator
Demonstration on peak energy management using energy storage system.

Books and references

1.Smart power grids by A Keyhani, M Marwali.
2.Computer Relaying for Power Systems by ArunPhadke
3.Microgrids Architecture and control by Nikos Hatziargyriou
4.Renewable Energy Systems by Fang Lin Luo, Hong Ye
5.Voltage-sourced converters in power systems_ modeling, control, and applications
by Amirnaser Yazdani, Reza Iravani"

M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A223006 PE-V
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
Course Objectives of ETS are to:
 Understand various systems of track electrification, power supply system and
mechanics of electric train.
 Identify a suitable drive for electric traction.
 Examine power supply arrangements for electric traction systems.
 Explore the characteristics and types of traction motors.
 Investigate semiconductor converter-controlled drives in AC traction systems.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this ETS course, students will be able to:
 Evaluate and compare the performance and challenges of AC and DC traction
 Understand Traction systems and its mechanics.
 Identify the power supply equipment for traction systems.
 Assess the suitability of various traction motors for specific applications.
 Analyze various types of motors used in traction and differentiate AC and DC
traction drives.


Traction Systems: Electric drives - Problems of 1-phase traction system - Current

unbalance, Voltage unbalance, Production of harmonics, Induction effects, Booster
transformer - Rail connected booster transformer-Comparison between AC and DC


Traction mechanics: Types of services, Speed - time curves - Construction of

quadrilateral and trapezoidal speed time curves, Average & schedule speeds.
Tractive effort - Power of traction motor, specific energy consumption - Coefficient of
adhesion, slip - Factors affecting slip.

Power supply arrangements: High voltage supply, Constituents of supply system -
Substations, Feeding post, Feeding & sectioning arrangements, Remote control
center, Design considerations of substations, Over head equipment - principle of
design of OHE, Polygonal OHE.

Traction motors: Desirable characteristics of Traction Motors, A.C. series motors, 3-
Phase induction motors, linear induction motors, PMSM, Types of braking in A.C. and
D.C. drives, Conditions for regenerative braking.

Semi conductor converter controlled drives: Advantages of A.C. Traction -
Control of D.C. motors - single and two stage converters, Control of ac motors - CSI
fed squirrel cage induction motor.

1. Partab.H - Modern Electric Traction, DhanpatRai & Sons –1998.
2. Dubey. G.K. - Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House -
3. C. L. Wadhwa — Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy,
New Age International -2006.
4. J.B. Gupta - Utilization of Electrical Power and Electric Traction, S. K. Kataria&
Sons publications, 9 edition 2004.
Power Electronics with wideband gap devices

M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
PE-V L T P C SEE Total
A223007 (MOOCS)
3 0 0 3 100

Course layout
Week 1

Week 2
Wide band gap devices

Week 3
Switching characteristics

Week 4
Drivers for wide band-gap devices

Week 5
Simulations of the WBG Devices

Week 6
Thermal management of power converters

Week 7
High frequency design complexity

Week 8
High Frequency PCB designing

Week 9
Practical Design in KiCad/Altium

Week 10
Power density advantages

Week 11
Applications of wide bandgap devices

Week 12
Application based Simulation

Books and references

1. A. Lidow, J. Strydom, M. D. Rooij, D. Reusch, GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Convertion,
Wiley, 2014, ISBN-13: 978-1118844762.
2. F. Wang, Z. Zhang and E. A. Jones, Characterization of Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor
Devices, IET, ISBN-13: 978-1785614910.
3. G. Meneghesso, M. Meneghini, E. Zanoni, “Gallium Nitride-enabled High Frequency and High
Efficiency Power Conversion,” Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-319-77993-5. 1. Ned
Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins, “Power Electronics,” John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
4. B.J.Baliga, “Gallium Nitride and Silicon Carbide Power Devices,” World Scientific Publishing
Company (3 Feb. 2017).

1. L. Umanand and S. R. Bhat, “Design of Magnetic Components for Switched Mode Power
Converters,” John Wiley & Sons Australia, Limited, 1992.
2. L. Corradini, D. Maksimovic, P. Mattavelli, R.Zane, “Digital Control of High-Frequency
Switched-Mode Power Converters”, Wiley, ISBN-13: 978-1118935101.

M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics &Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A223008 PE-V
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course objectives:
Course Objectives of SMPS are to:
 Understand various modes of operation of DC-DC Converter.
 Examine isolated Switched-Mode Power Supplies.
 Explore control aspects of power supplies.
 Investigate the design considerations for power electronics.
 Explore the principles of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and its mitigation.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this SMPS course, students will be able to:
 Analyze various modes of operation of DC-DC converter Design different controllers
for converter.
 Analyze and design various isolated SMPS topologies.
 Design and analyze control systems for power supplies.
 Effectively design and select components for high-performance power electronic
 Design effective EMI suppression techniques.

Basic Converter Circuits: Buck Regulator, Buck- Boost Regulator, Boost
Regulator, Cuk Converters and Resonant Converters. Choice of switching

Isolated SMPS: Fly back Converter, Forward Converter, Half-Bridge and Full Bridge
Converters, Push- Pull Converter and SMPS with multiple outputs. Choice of
switching frequency.

Control Aspects: PWM Controllers, Isolation in feedback loop, Power Supplies with
multiple output. Stability analysis using Bode Diagrams.

Design Considerations: Selection of output filter capacitor, Selection of energy
storage inductor, Design of High Frequency Inductor and High frequency
Transformer, Selection of switches. Snubber circuit design, Design of driver circuits.
Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI): EMI Filter Components, Conducted
EMI suppression, Radiated EMI suppression, Measurement.
Protection: Over current protection, over voltage protection, Inrush
current protection.
Thermal Model: Thermal Resistance, Cooling Considerations, Selection of
Heat sinks, Simple Heat sink calculations.


1 H.W.Whittington, B.W. Flynnand, D.E. MacPherson, Switched Mode

Power Supplies, Design and Construction,, Universities Press, 2009
2 Mohan N. Undeland. T & Robbins W., Power Electronics Converters,
Application and Design. John Wiley, 3rd edition,2002
3 Umanand L., Bhat S.R., Design of magnetic components for switched
Mode Power Converters, Wiley EasternLtd.,1992
4 Robert. W. Erickson, D. Maksimovic., Fundamentals of Power
Electronics., Springer International Edition, 2005.

1. Krein P.T, Elements of Power Electronics., Oxford University Press

2. M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics. Prentice-Hall of India

Fundamentals Of Artificial Intelligence

M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
OE L T P C SEE Total
A223009 (MOOCS) 3 0 0 3 100

Course Layout
Week 1
AI and Problem Solving by Search
Week 2
Problem Solving by Search
Week 3
Problem Solving by Search
Week 4
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Week 5
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Week 6
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Week 7
Reasoning under Uncertainty
Week 8
Week 9
Planning and Decision Making
Week 10
Machine Learning
Week 11
Machine Learning
Week 12
Machine Learning

Books and references

1. Patrick Henry Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, 2004.
2. Nils J Nilsson, Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Illustrated Reprint Edition,
Springer Heidelberg, 2014.
3. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd
Edition, PHI 2009.
4. Nils J. Nilsson, Quest for Artificial Intelligence, First Edition, Cambridge
University Press, 2010.
Hydrogen Energy: Production, Storage, Transportation and Safety
M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives
Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
OE L T P C SEE Total
A223010 (MOOCS) 3 0 0 3 100

Course layout

Week 1 :

Properties of hydrogen, global status of supply and demand, methods of hydrogen

production, steam reforming, tutorial

Week 2 :

Advanced methods of steam reforming, partial oxidation, autothermal reforming,

combined reforming, reforming using alternate energy sources, tutorial
Week 3 :

Hydrogen production from methane decomposition, from coal and biomass,

Week 4 :

Hydrogen separation and purification, thermochemical cycles for hydrogen

production, fundamentals for electrolysis of water
Week 5 :

Components of electrolytic cell, configuration of electrolyser stack, different

electrolyser technologies, photoelectrochemical hydrogen production, technical
and economic comparison of different production methods and global status, cost
analysis, tutorial
Week 6 :

Introduction to hydrogen storage, underground hydrogen storage, fundamentals of

hydrogen compression and expansion
Week 7 :

Mechanical and non-mechanical hydrogen compressors; compressed hydrogen

tank types and design considerations, tutorial
Week 8 :

Hydrogen liquefaction, liquid state hydrogen storage tanks, fundamentals of

hydrogen storage in adsorption based materials
Week 9 :
Fundamentals and thermodynamics of absorption based hydrogen storage, metal
hydrides, types of metal hydrides, metal hydride based systems design, tutorial
Week 10 :

Novel materials for solid state hydrogen storage; economics of storage; Long
distance hydrogen transport via pipelines, ships and in form of LOHC; hydrogen
transport via road; hydrogen refuelling stations

Week 11 :

Use of hydrogen in internal combustion engines, fuel cells, hydrogen sensing

Week 12 :

Properties of hydrogen associated with hazards, classification of hydrogen

hazards, compressed and liquid hydrogen related hazards, regulation, codes and
standards, utilization of hydrogen in various sectors, global status and future

Books and references

1. Gupta, R. B., Hydrogen Fuel: Production, Transport and Storage, CRC Press,
Taylor & Francis Group, 2009.
2. Global Hydrogen Review 2021, IEA (2021),
3. AgataGodula-Jopek, Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis, Wiley-VCH,
Germany, 2015
4. Tzimas, E., Filiou, C., Peteves, S.D., &Veyret, J.B. “Hydrogen storage: state-of-
the-art and future perspective. Netherlands”: European Communities, 2003.
5. Michael Hirscher, “Handbook of Hydrogen Storage”, Wiley-VCH, 2010.

M. Tech I Year II Semester Power Electronics & Electric Drives

Code Category Hours / Week Credits Marks
A223011 OE
3 0 0 3 50 50 100

Course Objective:
To help the students to develop effective communication skills in all communicative
contexts for professional advancement

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
 Communicate technical and business correspondence
 Reflect on the themes discussed
 Recognize ethical implications of technical communication in
professional contexts
 Identify the contemporary issues in engineering from
environmental, societal, economic, and global perspectives
 Demonstrate ethical decisions in complex situations

E-World & E-Communication:
E-language - E-governance - E-commerce/E-business - E-banking - E-

Business Establishment & Infrastructure Development:
Power Supply - Industrial Park - Business Correspondence:
Follow-up letters - Acceptance & Rejections - Persuasive letters -
Resignation letters

Technology and Society:
Robot Soldiers - For a Snapshot of a Web - Placing an order -
Proposal Writing - Patents & Rights (National & International) -
Intellectual Property – Nanotechnology

Ethics in Business Communication:
Ethical issues involved in Business Communication - Ethical
dilemmas facing managers - Ethical Code & Communication -
Standards in Daily Life - Total Quality Management - World
University Ranking

Management Information System:
Corporate Governance - Business Process Outsourcing - Project
Management Communication - Marketing Communication

1. Dhanavel, P. S. English and Communication Skills for
Students of Science and Engineering. Orient Black

References Books:
1. Anderson, V. Paul. Technical Communication. Cengage.2014.
2. Kalkar, Anjali. Business Communication. Orient Black
3. Knisely, W. Charles. and Knisely, I. Karin. Engineering
Cengage. 2015.
4. Kumar, Sanjay and Push p Lata. Language and Communication
skills for Engineer s. Oxford University Press. 2018.
5. Raman, Meenakshi and Singh, Prakash. Business

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