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NEP-2020 Physics (U.G)

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Model Curriculum for Three/Four Year Degree Course

(With Multiple Entry /Exit Option)

Based on NEP-2020

(Single major and Two Minors)

(For Batch 2024-2027)

Sambalpur University
Jyoti Vihar, Sambalpur
Structure and Regulation………………………………..
Core Courses (4 Credits each) …………………………………
Major: Core-I (15 courses total in all semesters)
Minor: Core-II (3 courses in ODD Semester) & Core – III (3
courses in Even Semester)
Multidisciplinary Courses………………………………….
(3 courses to be chosen from the basket of Multidisciplinary, for Semester-I/II/III
with 3 credits each provided in the HEI. Students are advised to opt for courses
outside their discipline).
4. Ability Enhancement Courses…………………………..
(Compulsory Course for Semester-I: Odia/Hindi/Sanskrit/Urdu; Compulsory
Course for Semester-II: English, with 4 Credits each)
5. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)……………………....
(3 courses to be chosen from the basket of SEC for Semester-II/V/VI
respectively with 3 credits each)
Value Added Courses (VAC)………………………………........
Environmental Studies and Disaster Management compulsory
under Semester-I with 3 Credits.
3 courses to be chosen from baskets of VAC for Semester-III/V/VI with 3
credits each.
Summer Vocational Course ……………………………

(Students may choose vocational courses after 2 nd Semester and 4th Semester
for Certificate Course or Diploma Course respectively with 4 credit each, to
opt for exit. Student have to pay additional fees for the purpose as specified by
the course provider.)
Community Engagement & Services / Field Work/ Internship-----------

(Students have to engage in a field- based learning/Internship under the

guidance of an external entity in Semester-IV.)
UG Programme in Physics
Programme Outcomes:

The Undergraduate Programme in Physics is designed to result in:

PO1: Acquire adequate knowledge of the subject

PO2: Craft a foundation for higher learning
PO3: Be initiated into the basics of research
PO4: Imbibe sound moral and ethical values
PO5: Become conscious of environmental and societal responsibilities
PO6: Attain skills for communication and career
PO7: Learn to tolerate diverse ideas and different points of view
PO8: Become empowered to face the challenges of the changing universe

Course Outcomes

1: Understand the basic concepts of methodology of science and the fundamentals of

mechanics, properties of matter and electrodynamics, Mathematical Physics.
2: Understand the theoretical basis of Mathematical Physics, quantum mechanics, relativistic
physics, nuclear physics, optics, spectroscopy, solid state physics, astrophysics, statistical
physics, photonics and thermodynamics
3: Understand and apply the concepts of electronics in the designing of different analog and
digital circuits
4: Understand the basics of computer programming and numerical analysis
5: Apply and verify theoretical concepts through laboratory experiments
Three Year Degree Course with Single Major and Two Minors
Semest Core-I Core-II Core-III Multi- AEC SEC VAC Communit Total
er disciplinary y Minimu
Engageme m
nt & Credit
Services /
2X4=8 1X4=4 1X3=3 1X4=4 1X3=3 22
I Biophysics
Mathematical Mechanics Odia/Hindi/ Environment
Physics-1 Sanskrit/Urd al
u Studies and
Mechanics Management

2X4=8 1X4=4 1X3=3 1X4=4 1X3=3 22

II Environmental
Electricity and Electricity and English Renewable
Magnetism Magnetism Chemistry Energy and

*Vocational Course 1: Fundamental of Horticulture (4 Credits) 44

3X4=12 1x4=4 1x3=3 1x3=3 22

Waves and Optics Waves and Optics Introduction to Nanomaterial
Spectroscopy and Nano
III technology

Thermal Physics

3X4=12 1x4=4 1x4=4 20

.Analog System Analog System (Field Work /

Nuclear and
Particle Physics


*Vocational Course 2: Nursery Management (4 Credits)

3X4=12 1x4=4 1x3=3 1x3=3 22
.Digital System Digital System Applied Optics Basic
and Photonics Understanding
of Molecular
V Quantum Dynamics
Mechanics and

Solid State

2X4=8 1X4=4 1X3=3 1x3=3 18

Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Corrosion Ethics &
Theory Theory and Values
VI Prevention

Statistical Physics


Total 15X4=60 3X4=12 3X4=12 3X3=9 2X4=8 3X3=9 4X3=12 1X4=4 126

In case a student opts for NCC and clears ‘C’ certificate additional 16 credits shall be awarded and
total credit shall be 126+16 = 142 credits

*Vocational Course:

After 2nd Semester: Fundamental of Horticulture

After 4th Semester: Nursery Management
(Students may choose vocational courses after 2nd Semester and 4 th Semester for Certificate Course
or Diploma Course respectively with 4 credit each opt for exit. Student have to pay additional fees
for the purpose as specified by the course provider.)

In case a student opts for NCC and clears ‘C’ certificate additional 16 credits shall be awarded and
total credit shall be 126+16 = 142 credits

*Vocational Course:

After 2nd Semester: Fundamental of Horticulture

After 4th Semester: Nursery Management
(Students may choose vocational courses after 2nd Semester and 4 th Semester for Certificate Course
or Diploma Course respectively with 4 credit each opt for exit. Student have to pay additional fees
for the purpose as specified by the course provider.)
Physics Basket (Core-I)

Semest Four Year Hons. Four Year Hons. Three Year Three Year Three Year
er Without Research With Research Degree Course Degree Course Degree Course
with single Major with Double with three
and Two Minor Major Core without
I 1. (Mathematica 1. (Mathematical 1. (Mathematical 1. (Mathematic al 1. (Mathematical
Physics-1) Physics-1) Physics-1) Physics-1) Physics- 1)

2. (Mechanics) 2. (Mechanics) 2. (Mechanics) 2. (Mechanics)

II 3. (Electricity and 3. (Electricity and 3. (Electricity and 3. (Electricity and 2. (Mechanics)

Magnetism) Magnetism) Magnetism) Magnetism)

4. (Mathematical- 4. (Mathematical- 4. (Mathematical- 4. (Mathematical-

Physics-2) Physics-2) Physics-2) Physics-2)

III 5. (Wave and Optics) 5. (Wave and Optics) 5. (Wave and Optics) 5. (Wave and Optics) 3. Quantum
Mechanics and
6. (Mathematical- 6. (Mathematical- 6. (Mathematical- 6. (Mathematical- aplications
Physics-3) Physics-3) Physics-3) Physics- 3)
4. Electricity and
7. (Thermal Physics) 7. (Thermal Physics) 7. (Thermal Physics) 7. (Thermal Physics) Magnetism

IV 8. (Analog System) 8. (Analog System) 8. (Analog System) 8. (Analog System) 5. Analog

Electronics System
9. Basic 9. Basic 9. Basic 9. Basic
Instrumentation Instrumentation Instrumentation Instrumentation

10. Nuclear and 10. Nuclear and 10. Nuclear and 10. Nuclear and
Particle Physics Particle Physics Particle Physics Particle Physics

V 11. Digital System 11. Digital System 11. Digital System 11. Digital System 6. Wave and Optics

12. Quantum 12. Quantum Mechanics 12. Quantum 12. Quantum

Mechanics and and Mechanics and Mechanics and
Applications Applications Applications Applications

13. Solid State 13. Solid State 13. Solid State 13. Solid State
Physics Physics Physics Physics

VI 14. Electro- 14. Electro- 14. Electro- 14. Electro- 7. Solid State Physics
Magnetic Theory Magnetic Theory Magnetic Theory Magnetic Theory

15. Statistical Physics 15. Statistical Physics 15. Statistical Physics 15. Statistical Physics
VII 16. Mathematical 16.Classical
Methods in Mechanics
17. Quantum
17. Classical Mechanics
Mechanics 1

18. Quantum 18. Computational

Mechanics 1 Physics Lab

19. Computational
Physics Lab
VIII 20. Classical 19. Classical
Electrodynamics Electrodynami
21. Quantum
Mechanics 2 20. Optics and
22. Electronics Physics Lab

23. Optics and

Physics Lab

Total 23X4=92 20X4=80 15X4=60 15X4=60 7X4=28

One credit is equivalent to one hour of lecture or tutorials or two hours of practical work/field
work per week in a semester. One Credit will be generally equivalent to 15 hours of
Each semester shall comprise of 15 weeks of academic activities with a minimum of 90
working days.

Credit for different classes

Credit Theory Tutorial Practical/Field

1 1 Hour 1 Hour 2 Hours
Distribution of Marks in Semester End and Continuous Evaluation:
(Irrespective of credit in a course/Paper)
Course Maximum Semester Continuous Mid Semester Mid
Type Marks End Evaluation Semester End and Semester
Theory Marks / Theory Practical Practical
Marks Sessional Marks Marks Marks
Without 100 60 20 20 ---- ----
With 100 50 10 10 20 10

Distribution of Sessional Marks:

Course Maximum Mid Semester Attendance Surprise Assignment /

Type Marks Test / Presentation
Without 40 20 Above 95% - 5 Marks 10 05
With 30 (Theory 10 + 85%-94% - 4 Marks 05 Nil
Practical Practical 10) = 20
75%-84% - 3 Marks
Semester Course Course Name Credit Full Marks

Mathematical Physics-1 4 100

Mechanics 4 100

Electricity and Magnetism 4 100

Mathematical-Physics-2 4 100

Waves and Optics 4 100

III Mathematical- Physics-3 4 100

Thermal Physics 4 100

Analog System 4 100

Basic Instrumentation
IV 4 100

Nuclear and Particle Physics 4 100

Digital System 4 100

Quantum Mechanics and Applications
V 4 100
Solid State Physics
4 100
Electro- Magnetic Theory
4 100
Statistical Physics 4 100
Mathematical Methods in Physics 4 100

Classical Mechanics 4 100

Quantum Mechanics 1 4 100

Computational Physics Lab 4 100

Classical Electrodynamics 4 100

Quantum Mechanics 2 4 100

VIII Electronics 100
Optics and Modern Physics Lab 100
(This is to be offered to students opting Physics as minor; for Odd semester,
Core-II and for Even semester, Core-III)

Semester Course Course Name Credit Full Marks


I Mechanics (Core-II) 4 100

II Electricity and Magnetism (Core-III) 4 100

III Waves and Optics (Core-II) 4 100

IV Analog System (Core-III) 4 100

V Digital System (Core-II) 4 100

VI Electro- Magnetic Theory (Core-III) 4 100


Semester Course Course Name Credit Full Marks

Biophysics 3 100
Environmental Chemistry 3 100
Introduction to Spectroscopy 3 100


Semester Course Course Name Credit Full Marks

Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting 3 100
Applied Optics and Photonics 3 100
Corrosion and Prevention 3 100

Semester Course Name Credit Full Marks
Environmental Studies and Disaster Management
I 3 100

III Nanomaterial and Nano technology 3 100

V Basic Understanding of Molecular Dynamics 3 100

VI Ethics and Values 3 100


Semester Course Name Credit Full Marks

II Fundamental of Horticulture 4 100

IV Nursery Management 4 100

(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30hrs)

CO1 Basic understanding of Differential equations and their solutions, conceptual understanding of
CO2 Basic understanding of vector calculus and its differentiation.
CO3 Use of vector calculus to understand vector integration. Dirac delta function and its properties.
CO4 Understanding of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates and its application in vector differentiation.
CO5 To Understand the basic algorithm in application to functional algebra and error analysis.
Calculus -I: Plotting of functions, Intuitive ideas of continuous, differentiable functions and
plotting of curves, Approximation: Taylor and binomial series (statements only), First Order
Differential Equations and Integrating Factor, Second Order Differential equations: Homogeneous
Equations with constant coefficients, Wronskian and general solution, Statement of existence and
Uniqueness Theorem for Initial Value Problems, Particular Integral.

Calculus- II: Calculus of functions of more than one variable: Partial derivatives, exact and inexact
differentials. Integrating factor with simple illustration, Constrained Maximization using Lagrange
Vector algebra: Recapitulation of vectors: Properties of vectors under rotations. Scalar
product and its invariance under rotations, Vector product, Scalar triple product and their
interpretation in terms of area and volume respectively, Scalar and Vector fields.

Vector Differentiation: Directional derivatives and normal derivative, Gradient of a scalar

field and its geometrical interpretation, Divergence and curl of a vector field, Del and
Laplacian operators, Vector identities.

Vector Integration: Ordinary Integrals of Vectors, Multiple integrals, Jacobian, Notion of

infitesimal line,surface and volume elements, Line, surface and volume integrals of Vector fields,
Flux of a vector field,Gauss ’ divergence theorem, Green’s and Stokes Theorems and their
applications (no rigorous proofs) Dirac Delta function and its properties: Definition of Dirac
delta function. Representation as limit of a Gaussian function and rectangular function, Properties
of Dirac delta function.
Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates: Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates, Derivation of
Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian in Cartesian, Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinate
Systems, Comparisonof velocity and acceleration in cylindrical and spherical coordinate system.

Text books:
1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, G. B. Arfken, H. J. Weber, F. E. Harris ( 2013, 7th
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig (Wiley India.

Reference books:
1. Mathematical Physics C. Harper (Prentice Hall India)
2. Complex Variable: Schaum’s Outlines Series M. Spiegel (2nd Edition, Mc- Graw
3. Complex variables and applications, J. W. Brown and R.V. Churchill
4. Mathematical Physics, Satya Prakash (Sultan Chand)
5. Mathematical Physics, B. D. Gupta (4th edition, Vikas Publication)

6. Mathematical Physics and Special Relativity, M. Das, P.K. Jena and B.K. Dash
(Srikrishna Prakashan)
7. Mathematical Physics – H.K. Das, Dr. Rama Verma (S. Chand Publishing)
8. Mathematical Physics, B.S. Rajput, (Pragati Prakashan
LAB: Credit-1
The aim of this Lab is not just to teach computer programming and numerical analysis but to
emphasize itsrole in solving problems in Physics.
- Highlights the use of computational methods to solve physical problems
- Evaluation done not on the programming but on the basis of formulating the problem
- Aim at teaching students to construct the computational problem to be solved
- Students can use any one operating system Linux or Microsoft Windows.
Introduction and Overview: Computer architecture and organization, memory and
devices. Basics of scientific computing: Binary and decimal arithmetic, Floating point numbers,
algorithms, Sequence, Selection and Repetition, single and double precision arithmetic, underflow and
overflow emphasize the importance of making equations in terms of dimensionless variables, Iterative
methods. Algorithm Errors and error Analysis: Truncation and round off errors, Absolute and relative
errors, Floating point computations. Systematic and Random Errors, Propagation of Errors, Normal
Law of Errors, Standard and Probable Error.
Review of C and C++ Programming: Introduction to Programming, constants,Variables
andFundamentals data types, operators and Expressions, I/O statements, scanf and printf, c in
and c out, Manipulators for data format- ting, Control statements (decision making and looping
statements) (If Statement, Ifelse Statement, NestedIfstructure, ElseIfStatement, Ternaryoperator, Goto
Statement. Switch Statement. Unconditional and Conditional Looping. While Loop. Do-
While Loop. FOR Loop. Break and Continue Statements. Nested Loops), Arrays (1D and 2D)
and strings, user defined functions, Structures and Unions, Idea of classes and objects.
Programs: Sum and average of a list of numbers, largest of a given list of numbers and its location
in the list, sorting of numbers in ascending descending order, Binary search.
Random number generation: Area of circle, area of square, volume of sphere, value ofτ.

Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Numerical Analysis, S.S. Sastry, 5th Edn., 2012, PHI Learning

2. Schaum’s Outline of Programming with C++.J.Hubbard, 2000, Mc Graw–Hill Pub.

3. Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing, W.H. Pressetal, 3rd

Edn.2007, Cambridge University Press.
4. A first course in Numerical Methods, U.M. Ascher and C. Greif, 2012, PHI

5. Elementary Numerical Analysis, K. E. Atkinson, 3 rd Edn. , 2007 , Wiley India


6. Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, R.W. Hamming, 1973, Courier
7. An Introduction to computational Physics, T.Pang,2ndEdn., 2006,Cam- bridgeUn

(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30hrs)

CO-1 To Learn the basic concepts of Rigid body dynamics, Radius of Gyration, Moment of
Inertia,Non-Inertial Systems
CO-2 To Understand the concept of Elasticity, Fluid motion and Types of Vibration
CO-3 To understand the concept of Newtonian theory through Gravitation, Central force motion,
Keplar’slaws, GPS
CO-4 To learn the concept of Special theory of Relativity, Michelson- Morley experiment, Lorentz
transformation, Relativistic Doppler effect.
CO-5 Apply the basic concepts of Mechanics in experiments.

Rotational Dynamics: Centre of Mass, Motion of CoM, Centre of Mass and Laboratory frames,
Angular momentum of a particle and system of particles, Principle of conservation of angular
momentum, Rotation about a fixed axis, Moment of Inertia, Perpendicular and Parallel Axis
Theorems, Routh Rule, Calculation of moment of inertia for cylindrical and spherical bodies,
Kinetic energy of rotation, Euler’s Equations of Rigid Body motion, Motion involving both
translation and rotation. Moment of Inertia of a Flywheel.
Non-Inertial Systems: Non-inertial frames and fictitious forces, uniformly rotating frame, Laws
of Physics in rotating coordinate systems, Centrifugal force, Coriolis force.

Damped oscillation. Equation of motion and solution (cases of oscillatory, critically damped and
overdamped) Forced oscillations: Transient and steady states; Resonance, sharpness of resonance;
power dissipation and Quality Factor, Bar Pendulum, Katers Pendulum
Elasticity: Relation between Elastic constants, Twisting torque on a Cylinder or Wire, Bending
of beams, External bending moment, Flexural rigidity, Single and double cantilever
Fluid Motion: Kinematics of Moving Fluids: Poiseuilles Equation for Flow of a Liquid through a
Capillary Tube, Surface tension, Gravity waves and ripple
Viscosity: Poiseuilles Equation for Flow of a Liquid with corrections.
Gravitation and Central Force Motion: Law of gravitation, Gravitational potential energy,
Inertial and gravitational mass, Potential and field due to spherical shell and solid sphere, Motion of a
particle under a central force field, Two-body problem and its reduction to one-body problem and its
solution, Differential Equation of motion with central force and its solution, The first Integrals (two),
Concept of power Law Potentials, Kepler’s Laws of Planetary motion, Satellites. Geosynchronous
orbits, Weightlessness, Basic idea of global positioning system (GPS).
Special Theory of Relativity: Michelson-Morley Experiment and its out-come, Postulates of
Special Theory of Relativity, Lorentz Transformations, Simultaneity and order of events, Lorentz
contraction, Time dilation, Relativistic transformation of velocity, Frequency and wave
number, Relativistic addition of velocities, Variation of mass with velocity, Massless Particles,
Mass- energy Equivalence, Relativistic Doppler effect, Relativistic Kinematics, Transformation of
Energy and Momentum.

Text Books:
1. Mechanics, D. S. Mathur ( S. Chand Publishing)
2. Introduction to Special Relativity, R. Resnick (John Wiley)

Reference Books:
1. Introduc tion to Mechanics Daniel Klapnner and Robert Kolenkow, McgrawHill.
2. Mechanics by K.R Simon
3. Mechanics, Berkeley Physics, vol. 1, C.Kittel, W. Knight, etal (Tata McGraw-
4. Physics, Resnick, Halliday and Walker (8/e.2008,Wiley)
5. Theoretical Mechanics-M.R. Spiegel (Tata McGrawHill).
6. Feynman Lectures, Vol. I, R.P.Feynman, R.B.Leighton, M.Sands (Pearson)
7. Mechanics-M.Das, P.K.Jena and R.N. Mishra (SrikrishnaPublications)
8. Classical Mechanics , Gupta Kumar & Sharama,(Pragati Prakashan)
9. Classical Mechanics, J.C.Upadhyaya, (Himalaya Publishing Home)
LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 4 experiments are to be done):
1. To study surface tension by capillary rise method.
2. To determine the height of a building using a Sextant.
3. To study the Motion of Spring and calculate (a) Spring constant, (b) g and (c)Modulus of
4. To determine the Moment of Inertia of a Flywheel.
5. To determine Coefficient of Viscosity of water by Capillary Flow Method (Poiseuillesmethod).
6. To determine the Modulus of Rigidity of a Wire by Maxwell’s needle.
7. To determine the value of g using Bar Pendulum.
8. To determine the value of g using Kater’s Pendulum.

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B. L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971,
AsiaPublishing House.

2. Advanced level Physics Practical’s, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th Edition,
reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers.
3. A Text ook of Practical Physics, I. Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11thEdn, 2011,
Kitab Mahal
(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30hrs)

CO-1 To understand the basic concepts of Electricity and Magnetism

CO-2 To Understand the various phenomena in Electricity and Magnetism
CO-3 To Understand Circuit analysis and network theorems
CO-4 To Explain the Dynamics of Charged Particles
CO-5 To Apply the acquired knowledge in Experiment.
Electric Field and Electric Potential

Electric field: Electric field lines, Electric flux, Gauss Law with applications to charge distributions
with spherical, cylindrical and planar symmetry, Conservative nature of Electrostatic Field.
Electrostatic Potential, Potential and Electric Field of a dipole, Force and Torque on a dipole,
Potential calculation in different simple cases, Laplace and Poisson equations, The Uniqueness
Theorem, Method of Images and its application to (1) Plane Infinite Sheet and (2) Sphere.
Electrostatic energy of system of charges, Electrostatic energy of a charged sphere, Conductors
inan electrostatic Field, Surface charge and force on a conductor.
Magnetic Field: Magnetic Force, Lorentz Force, Biot Savarts Law, Cur- rent Loop as a Magnetic
Dipole and its Dipole Moment (analogy with Electric Dipole), Amperes Circuital Law and its
application to (1) Solenoid (2) Toroid ( 3) Helmhotz coil, Properties of curl and divergence, Vector
Potential, Ballistic Galvanometer: Torque on a current Loop, Current and Charge Sensitivity,
Electromagnetic damping, Logarithmic damping, CDR.
Dielectric Properties of Matter: Electric Field in matter, Polarization, Polarization Charges,
Electrical Susceptibility and Dielectric Constant, Capacitor (parallel plate, spherical, cylindrical)
filled with dielectric, Displacement vector D, Relations between E, P and D, Gauss Law in dielectrics.
Magnetic Properties of Matter: Magnetization vector (M), Magnetic Intensity (H), Magnetic
Susceptibility and permeability, Relation between B, H, M, Ferromagnetism, B-H curve and
hysteresis. Electromagnetic Induction: Faradays Law, Lenz’s Law, Self -Inductance and Mutual
Inductance, Reciprocity Theorem, Energy stored in a Magnetic Field, Introduction to Maxwell’s
Electrical Circuits: AC Circuits: Kirchhoffs laws for AC circuits, Complex Reactance and
Impedance, SeriesLCR Circuit: (1) Resonance (2) Power Dissipation (3) Quality Factor, (4) Band
Width, Parallel LCR Circuit.
Network theorems: Kirchoff’s law for electrical circuits, Ideal Constant-voltageand Constant-
current Sources.
Network Theorems: Thevenin theorem, Norton theorem, Superposition theorem, Reciprocity
theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem, Applications to DC circuits. Transient Currents
Growth and decay of current in RC and LR circuits.
Text Books:

1. Introduction to Electrodynamics – D.J. Griffiths (Pearson, 4th edition, 2015)

2. Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory-Ritz and Milford (Pearson)
Reference Books:
1. Classical Electrodynamics, J. D. Jackson (Wiley).
2. Electricity and Magnetism D. C. Tayal (Himalaya Publishing house)
3. Electricity, Magnetism and Electromagnetic Theory- S. Mahajan and Choudhury
(Tata McGraw Hill)
4. F eynman Lectures Vol. 2, R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, M. Sands
5. (Pearson)
6. Electricity and Magnetism, J. H. Fewkes and J. Yarwood. Vol. I (Oxford Univ.
7. Classical Electromagnetism, H.C.Verma, Bharati Bhawan


LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 4 experiments are to be done):

Use a Multimeter for measuring (a) Resistances, (b) AC and DC Voltages, c)DCCurrent, (d)
Capacitances, and (e) Checking electrical fuses.
1. To study the characteristics of a series RC Circuit.
2. To determine an unknown Low Resistance using Potentiometer.
3. To determine an unknown Low Resistance using Carey Fosters Bridge.
4. To compare capacitances using DeSauty’s bridge.
5. Measurement of field strength B and its variation in a solenoid (determine dB/dx)
6. To verify the Thevenin and Norton theorems.
7. To determine self-inductance of a coil by Andersons bridge.
8. To study response curve of a Series LCR circuit and determine its (a) Reso- nant
frequency, (b) Impedanceat resonance, (c) Quality factor Q, and (d) Band width.
9. To study the response curve of a parallel LCR circuit and determine its (a)
10. Anti-resonance frequency and (b) Quality factor Q.
Reference Books:

1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971, Asia
Publishing House
2. A Text Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th Ed., 2011,
Kitab Mahal
3. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th
Edition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers

4. A Laboratory Manual of Physics for undergraduate classes, D.P.Khandelwal,

1985, Vani Pub

(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h
The emphasis of the course is on applications in solving problems of interest to physicists.
Students are to be examined on the basis of problems, seen and unseen.
CO-1: Conceptual understanding of Fourier series and its application in periodic function.
CO-2: Understanding the various special functions and its properties.
CO-3: Understanding various polynomials and special integrations.
CO-4: To learn the applications of partial differential equation.
CO-5: To apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems.

Fourier Series-I: Periodic functions, Orthogonality of sine and cosine functions, Dirichlet Conditions
(Statement only), Expansion of periodic functions in a series of sine and cosine functions and
determination of Fourier coefficients, Complex representation of Fourier series, Expansion of
functions with arbitrary period, Expansion of non-periodic functions over an interval, Even and odd
functions and their Fourier expansions and Application, Summing of Infinite Series, Term-by-Term
differentiation and integration of Fourier Series, Parseval Identity.

Frobenius Method and Special Functions: Singular Points of Second Order Linear Differential
Equations and their importance, Singularities of Bessel’s and Laguerre Equations, Frobenius
method and its applications to differential equations: Bessel, Legendre and Hermite Differential
Equations, Legendre and Hermite Polynomials: Rodrigues Formula, G enerating Function,
Polynomials: Simple recurrence relations of Legendre and Hermite Polynomials, Expansion of
function ina series of Legendre Polynomials, Associated Legendre Differential Equation, Associated
Legendre polynomials, Spherical Harmonics. Spherical Bessel’s Function (1st and 2nd kind).
Some Special Integrals: Beta and Gamma Functions and relation between them, Expression
of Integrals in terms of Gamma Functions, Error Function (Probability Integral).
Partial Differential Equations: Solutions to partial differential equations using separation of
variables: Laplace’s Equation in problems of rectangular, cylindrical and spherical symmetry.
Conducting and dielectric sphere in an external uniform electric field. Wave equation and its
solution for vibrational modes of a stretched string.

Text Books:

1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, G.B.Arfken, H.J.Weber, F.E.Harris.(2013,7th

2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig ( Wiley India)

Reference Books:
1. Mathematical Physics and Special Relativity, M. Das, P.K. Jena and B.K. Dash
(Srikrishna Prakashan)
2. Mathematical Physics–H. K. Dass, Dr. Rama Verma (S. Chand Publishing)
3. Mathematical Physics C. Harper (Prentice Hall India)
4. Complex Variable: Schaum’ s Outlines Series M. Spiegel (2nd Edition, McGraw Hill
5. Complex variables and applications J.W.Brown and R.V.Churchill
6. Mathematical Physics, Satya Prakash (Sultan Chand)
7. Mathematical Physics B. D. Gupta (4th edition, Vikas Publication)
8. Mathematical Physics, B.S.Rajput, Pragati Prakashan

LAB: Credit-1
The aim of this Lab is to use the computational methods to solve physical problems. Course will
consist of

lectures (both theory and practical) in the Lab. Evaluation done not on the programming but on
the basis of formulating the problem.


Introduction to Numerical computation software Scilab: Introduction to Scilab, Advantages and

disadvantages, Scilab computation software Scilab environment, Command window, Figure window,
Edit window, Variables and arrays, Initialising variables in Scilab, Multidimensional arrays, Subarray,
Special values, Displaying output data, data file, Scalar and array operations, Hierarchy of
operations, Built in Scilab functions, Introduction to plotting, 2D and 3D plotting (2), Branching
Statements and program design, Relational and logical operators, the while loop, for loop, detailsof
loop operations, break and continue statements, nested loops, logical arrays and vectorization (2) User
defined functions, Introduction to Scilab functions, Variable passing in Scilab, optional arguments,
preserving data between calls to a function, Complex and Character data, string function,
Multidimensional arrays (2) an introduction to Scilab file processing, file opening and closing,
Binary I/o functions, comparing binary and formatted functions, Numerical methods and developing
the skills of writing a program(2).
Curve fitting, Least square fit Goodness of fit, standard constant Deviation:Ohms
law to calculate R, Hookes law to calculate spring constant
Solution of Linear system of equations by Gauss elimination Solution method and Gauss
Seidal method. Diagonalization matrices, Inverse of a matrix, Eigen vectors, problems:
Solution of mesh equations of electric circuits (3meshes), Solution of coupled spring mass
systems (3meshes).
Solution of ODE First order Differential equation Euler, modiftedEuler Runge-Kutta second
methods Second order differential equation. Fixed difference method:
First order diferential equation
• Radioactivedecay

• Current in RC, LC circuits with DCsource

• Newtons law ofcooling
Classical equations of motion

Second order Differential Equation
• Harmonic oscillator (no friction)

• Damped Harmonic oscillator

• Overdamped
• Critical damped
• Oscillatory
• Forced Harmonic oscillator
• Transient and Steady state solution
• Apply above to LCR circuits also
Reference Books:
1. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineers, K.FRiley, M. P. Hobson and
S. J.20 Bence, 3rd ed., 2006, Cambridge University Press.

2. Complex Variables, A.S. Fokas and M.J. Ablowitz, 8th Ed., 2011,
Cambridge Univ. Press.

3. First course in complex analysis with applications, D.G.Zill and P.D.

Shana-han, 1940, Jones and Bartlett.

4. Simulation of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB, OCTAVE and SCILAB:

Scientific and Engineering Applications: A.V. Wouwer, P. Saucez, C.V. Fern-
ndez. 2014 Springer.
5. Scilab by example: M. Affouf 2012, ISBN: 978-1479203444

6. Scilab (A free software to Matlab):H. Ramchandran, A.S.Nair.2011S.Chand

and Company
7. Scilab Image Processing: Lambert M. Surhone. 2010 Beta script Publishing.
(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h
CO-1 Basic understanding ofpropagation of light, its application and wave nature.
CO-2 To Understand the concepts of wave motion.
CO-3 To Understand the concepts of interference and its application.
CO-4 To Understand the concepts of diffraction and its application.
CO-5 To Apply the acquired knowledge of optics in Experiment
UNlT - I
Geometrical optics: Fermat’s principle, reflection and refraction at plane interface, Matrix
formulation of geometrical Optics, Cardinal points and Cardinal planes of an optical system,
Idea of dispersion, Application to thick Lens and thin Lens, Ramsden and Huygens eyepiece. Wave
Optics : Electromagnetic nature of light. Definition and properties of wave front Huygens Principle.
Temporal and Spatial Coherence.

Wave Motion: Plane and Spherical Waves, Longitudinal and Transverse Waves, Plane Progressive (Traveling)
Waves, Wave Equation, Particle and Wave Velocities, Differential Equation, Pressure of a Longitudinal Wave,
Energy Trans- port, Intensity of Wave. Superposition of two perpendicular Harmonic Oscillations: Graphical
and Analytical Methods, Lissajous Figures (1:1 and 1:2) and their uses, Superposition of Harmonic waves.

Interference: Division of amplitude and wave front, Young’s double slit experiment, Lloyds Mirror
and Fresnels Bi-prism, Phase change on reflection: Stokes treatment, Interference in Thin Films:
parallel and wedge-shaped films, Fringes of equal inclination (Haidinger Fringes), Fringes of equal
thickness (Fizeau Fringes), Newton’s Rings: Measurement of wavelength and refractive index.
Interferometer : Michelson’s Interferometer-( 1) Idea of form of fringes ( No theory required), ( 2)
Determination of Wavelength, ( 3) Wavelength Difference, ( 4) Refractive Index, and ( 5) Visibility
of fringes, Fabry-Perot interferometer.

Fraunhoffer diffraction: Single slit, Circular aperture, Resolving Power of a telescope, Double
slit, Multiple slits, Diffraction grating, Resolving power of grating. Fresnel Diffraction: Fresnel’s
Assumptions, Fresnel’s Half-Period Zones for Plane Wave, Explanation of Rectilinear Propagation of
Light, Theory of a Zone Plate: Multiple Foci of a Zone Plate, Fresnel’s Integral, Fresnel diffraction
pattern of a straight edge,as lit and a wire.
Text Books:

1. A text book of Optics N. Subhramanyam and BrijLal (S.Chand Publishing)

2. Optics - Ajoy Ghatak (McGraw Hill)

Reference Books:
1. Optics- E. Hecht( Pearson)
2. Fundamentals of Optics-F. A. Jenkins and H. E. White(McGraw-Hill)
3. Geometrical and Physical Optics R.S. Longhurst (Orient Blackswan)
4. The Physics of Vibrations and Waves- H. J .Pain( John Wiley)
5. Optics P. K. Chakraborty.
6. Principles of Optics-Max Born and Emil Wolf (Pergamon Press)
7. The Physics of Waves and Oscillations-N. K. Bajaj (Mc Graw Hill


LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 5 experiments are to be done)
1. To determine the frequency of an electric tuning fork by Melde’ s experiment and
verify 2-T law.
2. To plot the I-D curve and to determine the refractive index of a prism
3. To determine refractive index of the Material of a prism using sodium source.
4. To determine the dispersive power and Cauchy constants of the material of a prism
using mercurysource.
5. To determine wavelength of sodium light using Newton’ s Rings.
6. To determine wavelength of (1) Na source and (2) spectral lines of Hgsource using
planediffraction grating.
7. To determine dispersive power and resolving power of a plane diffraction grating.
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop,
1971, AsiaPublishing House

2. A Text Book of Practical Physics, I. Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th Ed.,

2011,Kitab Mahal

3. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn,

4thEdition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers

4. A Laboratory Manual of Physics for undergraduate classes, D. P.

Khandelwal, 1985,Vani
(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h
CO-1 :Understanding and application of Complex function variables.

CO-2:Understanding the concept of Fourier Integral transform.

CO-3:To Understand the properties and application of Fourier integral transformation.
CO-4:To Understand the properties and application of Laplace integral transformation.
CO-5:To Apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems.

Complex Analysis: Brief Revision of Complex Numbers and their Graphical Representation
Euler’s formula, De Moivres theorem, Roots of complex Numbers, Functions of Complex
Variables, Analyticity and Cauchy-Riemann Conditions, Examples of analytic functions, Singular
functions: poles and branch points, order of singularity, branch cuts, Integration of a function of a
complex variable, Cauchys Inequality, Cauchys Integral formula, Simply and multiply connected
region, Laurent and Taylors expansion, Residues and Residue Theorem, Application in solving
Definite Integrals.
Integral Transforms-I: Fourier Transforms: Fourier Integral theorem, Fourier Transform,
Examples, Fourier Transform of trigonometric, Gaussian, finite wave train and other functions,
Representation of Dirac delta function as a Fourier Integral, Fourier transform of derivatives, Inverse
Fourier Transform.
Integral Transforms-II: Convolution theorem, Properties of Fourier Trans- forms
(translation, change of scale, complex conjugation), Three dimensional Fourier transforms with
examples, Application of Fourier Transforms to differential equations: One dimensional Wave and
Diffusion/Heat flow Equations.
Laplace Transforms: Laplace Transforms (LT) of Elementary functions,

Properties of Laplace Transforms: Change of Scale Theorem, Shifting Theorem, LTs of Derivatives
and Integrals of Functions, Derivatives and Integrals of Functions, Derivatives and Integrals of LTs.
LT of Unit Step function, Dirac Delta function, Periodic Functions, Inverse LT, Application of Laplace
Transforms to Differential Equations: Damped Harmonic Oscillator, Simple Electrical Circuits.

Text Books:
1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, G.B.Arfken, H.J.Weber, F.E.Harris(
2013, 7thEdn., Elsevier)
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, ErwinKreyszig (WileyIndia)
Reference Books:
1. Mathematical Physics and Special Relativity– M.Das, P.K.Jena and B.K.
Dash(Srikrishna Prakashan)
2. Mathematical Physics–H. K. Dass, Dr. Rama Verma (S. Chand Publishing)
3. Mathematical Physics C. Harper (Prentice Hall India)
4. Complex• Variable: Schaum’s Outlines Series M. Spiegel (2nd Edition , Mc-
Graw HillEducation)
5. Complex variables and applications J.W.Brown and R.V.Churchill
6. Mathematical Physics, Satya Prakash (Sultan Chand)
7. Mathematical Physics B.D.Gupta (4thedition,VikasPublication)
8. Mathematical Physics B.S.Rajput, Pragati Prakashan
9. Mathematical physics-III,( University Physics), Dr. Ranjan Kumar Bhuyan,
HimalayaPublishing House


LAB: Credit-1
Scilab based simulations (XCos) experiments based on Mathematical Physics problems
. Solve simple differential equations like:

= e−x witℎ y x = 0 = 0

+ e−x = x2 witℎ y x = 0 = 0

witℎ y (x = 0 = 0, y' x = 0) = 1

+ e−x witℎ y (x = 0 = 0, y' x = 0 = 1

Direct Delta Function:

Evaluate , for σ = 0. 1, 0.01, 0.001 and show that it tends to


Fourier Series:
Program to sum; evaluate the Fourier Coefficients of a given
periodic function (Square Wave)
Frobenius Method and Special Functions:

Plot Pn(x), Legendre polynomial of degree n, and Jn(x), Bessel

function of first kind.Show Recursion relation.

. Calculation of error for each data point of observations recorded in

experiments done in previoussemesters ( choose any two)

. Calculation of least square fitting manually without giving weightage to error.

Confirmation of leastsquare fitting of data through computer Programme.

. Evaluation of trigonometric functions e.g. Sinϴ, Given Bessel’s function at N

points, find its valueat an intermediate point.

Complex analysis: Calculate ∫ and check it with computer integration.

. Integral transform: FFT of e−x

Reference Books:

1. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineers, K. FRiley, M.P. Hobson and S.
J. Bence, 3rd ed., 2006, Cambridge University Press.
2. Mathematics for Physicists, P. Denneryand A.Krzywicki, 1967, Dover Publications.
3. Simulation of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB, OCTAVE and SCILAB:
Scientific and Engineering Applications: A. Vande Wouwer, P. Saucez, C.V.
Fernndez. 2014 Springer ISBN: 978-3319067896

4. Scilab by example: M. Affouf, 2012. ISBN: 978-1479203444

5. S ilab (AfreesoftwaretoMatlab): H.Ramchandran, A.S.Nair.2011 S.Chand And
Company, Scilab Image Processing: Lambert M. Surhone. 2010 Betas cript
(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h

CO-1:Basic understanding of thermodynamics and various thermal variables.

CO-2:Understanding various thermodynamics potential applications and their properties.

CO-3:To Understand the concepts of ideal gas and its thermal properties.
CO-4:To Understand the concepts of real gas and its thermal properties.
CO-5:To Apply the acquired knowledge of thermodynamics in Experiments

Introduction to Thermodynamics Recapitulation of Zeroth and First law of thermodynamics,
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Reversible and Irreversible process with examples, Kelvin-Planck
and Clausius Statements and their Equivalence, Carnot’s Theorem, Applications of Second Law
of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature and its Equivalence to Perfect Gas Scale.
Entropy: Concept of Entropy, Clausius Theorem. Clausius Inequality, Second Law of
Thermodynamics in terms of Entropy, Entropy of a perfect gas, Principle of increase of Entropy,
Entropy Changes in Reversible and Irreversible processes with examples, Entropy of the Principle of
Increase of Entropy, Temperature Entropy diagrams for Carnot’s Cycle, Third Law of
Thermodynamics, Unattainability of Absolute Zero.

Thermodynamic Potentials: Extensive and Intensive Thermodynamic Variables. Internal
Energy, Enthalpy, Helmholtz Free Energy, Gibbs Free Energy, Their Definitions, Properties and
Applications, Surface Films and Variation of Surface Tension with Temperature, Magnetic Work,
Cooling due to adiabatic demagnetization.
Phase Transitions: First and second order Phase Transitions with examples, Clausius Clapeyron
Equation and Ehrenfest equations.
Maxwells Thermodynamic Relations: Derivations and applications of Maxwells Relations,
Maxwells Relations: (1) Clausius Clapeyron equation (2) Relation between Cp and Cv (3) TdS
Equations, (4) Joule-Kelvin coefficient for Ideal and. Vander Waal Gases (5) Energy equations (6)
Change of Temperature during Adiabatic Process.

Kinetic Theory of Gases

Distribution of Velocities: Maxwell-Boltzmann Law of Distribution of Velocities in an Ideal Gas and

its Experimental Verification, Sterns Experiment, Mean, RMS and Most Probable Speeds, Degrees
of Freedom, Law of Equipartition of Energy (No proof required), Specific heats of Gases.
Molecular Collisions: Mean Free Path, Collision Probability, Estimates of Mean Free Path,

Transport Phenomenon in Ideal Gases: (1) Viscosity, (2) Thermal Conductivity and (3) Diffusion.
Brownian Motion and its Significance.


Real Gases: Behavior of Real Gases: Deviations from the Ideal Gas Equation, The Virial Equation,
Andrews Experiments on CO2 Gas. Critical Constants, Continuity of Liquid and Gaseous State.
Vapour and Gas, Boyle Temperature, Van der Waals Equation of State for Real Gases, Values of
Critical Constants, Law of Corresponding States, Comparison with Experimental Curves, P-V
Diagrams, Joules Experiment, Free Adiabatic Expansion of a Perfect Gas, Joule- Thomson Porous
Plug Experiment, Joule- Thomson Effect for Real and Van der Waal Gases, Temperature of
Inversion, Joule-Thomson Cooling.

Text Books:
1. Thermal Physics, A. B. Gupta ( Books and allied Ltd)
2. Heat and Thermodynamics, M.W. Zemansky, Richard Dittman (McGraw- Hill)

Reference Books:

1. Theory and experiments on thermal Physics, P.K.Chakrabarty (New cen- tral

book agency limited)
2. Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics- Sears and
Salinger (Narosa)
3. A Treatise on Heat- Meghnad Saha and B.N.Srivastava (The Indian Press) Heat,
and thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, N.Subrahmanyam and Brij Lal
(S.Chand Publishing)
4. Thermal and Statistical Physics M.Das, P.K. Jena, S. Mishra, R.N.Mishra (Shri
Krishna Publication)
5. Heat, Thermodynamics and statistical physics, Brijlal, Subhramanyam
and Hemne, S.Chand Publication.
LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 5 experiments are to be done)

1. To determine Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, J, by Callender and Barnes constant flow

2. To determine the Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity of a bad conductor by Leeand
Charltons disc method.
3. To determine the Temperature Coefficient of Resistance by Platinum ResistanceThermometer

4. To study the variation of Thermo-Emf of a Thermocouple with Difference ofTemperature

of its Two Junctions.
5. To determine J by Caloriemeter.
6. To determine the specific heat of liquid by the method of cooling.
7. To determine the specific heat of solid by applying radiation of correction

Reference Books:

1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B. L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971, Asia
Publishing House

2. A Text Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th Ed., 2011,Kitab

3. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4thEdition,
reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
4. A Laboratory Manual of Physics for undergraduate classes, D.P.Khandelwal, 1985,
Vani Pub.
(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h

CO-1:Basic understanding of semiconductor diodes, devices and their applications.

CO-2 :To Understand the basic concepts in transistors and amplifiers.
CO-3:To Understand the concept of coupled amplifier and its application in feedback circuit.
CO-4:To Understand the concepts of operational amplifier and its application.
CO-5:To Apply the acquired knowledge of electronic circuits in Experiments.

Semiconductor Diodes: P and N type semiconductors, energy level diagram, conductivity and
Mobility, Concept of Drift velocity, PN junction fabrication (simple idea), Barrier formation in
PN Junction Diode, Static and Dynamic Resistance, Current flow mechanism in Forward and
Reverse Biased Diode, Drift velocity, derivation for Barrier Potential, Barrier Width and
current Step Junction.
Two terminal device and their applications: (1) Rectifier Diode: Half-wave Rectifiers.
center- tapped and bridge type Full-wave Rectifiers, Calculation of Ripple Factor and
Rectification Efficiency, L and C Filters (2) Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation, Principle
and structure of LEDS, Photo diode(3) Solar Cell.

Bipolar Junction Transistors: n-p-n and p-n-p transistors, Characteristics of CB, CE and CC
Configurations, Current gains a and b, Relation between a and b, Load line analysis of
Transistors, DC Load line and Q-point, Physical mechanism of current flow, Active, Cut-off
and Saturation Regions.
Transistors Biasing: Transistor Biasing and Stabilization circuits, Fixed Bias and Voltage
Divider Bias.
Amplifiers: Transistors as 2-port network h-parameter Equivalent Circuit, Analysis of a single
stage CE amplifier using Hybrid Model, Input and Output impedance, Current, Voltage and
Power Gains.

Classification of class A, B and C amplifiers, Push-pull amplifier (classB).
Coupled Amplifier: RC-coupled amplifier and its frequency response.
Feedback in Amplifiers: Effect of Positive and Negative Feedback on In- put Impedance,
Output Impedance, Gain Stability, Distortion and Noise. Sinusoidal Oscillations: Barkhausens
criterian for self- sustained oscillations. RC Phase shift oscillator, determination of Frequency,
Hartley and Colpitts oscillators.

Operational Amplifiers (Black Box approach): Characteristics of an Ideal and Practical

OP-AMP (IC741). Open-loop and Closed loop Gain. Frequency Response. CMRR, Slew
Rate and concept of virtual ground.
Applications of Op-Amps: (1) Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers (2) Adder(3) Subtractor
(4) Differentiator, (5) Integrator (6) Log amplifier, (7) Zero crossing detector (8) Wein

Text Books:
1. Foundations of Electronics-Raskhit and Chattopadhyay (New age
2. Concept of Electronics- D. C.Tayal ( HimalayPublication)
Reference Books:
1. Electronic devices and circuits R. L. Boylstad(PearsonIndia)
2. Electronic Principles- A.P.Malvino (Tata McGrawHill)
3. Principles of Electronics- V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta (S. Chand Pub- lication)
4. OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit-R. A. Gayakwad (PrenticeHall)
5. Physics of Semiconductor devices, DonaldANeamen(PrenticeHall)
6. Analog System and Application: Gupta Kumar, Pragati Prakashan


LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 5 experiments are to be done)

1. To study the V-I characteristics of a Zener diode and its use as voltage regulator.
2. Study of V-I and power curves of solar cells, and find maximum power point and
3. To study the characteristics of a Bipolar Junction Transistor in CE configuration.
4. T o study the various biasing configurations of BJT for normal class A operation.
5. To study the frequency response of voltage gain of a RC-coupled transistor
6. To design a Wien bridge oscillator for given frequency using a non-amp.
7. To design a phase shift oscillator of given specifications using BJT.
8. To study the Colpitt’s oscillator.
Reference Books:
1. Modern Digital Electronics, R.P. Jain, 4th Edition, 2010, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Basic Electronics: A text lab manual, P.B. Zbar, A.P. Malvino, M.A. Miller,
1994,Mc Graw Hill.

3. Microprocessor Architecture Programming and applications with 8085, R.S.

Goankar, 2002, Prentice Hall.
4. Microprocessor 8085: Architecture, Programming and interfacing, A.
Wadhwa,2010, PHI Learning.

(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h

CO-1: Conceptual understanding of different measurement of electronic circuit with measuring

CO-2: Basic understanding of CRO and its applications.
CO-3: Basic understanding of signal generators and its analysis
CO-4.: Basic understanding of digital instruments and their applications.
CO-5: To Apply the acquired knowledge of different electronic measurement-based instruments in

Basic of Measurement: Instruments accuracy, precision, sensitivity, resolution range etc. Errors in
measurements and loading effects.
Multimeter: Principles of measurement of dc voltage and dc current, ac volt- age, ac current and
resistance. Specifications of a multimeter and their significance.
Electronic Voltmeter: Advantage over conventional multimeter for voltage measurement
with respect to input impedance and sensitivity. Principles of voltage, measurement (block
diagram only). Specifications of an electronic Voltmeter/ Multimeter and their significance.
AC milli voltmeter: Type of AC milli voltmeters: Amplifier- rectifier, and rectifier- amplifier. Block
diagram ac milli voltmeter, specifications and their significance.

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Block diagram of basic CRO. Construction of CRT, Electron gun,
electrostatic focusing and acceleration (Explanation only no mathematical treatment), brief discussion
on screen phosphor, visual persistence and chemical composition. Time base operation,
synchronization. Front panel controls. Specifications of a CRO and their significance.
Applications of CRO: (1) Study of Wave Form, (2) Measurement of Volt- age, Current,
Frequency and Phase Difference.

Special features of dual trace, introduction to digital oscilloscope, probes. Digital storage
Oscilloscope: Block diagram and principle of working.

Signal Generators and Analysis Instruments: Block diagram, explanation and specifications of low
frequency signal generators, pulse generator, and function generator, Brief idea for testing,
specifications, Distortion factor meter, wave analysis.

Digital Instruments: Principle and working of digital meters, Comparison of analog and digital
instruments, Characteristics of a digital meter, Working principles of digital voltmeter.
Digital Multimeter: Block diagram and working of a digital multimeter, Working principle of
time interval, frequency and period measurement using universal counter/frequency counter,
time-base stability, accuracy and resolution.
Text Books:
1. A Text Books book of electrical technology- B.L.Theraja (S.Chand
2. Digital circuits and systems Venugopal (Tata McGraw Hill)
Reference Books:

1. Digital Electronics-Subrata Ghoshal (CengageLearning)

2. Electronic Devices and circuits - S. Salivahanan and N. S.Kumar (Tata

3. Electronic Devices-Thomas L. Floyd (Pearson)


LAB: Credit-1
The test of lab skills will be of the following test items:

1. Use of an oscilloscope.
2. CRO as a versatile measuring device.
3. Circuit tracing of Laboratory electronic equipment.
4. Use of Digital multimeter/VTVM for measuring voltages.
5. Circuit tracing of Laboratory electronic equipment.
6. Winding a coil /transformer.
7. Study the layout of receiver circuit.
8. Trouble shooting a circuit.
9. Balancing of bridges.
Laboratory Exercises:
1. To observe the loading effect of a multimeter while measuring voltage across a
low resistance and high resistance.
2. To observe the limitations of a multimeter for measuring high frequency voltage
and currents.
3. To measure Q of a coil and its dependence on frequency, using a Q-meter.
4. Measurement of voltage, frequency, time period and phase angle using CRO.
5. Measurement of time period, frequency, average period using universal counter/
frequency counter.
6. Measurement of rise, fall and delay times using a CRO.
7. MeasurementofdistortionofaRFsignalgeneratorusingdistortionfactor meter.
8. Measurement of R, L and C using a LCR bridge/universal bridge.
Open Ended Experiments:
1. Using a Dual Trace Oscilloscope
2. Converting the range of a given measuring instrument (voltmeter, ammeter)
More emphasis should be given on hands-on experiments.
Additional Reference Books for Practical papers:

1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L.Flint and H.T. Worsnop (

AsiaPublishing House)
2. Practical Physics-B.B. Swain (Kitab Mahal)
3. Practical Physics-B. Ghosh (Vol. I and II)

4. A Laboratory Manual of Physics for Undergraduate

Classes, D.P. Khandelwal (Vani Publication)
5. B. Sc. Practical Physics- C. L. Arora ( S. Chand Publishing)
6. B.Sc. Practical Physics H. Singh and P.S. Hemne (S. Chand Publishing)
(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h
CO-1: Understanding the properties of atoms in electric and magnetic field.
CO-2: Understanding the concept Nuclear physics.
CO-3: Conceptual understanding nuclear models and nuclear reactions.
CO-4: Conceptual understanding of particle physics.
CO-5: To Apply the acquired knowledge in conducting the experiments.

Atoms in Electric and Magnetic Fields: Electron angular momentum. Space quantization,
Electron Spin and Spin Angular Momentum, Larmor’s Theorem, Spin Magnetic Moment, Stern
Gerlach Experiment, Vector Atom Model, L-S and J-J coupling, Zeeman Effect, Electron
Magnetic Moment and Magnetic Energy, Gyromagnetic Ratio and Bohr Magnetron. Atoms in
External Magnetic Fields: Normal and Anomalous Zeeman Effect, Paschen back and Stark-
Effect (qualitative Discussion only).

Nuclear Physics- : Nuclear composition, charge, size, shape, mass and density of the nucleus;
Nuclear angular momentum; Nuclear magnetic dipole moment; Electric quadrupole moment;
Mass defect; Packing fraction and Binding energy; Stability of nuclei (N vs Z curve), Binding e
nergy curve. semi empirical mass formula; Nuclear Forces: General concept of nuclear force;
Yukawa Meson field theory of nuclear forces; Properties of Nuclear forces.
Radioactive disintegration; Properties of alpha, beta, gamma rays; law of radioactive decay;
successive radioactive decay; radioactive equilibrium; Radioisotopes; application of
radioactivity (Agriculture, Medicinal, Industrial and Archaeological).

Nuclear models: Liquid Drop model; Shell model; magic number in the nucleus; Alpha decay: Alpha
particles spectra; Gamow's theory of Alpha decay; Beta decay: Shape of Beta ray spectrum;
Explanation of Beta decay on the basis of Neutrino and Antineutrino hypothesis; Fermi theory of
Beta decay; Selection rules; Gamma ray emission,
Nuclear reactions: Kinds of Nuclear reactions; Nuclear reaction kinematics; Q -value; Compound
Nucleus and concept of direct reactions; Conservation laws; Nuclear reaction cross - sections.
Nuclear energy: Nuclear Fission; Chain reaction and Critical Mass; Nuclear Reactors an d its
basic components; Nuclear Fusion; Condition for the maintained Fusion reactions; Energy
production in stars; Fusion reaction in Sun, Principle of atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb.

Particle Physics
Classification of particles-antiparticles and their interactions; Conservation laws; Charges;
Isospin; Baryon number; Lepton number; Strangeness; Hyper charge; Parity; Charge
conjugation; CPT theorem; Conservation laws; Quark as the building blocks of Hadrons;
Quark Model; Colour degree of freedom, Symmetry Classification of elementary particles; Higgs
Boson Particle (God particle), elementary idea on Large Hadron collider (LHC), The future of
universe, Dark matter and dark energy.
Text Books:
1. Concepts of Modern Physics Arthur Beiser (Mc Graw Hill)
2. Modern Physics Murugeshan and Sivaprasad (S.Chand)
3. Cohen B. L., "Concepts of Nuclear Physics", McGraw Hill Education.
4. Tayal D. C., "Nuclear Physics", Himalaya Publishing House.
5. Patel S. B., "Nuclear Physics: An Introduction", New Age International
6. Singh Jahan, "Fundamental of Nuclear Physics", Pragati Publications

Reference Books:
1. Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications, A.K.
Ghatakand S. Lokanathan, (Macmillan)
2. Introduction to Quantum Theory, David Park (DoverPublications)
3. Theory and Problems of Modern Physics ,Schaum‘s outline,
R.Gautreau and W. Savin- (Tata McGraw-Hill)
4. Modern Physics-Serway (CENGAGE Learnings)
5. Physics of Atoms and Molecules Bransden and Joachim (Pearson India)
6. Atomic and Nuclear Physics-A.B.Gupta (NewCentral)
7. Theoretical Nuclear Physics , J.M.Blatt and V.F. Weisskopf (Springer)


LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 4 experiments are to be done)
1. Study of photoelectric effect.
2. Basics of GM counter characteristics and counting statistics.
3. Study of Gamma ray spectroscopy by SCA and MCA.
4. To determine the Planck’s constant using LEDs of at least 4 different colours.
5. To determine the value of e/m by (a) Magnetic focusing or (b) Bar
6. To setup the Millikan oil drop apparatus and determine the charge of an
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop,
1971, AsiaPublishing House
2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M.
Ogborn, 4thEdition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
3. A Text Books Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakashand Ramakrishna,
11th Edn,2011, Kitab Mahal
(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h

CO-1: To Understand IC’s and scales of Integration, Digital Circuits and their realization, Applications
CO-2: Build strong knowledge about Boolean Algebra, Truth tables, Equivalent Circuits, Theory and
application of CRO.
CO-3: Gain a clear understanding of Data processing circuits, Arithmetic Circuits, different types of
Timers: IC555
CO-4: To Explain the knowledge of computer organization, Shift registers and counters.
CO-5: To Apply the acquired knowledge to realize various types of circuits in experiment
Integrated Circuits (Qualitative treatment only): Active and Passive Components, Discrete
components, Wafer Chip, Advantages and Drawbacks of ICs, Scale of Integration: SSI, MSI,
LSI and VLSI (basic idea and definitions only), Classification of ICs, Examples of Linear and
Digital ICs.

Digital Circuits: Difference between Analog and Digital Circuits, Binary Numbers,
Decimal to Binary and Binary to Decimal Conversation, BCD, Octal and Hexadecimal
numbers, AND, OR and NOT. Gates (realization using Diodes and Transistor), NAND and
NOR Gates as Universal Gates, XOR and XNOR Gates and application as Parity Checkers.

Boolean algebra: De Morgan’s Theorems: Boolean Laws, Simplification of Logic Circuit using
Boolean Algebra, Fundamental Products, Idea of Minterms and Maxterms, Conversion of truth table
into Karnaugh Map and SOP and POS simplification. Universal logic implementation (NAND &

Data Processing Circuits: Basic Idea of Multiplexers, De-multiplexers, Decoders, Encoder

Arithmetic Circuits: Binary Addition. Binary Subtraction using 2s complement. Half
and Full Adders. Half and Full Subtractors, 4 bit binary Adder/Subtractor.
Timers:IC555: block diagram and application is Astable multivibrator and Monostable

Introduction to Computer Organization: Input/output Devices, Data storage (idea of RAM
andROM), Computer memory, Memory organization and addressing, Memory Interfacin g,
Memory Map.
Shift registers: Serial-in-serial-out, Serial-in-Parallel-out, Parallel-in-Serial- out and Parallel-
in- Parallel-out. Shift Registers (only up to 4 bits)

Counters (4 bits): Ring Counter, Asynchronous counters, Decade Counter. Synchronous


Text Books:
1. Digital Circuits and Logic design: SamuelC. Lee(PrinticeHall)
2. Digital Principles and Applications- A.P. Malvino, D.P. Leach and Saha(Tata
Mc Graw)
Reference Books:

1. The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Wilfield Hill,

Cambridge University

2. Electronics by Allan R. Hambley ,Prentice Hall

3. Principles ofElectronics V.K.Mehta and Rohit Mehta (S.Chand publishing)

4. Digital Logic and Computer design M. Morris Mano (Pearson)

5. Conceptsof Electronics D. C. Tayal ( Himalaya Publishing house)

6. Digital System and Application, Gupta Kumar, Pragati Prakashan


LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 6 experiments are to be done)

1. To measure (a) Voltage, and (b) Time period of a periodic waveform

using CROand to test a Diode and Transistor using a Millimeter.
2. To design a switch (NOT gate) using a transistor.
3. To verify and design AND, OR, NOT and XOR gates using NAN Dgates.
4. Half Adder, Full Adder and 4-bit binary Adder.
5. Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Adder-Subtractor using Full AdderI.C.
6. To build Flip-Flop (RS, Clocked-RS, D-type and JK) circuits
usingNAND gates.
7. To design an astable multivibrator of given specifications using 555Timer.
8. To design a monostable multivibrator of given specifications using 555 Timer.
Reference Books:
1. Basic Electronics: A Text Books lab manual, P.B. Zbar, A.P.
Malvino, M.A.Miller, 1994, Mc-GrawHill.

2. OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit, R. A. Gayakwad, 4th

edition,2000, Prentice Hall.

3. Electronic Principle, Albert Malvino, 2008, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

Electronic Devices and circuit Theory, R.L.Boylestad and

(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h

CO-1: To understand Properties and physical interpretation of wave function and its application,
knowledge in probability current density, significance of momentum space transformation and time
dependent Schrödinger equation.
CO-2: To explain Time independent Schrödinger equation, Eigen value, Eigen function, generalized
solutionof stationary states, knowledge in wave function and discrete energy level.
CO-3: Basic knowledge in quantum mechanical operators, Eigen value and Eigen function,
Uncertaintyrelation and Gaussian wave packet.
CO-4: Acquire the knowledge in application of Schrödinger equation in different potential barriers,
conceptof simple harmonic oscillator.
CO-5: Apply the acquired knowledge to solve various numerical problems .
Schrodinger equation: Time dependent Schrodinger equation, Properties of Wave Function, Physical
interpretation of wave function, Wave function of a free particle, Normalization, Probability current
and probability current densities in three dimensions, Linearity and Superposition Principle, Wave
Packet, Fourier Transform Theorem, Momentum space wave function and its significance,
Representation of position vector in momentum space. Schrodinger equation in momentum space.
Time Independent Schrodinger equation in 1-D, 2-D and 3-D, Hamiltonian, stationary states and
energy Eigen values, expansion of an arbitrary wave function as a linear combination of energy
Eigen functions, General solution of the time dependent Schrodinger equation in terms of linear
combinations of stationary states. General Discussion of Bound states in an arbitrary potential:
Continuity of wave function, Boundary condition and emergence of discrete energy levels.
Operators: Operators, Commutator Algebra, Position, Momentum, Angular Momentum and Energy
operators, Hermitian Operators, Expectation Value, Expectation values of position and momentum,
Ehrenfest Theorem, Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of Hermitian Operator, Energy Eigen Spectrum,
Degeneracy, Orthonormality of Eigen functions, Linear Dependance, Orthogonalisation, Uncertainty
Relation- Uncertainty product, minimum uncertainty wave packet- Gaussian Wave Packet.
Application to one dimensional problem- One dimensional infinitely rigid Box- Energy Eigen values
and Eigen functions, normalization, quantum dot as an example, Quantum mechanical scattering
and tunnelingin one dimension across a Potential Step and Rectangular Potential Barrier, Finite Square
well potential, Quantum mechanics of simple Harmonic Oscillator-Energy Levels and Energy Eigen
functions, ground state, zero point energy.

Text Books:
1. Introduction to Quantum Theory David Park (DoverPublications)
2. Introduction to Quantum Theory, D. J. Griffiths(Pearson)
3. Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and applications, N.Zettili, Wiley
Reference Books :
1. Quantum Mechanics, Theory and applications A.Ghatak andS.Lokanathan
2. Quantum Mechanics- G. Aruldhas ( Printice Hall of India)
1. Quantum Physics–S. Gasiorowicz (Wiley)
2. Quantum Mechanics- G.R. Chatwal and S.K. Anand
3. Quantum Mechanics -J.L. Powell and B. Craseman (Narosa)

4. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics M.Das and P.K.Jena (ShriKrishna


LAB: Credit-1
Use C/C++/Scilab for solving the following problems based on Quantum mechanics like (Use finite
difference method, matrix method, ODE Solver method in all cases)
1. Solve the s-wave Schrodinger equation for the ground state and the first excited state ofthe
Hydrogen atom:

Where, ‘m’ is the reduced mass of the electron. Obtain the energy eigenvalues and plot
the corresponding wave functions. Remember that the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom

~ -13.6ev. Take e= 3.795 , ħc= 1973 and m=0.511 × 106 eV/c2.

2. Solve the S-Wave radial Schrodinger equation for an atom:

Where, ‘m’ is the reduced mass of the system (Which can be chosen to be the mass of an electron), forthe
screened coulomb potential: v e−r/a
Find the energy (in eV) of the ground state of the atom to an accuracy of the significant digits.
Also; plot the corresponding wave function. Take e= 3.795 (evÅ) , ħc=
1973(eVÅ) and m=0.511
× 106 eV/c2, and α =3Å, 5Å, 7Å. The ground state energy is expected to be above -12eV in all three
3. Solve the S-Wave radial Schrodinger equation for a particle of mass m:

For the anharmonic Oscillator potential: V

Find the ground state energy (in MeV) of the particle to an accuracy of three significant
digits.Also, plot the corresponding wave function. Choose m=940MeV/C2 , k= 100MeV/fm2, b= (0,
10, 30) MeV/fm3. In these units, c = 197.3 MeV fm. [The ground state energy is expected to lie
between 90 and110 MeV for all three cases].

Solve the S-Wave radial Schrodinger equation for the vibrations of hydrogen molecule:

Where, ‘m ’ is the reduced mas of the two-atom system for the Morse potential

v r = D(e −2αr − e−αr

Where r = r-r0 .

Find the lowest vibrational energy (in MeV) of the molecule to an accuracy of three significantdigits.
Also plot the corresponding wave functions for the choices given below:
m = 940x106 ev/c2, D = 0.755501ev, α = 1.44, r0 = 0.131349Å m = 940x106ev/c2, D =
0.755501ev, α = 1.44, r0 = 0.131349Å
Laboratory based experiments:
1. Study of Electron spin resonance- determine magnetic field as a function of the
resonance frequency.
2. Study of Zeeman effect: with external magnetic field; Hyperfine splitting
3. To show the tunneling effect in tunnel diode using I-V characteristics.
4. Quantum efficiency of CCDs
Reference Books:
1. Schaum’s outline of Programming with C++.J. Hubbard, 2000, McGraw–Hill
2. Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing, W.H. Press etal., 3rd Edn.,
2007, Cambridge University Press.
3. An introduction to computational Physics, T.Pang, 2nd Edn.,2006,Cam- bridge
Univ. Press
4. Simulation of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB, OCTAVE and SCILAB:
and Engineering Applications: A. Vande Wouwer, P. Saucez, C.V. Fernndez.2014
5. Scilab ( A Free Software to Matlab): H. Ramchandran, A. S. Nair. 2011 S.
Chand and Co.
6. Scilab Image Processing: L.M.Surhone.2010 Beta script Publishing

(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h)

CO-1: To understand the Concept of crystal structure and properties, X-ray Diffraction, Bragg’s and
Laue’s condition.
CO-2: Conceptual understanding of Lattice vibration, Einstein and Debye specific heat theories of
solids,knowledge in Band theory, Kroning-Penny model and Hall Effect.
CO-3: Understanding the Concept in magnetic and dielectric properties of materials.
CO-4: Basic knowledge on LASER and its generation, types. Conceptual understanding of
superconductivity and its type, London’s Equation, Penetration Depth and BCS theory.
CO-5: To Apply the acquired knowledge in experiments.

Crystal Structure: Solids, Amorphous and Crystalline Materials, Lattice translation Vectors,
Lattice witha Basis. Central and Non-Central Elements. Unit Cell, Miller Indices, Types of
Lattices, Reciprocal Lattice, Brillouin zones, Diffraction of X- rays by crystals, Bragg’s Law, Laue’s
Condition, Atomic and Geometrical Factor.

Elementary Lattice Dynamics: Lattice Vibrations and Phonons: Linear, Monoatomic and
Diatomic Chains, Acoustical and Optical Phonons, Qualitative Description of the phonon spectrum
in solids, Dulong and Petits Law, Einstein and Debye theories of specific heat of solids, r 3 Law.
Elementary band theory: Kroning-Penny model of band Gap, Conductor, Semiconductor
(P and N type) and insulator, Conductivity of Semiconductor, mobility, Hall Effect, Measurement
of conductivity (four probe method) and Hall Co- efficient.
Magnetic Properties of Matter: Dia-, Para-, Ferri- and Ferro- magnetic Materials, Classical
Langevins theory of dia and Paramagnetic Domains, Curies law, Weiss Theory of
Ferromagnetism and Ferromagnetic Domains, Discussion of B- H Curve, Hysteresis and Energy
Dielectric Properties of Materials: Polarization Local Electrical Field at an Atom,
Depolarization Field, Electric Susceptibility, Polarizability, Clausius Mosotti Equation, Classical
theory of Electronic Polarizability.

Lasers: Einsteins A and B co-efficientnts, Metastable States, Spontaneous and Stimulated
emissions, Optical Pumping and population Inversion, Three Level and Four Level Lasers, Ruby
Laser and He-Ne Laser.
Superconductivity: ExperimentalResults, CriticalTemperature, Critical magnetic field,
Meissner effect, Type-I and Type-II Superconductors, London’s Equation and Penetration Depth,
Isotope effect, Idea of BCS theory (No derivation).

Text Books:
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics- Charles Kittel (WileyIndia)

2. LASERS: Fundamentals and Applications- Thyagarajan and Ghatak (McMillan


Reference Books:
1. Solid State Physics-N.W.Ashcroft and N.D.Mermin (Cengage)
2. Solid State Physics- R.K.Puri and V.K. Babbar (S.Chand Publication)
3. Solid State Physics S. O. Pillai (New Age Publication)
4. Lasers and Non-linear Optics B.B.Laud (Wile yEastern)
5. Elements of Solid State Physics-J.P. Srivastava (Prentice Hall of India)
6. Elementary Solid State Physic s-Ali Omar (Addison Wiley)
7. Solid State Physics, Gupta and Kumar, Pragati Prakashan.


LAB: Credit-1

(Minimum 4 experiments are to be done)

1. Measurement of susceptibility of paramagnetic solution (Quinck’s Tube- Method)

2. To measure the Magnetic susceptibility of Solids.
3. To measure the Dielectric Constant of a dielectric Materials with frequency
4. To determine the Hall coefficient of a semiconductor sample.

5. To draw the BH curve of Fe using solenoid and to determine the energy loss from
6. To measure the band gap of a given semiconductor by four-probe method.

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971, Asia
Publishing House.

2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th
Edition,reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers.

3. A Text Books Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakashand Ramakrishna, 11 Ed.,

2011 ,Kitab Mahal

4. Elements of Solid State Physics, J.P. Srivastava, 2nd Ed., 2006, Prentice- Hall
of India.
(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h

CO-1: Physical significance of Maxwell Equation and its application to free space, Lorentz
and Coulomb gauge transformation, poynting theorem, concept of energy density.
CO-2: Analysis of Maxwell’s equations in different media and Physical significance ofrelaxation
time, skin depth, Electrical conductivity of ionized gases, plasma frequency.
CO-3: Basic understanding of polarization of EM wave, and different types of crystals, Phase
Retardation Plates and Rotatory Polarization.
CO-4: Conceptual understanding of EMW application in bounded media, plane interface,dielectric
media, Brewster’s law, TIR, Evanescent wave, metallic reflection.
CO-5 :To Apply the acquired knowledge for visualize basic concept of phenomenon of
lightin various experiments

Maxwell Equations: Maxwells equations, Displacement Current, Vector and Scalar Potentials,
Gauge Transformations: Lorentz and Coulomb Gauge, Wave Equations, Plane Waves in free space
and characteristics, Poynting Theorem and Poynting Vector, Electromagnetic (EM) Energy
Density, Physical Concept of Electromagnetic Field Energy Density.

EM Wave Propagation in Unbounded Media: Plane EM waves through vacuum and
isotropic dielectric medium, transverse nature of plane EM waves, refractive index and dielectric
constant, wave impedance, Propagation through conducting media, relaxation time, skin
depth, Electrical conductivity of ionized gases, plasma frequency, refractive index, skin depth,
application to propagation through ionosphere.

Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves: Description of Linear, Circular and Elliptical
Polarization, uniaxial and biaxial crystals, light propagation in uniaxial crystal, double refr action,
polarization by double refraction, Nicol Prism, Ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices,
Production and detection of Plane, Circularly and Elliptically polarized l ight,
Phase Retardation Plates: Quarter-Wave and Half- Wave Plates. Babinets Compensator
and its Uses, Analysis of Polarized Light.
Rotatory Polarization: Optical Rotation, Biots Laws for Rotatory Polarization, Fresnels Theory
of optical rotation, Calculation of angle of rotation, Experimental verification of Fresnels
theory, Specific rotation, Laurents half- shade polarimeter.
EM Wave in Bounded Media: Boundary conditions at a plane interface between two media,
Reflection and Refraction of plane waves at plane interface between two dielectric media, Laws of
Reflection and Refraction, Fresnel’s Formulae for perpendicular and parallel polarization cases,
Brewster’slaw, Reflection and Transmission coefficients, Total internal reflection, evanescent
waves, Metallic reflection (normal Incidence)
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics, D.J. Griffiths ( Pearson)
2. Principles of Optics-Max Born and E. Wolf.

Reference Books :
1. Classical Electrodynamics by J.D.Jackson.
2. Foundation of electromagnetic theory: Ritz and Milford(Pearson).
3. Electricity and Magnetism : D C Tayal (Himalaya Publication)
4. Optics: A. K. Ghatak
5. Electricity and Magnetism : Chattopadhyaya, Rakhit (NewCentral)
6. Electromagnetic Theory, Gupta and Kumar, Pragati Prakashan


LAB: Credit-1
Minimum 4 experiments are to be done):
1. To verify the law of Malus for plane polarized light.
2. To determine the specific rotation of sugar solution using Polarimeter.
3. To analyze elliptically polarized Light by using a Babinets compensator.

4. . To determine the refractive index of liquid by total internal

reflection usingWollastons air-film.

5. To determine the refractive Index of (1) glass and (2) a liquid by total internal
reflection using a Gaussian eyepiece.

6. To study the polarization of light by reflection and determine the polarizing angle
for air-glass interface.
7. To verify the Stefan‘s law of radiation and to determine Stefan’s constant.
8. To determine the Boltzmann constant using V-I characteristics of PN junction
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971,
Asia Publishing House.
2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn,
4 Th Edition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
3. A Text Books Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakashand Ramakrishna, 11 Ed.,
2011, KitabMahal Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers and Physicists, G.
Lehner, 2010,Springer

(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30h)

CO-1: Understanding the concept of ensembles and its partition function, phase space
andthermodynamic relations, MB distribution law .
CO-2: Conceptual understanding of addition of entropy, Sackur Tetrode equation, Law
ofequipartition of Energy and its application.
CO-3: Basic postulates and different distribution of Fermi and Dirac particles and B-E
CO-4: Basic knowledge in thermal and Black body radiation, Concept of different laws of
radiation and their experimental verification.
CO-5: Apply the acquired knowledge for analyze the laws radiation and different distribution
functions using computational analysis.

Classical Statistics-I: Macro state and Microstate, Elementary Concept of Ensemble, Micro canonical,
Canonical and Grand Canonical ensemble, Phase Space, Entropy and Thermodynamic Probability,
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Law, Partition Function.


Classical Statistics-II : Thermodynamic Functions of an Ideal Gas, classical Entropy Expression,

Gibbs Paradox, Sackur Tetrode equation, Law of equipartition of Energy (with proof)- Applications
to Specific Heat and its Limitations, Thermodynamic Functions of a two energy levels system,
Negative Temperature.

Quantum Statistics: Identical particles, macro states and microstates, Fermions and Bosons,
Bose Einstein distribution function and Fermi- Dirac distribution function. Bose- Einstein
Condensation, Bose deviation from Planck’s law, Effect of temperature on Fermi-Dirac
distribution function, degenerate Fermi gas, Density of States Fermi energy.
Radiation: Properties of Thermal Radiation, Blackbody Radiation, Pure Temperature dependence,
Kirchhoff’s law, Stefan Boltzmann law: Thermodynamic proof, Radiation Pressure, Wein’s
Displacement law, Wien’s distribution Law, Saha’s Ionization Formula, Rayleigh Jeans Law, Ultra
Violet catastrophe.
Planck’s Law of Black body Radiation: Experimental verification, Deduction of
(1) Wien’s Distribution Law, (2) Rayleigh Jean’s Law, (3) Stefan Boltzmann Law, (4) Wein’s
Displacement Law from Planck’s Law.

Text Books:
1. Introduction to Statistical Physics by Kerson Huang(Wiley).
2. Statistical Physics, Berkeley Physics Course, F.Reif (TataMcGraw-Hill)

Reference Books:
1. Statistical Mechanics, B.K. Agarwal and Melvin Eisner (New Age Inter- national)

2. Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics: Francis W.Sears

and Gerhard L.Salinger (Narosa)
3. Statistical Mechanics: R.K. Pathria and Paul D. Beale (AcademicP ress)
4. Statistical Mechanics: Sharma and Satyal, Kalyani Publishing
5. Basic Statistical Mechanics, Gupta and Kumar, Pragati Prakashan


LAB: Credit-1
Use C/C++/Scilab for solving the problems based on Statistical Mechanics like
1. Plot Planck’s law for Black Body radiation and compare it with Wein’s.
2. Law and Raleigh-Jeans Law at high temperature (room temperature)
and low temperature.
3. Plot Specific Heat of Solids by comparing (a) Dulong-Petit law, (b) Einstein
distribution function, (c)Debye distribution function for high temperature (room
temperature) and low temperature and compare them for these two cases
4. Plot Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function versus temperature.
5. Plot Fermi-Dirac distribution function versus temperature.
6. Plot Bose-Einstein distribution function versus temperature.
Reference Books:

1. Elementary Numerical Analysis, K.E. Atkinson, 3rdEdn. 2007, Wiley India

2. Statistical Mechanics, R.K. Pathria, Butterworth Heinemann: 2nd Ed., 1996,
Oxford University Press.
3. Thermodynamic, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics, Fran- cis
.Searsand GerhardL. Salinger, 1986, Narosa.
4. Modern Thermodynamics with Statistical Mechanics, Carl S. Helrich, 2009,
5. Simulation of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB, OCTAVE and SCILAB: Scientific
and Engineering Applications: A. VandeWouwer, P. Saucez, C.V. Fernndez. 2014
Springer ISBN: 978-3319067896
6. Scilab by example: M. Affouf, 2012. ISBN: 978-1479203444
7. Scilab Image Processing: L.M.Surhone. 2010, Betascript Pub., ISBN:
(Other than Physics Core-I students)
Minor (Paper-I) SEMESTER- I

(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30hrs)

CO-1 To Learn the basic concepts of Rigid body dynamics, Radius of Gyration, Moment of
Inertia,Non-Inertial Systems
CO-2 To Understand the concept of Elasticity, Fluid motion and Types of Vibration
CO-3 To understand the concept of Newtonian theory through Gravitation, Central force motion,
Keplar’slaws, GPS
CO-4 To learn the concept of Special theory of Relativity, Michelson- Morley experiment, Lorentz
transformation, Relativistic Doppler effect.
CO-5 Apply the basic concepts of Mechanics in experiments.

Rotational Dynamics: Centre of Mass, Motion of CoM, Centre of Mass and Laboratory frames,
Angular momentum of a particle and system of particles, Principle of conservation of angular
momentum, Rotation about a fixed axis, Moment of Inertia, Perpendicular and Parallel Axis
Theorems, Routh Rule, Calculation of moment of inertia for cylindrical and spherical bodies,
Kinetic energy of rotation, Euler’s Equations of Rigid Body motion, Motion involving both
translation and rotation. Moment of Inertia of a Flywheel.
Non-Inertial Systems: Non-inertial frames and fictitious forces, uniformly rotating frame, Laws
of Physics in rotating coordinate systems, Centrifugal force, Coriolis force.

Damped oscillation. Equation of motion and solution (cases of oscillatory, critically damped and
overdamped) Forced oscillations: Transient and steady states; Resonance, sharpness of resonance;
power dissipation and Quality Factor, Bar Pendulum, Katers Pendulum
Elasticity: Relation between Elastic constants, Twisting torque on a Cylinder or Wire, Bending
of beams, External bending moment, Flexural rigidity, Single and double cantilever
Fluid Motion: Kinematics of Moving Fluids: Poiseuilles Equation for Flow of a Liquid through a
Capillary Tube, Surface tension, Gravity waves and ripple
Viscosity: Poiseuilles Equation for Flow of a Liquid with corrections.
Gravitation and Central Force Motion: Law of gravitation, Gravitational potential energy,
Inertial and gravitational mass, Potential and field due to spherical shell and solid sphere, Motion of a
particle under a central force field, Two-body problem and its reduction to one-body problem and its
solution, Differential Equation of motion with central force and its solution, The first Integrals (two),
Concept of power Law Potentials, Kepler’s Laws of Planetary motion, Satellites. Geosynchronous
orbits, Weightlessness, Basic idea of global positioning system (GPS).

Special Theory of Relativity: Michelson-Morley Experiment and its out-come, Postulates of
Special Theory of Relativity, Lorentz Transformations, Simultaneity and order of events, Lorentz
contraction, Time dilation, Relativistic transformation of velocity, Frequency and wave
number, Relativistic addition of velocities, Variation of mass with velocity, Massless Particles,
Mass- energy Equivalence, Relativistic Doppler effect, Relativistic Kinematics, Transformation of
Energy and Momentum.

Text Books:
1. Mechanics, D. S. Mathur ( S. Chand Publishing)
2. Introduction to Special Relativity, R. Resnick (John Wiley)

Reference Books:
1. Introduc tion to Mechanics Daniel Klapnner and Robert Kolenkow,
2. Mechanics by K.R Simon
3. Mechanics, Berkeley Physics, vol. 1, C.Kittel, W. Knight, etal (Tata McGraw-
4. Physics, Resnick, Halliday and Walker (8/e.2008,Wiley)
5. Theoretical Mechanics-M.R. Spiegel (Tata McGrawHill).
6. Feynman Lectures, Vol. I, R.P.Feynman, R.B.Leighton, M.Sands (Pearson)
7. Mechanics-M.Das, P.K.Jena and R.N. Mishra (SrikrishnaPublications)
8. Classical Mechanics , Gupta Kumar & Sharama,(Pragati Prakashan)
9. Classical Mechanics, J.C.Upadhyaya, (Himalaya Publishing Home)

Minor: PAPER-I
LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 4 experiments are to be done):
1. To study surface tension by capillary rise method.
2. To determine the height of a building using a Sextant.
3. To study the Motion of Spring and calculate (a) Spring constant, (b) g and (c)Modulus of
4. To determine the Moment of Inertia of a Flywheel.
5. To determine Coefficient of Viscosity of water by Capillary Flow Method (Poiseuillesmethod).
6. To determine the Modulus of Rigidity of a Wire by Maxwell’s needle.
7. To determine the value of g using Bar Pendulum.
8. To determine the value of g using Kater’s Pendulum.

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B. L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971, Asia
Publishing House.

2. Advanced level Physics Practical’s, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th Edition,reprinted
1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers.
3. A Text ook of Practical Physics, I. Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11thEdn, 2011,Kitab

Minor (Paper-II) SEMESTER- III

CO-1: Basic understanding ofpropagation of light, its application and wave nature.
CO-2: To Understand the concepts of wave motion.
CO-3: To Understand the concepts of interference and its application.
CO-4: To Understand the concepts of diffraction and its application.
CO-5: To Apply the acquired knowledge of optics in Experiment

UNlT – I

Geometrical optics: Fermat’s principle, reflection and refraction at plane interface, Matrix
formulation of geometrical Optics, Cardinal points and Cardinal planes of an optical system,
Idea of dispersion, Application to thick Lens and thin Lens, Ramsden and Huygens eyepiece. Wave
Optics: Electromagnetic nature of light. Definition and properties of wave front Huygens Principle.
Temporal and Spatial Coherence.
Wave Motion: Plane and Spherical Waves, Longitudinal and Transverse Waves, Plane Progressive
(Traveling) Waves, Wave Equation, Particle and Wave Velocities, Differential Equation, Pressure of
a Longitudinal Wave, Energy Trans- port, Intensity of Wave. Superposition of two perpendicular
Harmonic Oscillations: Graphical and Analytical Methods, Lissajous Figures (1:1 and 1:2) and their
uses, Superposition of Harmonic waves.


Interference: Division of amplitude and wave front, Young’s double slit experiment, Lloyds Mirror
and Fresnels Bi-prism, Phase change on reflection: Stokes treatment, Interference in Thin Films:
parallel and wedge-shaped films, Fringes of equal inclination (Haidinger Fringes), Fringes of equal
thickness (Fizeau Fringes), Newton’s Rings: Measurement of wavelength and refractive index.
Interferometer : Michelson’s Interferometer-( 1) Idea of form of fringes ( No theory required), ( 2)
Determination of Wavelength, ( 3) Wavelength Difference, ( 4) Refractive Index, and ( 5) Visibility
of fringes, Fabry-Perot interferometer.

Fraunhoffer diffraction: Single slit, Circular aperture, Resolving Power of a telescope, Double
slit, Multiple slits, Diffraction grating, Resolving power of grating. Fresnel Diffraction: Fresnel’s
Assumptions, Fresnel’s Half-Period Zones for Plane Wave, Explanation of Rectilinear
Propagation of Light, Theory of a Zone Plate: Multiple Foci of a Zone Plate, Fresnel’s Integral,
Fresnel diffraction pattern of a straight edge,as lit and a wire.

Text Books:
1. A text book of Optics N. Subhramanyam and BrijLal (S.Chand
2. Optics - Ajoy Ghatak (McGraw Hill)

Reference Books:

1. Optics- E. Hecht( Pearson)

2. Fundamentals of Optics-F. A. Jenkins and H. E. White(McGraw-Hill)
3. Geometrical and Physical Optics R.S. Longhurst (Orient Blackswan)
4. The Physics of Vibrations and Waves- H. J .Pain( John Wiley)
5. Optics P. K. Chakraborty.
6. Principles of Optics-Max Born and Emil Wolf (Pergamon Press)
7. The Physics of Waves and Oscillations-N. K. Bajaj (Mc Graw Hill)
LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 5 experiments are to be done)
1. To determine the frequency of an electric tuning fork by Melde’ s
experiment and verify 2-T law.
2. To plot the I-D curve and to determine the refractive index of a prism
3. To determine refractive index of the Material of a prism using sodium source.
4. To determine the dispersive power and Cauchy constants of the material of a
prism using mercurysource.
5. To determine wavelength of sodium light using Newton’ s Rings.
6. To determine wavelength of (1) Na source and (2) spectral lines of Hgsource
using planediffraction grating.
7. To determine dispersive power and resolving power of a plane diffraction grating.

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop,
1971, AsiaPublishing House

2. A Text Book of Practical Physics, I. Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th Ed.,

2011,Kitab Mahal

3. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn,

4thEdition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers

4. A Laboratory Manual of Physics for undergraduate classes, D. P. Khandelwal,

Minor (Paper-III) SEMESTER- V

CO-1: To Understand IC’s and scales of Integration, Digital Circuits and their realization, Applications
CO-2: Build strong knowledge about Boolean Algebra, Truth tables, Equivalent Circuits, Theory and
application of CRO.
CO-3: Gain a clear understanding of Data processing circuits, Arithmetic Circuits, different types of
Timers: IC555
CO-4: To Explain the knowledge of computer organization, Shift registers and counters.
CO-5: To Apply the acquired knowledge to realize various types of circuits in experiment

Integrated Circuits (Qualitative treatment only): Active and Passive Components, Discrete
components, Wafer Chip, Advantages and Drawbacks of ICs, Scale of Integration: SSI, MSI, LSI
and VLSI (basic idea and definitions only), Classification of ICs, Examples of Linear and Digital
Digital Circuits: Difference between Analog and Digital Circuits, Binary Numbers, Decimal
to Binary and Binary to Decimal Conversation, BCD, Octal and Hexadecimal numbers, AND,
OR and NOT. Gates (realization using Diodes and Transistor), NAND and NOR Gates as
Universal Gates, XOR and XNOR Gates and application as Parity Checkers.

Boolean algebra: De Morgan’s Theorems: Boolean Laws, Simplification of Logic Circuit using
Boolean Algebra, Fundamental Products, Idea of Minterms and Maxterms, Conversion of truth table
into Karnaugh Map and SOP and POS simplification. Universal logic implementation (NAND &

Data Processing Circuits: Basic Idea of Multiplexers, De-multiplexers, Decoders, Encoders.
Arithmetic Circuits: Binary Addition. Binary Subtraction using 2s complement. Half
and Full Adders. Half and Full Subtractors, 4 bit binary Adder/Subtractor.
Timers: IC 555: block diagram and application is Astable multivibrator and Monostable

Introduction to Computer Organization: Input/output Devices, Data storage (idea of
RAM andROM), Computer memory, Memory organization and addressing, Memory
Interfacin g, Memory Map.
Shift registers: Serial-in-serial-out, Serial-in-Parallel-out, Parallel-in-Serial- out
and Parallel-in- Parallel-out. Shift Registers (only up to 4 bits)
Counters (4 bits): Ring Counter, Asynchronous counters, Decade Counter. Synchronous
Text Books:
1. Digital Circuits and Logic design: SamuelC. Lee(PrinticeHall)

2.Digital Principles and Applications -A.P. Malvino, D.P. Leach and Saha (Tata Mc
Reference Books :
1. The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Wilfield Hill, Cambridge University
2. Electronics by Allan R. Hambley Prentice Hall
3. Principles of Electronics V.K.Mehta and Rohit Mehta (S.Chand Publishing)
4. Digital Logic and Computer design M. Morris Mano (Pearson)
5. Conceptsof Electronics D. C. Tayal ( Himalaya Publishing house)
6. Digital System and Application, Gupta Kumar, Pragati Prakashan

LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 6 experiments are to be done)

1. To measure (a) Voltage, and (b) Time period of a periodic waveform using CRO
and to test a Diode and Transistor using a Millimeter.
2. To design a switch (NOT gate) using a transistor.
3. To verify and design AND, OR, NOT and XOR gates using NAN Dgates.
4. Half Adder, Full Adder and 4-bit binary Adder.
5. Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Adder-Subtractor using Full AdderI.C.

6. To build Flip-Flop (RS, Clocked-RS, D-type and JK) circuits usingNAND gates.
7. To design an astable multivibrator of given specifications using 555Timer.
8. To design a monostable multivibrator of given specifications using 555 Timer.
Reference Books:
1. Basic Electronics: A Text Books lab manual, P.B. Zbar, A.P. Malvino,
M.A.Miller, 1994, Mc-GrawHill.
2. OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit, R. A. Gayakwad, 4th edition,
2000, Prentice Hall.
3. Electronic Principle, Albert Malvino, 2008, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
Electronic Devices and circuit Theory, R.L.Boylestad and
(Other than Physics Core-I students)
Minor (Paper-I) SEMESTER- II
(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30hrs)

CO-1 To understand the basic concepts of Electricity and Magnetism

CO-2 To Understand the various phenomena in Electricity and Magnetism
CO-3 To Understand Circuit analysis and network theorems
CO-4 To Explain the Dynamics of Charged Particles
CO-5 To Apply the acquired knowledge in Experiment.

Electric Field and Electric Potential

Electric field: Electric field lines, Electric flux, Gauss Law with applications to charge distributions with
spherical, cylindrical and planar symmetry, Conservative nature of Electrostatic Field. Electrostatic
Potential, Potential and Electric Field of a dipole, Force and Torque on a dipole, Potential calculation
in different simple cases, Laplace and Poisson equations, The Uniqueness Theorem, Method of
Images and its application to (1) Plane Infinite Sheet and (2) Sphere. Electrostatic energy of system of
charges, Electrostatic energy of a charged sphere, Conductors inan electrostatic Field, Surface
charge and force on a conductor.

Magnetic Field: Magnetic Force, Lorentz Force, Biot Savarts Law, Cur- rent Loop as a Magnetic
Dipole and its Dipole Moment (analogy with Electric Dipole), Amperes Circuital Law and its application
to (1) Solenoid (2) Toroid ( 3) Helmhotz coil, Properties of curl and divergence, Vector Potential, Ballistic
Galvanometer: Torque on a current Loop, Current and Charge Sensitivity, Electromagnetic damping,
Logarithmic damping, CDR.

Dielectric Properties of Matter: Electric Field in matter, Polarization, Polarization Charges, Electrical
Susceptibility and Dielectric Constant, Capacitor (parallel plate, spherical, cylindrical) filled with
dielectric, Displacement vector D, Relations between E, P and D, Gauss Law in dielectrics. Magnetic
Properties of Matter: Magnetization vector (M), Magnetic Intensity (H), Magnetic Susceptibility and
permeability, Relation between B, H, M, Ferromagnetism, B-H curve and hysteresis. Electromagnetic
Induction: Faradays Law, Lenz’s Law, Self -Inductance and Mutual Inductance, Reciprocity Theorem,
Energy stored in a Magnetic Field, Introduction to Maxwell’s Equations.

Electrical Circuits: AC Circuits: Kirchhoffs laws for AC circuits, Complex Reactance and Impedance,
SeriesLCR Circuit: (1) Resonance (2) Power Dissipation (3) Quality Factor, (4) Band Width, Parallel
LCR Circuit.
Network theorems: Kirchoff’s law for electrical circuits, Ideal Constant-voltageand Constant-
current Sources.
Network Theorems: Thevenin theorem, Norton theorem, Superposition theorem, Reciprocity
theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem, Applications to DC circuits. Transient Currents
Growth and decay of current in RC and LR circuits.

Text Books:

1. Introduction to Electrodynamics – D.J. Griffiths (Pearson, 4th edition, 2015)

2. Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory-Ritz and Milford (Pearson)
Reference Books:
1. Classical Electrodynamics, J. D. Jackson (Wiley).
2. Electricity and Magnetism D. C. Tayal (Himalaya Publishing house)
3. Electricity, Magnetism and Electromagnetic Theory- S. Mahajan and Choudhury(Tata
McGraw Hill)
4. F eynman Lectures Vol. 2, R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, M. Sands
5. (Pearson)
6. Electricity and Magnetism, J. H. Fewkes and J. Yarwood. Vol. I (Oxford Univ.Press)
7. Classical Electromagnetism, H.C.Verma, Bharati Bhawan

Minor: PAPER-I

LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 4 experiments are to be done):

Use a Multimeter for measuring (a) Resistances, (b) AC and DC

Voltages, c)DCCurrent, (d) Capacitances, and (e) Checking
electrical fuses.

1. To study the characteristics of a series RC Circuit.

2. To determine an unknown Low Resistance using Potentiometer.
3. To determine an unknown Low Resistance using Carey Fosters Bridge.
4. To compare capacitances using DeSauty’s bridge.
5. Measurement of field strength B and its variation in a solenoid (determine dB/dx)
6. To verify the Thevenin and Norton theorems.
7. To determine self-inductance of a coil by Andersons bridge.
8. To study response curve of a Series LCR circuit and determine its (a) Reso- nant
frequency, (b) Impedanceat resonance, (c) Quality factor Q, and (d) Band width.
9. To study the response curve of a parallel LCR circuit and determine its (a)
10. Anti-resonance frequency and (b) Quality factor Q.

Reference Books:

1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971, Asia
Publishing House
2. A Text Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th Ed., 2011,
Kitab Mahal
3. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th
Edition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers

4. A Laboratory Manual of Physics for undergraduate classes, D.P.Khandelwal,

1985, Vani Pub

Minor (Paper-II) SEMESTER- IV

(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30hrs)

CO-1: Basic understanding of semiconductor diodes, devices and their applications.

CO-2 : To Understand the basic concepts in transistors and amplifiers.
CO-3: To Understand the concept of coupled amplifier and its application in feedback circuit.
CO-4: To Understand the concepts of operational amplifier and its application.
CO-5: To Apply the acquired knowledge of electronic circuits in Experiments.
Semiconductor Diodes: P and N type semiconductors, energy level diagram, conductivity and Mobility,
Concept of Drift velocity, PN junction fabrication (simple idea), Barrier formation in PN Junction Diode,
Static and Dynamic Resistance, Current flow mechanism in Forward and Reverse Biased Diode, Drift
velocity, derivation for Barrier Potential, Barrier Width and current Step Junction.
Two terminal device and their applications: (1) Rectifier Diode: Half-wave Rectifiers. center-
tapped and bridge type Full-wave Rectifiers, Calculation of Ripple Factor and Rectification
Efficiency, L and C Filters (2) Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation, Principle and structure of LEDS,
(3) Photo diode (3) Solar Cell.
Bipolar Junction Transistors: n-p-n and p-n-p transistors, Characteristics of CB, CE and CC
Configurations, Current gains a and b, Relation between a and b, Load line analysis of Transistors,
DC Load line and Q-point, Physical mechanism of current flow, Active, Cut-off and Saturation Regions.
Transistors Biasing: Transistor Biasing and Stabilization circuits, Fixed Bias and Voltage Divider
Amplifiers: Transistors as 2-port network h-parameter Equivalent Circuit, Analysis of a single stage CE
amplifier using Hybrid Model, Input and Output impedance, Current, Voltage and Power Gains.

Classification of class A, B and C amplifiers, Push-pull amplifier (classB).
Coupled Amplifier: RC-coupled amplifier and its frequency response.
Feedback in Amplifiers: Effect of Positive and Negative Feedback on In- put Impedance, Output
Impedance, Gain Stability, Distortion and Noise. Sinusoidal Oscillations: Barkhausens criterian for self-
sustained oscillations. RC Phase shift oscillator, determination of Frequency, Hartley and Colpitts

Operational Amplifiers (Black Box approach): Characteristics of an Ideal and Practical OP-AMP
(IC741). Open-loop and Closed loop Gain. Frequency Response. CMRR, Slew Rate and concept
of virtual ground.
Applications of Op-Amps: (1) Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers (2) Adder(3) Subtractor (4)
Differentiator, (5) Integrator (6) Log amplifier, (7) Zero crossing detector (8) Wein bridgeoscillator.

Text Books:
1. Foundations of Electronics-Raskhit and Chattopadhyay (New age International
2. Concept of Electronics- D. C.Tayal ( HimalayPublication)
Reference Books:
1. Electronic devices and circuits R. L. Boylstad(PearsonIndia)
2. Electronic Principles- A.P.Malvino (Tata McGrawHill)
3. Principles of Electronics- V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta (S. Chand Pub- lication)
4. OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit-R. A. Gayakwad (PrenticeHall)
5. Physics of Semiconductor devices, DonaldANeamen(PrenticeHall)
6. Analog System and Application: Gupta Kumar, Pragati Prakashan
LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 5 experiments are to be done)
1. To study the V-I characteristics of a Zener diode and its use as voltage regulator.

2. Study of V-I and power curves of solar cells, and find maximum power point and
3. To study the characteristics of a Bipolar Junction Transistor in CE configuration.
4. T o study the various biasing configurations of BJT for normal class A operation.

5. To study the frequency response of voltage gain of a RC-

coupled transistoramplifier.
6. To design a Wien bridge oscillator for given frequency using a non-amp.
7. To design a phase shift oscillator of given specifications using BJT.
8. To study the Colpitt’s oscillator.

Reference Books:
1. Modern Digital Electronics, R.P. Jain, 4th Edition, 2010, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Basic Electronics: A text lab manual, P.B. Zbar, A.P. Malvino, M.A. Miller, 1994,
Mc Graw Hill.

3. Microprocessor Architecture Programming and applications with

8085, R.S.Goankar, 2002, Prentice Hall.
4. Microprocessor 8085: Architecture, Programming and interfacing, A.
Wadhwa,2010, PHI Learning.
Minor (Paper-III) SEMESTER- VI
(4 Credit, Theory: 45hrs, 1 Credit, Practical: 30hrs)

CO-1: Physical significance of Maxwell Equation and its application to free space, Lorentz
and Coulomb gauge transformation, poynting theorem, concept of energy density.
CO-2: Analysis of Maxwell’s equations in different media and Physical significance ofrelaxation
time, skin depth, Electrical conductivity of ionized gases, plasma frequency.
CO-3: Basic understanding of polarization of EM wave, and different types of crystals, Phase
Retardation Plates and Rotatory Polarization.
CO-4: Conceptual understanding of EMW application in bounded media, plane interface,dielectric
media, Brewster’s law, TIR, Evanescent wave, metallic reflection.
CO-5 :To Apply the acquired knowledge for visualize basic concept of phenomenon of
lightin various experiments

Maxwell Equations: Maxwells equations, Displacement Current, Vector and Scalar Potentials,
Gauge Transformations: Lorentz and Coulomb Gauge, Wave Equations, Plane Waves in free space and
characteristics, Poynting Theorem and Poynting Vector, Electromagnetic (EM) Energy Density,
Physical Concept of Electromagnetic Field Energy Density.

EM Wave Propagation inUnbounded Media: Plane EM waves through vacuum and isotropic
dielectric medium, transverse nature of plane EM waves, refractive index and dielectric
constant, wave impedance, Propagation through conducting media, relaxation time, skin depth,
Electrical conductivity of ionized gases, plasma frequency, refractive index, skin depth, application to
propagation through ionosphere.

Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves: Description of Linear, Circular and Elliptical
Polarization, uniaxial and biaxial crystals, light propagation in uniaxial crystal, double refr action,
polarization by double refraction, Nicol Prism, Ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices,
Production and detection of Plane, Circularly and Elliptically polarized l ight,
Phase Retardation Plates: Quarter-Wave and Half- Wave Plates. Babinets Compensator
and its Uses, Analysis of Polarized Light.
Rotatory Polarization: Optical Rotation, Biots Laws for Rotatory Polarization, Fresnels Theory of
optical rotation, Calculation of angle of rotation, Experimental verification of Fresnels theory,
Specific rotation, Laurents half- shade polarimeter.
EM Wave in Bounded Media: Boundary conditions at a plane interface between two media,
Reflection and Refraction of plane waves at plane interface between two dielectric media, Laws of
Reflection and Refraction, Fresnel’s Formulae for perpendicular and parallel polarization cases,
Brewster’slaw, Reflection and Transmission coefficients, Total internal reflection, evanescent waves,
Metallic reflection (normal Incidence)

Text Books:
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics, D.J. Griffiths ( Pearson)
2. Principles of Optics-Max Born and E. Wolf.
Reference Books :
1. Classical Electrodynamics by J.D.Jackson.
2. Foundation of electromagnetic theory: Ritz and Milford(Pearson).
3. Electricity and Magnetism : D C Tayal (Himalaya Publication)
4. Optics: A. K. Ghatak
5. Electricity and Magnetism : Chattopadhyaya, Rakhit (NewCentral)
6. Electromagnetic Theory, Gupta and Kumar, Pragati Prakashan

LAB: Credit-1
(Minimum 5 experiments are to be done)
1. To verify the law of Malus for plane polarized light.
2. To determine the specific rotation of sugar solution using Polarimeter.
3. To analyze elliptically polarized Light by using a Babinets compensator.
4. . To determine the refractive index of liquid by total internal reflection
usingWollastons air-film.
5. To determine the refractive Index of (1) glass and (2) a liquid by total internal
reflection using a Gaussian eyepiece.
6. To study the polarization of light by reflection and determine the polarizing
angle for air-glass interface.
7. To verify the Stefan‘s law of radiation and to determine Stefan’s constant.
8. To determine the Boltzmann constant using V-I characteristics of PN

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971,
Asia Publishing House.
2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn,
4 Th Edition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers

3. A Text Books Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakashand Ramakrishna, 11 Ed.,

2011, KitabMahal Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers and Physicists, G.
Lehner, 2010,Springer
(Theory: 3 Credit)

CO-1: Basic fundamentals of living organism and its interactions in domains of Physics in biology
CO-2: Understating of heat transfer in biomaterials and its mechanism
CO-3: Diversifying of thermal, statistical physics in biological domain.
CO-4 : Understating fluid mechanisms in living organism in the domain of Physics

Building Blocks & Structure of Living State: Atoms and ions, molecules essential for life, what is life.
Living state interactions: Forces and molecular bonds, electric &thermal interactions, electric dipoles,
casimir interactions, domains of physics in biology.

Heat Transfer in biomaterials: Heat Transfer Mechanism, The Heat equation, Joule heating of tissue.
Living State Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic equilibrium, first law of thermodynamics and
conservation of energy. Entropy and second law of thermodynamics, Physics of many particle
systems, Two state systems, continuous energy distribution, Composite systems, Casimir
contribution of free energy, Protein folding and unfolding.

Open systems and chemical thermodynamics: Enthalpy, Gibbs Free Energy and chemical potential,
activation energy and rate constants, enzymatic reactions, ATP hydrolysis & synthesis, Entropy of
mixing, The grand canonical ensemble, Hemoglobin. Diffusion and transport Maxwell-Boltzmann
statistics, Fick’s law of diffusion, sedimentation of Cell Cultures, diffusion in a centrifuge, diffusion
in an electric field, Lateral diffusion in membranes, Navier stokes equation, low Reynold’s
Number Transport, Active and passive membrane transport.

Fluids: Laminar and turbulent fluid flow, Bernoulli’s equation, equation of continuity, venture effect,
Fluid dynamics of circulatory systems, capillary action. Bioenergetics and Molecular motors: Kinesins,
Dyneins, and microtubule dynamics, Brownian motion, ATP synthesis in Mitochondria,
Photosynthesis in Chloroplasts, Light absorption in biomolecules, vibrational spectra of bio-

Reference Books:
1. Introductory Biophysics, J. Claycomb, JQP Tran, Jones & Bartelett Publishers
2. Aspects of Biophysics, Hughe S W, John Willy and Sons.
3. Essentials of Biophysics by P Narayanan, New Age International
(Theory: 3 Credit)

Course Objectives:

The objectives of a course in environmental chemistry typically aim to provide students with a deep
understanding of the chemical processes occurring in the environment and their impacts on
ecosystems, human health, and the planet as a whole with a comprehensive understanding of the
components and processes of environmental systems, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere,
lithosphere, and biosphere, and their interactions. Investigation of the chemical composition of
environmental compartments, including the atmosphere (air pollutants), hydrosphere (water
pollutants), and lithosphere (soil pollutants), and the sources, fate, and transport of pollutants in these
compartments. To examine the chemical properties and toxicological effects of environmental
pollutants on ecosystems and human health, including acute and chronic toxicity, bioaccumulation,
biomagnification, and risk assessment.

Course outcomes:
 Gain a comprehensive understanding of the chemical processes occurring in the
environment, including the sources, fate, and transport of pollutants
 Develop analytical skills in environmental chemistry, and apply a range of analytical
techniques for the detection, and characterization of environmental pollutants.
 Aware of global environmental issues and challenges such as climate change, pollution,
biodiversity loss, and resource depletion.
 Apply the principles of environmental chemistry for mitigating environmental pollution,
promoting environmental conservation, and contributing to the development of
environmentally friendly technologies and policies.


Environment Introduction, Composition of atmosphere, vertical temperature, heat budget of the earth
atmospheric system, vertical stability atmosphere, Biogeochemical Cycles of C, N, P, S and O.
Biodistribution of elements. Hydrosphere Chemical composition of water bodies- takes, streams,
rivers and wet lands etc. Hydrological cycle. Aquatic pollution-inorganic, organic, pesticide
agricultural, industrial and sewage, detergents, oil spills and oil pollutants. Water quality parameters-
dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, solids, metals, content of chloride, sulphate,
phosphate, nitrate and mocro-organisms. Water quality standards, Analytical methods for measuring
BOD, DO, COD, F, oils, metals (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, Se etc) residual chloride and chlorine demand.
Purification and treatment of water.

Soils composition, micro and macro nutrients, pollution-fertilizers, pesticides, plastics and metals,
waste treatment Atmosphere Chemical composition of atmosphere-particles, ions and radicals and
their formation. Chemical and photochemical reactions in atmosphere, smog formation, oxides of N,
C, S, O and their effect, pollution by chemicals, petroleum, minerals, chlorofluorohydrocarbons.
Greenhouse effect, acid rain, air pollution controls and their chemistry. Analytical methods for
measuring air pollutants. Continuous monitoring instruments.


Industrial Pollution Cement, Sugar, distillery, drug, paper and pulp, thermal power plants, nuclear
power plants, metallurgy. Polymers, drugs etc. Radionuclide analysis. Disposal of wastes and their

Environmental Toxicology, Chemical solutions to environmental problems, biodegradability,
principles of decomposition.

Text Books

1. Environmental Chemistry, A. K. De, Wiley Eastern

2. Environmental Chemistry, S.E. Manahan, Lewis Publishers
3. Environmental Chemistry with Green Chemistry, A. K. Das, Books & Allied (P) Ltd.,
Kolkata, 1st Edn, 2010
References Books

1. Environmental Chemistry, S.E. Manahan, Lewis Publishers

2. Environmental Chemistry with Green Chemistry, A. K. Das, Books & Allied (P) Ltd.,
Kolkata, 1st Edn, 2010
3. Environmental Toxicology, Ed. J. Rose, Gordon and Breach Science Publication
4. Erach Bharucha. Textbook of Environmental Studies, Universities Press, 2005
(Theory: 3 Credit)

CO-1: Basic understanding of atomic models and its spectroscopy nature

CO-2: Conceptual understanding of Spectra of Alkali elements
CO-3: Understating the basic of X-ray and its applications
CO- 4 : Understating molecular spectroscopy

Vector Atomic Model: Inadequacies of Bohr and Bohr-Sommerfeld atomic models w.r.t. spectrum of
Hydrogen atom (fine structure of H-alpha line). Modification is due to the finite mass of the nucleus
and the Deuteron spectrum. Vector atomic model (Stern-Gerlach experiment included) and physical
& geometrical interpretations of various quantum numbers for single & many valence
electron systems. LS & JJ couplings, spectroscopic notation for energy states, selection rules for
transition of electrons and intensity rules for spectral lines. Fine structure of H- alpha line based on vector
atomic model.

Spectra of Alkali & Alkaline Elements: Spectra of alkali elements: Screening constants for s,
p, d& amp; f orbitals; sharp, principle, diffuse & amp; fundamental Series; doublet structure of spectra
and fine structure of Sodium D line. Spectra of alkaline elements: Singlet and triplet structure of spectra.

X-rays & X-Ray Spectra: Nature & production, Continuous X-ray spectrum & Duane-
Hunt' s law, Characteristic X-ray spectrum & Mosley's law, Fine structure of
Characteristic X-ray spectrum, and X-ray absorption spectrum.

Molecular Spectra: Discrete set of a molecule's electronic, vibrational and rotational energies.
Quantization of vibrational energies, transition rules and pure vibrational spectra. Quantization of
rotational energies, transition rules, pure rotational spectra and determination of inter nuclear distance.
Basics of UV Visible & amp; photoluminescence spectroscopy

Reference Books:

1. H.E. White, "Introduction to Atomic Spectra", McGraw Hill, 1934 8.

2. C.N. Banwell, E.M. McCash, "Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy",
McGrawHill, 2017, 4e 9.
3. R Murugeshan, Kiruthiga Sivaprasath, "Modern Physics", S. ChandPublishing,
2019, 18e 10.
4. S.L. Gupta, V. Kumar, R.C. Sharma, "Elements of Spectroscopy", Pragati
Prakashan, Meerut, 2015, 27
CO-1: Basic understanding of alternative sources of energy.
CO-2: Conceptual understanding and importance of solar cell , characterization
CO-3: Understating the energy harvesting and its applications using wind and piezoelectric material
CO-4: Understating the electromagnetic energy harvesting and its applications

Fossil fuels and Alternate Sources of energy: Fossil fuels and Nuclear Energy, their limitation, need of
renewable energy, non-conventional energy sources. An overview of developments in Offshore Wind
Energy, Tidal Energy, Wave energy systems, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, solar energy, biomass,
biochemical conversion, biogas generation, geothermal energy tidal energy, Hydroelectricity.
Solar energy: Solar energy, its importance, storage of solar energy, solar pond, non-convective solar
pond, applications of solar pond and solar energy, solar water heater, flat plate collector, solar distillation,
solar cooker, solar green houses, solar cell, absorption air conditioning. Need and characteristics of
photovoltaic (PV) systems, PV models and equivalent circuits, and sun tracking systems.
Wind Energy harvesting: Fundamentals of Wind energy, Wind Turbines and different electrical
machines in wind turbines, Power electronic interfaces, and grid interconnection topologies.
Piezoelectric Energy harvesting: Introduction, Physics and characteristics of piezoelectric effect,
materials and mathematical description of piezoelectricity, Piezoelectric parameters and modeling
piezoelectric generators, Piezoelectric energy harvesting applications, Human power.
Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting: Linear generators, physics mathematical models, recent
applications 42 Carbon captured technologies, cell, batteries, power consumption Environmental issues
and Renewable sources of energy, sustainability.

Reference Books:
1. Non-conventional energy sources - G.D Rai - Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
2. Solar energy - M P Agarwal - S Chand and Co. Ltd.
3. Solar energy - Suhas P Sukhative Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
4. Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable Energy, Power for a sustainable future”,
2004, OxfordUniversity Press, in association with The Open University.
5. Dr. P Jayakumar, Solar Energy: Resource Assesment Handbook, 2009
6. J.Balfour, M.Shaw and S. Jarosek, Photovoltaics, Lawrence J Goodrich (USA).


CO-1: Basic understanding of different sources and detectors, principles.

CO-2: Conceptual understanding of frequency filtering and its application.
CO-3: Basic concept of holography, and its application in microscopy and interferometry.
CO-4: Basic knowledge in Optical fiber, and its principle and application in sensors.
CO-5: Apply the acquired knowledge in Experiments

Sources and Detectors: Lasers, Spontaneous and stimulated emissions, Theory of laser action, Einstein's
coefficients, lightamplification, Characterization of laser beam, He-Ne laser, Semiconductor Lasers.
Fourier Optics and Electron Microscopy: Concept of spatial Frequency Filtering, Fourier Transforming
property of a thin lens. Electron Microscope, Working Principle, Types of electron microscope: TEM,
SEM(BASICS),Applications of electron microscope, Advantages and limitations of electron microscope

Holography: Basic principle and theory: coherence, resolution, Types of holograms, white
light reflectionhologram, application of holography in microscopy, interferometry.

Photonics: Fiber Optics Optical fibers and their properties, Principal of light propagation through a fiber, The
numerical aperture, Attenuation in optical fiber and attenuation limit, Single mode and multimode fibers, Fiber
optic sensors.

LAB: Credit-1
1. Experiment on Lasers:
To find the width of the wire or width of the slit using diffraction pattern
obtained by aHe-Ne or solid state laser.
2. Experiments on Semiconductor Sources and Detectors
a. V-I characteristics of LED
b. Photovoltaic Cell
3. Experiments on Holography and interferometry.
a. Constructing a Michelson interferometer or a Fabry Perot interferometer.
b. Constructing a Mach-Zender interferometer.
4. Experiments on Photonics: Fiber Optics
a. To measure the numerical aperture of an optical fiber.
b. To study the variation of the bending loss in a multimode fiber.
c. To determine the power loss at a splice between two multimode fiber
Reference Books:
1. Fundamental of Optics, F.A. Jenkins &H.E. White , 1981, Tata McGraw hill.
2. Laser Fundamentals and Applications, K.Thyagarajan and
A.K.Ghatak, 2010- Tata McGraw hill .
3. Fiber Optics through experiment , A.K.Ghatak, Bishnu P. Pal, M.R. Shenoy , Sunil
K. Khijwania, 2009,vira Book.

4. Fiber optics and optoelectronics, R.P. Khare, Oxford university.



(Syllabus not provided)

Detailed syllabus to be taken from other HEIs and will be provide in due course of time.

FULL MARK-100 (3-Credit)
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies (12 Period)
Definition, scope and importanceNeed for public awareness
Environmental Pollution Definition, Cause, effects and control measures of:- Air pollution,
Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Radiation pollution

Natural Resources: (12 Period)
Renewable and non-renewable resources:
Natural resources and associated problems.
a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining,
dams and their effects on forest and tribal people.
b) Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water,floods, drought, conflicts over
water, dams-benefits and problems.
c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral
resources, case studies.
d) Food resources : World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and Overgrazing, effects of
modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, waterlogging,salinity, case studies.
e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of
alternate energy sources. Case studies.

Introduction-Definition; Biogeographically classification of India

India as a mega diversity nation. Hot sports of biodiversity, Threats to biodiversity. Endangeredand endemic
species of India. Conservation of biodiversity. In Situ and Ex-so conservation ofbiodiversity
Disaster Management (12 Period)

1. Disaster Management: Types of disasters (natural and Man-made) and their causes and
2. Vulnerability Assessment and Risk analysis: Vulnerability to various disasters (Flood,
Cyclone, Earthquake, Heat waves, Desertification and Lighting)
3. Institutional Framework: Institutional arrangements for disaster management (National
Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), State Disaster Management Authority
(SDMA), Disaster Management Act, 2005, District Disaster Management Authority
(DDMA), National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and Odisha Disaster Rapid Action
Force (ODRAF)
4. Preparedness measures: Disaster Management cycle, Early Warning System, Pre-
Disaster and Post-Disaster Preparedness, strengthening of SDMA and DDMA,
CommunityPreparedness for flood cyclone, heat waves, fire safety, lightening and snake
biting. Stakeholders participation, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
5. Survival Skills: Survival skills adopted during and after disaster (Flood, Fire, Earthquake,
Cyclone and Lightening), Disaster Management Act-2005, Compensation and Insurance
Social Issues and the Environment (9 Period)
a) Environmental Ethics: Issues and possible solutions.
b) Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclearaccidents and
holocaust. Case studies
c) Environment Protection Act
d) Air (Preservation Control of Pollution) Act
e) Water (Preservation Control of Pollution) Act

f) Wildlife Protection Act

g) Forest Conservation Act
h) Solid waste management Cause, effect and Control Measure of Urban and Industrial
waste (Role of each individual in conservation of Natural resources and prevention of

B. Human Population and the Environment

Population Ecology: Individuals, species, population, community Human population

growth, population control method Urbanisation and its effect on society

Field work (15 Periods of 30 hrs)

 Visit to an area to document environmental assets: river/forest/flora/fauna, etc.

 Visit to a local polluted site- Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural

 Study of common plants, insects, birds and basic principles of identification.

 Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, Delhi Ridge ,etc.


(Theory: 3 Credit)


CO-1: Basic understanding of nanostructured shape, application of Schrodingerequation in

CO-2 : Understanding of nanomaterial synthesis

CO-3 : Understanding of nanomaterials different Characterization

CO-4 : Understating of different optical properties of nanomaterials

CO-5:Apply the above concepts in Experiments


Length scales in physics, Nanostructures: 1D, 2D and 3Dnanostructures (nano dots, thin films,
nanowires, nano rods), Band structure and density of states of materials at nanoscale, Size Effects in
nano systems, Quantum confinement: Applications of Schrodinger equation- Infinite potential well,
potential step, potential box, quantum confinement of carriers in 3D, 2D, 1D nanostructures and
its consequences. (10 Lectures)

SYNTHESIS OF NANOSTRUCTURE MATERIALS: Top down and Bottom up approach,

Photolithography. Ball milling. Gas phase condensation. Vacuum deposition. Physical vapor
deposition (PVD): Thermal evaporation, E-beam evaporation, Pulsed Laser deposition. Chemical
vapor deposition (CVD). Sol-Gel. Electro deposition. Spray pyrolysis. Hydrothermal synthesis.
Preparation through colloidal methods. MBE growth of quantum dots. (8 Lectures)

CHARACTERIZATION: X-Ray Diffraction. Optical Microscopy. Scanning
lectron Microscopy. Transmission Electron Microscopy. Atomic Force Microscopy. Scanning
TunnelingMicroscopy. (8 Lectures)


OPTICAL PROPERTIES: Coulomb interaction in nanostructures. Concept of dielectric constant

for nanostructures and charging of nanostructure. Quasi-particles and excitons. Excitons in direct and
indirect band gap semiconductor nanocrystals. Quantitative treatment of quasi-particles and excitons,
charging effects. Radiative processes: General formalization-absorption, emission and luminescence.
Optical properties of heterostrctures and nanostructures. (14 Lectures)
Reference books:

1. C.P. Poole, Jr. Frank J. Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology (Wiley India Pvt.
2. S.K. Kulkarni, Nanotechnology: Principles & Practices (Capital
Publishing Company)

3. K.K. Chattopadhyay and A. N. Banerjee, Introduction to Nanoscience and

Technology(PHI Learning Private Limited).
4. Richard Booker, Earl Boysen, Nanotechnology ( John Wiley and Sons).

5. M. Hosokawa, K. Nogi, M. Naita, T. Yokoyama, Nanoparticle Technology

Handbook(Elsevier, 2007).

6. Bharat Bhushan, Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology (Springer-Verlag,

Berlin, 2004).

LABORATORY: 1 credit
1. Synthesis of metal nanoparticles by chemical route.
2. Synthesis of semiconductor nanoparticles.
3. Surface Plasmon study of metal nanoparticles by UV-Visible spectrophotometer.
4. XRD pattern of nanomaterials and estimation of particle size.5. To study the
effect of size on color of nanomaterials.
6. Growth of quantum dots by thermal evaporation.

7. Fabricate a thin film of nanoparticles by spin coating (or chemical route) and study
transmittance spectra in UV-Visible region.

(Syllabus not provided)

Detailed syllabus to be taken from other HEIs and will be provide in due course of time.



 Development of a good human being and a responsible citizen

 Developing a sense of right and wrong leading to ethically correct behavior

 Inculcating a positive attitude and healthy work culture

 To equip the students to prepare themselves national and state level civil service
and othercompetitive examination.



Learning Outcome-

 Understand the basic concept of ethics and its relevance in life

 Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, Determinants and consequence of ethics and human

 Dimensions of Ethics in private and public relationship

 Human Values: Tolerance, Compassion, Rationality, Objectivity, Scientific Attitude Integrity,

Respecting conscience and Empathy etc.

 Mahatma Gandhi and Ethical Practices: Non-Violence, Truth, Non-hatred and love for all,
concern for the poorest, objective Nationalism

Subject Teacher: Philosophy/Political Science or Any other Teacher.


Learning Outcome-

 Be familiar with ethical principles and values promoted by major religious traditionsand

 Hinduism- Dharma and Mokhya (out of 4 goals of life Dharma, Artha, Kama and Mokhya),
Concept of Purusartha, Nisakama Karma(work without attachment to results), Concept of
Basudev Kutumba and Peace ( Whole world including all animals, plants, inanimate beings
and human form one world )
 Ten Commandments: (Christianity and Judaism Tradition)

 Islamic Ethics: Justice, Goodness, Kindness, Forgiveness, Honesty, Purity and Piety

 Egyptian- Justice, Honesty, Fairness, Mercy, Kindness and Generosity

 Mesopotian-Non-indulgence in lying, stealing, defrauding, maliciousness, adultery,

coveting possession of others, unworthy ambition, misdemeanors and injurious teaching.

 Buddhism-Arya Astangika Marg: Right View, Thought, Speed, Action, Livelihood, Efforts,
Attention and Concentration.

 Jainism-Right faith, knowledge and conduct( Triralna)

 Chinese-Confucianism- Respect for Autonomy, Beneficence, non-maleficence and justice.

Taoism: No killing, No stealing, No sexual misconduct, No false Speech and No taking of

Subject Teacher: History/Philosophy/Political Science or Any other Teacher.



Learning Outcome-

 Students Learns about constitutional values of India, Civic Sense and good Citizenship
(both National and International) Patriotism and need for Volunteerism
 Salient Values of Indian Constitution: Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic,
Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

 Patriotic values and ingredients of National Building, Examples of great Patriots, Rani
Laxmi Bai, Bhagat Singh, Mangal Pandey, Birsa Munda, Laxman Naik, Subhas Chandra
Bose and Khudiram Bose.

 Law abiding citizenship

 Concept of Global citizenship in contemporary world

 Volunteerism- concept and facts of Volunteerism, building a better society through

Volunteerism, Blood Donation, Social work, Helping the Aged, Promotion of Green
Practices and Environment protection.

Subject Teacher: History/Philosophy/Political Science or Any other Teacher.


Learning Outcome-
 Understand the concept of work ethics, ethics in work place and ethical practices to be
adopted by various professionals

 The concept of professionalism.

 Professional ethics at work place

 Core values needed for all professionals. Reliability, Dedication, Discipline, Productivity,
Co-operation, Integrity, Responsibility, Efficiency, Professionalism, Honesty, Purity and
Time Management, Accountability, Respect Diversity, Gender Sensitivity, Respect for
others, Cleanliness, Rational Thinking, Scientific Attitude, Clarity in Thinking . Diligence,
cleanliness and Environment Consciousness.

 Codes of conduct for Students (both in College and Hostels), Teachers, Business
professional, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientist, Accountants, IT professionals and Journalist.

 Practical ethics in day-to-day life.

Subject Teacher: Commerce/Philosophy/Education/History/ or Any other Teacher.


Learning Outcome-

 Understand how Science is related to ethics and values has ethical implications.

 Ethics of Science and Technology. Are science and Technology ethically

neutral? Are Science and Technology Value Free?

 Ethics of scientific Research ,Innovation and Technology

 Ethics of Social Media, Modern Gadgets

 AI and Ethics

Subject Teacher: Philosophy or Any Science Teacher


Learning Outcome-

 Understand how various vulnerable sections of our society are treated unequallyand
what needs to be done to address their inequality
 Understand dimensions of substance abuse

1. Women and family-Gendered practices in the family, marriages ( dowry, child marriage,
women’s consent).
Women and work- women’s work at home and at work place, pay gap, gendered roles,
harassment at work place and working women and role conflict.
Women and Society- Gender sensitive language, property right, marriage-
divorce/Separationand women’s right; violence against women
2. Issues Relating to Children: Nutrition and health , Child Exploitation: Child labour
,trafficking, sexual exploitation

3. Issues Relating to Elderly Persons : Abuse of Elders, Financial insecurity, Loneliness and
Social insecurity, Health Care Issues, Needs for a happy and Dignified Ageing
4. Issues Relating to persons with disability: Rights of PWD, affirmative action, prevention
of discrimination, providing equal opportunity, various scheme for empoweringPWD and
social justice for PWD.
5. Issues Relating to Third Gender: Understanding LGBTQ, Social justice for them,
Removal of discrimination, Affirmative action and Acceptance of diversity of gender.

Subject Teacher: Sociology/political Science /Anthropology or Any Science Teacher

Sample Questions-
1. Birsa Munda belongs to which state of India? [1 mark]

2. Recall at least 4 constitutional values from the preamble to India constitution. [2 marks]

3. Explain utility of being Punctual. [5 marks]

4. Explain the ethical principles a scientist should follow. [8 marks]

5. Course material: To be developed by OSHEC and DDCE, Utkal University. Video
Lectureswill be also prepared by OSHEC and VTP, Utkal University. There shall be no
internal examination for this course. The Term End Examination shall be conducted by the
respectiveUniversities. Student would engage in self-study and colleges shall conduct at
least 4 doubt clearing session for each unit by engaging subject teachers as indicated above.
The Principal may assign responsibility to any teacher.
(Theory : 4 Credits)

CO1: Understanding of Complex Variables and Contour Integration: Gain a comprehensive

understanding of complex variables and contour integration techniques, including their
applications in mathematical analysis and physics.
CO2: Learning Tensors for Physics: Acquire knowledge and proficiency in working with tensors, a
fundamental mathematical tool in physics used to describe physical quantities and their
CO3: Understanding Group Theory: Develop a deep understanding of group theory and its role in
physics, including applications in symmetry analysis and quantum mechanics.
CO4: .Learning Special Functions for Applications in Physical Problems: Master specialized functions
commonly used in physics to solve complex problems, enhancing problem-solving skills and
expanding mathematical techniques.
Complex Variables: Analytic functions, Contour integrals, Cauchy's integral theorem, Laurent's
series,singular points, residues and the Residue Theorem, Evaluation of real definite and indefiniteintegrals
by contour integration, indented semi-circular contour, evaluation of single and multi- valued functions,
branch points and branch cuts, Contour integration involving branch point.

Tensors: Introduction, Types of tensor, Invariant tensor, epsilon tensor, Pseudo tensor, the algebra of
tensor, Quotient law, Metric Tensor, Covariant derivative of tensor, Fundamental Tensor, Cartesian
tensor, Christoffel symbol.
Group Theory: Definitions of groups, subgroups and classes, Isomorphism, Homomorphism, Cayley's
theorem, Group representations, Orthogonality theorem, characters, Orthogonality relation for group
character, Character table, Preliminary idea about infinite group, calculation of generator, Calculation of
generator associated with S.U. (2) and SO(3) group,

Special Functions: Legendre Polynomials, generating functions, Recurrence formulae, Orthogonality
properties of Legendre's polynomial of 1st kind, Bessel generating function, Bessel function of 1st and
2nd Kind, Recurrence formulae, Orthogonality properties of Bessel's polynomials, Spherical Bessel
functions, Fourier and Laplace transformation.
Text books:
1. Mathematical Methods of Physics by Mathews and Walker (W. A. Benjamin Inc.)
2. Matrices and Tensors in physics by A. W. Joshi (New Age International Publisher)
3. Mathematical Methods in the physical Science by Mary L. Boas (Wiley- India)
Reference Books:
1. Mathematical Methods for Physicist by G. Arfken and H. Weber, Academic Press(Elsevier)
2. Elements of Group Theory by A. W. Joshi (New Age International Publisher)
3. Mathematical Physics by H. K.Das and Dr. R. Verma (S. Chand & Company L.T.D.)
4. Mathematical Physics by P. K. Chattopadhyaya (New Age International)


(Theory : 4 Credits)

CO1: Enhance comprehension of rigid body kinematics.

CO2: Master the Hamiltonian formalism.
CO3: Deepen understanding of canonical transformations in various physical scenarios.
CO4: Grasp concepts related to small oscillations.



Independent coordinates of a rigid body, Orthogonal transformations, Eulerian angles, infinitesimal
rotations, rate of change of vector, Coriolis force, angular momentum and kinetic energy of motion about
a point, inertial tensor and the moment of inertia, Eigen values of Inertial tensor and the principal axis
transformation, methods of solving rigid body problems and Euler's equations of motion, torque free
motion of a rigid body. Heavy symmetrical top with one point fixed.

HAMILTONIAN FORMULATION: Calculus of Variations and Euler-Lagrange's Equation,
Brachistochrone Problem, Hamilton's Principle, Extension of Hamilton's Principle to Nonholonomic
Systems, Legendre Transformation and the Hamilton Equations of Motion, Physical Significance of
Hamiltonian, Derivation of Hamilton's Equations of Motion from a Variational Principle, Routh's
Procedure, Principle of Least Action

CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS: Canonical Transformation, Types of Generating Function,
conditions for canonical transformation, Integral Invariance of Poincare, Poisson Bracket, Poisson's
Theorem, Lagrange Bracket, Poisson and Lagrange Brackets as Canonical Invariant, Infinitesimal
Canonical transformation and Conservation Theorems, Liouville's Theorem Hamilton Jacobi Theory:
Hamilton-Jacobi Equation for Hamilton's Principal Function, Harmonic Oscillator and Kepler problem by
Hamilton-Jacobi Method, Action-Angle Variables for completely Separable System, Kepler Problem in
action-angle variables.

SMALL OSCILLATION: Problem of Small Oscillations, Example of linear triatomic molecule and two
coupled Oscillator, General Theory of Small Oscillations, Normal Coordinates and Normal Modes of

Test Books:
1. Classical Mechanics- by H. Goldstein (Addison-Wesley)
Reference books:
2. Classical Mechanics by S. N. Biswas, Books and Allied Publisher Ltd.
3. Classical Mechanics by J.C. Upadhay, Himalaya Publishing House.

4. Classical Mechanics by Landau and Liftshitz (Butter Worth)


(Theory : 4 Credits)

CO 1: To comprehend the postulates and general formalism of quantum mechanics.

CO2: To acquire knowledge of quantum dynamics.
CO3: To grasp the concepts of rotational and orbital angular momentum.
CO4: To understand spin angular momentum, addition of spin, and Clebsch-GordanCoefficient

Postulates of Quantum Mechanics and meaning of measurement, Operators and their expectationvalues,
.Dirac Notations,Linear vector space, Ket and Bra vectors, Scalar product of vectors and their properties,
Dirac delta function, linear operators, Adjoint operators, Unitary Operators, Expectation values of
dynamical variables and physical interpretation of Hermitian operators, Eigen values and eigen vectors,
orthonormality of eigen vectors, probability interpretation, Degeneracy, Schmidt method of
orthogonalization, Expansion theorem, Completeness and closure properties of the basis set, Coordinate
and momentum representations, compatible an Incompatible observables, Commutator algebra,
uncertainty relation as a consequence of non- commutability, minimum uncertainty wave packet,
Representations of Ket and Bra vectors and operators in matrix form, Unitary transformation of basis
vectors and operators.

Time evolution of quantum states, Time evolution operator and its properties, Schrödinger, Heisenberg
and Interaction picture, Equations of motion, Operator method solution of Harmonic oscillator problem,
Matrix representation and time evolution of creation and annihilation operator.

Rotation Matrix, Orbital angular momentum operators as generators of rotation, Lx, Ly, Lz and L2 and
their Commutation relations, Raising and Lowering operators (L+ and L-), Lx, Ly, Lz and L2 in
Spherical Polar coordinates, Eigen values and Eigen functions of Lz and L2 (operatormethod), Matrix
representation of Lx, Ly, Lz and L2.

Spin ½ particles, Pauli spin matrices and their properties, Eigen values and Eigen functions, Spinand
rotations. Total angular momentum: Total angular momentum J, Eigen value problem of Jz and J2 ,
Angular momentum matrices, Addition of angular momentum and C. G. coefficients forthe states with (
i) j1 = ½ and j2 = ½ ( ii ) j1 = 1 and j2 = ½.

Text books:
1. " Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications" by NouredineZettile John

Reference Books:
1. "Quantum Mechanics",L.I. Schiff L.I 3rd Ed, McGraw Hill Book Co.
2. “Quantum Mechanics”E. Merzbacher , 2ndEd., John Wiley &Sons.
3. "Quantum Physics", S.Gasiorowicz John Wiley.
4. "A TextBook ofQuantum Mechanics" by P.M.Mathews . andVenkatesan , TataMcGraw Hill.
5. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by D.J.Griffiths ,2nd edition ,PearsonPublications.
6. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics , Ashok Das , University ofRochester,USA( second
edition;Hindustan Book Agency

The main goal of this laboratory is to utilize programming languages such as C/C++, Fortran, Matlab, and
Scilab to tackle straightforward problems in the fields of classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and
statistical mechanics.
1. Introduction to the programming language (e.g. C /C++/ Fortran/ Matlab/Scilab). The introduction
is accompanied by examples in thefollowing general areas. (a) Sorting Algorithms -- selection
sort, Quick sort etc.(b) Solution of equation -- Newton's method, Secant method etc. (c)
Simplenumerical integratons -- Trapezoidal rule, simpson 1/3 rule .
2. Classical mechanics (2nd order ODE, initial value problems). Euler method, Modified-Euler
(predictor-corrector) method, Runge-Kutta method, Leapfrog method, Verlet method, Velocity
Verlet method, each with and without velocity dependent drag terms, harmonic oscillator with
damping ,forced one, realistic projectile motion with air drag, realistic planetary orbit calculation.
3. Quantum Mechanics (2nd order ODE, boundary value and eigenvalue problems). Shooting
method and Numerov's method, examples of bound states calculation for 1D wells, quantum
harmonic oscillators. Eigenvalue problem in matrix form (finite dimensional basis), and exact
(Lanczos) diagonalization, Variational calculation with orthogonal basis states. Time-dependent
Schrodinger equation, wave equation.
4. Statistical Mechanics (Stochastic and Monte Carlo Methods). Uniform random number
generation, Random walk and diffusion, Monte Carlo Integration -- advantage in higher
dimension, error analysis. Importance sampling and detailed balance. Generation of random
numbers from a Gaussian distribution-- Box Miller method, using central limit theorem, Sampling
points from arbitrary distributions --Metropolis sampling and examples.
Reference Textbooks:
1. Computational Physics, N. J. Giordano and H. Nakanishi, Pearson PrenticeHall (2006)
2. Introduction to Computational Physics, Pao Tang, Cambridge University Press.

3. Computational Physics, S. E. Koonin and D. C. Meredith, Addison-Wesley


4. Computational Physics, J. M. Thijssen, Cambridge University Press

(Theory : 4 Credits)

CO 1: To understand the covariance formulation of electrodynamics through topics such as Lorentz

transformations, Scalars, Vectors, Tensors, and the Inhomogeneous Wave Equation.
CO2: To explore the concepts of Lienard-Wiechert potential and the field of a uniformly moving
electron, as well as the propagation of electromagnetic waves in rectangular waveguides.
CO3: To learn about radiation from accelerated charges.
CO4: To comprehend radiation, scattering, and dispersion phenomena in the context of electrodynamics.
a. Covariant formulation of electrodynamics:
Lorentz transformation; Scalars, vectors and Tensors; Maxwells equations and equations of
continuity in terms of Aµ and Jµ; Electromagnetic field tensor and its dual; Covariant form of Maxwell‟s
equations; Lagrangian for a charged particle in presence of external electromagnetic field and Maxwell’s
equation as Euler-Lagrange equations.
b. The Inhomogeneous Wave equation:

a. Lienard-Wiechart potential and Field of a uniformly moving electron: Lienard- Wiechart

potential, Fields of a charge in uniform motion, Direct solution of the wave equation, Convectionpotential,
Virtual photon concept.

b. Wave guides, Propagation of electromagnetic waves in rectangular wave guides.

Wave equations for potentials, solution by Fourier analysis, Radiation field, Radiation energy, Hertz
potential, Computation of radiation fields by Hertz method, electric dipole radiation, multipole-radiation.
Radiation from Accelerated Charges:Radiation from an accelerated charge, Fields of an accelerated
charge radiation at low velocity, Case of velocity parallel to acceleration, radiation from circular
orbits, Radiation with no restrictions on the acceleration or velocity, Classical cross section for
bremsstrahlung in aCoulomb field, Cherenkov radiation.
Radiation, scattering and dispersion:

Radiative damping of a charged harmonic oscillator, forced vibrations, scattering by an individual free
electron, scattering by a bound electron, absorption of radiation by an oscillator, equilibrium between an
oscillator and a radiation field, effect of a volume distribution of scatters, scattering from a volume
distribution, Rayleigh scattering, the dispersion relation.

Text Book:

1."Classical Electricity and Magnetism" by Wolfgang K.H.Panofsky and

Melba Philips,SecondEdition.
Reference books:
1. "Classical Electrodynamics", Jakson J D, John Wiley.
2. 'Introduction to Electrodynamics", Griffiths DJ, Prentice Hall.


(Theory : 4 Credits)

CO1: Master the principles of solving motion in a spherically symmetric field.

CO 2: Acquire proficiency in utilizing approximate methods.
CO3: Comprehend advanced techniques like the Variational method, W. K. B. method, and Time-
dependent perturbation theory.
CO4: Gain insight into Time-dependent perturbation theory and the scattering of identicalparticles.

Motion in a spherically symmetric field:
The hydrogen atom, Reduction to equivalent one body problem, radial equation, Energy eigenvalues and
eigen functions, Degeneracy, Radial probability distribution, free-particle problem, Expression of plane
waves in terms of spherical waves. Bound states of a 3-D square well.
Approximate methods:
stationary perturbation theory, Rayleigh Schrodinger method for non-degenerate case, first and second
order perturbation, an harmonic oscillator, general theory for the degenerate case, removal of degeneracy,
linear Stark effect, normal Zeeman effect.
Variational method: Ground State, First Excited State and Second Excited State of H- atomOne-
Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator, and He-atom.
W. K. B. method: Connection formulas, Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule, Harmonic oscillator and
cold emission Time-dependent perturbation theory:
Transition probability, constant and harmonic perturbation, Fermi Golden rule
Scattering amplitude and scattering cross section:
Born approximation, application to Coulomb and screened Coulomb potentials. Partial waveanalysis for
scattering, optical theorem, scattering from a hard sphere, resonant scattering from a square well potential.
Identical particles, Symmetric and antisymmetric wave function, Scattering of identical particles.
Text Book:
1. " Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications" by Nouredine Zettile John Wiley and sons.

Reference Books:
1. "Quantum Mechanics", L.I. Schiff 3rdEd, McGraw Hill Book Co.
2. “Quantum Mechanics” E. Merzbacher , 2ndEd., John Wiley &Sons.
3. "Quantum Physics", S.Gasiorowicz John Wiley.
4. "A Text Book of Quantum Mechanics" by P.M. Mathews . and Venkatesan , Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by D.J. Griffiths ,2nd edition,Pearson Publications.


(Theory : 4 Credits)

CO1: Enhance understanding of Network Analysis, Bipolar Junction Transistors, and Operational Amplifiers.
CO2: Acquire knowledge of Oscillator circuits and their functionality.
CO3: Master the concepts of Digital Circuits and their applications.
CO4: Comprehend the operation and usage of Optoelectronic Devices in electronic systems.

Network Analysis: Superposition principle Thevenin and Norton Theorems, BJT, FET,MOSFET:
characteristic, biasing-parameter analysis Feedback Circuits. Operational Amplifiers: The differential
amplifier, D.C. and A.C. signal analysis, integral amplifier, rejection of common mode signals,
CMMR, The operational amplifier, input and output impedances, Application of operational Amplifiers
unit gain buffer, summing, integrating amplifier, Comparator, Operational amplifier as a differentiator.

Oscillator circuits: Feedback criteria for oscillation, Nyquist criterion, Phase shift, Wien-Bridge
oscillator, Crystal controlled oscillator

Digital Circuits: Logic fundamentals, Booleantheorem, logicgates: AND, OR, NOT, NOR,NANDXOR,
and EXNOR.RTL, DTL and TTL logic, Flip-flop, RS-and JK-Flip flop, A/D and D/A Convertors

Optoelectrics Device:
Principle of optical sources, Source material, Choice of materials, Internal and external quantum
efficiency of L.E.D., Structures, Types of L.E.D.: Surface emitting L.E.D., Edge emitting L.E.D.,
Modulation capability, emission pattern, power bandwidth product, laser Diode Modes, Threshold
condition, resonant frequency, Laser Diode Structure, Brief description of principle of optical detectors,
Photomultipliers P.I.N. and A.P.D. configuration, Solar Cell.

Text Book:
1. " Electronic fundamental and application by J.D. Ryder, PHI, Learning Pvt Ltd.
2. Electronics: Circuits and Analysis, D.C.Dubey, Alpha Science
3. R.P.Khare, Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics, Oxford University Press

Reference Books:
1. " Foundation of electronics – Chattopadhyay, Rakshit, Saha and Purkait , New age
International publisher
2. Electronics principles-Albert Malvino, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Edition
3. Modern Digital Electronics-R.P Jain, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Edition



The main objectives of this laboratory course are:

1. To apply the principles of optics, electronics, and modern physics in conducting
2. To gain a better understanding of theoretical principles through hands-on experimentation.

N.B: Following is the list of some experiment however, the college can add any otherexperiments as per
the convince.

Optics &Modern Physics:

1. Determination of Boltzmann constant using V-I characteristics of PN diode.

2. Determination of Planck’s constant using LEDs at least four colors.
3. Determination of e/m by Bar magnet/magnetic focus sung
4. Study of photo-electric effect.

5. Study of diffraction pattern of single and double slits using laser source and
determination of its wavelength.
6. Study the electrical resistance as a function of temperature.
7. Experiments with Michelson interferometer: Determination of A and α Thickness of
mica sheet
8. Fabry Perot interferometer Polarization Experiments Babinetcompensator Edsar-
Butlerbands Quarter wave plate Mallus Law Study of elliptical polarized light
9. Constant Deviation Spectrography Calibration Zeeman effect
10. Babinet Quartz Spectrography
11. Any other suitable experiments
12. Any other experiments that may be set up from time to time.

Reference Books:

1. Elements of Modern Physics: Laboratory (BPHEL-142, Prepared by: Ignou: school of

science (
2. Modern Physics Lab (PHYS 340) Prepared by: Purdue University,
(Theory : 4 Credits)

CO1: Enhance comprehension of rigid body kinematics.

CO2: Master the Hamiltonian formalism.
CO3: Deepen understanding of canonical transformations in various physical scenarios.
CO4: Grasp concepts related to small oscillations.



Independent coordinates of a rigid body, Orthogonal transformations, Eulerian angles, infinitesimal
rotations, rate of change of vector, Coriolis force, angular momentum and kinetic energy of motion about
a point, inertial tensor and the moment of inertia, Eigen values of Inertial tensor and the principal axis
transformation, methods of solving rigid body problems and Euler's equations of motion, torque free
motion of a rigid body. Heavy symmetrical top with one point fixed.

HAMILTONIAN FORMULATION: Calculus of Variations and Euler-Lagrange's Equation,
Brachistochrone Problem, Hamilton's Principle, Extension of Hamilton's Principle to Nonholonomic
Systems, Legendre Transformation and the Hamilton Equations of Motion, Physical Significance of
Hamiltonian, Derivation of Hamilton's Equations of Motion from a Variational Principle, Routh's
Procedure, Principle of Least Action

CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS: Canonical Transformation, Types of Generating Function,
conditions for canonical transformation, Integral Invariance of Poincare, Poisson Bracket, Poisson's
Theorem, Lagrange Bracket, Poisson and Lagrange Brackets as Canonical Invariant, Infinitesimal
Canonical transformation and Conservation Theorems, Liouville's Theorem Hamilton Jacobi Theory:
Hamilton-Jacobi Equation for Hamilton's Principal Function, Harmonic Oscillator and Kepler problem by
Hamilton-Jacobi Method, Action-Angle Variables for completely Separable System, Kepler Problem in
action-angle variables.

SMALL OSCILLATION: Problem of Small Oscillations, Example of linear triatomic molecule and two
coupled Oscillator, General Theory of Small Oscillations, Normal Coordinates and Normal Modes of

Test Books:
1. Classical Mechanics- by H. Goldstein (Addison-Wesley)
Reference books:
1. Classical Mechanics by S. N. Biswas, Books and Allied Publisher Ltd.
2. Classical Mechanics by J.C. Upadhay, Himalaya Publishing House.

3. Classical Mechanics by Landau and Liftshitz (Butter Worth)


(Theory : 4 Credits)

CO 1: To comprehend the postulates and general formalism of quantum mechanics.

CO2: To acquire knowledge of quantum dynamics.
CO3: To grasp the concepts of rotational and orbital angular momentum.
CO4: To understand spin angular momentum, addition of spin, and Clebsch-GordanCoefficient

Postulates of Quantum Mechanics and meaning of measurement, Operators and their expectationvalues,
.Dirac Notations,Linear vector space, Ket and Bra vectors, Scalar product of vectors and their properties,
Dirac delta function, linear operators, Adjoint operators, Unitary Operators, Expectation values of
dynamical variables and physical interpretation of Hermitian operators, Eigen values and eigen vectors,
orthonormality of eigen vectors, probability interpretation, Degeneracy, Schmidt method of
orthogonalization, Expansion theorem, Completeness and closure properties of the basis set, Coordinate
and momentum representations, compatible an Incompatible observables, Commutator algebra,
uncertainty relation as a consequence of non- commutability, minimum uncertainty wave packet,
Representations of Ket and Bra vectors and operators in matrix form, Unitary transformation of basis
vectors and operators.

Time evolution of quantum states, Time evolution operator and its properties, Schrödinger, Heisenberg
and Interaction picture, Equations of motion, Operator method solution of Harmonic oscillator problem,
Matrix representation and time evolution of creation and annihilation operator.

Rotation Matrix, Orbital angular momentum operators as generators of rotation, Lx, Ly, Lz and L2 and
their Commutation relations, Raising and Lowering operators (L+ and L-), Lx, Ly, Lz and L2 in
Spherical Polar coordinates, Eigen values and Eigen functions of Lz and L2 (operatormethod), Matrix
representation of Lx, Ly, Lz and L2.
Spin ½ particles, Pauli spin matrices and their properties, Eigen values and Eigen functions, Spinand
rotations. Total angular momentum: Total angular momentum J, Eigen value problem of Jz and J2 ,
Angular momentum matrices, Addition of angular momentum and C. G. coefficients forthe states with (
i) j1 = ½ and j2 = ½ ( ii ) j1 = 1 and j2 = ½.

Text books:
1. " Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications" by NouredineZettile John

Reference Books:
1. "Quantum Mechanics",L.I. Schiff L.I 3rd Ed, McGraw Hill Book Co.
2. “Quantum Mechanics”E. Merzbacher , 2ndEd., John Wiley &Sons.
3. "Quantum Physics", S.Gasiorowicz John Wiley.
4. "A TextBook ofQuantum Mechanics" by P.M.Mathews . andVenkatesan , TataMcGraw Hill.
5. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by D.J.Griffiths ,2nd edition ,PearsonPublications.
6. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics , Ashok Das , University ofRochester,USA( second
edition;Hindustan Book Agency



The main goal of this laboratory is to utilize programming languages such as C/C++, Fortran, Matlab, and
Scilab to tackle straightforward problems in the fields of classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and
statistical mechanics.
1. Introduction to the programming language (e.g. C /C++/ Fortran/ Matlab/Scilab). The introduction
is accompanied by examples in thefollowing general areas. (a) Sorting Algorithms -- selection
sort, Quick sort etc.(b) Solution of equation -- Newton's method, Secant method etc. (c)
Simplenumerical integratons -- Trapezoidal rule, simpson 1/3 rule .
2. Classical mechanics (2nd order ODE, initial value problems). Euler method, Modified-Euler
(predictor-corrector) method, Runge-Kutta method, Leapfrog method, Verlet method, Velocity
Verlet method, each with and without velocity dependent drag terms, harmonic oscillator with
damping ,forced one, realistic projectile motion with air drag, realistic planetary orbit calculation.
3. Quantum Mechanics (2nd order ODE, boundary value and eigenvalue problems). Shooting
method and Numerov's method, examples of bound states calculation for 1D wells, quantum
harmonic oscillators. Eigenvalue problem in matrix form (finite dimensional basis), and exact
(Lanczos) diagonalization, Variational calculation with orthogonal basis states. Time-dependent
Schrodinger equation, wave equation.
4. Statistical Mechanics (Stochastic and Monte Carlo Methods). Uniform random number
generation, Random walk and diffusion, Monte Carlo Integration -- advantage in higher
dimension, error analysis. Importance sampling and detailed balance. Generation of random
numbers from a Gaussian distribution-- Box Miller method, using central limit theorem, Sampling
points from arbitrary distributions --Metropolis sampling and examples.
Reference Textbooks:
1. Computational Physics, N. J. Giordano and H. Nakanishi, Pearson PrenticeHall (2006)
2. Introduction to Computational Physics, Pao Tang, Cambridge University Press.

3. Computational Physics, S. E. Koonin and D. C. Meredith, Addison-Wesley


4. Computational Physics, J. M. Thijssen, Cambridge University Press

(Theory : 4 Credits)

CO 1: To understand the covariance formulation of electrodynamics through topics such as Lorentz

transformations, Scalars, Vectors, Tensors, and the Inhomogeneous Wave Equation.
CO2: To explore the concepts of Lienard-Wiechert potential and the field of a uniformly moving
electron, as well as the propagation of electromagnetic waves in rectangular waveguides.
CO3: To learn about radiation from accelerated charges.
CO4: To comprehend radiation, scattering, and dispersion phenomena in the context of electrodynamics.
a. Covariant formulation of electrodynamics:
Lorentz transformation; Scalars, vectors and Tensors; Maxwells equations and equations of
continuity in terms of Aµ and Jµ; Electromagnetic field tensor and its dual; Covariant form of Maxwell‟s
equations; Lagrangian for a charged particle in presence of external electromagnetic field and Maxwell’s
equation as Euler-Lagrange equations.
b. The Inhomogeneous Wave equation:

a. Lienard-Wiechart potential and Field of a uniformly moving electron: Lienard- Wiechart

potential, Fields of a charge in uniform motion, Direct solution of the wave equation,
Convectionpotential, Virtual photon concept.

b. Wave guides, Propagation of electromagnetic waves in rectangular wave guides.

Wave equations for potentials, solution by Fourier analysis, Radiation field, Radiation energy, Hertz
potential, Computation of radiation fields by Hertz method, electric dipole radiation, multipole-radiation.
Radiation from Accelerated Charges:Radiation from an accelerated charge, Fields of an accelerated
charge radiation at low velocity, Case of velocity parallel to acceleration, radiation from circular
orbits, Radiation with no restrictions on the acceleration or velocity, Classical cross section for
bremsstrahlung in aCoulomb field, Cherenkov radiation.
Radiation, scattering and dispersion:

Radiative damping of a charged harmonic oscillator, forced vibrations, scattering by an individual free
electron, scattering by a bound electron, absorption of radiation by an oscillator, equilibrium between an
oscillator and a radiation field, effect of a volume distribution of scatters, scattering from a volume
distribution, Rayleigh scattering, the dispersion relation.

Text Book:

1."Classical Electricity and Magnetism" by Wolfgang K.H.Panofsky and Melba Philips,Second

Reference books:
1. "Classical Electrodynamics", Jakson J D, John Wiley.
2. 'Introduction to Electrodynamics", Griffiths DJ, Prentice Hall.



The main objectives of this laboratory course are:

1. To apply the principles of optics, electronics, and modern physics in conducting
2. To gain a better understanding of theoretical principles through hands-on experimentation.

N.B: Following is the list of some experiment however, the college can add any otherexperiments as per
the convince.
Optics & Modern Physics:

1. Determination of Boltzmann constant using V-I characteristics of PN diode.

2. Determination of Planck’s constant using LEDs at least four colors.
3. Determination of e/m by Bar magnet/magnetic focus sung
4. Study of photo-electric effect.
5. Study of diffraction pattern of single and double slits using laser source and
determination of its wavelength.
6. Study the electrical resistance as a function of temperature.
7. Experiments with Michelson interferometer: Determination of A and α Thickness of
mica sheet
8. Fabry Perot interferometer Polarization Experiments Babinetcompensator Edsar-
Butlerbands Quarter wave plate Mallus Law Study of elliptical polarized light
9. Constant Deviation Spectrography Calibration Zeeman effect
10. Babinet Quartz Spectrography
11. Any other suitable experiments
12. Any other experiments that may be set up from time to time.

Reference Books:

1. Elements of Modern Physics: Laboratory (BPHEL-142, Prepared by: Ignou: school of science
2. Modern Physics Lab (PHYS 340) Prepared by: Purdue University,

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